path: root/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/builddirmanager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/builddirmanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 599 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/builddirmanager.cpp b/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/builddirmanager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 854483c315..0000000000
--- a/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/builddirmanager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
-** This file is part of Qt Creator.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
-#include "builddirmanager.h"
-#include "cmakebuildconfiguration.h"
-#include "cmakebuildstep.h"
-#include "cmakekitinformation.h"
-#include "cmakeprojectnodes.h"
-#include "cmaketool.h"
-#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/kit.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/kitinformation.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorerconstants.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/target.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/taskhub.h>
-#include <projectexplorer/toolchain.h>
-#include <utils/algorithm.h>
-#include <utils/fileutils.h>
-#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QLoggingCategory>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QPointer>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QSet>
-#include <app/app_version.h>
-using namespace ProjectExplorer;
-using namespace Utils;
-namespace CMakeProjectManager {
-namespace Internal {
-static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog, "qtc.cmake.builddirmanager", QtWarningMsg);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// BuildDirManager:
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-BuildDirManager::BuildDirManager(CMakeBuildSystem *buildSystem)
- : m_buildSystem(buildSystem)
- assert(buildSystem);
-BuildDirManager::~BuildDirManager() = default;
-FilePath BuildDirManager::workDirectory(const BuildDirParameters &parameters) const
- const Utils::FilePath bdir = parameters.buildDirectory;
- const CMakeTool *cmake = parameters.cmakeTool();
- if (bdir.exists()) {
- m_buildDirToTempDir.erase(bdir);
- return bdir;
- }
- if (cmake && cmake->autoCreateBuildDirectory()) {
- if (!QDir().mkpath(bdir.toString()))
- emitErrorOccured(tr("Failed to create build directory \"%1\".").arg(bdir.toUserOutput()));
- return bdir;
- }
- auto tmpDirIt = m_buildDirToTempDir.find(bdir);
- if (tmpDirIt == m_buildDirToTempDir.end()) {
- auto ret = m_buildDirToTempDir.emplace(std::make_pair(bdir, std::make_unique<Utils::TemporaryDirectory>("qtc-cmake-XXXXXXXX")));
- QTC_ASSERT(ret.second, return bdir);
- tmpDirIt = ret.first;
- if (!tmpDirIt->second->isValid()) {
- emitErrorOccured(tr("Failed to create temporary directory \"%1\".")
- .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tmpDirIt->second->path())));
- return bdir;
- }
- }
- return Utils::FilePath::fromString(tmpDirIt->second->path());
-void BuildDirManager::updateReparseParameters(const int parameters)
- m_reparseParameters |= parameters;
-int BuildDirManager::takeReparseParameters()
- int result = m_reparseParameters;
- m_reparseParameters = REPARSE_DEFAULT;
- return result;
-void BuildDirManager::emitDataAvailable()
- if (!isParsing())
- emit dataAvailable();
-void BuildDirManager::emitErrorOccured(const QString &message) const
- m_isHandlingError = true;
- emit errorOccured(message);
- m_isHandlingError = false;
-void BuildDirManager::emitReparseRequest() const
- if (m_reparseParameters & REPARSE_URGENT) {
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "emitting requestReparse";
- emit requestReparse();
- } else {
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "emitting requestDelayedReparse";
- emit requestDelayedReparse();
- }
-void BuildDirManager::updateReaderType(const BuildDirParameters &p,
- std::function<void()> todo)
- if (!m_reader || !m_reader->isCompatible(p)) {
- if (m_reader) {
- stopParsingAndClearState();
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "Creating new reader do to incompatible parameters";
- } else {
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "Creating first reader";
- }
- m_reader = BuildDirReader::createReader(p);
- connect(m_reader.get(),
- &BuildDirReader::configurationStarted,
- this,
- &BuildDirManager::parsingStarted);
- connect(m_reader.get(),
- &BuildDirReader::dataAvailable,
- this,
- &BuildDirManager::emitDataAvailable);
- connect(m_reader.get(),
- &BuildDirReader::errorOccured,
- this,
- &BuildDirManager::emitErrorOccured);
- connect(m_reader.get(), &BuildDirReader::dirty, this, &BuildDirManager::becameDirty);
- connect(m_reader.get(), &BuildDirReader::isReadyNow, this, todo);
- }
- QTC_ASSERT(m_reader, return );
- m_reader->setParameters(p);
-bool BuildDirManager::hasConfigChanged()
- checkConfiguration();
- const QByteArrayList criticalKeys
- QString errorMessage;
- const CMakeConfig currentConfig = takeCMakeConfiguration(errorMessage);
- if (!errorMessage.isEmpty())
- return false;
- const CMakeTool *tool = m_parameters.cmakeTool();
- QTC_ASSERT(tool, return false); // No cmake... we should not have ended up here in the first place
- const QString extraKitGenerator = m_parameters.extraGenerator;
- const QString mainKitGenerator = m_parameters.generator;
- CMakeConfig targetConfig = m_parameters.configuration;
- targetConfig.append(CMakeConfigItem(GENERATOR_KEY, CMakeConfigItem::INTERNAL,
- QByteArray(), mainKitGenerator.toUtf8()));
- if (!extraKitGenerator.isEmpty())
- targetConfig.append(CMakeConfigItem(EXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY, CMakeConfigItem::INTERNAL,
- QByteArray(), extraKitGenerator.toUtf8()));
- targetConfig.append(CMakeConfigItem(CMAKE_COMMAND_KEY, CMakeConfigItem::INTERNAL,
- QByteArray(), tool->cmakeExecutable().toUserOutput().toUtf8()));
- Utils::sort(targetConfig, CMakeConfigItem::sortOperator());
- bool mustReparse = false;
- auto ccit = currentConfig.constBegin();
- auto kcit = targetConfig.constBegin();
- while (ccit != currentConfig.constEnd() && kcit != targetConfig.constEnd()) {
- if (ccit->key == kcit->key) {
- if (ccit->value != kcit->value) {
- if (criticalKeys.contains(kcit->key)) {
- clearCache();
- return false; // no need to trigger a new reader, clearCache will do that
- }
- mustReparse = true;
- }
- ++ccit;
- ++kcit;
- } else {
- if (ccit->key < kcit->key) {
- ++ccit;
- } else {
- ++kcit;
- mustReparse = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // If we have keys that do not exist yet, then reparse.
- //
- // The critical keys *must* be set in cmake configuration, so those were already
- // handled above.
- return mustReparse || kcit != targetConfig.constEnd();
-void BuildDirManager::writeConfigurationIntoBuildDirectory(const Utils::MacroExpander *expander)
- QTC_ASSERT(expander, return );
- const FilePath buildDir = workDirectory(m_parameters);
- QTC_ASSERT(buildDir.exists(), return );
- const FilePath settingsFile = buildDir.pathAppended("qtcsettings.cmake");
- QByteArray contents;
- contents.append("# This file is managed by Qt Creator, do not edit!\n\n");
- contents.append(
- transform(m_parameters.configuration,
- [expander](const CMakeConfigItem &item) { return item.toCMakeSetLine(expander); })
- .join('\n')
- .toUtf8());
- QFile file(settingsFile.toString());
- QTC_ASSERT(file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate), return );
- file.write(contents);
-bool BuildDirManager::isParsing() const
- return m_reader && m_reader->isParsing();
-void BuildDirManager::stopParsingAndClearState()
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "stopping parsing run!";
- if (m_reader) {
- if (m_reader->isParsing())
- m_reader->errorOccured(tr("Parsing has been canceled."));
- disconnect(m_reader.get(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
- m_reader->stop();
- }
- m_reader.reset();
- resetData();
-void BuildDirManager::setParametersAndRequestParse(const BuildDirParameters &parameters,
- const int reparseParameters)
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "setting parameters and requesting reparse";
- if (!parameters.cmakeTool()) {
- TaskHub::addTask(BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, tr(
- "The kit needs to define a CMake tool to parse this project.")));
- return;
- }
- QTC_ASSERT(parameters.isValid(), return );
- m_parameters = parameters;
- m_parameters.workDirectory = workDirectory(parameters);
- updateReparseParameters(reparseParameters);
- updateReaderType(m_parameters, [this]() { emitReparseRequest(); });
-CMakeBuildSystem *BuildDirManager::buildSystem() const
- return m_buildSystem;
-FilePath BuildDirManager::buildDirectory() const
- return m_parameters.buildDirectory;
-void BuildDirManager::becameDirty()
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "BuildDirManager: becameDirty was triggered.";
- if (isParsing() || !buildSystem())
- return;
- const CMakeTool *tool = m_parameters.cmakeTool();
- if (!tool->isAutoRun())
