path: root/share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs b/share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs
index 2af3c42e4..885a6da7a 100644
--- a/share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs
+++ b/share/qbs/module-providers/qbspkgconfig.qbs
@@ -40,49 +40,54 @@
import qbs.Environment
import qbs.File
import qbs.FileInfo
+import qbs.Host
import qbs.ModUtils
import qbs.PkgConfig
+import qbs.ProviderUtils
+import qbs.Probes
import qbs.Process
import qbs.TextFile
import "Qt/setup-qt.js" as SetupQt
ModuleProvider {
- property string executableFilePath
+ property stringList executableNames: ["pkgconf", "pkg-config"]
+ property string executableFilePath: pkgConfigProbe.filePath
property stringList extraPaths
property stringList libDirs
property bool staticMode: false
- property path sysroot: {
- if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
- return "";
- return qbs.sysroot;
- }
- property bool mergeDependencies: true
+ property bool definePrefix: Host.os().includes("windows")
- relativeSearchPaths: {
+ // We take the sysroot default from qbs.sysroot, except for Xcode toolchains, where
+ // the sysroot points into the Xcode installation and does not contain .pc files.
+ property path sysroot: qbs.toolchain && qbs.toolchain.includes("xcode")
+ ? undefined : qbs.sysroot
- function exeSuffix(qbs) { return FileInfo.executableSuffix(); }
+ Probes.BinaryProbe {
+ id: pkgConfigProbe
+ condition: !executableFilePath
+ names: executableNames
+ }
- // we need Probes in Providers...
- function getPkgConfigExecutable(qbs) {
- function splitNonEmpty(s, c) { return s.split(c).filter(function(e) { return e; }) }
+ Probes.QbsPkgConfigProbe {
+ id: theProbe
+ _executableFilePath: executableFilePath
+ _extraPaths: extraPaths
+ _sysroot: sysroot
+ _libDirs: libDirs
+ _staticMode: staticMode
+ _definePrefix: definePrefix
+ }
- var pathValue = Environment.getEnv("PATH");
- if (!pathValue)
- return undefined;
- var dirs = splitNonEmpty(pathValue, FileInfo.pathListSeparator());
- var suffix = exeSuffix(qbs);
- var filePaths = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
- var candidate = FileInfo.joinPaths(dirs[i], "pkg-config" + suffix);
- var canonicalCandidate = FileInfo.canonicalPath(candidate);
- if (!canonicalCandidate || !File.exists(canonicalCandidate))
- continue;
- return canonicalCandidate;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
+ Probes.QmakeProbe {
+ id: qmakeProbe
+ condition: moduleName.startsWith("Qt") && theProbe.qmakePaths
+ qmakePaths: theProbe.qmakePaths
+ }
+ isEager: false
+ relativeSearchPaths: {
function getModuleInfo(pkg, staticMode) {
var result = {};
@@ -124,14 +129,12 @@ ModuleProvider {
return result;
- function getModuleName(packageName) { return packageName.replace('.', '-'); }
function getModuleDependencies(pkg, staticMode) {
var mapper = function(p) {
var result = {};
for (var key in p)
result[key] = p[key];
- result.name = getModuleName(result.name);
+ result.name = ProviderUtils.pkgConfigToModuleName(result.name);
return result;
var result = pkg.requires.map(mapper);
@@ -140,132 +143,83 @@ ModuleProvider {
return result;
- console.debug("Running pkgconfig provider.")
+ console.debug("Running pkgconfig provider for " + moduleName + ".");
var outputDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(outputBaseDir, "modules");
- var options = {};
- options.libDirs = libDirs;
- options.sysroot = sysroot;
- options.staticMode = staticMode;
- options.mergeDependencies = mergeDependencies;
- options.extraPaths = extraPaths;
- if (options.sysroot && !options.libDirs) {
- options.libDirs = [
- sysroot + "/usr/lib/pkgconfig",
- sysroot + "/usr/share/pkgconfig"
- ];
- }
- if (!options.libDirs) {
- // if we have pkg-config installed, let's ask it for its search paths (since
- // built-in search paths can differ between platforms)
- var executable = executableFilePath ? executableFilePath : getPkgConfigExecutable(qbs);
- if (executable) {
- var p = new Process()
- if (p.exec(executable, ['pkg-config', '--variable=pc_path']) === 0) {
- var stdout = p.readStdOut().trim();
- // TODO: pathListSeparator? depends on what pkg-config prints on Windows
- options.libDirs = stdout ? stdout.split(':'): [];
- }
- }
+ var moduleMapping = {
+ "protobuf": "protobuflib"
- function setupQt(pkg) {
- var packageName = pkg.baseFileName;
- if (packageName === "QtCore"
- || packageName === "Qt5Core"
- || packageName === "Qt6Core") {
- var binDir = pkg.variables["bindir"] || pkg.variables["host_bins"];
- if (!binDir) {
- if (packageName === "QtCore") { // Qt4 does not have host_bins
- var mocLocation = pkg.variables["moc_location"];
- if (!mocLocation) {
- console.warn("No moc_location variable in " + packageName);
- return;
- }
- binDir = FileInfo.path(mocLocation);
- } else {
