path: root/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 2151 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/LICENSE b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index e91f4eb38..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014 Alastair Houghton
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/__init__.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f985c32..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .core import build_dmg
-__all__ = ['dmgbuild']
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/badge.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/badge.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 159a53708..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/badge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from Quartz import *
-import math
-_REMOVABLE_DISK_PATH = '/System/Library/Extensions/IOStorageFamily.kext/Contents/Resources/Removable.icns'
-def badge_disk_icon(badge_file, output_file):
- # Load the Removable disk icon
- url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, _REMOVABLE_DISK_PATH,
- kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, False)
- backdrop = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url, None)
- backdropCount = CGImageSourceGetCount(backdrop)
- # Load the badge
- url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, badge_file,
- kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, False)
- badge = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url, None)
- assert badge is not None, 'Unable to process image file: %s' % badge_file
- badgeCount = CGImageSourceGetCount(badge)
- # Set up a destination for our target
- url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(None, output_file,
- kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, False)
- target = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url, 'com.apple.icns',
- backdropCount, None)
- # Get the RGB colorspace
- rgbColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB)
- # Scale
- scale = 1.0
- # Perspective transform
- corners = ((0.2, 0.95), (0.8, 0.95), (0.85, 0.35), (0.15, 0.35))
- # Translation
- position = (0.5, 0.5)
- for n in range(backdropCount):
- props = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(backdrop, n, None)
- width = props['PixelWidth']
- height = props['PixelHeight']
- dpi = props['DPIWidth']
- depth = props['Depth']
- # Choose the best sized badge image
- bestWidth = None
- bestHeight = None
- bestBadge = None
- bestDepth = None
- bestDPI = None
- for m in range(badgeCount):
- badgeProps = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(badge, m, None)
- badgeWidth = badgeProps['PixelWidth']
- badgeHeight = badgeProps['PixelHeight']
- badgeDPI = badgeProps['DPIWidth']
- badgeDepth = badgeProps['Depth']
- if bestBadge is None or (badgeWidth <= width
- and (bestWidth > width
- or badgeWidth > bestWidth
- or (badgeWidth == bestWidth
- and badgeDPI == dpi
- and badgeDepth <= depth
- and (bestDepth is None
- or badgeDepth > bestDepth)))):
- bestBadge = m
- bestWidth = badgeWidth
- bestHeight = badgeHeight
- bestDPI = badgeDPI
- bestDepth = badgeDepth
- badgeImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(badge, bestBadge, None)
- badgeCI = CIImage.imageWithCGImage_(badgeImage)
- backgroundImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(backdrop, n, None)
- backgroundCI = CIImage.imageWithCGImage_(backgroundImage)
- compositor = CIFilter.filterWithName_('CISourceOverCompositing')
- lanczos = CIFilter.filterWithName_('CILanczosScaleTransform')
- perspective = CIFilter.filterWithName_('CIPerspectiveTransform')
- transform = CIFilter.filterWithName_('CIAffineTransform')
- lanczos.setValue_forKey_(badgeCI, kCIInputImageKey)
- lanczos.setValue_forKey_(scale * float(width)/bestWidth, kCIInputScaleKey)
- lanczos.setValue_forKey_(1.0, kCIInputAspectRatioKey)
- topLeft = (width * scale * corners[0][0],
- width * scale * corners[0][1])
- topRight = (width * scale * corners[1][0],
- width * scale * corners[1][1])
- bottomRight = (width * scale * corners[2][0],
- width * scale * corners[2][1])
- bottomLeft = (width * scale * corners[3][0],
- width * scale * corners[3][1])
- out = lanczos.valueForKey_(kCIOutputImageKey)
- if width >= 16:
- perspective.setValue_forKey_(out, kCIInputImageKey)
- perspective.setValue_forKey_(CIVector.vectorWithX_Y_(*topLeft),
- 'inputTopLeft')
- perspective.setValue_forKey_(CIVector.vectorWithX_Y_(*topRight),
- 'inputTopRight')
- perspective.setValue_forKey_(CIVector.vectorWithX_Y_(*bottomRight),
- 'inputBottomRight')
- perspective.setValue_forKey_(CIVector.vectorWithX_Y_(*bottomLeft),
- 'inputBottomLeft')
- out = perspective.valueForKey_(kCIOutputImageKey)
- tfm = NSAffineTransform.transform()
- tfm.translateXBy_yBy_(math.floor((position[0] - 0.5 * scale) * width),
- math.floor((position[1] - 0.5 * scale) * height))
- transform.setValue_forKey_(out, kCIInputImageKey)
- transform.setValue_forKey_(tfm, 'inputTransform')
- out = transform.valueForKey_(kCIOutputImageKey)
- compositor.setValue_forKey_(out, kCIInputImageKey)
- compositor.setValue_forKey_(backgroundCI, kCIInputBackgroundImageKey)
- result = compositor.valueForKey_(kCIOutputImageKey)
- cgContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(None,
- width,
- height,
- 8,
- 0,
- rgbColorSpace,
- kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast)
- context = CIContext.contextWithCGContext_options_(cgContext, None)
- context.drawImage_inRect_fromRect_(result,
- ((0, 0), (width, height)),
- ((0, 0), (width, height)))
- image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(cgContext)
- CGImageDestinationAddImage(target, image, props)
- CGImageDestinationFinalize(target)
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/colors.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/colors.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 891e5d536..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/colors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
-import math
-class Color (object):
- def to_rgb(self):
- raise Exception('Must implement to_rgb() in subclasses')
-class RGB (Color):
- def __init__(self, r, g, b):
- self.r = r
- self.g = g
- self.b = b
- def to_rgb(self):
- return self
-class HSL (Color):
- def __init__(self, h, s, l):
- self.h = h
- self.s = s
- self.l = l
- @staticmethod
- def _hue_to_rgb(t1, t2, hue):
- if hue < 0:
- hue += 6
- elif hue >= 6:
- hue -= 6
- if hue < 1:
- return (t2 - t1) * hue + t1
- elif hue < 3:
- return t2
- elif hue < 4:
- return (t2 - t1) * (4 - hue) + t1
- else:
- return t1
- def to_rgb(self):
- hue = self.h / 60.0
- if self.l <= 0.5:
- t2 = self.l * (self.s + 1)
- else:
- t2 = self.l + self.s - (self.l * self.s)
- t1 = self.l * 2 - t2
- r = self._hue_to_rgb(t1, t2, hue + 2)
- g = self._hue_to_rgb(t1, t2, hue)
- b = self._hue_to_rgb(t1, t2, hue - 2)
- return RGB(r, g, b)
-class HWB (Color):
- def __init__(self, h, w, b):
- self.h = h
- self.w = w
- self.b = b
- @staticmethod
- def _hue_to_rgb(hue):
- if hue < 0:
- hue += 6
- elif hue >= 6:
- hue -= 6
- if hue < 1:
- return hue
- elif hue < 3:
- return 1
- elif hue < 4:
- return (4 - hue)
- else:
- return 0
- def to_rgb(self):
- hue = self.h / 60.0
- t1 = 1 - self.w - self.b
- r = self._hue_to_rgb(hue + 2) * t1 + self.w
- g = self._hue_to_rgb(hue) * t1 + self.w
- b = self._hue_to_rgb(hue - 2) * t1 + self.w
- return RGB(r, g, b)
-class CMYK (Color):
- def __init__(self, c, m, y, k):
- self.c = c
- self.m = m
- self.y = y
- self.k = k
- def to_rgb(self):
- r = 1.0 - min(1.0, self.c + self.k)
- g = 1.0 - min(1.0, self.m + self.k)
- b = 1.0 - min(1.0, self.y + self.k)
- return RGB(r, g, b)
-class Gray (Color):
- def __init__(self, g):
- self.g = g
- def to_rgb(self):
- return RGB(g, g, g)
-_x11_colors = {
- 'aliceblue': (240, 248, 255),
