diff options
authorIvan Komissarov <abbapoh@gmail.com>2020-11-21 14:25:16 +0100
committerIvan Komissarov <ABBAPOH@gmail.com>2020-11-23 13:38:55 +0000
commitf89169ccb8651613e5c97bd7db62a0d10e969e97 (patch)
parent2a68e286b2c3342a96b52116a5840fb910a3c4e8 (diff)
Retire Travis CI
Migrate Windows docker job to GitHub actions and remove .travis.yml Change-Id: I7f2ee5a6f27ded94a84550982c2c9fe404fe7475 Reviewed-by: Christian Kandeler <christian.kandeler@qt.io>
4 files changed, 44 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index c155ad26e..52ba5e372 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -218,6 +218,49 @@ jobs:
name: qbs-windows-${{ github.run_id }}.zip
path: release/qbs-windows-${{ github.run_id }}.zip
+ build-windows-with-docker:
+ name: Build on Windows (Docker)
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ timeout-minutes: 45
+ env:
+ CLCACHE_DIR: C:\.ccache
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - name: Create .ccache dir
+ run: mkdir -p ~/.ccache
+ shell: bash
+ - name: prepare timestamp
+ id: get-timestamp
+ run: echo ::set-output name=timestamp::$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ shell: bash
+ - name: clcache cache files
+ uses: actions/cache@v2
+ with:
+ path: ~/.ccache
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-msvc-docker-clcache-${{ steps.get-timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
+ restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-msvc-docker-clcache-
+ - name: Pull the Windows Image
+ run: docker-compose pull windows
+ - name: Print clcache stats
+ run: docker-compose run --rm windows clcache -s
+ - name: Build Qbs
+ run: >
+ docker-compose run --rm windows qbs build
+ -p dist
+ qbs.buildVariant:release
+ modules.cpp.compilerWrapper:clcache
+ modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableBundledQt:true
+ modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableProjectFileUpdates:true
+ modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableUnitTests:true
+ modules.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors:true
+ project.withDocumentation:true
+ config:release-64 profile:qt64
+ config:release profile:qt
+ - name: Print clcache stats
+ run: docker-compose run --rm windows clcache -s
name: ${{ matrix.config.name }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f085cb7ab..000000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Required environment variables in the travis config
-language: cpp
- submodules: false
- global:
- - QT_VERSION=5.15.0
- directories:
- - ~/.ccache
- - name: Build Qbs and and run autotests
- include:
- - &build-on-macos
- stage: Build Qbs and and run autotests
- name: With Qbs on macOS (xcode 11.5)
- os: osx
- osx_image: xcode11.5
- addons:
- homebrew:
- packages:
- - capnp
- - ccache
- - grpc
- - icoutils
- - makensis
- - protobuf
- - python3
- - p7zip
- update: true
- env:
- # Address sanitizer slows autotests down too much.
- # We would hit the maximum build time on Travis.
- BUILD_OPTIONS="modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableAddressSanitizer:false modules.cpp.compilerWrapper:ccache modules.qbs.debugInformation:true"
- QMAKE_PATH=${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/${QT_VERSION}/clang_64/bin/qmake
- PATH="${QT_INSTALL_DIR}/Qt Creator.app/Contents/MacOS:${PATH}"
- before_install:
- - ./scripts/install-qt.sh -d ${QT_INSTALL_DIR} --version ${QT_VERSION} qtbase qtdeclarative qttools qtscript qtscxml
- - ./scripts/install-qt.sh -d ${QT_INSTALL_DIR} --version ${QTCREATOR_VERSION} qtcreator
- # Hack to workaround the BinaryProbe bug - it prefers /usr/bin/python3 to the one found in PATH
- # Older macs, however, do not have python3 in /usr/bin
- - /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --user beautifulsoup4 lxml || python3 -m pip install --user beautifulsoup4 lxml
- before_script:
- - ulimit -c unlimited -S # enable core dumps
- script:
- - ccache -s
- - qbs setup-toolchains --detect
- - qbs setup-qt ${QMAKE_PATH} qt
- - qbs config profiles.qt.baseProfile xcode-macosx-x86_64
- - qbs config defaultProfile qt
- - qbs config --list profiles
- - scripts/build-qbs-with-qbs.sh
- - ccache -s
- # Find core dump and print traceback on failure
- after_failure:
- - |
- for f in $(find /cores -maxdepth 1 -name 'core.*' -print); do
- lldb --core $f --batch --one-line "bt"
- done;
- - &build-on-windows-with-docker
- stage: Build Qbs and and run autotests
- name: With Qbs on Windows with Docker (Visual Studio 2017)
- if: NOT branch =~ ^gerrit
- os: windows
- services: docker
- env:
- CLCACHE_DIR="${HOME}/.ccache"
- before-install:
- - curl -sLo "/c/Program Files/Docker/docker-compose.exe" https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.3/docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe
- - docker-compose pull windows
- before_script:
- - docker-compose run --rm windows clcache -s
- script:
- - >
- docker-compose run --rm windows qbs build
- -p dist
- qbs.buildVariant:release
- modules.cpp.compilerWrapper:clcache
- modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableBundledQt:true
- modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableProjectFileUpdates:true
- modules.qbsbuildconfig.enableUnitTests:true
- modules.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors:true
- project.withDocumentation:true
- config:release-64 profile:qt64
- config:release profile:qt
- after_script:
- - docker-compose run --rm windows clcache -s
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 45424a35c..ef53a0fb0 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ x-default-service: &linux
- .:/qbs
- ~/.ccache:/home/devel/.ccache
diff --git a/qbs.qbs b/qbs.qbs
index 36b5e2277..a53729e21 100644
--- a/qbs.qbs
+++ b/qbs.qbs
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ Project {
Product {
name: "continuous integration files"
files: [
- ".travis.yml",