path: root/Main.qml
diff options
authorBramastyo Harimukti Santoso <bramastyo.harimukti.santoso@pelagicore.com>2018-08-29 15:34:30 +0200
committerAlexandra Betouni <ABetouni@luxoft.com>2018-09-04 09:44:40 +0000
commit7ed4b4d2258f0c23610aaebc801eaeb22c6823bf (patch)
tree62b4c385bc74cdc0227db8c67f70cc1a7bfb4ffa /Main.qml
parent0fa53e900d11df0bd4749beb46ce4197d1e4278e (diff)
[systemui] update to use stores for System UI
- added RootStore as the main store for system UI - updated the main.qml and display accordingly - removed related system ui models and turned them into system ui stores - additionally some clean-ups in the main.qml to have a a clear separation between the center console window and other windows Change-Id: If577badf4448855481c9a4bc695a12cab242190d Reviewed-by: Alexandra Betouni <ABetouni@luxoft.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'Main.qml')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/Main.qml b/Main.qml
index d77cb6de..f49cbcf9 100644
--- a/Main.qml
+++ b/Main.qml
@@ -31,64 +31,59 @@
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
-import Qt.labs.platform 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.3
-import QtApplicationManager 1.0
-import animations 1.0
import display 1.0
import notification 1.0
import utils 1.0
import instrumentcluster 1.0
-import models.system 1.0
+import stores 1.0
-import com.pelagicore.settings 1.0
import com.pelagicore.styles.neptune 3.0
Window {
id: root
- readonly property bool isLandscape: width > height
- readonly property real smallerDimension: isLandscape ? height : width
- readonly property real largerDimension: isLandscape ? width : height
+ readonly property RootStore store: RootStore {
+ isLandscape: root.width > root.height
+ smallerDimension: isLandscape ? root.height : root.width
+ largerDimension: isLandscape ? root.width : root.height
+ clusterAvailable: instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item && instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.visible
- function orientationFromString(str) {
- str = str.trim().toLowerCase().replace('-','').replace('_','').replace('orientation','')
+ onAccentColorChanged: {
+ root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.accentColor = newAccentColor;
+ }
- if (str === "portrait") {
- return Qt.PortraitOrientation;
- } else if (str === "invertedportrait") {
- return Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation;
- } else if (str === "landscape") {
- return Qt.LandscapeOrientation;
- } else if (str === "invertedlandscape") {
- return Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation;
- } else {
- // default to portrait
- return Qt.PortraitOrientation;
+ onGrabImageRequested: {
+ display.grabToImage(function(result) {
+ var ret = result.saveToFile(screenshotUrl);
+ console.info("Screenshot was", ret ? "" : "NOT", "saved to file", screenshotUrl);
+ });
+ }
+ onUpdateThemeRequested: {
+ var chosenTheme = currentTheme === 0 ? NeptuneStyle.Light : NeptuneStyle.Dark;
+ if (popupParent.visible) {
+ popupParent.updateOverlay();
+ }
+ root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.theme = chosenTheme;
+ if (instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item) {
+ instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.theme = chosenTheme;
+ }
- }
- function invertOrientation(orientation) {
- switch (orientation) {
- case Qt.PortraitOrientation:
- return Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation;
- case Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation:
- return Qt.PortraitOrientation;
- case Qt.LandscapeOrientation:
- return Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation;
- case Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation:
- return Qt.LandscapeOrientation;
- default:
- return orientation;
+ onSecondaryWindowSwitchCountChanged: {
+ if (instrumentClusterWindowLoader.active) {
+ instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.nextSecondaryWindow();
+ }
- title: "Neptune 3 UI - Center Console"
+ title: root.store.centerConsoleTitle
color: "black"
- LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.locale().textDirection === Qt.RightToLeft || uiSettings.rtlMode
- LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
+ LayoutMirroring.enabled: root.store.layoutMirroringEnabled
+ LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: root.store.layoutMirroringChildreninherit
Component.onCompleted: {
// Don't use bindings for setting up the initial size. Otherwise the binding is revaluated
@@ -105,301 +100,90 @@ Window {
id: windowConns
target: root
onFrameSwapped: {
- display.loadUI();
+ /*
+ The UI is loaded in two steps
+ This is done in order to ensure that something is rendered on the screen as
+ soon as possible during start up.
+ Only the lightest elements are present upon creation of this component.
+ They are the ones that will be present on the very first rendered frame.
+ Others, which are more complex and thus take more time to load, will be
+ loaded afterwards, once this function is called.
+ */
+ root.store.applicationModel.populate(root.store.settingsStore.widgetStates);
+ display.mainContentArea.active = true;
notificationLoader.active = true;
windowConns.enabled = false;
- Display {
- id: display
- readonly property real availableAspectRatio: availableWidth / availableHeight
- readonly property real availableWidth: orientationIsSomePortrait ? root.smallerDimension : root.largerDimension
- readonly property real availableHeight: orientationIsSomePortrait ? root.largerDimension : root.smallerDimension
+ /*
+ By default, Neptune 3 consists of two windows, the center console window and the
+ instrument cluster window. Below, the definition of the center console window content
+ and the loading of the instrument cluster window is done. However on a device, the
+ instrument cluster window will only be shown if there are two screens connected. There
+ is also the possibility to configure whether it should be shown or not through the main
+ yaml file, default is 'yes'.
