path: root/share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 1328 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js b/share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js
index 08fc8b999..9a314822b 100644
--- a/share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js
+++ b/share/qbs/module-providers/Qt/setup-qt.js
@@ -37,1243 +37,13 @@
-var Environment = require("qbs.Environment");
var File = require("qbs.File");
var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo");
-var Host = require("qbs.Host");
var ModUtils = require("qbs.ModUtils");
-var Process = require("qbs.Process");
+var ProviderUtils = require("qbs.ProviderUtils");
var TextFile = require("qbs.TextFile");
var Utilities = require("qbs.Utilities");
-function splitNonEmpty(s, c) { return s.split(c).filter(function(e) { return e; }); }
-function toNative(p) { return FileInfo.toNativeSeparators(p); }
-function exeSuffix(qbs) { return FileInfo.executableSuffix(); }
-function getQmakeFilePaths(qmakeFilePaths, qbs) {
- if (qmakeFilePaths && qmakeFilePaths.length > 0)
- return qmakeFilePaths;
- console.info("Detecting Qt installations...");
- var filePaths = [];
- var pathValue = Environment.getEnv("PATH");
- if (pathValue) {
- var dirs = splitNonEmpty(pathValue, FileInfo.pathListSeparator());
- var suffix = exeSuffix(qbs);
- for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
- var candidate = FileInfo.joinPaths(dirs[i], "qmake" + suffix);
- var canonicalCandidate = FileInfo.canonicalPath(candidate);
- if (!canonicalCandidate || !File.exists(canonicalCandidate))
- continue;
- if (FileInfo.completeBaseName(canonicalCandidate) !== "qtchooser")
- candidate = canonicalCandidate;
- if (!filePaths.contains(candidate)) {
- console.info("Found Qt at '" + toNative(candidate) + "'.");
- filePaths.push(candidate);
- }
- }
- }
- if (filePaths.length === 0) {
- console.warn("Could not find any qmake executables in PATH. Either make sure a qmake "
- + "executable is present in PATH or set the moduleProviders.Qt.qmakeFilePaths property "
- + "to point a qmake executable.");
- }
- return filePaths;
-function queryQmake(qmakeFilePath) {
- var qmakeProcess = new Process;
- qmakeProcess.exec(qmakeFilePath, ["-query"]);
- if (qmakeProcess.exitCode() !== 0) {
- throw "The qmake executable '" + toNative(qmakeFilePath) + "' failed with exit code "
- + qmakeProcess.exitCode() + ".";
- }
- var queryResult = {};
- while (!qmakeProcess.atEnd()) {
- var line = qmakeProcess.readLine();
- var index = (line || "").indexOf(":");
- if (index !== -1)
- queryResult[line.slice(0, index)] = line.slice(index + 1).trim();
- }
- return queryResult;
-function pathQueryValue(queryResult, key) {
- var p = queryResult[key];
- if (p)
- return FileInfo.fromNativeSeparators(p);
-function readFileContent(filePath) {
- var f = new TextFile(filePath, TextFile.ReadOnly);
- var content = f.readAll();
- f.close();
- return content;
-// TODO: Don't do the split every time...
-function configVariable(configContent, key) {
- var configContentLines = configContent.split('\n');
- var regexp = new RegExp("^\\s*" + key + "\\s*\\+{0,1}=(.*)");
- for (var i = 0; i < configContentLines.length; ++i) {
- var line = configContentLines[i];
- var match = regexp.exec(line);
- if (match)
- return match[1].trim();
- }
-function configVariableItems(configContent, key) {
- return splitNonEmpty(configVariable(configContent, key), ' ');
-function msvcPrefix() { return "win32-msvc"; }
-function isMsvcQt(qtProps) { return qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith(msvcPrefix()); }
-function msvcCompilerVersionForYear(year) {
- var mapping = {
- "2005": "14", "2008": "15", "2010": "16", "2012": "17", "2013": "18", "2015": "19",
- "2017": "19.1", "2019": "19.2"
- };
- return mapping[year];
-function msvcCompilerVersionFromMkspecName(mkspecName) {
- return msvcCompilerVersionForYear(mkspecName.slice(msvcPrefix().length));
-function addQtBuildVariant(qtProps, buildVariantName) {
- if (qtProps.qtConfigItems.contains(buildVariantName))
- qtProps.buildVariant.push(buildVariantName);
-function checkForStaticBuild(qtProps) {
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 5)
- return qtProps.qtConfigItems.contains("static");
- if (qtProps.frameworkBuild)
- return false; // there are no Qt4 static frameworks
- var isWin = qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win");
- var libDir = isWin ? qtProps.binaryPath : qtProps.libraryPath;
- var coreLibFiles = File.directoryEntries(libDir, File.Files)
- .filter(function(fp) { return fp.contains("Core"); });
- if (coreLibFiles.length === 0)
- throw "Could not determine whether Qt is a static build.";
- for (var i = 0; i < coreLibFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (Utilities.isSharedLibrary(coreLibFiles[i]))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function isForMinGw(qtProps) {
- return qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win32-g++") || qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("mingw");
-function targetsDesktopWindows(qtProps) {
- return qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win32-") || isForMinGw(qtProps);
-function guessMinimumWindowsVersion(qtProps) {
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("winrt-"))
- return "10.0";
- if (!targetsDesktopWindows(qtProps))
- return "";
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 6)
- return "10.0";
- if (qtProps.architecture === "x86_64" || qtProps.architecture === "ia64")
- return "5.2"
- var match = qtProps.mkspecName.match(/^win32-msvc(\d+)$/);
- if (match) {
- var msvcVersion = match[1];
- if (msvcVersion < 2012)
- return "5.0";
- return "5.1";
- }
- return qtProps.qtMajorVersion < 5 ? "5.0" : "5.1";
-function needsDSuffix(qtProps) {
- return !isForMinGw(qtProps) || Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "5.14.0") < 0
- || qtProps.configItems.contains("debug_and_release");
-function fillEntryPointLibs(qtProps, debug) {
- result = [];
- var isMinGW = isForMinGw(qtProps);
- // Some Linux distributions rename the qtmain library.
- var qtMainCandidates = ["qtmain"];
- if (isMinGW && qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 5)
- qtMainCandidates.push("qt5main");
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 6)
- qtMainCandidates.push("Qt6EntryPoint");
- for (var i = 0; i < qtMainCandidates.length; ++i) {
- var baseNameCandidate = qtMainCandidates[i];
- var qtmain = qtProps.libraryPath + '/';
- if (isMinGW)
- qtmain += "lib";
- qtmain += baseNameCandidate + qtProps.qtLibInfix;
- if (debug && needsDSuffix(qtProps))
- qtmain += 'd';
- if (isMinGW) {
- qtmain += ".a";
- } else {
- qtmain += ".lib";
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "5.4.0") >= 0)
- result.push("Shell32.lib");
- }
- if (File.exists(qtmain)) {
- result.push(qtmain);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (result.length === 0) {
- console.warn("Could not find the qtmain library at '" + toNative(qtProps.libraryPath)
- + "'. You will not be able to link Qt applications.");
- }
- return result;
-function abiToArchitecture(abi) {
- switch (abi) {
- case "armeabi-v7a":
- return "armv7a";
- case "arm64-v8a":
- return "arm64";
- case "x86":
- case "x86_64":
- default:
- return abi;
- }
-function getQtProperties(qmakeFilePath, qbs) {
- var queryResult = queryQmake(qmakeFilePath);
- var qtProps = {};
- qtProps.installPrefixPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX");
- qtProps.documentationPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_DOCS");
- qtProps.includePath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS");
- qtProps.libraryPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_LIBS");
- qtProps.hostLibraryPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_HOST_LIBS");
- qtProps.binaryPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_HOST_BINS")
- || pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_BINS");
- qtProps.installPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_BINS");
- qtProps.documentationPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_DOCS");
- qtProps.pluginPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS");
- qtProps.qmlPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_QML");
- qtProps.qmlImportPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS");
- qtProps.qtVersion = queryResult.QT_VERSION;
- var mkspecsBaseSrcPath;
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "5") >= 0) {
- qtProps.mkspecBasePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_HOST_DATA"),
- "mkspecs");
- mkspecsBaseSrcPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_HOST_DATA/src"),
- "mkspecs");
- } else {
- qtProps.mkspecBasePath = FileInfo.joinPaths
- (pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_DATA"), "mkspecs");
- }
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6") >= 0) {
- qtProps.libExecPath = pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_HOST_LIBEXECS")
- || pathQueryValue(queryResult, "QT_INSTALL_LIBEXECS");
- }
- // QML tools were only moved in Qt 6.2.
