path: root/examples/widgetbinding/CMakeLists.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgetbinding/CMakeLists.txt')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgetbinding/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/widgetbinding/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a557f90ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgetbinding/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
+cmake_policy(VERSION 3.1)
+# Enable policy to not use RPATH settings for install_name on macOS.
+if(POLICY CMP0068)
+ cmake_policy(SET CMP0068 NEW)
+# Enable policy to run automoc on generated files.
+if(POLICY CMP0071)
+ cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW)
+# Consider changing the project name to something relevant for you.
+project(wiggly LANGUAGES CXX)
+find_package(Qt5 5.12 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets)
+# ================================ General configuration ======================================
+# Set CPP standard to C++11 minimum.
+# The wiggly library for which we will create bindings. You can change the name to something
+# relevant for your project.
+set(wiggly_library "libwiggly")
+# The name of the generated bindings module (as imported in Python). You can change the name
+# to something relevant for your project.
+set(bindings_library "wiggly")
+# The header file with all the types and functions for which bindings will be generated.
+# Usually it simply includes other headers of the library you are creating bindings for.
+set(wrapped_header ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bindings.h)
+# The typesystem xml file which defines the relationships between the C++ types / functions
+# and the corresponding Python equivalents.
+set(typesystem_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bindings.xml)
+# Specify which C++ files will be generated by shiboken. This includes the module wrapper
+# and a '.cpp' file per C++ type. These are needed for generating the module shared
+# library.
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${bindings_library}/wiggly_module_wrapper.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${bindings_library}/wigglywidget_wrapper.cpp)
+# ================================== Shiboken detection ======================================
+# Use provided python interpreter if given.
+if(NOT python_interpreter)
+ find_program(python_interpreter "python")
+message(STATUS "Using python interpreter: ${python_interpreter}")
+# Macro to get various pyside / python include / link flags and paths.
+# Uses the not entirely supported utils/pyside2_config.py file.
+macro(pyside2_config option output_var)
+ if(${ARGC} GREATER 2)
+ set(is_list ${ARGV2})
+ else()
+ set(is_list "")
+ endif()
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${python_interpreter} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../utils/pyside2_config.py"
+ ${option}
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${output_var}
+ if ("${${output_var}}" STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Error: Calling pyside2_config.py ${option} returned no output.")
+ endif()
+ if(is_list)
+ string (REPLACE " " ";" ${output_var} "${${output_var}}")
+ endif()
+# Query for the shiboken generator path, Python path, include paths and linker flags.
+pyside2_config(--shiboken2-module-path shiboken2_module_path)
+pyside2_config(--shiboken2-generator-path shiboken2_generator_path)
+pyside2_config(--pyside2-path pyside2_path)
+pyside2_config(--pyside2-include-path pyside2_include_dir 1)
+pyside2_config(--python-include-path python_include_dir)
+pyside2_config(--shiboken2-generator-include-path shiboken_include_dir 1)
+pyside2_config(--shiboken2-module-shared-libraries-cmake shiboken_shared_libraries 0)
+pyside2_config(--python-link-flags-cmake python_linking_data 0)
+pyside2_config(--pyside2-shared-libraries-cmake pyside2_shared_libraries 0)
+set(shiboken_path "${shiboken2_generator_path}/shiboken2${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}")
+if(NOT EXISTS ${shiboken_path})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Shiboken executable not found at path: ${shiboken_path}")
+# ==================================== RPATH configuration ====================================
+# =============================================================================================
+# !!! (The section below is deployment related, so in a real world application you will want to
+# take care of this properly with some custom script or tool).
+# =============================================================================================
+# Enable rpaths so that the built shared libraries find their dependencies.
+set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH ${shiboken2_module_path} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+# =============================================================================================
+# !!! End of dubious section.
+# =============================================================================================
+# =============================== CMake target - wiggly_library ===============================
+# Get all relevant Qt include dirs, to pass them on to shiboken.
+set(INCLUDES "")
+# On macOS, check if Qt is a framework build. This affects how include paths should be handled.
+get_target_property(QtCore_is_framework Qt5::Core FRAMEWORK)
+if (QtCore_is_framework)
+ get_target_property(qt_core_library_location Qt5::Core LOCATION)
+ get_filename_component(qt_core_library_location_dir "${qt_core_library_location}" DIRECTORY)
+ get_filename_component(lib_dir "${qt_core_library_location_dir}/../" ABSOLUTE)
+ list(APPEND INCLUDES "--framework-include-paths=${lib_dir}")
+# We need to include the headers for the module bindings that we use.
+set(pyside2_additional_includes "")
+foreach(INCLUDE_DIR ${pyside2_include_dir})
+ list(APPEND pyside2_additional_includes "${INCLUDE_DIR}/QtCore")
+ list(APPEND pyside2_additional_includes "${INCLUDE_DIR}/QtGui")
+ list(APPEND pyside2_additional_includes "${INCLUDE_DIR}/QtWidgets")
+# Define the wiggly shared library for which we will create bindings.
