path: root/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
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1 files changed, 975 insertions, 1987 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp b/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
index 0498b48..2344d36 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,365 @@ const bool ForwardCompatibility = false;
// Using PureOperatorBuiltins=false is deprecated.
bool PureOperatorBuiltins = true;
+namespace {
+// A set of definitions for tabling of the built-in functions.
+// Order matters here, as does correlation with the subsequent
+// "const int ..." declarations and the ArgType enumerants.
+const char* TypeString[] = {
+ "bool", "bvec2", "bvec3", "bvec4",
+ "float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4",
+ "int", "ivec2", "ivec3", "ivec4",
+ "uint", "uvec2", "uvec3", "uvec4",
+const int TypeStringCount = sizeof(TypeString) / sizeof(char*); // number of entries in 'TypeString'
+const int TypeStringRowShift = 2; // shift amount to go downe one row in 'TypeString'
+const int TypeStringColumnMask = (1 << TypeStringRowShift) - 1; // reduce type to its column number in 'TypeString'
+const int TypeStringScalarMask = ~TypeStringColumnMask; // take type to its scalar column in 'TypeString'
+enum ArgType {
+ // numbers hardcoded to correspond to 'TypeString'; order and value matter
+ TypeB = 1 << 0, // Boolean
+ TypeF = 1 << 1, // float 32
+ TypeI = 1 << 2, // int 32
+ TypeU = 1 << 3, // uint 32
+ TypeF16 = 1 << 4, // float 16
+ TypeF64 = 1 << 5, // float 64
+ TypeI8 = 1 << 6, // int 8
+ TypeI16 = 1 << 7, // int 16
+ TypeI64 = 1 << 8, // int 64
+ TypeU8 = 1 << 9, // uint 8
+ TypeU16 = 1 << 10, // uint 16
+ TypeU64 = 1 << 11, // uint 64
+// Mixtures of the above, to help the function tables
+const ArgType TypeFI = static_cast<ArgType>(TypeF | TypeI);
+const ArgType TypeFIB = static_cast<ArgType>(TypeF | TypeI | TypeB);
+const ArgType TypeIU = static_cast<ArgType>(TypeI | TypeU);
+// The relationships between arguments and return type, whether anything is
+// output, or other unusual situations.
+enum ArgClass {
+ ClassRegular = 0, // nothing special, just all vector widths with matching return type; traditional arithmetic
+ ClassLS = 1 << 0, // the last argument is also held fixed as a (type-matched) scalar while the others cycle
+ ClassXLS = 1 << 1, // the last argument is exclusively a (type-matched) scalar while the others cycle
+ ClassLS2 = 1 << 2, // the last two arguments are held fixed as a (type-matched) scalar while the others cycle
+ ClassFS = 1 << 3, // the first argument is held fixed as a (type-matched) scalar while the others cycle
+ ClassFS2 = 1 << 4, // the first two arguments are held fixed as a (type-matched) scalar while the others cycle
+ ClassLO = 1 << 5, // the last argument is an output
+ ClassB = 1 << 6, // return type cycles through only bool/bvec, matching vector width of args
+ ClassLB = 1 << 7, // last argument cycles through only bool/bvec, matching vector width of args
+ ClassV1 = 1 << 8, // scalar only
+ ClassFIO = 1 << 9, // first argument is inout
+ ClassRS = 1 << 10, // the return is held scalar as the arguments cycle
+ ClassNS = 1 << 11, // no scalar prototype
+ ClassCV = 1 << 12, // first argument is 'coherent volatile'
+ ClassFO = 1 << 13, // first argument is output
+ ClassV3 = 1 << 14, // vec3 only
+// Mixtures of the above, to help the function tables
+const ArgClass ClassV1FIOCV = (ArgClass)(ClassV1 | ClassFIO | ClassCV);
+const ArgClass ClassV1FOCV = (ArgClass)(ClassV1 | ClassFO | ClassCV);
+const ArgClass ClassV1CV = (ArgClass)(ClassV1 | ClassCV);
+const ArgClass ClassBNS = (ArgClass)(ClassB | ClassNS);
+const ArgClass ClassRSNS = (ArgClass)(ClassRS | ClassNS);
+// A descriptor, for a single profile, of when something is available.
+// If the current profile does not match 'profile' mask below, the other fields
+// do not apply (nor validate).
+// profiles == EBadProfile is the end of an array of these
+struct Versioning {
+ EProfile profiles; // the profile(s) (mask) that the following fields are valid for
+ int minExtendedVersion; // earliest version when extensions are enabled; ignored if numExtensions is 0
+ int minCoreVersion; // earliest version function is in core; 0 means never
+ int numExtensions; // how many extensions are in the 'extensions' list
+ const char** extensions; // list of extension names enabling the function
+EProfile EDesktopProfile = static_cast<EProfile>(ENoProfile | ECoreProfile | ECompatibilityProfile);
+// Declare pointers to put into the table for versioning.
+ const Versioning* Es300Desktop130 = nullptr;
+ const Versioning Es300Desktop130Version[] = { { EEsProfile, 0, 300, 0, nullptr },
+ { EDesktopProfile, 0, 130, 0, nullptr },
+ { EBadProfile } };
+ const Versioning* Es300Desktop130 = &Es300Desktop130Version[0];
+ const Versioning Es310Desktop430Version[] = { { EEsProfile, 0, 310, 0, nullptr },
+ { EDesktopProfile, 0, 430, 0, nullptr },
+ { EBadProfile } };
+ const Versioning* Es310Desktop430 = &Es310Desktop430Version[0];
+ const Versioning Es310Desktop450Version[] = { { EEsProfile, 0, 310, 0, nullptr },
+ { EDesktopProfile, 0, 450, 0, nullptr },
+ { EBadProfile } };
+ const Versioning* Es310Desktop450 = &Es310Desktop450Version[0];
+// The main descriptor of what a set of function prototypes can look like, and
+// a pointer to extra versioning information, when needed.
+struct BuiltInFunction {
+ TOperator op; // operator to map the name to
+ const char* name; // function name
+ int numArguments; // number of arguments (overloads with varying arguments need different entries)
+ ArgType types; // ArgType mask
+ ArgClass classes; // the ways this particular function entry manifests
+ const Versioning* versioning; // nullptr means always a valid version
+// The tables can have the same built-in function name more than one time,
+// but the exact same prototype must be indicated at most once.
+// The prototypes that get declared are the union of all those indicated.
+// This is important when different releases add new prototypes for the same name.
+// It also also congnitively simpler tiling of the prototype space.
+// In practice, most names can be fully represented with one entry.
+// Table is terminated by an OpNull TOperator.
+const BuiltInFunction BaseFunctions[] = {
+// TOperator, name, arg-count, ArgType, ArgClass, versioning
+// --------- ---- --------- ------- -------- ----------
+ { EOpRadians, "radians", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpDegrees, "degrees", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpSin, "sin", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpCos, "cos", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpTan, "tan", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpAsin, "asin", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpAcos, "acos", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpAtan, "atan", 2, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpAtan, "atan", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpPow, "pow", 2, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpExp, "exp", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpLog, "log", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpExp2, "exp2", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpLog2, "log2", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpSqrt, "sqrt", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpInverseSqrt, "inversesqrt", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpAbs, "abs", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpSign, "sign", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpFloor, "floor", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpCeil, "ceil", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpFract, "fract", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpMod, "mod", 2, TypeF, ClassLS, nullptr },
+ { EOpMin, "min", 2, TypeF, ClassLS, nullptr },
+ { EOpMax, "max", 2, TypeF, ClassLS, nullptr },
+ { EOpClamp, "clamp", 3, TypeF, ClassLS2, nullptr },
+ { EOpMix, "mix", 3, TypeF, ClassLS, nullptr },
+ { EOpStep, "step", 2, TypeF, ClassFS, nullptr },
+ { EOpSmoothStep, "smoothstep", 3, TypeF, ClassFS2, nullptr },
+ { EOpNormalize, "normalize", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpFaceForward, "faceforward", 3, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpReflect, "reflect", 2, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpRefract, "refract", 3, TypeF, ClassXLS, nullptr },
+ { EOpLength, "length", 1, TypeF, ClassRS, nullptr },
+ { EOpDistance, "distance", 2, TypeF, ClassRS, nullptr },
+ { EOpDot, "dot", 2, TypeF, ClassRS, nullptr },
+ { EOpCross, "cross", 2, TypeF, ClassV3, nullptr },
+ { EOpLessThan, "lessThan", 2, TypeFI, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpLessThanEqual, "lessThanEqual", 2, TypeFI, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpGreaterThan, "greaterThan", 2, TypeFI, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpGreaterThanEqual, "greaterThanEqual", 2, TypeFI, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpVectorEqual, "equal", 2, TypeFIB, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpVectorNotEqual, "notEqual", 2, TypeFIB, ClassBNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpAny, "any", 1, TypeB, ClassRSNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpAll, "all", 1, TypeB, ClassRSNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpVectorLogicalNot, "not", 1, TypeB, ClassNS, nullptr },
+ { EOpSinh, "sinh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpCosh, "cosh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpTanh, "tanh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpAsinh, "asinh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpAcosh, "acosh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpAtanh, "atanh", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpAbs, "abs", 1, TypeI, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpSign, "sign", 1, TypeI, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpTrunc, "trunc", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpRound, "round", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpRoundEven, "roundEven", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpModf, "modf", 2, TypeF, ClassLO, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpMin, "min", 2, TypeIU, ClassLS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpMax, "max", 2, TypeIU, ClassLS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpClamp, "clamp", 3, TypeIU, ClassLS2, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpMix, "mix", 3, TypeF, ClassLB, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpIsInf, "isinf", 1, TypeF, ClassB, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpIsNan, "isnan", 1, TypeF, ClassB, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpLessThan, "lessThan", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpLessThanEqual, "lessThanEqual", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpGreaterThan, "greaterThan", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpGreaterThanEqual, "greaterThanEqual", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpVectorEqual, "equal", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+ { EOpVectorNotEqual, "notEqual", 2, TypeU, ClassBNS, Es300Desktop130 },
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ { EOpAtomicAdd, "atomicAdd", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicMin, "atomicMin", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicMax, "atomicMax", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicAnd, "atomicAnd", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicOr, "atomicOr", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicXor, "atomicXor", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicExchange, "atomicExchange", 2, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpAtomicCompSwap, "atomicCompSwap", 3, TypeIU, ClassV1FIOCV, Es310Desktop430 },
+ { EOpMix, "mix", 3, TypeB, ClassRegular, Es310Desktop450 },
+ { EOpMix, "mix", 3, TypeIU, ClassLB, Es310Desktop450 },
+ { EOpNull }
+const BuiltInFunction DerivativeFunctions[] = {
+ { EOpDPdx, "dFdx", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpDPdy, "dFdy", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpFwidth, "fwidth", 1, TypeF, ClassRegular, nullptr },
+ { EOpNull }
+// For the given table of functions, add all the indicated prototypes for each
+// one, to be returned in the passed in decls.
+void AddTabledBuiltin(TString& decls, const BuiltInFunction& function)
+ const auto isScalarType = [](int type) { return (type & TypeStringColumnMask) == 0; };
+ // loop across these two:
+ // 0: the varying arg set, and
+ // 1: the fixed scalar args
+ const ArgClass ClassFixed = (ArgClass)(ClassLS | ClassXLS | ClassLS2 | ClassFS | ClassFS2);
+ for (int fixed = 0; fixed < ((function.classes & ClassFixed) > 0 ? 2 : 1); ++fixed) {
+ if (fixed == 0 && (function.classes & ClassXLS))
+ continue;
+ // walk the type strings in TypeString[]
+ for (int type = 0; type < TypeStringCount; ++type) {
+ // skip types not selected: go from type to row number to type bit
+ if ((function.types & (1 << (type >> TypeStringRowShift))) == 0)
+ continue;
+ // if we aren't on a scalar, and should be, skip
+ if ((function.classes & ClassV1) && !isScalarType(type))
+ continue;
+ // if we aren't on a 3-vector, and should be, skip
+ if ((function.classes & ClassV3) && (type & TypeStringColumnMask) != 2)
+ continue;
+ // skip replication of all arg scalars between the varying arg set and the fixed args
+ if (fixed == 1 && type == (type & TypeStringScalarMask) && (function.classes & ClassXLS) == 0)
+ continue;
+ // skip scalars when we are told to
+ if ((function.classes & ClassNS) && isScalarType(type))
+ continue;
+ // return type
+ if (function.classes & ClassB)
+ decls.append(TypeString[type & TypeStringColumnMask]);
+ else if (function.classes & ClassRS)
+ decls.append(TypeString[type & TypeStringScalarMask]);
+ else
+ decls.append(TypeString[type]);
+ decls.append(" ");
+ decls.append(;
+ decls.append("(");
+ // arguments
+ for (int arg = 0; arg < function.numArguments; ++arg) {
+ if (arg == function.numArguments - 1 && (function.classes & ClassLO))
+ decls.append("out ");
+ if (arg == 0) {
+ if (function.classes & ClassCV)
+ decls.append("coherent volatile ");
+ if (function.classes & ClassFIO)
+ decls.append("inout ");
+ if (function.classes & ClassFO)
+ decls.append("out ");
+ }
+ if ((function.classes & ClassLB) && arg == function.numArguments - 1)
+ decls.append(TypeString[type & TypeStringColumnMask]);
+ else if (fixed && ((arg == function.numArguments - 1 && (function.classes & (ClassLS | ClassXLS |
+ ClassLS2))) ||
+ (arg == function.numArguments - 2 && (function.classes & ClassLS2)) ||
+ (arg == 0 && (function.classes & (ClassFS | ClassFS2))) ||
+ (arg == 1 && (function.classes & ClassFS2))))
+ decls.append(TypeString[type & TypeStringScalarMask]);
+ else
+ decls.append(TypeString[type]);
+ if (arg < function.numArguments - 1)
+ decls.append(",");
+ }
+ decls.append(");\n");
+ }
+ }
+// See if the tabled versioning information allows the current version.
