path: root/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mac_alias/bookmark.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mac_alias/bookmark.py')
1 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mac_alias/bookmark.py b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mac_alias/bookmark.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00e16feb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mac_alias/bookmark.py
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# This file implements the Apple "bookmark" format, which is the replacement
+# for the old-fashioned alias format. The details of this format were
+# reverse engineered; some things are still not entirely clear.
+import datetime
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import uuid
+from urllib.parse import urljoin
+if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ from . import osx
+from .utils import osx_epoch
+BMK_STRING = 0x0100
+BMK_DATA = 0x0200
+BMK_NUMBER = 0x0300
+BMK_DATE = 0x0400
+BMK_BOOLEAN = 0x0500
+BMK_ARRAY = 0x0600
+BMK_DICT = 0x0700
+BMK_UUID = 0x0800
+BMK_URL = 0x0900
+BMK_NULL = 0x0A00
+BMK_ST_ZERO = 0x0000
+BMK_ST_ONE = 0x0001
+# Subtypes for BMK_NUMBER are really CFNumberType values
+kCFNumberSInt8Type = 1
+kCFNumberSInt16Type = 2
+kCFNumberSInt32Type = 3
+kCFNumberSInt64Type = 4
+kCFNumberFloat32Type = 5
+kCFNumberFloat64Type = 6
+kCFNumberCharType = 7
+kCFNumberShortType = 8
+kCFNumberIntType = 9
+kCFNumberLongType = 10
+kCFNumberLongLongType = 11
+kCFNumberFloatType = 12
+kCFNumberDoubleType = 13
+kCFNumberCFIndexType = 14
+kCFNumberNSIntegerType = 15
+kCFNumberCGFloatType = 16
+# Resource property flags (from CFURLPriv.h)
+kCFURLResourceIsRegularFile = 0x00000001
+kCFURLResourceIsDirectory = 0x00000002
+kCFURLResourceIsSymbolicLink = 0x00000004
+kCFURLResourceIsVolume = 0x00000008
+kCFURLResourceIsPackage = 0x00000010
+kCFURLResourceIsSystemImmutable = 0x00000020
+kCFURLResourceIsUserImmutable = 0x00000040
+kCFURLResourceIsHidden = 0x00000080
+kCFURLResourceHasHiddenExtension = 0x00000100
+kCFURLResourceIsApplication = 0x00000200
+kCFURLResourceIsCompressed = 0x00000400
+kCFURLResourceIsSystemCompressed = 0x00000400
+kCFURLCanSetHiddenExtension = 0x00000800
+kCFURLResourceIsReadable = 0x00001000
+kCFURLResourceIsWriteable = 0x00002000
+kCFURLResourceIsExecutable = 0x00004000
+kCFURLIsAliasFile = 0x00008000
+kCFURLIsMountTrigger = 0x00010000
+# Volume property flags (from CFURLPriv.h)
+kCFURLVolumeIsLocal = 0x1
+kCFURLVolumeIsAutomount = 0x2
+kCFURLVolumeDontBrowse = 0x4
+kCFURLVolumeIsReadOnly = 0x8
+kCFURLVolumeIsQuarantined = 0x10
+kCFURLVolumeIsEjectable = 0x20
+kCFURLVolumeIsRemovable = 0x40
+kCFURLVolumeIsInternal = 0x80
+kCFURLVolumeIsExternal = 0x100
+kCFURLVolumeIsDiskImage = 0x200
+kCFURLVolumeIsFileVault = 0x400
+kCFURLVolumeIsLocaliDiskMirror = 0x800
+kCFURLVolumeIsiPod = 0x1000
+kCFURLVolumeIsiDisk = 0x2000
+kCFURLVolumeIsCD = 0x4000
+kCFURLVolumeIsDVD = 0x8000
+kCFURLVolumeIsDeviceFileSystem = 0x10000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDs = 0x100000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsSearchFS = 0x200000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsExchange = 0x400000000
+# reserved 0x800000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinks = 0x1000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsDenyModes = 0x2000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsCopyFile = 0x4000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsReadDirAttr = 0x8000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsJournaling = 0x10000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsRename = 0x20000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsFastStatFS = 0x40000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNames = 0x80000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsCasePreservedNames = 0x100000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsFLock = 0x200000000000
