path: root/utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils.py')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 0a70112b7..d82614aad 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ import fnmatch
import glob
import itertools
import popenasync
+import glob
# There is no urllib.request in Python2
import urllib.request as urllib
@@ -531,7 +533,7 @@ def regenerate_qt_resources(src, pyside_rcc_path, pyside_rcc_options):
def back_tick(cmd, ret_err=False):
- """ Run command `cmd`, return stdout, or stdout, stderr if `ret_err`
+ """ Run command `cmd`, return stdout, or stdout, stderr, return_code if `ret_err` is True.
Roughly equivalent to ``check_output`` in Python 2.7
@@ -540,20 +542,20 @@ def back_tick(cmd, ret_err=False):
cmd : str
command to execute
ret_err : bool, optional
- If True, return stderr in addition to stdout. If False, just return
+ If True, return stderr and return_code in addition to stdout. If False, just return
out : str or tuple
If `ret_err` is False, return stripped string containing stdout from
- `cmd`. If `ret_err` is True, return tuple of (stdout, stderr) where
+ `cmd`. If `ret_err` is True, return tuple of (stdout, stderr, return_code) where
``stdout`` is the stripped stdout, and ``stderr`` is the stripped
- stderr.
+ stderr, and ``return_code`` is the process exit code.
- Raises RuntimeError if command returns non-zero exit code
+ Raises RuntimeError if command returns non-zero exit code when ret_err isn't set.
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
@@ -562,16 +564,16 @@ def back_tick(cmd, ret_err=False):
out = out.decode()
err = err.decode()
retcode = proc.returncode
- if retcode is None:
+ if retcode is None and not ret_err:
raise RuntimeError(cmd + ' process did not terminate')
- if retcode != 0:
+ if retcode != 0 and not ret_err:
raise RuntimeError(cmd + ' process returned code %d\n*** %s' %
(retcode, err))
out = out.strip()
if not ret_err:
return out
- return out, err.strip()
+ return out, err.strip(), retcode
OSX_OUTNAME_RE = re.compile(r'\(compatibility version [\d.]+, current version '
@@ -756,7 +758,6 @@ def detectClang():
def download_and_extract_7z(fileurl, target):
""" Downloads 7z file from fileurl and extract to target """
print("Downloading fileUrl %s " % fileurl)
info = ""
@@ -771,3 +772,214 @@ def download_and_extract_7z(fileurl, target):
subprocess.call(["7z", "x", "-y", localfile, outputDir])
raise RuntimeError(' Error extracting ' + localfile)
+def split_and_strip(input):
+ lines = [s.strip() for s in input.splitlines()]
+ return lines
+def ldd_get_dependencies(executable_path):
+ """ Returns a dictionary of dependencies that `executable_path` depends on.
+ The keys are library names and the values are the library paths.
+ """
+ output = ldd(executable_path)
+ lines = split_and_strip(output)
+ pattern = re.compile(r"\s*(.*?)\s+=>\s+(.*?)\s+\(.*\)")
+ dependencies = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ match = pattern.search(line)
+ if match:
+ dependencies[match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
+ return dependencies
+def ldd_get_paths_for_dependencies(dependencies_regex, executable_path = None, dependencies = None):
+ """ Returns file paths to shared library dependencies that match given `dependencies_regex`
+ against given `executable_path`.
+ The function retrieves the list of shared library dependencies using ld.so for the given
+ `executable_path` in order to search for libraries that match the `dependencies_regex`, and
+ then returns a list of absolute paths of the matching libraries.
+ If no matching library is found in the list of dependencies, an empty list is returned.
+ """
+ if not dependencies and not executable_path:
+ return None
+ if not dependencies:
+ dependencies = ldd_get_dependencies(executable_path)
+ pattern = re.compile(dependencies_regex)
+ paths = []
+ for key in dependencies:
+ match = pattern.search(key)
+ if match:
+ paths.append(dependencies[key])
+ return paths
+def ldd(executable_path):
+ """ Returns ld.so output of shared library dependencies for given `executable_path`.
+ This is a partial port of /usr/bin/ldd from bash to Python. The dependency list is retrieved
+ by setting the LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 environment variable, and executing the given path
+ via the dynamic loader ld.so.
+ Only works on Linux. The port is required to make this work on systems that might not have ldd.
+ This is because ldd (on Ubuntu) is shipped in the libc-bin package that, which might have a
+ minuscule percentage of not being installed.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ executable_path : str
+ path to executable or shared library.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ output : str
+ the raw output retrieved from the dynamic linker.
+ """
+ chosen_rtld = None
+ # List of ld's considered by ldd on Ubuntu (here's hoping it's the same on all distros).
+ rtld_list = ["/lib/ld-linux.so.2", "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "/libx32/ld-linux-x32.so.2"]
+ # Choose appropriate runtime dynamic linker.
+ for rtld in rtld_list:
+ if os.path.isfile(rtld) and os.access(rtld, os.X_OK):
+ (_, _, code) = back_tick(rtld, True)
+ # Code 127 is returned by ld.so when called without any arguments (some kind of sanity
+ # check I guess).
