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+** This file is part of the Qt Build Suite
+** Copyright (c) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (info@qt.nokia.com)
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
+** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file.
+** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+// **********************************************************************
+// NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid
+// reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often).
+// Run the fixnavi.pl script to adjust the links to the index order.
+// **********************************************************************
+ \contentspage{index.html}{Qt Build Suite}
+ \page index.html
+ \nextpage qbs-overview.html
+ \title Qbs Manual
+ \section1 Version \qtcversion
+ Qt Build Suite (qbs) is a tool that helps simplify the build process for
+ developing projects across multiple platforms. Qbs can be used for any
+ software project, whether it is written in Qt or not.
+ Qbs is an all-in-one tool that generates a build graph from a high-level
+ project description (like qmake or cmake) and additionally undertakes the
+ task of executing the commands in the low-level build graph (like make).
+ \note Please report bugs and suggestions to the
+ \l{http://bugreports.qt-project.com/}{Qt Bug Tracker}.
+ \list
+ \o \l{Introducing Qbs}
+ \o \l{Setting Up Qbs}
+ \list
+ \o \l{System Requirements}
+ \o \l{Building Qbs}
+ \o \l{Configuring Qbs}
+ \endlist
+ \o \l{Using Qbs}
+ \list
+ \o \l{Language Introduction}
+ \o \l{Building Applications with Qbs}
+ \o \l{Running Applications}
+ \o \l{Using Qbs Graph}
+ \o \l{Using Qbs Shell}
+ \endlist
+ \o \l{Reference}
+ \list
+ \o \l{Qbs Functions}
+ \o \l{Rules}
+ \endlist
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage index.html
+ \page qbs-overview.html
+ \nextpage qbs-setup.html
+ \title Introducing Qbs
+ Qbs builds applications based on the information in a project file that you
+ specify in a QML dialect. Each project file specifies one project that can
+ contain several products. You specify the type of the product: application,
+ library, and so on.
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-overview.html
+ \page qbs-setup.html
+ \nextpage qbs-system-requirements.html
+ \title Setting Up Qbs
+ \list
+ \o \l{System Requirements}
+ \o \l{Building Qbs}
+ \o \l{Configuring Qbs}
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-setup.html
+ \page qbs-system-requirements.html
+ \nextpage qbs-building.html
+ \title System Requirements
+ To build Qbs from the source, you need the following:
+ \list
+ \o Qt 4.7
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-system-requirements.html
+ \page qbs-building.html
+ \nextpage qbs-configuring.html
+ \title Building Qbs
+ To build Qbs:
+ \list 1
+ \o Enter the following command:
+ \c {qmake -r qbs.pro && make}
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-building.html
+ \page qbs-configuring.html
+ \nextpage qbs-usage.html
+ \title Configuring Qbs
+ When you run Qbs from an in-source build most paths are set up
+ automatically. If you do not build in-source, configure the following
+ paths:
+ \code
+ QBS_SOURCE_DIR=/path/to/qbs-source
+ QBS_BUILD_DIR=/path/to/qbs-build
+ qbs config --global paths/cubes $QBS_SOURCE_DIR/share/qbs
+ qbs config --global paths/plugins $QBS_BUILD_DIR/plugins
+ \endcode
+ Currently, you also must tell qbs where it can find Qt.
+ Qt installations are grouped by a free form name, like in Qt Creator.
+ The default Qt installation name is "default".
+ \code
+ qbs config --global qt/default/path /home/icke/dev/qt/4.7-build
+ \endcode
+ This is the case where the bin, include, lib and mkspecs directories
+ of your Qt build are below the qtPath. This is usually the case on Windows
+ or if you build Qt yourself without installing it.
+ For installed Qt versions we need to set up some more paths.
+ Here's an example for registering an Qt, installed on Ubuntu GNU/Linux:
+ \code
+ qbs config --global qt/default/binPath /usr/bin
+ qbs config --global qt/default/incPath /usr/include/qt4
+ qbs config --global qt/default/libPath /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
+ qbs config --global qt/default/mkspecsPath /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs
+ \endcode
+ If you have built your Qt with the option -qtnamespace MyNamespace
+ then you must set the following config value.
+ \code
+ qbs config --global qt/default/namespace MyNamespace
+ \endcode
+ Now open a build shell (on Windows open a MSVC command prompt,
+ on other platforms the default shell is usually ok):
+ \code
+ qbs platforms probe
+ \endcode
+ You will be prompted to enter a name for a new platform.
