path: root/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1764 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/LICENSE b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index e91f4eb38..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014 Alastair Houghton
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/__init__.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b812104..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .store import DSStore, DSStoreEntry
-__all__ = ['DSStore', 'DSStoreEntry']
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/buddy.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/buddy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 320768cd3..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/buddy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import bisect
-import struct
-import binascii
- {}.iterkeys
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.iterkeys()
-except AttributeError:
- iterkeys = lambda x: x.keys()
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-class BuddyError(Exception):
- pass
-class Block(object):
- def __init__(self, allocator, offset, size):
- self._allocator = allocator
- self._offset = offset
- self._size = size
- self._value = bytearray(allocator.read(offset, size))
- self._pos = 0
- self._dirty = False
- def __len__(self):
- return self._size
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
- def close(self):
- if self._dirty:
- self.flush()
- def flush(self):
- if self._dirty:
- self._dirty = False
- self._allocator.write(self._offset, self._value)
- def invalidate(self):
- self._dirty = False
- def zero_fill(self):
- len = self._size - self._pos
- zeroes = b'\0' * len
- self._value[self._pos:self._size] = zeroes
- self._dirty = True
- def tell(self):
- return self._pos
- def seek(self, pos, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
- if whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
- pos += self._pos
- elif whence == os.SEEK_END:
- pos = self._size - pos
- if pos < 0 or pos > self._size:
- raise ValueError('Seek out of range in Block instance')
- self._pos = pos
- def read(self, size_or_format):
- if isinstance(size_or_format, (str, unicode, bytes)):
- size = struct.calcsize(size_or_format)
- fmt = size_or_format
- else:
- size = size_or_format
- fmt = None
- if self._size - self._pos < size:
- raise BuddyError('Unable to read %lu bytes in block' % size)
- data = self._value[self._pos:self._pos + size]
- self._pos += size
- if fmt is not None:
- if isinstance(data, bytearray):
- return struct.unpack_from(fmt, bytes(data))
- else:
- return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
- else:
- return data
- def write(self, data_or_format, *args):
- if len(args):
- data = struct.pack(data_or_format, *args)
- else:
- data = data_or_format
- if self._pos + len(data) > self._size:
- raise ValueError('Attempt to write past end of Block')
- self._value[self._pos:self._pos + len(data)] = data
- self._pos += len(data)
- self._dirty = True
- def insert(self, data_or_format, *args):
- if len(args):
- data = struct.pack(data_or_format, *args)
- else:
- data = data_or_format
- del self._value[-len(data):]
- self._value[self._pos:self._pos] = data
- self._pos += len(data)
- self._dirty = True
- def delete(self, size):
- if self._pos + size > self._size:
- raise ValueError('Attempt to delete past end of Block')
- del self._value[self._pos:self._pos + size]
- self._value += b'\0' * size
- self._dirty = True
- def __str__(self):
- return binascii.b2a_hex(self._value)
-class Allocator(object):
- def __init__(self, the_file):
- self._file = the_file
- self._dirty = False
- self._file.seek(0)
- # Read the header
- magic1, magic2, offset, size, offset2, self._unknown1 \
- = self.read(-4, '>I4sIII16s')
- if magic2 != b'Bud1' or magic1 != 1:
- raise BuddyError('Not a buddy file')
- if offset != offset2:
- raise BuddyError('Root addresses differ')
- self._root = Block(self, offset, size)
- # Read the block offsets
- count, self._unknown2 = self._root.read('>II')
- self._offsets = []
- c = (count + 255) & ~255
- while c:
- self._offsets += self._root.read('>256I')
- c -= 256
- self._offsets = self._offsets[:count]
- # Read the TOC
- self._toc = {}
- count = self._root.read('>I')[0]
- for n in range(count):
- nlen = self._root.read('B')[0]
- name = bytes(self._root.read(nlen))
- value = self._root.read('>I')[0]
- self._toc[name] = value
- # Read the free lists
- self._free = []
- for n in range(32):
- count = self._root.read('>I')
- self._free.append(list(self._root.read('>%uI' % count)))
- @classmethod
- def open(cls, file_or_name, mode='r+'):
- if isinstance(file_or_name, (str, unicode)):
- if not 'b' in mode:
- mode = mode[:1] + 'b' + mode[1:]
- f = open(file_or_name, mode)
- else:
- f = file_or_name
- if 'w' in mode:
- # Create an empty file in this case
- f.truncate()
- # An empty root block needs 1264 bytes:
- #
- # 0 4 offset count
- # 4 4 unknown
- # 8 4 root block offset (2048)
- # 12 255 * 4 padding (offsets are in multiples of 256)
- # 1032 4 toc count (0)
- # 1036 228 free list
- # total 1264
- # The free list will contain the following:
- #
- # 0 5 * 4 no blocks of width less than 5
- # 20 6 * 8 1 block each of widths 5 to 10
- # 68 4 no blocks of width 11 (allocated for the root)
- # 72 19 * 8 1 block each of widths 12 to 30
- # 224 4 no blocks of width 31
- # total 228
- #
- # (The reason for this layout is that we allocate 2**5 bytes for
- # the header, which splits the initial 2GB region into every size
- # below 2**31, including *two* blocks of size 2**5, one of which
- # we take. The root block itself then needs a block of size
- # 2**11. Conveniently, each of these initial blocks will be
- # located at offset 2**n where n is its width.)
