path: root/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src
diff options
authorLiang Qi <liang.qi@theqtcompany.com>2015-08-24 16:18:23 +0200
committerLiang Qi <liang.qi@theqtcompany.com>2015-08-24 16:18:23 +0200
commitc9425926e13fcfbd8fe5b69d658fadab928f1d16 (patch)
tree05e7f0ed43882bd9f8dd30ecd38df25906f45656 /gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src
parentf587983764be7d127305d350c76702b7e28ea0f1 (diff)
parent56e7af096e889d56ef67baabf38529c0ccb8d8b5 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.5' into 5.6
Conflicts: qt3d qtactiveqt qtandroidextras qtbase qtcanvas3d qtconnectivity qtdeclarative qtdoc qtenginio qtgraphicaleffects qtimageformats qtlocation qtmacextras qtmultimedia qtqa qtquick1 qtquickcontrols qtrepotools qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qttranslations qtwayland qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebkit qtwebkit-examples qtwebsockets qtwinextras qtx11extras qtxmlpatterns Change-Id: I7410d9be5775ab276fb5a57adb397f4f92d77a50
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 36784 deletions
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ABOUT-NLS b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ABOUT-NLS
deleted file mode 100644
index 3575535a..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ABOUT-NLS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1111 +0,0 @@
-1 Notes on the Free Translation Project
-Free software is going international! The Free Translation Project is
-a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all
-together, so that free software will gradually become able to speak many
-languages. A few packages already provide translations for their
- If you found this `ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may
-assume that the distributed package does use GNU `gettext' internally,
-itself available at your nearest GNU archive site. But you do _not_
-need to install GNU `gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using
-this package with messages translated.
- Installers will find here some useful hints. These notes also
-explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the
-available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and
-work on translations can contact the appropriate team.
- When reporting bugs in the `intl/' directory or bugs which may be
-related to internationalization, you should tell about the version of
-`gettext' which is used. The information can be found in the
-`intl/VERSION' file, in internationalized packages.
-1.1 Quick configuration advice
-If you want to exploit the full power of internationalization, you
-should configure it using
- ./configure --with-included-gettext
-to force usage of internationalizing routines provided within this
-package, despite the existence of internationalizing capabilities in the
-operating system where this package is being installed. So far, only
-the `gettext' implementation in the GNU C library version 2 provides as
-many features (such as locale alias, message inheritance, automatic
-charset conversion or plural form handling) as the implementation here.
-It is also not possible to offer this additional functionality on top
-of a `catgets' implementation. Future versions of GNU `gettext' will
-very likely convey even more functionality. So it might be a good idea
-to change to GNU `gettext' as soon as possible.
- So you need _not_ provide this option if you are using GNU libc 2 or
-you have installed a recent copy of the GNU gettext package with the
-included `libintl'.
-1.2 INSTALL Matters
-Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs
-they contain can be made to speak your own native language. Most such
-packages use GNU `gettext'. Other packages have their own ways to
-internationalization, predating GNU `gettext'.
- By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of
-messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already
-provides the GNU `gettext' functions. If not, the included GNU
-`gettext' library will be used. This library is wholly contained
-within this package, usually in the `intl/' subdirectory, so prior
-installation of the GNU `gettext' package is _not_ required.
-Installers may use special options at configuration time for changing
-the default behaviour. The commands:
- ./configure --with-included-gettext
- ./configure --disable-nls
-will, respectively, bypass any pre-existing `gettext' to use the
-internationalizing routines provided within this package, or else,
-_totally_ disable translation of messages.
- When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run
-configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will
-probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl.a' file and
-will decide to use this. This might not be desirable. You should use
-the more recent version of the GNU `gettext' library. I.e. if the file
-`intl/VERSION' shows that the library which comes with this package is
-more recent, you should use
- ./configure --with-included-gettext
-to prevent auto-detection.
- The configuration process will not test for the `catgets' function
-and therefore it will not be used. The reason is that even an
-emulation of `gettext' on top of `catgets' could not provide all the
-extensions of the GNU `gettext' library.
- Internationalized packages usually have many `po/LL.po' files, where
-LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless
-translations have been forbidden at `configure' time by using the
-`--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed
-together with the package. However, the environment variable `LINGUAS'
-may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set.
-`LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter
-codes, stating which languages are allowed.
-1.3 Using This Package
-As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you
-only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate
-`LL_CC' combination. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code,
-and `CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's
-suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell
-prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'),
-`export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash').
-This can be done from your `.login' or `.profile' file, once and for
- You might think that the country code specification is redundant.
-But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries. For
-example, `de_AT' is used for Austria, and `pt_BR' for Brazil. The
-country code serves to distinguish the dialects.
- The locale naming convention of `LL_CC', with `LL' denoting the
-language and `CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based
-on GNU libc. On other systems, some variations of this scheme are
-used, such as `LL' or `LL_CC.ENCODING'. You can get the list of
-locales supported by your system for your language by running the
-command `locale -a | grep '^LL''.
- Not all programs have translations for all languages. By default, an
-English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation. If you
-understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages.
-This is done through a different environment variable, called
-`LANGUAGE'. GNU `gettext' gives preference to `LANGUAGE' over `LANG'
-for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have `LANG'
-set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the
-system libraries. For example, some Swedish users who would rather
-read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not
-available, set `LANGUAGE' to `sv:de' while leaving `LANG' to `sv_SE'.
- Special advice for Norwegian users: The language code for Norwegian
-bokma*l changed from `no' to `nb' recently (in 2003). During the
-transition period, while some message catalogs for this language are
-installed under `nb' and some older ones under `no', it's recommended
-for Norwegian users to set `LANGUAGE' to `nb:no' so that both newer and
-older translations are used.
- In the `LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the `LANG'
-environment variable, `LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as `LL'
-to denote the language's main dialect. For example, `de' is equivalent
-to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT'
-(Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context.
-1.4 Translating Teams
-For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested
-people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also
-able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language.
-Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of
-teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage,
-`http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/', in the "National teams"
- If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you
-should become a member of the translating team for your own language.
-The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has
-`-request' appended. For example, speakers of Swedish can send a
-message to `sv-request@li.org', having this message body:
- subscribe
- Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate
-_actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties,
-rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and
-you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to
-get started, please write to `translation@iro.umontreal.ca' to reach the
-coordinator for all translator teams.
- The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing
-the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skill are praised more than
-programming skill, here.
-1.5 Available Packages
-Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following
-matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of July
-2006. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages
-PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a
-translation percentage of at least 50%.
- Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo
- +----------------------------------------------------+
- GNUnet | [] |
- a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] |
- aegis | () |
- ant-phone | () |
- anubis | [] |
- ap-utils | |
- aspell | [] [] [] [] |
- bash | [] [] [] |
- batchelor | [] |
- bfd | |
- bibshelf | [] |
- binutils | [] |
- bison | [] [] |
- bison-runtime | [] |
- bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] |
- cflow | [] |
- clisp | [] [] |
- console-tools | [] [] |
- coreutils | [] [] [] [] |
- cpio | |
- cpplib | [] [] [] |
- cryptonit | [] |
- darkstat | [] () [] |
- dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- doodle | [] |
- e2fsprogs | [] [] |
- enscript | [] [] [] [] |
- error | [] [] [] [] |
- fetchmail | [] [] () [] |
- fileutils | [] [] |
- findutils | [] [] [] |
- flex | [] [] [] |
- fslint | [] |
- gas | |
- gawk | [] [] [] |
- gbiff | [] |
- gcal | [] |
- gcc | [] |
- gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-tools | [] [] |
- gimp-print | [] [] [] [] |
- gip | [] |
- gliv | [] |
- glunarclock | [] |
- gmult | [] [] |
- gnubiff | () |
- gnucash | () () [] |
- gnucash-glossary | [] () |
- gnuedu | |
- gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gnunet-gtk | |
- gnutls | |
- gpe-aerial | [] [] |
- gpe-beam | [] [] |
- gpe-calendar | [] [] |
- gpe-clock | [] [] |
- gpe-conf | [] [] |
- gpe-contacts | |
- gpe-edit | [] |
- gpe-filemanager | |
- gpe-go | [] |
- gpe-login | [] [] |
- gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] |
- gpe-package | |
- gpe-sketchbook | [] [] |
- gpe-su | [] [] |
- gpe-taskmanager | [] [] |
- gpe-timesheet | [] |
- gpe-today | [] [] |
- gpe-todo | |
- gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] |
- gprof | [] [] |
- gpsdrive | () () |
- gramadoir | [] [] |
- grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gretl | |
- gsasl | |
- gss | |
- gst-plugins | [] [] [] [] |
- gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] |
- gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gtick | [] () |
- gtkam | [] [] [] |
- gtkorphan | [] [] |
- gtkspell | [] [] [] [] |
- gutenprint | [] |
- hello | [] [] [] [] [] |
- id-utils | [] [] |
- impost | |
- indent | [] [] [] |
- iso_3166 | [] [] |
- iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166_2 | |
- iso_3166_3 | [] |
- iso_4217 | [] |
- iso_639 | [] [] |
- jpilot | [] |
- jtag | |
- jwhois | |
- kbd | [] [] [] [] |
- keytouch | |
- keytouch-editor | |
- keytouch-keyboa... | |
- latrine | () |
- ld | [] |
- leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libc | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libexif | [] |
- libextractor | [] |
- libgpewidget | [] [] [] |
- libgpg-error | [] |
- libgphoto2 | [] [] |
- libgphoto2_port | [] [] |
- libgsasl | |
- libiconv | [] [] |
- libidn | [] [] |
- lifelines | [] () |
- lilypond | [] |
- lingoteach | |
- lynx | [] [] [] [] |
- m4 | [] [] [] [] |
- mailutils | [] |
- make | [] [] |
- man-db | [] () [] [] |
- minicom | [] [] [] |
- mysecretdiary | [] [] |
- nano | [] [] () [] |
- nano_1_0 | [] () [] [] |
- opcodes | [] |
- parted | |
- pilot-qof | [] |
- psmisc | [] |
- pwdutils | |
- python | |
- qof | |
- radius | [] |
- recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- rpm | [] [] |
- screem | |
- scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- sed | [] [] [] |
- sh-utils | [] [] |
- shared-mime-info | [] [] [] |
- sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- shishi | |
- silky | |
- skencil | [] () |
- sketch | [] () |
- solfege | |
- soundtracker | [] [] |
- sp | [] |
- stardict | [] |
- system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- tar | [] |
- texinfo | [] [] [] |
- textutils | [] [] [] |
- tin | () () |
- tp-robot | [] |
- tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] |
- unicode-han-tra... | |
- unicode-transla... | |
- util-linux | [] [] [] [] |
- vorbis-tools | [] [] [] [] |
- wastesedge | () |
- wdiff | [] [] [] [] |
- wget | [] [] |
- xchat | [] [] [] [] [] |
- xkeyboard-config | |
- xpad | [] [] |
- +----------------------------------------------------+
- af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo
- 11 0 1 2 8 21 1 42 43 2 62 99 18 1 16 16
- es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it
- +--------------------------------------------------+
- GNUnet | |
- a2ps | [] [] [] () |
- aegis | |
- ant-phone | [] |
- anubis | [] |
- ap-utils | [] [] |
- aspell | [] [] [] |
- bash | [] [] [] |
- batchelor | [] [] |
- bfd | [] |
- bibshelf | [] [] [] |
- binutils | [] [] [] |
- bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] |
- bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] |
- cflow | |
- clisp | [] [] |
- console-tools | |
- coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- cpio | [] [] [] |
- cpplib | [] [] |
- cryptonit | [] |
- darkstat | [] () [] [] [] |
- dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- doodle | [] [] |
- e2fsprogs | [] [] [] |
- enscript | [] [] [] |
- error | [] [] [] [] [] |
- fetchmail | [] |
- fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- findutils | [] [] [] [] |
- flex | [] [] [] |
- fslint | [] |
- gas | [] [] |
- gawk | [] [] [] [] |
- gbiff | [] |
- gcal | [] [] |
- gcc | [] |
- gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-tools | [] [] [] |
- gimp-print | [] [] |
- gip | [] [] [] |
- gliv | () |
- glunarclock | [] [] [] |
- gmult | [] [] [] |
- gnubiff | () () |
- gnucash | () () () |
- gnucash-glossary | [] [] |
- gnuedu | [] |
- gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gnunet-gtk | |
- gnutls | |
- gpe-aerial | [] [] |
- gpe-beam | [] [] |
- gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-conf | [] |
- gpe-contacts | [] [] |
- gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-filemanager | [] |
- gpe-go | [] [] [] |
- gpe-login | [] [] [] |
- gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-package | [] |
- gpe-sketchbook | [] [] |
- gpe-su | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] |
- gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-today | [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-todo | [] |
- gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gprof | [] [] [] [] |
- gpsdrive | () () [] () |
- gramadoir | [] [] |
- grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gretl | [] [] [] |
- gsasl | [] |
- gss | [] |
- gst-plugins | [] [] [] |
- gst-plugins-base | [] [] |
- gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] |
- gstreamer | [] [] [] |
- gtick | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gtkam | [] [] [] [] |
- gtkorphan | [] [] |
- gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gutenprint | [] |
- hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- id-utils | [] [] [] [] [] |
- impost | [] [] |
- indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166 | [] [] [] |
- iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166_2 | [] |
- iso_3166_3 | [] |
- iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] |
- iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- jpilot | [] [] |
- jtag | [] |
- jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] |
- kbd | [] [] |
- keytouch | [] |
- keytouch-editor | [] |
- keytouch-keyboa... | [] |
- latrine | [] [] [] |
- ld | [] [] |
- leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- libc | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libexif | [] |
- libextractor | [] |
- libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libgpg-error | |
- libgphoto2 | [] [] [] |
- libgphoto2_port | [] [] |
- libgsasl | [] [] |
- libiconv | [] |
- libidn | [] [] |
- lifelines | () |
- lilypond | [] |
- lingoteach | [] [] [] |
- lynx | [] [] [] |
- m4 | [] [] [] [] |
- mailutils | [] [] |
- make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- man-db | () |
- minicom | [] [] [] [] |
- mysecretdiary | [] [] [] |
- nano | [] () [] [] [] [] |
- nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- opcodes | [] [] [] [] |
- parted | [] [] [] [] |
- pilot-qof | |
- psmisc | [] [] [] |
- pwdutils | |
- python | |
- qof | |
- radius | [] [] |
- recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- rpm | [] [] |
- screem | |
- scrollkeeper | [] [] [] |
- sed | [] [] [] [] [] |
- sh-utils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- shishi | |
- silky | [] |
- skencil | [] [] |
- sketch | [] [] |
- solfege | [] |
- soundtracker | [] [] [] |
- sp | [] |
- stardict | [] |
- system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- texinfo | [] [] |
- textutils | [] [] [] [] [] |
- tin | [] () |
- tp-robot | [] [] [] [] |
- tuxpaint | [] [] |
- unicode-han-tra... | |
- unicode-transla... | [] [] |
- util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- vorbis-tools | [] [] |
- wastesedge | () |
- wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] |
- xpad | [] [] [] |
- +--------------------------------------------------+
- es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it
- 89 21 16 2 41 119 61 14 1 8 1 6 61 30 0 53
- ja ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn no
- +--------------------------------------------------+
- GNUnet | |
- a2ps | () [] [] () |
- aegis | () |
- ant-phone | [] |
- anubis | [] [] [] |
- ap-utils | [] |
- aspell | [] [] |
- bash | [] |
- batchelor | [] [] |
- bfd | |
- bibshelf | [] |
- binutils | |
- bison | [] [] [] |
- bison-runtime | [] [] [] |
- bluez-pin | [] [] [] |
- cflow | |
- clisp | [] |
- console-tools | |
- coreutils | [] |
- cpio | |
- cpplib | [] |
- cryptonit | [] |
- darkstat | [] [] |
- dialog | [] [] |
- diffutils | [] [] [] |
- doodle | |
- e2fsprogs | [] |
- enscript | [] |
- error | [] |
- fetchmail | [] [] |
- fileutils | [] [] |
- findutils | [] |
- flex | [] [] |
- fslint | [] [] |
- gas | |
- gawk | [] [] |
- gbiff | [] |
- gcal | |
- gcc | |
- gettext-examples | [] [] |
- gettext-runtime | [] [] [] |
- gettext-tools | [] [] |
- gimp-print | [] [] |
- gip | [] [] |
- gliv | [] |
- glunarclock | [] [] |
- gmult | [] [] |
- gnubiff | |
- gnucash | () () |
- gnucash-glossary | [] |
- gnuedu | |
- gnulib | [] [] [] [] |
- gnunet-gtk | |
- gnutls | |
- gpe-aerial | [] |
- gpe-beam | [] |
- gpe-calendar | [] |
- gpe-clock | [] [] |
- gpe-conf | [] [] |
- gpe-contacts | [] |
- gpe-edit | [] [] |
- gpe-filemanager | [] |
- gpe-go | [] [] |
- gpe-login | [] [] |
- gpe-ownerinfo | [] |
- gpe-package | [] |
- gpe-sketchbook | [] [] |
- gpe-su | [] [] |
- gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] |
- gpe-timesheet | [] |
- gpe-today | [] |
- gpe-todo | |
- gphoto2 | [] [] |
- gprof | |
- gpsdrive | () () () |
- gramadoir | () |
- grep | [] [] [] |
- gretl | |
- gsasl | [] |
- gss | |
- gst-plugins | [] |
- gst-plugins-base | |
- gst-plugins-good | [] |
- gstreamer | [] |
- gtick | [] |
- gtkam | [] |
- gtkorphan | [] |
- gtkspell | [] [] |
- gutenprint | |
- hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- id-utils | [] |
- impost | |
- indent | [] [] |
- iso_3166 | [] |
- iso_3166_1 | [] [] |
- iso_3166_2 | [] |
- iso_3166_3 | [] |
- iso_4217 | [] [] [] |
- iso_639 | [] [] |
- jpilot | () () () |
- jtag | |
- jwhois | [] |
- kbd | [] |
- keytouch | [] |
- keytouch-editor | |
- keytouch-keyboa... | |
- latrine | [] |
- ld | |
- leafpad | [] [] |
- libc | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libexif | |
- libextractor | |
- libgpewidget | [] |
- libgpg-error | |
- libgphoto2 | [] |
- libgphoto2_port | [] |
- libgsasl | [] |
- libiconv | |
- libidn | [] [] |
- lifelines | [] |
- lilypond | |
- lingoteach | [] |
- lynx | [] [] |
- m4 | [] [] |
- mailutils | |
- make | [] [] [] |
- man-db | () |
- minicom | [] |
- mysecretdiary | [] |
- nano | [] [] [] |
- nano_1_0 | [] [] [] |
- opcodes | [] |
- parted | [] [] |
- pilot-qof | |
- psmisc | [] [] [] |
- pwdutils | |
- python | |
- qof | |
- radius | |
- recode | [] |
- rpm | [] [] |
- screem | [] |
- scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] |
- sed | [] [] |
- sh-utils | [] [] |
- shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] |
- sharutils | [] [] |
- shishi | |
- silky | [] |
- skencil | |
- sketch | |
- solfege | |
- soundtracker | |
- sp | () |
- stardict | [] [] |
- system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] |
- tar | [] [] [] |
- texinfo | [] [] [] |
- textutils | [] [] [] |
- tin | |
- tp-robot | [] |
- tuxpaint | [] |
- unicode-han-tra... | |
- unicode-transla... | |
- util-linux | [] [] |
- vorbis-tools | [] |
- wastesedge | [] |
- wdiff | [] [] |
- wget | [] [] |
- xchat | [] [] [] [] |
- xkeyboard-config | [] |
- xpad | [] [] [] |
- +--------------------------------------------------+
- ja ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn no
- 40 24 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 21 0 15 1 101 5 3
- nso or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta
- +------------------------------------------------------+
- GNUnet | |
- a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- aegis | () () |
- ant-phone | [] [] |
- anubis | [] [] [] |
- ap-utils | () |
- aspell | [] [] |
- bash | [] [] [] |
- batchelor | [] [] |
- bfd | |
- bibshelf | [] |
- binutils | [] [] |
- bison | [] [] [] [] [] |
- bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] |
- bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- cflow | [] |
- clisp | [] |
- console-tools | [] |
- coreutils | [] [] [] [] |
- cpio | [] [] [] |
- cpplib | [] |
- cryptonit | [] [] |
- darkstat | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- doodle | [] [] |
- e2fsprogs | [] [] |
- enscript | [] [] [] [] [] |
- error | [] [] [] [] |
- fetchmail | [] [] [] |
- fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] |
- findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- flex | [] [] [] [] [] |
- fslint | [] [] [] [] |
- gas | |
- gawk | [] [] [] [] |
- gbiff | [] |
- gcal | [] |
- gcc | [] |
- gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gimp-print | [] [] |
- gip | [] [] [] [] |
- gliv | [] [] [] [] |
- glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gmult | [] [] [] [] |
- gnubiff | () |
- gnucash | () [] |
- gnucash-glossary | [] [] [] |
- gnuedu | |
- gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gnunet-gtk | [] |
- gnutls | [] [] |
- gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-filemanager | [] [] |
- gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-package | [] [] |
- gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] |
- gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- gprof | [] [] [] |
- gpsdrive | [] [] [] |
- gramadoir | [] [] |
- grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gretl | [] |
- gsasl | [] [] |
- gss | [] [] [] |
- gst-plugins | [] [] [] [] |
- gst-plugins-base | [] |
- gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] |
- gstreamer | [] [] [] |
- gtick | [] [] [] |
- gtkam | [] [] [] [] |
- gtkorphan | [] |
- gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- gutenprint | [] |
- hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- id-utils | [] [] [] [] |
- impost | [] |
- indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166_1 | [] [] [] [] |
- iso_3166_2 | |
- iso_3166_3 | [] [] [] [] |
- iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] |
- iso_639 | [] [] [] [] |
- jpilot | |
- jtag | [] |
- jwhois | [] [] [] [] |
- kbd | [] [] [] |
- keytouch | [] |
- keytouch-editor | [] |
- keytouch-keyboa... | [] |
- latrine | [] [] |
- ld | [] |
- leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- libc | [] [] [] [] [] |
- libexif | [] |
- libextractor | [] [] |
- libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- libgpg-error | [] [] |
- libgphoto2 | [] |
- libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] |
- libgsasl | [] [] [] [] |
- libiconv | |
- libidn | [] [] () |
- lifelines | [] [] |
- lilypond | |
- lingoteach | [] |
- lynx | [] [] [] |
- m4 | [] [] [] [] [] |
- mailutils | [] [] [] [] |
- make | [] [] [] [] |
- man-db | [] [] |
- minicom | [] [] [] [] [] |
- mysecretdiary | [] [] [] [] |
- nano | [] [] |
- nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] |
- opcodes | [] [] |
- parted | [] |
- pilot-qof | [] |
- psmisc | [] [] |
- pwdutils | [] [] |
- python | |
- qof | [] |
- radius | [] [] |
- recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- rpm | [] [] [] [] |
- screem | |
- scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- sh-utils | [] [] [] |
- shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] |
- sharutils | [] [] [] [] |
- shishi | [] |
- silky | [] |
- skencil | [] [] [] |
- sketch | [] [] [] |
- solfege | [] |
- soundtracker | [] [] |
- sp | |
- stardict | [] [] [] |
- system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- tar | [] [] [] [] [] |
- texinfo | [] [] [] [] |
- textutils | [] [] [] |
- tin | () |
- tp-robot | [] |
- tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] |
- unicode-han-tra... | |
- unicode-transla... | |
- util-linux | [] [] [] [] |
- vorbis-tools | [] [] |
- wastesedge | |
- wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- wget | [] [] [] [] |
- xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
- xkeyboard-config | [] [] |
- xpad | [] [] [] |
- +------------------------------------------------------+
- nso or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta
- 0 2 3 58 31 53 5 76 72 5 42 48 12 51 130 2
- tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
- +---------------------------------------------------+
- GNUnet | [] | 2
- a2ps | [] [] [] | 19
- aegis | | 0
- ant-phone | [] [] | 6
- anubis | [] [] [] | 11
- ap-utils | () [] | 4
- aspell | [] [] [] | 14
- bash | [] | 11
- batchelor | [] [] | 9
- bfd | | 1
- bibshelf | [] | 7
- binutils | [] [] [] | 9
- bison | [] [] [] | 19
- bison-runtime | [] [] [] | 16
- bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28
- cflow | [] [] | 4
- clisp | | 6
- console-tools | [] [] | 5
- coreutils | [] [] | 17
- cpio | [] [] [] | 9
- cpplib | [] [] [] [] | 11
- cryptonit | | 5
- darkstat | [] () () | 15
- dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | 30
- diffutils | [] [] [] [] | 28
- doodle | [] | 6
- e2fsprogs | [] [] | 10
- enscript | [] [] [] | 16
- error | [] [] [] [] | 18
- fetchmail | [] [] | 12
- fileutils | [] [] [] | 18
- findutils | [] [] [] | 17
- flex | [] [] | 15
- fslint | [] | 9
- gas | [] | 3
- gawk | [] [] | 15
- gbiff | [] | 5
- gcal | [] | 5
- gcc | [] [] [] | 6
- gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 26
- gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28
- gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 19
- gimp-print | [] [] | 12
- gip | [] [] | 12
- gliv | [] [] | 8
- glunarclock | [] [] [] | 15
- gmult | [] [] [] [] | 15
- gnubiff | [] | 1
- gnucash | () | 2
- gnucash-glossary | [] [] | 9
- gnuedu | [] | 2
- gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | 28
- gnunet-gtk | | 1
- gnutls | | 2
- gpe-aerial | [] [] | 14
- gpe-beam | [] [] | 14
- gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | 19
- gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | 20
- gpe-conf | [] [] | 14
- gpe-contacts | [] [] | 10
- gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | 19
- gpe-filemanager | [] | 5
- gpe-go | [] [] | 14
- gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 20
- gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 20
- gpe-package | [] | 5
- gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 16
- gpe-su | [] [] [] | 19
- gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | 19
- gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 18
- gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 20
- gpe-todo | [] | 6
- gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 20
- gprof | [] [] | 11
- gpsdrive | | 4
- gramadoir | [] | 7
- grep | [] [] [] [] | 33
- gretl | | 4
- gsasl | [] [] | 6
- gss | [] | 5
- gst-plugins | [] [] [] | 15
- gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] | 9
- gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | 18
- gstreamer | [] [] [] | 17
- gtick | [] | 11
- gtkam | [] | 13
- gtkorphan | [] | 7
- gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 26
- gutenprint | | 3
- hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 39
- id-utils | [] [] | 14
- impost | [] | 4
- indent | [] [] [] [] | 25
- iso_3166 | [] [] [] | 15
- iso_3166_1 | [] [] | 20
- iso_3166_2 | | 2
- iso_3166_3 | [] [] | 9
- iso_4217 | [] [] | 14
- iso_639 | [] | 14
- jpilot | [] [] [] [] | 7
- jtag | [] | 3
- jwhois | [] [] [] | 13
- kbd | [] [] | 12
- keytouch | [] | 4
- keytouch-editor | | 2
- keytouch-keyboa... | | 2
- latrine | [] [] | 8
- ld | [] [] [] [] | 8
- leafpad | [] [] [] [] | 23
- libc | [] [] [] | 23
- libexif | [] | 4
- libextractor | [] | 5
- libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 19
- libgpg-error | [] | 4
- libgphoto2 | [] | 8
- libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | 11
- libgsasl | [] | 8
- libiconv | [] | 4
- libidn | [] [] | 10
- lifelines | | 4
- lilypond | | 2
- lingoteach | [] | 6
- lynx | [] [] [] | 15
- m4 | [] [] [] | 18
- mailutils | [] | 8
- make | [] [] [] | 20
- man-db | [] | 6
- minicom | [] | 14
- mysecretdiary | [] [] | 12
- nano | [] [] | 15
- nano_1_0 | [] [] [] | 18
- opcodes | [] [] | 10
- parted | [] [] [] | 10
- pilot-qof | [] | 3
- psmisc | [] | 10
- pwdutils | [] | 3
- python | | 0
- qof | [] | 2
- radius | [] | 6
- recode | [] [] [] | 25
- rpm | [] [] [] [] | 14
- screem | [] | 2
- scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | 26
- sed | [] [] [] | 22
- sh-utils | [] | 15
- shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] | 23
- sharutils | [] [] [] | 23
- shishi | | 1
- silky | [] | 4
- skencil | [] | 7
- sketch | | 6
- solfege | | 2
- soundtracker | [] [] | 9
- sp | [] | 3
- stardict | [] [] [] [] | 11
- system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 37
- tar | [] [] [] [] | 19
- texinfo | [] [] [] | 15
- textutils | [] [] [] | 17
- tin | | 1
- tp-robot | [] [] [] | 10
- tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 16
- unicode-han-tra... | | 0
- unicode-transla... | | 2
- util-linux | [] [] [] | 20
- vorbis-tools | [] [] | 11
- wastesedge | | 1
- wdiff | [] [] | 22
- wget | [] [] [] | 19
- xchat | [] [] [] [] | 28
- xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | 11
- xpad | [] [] [] | 14
- +---------------------------------------------------+
- 77 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu
- 172 domains 0 1 1 78 39 0 135 13 1 50 3 54 0 2054
- Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of
-visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are
-used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language
- For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to
-which it applies should also have been internationalized and
-distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable
-lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a
- If July 2006 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of
-this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date
-matrix with full percentage details can be found at
-1.6 Using `gettext' in new packages
-If you are writing a freely available program and want to
-internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU `gettext' in your
-package. Of course you have to respect the GNU Library General Public
-License which covers the use of the GNU `gettext' library. This means
-in particular that even non-free programs can use `libintl' as a shared
-library, whereas only free software can use `libintl' as a static
-library or use modified versions of `libintl'.
- Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle
-the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The
-Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not
-developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above
-applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact
-`translation@iro.umontreal.ca' to make the `.pot' files available to
-the translation teams.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/AUTHORS b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a3ca6fd..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Authors of GNU Bison.
-Bison was written primarily by Robert Corbett.
-Richard Stallman made it Yacc-compatible.
-Wilfred Hansen of Carnegie Mellon University added multicharacter
-string literals and other features.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/COPYING b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a9ed02..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
- Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
-software and other kinds of works.
- The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
-software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
-GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
-any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
-certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
-you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
-or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
-know their rights.
- Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
- For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
- Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
-can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
-protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
-pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
-use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
-have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
-products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
-stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
-of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
- Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
-make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. Definitions.
- "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
- "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
-works, such as semiconductor masks.
- "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
-License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
-"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
- To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
-exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
-earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
- A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
-on the Program.
- To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
-computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.
- To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
-parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
-a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
- An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
-to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
- 1. Source Code.
- The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
-for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
-form of a work.
- A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
-is widely used among developers working in that language.
- The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
-implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
-"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
- The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
-control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
-which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
-subprograms and other parts of the work.
- The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
-can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
- The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
-same work.
- 2. Basic Permissions.
- All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
-conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
-permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
-content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
- You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
-convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
-in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
-of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
-with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
-the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
-not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
-for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
-your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
- Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
-the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
-makes it unnecessary.
- 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
- No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
- When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
-is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
-the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
-modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
-users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
-technological measures.
- 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
- You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
- You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
- 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
- You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
- it, and giving a relevant date.
- b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
- released under this License and any conditions added under section
- 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
- "keep intact all notices".
- c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
- License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
- License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
- additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
- regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
- permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
- invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
- d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
- Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
- interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
- work need not make them do so.
- A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
-"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
-beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
-parts of the aggregate.
- 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
- You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
-of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
-machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
-in one of these ways:
- a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
- Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
- customarily used for software interchange.
- b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
- written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
- long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
- model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
- copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
- product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
- medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
- more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
- conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
- Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
- c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
- written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
- alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
- only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
- with subsection 6b.
- d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
- place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
- Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
- further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
- Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
- copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
- may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
- that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
- clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
- Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
- Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
- available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
- e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
- you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
- Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
- charge under subsection 6d.
- A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
-included in conveying the object code work.
- A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
-or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
-into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
-doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
-product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
-typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
-of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
-actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
-is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
-the only significant mode of use of the product.
- "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
-and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
-a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
-suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
-code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
-modification has been made.
- If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
-by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
-been installed in ROM).
- The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
-for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
-the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
-network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
-adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
-protocols for communication across the network.
- Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for
-unpacking, reading or copying.
- 7. Additional Terms.
- "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
-that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.
- When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
-it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
-that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
- a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
- terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
- b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
- author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
- Notices displayed by works containing it; or
- c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
- requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
- reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
- d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
- authors of the material; or
- e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
- trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
- f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
- material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
- it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
- any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
- those licensors and authors.
- All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
-restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further
-restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.
- If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
-where to find the applicable terms.
- Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
-the above requirements apply either way.
- 8. Termination.
- You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
-provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
-paragraph of section 11).
- However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
-license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
-provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
-finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
-holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
-prior to 60 days after the cessation.
- Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
- Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
-material under section 10.
- 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
- You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
-run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
-modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
-not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
- 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
- Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
-propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
- An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
-organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
- You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
-rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
- 11. Patents.
- A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
- A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
-owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
-purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
-this License.
- Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.
- In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
-sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
-patent against the party.
- If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
-license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.
- If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
-work and works based on it.
- A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
-the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
-conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
-specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
-work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
-in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
-to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
-the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
-patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
-conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
-for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
-contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
-or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
- Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
- 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
- If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
-covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
-not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
-to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
-the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
-License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
- 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
-combination as such.
- 14. Revised Versions of this License.
- The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
- Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
-Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
-Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
-option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
-version or of any later version published by the Free Software
-Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
-GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
- If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
-versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
-public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
-to choose that version for the Program.
- Later license versions may give you additional or different
-permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
-later version.
- 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
- 16. Limitation of Liability.
- 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
- If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
- If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
- <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
-might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
- You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
- The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
-into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
-may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
-the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f28a8478..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21115 +0,0 @@
-2008-12-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Version 2.4.1.
- * NEWS: Set version and date.
- * lib/Makefile.am: Update copyright year.
- * tests/atlocal.in: Update copyright year.
-2008-12-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Semicolon feature removal is not about future language support.
- * NEWS: The semicolon feature is no longer active for newer languages,
- so don't claim that it causes trouble for them.
-2008-12-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * gnulib: Update submodule to HEAD.
-2008-12-09 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Update data/README.
- * data/README: Document glr.cc, lalr1.java, m4sugar and xslt.
-2008-12-05 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Build testsuite with newer autoconf.
- * tests/output.at (m4_expand): Don't override in newer autoconf,
- where the underlying implementation changed.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT)
- (_AT_VERBOSE_GLR_STDERR): Expand to double-quoted strings,
- since some of them contain unbalanced ')'.
-2008-11-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS: Clarify a little.
-2008-11-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS: Update for recent changes.
-2008-11-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix unexpanded macros in GLR defines file.
- Reported by Csaba Raduly at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-11/msg00048.html>.
- * THANKS (Csaba Raduly): Add.
- * data/glr.c: Fix overquoting on b4_prefix for yylval and yylloc.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): If %defines is specified, generate
- lexer in a separate module that includes the defines file.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC): Use AT_FULL_COMPILE and request compilation of lexer
- source.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Push AT_DEFINES_IF.
- Adjust AT_LOC and AT_VAL to use AT_NAME_PREFIX.
- (AT_FULL_COMPILE): New, copied from master branch and extended to
- support an additional source file.
-2008-11-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't let maintainer-*-check targets force a version update.
- * cfg.mk (_is-dist-target): Implement. maintainer-check* was already
- handled.
-2008-11-17 Di-an Jan <dianj@freeshell.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Synchronize ``Detail Node Listing''.
- Align menus. Adjust word wrapping. Use node names for menu names.
- (Examples): Don't abbreviate node names.
- (LocalWords): Remove abbreviations.
- (Copying): Make description a sentence.
- (Java Action Features): Remove period to match the rest of menu.
-2008-11-11 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * bootstrap.conf: Replace m4/warning.m4 with warnings module.
- * configure.ac: Adjust usage.
- * lib/Makefile.am: Replace $(WARNING_CFLAGS) with $(WARN_CFLAGS).
- * src/Makefile.am: Replace $(WARNING_CFLAGS) with $(WARN_CFLAGS).
- * tests/atlocal.in: Replace $(WARNING_*FLAGS) with $(WARN_*FLAGS).
-2008-11-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't add a semicolon to actions for %skeleton or %language.
- It breaks Java test cases as reported by Akim Demaille.
- * src/scan-code.l: Implement.
-2008-11-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up %skeleton and %language priority implementation.
- * src/getargs.c (skeleton_prio): Use default_prio rather than 2, and
- remove static qualifier because others will soon need to see it.
- (language_prio): Likewise.
- (getargs): Use command_line_prio rather than 0.
- * src/getargs.h (command_line_prio, grammar_prio, default_prio): New
- enum fields.
- (skeleton_prio): Extern it.
- (language_prio): Extern it.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use grammar_prio rather than 1.
-2008-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- * NEWS: Mention the trailing semicolon in action.
-2008-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Reformat NEWS.
- * NEWS: Use more outline-mode markup.
- Suggested by Jim Meyering.
-2008-11-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix user actions without a trailing semicolon.
- Reported by Sergei Steshenko at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-11/msg00001.html>.
- * THANKS (Sergei Steshenko): Add.
- * src/scan-code.l (SC_RULE_ACTION): Fix it.
- * tests/regression.at (Fix user actions without a trailing semicolon):
- New test case.
-2008-11-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Initiate further development.
- * NEWS: Create an empty section for new entries.
- * gnulib: Update submodule to HEAD.
-2008-11-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.4.
-2008-11-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Prepare for next release.
- * NEWS: Briefly mention changes since 2.3b.
- * README: Say GNU m4 1.4.6, which we've been requiring in release
- announcements already, not 1.4.3, which breaks the build.
-2008-11-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Say %language is experimental.
- We're thinking of extending it's effect on output file naming. See the
- thread at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2008-10/msg00003.html>.
- * NEWS: Say it's experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Say it's experimental, and so don't
- recommend it over %skeleton for now.
- (Bison Options): Likewise.
- (C++ Bison Interface): Use %skeleton not %language.
- (Calc++ Parser): Use %skeleton not %language.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Say it's experimental.
-2008-11-01 Di-an Jan <dianj@freeshell.org>
- Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- Support all Java parser class modifiers.
- * data/java.m4 (b4_percent_define_get3): New.
- (b4_final_if, b4_strictfp_if): New.
- * data/lalr1.java (final, strictfp, extends, implements): Support.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (final, strictfp, extends, implements): Add
- documentation.
- * tests/java.at (AT_CHECK_JAVA_MINIMAL): New.
- (Java parser class modifiers): New test.
- (Java parser class extends and implements): New test.
- Model exception propagation better with throws and lex_throws.
- * data/java.m4 (b4_list2): New.
- (throws): Change default.
- * data/lalr1.java (yyaction): Add throws.
- (parse): Add lex_throws in addition to throws.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (throws, lex_throws): Add documentation.
- * tests/java.at (Java throws specifications): New test.
- Improve documentation for Java parsers.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Java Parsers): Add subsections.
- Don't quote first argument of %define.
- (Java Bison Interface): Document output files. Move documentation
- of parser class and merge into Java Parser Interface. Document
- features that error out. Document directives with no effect.
- Move note about Javadoc higher.
- (Java Semantic Values): Explicitly mention stype.
- Document that generic types cannot be used.
- (Java Location Values): Use @deftypeivar. Document constructors.
- Correct return value for toString.
- (Java Parser Interface): List undocumented constants/fields.
- Move documentation of fields added by %parse-param closer to list
- of members. Document that token names are added as fields.
- Document constructors accurately. Remove error method.
- (Java Scanner Interface): Move note on %pure-parser to Java Bison
- Interface. Describe %code lexer and yylex accutately.
- Remove documentation that does not match the code.
- (Java Action Features): New.
- (Java Differences): Add reference. Add item on semantic values.
- Add note about @{ ... @}. Clarify %% epilogue placement.
- (Java Declarations Summary): New.
- Fix Java skeleton.
- * data/java.m4 (b4_prefix): Correct quoting for m4_define_default.
- (b4_remove_comma): Quote test argument.
- (b4_identification): Remove "bison" field.
- * tests/java.at (Java parser class and package names): New test.
- (Java %parse-param and %lex-param): New test.
- (Java stype, position_class and location_class): New test.
-2008-10-31 Di-an Jan <dianj@freeshell.org>
- * data/lalr1.jave: Update copyright years.
- (YYParser): Correct name of "generated from" file in Javadoc:
- use b4_file_name instead of @ofile@.
- (Location constructor): Correct Javadoc parameter name.
- (yylloc): Add missing opening m4 quote after b4_location_if.
- This removes a stray [ in the Javadoc of Lexer.getStartPos.
- (Lexer.yyerror): Fix incorrect m4 and Javadoc.
- (YYParser constructor): Correct Javadoc parameter name.
-2008-10-30 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Always put auxiliary code files in the same dir as other output files.
- * src/files.c (compute_file_name_parts): When the user specifies
- --output but not --file-prefix, extract the directory prefix from the
- file prefix not from the grammar file name. This affects the location
- of files like location.hh generated by the C++ skeleton. The includes
- in the other output files require this fix.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): Automatically create directories
- for expected output files.
- (Output files): Add a test for the above.
-2008-10-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * gnulib: Update submodule to HEAD.
-2008-10-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update copyright year.
- * src/files.c: Here.