+ For your desktop build environment choose "desktop".
+ This will be used as default build platform.
+ Now you should be ready to build your first project with qbs.
+ Go into qbs/tests/manual/hello and type
+ \code
+ qbs
+ \endcode
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-configuring.html
+ \page qbs-usage.html
+ \nextpage qbs-language-introduction.html
+ \title Using Qbs
+ \list
+ \o \l{Language Introduction}
+ \o \l{Building Applications with Qbs}
+ \o \l{Running Applications}
+ \o \l{Using Qbs Graph}
+ \o \l{Using Qbs Shell}
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-usage.html
+ \page qbs-language-introduction.html
+ \nextpage qbs-building-applications.html
+ \title Language Introduction
+ Qbs uses project files (*.qbp) to describe the contents of a project.
+ A project contains one or more products. A product is the target of a build
+ process, typically an application, library or maybe a tar ball.
+ \section1 The obligatory Hello World example
+ These project files are written using a QML dialect.
+ A very simple C++ hello world project looks like this:
+ \code ---helloworld.qbp---
+ import qbs.base 1.0
+ Application {
+ name: "helloworld"
+ files: "main.cpp"
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The import statement gives us access to some inbuilt types and specifies the
+ used language version.
+ \a Application describes a product we want to build. In this case an
+ application. This is just a short cut for writing
+ \code
+ Product {
+ type: "application"
+ // ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The \a name obviously is the name of the product and in this case is also the
+ name of the produced executable.
+ In the property \a files we specify the source files for our product.
+ Unlike QML the right hand side can be either a string or a string list.
+ A single string is converted to a stringlist containing just one element.
+ \a Depends adds the dependency to the module \a{cpp} (see below for an
+ explanation of qbs modules).
+ This is necessary to let qbs know that we're having a C++ project and want
+ to compile main.cpp with a C++ compiler.
+ \section1 Reusing qbs project file code
+ QML-like inheritance is also working in qbs.
+ \code
+ ---CrazyProduct.qbs---
+ import qbs.base 1.0
+ Product {
+ property string craziness: "low"
+ }
+ ---hellocrazyworld.qbp---
+ CrazyProduct {
+ craziness: "enormous"
+ name: "hellocrazyworld"
+ // ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ You can put JS code into separate \c{.js} files and then import then.
+ \code
+ ---helpers.js---
+ function planetsCorrectlyAligned()
+ {
+ // implementation
+ }
+ ---myproject.qbs---
+ import qbs.base 1.0
+ import "helpers.js" as Helpers
+ Product {
+ name: "myproject"
+ Group {
+ condition: Helpers.planetsCorrectlyAligned()
+ file: "magic_hack.cpp"
+ }
+ // ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Modules
+ So what are these "modules"?
+ A module is a collection of properties and language items that are used for
+ building a product, if the product depends on (or loads) the module.
+ For example the \a cpp module looks like this (simplified):
+ \code
+ Module {
+ name: "cpp"
+ property string warningLevel
+ property string optimization
+ property bool debugInformation
+ property string precompiledHeader
+ // ...
+ FileTagger {
+ pattern: "*.cpp"
+ fileTags: ["cpp"]
+ }
+ Rule {...} // compiler
+ Rule {...} // application linker
+ Rule {...} // static lib linker
+ Rule {...} // dynamic lib linker
+ }
+ \endcode
+ What we see here is a bunch of properties that can be set for the \a cpp
+ module. These are used to control the behaviour of your C++ toolchain.
+ Also we have things like FileTaggers and Rules. These are covered later.
+ As soon as your product depends on a module it can set properties of this
+ module. This is how you specify the optimization level for your product (and
+ all build variants):
+ \code ---helloworld.qbp---
+ import qbs.base 1.0
+ Application {
+ name: "helloworld"
+ files: ["main.cpp"]
+ cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed"
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ A module can implicitly depend on other modules. E.g. the \c Qt.core module depends
+ on \c{cpp}. But to set properties of a module you must explicitly import
+ it.
+ \code
+ Application {
+ name: "helloworld"
+ files: ["main.cpp"]
+ Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
+ cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed"
+ // ERROR! We don't know about "cpp" here,
+ // though "Qt.core" depends on "cpp".
