path: root/src/lib/corelib/loader/productscollector.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/corelib/loader/productscollector.cpp')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/corelib/loader/productscollector.cpp b/src/lib/corelib/loader/productscollector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..042dbd160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/corelib/loader/productscollector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of Qbs.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
+** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+#include "productscollector.h"
+#include "dependenciesresolver.h"
+#include "itemreader.h"
+#include "loaderutils.h"
+#include "localprofiles.h"
+#include "productitemmultiplexer.h"
+#include "probesresolver.h"
+#include <language/builtindeclarations.h>
+#include <language/evaluator.h>
+#include <language/filecontext.h>
+#include <language/item.h>
+#include <language/language.h>
+#include <language/value.h>
+#include <logging/categories.h>
+#include <logging/translator.h>
+#include <tools/fileinfo.h>
+#include <tools/profile.h>
+#include <tools/profiling.h>
+#include <language/scriptengine.h>
+#include <tools/set.h>
+#include <tools/settings.h>
+#include <tools/setupprojectparameters.h>
+#include <tools/stringconstants.h>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QDirIterator>
+namespace qbs::Internal {
+class ProductsCollector::Private
+ Private(LoaderState &loaderState) : loaderState(loaderState) {}
+ void handleProject(Item *projectItem, ProjectContext *parentProject,
+ const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths);
+ QList<Item *> multiplexProductItem(ProductContext &dummyContext, Item *productItem);
+ void prepareProduct(ProjectContext &projectContext, Item *productItem,
+ ProductContext *mainProduct = nullptr);
+ void handleSubProject(ProjectContext &projectContext, Item *projectItem,
+ const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths);
+ void copyProperties(const Item *sourceProject, Item *targetProject);
+ QList<Item *> loadReferencedFile(
+ const QString &relativePath, const CodeLocation &referencingLocation,
+ const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths, ProductContext &dummyContext);
+ bool mergeExportItems(ProductContext &productContext);
+ bool checkExportItemCondition(Item *exportItem, const ProductContext &product);
+ void initProductProperties(const ProductContext &product);
+ void checkProjectNamesInOverrides();
+ void collectProductsByNameAndItem();
+ void checkProductNamesInOverrides();
+ void mergeProperty(Item *dst, const QString &name, const ValuePtr &value);
+ LoaderState &loaderState;
+ Settings settings{loaderState.parameters().settingsDirectory()};
+ Set<QString> disabledProjects;
+ Version qbsVersion;
+ Item *tempScopeItem = nullptr;
+ // TODO: Put this in loaderutils
+ class TempBaseModuleAttacher {
+ public:
+ TempBaseModuleAttacher(Private *d, ProductContext &product);
+ ~TempBaseModuleAttacher() { drop(); }
+ void drop();
+ Item *tempBaseModuleItem() const { return m_tempBaseModule; }
+ private:
+ Item * const m_productItem;
+ ValuePtr m_origQbsValue;
+ Item *m_tempBaseModule = nullptr;
+ };
+ProductsCollector::ProductsCollector(LoaderState &loaderState)
+ : d(makePimpl<Private>(loaderState)) {}
+ProductsCollector::~ProductsCollector() = default;
+void ProductsCollector::run(Item *rootProject)
+ d->handleProject(rootProject, nullptr, {rootProject->file()->filePath()});
+ d->checkProjectNamesInOverrides();
+ d->collectProductsByNameAndItem();
+ d->checkProductNamesInOverrides();
+ d->loaderState.topLevelProject().checkForLocalProfileAsTopLevelProfile(
+ d->loaderState.parameters().topLevelProfile());
+void ProductsCollector::Private::handleProject(Item *projectItem, ProjectContext *parentProject,
+ const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths)
