path: root/src/shared/lsp/algorithm.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/shared/lsp/algorithm.h')
1 files changed, 1518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shared/lsp/algorithm.h b/src/shared/lsp/algorithm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c41fb649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/lsp/algorithm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#pragma once
+#include "predicates.h"
+#include <qcompilerdetection.h> // for Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QSet>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <memory>
+#include <optional>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace lsp::Utils {
+// anyOf
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, F predicate);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, R (S::*predicate)() const);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, R S::*member);
+// count
+template<typename T, typename F>
+int count(const T &container, F predicate);
+// allOf
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool allOf(const T &container, F predicate);
+// erase
+template<typename T, typename F>
+void erase(T &container, F predicate);
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool eraseOne(T &container, F predicate);
+// contains
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool contains(const T &container, F function);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool contains(const T &container, R (S::*function)() const);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+bool contains(const C &container, R S::*member);
+// findOr
+template<typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename C::value_type findOr(const C &container,
+ typename C::value_type other,
+ F function);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename T::value_type findOr(const T &container,
+ typename T::value_type other,
+ R (S::*function)() const);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename T::value_type findOr(const T &container,
+ typename T::value_type other,
+ R S::*member);
+// findOrDefault
+template<typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value,
+ typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, F function);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value,
+ typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, R (S::*function)() const);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value,
+ typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, R S::*member);
+// indexOf
+template<typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT int indexOf(const C &container, F function);
+// maxElementOr
+template<typename T>
+typename T::value_type maxElementOr(const T &container, typename T::value_type other);
+// filtered
+template<typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT C filtered(const C &container, F predicate);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT C filtered(const C &container, R (S::*predicate)() const);
+// partition
+// Recommended usage:
+// C hit;
+// C miss;
+// std::tie(hit, miss) = Utils::partition(container, predicate);
+template<typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT std::tuple<C, C> partition(const C &container, F predicate);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT std::tuple<C, C> partition(const C &container, R (S::*predicate)() const);
+// filteredUnique
+template<typename C>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT C filteredUnique(const C &container);
+// qobject_container_cast
+template<class T, template<typename> class Container, typename Base>
+Container<T> qobject_container_cast(const Container<Base> &container);
+// static_container_cast
+template<class T, template<typename> class Container, typename Base>
+Container<T> static_container_cast(const Container<Base> &container);
+// sort
+template<typename Container>
+inline void sort(Container &container);
+template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline void sort(Container &container, Predicate p);
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline void sort(Container &container, R S::*member);
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline void sort(Container &container, R (S::*function)() const);
+// reverseForeach
+template<typename Container, typename Op>
+inline void reverseForeach(const Container &c, const Op &operation);
+// toReferences
+template<template<typename...> class ResultContainer, typename SourceContainer>
+auto toReferences(SourceContainer &sources);
+template<typename SourceContainer>
+auto toReferences(SourceContainer &sources);
+// toConstReferences
+template<template<typename...> class ResultContainer, typename SourceContainer>
+auto toConstReferences(const SourceContainer &sources);
+template<typename SourceContainer>
+auto toConstReferences(const SourceContainer &sources);
+// take
+template<class C, typename P>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT std::optional<typename C::value_type> take(C &container, P predicate);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) take(C &container, R S::*member);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) take(C &container, R (S::*function)() const);
+// setUnionMerge
+// Works like std::set_union but provides a merge function for items that match
+// !(a > b) && !(b > a) which normally means that there is an "equal" match.
+// It uses iterators to support move_iterators.
