path: root/src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h b/src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h
index 1987306..b4ce4fb 100644
--- a/src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h
+++ b/src/httpserver/qhttpserverrouterviewtraits.h
@@ -44,181 +44,289 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
class QHttpServerRequest;
class QHttpServerResponder;
-template <typename ViewHandler>
-struct QHttpServerRouterViewTraits : QHttpServerRouterViewTraits<decltype(&ViewHandler::operator())> {};
+namespace QtPrivate {
-template <typename ClassType, typename Ret, typename ... Args>
-struct QHttpServerRouterViewTraits<Ret(ClassType::*)(Args...) const>
+template<typename T>
+struct RemoveCVRef
+ using Type = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;
+template<bool classMember, typename ReturnT, typename ... Args>
+struct FunctionTraitsHelper
static constexpr const int ArgumentCount = sizeof ... (Args);
+ static constexpr const int ArgumentIndexMax = ArgumentCount - 1;
+ static constexpr const bool IsClassMember = classMember;
+ using ReturnType = ReturnT;
template <int I>
struct Arg {
- using OriginalType = typename std::tuple_element<I, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
- using Type = typename QtPrivate::RemoveConstRef<OriginalType>::Type;
- static constexpr int metaTypeId() noexcept {
- return qMetaTypeId<
- typename std::conditional<
- !QMetaTypeId2<Type>::Defined,
- void,
- Type>::type>();
- }
- };
- // Tools used to check position of special arguments (QHttpServerResponder, QHttpServerRequest)
- // and unsupported types
- template<bool Last, typename Arg>
- static constexpr bool checkArgument() noexcept
- {
- static_assert(Last || !std::is_same<Arg, const QHttpServerRequest &>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be the last argument");
- static_assert(Last || !std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerResponder &&>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be the last argument");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerRequest &&>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerRequest &>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, const QHttpServerRequest *>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerRequest const*>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerRequest *>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerResponder &>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, const QHttpServerResponder *const>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, const QHttpServerResponder *>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerResponder const*>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_same<Arg, QHttpServerResponder *>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
- using Type = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<Arg>::type>::type;
- static_assert(QMetaTypeId2<Type>::Defined
- || std::is_same<Type, QHttpServerResponder>::value
- || std::is_same<Type, QHttpServerRequest>::value,
- "ViewHandler arguments error: "
- "Type is not registered, please use the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro "
- "to make it known to Qt's meta-object system");
- return true;
- }
- template<typename Arg, typename ... ArgX>
- struct ArgumentsCheck {
- static constexpr bool compileCheck()
- {
- return checkArgument<false, Arg>() && ArgumentsCheck<ArgX...>::compileCheck();
- }
- };
+ using Type = typename std::tuple_element<I, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
- template<typename Arg>
- struct ArgumentsCheck<Arg> {
- static constexpr bool compileCheck()
- {
- return checkArgument<true, Arg>();
- }
- };
+ using CleanType = typename QtPrivate::RemoveCVRef<Type>::Type;
- using Arguments = ArgumentsCheck<Args...>;
- // Tools used to compute ArgumentCapturableCount
- template<typename T>
- static constexpr typename std::enable_if<QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined, int>::type
- capturable()
- { return 1; }
- template<typename T>
- static constexpr typename std::enable_if<!QMetaTypeId2<T>::Defined, int>::type
- capturable()
- { return 0; }
- static constexpr std::size_t sum() noexcept { return 0; }
- template<typename ... N>
- static constexpr std::size_t sum(const std::size_t it, N ... n) noexcept
- { return it + sum(n...); }
- static constexpr const std::size_t ArgumentCapturableCount =
- sum(capturable<typename QtPrivate::RemoveConstRef<Args>::Type>()...);
- static constexpr const std::size_t ArgumentPlaceholdersCount = ArgumentCount
- - ArgumentCapturableCount;
- // Tools used to get BindableType
- template<typename Return, typename ... ArgsX>
- struct BindTypeHelper {
- using Type = std::function<Return(ArgsX...)>;
+ static constexpr bool Defined = QMetaTypeId2<CleanType>::Defined;
- template<int ... Idx>
- static constexpr typename BindTypeHelper<
- Ret, typename Arg<ArgumentCapturableCount + Idx>::OriginalType...>::Type
- bindTypeHelper(QtPrivate::IndexesList<Idx...>)
- {
- return BindTypeHelper<Ret,
- typename Arg<ArgumentCapturableCount + Idx>::OriginalType...>::Type();
- }
- using BindableType = decltype(bindTypeHelper(typename QtPrivate::Indexes<
- ArgumentPlaceholdersCount>::Value{}));
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgRequest = std::is_same<
- typename Arg<ArgumentCount - 1>::Type, QHttpServerRequest>::value;
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgResponder = std::is_same<
- typename Arg<ArgumentCount - 1>::Type, QHttpServerResponder&&>::value;
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgNonSpecial = !(IsLastArgRequest || IsLastArgResponder);
-template <typename ClassType, typename Ret>
-struct QHttpServerRouterViewTraits<Ret(ClassType::*)() const>
+template<bool classMember, typename ReturnT>
+struct FunctionTraitsHelper<classMember, ReturnT>
static constexpr const int ArgumentCount = 0;
+ static constexpr const int ArgumentIndexMax = -1;
+ static constexpr const bool IsClassMember = classMember;
+ using ReturnType = ReturnT;
template <int I>
struct Arg {
- using Type = void;
+ using Type = std::false_type;
+ using CleanType = Type;
+ static constexpr bool Defined = QMetaTypeId2<CleanType>::Defined;
- static constexpr const std::size_t ArgumentCapturableCount = 0u;
- static constexpr const std::size_t ArgumentPlaceholdersCount = 0u;
+template<typename T>
+struct FunctionTraits;
- using BindableType = decltype(std::function<Ret()>{});
+template<typename T>
+struct FunctionTraits : public FunctionTraits<decltype(&T::operator())>{};
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgRequest = false;
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgResponder = false;
- static constexpr bool IsLastArgNonSpecial = true;
+template<typename ReturnT, typename ... Args>
+struct FunctionTraits<ReturnT (*)(Args...)>
+ : public FunctionTraitsHelper<false, ReturnT, Args...>
- struct ArgumentsCheck {
- static constexpr bool compileCheck() { return true; }
+template<class ReturnT, class ClassT, class ...Args>
+struct FunctionTraits<ReturnT (ClassT::*)(Args...) const>
+ : public FunctionTraitsHelper<true, ReturnT, Args...>
+ using classType = ClassT;
+template<typename ViewHandler, bool DisableStaticAssert>
+struct ViewTraitsHelper {
+ using FunctionTraits = typename QtPrivate::FunctionTraits<ViewHandler>;
+ using ArgumentIndexes = typename QtPrivate::Indexes<FunctionTraits::ArgumentCount>::Value;
+ struct StaticMath {
+ template <template<typename> class Predicate, bool defaultValue>
+ struct Loop {
+ static constexpr bool eval() noexcept {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ template<typename T, typename ... N>
+ static constexpr T eval(const T it, N ...n) noexcept {
+ return Predicate<T>::eval(it, eval(n...));
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct SumPredicate {
+ static constexpr T eval(const T rs, const T ls) noexcept
+ {
+ return rs + ls;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct AndPredicate {
+ static constexpr T eval(const T rs, const T ls) noexcept
+ {
+ return rs && ls;
+ }
+ };
+ using Sum = Loop<SumPredicate, false>;
+ using And = Loop<AndPredicate, true>;
+ using Or = Sum;
- using Arguments = ArgumentsCheck;
+ struct Arguments {
+ template<int I>
+ struct StaticCheck {
+ using Arg = typename FunctionTraits::template Arg<I>;
+ using CleanType = typename Arg::CleanType;
+ template<typename T, bool Clean = false>
+ static constexpr bool isType() noexcept
+ {
+ using SelectedType =
+ typename std::conditional<
+ Clean,
+ CleanType,
+ typename Arg::Type
+ >::type;
+ return std::is_same<SelectedType, T>::value;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ struct SpecialHelper {
+ using CleanTypeT = typename QtPrivate::RemoveCVRef<T>::Type;
+ static constexpr bool TypeMatched = isType<CleanTypeT, true>();
+ static constexpr bool TypeCVRefMatched = isType<T>();
+ static constexpr bool ValidPosition =
+ (I == FunctionTraits::ArgumentIndexMax);
+ static constexpr bool ValidAll = TypeCVRefMatched && ValidPosition;
+ static constexpr bool assertCondition =
+ DisableStaticAssert || !TypeMatched || TypeCVRefMatched;