+ const SetupProjectParameters &parameters = loaderState.parameters();
+ Evaluator &evaluator = loaderState.evaluator();
+ Logger &logger = loaderState.logger();
+ ItemReader &itemReader = loaderState.itemReader();
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ auto p = std::make_unique<ProjectContext>();
+ auto &projectContext = *p;
+ projectContext.item = projectItem;
+ projectContext.parent = parentProject;
+ projectContext.topLevelProject = &topLevelProject;
+ ItemValuePtr itemValue = ItemValue::create(projectItem);
+ projectContext.scope = Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Scope);
+ projectContext.scope->setFile(projectItem->file());
+ projectContext.scope->setProperty(StringConstants::projectVar(), itemValue);
+ ProductContext dummyProduct;
+ dummyProduct.project = &projectContext;
+ dummyProduct.moduleProperties = parameters.finalBuildConfigurationTree();
+ dummyProduct.profileModuleProperties = dummyProduct.moduleProperties;
+ dummyProduct.profileName = parameters.topLevelProfile();
+ loadBaseModule(dummyProduct, projectItem, loaderState);
+ projectItem->overrideProperties(parameters.overriddenValuesTree(),
+ StringConstants::projectPrefix(), parameters, logger);
+ projectContext.name = evaluator.stringValue(projectItem, StringConstants::nameProperty());
+ if (projectContext.name.isEmpty()) {
+ projectContext.name = FileInfo::baseName(projectItem->location().filePath());
+ projectItem->setProperty(StringConstants::nameProperty(),
+ VariantValue::create(projectContext.name));
+ }
+ if (parentProject)
+ parentProject->children.push_back(p.get());
+ topLevelProject.addProject(p.release());
+ projectItem->overrideProperties(parameters.overriddenValuesTree(),
+ StringConstants::projectsOverridePrefix() + projectContext.name,
+ parameters, logger);
+ if (!topLevelProject.checkItemCondition(projectItem, evaluator)) {
+ disabledProjects.insert(projectContext.name);
+ return;
+ }
+ SearchPathsManager searchPathsManager(itemReader, itemReader.readExtraSearchPaths(projectItem)
+ << projectItem->file()->dirPath());
+ projectContext.searchPathsStack = itemReader.extraSearchPathsStack();
+ const QString minVersionStr
+ = evaluator.stringValue(projectItem, StringConstants::minimumQbsVersionProperty(),
+ QStringLiteral("1.3.0"));
+ const Version minVersion = Version::fromString(minVersionStr);
+ if (!minVersion.isValid()) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("The value '%1' of Project.minimumQbsVersion "
+ "is not a valid version string.")
+ .arg(minVersionStr), projectItem->location());
+ }
+ if (!qbsVersion.isValid())
+ qbsVersion = Version::fromString(QLatin1String(QBS_VERSION));
+ if (qbsVersion < minVersion) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("The project requires at least qbs version %1, but "
+ "this is qbs version %2.").arg(minVersion.toString(),
+ qbsVersion.toString()));
+ }
+ for (Item * const child : projectItem->children())
+ child->setScope(projectContext.scope);
+ ProbesResolver(loaderState).resolveProbes(dummyProduct, projectItem);
+ collectProfilesFromItems(projectItem, projectContext.scope, loaderState);
+ QList<Item *> multiplexedProducts;
+ for (Item * const child : projectItem->children()) {
+ if (child->type() == ItemType::Product)
+ multiplexedProducts << multiplexProductItem(dummyProduct, child);
+ }
+ for (Item * const additionalProductItem : std::as_const(multiplexedProducts))
+ Item::addChild(projectItem, additionalProductItem);
+ const QList<Item *> originalChildren = projectItem->children();
+ for (Item * const child : originalChildren) {
+ switch (child->type()) {
+ case ItemType::Product:
+ prepareProduct(projectContext, child);
+ break;
+ case ItemType::SubProject:
+ handleSubProject(projectContext, child, referencedFilePaths);
+ break;
+ case ItemType::Project:
+ copyProperties(projectItem, child);