+bool ValidVersion(const BuiltInFunction& function, int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& /* spVersion */)
+ // all entries in table are valid
+ return true;
+ // nullptr means always valid
+ if (function.versioning == nullptr)
+ return true;
+ // check for what is said about our current profile
+ for (const Versioning* v = function.versioning; v->profiles != EBadProfile; ++v) {
+ if ((v->profiles & profile) != 0) {
+ if (v->minCoreVersion <= version || (v->numExtensions > 0 && v->minExtendedVersion <= version))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Relate a single table of built-ins to their AST operator.
+// This can get called redundantly (especially for the common built-ins, when
+// called once per stage). This is a performance issue only, not a correctness
+// concern. It is done for quality arising from simplicity, as there are subtlies
+// to get correct if instead trying to do it surgically.
+void RelateTabledBuiltins(const BuiltInFunction* functions, TSymbolTable& symbolTable)
+ while (functions->op != EOpNull) {
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator(functions->name, functions->op);
+ ++functions;
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Add declarations for all tables of built-in functions.
+void TBuiltIns::addTabledBuiltins(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion)
+ const auto forEachFunction = [&](TString& decls, const BuiltInFunction* function) {
+ while (function->op != EOpNull) {
+ if (ValidVersion(*function, version, profile, spvVersion))
+ AddTabledBuiltin(decls, *function);
+ ++function;
+ }
+ };
+ forEachFunction(commonBuiltins, BaseFunctions);
+ forEachFunction(stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment], DerivativeFunctions);
+ return;
+ if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320) || (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450))
+ forEachFunction(stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute], DerivativeFunctions);
+// Relate all tables of built-ins to the AST operators.
+void TBuiltIns::relateTabledBuiltins(int /* version */, EProfile /* profile */, const SpvVersion& /* spvVersion */, EShLanguage /* stage */, TSymbolTable& symbolTable)
+ RelateTabledBuiltins(BaseFunctions, symbolTable);
+ RelateTabledBuiltins(DerivativeFunctions, symbolTable);
inline bool IncludeLegacy(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion)
return profile != EEsProfile && (version <= 130 || (spvVersion.spv == 0 && ARBCompatibility) || profile == ECompatibilityProfile);
@@ -84,27 +443,30 @@ TBuiltIns::TBuiltIns()
// Set up textual representations for making all the permutations
// of texturing/imaging functions.
prefixes[EbtFloat] = "";
+ prefixes[EbtInt] = "i";
+ prefixes[EbtUint] = "u";
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
prefixes[EbtFloat16] = "f16";
prefixes[EbtInt8] = "i8";
prefixes[EbtUint8] = "u8";
prefixes[EbtInt16] = "i16";
prefixes[EbtUint16] = "u16";
- prefixes[EbtInt] = "i";
- prefixes[EbtUint] = "u";
postfixes[2] = "2";
postfixes[3] = "3";
postfixes[4] = "4";
// Map from symbolic class of texturing dimension to numeric dimensions.
- dimMap[Esd1D] = 1;
dimMap[Esd2D] = 2;
- dimMap[EsdRect] = 2;
dimMap[Esd3D] = 3;
dimMap[EsdCube] = 3;
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ dimMap[Esd1D] = 1;
+ dimMap[EsdRect] = 2;
dimMap[EsdBuffer] = 1;
dimMap[EsdSubpass] = 2; // potientially unused for now
@@ -122,32 +484,18 @@ TBuiltIns::~TBuiltIns()
void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion)
+ addTabledBuiltins(version, profile, spvVersion);
// Prototypes for built-in functions used repeatly by different shaders
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
// Derivatives Functions.
- TString derivatives (
- "float dFdx(float p);"
- "vec2 dFdx(vec2 p);"
- "vec3 dFdx(vec3 p);"
- "vec4 dFdx(vec4 p);"
- "float dFdy(float p);"
- "vec2 dFdy(vec2 p);"
- "vec3 dFdy(vec3 p);"
- "vec4 dFdy(vec4 p);"
- "float fwidth(float p);"
- "vec2 fwidth(vec2 p);"
- "vec3 fwidth(vec3 p);"
- "vec4 fwidth(vec4 p);"
- );
TString derivativeControls (
"float dFdxFine(float p);"
"vec2 dFdxFine(vec2 p);"
@@ -281,318 +629,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
- // Angle and Trigonometric Functions.
- //
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "float radians(float degrees);"
- "vec2 radians(vec2 degrees);"
- "vec3 radians(vec3 degrees);"
- "vec4 radians(vec4 degrees);"
- "float degrees(float radians);"
- "vec2 degrees(vec2 radians);"
- "vec3 degrees(vec3 radians);"
- "vec4 degrees(vec4 radians);"
- "float sin(float angle);"
- "vec2 sin(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 sin(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 sin(vec4 angle);"
- "float cos(float angle);"
- "vec2 cos(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 cos(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 cos(vec4 angle);"
- "float tan(float angle);"
- "vec2 tan(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 tan(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 tan(vec4 angle);"
- "float asin(float x);"
- "vec2 asin(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 asin(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 asin(vec4 x);"
- "float acos(float x);"
- "vec2 acos(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 acos(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 acos(vec4 x);"
- "float atan(float y, float x);"
- "vec2 atan(vec2 y, vec2 x);"
- "vec3 atan(vec3 y, vec3 x);"
- "vec4 atan(vec4 y, vec4 x);"
- "float atan(float y_over_x);"
- "vec2 atan(vec2 y_over_x);"
- "vec3 atan(vec3 y_over_x);"
- "vec4 atan(vec4 y_over_x);"
- "\n");
- if (version >= 130) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "float sinh(float angle);"
- "vec2 sinh(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 sinh(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 sinh(vec4 angle);"
- "float cosh(float angle);"
- "vec2 cosh(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 cosh(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 cosh(vec4 angle);"
- "float tanh(float angle);"
- "vec2 tanh(vec2 angle);"
- "vec3 tanh(vec3 angle);"
- "vec4 tanh(vec4 angle);"
- "float asinh(float x);"
- "vec2 asinh(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 asinh(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 asinh(vec4 x);"
- "float acosh(float x);"
- "vec2 acosh(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 acosh(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 acosh(vec4 x);"
- "float atanh(float y_over_x);"
- "vec2 atanh(vec2 y_over_x);"
- "vec3 atanh(vec3 y_over_x);"
- "vec4 atanh(vec4 y_over_x);"
- "\n");
- }
- //
- // Exponential Functions.
- //
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "float pow(float x, float y);"
- "vec2 pow(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "vec3 pow(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "vec4 pow(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "float exp(float x);"
- "vec2 exp(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 exp(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 exp(vec4 x);"
- "float log(float x);"
- "vec2 log(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 log(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 log(vec4 x);"
- "float exp2(float x);"
- "vec2 exp2(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 exp2(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 exp2(vec4 x);"
- "float log2(float x);"
- "vec2 log2(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 log2(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 log2(vec4 x);"
- "float sqrt(float x);"
- "vec2 sqrt(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 sqrt(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 sqrt(vec4 x);"
- "float inversesqrt(float x);"
- "vec2 inversesqrt(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 inversesqrt(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 inversesqrt(vec4 x);"
- "\n");
- //
- // Common Functions.
- //
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "float abs(float x);"
- "vec2 abs(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 abs(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 abs(vec4 x);"
- "float sign(float x);"
- "vec2 sign(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 sign(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 sign(vec4 x);"
- "float floor(float x);"
- "vec2 floor(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 floor(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 floor(vec4 x);"
- "float ceil(float x);"
- "vec2 ceil(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 ceil(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 ceil(vec4 x);"
- "float fract(float x);"
- "vec2 fract(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 fract(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 fract(vec4 x);"
- "float mod(float x, float y);"
- "vec2 mod(vec2 x, float y);"
- "vec3 mod(vec3 x, float y);"
- "vec4 mod(vec4 x, float y);"
- "vec2 mod(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "vec3 mod(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "vec4 mod(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "float min(float x, float y);"
- "vec2 min(vec2 x, float y);"
- "vec3 min(vec3 x, float y);"
- "vec4 min(vec4 x, float y);"
- "vec2 min(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "vec3 min(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "vec4 min(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "float max(float x, float y);"
- "vec2 max(vec2 x, float y);"
- "vec3 max(vec3 x, float y);"
- "vec4 max(vec4 x, float y);"
- "vec2 max(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "vec3 max(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "vec4 max(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "float clamp(float x, float minVal, float maxVal);"
- "vec2 clamp(vec2 x, float minVal, float maxVal);"
- "vec3 clamp(vec3 x, float minVal, float maxVal);"
- "vec4 clamp(vec4 x, float minVal, float maxVal);"
- "vec2 clamp(vec2 x, vec2 minVal, vec2 maxVal);"
- "vec3 clamp(vec3 x, vec3 minVal, vec3 maxVal);"
- "vec4 clamp(vec4 x, vec4 minVal, vec4 maxVal);"
- "float mix(float x, float y, float a);"
- "vec2 mix(vec2 x, vec2 y, float a);"
- "vec3 mix(vec3 x, vec3 y, float a);"
- "vec4 mix(vec4 x, vec4 y, float a);"
- "vec2 mix(vec2 x, vec2 y, vec2 a);"
- "vec3 mix(vec3 x, vec3 y, vec3 a);"
- "vec4 mix(vec4 x, vec4 y, vec4 a);"
- "float step(float edge, float x);"
- "vec2 step(vec2 edge, vec2 x);"
- "vec3 step(vec3 edge, vec3 x);"
- "vec4 step(vec4 edge, vec4 x);"
- "vec2 step(float edge, vec2 x);"
- "vec3 step(float edge, vec3 x);"
- "vec4 step(float edge, vec4 x);"
- "float smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x);"
- "vec2 smoothstep(vec2 edge0, vec2 edge1, vec2 x);"
- "vec3 smoothstep(vec3 edge0, vec3 edge1, vec3 x);"
- "vec4 smoothstep(vec4 edge0, vec4 edge1, vec4 x);"
- "vec2 smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, vec2 x);"
- "vec3 smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, vec3 x);"
- "vec4 smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, vec4 x);"
- "\n");
- if (version >= 130) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- " int abs( int x);"
- "ivec2 abs(ivec2 x);"
- "ivec3 abs(ivec3 x);"
- "ivec4 abs(ivec4 x);"
- " int sign( int x);"
- "ivec2 sign(ivec2 x);"
- "ivec3 sign(ivec3 x);"
- "ivec4 sign(ivec4 x);"
- "float trunc(float x);"
- "vec2 trunc(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 trunc(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 trunc(vec4 x);"
- "float round(float x);"
- "vec2 round(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 round(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 round(vec4 x);"
- "float roundEven(float x);"
- "vec2 roundEven(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 roundEven(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 roundEven(vec4 x);"
- "float modf(float, out float);"
- "vec2 modf(vec2, out vec2 );"
- "vec3 modf(vec3, out vec3 );"
- "vec4 modf(vec4, out vec4 );"
- " int min(int x, int y);"
- "ivec2 min(ivec2 x, int y);"
