path: root/convertergenerator.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'convertergenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/convertergenerator.cpp b/convertergenerator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea52b9193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convertergenerator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * This file is part of the Boost Python Generator project.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ *
+ * Contact: PySide team <contact@pyside.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <fileout.h>
+#include "convertergenerator.h"
+static Indentor INDENT;
+ // QPair
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QPair<"), &m_qpairTypes);
+ // QList
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QList<"), &m_qlistTypes);
+ // QVector
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QVector<"), &m_qvectorTypes);
+ // QMap
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QMap<"), &m_qmapTypes);
+ // QHash
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QHash<"), &m_qhashTypes);
+ // QMultiMap
+ m_conversions << qMakePair(QString("QMultiMap<"), &m_qmultiMapTypes);
+void ConverterGenerator::finishGeneration()
+ if (!classes().size())
+ return;
+ QString fileOutPath;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes()) {
+ if (!shouldGenerate(cls))
+ continue;
+ if (fileOutPath.isNull()) {
+ m_packageName = cls->package();
+ fileOutPath = outputDirectory() + '/' + subDirectoryForClass(cls)
+ + "/converter_register_" + moduleName().toLower() + ".hpp";
+ }
+ foreach (AbstractMetaFunction* func, filterFunctions(cls))
+ checkFunctionMetaTypes(func);
+ }
+ FileOut fileOut(fileOutPath);
+ QTextStream& s = fileOut.stream;
+ // write license comment
+ s << licenseComment() << endl;
+ s << "#ifndef CONVERTERREGISTER_" << moduleName().toUpper() << "_HPP\n";
+ s << "#define CONVERTERREGISTER_" << moduleName().toUpper() << "_HPP\n\n";
+ //Includes
+ QStringList includes;
+ foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes()) {
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->include().isValid()) {
+ QString include_file = cls->typeEntry()->include().toString();
+ if (!includes.contains(include_file)) {
+ s << include_file << endl;
+ includes << include_file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cls->typeEntry()->generateCode()) {
+ QList<Include> extra_includes = cls->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
+ foreach (Include include, extra_includes) {
+ if (!includes.contains(include.toString())) {
+ s << include.toString() << endl;
+ includes << include.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s << "#include \"type_converter.hpp\"\n\n";
+ s << "void register_type_converters_" << moduleName().toLower() << "()\n{\n";
+ Indentation indent(INDENT);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_qpair_converter", "QPair", m_qpairTypes);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_container_converter", "QList", m_qlistTypes);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_container_converter", "QVector", m_qvectorTypes);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_dict_converter", "QMap", m_qmapTypes);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_dict_converter", "QHash", m_qhashTypes);
+ writeConverterRegistration(s, "register_multimap_converter", "QMultiMap", m_qmultiMapTypes);
+ s << "}\n\n";
+ s << "#endif\n\n";
+ m_numGeneratedWritten = m_qpairTypes.size() + m_qlistTypes.size() +
+ m_qvectorTypes.size() + m_qmapTypes.size() +
+ m_qhashTypes.size();
+void ConverterGenerator::writeConverterRegistration(QTextStream& out,
+ const QString& funcName,
+ const QString& type,
+ const QSet<QString>& params)
+ foreach (QString param, params) {
+ QString completeType(QMetaObject::normalizedType(
+ (type + '<' + param + " >").toLatin1().data()));
+ out << INDENT << "PySide::" << funcName;
+ out << '<' << completeType << " >(\"";
+ out << completeType << "\");" << endl;
+ }
+void ConverterGenerator::checkFunctionMetaTypes(AbstractMetaFunction* func)
+ if (func->type())
+ checkMetaType(functionReturnType(func));
+ foreach (AbstractMetaArgument* arg, func->arguments()) {
+ if (arg->type()) {
+ checkMetaType(argumentString(func, arg,
+ (Generator::SkipName | Generator::SkipDefaultValues)));
+ }
+ }
+// FIXME Use some AbstracyMetaAnything info instead of parse the cpp signature?
+void ConverterGenerator::checkMetaType(const QString& cppSignature)
+ QRegExp typeRegex("Q\\w+");
+ foreach (Conversion conv, m_conversions) {
+ int index = cppSignature.indexOf(conv.first);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ QString templateArg = extractTemplateArgument(cppSignature.right(cppSignature.length() - index - conv.first.length()));
+ conv.second->insert(templateArg);
+ // detect types to generate includes
+ int offset = 0;
+ while ((offset = typeRegex.indexIn(templateArg, offset)) != -1) {
+ const QString cap(typeRegex.cap(0));
+ offset += cap.length();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QString ConverterGenerator::extractTemplateArgument(const QString& templateParams)
+ int stack = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < templateParams.length(); ++i) {
+ QChar c = templateParams[i];
+ if (c == '<') {
+ stack++;
+ } else if (c == '>') {
+ stack--;
+ if (stack < 0)
+ return templateParams.left(i).trimmed();
+ }
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ return QString();