- # Write the header
- header = struct.pack(b'>I4sIII16s',
- 1, b'Bud1',
- 2048, 1264, 2048,
- b'\x00\x00\x10\x0c'
- b'\x00\x00\x00\x87'
- b'\x00\x00\x20\x0b'
- b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
- f.write(header)
- f.write(b'\0' * 2016)
- # Write the root block
- free_list = [struct.pack(b'>5I', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
- for n in range(5, 11):
- free_list.append(struct.pack(b'>II', 1, 2**n))
- free_list.append(struct.pack(b'>I', 0))
- for n in range(12, 31):
- free_list.append(struct.pack(b'>II', 1, 2**n))
- free_list.append(struct.pack(b'>I', 0))
- root = b''.join([struct.pack(b'>III', 1, 0, 2048 | 5),
- struct.pack(b'>I', 0) * 255,
- struct.pack(b'>I', 0)] + free_list)
- f.write(root)
- return Allocator(f)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
- def close(self):
- self.flush()
- self._file.close()
- def flush(self):
- if self._dirty:
- size = self._root_block_size()
- self.allocate(size, 0)
- with self.get_block(0) as rblk:
- self._write_root_block_into(rblk)
- addr = self._offsets[0]
- offset = addr & ~0x1f
- size = 1 << (addr & 0x1f)
- self._file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
- self._file.write(struct.pack(b'>I4sIII16s',
- 1, b'Bud1',
- offset, size, offset,
- self._unknown1))
- self._dirty = False
- self._file.flush()
- def read(self, offset, size_or_format):
- """Read data at `offset', or raise an exception. `size_or_format'
- may either be a byte count, in which case we return raw data,
- or a format string for `struct.unpack', in which case we
- work out the size and unpack the data before returning it."""
- # N.B. There is a fixed offset of four bytes(!)
- self._file.seek(offset + 4, os.SEEK_SET)
- if isinstance(size_or_format, (str, unicode)):
- size = struct.calcsize(size_or_format)
- fmt = size_or_format
- else:
- size = size_or_format
- fmt = None
- ret = self._file.read(size)
- if len(ret) < size:
- ret += b'\0' * (size - len(ret))
- if fmt is not None:
- if isinstance(ret, bytearray):
- ret = struct.unpack_from(fmt, bytes(ret))
- else:
- ret = struct.unpack(fmt, ret)
- return ret
- def write(self, offset, data_or_format, *args):
- """Write data at `offset', or raise an exception. `data_or_format'
- may either be the data to write, or a format string for `struct.pack',
- in which case we pack the additional arguments and write the
- resulting data."""
- # N.B. There is a fixed offset of four bytes(!)
- self._file.seek(offset + 4, os.SEEK_SET)
- if len(args):
- data = struct.pack(data_or_format, *args)
- else:
- data = data_or_format
- self._file.write(data)
- def get_block(self, block):
- try:
- addr = self._offsets[block]
- except IndexError:
- return None
- offset = addr & ~0x1f
- size = 1 << (addr & 0x1f)
- return Block(self, offset, size)
- def _root_block_size(self):
- """Return the number of bytes required by the root block."""
- # Offsets
- size = 8
- size += 4 * ((len(self._offsets) + 255) & ~255)
- # TOC
- size += 4
- size += sum([5 + len(s) for s in self._toc])
- # Free list
- size += sum([4 + 4 * len(fl) for fl in self._free])
- return size
- def _write_root_block_into(self, block):
- # Offsets
- block.write('>II', len(self._offsets), self._unknown2)
- block.write('>%uI' % len(self._offsets), *self._offsets)
- extra = len(self._offsets) & 255
- if extra:
- block.write(b'\0\0\0\0' * (256 - extra))
- # TOC
- keys = list(self._toc.keys())
- keys.sort()
- block.write('>I', len(keys))
- for k in keys:
- block.write('B', len(k))
- block.write(k)
- block.write('>I', self._toc[k])
- # Free list
- for w, f in enumerate(self._free):
- block.write('>I', len(f))
- if len(f):
- block.write('>%uI' % len(f), *f)
- def _buddy(self, offset, width):
- f = self._free[width]
- b = offset ^ (1 << width)
- try:
- ndx = f.index(b)
- except ValueError:
- ndx = None
- return (f, b, ndx)
- def _release(self, offset, width):
- # Coalesce
- while True:
- f,b,ndx = self._buddy(offset, width)
- if ndx is None:
- break
- offset &= b
- width += 1
- del f[ndx]
- # Add to the list
- bisect.insort(f, offset)
- # Mark as dirty
- self._dirty = True
- def _alloc(self, width):
- w = width
- while not self._free[w]:
- w += 1
- while w > width:
- offset = self._free[w].pop(0)
- w -= 1
- self._free[w] = [offset, offset ^ (1 << w)]
- self._dirty = True
- return self._free[width].pop(0)
- def allocate(self, bytes, block=None):
- """Allocate or reallocate a block such that it has space for at least
- `bytes' bytes."""