+template<class InputIt1, class InputIt2, class OutputIt, class Merge, class Compare>
+OutputIt setUnionMerge(InputIt1 first1,
+ InputIt1 last1,
+ InputIt2 first2,
+ InputIt2 last2,
+ OutputIt d_first,
+ Merge merge,
+ Compare comp);
+template<class InputIt1, class InputIt2, class OutputIt, class Merge>
+OutputIt setUnionMerge(
+ InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2, OutputIt d_first, Merge merge);
+template<class OutputContainer, class InputContainer1, class InputContainer2, class Merge, class Compare>
+OutputContainer setUnionMerge(InputContainer1 &&input1,
+ InputContainer2 &&input2,
+ Merge merge,
+ Compare comp);
+template<class OutputContainer, class InputContainer1, class InputContainer2, class Merge>
+OutputContainer setUnionMerge(InputContainer1 &&input1, InputContainer2 &&input2, Merge merge);
+// setUnion
+template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator, typename Compare>
+OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1,
+ InputIterator1 last1,
+ InputIterator2 first2,
+ InputIterator2 last2,
+ OutputIterator result,
+ Compare comp);
+template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator>
+OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1,
+ InputIterator1 last1,
+ InputIterator2 first2,
+ InputIterator2 last2,
+ OutputIterator result);
+// transform
+// function without result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F> // function type
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function);
+// function with result type deduction:
+template<template<typename> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename Value = typename std::decay_t<SC>::value_type,
+ typename Result = std::decay_t<std::result_of_t<F(Value &)>>,
+ typename ResultContainer = C<Result>>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function);
+#ifdef Q_CC_CLANG
+// "Matching of template template-arguments excludes compatible templates"
+// http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0522r0.html (P0522R0)
+// in C++17 makes the above match e.g. C=std::vector even though that takes two
+// template parameters. Unfortunately the following one matches too, and there is no additional
+// partial ordering rule, resulting in an ambiguous call for this previously valid code.
+// GCC and MSVC ignore that issue and follow the standard to the letter, but Clang only
+// enables the new behavior when given -frelaxed-template-template-args .
+// To avoid requiring everyone using this header to enable that feature, keep the old implementation
+// for Clang.
+template<template<typename, typename> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename Value = typename std::decay_t<SC>::value_type,
+ typename Result = std::decay_t<std::result_of_t<F(Value &)>>,
+ typename ResultContainer = C<Result, std::allocator<Result>>>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function);
+// member function without result type deduction:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R (S::*p)() const);
+// member function with result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R (S::*p)() const);
+// member without result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R S::*p);
+// member with result type deduction:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // result container
+ typename SC, // input container
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R S::*p);
+// same container types for input and output, const input
+// function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, F function);
+// same container types for input and output, const input
+// member function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, R (S::*p)() const);
+// same container types for input and output, const input
+// members:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, R S::*p);
+// same container types for input and output, non-const input
+// function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, F function);
+// same container types for input and output, non-const input
+// member function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, R (S::*p)() const);
+// same container types for input and output, non-const input
+// members:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, R S::*p);
+//////// Implementations //////////////////////////////////////////////
+// anyOf
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, F predicate)
+ return std::any_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), predicate);
+// anyOf taking a member function pointer
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, R (S::*predicate)() const)
+ return std::any_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), std::mem_fn(predicate));
+// anyOf taking a member pointer
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool anyOf(const T &container, R S::*member)
+ return std::any_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), std::mem_fn(member));
+// count
+template<typename T, typename F>
+int count(const T &container, F predicate)
+ return std::count_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container), predicate);
+// allOf
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool allOf(const T &container, F predicate)
+ return std::all_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), predicate);
+// allOf taking a member function pointer
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool allOf(const T &container, R (S::*predicate)() const)
+ return std::all_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), std::mem_fn(predicate));
+// allOf taking a member pointer
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool allOf(const T &container, R S::*member)
+ return std::all_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container), std::mem_fn(member));
+// erase
+template<typename T, typename F>
