path: root/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 655 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d94a06c1f..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-import pkg_resources
-import platform
-import re
-import shutil
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import tokenize
-import json
-import time
- {}.iteritems
- iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.iterkeys()
-except AttributeError:
- iteritems = lambda x: x.items()
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.keys()
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
- import biplist
- def plist_from_bytes(data):
- return biplist.readPlistFromString(data)
- def plist_bytes(data):
- return biplist.Data(data)
- import plistlib
- def plist_from_bytes(data):
- return plistlib.loads(data)
- def plist_bytes(data):
- return data
-from mac_alias import *
-from ds_store import *
-from . import colors
-from . import licensing
- from . import badge
-except ImportError:
- badge = None
-_hexcolor_re = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?')
-# The first element in the platform.mac_ver() tuple is a string containing the
-# macOS version (e.g., '10.15.6'). Parse into an integer tuple.
-MACOS_VERSION = tuple(int(v) for v in platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.'))
-class DMGError(Exception):
- pass
-def hdiutil(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
- plist = kwargs.get('plist', True)
- all_args = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', cmd]
- all_args.extend(args)
- if plist:
- all_args.append('-plist')
- p = subprocess.Popen(all_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- output, errors = p.communicate()
- if plist:
- results = plist_from_bytes(output)
- else:
- results = output
- retcode = p.wait()
- return retcode, results
-# On Python 2 we can just execfile() it, but Python 3 deprecated that
-def load_settings(filename, settings):
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- execfile(filename, settings, settings)
- else:
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
- try:
- encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(fp.readline)[0]
- except SyntaxError:
- pass
- with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as fp:
- exec(compile(fp.read(), filename, 'exec'), settings, settings)
-def load_json(filename, settings):
- """Read an appdmg .json spec. Uses the defaults for appdmg, rather than
- the usual defaults for dmgbuild. """
- with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
- json_data = json.load(fp)
- if 'title' not in json_data:
- raise ValueError('missing \'title\' in JSON settings file')
- if 'contents' not in json_data:
- raise ValueError('missing \'contents\' in JSON settings file')
- settings['volume_name'] = json_data['title']
- settings['icon'] = json_data.get('icon', None)
- settings['badge_icon'] = json_data.get('badge-icon', None)
- bk = json_data.get('background', None)
- if bk is None:
- bk = json_data.get('background-color', None)
- if bk is not None:
- settings['background'] = bk
- settings['icon_size'] = json_data.get('icon-size', 80)
- wnd = json_data.get('window', { 'position': (100, 100),
- 'size': (640, 480) })
- pos = wnd.get('position', { 'x': 100, 'y': 100 })
- siz = wnd.get('size', { 'width': 640, 'height': 480 })
- settings['window_rect'] = ((pos.get('x', 100), pos.get('y', 100)),
- (siz.get('width', 640), siz.get('height', 480)))
- settings['format'] = json_data.get('format', 'UDZO')
- settings['compression_level'] = json_data.get('compression-level', None)
- settings['license'] = json_data.get('license', None)
- files = []
- hide = []
- hide_extensions = []
- symlinks = {}
- icon_locations = {}
- for fileinfo in json_data.get('contents', []):
- if 'path' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'path\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- if 'x' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'x\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- if 'y' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'y\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- kind = fileinfo.get('type', 'file')
- path = fileinfo['path']
- name = fileinfo.get('name', os.path.basename(path.rstrip('/')))
- if kind == 'file':
- files.append((path, name))
- elif kind == 'link':
- symlinks[name] = path
- elif kind == 'position':
- pass
- icon_locations[name] = (fileinfo['x'], fileinfo['y'])
- hide_ext = fileinfo.get('hide_extension', False)
- if hide_ext:
- hide_extensions.append(name)
- hidden = fileinfo.get('hidden', False)
- if hidden:
- hide.append(name)
- settings['files'] = files
- settings['hide_extensions'] = hide_extensions
- settings['hide'] = hide
