path: root/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/timelineeditor/timelinepropertyitem.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/timelineeditor/timelinepropertyitem.cpp')
1 files changed, 641 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/timelineeditor/timelinepropertyitem.cpp b/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/timelineeditor/timelinepropertyitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..beeca23183b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/qmldesigner/components/timelineeditor/timelinepropertyitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of Qt Creator.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
+** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+#include "timelinepropertyitem.h"
+#include "abstractview.h"
+#include "easingcurvedialog.h"
+#include "setframevaluedialog.h"
+#include "timelineconstants.h"
+#include "timelinegraphicsscene.h"
+#include "timelineicons.h"
+#include "timelinetoolbar.h"
+#include "timelinetoolbutton.h"
+#include <rewritertransaction.h>
+#include <rewritingexception.h>
+#include <theme.h>
+#include <variantproperty.h>
+#include <qmlobjectnode.h>
+#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
+#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
+#include <utils/utilsicons.h>
+#include <utils/algorithm.h>
+#include <utils/fileutils.h>
+#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
+#include <QCursor>
+#include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QGraphicsView>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace QmlDesigner {
+static bool s_blockUpdates = false;
+static qreal findNext(const QVector<qreal> &vector, qreal current)
+ for (qreal n : vector)
+ if (n > current)
+ return n;
+ return current;
+static qreal findPrev(const QVector<qreal> &vector, qreal current)
+ for (qreal n : vector)
+ if (n < current)
+ return n;
+ return current;
+static QVector<qreal> getPositions(const QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup &frames)
+ const QList<ModelNode> keyframes = frames.keyframePositions();
+ QVector<qreal> positions;
+ for (const ModelNode &modelNode : keyframes)
+ positions.append(modelNode.variantProperty("frame").value().toReal());
+ return positions;
+static ModelNode getModelNodeForFrame(const QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup &frames, qreal frame)
+ if (frames.isValid()) {
+ const QList<ModelNode> keyframes = frames.keyframePositions();
+ for (const ModelNode &modelNode : keyframes)
+ if (qFuzzyCompare(modelNode.variantProperty("frame").value().toReal(), frame))
+ return modelNode;
+ }
+ return {};
+static void setEasingCurve(TimelineGraphicsScene *scene, const QList<ModelNode> &keys)
+ QTC_ASSERT(scene, return );
+ EasingCurveDialog::runDialog(keys);
+static void editValue(const ModelNode &frame, const QString &propertyName)
+ const QVariant value = frame.variantProperty("value").value();
+ auto dialog = new SetFrameValueDialog(Core::ICore::dialogParent());
+ dialog->lineEdit()->setText(value.toString());
+ dialog->setPropertName(propertyName);
+ QObject::connect(dialog, &SetFrameValueDialog::rejected, [dialog]() { dialog->deleteLater(); });
+ QObject::connect(dialog, &SetFrameValueDialog::accepted, [dialog, frame, value]() {
+ dialog->deleteLater();
+ int userType = value.userType();
+ const QVariant result = dialog->lineEdit()->text();
+ if (result.canConvert(userType)) {
+ QVariant newValue = result;
+ newValue.convert(userType);
+ // canConvert gives true in case if the result is a double but the usertype was interger
+ // try to fix that with a workaround to convert it to double if convertion resulted in isNull
+ if (newValue.isNull()) {
+ newValue = result;
+ newValue.convert(QMetaType::Double);
+ }
+ frame.variantProperty("value").setValue(result);
+ }
+ });
+ dialog->show();