+void erase(T &container, F predicate)
+ container.erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container), predicate),
+ std::end(container));
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool eraseOne(T &container, F predicate)
+ const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container), predicate);
+ if (it == std::end(container))
+ return false;
+ container.erase(it);
+ return true;
+// contains
+template<typename T, typename F>
+bool contains(const T &container, F function)
+ return anyOf(container, function);
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+bool contains(const T &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ return anyOf(container, function);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+bool contains(const C &container, R S::*member)
+ return anyOf(container, std::mem_fn(member));
+// findOr
+template<typename C, typename F>
+typename C::value_type findOr(const C &container, typename C::value_type other, F function)
+ typename C::const_iterator begin = std::begin(container);
+ typename C::const_iterator end = std::end(container);
+ typename C::const_iterator it = std::find_if(begin, end, function);
+ return it == end ? other : *it;
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+typename T::value_type findOr(const T &container, typename T::value_type other, R (S::*function)() const)
+ return findOr(container, other, std::mem_fn(function));
+template<typename T, typename R, typename S>
+typename T::value_type findOr(const T &container, typename T::value_type other, R S::*member)
+ return findOr(container, other, std::mem_fn(member));
+// findOrDefault
+// Default implementation:
+template<typename C, typename F>
+typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value, typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, F function)
+ return findOr(container, typename C::value_type(), function);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value, typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ return findOr(container, typename C::value_type(), std::mem_fn(function));
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable<typename C::value_type>::value, typename C::value_type>
+findOrDefault(const C &container, R S::*member)
+ return findOr(container, typename C::value_type(), std::mem_fn(member));
+// index of:
+template<typename C, typename F>
+int indexOf(const C& container, F function)
+ typename C::const_iterator begin = std::begin(container);
+ typename C::const_iterator end = std::end(container);
+ typename C::const_iterator it = std::find_if(begin, end, function);
+ return it == end ? -1 : std::distance(begin, it);
+// max element
+template<typename T>
+typename T::value_type maxElementOr(const T &container, typename T::value_type other)
+ typename T::const_iterator begin = std::begin(container);
+ typename T::const_iterator end = std::end(container);
+ typename T::const_iterator it = std::max_element(begin, end);
+ if (it == end)
+ return other;
+ return *it;
+// transform
+namespace {
+// helper code for transform to use back_inserter and thus push_back for everything
+// and insert for QSet<>
+// SetInsertIterator, straight from the standard for insert_iterator
+// just without the additional parameter to insert
+template<class Container>
+class SetInsertIterator
+ Container *container;
+ using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag;
+ using container_type = Container;
+ explicit SetInsertIterator(Container &x)
+ : container(&x)
+ {}
+ SetInsertIterator<Container> &operator=(const typename Container::value_type &value)
+ {
+ container->insert(value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ SetInsertIterator<Container> &operator=(typename Container::value_type &&value)
+ {
+ container->insert(std::move(value));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ SetInsertIterator<Container> &operator*() { return *this; }
+ SetInsertIterator<Container> &operator++() { return *this; }
+ SetInsertIterator<Container> operator++(int) { return *this; }
+// for QMap / QHash, inserting a std::pair / QPair
+template<class Container>
+class MapInsertIterator
+ Container *container;
+ using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag;
+ using container_type = Container;
+ explicit MapInsertIterator(Container &x)
+ : container(&x)
+ {}
+ MapInsertIterator<Container> &operator=(
+ const std::pair<const typename Container::key_type, typename Container::mapped_type> &value)
+ { container->insert(value.first, value.second); return *this; }
+ MapInsertIterator<Container> &operator=(
+ const QPair<typename Container::key_type, typename Container::mapped_type> &value)
+ { container->insert(value.first, value.second); return *this; }
+ MapInsertIterator<Container> &operator*() { return *this; }
+ MapInsertIterator<Container> &operator++() { return *this; }
+ MapInsertIterator<Container> operator++(int) { return *this; }
+// because Qt container are not implementing the standard interface we need
+// this helper functions for generic code
+template<typename Type>
+void append(QList<Type> *container, QList<Type> &&input)
+ container->append(std::move(input));
+template<typename Type>
+void append(QList<Type> *container, const QList<Type> &input)
+ container->append(input);
+template<typename Container>
+void append(Container *container, Container &&input)
+ container->insert(container->end(),
+ std::make_move_iterator(input.begin()),
+ std::make_move_iterator(input.end()));
+template<typename Container>
+void append(Container *container, const Container &input)
+ container->insert(container->end(), input.begin(), input.end());
+// BackInsertIterator behaves like std::back_insert_iterator except is adds the back insertion for
+// container of the same type
+template<typename Container>
+class BackInsertIterator
