path: root/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml
diff options
authorTim Jenssen <tim.jenssen@digia.com>2014-05-08 18:13:35 +0200
committerTim Jenssen <tim.jenssen@digia.com>2014-05-09 11:16:59 +0200
commit1cbea9ce92489d4d2b89bda35cecf819eebba81c (patch)
tree6ef917488fd5e667d3bd78a945d41240ed2d220d /src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml
parent551f7e1caf593b868163f8f0bde24a60ac1a12e5 (diff)
QmlDesigner: add reload feature to stateseditor
Change-Id: I61fc9fb05dc901765c1c348cfab29b3d2eaa7516 Reviewed-by: Marco Bubke <marco.bubke@digia.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 612 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml b/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index c838d13b21..0000000000
--- a/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/stateseditor/stateslist.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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-import QtQuick 2.1
-import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
-import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.0
-Rectangle {
- id: root
- property int currentStateInternalId : 0
- signal createNewState
- signal deleteState(int nodeId)
- signal duplicateCurrentState
- signal startRenaming
- color: "#4f4f4f";
- property color colorAlpha: "#994f4f4f";
- Connections {
- target: statesEditorModel
- onChangedToState: root.currentStateInternalId = n;
- }
- signal unFocus
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill:parent
- hoverEnabled:true
- onExited: root.unFocus();
- }
- onCurrentStateInternalIdChanged: {
- if (currentStateInternalId <= 0)
- currentStateInternalId = 0;
- else
- unFocus();
- }
- Flickable {
- id: listView
- anchors.left:root.left
- anchors.right:root.right
- anchors.top:root.top
- height:statesRow.height+2
- contentHeight: height
- contentWidth: statesRow.width+2
- Row {
- id: statesRow
- spacing:10
- Row {
- id: listViewRow
- Repeater {
- model: statesEditorModel
- delegate: delegate
- }
- Item {
- id: newStateBoxLoader;
- width:132
- height:listViewRow.height
- visible: canAddNewStates
- Loader {
- sourceComponent: addState;
- // make it square
- width: 100
- height: 100
- anchors.horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.bottom:parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin:9
- }
- }
- }
- }
- focus: true;
- clip: true;
- boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragOverBounds;
- interactive:false;
- }
- Component {
- id: delegate
- Item {
- id: container
- property int baseStateOffset:(index==0?15:0)
- width:img.width+32+baseStateOffset + (index==0?6:0)
- height: img.height + txt.height + 29 //(index==0?29:25)
- //y:(index==0?0:4)
- property bool isCurrentState: root.currentStateInternalId == nodeId;
- onXChanged: scrollBarAdjuster.adjustScrollBar();
- onIsCurrentStateChanged: scrollBarAdjuster.adjustScrollBar();
- Item {
- id:scrollBarAdjuster
- function adjustScrollBar() {
- if ((parent.isCurrentState) && (container.x+container.width<=listView.contentWidth-floatingNewStateBox.width)) {
- if (container.x+container.width > listView.contentX + listView.width - floatingNewStateBox.width)
- horizontalScrollbar.viewPosition = container.x+container.width - listView.width+floatingNewStateBox.width + (index<statesEditorModel.count-1?25:0);
- if (container.x < listView.contentX)
- horizontalScrollbar.viewPosition = container.x - (index>0?25:0);
- }
- }
- }
- Connections {
- target: root
- onStartRenaming: if (root.currentStateInternalId == index) startRenaming();
- }
- function startRenaming() {
- stateNameInput.text=stateName;
- stateNameInput.focus=true;
- stateNameEditor.visible=true;
- stateNameInput.cursorVisible=true;
- stateNameInput.selectAll();
- }
- Loader {
- sourceComponent: underlay
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.rightMargin: index==0?container.baseStateOffset:0
- property variant color: parent.isCurrentState?highlightColor:"#4F4F4F";
- }
- Item {
- id: img
- width:100
- height:100
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: -container.baseStateOffset / 2
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: 9
- Image {
- anchors.centerIn:parent
- source: stateImageSource