- readonly property bool orientationIsSomePortrait: orientation === Qt.PortraitOrientation
- || orientation === Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation
+ If additional windows shall be added, this can be done in the same way as the
+ instrument cluster window is added in Neptune 3
- property int orientation: {
- var value = root.orientationFromString(ApplicationManager.systemProperties.orientation);
- return invertedOrientation ? root.invertOrientation(value) : value;
- }
- property bool invertedOrientation: false
- // If the Window aspect ratio differs from Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio the Display item will be
- // letterboxed so that a Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio is preserved.
- states: [
- State {
- name: "constrainWidth"
- when: display.availableAspectRatio > Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio
- PropertyChanges { target: display
- width: Math.round(display.height * Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio)
- height: display.availableHeight
- }
- },
- State {
- name: "constrainHeight"
- when: display.availableAspectRatio <= Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio
- PropertyChanges { target: display
- width: display.availableWidth
- height: Math.round(display.width / Style.centerConsoleAspectRatio)
- }
- }
- ]
- anchors.centerIn: parent
+ For more detail information, please visit Neptune 3 documentation page.
+ (TODO: add the link here once we have the documentation)
+ */
+ Item {
+ id: centerConsole
+ anchors.fill: parent
- systemModel: systemModel
+ Display {
+ id: display
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ store: root.store
+ popupParent: popupParent
+ focus: true
- settings: uiSettings
- rotation: {
- if (root.isLandscape) {
- switch (orientation) {
- case Qt.PortraitOrientation:
- return 90;
- case Qt.LandscapeOrientation:
- return 0;
- case Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation:
- return -90;
- case Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation:
- return 180;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- switch (orientation) {
- case Qt.PortraitOrientation:
- return 0;
- case Qt.LandscapeOrientation:
- return -90;
- case Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation:
- return 180;
- case Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation:
- return 90;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
+ onWidthChanged: {
+ root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.scale = display.width / Style.centerConsoleWidth;
- popupParent: popupParent
- focus: true
- onWidthChanged: {
- root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.scale = display.width / Style.centerConsoleWidth;
- }
- onScreenshotRequested: screenshot.dumpScreenshotAndVersion()
- Component.onCompleted: {
- timer.start();
- }
- UISettings {
- id: uiSettings
- onLanguageChanged: {
- if (language !== Style.languageLocale) {
- Style.languageLocale = language;
- }
- }
- onThemeChanged: updateTheme()
- onAccentColorChanged: {
- root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.accentColor = accentColor;
- }
- Component.onCompleted: updateTheme()
- function updateTheme() {
- var chosenTheme = theme === 0 ? NeptuneStyle.Light : NeptuneStyle.Dark;
- if (popupParent.visible) {
- popupParent.updateOverlay();
- }
- root.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.theme = chosenTheme;
- if (instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item) {
- instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.contentItem.NeptuneStyle.theme = chosenTheme;
- }
- }
- }
- InstrumentCluster {
- id: clusterSettings
- available: instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item && instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.visible
- }
- // N.B. need to use a Timer here to "push" the available languages to settings server
- // since it uses QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), possibly running in a different thread
- Timer {
- id: timer
- interval: 100
- onTriggered: {
- uiSettings.languages = Style.translation.availableTranslations;
- uiSettings.twentyFourHourTimeFormat = Qt.locale().timeFormat(Locale.ShortFormat).indexOf("AP") === -1;
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- sequence: "Ctrl+r"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- display.invertedOrientation = !display.invertedOrientation
- }
+ ModalOverlay {
+ id: popupParent
+ anchors.fill: display
+ target: display
- Shortcut {
- sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+r"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- instrumentClusterWindowLoader.invertedOrientation = !instrumentClusterWindowLoader.invertedOrientation
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- sequence: "Ctrl+t"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- uiSettings.theme = uiSettings.theme === 0 ? 1 : 0
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- sequence: "Ctrl+l"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- const locales = Style.translation.availableTranslations;
- const currentLocale = Style.languageLocale;
- const currentIndex = locales.indexOf(currentLocale);
- var nextIndex = currentIndex === locales.length - 1 ? 0 : currentIndex + 1;
- uiSettings.language = locales[nextIndex];