+ using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag;
+ using value_type = void;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = void;
+ using reference = void;
+ using container_type = Container;
+ explicit constexpr BackInsertIterator(Container &container)
+ : m_container(std::addressof(container))
+ {}
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator=(const typename Container::value_type &value)
+ {
+ m_container->push_back(value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator=(typename Container::value_type &&value)
+ {
+ m_container->push_back(std::move(value));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator=(const Container &container)
+ {
+ append(m_container, container);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator=(Container &&container)
+ {
+ append(m_container, container);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator*() { return *this; }
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator &operator++() { return *this; }
+ constexpr BackInsertIterator operator++(int) { return *this; }
+ Container *m_container;
+// inserter helper function, returns a BackInsertIterator for most containers
+// and is overloaded for QSet<> and other containers without push_back, returning custom inserters
+template<typename Container>
+inline BackInsertIterator<Container> inserter(Container &container)
+ return BackInsertIterator(container);
+template<typename X>
+inline SetInsertIterator<QSet<X>>
+inserter(QSet<X> &container)
+ return SetInsertIterator<QSet<X>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename C, typename A>
+inline SetInsertIterator<std::set<K, C, A>>
+inserter(std::set<K, C, A> &container)
+ return SetInsertIterator<std::set<K, C, A>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename H, typename C, typename A>
+inline SetInsertIterator<std::unordered_set<K, H, C, A>>
+inserter(std::unordered_set<K, H, C, A> &container)
+ return SetInsertIterator<std::unordered_set<K, H, C, A>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A>
+inline SetInsertIterator<std::map<K, V, C, A>>
+inserter(std::map<K, V, C, A> &container)
+ return SetInsertIterator<std::map<K, V, C, A>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename V, typename H, typename C, typename A>
+inline SetInsertIterator<std::unordered_map<K, V, H, C, A>>
+inserter(std::unordered_map<K, V, H, C, A> &container)
+ return SetInsertIterator<std::unordered_map<K, V, H, C, A>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename V>
+inline MapInsertIterator<QMap<K, V>>
+inserter(QMap<K, V> &container)
+ return MapInsertIterator<QMap<K, V>>(container);
+template<typename K, typename V>
+inline MapInsertIterator<QHash<K, V>>
+inserter(QHash<K, V> &container)
+ return MapInsertIterator<QHash<K, V>>(container);
+// Helper code for container.reserve that makes it possible to effectively disable it for
+// specific cases
+// default: do reserve
+// Template arguments are more specific than the second version below, so this is tried first
+template<template<typename...> class C, typename... CArgs,
+ typename = decltype(&C<CArgs...>::reserve)>
+void reserve(C<CArgs...> &c, typename C<CArgs...>::size_type s)
+ c.reserve(s);
+// containers that don't have reserve()
+template<typename C>
+void reserve(C &, typename C::size_type) { }
+} // anonymous
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Different containers for input and output:
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// different container types for input and output, e.g. transforming a QList into a QSet
+// function without result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F> // function type
+decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function)
+ ResultContainer result;
+ reserve(result, typename ResultContainer::size_type(container.size()));
+ std::transform(std::begin(container), std::end(container), inserter(result), function);
+ return result;
+// function with result type deduction:
+template<template<typename> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename Value,
+ typename Result,
+ typename ResultContainer>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(std::forward<SC>(container), function);
+#ifdef Q_CC_CLANG
+template<template<typename, typename> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename Value,
+ typename Result,
+ typename ResultContainer>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, F function)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(std::forward<SC>(container), function);
+// member function without result type deduction:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R (S::*p)() const)
+ return transform<C>(std::forward<SC>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// member function with result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R (S::*p)() const)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(std::forward<SC>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// member without result type deduction:
+template<typename ResultContainer, // complete result container type
+ typename SC, // input container
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R S::*p)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(std::forward<SC>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// member with result type deduction:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // result container
+ typename SC, // input container
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(SC &&container, R S::*p)
+ return transform<C>(std::forward<SC>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// same container types for input and output, const input
+// function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, F function)
+ return transform<C, const C<CArgs...> &>(container, function);
+// member function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, R (S::*p)() const)