-2008-10-28 Di-an Jan <dianj@freeshell.org> (tiny change)
- Don't overwrite the input file.
- * src/files.c (output_file_name_check): Fatal error if using input file
- for output.
- * tests/output.at: (AT_CHECK_CONFLICTING_OUTPUT): Add return status
- argument.
- (Conflicting output files): Add test.
-2008-10-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Space changes.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Formatting changes.
-2008-10-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Don't define debugging functions when !YYDEBUG.
- * data/lalr1.cc (debug_stream, set_debug_stream)
- (debug_level_type, debug_level, set_debug_level): Don't
- declare them when YYDEBUG is not defined.
- The implementation are already YYDEBUG-aware.
-2008-10-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Prefer "continue" for empty loop bodies.
- * etc/bench.pl.in: Use "continue" instead of {}.
-2008-10-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Space and comments changes.
- * data/c++.m4, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Copyright year changes.
- * data/c.m4, data/lalr1.cc: Space changes.
-2008-10-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Make gnulib a submodule.
- * gnulib: New.
- * .gitmodules (gnulib): New.
-2008-10-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix yyerror_range for user-defined location type in C++. Reported by
- Georg Sauthoff at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-08/msg00008.html>.
- * data/lalr1.cc (parse): Change type of yyerror_range to location_type.
- * THANKS (Georg Sauthoff): Add.
-2008-10-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update several administrative files mainly to facilitate releasing.
- * HACKING (Administrivia): Make the git-merge-changelog notes more
- helpful.
- (Test suite): Don't say lalr1.cc is not exercised in the test suite.
- (Release Procedure): Update for git and add numerous details that were
- previously missing.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Remove Makefile.cfg and Makefile.maint.
- * maint.mk (announcement): Don't list bison as a bootstrap tool so
- that announcements don't claim we bootstrapped with whatever bison
- happened to be in PATH. Add flex as a bootstrap tool.
- * Makefile.maint: Remove, previously replaced by maint.mk.
- * Makefile.cfg: Remove, and migrate settings to...
- * cfg.mk: ... here for the sake of `make announcement'.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add announce-gen.
- * README: Say GNU Bison instead of just Bison. Suggested by Karl
- Berry.
-2008-10-08 Di-an Jan <dianj@freeshell.org> (tiny change)
- Small but important bugfixes for the Java skeleton.
- * data/lalr1.java (yyerror): Change Location to b4_location_type.
- (yy_symbol_print): Call toString on yyvaluep.
-2008-08-29 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Clarify UPDATED use.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: It refers to the last edition of this file,
- not to the release date of Bison.
- Reported by Joel E. Denny.
-2008-08-29 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- * README: Update FAQ pointer.
- Reported by Joel E. Denny.
-2008-08-27 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Resync m4sugar from autoconf.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_defn, m4_popdef, m4_undefine)
- (m4_init): Adjust to latest m4.git changes.
- (m4_mapall_sep, _m4_list_cmp, m4_version_compare): Reduce side
- effects.
- * data/m4sugar/foreach.m4 (_m4_shiftn): Fix off-by-one bug.
- (_m4_list_cmp): Reduce side effects.
-2008-08-27 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Check yyerrok in calc.at.
- * tests/calc.at (calc.y): Use yyerrok on "( error )".
- (AT_CHECK_CALC): Add a check that ensures that yyerrok works as
- expected.
-2008-08-27 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Support yyerrok in lalr1.cc.
- YYBACKUP is still to import back into lalr1.cc.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyerrork, yyclearin, YYRECOVERING): Define.
-2008-08-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For maintainer-check*, don't recompile for a $(VERSION) update.
- * cfg.mk: New file.
- (_is-dist-target): Override the one in GNUmakefile.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add cfg.mk.
-2008-08-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update for recent change to gnulib.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Don't include strverscmp.h. It comes from
- string.h now.
-2008-08-15 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Remaining m4sugar merge from autoconf.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Copy entire file from autoconf.
- * data/m4sugar/foreach.m4: New file, copied from autoconf.
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_m4sugar_DATA): Distribute it.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Tell m4 how to find it.
- Partial m4sugar merge from autoconf: m4_map.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_fst): Delete.
- (m4_map, m4_map_sep, _m4_map): Rewrite more efficiently.
- (m4_apply, _m4_apply, m4_mapall, m4_mapall_sep): New macros.
- * data/java.m4 (b4_token_enums): Use more efficient short-circuit
- for empty list.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_token_defines, b4_token_enums, b4_c_ansi_formals):
- Likewise.
- (b4_parse_param_for): Avoid m4_fst, now that autoconf no longer
- declares it.
-2008-08-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Keep .version and PACKAGE_VERSION in sync.
- * Makefile.am ($(top_srcdir)/.version): Declare configure as a
- dependency, and add comments justifying this in more detail. Discussed
- starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2008-07/msg00022.html>.
-2008-08-06 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Partial m4sugar merge from autoconf: m4_shiftn.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_shiftn): Faster implementation.
- (m4_shift2, m4_shift3): New macros.
- (m4_case, m4_bmatch, m4_bpatsubsts, m4_join): Adjust clients.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_function_def, b4_c_ansi_function_def)
- (b4_c_ansi_function_decl, b4_c_function_call): Likewise.
- * data/java.m4 (b4_remove_comma): Likewise.
- Partial m4sugar merge from autoconf: m4_wrap vs. m4 1.6.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_unquote, m4_wrap_lifo): New macros.
- (m4_wrap): Guarantee FIFO order, in spite of m4 1.6.
- (m4_init): Consolidate wrapped text into single m4_wrap.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_user_names_wrap): Stick with LIFO order
- in wrapped text.
-2008-08-05 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Partial m4sugar merge from autoconf: builtins, version.m4.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (changeword): Nuke.
- (m4_prepend): Remove, as it is unused and inherently quadratic,
- whereas m4_append is linear in newer m4.
- (m4_mkstemp): New builtin.
- (m4_symbols): Make rename conditional.
- (m4_version_prereq): Ensure fatal error if used in bison, which
- intentionally lacks version.m4.
- Fix comments in m4sugar.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Comment changes, borrowed from autoconf.
-2008-08-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update for recent .gitignore fix in Gnulib.
- * bootstrap: Back out 2008-07-18 hack now that gnulib-tool creates
- anchored .gitignore entries.
-2008-08-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Set gnu or gnits strictness.
- * configure.ac (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): Set gnu strictness during
- development and gnits strictness for releases. Based on Eric Blake's
- suggestion at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-07/msg00019.html>.
-2008-07-31 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * NEWS: Clarify documentation of %language.
-2008-07-31 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- Support usage of git-merge-changelog.
- * .gitattributes: New.
- * HACKING: Document usage of git-merge-changelog.
- * bootstrap: Install git-merge-changelog entries in .git/config
- if appropriate.
-2008-07-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Remove remaining dependence on CVS Id keyword.
- * ChangeLog: For the sake of people still using CVS, don't use dollars
- when mentioning Id.
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl: Remove Id from header comments, where it was
- unusual anyway.
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl: Likewise.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Likewise.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Likewise.
- * doc/Doxyfile.in (PROJECT_NUMBER): Don't use ID.
- * doc/Makefile.am (neutralize): Remove, no longer needed.
- (.x.1): Don't use neutralize.
- (edit): Don't substitute for ID.
- (Doxyfile): Don't define Id, and thus don't depend on ChangeLog.
-2008-07-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix dependence on computed configure variables.
- * doc/Makefile.am (common_dep): Depend on $(top_srcdir)/configure not
- $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac so that changes to computed variables, such
- as PACKAGE_VERSION, are seen.
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(srcdir)/package.m4): Likewise.
-2008-07-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update copyright dates for recent changes.
- * Makefile.am: Here.
- * src/Makefile.am: Here.
- * src/reduce.c: Here.
- * tests/reduce.at: Here.
-2008-07-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Use git-version-gen for version names between releases.
- * .cvsignore (.tarball-version, GNUmakefile, *~): Add.
- * .gitignore (/.tarball-version, /GNUmakefile, /*~): Add.
- * .prev-version: New.
- * .version.in: Remove.
- * ChangeLog: Remove the Id previously used for capturing the CVS
- revision.
- * GNUmakefile: Remove, now copied from Gnulib.
- * Makefile.am: Add code suggested by comments in
- build-aux/git-version-gen.
- (EXTRA_DIST): Remove GNUmakefile, handled by Gnulib. Add maint.mk,
- .prev-version, and .version.
- * NEWS (2.3b+): Rename to...
- (?.?): ... this because we're dropping the "+" version naming scheme,
- but, in general, we still can't be sure of our next release name.
- * bootstrap: Add a quick hack to remove from .gitignore the
- GNUmakefile entry that gnulib adds. We already have a /GNUmakefile
- entry. This should really be fixed in gnulib instead.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add gnumakefile.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Set version name by invoking
- build-aux/git-version-gen.
- (AC_CONFIG_FILES): Remove .version, now generated by
- build-aux/git-version-gen.
- * maint.mk: New, copied from coreutils.
- * doc/.cvsignore (bison.1): Add.
- * doc/.gitignore (/bison.1): Add.
- * doc/bison.1: Remove, generated.
- * src/.cvsignore (revision.c): Remove.
- * src/.gitignore (/revision.c): Remove.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Remove revision.c and revision.h.
- (BUILT_SOURCES): Remove revision.c.
- (revision.c): Remove.
- * src/getargs.c (version): Don't print revision after the VERSION.
- * src/revision.h: Remove.
-2008-07-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix untranslatable composition of sentences. Reported by Goran
- Uddeborg at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-06/msg00000.html>.
- * THANKS (Goran Uddeborg): Add.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Report the number of nonterminals and
- rules useless in the grammar in separate sentences.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Rules): Update output.
- (Reduced Automaton): Likewise.
- (Underivable Rules): Likewise.
- (Empty Language): Likewise.
-2008-07-15 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix some .gitignore and .cvsignore problems.
- * bootstrap (insert_sorted_if_absent): Replace all uses with...
- (insert_vc_ignore): ... this new function, which prepends `/' to all
- .gitignore entries before passing them to insert_sorted_if_absent.
- * bootstrap.conf (vc_ignore): Set to '.cvsignore .gitignore' so that
- .cvsignore files are maintained even though Bison developers run
- bootstrap while using Git.
- * .cvsignore (*.patch *.log log patches applied): Remove, apparently
- unneeded by Bison.
- (gnulib): Add.
- * .gitignore (/*.patch *.log log patches applied): Remove, broken and
- unneeded. Reported by Eric Blake.
- * lib/.gitignore (/*~): Add.
- * po/.cvsignore, runtime-po/.cvsignore: Sync with .gitignore.
- * examples/calc++/.gitignore (/calc++.exe): Add. Reported by Eric
- Blake.
- * src/.gitignore (/bison.exe): Add. Reported by Eric Blake.
-2008-07-15 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Improve forward-compatibility with GNU M4. Reported by Eric Blake at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-07/msg00000.html>.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add unsetenv.
- * lib/.gitignore, lib/.cvsignore (/unsetenv.c): Add.
- * m4/.gitignore, m4/.cvsignore (/environ.m4): Add.
- (/setenv.m4): Add.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): For the m4 invocation, pass -dV as
- the first argument because it may become position-dependent, and unset
- POSIXLY_CORRECT so Bison's skeletons have access to GNU M4 extensions.
- Add comments explaining these issues in more detail.
-2008-07-14 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Add .gitignore everywhere based on .cvsignore.
- * .gitignore: New.
- * build-aux/.gitignore: New.
- * data/.gitignore: New.
- * doc/.gitignore: New.
- * etc/.gitignore: New.
- * examples/.gitignore: New.
- * examples/calc++/.gitignore: New.
- * lib/.gitignore: New.
- * m4/.gitignore: New.
- * po/.gitignore: New.
- * runtime-po/.gitignore: New.
- * src/.gitignore: New.
- * tests/.gitignore: New.
-2008-05-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3b+): New section, empty for now.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): 2.3b -> 2.3b+.
-2008-05-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3b): Update release date since there has been a delay in
- getting the announcements and tarballs out.
-2008-05-23 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.3b.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Likewise.
- (PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR): Update to 2008.
-2008-05-23 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * HACKING: Don't say don't mention HACKING in the ChangeLog. We've
- been doing it for years.
- (Test suite): Mention maintainer-push-check and maintainer-xml-check.
- (Release Procedure): Add FIXME about make alpha being unmaintained.
-2008-05-13 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/yacc.c: Reformat m4 a little for readability.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Correct comment.
-2008-05-12 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- DJGPP specific issue.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Fixes required to run configure scripts generated
- by autoconf 2.62.
-2008-05-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * HACKING (Release Procedure): translation@iro.umontreal.ca is now
- coordinator@translationproject.org.
-2008-05-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * THANKS: Add Eric Blake.
-2008-04-23 Eric Blake <ebb9@byu.net>
- Revert prior patch, by working around autoconf regression.
- * tests/output.at (m4_expand): Add workaround for autoconf 2.62.
- ("Output file name: ("): Uncomment test.
- ("Output file name: )"): Likewise.
- Based on an idea from Noah Misch.
-2008-04-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Work-around an Autoconf 2.62 AT_SETUP bug that was not present in
- 2.61. Reported by Juan Manuel Guerrero at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-04/msg00011.html>.
- * tests/output.at ("Output file name: ("): Comment out test case for
- now.
- ("Output file name: )"): Likewise.
-2008-04-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * GNUmakefile: Update git-version-gen invocation so make dist
- succeeds.
-2008-04-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update to the current gnulib CVS repository, and fix trigraph handling
- in Bison.
- * bootstrap: Update gnulib CVS repository URL.
- (symlink_to_dir): Encapsulate the code that guarantees the destination
- directory exists into...
- (check_dst_dir): ... this new function, and...
- (cp_mark_as_generated): ... reuse it here so that bootstrap doesn't
- fail when copying files into lib/uniwidth/.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): When writing yytname muscles, where
- symbol names will be encoded in C-string literals, tell quotearg to
- escape trigraphs. This used to be the default in gnulib.