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- sequence: "Ctrl+c"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- if (instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item)
- instrumentClusterWindowLoader.item.nextSecondaryWindow();
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- //simulates hard key back press
- sequence: "Ctrl+b"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- onActivated: {
- display.applicationModel.goBack();
- }
- }
- Shortcut {
- id: screenshot
- sequence: "Ctrl+p"
- context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut
- function saveFile(fileUrl, text) {
- var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.open("PUT", fileUrl);
- request.send("Neptune 3: %1 %2".arg(Qt.application.version).arg(neptuneInfo) + "\n" +
- "Qt Application Manager: %1".arg(qtamVersion) + "\n" +
- "Qt IVI: %1".arg(qtiviVersion) + "\n\n" +
- text);
- }
- function dumpScreenshotAndVersion() {
- var tempDir = StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.TempLocation).toString();
- tempDir = tempDir.substring(tempDir.indexOf('://')+3); // convert from url to filepath
- const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),"yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss")
- const screenshotUrl = tempDir + "/" + timestamp + "_neptune3_screenshot.png";
- display.grabToImage(function(result) {
- var ret = result.saveToFile(screenshotUrl);
- console.info("Screenshot was", ret ? "" : "NOT", "saved to file", screenshotUrl);
- });
+ StageLoader {
+ id: notificationLoader
+ anchors.fill: display
+ source: "sysui/notification/NotificationContent.qml"
- const diagFile = tempDir + "/" + timestamp + "_neptune3_versions.txt";
- saveFile(diagFile, display.sysInfo.qtDiag);
- notificationInterfaceInfo.summary = qsTr("UI screenshot has been taken successfully");
- notificationInterfaceInfo.body = qsTr("UI screenshot and diagnostics information are stored in %1").arg(tempDir);
- notificationInterfaceInfo.hide(); // it's sticky, so first hide it to be able to show it again
- notificationInterfaceInfo.show();
- }
- onActivated: {
- dumpScreenshotAndVersion();
- }
+ Binding { target: notificationLoader.item; property: "target";
+ value: popupParent.showModalOverlay ? popupParent : display }
- }
- ModalOverlay {
- id: popupParent
- anchors.fill: display
- target: display
- }
- // simulates battery low event if accessory button is pressed, the UI
- // jumps directly to navigation app, setting the route to the proposed charging station
- // if not, a warning notification will be shown and stored in the notification center
- Notification {
- id: notificationInterface
- property bool actionAccepted: false
- summary: qsTr("Battery level is low")
- body: qsTr("Start route to nearest charging station?")
- timeout: 4000
- actions: [{"actionText": qsTr("Show on Map")}]
- onActionTriggered: {
- //jump to navigation app
- Qt.openUrlExternally("x-map://getMeTo/Polis Park Kaningos Athens");
- actionAccepted = true;
- }
- onVisibleChanged: {
- if (!visible && !actionAccepted) {
- //if action is not accepted, show warning
- notificationInterfaceInfo.summary = qsTr("Warning: Battery level is low");
- notificationInterfaceInfo.body = qsTr("Please consider charging it in the next available station");
- notificationInterfaceInfo.hide(); // it's sticky, so first hide it to be able to show it again
- notificationInterfaceInfo.show();
- }
- actionAccepted = false;
+ CenterConsoleMonitorOverlay {
+ anchors.fill: display
+ rotation: display.rotation
+ model: root.store.systemStore
+ fpsVisible: root.store.systemStore.centerConsolePerfOverlayEnabled
+ activeAppId: root.store.applicationModel.activeAppInfo ? root.store.applicationModel.activeAppInfo.id : ""
+ window: root
- Notification {
- id: notificationInterfaceInfo
- sticky: true
- }
- StageLoader {
- id: notificationLoader
- anchors.fill: display
- source: "sysui/notification/NotificationContent.qml"
- Binding { target: notificationLoader.item; property: "target";
- value: popupParent.showModalOverlay ? popupParent : display }
- }
- SystemModel {
- id: systemModel
- }
- CenterConsoleMonitorOverlay {
- anchors.fill: display
- rotation: display.rotation
- model: systemModel
- fpsVisible: systemModel.centerConsolePerfOverlayEnabled
- activeAppId: display.applicationModel.activeAppInfo ? display.applicationModel.activeAppInfo.id : ""
- window: root
- }
Loader {
id: instrumentClusterWindowLoader
- property bool invertedOrientation: false
- readonly property bool runningOnSingleScreenEmbedded: !WindowManager.runningOnDesktop
- && (Qt.application.screens.length === 1)
sourceComponent: Component {
InstrumentClusterWindow {
- applicationModel: display.applicationModel
- invertedOrientation: instrumentClusterWindowLoader.invertedOrientation
- performanceOverlayVisible: systemModel.instrumentClusterPerfOverlayEnabled
- Component.onCompleted: uiSettings.updateTheme()
+ applicationModel: root.store.applicationModel
+ clusterStore: root.store.clusterStore
+ performanceOverlayVisible: root.store.systemStore.instrumentClusterPerfOverlayEnabled
+ Component.onCompleted: root.store.updateThemeRequested(root.store.uiSettings.theme)
- active: !runningOnSingleScreenEmbedded && ApplicationManager.systemProperties.showCluster
+ active: !root.store.runningOnSingleScreenEmbedded && root.store.clusterStore.showCluster