path: root/src/plugins/qmldesigner/qmldesignerextension/timelineeditor/easingcurvedialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/qmldesigner/qmldesignerextension/timelineeditor/easingcurvedialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/qmldesigner/qmldesignerextension/timelineeditor/easingcurvedialog.cpp b/src/plugins/qmldesigner/qmldesignerextension/timelineeditor/easingcurvedialog.cpp
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index 5d6d66a472..0000000000
--- a/src/plugins/qmldesigner/qmldesignerextension/timelineeditor/easingcurvedialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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-#include "easingcurvedialog.h"
-#include "preseteditor.h"
-#include "splineeditor.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QGridLayout>
-#include <QGroupBox>
-#include <QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QPlainTextEdit>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QSizePolicy>
-#include <QSpinBox>
-#include <QTabBar>
-#include <QTabWidget>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include <abstractview.h>
-#include <bindingproperty.h>
-#include <rewritingexception.h>
-#include <theme.h>
-#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
-namespace QmlDesigner {
-EasingCurveDialog::EasingCurveDialog(const QList<ModelNode> &frames, QWidget *parent)
- : QDialog(parent)
- , m_splineEditor(new SplineEditor(this))
- , m_text(new QPlainTextEdit(this))
- , m_presets(new PresetEditor(this))
- , m_durationLayout(new QHBoxLayout)
- , m_buttons(new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Save | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel
- | QDialogButtonBox::Ok))
- , m_label(new QLabel)
- , m_frames(frames)
- setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
- auto tw = new QTabWidget;
- tw->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::East);
- tw->addTab(m_splineEditor, "Curve");
- tw->addTab(m_text, "Text");
- connect(tw, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &EasingCurveDialog::tabClicked);
- connect(m_text, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &EasingCurveDialog::textChanged);
- auto labelFont = m_label->font();
- labelFont.setPointSize(labelFont.pointSize() + 2);
- m_label->setFont(labelFont);
- auto hSpacing = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing);
- auto vSpacing = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing);
- auto *vbox = new QVBoxLayout;
- vbox->setContentsMargins(2, 0, 0, vSpacing);
- vbox->addWidget(m_label);
- auto *presetBar = new QTabBar;
- auto smallFont = presetBar->font();
- smallFont.setPixelSize(Theme::instance()->smallFontPixelSize());
- presetBar->setFont(smallFont);
- presetBar->setExpanding(false);
- presetBar->setDrawBase(false);
- presetBar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- auto *durationLabel = new QLabel("Duration (ms)");
- auto *durationEdit = new QSpinBox;
- durationEdit->setMaximum(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
- durationEdit->setValue(1000);
- auto *animateButton = new QPushButton("Preview");
- m_durationLayout->setContentsMargins(0, vSpacing, 0, 0);
- m_durationLayout->addWidget(durationLabel);
- m_durationLayout->addWidget(durationEdit);
- m_durationLayout->addWidget(animateButton);
- m_durationLayout->insertSpacing(1, hSpacing);
- m_durationLayout->insertSpacing(2, hSpacing);
- m_durationLayout->insertSpacing(4, hSpacing);
- m_durationLayout->addStretch(hSpacing);
- m_buttons->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- auto callButtonsClicked = [this](QAbstractButton *button) {
- buttonsClicked(m_buttons->standardButton(button));
- };
- connect(m_buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, this, callButtonsClicked);
- auto *buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
- buttonLayout->setContentsMargins(0, vSpacing, 0, 0);
- buttonLayout->addWidget(m_buttons);
- auto *grid = new QGridLayout;
- grid->setVerticalSpacing(0);
- grid->addLayout(vbox, 0, 0);
- grid->addWidget(presetBar, 0, 1, Qt::AlignBottom);
- grid->addWidget(tw);
- grid->addWidget(m_presets, 1, 1);
- grid->addLayout(m_durationLayout, 2, 0);
- grid->addLayout(buttonLayout, 2, 1);
- auto *groupBox = new QGroupBox;
- groupBox->setLayout(grid);
- auto *tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this);