+ handleProject(child, &projectContext, referencedFilePaths);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const QStringList refs = evaluator.stringListValue(
+ projectItem, StringConstants::referencesProperty());
+ const CodeLocation referencingLocation
+ = projectItem->property(StringConstants::referencesProperty())->location();
+ QList<Item *> additionalProjectChildren;
+ for (const QString &filePath : refs) {
+ try {
+ additionalProjectChildren << loadReferencedFile(
+ filePath, referencingLocation, referencedFilePaths, dummyProduct);
+ } catch (const ErrorInfo &error) {
+ if (parameters.productErrorMode() == ErrorHandlingMode::Strict)
+ throw;
+ logger.printWarning(error);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Item * const subItem : std::as_const(additionalProjectChildren)) {
+ Item::addChild(projectContext.item, subItem);
+ switch (subItem->type()) {
+ case ItemType::Product:
+ prepareProduct(projectContext, subItem);
+ break;
+ case ItemType::Project:
+ copyProperties(projectItem, subItem);
+ handleProject(subItem, &projectContext,
+ Set<QString>(referencedFilePaths) << subItem->file()->filePath());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+QList<Item *> ProductsCollector::Private::multiplexProductItem(ProductContext &dummyContext,
+ Item *productItem)
+ // Overriding the product item properties must be done here already, because multiplexing
+ // properties might depend on product properties.
+ const QString &nameKey = StringConstants::nameProperty();
+ QString productName = loaderState.evaluator().stringValue(productItem, nameKey);
+ if (productName.isEmpty()) {
+ productName = FileInfo::completeBaseName(productItem->file()->filePath());
+ productItem->setProperty(nameKey, VariantValue::create(productName));
+ }
+ productItem->overrideProperties(loaderState.parameters().overriddenValuesTree(),
+ StringConstants::productsOverridePrefix() + productName,
+ loaderState.parameters(), loaderState.logger());
+ dummyContext.item = productItem;
+ TempBaseModuleAttacher tbma(this, dummyContext);
+ return multiplex(productName, productItem, tbma.tempBaseModuleItem(),
+ [&] { tbma.drop(); }, loaderState);
+void ProductsCollector::Private::prepareProduct(ProjectContext &projectContext, Item *productItem,
+ ProductContext *mainProduct)
+ const SetupProjectParameters &parameters = loaderState.parameters();
+ Evaluator &evaluator = loaderState.evaluator();
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ AccumulatingTimer timer(parameters.logElapsedTime()
+ ? &topLevelProject.timingData().preparingProducts : nullptr);
+ topLevelProject.checkCancelation();
+ qCDebug(lcModuleLoader) << "prepareProduct" << productItem->file()->filePath();
+ if (mainProduct)
+ mainProduct->shadowProduct = std::make_unique<ProductContext>();
+ else
+ projectContext.products.emplace_back();
+ ProductContext &productContext = mainProduct
+ ? *mainProduct->shadowProduct : projectContext.products.back();
+ productContext.item = productItem;
+ productContext.project = &projectContext;
+ // Retrieve name, profile and multiplex id.
+ productContext.name = evaluator.stringValue(productItem, StringConstants::nameProperty());
+ QBS_CHECK(!productContext.name.isEmpty());
+ const ItemValueConstPtr qbsItemValue = productItem->itemProperty(StringConstants::qbsModule(),
+ loaderState.itemPool());
+ if (qbsItemValue && qbsItemValue->item()->hasProperty(StringConstants::profileProperty())) {
+ TempBaseModuleAttacher tbma(this, productContext);
+ productContext.profileName = evaluator.stringValue(
+ tbma.tempBaseModuleItem(), StringConstants::profileProperty(), QString());
+ } else {
+ productContext.profileName = parameters.topLevelProfile();
+ }
+ productContext.multiplexConfigurationId = evaluator.stringValue(
+ productItem, StringConstants::multiplexConfigurationIdProperty());
+ QBS_CHECK(!productContext.profileName.isEmpty());
+ // Set up full module property map based on the profile.