- if block is None:
- # Find the first unused block
- try:
- block = self._offsets.index(0)
- except ValueError:
- block = len(self._offsets)
- self._offsets.append(0)
- # Compute block width
- width = max(bytes.bit_length(), 5)
- addr = self._offsets[block]
- offset = addr & ~0x1f
- if addr:
- blkwidth = addr & 0x1f
- if blkwidth == width:
- return block
- self._release(offset, width)
- self._offsets[block] = 0
- offset = self._alloc(width)
- self._offsets[block] = offset | width
- return block
- def release(self, block):
- addr = self._offsets[block]
- if addr:
- width = addr & 0x1f
- offset = addr & ~0x1f
- self._release(offset, width)
- if block == len(self._offsets):
- del self._offsets[block]
- else:
- self._offsets[block] = 0
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._toc)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- if not isinstance(key, (str, unicode)):
- raise TypeError('Keys must be of string type')
- if not isinstance(key, bytes):
- key = key.encode('latin_1')
- return self._toc[key]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if not isinstance(key, (str, unicode)):
- raise TypeError('Keys must be of string type')
- if not isinstance(key, bytes):
- key = key.encode('latin_1')
- self._toc[key] = value
- self._dirty = True
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- if not isinstance(key, (str, unicode)):
- raise TypeError('Keys must be of string type')
- if not isinstance(key, bytes):
- key = key.encode('latin_1')
- del self._toc[key]
- self._dirty = True
- def iterkeys(self):
- return iterkeys(self._toc)
- def keys(self):
- return iterkeys(self._toc)
- def __iter__(self):
- return iterkeys(self._toc)
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return key in self._toc
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/qt_attribution.json b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/qt_attribution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a4854d1ed..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/qt_attribution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- "Id": "ds_store",
- "Name": "ds_store",
- "QDocModule": "qbs",
- "QtUsage": "Used in the qbs dmg module for building Apple disk images.",
- "Description": "Manipulate Finder .DS_Store files from Python",
- "Homepage": "https://github.com/al45tair/ds_store",
- "Version": "1.1.2",
- "License": "MIT License",
- "LicenseId": "MIT",
- "LicenseFile": "LICENSE",
- "Copyright": "Copyright (c) 2014 Alastair Houghton"
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/store.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/store.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f805b24..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ds_store/store.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1251 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-import binascii
-import struct
-import biplist
-import mac_alias
- next
-except NameError:
- next = lambda x: x.next()
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-from . import buddy
-class ILocCodec(object):
- @staticmethod
- def encode(point):
- return struct.pack(b'>IIII', point[0], point[1],
- 0xffffffff, 0xffff0000)
- @staticmethod
- def decode(bytesData):
- if isinstance(bytesData, bytearray):
- x, y = struct.unpack_from(b'>II', bytes(bytesData[:8]))
- else:
- x, y = struct.unpack(b'>II', bytesData[:8])
- return (x, y)
-class PlistCodec(object):
- @staticmethod
- def encode(plist):
- return biplist.writePlistToString(plist)
- @staticmethod
- def decode(bytes):
- return biplist.readPlistFromString(bytes)
-class BookmarkCodec(object):
- @staticmethod
- def encode(bmk):
- return bmk.to_bytes()
- @staticmethod
- def decode(bytes):
- return mac_alias.Bookmark.from_bytes(bytes)
-# This list tells the code how to decode particular kinds of entry in the
-# .DS_Store file. This is really a convenience, and we currently only
-# support a tiny subset of the possible entry types.
-codecs = {
- b'Iloc': ILocCodec,
- b'bwsp': PlistCodec,
- b'lsvp': PlistCodec,
- b'lsvP': PlistCodec,
- b'icvp': PlistCodec,
- b'pBBk': BookmarkCodec
- }
-class DSStoreEntry(object):
- """Holds the data from an entry in a ``.DS_Store`` file. Note that this is
- not meant to represent the entry itself---i.e. if you change the type
- or value, your changes will *not* be reflected in the underlying file.
- If you want to make a change, you should either use the :class:`DSStore`
- object's :meth:`DSStore.insert` method (which will replace a key if it
- already exists), or the mapping access mode for :class:`DSStore` (often
- simpler anyway).
- """
- def __init__(self, filename, code, typecode, value=None):
- if str != bytes and type(filename) == bytes:
- filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
- if not isinstance(code, bytes):
- code = code.encode('latin_1')
- self.filename = filename
- self.code = code
- self.type = typecode
- self.value = value
- @classmethod
- def read(cls, block):
- """Read a ``.DS_Store`` entry from the containing Block"""
- # First read the filename
- nlen = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- filename = block.read(2 * nlen).decode('utf-16be')
- # Next, read the code and type
- code, typecode = block.read(b'>4s4s')
- # Finally, read the data
- if typecode == b'bool':
- value = block.read(b'>?')[0]
- elif typecode == b'long' or typecode == b'shor':
- value = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- elif typecode == b'blob':
- vlen = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- value = block.read(vlen)
- codec = codecs.get(code, None)
