path: root/libpyside/dynamicqmetaobject_p.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Moved pyside slot attr name do pysideslot_p.h.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+0
* Fixed dynamic meta object to avoid empty meta method.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-5/+9
* Fix generated property flags on metaobject.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2010-11-221-3/+3
* Created Singal/Slot/Property namespace for pure C structures.renatofilho2010-11-031-3/+3
* Implemented support to notify argument on Properties.renatofilho2010-10-211-3/+7
* Add a d-pointer to DynamicMetaObject.Hugo Parente Lima2010-10-071-0/+69