path: root/src/shared/lsp/lsptypes.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/shared/lsp/lsptypes.cpp')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shared/lsp/lsptypes.cpp b/src/shared/lsp/lsptypes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..751fc4e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/lsp/lsptypes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "lsptypes.h"
+#include "languageserverprotocoltr.h"
+#include "lsputils.h"
+#include "textutils.h"
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QJsonArray>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QRegularExpression>
+#include <QVector>
+namespace lsp {
+std::optional<DiagnosticSeverity> Diagnostic::severity() const
+ if (auto val = optionalValue<int>(severityKey))
+ return std::make_optional(static_cast<DiagnosticSeverity>(*val));
+ return std::nullopt;
+std::optional<Diagnostic::Code> Diagnostic::code() const
+ QJsonValue codeValue = value(codeKey);
+ auto it = find(codeKey);
+ if (codeValue.isUndefined())
+ return std::nullopt;
+ QJsonValue::Type type = it.value().type();
+ if (type != QJsonValue::String && type != QJsonValue::Double)
+ return std::make_optional(Code(QString()));
+ return std::make_optional(codeValue.isDouble() ? Code(codeValue.toInt())
+ : Code(codeValue.toString()));
+void Diagnostic::setCode(const Diagnostic::Code &code)
+ insertVariant<int, QString>(codeKey, code);
+std::optional<WorkspaceEdit::Changes> WorkspaceEdit::changes() const
+ auto it = find(changesKey);
+ if (it == end())
+ return std::nullopt;
+ const QJsonObject &changesObject = it.value().toObject();
+ Changes changesResult;
+ for (const QString &key : changesObject.keys())
+ changesResult[DocumentUri::fromProtocol(key)] = LanguageClientArray<TextEdit>(changesObject.value(key)).toList();
+ return std::make_optional(changesResult);
+void WorkspaceEdit::setChanges(const Changes &changes)
+ QJsonObject changesObject;
+ const auto end = changes.end();
+ for (auto it = changes.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ QJsonArray edits;
+ for (const TextEdit &edit : it.value())
+ edits.append(QJsonValue(edit));
+ changesObject.insert(QJsonValue(it.key()).toString(), edits);
+ }
+ insert(changesKey, changesObject);
+WorkSpaceFolder::WorkSpaceFolder(const DocumentUri &uri, const QString &name)
+ setUri(uri);
+ setName(name);
+MarkupOrString::MarkupOrString(const std::variant<QString, MarkupContent> &val)
+ : std::variant<QString, MarkupContent>(val)
+{ }
+MarkupOrString::MarkupOrString(const QString &val)
+ : std::variant<QString, MarkupContent>(val)
+{ }
+MarkupOrString::MarkupOrString(const MarkupContent &val)
+ : std::variant<QString, MarkupContent>(val)
+{ }
+MarkupOrString::MarkupOrString(const QJsonValue &val)
+ if (val.isString()) {
+ emplace<QString>(val.toString());
+ } else {
+ MarkupContent markupContent(val.toObject());
+ if (markupContent.isValid())
+ emplace<MarkupContent>(MarkupContent(val.toObject()));
+ }
+QJsonValue MarkupOrString::toJson() const
+ if (std::holds_alternative<QString>(*this))
+ return std::get<QString>(*this);
+ if (std::holds_alternative<MarkupContent>(*this))
+ return QJsonValue(std::get<MarkupContent>(*this));
+ return {};
+QMap<QString, QString> languageIds()
+ static const QMap<QString, QString> languages({
+ {"Windows Bat","bat" },
+ {"BibTeX","bibtex" },
+ {"Clojure","clojure" },
+ {"Coffeescript","coffeescript" },
+ {"C","c" },
+ {"C++","cpp" },
+ {"C#","csharp" },
+ {"CSS","css" },
+ {"Diff","diff" },
+ {"Dockerfile","dockerfile" },
+ {"F#","fsharp" },
+ {"Git commit","git-commit" },
+ {"Git rebase","git-rebase" },
+ {"Go","go" },
+ {"Groovy","groovy" },
+ {"Handlebars","handlebars" },
+ {"HTML","html" },
+ {"Ini","ini" },
+ {"Java","java" },
+ {"JavaScript","javascript" },
+ {"JSON","json" },
+ {"LaTeX","latex" },
+ {"Less","less" },
+ {"Lua","lua" },
+ {"Makefile","makefile" },
+ {"Markdown","markdown" },
+ {"Objective-C","objective-c" },
+ {"Objective-C++","objective-cpp" },
+ {"Perl6","perl6" },
+ {"Perl","perl" },
+ {"PHP","php" },
+ {"Powershell","powershell" },
+ {"Pug","jade" },
+ {"Python","python" },
+ {"R","r" },
+ {"Razor (cshtml)","razor" },
+ {"Ruby","ruby" },
+ {"Rust","rust" },
+ {"Scss (syntax using curly brackets)","scss"},
+ {"Sass (indented syntax)","sass" },
+ {"ShaderLab","shaderlab" },
+ {"Shell Script (Bash)","shellscript" },
+ {"SQL","sql" },
+ {"Swift","swift" },
+ {"TypeScript","typescript" },
+ {"TeX","tex" },
+ {"Visual Basic","vb" },
+ {"XML","xml" },
+ {"XSL","xsl" },
+ {"YAML","yaml" }
+ });
+ return languages;
+bool TextDocumentItem::isValid() const
+ return contains(uriKey) && contains(languageIdKey) && contains(versionKey) && contains(textKey);
+ : TextDocumentPositionParams(TextDocumentIdentifier(), Position())
+ const TextDocumentIdentifier &document, const Position &position)
+ setTextDocument(document);
+ setPosition(position);
+Position::Position(int line, int character)
