path: root/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/biplist/__init__.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/biplist/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 977 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/biplist/__init__.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/biplist/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d5836dd..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/biplist/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,977 +0,0 @@
-"""biplist -- a library for reading and writing binary property list files.
-Binary Property List (plist) files provide a faster and smaller serialization
-format for property lists on OS X. This is a library for generating binary
-plists which can be read by OS X, iOS, or other clients.
-The API models the plistlib API, and will call through to plistlib when
-XML serialization or deserialization is required.
-To generate plists with UID values, wrap the values with the Uid object. The
-value must be an int.
-To generate plists with NSData/CFData values, wrap the values with the
-Data object. The value must be a string.
-Date values can only be datetime.datetime objects.
-The exceptions InvalidPlistException and NotBinaryPlistException may be
-thrown to indicate that the data cannot be serialized or deserialized as
-a binary plist.
-Plist generation example:
- from biplist import *
- from datetime import datetime
- plist = {'aKey':'aValue',
- '0':1.322,
- 'now':datetime.now(),
- 'list':[1,2,3],
- 'tuple':('a','b','c')
- }
- try:
- writePlist(plist, "example.plist")
- except (InvalidPlistException, NotBinaryPlistException), e:
- print "Something bad happened:", e
-Plist parsing example:
- from biplist import *
- try:
- plist = readPlist("example.plist")
- print plist
- except (InvalidPlistException, NotBinaryPlistException), e:
- print "Not a plist:", e
-from collections import namedtuple
-import datetime
-import io
-import math
-import plistlib
-from struct import pack, unpack, unpack_from
-from struct import error as struct_error
-import sys
-import time
- unicode
- unicodeEmpty = r''
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
- unicodeEmpty = ''
- long
-except NameError:
- long = int
- {}.iteritems
- iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()
-except AttributeError:
- iteritems = lambda x: x.items()
-__all__ = [
- 'Uid', 'Data', 'readPlist', 'writePlist', 'readPlistFromString',
- 'writePlistToString', 'InvalidPlistException', 'NotBinaryPlistException'
-# Apple uses Jan 1, 2001 as a base for all plist date/times.
-apple_reference_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(978307200)
-class Uid(object):
- """Wrapper around integers for representing UID values. This
- is used in keyed archiving."""
- integer = 0
- def __init__(self, integer):
- self.integer = integer
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Uid(%d)" % self.integer
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(self, Uid) and isinstance(other, Uid):
- return self.integer == other.integer
- return False
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return self.integer - other.integer
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.integer < other.integer
- def __hash__(self):
- return self.integer
- def __int__(self):
- return int(self.integer)
-class Data(bytes):
- """Wrapper around bytes to distinguish Data values."""
-class InvalidPlistException(Exception):
- """Raised when the plist is incorrectly formatted."""
-class NotBinaryPlistException(Exception):
- """Raised when a binary plist was expected but not encountered."""
-def readPlist(pathOrFile):
- """Raises NotBinaryPlistException, InvalidPlistException"""
- didOpen = False
- result = None
- if isinstance(pathOrFile, (bytes, unicode)):
- pathOrFile = open(pathOrFile, 'rb')
- didOpen = True
- try:
- reader = PlistReader(pathOrFile)
- result = reader.parse()
- except NotBinaryPlistException as e:
- try:
- pathOrFile.seek(0)
- result = None
- if hasattr(plistlib, 'loads'):
- contents = None
- if isinstance(pathOrFile, (bytes, unicode)):
- with open(pathOrFile, 'rb') as f:
- contents = f.read()
- else:
- contents = pathOrFile.read()
- result = plistlib.loads(contents)
- else:
- result = plistlib.readPlist(pathOrFile)
- result = wrapDataObject(result, for_binary=True)
- except Exception as e:
- raise InvalidPlistException(e)
- finally:
- if didOpen:
