path: root/sources/pyside6/tests/pysidetest/new_inherited_functions_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/pyside6/tests/pysidetest/new_inherited_functions_test.py')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/pyside6/tests/pysidetest/new_inherited_functions_test.py b/sources/pyside6/tests/pysidetest/new_inherited_functions_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b74d2deb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/pyside6/tests/pysidetest/new_inherited_functions_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+## Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+## This file is part of the test suite of Qt for Python.
+## Commercial License Usage
+## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+## and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+## information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+## GNU General Public License Usage
+## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+## Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+## included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+## information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+## be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+from init_paths import init_test_paths
+from PySide6 import *
+for modname, mod in sys.modules.items():
+ # Python 2 leaves "None" in the dict.
+ if modname.startswith("PySide6.") and mod is not None:
+ print("importing", modname)
+ exec("import " + modname)
+# This test tests the existence and callability of the newly existing functions,
+# after the inheritance was made complete in the course of PYSIDE-331.
+new_functions = """
+ PySide6.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel().parent()
+ PySide6.QtCore.QAbstractListModel().parent()
+ PySide6.QtCore.QAbstractTableModel().parent()
+ PySide6.QtCore.QFile().resize(qint64)
+ m = PySide6.QtCore.QMutex(); m.tryLock(); m.unlock() # prevent a message "QMutex: destroying locked mutex"
+ PySide6.QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel().parent()
+ PySide6.QtCore.QTemporaryFile(tfarg).open(openMode)
+new_functions += """
+ PySide6.QtGui.QStandardItemModel().insertColumn(int,qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtGui.QStandardItemModel().parent()
+ # PySide6.QtGui.QTextList(qTextDocument).setFormat(qTextFormat) # Segmentation fault: 11
+ # PySide6.QtGui.QTextTable(qTextDocument).setFormat(qTextFormat) # Segmentation fault: 11
+""" if "PySide6.QtGui" in sys.modules else ""
+new_functions += """
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView().update()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication.palette()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication.setFont(qFont)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication.setPalette(qPalette)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QBoxLayout(direction).addWidget(qWidget)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QColorDialog().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QFileDialog().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QFileSystemModel().index(int,int,qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QFileSystemModel().parent()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QFontDialog().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QGestureEvent([]).accept()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QGestureEvent([]).ignore()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QGestureEvent([]).isAccepted()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QGestureEvent([]).setAccepted(bool)
+ # PySide6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsView().render(qPaintDevice,qPoint,qRegion,renderFlags) # QPaintDevice: NotImplementedError
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QGridLayout().addWidget(qWidget)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QHeaderView(orientation).initStyleOption(qStyleOptionFrame)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QInputDialog().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QLineEdit().addAction(qAction)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QListWidget().closePersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QListWidget().openPersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QMessageBox().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit().find(findStr)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QProgressDialog().open()
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QStackedLayout().widget()
+ # PySide6.QtWidgets.QStylePainter().begin(qPaintDevice) # QPaintDevice: NotImplementedError
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QTableWidget().closePersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QTableWidget().openPersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QTextEdit().find(findStr)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QTreeWidget().closePersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QTreeWidget().openPersistentEditor(qModelIndex)
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget.find(quintptr)
+""" if "PySide6.QtWidgets" in sys.modules else ""
+new_functions += """
+ # PySide6.QtPrintSupport.QPageSetupDialog().open() # Segmentation fault: 11
+ # PySide6.QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog().open() # opens the dialog, but works
+ PySide6.QtPrintSupport.QPrintDialog().printer()
+ PySide6.QtPrintSupport.QPrintPreviewDialog().open() # note: this prints something, but really shouldn't ;-)
+""" if "PySide6.QtPrintSupport" in sys.modules else ""
+new_functions += """
+ PySide6.QtHelp.QHelpContentModel().parent()
+ # PySide6.QtHelp.QHelpIndexModel().createIndex(int,int,quintptr) # returned NULL without setting an error
+ # PySide6.QtHelp.QHelpIndexModel().createIndex(int,int,object()) # returned NULL without setting an error
+""" if "PySide6.QtHelp" in sys.modules else ""
+new_functions += """
+ PySide6.QtQuick.QQuickPaintedItem().update()
+""" if "PySide6.QtQuick" in sys.modules else ""
+class MainTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testNewInheriedFunctionsExist(self):
+ """
+ Run all new method signarures
+ """
+ for app in "QtWidgets.QApplication", "QtGui.QGuiApplication", "QtCore.QCoreApplication":
+ try:
+ exec("qApp = PySide6.{0}([]) or PySide6.{0}.instance()".format(app))
+ break
+ except AttributeError:
+ continue
+ bool = True
+ int = 42
+ qint64 = 42
+ tfarg = os.path.join(PySide6.QtCore.QDir.tempPath(), "XXXXXX.tmp")
+ findStr = 'bla'
+ orientation = PySide6.QtCore.Qt.Orientation()
+ openMode = PySide6.QtCore.QIODevice.OpenMode(PySide6.QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly)
+ qModelIndex = PySide6.QtCore.QModelIndex()
+ transformationMode = PySide6.QtCore.Qt.TransformationMode()
+ qObject = PySide6.QtCore.QObject()
+ qPoint = PySide6.QtCore.QPoint()
+ try:
+ PySide6.QtGui
+ #qPaintDevice = PySide6.QtGui.QPaintDevice() # NotImplementedError
+ qTextDocument = PySide6.QtGui.QTextDocument()
+ qTextFormat = PySide6.QtGui.QTextFormat()
+ quintptr = 42
+ qFont = PySide6.QtGui.QFont()
+ qPalette = PySide6.QtGui.QPalette()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ PySide6.QtWidgets
+ direction = PySide6.QtWidgets.QBoxLayout.Direction()
+ qWidget = PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget()
+ qStyleOptionFrame = PySide6.QtWidgets.QStyleOptionFrame()
+ qAction = PySide6.QtGui.QAction(qObject)
+ renderFlags = PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget.RenderFlags
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ for func in new_functions.splitlines():
+ func = func.strip()
+ if func.startswith("#"):
+ # this is a crashing or otherwise untestable function
+ print(func)
+ continue
+ try:
+ exec(func)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ print(func, "# raises NotImplementedError")
+ else:
+ print(func)
+ def testQAppSignatures(self):
+ """
+ Verify that qApp.palette owns three signatures, especially
+ palette() without argument.
+ """
+ try:
+ qApp = (PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() or
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication([]))
+ except AttributeError:
+ unittest.TestCase().skipTest("this test makes only sense if QtWidgets is available.")
+ try:
+ PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication.palette(42) # raises
+ except TypeError as e:
+ lines = e.args[0].splitlines()
+ heading_pos = lines.index("Supported signatures:")
+ lines = lines[heading_pos+1:]
+ self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3)
+ txt = '\n'.join(lines)
+ print("Signatures found:")
+ print(txt)
+ self.assertTrue("palette()" in txt)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()