path: root/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h b/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
index 5e0d439..684e88d 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
+++ b/src/3rdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/iomapper.h
@@ -33,11 +33,15 @@
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
-#include "../Public/ShaderLang.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "LiveTraverser.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
// A reflection database and its interface, consistent with the OpenGL API reflection queries.
@@ -47,17 +51,249 @@ class TInfoSink;
namespace glslang {
class TIntermediate;
+struct TVarEntryInfo {
+ int id;
+ TIntermSymbol* symbol;
+ bool live;
+ int newBinding;
+ int newSet;
+ int newLocation;
+ int newComponent;
+ int newIndex;
+ EShLanguage stage;
+ struct TOrderById {
+ inline bool operator()(const TVarEntryInfo& l, const TVarEntryInfo& r) { return <; }
+ };
+ struct TOrderByPriority {
+ // ordering:
+ // 1) has both binding and set
+ // 2) has binding but no set
+ // 3) has no binding but set
+ // 4) has no binding and no set
+ inline bool operator()(const TVarEntryInfo& l, const TVarEntryInfo& r) {
+ const TQualifier& lq = l.symbol->getQualifier();
+ const TQualifier& rq = r.symbol->getQualifier();
+ // simple rules:
+ // has binding gives 2 points
+ // has set gives 1 point
+ // who has the most points is more important.
+ int lPoints = (lq.hasBinding() ? 2 : 0) + (lq.hasSet() ? 1 : 0);
+ int rPoints = (rq.hasBinding() ? 2 : 0) + (rq.hasSet() ? 1 : 0);
+ if (lPoints == rPoints)
+ return <;
+ return lPoints > rPoints;
+ }
+ };
+// Base class for shared TIoMapResolver services, used by several derivations.
+struct TDefaultIoResolverBase : public glslang::TIoMapResolver {
+ TDefaultIoResolverBase(const TIntermediate& intermediate);
+ typedef std::vector<int> TSlotSet;
+ typedef std::unordered_map<int, TSlotSet> TSlotSetMap;
+ // grow the reflection stage by stage
+ void notifyBinding(EShLanguage, TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/) override {}
+ void notifyInOut(EShLanguage, TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/) override {}
+ void beginNotifications(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void endNotifications(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void beginResolve(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void endResolve(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void beginCollect(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void endCollect(EShLanguage) override {}
+ void reserverResourceSlot(TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/, TInfoSink& /*infoSink*/) override {}
+ void reserverStorageSlot(TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/, TInfoSink& /*infoSink*/) override {}
+ int getBaseBinding(TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const;
+ const std::vector<std::string>& getResourceSetBinding() const;
+ virtual TResourceType getResourceType(const glslang::TType& type) = 0;
+ bool doAutoBindingMapping() const;
+ bool doAutoLocationMapping() const;
+ TSlotSet::iterator findSlot(int set, int slot);
+ bool checkEmpty(int set, int slot);
+ bool validateInOut(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/) override { return true; }
+ int reserveSlot(int set, int slot, int size = 1);
+ int getFreeSlot(int set, int base, int size = 1);
+ int resolveSet(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveUniformLocation(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveInOutComponent(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveInOutIndex(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ void addStage(EShLanguage stage) override {
+ if (stage < EShLangCount)
+ stageMask[stage] = true;
+ }
+ uint32_t computeTypeLocationSize(const TType& type, EShLanguage stage);
+ TSlotSetMap slots;
+ TDefaultIoResolverBase(TDefaultIoResolverBase&);
+ TDefaultIoResolverBase& operator=(TDefaultIoResolverBase&);
+ const TIntermediate& intermediate;
+ int nextUniformLocation;
+ int nextInputLocation;
+ int nextOutputLocation;
+ bool stageMask[EShLangCount + 1];
+ // Return descriptor set specific base if there is one, and the generic base otherwise.
+ int selectBaseBinding(int base, int descriptorSetBase) const {
+ return descriptorSetBase != -1 ? descriptorSetBase : base;
+ }
+ static int getLayoutSet(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ if (type.getQualifier().hasSet())
+ return type.getQualifier().layoutSet;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static bool isSamplerType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return type.getBasicType() == glslang::EbtSampler && type.getSampler().isPureSampler();
+ }
+ static bool isTextureType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return (type.getBasicType() == glslang::EbtSampler &&
+ (type.getSampler().isTexture() || type.getSampler().isSubpass()));
+ }
+ static bool isUboType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return type.getQualifier().storage == EvqUniform;
+ }
+ static bool isImageType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return type.getBasicType() == glslang::EbtSampler && type.getSampler().isImage();
+ }
+ static bool isSsboType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return type.getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer;
+ }
+ // Return true if this is a SRV (shader resource view) type:
+ static bool isSrvType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ return isTextureType(type) || type.getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer;
+ }
+ // Return true if this is a UAV (unordered access view) type:
+ static bool isUavType(const glslang::TType& type) {
+ if (type.getQualifier().isReadOnly())
+ return false;
+ return (type.getBasicType() == glslang::EbtSampler && type.getSampler().isImage()) ||
+ (type.getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer);
+ }
+// Defaulf I/O resolver for OpenGL
+struct TDefaultGlslIoResolver : public TDefaultIoResolverBase {
+ typedef std::map<TString, int> TVarSlotMap; // <resourceName, location/binding>
+ typedef std::map<int, TVarSlotMap> TSlotMap; // <resourceKey, TVarSlotMap>
+ TDefaultGlslIoResolver(const TIntermediate& intermediate);
+ bool validateBinding(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& /*ent*/) override { return true; }
+ TResourceType getResourceType(const glslang::TType& type) override;
+ int resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage stage, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveUniformLocation(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ int resolveBinding(EShLanguage /*stage*/, TVarEntryInfo& ent) override;
+ void beginResolve(EShLanguage /*stage*/) override;
+ void endResolve(EShLanguage stage) override;
+ void beginCollect(EShLanguage) override;
+ void endCollect(EShLanguage) override;
+ void reserverStorageSlot(TVarEntryInfo& ent, TInfoSink& infoSink) override;
+ void reserverResourceSlot(TVarEntryInfo& ent, TInfoSink& infoSink) override;
+ // in/out symbol and uniform symbol are stored in the same resourceSlotMap, the storage key is used to identify each type of symbol.