- qtProps.qmlLibExecPath = Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6.2") >= 0
- ? qtProps.libExecPath : qtProps.binaryPath;
- // qhelpgenerator was only moved in Qt 6.3.
- qtProps.helpGeneratorLibExecPath = Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6.3") >= 0
- ? qtProps.libExecPath : qtProps.binaryPath;
- if (!File.exists(qtProps.mkspecBasePath))
- throw "Cannot extract the mkspecs directory.";
- var qconfigContent = readFileContent(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath,
- "qconfig.pri"));
- qtProps.qtMajorVersion = parseInt(configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_MAJOR_VERSION"));
- qtProps.qtMinorVersion = parseInt(configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_MINOR_VERSION"));
- qtProps.qtPatchVersion = parseInt(configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_PATCH_VERSION"));
- qtProps.qtNameSpace = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_NAMESPACE");
- qtProps.qtLibInfix = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_LIBINFIX") || "";
- qtProps.architecture = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_TARGET_ARCH")
- || configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_ARCH") || "x86";
- qtProps.configItems = configVariableItems(qconfigContent, "CONFIG");
- qtProps.qtConfigItems = configVariableItems(qconfigContent, "QT_CONFIG");
- // retrieve the mkspec
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 5) {
- qtProps.mkspecName = queryResult.QMAKE_XSPEC;
- qtProps.mkspecPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath, qtProps.mkspecName);
- if (mkspecsBaseSrcPath && !File.exists(qtProps.mkspecPath))
- qtProps.mkspecPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(mkspecsBaseSrcPath, qtProps.mkspecName);
- } else {
- if (Host.os().contains("windows")) {
- var baseDirPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath, "default");
- var fileContent = readFileContent(FileInfo.joinPaths(baseDirPath, "qmake.conf"));
- qtProps.mkspecPath = configVariable(fileContent, "QMAKESPEC_ORIGINAL");
- if (!File.exists(qtProps.mkspecPath)) {
- // Work around QTBUG-28792.
- // The value of QMAKESPEC_ORIGINAL is wrong for MinGW packages. Y u h8 me?
- var match = fileContent.exec(/\binclude\(([^)]+)\/qmake\.conf\)/m);
- if (match) {
- qtProps.mkspecPath = FileInfo.cleanPath(FileInfo.joinPaths(
- baseDirPath, match[1]));
- }
- }
- } else {
- qtProps.mkspecPath = FileInfo.canonicalPath(
- FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath, "default"));
- }
- // E.g. in qmake.conf for Qt 4.8/mingw we find this gem:
- // QMAKESPEC_ORIGINAL=C:\\Qt\\Qt\\4.8\\mingw482\\mkspecs\\win32-g++
- qtProps.mkspecPath = FileInfo.cleanPath(qtProps.mkspecPath);
- qtProps.mkspecName = qtProps.mkspecPath;
- var idx = qtProps.mkspecName.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (idx !== -1)
- qtProps.mkspecName = qtProps.mkspecName.slice(idx + 1);
- }
- if (!File.exists(qtProps.mkspecPath))
- throw "mkspec '" + toNative(qtProps.mkspecPath) + "' does not exist";
- // Starting with qt 5.14, android sdk provides multi-abi
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "5.14.0") >= 0
- && qtProps.mkspecPath.contains("android")) {
- var qdeviceContent = readFileContent(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath,
- "qdevice.pri"));
- qtProps.androidAbis = configVariable(qdeviceContent, "DEFAULT_ANDROID_ABIS").split(' ');
- }
- // determine MSVC version
- if (isMsvcQt(qtProps)) {
- var msvcMajor = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_MSVC_MAJOR_VERSION");
- var msvcMinor = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_MSVC_MINOR_VERSION");
- var msvcPatch = configVariable(qconfigContent, "QT_MSVC_PATCH_VERSION");
- if (msvcMajor && msvcMinor && msvcPatch)
- qtProps.msvcVersion = msvcMajor + "." + msvcMinor + "." + msvcPatch;
- else
- qtProps.msvcVersion = msvcCompilerVersionFromMkspecName(qtProps.mkspecName);
- }
- // determine whether we have a framework build
- qtProps.frameworkBuild = qtProps.mkspecPath.contains("macx")
- && qtProps.configItems.contains("qt_framework");
- // determine whether Qt is built with debug, release or both
- qtProps.buildVariant = [];
- addQtBuildVariant(qtProps, "debug");
- addQtBuildVariant(qtProps, "release");
- qtProps.staticBuild = checkForStaticBuild(qtProps);
- // determine whether user apps require C++11
- if (qtProps.qtConfigItems.contains("c++11") && qtProps.staticBuild)
- qtProps.configItems.push("c++11");
- // Set the minimum operating system versions appropriate for this Qt version
- qtProps.windowsVersion = guessMinimumWindowsVersion(qtProps);
- if (qtProps.windowsVersion) { // Is target OS Windows?
- if (qtProps.buildVariant.contains("debug"))
- qtProps.entryPointLibsDebug = fillEntryPointLibs(qtProps, true);
- if (qtProps.buildVariant.contains("release"))
- qtProps.entryPointLibsRelease = fillEntryPointLibs(qtProps, false);
- } else if (qtProps.mkspecPath.contains("macx")) {
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 5) {
- var lines = getFileContentsRecursively(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecPath,
- "qmake.conf"));
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
- var line = lines[i].trim();
- match = line.match
- if (match) {
- var platform = match[1];
- var version = match[2];
- if (platform === "MACOSX")
- qtProps.macosVersion = version;
- else if (platform === "IOS")
- qtProps.iosVersion = version;
- else if (platform === "TVOS")
- qtProps.tvosVersion = version;
- else if (platform === "WATCHOS")
- qtProps.watchosVersion = version;
- }
- }
- var isMac = qtProps.mkspecName !== "macx-ios-clang"
- && qtProps.mkspecName !== "macx-tvos-clang"
- && qtProps.mkspecName !== "macx-watchos-clang";
- if (isMac) {
- // Qt 5.0.x placed the minimum version in a different file
- if (!qtProps.macosVersion)
- qtProps.macosVersion = "10.6";
- // If we're using C++11 with libc++, make sure the deployment target is >= 10.7
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.macosVersion, "10, 7") < 0
- && qtProps.qtConfigItems.contains("c++11")) {
- qtProps.macosVersion = "10.7";
- }
- }
- } else if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 4 && qtProps.qtMinorVersion >= 6) {
- var qconfigDir = qtProps.frameworkBuild
- ? FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.libraryPath, "QtCore.framework", "Headers")
- : FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.includePath, "Qt");
- try {
- var qconfig = new TextFile(FileInfo.joinPaths(qconfigDir, "qconfig.h"),
- TextFile.ReadOnly);
- var qtCocoaBuild = false;
- var ok = true;
- do {
- line = qconfig.readLine();
- if (line.match(/\s*#define\s+QT_MAC_USE_COCOA\s+1\s*/)) {
- qtCocoaBuild = true;
- break;
- }
- } while (!qconfig.atEof());
- qtProps.macosVersion = qtCocoaBuild ? "10.5" : "10.4";
- }
- catch (e) {}
- finally {
- if (qconfig)
- qconfig.close();
- }
- if (!qtProps.macosVersion) {
- throw "Could not determine whether Qt is using Cocoa or Carbon from '"
- + toNative(qconfig.filePath()) + "'.";
- }
- }
- } else if (qtProps.mkspecPath.contains("android")) {
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 5)
- qtProps.androidVersion = "2.3";
- else if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 4 && qtProps.qtMinorVersion >= 8)
- qtProps.androidVersion = "1.6"; // Necessitas
- }
- return qtProps;
-function makePluginData() {
- var pluginData = {};
- pluginData.type = undefined;
- pluginData.className = undefined;
- pluginData.autoLoad = true;
- pluginData["extends"] = [];
- return pluginData;
-function makeQtModuleInfo(name, qbsName, deps) {
- var moduleInfo = {};
- moduleInfo.name = name; // As in the path to the headers and ".name" in the pri files.