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): Because of the change in
- gnulib's quotearg behavior, string_as_id in parse-gram.y no longer
- escapes trigraphs in symbol names. Thus, yytname no longer has
- trigraphs unnecessarily doubly escaped. Update test case output.
- Extend test case to be sure Bison's own error messages will no longer
- have trigraphs in symbol names unnecessarily escaped once.
-2008-04-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix make dist infinite loop reported by Juan Manuel Guerrero at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-01/msg00009.html>.
- * .cvsignore: Add .version.
- * .version.in: New.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add git-version-gen.
- * configure.ac (AC_CONFIG_FILES): Add .version.
- * build-aux/.cvsignore: Add git-version-gen.
-2008-03-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention that -g now takes an argument.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Reword -W entry a little for
- consistency. Update the -g and -x entries now that they take
- arguments. Use brackets to indicate optional arguments.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Explain the relationship between arguments of
- long and short options more completely. Document --defines and -d
- separately since the former takes an argument but, for POSIX Yacc, the
- latter does not.
- (short_options): Let -W take an optional argument like --warnings.
- (getargs): Sort cases.
-2008-02-28 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fix a few typos.
-2008-02-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Document -W.
- Based on Joel E. Denny's NEWS entry, and Automake's documentation.
-2008-02-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (short_options): Split and sort for readability.
- -g and -x take optional arguments, just like their long options.
- * build-aux/cross-options.pl: Use /x to make the regexp easier to
- understand.
- Fix the handling of $opt which resulted in all the argument to be
- considered as optional.
-2008-02-22 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Don't say %language is experimental. Mention Java and
- say its interface is experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): In the %language entry, mention
- Java.
- (Bison Options): In the -L and --language entry, mention Java.
- (Java Bison Interface): Say the interface is experimental.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Mention -L and --language.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Say the push parsing interface is experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Push Decl): Likewise.
- (Decl Summary): Likewise in the "%define api.push_pull" entry.
- (Push Parser Function): Likewise.
- (Pull Parser Function): Likewise.
- (Parser Create Function): Likewise.
- (Parser Delete Function): Likewise.
- (Table of Symbols): Likewise in the yypstate_delete, yypstate_new,
- yypull_parse, and yypush_parse entries.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention XML support, and say the schema is
- experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Mention -x and --xml.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Say the XML schema is experimental.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Say option instead of flag.
-2008-02-21 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl (xsl:template match="/"): Change footer
- text.
-2008-02-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix impure push parser compile error reported by Bob Rossi at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2008-02/msg00023.html>.
- * data/yacc.c: Clean up whitespace in the output a little.
- (yypstate_allocated): Define for impure push parsers regardless of
- whether the pull interface is also requested.
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Multiple impure instances): Extend to
- check impure push parsers without the pull interface.
- * data/yacc.c (yypstate_new): Don't try to invoke yyerror since
- yyerror takes arguments specified by %parse-param while yypstate_new
- does not.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Parser Create Function): Document that
- yypstate_new returns 0 for multiple impure parser instances.
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Multiple impure instances): Update
- expected stderr output.
-2008-02-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * runtime-po/POTFILES.in (push.c): Remove.
-2008-02-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Remove push.c.
- * data/push.c: Rename to...
- * data/yacc.c: ... this, overwriting it.
- * etc/bench.pl.in (bench_grammar): `%pure-parser'-> `%define api.pure'.
- `%push-pull-parser' -> `%define api.push_pull "both"'.
- Remove old yacc.c tests, and update push.c tests to yacc.c.
-2008-02-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_code_get): Output %code block comments like
- `"%code top" blocks' instead of `%code "top" blocks'.
- * data/push.c: Import yacc.c changes from 2008-01-09 and 2007-08-03.
- Clean up whitespace in the output a little.
-2008-02-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix documentation problems reported by Tim Josling at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-01/msg00013.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention removal of --no-parser, -n, and %no-parser.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Token Decl): Token numbers are *nonnegative*
- integers. Explain the effect of literal string aliases on error
- messages. Copy token 0 documentation from the C++ skeleton
- documentation.
-2008-02-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Accept a token number in a %left, %right, or %nonassoc for POSIX
- conformance. Reported by Tim Josling at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-01/msg00010.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Precedence Decl): Describe how literal strings
- and code numbers are treated by precedence declarations.
- * src/parse-gram.y (precedence_declaration): Use symbols.prec instead
- of symbols.1.
- (symbols.prec): New, just like symbols.1 but uses symbol.prec instead
- of symbol.
- (symbol.prec): New, just like symbol but allows INT.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_user_token_number_set): Remove an aver that no
- longer holds.
- * tests/regression.at (Token number in precedence declaration): New
- test case.
-2008-02-06 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- DJGPP specific issues.
- * djgpp/config.bat: Add filenames that are not 8.3 clean and that must
- be changed. Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Add filenames that are not 8.3 clean and that must
- be changed. Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/config.site: Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/config_h.sed: Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/djunpack.bat: Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/fnchnage.lst: Add filenames that are not 8.3 clean to the
- filename translation list.
- * djgpp/subpipe.c (init_subpipe): Check the environment variables
- TMPDIR, TMP and TEMP, in that order, to determinate where the temp
- files shall be created. Before trying to use the temp dir where the
- environment variable points to check that the dir really exists. If
- not default to the cwd as temp dir. Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/subpipe.h: Copyright timestamp adjusted.
- * djgpp/testsuite.sed: Copyright timestamp adjusted.
-2008-01-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update Back-Cover text to reflect new GNU wording.
-2008-01-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Correct the comment when locations aren't used.
- Problem reported by Claudio Saavedra in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2008-01/msg00003.html>.
-2008-01-05 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl (xsl:template match="/"): Precede an XHTML
- document's title with the input grammar file name.
-2007-12-22 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Automate regression testing of the XML/XSLT implementation. Discussed
- starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-11/msg00021.html>.
- * configure.ac (XSLTPROC): New substitution.
- * Makefile.am (maintainer-xml-check): New phony target invoking...
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-xml-check): ... this new phony target
- invoking make maintainer-check with BISON_TEST_XML=1.
- * tests/atlocal.in (XSLTPROC): New.
- * tests/local.at (AT_BISON_CHECK): New macro to (1) instruct Valgrind
- not to report reachable memory when Bison is expected to have a
- non-zero exit status and (2) to compare XML/XSLT output with --graph
- and --report=all output for every working grammar when
- (AT_BISON_CHECK_NO_XML): Likewise, but skip XML checks.
- * tests/testsuite.at (ORIGINAL_AT_CHECK): Remove this and...
- (AT_CHECK): ... don't redefine this since this was the old way to
- quell Valgrind.
- * tests/actions.at: Rewrite all AT_CHECK invocations for bison as
- AT_BISON_CHECK invocations.
- * tests/c++.at: Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at: Likewise.
- * tests/conflicts.at: Likewise.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Likewise.
- * tests/existing.at: Likewise.
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Likewise.
- * tests/headers.at: Likewise.
- * tests/input.at: Likewise.
- * tests/java.at: Likewise.
- * tests/output.at: Likewise.
- * tests/push.at: Likewise.
- * tests/reduce.at: Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at: Likewise.
- * tests/sets.at: Likewise.
- * tests/skeletons.at: Likewise.
- * tests/synclines.at: Likewise.
- * tests/torture.at: Likewise.
- (Big triangle): Use AT_BISON_CHECK_NO_XML instead since this grammar
- tends to hang xsltproc.
- (Big horizontal): Likewise.
-2007-12-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In XML output, remove redundant class attribute on symbol element.
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl (xsl:key name="bison:symbolByName"): New.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl (xsl:template match="symbol"): Use it to
- look up a symbol to determine whether it's a nonterminal or terminal.
- * src/gram.c (rule_rhs_print_xml): Remove class attribute.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print_xml): Likewise.
- Add prec/assoc information to XML output.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_rules_print_xml): For each rule that has a
- %prec, add a percent_prec attribute.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_grammar): For each terminal that has a
- precedence or associativity, add a prec or assoc attribute.
- (xml_indent): New.
- (xml_puts): Use xml_indent.
- (xml_printf): Use xml_indent.
- * src/print-xml.h (xml_indent): Prototype.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU pic Grammar): Fix a rule miscopied from
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00026.html>.
-2007-12-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl (bison:ruleNumber): Rename to...
- (bison:ruleByNumber): ... this for clarity.
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl (xsl:template match="item"): Update.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="item"): Update.
- (xsl:template match="reduction"): Update.
- (xsl:template match="item"): Update.
- (xsl:template match="reduction"): Update.
- In the XML output, don't print the list of rules where symbols appear.
- Compute it in XSLT instead. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-09/msg00024.html>.
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl (bison:ruleByLhs): New.
- (bison:ruleByRhs): New.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"): Use
- bison:ruleByRhs.
- (xsl:template match="terminal/rule"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Use bison:ruleByLhs and
- bison:ruleByRhs.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal/left/rule|nonterminal/right/rule"):
- Remove.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"): Use
- bison:ruleByRhs and mode="number-link" for rule template.
- (xsl:template match="terminal/rule"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Use bison:ruleByLhs and
- bison:ruleByRhs and mode="number-link" for rule template.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal/left/rule|nonterminal/right/rule"):
- Rewrite as...
- (xsl:template match="rule" mode="number-link"): ... this.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_grammar): Don't print the list of rules.
-2007-12-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't let --report affect XML output; always print all information.
- Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-09/msg00020.html>.
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Implement.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_core): Implement.
- (print_state): Implement.
- (print_xml): Implement.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Fix quotes.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): For consistency with -v,
- don't let %verbose clear the list specified by --report.
-2007-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Ship and install bison.xsl.
-2007-11-24 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In the XML output, list useless and unused symbols and rules with the
- useful ones and add a "usefulness" attribute. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-09/msg00017.html>.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_rules_partial_print_xml): Remove.
- (grammar_rules_print_xml): Print all rules instead of just those
- useful in the grammar, and add a "usefulness" attribute.
- * src/gram.h (grammar_rules_partial_print_xml): Remove prototype.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_rules_useless_in_parser): Remove.
- (print_grammar): Print all nonterminals instead of just useful ones,
- and add a "usefulness" attribute to nonterminals and terminals.
- (print_xml): Don't print a separate "reductions" or
- "rules-useless-in-parser" element.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_output): Use reduce_token_unused_in_grammar.
- (reduce_xml): Remove.
- (reduce_token_unused_in_grammar): New.
- (reduce_nonterminal_useless_in_grammar): New.
- * src/reduce.h (reduce_xml): Remove prototype.
- (reduce_token_unused_in_grammar): Add prototype.
- (reduce_nonterminal_useless_in_grammar): Add prototype.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Update for XML changes.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Update for XML changes.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Terminals): Update output.
- (Useless Rules): Update output.
- (Reduced Automaton): Update output.
- Say "Terminals unused in grammar" instead of "Unused terminals".
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Update.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Understanding): Update example output.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_output): Implement.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Implement.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Implement.
-2007-11-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Accept --report-file=FILE to override the default `.output' filename.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Add an entry.
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names): Don't override
- spec_verbose_file if already set.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Document --report-file.
- (REPORT_FILE_OPTION): New anonymous enum member.
- (long_options): Add entry for it.
- (getargs): Add case for it setting spec_verbose_file.
- * build-aux/cross-options.pl: Don't record a short option just because
- there's an arg.
- * doc/.cvsignore: Add yacc.1.
-2007-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/yacc.1.in: New.
- * configure.ac, doc/Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * configure.ac (PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR): New substitution, and new
- config.h symbol.
- Use AC_SUBST for assignments too.
- * src/getargs.c (version): Use PACKAGE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR.
-2007-11-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/gram.c: Remove comments that duplicate comments in gram.h.
- When reporting useless rules and nonterminals, say "useless in grammar"
- instead of "useless", and say "useless in parser" instead of "never
- reduced". Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-10/msg00033.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention this change.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Update output text and expected input XML
- element names to match changes below.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Likewise.
- (xsl:template match="bison-xml-report"): Add missing entry in Table of
- Contents: "Rules useless in parser due to conflicts".
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Reword a little.
- (Understanding): Update example output for changes below.
- * src/gram.c: (rule_useful_p): Rename to...
- (rule_useful_in_grammar_p): ... this.
- (rule_useless_p): Rename to...
- (rule_useless_in_grammar_p): ... this.
- (rule_never_reduced_p): Rename to...
- (rule_useless_in_parser_p): ... this.
- (grammar_rules_print): Update for renames.
- (grammar_rules_print_xml): Update for renames.
- (grammar_rules_never_reduced_report): Rename to...
- (grammar_rules_useless_report): ... this since it is used for either
- kind of useless rule.
- * src/gram.h: Reword comments and update function names in prototypes.
- * src/main.c (main): Say "rule useless in parser due to conflicts".
- * src/print-xml.c (print_rules_never_reduced): Rename to...
- (print_rules_useless_in_parser): ... this, and rename output XML
- element "rules-never-reduced" to "rules-useless-in-parser".
- (print_xml): Update for rename.
- * src/print.c (print_results): Say "Rules useless in parser due to
- conflicts".
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Say "rule useless in grammar".
- (nonterminals_reduce): Say "nonterminal useless in grammar".
- (reduce_output): Say "Nonterminals useless in grammar".
- Say "Rules useless in grammar".
- (reduce_xml): Rename output XML element "useless" to
- "useless-in-grammar".
- (reduce_print): Don't report the count of grammatically useless rules
- as "rules never reduced" just because %yacc is specified.
- In the correct report of this count, say nonterminal(s) and rule(s)
- "useless in grammar".
- * tests/conflicts.at (S/R in initial): Update expected output.
- (Defaulted Conflicted Reduction): Likewise.
- (Unreachable States After Conflict Resolution): Likewise.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU pic Grammar): Likewise.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Nonterminals): Likewise.
- (Useless Rules): Likewise.
- (Reduced Automaton): Likewise.
- (Underivable Rules): Likewise.
- (Empty Language): Likewise.