- settings['symlinks'] = symlinks
- settings['icon_locations'] = icon_locations
-def build_dmg(filename, volume_name, settings_file=None, settings={},
- defines={}, lookForHiDPI=True, detach_retries=5):
- options = {
- # Default settings
- 'filename': filename,
- 'volume_name': volume_name,
- 'format': 'UDBZ',
- 'compression_level': None,
- 'size': None,
- 'files': [],
- 'symlinks': {},
- 'hide': [],
- 'hide_extensions': [],
- 'icon': None,
- 'badge_icon': None,
- 'background': None,
- 'show_status_bar': False,
- 'show_tab_view': False,
- 'show_toolbar': False,
- 'show_pathbar': False,
- 'show_sidebar': False,
- 'sidebar_width': 180,
- 'arrange_by': None,
- 'grid_offset': (0, 0),
- 'grid_spacing': 100.0,
- 'scroll_position': (0.0, 0.0),
- 'show_icon_preview': False,
- 'show_item_info': False,
- 'label_pos': 'bottom',
- 'text_size': 16.0,
- 'icon_size': 128.0,
- 'include_icon_view_settings': 'auto',
- 'include_list_view_settings': 'auto',
- 'list_icon_size': 16.0,
- 'list_text_size': 12.0,
- 'list_scroll_position': (0, 0),
- 'list_sort_by': 'name',
- 'list_use_relative_dates': True,
- 'list_calculate_all_sizes': False,
- 'list_columns': ('name', 'date-modified', 'size', 'kind', 'date-added'),
- 'list_column_widths': {
- 'name': 300,
- 'date-modified': 181,
- 'date-created': 181,
- 'date-added': 181,
- 'date-last-opened': 181,
- 'size': 97,
- 'kind': 115,
- 'label': 100,
- 'version': 75,
- 'comments': 300,
- },
- 'list_column_sort_directions': {
- 'name': 'ascending',
- 'date-modified': 'descending',
- 'date-created': 'descending',
- 'date-added': 'descending',
- 'date-last-opened': 'descending',
- 'size': 'descending',
- 'kind': 'ascending',
- 'label': 'ascending',
- 'version': 'ascending',
- 'comments': 'ascending',
- },
- 'window_rect': ((100, 100), (640, 280)),
- 'default_view': 'icon-view',
- 'icon_locations': {},
- 'license': None,
- 'defines': defines
- }
- # Execute the settings file
- if settings_file:
- # We now support JSON settings files using appdmg's format
- if settings_file.endswith('.json'):
- load_json(settings_file, options)
- else:
- load_settings(settings_file, options)
- # Add any overrides
- options.update(settings)
- # Set up the finder data
- bounds = options['window_rect']
- bounds_string = '{{%s, %s}, {%s, %s}}' % (bounds[0][0],
- bounds[0][1],
- bounds[1][0],
- bounds[1][1])
- bwsp = {
- 'ShowStatusBar': options['show_status_bar'],
- 'WindowBounds': bounds_string,
- 'ContainerShowSidebar': False,
- 'PreviewPaneVisibility': False,
- 'SidebarWidth': options['sidebar_width'],
- 'ShowTabView': options['show_tab_view'],
- 'ShowToolbar': options['show_toolbar'],
- 'ShowPathbar': options['show_pathbar'],
- 'ShowSidebar': options['show_sidebar']
- }
- arrange_options = {
- 'name': 'name',
- 'date-modified': 'dateModified',
- 'date-created': 'dateCreated',
- 'date-added': 'dateAdded',
- 'date-last-opened': 'dateLastOpened',
- 'size': 'size',
- 'kind': 'kind',
- 'label': 'label',
- }
- icvp = {
- 'viewOptionsVersion': 1,
- 'backgroundType': 0,
- 'backgroundColorRed': 1.0,
- 'backgroundColorGreen': 1.0,
- 'backgroundColorBlue': 1.0,
- 'gridOffsetX': float(options['grid_offset'][0]),
- 'gridOffsetY': float(options['grid_offset'][1]),
- 'gridSpacing': float(options['grid_spacing']),
- 'arrangeBy': str(arrange_options.get(options['arrange_by'], 'none')),
- 'showIconPreview': options['show_icon_preview'] == True,
- 'showItemInfo': options['show_item_info'] == True,
- 'labelOnBottom': options['label_pos'] == 'bottom',
- 'textSize': float(options['text_size']),
- 'iconSize': float(options['icon_size']),
- 'scrollPositionX': float(options['scroll_position'][0]),
- 'scrollPositionY': float(options['scroll_position'][1])
- }
- background = options['background']
- columns = {
- 'name': 'name',
- 'date-modified': 'dateModified',
- 'date-created': 'dateCreated',
- 'date-added': 'dateAdded',
- 'date-last-opened': 'dateLastOpened',
- 'size': 'size',
- 'kind': 'kind',
- 'label': 'label',
- 'version': 'version',
- 'comments': 'comments'
- }
- default_widths = {
- 'name': 300,
- 'date-modified': 181,
- 'date-created': 181,
- 'date-added': 181,
- 'date-last-opened': 181,
- 'size': 97,
- 'kind': 115,
- 'label': 100,
- 'version': 75,
- 'comments': 300,
- }
- default_sort_directions = {
- 'name': 'ascending',
- 'date-modified': 'descending',
- 'date-created': 'descending',
- 'date-added': 'descending',
- 'date-last-opened': 'descending',
- 'size': 'descending',
- 'kind': 'ascending',
- 'label': 'ascending',
- 'version': 'ascending',
- 'comments': 'ascending',
- }
- lsvp = {
- 'viewOptionsVersion': 1,
- 'sortColumn': columns.get(options['list_sort_by'], 'name'),
- 'textSize': float(options['list_text_size']),
- 'iconSize': float(options['list_icon_size']),