- if (moduleInfo.name === undefined)
- moduleInfo.name = "";
- moduleInfo.qbsName = qbsName; // Lower-case version without "qt" prefix.
- moduleInfo.dependencies = deps || []; // qbs names.
- if (moduleInfo.qbsName && moduleInfo.qbsName !== "core"
- && !moduleInfo.dependencies.contains("core")) {
- moduleInfo.dependencies.unshift("core");
- }
- moduleInfo.isPrivate = qbsName && qbsName.endsWith("-private");
- moduleInfo.hasLibrary = !moduleInfo.isPrivate;
- moduleInfo.isStaticLibrary = false;
- moduleInfo.isPlugin = false;
- moduleInfo.mustExist = true;
- moduleInfo.modulePrefix = ""; // empty value means "Qt".
- moduleInfo.version = undefined;
- moduleInfo.includePaths = [];
- moduleInfo.compilerDefines = [];
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesDebug = [];
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesRelease = [];
- moduleInfo.dynamicLibrariesDebug = [];
- moduleInfo.dynamicLibrariesRelease = [];
- moduleInfo.linkerFlagsDebug = [];
- moduleInfo.linkerFlagsRelease = [];
- moduleInfo.libFilePathDebug = undefined;
- moduleInfo.libFilePathRelease = undefined;
- moduleInfo.frameworksDebug = [];
- moduleInfo.frameworksRelease = [];
- moduleInfo.frameworkPathsDebug = [];
- moduleInfo.frameworkPathsRelease = [];
- moduleInfo.libraryPaths = [];
- moduleInfo.libDir = "";
- moduleInfo.config = [];
- moduleInfo.supportedPluginTypes = [];
- moduleInfo.pluginData = makePluginData();
- return moduleInfo;
-function frameworkHeadersPath(qtModuleInfo, qtProps) {
- return FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.libraryPath, qtModuleInfo.name + ".framework", "Headers");
-function qt4ModuleIncludePaths(qtModuleInfo, qtProps) {
- var paths = [];
- if (isFramework(qtModuleInfo, qtProps))
- paths.push(frameworkHeadersPath(qtModuleInfo, qtProps));
- else
- paths.push(qtProps.includePath, FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.includePath, qtModuleInfo.name));
- return paths;
-// We erroneously called the "testlib" module "test" for quite a while. Let's not punish users
-// for that.
-function addTestModule(modules) {
- var testModule = makeQtModuleInfo("QtTest", "test", ["testlib"]);
- testModule.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(testModule);
-// See above.
-function addDesignerComponentsModule(modules) {
- var module = makeQtModuleInfo("QtDesignerComponents", "designercomponents",
- ["designercomponents-private"]);
- module.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(module);
-function isFramework(modInfo, qtProps) {
- if (!qtProps.frameworkBuild || modInfo.isStaticLibrary)
- return false;
- var modulesNeverBuiltAsFrameworks = [
- "bootstrap", "openglextensions", "platformsupport", "qmldevtools", "harfbuzzng"
- ];
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion <= 5) {
- modulesNeverBuiltAsFrameworks.push("uitools"); // is framework since qt6
- }
- return !modulesNeverBuiltAsFrameworks.contains(modInfo.qbsName);
-function libBaseName(modInfo, libName, debugBuild, qtProps) {
- var name = libName;
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win")) {
- if (debugBuild && needsDSuffix(qtProps))
- name += 'd';
- if (!modInfo.isStaticLibrary && qtProps.qtMajorVersion < 5)
- name += qtProps.qtMajorVersion;
- }
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.contains("macx")
- || qtProps.mkspecName.contains("ios")
- || qtProps.mkspecName.contains("darwin")) {
- if (!isFramework(modInfo, qtProps)
- && qtProps.buildVariant.contains("debug")
- && (!qtProps.buildVariant.contains("release") || debugBuild)) {
- name += "_debug";
- }
- }
- return name;
-function moduleNameWithoutPrefix(modInfo) {
- if (modInfo.name === "Phonon")
- return "phonon";
- if (!modInfo.modulePrefix && modInfo.name.startsWith("Qt"))
- return modInfo.name.slice(2); // Strip off "Qt".
- if (modInfo.name.startsWith(modInfo.modulePrefix))
- return modInfo.name.slice(modInfo.modulePrefix.length);
- return modInfo.name;
-function libraryBaseName(modInfo, qtProps, debugBuild) {
- if (modInfo.isPlugin)
- return libBaseName(modInfo, modInfo.name, debugBuild, qtProps);
- // Some modules use a different naming scheme, so it doesn't get boring.
- var libNameBroken = modInfo.name === "Enginio"
- || modInfo.name === "DataVisualization"
- || modInfo.name === "Phonon";
- var libName = "";
- if (!modInfo.isExternal) {
- libName += !modInfo.modulePrefix && !libNameBroken ? "Qt" : modInfo.modulePrefix;
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion >= 5 && !isFramework(modInfo, qtProps) && !libNameBroken)
- libName += qtProps.qtMajorVersion;
- }
- libName += moduleNameWithoutPrefix(modInfo);
- if (!modInfo.isExternal)
- libName += qtProps.qtLibInfix;
- return libBaseName(modInfo, libName, debugBuild, qtProps);
-function libNameForLinker(modInfo, qtProps, debugBuild) {
- if (!modInfo.hasLibrary)
- return undefined;
- var libName = libraryBaseName(modInfo, qtProps, debugBuild);
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.contains("msvc"))
- libName += ".lib";
- return libName;
-function guessLibraryFilePath(prlFilePath, libDir, qtProps) {
- var baseName = FileInfo.baseName(prlFilePath);
- var prefixCandidates = ["", "lib"];
- var suffixCandidates = ["so." + qtProps.qtVersion, "so", "a", "lib", "dll.a"];
- for (var i = 0; i < prefixCandidates.length; ++i) {
- var prefix = prefixCandidates[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < suffixCandidates.length; ++j) {
- var suffix = suffixCandidates[j];
- var candidate = FileInfo.joinPaths(libDir, prefix + baseName + '.' + suffix);
- if (File.exists(candidate))
- return candidate;
- }
- }
-function doReplaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(namePathMap, libList) {
- for (var i = 0; i < libList.length; ++i) {
- var lib = libList[i];
- var path = namePathMap[lib];
- if (path)
- libList[i] = path;
- }
-function replaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(modules, qtProps) {
- // We don't want to add the libraries for Qt modules via "-l", because of the
- // danger that a wrong one will be picked up, e.g. from /usr/lib. Instead,
- // we pull them in using the full file path.
- var linkerNamesToFilePathsDebug = {};
- var linkerNamesToFilePathsRelease = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var m = modules[i];
- linkerNamesToFilePathsDebug[libNameForLinker(m, qtProps, true)] = m.libFilePathDebug;
- linkerNamesToFilePathsRelease[libNameForLinker(m, qtProps, false)] = m.libFilePathRelease;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var module = modules[i];
- doReplaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(linkerNamesToFilePathsDebug, module.dynamicLibrariesDebug);
- doReplaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(linkerNamesToFilePathsDebug, module.staticLibrariesDebug);
- doReplaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(linkerNamesToFilePathsRelease,
- module.dynamicLibrariesRelease);
- doReplaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(linkerNamesToFilePathsRelease,
- module.staticLibrariesRelease);
- }
-function doSetupLibraries(modInfo, qtProps, debugBuild, nonExistingPrlFiles, androidAbi) {
- if (!modInfo.hasLibrary)
- return; // Can happen for Qt4 convenience modules, like "widgets".