-2007-11-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_cat): Put a newline after the end delimiter of the
- here document and before the EOF so that BSD's implementation of Bourne
- shell doesn't parse the delimiter as part of the here document.
- * doc/.cvsignore: Add cross-options.texi.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Add a blank line after the warning categories.
-2007-11-08 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/lalr1.java (Lexer): Remove usage of b4_pure_if.
-2007-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove Id: from bison.1.
- * doc/Makefile.am (remove_time_stamp): Include the sed invocation.
- (perl -0777 -pi -e 's/\.PP\nId): New.
- (.x.1): Use it to ignore the version control revision.
-2007-11-05 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- * build-aux/Makefile.am: Ship cross-options.pl.
- * doc/Makefile.am: Always refer to cross-options.texi with
- $(srcdir).
-2007-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Generate the long/short option cross-table.
- * build-aux/cross-options.pl: New.
- * doc/Makefile.am (cross-options.texi): New.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Use it.
-2007-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Generate bison.1 using help2man.
- * doc/common.x, doc/bison.x: New.
- * doc/Makefile.am (bison.1, .x.1): New.
- The code is taken from autoconf-2.61/man/Makefile.am.
- * configure.ac: Look for help2man.
-2007-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Complete --help.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Document -W, make it clear that -d,
- -g and -x have optional arguments.
-2007-11-04 Akim Demaille <demaille@gostai.com>
- Find sha1sum when named gsha1sum.
- * bootstrap (find_tool): New.
- ($SHA1SUM): New.
-2007-10-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Deprecate %pure-parser and add `%define api.pure'. Discussed starting
- at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-09/msg00006.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_pure_if): Don't define it here.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_identification): Depend on individual skeletons to
- define b4_pure_flag, b4_push_flag, or b4_pull_flag if they use the
- values of the %define variables api.pure or api.push_pull. Define
- YYPURE, YYPUSH, and YYPULL accordingly.
- * data/glr.c: Define b4_pure_if based on `%define api.pure' unless
- glr.cc has already defined b4_pure_flag.
- * data/push.c: Define b4_pure_if based on `%define api.pure'.
- Remove YYPUSH and YYPULL since they're back in b4_identification again.
- * data/yacc.c: Define b4_pure_if based on `%define api.pure'.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Pure Decl): Update.
- (Push Decl): Update.
- (Decl Summary): Add api.pure to %define entry.
- In %pure-parser entry, say it's deprecated and reference %define.
- (Pure Calling): Update.
- (Error Reporting): Update.
- (C++ Scanner Interface): Update.
- (How Can I Reset the Parser): Update.
- (Table of Symbols): In %pure-parser entry, say it's deprecated and
- reference %define.
- * src/getargs.c (pure_parser): Remove global variable.
- * src/getargs.h (pure_parser): Remove extern.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Don't define pure_flag muscle.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Implement %pure-parser as a
- wrapper around `%define api.pure'.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR Calculator): Update.
- (Simple GLR Calculator): Update.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, no locations):
- Update.
- (GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, locations): Update.
- (GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, no locations): Update.
- (GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, locations): Update.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Uninitialized location when reporting
- ambiguity): Update
- * tests/input.at (Unused %define api.pure): New test case.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Update definition for
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Memory Leak for Early Deletion): Update.
-2007-10-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- %define push_pull -> %define api.push_pull. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-09/msg00005.html>.
- * data/push.c: Expect the new name.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Push Decl): Update.
- (Decl Summary): Update %define entry.
- (Push Parser Function): Update.
- (Pull Parser Function): Update.
- (Parser Create Function): Update.
- (Parser Delete Function): Update.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR Calculator): Update.
- * tests/input.at (%define enum variables): Update.
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Memory Leak for Early Deletion): Update.
- (Push Parsing: Multiple impure instances): Update.
- (Push Parsing: Unsupported Skeletons): Update.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Update.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc): Update.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Add an entry for the push parser, and clean up the
- other entries some.
-2007-10-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For the XML output's terminal element, rename @number to @token-number,
- and add @symbol-number. In the nonterminal element, rename @number to
- @symbol-number. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-10/msg00040.html>.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"): Update for
- renames.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Likewise.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"): Likewise.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Likewise.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_grammar): Implement.
-2007-10-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl (xsl:template match="automaton/state"): After
- 2007-10-11 change, the child elements here are items not rules.
- (xsl:template match="item"): New.
- (xsl:template match="rule"): Update for new reduced itemset.
- (xsl:template match="point"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="empty"): For consistency with --graph, don't
- output "/* empty */".
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"): When invoking
- line-wrap, don't pass a negative value as first-line-length since this
- won't work with the following changes.
- (xsl:template name="line-wrap"): Simplify slightly.
- (xsl:template name="ws-search"): Eliminate recursion.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Don't print a reduction's lookahead
- set next to an item whose dot is not at the end of the RHS even if it
- happens to be associated with the same rule.
-2007-10-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Add %define lr.keep_unreachable_states.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention it in the entry for unreachable state removal.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Mention it in the %define entry.
- * src/main.c (main): Implement it.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unreachable States After Conflict Resolution):
- Extend to test it, and fix a typo.
-2007-10-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Add entry for recent .output file lookahead set fix.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Understanding): Remove a bogus lookahead set in
- the example .output text.
- * tests/regression.at (Extra lookahead sets in report): Improve wording
- of comments.
-2007-10-17 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- * src/print-xml.c (print_grammar): Renamed
- <terminal> and <nonterminal> attributes:
- "type" to "number" and "symbol" to "name".
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="terminal"):
- Use new attribute names.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Likewise.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Likewise.
-2007-10-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Add entry for --print-datadir.
- (Option Cross Key): Likewise.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_core): Don't print a reduction's lookahead set
- next to an item whose dot is not at the end of the RHS even if it
- happens to be associated with the same rule.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Update output.
- (Resolved SR Conflicts): Update output.
- * tests/regression.at (Extra lookahead sets in report): New test case.
-2007-10-11 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- * src/print-xml.c (print_core): Remove item set
- redundancy.
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl (bison:ruleNumber): New key.
- Improve processing time. Suggested by Joel E. Denny.
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl (xsl:template name="escape"):
- Write xsl:param "required" attribute as comment.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl (xsl:template match="item"): New.
- (xsl:template match="rule"): Support new reduced itemset.
- (xsl:template match="point"): Remove.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Likewise.
-2007-10-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (version): Update copyright year.
-2007-10-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Make xml2dot.xsl and --graph produce the same output.
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl (xsl:template match="rule"): Use a `&#10;'
- instead of a `\n'. That is, don't add escapes yet or they'll be doubly
- escaped later.
- (xsl:template name="output-node"): Use the new escape template instead
- of the string-replace template directly.
- (xsl:template name="output-edge"): Likewise.
- (xsl:template name="escape"): New, escapes backslashes and newlines in
- addition to quotation marks.
- * src/graphviz.c (start_graph, output_node, output_edge): Add
- whitespace to output for legibility.
- Make xml2text.xsl and --report produce the same output, and remove the
- XML "conflicts" element since a conflict summary is easily extracted
- from the automaton.
- * data/xslt/bison.xsl: New.
- (xsl:template match="state" mode="bison:count-conflicts): New.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Import bison.xsl.
- (xsl:template match="bison-xml-report"): Instead of styling the
- "conflicts" element, style the "automaton" element with mode
- "conflicts". Unlike the former, the latter lists S/R and R/R
- conflicts for a state on the same line.
- (xsl:template match="conflicts"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="conflict"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="terminal"): Line-wrap the list of rules in which
- the terminal is used.
- (xsl:template match="nonterminal"): Likewise for nonterminals.
- (xsl:template match="automaton" mode="conflicts"): New.
- (xsl:template match="state" mode="conflicts"): New.
- (xsl:template name="line-wrap"): New.
- (xsl:template name="ws-search"): New.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Import bison.xsl.
- (xsl:template match="bison-xml-report"): Instead of styling the
- "conflicts" element, style the "automaton" element with mode
- "conflicts."
- (xsl:template match="conflicts"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="conflict"): Remove.
- (xsl:template match="automaton" mode="conflicts"): New.
- (xsl:template match="state" mode="conflicts): New.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_output_xml): Remove.
- * src/conflicts.h (conflicts_output_xml): Remove prototype.
- * src/print-xml.c (print_xml): Don't invoke conflicts_output_xml.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Consistently wrap at the 66th column so
- the corresponding XSLT is easier. Also, never wrap between a word and
- the comma that follows it.
-2007-10-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Improve C++ namespace support. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2007-09/msg00016.html>.
- * data/c++.m4: (b4_namespace_ref, b4_namespace_open,
- b4_namespace_close): New macros that interpret the %define variable
- "namespace" so its value can contain "::" to indicate nested
- namespaces.
- * data/glr.cc (b4_namespace): Don't define, and replace all uses with
- the above macros.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_namespace): Likewise.
- * data/location.cc (b4_namespace): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Move `%define push_pull' entry
- inside a new table in the general %define entry. Document `%define
- namespace' there as well. Point the %name-prefix entry to it since it
- explains it more completely in the case of C++.
- (C++ Bison Interface): Mention `%define namespace' instead of
- %name-prefix.
- (Table of Symbols): Remove the `%define push_pull' entry. The %define
- entry suffices.
- * tests/c++.at (Relative namespace references): New test case.
- (Absolute namespace references): New test case.
- (Syntactically invalid namespace references): New test case.
- * tests/input.at (C++ namespace reference errors): New test case.
-2007-10-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Add syncline support and location accessor to internal %define
- interfaces.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_get_loc): New.
- (b4_percent_define_get_syncline): New.
- (b4_percent_define_flag_if): Use b4_percent_define_get_loc.
- (b4_percent_define_default): Record defining location as line 1 rather
- than 0 for the sake of synchronizing #line's, and define
- b4_percent_define_syncline(VARIABLE).
- (b4_percent_define_check_values): Use b4_percent_define_get_loc.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_syncline_grow): New.
- (muscle_code_grow): Use muscle_syncline_grow.
- (muscle_percent_define_insert): Use muscle_percent_define_get_loc, and
- define b4_percent_define_syncline(VARIABLE).
- (muscle_percent_define_get_loc): New.
- (muscle_percent_define_get_syncline): New.
- (muscle_percent_define_flag_if): Use muscle_percent_define_get_loc, and
- remove some unused variables.
- (muscle_percent_define_default): Record defining location as line 1
- rather than 0 for the sake of synchronizing #line's, and define
- b4_percent_define_syncline(VARIABLE).
- (muscle_percent_define_check_values): Use
- muscle_percent_define_get_loc.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_percent_define_get_loc): Prototype.
- (muscle_percent_define_get_syncline): Prototype.
- * tests/skeletons.at (%define Boolean variables: invalid skeleton
- defaults): Update output for location change.
- (Complaining during macro argument expansion): Extend to test
- b4_percent_define_get_loc and b4_percent_define_get_syncline errors.
-2007-10-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix some error-reporting macro bugs.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_cat): New.
- (b4_error, b4_error_at): Use b4_cat to send error directives directly
- to stdout so they don't become arguments to other macros. Update
- comments and add examples.
- (b4_warn, b4_warn_at, b4_complain, b4_complain_at): Update comments and
- add examples.
- (b4_fatal, b4_fatal_at): Likewise, and invoke m4_exit(1) immediately
- after printing the error directive so that M4 doesn't report subsequent
- problems that are induced by this problem.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Recognize @` digraph outside of directive arguments
- instead of just in them. Recognize @\n in both places. Both expand to
- the empty string. Needed by b4_cat.
- * tests/skeletons.at (Complaining during macro argument expansion):
- New test case.
- (Fatal errors make M4 exit immediately): New test case.
-2007-10-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Implement --print-datadir.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Mention.
- (PRINT_DATADIR_OPTION): New anonymous enum member.
- (long_options): Add entry for it.
- (getargs): Add case for it calling compute_pkgdatadir.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Encapsulate data directory
- computation from here...
- (prepare): ... and from here...
- (compute_pkgdatadir): ... into this new function.
- * src/output.h (compute_pkgdatadir): Prototype.
-2007-09-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/print-xml.c (escape_bufs): New static global variable
- replacing...
- (xml_escape_n): ... the static local variable buf here.
- (print_xml): Free memory for escape_bufs.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_xml): XML-escape terminal symbol tags.
-2007-09-25 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Replace `%push-parser' and `%push-pull-parser' with
- `%define push_pull "push"' and `%define push_pull "both"'.
- `%define push_pull "pull"' is the default.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Push Decl, Push Parser Function,
- Pull Parser Function, Parser Create Function, Parser Delete Function):
- Update declarations.
- (Decl Summary, Table of Symbols): Replace %push-parser and
- %push-pull-parser entries with a %define push_pull entry.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_check_values): New macro.
- (b4_pull_if, b4_push_if, b4_use_push_for_pull_if): Move these
- definitions...
- * data/c.m4 (b4_identification): ... and the YYPUSH and YYPULL cpp
- definitions...
- * data/push.c: ... to here and compute them from the value of the
- %define variable push_pull.
- * data/c-skel.m4: Instead of choosing the push.c skeleton for push
- parsing requests here...
- * data/yacc.c: ... hack this to switch to push.c any time
- b4_use_push_pull_flag or the %define variable push_pull is set. This
- will go away when we mv push.c yacc.c.
- * data/c++-skel.m4, data/glr.c, data/java-skel.m4: Don't report that
- push parsing is not supported since unused %define variables are
- reported anyway.
- * src/getargs.c, src/getargs.h (pull_parser, push_parser): Remove.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_percent_define_check_values): Update
- comments for consistency with b4_percent_define_check_values.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Don't insert b4_pull_flag and b4_push_flag
- muscles.
- Remove.
- (prologue_declaration): Remove %push-parser and %push-pull-parser
- rules.
- * src/scan-gram.l (%push-parser, %push-pull-parser): Remove rules.
- * tests/calc.at: Update declarations.
- * tests/input.at (%define enum variables): New test case.
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Memory Leak for Early Deletion): Update
- declaration.
- (Push Parsing: Multiple impure instances): Update declaration.