- pathOrFile.close()
- return result
-def wrapDataObject(o, for_binary=False):
- if isinstance(o, Data) and not for_binary:
- v = sys.version_info
- if not (v[0] >= 3 and v[1] >= 4):
- o = plistlib.Data(o)
- elif isinstance(o, (bytes, plistlib.Data)) and for_binary:
- if hasattr(o, 'data'):
- o = Data(o.data)
- elif isinstance(o, tuple):
- o = wrapDataObject(list(o), for_binary)
- o = tuple(o)
- elif isinstance(o, list):
- for i in range(len(o)):
- o[i] = wrapDataObject(o[i], for_binary)
- elif isinstance(o, dict):
- for k in o:
- o[k] = wrapDataObject(o[k], for_binary)
- return o
-def writePlist(rootObject, pathOrFile, binary=True):
- if not binary:
- rootObject = wrapDataObject(rootObject, binary)
- if hasattr(plistlib, "dump"):
- if isinstance(pathOrFile, (bytes, unicode)):
- with open(pathOrFile, 'wb') as f:
- return plistlib.dump(rootObject, f)
- else:
- return plistlib.dump(rootObject, pathOrFile)
- else:
- return plistlib.writePlist(rootObject, pathOrFile)
- else:
- didOpen = False
- if isinstance(pathOrFile, (bytes, unicode)):
- pathOrFile = open(pathOrFile, 'wb')
- didOpen = True
- writer = PlistWriter(pathOrFile)
- result = writer.writeRoot(rootObject)
- if didOpen:
- pathOrFile.close()
- return result
-def readPlistFromString(data):
- return readPlist(io.BytesIO(data))
-def writePlistToString(rootObject, binary=True):
- if not binary:
- rootObject = wrapDataObject(rootObject, binary)
- if hasattr(plistlib, "dumps"):
- return plistlib.dumps(rootObject)
- elif hasattr(plistlib, "writePlistToBytes"):
- return plistlib.writePlistToBytes(rootObject)
- else:
- return plistlib.writePlistToString(rootObject)
- else:
- ioObject = io.BytesIO()
- writer = PlistWriter(ioObject)
- writer.writeRoot(rootObject)
- return ioObject.getvalue()
-def is_stream_binary_plist(stream):
- stream.seek(0)
- header = stream.read(7)
- if header == b'bplist0':
- return True
- else:
- return False
-PlistTrailer = namedtuple('PlistTrailer', 'offsetSize, objectRefSize, offsetCount, topLevelObjectNumber, offsetTableOffset')
-PlistByteCounts = namedtuple('PlistByteCounts', 'nullBytes, boolBytes, intBytes, realBytes, dateBytes, dataBytes, stringBytes, uidBytes, arrayBytes, setBytes, dictBytes')
-class PlistReader(object):
- file = None
- contents = ''
- offsets = None
- trailer = None
- currentOffset = 0
- # Used to detect recursive object references.
- offsetsStack = []
- def __init__(self, fileOrStream):
- """Raises NotBinaryPlistException."""
- self.reset()
- self.file = fileOrStream
- def parse(self):
- return self.readRoot()
- def reset(self):
- self.trailer = None
- self.contents = ''
- self.offsets = []
- self.currentOffset = 0
- self.offsetsStack = []
- def readRoot(self):
- result = None
- self.reset()
- # Get the header, make sure it's a valid file.
- if not is_stream_binary_plist(self.file):
- raise NotBinaryPlistException()
- self.file.seek(0)
- self.contents = self.file.read()
- if len(self.contents) < 32:
- raise InvalidPlistException("File is too short.")
- trailerContents = self.contents[-32:]
- try:
- self.trailer = PlistTrailer._make(unpack("!xxxxxxBBQQQ", trailerContents))
- if pow(2, self.trailer.offsetSize*8) < self.trailer.offsetTableOffset:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Offset size insufficient to reference all objects.")
- if pow(2, self.trailer.objectRefSize*8) < self.trailer.offsetCount:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Too many offsets to represent in size of object reference representation.")
- offset_size = self.trailer.offsetSize * self.trailer.offsetCount
- offset = self.trailer.offsetTableOffset
- if offset + offset_size > pow(2, 64):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Offset table is excessively long.")
- if self.trailer.offsetSize > 16:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Offset size is greater than maximum integer size.")
- if self.trailer.objectRefSize == 0:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Object reference size is zero.")
- if offset >= len(self.contents) - 32:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Offset table offset is too large.")
- if offset < len("bplist00x"):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Offset table offset is too small.")
- if self.trailer.topLevelObjectNumber >= self.trailer.offsetCount:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Top level object number is larger than the number of objects.")