- "ivec3 min(ivec3 x, int y);"
- "ivec4 min(ivec4 x, int y);"
- "ivec2 min(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "ivec3 min(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "ivec4 min(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- " uint min(uint x, uint y);"
- "uvec2 min(uvec2 x, uint y);"
- "uvec3 min(uvec3 x, uint y);"
- "uvec4 min(uvec4 x, uint y);"
- "uvec2 min(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "uvec3 min(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "uvec4 min(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- " int max(int x, int y);"
- "ivec2 max(ivec2 x, int y);"
- "ivec3 max(ivec3 x, int y);"
- "ivec4 max(ivec4 x, int y);"
- "ivec2 max(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "ivec3 max(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "ivec4 max(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- " uint max(uint x, uint y);"
- "uvec2 max(uvec2 x, uint y);"
- "uvec3 max(uvec3 x, uint y);"
- "uvec4 max(uvec4 x, uint y);"
- "uvec2 max(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "uvec3 max(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "uvec4 max(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "int clamp(int x, int minVal, int maxVal);"
- "ivec2 clamp(ivec2 x, int minVal, int maxVal);"
- "ivec3 clamp(ivec3 x, int minVal, int maxVal);"
- "ivec4 clamp(ivec4 x, int minVal, int maxVal);"
- "ivec2 clamp(ivec2 x, ivec2 minVal, ivec2 maxVal);"
- "ivec3 clamp(ivec3 x, ivec3 minVal, ivec3 maxVal);"
- "ivec4 clamp(ivec4 x, ivec4 minVal, ivec4 maxVal);"
- "uint clamp(uint x, uint minVal, uint maxVal);"
- "uvec2 clamp(uvec2 x, uint minVal, uint maxVal);"
- "uvec3 clamp(uvec3 x, uint minVal, uint maxVal);"
- "uvec4 clamp(uvec4 x, uint minVal, uint maxVal);"
- "uvec2 clamp(uvec2 x, uvec2 minVal, uvec2 maxVal);"
- "uvec3 clamp(uvec3 x, uvec3 minVal, uvec3 maxVal);"
- "uvec4 clamp(uvec4 x, uvec4 minVal, uvec4 maxVal);"
- "float mix(float x, float y, bool a);"
- "vec2 mix(vec2 x, vec2 y, bvec2 a);"
- "vec3 mix(vec3 x, vec3 y, bvec3 a);"
- "vec4 mix(vec4 x, vec4 y, bvec4 a);"
- "bool isnan(float x);"
- "bvec2 isnan(vec2 x);"
- "bvec3 isnan(vec3 x);"
- "bvec4 isnan(vec4 x);"
- "bool isinf(float x);"
- "bvec2 isinf(vec2 x);"
- "bvec3 isinf(vec3 x);"
- "bvec4 isinf(vec4 x);"
- "\n");
- }
- //
// double functions added to desktop 4.00, but not fma, frexp, ldexp, or pack/unpack
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) {
@@ -959,31 +995,30 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"bvec3 notEqual(u64vec3, u64vec3);"
"bvec4 notEqual(u64vec4, u64vec4);"
- "int findLSB(int64_t);"
- "ivec2 findLSB(i64vec2);"
- "ivec3 findLSB(i64vec3);"
- "ivec4 findLSB(i64vec4);"
+ "int64_t findLSB(int64_t);"
+ "i64vec2 findLSB(i64vec2);"
+ "i64vec3 findLSB(i64vec3);"
+ "i64vec4 findLSB(i64vec4);"
- "int findLSB(uint64_t);"
- "ivec2 findLSB(u64vec2);"
- "ivec3 findLSB(u64vec3);"
- "ivec4 findLSB(u64vec4);"
+ "int64_t findLSB(uint64_t);"
+ "i64vec2 findLSB(u64vec2);"
+ "i64vec3 findLSB(u64vec3);"
+ "i64vec4 findLSB(u64vec4);"
- "int findMSB(int64_t);"
- "ivec2 findMSB(i64vec2);"
- "ivec3 findMSB(i64vec3);"
- "ivec4 findMSB(i64vec4);"
+ "int64_t findMSB(int64_t);"
+ "i64vec2 findMSB(i64vec2);"
+ "i64vec3 findMSB(i64vec3);"
+ "i64vec4 findMSB(i64vec4);"
- "int findMSB(uint64_t);"
- "ivec2 findMSB(u64vec2);"
- "ivec3 findMSB(u64vec3);"
- "ivec4 findMSB(u64vec4);"
+ "int64_t findMSB(uint64_t);"
+ "i64vec2 findMSB(u64vec2);"
+ "i64vec3 findMSB(u64vec3);"
+ "i64vec4 findMSB(u64vec4);"
// GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430) {
@@ -1080,48 +1115,31 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) ||
(profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430)) {
- "uint atomicAdd(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicAdd(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicAdd(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicAdd(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicMin(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicMin(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicMin(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicMin(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicMax(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicMax(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicMax(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicMax(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicAnd(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicAnd(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicAnd(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicAnd(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicOr (coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicOr (coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicOr (coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicOr (coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicXor(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicXor(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicXor(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicXor(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicExchange(coherent volatile inout uint, uint);"
- " int atomicExchange(coherent volatile inout int, int);"
"uint atomicExchange(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, int, int, int);"
" int atomicExchange(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int);"
- "uint atomicCompSwap(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, uint);"
- " int atomicCompSwap(coherent volatile inout int, int, int);"
"uint atomicCompSwap(coherent volatile inout uint, uint, uint, int, int, int, int, int);"
" int atomicCompSwap(coherent volatile inout int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);"
@@ -1183,27 +1201,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void atomicStore(coherent volatile out int64_t, int64_t, int, int, int);"
- if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) ||
- (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450)) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "int mix(int x, int y, bool a);"
- "ivec2 mix(ivec2 x, ivec2 y, bvec2 a);"
- "ivec3 mix(ivec3 x, ivec3 y, bvec3 a);"
- "ivec4 mix(ivec4 x, ivec4 y, bvec4 a);"
- "uint mix(uint x, uint y, bool a);"
- "uvec2 mix(uvec2 x, uvec2 y, bvec2 a);"
- "uvec3 mix(uvec3 x, uvec3 y, bvec3 a);"
- "uvec4 mix(uvec4 x, uvec4 y, bvec4 a);"
- "bool mix(bool x, bool y, bool a);"
- "bvec2 mix(bvec2 x, bvec2 y, bvec2 a);"
- "bvec3 mix(bvec3 x, bvec3 y, bvec3 a);"
- "bvec4 mix(bvec4 x, bvec4 y, bvec4 a);"
- "\n");
- }
if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 300) ||
(profile != EEsProfile && version >= 330)) {
@@ -1231,6 +1229,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) ||
(profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310)) { // GL_OES_gpu_shader5
@@ -1284,6 +1283,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 300) ||
(profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400)) {
@@ -1306,7 +1306,9 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"mediump vec2 unpackHalf2x16(highp uint);"
- } else if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 420) {
+ }
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ else if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 420) {
" vec2 unpackHalf2x16(highp uint);"
@@ -1331,48 +1333,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"vec4 unpackUnorm4x8(highp uint);"
- //
- // Geometric Functions.
- //
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "float length(float x);"
- "float length(vec2 x);"
- "float length(vec3 x);"
- "float length(vec4 x);"
- "float distance(float p0, float p1);"
- "float distance(vec2 p0, vec2 p1);"
- "float distance(vec3 p0, vec3 p1);"
- "float distance(vec4 p0, vec4 p1);"
- "float dot(float x, float y);"
- "float dot(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "float dot(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "float dot(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "vec3 cross(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "float normalize(float x);"
- "vec2 normalize(vec2 x);"
- "vec3 normalize(vec3 x);"
- "vec4 normalize(vec4 x);"
- "float faceforward(float N, float I, float Nref);"
- "vec2 faceforward(vec2 N, vec2 I, vec2 Nref);"
- "vec3 faceforward(vec3 N, vec3 I, vec3 Nref);"
- "vec4 faceforward(vec4 N, vec4 I, vec4 Nref);"
- "float reflect(float I, float N);"
- "vec2 reflect(vec2 I, vec2 N);"
- "vec3 reflect(vec3 I, vec3 N);"
- "vec4 reflect(vec4 I, vec4 N);"
- "float refract(float I, float N, float eta);"
- "vec2 refract(vec2 I, vec2 N, float eta);"
- "vec3 refract(vec3 I, vec3 N, float eta);"
- "vec4 refract(vec4 I, vec4 N, float eta);"
- "\n");
// Matrix Functions.
@@ -1431,109 +1392,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
- //
- // Vector relational functions.
- //
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "bvec2 lessThan(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThan(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThan(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 lessThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 lessThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 lessThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThan(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThan(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThan(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 equal(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 equal(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 equal(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 equal(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 equal(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 equal(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 equal(bvec2 x, bvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 equal(bvec3 x, bvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 equal(bvec4 x, bvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 notEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y);"
- "bvec3 notEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y);"
- "bvec4 notEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y);"
- "bvec2 notEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y);"
- "bvec3 notEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y);"
- "bvec4 notEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y);"
- "bvec2 notEqual(bvec2 x, bvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 notEqual(bvec3 x, bvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 notEqual(bvec4 x, bvec4 y);"
- "bool any(bvec2 x);"
- "bool any(bvec3 x);"
- "bool any(bvec4 x);"
- "bool all(bvec2 x);"
- "bool all(bvec3 x);"
- "bool all(bvec4 x);"
- "bvec2 not(bvec2 x);"
- "bvec3 not(bvec3 x);"
- "bvec4 not(bvec4 x);"
- "\n");
- if (version >= 130) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "bvec2 lessThan(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThan(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThan(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 lessThanEqual(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 lessThanEqual(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 lessThanEqual(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThan(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThan(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThan(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 greaterThanEqual(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 greaterThanEqual(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 greaterThanEqual(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 equal(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 equal(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 equal(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "bvec2 notEqual(uvec2 x, uvec2 y);"
- "bvec3 notEqual(uvec3 x, uvec3 y);"
- "bvec4 notEqual(uvec4 x, uvec4 y);"
- "\n");
- }
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
// Original-style texture functions existing in all stages.
// (Per-stage functions below.)
