path: root/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/snippets.pro
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/snippets.pro')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/snippets.pro b/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/snippets.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 50e33b322..000000000
--- a/doc/codesnippets/doc/src/snippets/snippets.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-### A qmake file for the snippets. *** This is not for distribution. ***
-# Snippets that don't work are commented out and marked with "broken";
-# other commented out snippets were probably not designed to be built.
-TEMPLATE = subdirs
-SUBDIRS = brush \
- buffer \
-# clipboard \ # broken
- coordsys \
-# customstyle \
- designer \
- dialogs \
- dockwidgets \
- draganddrop \
- dragging \
- dropactions \
- dropevents \
- droprectangle \
- events \
-# file \
- image \
- inherited-slot \
- itemselection \
- layouts \
- matrix \
- moc \
-# modelview-subclasses \ # broken
- painterpath \
- persistentindexes \
- picture \
- plaintextlayout \
-# pointer \
- polygon \
- process \
- qdbusextratypes \
- qcalendarwidget \
- qdir-filepaths \
- qdir-listfiles \
- qdir-namefilters \
- qfontdatabase \
- qlabel \
- qlineargradient \
- qlistview-dnd \
- qlistview-using \
- qlistwidget-dnd \
- qlistwidget-using \
-# qmake \ # not designed to be built
- qmetaobject-invokable \
- qprocess \
- qprocess-environment \
-# qsignalmapper \
- qsortfilterproxymodel-details \
- qsplashscreen \
- qstack \
- qstackedlayout \
- qstackedwidget \
- qstandarditemmodel \
- qstatustipevent \
- qstring \
- qstringlist \
- qstringlistmodel \
- qstyleoption \
- qstyleplugin \
- qsvgwidget \
- qtablewidget-dnd \
- qtablewidget-resizing \
- qtablewidget-using \
- qtcast \
- qtreeview-dnd \
- qtreewidgetitemiterator-using \
- qtreewidget-using \
- quiloader \
- qx11embedcontainer \
- qx11embedwidget \
- reading-selections \
- scribe-overview \
- separations \
-# settings \ # not designed to be built
- shareddirmodel \
- sharedemployee \
- sharedtablemodel \
-# signalsandslots \
- simplemodel-use \
-# splitter \
- sqldatabase \
- stringlistmodel \
-# styles \
- textblock-formats \
- textblock-fragments \
- textdocument-blocks \
- textdocument-charformats \
- textdocument-cursors \
- textdocument-find \
- textdocument-frames \
- textdocument-imageformat \
- textdocument-images \
- textdocument-listitems \
- textdocument-lists \
- textdocument-printing \
-# textdocument-resources \
- textdocument-selections \
- textdocument-tables \
-# threads \
- timers \
- updating-selections \
-# whatsthis \
- widget-mask \
- xml