+ std::optional<QVariantMap> flatConfig
+ = topLevelProject.profileConfig(productContext.profileName);
+ if (!flatConfig) {
+ const Profile profile(productContext.profileName, &settings,
+ loaderState.topLevelProject().localProfiles());
+ if (!profile.exists()) {
+ ErrorInfo error(Tr::tr("Profile '%1' does not exist.").arg(profile.name()),
+ productItem->location());
+ productContext.handleError(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ flatConfig = SetupProjectParameters::expandedBuildConfiguration(
+ profile, parameters.configurationName());
+ topLevelProject.addProfileConfig(productContext.profileName, *flatConfig);
+ }
+ productContext.profileModuleProperties = SetupProjectParameters::finalBuildConfigurationTree(
+ *flatConfig, {});
+ productContext.moduleProperties = SetupProjectParameters::finalBuildConfigurationTree(
+ *flatConfig, parameters.overriddenValues());
+ initProductProperties(productContext);
+ // Set up product scope. This is mainly for using the "product" and "project"
+ // variables in some contexts.
+ ItemValuePtr itemValue = ItemValue::create(productItem);
+ productContext.scope = Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Scope);
+ productContext.scope->setProperty(StringConstants::productVar(), itemValue);
+ productContext.scope->setFile(productItem->file());
+ productContext.scope->setScope(productContext.project->scope);
+ // If there are any child items with an id, set up a scope for them. This is mostly
+ // relevant for Probe items. While we might get away with using the file's id scope
+ // in the absence of multiplexing, having a proper per-product scope seems cleaner.
+ QBS_CHECK(productItem->scope());
+ QBS_CHECK(productItem->scope() == productContext.project->scope);
+ for (Item * const child : productItem->children()) {
+ if (child->id().isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (productItem->scope() == productContext.project->scope) {
+ productItem->setScope(Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Scope));
+ productItem->scope()->setScope(productContext.project->scope);
+ }
+ const ItemValuePtr childValue = ItemValue::create(child);
+ productItem->scope()->setProperty(child->id(), childValue);
+ productContext.scope->setProperty(child->id(), childValue);
+ }
+ const bool hasExportItems = mergeExportItems(productContext);
+ setScopeForDescendants(productItem, productContext.scope);
+ if (!hasExportItems)
+ return;
+ // This "shadow product" exists only to pull in a dependency on the actual product
+ // and nothing else, thus providing us with the pure environment that we need to
+ // evaluate the product's exported properties in isolation in the project resolver.
+ Item * const importer = Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Product);
+ importer->setProperty(QStringLiteral("name"),
+ VariantValue::create(StringConstants::shadowProductPrefix()
+ + productContext.name));
+ importer->setFile(productItem->file());
+ importer->setLocation(productItem->location());
+ importer->setScope(projectContext.scope);
+ importer->setupForBuiltinType(parameters.deprecationWarningMode(), loaderState.logger());
+ Item * const dependsItem = Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Depends);
+ dependsItem->setProperty(QStringLiteral("name"), VariantValue::create(productContext.name));
+ dependsItem->setProperty(QStringLiteral("required"), VariantValue::create(false));
+ dependsItem->setFile(importer->file());
+ dependsItem->setLocation(importer->location());
+ dependsItem->setupForBuiltinType(parameters.deprecationWarningMode(), loaderState.logger());
+ dependsItem->setProperty(StringConstants::multiplexConfigurationIdsProperty(),
+ VariantValue::create(productContext.multiplexConfigurationId));
+ Item::addChild(importer, dependsItem);
+ prepareProduct(projectContext, importer, &productContext);
+void ProductsCollector::Private::handleSubProject(
+ ProjectContext &projectContext, Item *projectItem, const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths)
+ const SetupProjectParameters &parameters = loaderState.parameters();
+ Evaluator &evaluator = loaderState.evaluator();
+ Logger &logger = loaderState.logger();
+ ItemReader &itemReader = loaderState.itemReader();
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ qCDebug(lcModuleLoader) << "handleSubProject" << projectItem->file()->filePath();
+ Item * const propertiesItem = projectItem->child(ItemType::PropertiesInSubProject);
+ if (!topLevelProject.checkItemCondition(projectItem, evaluator))
+ return;
+ if (propertiesItem) {
+ propertiesItem->setScope(projectItem);
+ if (!topLevelProject.checkItemCondition(propertiesItem, evaluator))
+ return;
+ }
+ Item *loadedItem = nullptr;
+ QString subProjectFilePath;
+ try {
+ const QString projectFileDirPath = FileInfo::path(projectItem->file()->filePath());
+ const QString relativeFilePath
+ = evaluator.stringValue(projectItem, StringConstants::filePathProperty());
+ subProjectFilePath = FileInfo::resolvePath(projectFileDirPath, relativeFilePath);
+ if (referencedFilePaths.contains(subProjectFilePath))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Cycle detected while loading subproject file '%1'.")