+kCFURLVolumeHasNoRootDirectoryTimes = 0x400000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsExtendedSecurity = 0x800000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupports2TBFileSize = 0x1000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsHardLinks = 0x2000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsMandatoryByteRangeLocks = 0x4000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsPathFromID = 0x8000000000000
+# reserved 0x10000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeIsJournaling = 0x20000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsSparseFiles = 0x40000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsZeroRuns = 0x80000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsVolumeSizes = 0x100000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsRemoteEvents = 0x200000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsHiddenFiles = 0x400000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeSupportsDecmpFSCompression = 0x800000000000000
+kCFURLVolumeHas64BitObjectIDs = 0x1000000000000000
+kCFURLVolumePropertyFlagsAll = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
+# Bookmark keys
+kBookmarkURL = 0x1003 # A URL
+kBookmarkPath = 0x1004 # Array of path components
+kBookmarkCNIDPath = 0x1005 # Array of CNIDs
+kBookmarkFileProperties = (
+ 0x1010 # (CFURL rp flags, CFURL rp flags asked for, 8 bytes NULL)
+kBookmarkFileName = 0x1020
+kBookmarkFileID = 0x1030
+kBookmarkFileCreationDate = 0x1040
+# = 0x1054 # ?
+# = 0x1055 # ?
+# = 0x1056 # ?
+# = 0x1101 # ?
+# = 0x1102 # ?
+kBookmarkTOCPath = 0x2000 # A list of (TOC id, ?) pairs
+kBookmarkVolumePath = 0x2002
+kBookmarkVolumeURL = 0x2005
+kBookmarkVolumeName = 0x2010
+kBookmarkVolumeUUID = 0x2011 # Stored (perversely) as a string
+kBookmarkVolumeSize = 0x2012
+kBookmarkVolumeCreationDate = 0x2013
+kBookmarkVolumeProperties = (
+ 0x2020 # (CFURL vp flags, CFURL vp flags asked for, 8 bytes NULL)
+kBookmarkVolumeIsRoot = 0x2030 # True if volume is FS root
+kBookmarkVolumeBookmark = 0x2040 # Embedded bookmark for disk image (TOC id)
+kBookmarkVolumeMountPoint = 0x2050 # A URL
+# = 0x2070
+kBookmarkContainingFolder = 0xC001 # Index of containing folder in path
+kBookmarkUserName = 0xC011 # User that created bookmark
+kBookmarkUID = 0xC012 # UID that created bookmark
+kBookmarkWasFileReference = 0xD001 # True if the URL was a file reference
+kBookmarkCreationOptions = 0xD010
+kBookmarkURLLengths = 0xE003 # See below
+kBookmarkDisplayName = 0xF017
+kBookmarkIconData = 0xF020
+kBookmarkIconRef = 0xF021
+kBookmarkTypeBindingData = 0xF022
+kBookmarkCreationTime = 0xF030
+kBookmarkSandboxRwExtension = 0xF080
+kBookmarkSandboxRoExtension = 0xF081
+kBookmarkAliasData = 0xFE00
+# Alias for backwards compatibility
+kBookmarkSecurityExtension = kBookmarkSandboxRwExtension
+# kBookmarkURLLengths is an array that is set if the URL encoded by the
+# bookmark had a base URL; in that case, each entry is the length of the
+# base URL in question. Thus a URL
+# file:///foo/bar/baz blam/blat.html
+# will result in [3, 2], while the URL
+# file:///foo bar/baz blam blat.html
+# would result in [1, 2, 1, 1]
+class Data:
+ def __init__(self, bytedata=None):
+ #: The bytes, stored as a byte string
+ self.bytes = bytes(bytedata)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Data(%r)" % self.bytes
+class URL:
+ def __init__(self, base, rel=None):
+ if rel is not None:
+ #: The base URL, if any (a :class:`URL`)
+ self.base = base
+ #: The rest of the URL (a string)
+ self.relative = rel
+ else:
+ self.base = None
+ self.relative = base
+ @property
+ def absolute(self):
+ """Return an absolute URL."""