+set(${wiggly_library}_sources wigglywidget.cpp)
+add_library(${wiggly_library} SHARED ${${wiggly_library}_sources})
+set_property(TARGET ${wiggly_library} PROPERTY PREFIX "")
+# Needed mostly on Windows to export symbols, and create a .lib file, otherwise the binding
+# library can't link to the wiggly library.
+target_compile_definitions(${wiggly_library} PRIVATE BINDINGS_BUILD)
+# ====================== Shiboken target for generating binding C++ files ====================
+# Set up the options to pass to shiboken.
+set(shiboken_options --generator-set=shiboken --enable-parent-ctor-heuristic
+ --enable-pyside-extensions --enable-return-value-heuristic --use-isnull-as-nb_nonzero
+ --avoid-protected-hack
+ -T${pyside2_path}/typesystems
+ --output-directory=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+ )
+set(generated_sources_dependencies ${wrapped_header} ${typesystem_file})
+# Add custom target to run shiboken to generate the binding cpp files.
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${generated_sources}
+ COMMAND ${shiboken_path}
+ ${shiboken_options} ${wrapped_header} ${typesystem_file}
+ DEPENDS ${generated_sources_dependencies}
+ #IMPLICIT_DEPENDS CXX ${wrapped_header}
+ COMMENT "Running generator for ${typesystem_file}.")
+# =============================== CMake target - bindings_library =============================
+# Set the cpp files which will be used for the bindings library.
+set(${bindings_library}_sources ${generated_sources})
+# Define and build the bindings library.
+add_library(${bindings_library} SHARED ${${bindings_library}_sources})
+# Apply relevant include and link flags.
+target_include_directories(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${pyside2_additional_includes})
+target_include_directories(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${pyside2_include_dir})
+target_include_directories(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${python_include_dir})
+target_include_directories(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${shiboken_include_dir})
+target_link_libraries(${wiggly_library} PRIVATE Qt5::Widgets)
+target_link_libraries(${bindings_library} PRIVATE Qt5::Widgets)
+target_link_libraries(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${wiggly_library})
+target_link_libraries(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${pyside2_shared_libraries})
+target_link_libraries(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${shiboken_shared_libraries})
+# Adjust the name of generated module.
+set_property(TARGET ${bindings_library} PROPERTY PREFIX "")
+set_property(TARGET ${bindings_library} PROPERTY OUTPUT_NAME
+ "${bindings_library}${PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX}")
+ set_property(TARGET ${bindings_library} PROPERTY SUFFIX ".pyd")
+# Make sure the linker doesn't complain about not finding Python symbols on macOS.
+ set_target_properties(${bindings_library} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-undefined dynamic_lookup")
+# Find and link to the python import library only on Windows.
+# On Linux and macOS, the undefined symbols will get resolved by the dynamic linker
+# (the symbols will be picked up in the Python executable).
+if (WIN32)
+ list(GET python_linking_data 0 python_libdir)
+ list(GET python_linking_data 1 python_lib)
+ find_library(python_link_flags ${python_lib} PATHS ${python_libdir} HINTS ${python_libdir})
+ target_link_libraries(${bindings_library} PRIVATE ${python_link_flags})
+# ================================= Dubious deployment section ================================
+ # =========================================================================================
+ # !!! (The section below is deployment related, so in a real world application you will
+ # want to take care of this properly (this is simply to eliminate errors that users usually
+ # encounter.
+ # =========================================================================================
+ # Circumvent some "#pragma comment(lib)"s in "include/pyconfig.h" which might force to link
+ # against a wrong python shared library.
+ set(python_versions_list 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38)
+ set(python_additional_link_flags "")
+ foreach(ver ${python_versions_list})
+ set(python_additional_link_flags
+ "${python_additional_link_flags} /NODEFAULTLIB:\"python${ver}_d.lib\"")
+ set(python_additional_link_flags
+ "${python_additional_link_flags} /NODEFAULTLIB:\"python${ver}.lib\"")
+ endforeach()
+ set_target_properties(${bindings_library}
+ PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${python_additional_link_flags}")
+ # Compile a list of shiboken shared libraries to be installed, so that
+ # the user doesn't have to set the PATH manually to point to the PySide2 package.
+ foreach(library_path ${shiboken_shared_libraries})
+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".lib$" ".dll" library_path ${library_path})
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${library_path} library_path)
+ list(APPEND windows_shiboken_shared_libraries "${library_path}")
+ endforeach()
+ # =========================================================================================
+ # !!! End of dubious section.
+ # =========================================================================================
+# =============================================================================================
+# !!! (The section below is deployment related, so in a real world application you will want to
+# take care of this properly with some custom script or tool).
+# =============================================================================================
+# Install the library and the bindings module into the source folder near the main.py file, so
+# that the Python interpeter successfully imports the used module.
+install(TARGETS ${bindings_library} ${wiggly_library}
+ )
+install(FILES ${windows_shiboken_shared_libraries} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+# =============================================================================================
+# !!! End of dubious section.
+# =============================================================================================