- tabWidget->addTab(groupBox, "Easing Curve Editor");
- auto *mainBox = new QVBoxLayout;
- mainBox->addWidget(tabWidget);
- setLayout(mainBox);
- connect(m_splineEditor,
- &SplineEditor::easingCurveChanged,
- this,
- &EasingCurveDialog::updateEasingCurve);
- connect(m_presets, &PresetEditor::presetChanged, m_splineEditor, &SplineEditor::setEasingCurve);
- connect(durationEdit,
- static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*)(int)>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged),
- m_splineEditor,
- &SplineEditor::setDuration);
- connect(animateButton, &QPushButton::clicked, m_splineEditor, &SplineEditor::animate);
- m_presets->initialize(presetBar);
- m_splineEditor->setDuration(durationEdit->value());
- resize(QSize(1421, 918));
-void EasingCurveDialog::initialize(const QString &curveString)
- EasingCurve curve;
- if (curveString.isEmpty()) {
- QEasingCurve qcurve;
- qcurve.addCubicBezierSegment(QPointF(0.2, 0.2), QPointF(0.8, 0.8), QPointF(1.0, 1.0));
- curve = EasingCurve(qcurve);
- } else
- curve.fromString(curveString);
- m_splineEditor->setEasingCurve(curve);
-void EasingCurveDialog::runDialog(const QList<ModelNode> &frames, QWidget *parent)
- if (frames.empty())
- return;
- EasingCurveDialog dialog(frames, parent);
- ModelNode current = frames.last();
- if (current.hasBindingProperty("easing.bezierCurve"))
- dialog.initialize(current.bindingProperty("easing.bezierCurve").expression());
- else
- dialog.initialize("");
- dialog.exec();
-bool EasingCurveDialog::apply()
- QTC_ASSERT(!m_frames.empty(), return false);
- EasingCurve curve = m_splineEditor->easingCurve();
- if (!curve.isLegal()) {
- QMessageBox msgBox;
- msgBox.setText("Attempting to apply invalid curve to keyframe");
- msgBox.setInformativeText("Please solve the issue before proceeding.");
- msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok);
- msgBox.exec();
- return false;
- }
- try {
- AbstractView *view = m_frames.first().view();
- RewriterTransaction transaction(view->beginRewriterTransaction("EasingCurveDialog::apply"));
- auto expression = m_splineEditor->easingCurve().toString();
- for (const auto &frame : m_frames)
- frame.bindingProperty("easing.bezierCurve").setExpression(expression);
- transaction.commit();
- return true;
- } catch (const RewritingException &e) {
- e.showException();
- }
- return false;
-void EasingCurveDialog::textChanged()
- auto curve = m_splineEditor->easingCurve();
- curve.fromString(m_text->toPlainText());
- m_splineEditor->setEasingCurve(curve);
-void EasingCurveDialog::tabClicked(int id)
- if (auto tw = qobject_cast<const QTabWidget *>(sender())) {
- int seid = tw->indexOf(m_splineEditor);
- if (seid == id) {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_durationLayout->count(); ++i) {
- auto *item = m_durationLayout->itemAt(i);
- if (auto *widget = item->widget())
- widget->show();
- }
- auto curve = m_splineEditor->easingCurve();
- curve.fromString(m_text->toPlainText());
- m_splineEditor->setEasingCurve(curve);
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_durationLayout->count(); ++i) {
- auto *item = m_durationLayout->itemAt(i);
- if (auto *widget = item->widget())
- widget->hide();
- }
- auto curve = m_splineEditor->easingCurve();
- m_text->setPlainText(curve.toString());
- }
- }
-void EasingCurveDialog::presetTabClicked(int id)
- m_presets->activate(id);
-void EasingCurveDialog::updateEasingCurve(const EasingCurve &curve)
- if (!curve.isLegal()) {
- auto *save = m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
- save->setEnabled(false);
- auto *ok = m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
- ok->setEnabled(false);
- m_label->setText("Invalid Curve!");
- } else {
- auto *save = m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
- save->setEnabled(true);
- auto *ok = m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
- ok->setEnabled(true);
- m_label->setText("");
- }
- m_presets->update(curve);
-void EasingCurveDialog::buttonsClicked(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button)
- switch (button) {
- case QDialogButtonBox::Ok:
- if (apply())
- close();
- break;
- case QDialogButtonBox::Cancel:
- close();
- break;
- case QDialogButtonBox::Save:
- m_presets->writePresets(m_splineEditor->easingCurve());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-} // namespace QmlDesigner