path: root/share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs
diff options
authorJoerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@nokia.com>2012-02-15 15:56:22 +0100
committerOswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@nokia.com>2012-02-15 21:57:41 +0100
commit5672fa8fd3bd6b09125d9e143a7bb277cea2e87f (patch)
treec945b6ad76bd8c8f6af8b520cf3ce72ef298d4b5 /share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs
Long live qbs!
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14ee2753f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/GenericGCC.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+import qbs.base 1.0
+import qbs.fileinfo 1.0 as FileInfo
+import 'gcc.js' as Gcc
+import '../utils.js' as ModUtils
+CppModule {
+ condition: false
+ property var transitiveSOs
+ property string toolchainPrefix
+ property string toolchainInstallPath
+ property string compilerName: 'g++'
+ property string compilerPath: {
+ var path = ''
+ if (toolchainInstallPath) {
+ path += toolchainInstallPath
+ if (path.substr(-1) !== '/')
+ path += '/'
+ }
+ if (toolchainPrefix)
+ path += toolchainPrefix
+ path += compilerName
+ return path
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: dynamicLibraryLinker
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["obj"]
+ usings: ['dynamiclibrary', 'staticlibrary']
+ Artifact {
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/lib" + product.name + ".so"
+ fileTags: ["dynamiclibrary"]
+ cpp.transitiveSOs: {
+ var result = []
+ for (var i in inputs.dynamiclibrary) {
+ var lib = inputs.dynamiclibrary[i]
+ result.push(lib.fileName)
+ var impliedLibs = ModUtils.appendAll(lib, 'transitiveSOs')
+ result = result.concat(impliedLibs)
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ TransformProperties {
+ property var libraryPaths: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'libraryPaths')
+ property var dynamicLibraries: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'dynamicLibraries')
+ property var staticLibraries: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'staticLibraries')
+ property var rpaths: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'rpaths')
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var args = Gcc.configFlags(product);
+ if (product.modules.qbs.targetOS == 'linux')
+ args = args.concat([
+ '-Wl,--hash-style=gnu',
+ '-Wl,--as-needed',
+ '-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined',
+ '-Wl,--no-undefined',
+ '-Wl,-soname=' + FileInfo.fileName(output.fileName)
+ ]);
+ args = args.concat([
+ '-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN',
+ '-shared'
+ ]);
+ for (var i in inputs.obj)
+ args.push(inputs.obj[i].fileName);
+ var staticLibrariesI = [];
+ for (i in inputs.staticlibrary) {
+ staticLibrariesI.push(inputs.staticlibrary[i].fileName);
+ }
+ staticLibrariesI = staticLibrariesI.concat(staticLibraries);
+ var dynamicLibrariesI = [];
+ for (i in inputs.dynamiclibrary) {
+ libraryPaths.push(FileInfo.path(inputs.dynamiclibrary[i].fileName))
+ var fileName = FileInfo.fileName(inputs.dynamiclibrary[i].fileName)
+ fileName = fileName.substr(3, fileName.length - 6)
+ dynamicLibrariesI.push(fileName)
+ }
+ dynamicLibrariesI = dynamicLibrariesI.concat(dynamicLibraries);
+ args.push('-o');
+ args.push(output.fileName);
+ args = args.concat(Gcc.libs(libraryPaths, rpaths, dynamicLibrariesI, staticLibrariesI));
+ var cmd = new Command(product.module.compilerPath, args);
+ Gcc.linkEnv(cmd)
+ cmd.description = 'linking ' + FileInfo.fileName(output.fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = 'linker';
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: staticLibraryLinker
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["obj"]
+ usings: ['dynamiclibrary', 'staticlibrary']
+ Artifact {
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/lib" + product.name + ".a"
+ fileTags: ["staticlibrary"]
+ cpp.staticLibraries: {
+ var result = []
+ for (var i in inputs.staticlibrary) {
+ var lib = inputs.staticlibrary[i]
+ result.push(lib.fileName)
+ var impliedLibs = ModUtils.appendAll(lib, 'staticLibraries')
+ result.concat(impliedLibs)
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ cpp.dynamicLibraries: {
+ var result = []
+ for (var i in inputs.dynamiclibrary) {
+ var lib = inputs.dynamiclibrary[i]
+ result.push(lib.fileName)
+ var impliedLibs = ModUtils.appendAll(lib, 'dynamicLibraries')
+ result.concat(impliedLibs)
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var args = ['rcs', output.fileName];
+ for (var i in inputs.obj)
+ args.push(inputs.obj[i].fileName);
+ var cmd = new Command('ar', args);
+ cmd.description = 'creating ' + FileInfo.fileName(output.fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = 'linker'
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: applicationLinker
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["obj"]
+ usings: ['dynamiclibrary', 'staticlibrary']
+ Artifact {
+ fileName: product.destinationDirectory + "/" + product.name
+ fileTags: ["application"]
+ }
+ TransformProperties {