- 'showIconPreview': options['show_icon_preview'],
- 'scrollPositionX': options['list_scroll_position'][0],
- 'scrollPositionY': options['list_scroll_position'][1],
- 'useRelativeDates': options['list_use_relative_dates'],
- 'calculateAllSizes': options['list_calculate_all_sizes'],
- }
- lsvp['columns'] = {}
- cndx = {}
- for n, column in enumerate(options['list_columns']):
- cndx[column] = n
- width = options['list_column_widths'].get(column,
- default_widths[column])
- asc = 'ascending' == options['list_column_sort_directions'].get(column,
- default_sort_directions[column])
- lsvp['columns'][columns[column]] = {
- 'index': n,
- 'width': width,
- 'identifier': columns[column],
- 'visible': True,
- 'ascending': asc
- }
- n = len(options['list_columns'])
- for k in iterkeys(columns):
- if cndx.get(k, None) is None:
- cndx[k] = n
- width = default_widths[k]
- asc = 'ascending' == default_sort_directions[k]
- lsvp['columns'][columns[column]] = {
- 'index': n,
- 'width': width,
- 'identifier': columns[column],
- 'visible': False,
- 'ascending': asc
- }
- n += 1
- default_view = options['default_view']
- views = {
- 'icon-view': b'icnv',
- 'column-view': b'clmv',
- 'list-view': b'Nlsv',
- 'coverflow': b'Flwv'
- }
- icvl = (b'type', views.get(default_view, 'icnv'))
- include_icon_view_settings = default_view == 'icon-view' \
- or options['include_icon_view_settings'] not in \
- ('auto', 'no', 0, False, None)
- include_list_view_settings = default_view in ('list-view', 'coverflow') \
- or options['include_list_view_settings'] not in \
- ('auto', 'no', 0, False, None)
- filename = options['filename']
- volume_name = options['volume_name']
- # Construct a writeable image to start with
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(filename))
- if not basename.endswith('.dmg'):
- basename += '.dmg'
- writableFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dirname, prefix='.temp',
- suffix=basename)
- total_size = options['size']
- if total_size == None:
- # Start with a size of 128MB - this way we don't need to calculate the
- # size of the background image, volume icon, and .DS_Store file (and
- # 128 MB should be well sufficient for even the most outlandish image
- # sizes, like an uncompressed 5K multi-resolution TIFF)
- total_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024
- def roundup(x, n):
- return x if x % n == 0 else x + n - x % n
- for path in options['files']:
- if isinstance(path, tuple):
- path = path[0]
- if not os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
- for f in filenames:
- fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
- total_size += roundup(os.lstat(fp).st_size, 4096)
- else:
- total_size += roundup(os.lstat(path).st_size, 4096)
- for name,target in iteritems(options['symlinks']):
- total_size += 4096
- total_size = str(max(total_size / 1000, 1024)) + 'K'
- ret, output = hdiutil('create',
- '-ov',
- '-volname', volume_name,
- '-fs', 'HFS+',
- '-fsargs', '-c c=64,a=16,e=16',
- '-size', total_size,
- writableFile.name)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to create disk image')
- # IDME was deprecated in macOS 10.15/Catalina; as a result, use of -noidme
- # started raising a warning.
- if MACOS_VERSION >= (10, 15):
- ret, output = hdiutil('attach',
- '-nobrowse',
- '-owners', 'off',
- writableFile.name)
- else:
- ret, output = hdiutil('attach',
- '-nobrowse',
- '-owners', 'off',
- '-noidme',
- writableFile.name)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to attach disk image')
- try:
- for info in output['system-entities']:
- if info.get('mount-point', None):
- device = info['dev-entry']
- mount_point = info['mount-point']
- icon = options['icon']
- if badge:
- badge_icon = options['badge_icon']
- else:
- badge_icon = None
- icon_target_path = os.path.join(mount_point, '.VolumeIcon.icns')
- if icon:
- shutil.copyfile(icon, icon_target_path)
- elif badge_icon:
- badge.badge_disk_icon(badge_icon, icon_target_path)
- if icon or badge_icon:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'C', mount_point])
- background_bmk = None
- if not isinstance(background, (str, unicode)):
- pass
- elif colors.isAColor(background):
- c = colors.parseColor(background).to_rgb()
- icvp['backgroundType'] = 1
- icvp['backgroundColorRed'] = float(c.r)
- icvp['backgroundColorGreen'] = float(c.g)
- icvp['backgroundColorBlue'] = float(c.b)
- else:
- if os.path.isfile(background):
- # look to see if there are HiDPI resources available
- if lookForHiDPI is True:
- name, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(background))
- orderedImages = [background]
- imageDirectory = os.path.dirname(background)
- if imageDirectory == '':
- imageDirectory = '.'
