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1 files changed, 36 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside2/doc/inheritance_diagram.py b/sources/pyside2/doc/inheritance_diagram.py
index cd49906a5..038c22f29 100644
--- a/sources/pyside2/doc/inheritance_diagram.py
+++ b/sources/pyside2/doc/inheritance_diagram.py
@@ -52,15 +52,38 @@ from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.ext.graphviz import render_dot_html, render_dot_latex
from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
-class_sig_re = re.compile(r'''^([\w.]*\.)? # module names
- (\w+) \s* $ # class/final module name
- ''', re.VERBOSE)
class InheritanceException(Exception):
+# When passed something like:
+# PySide2.QtCore.QStateMachine.SignalEvent
+# try to import the underlying module and return a
+# handle to the object. In a loop, import
+# PySide2.QtCore.QStateMachine.SignalEvent
+# PySide2.QtCore.QStateMachine
+# PySide2.QtCore
+# until the import succeeds and walk up the attributes
+# to obtain the object
+def importClassOrModule(name):
+ components = name.split('.')
+ for i in range(len(components), 0, -1):
+ importPath = '.'.join(components[: i])
+ try:
+ __import__(importPath)
+ except ImportError:
+ continue
+ if i == len(components):
+ return sys.modules[importPath]
+ remaining = components[i :]
+ cls = sys.modules[importPath]
+ for component in remaining:
+ try:
+ cls = getattr(cls, component)
+ except Exception: # No such attribute
+ return None
+ return cls
+ return None
class InheritanceGraph(object):
@@ -86,38 +109,13 @@ class InheritanceGraph(object):
Import a class using its fully-qualified *name*.
- try:
- path, base = class_sig_re.match(name).groups()
- except (AttributeError, ValueError):
- raise InheritanceException('Invalid class or module %r specified '
- 'for inheritance diagram' % name)
- fullname = (path or '') + base
- path = (path and path.rstrip('.') or '')
- # two possibilities: either it is a module, then import it
- try:
- __import__(fullname)
- todoc = sys.modules[fullname]
- except ImportError:
- # else it is a class, then import the module
- if not path:
- if currmodule:
- # try the current module
- path = currmodule
- else:
- raise InheritanceException(
- 'Could not import class %r specified for '
- 'inheritance diagram' % base)
- try:
- __import__(path)
- todoc = getattr(sys.modules[path], base)
- except (ImportError, AttributeError):
- raise InheritanceException(
- 'Could not import class or module %r specified for '
- 'inheritance diagram' % (path + '.' + base))
- # If a class, just return it
+ todoc = importClassOrModule(name)
+ if not todoc and currmodule is not None:
+ todoc = importClassOrModule(currmodule + '.' + name)
+ if not todoc:
+ moduleStr = '(module {})'.format(currmodule) if currmodule else ''
+ raise InheritanceException('Could not import class {} specified for '
+ 'inheritance diagram {}.'.format(name, moduleStr))
if inspect.isclass(todoc):
return [todoc]
elif inspect.ismodule(todoc):