- 'antiquewhite': (250, 235, 215),
- 'aqua': ( 0, 255, 255),
- 'aquamarine': (127, 255, 212),
- 'azure': (240, 255, 255),
- 'beige': (245, 245, 220),
- 'bisque': (255, 228, 196),
- 'black': ( 0, 0, 0),
- 'blanchedalmond': (255, 235, 205),
- 'blue': ( 0, 0, 255),
- 'blueviolet': (138, 43, 226),
- 'brown': (165, 42, 42),
- 'burlywood': (222, 184, 135),
- 'cadetblue': ( 95, 158, 160),
- 'chartreuse': (127, 255, 0),
- 'chocolate': (210, 105, 30),
- 'coral': (255, 127, 80),
- 'cornflowerblue': (100, 149, 237),
- 'cornsilk': (255, 248, 220),
- 'crimson': (220, 20, 60),
- 'cyan': ( 0, 255, 255),
- 'darkblue': ( 0, 0, 139),
- 'darkcyan': ( 0, 139, 139),
- 'darkgoldenrod': (184, 134, 11),
- 'darkgray': (169, 169, 169),
- 'darkgreen': ( 0, 100, 0),
- 'darkgrey': (169, 169, 169),
- 'darkkhaki': (189, 183, 107),
- 'darkmagenta': (139, 0, 139),
- 'darkolivegreen': ( 85, 107, 47),
- 'darkorange': (255, 140, 0),
- 'darkorchid': (153, 50, 204),
- 'darkred': (139, 0, 0),
- 'darksalmon': (233, 150, 122),
- 'darkseagreen': (143, 188, 143),
- 'darkslateblue': ( 72, 61, 139),
- 'darkslategray': ( 47, 79, 79),
- 'darkslategrey': ( 47, 79, 79),
- 'darkturquoise': ( 0, 206, 209),
- 'darkviolet': (148, 0, 211),
- 'deeppink': (255, 20, 147),
- 'deepskyblue': ( 0, 191, 255),
- 'dimgray': (105, 105, 105),
- 'dimgrey': (105, 105, 105),
- 'dodgerblue': ( 30, 144, 255),
- 'firebrick': (178, 34, 34),
- 'floralwhite': (255, 250, 240),
- 'forestgreen': ( 34, 139, 34),
- 'fuchsia': (255, 0, 255),
- 'gainsboro': (220, 220, 220),
- 'ghostwhite': (248, 248, 255),
- 'gold': (255, 215, 0),
- 'goldenrod': (218, 165, 32),
- 'gray': (128, 128, 128),
- 'grey': (128, 128, 128),
- 'green': ( 0, 128, 0),
- 'greenyellow': (173, 255, 47),
- 'honeydew': (240, 255, 240),
- 'hotpink': (255, 105, 180),
- 'indianred': (205, 92, 92),
- 'indigo': ( 75, 0, 130),
- 'ivory': (255, 255, 240),
- 'khaki': (240, 230, 140),
- 'lavender': (230, 230, 250),
- 'lavenderblush': (255, 240, 245),
- 'lawngreen': (124, 252, 0),
- 'lemonchiffon': (255, 250, 205),
- 'lightblue': (173, 216, 230),
- 'lightcoral': (240, 128, 128),
- 'lightcyan': (224, 255, 255),
- 'lightgoldenrodyellow': (250, 250, 210),
- 'lightgray': (211, 211, 211),
- 'lightgreen': (144, 238, 144),
- 'lightgrey': (211, 211, 211),
- 'lightpink': (255, 182, 193),
- 'lightsalmon': (255, 160, 122),
- 'lightseagreen': ( 32, 178, 170),
- 'lightskyblue': (135, 206, 250),
- 'lightslategray': (119, 136, 153),
- 'lightslategrey': (119, 136, 153),
- 'lightsteelblue': (176, 196, 222),
- 'lightyellow': (255, 255, 224),
- 'lime': ( 0, 255, 0),
- 'limegreen': ( 50, 205, 50),
- 'linen': (250, 240, 230),
- 'magenta': (255, 0, 255),
- 'maroon': (128, 0, 0),
- 'mediumaquamarine': (102, 205, 170),
- 'mediumblue': ( 0, 0, 205),
- 'mediumorchid': (186, 85, 211),
- 'mediumpurple': (147, 112, 219),
- 'mediumseagreen': ( 60, 179, 113),
- 'mediumslateblue': (123, 104, 238),
- 'mediumspringgreen': ( 0, 250, 154),
- 'mediumturquoise': ( 72, 209, 204),
- 'mediumvioletred': (199, 21, 133),
- 'midnightblue': ( 25, 25, 112),
- 'mintcream': (245, 255, 250),
- 'mistyrose': (255, 228, 225),
- 'moccasin': (255, 228, 181),
- 'navajowhite': (255, 222, 173),
- 'navy': ( 0, 0, 128),
- 'oldlace': (253, 245, 230),
- 'olive': (128, 128, 0),
- 'olivedrab': (107, 142, 35),
- 'orange': (255, 165, 0),
- 'orangered': (255, 69, 0),
- 'orchid': (218, 112, 214),
- 'palegoldenrod': (238, 232, 170),
- 'palegreen': (152, 251, 152),
- 'paleturquoise': (175, 238, 238),
- 'palevioletred': (219, 112, 147),
- 'papayawhip': (255, 239, 213),
- 'peachpuff': (255, 218, 185),
- 'peru': (205, 133, 63),
- 'pink': (255, 192, 203),
- 'plum': (221, 160, 221),
- 'powderblue': (176, 224, 230),
- 'purple': (128, 0, 128),
- 'red': (255, 0, 0),
- 'rosybrown': (188, 143, 143),
- 'royalblue': ( 65, 105, 225),
- 'saddlebrown': (139, 69, 19),
- 'salmon': (250, 128, 114),
- 'sandybrown': (244, 164, 96),
- 'seagreen': ( 46, 139, 87),
- 'seashell': (255, 245, 238),
- 'sienna': (160, 82, 45),
- 'silver': (192, 192, 192),
- 'skyblue': (135, 206, 235),
- 'slateblue': (106, 90, 205),
- 'slategray': (112, 128, 144),
- 'slategrey': (112, 128, 144),
- 'snow': (255, 250, 250),
- 'springgreen': ( 0, 255, 127),
- 'steelblue': ( 70, 130, 180),
- 'tan': (210, 180, 140),
- 'teal': ( 0, 128, 128),
- 'thistle': (216, 191, 216),
- 'tomato': (255, 99, 71),
- 'turquoise': ( 64, 224, 208),
- 'violet': (238, 130, 238),
- 'wheat': (245, 222, 179),
- 'white': (255, 255, 255),
- 'whitesmoke': (245, 245, 245),
- 'yellow': (255, 255, 0),
- 'yellowgreen': (154, 205, 50)
- }
-_ws_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
-_token_re = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*')
-_hex_re = re.compile(r'#([0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?)$')
-_number_re = re.compile(r'[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)')
-class ColorParser (object):
- def __init__(self, s):
- self._string = s
- self._pos = 0
- def skipws(self):
- m = _ws_re.match(self._string, self._pos)
- if m:
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- def expect(self, s, context=''):
- if len(self._string) - self._pos < len(s) \
- or self._string[self._pos:self._pos + len(s)] != s:
- raise ValueError('bad color "%s" - expected "%s"%s'
- % (self._string, s, context))
- self._pos += len(s)
- def expectEnd(self):
- if self._pos != len(self._string):
- raise ValueError('junk at end of color "%s"' % self._string)
- def getToken(self):
- m = _token_re.match(self._string, self._pos)
- if m:
- token = m.group(0)
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- return token
- return None
- def parseNumber(self, context=''):
- m = _number_re.match(self._string, self._pos)
- if m:
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- return float(m.group(0))
- raise ValueError('bad color "%s" - expected a number%s'
- % (self._string, context))
- def parseColor(self):
- self.skipws()
- token = self.getToken()
- if token:
- if token == 'rgb':
- return self.parseRGB()
- elif token == 'hsl':
- return self.parseHSL()
- elif token == 'hwb':
- return self.parseHWB()
- elif token == 'cmyk':
- return self.parseCMYK()
- elif token == 'gray' or token == 'grey':
- return self.parseGray()
- try:
- r, g, b = _x11_colors[token]
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError('unknown color name "%s"' % token)
- self.expectEnd()
- return RGB(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
- m = _hex_re.match(self._string, self._pos)
- if m:
- hrgb = m.group(1)
- if len(hrgb) == 3:
- r = int('0x' + 2 * hrgb[0], 16)
- g = int('0x' + 2 * hrgb[1], 16)
- b = int('0x' + 2 * hrgb[2], 16)
- else:
- r = int('0x' + hrgb[0:2], 16)
- g = int('0x' + hrgb[2:4], 16)
- b = int('0x' + hrgb[4:6], 16)
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return RGB(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
- raise ValueError('bad color syntax "%s"' % self._string)
- def parseRGB(self):
- self.expect('(', 'after "rgb"')
- self.skipws()
- r = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "rgb"')
- self.skipws()
- g = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "rgb"')
- self.skipws()
- b = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(')', 'at end of "rgb"')
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return RGB(r, g, b)
- def parseHSL(self):
- self.expect('(', 'after "hsl"')
- self.skipws()
- h = self.parseAngle()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "hsl"')
- self.skipws()
- s = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "hsl"')
- self.skipws()
- l = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(')', 'at end of "hsl"')
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return HSL(h, s, l)
- def parseHWB(self):
- self.expect('(', 'after "hwb"')
- self.skipws()
- h = self.parseAngle()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "hwb"')
- self.skipws()