- (Push Parsing: Unsupported Skeletons): New test case.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Update
- declaration.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc): Update declaration.
-2007-09-24 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- Add XSLT transformations.
- * data/xslt/xml2dot.xsl: Transform XML into DOT.
- * data/xslt/xml2text.xsl: Transform XML into plain text.
- * data/xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl: Transform XML into XHTML.
- * data/Makefile.am (xsltdir): New variable.
- (dist_xslt_DATA): Add xslt/*.xsl files.
-2007-09-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Fix indenting bugs I introduced.
- Problem reported by Wojciech Polak.
- * src/print-xml.c (xml_puts): Work even if LEVEL exceeds INT_MAX/2.
- (xml_printf): Undo change I made on 21 September; that is,
- indent 2 spaces, not 1.
-2007-09-23 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Pacify ./configure --enable-gcc-warnings.
- * src/print-xml.c, src/print-xml.h (xml_puts): Make third argument
- `char const *' instead of `char *'.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print_xml): Remove unused
- local variable `sep'.
-2007-09-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/gram.c (rule_rhs_print_xml): Now static, since it isn't used
- elsewhere.
- * src/print-xml.c: Prefer "const" after types; that's more consistent.
- (xml_printf): Indent just 1 space for level.
- (e_char, xlate_char): Remove.
- (xml_escape_string): Rewrite to avoid undefined behavior (used
- storage that was freed from the stack).
- (xml_escape_n): Don't bother checking for subscript error.
-2007-09-21 Wojciech Polak <polak@gnu.org>
- Add Bison XML Automaton Report.
- Add support for an -x option to generate an XML report.
- It is not documented yet.
- * src/print-xml.c: New file.
- * src/print-xml.h: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.def (TV_XML): New var.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add print-xml.c, print-xml.h.
- * src/conflicts.c: Include print-xml.h.
- (solved_conflicts_xml_obstack): New var.
- (log_resolution, conflicts_solve, conflicts_free):
- Add support for XML report.
- (conflicts_output_val): New function.
- * src/conflicts.h (conflicts_output_val): New decl.
- * src/files.c (spec_xml_file): New var.
- (compute_output_file_names, output_file_names_free): Add XML support.
- * src/files.h (spec_xml_file): New decl.
- * src/getargs.c (xml_flag): New var.
- (usage, short_options, long_options, getargs): Add XML support.
- * src/getargs.h (xml_flag): New decl.
- * src/gram.c: Include print-xml.h.
- (rule_lhs_print_xml, rule_rhs_print_xml):
- (grammar_rules_partial_print_xml, grammar_rules_print_xml):
- New functions.
- * src/gram.h: Declare external ones.
- * src/main.c: Include print-xml.h.
- (main): Add XML support.
- * src/reduce.c: Include print-xml.h.
- (reduce_xml): New function.
- * src/reduce.h: Declare it.
- * src/state.c: Include print-xml.h.
- (state_new): Add XML support.
- (state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print_xml): New function.
- * src/state.h: Declare it.
- (struct state): New member solved_conflicts_xml.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_class_get_string): New function.
- * src/symtab.h: Declare it.
-2007-09-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * GNUmakefile: Switch to coreutils's version.
- * bootstrap: Likewise.
- * Makefile.cfg: Adjust to new GNUmakefile.
- * README-hacking: Likewise.
- Import from gnulib:
- 2006-08-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
- * m4/bison-i18n.m4 (BISON_I18N): Also handle the case where yacc exists
- and is a script that invokes bison. Tighten the code. Add comments.
-2007-08-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Spell "boolean" as "Boolean". Reported by Akim Demaille.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_flag_if): Fix complaint.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Fix.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_percent_define_flag_if): Fix complaint.
- * tests/input.at (Boolean %define variables): Update output.
- * tests/skeletons.at (%define boolean variables: invalid skeleton
- defaults): Rename to...
- (%define Boolean variables: invalid skeleton defaults): ... this and
- update output.
-2007-08-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In impure push mode, don't allow more than one yypstate to be allocated
- since multiple impure parsers would corrupt yynerrs.
- * data/push.c (yypstate_allocated): New static global variable
- initialized to 0.
- (yypull_parse): If yypstate_new returns 0, don't report it as memory
- exhaustion if yypstate_allocated is 1, but still return 2.
- (yypstate_new): Invoke yyerror and return 0 if yypstate_allocated is
- already 1. Otherwise, set it to 1.
- (yypstate_delete): Set it to 0.
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Multiple impure instances): New test
- case.
-2007-08-17 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Push Decl): Document the push parser.
- (Table of Symbols): Ditto.
- (Pure Decl): Ditto.
- (Decl Summary): Ditto.
- (Multiple Parsers, Push Parser Function, Pull Parser Function,
- Parser Create Function, Parser Delete Function):
- Add new push parser symbols.
- (Table of Symbols): Document push-parser, push-pull-parser,
- yypush_parse, yypull_parse, yypstate_new and yypstate_delete.
-2007-08-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Update to GPLv3.
- * doc/gpl-3.0.texi: New file.
- * doc/gpl.texi: Remove.
- * COPYING, GNUmakefile, HACKING, Makefile.am, Makefile.cfg:
- * Makefile.maint, NEWS, PACKAGING, README, README-alpha:
- * README-hacking, TODO, bootstrap, bootstrap.conf:
- * configure.ac, data/Makefile.am, data/README, data/bison.m4:
- * data/c++-skel.m4, data/c++.m4, data/c-skel.m4, data/c.m4:
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/java-skel.m4, data/java.m4:
- * data/lalr1.cc, data/lalr1.java, data/location.cc:
- * data/push.c, data/yacc.c, data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4:
- * djgpp/Makefile.maint, djgpp/README.in, djgpp/config.bat:
- * djgpp/config.sed, djgpp/config.site, djgpp/config_h.sed:
- * djgpp/djunpack.bat, djgpp/subpipe.c, djgpp/subpipe.h:
- * djgpp/testsuite.sed, doc/Makefile.am, doc/bison.texinfo:
- * doc/fdl.texi, doc/refcard.tex, etc/Makefile.am, etc/README:
- * etc/bench.pl.in, examples/Makefile.am, examples/extexi:
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am, lib/Makefile.am, lib/abitset.c:
- * lib/abitset.h, lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h:
- * lib/bitset_stats.c, lib/bitset_stats.h, lib/bitsetv-print.c:
- * lib/bitsetv-print.h, lib/bitsetv.c, lib/bitsetv.h:
- * lib/ebitset.c, lib/ebitset.h, lib/get-errno.c:
- * lib/get-errno.h, lib/lbitset.c, lib/lbitset.h:
- * lib/libiberty.h, lib/main.c, lib/subpipe.c, lib/subpipe.h:
- * lib/timevar.c, lib/timevar.def, lib/timevar.h:
- * lib/vbitset.c, lib/vbitset.h, lib/yyerror.c:
- * m4/c-working.m4, m4/cxx.m4, m4/m4.m4, m4/subpipe.m4:
- * m4/timevar.m4, src/LR0.c, src/LR0.h, src/Makefile.am:
- * src/assoc.c, src/assoc.h, src/closure.c, src/closure.h:
- * src/complain.c, src/complain.h, src/conflicts.c:
- * src/conflicts.h, src/derives.c, src/derives.h, src/files.c:
- * src/files.h, src/flex-scanner.h, src/getargs.c:
- * src/getargs.h, src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/graphviz.c:
- * src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/location.c, src/location.h:
- * src/main.c, src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h:
- * src/nullable.c, src/nullable.h, src/output.c, src/output.h:
- * src/parse-gram.c, src/parse-gram.h, src/parse-gram.y:
- * src/print.c, src/print.h, src/print_graph.c:
- * src/print_graph.h, src/reader.c, src/reader.h, src/reduce.c:
- * src/reduce.h, src/relation.c, src/relation.h:
- * src/revision.h, src/scan-code.h, src/scan-code.l:
- * src/scan-gram.h, src/scan-gram.l, src/scan-skel.h:
- * src/scan-skel.l, src/state.c, src/state.h, src/symlist.c:
- * src/symlist.h, src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h, src/system.h:
- * src/tables.c, src/tables.h, src/uniqstr.c, src/uniqstr.h:
- * tests/Makefile.am, tests/actions.at, tests/c++.at:
- * tests/calc.at, tests/conflicts.at, tests/cxx-type.at:
- * tests/existing.at, tests/glr-regression.at:
- * tests/headers.at, tests/input.at, tests/java.at:
- * tests/local.at, tests/output.at, tests/push.at:
- * tests/reduce.at, tests/regression.at, tests/sets.at:
- * tests/skeletons.at, tests/synclines.at, tests/testsuite.at:
- * tests/torture.at:
- Update to GPLv3.
-2007-08-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Get rid of broken %no-parser, -n, and --no-parser implementation and
- documentation.
- * TODO: Don't mention them.
- * doc/bison.1: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Likewise.
- (Bison Options): Likewise.
- (Option Cross Key): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (no_parser_flag): Remove global variable.
- (usage): Don't print description of -n and --no-parser.
- (long_options): Remove --no-parser entry here.
- (getargs): Remove -n case in the switch here.
- * src/getargs.h (no_parser_flag): Remove extern.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Remove comment that mentions
- --no-parser.
-2007-08-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/push.at (Push Parsing: Memory Leak for Early Deletion): Do not
- name user variables starting with `yy'. Just pass NULL instead of a
- dummy local &yylval to yypush_parse.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE): Do not name user variables
- starting with `yy'.
-2007-08-03 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yyexhaustedlab): Define it when YYERROR_VERBOSE is
- true since it's then always used regardless of whether yyoverflow is
- defined. Reported by Christian Burger at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-07/msg00031.html>.
- * THANKS: Add Christian Burger.
- * ChangeLog: For changes in doc/bison.texinfo, consistently reference
- node names: say "Decl Summary" not "Bison Declaration Summary".
-2007-07-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_percent_define_flag_if): In order to
- determine whether this function has already complained about an invalid
- value for a %define boolean variable, don't check whether Bison has
- ever examined the value. As written, the check was a tautology.
- Instead, record and check for this complaint using a separate muscle.
-2007-07-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix push parsing memory leak reported by Brandon Lucia at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-07/msg00032.html>.
- * THANKS: Add Brandon Lucia.
- * data/push.c (yypstate_delete): Free the stack if it was reallocated
- but the parse never completed and thus freed it.
- * tests/Makefile.am (TESTSUITE_AT): Add push.at.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include push.at.
- * test/push.at: New.
- (Push Parsing: Memory Leak for Early Deletion): New test case.
-2007-07-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Improve handling of multiple S/R conflicts in the same state and of S/R
- conflicts involving multiple reductions.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Don't assign the error action
- set for a state here or Bison will abort if it is reassigned on a
- later conflicted reduction in the same state.
- Similarly, don't finalize and assign the solved conflicts report here
- or it will be lost if it is reassigned on a later conflicted reduction
- in the same state.
- (set_conflicts): Instead, assign them both here after all S/R conflicts
- in the state have been fully examined.
- * src/print.c (shift_set): Rename to...
- (no_reduce_set): ... this.
- (print_reductions): Update for rename, and add %nonassoc error action
- tokens to no_reduce_set so that, when printing the first remaining
- reduction on an error action token, the reduction is enclosed in
- brackets.
- (print_results): Update for rename.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Solved conflicts report for multiple reductions
- in a state): New test case.
- (%nonassoc error actions for multiple reductions in a state): New test
- case.
- * src/main.c (main): Don't depend on C99 features.
-2007-07-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * build-aux/.cvsignore: Add compile.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add charset.alias, ref-add.sed, ref-del.sed, and
- uniwidth.
-2007-07-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * bootstrap (slurp): Create target directories that don't exist.
- Specifically, we need lib/uniwidth/ because of recent Gnulib changes.
-2007-07-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * LR0.c (new_itemsets): Fix wording in comments: say item index rather
- than item number.
- * closure.c (closure): Likewise.
- * state.h (reductions): Comment sorting of rules.
- (state): Comment sorting of items.
-2007-07-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix C++ test cases after recent Gnulib changes. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-07/msg00000.html>.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am (DEFAULT_INCLUDES): Override Automake's
- definition in order to avoid Gnulib headers since we don't use config.h
- here.
- rather than AT_DATA so that config.h is included.
-2007-07-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yy_yypstack, yypstates, yypdumpstack): Use YYFPRINTF
- instead of fprintf. Guard these functions with #if YYDEBUG instead of
- #ifdef YYDEBUG for consistency with all other uses of YYDEBUG in Bison
- and so that YYFPRINTF is guaranteed to be defined here.
-2007-05-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_percent_define_invalid_value): Replace
- with...
- (muscle_percent_define_check_values): ... this more helpful function.
- Again, it's not used yet, but it will be.
- * src/muscle_tab.h: Likewise.
- Improve some comments in parser table construction.
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets): Explain sorting of itemset and kernel_base.
- (generate_states): Don't mention ruleset, which is internal to closure.
- * src/closure.c (closure): Explain sorting of core and itemset, which
- is required for this function to behave correctly.
- * src/closure.h (closure): Mention sorting.
-2007-05-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/lalr.c (state_lookahead_tokens_count): For code readability,
- move the check for disabled transitions to an aver since conflict
- resolution hasn't happened yet.
- * src/lalr.c (state_lookahead_tokens_count): Remove the check that
- labels a state as inconsistent just because it has error transitions.
- The original form of this check appeared in revision 1.1 of lalr.c,
- which was committed on 1991-12-21. Now (at least), changing the
- consistency label on such a state appears to have no useful effect in
- any of the places it is examined, which I enumerate below. The key
- point to understanding each item in this enumeration is that a state
- with an error transition is labelled consistent in the first place only
- if it has no rules, so the check cannot matter for states that have
- rules. (1) Labelling a state as inconsistent will cause set_conflicts
- to try to identify its conflicts, and a state must have *rules* to have
- conflicts. (2) Labelling a state as inconsistent will affect how
- action_row sets the default *rule* for the state. (3) Labelling a
- state as inconsistent will cause build_relations to add lookback edges
- to *rules* in that state.