+ .arg(relativeFilePath), projectItem->location());
+ loadedItem = itemReader.setupItemFromFile(subProjectFilePath, projectItem->location());
+ } catch (const ErrorInfo &error) {
+ if (parameters.productErrorMode() == ErrorHandlingMode::Strict)
+ throw;
+ logger.printWarning(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ loadedItem = itemReader.wrapInProjectIfNecessary(loadedItem);
+ const bool inheritProperties = evaluator.boolValue(
+ projectItem, StringConstants::inheritPropertiesProperty());
+ if (inheritProperties)
+ copyProperties(projectItem->parent(), loadedItem);
+ if (propertiesItem) {
+ const Item::PropertyMap &overriddenProperties = propertiesItem->properties();
+ for (auto it = overriddenProperties.begin(); it != overriddenProperties.end(); ++it)
+ loadedItem->setProperty(it.key(), it.value());
+ }
+ Item::addChild(projectItem, loadedItem);
+ projectItem->setScope(projectContext.scope);
+ handleProject(loadedItem, &projectContext, Set<QString>(referencedFilePaths) << subProjectFilePath);
+void ProductsCollector::Private::copyProperties(const Item *sourceProject, Item *targetProject)
+ if (!sourceProject)
+ return;
+ const QList<PropertyDeclaration> builtinProjectProperties
+ = BuiltinDeclarations::instance().declarationsForType(ItemType::Project).properties();
+ Set<QString> builtinProjectPropertyNames;
+ for (const PropertyDeclaration &p : builtinProjectProperties)
+ builtinProjectPropertyNames << p.name();
+ for (auto it = sourceProject->propertyDeclarations().begin();
+ it != sourceProject->propertyDeclarations().end(); ++it) {
+ // We must not inherit built-in properties such as "name",
+ // but there are exceptions.
+ if (it.key() == StringConstants::qbsSearchPathsProperty()
+ || it.key() == StringConstants::profileProperty()
+ || it.key() == StringConstants::buildDirectoryProperty()
+ || it.key() == StringConstants::sourceDirectoryProperty()
+ || it.key() == StringConstants::minimumQbsVersionProperty()) {
+ const JSSourceValueConstPtr &v = targetProject->sourceProperty(it.key());
+ QBS_ASSERT(v, continue);
+ if (v->sourceCode() == StringConstants::undefinedValue())
+ sourceProject->copyProperty(it.key(), targetProject);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (builtinProjectPropertyNames.contains(it.key()))
+ continue;
+ if (targetProject->hasOwnProperty(it.key()))
+ continue; // Ignore stuff the target project already has.