- w = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "hwb"')
- self.skipws()
- b = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(')', 'at end of "hwb"')
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return HWB(h, w, b)
- def parseCMYK(self):
- self.expect('(', 'after "cmyk"')
- self.skipws()
- c = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "cmyk"')
- self.skipws()
- m = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "cmyk"')
- self.skipws()
- y = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(',', 'in "cmyk"')
- self.skipws()
- k = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(')', 'at end of "cmyk"')
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return CMYK(c, m, y, k)
- def parseGray(self):
- self.expect('(', 'after "gray"')
- self.skipws()
- g = self.parseValue()
- self.skipws()
- self.expect(')', 'at end of "gray')
- self.skipws()
- self.expectEnd()
- return Gray(g)
- def parseValue(self):
- n = self.parseNumber()
- self.skipws()
- if self._string[self._pos] == '%':
- n = n / 100.0
- self.pos += 1
- return n
- def parseAngle(self):
- n = self.parseNumber()
- self.skipws()
- tok = self.getToken()
- if tok == 'rad':
- n = n * 180.0 / math.pi
- elif tok == 'grad' or tok == 'gon':
- n = n * 0.9
- elif tok != 'deg':
- raise ValueError('bad angle unit "%s"' % tok)
- return n
-_color_re = re.compile(r'\s*(#|rgb|hsl|hwb|cmyk|gray|grey|%s)'
- % '|'.join(_x11_colors.keys()))
-def isAColor(s):
- return _color_re.match(s)
-def parseColor(s):
- return ColorParser(s).parseColor()
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d94a06c1f..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/core.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-import pkg_resources
-import platform
-import re
-import shutil
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import tokenize
-import json
-import time
- {}.iteritems
- iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.iterkeys()
-except AttributeError:
- iteritems = lambda x: x.items()
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.keys()
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
- import biplist
- def plist_from_bytes(data):
- return biplist.readPlistFromString(data)
- def plist_bytes(data):
- return biplist.Data(data)
- import plistlib
- def plist_from_bytes(data):
- return plistlib.loads(data)
- def plist_bytes(data):
- return data
-from mac_alias import *
-from ds_store import *
-from . import colors
-from . import licensing
- from . import badge
-except ImportError:
- badge = None
-_hexcolor_re = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?')
-# The first element in the platform.mac_ver() tuple is a string containing the
-# macOS version (e.g., '10.15.6'). Parse into an integer tuple.
-MACOS_VERSION = tuple(int(v) for v in platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.'))
-class DMGError(Exception):
- pass
-def hdiutil(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
- plist = kwargs.get('plist', True)
- all_args = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', cmd]
- all_args.extend(args)
- if plist:
- all_args.append('-plist')
- p = subprocess.Popen(all_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- output, errors = p.communicate()
- if plist:
- results = plist_from_bytes(output)
- else:
- results = output
- retcode = p.wait()
- return retcode, results
-# On Python 2 we can just execfile() it, but Python 3 deprecated that
-def load_settings(filename, settings):
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- execfile(filename, settings, settings)
- else:
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
- try:
- encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(fp.readline)[0]
- except SyntaxError:
- pass
- with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as fp:
- exec(compile(fp.read(), filename, 'exec'), settings, settings)
-def load_json(filename, settings):
- """Read an appdmg .json spec. Uses the defaults for appdmg, rather than
- the usual defaults for dmgbuild. """
- with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
- json_data = json.load(fp)
- if 'title' not in json_data:
- raise ValueError('missing \'title\' in JSON settings file')
- if 'contents' not in json_data:
- raise ValueError('missing \'contents\' in JSON settings file')
- settings['volume_name'] = json_data['title']
- settings['icon'] = json_data.get('icon', None)
- settings['badge_icon'] = json_data.get('badge-icon', None)
- bk = json_data.get('background', None)
- if bk is None:
- bk = json_data.get('background-color', None)
- if bk is not None:
- settings['background'] = bk
- settings['icon_size'] = json_data.get('icon-size', 80)
- wnd = json_data.get('window', { 'position': (100, 100),
- 'size': (640, 480) })
- pos = wnd.get('position', { 'x': 100, 'y': 100 })
- siz = wnd.get('size', { 'width': 640, 'height': 480 })
- settings['window_rect'] = ((pos.get('x', 100), pos.get('y', 100)),
- (siz.get('width', 640), siz.get('height', 480)))
- settings['format'] = json_data.get('format', 'UDZO')
- settings['compression_level'] = json_data.get('compression-level', None)
- settings['license'] = json_data.get('license', None)
- files = []
- hide = []
- hide_extensions = []
- symlinks = {}
- icon_locations = {}
- for fileinfo in json_data.get('contents', []):
- if 'path' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'path\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- if 'x' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'x\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- if 'y' not in fileinfo:
- raise ValueError('missing \'y\' in contents in JSON settings file')
- kind = fileinfo.get('type', 'file')
- path = fileinfo['path']
- name = fileinfo.get('name', os.path.basename(path.rstrip('/')))
- if kind == 'file':
- files.append((path, name))
- elif kind == 'link':
- symlinks[name] = path
- elif kind == 'position':
- pass
- icon_locations[name] = (fileinfo['x'], fileinfo['y'])
- hide_ext = fileinfo.get('hide_extension', False)
- if hide_ext:
- hide_extensions.append(name)
- hidden = fileinfo.get('hidden', False)
- if hidden:
- hide.append(name)
- settings['files'] = files
- settings['hide_extensions'] = hide_extensions
- settings['hide'] = hide
- settings['symlinks'] = symlinks
- settings['icon_locations'] = icon_locations
-def build_dmg(filename, volume_name, settings_file=None, settings={},
- defines={}, lookForHiDPI=True, detach_retries=5):
- options = {
- # Default settings
- 'filename': filename,
- 'volume_name': volume_name,
- 'format': 'UDBZ',
- 'compression_level': None,
- 'size': None,
- 'files': [],
- 'symlinks': {},
- 'hide': [],
- 'hide_extensions': [],
- 'icon': None,
- 'badge_icon': None,
- 'background': None,
- 'show_status_bar': False,
- 'show_tab_view': False,
- 'show_toolbar': False,
- 'show_pathbar': False,
- 'show_sidebar': False,
- 'sidebar_width': 180,
- 'arrange_by': None,
- 'grid_offset': (0, 0),
- 'grid_spacing': 100.0,
- 'scroll_position': (0.0, 0.0),
- 'show_icon_preview': False,
- 'show_item_info': False,
- 'label_pos': 'bottom',
- 'text_size': 16.0,
- 'icon_size': 128.0,
- 'include_icon_view_settings': 'auto',
- 'include_list_view_settings': 'auto',
- 'list_icon_size': 16.0,
- 'list_text_size': 12.0,
- 'list_scroll_position': (0, 0),
- 'list_sort_by': 'name',
- 'list_use_relative_dates': True,
- 'list_calculate_all_sizes': False,
- 'list_columns': ('name', 'date-modified', 'size', 'kind', 'date-added'),
- 'list_column_widths': {
- 'name': 300,
- 'date-modified': 181,
- 'date-created': 181,
- 'date-added': 181,
- 'date-last-opened': 181,
- 'size': 97,
- 'kind': 115,
- 'label': 100,
- 'version': 75,
- 'comments': 300,
- },
- 'list_column_sort_directions': {
- 'name': 'ascending',
- 'date-modified': 'descending',
- 'date-created': 'descending',
- 'date-added': 'descending',