- if codec:
- value = codec.decode(value)
- typecode = codec
- elif typecode == b'ustr':
- vlen = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- value = block.read(2 * vlen).decode('utf-16be')
- elif typecode == b'type':
- value = block.read(b'>4s')[0]
- elif typecode == b'comp' or typecode == b'dutc':
- value = block.read(b'>Q')[0]
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown type code "%s"' % typecode)
- return DSStoreEntry(filename, code, typecode, value)
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- return (sfl < ofl
- or (self.filename == other.filename
- and self.code < other.code))
- def __le__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- return (sfl < ofl
- or (sfl == ofl
- and self.code <= other.code))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- return (sfl == ofl
- and self.code == other.code)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- return (sfl != ofl
- or self.code != other.code)
- def __gt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- selfCode = self.code
- if str != bytes and type(selfCode) is bytes:
- selfCode = selfCode.decode('utf-8')
- otherCode = other.code
- if str != bytes and type(otherCode) is bytes:
- otherCode = otherCode.decode('utf-8')
- return (sfl > ofl or (sfl == ofl and selfCode > otherCode))
- def __ge__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- sfl = self.filename.lower()
- ofl = other.filename.lower()
- return (sfl > ofl
- or (sfl == ofl
- and self.code >= other.code))
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, DSStoreEntry):
- raise TypeError('Can only compare against other DSStoreEntry objects')
- r = cmp(self.filename.lower(), other.filename.lower())
- if r:
- return r
- return cmp(self.code, other.code)
- def byte_length(self):
- """Compute the length of this entry, in bytes"""
- utf16 = self.filename.encode('utf-16be')
- l = 4 + len(utf16) + 8
- if isinstance(self.type, unicode):
- entry_type = self.type.encode('latin_1')
- value = self.value
- elif isinstance(self.type, (bytes, str)):
- entry_type = self.type
- value = self.value
- else:
- entry_type = b'blob'
- value = self.type.encode(self.value)
- if entry_type == b'bool':
- l += 1
- elif entry_type == b'long' or entry_type == b'shor':
- l += 4
- elif entry_type == b'blob':
- l += 4 + len(value)
- elif entry_type == b'ustr':
- utf16 = value.encode('utf-16be')
- l += 4 + len(utf16)
- elif entry_type == b'type':
- l += 4
- elif entry_type == b'comp' or entry_type == b'dutc':
- l += 8
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown type code "%s"' % entry_type)
- return l
- def write(self, block, insert=False):
- """Write this entry to the specified Block"""
- if insert:
- w = block.insert
- else:
- w = block.write
- if isinstance(self.type, unicode):
- entry_type = self.type.encode('latin_1')
- value = self.value
- elif isinstance(self.type, (bytes, str)):
- entry_type = self.type
- value = self.value
- else:
- entry_type = b'blob'
- value = self.type.encode(self.value)
- utf16 = self.filename.encode('utf-16be')
- w(b'>I', len(utf16) // 2)
- w(utf16)
- w(b'>4s4s', self.code, entry_type)
- if entry_type == b'bool':
- w(b'>?', value)
- elif entry_type == b'long' or entry_type == b'shor':
- w(b'>I', value)
- elif entry_type == b'blob':
- w(b'>I', len(value))
- w(value)
- elif entry_type == b'ustr':
- utf16 = value.encode('utf-16be')
- w(b'>I', len(utf16) // 2)
- w(utf16)
- elif entry_type == b'type':
- if isinstance(value, unicode):
- value = value.encode('latin_1')
- w(b'>4s', value)
- elif entry_type == b'comp' or entry_type == b'dutc':
- w(b'>Q', value)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown type code "%s"' % entry_type)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s %s>' % (self.filename, self.code)
-class DSStore(object):
- """Python interface to a ``.DS_Store`` file. Works by manipulating the file
- on the disk---so this code will work with ``.DS_Store`` files for *very*
- large directories.
- A :class:`DSStore` object can be used as if it was a mapping, e.g.::
- d['foobar.dat']['Iloc']
- will fetch the "Iloc" record for "foobar.dat", or raise :class:`KeyError` if
- there is no such record. If used in this manner, the :class:`DSStore` object
- will return (type, value) tuples, unless the type is "blob" and the module
- knows how to decode it.
- Currently, we know how to decode "Iloc", "bwsp", "lsvp", "lsvP" and "icvp"
- blobs. "Iloc" decodes to an (x, y) tuple, while the others are all decoded
- using ``biplist``.
- Assignment also works, e.g.::
- d['foobar.dat']['note'] = ('ustr', u'Hello World!')
- as does deletion with ``del``::
- del d['foobar.dat']['note']
- This is usually going to be the most convenient interface, though
- occasionally (for instance when creating a new ``.DS_Store`` file) you
- may wish to drop down to using :class:`DSStoreEntry` objects directly."""
- def __init__(self, store):
- self._store = store
- self._superblk = self._store['DSDB']
- with self._get_block(self._superblk) as s:
- self._rootnode, self._levels, self._records, \
- self._nodes, self._page_size = s.read(b'>IIIII')
- self._min_usage = 2 * self._page_size // 3
- self._dirty = False
- @classmethod
- def open(cls, file_or_name, mode='r+', initial_entries=None):
- """Open a ``.DS_Store`` file; pass either a Python file object, or a
- filename in the ``file_or_name`` argument and a file access mode in
- the ``mode`` argument. If you are creating a new file using the "w"
- or "w+" modes, you may also specify a list of entries with which
- to initialise the file."""