+ targetProject->setPropertyDeclaration(it.key(), it.value());
+ sourceProject->copyProperty(it.key(), targetProject);
+ }
+QList<Item *> ProductsCollector::Private::loadReferencedFile(
+ const QString &relativePath, const CodeLocation &referencingLocation,
+ const Set<QString> &referencedFilePaths, ProductContext &dummyContext)
+ QString absReferencePath = FileInfo::resolvePath(FileInfo::path(referencingLocation.filePath()),
+ relativePath);
+ if (FileInfo(absReferencePath).isDir()) {
+ QString qbsFilePath;
+ QDirIterator dit(absReferencePath, StringConstants::qbsFileWildcards());
+ while (dit.hasNext()) {
+ if (!qbsFilePath.isEmpty()) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Referenced directory '%1' contains more than one "
+ "qbs file.").arg(absReferencePath), referencingLocation);
+ }
+ qbsFilePath = dit.next();
+ }
+ if (qbsFilePath.isEmpty()) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Referenced directory '%1' does not contain a qbs file.")
+ .arg(absReferencePath), referencingLocation);
+ }
+ absReferencePath = qbsFilePath;
+ }
+ if (referencedFilePaths.contains(absReferencePath))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Cycle detected while referencing file '%1'.").arg(relativePath),
+ referencingLocation);
+ Item * const subItem = loaderState.itemReader().setupItemFromFile(
+ absReferencePath, referencingLocation);
+ if (subItem->type() != ItemType::Project && subItem->type() != ItemType::Product) {
+ ErrorInfo error(Tr::tr("Item type should be 'Product' or 'Project', but is '%1'.")
+ .arg(subItem->typeName()));
+ error.append(Tr::tr("Item is defined here."), subItem->location());
+ error.append(Tr::tr("File is referenced here."), referencingLocation);
+ throw error;
+ }
+ subItem->setScope(dummyContext.project->scope);
+ subItem->setParent(dummyContext.project->item);
+ QList<Item *> loadedItems;
+ loadedItems << subItem;
+ if (subItem->type() == ItemType::Product) {
+ collectProfilesFromItems(subItem, dummyContext.project->scope, loaderState);
+ loadedItems << multiplexProductItem(dummyContext, subItem);
+ }
+ return loadedItems;
+void ProductsCollector::Private::mergeProperty(Item *dst, const QString &name,
+ const ValuePtr &value)
+ if (value->type() == Value::ItemValueType) {
+ const ItemValueConstPtr itemValue = std::static_pointer_cast<ItemValue>(value);
+ const Item * const valueItem = itemValue->item();
+ Item * const subItem = dst->itemProperty(name, itemValue, loaderState.itemPool())->item();
+ for (auto it = valueItem->properties().begin(); it != valueItem->properties().end(); ++it)
+ mergeProperty(subItem, it.key(), it.value());
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the property already exists, set up the base value.
+ if (value->type() == Value::JSSourceValueType) {
+ const auto jsValue = static_cast<JSSourceValue *>(value.get());
+ if (jsValue->isBuiltinDefaultValue())
+ return;
+ const ValuePtr baseValue = dst->property(name);
+ if (baseValue) {
+ QBS_CHECK(baseValue->type() == Value::JSSourceValueType);
+ const JSSourceValuePtr jsBaseValue = std::static_pointer_cast<JSSourceValue>(
+ baseValue->clone(loaderState.itemPool()));
+ jsValue->setBaseValue(jsBaseValue);
+ std::vector<JSSourceValue::Alternative> alternatives = jsValue->alternatives();
+ jsValue->clearAlternatives();
+ for (JSSourceValue::Alternative &a : alternatives) {
+ a.value->setBaseValue(jsBaseValue);
+ jsValue->addAlternative(a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dst->setProperty(name, value);
+bool ProductsCollector::Private::mergeExportItems(ProductContext &productContext)
+ const SetupProjectParameters &parameters = loaderState.parameters();
+ Evaluator &evaluator = loaderState.evaluator();
+ Logger &logger = loaderState.logger();
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ std::vector<Item *> exportItems;
+ QList<Item *> children = productContext.item->children();
+ const auto isExport = [](Item *item) { return item->type() == ItemType::Export; };
+ std::copy_if(children.cbegin(), children.cend(), std::back_inserter(exportItems), isExport);
+ qbs::Internal::removeIf(children, isExport);
+ // Note that we do not return if there are no Export items: The "merged" item becomes the
+ // "product module", which always needs to exist, regardless of whether the product sources
+ // actually contain an Export item or not.