- 'date-last-opened': 'descending',
- 'size': 'descending',
- 'kind': 'ascending',
- 'label': 'ascending',
- 'version': 'ascending',
- 'comments': 'ascending',
- },
- 'window_rect': ((100, 100), (640, 280)),
- 'default_view': 'icon-view',
- 'icon_locations': {},
- 'license': None,
- 'defines': defines
- }
- # Execute the settings file
- if settings_file:
- # We now support JSON settings files using appdmg's format
- if settings_file.endswith('.json'):
- load_json(settings_file, options)
- else:
- load_settings(settings_file, options)
- # Add any overrides
- options.update(settings)
- # Set up the finder data
- bounds = options['window_rect']
- bounds_string = '{{%s, %s}, {%s, %s}}' % (bounds[0][0],
- bounds[0][1],
- bounds[1][0],
- bounds[1][1])
- bwsp = {
- 'ShowStatusBar': options['show_status_bar'],
- 'WindowBounds': bounds_string,
- 'ContainerShowSidebar': False,
- 'PreviewPaneVisibility': False,
- 'SidebarWidth': options['sidebar_width'],
- 'ShowTabView': options['show_tab_view'],
- 'ShowToolbar': options['show_toolbar'],
- 'ShowPathbar': options['show_pathbar'],
- 'ShowSidebar': options['show_sidebar']
- }
- arrange_options = {
- 'name': 'name',
- 'date-modified': 'dateModified',
- 'date-created': 'dateCreated',
- 'date-added': 'dateAdded',
- 'date-last-opened': 'dateLastOpened',
- 'size': 'size',
- 'kind': 'kind',
- 'label': 'label',
- }
- icvp = {
- 'viewOptionsVersion': 1,
- 'backgroundType': 0,
- 'backgroundColorRed': 1.0,
- 'backgroundColorGreen': 1.0,
- 'backgroundColorBlue': 1.0,
- 'gridOffsetX': float(options['grid_offset'][0]),
- 'gridOffsetY': float(options['grid_offset'][1]),
- 'gridSpacing': float(options['grid_spacing']),
- 'arrangeBy': str(arrange_options.get(options['arrange_by'], 'none')),
- 'showIconPreview': options['show_icon_preview'] == True,
- 'showItemInfo': options['show_item_info'] == True,
- 'labelOnBottom': options['label_pos'] == 'bottom',
- 'textSize': float(options['text_size']),
- 'iconSize': float(options['icon_size']),
- 'scrollPositionX': float(options['scroll_position'][0]),
- 'scrollPositionY': float(options['scroll_position'][1])
- }
- background = options['background']
- columns = {
- 'name': 'name',
- 'date-modified': 'dateModified',
- 'date-created': 'dateCreated',
- 'date-added': 'dateAdded',
- 'date-last-opened': 'dateLastOpened',
- 'size': 'size',
- 'kind': 'kind',
- 'label': 'label',
- 'version': 'version',
- 'comments': 'comments'
- }
- default_widths = {
- 'name': 300,
- 'date-modified': 181,
- 'date-created': 181,
- 'date-added': 181,
- 'date-last-opened': 181,
- 'size': 97,
- 'kind': 115,
- 'label': 100,
- 'version': 75,
- 'comments': 300,
- }
- default_sort_directions = {
- 'name': 'ascending',
- 'date-modified': 'descending',
- 'date-created': 'descending',
- 'date-added': 'descending',
- 'date-last-opened': 'descending',
- 'size': 'descending',
- 'kind': 'ascending',
- 'label': 'ascending',
- 'version': 'ascending',
- 'comments': 'ascending',
- }
- lsvp = {
- 'viewOptionsVersion': 1,
- 'sortColumn': columns.get(options['list_sort_by'], 'name'),
- 'textSize': float(options['list_text_size']),
- 'iconSize': float(options['list_icon_size']),
- 'showIconPreview': options['show_icon_preview'],
- 'scrollPositionX': options['list_scroll_position'][0],
- 'scrollPositionY': options['list_scroll_position'][1],
- 'useRelativeDates': options['list_use_relative_dates'],
- 'calculateAllSizes': options['list_calculate_all_sizes'],
- }
- lsvp['columns'] = {}
- cndx = {}
- for n, column in enumerate(options['list_columns']):
- cndx[column] = n
- width = options['list_column_widths'].get(column,
- default_widths[column])
- asc = 'ascending' == options['list_column_sort_directions'].get(column,
- default_sort_directions[column])
- lsvp['columns'][columns[column]] = {
- 'index': n,
- 'width': width,
- 'identifier': columns[column],
- 'visible': True,
- 'ascending': asc
- }
- n = len(options['list_columns'])
- for k in iterkeys(columns):
- if cndx.get(k, None) is None:
- cndx[k] = n
- width = default_widths[k]
- asc = 'ascending' == default_sort_directions[k]
- lsvp['columns'][columns[column]] = {
- 'index': n,
- 'width': width,
- 'identifier': columns[column],
- 'visible': False,
- 'ascending': asc
- }
- n += 1
- default_view = options['default_view']
- views = {
- 'icon-view': b'icnv',
- 'column-view': b'clmv',
- 'list-view': b'Nlsv',
- 'coverflow': b'Flwv'
- }
- icvl = (b'type', views.get(default_view, 'icnv'))
- include_icon_view_settings = default_view == 'icon-view' \
- or options['include_icon_view_settings'] not in \
- ('auto', 'no', 0, False, None)
- include_list_view_settings = default_view in ('list-view', 'coverflow') \
- or options['include_list_view_settings'] not in \
- ('auto', 'no', 0, False, None)
- filename = options['filename']
- volume_name = options['volume_name']
- # Construct a writeable image to start with
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(filename))
- if not basename.endswith('.dmg'):
- basename += '.dmg'
- writableFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dirname, prefix='.temp',
- suffix=basename)
- total_size = options['size']
- if total_size == None:
- # Start with a size of 128MB - this way we don't need to calculate the
- # size of the background image, volume icon, and .DS_Store file (and
- # 128 MB should be well sufficient for even the most outlandish image
- # sizes, like an uncompressed 5K multi-resolution TIFF)
- total_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024
- def roundup(x, n):
- return x if x % n == 0 else x + n - x % n
- for path in options['files']:
- if isinstance(path, tuple):
- path = path[0]
- if not os.path.islink(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
- for f in filenames:
- fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
- total_size += roundup(os.lstat(fp).st_size, 4096)
- else:
- total_size += roundup(os.lstat(path).st_size, 4096)
- for name,target in iteritems(options['symlinks']):
- total_size += 4096
- total_size = str(max(total_size / 1000, 1024)) + 'K'
- ret, output = hdiutil('create',
- '-ov',
- '-volname', volume_name,
- '-fs', 'HFS+',
- '-fsargs', '-c c=64,a=16,e=16',
- '-size', total_size,
- writableFile.name)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to create disk image')
- # IDME was deprecated in macOS 10.15/Catalina; as a result, use of -noidme
- # started raising a warning.
- if MACOS_VERSION >= (10, 15):
- ret, output = hdiutil('attach',
- '-nobrowse',
- '-owners', 'off',
- writableFile.name)
- else:
- ret, output = hdiutil('attach',
- '-nobrowse',
- '-owners', 'off',
- '-noidme',
- writableFile.name)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to attach disk image')
- try:
- for info in output['system-entities']:
- if info.get('mount-point', None):
- device = info['dev-entry']
- mount_point = info['mount-point']
- icon = options['icon']
- if badge:
- badge_icon = options['badge_icon']
- else:
- badge_icon = None
- icon_target_path = os.path.join(mount_point, '.VolumeIcon.icns')
- if icon:
- shutil.copyfile(icon, icon_target_path)
- elif badge_icon:
- badge.badge_disk_icon(badge_icon, icon_target_path)
- if icon or badge_icon:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'C', mount_point])
- background_bmk = None
- if not isinstance(background, (str, unicode)):
- pass
- elif colors.isAColor(background):
- c = colors.parseColor(background).to_rgb()
- icvp['backgroundType'] = 1
- icvp['backgroundColorRed'] = float(c.r)
- icvp['backgroundColorGreen'] = float(c.g)
- icvp['backgroundColorBlue'] = float(c.b)
- else:
- if os.path.isfile(background):
- # look to see if there are HiDPI resources available
- if lookForHiDPI is True:
- name, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(background))
- orderedImages = [background]
- imageDirectory = os.path.dirname(background)
- if imageDirectory == '':
- imageDirectory = '.'