+ return transform<C, const C<CArgs...> &>(container, std::mem_fn(p));
+// members:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(const C<CArgs...> &container, R S::*p)
+ return transform<C, const C<CArgs...> &>(container, std::mem_fn(p));
+// same container types for input and output, non-const input
+// function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename F, // function type
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, F function)
+ return transform<C, C<CArgs...> &>(container, function);
+// member function:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, R (S::*p)() const)
+ return transform<C, C<CArgs...> &>(container, std::mem_fn(p));
+// members:
+template<template<typename...> class C, // container
+ typename R,
+ typename S,
+ typename... CArgs> // Arguments to SC
+decltype(auto) transform(C<CArgs...> &container, R S::*p)
+ return transform<C, C<CArgs...> &>(container, std::mem_fn(p));
+// Specialization for QStringList:
+template<template<typename...> class C = QList, // result container
+ typename F> // Arguments to C
+decltype(auto) transform(const QStringList &container, F function)
+ return transform<C, const QList<QString> &>(static_cast<QList<QString>>(container), function);
+// member function:
+template<template<typename...> class C = QList, // result container type
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(const QStringList &container, R (S::*p)() const)
+ return transform<C, const QList<QString> &>(static_cast<QList<QString>>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// members:
+template<template<typename...> class C = QList, // result container
+ typename R,
+ typename S>
+decltype(auto) transform(const QStringList &container, R S::*p)
+ return transform<C, const QList<QString> &>(static_cast<QList<QString>>(container), std::mem_fn(p));
+// filtered
+template<typename C, typename F>
+C filtered(const C &container, F predicate)
+ C out;
+ std::copy_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container),
+ inserter(out), predicate);
+ return out;
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+C filtered(const C &container, R (S::*predicate)() const)
+ C out;
+ std::copy_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container),
+ inserter(out), std::mem_fn(predicate));
+ return out;
+// filteredCast
+template<typename R, typename C, typename F>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT R filteredCast(const C &container, F predicate)
+ R out;
+ std::copy_if(std::begin(container), std::end(container), inserter(out), predicate);
+ return out;
+// partition
+// Recommended usage:
+// C hit;
+// C miss;
+// std::tie(hit, miss) = Utils::partition(container, predicate);
+template<typename C, typename F>
+std::tuple<C, C> partition(const C &container, F predicate)
+ C hit;
+ C miss;
+ reserve(hit, container.size());
+ reserve(miss, container.size());
+ auto hitIns = inserter(hit);
+ auto missIns = inserter(miss);
+ for (const auto &i : container) {
+ if (predicate(i))
+ hitIns = i;
+ else
+ missIns = i;
+ }
+ return std::make_tuple(hit, miss);
+template<typename C, typename R, typename S>
+std::tuple<C, C> partition(const C &container, R (S::*predicate)() const)
+ return partition(container, std::mem_fn(predicate));
+// filteredUnique
+template<typename C>
+C filteredUnique(const C &container)
+ C result;
+ auto ins = inserter(result);
+ QSet<typename C::value_type> seen;
+ int setSize = 0;
+ auto endIt = std::end(container);
+ for (auto it = std::begin(container); it != endIt; ++it) {
+ seen.insert(*it);
+ if (setSize == seen.size()) // unchanged size => was already seen
+ continue;
+ ++setSize;
+ ins = *it;
+ }
+ return result;
+// qobject_container_cast
+template <class T, template<typename> class Container, typename Base>
+Container<T> qobject_container_cast(const Container<Base> &container)
+ Container<T> result;
+ auto ins = inserter(result);
+ for (Base val : container) {
+ if (T target = qobject_cast<T>(val))
+ ins = target;
+ }
+ return result;
+// static_container_cast
+template <class T, template<typename> class Container, typename Base>
+Container<T> static_container_cast(const Container<Base> &container)
+ Container<T> result;
+ reserve(result, container.size());
+ auto ins = inserter(result);
+ for (Base val : container)
+ ins = static_cast<T>(val);
+ return result;
+// sort
+template <typename Container>
+inline void sort(Container &container)
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(container), std::end(container));
+template <typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline void sort(Container &container, Predicate p)
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(container), std::end(container), p);
+// const lvalue
+template<typename Container>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &container)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c);
+ return c;
+// non-const lvalue
+// This is needed because otherwise the "universal" reference below is used, modifying the input
+// container.
+template<typename Container>
+inline Container sorted(Container &container)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c);
+ return c;
+// non-const rvalue (actually rvalue or lvalue, but lvalue is handled above)
+template<typename Container>
+inline Container sorted(Container &&container)
+ sort(container);
+ return std::move(container);
+// const rvalue
+template<typename Container>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &&container)
+ return sorted(container);
+// const lvalue
+template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &container, Predicate p)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, p);
+ return c;
+// non-const lvalue
+// This is needed because otherwise the "universal" reference below is used, modifying the input
+// container.