- return;
- emit requestReparse();
-void BuildDirManager::resetData()
- if (m_reader)
- m_reader->resetData();
-bool BuildDirManager::persistCMakeState()
- QTC_ASSERT(m_parameters.isValid(), return false);
- if (m_parameters.workDirectory == m_parameters.buildDirectory)
- return false;
- const Utils::FilePath buildDir = m_parameters.buildDirectory;
- QDir dir(buildDir.toString());
- dir.mkpath(buildDir.toString());
- BuildDirParameters newParameters = m_parameters;
- newParameters.workDirectory.clear();
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "Requesting parse due to persisting CMake State";
- setParametersAndRequestParse(newParameters,
- return true;
-void BuildDirManager::requestFilesystemScan()
- updateReparseParameters(REPARSE_SCAN);
-bool BuildDirManager::isFilesystemScanRequested() const
- return m_reparseParameters & REPARSE_SCAN;
-void BuildDirManager::parse()
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "parsing!";
- QTC_ASSERT(m_parameters.isValid(), return );
- QTC_ASSERT(m_reader, return );
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_reader->isParsing(), return );
- m_reader->stop();
- TaskHub::clearTasks(ProjectExplorer::Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_BUILDSYSTEM);
- int reparseParameters = takeReparseParameters();
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog)
- << "Parse called with flags:" << flagsString(reparseParameters);
- const QString cache = m_parameters.workDirectory.pathAppended("CMakeCache.txt").toString();
- if (!QFileInfo::exists(cache)) {
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog)
- << "No" << cache << "file found, new flags:" << flagsString(reparseParameters);
- } else if (reparseParameters & REPARSE_CHECK_CONFIGURATION) {
- if (checkConfiguration()) {
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog)
- << "Config check triggered flags change:" << flagsString(reparseParameters);
- }
- }
- writeConfigurationIntoBuildDirectory(m_parameters.expander);
- qCDebug(cmakeBuildDirManagerLog) << "Asking reader to parse";
- m_reader->parse(reparseParameters & REPARSE_FORCE_CMAKE_RUN,
-QSet<FilePath> BuildDirManager::projectFilesToWatch() const
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_isHandlingError, return {});
- QTC_ASSERT(m_reader, return {});
- Utils::FilePath sourceDir = m_parameters.sourceDirectory;
- Utils::FilePath buildDir = m_parameters.workDirectory;
- return Utils::filtered(m_reader->projectFilesToWatch(),
- [&sourceDir,
- &buildDir](const Utils::FilePath &p) {
- return p.isChildOf(sourceDir)
- || p.isChildOf(buildDir);
- });
-std::unique_ptr<CMakeProjectNode> BuildDirManager::generateProjectTree(
- const QList<const FileNode *> &allFiles, QString &errorMessage) const
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_isHandlingError, return {});
- QTC_ASSERT(m_reader, return {});
- return m_reader->generateProjectTree(allFiles, errorMessage);
-RawProjectParts BuildDirManager::createRawProjectParts(QString &errorMessage) const
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_isHandlingError, return {});
- QTC_ASSERT(m_reader, return {});
- return m_reader->createRawProjectParts(errorMessage);
-void BuildDirManager::clearCache()
- QTC_ASSERT(m_parameters.isValid(), return);
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_isHandlingError, return);
- const FilePath cmakeCache = m_parameters.workDirectory.pathAppended("CMakeCache.txt");
- const FilePath cmakeFiles = m_parameters.workDirectory.pathAppended("CMakeFiles");
- const bool mustCleanUp = cmakeCache.exists() || cmakeFiles.exists();
- if (!mustCleanUp)
- return;
- Utils::FileUtils::removeRecursively(cmakeCache);
- Utils::FileUtils::removeRecursively(cmakeFiles);
- m_reader.reset();
-static CMakeBuildTarget utilityTarget(const QString &title, const BuildDirManager *bdm)
- CMakeBuildTarget target;
- target.title = title;
- target.targetType = UtilityType;
- target.workingDirectory = bdm->buildDirectory();
- target.sourceDirectory = bdm->buildSystem()->project()->projectDirectory();
- return target;
-QList<CMakeBuildTarget> BuildDirManager::takeBuildTargets(QString &errorMessage) const
- QList<CMakeBuildTarget> result = { utilityTarget(CMakeBuildStep::allTarget(), this),
- utilityTarget(CMakeBuildStep::cleanTarget(), this),
- utilityTarget(CMakeBuildStep::installTarget(), this),
- utilityTarget(CMakeBuildStep::testTarget(), this) };
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_isHandlingError, return result);
- if (m_reader) {
- QList<CMakeBuildTarget> readerTargets