- offset_contents = self.contents[offset:offset+offset_size]
- offset_i = 0
- offset_table_length = len(offset_contents)
- while offset_i < self.trailer.offsetCount:
- begin = self.trailer.offsetSize*offset_i
- end = begin+self.trailer.offsetSize
- if end > offset_table_length:
- raise InvalidPlistException("End of object is at invalid offset %d in offset table of length %d" % (end, offset_table_length))
- tmp_contents = offset_contents[begin:end]
- tmp_sized = self.getSizedInteger(tmp_contents, self.trailer.offsetSize)
- self.offsets.append(tmp_sized)
- offset_i += 1
- self.setCurrentOffsetToObjectNumber(self.trailer.topLevelObjectNumber)
- result = self.readObject()
- except TypeError as e:
- raise InvalidPlistException(e)
- return result
- def setCurrentOffsetToObjectNumber(self, objectNumber):
- if objectNumber > len(self.offsets) - 1:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Invalid offset number: %d" % objectNumber)
- self.currentOffset = self.offsets[objectNumber]
- if self.currentOffset in self.offsetsStack:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Recursive data structure detected in object: %d" % objectNumber)
- def beginOffsetProtection(self):
- self.offsetsStack.append(self.currentOffset)
- return self.currentOffset
- def endOffsetProtection(self, offset):
- try:
- index = self.offsetsStack.index(offset)
- self.offsetsStack = self.offsetsStack[:index]
- except ValueError as e:
- pass
- def readObject(self):
- protection = self.beginOffsetProtection()
- result = None
- tmp_byte = self.contents[self.currentOffset:self.currentOffset+1]
- if len(tmp_byte) != 1:
- raise InvalidPlistException("No object found at offset: %d" % self.currentOffset)
- marker_byte = unpack("!B", tmp_byte)[0]
- format = (marker_byte >> 4) & 0x0f
- extra = marker_byte & 0x0f
- self.currentOffset += 1
- def proc_extra(extra):
- if extra == 0b1111:
- extra = self.readObject()
- return extra
- # bool, null, or fill byte
- if format == 0b0000:
- if extra == 0b0000:
- result = None
- elif extra == 0b1000:
- result = False
- elif extra == 0b1001:
- result = True
- elif extra == 0b1111:
- pass # fill byte
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Invalid object found at offset: %d" % (self.currentOffset - 1))
- # int
- elif format == 0b0001:
- result = self.readInteger(pow(2, extra))
- # real
- elif format == 0b0010:
- result = self.readReal(extra)
- # date
- elif format == 0b0011 and extra == 0b0011:
- result = self.readDate()
- # data
- elif format == 0b0100:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = self.readData(extra)
- # ascii string
- elif format == 0b0101:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = self.readAsciiString(extra)
- # Unicode string
- elif format == 0b0110:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = self.readUnicode(extra)
- # uid
- elif format == 0b1000:
- result = self.readUid(extra)
- # array
- elif format == 0b1010:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = self.readArray(extra)
- # set
- elif format == 0b1100:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = set(self.readArray(extra))
- # dict
- elif format == 0b1101:
- extra = proc_extra(extra)
- result = self.readDict(extra)
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Invalid object found: {format: %s, extra: %s}" % (bin(format), bin(extra)))
- self.endOffsetProtection(protection)
- return result
- def readContents(self, length, description="Object contents"):
- end = self.currentOffset + length
- if end >= len(self.contents) - 32:
- raise InvalidPlistException("%s extends into trailer" % description)
- elif length < 0:
- raise InvalidPlistException("%s length is less than zero" % length)
- data = self.contents[self.currentOffset:end]
- return data
- def readInteger(self, byteSize):
- data = self.readContents(byteSize, "Integer")
- self.currentOffset = self.currentOffset + byteSize
- return self.getSizedInteger(data, byteSize, as_number=True)
- def readReal(self, length):
- to_read = pow(2, length)
- data = self.readContents(to_read, "Real")
- if length == 2: # 4 bytes
- result = unpack('>f', data)[0]
- elif length == 3: # 8 bytes
- result = unpack('>d', data)[0]
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Unknown Real of length %d bytes" % to_read)
- return result
- def readRefs(self, count):
- refs = []
- i = 0
- while i < count:
- fragment = self.readContents(self.trailer.objectRefSize, "Object reference")
- ref = self.getSizedInteger(fragment, len(fragment))
- refs.append(ref)
- self.currentOffset += self.trailer.objectRefSize
- i += 1
- return refs
- def readArray(self, count):
- if not isinstance(count, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Count of entries in dict isn't of integer type.")