+ if self.base is None:
+ return self.relative
+ else:
+ return urljoin(self.base.absolute, self.relative)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "URL(%r)" % self.absolute
+class Bookmark:
+ def __init__(self, tocs=None):
+ if tocs is None:
+ #: The TOCs for this Bookmark
+ self.tocs = []
+ else:
+ self.tocs = tocs
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_item(cls, data, hdrsize, offset):
+ offset += hdrsize
+ if offset > len(data) - 8:
+ raise ValueError("Offset out of range")
+ length, typecode = struct.unpack(b"<II", data[offset : offset + 8])
+ if len(data) - offset < 8 + length:
+ raise ValueError("Data item truncated")
+ databytes = data[offset + 8 : offset + 8 + length]
+ dsubtype = typecode & BMK_DATA_SUBTYPE_MASK
+ dtype = typecode & BMK_DATA_TYPE_MASK
+ if dtype == BMK_STRING:
+ return databytes.decode("utf-8")
+ elif dtype == BMK_DATA:
+ return Data(databytes)
+ elif dtype == BMK_NUMBER:
+ if dsubtype == kCFNumberSInt8Type:
+ return ord(databytes[0])
+ elif dsubtype == kCFNumberSInt16Type:
+ return struct.unpack(b"<h", databytes)[0]
+ elif dsubtype == kCFNumberSInt32Type:
+ return struct.unpack(b"<i", databytes)[0]
+ elif dsubtype == kCFNumberSInt64Type:
+ return struct.unpack(b"<q", databytes)[0]
+ elif dsubtype == kCFNumberFloat32Type:
+ return struct.unpack(b"<f", databytes)[0]
+ elif dsubtype == kCFNumberFloat64Type:
+ return struct.unpack(b"<d", databytes)[0]
+ elif dtype == BMK_DATE:
+ # Yes, dates really are stored as *BIG-endian* doubles; everything
+ # else is little-endian
+ secs = datetime.timedelta(seconds=struct.unpack(b">d", databytes)[0])
+ return osx_epoch + secs
+ elif dtype == BMK_BOOLEAN:
+ if dsubtype == BMK_BOOLEAN_ST_TRUE:
+ return True
+ elif dsubtype == BMK_BOOLEAN_ST_FALSE:
+ return False
+ elif dtype == BMK_UUID:
+ return uuid.UUID(bytes=databytes)
+ elif dtype == BMK_URL:
+ if dsubtype == BMK_URL_ST_ABSOLUTE:
+ return URL(databytes.decode("utf-8"))
+ elif dsubtype == BMK_URL_ST_RELATIVE:
+ baseoff, reloff = struct.unpack(b"<II", databytes)
+ base = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, baseoff)
+ rel = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, reloff)
+ return URL(base, rel)
+ elif dtype == BMK_ARRAY:
+ result = []
+ for aoff in range(offset + 8, offset + 8 + length, 4):
+ (eltoff,) = struct.unpack(b"<I", data[aoff : aoff + 4])
+ result.append(cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, eltoff))
+ return result
+ elif dtype == BMK_DICT:
+ result = {}
+ for eoff in range(offset + 8, offset + 8 + length, 8):
+ keyoff, valoff = struct.unpack(b"<II", data[eoff : eoff + 8])
+ key = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, keyoff)
+ val = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, valoff)
+ result[key] = val
+ return result
+ elif dtype == BMK_NULL:
+ return None
+ print("Unknown data type %08x" % typecode)
+ return (typecode, databytes)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, data):
+ """Create a :class:`Bookmark` given byte data."""