+template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline Container sorted(Container &container, Predicate p)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, p);
+ return c;
+// non-const rvalue (actually rvalue or lvalue, but lvalue is handled above)
+template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline Container sorted(Container &&container, Predicate p)
+ sort(container, p);
+ return std::move(container);
+// const rvalue
+template<typename Container, typename Predicate>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &&container, Predicate p)
+ return sorted(container, p);
+// pointer to member
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline void sort(Container &container, R S::*member)
+ auto f = std::mem_fn(member);
+ using const_ref = typename Container::const_reference;
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(container), std::end(container),
+ [&f](const_ref a, const_ref b) {
+ return f(a) < f(b);
+ });
+// const lvalue
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &container, R S::*member)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, member);
+ return c;
+// non-const lvalue
+// This is needed because otherwise the "universal" reference below is used, modifying the input
+// container.
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(Container &container, R S::*member)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, member);
+ return c;
+// non-const rvalue (actually rvalue or lvalue, but lvalue is handled above)
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(Container &&container, R S::*member)
+ sort(container, member);
+ return std::move(container);
+// const rvalue
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &&container, R S::*member)
+ return sorted(container, member);
+// pointer to member function
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline void sort(Container &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ auto f = std::mem_fn(function);
+ using const_ref = typename Container::const_reference;
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(container), std::end(container),
+ [&f](const_ref a, const_ref b) {
+ return f(a) < f(b);
+ });
+// const lvalue
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, function);
+ return c;
+// non-const lvalue
+// This is needed because otherwise the "universal" reference below is used, modifying the input
+// container.
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(Container &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ Container c = container;
+ sort(c, function);
+ return c;
+// non-const rvalue (actually rvalue or lvalue, but lvalue is handled above)
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(Container &&container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ sort(container, function);
+ return std::move(container);
+// const rvalue
+template<typename Container, typename R, typename S>
+inline Container sorted(const Container &&container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ return sorted(container, function);
+// reverseForeach
+template <typename Container, typename Op>
+inline void reverseForeach(const Container &c, const Op &operation)
+ auto rend = c.rend();
+ for (auto it = c.rbegin(); it != rend; ++it)
+ operation(*it);
+// toReferences
+template <template<typename...> class ResultContainer,
+ typename SourceContainer>
+auto toReferences(SourceContainer &sources)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(sources, [] (auto &value) { return std::ref(value); });
+template <typename SourceContainer>
+auto toReferences(SourceContainer &sources)
+ return transform(sources, [] (auto &value) { return std::ref(value); });
+// toConstReferences
+template <template<typename...> class ResultContainer,
+ typename SourceContainer>
+auto toConstReferences(const SourceContainer &sources)
+ return transform<ResultContainer>(sources, [] (const auto &value) { return std::cref(value); });
+template <typename SourceContainer>
+auto toConstReferences(const SourceContainer &sources)
+ return transform(sources, [] (const auto &value) { return std::cref(value); });
+// take:
+template<class C, typename P>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT std::optional<typename C::value_type> take(C &container, P predicate)
+ const auto end = std::end(container);
+ const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(container), end, predicate);
+ if (it == end)
+ return std::nullopt;
+ std::optional<typename C::value_type> result = std::make_optional(std::move(*it));
+ container.erase(it);
+ return result;
+// pointer to member
+template <typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) take(C &container, R S::*member)
+ return take(container, std::mem_fn(member));
+// pointer to member function
+template <typename C, typename R, typename S>
+Q_REQUIRED_RESULT decltype(auto) take(C &container, R (S::*function)() const)
+ return take(container, std::mem_fn(function));
+// setUnionMerge: Works like std::set_union but provides a merge function for items that match
+// !(a > b) && !(b > a) which normally means that there is an "equal" match.
+// It uses iterators to support move_iterators.
