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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 94441f84e..7abf4613b 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -20,6 +20,41 @@ Compatibility
PySide requires Python 2.6 or later and Qt 4.6 or better.
+Installing PySide on a Windows System
+There are two options to install PySide on Windows:
+#. Download and install the packages from the `releases page
+ <http://releases.qt-project.org/pyside/>`.
+#. Use setuptools:
+ ::
+ c:\> c:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install PySide
+ c:\> c:\Python27\python.exe c:\Python27\Scripts\pyside_postinstall.py -install
+ Note that the post-install procedure is not needed when installing via installer.
+ The installer calls the pyside_postinstall.py script automatically.
+Installing PySide on a UNIX System
+There are no prebuild setuptools distributions available for UNIX System.
+To build and install setuptools compatible distributions for UNIX System,
+please read the instruction in section ``Building PySide on a UNIX System``.
+Using pip vs easy_install
+Pip can install only from source (it does not support binary distributions) and allways rebuilds the distribution
+before the distribution is installed to system. For that reason the recommended tool to install the ``PySide``
+is easy_install.
Building PySide on a Windows System