+ if len(data) < 16:
+ raise ValueError("Not a bookmark file (too short)")
+ if isinstance(data, bytearray):
+ data = bytes(data)
+ magic, size, dummy, hdrsize = struct.unpack(b"<4sIII", data[0:16])
+ if magic not in (b"book", b"alis"):
+ raise ValueError("Not a bookmark file (bad magic) %r" % magic)
+ if hdrsize < 16:
+ raise ValueError("Not a bookmark file (header size too short)")
+ if hdrsize > size:
+ raise ValueError("Not a bookmark file (header size too large)")
+ if size != len(data):
+ raise ValueError("Not a bookmark file (truncated)")
+ (tocoffset,) = struct.unpack(b"<I", data[hdrsize : hdrsize + 4])
+ tocs = []
+ while tocoffset != 0:
+ tocbase = hdrsize + tocoffset
+ if (tocoffset > size - hdrsize) or (size - tocbase < 20):
+ raise ValueError("TOC offset out of range")
+ (tocsize, tocmagic, tocid, nexttoc, toccount) = struct.unpack(
+ b"<IIIII", data[tocbase : tocbase + 20]
+ )
+ if tocmagic != 0xFFFFFFFE:
+ break
+ tocsize += 8
+ if size - tocbase < tocsize:
+ raise ValueError("TOC truncated")
+ if tocsize < 12 * toccount:
+ raise ValueError("TOC entries overrun TOC size")
+ toc = {}
+ for n in range(0, toccount):
+ ebase = tocbase + 20 + 12 * n
+ eid, eoffset, edummy = struct.unpack(b"<III", data[ebase : ebase + 12])
+ if eid & 0x80000000:
+ eid = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, eid & 0x7FFFFFFF)
+ toc[eid] = cls._get_item(data, hdrsize, eoffset)
+ tocs.append((tocid, toc))
+ tocoffset = nexttoc
+ return cls(tocs)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ for tid, toc in self.tocs:
+ if key in toc:
+ return toc[key]
+ raise KeyError("Key not found")
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ if len(self.tocs) == 0:
+ self.tocs = [(1, {})]
+ self.tocs[0][1][key] = value
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """Lookup the value for a given key, returning a default if not
+ present."""
+ for tid, toc in self.tocs:
+ if key in toc:
+ return toc[key]
+ return default
+ @classmethod
+ def _encode_item(cls, item, offset):
+ if item is True:
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", 0, BMK_BOOLEAN | BMK_BOOLEAN_ST_TRUE)
+ elif item is False:
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", 0, BMK_BOOLEAN | BMK_BOOLEAN_ST_FALSE)
+ elif isinstance(item, str):
+ encoded = item.encode("utf-8")
+ result = (
+ struct.pack(b"<II", len(encoded), BMK_STRING | BMK_ST_ONE) + encoded
+ )
+ elif isinstance(item, bytes):
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", len(item), BMK_STRING | BMK_ST_ONE) + item
+ elif isinstance(item, Data):
+ result = struct.pack(
+ b"<II", len(item.bytes), BMK_DATA | BMK_ST_ONE
+ ) + bytes(item.bytes)
+ elif isinstance(item, bytearray):
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", len(item), BMK_DATA | BMK_ST_ONE) + bytes(item)
+ elif isinstance(item, int):
+ if item > -0x80000000 and item < 0x7FFFFFFF:
+ result = struct.pack(b"<IIi", 4, BMK_NUMBER | kCFNumberSInt32Type, item)
+ else:
+ result = struct.pack(b"<IIq", 8, BMK_NUMBER | kCFNumberSInt64Type, item)
+ elif isinstance(item, float):
+ result = struct.pack(b"<IId", 8, BMK_NUMBER | kCFNumberFloat64Type, item)
+ elif isinstance(item, datetime.datetime):
+ secs = item - osx_epoch
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", 8, BMK_DATE | BMK_ST_ZERO) + struct.pack(
+ b">d", float(secs.total_seconds())