- for candidateName in os.listdir(imageDirectory):
- hasScale = re.match(
- r'^(?P<name>.+)@(?P<scale>\d+)x(?P<extension>\.\w+)$',
- candidateName)
- if hasScale and name == hasScale.group('name') and \
- extension == hasScale.group('extension'):
- scale = int(hasScale.group('scale'))
- if len(orderedImages) < scale:
- orderedImages += [None] * (scale - len(orderedImages))
- orderedImages[scale - 1] = os.path.join(imageDirectory, candidateName)
- if len(orderedImages) > 1:
- # compile the grouped tiff
- backgroundFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tiff')
- background = backgroundFile.name
- output = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+')
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(
- ['/usr/bin/tiffutil', '-cathidpicheck'] +
- list(filter(None, orderedImages)) +
- ['-out', background], stdout=output, stderr=output)
- except Exception as e:
- output.seek(0)
- raise ValueError(
- 'unable to compile combined HiDPI file "%s" got error: %s\noutput: %s'
- % (background, str(e), output.read()))
- _, kind = os.path.splitext(background)
- path_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, '.background' + kind)
- shutil.copyfile(background, path_in_image)
- elif pkg_resources.resource_exists('dmgbuild', 'resources/' + background + '.tiff'):
- tiffdata = pkg_resources.resource_string(
- 'dmgbuild',
- 'resources/' + background + '.tiff')
- path_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, '.background.tiff')
- with open(path_in_image, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(tiffdata)
- else:
- raise ValueError('background file "%s" not found' % background)
- alias = Alias.for_file(path_in_image)
- background_bmk = Bookmark.for_file(path_in_image)
- icvp['backgroundType'] = 2
- icvp['backgroundImageAlias'] = plist_bytes(alias.to_bytes())
- for f in options['files']:
- if isinstance(f, tuple):
- f_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, f[1])
- f = f[0]
- else:
- basename = os.path.basename(f.rstrip('/'))
- f_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, basename)
- # use system ditto command to preserve code signing, etc.
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/ditto', f, f_in_image])
- for name,target in iteritems(options['symlinks']):
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- os.symlink(target, name_in_image)
- to_hide = []
- for name in options['hide_extensions']:
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- to_hide.append(name_in_image)
- if to_hide:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'E'] + to_hide)
- to_hide = []
- for name in options['hide']:
- name_in_image = os.path.join(mount_point, name)
- to_hide.append(name_in_image)
- if to_hide:
- subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/SetFile', '-a', 'V'] + to_hide)
- userfn = options.get('create_hook', None)
- if callable(userfn):
- userfn(mount_point, options)
- image_dsstore = os.path.join(mount_point, '.DS_Store')
- with DSStore.open(image_dsstore, 'w+') as d:
- d['.']['vSrn'] = ('long', 1)
- d['.']['bwsp'] = bwsp
- if include_icon_view_settings:
- d['.']['icvp'] = icvp
- if background_bmk:
- d['.']['pBBk'] = background_bmk
- if include_list_view_settings:
- d['.']['lsvp'] = lsvp
- d['.']['icvl'] = icvl
- for k,v in iteritems(options['icon_locations']):
- d[k]['Iloc'] = v
- # Delete .Trashes, if it gets created
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(mount_point, '.Trashes'), True)
- except:
- # Always try to detach
- hdiutil('detach', '-force', device, plist=False)
- raise
- for tries in range(detach_retries):
- ret, output = hdiutil('detach', device, plist=False)
- if not ret:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- if ret:
- hdiutil('detach', '-force', device, plist=False)
- raise DMGError('Unable to detach device cleanly')
- # Shrink the output to the minimum possible size
- ret, output = hdiutil('resize',
- '-quiet',
- '-sectors', 'min',
- writableFile.name,
- plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to shrink')
- key_prefix = {'UDZO': 'zlib', 'UDBZ': 'bzip2', 'ULFO': 'lzfse'}
- compression_level = options['compression_level']
- if options['format'] in key_prefix and compression_level:
- compression_args = [
- '-imagekey',
- key_prefix[options['format']] + '-level=' + str(compression_level)
- ]
- else:
- compression_args = []
- ret, output = hdiutil('convert', writableFile.name,
- '-format', options['format'],
- '-ov',
- '-o', filename, *compression_args)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to convert')
- if options['license']:
- ret, output = hdiutil('unflatten', '-quiet', filename, plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to unflatten to add license')
- licensing.add_license(filename, options['license'])
- ret, output = hdiutil('flatten', '-quiet', filename, plist=False)
- if ret:
- raise DMGError('Unable to flatten after adding license')
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/licensing.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/licensing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 871104040..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/licensing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-import struct
-from .resources import *
-# ISO language and country codes to Macintosh Region codes (from Script.h)
-# <key> == CFLocaleCreateCanonicalLocaleIdentifierFromScriptManagerCodes(NULL,
-# kTextLanguageDontCare,
-# <value>)
-region_codes = {
- "en_US": 0,
- "fr_FR": 1,
- "en_GB": 2,
- "de_DE": 3,
- "it_IT": 4,
- "nl_NL": 5,
- "nl_BE": 6,
- "sv_SE": 7,
- "es_ES": 8,
- "da_DK": 9,
- "pt_PT": 10,
- "fr_CA": 11,
- "nb_NO": 12,
- "he_IL": 13,
- "ja_JP": 14,
- "en_AU": 15,
- "ar": 16,
- "fi_FI": 17,
- "fr_CH": 18,
- "de_CH": 19,
- "el_GR": 20,
- "is_IS": 21,
- "mt_MT": 22,
- "el_CY": 23,
- "tr_TR": 24,
- "hi_IN": 33,
- "ur_PK": 34,
- "it_CH": 36,
- "ro_RO": 39,
- "grc": 40,
- "lt_LT": 41,
- "pl_PL": 42,
- "hu_HU": 43,
- "et_EE": 44,
- "lv_LV": 45,
- "se": 46,
- "fo_FO": 47,
- "fa_IR": 48,
- "ru_RU": 49,
- "ga_IE": 50,
- "ko_KR": 51,
- "zh_CN": 52,