@@ -1884,58 +1743,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"bool subgroupAll(bool);\n"
"bool subgroupAny(bool);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(float);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(vec2);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(vec3);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(vec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(int);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(ivec2);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(ivec3);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(ivec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(uvec2);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(uvec3);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(bool);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(bvec2);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(bvec3);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupBroadcast(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupBroadcast(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupBroadcast(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupBroadcast(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupBroadcast(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupBroadcast(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupBroadcast(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupBroadcast(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupBroadcast(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupBroadcast(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupBroadcast(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupBroadcast(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupBroadcast(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupBroadcast(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupBroadcast(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupBroadcast(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupBroadcastFirst(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupBroadcastFirst(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupBroadcastFirst(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupBroadcastFirst(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupBroadcastFirst(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupBroadcastFirst(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupBroadcastFirst(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupBroadcastFirst(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupBroadcastFirst(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupBroadcastFirst(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupBroadcastFirst(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupBroadcastFirst(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupBroadcastFirst(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupBroadcastFirst(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupBroadcastFirst(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupBroadcastFirst(bvec4);\n"
"uvec4 subgroupBallot(bool);\n"
"bool subgroupInverseBallot(uvec4);\n"
"bool subgroupBallotBitExtract(uvec4, uint);\n"
@@ -1944,1015 +1751,136 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"uint subgroupBallotExclusiveBitCount(uvec4);\n"
"uint subgroupBallotFindLSB(uvec4);\n"
"uint subgroupBallotFindMSB(uvec4);\n"
+ );
- "float subgroupShuffle(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupShuffle(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupShuffle(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupShuffle(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupShuffle(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupShuffle(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupShuffle(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupShuffle(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupShuffle(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupShuffle(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupShuffle(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupShuffle(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupShuffle(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupShuffle(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupShuffle(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupShuffle(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupShuffleXor(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupShuffleXor(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupShuffleXor(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupShuffleXor(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupShuffleXor(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupShuffleXor(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupShuffleXor(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupShuffleXor(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupShuffleXor(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupShuffleXor(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupShuffleXor(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupShuffleXor(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupShuffleXor(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupShuffleXor(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupShuffleXor(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupShuffleXor(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupShuffleUp(float, uint delta);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupShuffleUp(vec2, uint delta);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupShuffleUp(vec3, uint delta);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupShuffleUp(vec4, uint delta);\n"
- "int subgroupShuffleUp(int, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupShuffleUp(ivec2, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupShuffleUp(ivec3, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupShuffleUp(ivec4, uint delta);\n"
- "uint subgroupShuffleUp(uint, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupShuffleUp(uvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupShuffleUp(uvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupShuffleUp(uvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "bool subgroupShuffleUp(bool, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupShuffleUp(bvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupShuffleUp(bvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupShuffleUp(bvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "float subgroupShuffleDown(float, uint delta);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupShuffleDown(vec2, uint delta);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupShuffleDown(vec3, uint delta);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupShuffleDown(vec4, uint delta);\n"
- "int subgroupShuffleDown(int, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupShuffleDown(ivec2, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupShuffleDown(ivec3, uint delta);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupShuffleDown(ivec4, uint delta);\n"
- "uint subgroupShuffleDown(uint, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupShuffleDown(uvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupShuffleDown(uvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupShuffleDown(uvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "bool subgroupShuffleDown(bool, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupShuffleDown(bvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupShuffleDown(bvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupShuffleDown(bvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "float subgroupAdd(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupAdd(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupAdd(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupAdd(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupAdd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupAdd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupAdd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupAdd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupAdd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupAdd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupAdd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupAdd(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupMul(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupMul(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupMul(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupMul(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupMul(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupMul(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupMul(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupMul(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupMul(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupMul(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupMul(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupMul(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupMin(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupMin(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupMin(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupMin(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupMin(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupMin(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupMin(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupMin(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupMin(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupMin(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupMin(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupMin(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupMax(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupMax(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupMax(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupMax(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupMax(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupMax(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupMax(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupMax(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupMax(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupMax(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupMax(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupMax(uvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupAnd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupAnd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupAnd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupAnd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupAnd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupAnd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupAnd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupAnd(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupAnd(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupAnd(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupAnd(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupAnd(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupOr(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupOr(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupOr(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupOr(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupOr(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupOr(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupOr(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupOr(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupOr(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupOr(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupOr(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupOr(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupXor(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupXor(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupXor(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupXor(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupXor(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupXor(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupXor(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupXor(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupXor(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupXor(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupXor(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupXor(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupInclusiveAdd(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupInclusiveAdd(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupInclusiveAdd(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupInclusiveAdd(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveAdd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveAdd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveAdd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveAdd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveAdd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveAdd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveAdd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveAdd(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupInclusiveMul(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupInclusiveMul(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupInclusiveMul(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupInclusiveMul(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveMul(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveMul(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveMul(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveMul(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveMul(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveMul(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveMul(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveMul(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupInclusiveMin(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupInclusiveMin(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupInclusiveMin(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupInclusiveMin(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveMin(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveMin(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveMin(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveMin(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveMin(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveMin(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveMin(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveMin(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupInclusiveMax(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupInclusiveMax(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupInclusiveMax(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupInclusiveMax(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveMax(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveMax(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveMax(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveMax(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveMax(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveMax(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveMax(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveMax(uvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveAnd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveAnd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveAnd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveAnd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveAnd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveAnd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveAnd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveAnd(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupInclusiveAnd(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupInclusiveAnd(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupInclusiveAnd(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupInclusiveAnd(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveOr(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveOr(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveOr(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveOr(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveOr(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveOr(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveOr(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveOr(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupInclusiveOr(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupInclusiveOr(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupInclusiveOr(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupInclusiveOr(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupInclusiveXor(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupInclusiveXor(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupInclusiveXor(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupInclusiveXor(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupInclusiveXor(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupInclusiveXor(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupInclusiveXor(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupInclusiveXor(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupInclusiveXor(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupInclusiveXor(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupInclusiveXor(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupInclusiveXor(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupExclusiveAdd(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupExclusiveAdd(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupExclusiveAdd(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupExclusiveAdd(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveAdd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveAdd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveAdd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveAdd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveAdd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveAdd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveAdd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveAdd(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupExclusiveMul(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupExclusiveMul(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupExclusiveMul(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupExclusiveMul(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveMul(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveMul(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveMul(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveMul(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveMul(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveMul(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveMul(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveMul(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupExclusiveMin(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupExclusiveMin(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupExclusiveMin(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupExclusiveMin(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveMin(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveMin(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveMin(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveMin(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveMin(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveMin(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveMin(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveMin(uvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupExclusiveMax(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupExclusiveMax(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupExclusiveMax(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupExclusiveMax(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveMax(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveMax(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveMax(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveMax(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveMax(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveMax(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveMax(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveMax(uvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveAnd(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveAnd(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveAnd(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveAnd(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveAnd(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveAnd(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveAnd(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveAnd(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupExclusiveAnd(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupExclusiveAnd(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupExclusiveAnd(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupExclusiveAnd(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveOr(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveOr(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveOr(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveOr(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveOr(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveOr(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveOr(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveOr(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupExclusiveOr(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupExclusiveOr(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupExclusiveOr(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupExclusiveOr(bvec4);\n"
- "int subgroupExclusiveXor(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupExclusiveXor(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupExclusiveXor(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupExclusiveXor(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupExclusiveXor(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupExclusiveXor(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupExclusiveXor(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupExclusiveXor(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupExclusiveXor(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupExclusiveXor(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupExclusiveXor(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupExclusiveXor(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupClusteredAdd(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupClusteredAdd(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupClusteredAdd(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupClusteredAdd(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredAdd(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredAdd(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredAdd(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredAdd(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredAdd(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredAdd(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredAdd(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredAdd(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupClusteredMul(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupClusteredMul(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupClusteredMul(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupClusteredMul(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredMul(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredMul(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredMul(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredMul(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredMul(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredMul(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredMul(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredMul(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupClusteredMin(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupClusteredMin(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupClusteredMin(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupClusteredMin(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredMin(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredMin(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredMin(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredMin(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredMin(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredMin(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredMin(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredMin(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupClusteredMax(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupClusteredMax(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupClusteredMax(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupClusteredMax(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredMax(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredMax(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredMax(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredMax(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredMax(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredMax(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredMax(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredMax(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredAnd(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredAnd(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredAnd(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredAnd(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredAnd(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredAnd(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredAnd(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredAnd(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupClusteredAnd(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupClusteredAnd(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupClusteredAnd(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupClusteredAnd(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredOr(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredOr(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredOr(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredOr(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredOr(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredOr(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredOr(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredOr(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupClusteredOr(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupClusteredOr(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupClusteredOr(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupClusteredOr(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupClusteredXor(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupClusteredXor(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupClusteredXor(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupClusteredXor(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupClusteredXor(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupClusteredXor(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupClusteredXor(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupClusteredXor(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupClusteredXor(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupClusteredXor(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupClusteredXor(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupClusteredXor(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupQuadBroadcast(float, uint);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupQuadBroadcast(vec2, uint);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupQuadBroadcast(vec3, uint);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupQuadBroadcast(vec4, uint);\n"
- "int subgroupQuadBroadcast(int, uint);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupQuadBroadcast(ivec2, uint);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupQuadBroadcast(ivec3, uint);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupQuadBroadcast(ivec4, uint);\n"
- "uint subgroupQuadBroadcast(uint, uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupQuadBroadcast(uvec2, uint);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupQuadBroadcast(uvec3, uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupQuadBroadcast(uvec4, uint);\n"
- "bool subgroupQuadBroadcast(bool, uint);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupQuadBroadcast(bvec2, uint);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupQuadBroadcast(bvec3, uint);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupQuadBroadcast(bvec4, uint);\n"
- "float subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupQuadSwapVertical(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupQuadSwapVertical(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupQuadSwapVertical(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupQuadSwapVertical(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(float);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(vec2);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(vec3);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(vec4);\n"
- "int subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(int);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(ivec2);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(ivec3);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(ivec4);\n"
- "uint subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(uint);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(uvec4);\n"
- "bool subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(bool);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(bvec2);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(bvec3);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(bvec4);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(float);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(vec2);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(vec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(vec4);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(int);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(ivec2);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(ivec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(ivec4);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(uint);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(uvec2);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(uvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(uvec4);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(bool);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(bvec2);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(bvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(bvec4);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedAddNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedAddNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedAddNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedMulNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedMulNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedMulNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedMinNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedMinNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedMinNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedAndNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedAndNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedAndNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedAndNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedOrNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedOrNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedOrNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedOrNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedXorNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedXorNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedXorNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedXorNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "float subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(float, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(vec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(vec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "vec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(vec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "int subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(int, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(ivec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(ivec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "ivec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(ivec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uint subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(uint, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(uvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(uvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(uvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bool subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(bool, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(bvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(bvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "bvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(bvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "\n");
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) {
- commonBuiltins.append(
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(double);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(dvec2);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(dvec3);\n"
- "bool subgroupAllEqual(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupBroadcast(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupBroadcast(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupBroadcast(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupBroadcast(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupBroadcastFirst(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupBroadcastFirst(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupBroadcastFirst(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupBroadcastFirst(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupShuffle(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupShuffle(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupShuffle(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupShuffle(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupShuffleXor(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupShuffleXor(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupShuffleXor(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupShuffleXor(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupShuffleUp(double, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupShuffleUp(dvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupShuffleUp(dvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupShuffleUp(dvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "double subgroupShuffleDown(double, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupShuffleDown(dvec2, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupShuffleDown(dvec3, uint delta);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupShuffleDown(dvec4, uint delta);\n"
- "double subgroupAdd(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupAdd(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupAdd(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupAdd(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupMul(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupMul(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupMul(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupMul(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupMin(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupMin(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupMin(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupMin(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupMax(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupMax(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupMax(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupMax(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupInclusiveAdd(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupInclusiveAdd(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupInclusiveAdd(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupInclusiveAdd(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupInclusiveMul(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupInclusiveMul(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupInclusiveMul(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupInclusiveMul(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupInclusiveMin(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupInclusiveMin(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupInclusiveMin(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupInclusiveMin(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupInclusiveMax(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupInclusiveMax(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupInclusiveMax(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupInclusiveMax(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupExclusiveAdd(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupExclusiveAdd(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupExclusiveAdd(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupExclusiveAdd(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupExclusiveMul(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupExclusiveMul(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupExclusiveMul(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupExclusiveMul(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupExclusiveMin(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupExclusiveMin(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupExclusiveMin(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupExclusiveMin(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupExclusiveMax(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupExclusiveMax(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupExclusiveMax(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupExclusiveMax(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupClusteredAdd(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupClusteredAdd(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupClusteredAdd(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupClusteredAdd(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupClusteredMul(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupClusteredMul(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupClusteredMul(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupClusteredMul(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupClusteredMin(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupClusteredMin(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupClusteredMin(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupClusteredMin(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupClusteredMax(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupClusteredMax(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupClusteredMax(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupClusteredMax(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupQuadBroadcast(double, uint);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupQuadBroadcast(dvec2, uint);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupQuadBroadcast(dvec3, uint);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupQuadBroadcast(dvec4, uint);\n"
- "double subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupQuadSwapVertical(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupQuadSwapVertical(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(double);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(dvec2);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(dvec3);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(dvec4);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(double);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(dvec2);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(dvec3);\n"
- "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(dvec4);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedAddNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedAddNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedMulNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedMulNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedMinNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedMinNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "double subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(double, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec2 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(dvec2, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec3 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(dvec3, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "dvec4 subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(dvec4, uvec4 ballot);\n"
- "\n");
+ // Generate all flavors of subgroup ops.