+ }
+ Application {
+ name: "helloworld"
+ files: ["main.cpp"]
+ Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ cpp.optimization: "ludicrousSpeed"
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Different properties for a single file
+ Not only the product but all source files of the product can have their own
+ set of module properties. For example you have a file that's known to crash
+ your compiler if you turn on optimizations. You want to turn off
+ optimizations for just this file and this is how you do it:
+ \code
+ Application {
+ name: "helloworld"
+ files: "main.cpp"
+ Group {
+ files: "bad_file.cpp"
+ cpp.optimization: "none"
+ }
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ With a group you can set the properties of a whole set of files, not just
+ single ones.
+ \section2 Selecting files by properties
+ The classical (pre-lighthouse) Qt case: you have a file that's only going to
+ be compiled on a certain platform. This is how you do it:
+ \code
+ Group {
+ condition: qbs.target == "windows"
+ files: [
+ "harddiskdeleter_win.cpp",
+ "blowupmonitor_win.cpp",
+ "setkeyboardonfire_win.cpp"
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ condition: qbs.target == "linux"
+ files: [
+ "harddiskdeleter_linux.cpp",
+ "blowupmonitor_linux.cpp",
+ "setkeyboardonfire_linux.cpp"
+ ]
+ }
+ \endcode
+ That odd \a qbs.target thingy is the property \a target of the module \a
+ qbs. The module \a qbs is always implicitly loaded. Its main properties
+ are:
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o Property
+ \o Type
+ \o Default
+ \o Description
+ \row
+ \o buildVariant
+ \o string
+ \o "debug"
+ \o Name of the current build variant. By default "debug" and "release"
+ are valid values but the user can add more in a project file.
+ \row
+ \o host
+ \o string
+ \o platform-dependent
+ \o The host platform. Currently "windows", "linux" or "mac".
+ \row
+ \o target
+ \o string
+ \o platform-dependent
+ \o The target platform. Currently "windows", "linux", "mac" or
+ "ponyphone".
+ \endtable
+ You can set these properties on the command line. Property \a
+ qbs.buildVariant is handled in a special way.
+ \code
+ $ qbs # qbs.buildVariant:debug, qbs.target:qbs.host
+ $ qbs release # qbs.buildVariant:release, qbs.target:qbs.host
+ $ qbs target:ponyphone # qbs.buildVariant:debug, qbs.target:ponyphone
+ $ qbs debug release # builds two variants of the project
+ \endcode
+ So if you want to select files by build variant, this is how you do it:
+ \code
+ Group {
+ condition: qbs.buildVariant == "debug"
+ files: "debughelper.cpp"
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Setting properties for a build variant goes like this:
+ \code
+ Properties {
+ condition: qbs.buildVariant == "debug"
+ cpp.debugInformation: "on"
+ cpp.optimization: "none"
+ }
+ \endcode
+ or more QML style:
+ \code
+ cpp.debugInformation: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" ? "on" : "off"
+ cpp.optimization: qbs.buildVariant == "debug" ? "none" : "fast"
+ \endcode
+ \section1 File tags and taggers
+ Qbs knows nothing about C++ files or its file extensions. All source file
+ in a product are handled equally. There's the concept of a \a{file tag},
+ which is basically a marker or a type that can be assigned to an artifact.
+ An artifact can have multiple file tags.
+ Use the \a Group item to group files with the same file tags (and/or set of
+ properties).
+ Example:
+ \code
+ Product {
+ Group {
+ files: ["file1.cpp", "file2.cpp"]
+ fileTags: ["cpp"]
+ }
+ Group {
+ files: "mydsl_scanner.l"
+ fileTags: ["flex", "foobar"]
+ }
+ // ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ When you load the \a cpp module then you also load the following item:
+ \code
+ FileTagger {
+ pattern: "*.cpp"
+ fileTags: ["cpp"]
+ }
+ \endcode
+ This thing means that every source file that matches the glob *.cpp (and
+ hasn't explicitly set a file tag) gets the file tag \c{cpp}.
+ The above example can be simplified to
+ \code
+ Product {
+ Depends: "cpp"
+ files: ["file1.cpp", "file2.cpp"]
+ Group {
+ files: "mydsl_scanner.l"
+ fileTags: ["flex", "foobar"]
+ }
+ // ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The \a FileTagger from the \a cpp module automatically assigns the \c cpp
+ file tag to the source files. Groups that just contain the \a files
+ property can be simply expressed by using the \a files property of the product.
