path: root/src/trace/qmlmessagetrace.cpp
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1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/trace/qmlmessagetrace.cpp b/src/trace/qmlmessagetrace.cpp
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace/qmlmessagetrace.cpp
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+** Copyright (C) 2016 Shawn Rutledge
+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the Qt Labs UmlQuick project.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+#include "qmlmessagetrace_p.h"
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <private/qobject_p.h>
+ \class QmlMessageTrace
+ \inmodule UmlQuick
+ \brief The QmlMessageTrace class provides a QML output stream for rendering
+ a UML \l {}{Sequence diagram}
+ (also known as a Message Trace diagram).
+ \section1 Basic Use
+ Any QML application can instantiate a trace object. It will immediately
+ begin capturing categorized log output. It induces each line of output from
+ the given category to also include a backtrace; then it tries to
+ reconstruct sequences of method calls by splicing the backtraces together.
+ The result is that often a few qCDebug calls in strategic "destination"
+ functions (such as functions which handle events, make state changes and
+ emit signals) will be enough to reconstruct a fairly complete UML Message
+ Trace diagram.
+ When the trace is completed, simply run the qml output file with the qml
+ runtime tool. It will import components from Diagrams.UmlSequence, which
+ should be installed already if you have built this module properly.
+ For example, to trace hover events in a QML application, create a file
+ traceHover.qml which looks like the following:
+ \code
+ import Qt.labs.UmlQuick.Trace 1.0
+ MessageTrace {
+ category: "qt.quick.hover.trace"
+ outputPrefix: "hoverSequence-"
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Then start up the qml runtime, loading traceHover.qml first, and then your
+ application. After exiting, you can view the sequence diagram via the
+ qml output.
+ \code
+ $ qml traceHover.qml testApplication.qml
+ $ ls hoverSequence*
+ hoverSequence-20160601-
+ $ qml hoverSequence-20160601-
+ \endcode
+ Alternatively, your application can be instrumented:
+ import Qt.labs.UmlQuick.Trace, declare a MessageTrace somewhere (perhaps as
+ a child of the root Window or Item, or in some component where the tracing
+ is relevant), and use the \l enabled property to start and stop tracing.
+ Each time \l enabled is set to false, a new qml file will be written. Its
+ filename will begin with the given outputPrefix, to which will be appended
+ the timestamp when the trace was started. In this way it's possible to view
+ traces more dynamically: if you want to trace the series of method calls
+ which led to a particular behavior, enable the trace when the user begins a
+ specific action, and disable it when that action is done.
+ In order to generate a valid sequence diagram, the \l category should
+ have a maximum of one log output per call. If it has more than one, the
+ diagram will show that the method called itself. That would be incorrect:
+ the self-call should be reserved to indicate recursion.
+ The category debug output should not include Q_FUNC_INFO, because that
+ information is already available in every log message, so including it
+ again would be redundant. Every qCDebug for tracing class methods should
+ include \c this as the first parameter. If you include extra information, e.g.
+ \code
+ qCDebug(QC_CATEGORY) << this << parameter1 << parameter2
+ \endcode
+ it will appear in tooltips (along with the backtraces) over the arrows on
+ the diagram. Typically you should include information about any interesting
+ method parameters; but too much information will make the diagram hard to
+ read.
+ \fn QDebug::QDebug(QIODevice *device)
+ Constructs a debug stream that writes to the given \a device.