- "zh_TW": 53,
- "th_TH": 54,
- "cs_CZ": 56,
- "sk_SK": 57,
- "bn": 60,
- "be_BY": 61,
- "uk_UA": 62,
- "sr_RS": 65,
- "sl_SI": 66,
- "mk_MK": 67,
- "hr_HR": 68,
- "pt_BR": 71,
- "bg_BG": 72,
- "ca_ES": 73,
- "gd": 75,
- "gv": 76,
- "br": 77,
- "iu_CA": 78,
- "cy": 79,
- "ga-Latg_IE": 81,
- "en_CA": 82,
- "dz_BT": 83,
- "hy_AM": 84,
- "ka_GE": 85,
- "es_419": 86,
- "to_TO": 88,
- "fr_001": 91,
- "de_AT": 92,
- "gu_IN": 94,
- "pa": 95,
- "ur_IN": 96,
- "vi_VN": 97,
- "fr_BE": 98,
- "uz_UZ": 99,
- "en_SG": 100,
- "nn_NO": 101,
- "af_ZA": 102,
- "eo": 103,
- "mr_IN": 104,
- "bo": 105,
- "ne_NP": 106,
- "kl": 107,
- "en_IE": 108
-# Map of region constants to script constants (from Script.h)
-# TextEncoding textEncoding;
-# GetTextEncodingFromScriptInfo(kTextScriptDontCare, kTextLanguageDontCare, <key>, &textEncoding);
-# <value> == GetTextEncodingBase(textEncoding);
-script_codes = {
- 0: 0,
- 1: 0,
- 2: 0,
- 3: 0,
- 4: 0,
- 5: 0,
- 6: 0,
- 7: 0,
- 8: 0,
- 9: 0,
- 10: 0,
- 11: 0,
- 12: 0,
- 13: 5,
- 14: 1,
- 15: 0,
- 16: 4,
- 17: 0,
- 18: 0,
- 19: 0,
- 20: 6,
- 21: 37,
- 22: 0,
- 23: 6,
- 24: 35,
- 25: 36,
- 26: 0,
- 27: 0,
- 30: 0,
- 31: 0,
- 32: 0,
- 33: 9,
- 34: 4,
- 35: 35,
- 36: 0,
- 37: 0,
- 39: 38,
- 40: 6,
- 41: 29,
- 42: 29,
- 43: 29,
- 44: 29,
- 45: 29,
- 46: 0,
- 47: 37,
- 48: 140,
- 49: 7,
- 50: 39,
- 51: 3,
- 52: 25,
- 53: 2,
- 54: 21,
- 56: 29,
- 57: 29,
- 59: 29,
- 60: 13,
- 61: 7,
- 62: 7,
- 64: 6,
- 65: 7,
- 66: 36,
- 67: 7,
- 68: 36,
- 70: 0,
- 71: 0,
- 72: 7,
- 73: 0,
- 75: 39,
- 76: 39,
- 77: 39,
- 78: 236,
- 79: 39,
- 81: 40,
- 82: 0,
- 83: 26,
- 84: 24,
- 85: 23,
- 86: 0,
- 88: 0,
- 91: 0,
- 92: 0,
- 94: 11,
- 95: 10,
- 96: 4,
- 97: 30,
- 98: 0,
- 99: 7,
- 100: 0,
- 101: 0,
- 102: 0,
- 103: 0,
- 104: 9,
- 105: 26,
- 106: 9,
- 107: 0,
- 108: 0
-# Map of TextEncodingBase constants to Python encoder names (from TextCommon.h)
-encodings_map = {
- 0: 'mac_roman', # kTextEncodingMacRoman
- 1: 'shift_jis', # kTextEncodingMacJapanese
- 2: 'big5', # kTextEncodingMacChineseTrad
- 3: 'euc_kr', # kTextEncodingMacKorean
- 4: 'mac_arabic', # kTextEncodingMacArabic
- 6: 'mac_greek', # kTextEncodingMacGreek
- 7: 'mac_cyrillic', # kTextEncodingMacCyrillic
- 21: 'iso8859_11', # kTextEncodingMacThai
- 25: 'euc-cn', # kTextEncodingMacChineseSimp
- 29: 'mac_centeuro', # kTextEncodingMacCentralEurRoman
- 35: 'mac_turkish', # kTextEncodingMacTurkish
- 36: 'mac_croatian', # kTextEncodingMacCroatian
- 37: 'mac_iceland', # kTextEncodingMacIcelandic
- 38: 'mac_romanian', # kTextEncodingMacRomanian
- 140: 'mac_farsi' # kTextEncodingMacFarsi
-# Standard fonts
-fonts = {
- 'New York': 2,
- 'Geneva': 3,
- 'Monaco': 4,
- 'Venice': 5,
- 'London': 6,
- 'Athens': 7,
- 'San Francisco': 8,
- 'Toronto': 9,
- 'Cairo': 11,
- 'Los Angeles': 12,
- 'Times': 20,
- 'Helvetica': 21,
- 'Courier': 22,
- 'Symbol': 23,
- 'Mobile': 24
-# Buttons (these come from the SLAResources file which you can find in the SLA
-# SDK on developer.apple.com)
-default_buttons = {
- 0: (
- b'English',
- b'Agree',
- b'Disagree',
- b'Print',
- b'Save',
- b'If you agree with the terms of this license, press "Agree" to '
- b'install the software. If you do not agree, press "Disagree".'
- ),
- 3: (
- b'Deutsch',
- b'Akzeptieren',
- b'Ablehnen',
- b'Drucken',
- b'Sichern...',
- b'Klicken Sie in \xd2Akzeptieren\xd3, wenn Sie mit den Bestimmungen des Software-Lizenzvertrags einverstanden sind. Falls nicht, bitte \xd2Ablehnen\xd3 anklicken. Sie k\x9annen die Software nur installieren, wenn Sie \xd2Akzeptieren\xd3 angeklickt haben.'
- ),
- 8: (
- b'Espa\x96ol',
- b'Aceptar',
- b'No aceptar',
- b'Imprimir',
- b'Guardar...',
- b'Si est\x87 de acuerdo con los t\x8erminos de esta licencia, pulse "Aceptar" para instalar el software. En el supuesto de que no est\x8e de acuerdo con los t\x8erminos de esta licencia, pulse "No aceptar."'
- ),
- 1: (
- b'Fran\x8dais',
- b'Accepter',
- b'Refuser',
- b'Imprimer',
- b'Enregistrer...',
- b'Si vous acceptez les termes de la pr\x8esente licence, cliquez sur "Accepter" afin d\'installer le logiciel. Si vous n\'\x90tes pas d\'accord avec les termes de la licence, cliquez sur "Refuser".'
- ),
- 4: (
- b'Italiano',
- b'Accetto',
- b'Rifiuto',
- b'Stampa',
- b'Registra...',
- b'Se accetti le condizioni di questa licenza, fai clic su "Accetto" per installare il software. Altrimenti fai clic su "Rifiuto".'
- ),
- 14: (
- b'Japanese',
- b'\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb7',
- b'\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb9\x82\xf1',
- b'\x88\xf3\x8d\xfc\x82\xb7\x82\xe9',
- b'\x95\xdb\x91\xb6...',
- b'\x96{\x83\\\x83t\x83g\x83E\x83G\x83A\x8eg\x97p\x8b\x96\x91\xf8\x8c_\x96\xf1\x82\xcc\x8f\xf0\x8c\x8f\x82\xc9\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb3\x82\xea\x82\xe9\x8f\xea\x8d\x87\x82\xc9\x82\xcd\x81A\x83\\\x83t\x83g\x83E\x83G\x83A\x82\xf0\x83C\x83\x93\x83X\x83g\x81[\x83\x8b\x82\xb7\x82\xe9\x82\xbd\x82\xdf\x82\xc9\x81u\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb7\x81v\x82\xf0\x89\x9f\x82\xb5\x82\xc4\x82\xad\x82\xbe\x82\xb3\x82\xa2\x81B\x81@\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb3\x82\xea\x82\xc8\x82\xa2\x8f\xea\x8d\x87\x82\xc9\x82\xcd\x81A\x81u\x93\xaf\x88\xd3\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb9\x82\xf1\x81v\x82\xf0\x89\x9f\x82\xb5\x82\xc4\x82\xad\x82\xbe\x82\xb3\x82\xa2\x81B'
- ),
- 5: (
- b'Nederlands',
- b'Ja',
- b'Nee',
- b'Print',
- b'Bewaar...',
- b'Indien u akkoord gaat met de voorwaarden van deze licentie, kunt u op \'Ja\' klikken om de programmatuur te installeren. Indien u niet akkoord gaat, klikt u op \'Nee\'.'
- ),
- 7: (
- b'Svensk',
- b'Godk\x8anns',
- b'Avb\x9ajs',
- b'Skriv ut',
- b'Spara...',
- b'Om Du godk\x8anner licensvillkoren klicka p\x8c "Godk\x8anns" f\x9ar att installera programprodukten. Om Du inte godk\x8anner licensvillkoren, klicka p\x8c "Avb\x9ajs".'
- ),
- 71: (
- b'Portugu\x90s',
- b'Concordar',
- b'Discordar',
- b'Imprimir',
- b'Salvar...',
- b'Se est\x87 de acordo com os termos desta licen\x8da, pressione "Concordar" para instalar o software. Se n\x8bo est\x87 de acordo, pressione "Discordar".'