+TimelinePropertyItem *TimelinePropertyItem::create(const QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup &frames,
+ TimelineSectionItem *parent)
+ ModelNode modelnode = frames.target();
+ bool isRecording = false;
+ if (frames.isValid())
+ isRecording = frames.isRecording();
+ auto item = new TimelinePropertyItem(parent);
+ auto sectionItem = new QGraphicsWidget(item);
+ sectionItem->setGeometry(0,
+ 0,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionWidth,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionHeight);
+ sectionItem->setZValue(10);
+ sectionItem->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
+ item->m_frames = frames;
+ item->setToolTip(item->propertyName());
+ item->resize(parent->size());
+ item->setupKeyframes();
+ TimelineToolButton *buttonPrev
+ = new TimelineToolButton(new QAction(TimelineIcons::PREVIOUS_KEYFRAME.icon(),
+ tr("Previous Frame")),
+ sectionItem);
+ buttonPrev->setToolTip("Jump to previous frame.");
+ TimelineToolButton *buttonNext
+ = new TimelineToolButton(new QAction(TimelineIcons::NEXT_KEYFRAME.icon(), tr("Next Frame")),
+ sectionItem);
+ buttonNext->setToolTip("Jump to next frame.");
+ connect(buttonPrev, &TimelineToolButton::clicked, item, [item]() {
+ if (item->m_frames.isValid()) {
+ QVector<qreal> positions = getPositions(item->m_frames);
+ std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end(), std::greater<qreal>());
+ const qreal prev = findPrev(positions, item->currentFrame());
+ item->timelineScene()->commitCurrentFrame(prev);
+ }
+ });
+ connect(buttonNext, &TimelineToolButton::clicked, item, [item]() {
+ if (item->m_frames.isValid()) {
+ QVector<qreal> positions = getPositions(item->m_frames);
+ std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end(), std::less<qreal>());
+ const qreal next = findNext(positions, item->currentFrame());
+ item->timelineScene()->commitCurrentFrame(next);
+ }
+ });
+ QIcon autoKeyIcon = TimelineUtils::mergeIcons(TimelineIcons::GLOBAL_RECORD_KEYFRAMES,
+ auto recact = new QAction(autoKeyIcon, tr("Auto Record"));
+ recact->setCheckable(true);
+ recact->setChecked(isRecording);
+ auto toggleRecord = [frames](bool check) { frames.toogleRecording(check); };
+ connect(recact, &QAction::toggled, toggleRecord);
+ item->m_recording = new TimelineToolButton(recact, sectionItem);
+ item->m_recording->setToolTip("Per property recording");
+ const int buttonsY = (TimelineConstants::sectionHeight - 1 - TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize)
+ / 2;
+ buttonPrev->setPos(2, buttonsY);
+ buttonNext->setPos(buttonPrev->size().width() + TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize + 4, buttonsY);
+ item->m_recording->setPos(buttonNext->geometry().right() + 2, buttonsY);
+ QRectF hideToolTipDummy(buttonPrev->geometry().topRight(), buttonNext->geometry().bottomLeft());
+ auto *dummy = new QGraphicsRectItem(sectionItem);
+ dummy->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ dummy->setRect(hideToolTipDummy);
+ dummy->setToolTip("Frame indicator");
+ if (!item->m_frames.isValid())
+ return item;
+ QmlObjectNode objectNode(modelnode);
+ if (!objectNode.isValid())
+ return item;
+ auto nameOfType = objectNode.modelNode().metaInfo().propertyTypeName(
+ item->m_frames.propertyName());
+ item->m_control = createTimelineControl(nameOfType);
+ if (item->m_control) {
+ item->m_control->setSize((TimelineConstants::sectionWidth / 2.6) - 10,
+ item->size().height() - 2 + 1);
+ item->m_control->connect(item);
+ QGraphicsProxyWidget *proxy = item->timelineScene()->addWidget(item->m_control->widget());
+ proxy->setParentItem(sectionItem);
+ proxy->setPos(qreal(TimelineConstants::sectionWidth) * 2.0 / 3, 0);
+ item->updateTextEdit();
+ }
+ updateRecordButtonStatus(item);
+ return item;
+int TimelinePropertyItem::type() const
+ return Type;
+void TimelinePropertyItem::updateData()
+ for (auto child : childItems())
+ delete qgraphicsitem_cast<TimelineMovableAbstractItem *>(child);