+ static const char *subgroupOps[] =
+ {
+ "bool subgroupAllEqual(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupBroadcast(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupBroadcastFirst(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupShuffle(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupShuffleXor(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupShuffleUp(%s, uint delta);\n",
+ "%s subgroupShuffleDown(%s, uint delta);\n",
+ "%s subgroupAdd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupMul(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupMin(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupMax(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupAnd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupOr(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupXor(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveAdd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveMul(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveMin(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveMax(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveAnd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveOr(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupInclusiveXor(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveAdd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveMul(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveMin(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveMax(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveAnd(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveOr(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupExclusiveXor(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredAdd(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredMul(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredMin(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredMax(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredAnd(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredOr(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupClusteredXor(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupQuadBroadcast(%s, uint);\n",
+ "%s subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupQuadSwapVertical(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal(%s);\n",
+ "uvec4 subgroupPartitionNV(%s);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedAddNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedMulNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedMinNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedMaxNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedAndNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedOrNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedXorNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAddNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMulNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMinNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveMaxNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveAndNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveOrNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedInclusiveXorNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAddNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMulNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMinNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveMaxNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ "%s subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV(%s, uvec4 ballot);\n",
+ };
+ static const char *floatTypes[] = {
+ "float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4",
+ "float16_t", "f16vec2", "f16vec3", "f16vec4",
+ };
+ static const char *doubleTypes[] = {
+ "double", "dvec2", "dvec3", "dvec4",
+ };
+ static const char *intTypes[] = {
+ "int8_t", "i8vec2", "i8vec3", "i8vec4",
+ "int16_t", "i16vec2", "i16vec3", "i16vec4",
+ "int", "ivec2", "ivec3", "ivec4",
+ "int64_t", "i64vec2", "i64vec3", "i64vec4",
+ "uint8_t", "u8vec2", "u8vec3", "u8vec4",
+ "uint16_t", "u16vec2", "u16vec3", "u16vec4",
+ "uint", "uvec2", "uvec3", "uvec4",
+ "uint64_t", "u64vec2", "u64vec3", "u64vec4",
+ };
+ static const char *boolTypes[] = {
+ "bool", "bvec2", "bvec3", "bvec4",
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(subgroupOps)/sizeof(subgroupOps[0]); ++i) {
+ const char *op = subgroupOps[i];
+ // Logical operations don't support float
+ bool logicalOp = strstr(op, "Or") || strstr(op, "And") ||
+ (strstr(op, "Xor") && !strstr(op, "ShuffleXor"));
+ // Math operations don't support bool
+ bool mathOp = strstr(op, "Add") || strstr(op, "Mul") || strstr(op, "Min") || strstr(op, "Max");
+ const int bufSize = 256;
+ char buf[bufSize];
+ if (!logicalOp) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(floatTypes)/sizeof(floatTypes[0]); ++j) {
+ snprintf(buf, bufSize, op, floatTypes[j], floatTypes[j]);
+ commonBuiltins.append(buf);
+ }
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(doubleTypes)/sizeof(doubleTypes[0]); ++j) {
+ snprintf(buf, bufSize, op, doubleTypes[j], doubleTypes[j]);
+ commonBuiltins.append(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mathOp) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(boolTypes)/sizeof(boolTypes[0]); ++j) {
+ snprintf(buf, bufSize, op, boolTypes[j], boolTypes[j]);
+ commonBuiltins.append(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(intTypes)/sizeof(intTypes[0]); ++j) {
+ snprintf(buf, bufSize, op, intTypes[j], intTypes[j]);
+ commonBuiltins.append(buf);
+ }
"void subgroupMemoryBarrierShared();"
"void subgroupMemoryBarrierShared();"
@@ -2961,7 +1889,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void subgroupMemoryBarrierShared();"
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 460) {
@@ -2973,7 +1900,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
// GL_AMD_shader_ballot
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
@@ -3838,12 +2764,13 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
// GL_AMD_gcn_shader
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 440) {
"float cubeFaceIndexAMD(vec3);"
"vec2 cubeFaceCoordAMD(vec3);"
"uint64_t timeAMD();"
+ "in int gl_SIMDGroupSizeAMD;"
@@ -3869,11 +2796,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
- if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) ||
+ if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) ||
(profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
"struct gl_TextureFootprint2DNV {"
@@ -3906,7 +2829,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
-#endif // NV_EXTENSIONS
// GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float/Explicit types
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
@@ -4888,7 +3810,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void barrier();"
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
"void barrier();"
@@ -4897,7 +3818,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void barrier();"
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 130) || esBarrier)
"void memoryBarrier();"
@@ -4913,7 +3833,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void groupMemoryBarrier();"
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
"void memoryBarrierShared();"
@@ -4924,7 +3843,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void groupMemoryBarrier();"
commonBuiltins.append("void controlBarrier(int, int, int, int);\n"
"void memoryBarrier(int, int, int);\n");
@@ -4954,6 +3872,60 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"void coopMatStoreNV(fcoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
"fcoopmatNV coopMatMulAddNV(fcoopmatNV A, fcoopmatNV B, fcoopmatNV C);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatLoadNV(out ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(icoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent int64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent ivec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint8_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint16_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uint64_t[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec2[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "void coopMatStoreNV(ucoopmatNV m, volatile coherent uvec4[] buf, uint element, uint stride, bool colMajor);\n"
+ "icoopmatNV coopMatMulAddNV(icoopmatNV A, icoopmatNV B, icoopmatNV C);\n"
+ "ucoopmatNV coopMatMulAddNV(ucoopmatNV A, ucoopmatNV B, ucoopmatNV C);\n"
@@ -4999,9 +3971,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
- stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(derivatives);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append("\n");
// GL_ARB_derivative_control
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) {
@@ -5030,7 +3999,14 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(
+ "void beginInvocationInterlockARB(void);"
+ "void endInvocationInterlockARB(void);");
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(
+ "bool helperInvocationEXT();"
+ "\n");
// GL_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
@@ -5081,6 +4057,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
+ // GL_ARB_shader_clock & GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
+ commonBuiltins.append(
+ "uvec2 clock2x32ARB();"
+ "uint64_t clockARB();"
+ "uvec2 clockRealtime2x32EXT();"
+ "uint64_t clockRealtimeEXT();"
+ "\n");
+ }
// GL_AMD_shader_fragment_mask
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450 && spvVersion.vulkan > 0) {
@@ -5094,9 +4080,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
// Builtins for GL_NV_ray_tracing
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 460) {
@@ -5125,14 +4108,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
- stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append(derivatives);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append(derivativeControls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append("\n");
+ if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320) || (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450)) {
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append(derivativeControls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append("\n");
+ }
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
@@ -5142,7 +4122,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
"void writePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV(uint, uint);"
- "\n");
+ "\n");
@@ -5166,11 +4146,13 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"highp float diff;" // f - n
} else {
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
"float near;" // n
"float far;" // f
"float diff;" // f - n
@@ -5179,6 +4161,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (spvVersion.spv == 0 && IncludeLegacy(version, profile, spvVersion)) {
// Matrix state. p. 31, 32, 37, 39, 40.
@@ -5325,7 +4308,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
// Define the interface to the mesh/task shader.
@@ -5413,7 +4395,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
@@ -5547,7 +4528,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if (version >= 450)
"out int gl_ViewportMask[];" // GL_NV_viewport_array2
@@ -5556,8 +4536,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"out vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"out int gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
} else {
// ES profile
if (version == 100) {
@@ -5572,15 +4550,19 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in highp int gl_InstanceID;" // needs qualifier fixed later
if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
"in highp int gl_VertexIndex;"
"in highp int gl_InstanceIndex;"
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (version < 310)
"highp vec4 gl_Position;" // needs qualifier fixed later
"highp float gl_PointSize;" // needs qualifier fixed later
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
"out gl_PerVertex {"
@@ -5632,10 +4614,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if (version >= 450)
"float gl_CullDistance[];"
"vec4 gl_SecondaryPositionNV;" // GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
"vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"} gl_in[];"
@@ -5681,7 +4661,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in int gl_InvocationID;"
if (version >= 450)
"out int gl_ViewportMask[];" // GL_NV_viewport_array2
@@ -5690,7 +4669,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"out vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"out int gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
} else if (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) {
@@ -5755,13 +4733,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if (version >= 450)
"float gl_CullDistance[];"
"int gl_ViewportMask[];" // GL_NV_viewport_array2
"vec4 gl_SecondaryPositionNV;" // GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
"int gl_SecondaryViewportMaskNV[];" // GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
"vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"int gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"} gl_out[];"
@@ -5860,7 +4836,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"out int gl_Layer;"
if (version >= 450)
"out int gl_ViewportMask[];" // GL_NV_viewport_array2
@@ -5869,7 +4844,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"out vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"out int gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
} else if (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) {
// Note: "in gl_PerVertex {...} gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices];" is declared in initialize() below,
@@ -5994,7 +4968,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"flat in int gl_FragInvocationCountEXT;"
if (version >= 450)
"in vec2 gl_BaryCoordNoPerspAMD;"
@@ -6005,9 +4978,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in vec2 gl_BaryCoordSmoothSampleAMD;"
"in vec3 gl_BaryCoordPullModelAMD;"
if (version >= 430)
"in bool gl_FragFullyCoveredNV;"
@@ -6020,7 +4991,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in vec3 gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV;"
} else {
// ES profile
@@ -6032,6 +5002,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"mediump vec2 gl_PointCoord;" // needs qualifier fixed later
if (version >= 300) {
"highp vec4 gl_FragCoord;" // needs qualifier fixed later
@@ -6040,6 +5011,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"highp float gl_FragDepth;" // needs qualifier fixed later
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (version >= 310) {
"bool gl_HelperInvocation;" // needs qualifier fixed later
@@ -6067,7 +5039,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"flat in ivec2 gl_FragSizeEXT;"
"flat in int gl_FragInvocationCountEXT;"
if (version >= 320)
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append( // GL_NV_shading_rate_image
"flat in ivec2 gl_FragmentSizeNV;"
@@ -6078,17 +5049,19 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in vec3 gl_BaryCoordNV;"
"in vec3 gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV;"
+ }
- }
if (version >= 130)
add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(version, profile, spvVersion);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
// GL_ARB_shader_ballot
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
- const char* ballotDecls =
+ const char* ballotDecls =
"uniform uint gl_SubGroupSizeARB;"
"in uint gl_SubGroupInvocationARB;"
"in uint64_t gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB;"
@@ -6097,7 +5070,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in uint64_t gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB;"
"in uint64_t gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB;"
- const char* fragmentBallotDecls =
+ const char* fragmentBallotDecls =
"uniform uint gl_SubGroupSizeARB;"
"flat in uint gl_SubGroupInvocationARB;"
"flat in uint64_t gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB;"
@@ -6112,10 +5085,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
stageBuiltins[EShLangGeometry] .append(ballotDecls);
stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute] .append(ballotDecls);
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment] .append(fragmentBallotDecls);
stageBuiltins[EShLangMeshNV] .append(ballotDecls);
stageBuiltins[EShLangTaskNV] .append(ballotDecls);
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 140) ||
@@ -6129,7 +5100,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
// GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) ||
(profile != EEsProfile && version >= 140)) {
- const char* ballotDecls =
+ const char* subgroupDecls =
"in mediump uint gl_SubgroupSize;"
"in mediump uint gl_SubgroupInvocationID;"
"in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupEqMask;"
@@ -6137,8 +5108,13 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupGtMask;"
"in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupLeMask;"
"in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupLtMask;"
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ "in highp uint gl_WarpsPerSMNV;"
+ "in highp uint gl_SMCountNV;"
+ "in highp uint gl_WarpIDNV;"
+ "in highp uint gl_SMIDNV;"
- const char* fragmentBallotDecls =
+ const char* fragmentSubgroupDecls =
"flat in mediump uint gl_SubgroupSize;"
"flat in mediump uint gl_SubgroupInvocationID;"
"flat in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupEqMask;"
@@ -6146,35 +5122,36 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
"flat in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupGtMask;"
"flat in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupLeMask;"
"flat in highp uvec4 gl_SubgroupLtMask;"
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ "flat in highp uint gl_WarpsPerSMNV;"
+ "flat in highp uint gl_SMCountNV;"
+ "flat in highp uint gl_WarpIDNV;"
+ "flat in highp uint gl_SMIDNV;"
+ "\n";
+ const char* computeSubgroupDecls =
+ "in highp uint gl_NumSubgroups;"
+ "in highp uint gl_SubgroupID;"
- stageBuiltins[EShLangVertex] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangTessControl] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangTessEvaluation].append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangGeometry] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment] .append(fragmentBallotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangMeshNV] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangTaskNV] .append(ballotDecls);
- stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append(
- "highp in uint gl_NumSubgroups;"
- "highp in uint gl_SubgroupID;"
- "\n");
- stageBuiltins[EShLangMeshNV].append(
- "highp in uint gl_NumSubgroups;"
- "highp in uint gl_SubgroupID;"
- "\n");
- stageBuiltins[EShLangTaskNV].append(
- "highp in uint gl_NumSubgroups;"
- "highp in uint gl_SubgroupID;"
- "\n");
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangVertex] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangTessControl] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangTessEvaluation].append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangGeometry] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute] .append(computeSubgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment] .append(fragmentSubgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangMeshNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangMeshNV] .append(computeSubgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangTaskNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangTaskNV] .append(computeSubgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangRayGenNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangIntersectNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangAnyHitNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangClosestHitNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangMissNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
+ stageBuiltins[EShLangCallableNV] .append(subgroupDecls);
// GL_NV_ray_tracing
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 460) {
@@ -6274,7 +5251,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
if (version >= 300 /* both ES and non-ES */) {
@@ -6296,6 +5272,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease = 0x8;\n");
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable = 0x2000;\n");
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_SemanticsMakeVisible = 0x4000;\n");
+ commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_SemanticsVolatile = 0x8000;\n");
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_StorageSemanticsNone = 0x0;\n");
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_StorageSemanticsBuffer = 0x40;\n");
@@ -6303,6 +5280,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvV
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_StorageSemanticsImage = 0x800;\n");
commonBuiltins.append("const int gl_StorageSemanticsOutput = 0x1000;\n");
// printf("%s\n", commonBuiltins.c_str());
// printf("%s\n", stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].c_str());
@@ -6318,19 +5296,28 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
// In this function proper, enumerate the types, then calls the next set of functions
// to enumerate all the uses for that type.