- ),
- 52: (
- b'Simplified Chinese',
- b'\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2',
- b'\xb2\xbb\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2',
- b'\xb4\xf2\xd3\xa1',
- b'\xb4\xe6\xb4\xa2\xa1\xad',
- b'\xc8\xe7\xb9\xfb\xc4\xfa\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2\xb1\xbe\xd0\xed\xbf\xc9\xd0\xad\xd2\xe9\xb5\xc4\xcc\xf5\xbf\xee\xa3\xac\xc7\xeb\xb0\xb4\xa1\xb0\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2\xa1\xb1\xc0\xb4\xb0\xb2\xd7\xb0\xb4\xcb\xc8\xed\xbc\xfe\xa1\xa3\xc8\xe7\xb9\xfb\xc4\xfa\xb2\xbb\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2\xa3\xac\xc7\xeb\xb0\xb4\xa1\xb0\xb2\xbb\xcd\xac\xd2\xe2\xa1\xb1\xa1\xa3'
- ),
- 53: (
- b'Traditional Chinese',
- b'\xa6P\xb7N',
- b'\xa4\xa3\xa6P\xb7N',
- b'\xa6C\xa6L',
- b'\xc0x\xa6s\xa1K',
- b'\xa6p\xaaG\xb1z\xa6P\xb7N\xa5\xbb\xb3\\\xa5i\xc3\xd2\xb8\xcc\xaa\xba\xb1\xf8\xb4\xda\xa1A\xbd\xd0\xab\xf6\xa1\xa7\xa6P\xb7N\xa1\xa8\xa5H\xa6w\xb8\xcb\xb3n\xc5\xe9\xa1C\xa6p\xaaG\xa4\xa3\xa6P\xb7N\xa1A\xbd\xd0\xab\xf6\xa1\xa7\xa4\xa3\xa6P\xb7N\xa1\xa8\xa1C'
- ),
- 9: (
- b'Dansk',
- b'Enig',
- b'Uenig',
- b'Udskriv',
- b'Arkiver...',
- b'Hvis du accepterer betingelserne i licensaftalen, skal du klikke p\x8c \xd2Enig\xd3 for at installere softwaren. Klik p\x8c \xd2Uenig\xd3 for at annullere installeringen.'
- ),
- 17: (
- b'Suomi',
- b'Hyv\x8aksyn',
- b'En hyv\x8aksy',
- b'Tulosta',
- b'Tallenna\xc9',
- b'Hyv\x8aksy lisenssisopimuksen ehdot osoittamalla \xd5Hyv\x8aksy\xd5. Jos et hyv\x8aksy sopimuksen ehtoja, osoita \xd5En hyv\x8aksy\xd5.'
- ),
- 51: (
- b'Korean',
- b'\xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7',
- b'\xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7 \xbe\xc8\xc7\xd4',
- b'\xc7\xc1\xb8\xb0\xc6\xae',
- b'\xc0\xfa\xc0\xe5...',
- b'\xbb\xe7\xbf\xeb \xb0\xe8\xbe\xe0\xbc\xad\xc0\xc7 \xb3\xbb\xbf\xeb\xbf\xa1 \xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7\xc7\xcf\xb8\xe9, "\xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7" \xb4\xdc\xc3\xdf\xb8\xa6 \xb4\xad\xb7\xaf \xbc\xd2\xc7\xc1\xc6\xae\xbf\xfe\xbe\xee\xb8\xa6 \xbc\xb3\xc4\xa1\xc7\xcf\xbd\xca\xbd\xc3\xbf\xc0. \xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7\xc7\xcf\xc1\xf6 \xbe\xca\xb4\xc2\xb4\xd9\xb8\xe9, "\xb5\xbf\xc0\xc7 \xbe\xc8\xc7\xd4" \xb4\xdc\xc3\xdf\xb8\xa6 \xb4\xa9\xb8\xa3\xbd\xca\xbd\xc3\xbf\xc0.'
- ),
- 12: (
- b'Norsk',
- b'Enig',
- b'Ikke enig',
- b'Skriv ut',
- b'Arkiver...',
- b'Hvis De er enig i bestemmelsene i denne lisensavtalen, klikker De p\x8c "Enig"-knappen for \x8c installere programvaren. Hvis De ikke er enig, klikker De p\x8c "Ikke enig".'
- ),
-class LPicResource (Resource):
- def __init__(self, res_id, res_name, default_lang, lpic, res_attrs=0):
- data = []
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>HH', default_lang, len(lpic)))
- for lang,rid,two_byte in lpic:
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>HHH', lang, rid, int(two_byte)))
- super(LPicResource, self).__init__(b'LPic', res_id, res_name,
- b''.join(data), res_attrs)
-def get_encoder_name(locale):
- if locale not in region_codes:
- raise Exception("Cannot determine region code for locale '%s'" % locale)
- region_code = region_codes[locale]
- if region_code not in script_codes:
- raise Exception("Cannot determine script code for locale '%s'" % locale)
- script_code = script_codes[region_code]
- if script_code not in encodings_map:
- raise Exception("Cannot determine Python encoder name for locale '%s' - "
- "encode the string data manually as a byte array instead" % locale)
- return encodings_map[script_code]
-def maybe_encode(s, encoding):
- if isinstance(s, bytes):
- return s
- return s.encode(encoding)
-def add_license(filename, license_info):
- """Add a license agreement to the specified disk image file, which should
- have been unflattened first."""
- fork = ResourceFork.from_file(filename)
- default_lang = license_info.get('default-language', 'en_US')
- default_lang_id = region_codes.get(default_lang, 0)
- lpic = []
- ndx = 1
- for language,license_data in license_info['licenses'].items():
- if language not in region_codes:
- raise Exception("Unknown language '" + language + "'. Valid languages are: " +
- ", ".join(sorted(region_codes.keys())))
- encoding_name = get_encoder_name(language)
- lang_id = region_codes[language]
- is_two_byte = lang_id in (14, 51, 52, 53) # Japanese, Korean, SimpChinese, TradChinese
- if os.path.isfile(license_data):
- mode = 'rb' if license_data.endswith('.rtf') else 'r'
- with open(license_data, mode=mode) as f:
- license_data = f.read()
- if type(license_data) == bytes and license_data.startswith(b'{\\rtf1'):
- fork.add(Resource(b'RTF ', 5000 + ndx, (language + ' SLA').encode(),
- license_data))
- else:
- fork.add(TextResource(5000 + ndx, (language + ' SLA').encode(),
- maybe_encode(license_data, encoding_name)))
- fork.add(StyleResource(5000 + ndx, (language + ' SLA').encode(),
- [Style(0, 12, 9, Style.Helvetica,
- 0, 0, (0, 0, 0))]))
- buttons = license_info.get('buttons', {}).get(language, None)
- if buttons is None:
- buttons = default_buttons.get(lang_id, None)
- if buttons is None:
- buttons = default_buttons[0]
- buttons = [maybe_encode(b, encoding_name) for b in buttons]
- fork.add(StringListResource(5000 + ndx, (language + ' Buttons').encode(), buttons))
- lpic.append((lang_id, ndx, is_two_byte))
- ndx += 1
- fork.add(LPicResource(5000, None, default_lang_id, lpic))
- fork.write_to_file(filename)
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/qt_attribution.json b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/qt_attribution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f97ae2c..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/qt_attribution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- "Id": "dmgbuild",
- "Name": "dmgbuild",
- "QDocModule": "qbs",
- "QtUsage": "Used in the qbs dmg module for building Apple disk images.",
- "Description": "macOS command line utility to build disk images",
- "Homepage": "https://github.com/al45tair/dmgbuild",
- "Version": "1.3.1",
- "License": "MIT License",
- "LicenseId": "MIT",
- "LicenseFile": "LICENSE",
- "Copyright": "Copyright (c) 2014 Alastair Houghton"
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/resources.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/resources.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e2a43f3..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dmgbuild/resources.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import struct
-class Resource (object):
- def __init__(self, res_type, res_id, res_name, data=None, res_attrs=0):
- self.res_type = res_type
- self.res_id = res_id
- self.res_name = res_name
- self.res_attrs = res_attrs
- if data is None:
- self.data = None
- self.data = data
- self.data_offset = None
- self.name_offset = None
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'Resource(%r, %r, %r, data=%r, res_attrs=%r)' % (self.res_type,
- self.res_id,
- self.res_name,
- self.data,
- self.res_attrs)
-class TMPLResource (Resource):
- def __init__(self, res_id, res_name, tmpl, res_attrs=0):
- data = []
- for name,typecode in tmpl:
- data.append(struct.pack(b'B', len(name)))
- data.append(name)
- data.append(typecode)
- super(TMPLResource, self).__init__(b'TMPL', res_id, res_name,
- b''.join(data), res_attrs)
-class StringListResource (Resource):
- def __init__(self, res_id, res_name, strings, res_attrs=0):
- data = []
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>H', len(strings)))
- for s in strings:
- data.append(struct.pack(b'B', len(s)))
- data.append(s)
- super(StringListResource, self).__init__(b'STR#', res_id, res_name,
- b''.join(data), res_attrs)
-class TextResource (Resource):