+ property var libraryPaths: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'libraryPaths')
+ property var dynamicLibraries: ModUtils.appendAllFromArtifacts(product, inputs.dynamiclibrary, 'cpp', 'dynamicLibraries')
+ property var staticLibraries: ModUtils.appendAllFromArtifacts(product, inputs.staticlibrary, 'cpp', 'staticLibraries')
+ property var rpaths: ModUtils.appendAll(product, 'rpaths')
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var args = Gcc.configFlags(product);
+ for (var i in inputs.obj)
+ args.push(inputs.obj[i].fileName)
+ args.push('-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN');
+ args.push('-o');
+ args.push(output.fileName);
+ var staticLibrariesI = [];
+ for (i in inputs.staticlibrary) {
+ staticLibrariesI.push(inputs.staticlibrary[i].fileName);
+ }
+ staticLibrariesI = staticLibrariesI.concat(staticLibraries);
+ var dynamicLibrariesI = [];
+ for (i in dynamicLibraries) {
+ if (dynamicLibraries[i].match("lib.*\\.so$") != null) {
+ // shared object filename found
+ var libDir = FileInfo.path(dynamicLibraries[i])
+ var libName = FileInfo.fileName(dynamicLibraries[i])
+ libName = libName.substr(3, libName.length - 6)
+ libraryPaths.push(libDir)
+ dynamicLibrariesI.push(libName)
+ } else {
+ // shared object libname found
+ dynamicLibrariesI.push(dynamicLibraries[i])
+ }
+ }
+ if (product.modules.qbs.targetOS === 'linux') {
+ var transitiveSOs = ModUtils.appendAllFromArtifacts(product, inputs.dynamiclibrary, 'cpp', 'transitiveSOs')
+ for (i in transitiveSOs) {
+ args.push("-Wl,-rpath-link=" + FileInfo.path(transitiveSOs[i]))
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in inputs.dynamiclibrary) {
+ libraryPaths.push(FileInfo.path(inputs.dynamiclibrary[i].fileName))
+ var fileName = FileInfo.fileName(inputs.dynamiclibrary[i].fileName)
+ fileName = fileName.substr(3, fileName.length - 6)
+ dynamicLibrariesI.push(fileName)
+ }
+ args = args.concat(Gcc.libs(libraryPaths, rpaths, dynamicLibrariesI, staticLibrariesI));
+ var cmd = new Command(product.module.compilerPath, args);
+ Gcc.linkEnv(cmd, product)
+ cmd.description = 'linking ' + FileInfo.fileName(output.fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = 'linker'
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Rule {
+ id: compiler
+ inputs: ["cpp", "c"]
+ explicitlyDependsOn: ["c++_pch"]
+ Artifact {
+ fileTags: ["obj"]
+ // ### make it possible to override ".obj" in a project file
+ fileName: ".obj/" + product.name + "/" + input.baseDir + "/" + input.baseName + ".o"
+ }
+ TransformProperties {
+ property var defines: ModUtils.appendAll(input, 'defines')
+ property var includePaths: ModUtils.appendAll(input, 'includePaths')
+ property var compilerFlags: ModUtils.appendAll(input, 'compilerFlags')
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var args = Gcc.configFlags(input);
+ // ### what we actually need here is something like product.usedFileTags
+ // that contains all fileTags that have been used when applying the rules.
+ if (product.type.indexOf('staticlibrary') >= 0 || product.type.indexOf('dynamiclibrary') >= 0) {
+ args.push('-fPIC');
+ } else if (product.type.indexOf('application') < 0) {
+ throw ("OK, now we got a problem... The product's type must be in {staticlibrary, dynamiclibrary, application}. But it is " + product.type + '.');
+ }
+ for (var i in defines)
+ args.push('-D' + defines[i]);
+ for (var i in includePaths)
+ args.push('-I' + includePaths[i]);
+ if (product.module.precompiledHeader) {
+ args.push('-include')
+ args.push(product.name)
+ var pchPath = product.module.precompiledHeaderDir[0]
+ var pchPathIncluded = false
+ for (var i in includePaths) {
+ if (includePaths[i] == pchPath) {
+ pchPathIncluded = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pchPathIncluded)
+ args.push('-I' + pchPath)
+ }
+ if (input.fileTags.indexOf("c") >= 0) {
+ args.push('-x')
+ args.push('c')
+ }
+ args.push('-c');
+ args.push(input.fileName);
+ args.push('-o');
+ args.push(output.fileName);
+ args = args.concat(compilerFlags);
+ var cmd = new Command(product.module.compilerPath, args);
+ cmd.description = 'compiling ';
+ Gcc.describe(cmd, input.fileName, output.fileName);
+ cmd.highlight = "compiler";
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Transformer {
+ condition: precompiledHeader != null
+ inputs: precompiledHeader
+ Artifact {
+ fileName: product.name + ".gch"
+ fileTags: "c++_pch"
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var args = Gcc.configFlags(product);
+ for (var i in product.module.defines)
+ args.push('-D' + defines[i]);
+ for (var i in product.module.includePaths)
+ args.push('-I' + includePaths[i]);
+ args.push('-x');
+ args.push('c++-header');
+ args.push('-c');
+ args.push(product.module.precompiledHeader);
+ args.push('-o');
+ args.push(output.fileName);
+ if (product.module.compilerFlags)
+ args = args.concat(product.module.compilerFlags);
+ var cmd = new Command(product.module.compilerPath, args);
+ cmd.description = 'precompiling ' + FileInfo.fileName(input.fileName);
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }