path: root/examples/qt3d/audio-visualizer-qml/Visualizer.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/qt3d/audio-visualizer-qml/Visualizer.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/examples/qt3d/audio-visualizer-qml/Visualizer.qml b/examples/qt3d/audio-visualizer-qml/Visualizer.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4ccec0e..000000000
--- a/examples/qt3d/audio-visualizer-qml/Visualizer.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import Qt3D.Core 2.0
-import Qt3D.Render 2.0
-import Qt3D.Extras 2.0
-import QtQuick 2.2 as QQ2
-Entity {
- id: sceneRoot
- property int barRotationTimeMs: 1
- property int numberOfBars: 1
- property string animationState
- property real titleStartAngle: 95
- property real titleStopAngle: 5
- property bool started: false
- onAnimationStateChanged: {
- if (animationState == "playing") {
- if (progressTransformAnimation.paused)
- progressTransformAnimation.resume()
- else
- progressTransformAnimation.start()
- } else if (animationState == "paused") {
- mediaPlayer.pause()
- if (progressTransformAnimation.running)
- progressTransformAnimation.pause()
- } else {
- mediaPlayer.stop()
- progressTransformAnimation.stop()
- progressTransform.progressAngle = progressTransform.defaultStartAngle
- }
- }
- QQ2.Item {
- id: stateItem
- state: animationState
- states: [
- QQ2.State {
- name: "playing"
- QQ2.PropertyChanges {
- target: titlePrism
- titleAngle: titleStopAngle
- }
- },
- QQ2.State {
- name: "paused"
- QQ2.PropertyChanges {
- target: titlePrism
- titleAngle: titleStopAngle
- }
- },
- QQ2.State {
- name: "stopped"
- QQ2.PropertyChanges {
- target: titlePrism
- titleAngle: titleStartAngle
- }
- }
- ]
- transitions: QQ2.Transition {
- QQ2.NumberAnimation {
- property: "titleAngle"
- duration: 2000
- running: false
- }
- }
- }
- function startVisualization() {
- progressTransformAnimation.duration = mediaPlayer.duration
- mainview.state = "playing"
- progressTransformAnimation.start()
- started = true
- }
- //![0]
- Camera {
- id: camera
- projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection
- fieldOfView: 45
- aspectRatio: 1820 / 1080
- nearPlane: 0.1
- farPlane: 1000.0
- position: Qt.vector3d(0.014, 0.956, 2.178)
- upVector: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
- viewCenter: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 0.7, 0.0)
- }
- //![0]
- Entity {
- components: [
- DirectionalLight {
- intensity: 0.9
- worldDirection: Qt.vector3d(0, 0.6, -1)
- }
- ]
- }
- RenderSettings {
- id: external_forward_renderer
- activeFrameGraph: ForwardRenderer {
- camera: camera
- clearColor: "transparent"
- }
- }
- components: [external_forward_renderer]
- //![1]
- // Bars
- CuboidMesh {
- id: barMesh
- xExtent: 0.1
- yExtent: 0.1
- zExtent: 0.1
- }
- NodeInstantiator {
- id: collection
- property int maxCount: parent.numberOfBars
- model: maxCount
- delegate: BarEntity {
- id: cubicEntity
- entityMesh: barMesh
- rotationTimeMs: sceneRoot.barRotationTimeMs
- entityIndex: index
- entityCount: sceneRoot.numberOfBars
- entityAnimationsState: animationState
- magnitude: 0
- }
- }
- //![1]
- // TitlePrism
- Entity {
- id: titlePrism
- property real titleAngle: titleStartAngle
- Entity {
- id: titlePlane
- PlaneMesh {
- id: titlePlaneMesh
- width: 550
- height: 100
- }
- Transform {
- id: titlePlaneTransform
- scale: 0.003
- translation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0.11, 0)
- }
- NormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial {
- id: titlePlaneMaterial
- diffuse: TextureLoader { source: "qrc:/images/demotitle.png" }
- normal: TextureLoader { source: "qrc:/images/normalmap.png" }
- shininess: 1.0
- }
- components: [titlePlaneMesh, titlePlaneMaterial, titlePlaneTransform]
- }
- // Song title
- Entity {
- id: songTitlePlane
- PlaneMesh {
- id: songPlaneMesh
- width: 550
- height: 100
- }
- Transform {
- id: songPlaneTransform
- scale: 0.003
- rotationX: 90
- translation: Qt.vector3d(0, -0.03, 0.13)
- }
- property Material songPlaneMaterial: NormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial {
- diffuse: TextureLoader { source: "qrc:/images/songtitle.png" }
- normal: TextureLoader { source: "qrc:/images/normalmap.png" }
- shininess: 1.0
- }
- components: [songPlaneMesh, songPlaneMaterial, songPlaneTransform]
- }
- property Transform titlePrismPlaneTransform: Transform {
- matrix: {
- var m = Qt.matrix4x4()
- m.translate(Qt.vector3d(-0.5, 1.3, -0.4))
- m.rotate(titlePrism.titleAngle, Qt.vector3d(1, 0, 0))
- return m;
- }
- }
- components: [titlePlane, songTitlePlane, titlePrismPlaneTransform]
- }
- // Circle to create the reflection effect
- Mesh {
- id: circleMesh
- source: "qrc:/meshes/circle.obj"
- }
- Entity {
- id: circleEntity
- property Material circleMaterial: PhongAlphaMaterial {
- alpha: 0.4
- ambient: "black"
- diffuse: "black"
- specular: "black"
- shininess: 10000
- }
- components: [circleMesh, circleMaterial]
- }
- //![2]
- // Progress
- Mesh {
- id: progressMesh
- source: "qrc:/meshes/progressbar.obj"
- }
- Transform {
- id: progressTransform
- property real defaultStartAngle: -90
- property real progressAngle: defaultStartAngle
- rotationY: progressAngle
- }
- Entity {
- property Material progressMaterial: PhongMaterial {
- ambient: "#80C342"
- diffuse: "black"
- }
- components: [progressMesh, progressMaterial, progressTransform]
- }
- //![2]
- QQ2.NumberAnimation {
- id: progressTransformAnimation
- target: progressTransform
- property: "progressAngle"
- duration: 0
- running: false
- from: progressTransform.defaultStartAngle
- to: -270
- onStopped: if (animationState != "stopped") animationState = "stopped"
- }