path: root/sources/pyside2/PySide2/support/signature/parser.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside2/PySide2/support/signature/parser.py b/sources/pyside2/PySide2/support/signature/parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6640fde..000000000
--- a/sources/pyside2/PySide2/support/signature/parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
-## Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
-## This file is part of Qt for Python.
-## Commercial License Usage
-## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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-## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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-## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
-## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-## ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-## will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
-## GNU General Public License Usage
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-from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
-import sys
-import re
-import warnings
-import types
-import keyword
-import functools
-from .mapping import type_map, update_mapping, __dict__ as namespace
-_DEBUG = False
-This module parses the signature text and creates properties for the
-signature objects.
-PySide has a new function 'CppGenerator::writeSignatureInfo()'
-that extracts the gathered information about the function arguments
-and defaults as good as it can. But what PySide generates is still
-very C-ish and has many constants that Python doesn't understand.
-The function 'try_to_guess()' below understands a lot of PySide's
-peculiar way to assume local context. If it is able to do the guess,
-then the result is inserted into the dict, so the search happens
-not again. For everything that is not covered by these automatic
-guesses, we provide an entry in 'type_map' that resolves it.
-In effect, 'type_map' maps text to real Python objects.
-def dprint(*args, **kw):
- if _DEBUG:
- import pprint
- for arg in args:
- pprint.pprint(arg)
-def _parse_line(line):
- line_re = r"""
- ((?P<multi> ([0-9]+)) : )? # the optional multi-index
- (?P<funcname> \w+(\.\w+)*) # the function name
- \( (?P<arglist> .*?) \) # the argument list
- ( -> (?P<returntype> .*) )? # the optional return type
- $
- """
- ret = re.match(line_re, line, re.VERBOSE).groupdict()
- arglist = ret["arglist"]
- # The following is a split re. The string is broken into pieces which are
- # between the recognized strings. Because the re has groups, both the
- # strings and the delimiters are returned, where the strings are not
- # interesting at all: They are just the commata.
- # Note that it is necessary to put the characters with special handling in
- # the first group (comma, brace, angle bracket).
- # Then they are not recognized there, and we can handle them differently
- # in the following expressions.
- arglist = list(x.strip() for x in re.split(r"""
- (
- (?: # inner group is not capturing
- [^,()<>] # no commas or braces or angle brackets
- |
- \(
- (?:
- [^()]* # or one brace pair
- |
- \(
- [^()]* # or doubls nested pair
- \)
- )*
- \)
- |
- < # or one angle bracket pair
- [^<>]*
- >
- )+ # longest possible span
- ) # this list is interspersed with "," and surrounded by ""
- """, arglist, flags=re.VERBOSE)
- if x.strip() not in ("", ","))
- args = []
- for arg in arglist:
- name, ann = arg.split(":")
- if name in keyword.kwlist:
- print("KEYWORD", ret)
- name = name + "_"
- if "=" in ann:
- ann, default = ann.split("=")
- tup = name, ann, default
- else:
- tup = name, ann
- args.append(tup)
- ret["arglist"] = args
- multi = ret["multi"]
- if multi is not None:
- ret["multi"] = int(multi)
- funcname = ret["funcname"]
- parts = funcname.split(".")
- if parts[-1] in keyword.kwlist:
- ret["funcname"] = funcname + "_"
- return ret
-def make_good_value(thing, valtype):
- try:
- if thing.endswith("()"):
- thing = 'Default("{}")'.format(thing[:-2])
- else:
- ret = eval(thing, namespace)
- if valtype and repr(ret).startswith("<"):
- thing = 'Instance("{}")'.format(thing)
- return eval(thing, namespace)
- except Exception:
- pass
-def try_to_guess(thing, valtype):
- if "." not in thing and "(" not in thing:
- text = "{}.{}".format(valtype, thing)
- ret = make_good_value(text, valtype)
- if ret is not None:
- return ret
- typewords = valtype.split(".")
- valwords = thing.split(".")
- braceless = valwords[0] # Yes, not -1. Relevant is the overlapped word.
- if "(" in braceless:
- braceless = braceless[:braceless.index("(")]
- for idx, w in enumerate(typewords):
- if w == braceless:
- text = ".".join(typewords[:idx] + valwords)
- ret = make_good_value(text, valtype)
- if ret is not None:
- return ret
- return None
-def _resolve_value(thing, valtype, line):
- if thing in ("0", "None") and valtype:
- thing = "zero({})".format(valtype)
- if thing in type_map:
- return type_map[thing]
- res = make_good_value(thing, valtype)
- if res is not None:
- type_map[thing] = res
- return res
- res = try_to_guess(thing, valtype) if valtype else None
- if res is not None:
- type_map[thing] = res
- return res
- warnings.warn("""pyside_type_init:
- """.format(thing, line), RuntimeWarning)
- return thing
-def _resolve_type(thing, line):
- return _resolve_value(thing, None, line)
-def calculate_props(line):
- line = line.strip()
- res = _parse_line(line)
- arglist = res["arglist"]
- annotations = {}
- _defaults = []
- for idx, tup in enumerate(arglist):
- name, ann = tup[:2]
- if ann == "...":
- name = "*args"
- # copy the fields back :()
- ann = 'NULL' # maps to None
- tup = name, ann
- arglist[idx] = tup
- annotations[name] = _resolve_type(ann, line)
- if len(tup) == 3:
- default = _resolve_value(tup[2], ann, line)
- _defaults.append(default)
- defaults = tuple(_defaults)
- returntype = res["returntype"]
- if returntype is not None:
- annotations["return"] = _resolve_type(returntype, line)
- props = {}
- props["defaults"] = defaults
- props["kwdefaults"] = {}
- props["annotations"] = annotations
- props["varnames"] = varnames = tuple(tup[0] for tup in arglist)
- funcname = res["funcname"]
- props["fullname"] = funcname
- shortname = funcname[funcname.rindex(".")+1:]
- props["name"] = shortname
- props["multi"] = res["multi"]
- return props
-def fixup_multilines(sig_str):
- lines = list(line.strip() for line in sig_str.strip().splitlines())
- res = []
- multi_lines = []
- for line in lines:
- multi = re.match(r"([0-9]+):", line)
- if multi:
- idx, rest = int(multi.group(1)), line[multi.end():]
- multi_lines.append(rest)
- if idx > 0:
- continue
- # remove duplicates
- multi_lines = list(set(multi_lines))
- # renumber or return a single line
- nmulti = len(multi_lines)
- if nmulti > 1:
- for idx, line in enumerate(multi_lines):
- res.append("{}:{}".format(nmulti-idx-1, line))
- else:
- res.append(multi_lines[0])
- multi_lines = []
- else:
- res.append(line)
- return res
-def pyside_type_init(typemod, sig_str):
- dprint()
- if type(typemod) is types.ModuleType:
- dprint("Initialization of module '{}'".format(typemod.__name__))
- else:
- dprint("Initialization of type '{}.{}'".format(typemod.__module__,
- typemod.__name__))
- update_mapping()
- lines = fixup_multilines(sig_str)
- ret = {}
- multi_props = []
- for line in lines:
- props = calculate_props(line)
- shortname = props["name"]
- multi = props["multi"]
- if multi is None:
- ret[shortname] = props
- dprint(props)
- else:
- multi_props.append(props)
- if multi > 0:
- continue
- fullname = props.pop("fullname")
- multi_props = {"multi": multi_props, "fullname": fullname}
- ret[shortname] = multi_props
- dprint(multi_props)
- multi_props = []
- return ret
-# end of file