- TBasicType bTypes[4] = { EbtFloat, EbtFloat16, EbtInt, EbtUint };
+ // enumerate all the types
+ const TBasicType bTypes[] = { EbtFloat, EbtInt, EbtUint };
+ bool skipBuffer = true;
+ bool skipCubeArrayed = true;
+ const int image = 0;
- TBasicType bTypes[3] = { EbtFloat, EbtInt, EbtUint };
+ const TBasicType bTypes[] = { EbtFloat, EbtInt, EbtUint, EbtFloat16 };
bool skipBuffer = (profile == EEsProfile && version < 310) || (profile != EEsProfile && version < 140);
bool skipCubeArrayed = (profile == EEsProfile && version < 310) || (profile != EEsProfile && version < 130);
- // enumerate all the types
- for (int image = 0; image <= 1; ++image) { // loop over "bool" image vs sampler
+ for (int image = 0; image <= 1; ++image) // loop over "bool" image vs sampler
+ {
for (int shadow = 0; shadow <= 1; ++shadow) { // loop over "bool" shadow or not
- for (int ms = 0; ms <=1; ++ms) {
+ const int ms = 0;
+ for (int ms = 0; ms <= 1; ++ms)
+ {
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if ((ms || image) && shadow)
if (ms && profile != EEsProfile && version < 150)
@@ -6339,22 +5326,26 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
if (ms && profile == EEsProfile && version < 310)
for (int arrayed = 0; arrayed <= 1; ++arrayed) { // loop over "bool" arrayed or not
- for (int dim = Esd1D; dim < EsdNumDims; ++dim) { // 1D, 2D, ..., buffer
+ for (int dim = Esd2D; dim <= EsdCube; ++dim) { // 2D, 3D, and Cube
+ for (int dim = Esd1D; dim < EsdNumDims; ++dim) { // 1D, ..., buffer, subpass
if (dim == EsdSubpass && spvVersion.vulkan == 0)
if (dim == EsdSubpass && (image || shadow || arrayed))
if ((dim == Esd1D || dim == EsdRect) && profile == EEsProfile)
- if (dim != Esd2D && dim != EsdSubpass && ms)
+ if (dim == EsdSubpass && spvVersion.vulkan == 0)
- if ((dim == Esd3D || dim == EsdRect) && arrayed)
+ if (dim == EsdSubpass && (image || shadow || arrayed))
- if (dim == Esd3D && shadow)
+ if ((dim == Esd1D || dim == EsdRect) && profile == EEsProfile)
- if (dim == EsdCube && arrayed && skipCubeArrayed)
+ if (dim != Esd2D && dim != EsdSubpass && ms)
if (dim == EsdBuffer && skipBuffer)
@@ -6362,31 +5353,35 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
if (ms && arrayed && profile == EEsProfile && version < 310)
- for (int bType = 0; bType < 4; ++bType) { // float, float16, int, uint results
- if (shadow && bType > 1)
- continue;
+ if (dim == Esd3D && shadow)
+ continue;
+ if (dim == EsdCube && arrayed && skipCubeArrayed)
+ continue;
+ if ((dim == Esd3D || dim == EsdRect) && arrayed)
+ continue;
- if (bTypes[bType] == EbtFloat16 && (profile == EEsProfile ||version < 450))
+ // Loop over the bTypes
+ for (size_t bType = 0; bType < sizeof(bTypes)/sizeof(TBasicType); ++bType) {
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ if (bTypes[bType] == EbtFloat16 && (profile == EEsProfile || version < 450))
- for (int bType = 0; bType < 3; ++bType) { // float, int, uint results
- if (shadow && bType > 0)
+ if (dim == EsdRect && version < 140 && bType > 0)
- if (dim == EsdRect && version < 140 && bType > 0)
+ if (shadow && (bTypes[bType] == EbtInt || bTypes[bType] == EbtUint))
// Now, make all the function prototypes for the type we just built...
TSampler sampler;
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (dim == EsdSubpass) {
sampler.setSubpass(bTypes[bType], ms ? true : false);
- } else if (image) {
+ } else
+ if (image) {
sampler.setImage(bTypes[bType], (TSamplerDim)dim, arrayed ? true : false,
shadow ? true : false,
ms ? true : false);
@@ -6398,10 +5393,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
TString typeName = sampler.getString();
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (dim == EsdSubpass) {
addSubpassSampling(sampler, typeName, version, profile);
addQueryFunctions(sampler, typeName, version, profile);
@@ -6409,8 +5406,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
addImageFunctions(sampler, typeName, version, profile);
else {
addSamplingFunctions(sampler, typeName, version, profile);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
addGatherFunctions(sampler, typeName, version, profile);
if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0 && sampler.isCombined() && !sampler.shadow) {
// Base Vulkan allows texelFetch() for
// textureBuffer (i.e. without sampler).
@@ -6425,6 +5422,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
addSamplingFunctions(sampler, textureTypeName, version, profile);
addQueryFunctions(sampler, textureTypeName, version, profile);
@@ -6433,13 +5431,14 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
// sparseTexelsResidentARB()
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
commonBuiltins.append("bool sparseTexelsResidentARB(int code);\n");
@@ -6450,14 +5449,25 @@ void TBuiltIns::add2ndGenerationSamplingImaging(int version, EProfile profile, c
void TBuiltIns::addQueryFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int version, EProfile profile)
- if (sampler.image && ((profile == EEsProfile && version < 310) || (profile != EEsProfile && version < 430)))
- return;
// textureSize() and imageSize()
int sizeDims = dimMap[sampler.dim] + (sampler.arrayed ? 1 : 0) - (sampler.dim == EsdCube ? 1 : 0);
+ commonBuiltins.append("highp ");
+ commonBuiltins.append("ivec");
+ commonBuiltins.append(postfixes[sizeDims]);
+ commonBuiltins.append(" textureSize(");
+ commonBuiltins.append(typeName);
+ commonBuiltins.append(",int);\n");
+ return;
+ if (sampler.isImage() && ((profile == EEsProfile && version < 310) || (profile != EEsProfile && version < 430)))
+ return;
if (profile == EEsProfile)
commonBuiltins.append("highp ");
if (sizeDims == 1)
@@ -6466,12 +5476,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::addQueryFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
- if (sampler.image)
+ if (sampler.isImage())
commonBuiltins.append(" imageSize(readonly writeonly volatile coherent ");
commonBuiltins.append(" textureSize(");
- if (! sampler.image && sampler.dim != EsdRect && sampler.dim != EsdBuffer && !
+ if (! sampler.isImage() && ! sampler.isRect() && ! sampler.isBuffer() && ! sampler.isMultiSample())
@@ -6482,9 +5492,9 @@ void TBuiltIns::addQueryFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
// GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples
// TODO: spec issue? there are no memory qualifiers; how to query a writeonly/readonly image, etc?
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430 && {
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430 && sampler.isMultiSample()) {
commonBuiltins.append("int ");
- if (sampler.image)
+ if (sampler.isImage())
commonBuiltins.append("imageSamples(readonly writeonly volatile coherent ");
@@ -6496,40 +5506,28 @@ void TBuiltIns::addQueryFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
// textureQueryLod(), fragment stage only
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400 && sampler.combined && sampler.dim != EsdRect && ! && sampler.dim != EsdBuffer) {
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400 && sampler.isCombined() && sampler.dim != EsdRect &&
+ ! sampler.isMultiSample() && ! sampler.isBuffer()) {
for (int f16TexAddr = 0; f16TexAddr < 2; ++f16TexAddr) {
if (f16TexAddr && sampler.type != EbtFloat16)
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append("vec2 textureQueryLod(");
if (dimMap[sampler.dim] == 1)
if (f16TexAddr)
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", float16_t");
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", float");
- stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", float");
else {
if (f16TexAddr)
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", f16vec");
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", vec");
- stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", vec");
stageBuiltins[EShLangCompute].append("vec2 textureQueryLod(");
if (dimMap[sampler.dim] == 1)
@@ -6539,14 +5537,14 @@ void TBuiltIns::addQueryFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
// textureQueryLevels()
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430 && ! sampler.image && sampler.dim != EsdRect && ! && sampler.dim != EsdBuffer) {
+ if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430 && ! sampler.isImage() && sampler.dim != EsdRect &&
+ ! sampler.isMultiSample() && ! sampler.isBuffer()) {
commonBuiltins.append("int textureQueryLevels(");
@@ -6573,7 +5571,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::addImageFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
imageParams.append(", ivec");
- if (
+ if (sampler.isMultiSample())
imageParams.append(", int");
if (profile == EEsProfile)
@@ -6589,7 +5587,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::addImageFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
- if (sampler.dim != Esd1D && sampler.dim != EsdBuffer && profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
+ if (! sampler.is1D() && ! sampler.isBuffer() && profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
commonBuiltins.append("int sparseImageLoadARB(readonly volatile coherent ");
commonBuiltins.append(", out ");
@@ -6666,8 +5664,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::addImageFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
- if (sampler.dim == EsdRect || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || sampler.shadow ||
+ if (sampler.dim == EsdRect || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || sampler.shadow || sampler.isMultiSample())
if (profile == EEsProfile || version < 450)
@@ -6693,7 +5690,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::addImageFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
- if (sampler.dim != Esd1D) {
+ if (! sampler.is1D()) {
commonBuiltins.append("int sparseImageLoadLodAMD(readonly volatile coherent ");
commonBuiltins.append(", out ");
@@ -6701,7 +5698,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::addImageFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, int
@@ -6716,7 +5712,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSubpassSampling(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, in
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append("vec4 subpassLoad");
- if (
+ if (sampler.isMultiSample())
stageBuiltins[EShLangFragment].append(", int");
@@ -6734,12 +5730,13 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
for (int proj = 0; proj <= 1; ++proj) { // loop over "bool" projective or not
- if (proj && (sampler.dim == EsdCube || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || sampler.arrayed || || !sampler.combined))
+ if (proj && (sampler.dim == EsdCube || sampler.isBuffer() || sampler.arrayed || sampler.isMultiSample()
+ || !sampler.isCombined()))
for (int lod = 0; lod <= 1; ++lod) {
- if (lod && (sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || sampler.dim == EsdRect || || !sampler.combined))
+ if (lod && (sampler.isBuffer() || sampler.isRect() || sampler.isMultiSample() || !sampler.isCombined()))
if (lod && sampler.dim == Esd2D && sampler.arrayed && sampler.shadow)
@@ -6748,18 +5745,18 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
for (int bias = 0; bias <= 1; ++bias) {
- if (bias && (lod || || !sampler.combined))
+ if (bias && (lod || sampler.isMultiSample() || !sampler.isCombined()))
if (bias && (sampler.dim == Esd2D || sampler.dim == EsdCube) && sampler.shadow && sampler.arrayed)
- if (bias && (sampler.dim == EsdRect || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer))
+ if (bias && (sampler.isRect() || sampler.isBuffer()))
for (int offset = 0; offset <= 1; ++offset) { // loop over "bool" offset or not
if (proj + offset + bias + lod > 3)
- if (offset && (sampler.dim == EsdCube || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer ||
+ if (offset && (sampler.dim == EsdCube || sampler.isBuffer() || sampler.isMultiSample()))
for (int fetch = 0; fetch <= 1; ++fetch) { // loop over "bool" fetch or not
@@ -6770,14 +5767,15 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
if (fetch && (sampler.shadow || sampler.dim == EsdCube))
- if (fetch == 0 && ( || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || !sampler.combined))
+ if (fetch == 0 && (sampler.isMultiSample() || sampler.isBuffer()
+ || !sampler.isCombined()))
for (int grad = 0; grad <= 1; ++grad) { // loop over "bool" grad or not
- if (grad && (lod || bias || || !sampler.combined))
+ if (grad && (lod || bias || sampler.isMultiSample() || !sampler.isCombined()))
- if (grad && sampler.dim == EsdBuffer)
+ if (grad && sampler.isBuffer())
if (proj + offset + fetch + grad + bias + lod > 3)
@@ -6797,31 +5795,46 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
if (extraProj && ! proj)
- if (extraProj && (sampler.dim == Esd3D || sampler.shadow || !sampler.combined))
+ if (extraProj && (sampler.dim == Esd3D || sampler.shadow || !sampler.isCombined()))
- for (int f16TexAddr = 0; f16TexAddr <= 1; ++f16TexAddr) { // loop over 16-bit floating-point texel addressing
+ // loop over 16-bit floating-point texel addressing
+ const int f16TexAddr = 0;
+ for (int f16TexAddr = 0; f16TexAddr <= 1; ++f16TexAddr)
+ {
if (f16TexAddr && sampler.type != EbtFloat16)
if (f16TexAddr && sampler.shadow && ! compare) {
compare = true; // compare argument is always present
+ // loop over "bool" lod clamp
+ const int lodClamp = 0;
+ for (int lodClamp = 0; lodClamp <= 1 ;++lodClamp)
- for (int lodClamp = 0; lodClamp <= 1 ;++lodClamp) { // loop over "bool" lod clamp
+ {
if (lodClamp && (profile == EEsProfile || version < 450))
if (lodClamp && (proj || lod || fetch))
- for (int sparse = 0; sparse <= 1; ++sparse) { // loop over "bool" sparse or not
+ // loop over "bool" sparse or not
+ const int sparse = 0;
+ for (int sparse = 0; sparse <= 1; ++sparse)
+ {
if (sparse && (profile == EEsProfile || version < 450))
- // Sparse sampling is not for 1D/1D array texture, buffer texture, and projective texture
- if (sparse && (sampler.dim == Esd1D || sampler.dim == EsdBuffer || proj))
+ // Sparse sampling is not for 1D/1D array texture, buffer texture, and
+ // projective texture
+ if (sparse && (sampler.is1D() || sampler.isBuffer() || proj))
TString s;
@@ -6831,14 +5844,10 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
s.append("int ");
else {
if (sampler.shadow)
if (sampler.type == EbtFloat16)
s.append("float16_t ");
s.append("float ");
- s.append("float ");
else {
s.append("vec4 ");
@@ -6876,7 +5885,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
// sampler type
// P coordinate
if (extraProj) {
if (f16TexAddr)
@@ -6894,31 +5902,15 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
- // P coordinate
- if (extraProj)
- s.append(",vec4");
- else {
- s.append(",");
- TBasicType t = fetch ? EbtInt : EbtFloat;
- if (totalDims == 1)
- s.append(TType::getBasicString(t));
- else {
- s.append(prefixes[t]);
- s.append("vec");
- s.append(postfixes[totalDims]);
- }
- }
// non-optional compare
if (compare)
// non-optional lod argument (lod that's not driven by lod loop) or sample
- if ((fetch && sampler.dim != EsdBuffer && sampler.dim != EsdRect && ! ||
- ( && fetch))
+ if ((fetch && !sampler.isBuffer() &&
+ !sampler.isRect() && !sampler.isMultiSample())
+ || (sampler.isMultiSample() && fetch))
// non-optional lod
if (lod) {
if (f16TexAddr)
@@ -6947,23 +5939,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
- // non-optional lod
- if (lod)
- s.append(",float");
- // gradient arguments
- if (grad) {
- if (dimMap[sampler.dim] == 1)
- s.append(",float,float");
- else {
- s.append(",vec");
- s.append(postfixes[dimMap[sampler.dim]]);
- s.append(",vec");
- s.append(postfixes[dimMap[sampler.dim]]);
- }
- }
// offset
if (offset) {
if (dimMap[sampler.dim] == 1)
@@ -6974,7 +5949,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
// lod clamp
if (lodClamp) {
if (f16TexAddr)
@@ -6982,29 +5956,19 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
- // lod clamp
- if (lodClamp)
- s.append(",float");
// texel out (for sparse texture)
if (sparse) {
s.append(",out ");
if (sampler.shadow)
if (sampler.type == EbtFloat16)
- s.append("float");
else {
// optional bias
if (bias) {
if (f16TexAddr)
@@ -7012,27 +5976,18 @@ void TBuiltIns::addSamplingFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName,
- // optional bias
- if (bias)
- s.append(",float");
// Add to the per-language set of built-ins
if (bias || lodClamp) {
} else
@@ -7059,18 +6014,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::addGatherFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, in
- if (
+ if (sampler.isMultiSample())
if (version < 140 && sampler.dim == EsdRect && sampler.type != EbtFloat)
for (int f16TexAddr = 0; f16TexAddr <= 1; ++f16TexAddr) { // loop over 16-bit floating-point texel addressing
if (f16TexAddr && sampler.type != EbtFloat16)
for (int offset = 0; offset < 3; ++offset) { // loop over three forms of offset in the call name: none, Offset, and Offsets
for (int comp = 0; comp < 2; ++comp) { // loop over presence of comp argument
@@ -7118,14 +6071,10 @@ void TBuiltIns::addGatherFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, in
// P coordinate argument
if (f16TexAddr)
- s.append(",vec");
int totalDims = dimMap[sampler.dim] + (sampler.arrayed ? 1 : 0);
@@ -7153,14 +6102,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::addGatherFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, in
if (sampler.dim == EsdRect || sampler.shadow)
@@ -7286,7 +6232,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::addGatherFunctions(TSampler sampler, const TString& typeName, in
@@ -7355,6 +6300,9 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(const TBuiltInResource &resources, int version, EProf
+ }
if (version >= 310) {
// geometry
@@ -7413,10 +6361,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(const TBuiltInResource &resources, int version, EProf
"in gl_PerVertex {"
"highp vec4 gl_Position;"
"highp float gl_PointSize;"
"highp vec4 gl_SecondaryPositionNV;" // GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
"highp vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"} gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices];"
@@ -7603,10 +6549,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(const TBuiltInResource &resources, int version, EProf
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450)
"float gl_CullDistance[];"
"vec4 gl_SecondaryPositionNV;" // GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
"vec4 gl_PositionPerViewNV[];" // GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
"} gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices];"
@@ -7734,15 +6678,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::initialize(const TBuiltInResource &resources, int version, EProf
- // GL_AMD_gcn_shader
- if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) {
- snprintf(builtInConstant, maxSize, "const int gl_SIMDGroupSizeAMD = 64;");
- s.append(builtInConstant);
- }
// SPV_NV_mesh_shader
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
snprintf(builtInConstant, maxSize, "const int gl_MaxMeshOutputVerticesNV = %d;", resources.maxMeshOutputVerticesNV);
@@ -7860,6 +6795,17 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
switch(language) {
case EShLangVertex:
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0) {
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_VertexIndex", EbvVertexIndex, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_InstanceIndex", EbvInstanceIndex, symbolTable);
+ }
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0) {
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_VertexID", EvqVertexId, EbvVertexId, symbolTable);
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_InstanceID", EvqInstanceId, EbvInstanceId, symbolTable);
+ }
if (profile != EEsProfile) {
if (version >= 440) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_BaseVertexARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters);