+#define MT_DEBUG printf
+#define MT_DEBUG(format, args...) ((void)0)
+QHash<QByteArray, QList<QmlMessageTrace*> > QmlMessageTrace::m_categoryInstances;
+QtMessageHandler QmlMessageTrace::m_parentMessageHandler(nullptr);
+// Regex for stuff like QQuickMouseArea(0x16b9cf0, name="outerMA", parent=0x16fc070, geometry=0,0 100x400)
+// Captures only the part outside parentheses and the part inside
+QRegularExpression QmlMessageTrace::m_regexObjectFormatted(QStringLiteral(
+ "([\\w_]+)\\((.+)\\)"));
+// Regex for pointers like 0x16ec750
+QRegularExpression QmlMessageTrace::m_regexPointer(QStringLiteral(
+ "0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)"));
+int QmlMessageTrace::m_refCount(0);
+static QString pointerHash(void* ptr)
+ QByteArray ret;
+ ret.setNum((qulonglong)ptr, 16);
+ // qml doesn't like an ID to start with a digit
+ // so, shift 0-9 to g-p
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.length(); ++i) {
+ QChar ch(ret[i]);
+ if (ch.isDigit())
+ ret[i] = (char)(ret[i] + 55);
+ }
+ if (ret.length() == 1)
+ return QStringLiteral("null");
+ return QLatin1String(ret);
+void QmlMessageTrace::messageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &text)
+ bool consumed = false;
+ if (m_categoryInstances.contains(context.category)) {
+ QList<QmlMessageTrace *> instances = m_categoryInstances.value(context.category);
+ QString formatted = qFormatLogMessage(type, context, text);
+ for (QmlMessageTrace *tracer : instances) {
+ tracer->log(type, context, formatted);
+ consumed = true;
+ }
+ }
+// qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << context.category << text << "found tracers?" << m_categoryInstances.value(context.category);
+ if (!consumed)
+ m_parentMessageHandler(type, context, text);
+ : QObject()
+ , m_previousTimestamp(0)
+ , m_enabled(true)
+ , m_category(nullptr)
+ , m_outputPrefix("messagetrace")
+ ++m_refCount;
+ if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN")) {
+ qFatal("please unset the QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN env variable before trying to use QmlMessageTrace");
+ QCoreApplication::exit(-1);
+ }
+ qSetMessagePattern(QStringLiteral("%{time process}|%{backtrace depth=20}|%{message}"));
+ if (--m_refCount == 0)
+ qInstallMessageHandler(nullptr);
+ if (!m_messages.isEmpty())
+ writeQml();
+void QmlMessageTrace::setCategory(QString cat)
+ QByteArray category = cat.toUtf8();
+ if (m_category == category)
+ return;
+ if (m_categoryInstances.isEmpty()) {
+ // first-use init
+ QLoggingCategory::installFilter(&QmlMessageTrace::categoryFilter);
+ }
+ if (m_categoryInstances.contains(m_category))
+ m_categoryInstances[m_category].removeAll(this);
+ if (m_categoryInstances.contains(category))
+ m_categoryInstances[category].append(this);
+ else
+ m_categoryInstances.insert(category, QList<QmlMessageTrace *>() << this);
+ if (!m_parentMessageHandler) {
+ m_parentMessageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(messageHandler);
+ }
+ m_category = category;
+ emit categoryChanged();
+void QmlMessageTrace::setOutputPrefix(QString outputPrefix)
+ if (m_outputPrefix == outputPrefix)
+ return;
+ m_outputPrefix = outputPrefix;
+ emit outputPrefixChanged();
+void QmlMessageTrace::setEnabled(bool enabled)
+ if (m_enabled == enabled)
+ return;
+ m_enabled = enabled;
+ if (!enabled)
+ writeQml();
+ emit enabledChanged();
+void QmlMessageTrace::categoryFilter(QLoggingCategory *cat)
+ if (m_categoryInstances.contains(cat->categoryName())) {
+ cat->setEnabled(QtDebugMsg, true);
+ // TODO warning, fatal
+ } else {
+ cat->setEnabled(QtDebugMsg, false);
+ }
+//MT_DEBUG("%s %d\n", cat->categoryName(), cat->isDebugEnabled());
+QString QmlMessageTrace::category() const
+ return QString::fromUtf8(m_category);
+// A utility function to make QRegularExpression if/else matches possible
+static bool hasMatch(const QRegularExpression &regex, QRegularExpressionMatch &match, const QString &text) {
+ match = regex.match(text);
+ return match.hasMatch();
+static void * stringToPointer(const QString &str) {
+ bool ptrOk = false;
+ void *ret = (void *)(str.toULongLong(&ptrOk, 16));
+ if (!ptrOk)
+ ret = nullptr;
+ return ret;
+void QmlMessageTrace::parseClassAndMethod(const QString &classAndMethod, QString &className, QString &methodName)
+ int scopingIdx = classAndMethod.indexOf(QStringLiteral("::"));
+ if (scopingIdx >= 0) {