+ )
+ elif isinstance(item, uuid.UUID):
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", 16, BMK_UUID | BMK_ST_ONE) + item.bytes
+ elif isinstance(item, URL):
+ if item.base:
+ baseoff = offset + 16
+ reloff, baseenc = cls._encode_item(item.base, baseoff)
+ xoffset, relenc = cls._encode_item(item.relative, reloff)
+ result = b"".join(
+ [
+ struct.pack(
+ b"<IIII", 8, BMK_URL | BMK_URL_ST_RELATIVE, baseoff, reloff
+ ),
+ baseenc,
+ relenc,
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ encoded = item.relative.encode("utf-8")
+ result = (
+ struct.pack(b"<II", len(encoded), BMK_URL | BMK_URL_ST_ABSOLUTE)
+ + encoded
+ )
+ elif isinstance(item, list):
+ ioffset = offset + 8 + len(item) * 4
+ result = [struct.pack(b"<II", len(item) * 4, BMK_ARRAY | BMK_ST_ONE)]
+ enc = []
+ for elt in item:
+ result.append(struct.pack(b"<I", ioffset))
+ ioffset, ienc = cls._encode_item(elt, ioffset)
+ enc.append(ienc)
+ result = b"".join(result + enc)
+ elif isinstance(item, dict):
+ ioffset = offset + 8 + len(item) * 8
+ result = [struct.pack(b"<II", len(item) * 8, BMK_DICT | BMK_ST_ONE)]
+ enc = []
+ for k, v in item.items():
+ result.append(struct.pack(b"<I", ioffset))
+ ioffset, ienc = cls._encode_item(k, ioffset)
+ enc.append(ienc)
+ result.append(struct.pack(b"<I", ioffset))
+ ioffset, ienc = cls._encode_item(v, ioffset)
+ enc.append(ienc)
+ result = b"".join(result + enc)
+ elif item is None:
+ result = struct.pack(b"<II", 0, BMK_NULL | BMK_ST_ONE)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown item type when encoding: %s" % item)
+ offset += len(result)
+ # Pad to a multiple of 4 bytes
+ if offset & 3:
+ extra = 4 - (offset & 3)
+ result += b"\0" * extra
+ offset += extra
+ return (offset, result)
+ def to_bytes(self):
+ """Convert this :class:`Bookmark` to a byte representation."""
+ result = []
+ tocs = []
+ offset = 4 # For the offset to the first TOC
+ # Generate the data and build the TOCs
+ for tid, toc in self.tocs:
+ entries = []
+ for k, v in toc.items():
+ if isinstance(k, str):
+ noffset = offset
+ voffset, enc = self._encode_item(k, offset)
+ result.append(enc)
+ offset, enc = self._encode_item(v, voffset)
+ result.append(enc)
+ entries.append((noffset | 0x80000000, voffset))
+ else:
+ entries.append((k, offset))
+ offset, enc = self._encode_item(v, offset)
+ result.append(enc)
+ # TOC entries must be sorted - CoreServicesInternal does a
+ # binary search to find data
+ entries.sort()
+ tocs.append(
+ (tid, b"".join([struct.pack(b"<III", k, o, 0) for k, o in entries]))
+ )
+ first_toc_offset = offset
+ # Now generate the TOC headers
+ for ndx, toc in enumerate(tocs):
+ tid, data = toc
+ if ndx == len(tocs) - 1:
+ next_offset = 0
+ else:
+ next_offset = offset + 20 + len(data)
+ result.append(
+ struct.pack(
+ b"<IIIII",
+ len(data) - 8,
+ tid,
+ next_offset,
+ len(data) // 12,
+ )
+ )
+ result.append(data)
+ offset += 20 + len(data)
+ # Finally, add the header (and the first TOC offset, which isn't part
+ # of the header, but goes just after it)
+ header = struct.pack(
+ b"<4sIIIQQQQI",
+ b"book",
+ offset + 48,
+ 0x10040000,
+ 48,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ first_toc_offset,
+ )
+ result.insert(0, header)
+ return b"".join(result)
+ @classmethod
+ def for_file(cls, path):
+ """Construct a :class:`Bookmark` for a given file."""