- if (debugBuild) {
- if (!qtProps.buildVariant.contains("debug"))
- return;
- var modulesNeverBuiltAsDebug = ["bootstrap", "qmldevtools"];
- for (var i = 0; i < modulesNeverBuiltAsDebug.length; ++i) {
- var m = modulesNeverBuiltAsDebug[i];
- if (modInfo.qbsName === m || modInfo.qbsName === m + "-private")
- return;
- }
- } else if (!qtProps.buildVariant.contains("release")) {
- return;
- }
- var libs = modInfo.isStaticLibrary
- ? (debugBuild ? modInfo.staticLibrariesDebug : modInfo.staticLibrariesRelease)
- : (debugBuild ? modInfo.dynamicLibrariesDebug : modInfo.dynamicLibrariesRelease);
- var frameworks = debugBuild ? modInfo.frameworksDebug : modInfo.frameworksRelease;
- var frameworkPaths = debugBuild ? modInfo.frameworkPathsDebug : modInfo.frameworkPathsRelease;
- var flags = debugBuild ? modInfo.linkerFlagsDebug : modInfo.linkerFlagsRelease;
- var libFilePath;
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.contains("ios") && modInfo.isStaticLibrary) {
- libs.push("z", "m");
- if (qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 5 && qtProps.qtMinorVersion < 8) {
- var platformSupportModule = makeQtModuleInfo("QtPlatformSupport", "platformsupport");
- libs.push(libNameForLinker(platformSupportModule, qtProps, debugBuild));
- }
- if (modInfo.name === "qios") {
- flags.push("-force_load", FileInfo.joinPaths(
- qtProps.pluginPath, "platforms",
- libBaseName(modInfo, "libqios", debugBuild, qtProps) + ".a"));
- }
- }
- var prlFilePath = modInfo.isPlugin
- ? FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.pluginPath, modInfo.pluginData.type)
- : (modInfo.libDir ? modInfo.libDir : qtProps.libraryPath);
- var libDir = prlFilePath;
- if (isFramework(modInfo, qtProps)) {
- prlFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(prlFilePath,
- libraryBaseName(modInfo, qtProps, false) + ".framework");
- libDir = prlFilePath;
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "5.14") >= 0)
- prlFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(prlFilePath, "Resources");
- }
- var baseName = libraryBaseName(modInfo, qtProps, debugBuild);
- if (!qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win") && !isFramework(modInfo, qtProps))
- baseName = "lib" + baseName;
- prlFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(prlFilePath, baseName);
- var isNonStaticQt4OnWindows = qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win")
- && !modInfo.isStaticLibrary && qtProps.qtMajorVersion < 5;
- if (isNonStaticQt4OnWindows)
- prlFilePath = prlFilePath.slice(0, prlFilePath.length - 1); // The prl file base name does *not* contain the version number...
- // qt for android versions 6.0 and 6.1 don't have the architecture suffix in the prl file
- if (androidAbi.length > 0
- && modInfo.name !== "QtBootstrap"
- && (modInfo.name !== "QtQmlDevTools" || modInfo.name === "QtQmlDevTools"
- && Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6.2") >= 0)
- && (Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6.0") < 0
- || Utilities.versionCompare(qtProps.qtVersion, "6.2") >= 0)) {
- prlFilePath += "_";
- prlFilePath += androidAbi;
- }
- prlFilePath += ".prl";
- try {
- var prlFile = new TextFile(prlFilePath, TextFile.ReadOnly);
- while (!prlFile.atEof()) {
- var line = prlFile.readLine().trim();
- var equalsOffset = line.indexOf('=');
- if (equalsOffset === -1)
- continue;
- if (line.startsWith("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET")) {
- var isMingw = qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win")
- && qtProps.mkspecName.contains("g++");
- var isQtVersionBefore56 = qtProps.qtMajorVersion < 5
- || (qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 5 && qtProps.qtMinorVersion < 6);
- // QMAKE_PRL_TARGET has a "lib" prefix, except for mingw.
- // Of course, the exception has an exception too: For static libs, mingw *does*
- // have the "lib" prefix.
- var libFileName = "";
- if (isQtVersionBefore56 && qtProps.qtMajorVersion === 5 && isMingw
- && !modInfo.isStaticLibrary) {
- libFileName += "lib";
- }
- libFileName += line.slice(equalsOffset + 1).trim();
- if (isNonStaticQt4OnWindows)
- libFileName += 4; // This is *not* part of QMAKE_PRL_TARGET...
- if (isQtVersionBefore56) {
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.contains("msvc")) {
- libFileName += ".lib";
- } else if (isMingw) {
- libFileName += ".a";
- if (!File.exists(FileInfo.joinPaths(libDir, libFileName)))
- libFileName = libFileName.slice(0, -2) + ".dll";
- }
- }
- libFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(libDir, libFileName);
- continue;
- }
- if (line.startsWith("QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG")) {
- modInfo.config = splitNonEmpty(line.slice(equalsOffset + 1).trim(), ' ');
- continue;
- }
- if (!line.startsWith("QMAKE_PRL_LIBS ="))
- continue;
- var parts = extractPaths(line.slice(equalsOffset + 1).trim(), prlFilePath);
- for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
- var part = parts[i];
- part = part.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]", qtProps.libraryPath);
- part = part.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]", qtProps.pluginPath);
- part = part.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]", qtProps.installPrefixPath);
- if (part.startsWith("-l")) {
- libs.push(part.slice(2));
- } else if (part.startsWith("-L")) {
- modInfo.libraryPaths.push(part.slice(2));
- } else if (part.startsWith("-F")) {
- frameworkPaths.push(part.slice(2));
- } else if (part === "-framework") {
- if (++i < parts.length)
- frameworks.push(parts[i]);
- } else if (part === "-pthread") {
- // prl files for android have QMAKE_PRL_LIBS = -llog -pthread but the pthread
- // functionality is included in libc.
- if (androidAbi.length === 0)
- libs.push("pthread");
- } else if (part.startsWith('-')) { // Some other option
- console.debug("QMAKE_PRL_LIBS contains non-library option '" + part
- + "' in file '" + prlFilePath + "'");
- flags.push(part);
- } else if (part.startsWith("/LIBPATH:")) {
- libraryPaths.push(part.slice(9).replace(/\\/g, '/'));
- } else { // Assume it's a file path/name.
- libs.push(part.replace(/\\/g, '/'));
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // qt_ext_lib_extX.pri (usually) don't have a corresponding prl file.
- // So the pri file variable QMAKE_LIBS_LIBX points to the library
- if (modInfo.isExternal) {
- libFilePath = debugBuild ? modInfo.staticLibrariesDebug[0] :
- modInfo.staticLibrariesRelease[0];
- }
- if (!libFilePath || !File.exists(libFilePath))
- libFilePath = guessLibraryFilePath(prlFilePath, libDir, qtProps);
- if (nonExistingPrlFiles.contains(prlFilePath))
- return;
- nonExistingPrlFiles.push(prlFilePath);
- if (modInfo.mustExist) {
- console.warn("Could not open prl file '" + toNative(prlFilePath) + "' for module '"
- + modInfo.name
- + "' (" + e + "), and failed to deduce the library file path. "
- + " This module will likely not be usable by qbs.");
- }
- }
- finally {
- if (prlFile)
- prlFile.close();
- }
- if (debugBuild)
- modInfo.libFilePathDebug = libFilePath;
- else
- modInfo.libFilePathRelease = libFilePath;
-function setupLibraries(qtModuleInfo, qtProps, nonExistingPrlFiles, androidAbi) {
- doSetupLibraries(qtModuleInfo, qtProps, true, nonExistingPrlFiles, androidAbi);
- doSetupLibraries(qtModuleInfo, qtProps, false, nonExistingPrlFiles, androidAbi);
-function allQt4Modules(qtProps) {
- // as per http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/modules.html + private stuff.