+ // We use stage and storage qualifier to construct a storage key. it can help us identify the same storage resource used in different stage.
+ // if a resource is a program resource and we don't need know it usage stage, we can use same stage to build storage key.
+ // Note: both stage and type must less then 0xffff.
+ int buildStorageKey(EShLanguage stage, TStorageQualifier type) {
+ assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(stage) <= 0x0000ffff && static_cast<uint32_t>(type) <= 0x0000ffff);
+ return (stage << 16) | type;
+ }
+ // Use for mark pre stage, to get more interface symbol information.
+ EShLanguage preStage;
+ // Use for mark current shader stage for resolver
+ EShLanguage currentStage;
+ // Slot map for storage resource(location of uniform and interface symbol) It's a program share slot
+ TSlotMap resourceSlotMap;
+ // Slot map for other resource(image, ubo, ssbo), It's a program share slot.
+ TSlotMap storageSlotMap;
+typedef std::map<TString, TVarEntryInfo> TVarLiveMap;
+// override function "operator=", if a vector<const _Kty, _Ty> being sort,
+// when use vc++, the sort function will call :
+// pair& operator=(const pair<_Other1, _Other2>& _Right)
+// {
+// first = _Right.first;
+// second = _Right.second;
+// return (*this);
+// }
+// that will make a const type handing on left.
+// override this function can avoid a compiler error.
+// In the future, if the vc++ compiler can handle such a situation,
+// this part of the code will be removed.
+struct TVarLivePair : std::pair<const TString, TVarEntryInfo> {
+ TVarLivePair(std::pair<const TString, TVarEntryInfo>& _Right) : pair(_Right.first, _Right.second) {}
+ TVarLivePair& operator=(const TVarLivePair& _Right) {
+ const_cast<TString&>(first) = _Right.first;
+ second = _Right.second;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+typedef std::vector<TVarLivePair> TVarLiveVector;
// I/O mapper
class TIoMapper {
TIoMapper() {}
virtual ~TIoMapper() {}
+ // grow the reflection stage by stage
+ bool virtual addStage(EShLanguage, TIntermediate&, TInfoSink&, TIoMapResolver*);
+ bool virtual doMap(TIoMapResolver*, TInfoSink&) { return true; }
+// I/O mapper for OpenGL
+class TGlslIoMapper : public TIoMapper {
+ TGlslIoMapper() {
+ memset(inVarMaps, 0, sizeof(TVarLiveMap*) * (EShLangCount + 1));
+ memset(outVarMaps, 0, sizeof(TVarLiveMap*) * (EShLangCount + 1));
+ memset(uniformVarMap, 0, sizeof(TVarLiveMap*) * (EShLangCount + 1));
+ memset(intermediates, 0, sizeof(TIntermediate*) * (EShLangCount + 1));
+ }
+ virtual ~TGlslIoMapper() {
+ for (size_t stage = 0; stage < EShLangCount; stage++) {
+ if (inVarMaps[stage] != nullptr) {
+ delete inVarMaps[stage];
+ inVarMaps[stage] = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (outVarMaps[stage] != nullptr) {
+ delete outVarMaps[stage];
+ outVarMaps[stage] = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (uniformVarMap[stage] != nullptr) {
+ delete uniformVarMap[stage];
+ uniformVarMap[stage] = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (intermediates[stage] != nullptr)
+ intermediates[stage] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
// grow the reflection stage by stage
- bool addStage(EShLanguage, TIntermediate&, TInfoSink&, TIoMapResolver*);
+ bool addStage(EShLanguage, TIntermediate&, TInfoSink&, TIoMapResolver*) override;
+ bool doMap(TIoMapResolver*, TInfoSink&) override;
+ TVarLiveMap *inVarMaps[EShLangCount], *outVarMaps[EShLangCount],
+ *uniformVarMap[EShLangCount];
+ TIntermediate* intermediates[EShLangCount];
+ bool hadError = false;
} // end namespace glslang
+#endif // GLSLANG_WEB