- result = []
- values = self.readRefs(count)
- i = 0
- while i < len(values):
- self.setCurrentOffsetToObjectNumber(values[i])
- value = self.readObject()
- result.append(value)
- i += 1
- return result
- def readDict(self, count):
- if not isinstance(count, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Count of keys/values in dict isn't of integer type.")
- result = {}
- keys = self.readRefs(count)
- values = self.readRefs(count)
- i = 0
- while i < len(keys):
- self.setCurrentOffsetToObjectNumber(keys[i])
- key = self.readObject()
- self.setCurrentOffsetToObjectNumber(values[i])
- value = self.readObject()
- result[key] = value
- i += 1
- return result
- def readAsciiString(self, length):
- if not isinstance(length, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Length of ASCII string isn't of integer type.")
- data = self.readContents(length, "ASCII string")
- result = unpack("!%ds" % length, data)[0]
- self.currentOffset += length
- return str(result.decode('ascii'))
- def readUnicode(self, length):
- if not isinstance(length, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Length of Unicode string isn't of integer type.")
- actual_length = length*2
- data = self.readContents(actual_length, "Unicode string")
- self.currentOffset += actual_length
- return data.decode('utf_16_be')
- def readDate(self):
- data = self.readContents(8, "Date")
- x = unpack(">d", data)[0]
- if math.isnan(x):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Date is NaN")
- # Use timedelta to workaround time_t size limitation on 32-bit python.
- try:
- result = datetime.timedelta(seconds=x) + apple_reference_date
- except OverflowError:
- if x > 0:
- result = datetime.datetime.max
- else:
- result = datetime.datetime.min
- self.currentOffset += 8
- return result
- def readData(self, length):
- if not isinstance(length, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Length of data isn't of integer type.")
- result = self.readContents(length, "Data")
- self.currentOffset += length
- return Data(result)
- def readUid(self, length):
- if not isinstance(length, (int, long)):
- raise InvalidPlistException("Uid length isn't of integer type.")
- return Uid(self.readInteger(length+1))
- def getSizedInteger(self, data, byteSize, as_number=False):
- """Numbers of 8 bytes are signed integers when they refer to numbers, but unsigned otherwise."""
- result = 0
- if byteSize == 0:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Encountered integer with byte size of 0.")
- # 1, 2, and 4 byte integers are unsigned
- elif byteSize == 1:
- result = unpack('>B', data)[0]
- elif byteSize == 2:
- result = unpack('>H', data)[0]
- elif byteSize == 4:
- result = unpack('>L', data)[0]
- elif byteSize == 8:
- if as_number:
- result = unpack('>q', data)[0]
- else:
- result = unpack('>Q', data)[0]
- elif byteSize <= 16:
- # Handle odd-sized or integers larger than 8 bytes
- # Don't naively go over 16 bytes, in order to prevent infinite loops.
- result = 0
- if hasattr(int, 'from_bytes'):
- result = int.from_bytes(data, 'big')
- else:
- for byte in data:
- if not isinstance(byte, int): # Python3.0-3.1.x return ints, 2.x return str
- byte = unpack_from('>B', byte)[0]
- result = (result << 8) | byte
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Encountered integer longer than 16 bytes.")
- return result
-class HashableWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<HashableWrapper: %s>" % [self.value]
-class BoolWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<BoolWrapper: %s>" % self.value
-class FloatWrapper(object):
- _instances = {}
- def __new__(klass, value):
- # Ensure FloatWrapper(x) for a given float x is always the same object
- wrapper = klass._instances.get(value)
- if wrapper is None:
- wrapper = object.__new__(klass)
- wrapper.value = value
- klass._instances[value] = wrapper
- return wrapper
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<FloatWrapper: %s>" % self.value
-class StringWrapper(object):
- __instances = {}
- encodedValue = None
- encoding = None
- def __new__(cls, value):
- '''Ensure we only have a only one instance for any string,
- and that we encode ascii as 1-byte-per character when possible'''
- encodedValue = None
- for encoding in ('ascii', 'utf_16_be'):
- try:
- encodedValue = value.encode(encoding)
- except: pass
- if encodedValue is not None:
- if encodedValue not in cls.__instances:
- cls.__instances[encodedValue] = super(StringWrapper, cls).__new__(cls)
- cls.__instances[encodedValue].encodedValue = encodedValue
- cls.__instances[encodedValue].encoding = encoding
- return cls.__instances[encodedValue]
- raise ValueError('Unable to get ascii or utf_16_be encoding for %s' % repr(value))
- def __len__(self):
- '''Return roughly the number of characters in this string (half the byte length)'''
- if self.encoding == 'ascii':
- return len(self.encodedValue)
- else:
- return len(self.encodedValue)//2
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return self.encodedValue < other.encodedValue
- @property
- def encodingMarker(self):
- if self.encoding == 'ascii':
- return 0b0101
- else:
- return 0b0110
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<StringWrapper (%s): %s>' % (self.encoding, self.encodedValue)
-class PlistWriter(object):
- header = b'bplist00bybiplist1.0'
- file = None
- byteCounts = None
- trailer = None
- computedUniques = None
- writtenReferences = None
- referencePositions = None
- wrappedTrue = None
- wrappedFalse = None
- # Used to detect recursive object references.