- store = buddy.Allocator.open(file_or_name, mode)
- if mode == 'w' or mode == 'w+':
- superblk = store.allocate(20)
- store['DSDB'] = superblk
- page_size = 4096
- if not initial_entries:
- root = store.allocate(page_size)
- with store.get_block(root) as rootblk:
- rootblk.zero_fill()
- with store.get_block(superblk) as s:
- s.write(b'>IIIII', root, 0, 0, 1, page_size)
- else:
- # Make sure they're in sorted order
- initial_entries = list(initial_entries)
- initial_entries.sort()
- # Construct the tree
- current_level = initial_entries
- next_level = []
- levels = []
- ptr_size = 0
- node_count = 0
- while True:
- total = 8
- nodes = []
- node = []
- for e in current_level:
- new_total = total + ptr_size + e.byte_length()
- if new_total > page_size:
- nodes.append(node)
- next_level.append(e)
- total = 8
- node = []
- else:
- total = new_total
- node.append(e)
- if node:
- nodes.append(node)
- node_count += len(nodes)
- levels.append(nodes)
- if len(nodes) == 1:
- break
- current_level = next_level
- next_level = []
- ptr_size = 4
- # Allocate nodes
- ptrs = [store.allocate(page_size) for n in range(node_count)]
- # Generate nodes
- pointers = []
- prev_pointers = None
- for level in levels:
- ppndx = 0
- lptrs = ptrs[-len(level):]
- del ptrs[-len(level):]
- for node in level:
- ndx = lptrs.pop(0)
- if prev_pointers is None:
- with store.get_block(ndx) as block:
- block.write(b'>II', 0, len(node))
- for e in node:
- e.write(block)
- else:
- next_node = prev_pointers[ppndx + len(node)]
- node_ptrs = prev_pointers[ppndx:ppndx+len(node)]
- with store.get_block(ndx) as block:
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, len(node))
- for ptr, e in zip(node_ptrs, node):
- block.write(b'>I', ptr)
- e.write(block)
- pointers.append(ndx)
- prev_pointers = pointers
- pointers = []
- root = prev_pointers[0]
- with store.get_block(superblk) as s:
- s.write(b'>IIIII', root, len(levels), len(initial_entries),
- node_count, page_size)
- return DSStore(store)
- def _get_block(self, number):
- return self._store.get_block(number)
- def flush(self):
- """Flush any dirty data back to the file."""
- if self._dirty:
- self._dirty = False
- with self._get_block(self._superblk) as s:
- s.write(b'>IIIII', self._rootnode, self._levels, self._records,
- self._nodes, self._page_size)
- self._store.flush()
- def close(self):
- """Flush dirty data and close the underlying file."""
- self.flush()
- self._store.close()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
- # Internal B-Tree nodes look like this:
- #
- # [ next | count | (ptr0 | rec0) | (ptr1 | rec1) ... (ptrN | recN) ]
- # Leaf nodes look like this:
- #
- # [ 0 | count | rec0 | rec1 ... recN ]
- # Iterate over the tree, starting at `node'
- def _traverse(self, node):
- if node is None:
- node = self._rootnode
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- for n in range(count):
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- for e in self._traverse(ptr):
- yield e
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- yield e
- for e in self._traverse(next_node):
- yield e
- else:
- for n in range(count):
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- yield e
- # Display the data in `node'
- def _dump_node(self, node):
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- print('next: %u\ncount: %u\n' % (next_node, count))
- for n in range(count):
- if next_node:
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- print('%8u ' % ptr, end=' ')
- else:
- print(' ', end=' ')
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- print(e, ' (%u)' % e.byte_length())
- print('used: %u' % block.tell())
- # Display the data in the super block
- def _dump_super(self):
- print('root: %u\nlevels: %u\nrecords: %u\nnodes: %u\npage-size: %u' \
- % (self._rootnode, self._levels, self._records,
- self._nodes, self._page_size))
- # Splits entries across two blocks, returning one pivot
- #
- # Tries to balance the block usage across the two as best it can
- def _split2(self, blocks, entries, pointers, before, internal):
- left_block = blocks[0]
- right_block = blocks[1]
- count = len(entries)
- # Find the feasible splits
- best_split = None
- best_diff = None
- total = before[count]
- if 8 + total <= self._page_size:
- # We can use a *single* node for this
- best_split = count
- else:
- # Split into two nodes
- for n in range(1, count - 1):
- left_size = 8 + before[n]
- right_size = 8 + total - before[n + 1]
- if left_size > self._page_size:
- break
- if right_size > self._page_size:
- continue
- diff = abs(left_size - right_size)
- if best_split is None or diff < best_diff:
- best_split = n
- best_diff = diff
- if best_split is None:
- return None
- # Write the nodes
- left_block.seek(0)
- if internal:
- next_node = pointers[best_split]
- else:
- next_node = 0
- left_block.write(b'>II', next_node, best_split)
- for n in range(best_split):
- if internal:
- left_block.write(b'>I', pointers[n])
- entries[n].write(left_block)
- left_block.zero_fill()
- if best_split == count:
- return []
- right_block.seek(0)
- if internal:
- next_node = pointers[count]
- else:
- next_node = 0
- right_block.write(b'>II', next_node, count - best_split - 1)
- for n in range(best_split + 1, count):
- if internal:
- right_block.write(b'>I', pointers[n])
- entries[n].write(right_block)
- right_block.zero_fill()
- pivot = entries[best_split]
- return [pivot]
- def _split(self, node, entry, right_ptr=0):
- self._nodes += 1
- self._dirty = True
- new_right = self._store.allocate(self._page_size)
- with self._get_block(node) as block, \
- self._get_block(new_right) as right_block:
- # First, measure and extract all the elements
- entry_size = entry.byte_length()
- entry_pos = None
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- entry_size += 4
- pointers = []
- entries = []
- before = []
- total = 0
- for n in range(count):
- pos = block.tell()