+ className = classAndMethod.left(scopingIdx).split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts).last();
+ int leftParenIdx = classAndMethod.indexOf('(', scopingIdx);
+ scopingIdx += 2; // get past it
+ methodName = leftParenIdx >= 0 ? classAndMethod.mid(scopingIdx, leftParenIdx - scopingIdx) : classAndMethod.mid(scopingIdx);
+ if (className.startsWith('Q') && className.endsWith(QStringLiteral("Application")))
+ className = QStringLiteral("QGuiApplication");
+ int qmlSuffixIdx = className.indexOf(QStringLiteral("_QML"));
+ if (qmlSuffixIdx > 0)
+ className = className.left(qmlSuffixIdx);
+ }
+void QmlMessageTrace::addObjectInstance(void *obj, const QString &objClass)
+ QString id = obj ? pointerHash(obj) : QStringLiteral("ufo_") + objClass;
+ m_tracedObjectsById.insert(id, objClass);
+ m_recentObjectsByClass.insert(objClass, obj);
+ if (objClass == QStringLiteral("QQuickWindow"))
+ m_recentObjectsByClass.insert(QStringLiteral("QWindow"), obj);
+ if (obj && objClass.startsWith('Q') && !objClass.endsWith("Private")) {
+ QObject * q = static_cast<QObject*>(obj);
+ m_objects.insert(obj, q);
+ m_objects.insert(QObjectPrivate::get(q), q);
+ }
+void QmlMessageTrace::writeObjectInstance(QFile &f, QObject *o)
+ if (!o)
+ return;
+ QString className = o->metaObject()->className();
+ int qmlSuffixIdx = className.indexOf(QStringLiteral("_QML"));
+ if (qmlSuffixIdx > 0)
+ className = className.left(qmlSuffixIdx);
+ QString oName = o->objectName();
+ if (oName.isEmpty())
+ oName = QStringLiteral("0x%1").arg(qulonglong(o), 0, 16);
+ f.write(QStringLiteral(" ObjectInstance { id: %1; objectName: \"%2\"; objectClass: \"%3\" }\n")
+ .arg(pointerHash(o)).arg(oName).arg(className).toUtf8());
+void QmlMessageTrace::logBacktrace(QStringList trace)
+ if (trace.length() < 2)
+ return;
+ Message m;
+ m.timestamp = m_previousTimestamp;
+ m.callerPointer = nullptr;
+ m.calleePointer = nullptr;
+ QString calleeClass;
+ parseClassAndMethod(trace.takeFirst(), calleeClass, m.calleeMethod);
+ if (m.calleeMethod.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ parseClassAndMethod(trace.first(), m.callerClass, m.callerMethod);
+ m.backtrace = trace;
+ logBacktrace(trace);
+ m_messages.append(m);
+void QmlMessageTrace::log(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &rawText)
+ if (type != QtDebugMsg)
+ return; // so far we don't handle warning and critical
+ MT_DEBUG("\n%s\n", qPrintable(rawText));
+ Message m;
+ // Extract info from pipe-separated stuff, and clean up the backtrace
+ m.backtrace = rawText.split('|');
+ m.params = m.backtrace.takeLast(); // %{message}
+ m.timestamp = m.backtrace.takeFirst().trimmed().toDouble(); // %{time process}
+ {
+ int idx = m.backtrace.indexOf(QStringLiteral("QDebug::~QDebug"));
+ for (int i = 0; i <= idx; ++i)
+ m.backtrace.removeFirst();
+ }
+ m.backtrace.removeFirst(); // the callee
+ // --------
+ // Callee
+ QString calleeClassAndMethod = QLatin1String(context.function);
+ QString calleeClassName;
+ parseClassAndMethod(calleeClassAndMethod, calleeClassName, m.calleeMethod);
+ QString callee0xPointerStr;
+ m.calleePointer = nullptr;
+ QRegularExpressionMatch match;
+ if (hasMatch(m_regexObjectFormatted, match, m.params) && match.capturedStart() == 0 && match.lastCapturedIndex() == 2) {
+ // Got formatted info about "this" which was supposed to be the first parameter to qCDebug
+ // something like QQuickMouseArea(0x16b9cf0, name="outerMA", parent=0x16fc070, geometry=0,0 100x400)
+// calleeClassName = match.captured(1).toUtf8(); // strictly unnecessary: we got it via parseClassAndMethod above
+ QString calleeInfo = match.captured(2);
+ match = m_regexPointer.match(calleeInfo);
+ callee0xPointerStr = match.captured(0);
+ m.calleePointer = stringToPointer(match.captured(1));
+ if (m.calleePointer) {
+ calleeInfo.remove(0, match.capturedEnd(1));
+ if (calleeInfo.startsWith(','))
+ calleeInfo.remove(0, 1);
+ calleeInfo = calleeInfo.trimmed();
+ }
+// MT_DEBUG("callee %s::%s %p guts %s from %s\n", qPrintable(calleeClassName), qPrintable(m.calleeMethod), m.calleePointer, qPrintable(calleeInfo), qPrintable(m.params));
+ } else if (hasMatch(m_regexPointer, match, m.params) && match.capturedStart() == 0) {
+ // Got just a plain pointer to "this" which was supposed to be the first parameter to qCDebug
+// MT_DEBUG("captured pointer %s @%d from %s\n", qPrintable(match.captured(1)), match.capturedStart(), qPrintable(m.params));