@@ -7886,19 +6832,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("readInvocationARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("readFirstInvocationARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupInvocationARB", EbvSubGroupInvocation, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB", EbvSubGroupEqMask, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGeMask, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGtMask, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLeMask, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLtMask, symbolTable);
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
- // Treat "gl_SubGroupSizeARB" as shader input instead of uniform for Vulkan
- SpecialQualifier("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EvqVaryingIn, EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
- else
- BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
if (version >= 430) {
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("anyInvocationARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_group_vote);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("allInvocationsARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_group_vote);
@@ -7906,7 +6839,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
if (profile != EEsProfile) {
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("minInvocationsAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_ballot);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("maxInvocationsAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_ballot);
@@ -7940,6 +6873,9 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
if (profile != EEsProfile) {
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SIMDGroupSizeAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_gcn_shader);
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_SIMDGroupSizeAMD", EvqVaryingIn, EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("cubeFaceIndexAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_gcn_shader);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("cubeFaceCoordAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_gcn_shader);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("timeAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_gcn_shader);
@@ -7949,15 +6885,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fragmentMaskFetchAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_fragment_mask);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fragmentFetchAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_fragment_mask);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureFootprintNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureFootprintClampNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureFootprintLodNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureFootprintGradNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureFootprintGradClampNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint);
// Compatibility variables, vertex only
if (spvVersion.spv == 0) {
BuiltInVariable("gl_Color", EbvColor, symbolTable);
@@ -7998,16 +6931,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("imageAtomicCompSwap", 1, &E_GL_OES_shader_image_atomic);
- if (spvVersion.vulkan == 0) {
- SpecialQualifier("gl_VertexID", EvqVertexId, EbvVertexId, symbolTable);
- SpecialQualifier("gl_InstanceID", EvqInstanceId, EbvInstanceId, symbolTable);
- }
- if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0) {
- BuiltInVariable("gl_VertexIndex", EbvVertexIndex, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_InstanceIndex", EbvInstanceIndex, symbolTable);
- }
if (version >= 300 /* both ES and non-ES */) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_ViewID_OVR", Num_OVR_multiview_EXTs, OVR_multiview_EXTs);
BuiltInVariable("gl_ViewID_OVR", EbvViewIndex, symbolTable);
@@ -8017,7 +6940,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("shadow2DEXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_shadow_samplers);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("shadow2DProjEXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_shadow_samplers);
// Fall through
case EShLangTessControl:
@@ -8033,22 +6955,26 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_BoundingBox", EbvBoundingBox, symbolTable);
// Fall through
case EShLangTessEvaluation:
case EShLangGeometry:
SpecialQualifier("gl_Position", EvqPosition, EbvPosition, symbolTable);
SpecialQualifier("gl_PointSize", EvqPointSize, EbvPointSize, symbolTable);
- SpecialQualifier("gl_ClipVertex", EvqClipVertex, EbvClipVertex, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_Position", EbvPosition, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_PointSize", EbvPointSize, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_ClipDistance", EbvClipDistance, symbolTable);
- BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_CullDistance", EbvCullDistance, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_Position", EbvPosition, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_PointSize", EbvPointSize, symbolTable);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_ClipVertex", EvqClipVertex, EbvClipVertex, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_ClipDistance", EbvClipDistance, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_CullDistance", EbvCullDistance, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_ClipDistance", EbvClipDistance, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_CullDistance", EbvCullDistance, symbolTable);
@@ -8060,19 +6986,10 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_Layer", EbvLayer, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_ViewportIndex", EbvViewportIndex, symbolTable);
if (language != EShLangGeometry) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_Layer", Num_viewportEXTs, viewportEXTs);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_ViewportIndex", Num_viewportEXTs, viewportEXTs);
- if (language != EShLangGeometry && version >= 410) {
- symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_Layer", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array);
- symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_ViewportIndex", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array);
- }
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_ViewportMask", 1, &E_GL_NV_viewport_array2);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SecondaryPositionNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SecondaryViewportMaskNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering);
@@ -8085,7 +7002,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_PositionPerViewNV", EbvPositionPerViewNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV", EbvViewportMaskPerViewNV, symbolTable);
- if (language != EShLangVertex) {
+ if (language == EShLangVertex || language == EShLangGeometry) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_in", "gl_SecondaryPositionNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_in", "gl_PositionPerViewNV", 1, &E_GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes);
@@ -8103,7 +7020,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_SecondaryViewportMaskNV", EbvSecondaryViewportMaskNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_PositionPerViewNV", EbvPositionPerViewNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_out", "gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV", EbvViewportMaskPerViewNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_PatchVerticesIn", EbvPatchVertices, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_TessLevelOuter", EbvTessLevelOuter, symbolTable);
@@ -8159,7 +7075,22 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_ViewIndex", 1, &E_GL_EXT_multiview);
BuiltInVariable("gl_ViewIndex", EbvViewIndex, symbolTable);
+ if (profile != EEsProfile) {
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupInvocationARB", EbvSubGroupInvocation, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB", EbvSubGroupEqMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGeMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGtMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLeMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLtMask, symbolTable);
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
+ // Treat "gl_SubGroupSizeARB" as shader input instead of uniform for Vulkan
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EvqVaryingIn, EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
+ else
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
+ }
// GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
if ((profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310) ||
(profile != EEsProfile && version >= 140)) {
@@ -8178,8 +7109,18 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupGtMask", EbvSubgroupGtMask2, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLeMask", EbvSubgroupLeMask2, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLtMask", EbvSubgroupLtMask2, symbolTable);
- }
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
+ }
case EShLangFragment:
@@ -8196,6 +7137,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
SpecialQualifier("gl_FragDepth", EvqFragDepth, EbvFragDepth, symbolTable);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
SpecialQualifier("gl_FragDepthEXT", EvqFragDepth, EbvFragDepth, symbolTable);
SpecialQualifier("gl_HelperInvocation", EvqVaryingIn, EbvHelperInvocation, symbolTable);
@@ -8350,7 +7292,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("textureGradOffsetClampARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_sparse_texture_clamp);
// E_GL_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter
if (profile != EEsProfile) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_BaryCoordNoPerspAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter);
@@ -8388,9 +7329,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("imageStoreLodAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("sparseImageLoadLodAMD", 1, &E_GL_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod);
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_FragFullyCoveredNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_conservative_raster_underestimation);
BuiltInVariable("gl_FragFullyCoveredNV", EbvFragFullyCoveredNV, symbolTable);
@@ -8406,20 +7344,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_BaryCoordNV", EbvBaryCoordNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV", EbvBaryCoordNoPerspNV, symbolTable);
- if (((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) ||
- (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) &&
- language == EShLangCompute) {
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdx", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdy", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidth", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdxFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdyFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidthFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdxCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdyCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidthCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
- }
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) ||
(profile == EEsProfile && version >= 310)) {
@@ -8431,6 +7355,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_FragDepthEXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_frag_depth);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("clockARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_clock);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("clock2x32ARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_clock);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("clockRealtimeEXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("clockRealtime2x32EXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock);
if (profile == EEsProfile && version < 320) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_PrimitiveID", Num_AEP_geometry_shader, AEP_geometry_shader);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_Layer", Num_AEP_geometry_shader, AEP_geometry_shader);
@@ -8553,8 +7483,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupQuadSwapHorizontal", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupQuadSwapVertical", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_quad);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionedAddNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionedMulNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
@@ -8577,8 +7505,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned);
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
if (profile == EEsProfile) {
@@ -8598,6 +7534,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SemanticsMakeVisible", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SemanticsVolatile", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_StorageSemanticsNone", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_StorageSemanticsBuffer", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
@@ -8605,8 +7542,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_StorageSemanticsImage", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_StorageSemanticsOutput", 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("helperInvocationEXT", 1, &E_GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
case EShLangCompute:
BuiltInVariable("gl_NumWorkGroups", EbvNumWorkGroups, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_WorkGroupSize", EbvWorkGroupSize, symbolTable);
@@ -8683,6 +7624,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupGtMask", EbvSubgroupGtMask2, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLeMask", EbvSubgroupLeMask2, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLtMask", EbvSubgroupLtMask2, symbolTable);
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 140) ||
@@ -8705,12 +7656,26 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupMemoryBarrierShared", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatLoadNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_cooperative_matrix);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatStoreNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_cooperative_matrix);
- symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatMulAddNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_cooperative_matrix);
+ {
+ const char *coopExt[2] = { E_GL_NV_cooperative_matrix, E_GL_NV_integer_cooperative_matrix };
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatLoadNV", 2, coopExt);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatStoreNV", 2, coopExt);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("coopMatMulAddNV", 2, coopExt);
+ }
+ if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdx", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdy", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidth", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdxFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdyFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidthFine", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdxCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("dFdyCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("fwidthCoarse", 1, &E_GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives);
+ }
case EShLangRayGenNV:
case EShLangIntersectNV:
case EShLangAnyHitNV:
@@ -8754,8 +7719,62 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_WorldToObjectNV", EbvWorldToObjectNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_IncomingRayFlagsNV", EbvIncomingRayFlagsNV, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_DeviceIndex", EbvDeviceIndex, symbolTable);
- }
+ // GL_ARB_shader_ballot
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupInvocationARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupGeMaskARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupGtMaskARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB", 1, &E_GL_ARB_shader_ballot);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupInvocationARB", EbvSubGroupInvocation, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupEqMaskARB", EbvSubGroupEqMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGeMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupGtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupGtMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLeMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLeMask, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupLtMaskARB", EbvSubGroupLtMask, symbolTable);
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
+ // Treat "gl_SubGroupSizeARB" as shader input instead of uniform for Vulkan
+ SpecialQualifier("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EvqVaryingIn, EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
+ else
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubGroupSizeARB", EbvSubGroupSize, symbolTable);
+ // GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_NumSubgroups", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupID", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupSize", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupInvocationID", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupEqMask", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupGeMask", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupGtMask", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupLeMask", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SubgroupLtMask", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_ballot);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_NumSubgroups", EbvNumSubgroups, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupID", EbvSubgroupID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupSize", EbvSubgroupSize2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupInvocationID", EbvSubgroupInvocation2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupEqMask", EbvSubgroupEqMask2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupGeMask", EbvSubgroupGeMask2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupGtMask", EbvSubgroupGtMask2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLeMask", EbvSubgroupLeMask2, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLtMask", EbvSubgroupLtMask2, symbolTable);
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
+ }
case EShLangMeshNV:
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
// per-vertex builtins
@@ -8887,6 +7906,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLtMask", EbvSubgroupLtMask2, symbolTable);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupMemoryBarrierShared", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
@@ -8977,6 +8006,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_SubgroupLtMask", EbvSubgroupLtMask2, symbolTable);
symbolTable.setFunctionExtensions("subgroupMemoryBarrierShared", 1, &E_GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic);
+ // GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMCountNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_WarpIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_SMIDNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpsPerSMNV", EbvWarpsPerSM, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMCountNV", EbvSMCount, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_WarpIDNV", EbvWarpID, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_SMIDNV", EbvSMID, symbolTable);
@@ -8992,7 +8031,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
// expected to be resolved through a library of functions, versus as
// operations.