- var modules = [];
- var core = makeQtModuleInfo("QtCore", "core");
- core.compilerDefines.push("QT_CORE_LIB");
- if (qtProps.qtNameSpace)
- core.compilerDefines.push("QT_NAMESPACE=" + qtProps.qtNameSpace);
- modules.push(core,
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtCore", "core-private", ["core"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtGui", "gui"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtGui", "gui-private", ["gui"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtMultimedia", "multimedia", ["gui", "network"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtMultimedia", "multimedia-private", ["multimedia"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtNetwork", "network"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtNetwork", "network-private", ["network"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtOpenGL", "opengl", ["gui"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtOpenGL", "opengl-private", ["opengl"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtOpenVG", "openvg", ["gui"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtScript", "script"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtScript", "script-private", ["script"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtScriptTools", "scripttools", ["script", "gui"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtScriptTools", "scripttools-private", ["scripttools"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtSql", "sql"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtSql", "sql-private", ["sql"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtSvg", "svg", ["gui"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtSvg", "svg-private", ["svg"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtWebKit", "webkit", ["gui", "network"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtWebKit", "webkit-private", ["webkit"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtXml", "xml"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtXml", "xml-private", ["xml"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtXmlPatterns", "xmlpatterns", ["network"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtXmlPatterns", "xmlpatterns-private", ["xmlpatterns"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtDeclarative", "declarative", ["gui", "script"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtDeclarative", "declarative-private", ["declarative"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtDesigner", "designer", ["gui", "xml"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtDesigner", "designer-private", ["designer"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtUiTools", "uitools"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtUiTools", "uitools-private", ["uitools"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtHelp", "help", ["network", "sql"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtHelp", "help-private", ["help"]),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtTest", "testlib"),
- makeQtModuleInfo("QtTest", "testlib-private", ["testlib"]));
- if (qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win")) {
- var axcontainer = makeQtModuleInfo("QAxContainer", "axcontainer");
- axcontainer.modulePrefix = "Q";
- axcontainer.isStaticLibrary = true;
- axcontainer.includePaths.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.includePath, "ActiveQt"));
- modules.push(axcontainer);
- var axserver = makeQtModuleInfo("QAxServer", "axserver");
- axserver.modulePrefix = "Q";
- axserver.isStaticLibrary = true;
- axserver.compilerDefines.push("QAXSERVER");
- axserver.includePaths.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.includePath, "ActiveQt"));
- modules.push(axserver);
- } else {
- modules.push(makeQtModuleInfo("QtDBus", "dbus"));
- modules.push(makeQtModuleInfo("QtDBus", "dbus-private", ["dbus"]));
- }
- var designerComponentsPrivate = makeQtModuleInfo(
- "QtDesignerComponents", "designercomponents-private",
- ["gui-private", "designer-private"]);
- designerComponentsPrivate.hasLibrary = true;
- modules.push(designerComponentsPrivate);
- var phonon = makeQtModuleInfo("Phonon", "phonon");
- phonon.includePaths = qt4ModuleIncludePaths(phonon, qtProps);
- modules.push(phonon);
- // Set up include paths that haven't been set up before this point.
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var module = modules[i];
- if (module.includePaths.length > 0)
- continue;
- module.includePaths = qt4ModuleIncludePaths(module, qtProps);
- }
- // Set up compiler defines haven't been set up before this point.
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- module = modules[i];
- if (module.compilerDefines.length > 0)
- continue;
- module.compilerDefines.push("QT_" + module.qbsName.toUpperCase() + "_LIB");
- }
- // These are for the convenience of project file authors. It allows them
- // to add a dependency to e.g. "Qt.widgets" without a version check.
- var virtualModule = makeQtModuleInfo(undefined, "widgets", ["core", "gui"]);
- virtualModule.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(virtualModule);
- virtualModule = makeQtModuleInfo(undefined, "quick", ["declarative"]);
- virtualModule.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(virtualModule);
- virtualModule = makeQtModuleInfo(undefined, "concurrent");
- virtualModule.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(virtualModule);
- virtualModule = makeQtModuleInfo(undefined, "printsupport", ["core", "gui"]);
- virtualModule.hasLibrary = false;
- modules.push(virtualModule);
- addTestModule(modules);
- addDesignerComponentsModule(modules);
- var modulesThatCanBeDisabled = [
- "xmlpatterns", "multimedia", "phonon", "svg", "webkit", "script", "scripttools",
- "declarative", "gui", "dbus", "opengl", "openvg"];
- var nonExistingPrlFiles = [];
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- module = modules[i];
- var name = module.qbsName;
- var privateIndex = name.indexOf("-private");
- if (privateIndex !== -1)
- name = name.slice(0, privateIndex);
- if (modulesThatCanBeDisabled.contains(name))
- module.mustExist = false;
- if (qtProps.staticBuild)
- module.isStaticLibrary = true;
- setupLibraries(module, qtProps, nonExistingPrlFiles, "");
- }
- replaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(modules, qtProps);
- return modules;
-function getFileContentsRecursively(filePath) {
- var file = new TextFile(filePath, TextFile.ReadOnly);
- var lines = splitNonEmpty(file.readAll(), '\n');
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
- var includeString = "include(";
- var line = lines[i].trim();
- if (!line.startsWith(includeString))
- continue;
- var offset = includeString.length;
- var closingParenPos = line.indexOf(')', offset);
- if (closingParenPos === -1) {
- console.warn("Invalid include statement in '" + toNative(filePath) + "'");
- continue;
- }
- var includedFilePath = line.slice(offset, closingParenPos);
- if (!FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(includedFilePath))
- includedFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(FileInfo.path(filePath), includedFilePath);
- var includedContents = getFileContentsRecursively(includedFilePath);
- var j = i;
- for (var k = 0; k < includedContents.length; ++k)
- lines.splice(++j, 0, includedContents[k]);
- lines.splice(i--, 1);
- }
- file.close();
- return lines;
-function extractPaths(rhs, filePath) {
- var paths = [];
- var startIndex = 0;
- for (;;) {
- while (startIndex < rhs.length && rhs.charAt(startIndex) === ' ')
- ++startIndex;
- if (startIndex >= rhs.length)
- break;
- var endIndex;
- if (rhs.charAt(startIndex) === '"') {
- ++startIndex;
- endIndex = rhs.indexOf('"', startIndex);
- if (endIndex === -1) {
- console.warn("Unmatched quote in file '" + toNative(filePath) + "'");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- endIndex = rhs.indexOf(' ', startIndex + 1);
- if (endIndex === -1)
- endIndex = rhs.length;
- }
- paths.push(FileInfo.cleanPath(rhs.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
- .replace("$$PWD", FileInfo.path(filePath))));
- startIndex = endIndex + 1;
- }
- return paths;
-function removeDuplicatedDependencyLibs(modules) {
- var revDeps = {};
- var currentPath = [];
- var getLibraries;
- var getLibFilePath;
- function setupReverseDependencies(modules) {
- var moduleByName = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i)
- moduleByName[modules[i].qbsName] = modules[i];
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var module = modules[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < module.dependencies.length; ++j) {
- var depmod = moduleByName[module.dependencies[j]];
- if (!depmod)
- continue;
- if (!revDeps[depmod.qbsName])
- revDeps[depmod.qbsName] = [];
- revDeps[depmod.qbsName].push(module);
- }
- }
- }
- function roots(modules) {
- var result = [];
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var module = modules[i]
- if (module.dependencies.length === 0)
- result.push(module);
- }
- return result;
- }
- function traverse(module, libs) {
- if (currentPath.contains(module))
- return;
- currentPath.push(module);
- var moduleLibraryLists = getLibraries(module);
- for (var i = 0; i < moduleLibraryLists.length; ++i) {
- var modLibList = moduleLibraryLists[i];
- for (j = modLibList.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- if (libs.contains(modLibList[j]))
- modLibList.splice(j, 1);
- }
- }
- var libFilePath = getLibFilePath(module);
- if (libFilePath)
- libs.push(libFilePath);
- for (i = 0; i < moduleLibraryLists.length; ++i)
- libs = libs.concat(moduleLibraryLists[i]);
- libs.sort();
- var deps = revDeps[module.qbsName];
- for (i = 0; i < (deps || []).length; ++i)
- traverse(deps[i], libs);
- currentPath.pop();
- }
- setupReverseDependencies(modules);
- // Traverse the debug variants of modules.