- def __init__(self, res_id, res_name, string, res_attrs=0):
- super(TextResource, self).__init__(b'TEXT', res_id, res_name,
- string, res_attrs)
-class Style (object):
- # Fonts
- NewYork = 2
- Geneva = 3
- Monaco = 4
- Venice = 5
- London = 6
- Athens = 7
- SanFrancisco = 8
- Toronto = 9
- Cairo = 11
- LosAngeles = 12
- Times = 20
- Helvetica = 21
- Courier = 22
- Symbol = 23
- Mobile = 24
- # Styles
- Bold = 0x0100
- Italic = 0x0200
- Underline = 0x0400
- Outline = 0x0800
- Shadow = 0x1000
- Condense = 0x2000
- Expand = 0x4000
- def __init__(self, start_character, height, ascent, font_id, face,
- size, color):
- self.start_character = start_character
- self.height = height
- self.ascent = ascent
- self.font_id = font_id
- self.face = face
- self.size = size
- self.color = color
- def __repr__(self):
- styles = []
- if self.face & Style.Bold:
- styles.append('Style.Bold')
- if self.face & Style.Italic:
- styles.append('Style.Italic')
- if self.face & Style.Underline:
- styles.append('Style.Underline')
- if self.face & Style.Outline:
- styles.append('Style.Outline')
- if self.face & Style.Shadow:
- styles.append('Style.Shadow')
- if self.face & Style.Condense:
- styles.append('Style.Condense')
- if self.face & Style.Expand:
- styles.append('Style.Expand')
- if self.face & ~0x4f00:
- styles.append('%#06x' % (self.face & ~0x4f00))
- if styles:
- styles = '|'.join(styles)
- else:
- styles = '0'
- font_revmap = {
- 2: 'Style.NewYork',
- 3: 'Style.Geneva',
- 4: 'Style.Monaco',
- 5: 'Style.Venice',
- 6: 'Style.London',
- 7: 'Style.Athens',
- 8: 'Style.SanFrancisco',
- 9: 'Style.Toronto',
- 11: 'Style.Cairo',
- 12: 'Style.LosAngeles',
- 20: 'Style.Times',
- 21: 'Style.Helvetica',
- 22: 'Style.Courier',
- 23: 'Style.Symbol',
- 24: 'Style.Mobile'
- }
- font = font_revmap.get(self.font_id, '%s' % self.font_id)
- return 'Style(%r, %r, %r, %s, %s, %r, %r)' % (
- self.start_character,
- self.height,
- self.ascent,
- font,
- styles,
- self.size,
- self.color)
-class StyleResource (Resource):
- def __init__(self, res_id, res_name, styles, res_attrs=0):
- data = []
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>H', len(styles)))
- for style in styles:
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>LHHHHHHHH',
- style.start_character,
- style.height,
- style.ascent,
- style.font_id,
- style.face,
- style.size,
- style.color[0],
- style.color[1],
- style.color[2]))
- super(StyleResource, self).__init__(b'styl', res_id, res_name,
- b''.join(data), res_attrs)
-class ResourceFork (object):
- def __init__(self, resources=None):
- self.types = {}
- self.attrs = 0
- if resources is not None:
- for res in resources:
- self.add(res)
- @classmethod
- def from_data(clss, data):
- if len(data) < 16:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - data too short')
- # Read the header
- data_start, map_start, data_len, map_len = struct.unpack(b'>LLLL',
- data[0:16])
- if data_start + data_len > len(data):
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - data out of range')
- if map_start + map_len > len(data):
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - map out of range')
- if map_len < 30:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - map too short')
- # Read the map header
- fork_attrs, type_offset, name_offset, max_type_ndx \
- = struct.unpack(b'>HHHH', data[map_start + 22:map_start + 30])
- num_types = max_type_ndx + 1
- if type_offset + 8 * num_types > map_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - type data outside map')
- if name_offset > map_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - names outside map')
- type_offset += map_start
- name_offset += map_start
- result = ResourceFork()
- # Now read the type list
- for ntype in range(0, num_types):
- type_pos = 2 + type_offset + 8 * ntype
- res_type, max_item_ndx, ref_offset \
- = struct.unpack(b'>4sHH', data[type_pos:type_pos+8])
- num_items = max_item_ndx + 1
- result.types[res_type] = []
- ref_list_offset = type_offset + ref_offset
- if ref_list_offset + 12 * num_items > map_start + map_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - ref list outside map')
- for nitem in range(0, num_items):
- ref_elt = ref_list_offset + 12 * nitem
- res_id, res_name_offset, data_offset \
- = struct.unpack(b'>hHL', data[ref_elt:ref_elt+8])
- res_attrs = data_offset >> 24
- data_offset &= 0xffffff
- if data_offset >= data_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - item data out of range')
- data_offset += data_start
- res_len = struct.unpack(b'>L', data[data_offset:data_offset+4])[0]
- if data_offset + res_len >= data_start + data_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - item data too large')
- res_data = data[data_offset + 4:data_offset + res_len + 4]
- if res_name_offset == 0xffff:
- res_name = None
- else:
- res_name_offset += name_offset
- if res_name_offset >= map_start + map_len:
- raise ValueError('Bad resource data - name out of range')
- try:
- # python2
- res_name_len = struct.unpack(b'B', data[res_name_offset])[0]
- except:
- # python3
- res_name_len = data[res_name_offset]
- res_name = data[res_name_offset + 1:res_name_offset + res_name_len + 1]
- result.types[res_type].append(Resource(res_type, res_id,
- res_name,
- res_data, res_attrs))
- return result
- @classmethod
- def from_file(clss, filename):
- with open(filename + '/..namedfork/rsrc', 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- return clss.from_data(data)
- def to_data(self):
- data = []
- data_len = 0
- names = []
- names_len = 0
- types_len = len(self.types) * 8
- types_data = []
- reflist_data = []
- reflist_len = 0
- for res_type, items in self.types.items():
- types_data.append(struct.pack(b'>4sHH',
- res_type,
- len(items) - 1,
- 2 + types_len + reflist_len))
- for item in items:
- data_offset = data_len
- if item.res_name is None:
- name_offset = 65535
- else:
- name_offset = names_len
- n = item.res_name
- names.append(struct.pack(b'B', len(n)) + n)
- names_len += 1 + len(n)
- if item.data is None:
- data_len += 4
- else:
- data_len += 4 + (len(item.data) + 3) & ~3
- reflist_len += 12
- reflist_data.append(struct.pack(b'>hHLL',
- item.res_id,
- name_offset,
- (item.res_attrs << 24) \
- | data_offset,
- 0))
- # Header
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>LLLL240s', 256, 256 + data_len, data_len,
- 30 + types_len + reflist_len + names_len,
- b''))
- # Resource data
- for res_type, items in self.types.items():
- for item in items:
- if item.data is None:
- dlen = 0
- else:
- dlen = len(item.data)
- plen = (dlen + 3) & ~3
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>L', dlen))
- if item.data is not None:
- data.append(item.data)
- if plen != dlen:
- data.append(b'\0' * (plen - dlen))
- # Resource map header
- data.append(struct.pack(b'>16sLHHHHH',
- b'', 0, 0,
- self.attrs, 28, 30 + types_len + reflist_len,
- len(self.types) - 1))
- # Type list
- data.append(b''.join(types_data))
- # Reference lists
- data.append(b''.join(reflist_data))
- # Name list
- data.append(b''.join(names))
- return b''.join(data)
- def write_to_file(self, filename):
- with open(filename + '/..namedfork/rsrc', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(self.to_data())
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.types)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.types[key]
- def __iter__(self):
- for res_type, items in self.types.items():
- for item in items:
- yield item
- def __repr__(self):
- output = []
- for item in self:
- output.append(repr(item))
- return 'ResourceFork([%s])' % ', '.join(output)
- def add(self, res):
- if res.res_type in self.types:
- self.types[res.res_type].append(res)
- else:
- self.types[res.res_type] = [res]
- def remove(self, res):
- self.types[res.res_type].remove(res)