+ # Find the filesystem
+ st = osx.statfs(path)
+ vol_path = st.f_mntonname.decode("utf-8")
+ # Grab its attributes
+ attrs = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ volinfo = osx.getattrlist(vol_path, attrs, 0)
+ vol_crtime = volinfo[0]
+ vol_size = volinfo[1]
+ vol_name = volinfo[2]
+ vol_uuid = volinfo[3]
+ # Also grab various attributes of the file
+ attrs = [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ]
+ info = osx.getattrlist(path, attrs, osx.FSOPT_NOFOLLOW)
+ cnid = info[2]
+ crtime = info[1]
+ if info[0] == osx.VREG:
+ flags = kCFURLResourceIsRegularFile
+ elif info[0] == osx.VDIR:
+ flags = kCFURLResourceIsDirectory
+ elif info[0] == osx.VLNK:
+ flags = kCFURLResourceIsSymbolicLink
+ else:
+ flags = kCFURLResourceIsRegularFile
+ dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
+ relcount = 0
+ if not os.path.isabs(dirname):
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ head, tail = os.path.split(curdir)
+ relcount = 0
+ while head and tail:
+ relcount += 1
+ head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+ dirname = os.path.join(curdir, dirname)
+ # ?? foldername = os.path.basename(dirname)
+ rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, vol_path)
+ # Build the path arrays
+ name_path = []
+ cnid_path = []
+ head, tail = os.path.split(rel_path)
+ if not tail:
+ head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+ while head or tail:
+ if head:
+ attrs = [osx.ATTR_CMN_FILEID, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ info = osx.getattrlist(os.path.join(vol_path, head), attrs, 0)
+ cnid_path.insert(0, info[0])
+ head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+ name_path.insert(0, tail)
+ else:
+ head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+ name_path.append(filename)
+ cnid_path.append(cnid)
+ url_lengths = [relcount, len(name_path) - relcount]
+ fileprops = Data(struct.pack(b"<QQQ", flags, 0x0F, 0))
+ volprops = Data(
+ struct.pack(
+ b"<QQQ",
+ 0x81 | kCFURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDs,
+ 0x13EF | kCFURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDs,
+ 0,
+ )
+ )
+ toc = {
+ kBookmarkPath: name_path,
+ kBookmarkCNIDPath: cnid_path,
+ kBookmarkFileCreationDate: crtime,
+ kBookmarkFileProperties: fileprops,
+ kBookmarkContainingFolder: len(name_path) - 2,
+ kBookmarkVolumePath: vol_path,
+ kBookmarkVolumeIsRoot: vol_path == "/",
+ kBookmarkVolumeURL: URL("file://" + vol_path),
+ kBookmarkVolumeName: vol_name,
+ kBookmarkVolumeSize: vol_size,
+ kBookmarkVolumeCreationDate: vol_crtime,
+ kBookmarkVolumeUUID: str(vol_uuid).upper(),
+ kBookmarkVolumeProperties: volprops,
+ kBookmarkCreationOptions: 512,
+ kBookmarkWasFileReference: True,
+ kBookmarkUserName: "unknown",
+ kBookmarkUID: 99,
+ }
+ if relcount:
+ toc[kBookmarkURLLengths] = url_lengths
+ return Bookmark([(1, toc)])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ result = ["Bookmark(["]
+ for tid, toc in self.tocs:
+ result.append("(0x%x, {\n" % tid)
+ for k, v in toc.items():
+ if isinstance(k, str):
+ kf = repr(k)
+ else:
+ kf = "0x%04x" % k
+ result.append(f" {kf}: {v!r}\n")
+ result.append("}),\n")
+ result.append("])")
+ return "".join(result)