path: root/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtxmlpatterns.qdoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtxmlpatterns.qdoc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtxmlpatterns.qdoc b/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtxmlpatterns.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 638bf93bf..000000000
--- a/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qtxmlpatterns.qdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-void wrapInFunction()
-//! [0]
-#include <QtXmlPatterns>
-//! [0]
-//! [1]
-QT += xmlpatterns
-//! [1]
-//! [2]
-xmlpatterns myQuery.xq
-//! [2]
-//! [3]
-declare namespace c = "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [3]
-//! [4]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [4]
-//! [5]
-<title xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace">Quick and Easy Mushroom Soup</title>
-<title xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace">Cheese on Toast</title>
-<title xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace">Hard-Boiled Eggs</title>
-//! [5]
-//! [6]
-xmlpatterns file.xq
-//! [6]
-//! [7]
-//! [7]
-//! [8]
-//! [8]
-//! [9]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [9]
-//! [10]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc("cookbook.xml")/cookbook/recipe[title = "Hard-Boiled Eggs"]
-//! [10]
-//! [11]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')//method[string-length(.) = 0]
-//! [11]
-//! [12]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')//method[string-length() = 0]
-//! [12]
-//! [13]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [13]
-//! [14]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')/cookbook/recipe[position() = 2]
-//! [14]
-//! [15]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')/cookbook/recipe[position() > 1]
-//! [15]
-//! [16]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [16]
-//! [17]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')/cookbook/recipe[last() - 1]
-//! [17]
-//! [18]
-//! [18]
-//! [19]
-//! [19]
-//! [20]
-//! [20]
-//! [21]
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/"
- xml:id="{doc("other.html")/html/@xml:id}"/>
-//! [21]
-//! [22]
-//! [22]
-//! [23]
-//! [23]
-//! [24]
-<cookbook xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace">
-//! [24]
-//! [25]
-for $i in doc("cookbook.xml")//@xml:*
-return <p>{$i}</p>
-//! [25]
-//! [26]
-for $i in doc("cookbook.xml")//@*:name
-return <p>{$i}</p>
-//! [26]
-//! [27]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-for $i in doc("cookbook.xml")/cookbook/@*
-return <p>{$i}</p>
-//! [27]
-//! [28]
-<p xml:id="MushroomSoup"/>
-<p xml:id="CheeseOnToast"/>
-<p xml:id="HardBoiledEggs"/>
-//! [28]
-//! [29]
-<p name="Fresh mushrooms"/>
-<p name="Garlic"/>
-<p name="Olive oil"/>
-<p name="Milk"/>
-<p name="Water"/>
-<p name="Cream"/>
-<p name="Vegetable soup cube"/>
-<p name="Ground black pepper"/>
-<p name="Dried parsley"/>
-<p name="Bread"/>
-<p name="Cheese"/>
-<p name="Eggs"/>
-//! [29]
-//! [30]
-<p xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace" count="3"/>
-//! [30]
-//! [31]
-<method xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace"/>
-//! [31]
-//! [32]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-doc('cookbook.xml')//recipe[string-length(method) = 0]
-//! [32]
-//! [33]
-<recipe xmlns="http://cookbook/namespace" xml:id="HardBoiledEggs">
- <title>Hard-Boiled Eggs</title>
- <ingredient name="Eggs" quantity="3" unit="eggs"/>
- <time quantity="3" unit="minutes"/>
- <method/>
-//! [33]
-//! [34]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [34]
-//! [35]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-//! [35]
-//! [36]
-<e>{sum((1, 2, 3))}</e>
-//! [36]
-//! [37]
-//! [37]
-declare variable $insertion := "example";
-<p class="important {$insertion} obsolete"/>
-//! [39]
-<p class="important example obsolete"/>
-//! [39]
-//! [40]
-declare default element namespace "http://cookbook/namespace";
-let $docURI := 'cookbook.xml'
-return if(doc-available($docURI))
- then doc($docURI)//recipe/<resept>{./node()}</resept>
- else <resept>Failed to load {$docURI}</resept>
-//! [40]
-//! [41]
-//! [41]
-//! [42]
-//! [42]
-//! [43]
-let $doc := doc('doc.txt')
-return $doc/doc/p[1]/span[1]
-//! [43]
-//! [44]
-for $a in doc('doc.txt')/doc/p/span[1]
-return $a
-//! [44]
-//! [45]
-//! [45]
-//! [46]
-//! [46]
-//! [47]
-//! [47]
-//! [48]
-for $a in doc('doc.txt')//p
- return <p>{$a/span/node()}</p>
-//! [48]
-//! [49]
-//! [49]
-//! [100]
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <recipe xml:id="MushroomSoup">
- <title>Quick and Easy Mushroom Soup</title>
- <ingredient name="Fresh mushrooms"
- quantity="7"
- unit="pieces"/>
- <ingredient name="Garlic"
- quantity="1"
- unit="cloves"/>
- <ingredient name="Olive oil"
- quantity="2"
- unit="tablespoons"/>
- <ingredient name="Milk"
- quantity="200"
- unit="milliliters"/>
- <ingredient name="Water"
- quantity="200"
- unit="milliliters"/>
- <ingredient name="Cream"
- quantity="100"
- unit="milliliters"/>
- <ingredient name="Vegetable soup cube"
- quantity="1/2"
- unit="cubes"/>
- <ingredient name="Ground black pepper"
- quantity="1/2"
- unit="teaspoons"/>
- <ingredient name="Dried parsley"
- quantity="1"
- unit="teaspoons"/>
- <time quantity="20"
- unit="minutes"/>
- <method>
- <step>1. Slice mushrooms and garlic.</step>
- <step>2. Fry mushroom slices and garlic with olive oil.</step>
- <step>3. Once mushrooms are cooked, add milk, cream water. Stir.</step>
- <step>4. Add vegetable soup cube.</step>
- <step>5. Reduce heat, add pepper and parsley.</step>
- <step>6. Turn off the stove before the mixture boils.</step>
- <step>7. Blend the mixture.</step>
- </method>
- </recipe>
- <recipe xml:id="CheeseOnToast">
- <title>Cheese on Toast</title>
- <ingredient name="Bread"
- quantity="2"
- unit="slices"/>
- <ingredient name="Cheese"
- quantity="2"
- unit="slices"/>
- <time quantity="3"
- unit="minutes"/>
- <method>
- <step>1. Slice the bread and cheese.</step>
- <step>2. Grill one side of each slice of bread.</step>
- <step>3. Turn over the bread and place a slice of cheese on each piece.</step>
- <step>4. Grill until the cheese has started to melt.</step>
- <step>5. Serve and enjoy!</step>
- </method>
- </recipe>
- <recipe xml:id="HardBoiledEggs">
- <title>Hard-Boiled Eggs</title>
- <ingredient name="Eggs"
- quantity="3"
- unit="eggs"/>
- <time quantity="3"
- unit="minutes"/>
- <method/>
- </recipe>
-//! [100]