+ setLine(line);
+ setCharacter(character);
+Range::Range(const Position &start, const Position &end)
+ setStart(start);
+ setEnd(end);
+bool Range::contains(const Range &other) const
+ if (start() > other.start())
+ return false;
+ if (end() < other.end())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool Range::overlaps(const Range &range) const
+ return !isLeftOf(range) && !range.isLeftOf(*this);
+QString expressionForGlob(QString globPattern)
+ const QString anySubDir("qtc_anysubdir_id");
+ globPattern.replace("**/", anySubDir);
+ QString regexp = QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression(globPattern);
+ regexp.replace(anySubDir,"(.*[/\\\\])*");
+ regexp.replace("\\{", "(");
+ regexp.replace("\\}", ")");
+ regexp.replace(",", "|");
+ return regexp;
+bool DocumentFilter::applies(const Utils::FilePath &fileName) const
+ if (std::optional<QString> _pattern = pattern()) {
+ QRegularExpression::PatternOption option = QRegularExpression::NoPatternOption;
+ if (fileName.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseInsensitive)
+ option = QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption;
+ const QRegularExpression regexp(expressionForGlob(*_pattern), option);
+ if (regexp.isValid() && regexp.match(fileName.toString()).hasMatch())
+ return true;
+ }
+ // return false when any of the filter didn't match but return true when no filter was defined
+ return !contains(schemeKey) && !contains(languageKey) && !contains(patternKey);
+Utils::Link Location::toLink(const DocumentUri::PathMapper &mapToHostPath) const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return Utils::Link();
+ return Utils::Link(uri().toFilePath(mapToHostPath),
+ range().start().line() + 1,
+ range().start().character());
+// Ensure %xx like %20 are really decoded using fromPercentEncoding
+// Else, a path with spaces would keep its %20 which would cause failure
+// to open the file by the text editor. This is the cases with compilers in
+// C:\Programs Files on Windows.
+DocumentUri::DocumentUri(const QString &other)
+ : QUrl(QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(other.toUtf8()))
+{ }
+DocumentUri::DocumentUri(const Utils::FilePath &other, const PathMapper &mapToServerPath)
+ : QUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mapToServerPath(other).path()))
+{ }
+Utils::FilePath DocumentUri::toFilePath(const PathMapper &mapToHostPath) const
+ if (isLocalFile()) {
+ const Utils::FilePath serverPath = Utils::FilePath::fromUserInput(toLocalFile());
+ QBS_ASSERT(mapToHostPath, return serverPath);
+ return mapToHostPath(serverPath);
+ }
+ return {};
+DocumentUri DocumentUri::fromProtocol(const QString &uri)
+ return DocumentUri(uri);
+DocumentUri DocumentUri::fromFilePath(const Utils::FilePath &file, const PathMapper &mapToServerPath)
+ return DocumentUri(file, mapToServerPath);
+MarkupKind::MarkupKind(const QJsonValue &value)
+ m_value = value.toString() == "markdown" ? markdown : plaintext;
+MarkupKind::operator QJsonValue() const
+ switch (m_value) {
+ case MarkupKind::markdown:
+ return "markdown";
+ case MarkupKind::plaintext:
+ return "plaintext";
+ }
+ return {};
+DocumentChange::DocumentChange(const QJsonValue &value)
+ const QString kind = value["kind"].toString();
+ if (kind == "create")
+ emplace<CreateFileOperation>(value);
+ else if (kind == "rename")
+ emplace<RenameFileOperation>(value);
+ else if (kind == "delete")
+ emplace<DeleteFileOperation>(value);
+ else
+ emplace<TextDocumentEdit>(value);
+using DocumentChangeBase = std::variant<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFileOperation, RenameFileOperation, DeleteFileOperation>;
+bool DocumentChange::isValid() const
+ return std::visit([](const auto &v) { return v.isValid(); }, DocumentChangeBase(*this));
+DocumentChange::operator const QJsonValue () const
+ return std::visit([](const auto &v) { return QJsonValue(v); }, DocumentChangeBase(*this));
+ insert(kindKey, "create");
+QString CreateFileOperation::message(const DocumentUri::PathMapper &mapToHostPath) const
+ return Tr::tr("Create %1").arg(uri().toFilePath(mapToHostPath).toUserOutput());
+bool CreateFileOperation::isValid() const
+ return contains(uriKey) && value(kindKey) == "create";
+ insert(kindKey, "rename");
+QString RenameFileOperation::message(const DocumentUri::PathMapper &mapToHostPath) const
+ return Tr::tr("Rename %1 to %2")
+ .arg(oldUri().toFilePath(mapToHostPath).toUserOutput(),
+ newUri().toFilePath(mapToHostPath).toUserOutput());
+bool RenameFileOperation::isValid() const
+ return contains(oldUriKey) && contains(newUriKey) && value(kindKey) == "rename";
+ insert(kindKey, "delete");
+QString DeleteFileOperation::message(const DocumentUri::PathMapper &mapToHostPath) const
+ return Tr::tr("Delete %1").arg(uri().toFilePath(mapToHostPath).toUserOutput());
+bool DeleteFileOperation::isValid() const
+ return contains(uriKey) && value(kindKey) == "delete";
+} // namespace lsp