+ if (!exportItems.empty())
+ productContext.item->setChildren(children);
+ Item *merged = Item::create(&loaderState.itemPool(), ItemType::Export);
+ const QString &nameKey = StringConstants::nameProperty();
+ const ValuePtr nameValue = VariantValue::create(productContext.name);
+ merged->setProperty(nameKey, nameValue);
+ Set<FileContextConstPtr> filesWithExportItem;
+ QVariantMap defaultParameters;
+ for (Item * const exportItem : exportItems) {
+ topLevelProject.checkCancelation();
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(filesWithExportItem.contains(exportItem->file())))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Multiple Export items in one product are prohibited."),
+ exportItem->location());
+ exportItem->setProperty(nameKey, nameValue);
+ if (!checkExportItemCondition(exportItem, productContext))
+ continue;
+ filesWithExportItem += exportItem->file();
+ for (Item * const child : exportItem->children()) {
+ if (child->type() == ItemType::Parameters) {
+ adjustParametersScopes(child, child);
+ defaultParameters = mergeDependencyParameters(defaultParameters,
+ getJsVariant(evaluator.engine()->context(),
+ evaluator.scriptValue(child)).toMap());
+ } else {
+ Item::addChild(merged, child);
+ }
+ }
+ const Item::PropertyDeclarationMap &decls = exportItem->propertyDeclarations();
+ for (auto it = decls.constBegin(); it != decls.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ const PropertyDeclaration &newDecl = it.value();
+ const PropertyDeclaration &existingDecl = merged->propertyDeclaration(it.key());
+ if (existingDecl.isValid() && existingDecl.type() != newDecl.type()) {
+ ErrorInfo error(Tr::tr("Export item in inherited item redeclares property "
+ "'%1' with different type.").arg(it.key()), exportItem->location());
+ handlePropertyError(error, parameters, logger);
+ }
+ merged->setPropertyDeclaration(newDecl.name(), newDecl);
+ }
+ for (QMap<QString, ValuePtr>::const_iterator it = exportItem->properties().constBegin();
+ it != exportItem->properties().constEnd(); ++it) {
+ mergeProperty(merged, it.key(), it.value());
+ }
+ }
+ merged->setFile(exportItems.empty()
+ ? productContext.item->file() : exportItems.back()->file());
+ merged->setLocation(exportItems.empty()
+ ? productContext.item->location() : exportItems.back()->location());
+ Item::addChild(productContext.item, merged);
+ merged->setupForBuiltinType(parameters.deprecationWarningMode(), logger);
+ productContext.mergedExportItem = merged;
+ productContext.defaultParameters = defaultParameters;
+ return !exportItems.empty();
+// TODO: This seems dubious. Can we merge the conditions instead?
