path: root/PySide
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix bug 712 - "QtGui.QFormLayout doesn't have setItem() function"ps-1.0.1Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+5
* Fix bug 540 - "Duplicate entries in QRegExp docs"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-7/+0
* Fix bug 694 - "QWebPage::extensions need injected overloads due to required c...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+23
* Fix bug 685 - "The second arg. of QObject.findChildren doesn't have a default...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-6/+27
* Fix a type in QtGui type system.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Type systems of all modules but QtCore and QtGui reviewed.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-088-103/+95
* Added comments for all method removals.Marcelo Lira2012-03-082-138/+222
* Fix bug 728 - "QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames never returns (hangs)"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+38
* Fix QToolbar.clear parent policy.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+20
* Fix bug 718 - "PySide/PyQt4 QByteArray incompatibilities: setNum method"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-132/+16
* Add comments to some function removals.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-35/+46
* Removed parent policy from QLabel.setPixmap.Renato Filho2012-03-081-6/+0
* Remove duplicated const functions from QRegExpLauro Neto2012-03-081-0/+7
* Fix bug 676 - "wrong QLocale.toFloat() description".Luciano Wolf2012-03-081-0/+24
* Added modify-documentation do QDeclarativePropertyMap to remove references to...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+14
* Added missing format attribute.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Updated CMake files to use the "--drop-type-entries" generator option.Marcelo Lira2012-03-0841-181/+179
* Fix bug 681 - "Unicode support for trUtf8 method"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-8/+27
* Fix bug 674 - "QGraphicsScene::clear() is missing"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+15
* Fix bug 675 - "QGraphicsLinearLayout segfault"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+6
* Fix bug 679 - "QWebPage miss extension function"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-0/+13
* Fix phonon compilation and detection of VideoCaptureDevice class.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-5/+5
* Removed duplicated entry of QWebPage::ErrorDomain on typesystem.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+0
* Increments reference of None object on custom code for QState.addTransition m...Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-0/+1
* Fixed function 'QToolBar.addAction' to support callback in theRenato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-2/+24
* Replaced all entries of reference-count with action=add to action=set.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-086-26/+26
* Fix bug 663 - "Crash on exit when passing QNetworkAccessManager around"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+21
* Remove invalid function removals.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-6/+0
* Fix bug 667 - "Crash on exit"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+16
* Fix QGLBuffer::map code injection and test.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-6/+12
* Updated phonon typesystem to use the new pyside cmake macro syntax.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-2/+6
* Implemented support for iterator on QTextBlock.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-0/+17
* Separated class typesystem from the main typesystem.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-0823-119/+127
* Fix 666 - "QByteArray does not support slices"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+11
* Fix bug 660 - "QMimeData type deleted prematurely when overriding mime-type i...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+2
* Fix bug 643 - "QTabWidget.insertTab not taking ownership"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* The global header for PySide is now installed with the libpyside headers.Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-3/+5
* Export QTranslator::translate and QTranslator::load.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+20
* Export method QCryptographicHash::addData.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+8
* Remove some ancient method removals from QtCore typesystem.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+0
* Use PyString_GET_SIZE instead of PyString_Size on some inject codes.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+2
* Export QSettings::iniCodec and QXmlStreamWriter::codec methods.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+11
* QPersistentModelIndex now have the same implementation of internalPointer of ...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+10
* Fixed/implemented various QResources methods.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-13/+39
* Fix comparisson of QByteArray with Python strings that have zeroes inside.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-0/+48
* Added comments to some function removals.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-3/+23
* Fix bug 653 - "Crash after calling QWizardPage.wizard()"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+7
* Fix bug 652 - "Segfault when using QTextBlock::setUserData due to missing own...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+5
* Removed the removal of some QApplication functions.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+0
* Fix bug 650 - "Missing bindings for QNetworkProxyFactory"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-1/+8