- = Utils::filtered(m_reader->takeBuildTargets(errorMessage),
- [](const CMakeBuildTarget &bt) {
- return bt.title != CMakeBuildStep::allTarget()
- && bt.title != CMakeBuildStep::cleanTarget()
- && bt.title != CMakeBuildStep::installTarget()
- && bt.title != CMakeBuildStep::testTarget();
- });
- // Guess at the target definition position when no details are known
- for (CMakeBuildTarget &t : readerTargets) {
- if (t.backtrace.isEmpty()) {
- t.backtrace.append(
- FolderNode::LocationInfo(tr("CMakeLists.txt in source directory"),
- t.sourceDirectory.pathAppended("CMakeLists.txt")));
- }
- }
- result.append(readerTargets);
- }
- return result;
-CMakeConfig BuildDirManager::takeCMakeConfiguration(QString &errorMessage) const
- if (!m_reader)
- return CMakeConfig();
- CMakeConfig result = m_reader->takeParsedConfiguration(errorMessage);
- for (auto &ci : result)
- ci.inCMakeCache = true;
- return result;
-CMakeConfig BuildDirManager::parseCMakeConfiguration(const Utils::FilePath &cacheFile,
- QString *errorMessage)
- if (!cacheFile.exists()) {
- if (errorMessage)
- *errorMessage = tr("CMakeCache.txt file not found.");
- return { };
- }
- CMakeConfig result = CMakeConfigItem::itemsFromFile(cacheFile, errorMessage);
- if (!errorMessage->isEmpty())
- return { };
- return result;
-QString BuildDirManager::flagsString(int reparseFlags)
- QString result;
- if (reparseFlags == REPARSE_DEFAULT) {
- result = "<NONE>";
- } else {
- if (reparseFlags & REPARSE_URGENT)
- result += " URGENT";
- if (reparseFlags & REPARSE_FORCE_CMAKE_RUN)
- result += " FORCE_CMAKE_RUN";
- result += " FORCE_CONFIG";
- result += " CHECK_CONFIG";
- if (reparseFlags & REPARSE_SCAN)
- result += " SCAN";
- }
- return result.trimmed();
-bool BuildDirManager::checkConfiguration()
- if (m_parameters.workDirectory != m_parameters.buildDirectory) // always throw away changes in the tmpdir!
- return false;
- const CMakeConfig cache = m_buildSystem->cmakeBuildConfiguration()->configurationFromCMake();
- if (cache.isEmpty())
- return false; // No cache file yet.
- CMakeConfig newConfig;
- QHash<QString, QPair<QString, QString>> changedKeys;
- foreach (const CMakeConfigItem &projectItem, m_parameters.configuration) {
- const QString projectKey = QString::fromUtf8(projectItem.key);
- const QString projectValue = projectItem.expandedValue(m_parameters.expander);
- const CMakeConfigItem &cmakeItem
- = Utils::findOrDefault(cache, [&projectItem](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return i.key == projectItem.key; });
- const QString iCacheValue = QString::fromUtf8(cmakeItem.value);
- if (cmakeItem.isNull()) {
- changedKeys.insert(projectKey, qMakePair(tr("<removed>"), projectValue));
- } else if (iCacheValue != projectValue) {
- changedKeys.insert(projectKey, qMakePair(iCacheValue, projectValue));
- newConfig.append(cmakeItem);
- } else {
- newConfig.append(projectItem);
- }
- }
- if (!changedKeys.isEmpty()) {
- QStringList keyList = changedKeys.keys();
- Utils::sort(keyList);
- QString table = QString::fromLatin1("<table><tr><th>%1</th><th>%2</th><th>%3</th></tr>")
- .arg(tr("Key"))
- .arg(tr("%1 Project").arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME))
- .arg(tr("Changed value"));
- foreach (const QString &k, keyList) {
- const QPair<QString, QString> data = changedKeys.value(k);
- table += QString::fromLatin1("\n<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td><td>%3</td></tr>")
- .arg(k)
- .arg(data.second.toHtmlEscaped())
- .arg(data.first.toHtmlEscaped());
- }
- table += QLatin1String("\n</table>");
- QPointer<QMessageBox> box = new QMessageBox(Core::ICore::mainWindow());
- box->setText(tr("The project has been changed outside of %1.")
- .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME));
- box->setInformativeText(table);
- auto *defaultButton = box->addButton(tr("Discard External Changes"),
- QMessageBox::RejectRole);
- auto *applyButton = box->addButton(tr("Adapt %1 Project to Changes")
- .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME),
- QMessageBox::ApplyRole);
- box->setDefaultButton(defaultButton);
- box->exec();
- if (box->clickedButton() == applyButton) {
- m_parameters.configuration = newConfig;
- QSignalBlocker blocker(m_buildSystem->buildConfiguration());
- m_buildSystem->cmakeBuildConfiguration()->setConfigurationForCMake(newConfig);
- return false;
- } else if (box->clickedButton() == defaultButton)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-} // namespace Internal
-} // namespace CMakeProjectManager