+ callee0xPointerStr = match.captured(0);
+ m.calleePointer = stringToPointer(match.captured(1));
+ } else {
+ printf("ignoring call to unknown object instance: %s %s:%s\n", context.category, context.function, qPrintable(m.params));
+ }
+ MT_DEBUG(" callee %s::%s %p\n", qPrintable(calleeClassName), qPrintable(m.calleeMethod), m.calleePointer);
+ if (m.calleePointer) {
+ if (!m_tracedObjectsById.contains(pointerHash(m.calleePointer)))
+ addObjectInstance(m.calleePointer, calleeClassName);
+ } else if (m_recentObjectsByClass.contains(calleeClassName)) {
+ // callee object is unknown; assume it's the last one with the same classname that we've seen
+ m.calleePointer = m_recentObjectsByClass.value(calleeClassName);
+ } else if (!calleeClassName.isEmpty()) {
+ // totally unknown object, but we do know the classname
+ addObjectInstance(m.calleePointer, calleeClassName);
+ }
+ if (calleeClassName.isEmpty())
+ printf("failed to find callee class name in %s\n", qPrintable(rawText));
+ // --------
+ // Caller
+ m.callerPointer = nullptr;
+ // Guess the caller object ID; the m.backtrace can't tell us the caller's "this" pointer, unfortunately
+ if (!m.backtrace.isEmpty()) {
+ QString callerClassAndMethod = m.backtrace.first();
+ parseClassAndMethod(callerClassAndMethod, m.callerClass, m.callerMethod);
+ if (m_recentObjectsByClass.contains(m.callerClass)) {
+ m.callerPointer = m_recentObjectsByClass.value(calleeClassName);
+ } else if (!m.callerClass.isEmpty()) {
+ addObjectInstance(nullptr, m.callerClass);
+ }
+ MT_DEBUG(" caller %p %s :: %s from %s\n", m.callerPointer, qPrintable(m.callerClass), qPrintable(m.callerMethod), qPrintable(callerClassAndMethod));
+ // TODO deduce where we are in the message trace from caller method
+ QStringList leadingBacktrace = m.backtrace;
+ leadingBacktrace.removeFirst();
+ m_previousTimestamp = m.timestamp;
+ logBacktrace(leadingBacktrace);
+ }
+// QString rawLog = rawText;
+// rawLog.replace(QStringLiteral("|"), QStringLiteral("\\n"));
+// rawLog.replace(QStringLiteral("\""), QStringLiteral("\\\""));
+ m.params.replace(QStringLiteral("\""), QStringLiteral("\\\""));
+ // Now that both objects exist we can declare the arrow
+// if (isReturn)
+// m_messageElement.append(" Return { \n from: " + m_fromObjectId + "\n to: " +
+// m_toObjectId + "\n fromMethod: \"" + m_fromMethod + "\"\n");
+// else
+ m.calleeSignature = QLatin1String(context.function);
+ m_messages.append(m);
+void QmlMessageTrace::writeQml()
+ QString filePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1%2.qml").arg(m_outputPrefix).arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate));
+ MT_DEBUG("-> %s\n", qPrintable(filePath));
+ QFile f(filePath);
+ if ( {
+ f.write("import QtQuick 2.0\nimport Diagrams.UmlSequence 1.0\n\nUmlSequenceDiagram {\n");
+ QSet<void *> objectsWritten;
+ QSet<QString> ufosWritten;
+ for (Message &m : m_messages) {
+ QObject *callee = m_objects.value(m.calleePointer);
+ m.calleePointer = callee;
+ if (callee && !objectsWritten.contains(callee)) {
+ writeObjectInstance(f, callee);
+ objectsWritten.insert(callee);
+ }
+ QObject *caller = m_objects.value(m.callerPointer);
+ if (!caller) {
+ void *p = m_recentObjectsByClass.value(m.callerClass);
+ caller = m_objects.value(p);
+ }
+ m.callerPointer = caller;
+ if (caller) {
+ if (!objectsWritten.contains(caller)) {
+ writeObjectInstance(f, caller);
+ objectsWritten.insert(caller);
+ }
+ } else if (!ufosWritten.contains(m.callerClass)) {
+ f.write(QStringLiteral(" ObjectInstance { id: %1; objectName: \"%1\"; objectClass: \"%2\" }\n")
+ .arg(QStringLiteral("ufo_") + m.callerClass).arg(m.callerClass).toUtf8());
+ ufosWritten.insert(m.callerClass);
+ }
+ f.write(m.toQml().toUtf8());
+ }
+ f.write("}\n");
+ f.close();
+ } else {
+ printf("failed to write %s", qPrintable(filePath));
+ }
+QString QmlMessageTrace::Message::toQml() const
+ QString callerId = callerPointer ? pointerHash(callerPointer) : QStringLiteral("ufo_") + callerClass;
+ return QStringLiteral(
+ " Message { \n from: %1\n to: %2\n method: \"%3\"\n methodSignature: \"%4\"\n"
+ " fromMethod: \"%5\"\n timestamp: %6\n backtrace: \"%7\"\n params: \"%8\"\n }\n")
+ .arg(callerId).arg(pointerHash(calleePointer)).arg(calleeMethod).arg(calleeSignature)
+ .arg(callerMethod).arg(timestamp).arg(backtrace.join(QStringLiteral("\\n"))).arg(params);