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill:parent
- color:"transparent"
- border.width:1
- border.color:"black"
- }
- }
- }
- MouseArea {
- id: itemRegion
- anchors.fill: container
- onClicked: {
- root.unFocus();
- root.currentStateInternalId = nodeId;
- }
- }
- Connections {
- target: root
- onUnFocus: stateNameEditor.unFocus();
- }
- Item {
- id: textLimits
- anchors.top: parent.top
- anchors.topMargin:4
- anchors.left:parent.left
- anchors.right:index==0 ? parent.right : removeState.left
- anchors.leftMargin:4
- anchors.rightMargin:4 + container.baseStateOffset
- height: txt.height + 8
- clip: false
- Text {
- anchors.top: parent.top
- anchors.topMargin: 2
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- id: txt
- color: root.currentStateInternalId==nodeId ? "white" : "#E1E1E1";
- text: stateName
- width:parent.width
- elide:Qt.ElideMiddle
- horizontalAlignment:Qt.AlignHCenter
- renderType: Text.NativeRendering
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: textFrame
- visible:false
- anchors.fill:parent
- anchors.topMargin:0
- anchors.bottomMargin:-4
- color:"transparent"
- border.width:2
- border.color:index!=0 ? highlightColor : "transparent";
- radius:4
- }
- MouseArea {
- id: txtRegion
- anchors.fill:parent
- onClicked: {
- if (root.currentStateInternalId != nodeId)
- root.unFocus();
- root.currentStateInternalId = nodeId;
- }
- onDoubleClicked: if (index!=0) {
- startRenaming();
- }
- hoverEnabled:true
- onEntered: textFrame.visible=container.isCurrentState;
- onExited: textFrame.visible=false;
- }
- Rectangle {
- id:stateNameEditor
- visible:false
- height:parent.height+2
- width:parent.width
- clip:true
- color:"white"
- border.width:2
- border.color:"#4f4f4f"
- radius:4
- function unFocus() {
- if (visible) {
- visible=false;
- }
- }
- Item {
- x:4
- width:parent.width-10
- height:parent.height
- clip:true
- TextField {
- y: 2
- id:stateNameInput
- text:stateName
- width: parent.width
- onAccepted: {
- if (stateNameEditor.visible) {
- stateNameEditor.visible = false;
- statesEditorModel.renameState(nodeId,text);
- }
- }
- style: TextFieldStyle {
- padding.top: 1
- padding.bottom: 1
- padding.left: 1
- padding.right: 1
- background: Item {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // The erase button
- Item {
- id: removeState
- visible: (index != 0 && root.currentStateInternalId==nodeId)
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.top: parent.top
- anchors.topMargin: 7;
- anchors.rightMargin:4;
- width: 12
- height: width
- states: [
- State{
- name: "Pressed";
- PropertyChanges {
- target: removeState
- buttonColor: buttonColorDown
- }
- },
- State{
- name: "Hover";
- PropertyChanges {
- target: removeState
- buttonColor: buttonColorHover
- }
- }
- ]
- property variant buttonColorUp: "#E1E1E1"
- property variant buttonColorDown: Qt.darker(buttonColorUp)
- property variant buttonColor: buttonColorUp
- property variant buttonColorHover: "white"
- Item {
- width:parent.width
- height:parent.height/2 - 1
- clip: true
- Rectangle {
- color: removeState.buttonColor
- width: removeState.width
- height: removeState.height
- radius: width/2
- }
- }
- Item {
- width:parent.width
- height:parent.height/2 - 1
- y:parent.height/2+1
- clip: true
- Rectangle {
- color: removeState.buttonColor
- width: removeState.width
- height: removeState.height
- radius: width/2
- y:-parent.y
- }
- }
- Item {
- width:2
- height:parent.height
- clip: true
- Rectangle {
- color: removeState.buttonColor
- width: removeState.width
- height: removeState.height
- radius: width/2
- }
- }
- Item {
- width:2
- height:parent.height
- x:parent.width-2
- clip: true
- Rectangle {
- color: removeState.buttonColor
- width: removeState.width
- height: removeState.height
- radius: width/2
- x: -parent.x
- }
- }
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill:parent
- onClicked: {
- root.unFocus();
- root.deleteState(nodeId);
- horizontalScrollbar.contentSizeDecreased();
- }
- onPressed: {parent.state="Pressed"}
- onReleased: {parent.state=""}
- hoverEnabled:true
- onEntered: {parent.state="Hover"}
- onExited: {parent.state=""}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: underlay
- Item {
- property variant color: parent.color
- clip:true
- Rectangle {
- width:parent.width