- for candidateName in os.listdir(imageDirectory):
- hasScale = re.match(
- r'^(?P<name>.+)@(?P<scale>\d+)x(?P<extension>\.\w+)$',
- candidateName)
- if hasScale and name == hasScale.group('name') and \
- extension == hasScale.group('extension'):
- scale = int(hasScale.group('scale'))
- if len(orderedImages) < scale:
- orderedImages += [None] * (scale - len(orderedImages))
- orderedImages[scale - 1] = os.path.join(imageDirectory, candidateName)
- if len(orderedImages) > 1:
- # compile the grouped tiff
- backgroundFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tiff')
- background = backgroundFile.name
- output = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(
- ['/usr/bin/tiffutil', '-cathidpicheck'] +
- list(filter(None, orderedImages)) +
- ['-out', background], stdout=output, stderr=output)
- except Exception as e:
- output.seek(0)
- raise ValueError(
- 'unable to compile combined HiDPI file "%s" got error: %s\noutput: %s'
- % (background, str(e), output.read()))
- _, kind = os.path.splitext(background)
- path_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, '.background' + kind)
- shutil.copyfile(background, path_in_image)
- elif pkg_resources.resource_exists('dmgbuild', 'resources/' + background + '.tiff'):
- tiffdata = pkg_resources.resource_string(
- 'dmgbuild',
- 'resources/' + background + '.tiff')
- path_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, '.background.tiff')
- with open(path_in_image, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(tiffdata)
- else:
- raise ValueError('background file "%s" not found' % background)
- alias = Alias.for_file(path_in_image)
- background_bmk = Bookmark.for_file(path_in_image)
- icvp['backgroundType'] = 2
- icvp['backgroundImageAlias'] = plist_bytes(alias.to_bytes())
- for f in options['files']:
- if isinstance(f, tuple):
- f_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, f[1])
- f = f[0]
- else:
- basename = os.path.basename(f.rstrip('/'))
- f_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, basename)
- # use system ditto command to preserve code signing, etc.
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/ditto', f, f_in_image])
- for name,target in iteritems(options['symlinks']):
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- os.symlink(target, name_in_image)
- to_hide = []
- for name in options['hide_extensions']:
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- to_hide.append(name_in_image)
- if to_hide:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'E'] + to_hide)
- to_hide = []
- for name in options['hide']:
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- to_hide.append(name_in_image)
- if to_hide:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'V'] + to_hide)
- userfn = options.get('create_hook', None)
- if callable(userfn):
- userfn(mount_point, options)
- image_dsstore = os.path.join(mount_point, '.DS_Store')
- with DSStore.open(image_dsstore, 'w+') as d:
- d['.']['vSrn'] = ('long', 1)
- d['.']['bwsp'] = bwsp
- if include_icon_view_settings:
- d['.']['icvp'] = icvp
- if background_bmk:
- d['.']['pBBk'] = background_bmk
- if include_list_view_settings:
- d['.']['lsvp'] = lsvp
- d['.']['icvl'] = icvl
- for k,v in iteritems(options['icon_locations']):
- d[k]['Iloc'] = v
- # Delete .Trashes, if it gets created
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(mount_point, '.Trashes'), True)
- except:
- # Always try to detach
- hdiutil('detach', '-force', device, plist=False)
- raise
- for tries in range(detach_retries):
- ret, output = hdiutil('detach', device, plist=False)
- if not ret:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- if ret:
- hdiutil('detach', '-force', device, plist=False)
- raise DMGError('Unable to detach device cleanly')
- # Shrink the output to the minimum possible size
- ret, output = hdiutil('resize',
- '-quiet',
- '-sectors', 'min',
- writableFile.name,
- plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to shrink')
- key_prefix = {'UDZO': 'zlib', 'UDBZ': 'bzip2', 'ULFO': 'lzfse'}
- compression_level = options['compression_level']
- if options['format'] in key_prefix and compression_level:
- compression_args = [
- '-imagekey',
- key_prefix[options['format']] + '-level=' + str(compression_level)
- ]
- else:
- compression_args = []
- ret, output = hdiutil('convert', writableFile.name,
- '-format', options['format'],
- '-ov',
- '-o', filename, *compression_args)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to convert')
- if options['license']:
- ret, output = hdiutil('unflatten', '-quiet', filename, plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to unflatten to add license')
- licensing.add_license(filename, options['license'])
- ret, output = hdiutil('flatten', '-quiet', filename, plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to flatten after adding license')