- if next_node:
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- pointers.append(ptr)
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if e > entry:
- entry_pos = n
- entries.append(entry)
- pointers.append(right_ptr)
- before.append(total)
- total += entry_size
- entries.append(e)
- before.append(total)
- total += block.tell() - pos
- before.append(total)
- if next_node:
- pointers.append(next_node)
- pivot = self._split2([block, right_block],
- entries, pointers, before,
- bool(next_node))[0]
- self._records += 1
- self._nodes += 1
- self._dirty = True
- return (pivot, new_right)
- # Allocate a new root node containing the element `pivot' and the pointers
- # `left' and `right'
- def _new_root(self, left, pivot, right):
- new_root = self._store.allocate(self._page_size)
- with self._get_block(new_root) as block:
- block.write(b'>III', right, 1, left)
- pivot.write(block)
- self._rootnode = new_root
- self._levels += 1
- self._nodes += 1
- self._dirty = True
- # Insert an entry into an inner node; `path' is the path from the root
- # to `node', not including `node' itself. `right_ptr' is the new node
- # pointer (inserted to the RIGHT of `entry')
- def _insert_inner(self, path, node, entry, right_ptr):
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- insert_pos = None
- insert_ndx = None
- n = 0
- while n < count:
- pos = block.tell()
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if e == entry:
- if n == count - 1:
- right_ptr = next_node
- next_node = ptr
- block_seek(pos)
- else:
- right_ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- block.seek(pos + 4)
- insert_pos = pos
- insert_ndx = n
- block.delete(e.byte_length() + 4)
- count -= 1
- self._records += 1
- self._dirty = True
- continue
- elif insert_pos is None and e > entry:
- insert_pos = pos
- insert_ndx = n
- n += 1
- if insert_pos is None:
- insert_pos = block.tell()
- insert_ndx = count
- remaining = self._page_size - block.tell()
- if remaining < entry.byte_length() + 4:
- pivot, new_right = self._split(node, entry, right_ptr)
- if path:
- self._insert_inner(path[:-1], path[-1], pivot, new_right)
- else:
- self._new_root(node, pivot, new_right)
- else:
- if insert_ndx == count:
- block.seek(insert_pos)
- block.write(b'>I', next_node)
- entry.write(block)
- next_node = right_ptr
- else:
- block.seek(insert_pos + 4)
- entry.write(block, True)
- block.insert('>I', right_ptr)
- block.seek(0)
- count += 1
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, count)
- self._records += 1
- self._dirty = True
- # Insert `entry' into the leaf node `node'
- def _insert_leaf(self, path, node, entry):
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- insert_pos = None
- insert_ndx = None
- n = 0
- while n < count:
- pos = block.tell()
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if e == entry:
- insert_pos = pos
- insert_ndx = n
- block.seek(pos)
- block.delete(e.byte_length())
- count -= 1
- self._records += 1
- self._dirty = True
- continue
- elif insert_pos is None and e > entry:
- insert_pos = pos
- insert_ndx = n
- n += 1
- if insert_pos is None:
- insert_pos = block.tell()
- insert_ndx = count
- remaining = self._page_size - block.tell()
- if remaining < entry.byte_length():
- pivot, new_right = self._split(node, entry)
- if path:
- self._insert_inner(path[:-1], path[-1], pivot, new_right)
- else:
- self._new_root(node, pivot, new_right)
- else:
- block.seek(insert_pos)
- entry.write(block, True)
- block.seek(0)
- count += 1
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, count)
- self._records += 1
- self._dirty = True
- def insert(self, entry):
- """Insert ``entry`` (which should be a :class:`DSStoreEntry`)
- into the B-Tree."""
- path = []
- node = self._rootnode
- while True:
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- for n in range(count):
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if entry < e:
- next_node = ptr
- break
- elif entry == e:
- # If we find an existing entry the same, replace it
- self._insert_inner(path, node, entry, None)
- return
- path.append(node)
- node = next_node
- else:
- self._insert_leaf(path, node, entry)
- return
- # Return usage information for the specified `node'
- def _block_usage(self, node):
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- for n in range(count):
- if next_node:
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- used = block.tell()
- return (count, used)
- # Splits entries across three blocks, returning two pivots
- def _split3(self, blocks, entries, pointers, before, internal):
- count = len(entries)
- # Find the feasible splits
- best_split = None
- best_diff = None
- total = before[count]
- for n in range(1, count - 3):
- left_size = 8 + before[n]
- remaining = 16 + total - before[n + 1]
- if left_size > self._page_size:
- break
- if remaining > 2 * self._page_size:
- continue
- for m in range(n + 2, count - 1):
- mid_size = 8 + before[m] - before[n + 1]
- right_size = 8 + total - before[m + 1]
- if mid_size > self._page_size:
- break
- if right_size > self._page_size:
- continue
- diff = abs(left_size - mid_size) * abs(right_size - mid_size)
- if best_split is None or diff < best_diff:
- best_split = (n, m, count)
- best_diff = diff
- if best_split is None:
- return None
- # Write the nodes
- prev_split = -1
- for block, split in zip(blocks, best_split):
- block.seek(0)
- if internal:
- next_node = pointers[split]
- else:
- next_node = 0
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, split)
- for n in range(prev_split + 1, split):
- if internal:
- block.write(b'>I', pointers[n])
- entries[n].write(block)
- block.zero_fill()
- prev_split = split
- return (entries[best_split[0]], entries[best_split[1]])
- # Extract all of the entries from the specified list of `blocks',
- # separating them by the specified `pivots'. Also computes the
- # amount of space used before each entry.