+ if code == 127:
+ (_, _, code) = back_tick("{} --verify {}".format(rtld, executable_path), True)
+ # Codes 0 and 2 mean given executable_path can be understood by ld.so.
+ if code in [0, 2]:
+ chosen_rtld = rtld
+ break
+ if not chosen_rtld:
+ raise RuntimeError('Could not find appropriate ld.so to query for dependencies.')
+ # Query for shared library dependencies.
+ rtld_env = "LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1"
+ rtld_cmd = "{} {} {}".format(rtld_env, chosen_rtld, executable_path)
+ (out, _, return_code) = back_tick(rtld_cmd, True)
+ if return_code == 0:
+ return out
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('ld.so failed to query for dependent shared libraries '
+ 'of {} '.format(executable_path))
+def find_files_using_glob(path, pattern):
+ """ Returns list of files that matched glob `pattern` in `path`. """
+ final_pattern = os.path.join(path, pattern)
+ maybe_files = glob.glob(final_pattern)
+ return maybe_files
+def find_qt_core_library_glob(lib_dir):
+ """ Returns path to the QtCore library found in `lib_dir`. """
+ maybe_file = find_files_using_glob(lib_dir, "libQt5Core.so.?")
+ if len(maybe_file) == 1:
+ return maybe_file[0]
+ return None
+# @TODO: Possibly fix ICU library copying on macOS and Windows. This would require
+# to implement the equivalent of the custom written ldd for the specified platforms.
+# This has less priority because ICU libs are not used in the default Qt configuration build.
+def copy_icu_libs(destination_lib_dir):
+ """ Copy ICU libraries that QtCore depends on, to given `destination_lib_dir`. """
+ qt_core_library_path = find_qt_core_library_glob(destination_lib_dir)
+ if not qt_core_library_path or not os.path.exists(qt_core_library_path):
+ raise RuntimeError('QtCore library does not exist at path: {}. '
+ 'Failed to copy ICU libraries.'.format(qt_core_library_path))
+ dependencies = ldd_get_dependencies(qt_core_library_path)
+ icu_regex = r"^libicu.+"
+ icu_compiled_pattern = re.compile(icu_regex)
+ icu_required = False
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ match = icu_compiled_pattern.search(dependency)
+ if match:
+ icu_required = True
+ break
+ if icu_required:
+ paths = ldd_get_paths_for_dependencies(icu_regex, dependencies=dependencies)
+ if not paths:
+ raise RuntimeError('Failed to find the necessary ICU libraries required by QtCore.')
+ log.info('Copying the detected ICU libraries required by QtCore.')
+ if not os.path.exists(destination_lib_dir):
+ os.makedirs(destination_lib_dir)
+ for path in paths:
+ basename = os.path.basename(path)
+ destination = os.path.join(destination_lib_dir, basename)
+ copyfile(path, destination, force_copy_symlink=True)
+ # Patch the ICU libraries to contain the $ORIGIN rpath value, so that only the local
+ # package libraries are used.
+ linuxSetRPaths(destination, '$ORIGIN')
+ # Patch the QtCore library to find the copied over ICU libraries (if necessary).
+ log.info('Checking if QtCore library needs a new rpath to make it work with ICU libs.')
+ rpaths = linuxGetRPaths(qt_core_library_path)
+ if not rpaths or not rpathsHasOrigin(rpaths):
+ log.info('Patching QtCore library to contain $ORIGIN rpath.')
+ rpaths.insert(0, '$ORIGIN')
+ new_rpaths_string = ":".join(rpaths)
+ linuxSetRPaths(qt_core_library_path, new_rpaths_string)
+def linuxSetRPaths(executable_path, rpath_string):
+ """ Patches the `executable_path` with a new rpath string. """
+ if not hasattr(linuxSetRPaths, "patchelf_path"):
+ script_dir = os.getcwd()
+ patchelf_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "patchelf")
+ setattr(linuxSetRPaths, "patchelf_path", patchelf_path)
+ cmd = [linuxSetRPaths.patchelf_path, '--set-rpath', rpath_string, executable_path]
+ if run_process(cmd) != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Error patching rpath in {}".format(executable_path))
+def linuxGetRPaths(executable_path):
+ """ Returns a list of run path values embedded in the executable or just an empty list. """
+ cmd = "readelf -d {}".format(executable_path)
+ (out, err, code) = back_tick(cmd, True)
+ if code != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('Running `readelf -d {}` failed with '
+ 'error output:\n {}. '.format(executable_path, err))
+ lines = split_and_strip(out)
+ pattern = re.compile(r"^.+?\(RUNPATH\).+?\[(.+?)\]$")
+ rpath_line = None
+ for line in lines:
+ match = pattern.search(line)
+ if match:
+ rpath_line = match.group(1)
+ break
+ rpaths = []
+ if rpath_line:
+ rpaths = rpath_line.split(':')
+ return rpaths
+def rpathsHasOrigin(rpaths):
+ """ Return True if the specified list of rpaths has an "$ORIGIN" value (aka current dir). """
+ if not rpaths:
+ return False
+ pattern = re.compile(r"^\$ORIGIN(/)?$")
+ for rpath in rpaths:
+ match = pattern.search(rpath)
+ if match:
+ return True
+ return False