path: root/doc/codesnippets/examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/codesnippets/examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/codesnippets/examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp b/doc/codesnippets/examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dd12e1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/codesnippets/examples/mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
+# This file is part of the example classes of the Qt Toolkit.
+# Commercial Usage
+# Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use self file in
+# accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+# Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+# a written agreement between you and Nokia.
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, self file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+# General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+# packaging of self file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+# will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+# In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+# additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+# Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in self
+# package.
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, self file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+# packaging of self file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+# met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+# If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+# contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
+from PySide.QtGui import *
+//! [0]
+def __init__(self):
+ Q__init__(self)
+ widget = QWidget()
+ setCentralWidget(widget)
+//! [0]
+//! [1]
+ topFiller = QWidget()
+ topFiller.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ infoLabel = QLabel(tr("<i>Choose a menu option, or right-click to "
+ "invoke a context menu</i>"))
+ infoLabel.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel | QFrame.Sunken)
+ infoLabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
+ bottomFiller = QWidget()
+ bottomFiller.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ layout = QVBoxLayout()
+ layout.setMargin(5)
+ layout.addWidget(topFiller)
+ layout.addWidget(infoLabel)
+ layout.addWidget(bottomFiller)
+ widget.setLayout(layout)
+//! [1]
+//! [2]
+ createActions()
+ createMenus()
+ message = tr("A context menu is available by right-clicking")
+ statusBar().showMessage(message)
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Menus"))
+ setMinimumSize(160, 160)
+ resize(480, 320)
+//! [2]
+//! [3]
+def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
+ menu = QMenu(self)
+ menu.addAction(cutAct)
+ menu.addAction(copyAct)
+ menu.addAction(pasteAct)
+ menu.exec_(event.globalPos()")
+//! [3]
+def File(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>File|New</b>"))
+def open(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>File|Open</b>"))
+def save(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>File|Save</b>"))
+def print_(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>File|Print</b>"))
+def undo(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Undo</b>"))
+def redo(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Redo</b>"))
+def cut(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Cut</b>"))
+def copy(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Copy</b>"))
+def paste(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Paste</b>"))
+def bold(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Bold</b>"))
+def italic(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Italic</b>"))
+def leftAlign(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Left Align</b>"))
+def rightAlign(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Right Align</b>"))
+def justify(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Justify</b>"))
+def center(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Center</b>"))
+def setLineSpacing(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Set Line Spacing</b>"))
+def setParagraphSpacing(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Edit|Format|Set Paragraph Spacing</b>"))
+def about(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Help|About</b>"))
+ QMessageBox.about(self, tr("About Menu"),
+ tr("The <b>Menu</b> example shows how to create "
+ "menu-bar menus and context menus."))
+def aboutQt(self):
+ infoLabel.setText(tr("Invoked <b>Help|About Qt</b>"))
+//! [4]
+def createActions(self):
+//! [5]
+ Act = new QAction(tr("&New"), self)
+ Act.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.New)
+ Act.setStatusTip(tr("Create a new file"))
+ connect(Act, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("newFile()"))
+//! [4]
+ openAct = QAction(tr("&Open..."), self)
+ openAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Open)
+ openAct.setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing file"))
+ connect(openAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("open()"))
+//! [5]
+ saveAct = QAction(tr("&Save"), self)
+ saveAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Save)
+ saveAct.setStatusTip(tr("Save the document to disk"))
+ connect(saveAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("save()"))
+ printAct = QAction(tr("&Print..."), self)
+ printAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Print)
+ printAct.setStatusTip(tr("Print the document"))
+ connect(printAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("print_()"))
+ exitAct = QAction(tr("E&xit"), self)
+ exitAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Q"))
+ exitAct.setStatusTip(tr("Exit the application"))