- getLibraries = function(module) {
- return [module.dynamicLibrariesDebug, module.staticLibrariesDebug];
- };
- getLibFilePath = function(module) { return module.libFilePathDebug; };
- var rootModules = roots(modules);
- for (var i = 0; i < rootModules.length; ++i)
- traverse(rootModules[i], []);
- // Traverse the release variants of modules.
- getLibraries = function(module) {
- return [module.dynamicLibrariesRelease, module.staticLibrariesRelease];
- };
- getLibFilePath = function(module) { return module.libFilePathRelease; };
- for (i = 0; i < rootModules.length; ++i)
- traverse(rootModules[i], []);
-function allQt5Modules(qtProps, androidAbi) {
- var nonExistingPrlFiles = [];
- var modules = [];
- var modulesDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.mkspecBasePath, "modules");
- var modulePriFiles = File.directoryEntries(modulesDir, File.Files);
- for (var i = 0; i < modulePriFiles.length; ++i) {
- var priFileName = modulePriFiles[i];
- var priFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(modulesDir, priFileName);
- var externalFileNamePrefix = "qt_ext_";
- var moduleFileNamePrefix = "qt_lib_";
- var pluginFileNamePrefix = "qt_plugin_";
- var moduleFileNameSuffix = ".pri";
- var fileHasExternalPrefix = priFileName.startsWith(externalFileNamePrefix);
- var fileHasModulePrefix = priFileName.startsWith(moduleFileNamePrefix);
- var fileHasPluginPrefix = priFileName.startsWith(pluginFileNamePrefix);
- if (!fileHasPluginPrefix && !fileHasModulePrefix && !fileHasExternalPrefix
- || !priFileName.endsWith(moduleFileNameSuffix)) {
- continue;
- }
- var moduleInfo = makeQtModuleInfo();
- moduleInfo.isPlugin = fileHasPluginPrefix;
- moduleInfo.isExternal = !moduleInfo.isPlugin && !fileHasModulePrefix;
- var fileNamePrefix = moduleInfo.isPlugin ? pluginFileNamePrefix : moduleInfo.isExternal
- ? externalFileNamePrefix : moduleFileNamePrefix;
- moduleInfo.qbsName = priFileName.slice(fileNamePrefix.length, -moduleFileNameSuffix.length);
- if (moduleInfo.isPlugin) {
- moduleInfo.name = moduleInfo.qbsName;
- moduleInfo.isStaticLibrary = true;
- }
- var moduleKeyPrefix = (moduleInfo.isPlugin ? "QT_PLUGIN" : "QT")
- + '.' + moduleInfo.qbsName + '.';
- moduleInfo.qbsName = moduleInfo.qbsName.replace("_private", "-private");
- var hasV2 = false;
- var hasModuleEntry = false;
- var lines = getFileContentsRecursively(priFilePath);
- if (moduleInfo.isExternal) {
- moduleInfo.name = "qt" + moduleInfo.qbsName;
- moduleInfo.isStaticLibrary = true;
- for (var k = 0; k < lines.length; ++k) {
- var extLine = lines[k].trim();
- var extFirstEqualsOffset = extLine.indexOf('=');
- if (extFirstEqualsOffset === -1)
- continue;
- var extKey = extLine.slice(0, extFirstEqualsOffset).trim();
- var extValue = extLine.slice(extFirstEqualsOffset + 1).trim();
- if (!extKey.startsWith("QMAKE_") || !extValue)
- continue;
- var elements = extKey.split('_');
- if (elements.length >= 3) {
- if (elements[1] === "LIBS") {
- extValue = extValue.replace("/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/lib",
- qtProps.libraryPath);
- extValue = extValue.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]", qtProps.libraryPath);
- extValue = extValue.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS/get]", qtProps.libraryPath);
- if (elements.length === 4 ) {
- if (elements[3] === androidAbi) {
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesRelease.push(extValue);
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesDebug.push(extValue);
- }
- } else if (elements.length === 5 ) {
- // That's for "x86_64"
- var abi = elements[3] + '_' + elements[4];
- if (abi === androidAbi) {
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesRelease.push(extValue);
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesDebug.push(extValue);
- }
- } else {
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesRelease.push(extValue);
- moduleInfo.staticLibrariesDebug.push(extValue);
- }
- } else if (elements[1] === "INCDIR") {
- moduleInfo.includePaths.push(extValue.replace("$$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]",
- qtProps.includePath));
- }
- }
- }
- moduleInfo.compilerDefines.push("QT_" + moduleInfo.qbsName.toUpperCase() + "_LIB");
- moduleInfo.mustExist = false;
- } else {
- for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) {
- var line = lines[j].trim();
- var firstEqualsOffset = line.indexOf('=');
- if (firstEqualsOffset === -1)
- continue;
- var key = line.slice(0, firstEqualsOffset).trim();
- var value = line.slice(firstEqualsOffset + 1).trim();
- if (!key.startsWith(moduleKeyPrefix) || !value)
- continue;
- if (key.endsWith(".name")) {
- moduleInfo.name = value;
- } else if (key.endsWith(".module")) {
- hasModuleEntry = true;
- } else if (key.endsWith(".depends")) {
- moduleInfo.dependencies = splitNonEmpty(value, ' ');
- for (var k = 0; k < moduleInfo.dependencies.length; ++k) {
- moduleInfo.dependencies[k]
- = moduleInfo.dependencies[k].replace("_private", "-private");
- }
- } else if (key.endsWith(".module_config")) {
- var elems = splitNonEmpty(value, ' ');
- for (k = 0; k < elems.length; ++k) {
- var elem = elems[k];
- if (elem === "no_link")
- moduleInfo.hasLibrary = false;
- else if (elem === "staticlib")
- moduleInfo.isStaticLibrary = true;
- else if (elem === "internal_module")
- moduleInfo.isPrivate = true;
- else if (elem === "v2")
- hasV2 = true;
- }
- } else if (key.endsWith(".includes")) {
- moduleInfo.includePaths = extractPaths(value, priFilePath);
- for (k = 0; k < moduleInfo.includePaths.length; ++k) {
- moduleInfo.includePaths[k] = moduleInfo.includePaths[k]
- .replace("$$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE", qtProps.includePath)
- .replace("$$QT_MODULE_HOST_LIB_BASE", qtProps.hostLibraryPath)
- .replace("$$QT_MODULE_LIB_BASE", qtProps.libraryPath);
- }
- } else if (key.endsWith(".libs")) {
- var libDirs = extractPaths(value, priFilePath);
- if (libDirs.length === 1) {
- moduleInfo.libDir = libDirs[0]
- .replace("$$QT_MODULE_HOST_LIB_BASE", qtProps.hostLibraryPath)
- .replace("$$QT_MODULE_LIB_BASE", qtProps.libraryPath);
- } else {
- moduleInfo.libDir = qtProps.libraryPath;
- }
- } else if (key.endsWith(".DEFINES")) {
- moduleInfo.compilerDefines = splitNonEmpty(value, ' ');
- } else if (key.endsWith(".VERSION")) {
- moduleInfo.version = value;
- } else if (key.endsWith(".plugin_types")) {
- moduleInfo.supportedPluginTypes = splitNonEmpty(value, ' ');
- } else if (key.endsWith(".TYPE")) {
- moduleInfo.pluginData.type = value;
- } else if (key.endsWith(".EXTENDS")) {
- moduleInfo.pluginData["extends"] = splitNonEmpty(value, ' ');
- for (k = 0; k < moduleInfo.pluginData["extends"].length; ++k) {
- if (moduleInfo.pluginData["extends"][k] === "-") {
- moduleInfo.pluginData["extends"].splice(k, 1);
- moduleInfo.pluginData.autoLoad = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (key.endsWith(".CLASS_NAME")) {
- moduleInfo.pluginData.className = value;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasV2 && !hasModuleEntry)
- moduleInfo.hasLibrary = false;
- // Fix include paths for Apple frameworks.