+ File tags are used by \a rules to transform one type of artifact into
+ another. E.g. the C++ compiler rule transforms artifacts with the file tag
+ \c cpp to artifacts with the file tag \c{obj}.
+ \section1 Rules
+ A rule looks at the pool of artifacts (in the beginning it's just the set of
+ source files of the project) and chooses the ones that match its input file
+ tags. Then it creates output artifacts in the build graph that have other
+ filenames and file tags. It also creates a transformer which is basically a
+ script that, well, transforms the input artifact into the output artifact.
+ For examples of rules see the share/qbs/modules directory in the qbs
+ repository.
+ You can define rules in your own module, which can be provided along with
+ your project. Or you can put a rule directly into your project file.
+ Rules reference: \l{Rules}.
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-language-introduction.html
+ \page qbs-building-applications.html
+ \nextpage qbs-running-applications.html
+ \title Building Applications with Qbs
+ To build applications from the command line, enter the following commands:
+ \code
+ cd tests/manual/collidingmice
+ qbs
+ \endcode
+ The application is built for the default target, which is the system on the
+ development PC. To build for other targets, specify options for the build
+ command. For example, to build debug and release configurations for the
+ default target and the Symbian target in parallel, enter the following
+ command:
+ \code
+ qbs build debug release target:symbian
+ \endcode
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-building-applications.html
+ \page qbs-running-applications.html
+ \nextpage qbs-graph.html
+ \title Running Applications
+ Running ./targets/debug/CollidingMice fails if Qt 4.8 is not in your PATH
+ (in Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (in Linux).
+ Therefore, enter the following command:
+ \code
+ qbs run CollidingMice
+ \endcode
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-running-applications.html
+ \page qbs-graph.html
+ \nextpage qbs-shell.html
+ \title Using Qbs Graph
+ Qbs uses a very simple graph drawing algorithm to visualize the
+ build graph.
+ This is currently mostly used to debug Qbs.
+ Download and install dot and add it to the system PATH.
+ To visualize the project structure, enter the following command:
+ \code
+ qbs graph
+ \endcode
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-graph.html
+ \page qbs-shell.html
+ \nextpage qbs-reference.html
+ \title Using Qbs Shell
+ \code
+ qbs shell
+ \endcode
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-shell.html
+ \page qbs-reference.html
+ \nextpage qbs-functions.html
+ \title Reference
+ \list
+ \o \l{Qbs Functions}
+ \o \l{Rules}
+ \endlist
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-functions.html
+ \page qbs-rules.html
+ \title Rules
+ A "multiplex rule" creates one transformer that takes all
+ input artifacts with the matching input file tag and creates
+ one or more artifacts (e.g. C++ linker).
+ A "non-multiplex rule" creates one transformer per matching input file (e.g. C++
+ compiler).
+ \section1 Rule properties
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o Property
+ \o Type
+ \o Default
+ \o Description
+ \row
+ \o multiplex
+ \o bool
+ \o false
+ \o Determines if this is a multiplex rule.
+ \row
+ \o inputs
+ \o string list
+ \o undefined
+ \o File tags the input artifacts must match.
+ All output artifacts will depend on all artifacts in the product with
+ the given input file tags. Also these artifacts are available in the
+ inputs variable of the prepare script.
+ \row
+ \o usings
+ \o string list
+ \o undefined
+ \o File tags the artifacts of product dependencies must match.
+ Let there be a product \a foo which appears as
+ \code
+ Depends {
+ name: "foo"
+ }
+ \endcode
+ in the current product. All artifacts of \a foo that match the given
+ file tags will appear in the \a inputs variable of the prepare
+ script. Also, every output artifact of this rule will be dependent on
+ those artifacts.
+ \row
+ \o explicitlyDependsOn
+ \o string list
+ \o undefined
+ \o Every artifact that matches the file tags in \a explicitlyDependsOn
+ is added to the dependencies of every output node.
+ \row
+ \o scanners
+ \o string list
+ \o undefined
+ \o List of dependency scanner ids for this rule. The scanners are
+ running just before the prepare script is executed.
+ \row
+ \o prepare
+ \o script
+ \o undefined
+ \o Script that prepares the commands to transform the inputs to outputs.
+ \endtable
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage qbs-reference.html
+ \page qbs-functions.html
+ \nextpage qbs-rules.html
+ \title Qbs Functions