+ connect(exitAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("close()"))
+ undoAct = QAction(tr("&Undo"), self)
+ undoAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Undo)
+ undoAct.setStatusTip(tr("Undo the last operation"))
+ connect(undoAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("undo()"))
+ redoAct = QAction(tr("&Redo"), self)
+ redoAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Redo)
+ redoAct.setStatusTip(tr("Redo the last operation"))
+ connect(redoAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("redo()"))
+ cutAct = QAction(tr("Cu&t"), self)
+ cutAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Cut)
+ cutAct.setStatusTip(tr("Cut the current selection's contents to the "
+ "clipboard"))
+ connect(cutAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("cut()"))
+ copyAct = QAction(tr("&Copy"), self)
+ copyAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+C"))
+ copyAct.setStatusTip(tr("Copy the current selection's contents to the "
+ "clipboard"))
+ connect(copyAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("copy()"))
+ pasteAct = QAction(tr("&Paste"), self)
+ pasteAct.setShortcuts(QKeySequence.Paste)
+ pasteAct.setStatusTip(tr("Paste the clipboard's contents into the current "
+ "selection"))
+ connect(pasteAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("paste()"))
+ boldAct = QAction(tr("&Bold"), self)
+ boldAct.setCheckable(True)
+ boldAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+B"))
+ boldAct.setStatusTip(tr("Make the text bold"))
+ connect(boldAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("bold()"))
+ QFont boldFont = boldAct.font()
+ boldFont.setBold(True)
+ boldAct.setFont(boldFont)
+ italicAct = QAction(tr("&Italic"), self)
+ italicAct.setCheckable(True)
+ italicAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+I"))
+ italicAct.setStatusTip(tr("Make the text italic"))
+ connect(italicAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("italic()"))
+ QFont italicFont = italicAct.font()
+ italicFont.setItalic(True)
+ italicAct.setFont(italicFont)
+ setLineSpacingAct = QAction(tr("Set &Line Spacing..."), self)
+ setLineSpacingAct.setStatusTip(tr("Change the gap between the lines of a "
+ "paragraph"))
+ connect(setLineSpacingAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("setLineSpacing()"))
+ setParagraphSpacingAct = QAction(tr("Set &Paragraph Spacing..."), self)
+ setLineSpacingAct.setStatusTip(tr("Change the gap between paragraphs"))
+ connect(setParagraphSpacingAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"),
+ self, SLOT("setParagraphSpacing()"))
+ aboutAct = QAction(tr("&About"), self)
+ aboutAct.setStatusTip(tr("Show the application's About box"))
+ connect(aboutAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("about()"))
+ aboutQtAct = QAction(tr("About &Qt"), self)
+ aboutQtAct.setStatusTip(tr("Show the Qt library's About box"))
+ connect(aboutQtAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), qApp, SLOT("aboutQt()"))
+ connect(aboutQtAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("aboutQt()"))
+ leftAlignAct = QAction(tr("&Left Align"), self)
+ leftAlignAct.setCheckable(True)
+ leftAlignAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+L"))
+ leftAlignAct.setStatusTip(tr("Left align the selected text"))
+ connect(leftAlignAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("leftAlign()"))
+ rightAlignAct = QAction(tr("&Right Align"), self)
+ rightAlignAct.setCheckable(True)
+ rightAlignAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R"))
+ rightAlignAct.setStatusTip(tr("Right align the selected text"))
+ connect(rightAlignAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("rightAlign()"))
+ justifyAct = QAction(tr("&Justify"), self)
+ justifyAct.setCheckable(True)
+ justifyAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+J"))
+ justifyAct.setStatusTip(tr("Justify the selected text"))
+ connect(justifyAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("justify()"))
+ centerAct = QAction(tr("&Center"), self)
+ centerAct.setCheckable(True)
+ centerAct.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+E"))
+ centerAct.setStatusTip(tr("Center the selected text"))
+ connect(centerAct, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self, SLOT("center()"))
+//! [6] //! [7]
+ alignmentGroup = QActionGroup(self)
+ alignmentGroup.addAction(leftAlignAct)
+ alignmentGroup.addAction(rightAlignAct)
+ alignmentGroup.addAction(justifyAct)
+ alignmentGroup.addAction(centerAct)
+ leftAlignAct.setChecked(True)
+//! [6]
+//! [7]
+//! [8]
+def createMenus(self):
+//! [9] //! [10]
+ fileMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&File"))
+ fileMenu.addAction(Act)
+//! [9]
+ fileMenu.addAction(openAct)
+//! [10]
+ fileMenu.addAction(saveAct)
+ fileMenu.addAction(printAct)
+//! [11]
+ fileMenu.addSeparator()
+//! [11]
+ fileMenu.addAction(exitAct)
+ editMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Edit"))
+ editMenu.addAction(undoAct)
+ editMenu.addAction(redoAct)
+ editMenu.addSeparator()
+ editMenu.addAction(cutAct)
+ editMenu.addAction(copyAct)
+ editMenu.addAction(pasteAct)
+ editMenu.addSeparator()
+ helpMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Help"))
+ helpMenu.addAction(aboutAct)
+ helpMenu.addAction(aboutQtAct)
+//! [8]
+//! [12]
+ formatMenu = editMenu.addMenu(tr("&Format"))
+ formatMenu.addAction(boldAct)
+ formatMenu.addAction(italicAct)
+ formatMenu.addSeparator()->setText(tr("Alignment"))
+ formatMenu.addAction(leftAlignAct)
+ formatMenu.addAction(rightAlignAct)
+ formatMenu.addAction(justifyAct)
+ formatMenu.addAction(centerAct)
+ formatMenu.addSeparator()
+ formatMenu.addAction(setLineSpacingAct)
+ formatMenu.addAction(setParagraphSpacingAct)
+//! [12]