+template<class InputIt1,
+ class InputIt2,
+ class OutputIt,
+ class Merge,
+ class Compare>
+OutputIt setUnionMerge(InputIt1 first1,
+ InputIt1 last1,
+ InputIt2 first2,
+ InputIt2 last2,
+ OutputIt d_first,
+ Merge merge,
+ Compare comp)
+ for (; first1 != last1; ++d_first) {
+ if (first2 == last2)
+ return std::copy(first1, last1, d_first);
+ if (comp(*first2, *first1)) {
+ *d_first = *first2++;
+ } else {
+ if (comp(*first1, *first2)) {
+ *d_first = *first1;
+ } else {
+ *d_first = merge(*first1, *first2);
+ ++first2;
+ }
+ ++first1;
+ }
+ }
+ return std::copy(first2, last2, d_first);
+template<class InputIt1,
+ class InputIt2,
+ class OutputIt,
+ class Merge>
+OutputIt setUnionMerge(InputIt1 first1,
+ InputIt1 last1,
+ InputIt2 first2,
+ InputIt2 last2,
+ OutputIt d_first,
+ Merge merge)
+ return setUnionMerge(first1,
+ last1,
+ first2,
+ last2,
+ d_first,
+ merge,
+ std::less<std::decay_t<decltype(*first1)>>{});
+template<class OutputContainer,
+ class InputContainer1,
+ class InputContainer2,
+ class Merge,
+ class Compare>
+OutputContainer setUnionMerge(InputContainer1 &&input1,
+ InputContainer2 &&input2,
+ Merge merge,
+ Compare comp)
+ OutputContainer results;
+ results.reserve(input1.size() + input2.size());
+ setUnionMerge(std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(input1)),
+ std::make_move_iterator(std::end(input1)),
+ std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(input2)),
+ std::make_move_iterator(std::end(input2)),
+ std::back_inserter(results),
+ merge,
+ comp);
+ return results;
+template<class OutputContainer,
+ class InputContainer1,
+ class InputContainer2,
+ class Merge>
+OutputContainer setUnionMerge(InputContainer1 &&input1,
+ InputContainer2 &&input2,
+ Merge merge)
+ return setUnionMerge<OutputContainer>(std::forward<InputContainer1>(input1),
+ std::forward<InputContainer2>(input2),
+ merge,
+ std::less<std::decay_t<decltype(*std::begin(input1))>>{});
+template<typename Container>
+auto usize(const Container &container)
+ return static_cast<std::make_unsigned_t<decltype(std::size(container))>>(std::size(container));
+template<typename Container>
+auto ssize(const Container &container)
+ return static_cast<std::make_signed_t<decltype(std::size(container))>>(std::size(container));
+template<typename Compare>
+struct CompareIter
+ Compare compare;
+ explicit constexpr CompareIter(Compare compare)
+ : compare(std::move(compare))
+ {}
+ template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
+ constexpr bool operator()(Iterator1 it1, Iterator2 it2)
+ {
+ return bool(compare(*it1, *it2));
+ }
+template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator, typename Compare>
+OutputIterator set_union_impl(InputIterator1 first1,
+ InputIterator1 last1,
+ InputIterator2 first2,
+ InputIterator2 last2,
+ OutputIterator result,
+ Compare comp)
+ auto compare = CompareIter<Compare>(comp);
+ while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) {
+ if (compare(first1, first2)) {
+ *result = *first1;
+ ++first1;
+ } else if (compare(first2, first1)) {
+ *result = *first2;
+ ++first2;
+ } else {
+ *result = *first1;
+ ++first1;
+ ++first2;
+ }
+ ++result;
+ }
+ return std::copy(first2, last2, std::copy(first1, last1, result));
+template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator, typename Compare>
+OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1,
+ InputIterator1 last1,
+ InputIterator2 first2,
+ InputIterator2 last2,
+ OutputIterator result,
+ Compare comp)
+ return set_union_impl(first1, last1, first2, last2, result, comp);
+template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename OutputIterator>
+OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1,
+ InputIterator1 last1,
+ InputIterator2 first2,
+ InputIterator2 last2,
+ OutputIterator result)
+ return set_union_impl(
+ first1, last1, first2, last2, result, std::less<typename InputIterator1::value_type>{});
+// Replacement for deprecated Qt functionality
+template <class T>
+QSet<T> toSet(const QList<T> &list)
+ return QSet<T>(list.begin(), list.end());
+template<class T>
+QList<T> toList(const QSet<T> &set)
+ return QList<T>(set.begin(), set.end());
+template <class Key, class T>
+void addToHash(QHash<Key, T> *result, const QHash<Key, T> &additionalContents)
+ result->insert(additionalContents);
+// Workaround for missing information from QSet::insert()
+// Return type could be a pair like for std::set, but we never use the iterator anyway.
+template<typename T, typename U> [[nodiscard]] bool insert(QSet<T> &s, const U &v)
+ const int oldSize = s.size();
+ s.insert(v);
+ return s.size() > oldSize;
+} // namespace lsp::Utils