- def _extract(self, blocks, pivots):
- pointers = []
- entries = []
- before = []
- total = 0
- ppivots = pivots + [None]
- for b,p in zip(blocks, ppivots):
- b.seek(0)
- next_node, count = b.read(b'>II')
- for n in range(count):
- pos = b.tell()
- if next_node:
- ptr = b.read(b'>I')[0]
- pointers.append(ptr)
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(b)
- entries.append(e)
- before.append(total)
- total += b.tell() - pos
- if next_node:
- pointers.append(next_node)
- if p:
- entries.append(p)
- before.append(total)
- total += p.byte_length()
- if next_node:
- total += 4
- before.append(total)
- return (entries, pointers, before)
- # Rebalance the specified `node', whose path from the root is `path'.
- def _rebalance(self, path, node):
- # Can't rebalance the root
- if not path:
- return
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- with self._get_block(path[-1]) as parent:
- # Find the left and right siblings and respective pivots
- parent_next, parent_count = parent.read(b'>II')
- left_pos = None
- left_node = None
- left_pivot = None
- node_pos = None
- right_pos = None
- right_node = None
- right_pivot = None
- prev_e = prev_ptr = prev_pos = None
- for n in range(parent_count):
- pos = parent.tell()
- ptr = parent.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(parent)
- if ptr == node:
- node_pos = pos
- right_pivot = e
- left_pos = prev_pos
- left_pivot = prev_e
- left_node = prev_ptr
- elif prev_ptr == node:
- right_node = ptr
- right_pos = pos
- break
- prev_e = e
- prev_ptr = ptr
- prev_pos = pos
- if parent_next == node:
- node_pos = parent.tell()
- left_pos = prev_pos
- left_pivot = prev_e
- left_node = prev_ptr
- elif right_node is None:
- right_node = parent_next
- right_pos = parent.tell()
- parent_used = parent.tell()
- if left_node and right_node:
- with self._get_block(left_node) as left, \
- self._get_block(right_node) as right:
- blocks = [left, block, right]
- pivots = [left_pivot, right_pivot]
- entries, pointers, before = self._extract(blocks, pivots)
- # If there's a chance that we could use two pages instead
- # of three, go for it
- pivots = self._split2(blocks, entries, pointers,
- before, bool(next_node))
- if pivots is None:
- ptrs = [left_node, node, right_node]
- pivots = self._split3(blocks, entries, pointers,
- before, bool(next_node))
- else:
- if pivots:
- ptrs = [left_node, node]
- else:
- ptrs = [left_node]
- self._store.release(node)
- self._nodes -= 1
- node = left_node
- self._store.release(right_node)
- self._nodes -= 1
- self._dirty = True
- # Remove the pivots from the parent
- with self._get_block(path[-1]) as parent:
- if right_node == parent_next:
- parent.seek(left_pos)
- parent.delete(right_pos - left_pos)
- parent_next = left_node
- else:
- parent.seek(left_pos + 4)
- parent.delete(right_pos - left_pos)
- parent.seek(0)
- parent_count -= 2
- parent.write(b'>II', parent_next, parent_count)
- self._records -= 2
- # Replace with those in pivots
- for e,rp in zip(pivots, ptrs[1:]):
- self._insert_inner(path[:-1], path[-1], e, rp)
- elif left_node:
- with self._get_block(left_node) as left:
- blocks = [left, block]
- pivots = [left_pivot]
- entries, pointers, before = self._extract(blocks, pivots)
- pivots = self._split2(blocks, entries, pointers,
- before, bool(next_node))
- # Remove the pivot from the parent
- with self._get_block(path[-1]) as parent:
- if node == parent_next:
- parent.seek(left_pos)
- parent.delete(node_pos - left_pos)
- parent_next = left_node
- else:
- parent.seek(left_pos + 4)
- parent.delete(node_pos - left_pos)
- parent.seek(0)
- parent_count -= 1
- parent.write(b'>II', parent_next, parent_count)
- self._records -= 1
- # Replace the pivot
- if pivots:
- self._insert_inner(path[:-1], path[-1], pivots[0], node)
- elif right_node:
- with self._get_block(right_node) as right:
- blocks = [block, right]
- pivots = [right_pivot]
- entries, pointers, before = self._extract(blocks, pivots)
- pivots = self._split2(blocks, entries, pointers,
- before, bool(next_node))
- # Remove the pivot from the parent
- with self._get_block(path[-1]) as parent:
- if right_node == parent_next:
- parent.seek(pos)
- parent.delete(right_pos - node_pos)
- parent_next = node
- else:
- parent.seek(pos + 4)
- parent.delete(right_pos - node_pos)
- parent.seek(0)
- parent_count -= 1
- parent.write(b'>II', parent_next, parent_count)
- self._records -= 1
- # Replace the pivot
- if pivots:
- self._insert_inner(path[:-1], path[-1], pivots[0],
- right_node)
- if not path and not parent_count:
- self._store.release(path[-1])
- self._nodes -= 1
- self._dirty = True
- self._rootnode = node
- else:
- count, used = self._block_usage(path[-1])
- if used < self._page_size // 2:
- self._rebalance(path[:-1], path[-1])
- # Delete from the leaf node `node'. `filename_lc' has already been
- # lower-cased.