- // The qt_lib_XXX.pri files contain wrong values for versions < 5.6.
- if (!hasV2 && isFramework(moduleInfo, qtProps)) {
- moduleInfo.includePaths = [];
- var baseIncDir = frameworkHeadersPath(moduleInfo, qtProps);
- if (moduleInfo.isPrivate) {
- baseIncDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(baseIncDir, moduleInfo.version);
- moduleInfo.includePaths.push(baseIncDir,
- FileInfo.joinPaths(baseIncDir, moduleInfo.name));
- } else {
- moduleInfo.includePaths.push(baseIncDir);
- }
- }
- setupLibraries(moduleInfo, qtProps, nonExistingPrlFiles, androidAbi);
- modules.push(moduleInfo);
- if (moduleInfo.qbsName === "testlib")
- addTestModule(modules);
- if (moduleInfo.qbsName === "designercomponents-private")
- addDesignerComponentsModule(modules);
- }
- replaceQtLibNamesWithFilePath(modules, qtProps);
- removeDuplicatedDependencyLibs(modules);
- return modules;
function extractQbsArchs(module, qtProps) {
if (qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("macx-")) {
var archs = [];
@@ -1335,7 +105,7 @@ function qbsTargetPlatformFromQtMkspec(qtProps) {
return "solaris";
if (mkspec.startsWith("vxworks-"))
return "vxworks";
- if (targetsDesktopWindows(qtProps) || mkspec.startsWith("winrt-"))
+ if (ProviderUtils.isDesktopWindowsQt(qtProps) || mkspec.startsWith("winrt-"))
return "windows";
@@ -1391,7 +161,7 @@ function defaultQpaPlugin(module, qtProps) {
function libraryFileTag(module, qtProps) {
if (module.isStaticLibrary)
return "staticlibrary";
- return isMsvcQt(qtProps) || qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win32-g++")
+ return ProviderUtils.isMsvcQt(qtProps) || qtProps.mkspecName.startsWith("win32-g++")
? "dynamiclibrary_import" : "dynamiclibrary";
@@ -1416,7 +186,20 @@ function findVariable(content, start) {
function minVersionJsString(minVersion) {
- return !minVersion ? "original" : ModUtils.toJSLiteral(minVersion);
+ return !minVersion ? "" : ModUtils.toJSLiteral(minVersion);
+function abiToArchitecture(abi) {
+ switch (abi) {
+ case "armeabi-v7a":
+ return "armv7a";
+ case "arm64-v8a":
+ return "arm64";
+ case "x86":
+ case "x86_64":
+ default:
+ return abi;
+ }
function replaceSpecialValues(content, module, qtProps, abi) {
@@ -1447,7 +230,7 @@ function replaceSpecialValues(content, module, qtProps, abi) {
availableBuildVariants: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(qtProps.buildVariant),
staticBuild: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(qtProps.staticBuild),
frameworkBuild: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(qtProps.frameworkBuild),
- name: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(moduleNameWithoutPrefix(module)),
+ name: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(ProviderUtils.qtModuleNameWithoutPrefix(module)),
has_library: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.hasLibrary),
dependencies: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.dependencies),
includes: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.includePaths),
@@ -1464,18 +247,20 @@ function replaceSpecialValues(content, module, qtProps, abi) {
frameworksRelease: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.frameworksRelease),
libFilePathDebug: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.libFilePathDebug),
libFilePathRelease: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.libFilePathRelease),
- libNameForLinkerDebug: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(libNameForLinker(module, qtProps, true)),
+ libNameForLinkerDebug:
+ ModUtils.toJSLiteral(ProviderUtils.qtLibNameForLinker(module, qtProps, true)),
pluginTypes: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.supportedPluginTypes),
moduleConfig: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(module.config),
- libNameForLinkerRelease: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(libNameForLinker(module, qtProps, false)),
+ libNameForLinkerRelease:
+ ModUtils.toJSLiteral(ProviderUtils.qtLibNameForLinker(module, qtProps, false)),
entryPointLibsDebug: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(qtProps.entryPointLibsDebug),
entryPointLibsRelease: ModUtils.toJSLiteral(qtProps.entryPointLibsRelease),
- minWinVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.windowsVersion),
- minMacVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.macosVersion),
- minIosVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.iosVersion),
- minTvosVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.tvosVersion),
- minWatchosVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.watchosVersion),
- minAndroidVersion: minVersionJsString(qtProps.androidVersion),
+ minWinVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.windowsVersion),
+ minMacVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.macosVersion),
+ minIosVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.iosVersion),
+ minTvosVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.tvosVersion),
+ minWatchosVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.watchosVersion),
+ minAndroidVersion_optional: minVersionJsString(qtProps.androidVersion),
var additionalContent = "";
@@ -1527,16 +312,15 @@ function replaceSpecialValues(content, module, qtProps, abi) {
+ indent + indent + "fileTags: [\"qt.core.metatypes\"]\n"
+ indent + "}";
- if (module.hasLibrary && !isFramework(module, qtProps)) {
+ if (module.hasLibrary && !ProviderUtils.qtIsFramework(module, qtProps)) {
if (additionalContent)
additionalContent += "\n" + indent;
additionalContent += "Group {\n";
if (module.isPlugin) {
additionalContent += indent + indent
- + "condition: Qt[\"" + module.qbsName + "\"].enableLinking\n";
+ + "condition: enableLinking\n";
- additionalContent += indent + indent + "files: [Qt[\"" + module.qbsName + "\"]"
- + ".libFilePath]\n"
+ additionalContent += indent + indent + "files: libFilePath\n"
+ indent + indent + "filesAreTargets: true\n"
+ indent + indent + "fileTags: [\"" + libraryFileTag(module, qtProps)
+ "\"]\n"
@@ -1546,9 +330,21 @@ function replaceSpecialValues(content, module, qtProps, abi) {
for (var pos = findVariable(content, 0); pos[0] !== -1;
pos = findVariable(content, pos[0])) {
- var replacement = dict[content.slice(pos[0] + 1, pos[1])] || "";
- content = content.slice(0, pos[0]) + replacement + content.slice(pos[1] + 1);
- pos[0] += replacement.length;
+ var varName = content.slice(pos[0] + 1, pos[1]);
+ var replacement = dict[varName] || "";
+ if (!replacement && varName.endsWith("_optional")) {
+ var prevNewline = content.lastIndexOf('\n', pos[0]);
+ if (prevNewline === -1)
+ prevNewline = 0;
+ var nextNewline = content.indexOf('\n', pos[0]);
+ if (nextNewline === -1)
+ prevNewline = content.length;
+ content = content.slice(0, prevNewline) + content.slice(nextNewline);
+ pos[0] = prevNewline;
+ } else {
+ content = content.slice(0, pos[0]) + replacement + content.slice(pos[1] + 1);
+ pos[0] += replacement.length;
+ }
return content;
@@ -1557,7 +353,7 @@ function copyTemplateFile(fileName, targetDirectory, qtProps, abi, location, all
pluginMap, nonEssentialPlugins)
if (!File.makePath(targetDirectory)) {
- throw "Cannot create directory '" + toNative(targetDirectory) + "'.";
+ throw "Cannot create directory '" + FileInfo.toNativeSeparators(targetDirectory) + "'.";
var sourceFile = new TextFile(FileInfo.joinPaths(location, "templates", fileName),
@@ -1579,67 +375,64 @@ function copyTemplateFile(fileName, targetDirectory, qtProps, abi, location, all
-function setupOneQt(qmakeFilePath, outputBaseDir, uniquify, location, qbs) {
- if (!File.exists(qmakeFilePath))
- throw "The specified qmake file path '" + toNative(qmakeFilePath) + "' does not exist.";
- var qtProps = getQtProperties(qmakeFilePath, qbs);
- var androidAbis = [];
- if (qtProps.androidAbis !== undefined)
- // Multiple androidAbis detected: Qt >= 5.14
- androidAbis = qtProps.androidAbis;