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("not", EOpVectorLogicalNot);
+ relateTabledBuiltins(version, profile, spvVersion, language, symbolTable);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("matrixCompMult", EOpMul);
// 120 and 150 are correct for both ES and desktop
@@ -9005,61 +8045,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("mod", EOpMod);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("modf", EOpModf);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("equal", EOpVectorEqual);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("notEqual", EOpVectorNotEqual);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("lessThan", EOpLessThan);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("greaterThan", EOpGreaterThan);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("lessThanEqual", EOpLessThanEqual);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("greaterThanEqual", EOpGreaterThanEqual);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("radians", EOpRadians);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("degrees", EOpDegrees);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("sin", EOpSin);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("cos", EOpCos);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("tan", EOpTan);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("asin", EOpAsin);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("acos", EOpAcos);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atan", EOpAtan);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("sinh", EOpSinh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("cosh", EOpCosh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("tanh", EOpTanh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("asinh", EOpAsinh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("acosh", EOpAcosh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atanh", EOpAtanh);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("pow", EOpPow);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("exp2", EOpExp2);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("log", EOpLog);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("exp", EOpExp);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("log2", EOpLog2);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("sqrt", EOpSqrt);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("inversesqrt", EOpInverseSqrt);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("abs", EOpAbs);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("sign", EOpSign);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("floor", EOpFloor);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("trunc", EOpTrunc);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("round", EOpRound);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("roundEven", EOpRoundEven);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("ceil", EOpCeil);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("fract", EOpFract);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("min", EOpMin);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("max", EOpMax);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("clamp", EOpClamp);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("mix", EOpMix);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("step", EOpStep);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("smoothstep", EOpSmoothStep);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("isnan", EOpIsNan);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("isinf", EOpIsInf);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("floatBitsToInt", EOpFloatBitsToInt);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("floatBitsToUint", EOpFloatBitsToUint);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("intBitsToFloat", EOpIntBitsToFloat);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("uintBitsToFloat", EOpUintBitsToFloat);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
symbolTable.relateToOperator("doubleBitsToInt64", EOpDoubleBitsToInt64);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("doubleBitsToUint64", EOpDoubleBitsToUint64);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("int64BitsToDouble", EOpInt64BitsToDouble);
@@ -9073,12 +8063,14 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("int16BitsToHalf", EOpInt16BitsToFloat16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("uint16BitsToHalf", EOpUint16BitsToFloat16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packSnorm2x16", EOpPackSnorm2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackSnorm2x16", EOpUnpackSnorm2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packUnorm2x16", EOpPackUnorm2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackUnorm2x16", EOpUnpackUnorm2x16);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packSnorm4x8", EOpPackSnorm4x8);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackSnorm4x8", EOpUnpackSnorm4x8);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packUnorm4x8", EOpPackUnorm4x8);
@@ -9086,6 +8078,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packDouble2x32", EOpPackDouble2x32);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackDouble2x32", EOpUnpackDouble2x32);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packHalf2x16", EOpPackHalf2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackHalf2x16", EOpUnpackHalf2x16);
@@ -9095,6 +8088,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packUint2x32", EOpPackUint2x32);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackUint2x32", EOpUnpackUint2x32);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packInt2x16", EOpPackInt2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpackInt2x16", EOpUnpackInt2x16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("packUint2x16", EOpPackUint2x16);
@@ -9115,18 +8109,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpack16", EOpUnpack16);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("unpack8", EOpUnpack8);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("length", EOpLength);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("distance", EOpDistance);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("dot", EOpDot);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("cross", EOpCross);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("normalize", EOpNormalize);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("faceforward", EOpFaceForward);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("reflect", EOpReflect);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("refract", EOpRefract);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("any", EOpAny);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("all", EOpAll);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("barrier", EOpBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("controlBarrier", EOpBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrier", EOpMemoryBarrier);
@@ -9134,14 +8116,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierBuffer", EOpMemoryBarrierBuffer);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierImage", EOpMemoryBarrierImage);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicAdd", EOpAtomicAdd);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicMin", EOpAtomicMin);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicMax", EOpAtomicMax);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicAnd", EOpAtomicAnd);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicOr", EOpAtomicOr);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicXor", EOpAtomicXor);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicExchange", EOpAtomicExchange);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCompSwap", EOpAtomicCompSwap);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicLoad", EOpAtomicLoad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicStore", EOpAtomicStore);
@@ -9149,6 +8123,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterDecrement", EOpAtomicCounterDecrement);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounter", EOpAtomicCounter);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("clockARB", EOpReadClockSubgroupKHR);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("clock2x32ARB", EOpReadClockSubgroupKHR);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("clockRealtimeEXT", EOpReadClockDeviceKHR);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("clockRealtime2x32EXT", EOpReadClockDeviceKHR);
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 460) {
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterAdd", EOpAtomicCounterAdd);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("atomicCounterSubtract", EOpAtomicCounterSubtract);
@@ -9175,7 +8155,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("findLSB", EOpFindLSB);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("findMSB", EOpFindMSB);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("helperInvocationEXT", EOpIsHelperInvocation);
if (PureOperatorBuiltins) {
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
symbolTable.relateToOperator("imageSize", EOpImageQuerySize);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("imageSamples", EOpImageQuerySamples);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("imageLoad", EOpImageLoad);
@@ -9193,6 +8177,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subpassLoad", EOpSubpassLoad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subpassLoadMS", EOpSubpassLoadMS);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureSize", EOpTextureQuerySize);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureQueryLod", EOpTextureQueryLod);
@@ -9212,6 +8197,8 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureGradOffset", EOpTextureGradOffset);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureProjGrad", EOpTextureProjGrad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureProjGradOffset", EOpTextureProjGradOffset);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureGather", EOpTextureGather);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureGatherOffset", EOpTextureGatherOffset);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureGatherOffsets", EOpTextureGatherOffsets);
@@ -9221,13 +8208,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("noise3", EOpNoise);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("noise4", EOpNoise);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureFootprintNV", EOpImageSampleFootprintNV);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureFootprintClampNV", EOpImageSampleFootprintClampNV);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureFootprintLodNV", EOpImageSampleFootprintLodNV);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureFootprintGradNV", EOpImageSampleFootprintGradNV);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("textureFootprintGradClampNV", EOpImageSampleFootprintGradClampNV);
if (spvVersion.spv == 0 && (IncludeLegacy(version, profile, spvVersion) ||
(profile == EEsProfile && version == 100))) {
@@ -9323,7 +8308,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("allInvocations", EOpAllInvocations);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("allInvocationsEqual", EOpAllInvocationsEqual);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("minInvocationsAMD", EOpMinInvocations);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("maxInvocationsAMD", EOpMaxInvocations);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("addInvocationsAMD", EOpAddInvocations);
@@ -9368,7 +8352,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fragmentMaskFetchAMD", EOpFragmentMaskFetch);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("fragmentFetchAMD", EOpFragmentFetch);
// GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
@@ -9429,7 +8412,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupQuadSwapVertical", EOpSubgroupQuadSwapVertical);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupQuadSwapDiagonal", EOpSubgroupQuadSwapDiagonal);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionNV", EOpSubgroupPartition);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionedAddNV", EOpSubgroupPartitionedAdd);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionedMulNV", EOpSubgroupPartitionedMul);
@@ -9452,15 +8434,16 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveAndNV", EOpSubgroupPartitionedExclusiveAnd);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveOrNV", EOpSubgroupPartitionedExclusiveOr);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupPartitionedExclusiveXorNV", EOpSubgroupPartitionedExclusiveXor);
if (profile == EEsProfile) {
symbolTable.relateToOperator("shadow2DEXT", EOpTexture);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("shadow2DProjEXT", EOpTextureProj);
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
switch(language) {
case EShLangVertex:
@@ -9477,9 +8460,6 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
case EShLangFragment:
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdx", EOpDPdx);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdy", EOpDPdy);
- symbolTable.relateToOperator("fwidth", EOpFwidth);
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 400) {
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdxFine", EOpDPdxFine);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdyFine", EOpDPdyFine);
@@ -9492,17 +8472,18 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("interpolateAtSample", EOpInterpolateAtSample);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("interpolateAtOffset", EOpInterpolateAtOffset);
if (profile != EEsProfile)
symbolTable.relateToOperator("interpolateAtVertexAMD", EOpInterpolateAtVertex);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("beginInvocationInterlockARB", EOpBeginInvocationInterlock);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("endInvocationInterlockARB", EOpEndInvocationInterlock);
case EShLangCompute:
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierShared", EOpMemoryBarrierShared);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("groupMemoryBarrier", EOpGroupMemoryBarrier);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupMemoryBarrierShared", EOpSubgroupMemoryBarrierShared);
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) ||
(profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdx", EOpDPdx);
@@ -9515,13 +8496,11 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
symbolTable.relateToOperator("dFdyCoarse", EOpDPdyCoarse);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("coopMatLoadNV", EOpCooperativeMatrixLoad);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("coopMatStoreNV", EOpCooperativeMatrixStore);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("coopMatMulAddNV", EOpCooperativeMatrixMulAdd);
case EShLangRayGenNV:
case EShLangClosestHitNV:
case EShLangMissNV:
@@ -9554,13 +8533,14 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
if ((profile != EEsProfile && version >= 450) || (profile == EEsProfile && version >= 320)) {
symbolTable.relateToOperator("memoryBarrierShared", EOpMemoryBarrierShared);
symbolTable.relateToOperator("groupMemoryBarrier", EOpGroupMemoryBarrier);
+ symbolTable.relateToOperator("subgroupMemoryBarrierShared", EOpSubgroupMemoryBarrierShared);
assert(false && "Language not supported");
@@ -9574,6 +8554,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion, EShLanguage language, TSymbolTable& symbolTable, const TBuiltInResource &resources)
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
if (profile != EEsProfile && version >= 430 && version < 440) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers", 1, &E_GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts);
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents", 1, &E_GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts);
@@ -9619,6 +8600,12 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_TexCoord", EbvTexCoord, symbolTable);
BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_FogFragCoord", EbvFogFragCoord, symbolTable);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_in", "gl_SecondaryPositionNV", 1, &E_GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering);
+ symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_in", "gl_PositionPerViewNV", 1, &E_GL_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_SecondaryPositionNV", EbvSecondaryPositionNV, symbolTable);
+ BuiltInVariable("gl_in", "gl_PositionPerViewNV", EbvPositionPerViewNV, symbolTable);
// extension requirements
if (profile == EEsProfile) {
symbolTable.setVariableExtensions("gl_in", "gl_PointSize", Num_AEP_tessellation_point_size, AEP_tessellation_point_size);
@@ -9629,6 +8616,7 @@ void TBuiltIns::identifyBuiltIns(int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion
} // end namespace glslang