- def _delete_leaf(self, node, filename_lc, code):
- found = False
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- for n in range(count):
- pos = block.tell()
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if e.filename.lower() == filename_lc \
- and (code is None or e.code == code):
- block.seek(pos)
- block.delete(e.byte_length())
- found = True
- # This does not affect the loop; THIS IS NOT A BUG
- count -= 1
- self._records -= 1
- self._dirty = True
- if found:
- used = block.tell()
- block.seek(0)
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, count)
- return used < self._page_size // 2
- else:
- return False
- # Remove the largest entry from the subtree starting at `node' (with
- # path from root `path'). Returns a tuple (rebalance, entry) where
- # rebalance is either None if no rebalancing is required, or a
- # (path, node) tuple giving the details of the node to rebalance.
- def _take_largest(self, path, node):
- path = list(path)
- rebalance = None
- while True:
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- path.append(node)
- node = next_node
- continue
- for n in range(count):
- pos = block.tell()
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- count -= 1
- block.seek(0)
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, count)
- if pos < self._page_size // 2:
- rebalance = (path, node)
- break
- return rebalance, e
- # Delete an entry from an inner node, `node'
- def _delete_inner(self, path, node, filename_lc, code):
- rebalance = False
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- for n in range(count):
- pos = block.tell()
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if e.filename.lower() == filename_lc \
- and (code is None or e.code == code):
- # Take the largest from the left subtree
- rebalance, largest = self._take_largest(path, ptr)
- # Delete this entry
- if n == count - 1:
- right_ptr = next_node
- next_node = ptr
- block.seek(pos)
- else:
- right_ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- block.seek(pos + 4)
- block.delete(e.byte_length() + 4)
- count -= 1
- block.seek(0)
- block.write(b'>II', next_node, count)
- self._records -= 1
- self._dirty = True
- break
- # Replace the pivot value
- self._insert_inner(path, node, largest, right_ptr)
- # Rebalance from the node we stole from
- if rebalance:
- self._rebalance(rebalance[0], rebalance[1])
- return True
- return False
- def delete(self, filename, code):
- """Delete an item, identified by ``filename`` and ``code``
- from the B-Tree."""
- if isinstance(filename, DSStoreEntry):
- code = filename.code
- filename = filename.filename
- # If we're deleting *every* node for "filename", we must recurse
- if code is None:
- ###TODO: Fix this so we can do bulk deletes
- raise ValueError('You must delete items individually. Sorry')
- # Otherwise, we're deleting *one* specific node
- filename_lc = filename.lower()
- path = []
- node = self._rootnode
- while True:
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- for n in range(count):
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- e_lc = e.filename.lower()
- if filename_lc < e_lc \
- or (filename_lc == e_lc and code < e.code):
- next_node = ptr
- break
- elif filename_lc == e_lc and code == e.code:
- self._delete_inner(path, node, filename_lc, code)
- return
- path.append(node)
- node = next_node
- else:
- if self._delete_leaf(node, filename_lc, code):
- self._rebalance(path, node)
- return
- # Find implementation
- def _find(self, node, filename_lc, code=None):
- if not isinstance(code, bytes):
- code = code.encode('latin_1')
- with self._get_block(node) as block:
- next_node, count = block.read(b'>II')
- if next_node:
- for n in range(count):
- ptr = block.read(b'>I')[0]
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if filename_lc < e.filename.lower():
- for e in self._find(ptr, filename_lc, code):
- yield e
- return
- elif filename_lc == e.filename.lower():
- if code is None or (code and code < e.code):
- for e in self._find(ptr, filename_lc, code):
- yield e
- if code is None or code == e.code:
- yield e
- elif code < e.code:
- return
- for e in self._find(next_node, filename_lc, code):
- yield e
- else:
- for n in range(count):
- e = DSStoreEntry.read(block)
- if filename_lc == e.filename.lower():
- if code is None or code == e.code:
- yield e
- elif code < e.code:
- return
- def find(self, filename, code=None):
- """Returns a generator that will iterate over matching entries in
- the B-Tree."""
- if isinstance(filename, DSStoreEntry):
- code = filename.code
- filename = filename.filename
- filename_lc = filename.lower()
- return self._find(self._rootnode, filename_lc, code)
- def __len__(self):
- return self._records
- def __iter__(self):
- return self._traverse(self._rootnode)
- class Partial(object):
- """This is used to implement indexing."""
- def __init__(self, store, filename):
- self._store = store
- self._filename = filename
- def __getitem__(self, code):
- if code is None:
- raise KeyError('no such key - [%s][None]' % self._filename)
- if not isinstance(code, bytes):
- code = code.encode('latin_1')
- try:
- item = next(self._store.find(self._filename, code))
- except StopIteration:
- raise KeyError('no such key - [%s][%s]' % (self._filename,
- code))
- if not isinstance(item.type, (bytes, str, unicode)):
- return item.value
- return (item.type, item.value)
- def __setitem__(self, code, value):
- if code is None:
- raise KeyError('bad key - [%s][None]' % self._filename)
- if not isinstance(code, bytes):
- code = code.encode('latin_1')
- codec = codecs.get(code, None)
- if codec:
- entry_type = codec
- entry_value = value
- else:
- entry_type = value[0]
- entry_value = value[1]
- self._store.insert(DSStoreEntry(self._filename, code,
- entry_type, entry_value))
- def __delitem__(self, code):
- if code is None:
- raise KeyError('no such key - [%s][None]' % self._filename)
- self._store.delete(self._filename, code)
- def __iter__(self):
- for item in self._store.find(self._filename):
- yield item
- def __getitem__(self, filename):
- return self.Partial(self, filename)