+ setupKeyframes();
+ updateTextEdit();
+void TimelinePropertyItem::updateFrames()
+ for (auto child : (childItems())) {
+ if (auto frameItem = qgraphicsitem_cast<TimelineMovableAbstractItem *>(child))
+ static_cast<TimelineKeyframeItem *>(frameItem)->updateFrame();
+ }
+bool TimelinePropertyItem::isSelected() const
+ if (m_frames.isValid() && m_frames.target().isValid())
+ return m_frames.target().isSelected();
+ return false;
+QString convertVariant(const QVariant &variant)
+ if (variant.userType() == QMetaType::QColor)
+ return variant.toString();
+ return QString::number(variant.toFloat(), 'f', 2);
+void TimelinePropertyItem::updateTextEdit()
+ if (!m_frames.isValid())
+ return;
+ QmlObjectNode objectNode(m_frames.target());
+ if (objectNode.isValid() && m_control)
+ m_control->setControlValue(objectNode.instanceValue(m_frames.propertyName()));
+void TimelinePropertyItem::updateTextEdit(QGraphicsItem *item)
+ if (auto timelinePropertyItem = qgraphicsitem_cast<TimelinePropertyItem *>(item))
+ timelinePropertyItem->updateTextEdit();
+void TimelinePropertyItem::updateRecordButtonStatus(QGraphicsItem *item)
+ if (auto timelinePropertyItem = qgraphicsitem_cast<TimelinePropertyItem *>(item)) {
+ auto frames = timelinePropertyItem->m_frames;
+ if (frames.isValid()) {
+ timelinePropertyItem->m_recording->setChecked(frames.isRecording());
+ if (frames.timeline().isValid())
+ timelinePropertyItem->m_recording->setDisabled(frames.timeline().isRecording());
+ }
+ }
+QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup TimelinePropertyItem::frames() const
+ return m_frames;
+QString TimelinePropertyItem::propertyName() const
+ if (m_frames.isValid())
+ return QString::fromUtf8(m_frames.propertyName());
+ return QString();
+void TimelinePropertyItem::changePropertyValue(const QVariant &value)
+ Q_ASSERT(m_frames.isValid());
+ auto timeline = timelineScene()->currentTimeline();
+ if (timelineScene()->toolBar()->recording() || m_recording->isChecked()) {
+ QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup frames = m_frames;
+ auto deferredFunc = [frames, value, timeline]() {
+ auto constFrames = frames;
+ qreal frame = timeline.modelNode().auxiliaryData("currentFrame@NodeInstance").toReal();
+ try {
+ constFrames.setValue(value, frame);
+ } catch (const RewritingException &e) {
+ e.showException();
+ }
+ };
+ // QmlTimelineKeyframeGroup::setValue might create a new keyframe.
+ // This might result in a temporal cleanup of the graphicsscene and
+ // therefore a deletion of this property item.
+ // Adding a keyframe to this already deleted item results in a crash.
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, deferredFunc);
+ } else {
+ QmlObjectNode objectNode(m_frames.target());
+ objectNode.setVariantProperty(m_frames.propertyName(), value);
+ }
+static int devicePixelHeight(const QPixmap &pixmap)
+ return pixmap.height() / pixmap.devicePixelRatioF();
+void TimelinePropertyItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
+ painter->save();
+ static const QColor penColor = Theme::instance()->qmlDesignerBackgroundColorDarker();
+ static const QColor textColor = Theme::getColor(Theme::PanelTextColorLight);
+ static const QColor backgroundColor = Theme::instance()
+ ->qmlDesignerBackgroundColorDarkAlternate();
+ static const QPixmap keyframe = TimelineIcons::KEYFRAME.pixmap();
+ static const QPixmap isKeyframe = TimelineIcons::IS_KEYFRAME.pixmap();
+ painter->fillRect(0, 0, TimelineConstants::sectionWidth, size().height(), backgroundColor);
+ painter->fillRect(TimelineConstants::textIndentationProperties - 4,
+ 0,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionWidth - TimelineConstants::textIndentationProperties
+ + 4,
+ size().height(),
+ backgroundColor.darker(110));
+ painter->setPen(penColor);
+ drawLine(painter,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionWidth - 1,