+bool ProductsCollector::Private::checkExportItemCondition(Item *exportItem,
+ const ProductContext &product)
+ class ScopeHandler {
+ public:
+ ScopeHandler(Item *exportItem, const ProductContext &productContext, Item **cachedScopeItem,
+ ItemPool &itemPool) : m_exportItem(exportItem), m_itemPool(itemPool)
+ {
+ if (!*cachedScopeItem)
+ *cachedScopeItem = Item::create(&m_itemPool, ItemType::Scope);
+ Item * const scope = *cachedScopeItem;
+ QBS_CHECK(productContext.item->file());
+ scope->setFile(productContext.item->file());
+ scope->setScope(productContext.item);
+ productContext.project->scope->copyProperty(StringConstants::projectVar(), scope);
+ productContext.scope->copyProperty(StringConstants::productVar(), scope);
+ QBS_CHECK(!exportItem->scope());
+ exportItem->setScope(scope);
+ }
+ ~ScopeHandler() { m_exportItem->setScope(nullptr); }
+ private:
+ Item * const m_exportItem;
+ ItemPool &m_itemPool;
+ } scopeHandler(exportItem, product, &tempScopeItem, loaderState.itemPool());
+ return loaderState.topLevelProject().checkItemCondition(exportItem, loaderState.evaluator());
+void ProductsCollector::Private::initProductProperties(const ProductContext &product)
+ QString buildDir = ResolvedProduct::deriveBuildDirectoryName(product.name,
+ product.multiplexConfigurationId);
+ buildDir = FileInfo::resolvePath(product.project->topLevelProject->buildDirectory(), buildDir);
+ product.item->setProperty(StringConstants::buildDirectoryProperty(),
+ VariantValue::create(buildDir));
+ const QString sourceDir = QFileInfo(product.item->file()->filePath()).absolutePath();
+ product.item->setProperty(StringConstants::sourceDirectoryProperty(),
+ VariantValue::create(sourceDir));
+void ProductsCollector::Private::checkProjectNamesInOverrides()
+ for (const QString &projectNameInOverride
+ : loaderState.topLevelProject().projectNamesUsedInOverrides()) {
+ if (disabledProjects.contains(projectNameInOverride))
+ continue;
+ if (!any_of(loaderState.topLevelProject().projects(),
+ [&projectNameInOverride](const ProjectContext *p) {
+ return p->name == projectNameInOverride; })) {
+ handlePropertyError(Tr::tr("Unknown project '%1' in property override.")
+ .arg(projectNameInOverride),
+ loaderState.parameters(), loaderState.logger());
+ }
+ }
+void ProductsCollector::Private::collectProductsByNameAndItem()
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ for (ProjectContext * const project : topLevelProject.projects()) {
+ for (ProductContext &product : project->products)
+ topLevelProject.addProduct(product);
+ }
+void ProductsCollector::Private::checkProductNamesInOverrides()
+ TopLevelProjectContext &topLevelProject = loaderState.topLevelProject();
+ for (const QString &productNameInOverride : topLevelProject.productNamesUsedInOverrides()) {
+ if (!topLevelProject.productWithNameAndConstraint(
+ productNameInOverride, [&productNameInOverride](const ProductContext &product) {
+ // In an override string such as "a.b.c:d, we cannot tell whether we have a product
+ // "a" and a module "b.c" or a product "a.b" and a module "c", so we need to take
+ // care not to emit false positives here.
+ return product.name == productNameInOverride
+ || product.name.startsWith(productNameInOverride + StringConstants::dot());
+ })) {
+ handlePropertyError(Tr::tr("Unknown product '%1' in property override.")
+ .arg(productNameInOverride),
+ loaderState.parameters(), loaderState.logger());
+ }
+ }
+ ProductsCollector::Private *d, ProductContext &product)
+ : m_productItem(product.item)
+ const ValuePtr qbsValue = m_productItem->property(StringConstants::qbsModule());
+ // Cloning is necessary because the original value will get "instantiated" now.
+ if (qbsValue)
+ m_origQbsValue = qbsValue->clone(d->loaderState.itemPool());
+ m_tempBaseModule = loadBaseModule(product, m_productItem, d->loaderState);
+void ProductsCollector::Private::TempBaseModuleAttacher::drop()
+ if (!m_tempBaseModule)
+ return;
+ // "Unload" the qbs module again.
+ if (m_origQbsValue)
+ m_productItem->setProperty(StringConstants::qbsModule(), m_origQbsValue);
+ else
+ m_productItem->removeProperty(StringConstants::qbsModule());
+ m_productItem->removeModules();
+ m_tempBaseModule = nullptr;
+} // namespace qbs::Internal