- objectsStack = []
- def __init__(self, file):
- self.reset()
- self.file = file
- self.wrappedTrue = BoolWrapper(True)
- self.wrappedFalse = BoolWrapper(False)
- def reset(self):
- self.byteCounts = PlistByteCounts(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- self.trailer = PlistTrailer(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- # A set of all the uniques which have been computed.
- self.computedUniques = set()
- # A list of all the uniques which have been written.
- self.writtenReferences = {}
- # A dict of the positions of the written uniques.
- self.referencePositions = {}
- self.objectsStack = []
- def positionOfObjectReference(self, obj):
- """If the given object has been written already, return its
- position in the offset table. Otherwise, return None."""
- return self.writtenReferences.get(obj)
- def writeRoot(self, root):
- """
- Strategy is:
- - write header
- - wrap root object so everything is hashable
- - compute size of objects which will be written
- - need to do this in order to know how large the object refs
- will be in the list/dict/set reference lists
- - write objects
- - keep objects in writtenReferences
- - keep positions of object references in referencePositions
- - write object references with the length computed previously
- - computer object reference length
- - write object reference positions
- - write trailer
- """
- output = self.header
- wrapped_root = self.wrapRoot(root)
- self.computeOffsets(wrapped_root, asReference=True, isRoot=True)
- self.trailer = self.trailer._replace(**{'objectRefSize':self.intSize(len(self.computedUniques))})
- self.writeObjectReference(wrapped_root, output)
- output = self.writeObject(wrapped_root, output, setReferencePosition=True)
- # output size at this point is an upper bound on how big the
- # object reference offsets need to be.
- self.trailer = self.trailer._replace(**{
- 'offsetSize':self.intSize(len(output)),
- 'offsetCount':len(self.computedUniques),
- 'offsetTableOffset':len(output),
- 'topLevelObjectNumber':0
- })
- output = self.writeOffsetTable(output)
- output += pack('!xxxxxxBBQQQ', *self.trailer)
- self.file.write(output)
- def beginRecursionProtection(self, obj):
- if not isinstance(obj, (set, dict, list, tuple)):
- return
- if id(obj) in self.objectsStack:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Recursive containers are not allowed in plists.")
- self.objectsStack.append(id(obj))
- def endRecursionProtection(self, obj):
- if not isinstance(obj, (set, dict, list, tuple)):
- return
- try:
- index = self.objectsStack.index(id(obj))
- self.objectsStack = self.objectsStack[:index]
- except ValueError as e:
- pass
- def wrapRoot(self, root):
- result = None
- self.beginRecursionProtection(root)
- if isinstance(root, bool):
- if root is True:
- result = self.wrappedTrue
- else:
- result = self.wrappedFalse
- elif isinstance(root, float):
- result = FloatWrapper(root)
- elif isinstance(root, set):
- n = set()
- for value in root:
- n.add(self.wrapRoot(value))
- result = HashableWrapper(n)
- elif isinstance(root, dict):
- n = {}
- for key, value in iteritems(root):
- n[self.wrapRoot(key)] = self.wrapRoot(value)
- result = HashableWrapper(n)
- elif isinstance(root, list):
- n = []
- for value in root:
- n.append(self.wrapRoot(value))
- result = HashableWrapper(n)
- elif isinstance(root, tuple):
- n = tuple([self.wrapRoot(value) for value in root])
- result = HashableWrapper(n)
- elif isinstance(root, (str, unicode)) and not isinstance(root, Data):
- result = StringWrapper(root)
- elif isinstance(root, bytes):
- result = Data(root)
- else:
- result = root
- self.endRecursionProtection(root)
- return result
- def incrementByteCount(self, field, incr=1):
- self.byteCounts = self.byteCounts._replace(**{field:self.byteCounts.__getattribute__(field) + incr})
- def computeOffsets(self, obj, asReference=False, isRoot=False):
- def check_key(key):
- if key is None:
- raise InvalidPlistException('Dictionary keys cannot be null in plists.')