- height:parent.height
- y:-parent.height/2
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Qt.lighter(parent.color) }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: parent.color }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- width:parent.width
- height:parent.height
- y:parent.height/2
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: parent.color }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Qt.darker(parent.color) }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.top:parent.top
- anchors.left:parent.left
- width:parent.width-1
- height:1
- color: Qt.lighter(parent.color)
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.bottom:parent.bottom
- anchors.left:parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin:1
- width:parent.width-1
- height:1
- color: Qt.darker(parent.color)
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.top:parent.top
- anchors.left:parent.left
- width:1
- height:parent.height-1
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Qt.lighter(parent.color) }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: parent.color }
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.top:parent.top
- anchors.right:parent.right
- anchors.topMargin:1
- width:1
- height:parent.height-1
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: parent.color }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Qt.darker(parent.color) }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Item {
- id: floatingNewStateBox
- width:132
- height:listViewRow.height
- anchors.right:root.right
- visible: (newStateBoxLoader.x+newStateBoxLoader.width>=listView.width)
- Rectangle {
- color: root.color
- width:parent.width - 8
- height:parent.height
- anchors.right:parent.right
- }
- Rectangle {
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "transparent" }
- GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: root.colorAlpha }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: root.color }
- }
- width:parent.height
- height:8
- rotation:-90
- y : 67
- x : -67
- }
- Loader {
- sourceComponent: addState
- width: 100
- height: 100
- anchors.horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.bottom:parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin:9
- }
- }
- // The add button
- Component {
- id: addState
- Item {
- anchors.fill:parent
- id: addStateBox
- states: [
- State {
- name:"Hover"
- PropertyChanges {
- target:addStateBox
- buttonColor:hoverColor
- }
- },
- State {
- name:"Pressed"
- PropertyChanges {
- target:addStateBox
- buttonColor:pressedColor
- }
- }
- ]
- transitions: [
- Transition {
- from: ""
- to: "Hover"
- reversible: true
- ColorAnimation {
- duration: 150
- target: addStateBox
- properties: "buttonColor"
- }
- }
- ]
- property variant buttonColor:"#282828"
- property variant defaultColor:"#282828"
- property variant hoverColor:"#E1E1E1"
- property variant pressedColor:Qt.darker("#282828")
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- color: "transparent"
- border.width: 1
- border.color: addStateBox.buttonColor
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- width: 21
- height: width
- color:addStateBox.buttonColor
- radius: width/2
- id:plusSign
- // "plus" sign
- Rectangle {
- width:parent.width-10
- height:3
- color:root.color
- anchors.centerIn:parent
- }
- Rectangle {
- width:3
- height:parent.height-10
- color:root.color
- anchors.centerIn:parent
- }
- }
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill:parent
- onClicked: {
- // force close textinput
- root.unFocus();
- root.createNewState(); //create new state
- // select the new state
- // root.currentStateInternalId = statesEditorModel.count - 1;
- // this should happen automatically
- if (floatingNewStateBox.visible)
- addStateBox.state = "Hover";
- }
- onPressed: addStateBox.state="Pressed"
- onReleased: addStateBox.state=""
- hoverEnabled: true
- onEntered: addStateBox.state="Hover"
- onExited: addStateBox.state=""
- }
- }
- }
- HorizontalScrollBar {
- id: horizontalScrollbar
- flickable: listView
- anchors.left: listView.left
- anchors.right : listView.right
- anchors.top : listView.bottom
- anchors.topMargin: 0
- anchors.rightMargin: 1
- anchors.leftMargin: 1
- height: 10
- onUnFocus: root.unFocus();
- }