- console.warn("No 'bindir' or 'host_bins' variable in " + packageName);
- return;
- }
- }
- var suffix = exeSuffix(qbs);
- var qmakePaths = [FileInfo.joinPaths(binDir, "qmake" + suffix)];
+ var reverseMapping = {}
+ for (var key in moduleMapping)
+ reverseMapping[moduleMapping[key]] = key
+ if (moduleName.startsWith("Qt")) {
+ function setupQt(packageName, qtInfos) {
+ if (qtInfos === undefined || qtInfos.length === 0)
+ return [];
var qtProviderDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(path, "Qt");
- SetupQt.doSetup(qmakePaths, outputBaseDir, qtProviderDir, qbs);
+ return SetupQt.doSetup(packageName, qtInfos, outputBaseDir, qtProviderDir);
- }
- var moduleMapping = {
- "protobuf": "protobuflib",
- "grpc++": "grpcpp"
+ if (!sysroot) {
+ return setupQt(moduleName, qmakeProbe.qtInfos);
+ }
+ return [];
- var pkgConfig = new PkgConfig(options);
- var brokenPackages = [];
- var packages = pkgConfig.packages();
- for (var packageName in packages) {
- var pkg = packages[packageName];
- if (pkg.isBroken) {
- brokenPackages.push(pkg);
- continue;
- }
- if (packageName.startsWith("Qt")) {
- setupQt(pkg);
- continue;
- }
- var moduleName = moduleMapping[packageName]
- ? moduleMapping[packageName]
- : getModuleName(packageName);
- var moduleInfo = getModuleInfo(pkg, staticMode);
- var deps = getModuleDependencies(pkg, staticMode);
+ var pkg;
+ pkg = theProbe.packages[reverseMapping[moduleName]];
+ if (pkg === undefined)
+ pkg = theProbe.packagesByModuleName[moduleName];
+ if (pkg === undefined)
+ return [];
- var moduleDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(outputDir, moduleName);
- File.makePath(moduleDir);
- var module =
- new TextFile(FileInfo.joinPaths(moduleDir, "module.qbs"), TextFile.WriteOnly);
- module.writeLine("Module {");
- module.writeLine(" version: " + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(moduleInfo.version));
- module.writeLine(" Depends { name: 'cpp' }");
- deps.forEach(function(dep) {
- module.write(" Depends { name: '" + dep.name + "'");
- for (var k in dep) {
- if (k === "name")
- continue;
- module.write("; " + k + ": " + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(dep[k]));
- }
- module.writeLine(" }");
- })
- function writeProperty(propertyName) {
- var value = moduleInfo[propertyName];
- if (value.length !== 0) { // skip empty props for simplicity of the module file
- module.writeLine(
- " cpp." + propertyName + ":" + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(value));
- }
- }
- writeProperty("includePaths");
- writeProperty("systemIncludePaths");
- writeProperty("defines");
- writeProperty("commonCompilerFlags");
- writeProperty("dynamicLibraries");
- writeProperty("staticLibraries");
- writeProperty("libraryPaths");
- writeProperty("frameworks");
- writeProperty("frameworkPaths");
- writeProperty("driverLinkerFlags");
- module.writeLine("}");
- module.close();
+ if (pkg.isBroken) {
+ console.warn("Failed to load " + moduleName + " as it's pkg-config package is broken");
+ return [];
- if (brokenPackages.length !== 0) {
- console.warn("Failed to load some pkg-config packages:");
- for (var i = 0; i < brokenPackages.length; ++i) {
- console.warn(" " + brokenPackages[i].filePath
- + ": " + brokenPackages[i].errorText);
+ var moduleInfo = getModuleInfo(pkg, staticMode);
+ var deps = getModuleDependencies(pkg, staticMode);
+ var moduleDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(outputDir, moduleName);
+ File.makePath(moduleDir);
+ var module =
+ new TextFile(FileInfo.joinPaths(moduleDir, "module.qbs"), TextFile.WriteOnly);
+ module.writeLine("Module {");
+ module.writeLine(" version: " + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(moduleInfo.version));
+ module.writeLine(" Depends { name: 'cpp' }");
+ deps.forEach(function(dep) {
+ var depName = ProviderUtils.pkgConfigToModuleName(
+ moduleMapping[dep.name] ? moduleMapping[dep.name] : dep.name);
+ module.write(" Depends { name: '" + depName + "'");
+ for (var k in dep) {
+ if (k === "name")
+ continue;
+ module.write("; " + k + ": " + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(dep[k]));
+ }
+ module.writeLine(" }");
+ })
+ function writeProperty(propertyName) {
+ var value = moduleInfo[propertyName];
+ if (value.length !== 0) { // skip empty props for simplicity of the module file
+ module.writeLine(
+ " cpp." + propertyName + ":" + ModUtils.toJSLiteral(value));
+ writeProperty("includePaths");
+ writeProperty("systemIncludePaths");
+ writeProperty("defines");
+ writeProperty("commonCompilerFlags");
+ writeProperty("dynamicLibraries");
+ writeProperty("staticLibraries");
+ writeProperty("libraryPaths");
+ writeProperty("frameworks");
+ writeProperty("frameworkPaths");
+ writeProperty("driverLinkerFlags");
+ module.writeLine("}");
+ module.close();
return "";