+ static constexpr bool assertConditionOrder =
+ DisableStaticAssert || !TypeMatched || ValidPosition;
+ static constexpr bool staticAssert() noexcept
+ {
+ static_assert(assertConditionOrder,
+ "ViewHandler arguments error: "
+ "QHttpServerRequest or QHttpServerResponder"
+ " can only be the last argument");
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename ... T>
+ struct CheckAny {
+ static constexpr bool Value = StaticMath::Or::eval(T::Value...);
+ static constexpr bool Valid = StaticMath::Or::eval(T::Valid...);
+ static constexpr bool staticAssert() noexcept
+ {
+ return StaticMath::Or::eval(T::staticAssert()...);
+ }
+ };
+ struct IsRequest {
+ using Helper = SpecialHelper<const QHttpServerRequest &>;
+ static constexpr bool Value = Helper::TypeMatched;
+ static constexpr bool Valid = Helper::ValidAll;
+ static constexpr bool staticAssert() noexcept
+ {
+ static_assert(Helper::assertCondition,
+ "ViewHandler arguments error: "
+ "QHttpServerRequest can only be passed as a const reference");
+ return Helper::staticAssert();
+ }
+ };
+ struct IsResponder {
+ using Helper = SpecialHelper<QHttpServerResponder &&>;
+ static constexpr bool Value = Helper::TypeMatched;
+ static constexpr bool Valid = Helper::ValidAll;
+ static constexpr bool staticAssert() noexcept
+ {
+ static_assert(Helper::assertCondition,
+ "ViewHandler arguments error: "
+ "QHttpServerResponder can only be passed as a universal reference");
+ return Helper::staticAssert();
+ }
+ };
+ using IsSpecial = CheckAny<IsRequest, IsResponder>;
+ struct IsSimple {
+ static constexpr bool Value = !IsSpecial::Value &&
+ I < FunctionTraits::ArgumentCount &&
+ FunctionTraits::ArgumentIndexMax != -1;
+ static constexpr bool Valid = Arg::Defined;
+ static constexpr bool assertCondition =
+ DisableStaticAssert || !Value || Valid;
+ static constexpr bool staticAssert() noexcept
+ {
+ static_assert(assertCondition,
+ "ViewHandler arguments error: "
+ "Type is not registered, please use the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro "
+ "to make it known to Qt's meta-object system");
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ using CheckOk = CheckAny<IsSimple, IsSpecial>;
+ static constexpr bool Valid = CheckOk::Valid;
+ static constexpr bool StaticAssert = CheckOk::staticAssert();
+ };
+ template<int ... I>
+ struct ArgumentsReturn {
+ template<int Idx>
+ using Arg = StaticCheck<Idx>;
+ template<int Idx>
+ static constexpr int metaTypeId() noexcept
+ {
+ using Type = typename FunctionTraits::template Arg<Idx>::CleanType;
+ return qMetaTypeId<
+ typename std::conditional<
+ QMetaTypeId2<Type>::Defined,
+ Type,
+ void>::type>();
+ }
+ static constexpr std::size_t Count = FunctionTraits::ArgumentCount;
+ static constexpr std::size_t CapturableCount =
+ StaticMath::Sum::eval(
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(FunctionTraits::template Arg<I>::Defined)...);
+ static constexpr std::size_t PlaceholdersCount = Count - CapturableCount;
+ static constexpr bool Valid = StaticMath::And::eval(StaticCheck<I>::Valid...);
+ static constexpr bool StaticAssert =
+ StaticMath::And::eval(StaticCheck<I>::StaticAssert...);
+ using Indexes = typename QtPrivate::IndexesList<I...>;
+ using CapturableIndexes =
+ typename QtPrivate::Indexes<CapturableCount>::Value;
+ using PlaceholdersIndexes =
+ typename QtPrivate::Indexes<PlaceholdersCount>::Value;
+ using Last = Arg<FunctionTraits::ArgumentIndexMax>;
+ };
+ template<int ... I>
+ static constexpr ArgumentsReturn<I...> eval(QtPrivate::IndexesList<I...>) noexcept
+ {
+ return ArgumentsReturn<I...>{};
+ }
+ };
+ template<int CaptureOffset>
+ struct BindType {
+ template<typename ... Args>
+ struct FunctionWrapper {
+ using Type = std::function<typename FunctionTraits::ReturnType (Args...)>;
+ };
+ template<int ... Idx>
+ static constexpr typename FunctionWrapper<
+ typename FunctionTraits::template Arg<CaptureOffset + Idx>::Type...>::Type
+ eval(QtPrivate::IndexesList<Idx...>) noexcept
+ {
+ return FunctionWrapper<
+ typename FunctionTraits::template Arg<CaptureOffset + Idx>::Type...>::Type();
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace QtPrivate
+template <typename ViewHandler, bool DisableStaticAssert = false>
+struct QHttpServerRouterViewTraits
+ using Helpers = typename QtPrivate::ViewTraitsHelper<ViewHandler, DisableStaticAssert>;
+ using Arguments = decltype(Helpers::Arguments::eval(typename Helpers::ArgumentIndexes{}));
+ using BindableType = decltype(
+ Helpers::template BindType<Arguments::CapturableCount>::eval(
+ typename Arguments::PlaceholdersIndexes{}));