+ 0,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionWidth - 1,
+ size().height());
+ drawLine(painter,
+ TimelineConstants::textIndentationProperties - 4,
+ TimelineConstants::sectionHeight - 1,
+ size().width(),
+ TimelineConstants::sectionHeight - 1);
+ painter->setPen(textColor);
+ const QFontMetrics metrics(font());
+ const QString elidedText = metrics.elidedText(propertyName(),
+ Qt::ElideMiddle,
+ qreal(TimelineConstants::sectionWidth) * 2.0 / 3
+ - TimelineConstants::textIndentationProperties,
+ 0);
+ painter->drawText(TimelineConstants::textIndentationProperties, 12, elidedText);
+ const bool onKeyFrame = m_frames.isValid() && getPositions(m_frames).contains(currentFrame());
+ painter->drawPixmap(TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize + 3,
+ (TimelineConstants::sectionHeight - 1 - devicePixelHeight(isKeyframe)) / 2,
+ onKeyFrame ? isKeyframe : keyframe);
+ painter->restore();
+void TimelinePropertyItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
+ if (event->pos().x() < TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize * 2 + 3
+ && event->pos().x() > TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize) {
+ QMenu mainMenu;
+ const ModelNode currentFrameNode = getModelNodeForFrame(m_frames, currentFrame());
+ QAction *insertAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Insert Keyframe"));
+ QObject::connect(insertAction, &QAction::triggered, [this]() {
+ timelineScene()->handleKeyframeInsertion(m_frames.target(), propertyName().toUtf8());
+ });
+ QAction *removeAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Delete Keyframe"));
+ QObject::connect(removeAction, &QAction::triggered, [this, currentFrameNode]() {
+ timelineScene()->deleteKeyframes({currentFrameNode});
+ });
+ QAction *editEasingAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Edit Easing Curve..."));
+ QObject::connect(editEasingAction, &QAction::triggered, [this, currentFrameNode]() {
+ setEasingCurve(timelineScene(), {currentFrameNode});
+ });
+ QAction *editValueAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Edit Value for Keyframe..."));
+ QObject::connect(editValueAction, &QAction::triggered, [this, currentFrameNode]() {
+ editValue(currentFrameNode, propertyName());
+ });
+ const bool hasKeyframe = currentFrameNode.isValid();
+ insertAction->setEnabled(!hasKeyframe);
+ removeAction->setEnabled(hasKeyframe);
+ editEasingAction->setEnabled(hasKeyframe);
+ editValueAction->setEnabled(hasKeyframe);
+ mainMenu.exec(event->screenPos());
+ event->accept();
+ } else if (event->pos().x() > TimelineConstants::toolButtonSize * 3 + 3
+ && event->pos().x() < TimelineConstants::sectionWidth) {
+ QMenu mainMenu;
+ QAction *deleteAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Remove Property"));
+ QObject::connect(deleteAction, &QAction::triggered, [this]() {
+ auto deleteKeyframeGroup = [this]() { timelineScene()->deleteKeyframeGroup(m_frames); };
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, deleteKeyframeGroup);
+ });
+ mainMenu.exec(event->screenPos());
+ event->accept();
+ }
+TimelinePropertyItem::TimelinePropertyItem(TimelineSectionItem *parent)
+ : TimelineItem(parent)
+ setPreferredHeight(TimelineConstants::sectionHeight);
+ setMinimumHeight(TimelineConstants::sectionHeight);
+ setMaximumHeight(TimelineConstants::sectionHeight);
+void TimelinePropertyItem::setupKeyframes()
+ for (const ModelNode &frame : m_frames.keyframePositions())
+ new TimelineKeyframeItem(this, frame);
+qreal TimelinePropertyItem::currentFrame()
+ QmlTimeline timeline = timelineScene()->currentTimeline();
+ if (timeline.isValid())
+ return timeline.currentKeyframe();
+ return 0;
+TimelineKeyframeItem::TimelineKeyframeItem(TimelinePropertyItem *parent, const ModelNode &frame)
+ : TimelineMovableAbstractItem(parent)
+ , m_frame(frame)
+ setPosition(frame.variantProperty("frame").value().toReal());
+ setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor);
+ timelineScene()->selectKeyframes(SelectionMode::Remove, {this});
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::updateFrame()
+ if (s_blockUpdates)
+ return;
+ QTC_ASSERT(m_frame.isValid(), return );
+ setPosition(m_frame.variantProperty("frame").value().toReal());
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::setPosition(qreal position)
+ int offset = (TimelineConstants::sectionHeight - TimelineConstants::keyFrameSize) / 2;
+ const qreal scenePostion = mapFromFrameToScene(position);
+ setRect(scenePostion - TimelineConstants::keyFrameSize / 2,
+ offset,
+ TimelineConstants::keyFrameSize,
+ TimelineConstants::keyFrameSize);
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::setPositionInteractive(const QPointF &postion)
+ qreal left = postion.x() - qreal(TimelineConstants::keyFrameSize) / qreal(2);
+ setRect(left, rect().y(), rect().width(), rect().height());
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::commitPosition(const QPointF &point)
+ setPositionInteractive(point);
+ const qreal frame = qRound(mapFromSceneToFrame(rect().center().x()));
+ setPosition(frame);
+ QTC_ASSERT(m_frame.isValid(), return );
+ blockUpdates();
+ m_frame.view()->executeInTransaction("TimelineKeyframeItem::commitPosition", [this, frame](){
+ m_frame.variantProperty("frame").setValue(frame);
+ });
+ enableUpdates();
+TimelineKeyframeItem *TimelineKeyframeItem::asTimelineKeyframeItem()
+ return this;
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::blockUpdates()
+ s_blockUpdates = true;
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::enableUpdates()
+ s_blockUpdates = false;
+bool TimelineKeyframeItem::hasManualBezier() const
+ return m_frame.isValid() && m_frame.hasProperty("easing.bezierCurve");
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
+ if (rect().x() < TimelineConstants::sectionWidth - rect().width() / 2)
+ return;
+ painter->save();
+ Utils::Icon icon([this]() {
+ const bool itemIsSelected = propertyItem()->isSelected();
+ const bool manualBezier = hasManualBezier();
+ if (m_highlight && manualBezier) {
+ } else if (m_highlight) {
+ return TimelineIcons::KEYFRAME_LINEAR_SELECTED;
+ } else if (itemIsSelected && manualBezier) {
+ } else if (itemIsSelected) {
+ return TimelineIcons::KEYFRAME_LINEAR_ACTIVE;
+ } else if (manualBezier) {
+ }
+ return TimelineIcons::KEYFRAME_LINEAR_INACTIVE;
+ }());
+ painter->drawPixmap(rect().topLeft() - QPointF(0, 1), icon.pixmap());
+ painter->restore();
+ModelNode TimelineKeyframeItem::frameNode() const
+ return m_frame;
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::setHighlighted(bool b)
+ m_highlight = b;
+ update();
+TimelinePropertyItem *TimelineKeyframeItem::propertyItem() const
+ /* The parentItem is always a TimelinePropertyItem. See constructor */
+ return qgraphicsitem_cast<TimelinePropertyItem *>(parentItem());
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::scrollOffsetChanged()
+ updateFrame();
+void TimelineKeyframeItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
+ QMenu mainMenu;
+ QAction *removeAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Delete Keyframe"));
+ QObject::connect(removeAction, &QAction::triggered, [this]() {
+ timelineScene()->handleKeyframeDeletion();
+ });
+ QAction *editEasingAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Edit Easing Curve..."));
+ QObject::connect(editEasingAction, &QAction::triggered, [this]() {
+ const QList<ModelNode> keys = Utils::transform(timelineScene()->selectedKeyframes(),
+ &TimelineKeyframeItem::m_frame);
+ setEasingCurve(timelineScene(), keys);
+ });
+ QAction *editValueAction = mainMenu.addAction(tr("Edit Value for Keyframe..."));
+ QObject::connect(editValueAction, &QAction::triggered, [this]() {
+ editValue(m_frame, propertyItem()->propertyName());
+ });
+ mainMenu.exec(event->screenPos());
+} // namespace QmlDesigner