- elif isinstance(key, Data):
- raise InvalidPlistException('Data cannot be dictionary keys in plists.')
- elif not isinstance(key, StringWrapper):
- raise InvalidPlistException('Keys must be strings.')
- def proc_size(size):
- if size > 0b1110:
- size += self.intSize(size)
- return size
- # If this should be a reference, then we keep a record of it in the
- # uniques table.
- if asReference:
- if obj in self.computedUniques:
- return
- else:
- self.computedUniques.add(obj)
- if obj is None:
- self.incrementByteCount('nullBytes')
- elif isinstance(obj, BoolWrapper):
- self.incrementByteCount('boolBytes')
- elif isinstance(obj, Uid):
- size = self.intSize(obj.integer)
- self.incrementByteCount('uidBytes', incr=1+size)
- elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
- size = self.intSize(obj)
- self.incrementByteCount('intBytes', incr=1+size)
- elif isinstance(obj, FloatWrapper):
- size = self.realSize(obj)
- self.incrementByteCount('realBytes', incr=1+size)
- elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
- self.incrementByteCount('dateBytes', incr=2)
- elif isinstance(obj, Data):
- size = proc_size(len(obj))
- self.incrementByteCount('dataBytes', incr=1+size)
- elif isinstance(obj, StringWrapper):
- size = proc_size(len(obj))
- self.incrementByteCount('stringBytes', incr=1+size)
- elif isinstance(obj, HashableWrapper):
- obj = obj.value
- if isinstance(obj, set):
- size = proc_size(len(obj))
- self.incrementByteCount('setBytes', incr=1+size)
- for value in obj:
- self.computeOffsets(value, asReference=True)
- elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
- size = proc_size(len(obj))
- self.incrementByteCount('arrayBytes', incr=1+size)
- for value in obj:
- asRef = True
- self.computeOffsets(value, asReference=True)
- elif isinstance(obj, dict):
- size = proc_size(len(obj))
- self.incrementByteCount('dictBytes', incr=1+size)
- for key, value in iteritems(obj):
- check_key(key)
- self.computeOffsets(key, asReference=True)
- self.computeOffsets(value, asReference=True)
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Unknown object type: %s (%s)" % (type(obj).__name__, repr(obj)))
- def writeObjectReference(self, obj, output):
- """Tries to write an object reference, adding it to the references
- table. Does not write the actual object bytes or set the reference
- position. Returns a tuple of whether the object was a new reference
- (True if it was, False if it already was in the reference table)
- and the new output.
- """
- position = self.positionOfObjectReference(obj)
- if position is None:
- self.writtenReferences[obj] = len(self.writtenReferences)
- output += self.binaryInt(len(self.writtenReferences) - 1, byteSize=self.trailer.objectRefSize)
- return (True, output)
- else:
- output += self.binaryInt(position, byteSize=self.trailer.objectRefSize)
- return (False, output)
- def writeObject(self, obj, output, setReferencePosition=False):
- """Serializes the given object to the output. Returns output.
- If setReferencePosition is True, will set the position the
- object was written.
- """
- def proc_variable_length(format, length):
- result = b''
- if length > 0b1110:
- result += pack('!B', (format << 4) | 0b1111)
- result = self.writeObject(length, result)
- else:
- result += pack('!B', (format << 4) | length)
- return result
- def timedelta_total_seconds(td):
- # Shim for Python 2.6 compatibility, which doesn't have total_seconds.
- # Make one argument a float to ensure the right calculation.