- else
- // Single abi detected: Qt < 5.14
- androidAbis.push('');
- if (androidAbis.length > 1)
- console.info("Qt with multiple abi detected: '" + androidAbis + "'");
+function setupOneQt(moduleName, qtInfo, outputBaseDir, uniquify, location) {
+ var qtProps = qtInfo.qtProps;
var relativeSearchPaths = [];
- for (a = 0; a < androidAbis.length; ++a) {
- if (androidAbis.length > 1)
- console.info("Configuring abi '" + androidAbis[a] + "'...");
- var modules = qtProps.qtMajorVersion < 5 ? allQt4Modules(qtProps) :
- allQt5Modules(qtProps,androidAbis[a]);
- var pluginsByType = {};
- var nonEssentialPlugins = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var m = modules[i];
- if (m.isPlugin) {
- if (!pluginsByType[m.pluginData.type])
- pluginsByType[m.pluginData.type] = [];
- pluginsByType[m.pluginData.type].push(m.name);
- if (!m.pluginData.autoLoad)
- nonEssentialPlugins.push(m.name);
- }
- }
- var relativeSearchPath = uniquify ? Utilities.getHash(qmakeFilePath) : "";
- relativeSearchPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(relativeSearchPath, androidAbis[a]);
+ for (a = 0; a < qtInfo.abiInfos.length; ++a) {
+ var abiInfo = qtInfo.abiInfos[a];
+ var androidAbi = abiInfo.androidAbi;
+ if (qtInfo.abiInfos.length > 1)
+ console.info("Configuring abi '" + androidAbi + "'...");
+ var relativeSearchPath = uniquify ? Utilities.getHash(qtInfo.qmakeFilePath) : "";
+ relativeSearchPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(relativeSearchPath, androidAbi);
var qbsQtModuleBaseDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(outputBaseDir, relativeSearchPath,
"modules", "Qt");
- if (File.exists(qbsQtModuleBaseDir))
- File.remove(qbsQtModuleBaseDir);
+ // TODO:
+ // if (File.exists(qbsQtModuleBaseDir))
+ // File.remove(qbsQtModuleBaseDir);
var allFiles = [];
- copyTemplateFile("QtModule.qbs", qbsQtModuleBaseDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
- allFiles);
- copyTemplateFile("QtPlugin.qbs", qbsQtModuleBaseDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
- allFiles);
- copyTemplateFile("plugin_support.qbs",
- FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, "plugin_support"), qtProps,
- androidAbis[a], location, allFiles, undefined, pluginsByType,
- nonEssentialPlugins);
+ if (moduleName === "plugin_support") {
+ copyTemplateFile("plugin_support.qbs",
+ FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, "plugin_support"), qtProps,
+ androidAbi, location, allFiles, undefined, abiInfo.pluginsByType,
+ abiInfo.nonEssentialPlugins);
+ relativeSearchPaths.push(relativeSearchPath);
+ return relativeSearchPaths;
+ } else if (moduleName === "android_support") {
+ // Note that it's not strictly necessary to copy this one, as it has no variable content.
+ // But we do it anyway for consistency.
+ copyTemplateFile("android_support.qbs",
+ FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, "android_support"),
+ qtProps, androidAbi, location, allFiles);
+ relativeSearchPaths.push(relativeSearchPath);
+ return relativeSearchPaths;
+ } else if (moduleName === "qmlcache") {
+ var qmlcacheStr = "qmlcache";
+ if (File.exists(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.qmlLibExecPath,
+ "qmlcachegen" + FileInfo.executableSuffix()))) {
+ copyTemplateFile(qmlcacheStr + ".qbs",
+ FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, qmlcacheStr), qtProps,
+ androidAbi, location, allFiles);
+ }
+ relativeSearchPaths.push(relativeSearchPath);
+ return relativeSearchPaths;
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < modules.length; ++i) {
- var module = modules[i];
+ if (abiInfo.modules[moduleName] !== undefined) {
+ var module = abiInfo.modules[moduleName];
var qbsQtModuleDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, module.qbsName);
var moduleTemplateFileName;
if (module.qbsName === "core") {
moduleTemplateFileName = "core.qbs";
- copyTemplateFile("moc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("moc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
- copyTemplateFile("qdoc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("qdoc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
- copyTemplateFile("rcc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("rcc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
} else if (module.qbsName === "gui") {
moduleTemplateFileName = "gui.qbs";
@@ -1647,62 +440,51 @@ function setupOneQt(qmakeFilePath, outputBaseDir, uniquify, location, qbs) {
moduleTemplateFileName = "scxml.qbs";
} else if (module.qbsName === "dbus") {
moduleTemplateFileName = "dbus.qbs";
- copyTemplateFile("dbus.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("dbus.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
} else if (module.qbsName === "qml") {
moduleTemplateFileName = "qml.qbs";
- copyTemplateFile("qml.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("qml.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
- var qmlcacheStr = "qmlcache";
- if (File.exists(FileInfo.joinPaths(qtProps.qmlLibExecPath,
- "qmlcachegen" + exeSuffix(qbs)))) {
- copyTemplateFile(qmlcacheStr + ".qbs",
- FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, qmlcacheStr), qtProps,
- androidAbis[a], location, allFiles);
- }
} else if (module.qbsName === "quick") {
moduleTemplateFileName = "quick.qbs";
- copyTemplateFile("quick.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("quick.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
- copyTemplateFile("rcc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a], location,
+ copyTemplateFile("rcc.js", qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi, location,
} else if (module.isPlugin) {
moduleTemplateFileName = "plugin.qbs";
} else {
moduleTemplateFileName = "module.qbs";
- copyTemplateFile(moduleTemplateFileName, qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbis[a],
+ copyTemplateFile(moduleTemplateFileName, qbsQtModuleDir, qtProps, androidAbi,
location, allFiles, module);
+ relativeSearchPaths.push(relativeSearchPath);
- // Note that it's not strictly necessary to copy this one, as it has no variable content.
- // But we do it anyway for consistency.
- copyTemplateFile("android_support.qbs",
- FileInfo.joinPaths(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, "android_support"),
- qtProps, androidAbis[a], location, allFiles);
- relativeSearchPaths.push(relativeSearchPath)
return relativeSearchPaths;
-function doSetup(qmakeFilePaths, outputBaseDir, location, qbs) {
- qmakeFilePaths = getQmakeFilePaths(qmakeFilePaths, qbs);
- if (!qmakeFilePaths || qmakeFilePaths.length === 0)
+function doSetup(moduleName, qtInfos, outputBaseDir, location) {
+ if (!qtInfos || qtInfos.length === 0)
return [];
- var uniquifySearchPath = qmakeFilePaths.length > 1;
+ var uniquifySearchPath = qtInfos.length > 1;
var allSearchPaths = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < qmakeFilePaths.length; ++i) {
+ moduleName = moduleName.substring(3);
+ for (var i = 0; i < qtInfos.length; ++i) {
try {
- console.info("Setting up Qt at '" + toNative(qmakeFilePaths[i]) + "'...");
- var searchPaths = setupOneQt(qmakeFilePaths[i], outputBaseDir, uniquifySearchPath,
- location, qbs);
+ console.info("Setting up Qt module '" + moduleName + "' for Qt located at '"
+ + FileInfo.toNativeSeparators(qtInfos[i].qmakeFilePath) + "'.");
+ var searchPaths = setupOneQt(moduleName, qtInfos[i], outputBaseDir, uniquifySearchPath,
+ location);
if (searchPaths.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < searchPaths.length; ++j )
- console.info("Qt was set up successfully.");
} catch (e) {
- console.warn("Error setting up Qt for '" + toNative(qmakeFilePaths[i]) + "': " + e);
+ console.warn("Error setting up Qt module '" + moduleName + "' for '"
+ + FileInfo.toNativeSeparators(qtInfos[i].qmakeFilePath) + "': " + e);
+ throw e;
return allSearchPaths;