- return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10.0**6) / 10.0**6
- if setReferencePosition:
- self.referencePositions[obj] = len(output)
- if obj is None:
- output += pack('!B', 0b00000000)
- elif isinstance(obj, BoolWrapper):
- if obj.value is False:
- output += pack('!B', 0b00001000)
- else:
- output += pack('!B', 0b00001001)
- elif isinstance(obj, Uid):
- size = self.intSize(obj.integer)
- output += pack('!B', (0b1000 << 4) | size - 1)
- output += self.binaryInt(obj.integer)
- elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
- byteSize = self.intSize(obj)
- root = math.log(byteSize, 2)
- output += pack('!B', (0b0001 << 4) | int(root))
- output += self.binaryInt(obj, as_number=True)
- elif isinstance(obj, FloatWrapper):
- # just use doubles
- output += pack('!B', (0b0010 << 4) | 3)
- output += self.binaryReal(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
- try:
- timestamp = (obj - apple_reference_date).total_seconds()
- except AttributeError:
- timestamp = timedelta_total_seconds(obj - apple_reference_date)
- output += pack('!B', 0b00110011)
- output += pack('!d', float(timestamp))
- elif isinstance(obj, Data):
- output += proc_variable_length(0b0100, len(obj))
- output += obj
- elif isinstance(obj, StringWrapper):
- output += proc_variable_length(obj.encodingMarker, len(obj))
- output += obj.encodedValue
- elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
- output += proc_variable_length(0b0101, len(obj))
- output += obj
- elif isinstance(obj, HashableWrapper):
- obj = obj.value
- if isinstance(obj, (set, list, tuple)):
- if isinstance(obj, set):
- output += proc_variable_length(0b1100, len(obj))
- else:
- output += proc_variable_length(0b1010, len(obj))
- objectsToWrite = []
- for objRef in sorted(obj) if isinstance(obj, set) else obj:
- (isNew, output) = self.writeObjectReference(objRef, output)
- if isNew:
- objectsToWrite.append(objRef)
- for objRef in objectsToWrite:
- output = self.writeObject(objRef, output, setReferencePosition=True)
- elif isinstance(obj, dict):
- output += proc_variable_length(0b1101, len(obj))
- keys = []
- values = []
- objectsToWrite = []
- for key, value in sorted(iteritems(obj)):
- keys.append(key)
- values.append(value)
- for key in keys:
- (isNew, output) = self.writeObjectReference(key, output)
- if isNew:
- objectsToWrite.append(key)
- for value in values:
- (isNew, output) = self.writeObjectReference(value, output)
- if isNew:
- objectsToWrite.append(value)
- for objRef in objectsToWrite:
- output = self.writeObject(objRef, output, setReferencePosition=True)
- return output
- def writeOffsetTable(self, output):
- """Writes all of the object reference offsets."""
- all_positions = []
- writtenReferences = list(self.writtenReferences.items())
- writtenReferences.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
- for obj,order in writtenReferences:
- # Porting note: Elsewhere we deliberately replace empty unicdoe strings
- # with empty binary strings, but the empty unicode string
- # goes into writtenReferences. This isn't an issue in Py2
- # because u'' and b'' have the same hash; but it is in
- # Py3, where they don't.
- if bytes != str and obj == unicodeEmpty:
- obj = b''
- position = self.referencePositions.get(obj)
- if position is None:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Error while writing offsets table. Object not found. %s" % obj)
- output += self.binaryInt(position, self.trailer.offsetSize)
- all_positions.append(position)
- return output
- def binaryReal(self, obj):
- # just use doubles
- result = pack('>d', obj.value)
- return result
- def binaryInt(self, obj, byteSize=None, as_number=False):
- result = b''
- if byteSize is None:
- byteSize = self.intSize(obj)
- if byteSize == 1:
- result += pack('>B', obj)
- elif byteSize == 2:
- result += pack('>H', obj)
- elif byteSize == 4:
- result += pack('>L', obj)
- elif byteSize == 8:
- if as_number:
- result += pack('>q', obj)
- else:
- result += pack('>Q', obj)
- elif byteSize <= 16:
- try:
- result = pack('>Q', 0) + pack('>Q', obj)
- except struct_error as e:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Unable to pack integer %d: %s" % (obj, e))
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Core Foundation can't handle integers with size greater than 16 bytes.")
- return result
- def intSize(self, obj):
- """Returns the number of bytes necessary to store the given integer."""
- if obj < 0: # Signed integer, always 8 bytes
- return 8
- elif obj <= 0xFF: # 1 byte
- return 1
- elif obj <= 0xFFFF: # 2 bytes
- return 2
- elif obj <= 0xFFFFFFFF: # 4 bytes
- return 4
- # 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is the max.
- elif obj <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: # 8 bytes signed
- return 8
- elif obj <= 0xffffffffffffffff: # 8 bytes unsigned
- return 16
- else:
- raise InvalidPlistException("Core Foundation can't handle integers with size greater than 8 bytes.")
- def realSize(self, obj):
- return 8