- * src/state.h (struct state): Word the comment for member consistent
- more carefully.
-2007-05-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't depend on C99 features.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_update_state_numbers): Fix for-loop.
- * src/lalr.c (lalr_update_state_numbers): Fix for-loop.
- * src/reader.c (check_and_convert_grammar): Fix for-loop.
- * src/state.c (state_mark_reachable_states): Fix for-loop.
- (state_remove_unreachable_states): Fix for-loop.
- Don't widen struct state with member reachable just to temporarily
- record reachability. Instead, use a local bitset.
- * src/state.h (struct state): Remove member.
- * src/state.c (state_new): Don't initialize it.
- (state_mark_reachable_states): Rename to...
- (state_record_reachable_states): ... this, and use bitset.
- (state_remove_unreachable_states): Use bitset.
-2007-05-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/Makefile.am (yacc): Quote target action commands properly so
- that the yacc script isn't corrupt. Reported by Hans Aberg at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-05/msg00003.html>.
- * data/glr.c (yylval): As in yacc.c, don't extern in the header for
- the case of pure parsers. Reported by Frans Englich at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2007-05/msg00018.html>.
- * THANKS: Add Frans Englich.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): In the %code entry, reference section `Bison
- Declaration Summary' from the manual now since the %code summary has
- moved there.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue Alternatives): Mention that directives
- in the rules section must be terminated by semicolons.
-2007-05-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Extend the front-end API for %define variables to more completely
- mirror the back-end. This will be useful in the future.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_get, b4_percent_define_ifdef):
- Update comments to mention the new front-end counterparts of these
- macros.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (MUSCLE_COMMON_DECODE): New macro with common code
- for muscle_string_decode and muscle_location_decode.
- (muscle_string_decode): New static function.
- (muscle_location_decode): Use MUSCLE_COMMON_DECODE.
- (muscle_percent_define_get, muscle_percent_define_ifdef): New
- functions.
- (muscle_percent_define_flag_if): Use muscle_percent_define_ifdef and
- muscle_percent_define_get to mimic the b4_percent_define_flag_if
- implementation more closely.
- (muscle_percent_define_invalid_value): New function.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_percent_define_get,
- muscle_percent_define_ifdef, muscle_percent_define_invalid_value):
- Prototype.
-2007-05-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention yesterday's state-removal change.
- (2.3a): Remove the %language entry, which was added after 2.3a.
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/closure.h, src/conflicts.c,
- src/conflicts.h, src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/print.c,
- src/print_graph.c, src/state.c, src/state.h, tests/conflicts.at,
- tests/existing.at: Update copyright date.
-2007-05-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- If conflict resolution makes states unreachable, remove those states,
- report rules that are then unused, and don't report conflicts in those
- states.
- * src/conflicts.c, src/conflicts.h (conflicts_update_state_numbers):
- New global function.
- * src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h (lalr_update_state_numbers): New global
- function.
- * src/main.c (main): After conflict resolution, remove the unreachable
- states and update all data structures that reference states by number.
- * src/state.c (state_new): Initialize each state's reachable member to
- false.
- (state_mark_reachable_states): New static function.
- (state_remove_unreachable_states): New global function.
- * src/state.h (struct state): Add member bool reachable.
- (state_remove_unreachable_states): Prototype.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unreachable States After Conflict Resolution):
- New test case.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU pic Grammar): Update test case output now that
- an unused rule is discovered.
-2007-05-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Minor code cleanup in parser table construction.
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets): Use item_number_is_symbol_number.
- (new_itemsets, save_reductions): Update for rename to nitemset.
- * src/closure.c (nritemset): Rename to...
- (nitemset): ... this since the "r" appears to meaningless and isn't
- used in the comments.
- (closure): Update for rename.
- * src/closure.h (nritemset): Update extern to...
- (nitemset): ... this.
- * src/lalr.c (LA): Fix a typo in comments.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Update for rename to nitemset.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Likewise.
- * src/state.h: Fix some typos in header comments.
-2007-04-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * THANKS: Use ASCII for Sebastien Fricker's name. Bison source
- still sticks to ASCII. Sorry!
- * README-hacking: New file, taken mostly from coreutils, with changes
- for Bison. Contains much of the contents of:
- * README-cvs: Remove.
- * bootstrap: Sync from gnulib.
- * build-aux/.cvsignore: Remove *.t, mkinstalldirs.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add wchar.h, wctype.h. Remove exit.h.
-2007-03-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Destructor Decl): Fix typo reported by Sebastian
- Setzer.
- (Java Differences): Fix some typos.
- * THANKS: Add Sebastian Setzer.
-2007-03-07 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/java.m4 (b4_single_class_if): Remove.
- (b4_abstract_if): Look at "%define abstract".
- (b4_lexer_if): New.
- (b4_union_name): Rename...
- (b4_yystype): ... to this. Map to "%define stype".
- (b4_rhs_value, b4_parse_param_decl, b4_lex_param_decl,
- b4_maybe_throws): Fix quoting.
- (b4_lex_param_call): Move below to keep b4_*_param_decl close.
- * data/lalr1.java (Lexer interface): Always define.
- (Lexer interface within parser class): Remove.
- (YYLexer class): New, used when "%code lexer" is present.
- (constructor): When "%code lexer" is used, pass %lex-param
- to the lexer constructor.
- (yylex, yyparse): Remove %lex-param from method invocations
- (YYStack, yyaction, yyparse): Rename b4_union_name to b4_yystype.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Java Bison Interface): Mention "%define
- abstract". Rename "%define union_name" to "%define stype".
- Rename method names according to previous patch.
- (Java Scanner Interface): Describe "%code lexer" instead of
- "%pure-parser" and "%define single_class".
- (Java Differences): Mention "%code lexer".
- * tests/java.at (_AT_DATA_JAVA_CALC_Y): Remove final argument.
- Include scanner here, using macros from tests/local.at.
- (AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Remove final argument.
- (_AT_CHECK_JAVA_CALC): Likewise.
- (AT_CHECK_JAVA_CALC): Likewise. Test all four combinations
- of %locations and %error-verbose.
- (main): Test with and without %lex-param.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Push AT_LEXPARAM_IF.
-2007-03-07 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- DJGPP spefic issue. Inhibit the use of disallowed characters for
- file name genertion on Win98, WinXP, etc. These are |<>":?*\
- and concern testsuite case 46.
- * Makefile.am: djgpp/testsuite.sed added to EXTRA_DIST
- * djgpp/testsuite.sed: Inhibit the use of disallowed characters.
- * djgpp/config.bat: Inhibit the use of disallowed characters.
-2007-03-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Miscellaneous %define and %code cleanup.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_flag_if): Correct comments on how
- values are interpreted.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Clean up and extend %define
- documentation a little more.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (MUSCLE_USER_NAME_CONVERT,
- muscle_percent_define_insert, muscle_percent_code_grow): New
- functions/macros.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_percent_define_insert,
- muscle_percent_code_grow): Prototype.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Use
- muscle_percent_define_insert and muscle_percent_code_grow when parsing
- %define and %code directives.
- Make it easy to share %define boolean variables between the front-end
- and back-end. Though not used yet, this will be useful in the future.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_user_names): Rewrite comments to talk about
- Bison uses of names rather than just skeleton uses of names.
- (b4_percent_define_get, b4_percent_define_ifdef): Rename
- b4_percent_define_skeleton_variables(VARIABLE) to
- b4_percent_define_bison_variables(VARIABLE).
- (b4_percent_code_get, b4_percent_code_ifdef): Rename
- b4_percent_code_skeleton_qualifiers(QUALIFIER) to
- b4_percent_code_bison_qualifiers(QUALIFIER).
- (b4_check_user_names_wrap): Update for renames.
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_percent_define_flag_if,
- muscle_percent_define_default): New functions mimicking
- b4_percent_define_flag_if and b4_percent_define_default.
- For %define variables, report locations for invalid values and
- redefinitions.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_flag_if): Read
- b4_percent_define_loc(VARIABLE) to report the location of an invalid
- value for VARIABLE.
- (b4_percent_define_default): Save a special location in
- b4_percent_define_loc(VARIABLE) in case the default value for VARIABLE
- must later be reported as invalid.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_location_grow, muscle_location_decode): New
- functions.
- (muscle_percent_define_insert): Record the location of VARIABLE in
- muscle percent_define_loc(VARIABLE), and use it to report the previous
- location for a redefinition.
- (muscle_percent_define_flag_if): Update like b4_percent_define_flag_if.
- (muscle_percent_define_default): Update like b4_percent_define_default.
- (muscle_grow_user_name_list): Rename to...
- (muscle_user_name_list_grow): ... this for consistency and use
- muscle_location_grow.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_location_grow): Prototype.
- * tests/input.at (%define errors): Update expected output.
- * tests/skeletons.at (%define boolean variables: invalid skeleton
- defaults): New test case.
-2007-02-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/print.c (lookahead_set, state_default_rule): Remove.
- (print_reductions): Replace state_default_rule invocation with
- equivalent use of yydefact, which was computed in token_actions in
- tables.c.
- (print_results): Don't allocate lookahead_set.
-2007-02-27 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/lalr1.java: Prefix all private members with yy.
-2007-02-24 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Use YYFPRINTF instead of fprintf where appropriate. Reported by
- Sebastien Fricker at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-02/msg00035.html>.
- * THANKS: Add Sebastien Fricker.
- * data/glr.c, data/push.c, data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print): Implement.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Tracing): Make it clearer that YYFPRINTF must
- accept a variable number of arguments.
-2007-02-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * bootstrap: Remove occurrences of .#bootmp from lib/Makefile.
-2007-02-13 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- * djgpp/config.bat: Adjustments concerning the use of autoconf 2.61.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Adjustments concerning the use of autoconf 2.61.
- * djgpp/config.site: Adjustments concerning the use of autoconf 2.61.
-2007-02-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Undo my 2007-02-07 change, switching back to the c-strcase module
- introduced in the 2007-02-03 change. Bruno Haible reported that
- the 2007-02-07 change would be dangerous in Turkish if we add a
- language whose name contains "i", since "i" is not lowercase "I"
- in Turkish.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add c-strcase. Remove strcase.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add c-ctype.c, c-ctype.h, c-strcase.h,
- c-strcasecomp.c, c-strncasecmp.c. Remove strcasecmp.c, strncasecmp.c.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove strcase.m4.
- * src/getargs.c: Revert 2007-02-07 change, as follows.
- Include c-strcase.h.
- (language_argmatch): Use c_strcasecmp rather than strcasecmp.
-2007-02-11 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
- Enable the Java related testsuite tests when the only Java compiler
- found is a gcj < 4.3. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-02/msg00016.html>.
- * configure.ac (gt_JAVACOMP): Don't specify a target_version.
-2007-02-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/Makefile.am: Update copyright date.
- * data/push.c (yypull_parse): Report memory exhaustion and return 2 if
- yypstate_new returns NULL.
- (yypstate_new): Return NULL if malloc does.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Move translation of rule actions from the
- beginning of packgram to...
- (check_and_convert_grammar): ... here right before packgram is invoked
- so it's easier to write more complete comments, and remove redundant
- code.
-2007-02-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- As in semantic actions, make @$ in %initial-action, %destructor, and
- %printer imply %locations.
- * src/scan-code.l (SC_SYMBOL_ACTION): Set locations_flag = true when
- scanning @$.
- * tests/actions.at (AT_CHECK_ACTION_LOCATIONS): New macro supporting...
- (@$ in %initial-action implies %locations,
- @$ in %destructor implies %locations,
- @$ in %printer implies %locations): ... these new test cases.
-2007-02-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Undo most of the 2007-02-03 change, switching to the strcase module
- now that gnulib strcase has been fixed.
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Remove c-strcase. Add strcase.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove c-ctype.c, c-ctype.h, c-strcase.h,
- c-strcasecomp.c, c-strncasecmp.c. Add strcasecmp.c, strncasecmp.c
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add strcase.m4.
- * src/getargs.c: Revert 2007-02-03 change, as follows.
- Don't include c-strcase.h.
- (language_argmatch): Use strcasecmp rather than c_strcasecmp.
- strcasecmp has "unspecified behavior" outside the POSIX locale,
- but it works fine in practice if at least one argument is ASCII,
- as is the case in Bison.
-2007-02-07 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * tests/java.at: Skip tests if only one of javac/java is present.
- Reported by Joel E. Denny.
- * tests/atlocal.in: Adjust copyright years.
-2007-02-05 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/lalr1.java (Stack): Work around old verifiers that disallow
- access to the private fields of an inner class, from the outer class.
- We can make Stack's fields public because user code doesn't have access
- to the instance of Stack used by parse(). Reported by Paul Eggert.
-2007-02-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * .cvsignore: Add javacomp.sh, javaexec.sh. Is this really
- the right spot for these files?
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add c-strcase.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add c-ctype.c c-ctype.h, c-strcasecomp.c,
- c-strncasecmp.c.
- * src/getargs.c: Include c-strcase.h.
- (language_argmatch): Use c_strcasecmp rather than strcasecmp,
- to avoid unspecified behavior.
-2007-02-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Correct typo.
-2007-01-30 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_flag_if): Don't treat 0 as false.
- Complain if the value does not match empty, "true" or "false".
- * data/c++.m4: Adjust default definitions of %define variables.
- * data/java.m4: Adjust default definitions of %define variables.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Adjust the %define entry according
- to above behavior.
- * tests/input.at (Boolean %define variables): Test new behavior.
-2007-01-29 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * NEWS: Mention java.
- * TODO: Remove things that are done.
- * bootstrap.conf: Add javacomp-script and javaexec-script.
- * configure.ac: Invoke gt_JAVACOMP and gt_JAVAEXEC.
- * data/Makefile.am: Add new files.
- * data/java-skel.m4: New.
- * data/java.m4: New.
- * data/lalr1.java: New.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Put "A Complete C++ Example" under
- C++ Parsers. Add Java Parsers. Put C++ Parsers and Java Parsers
- under Other Languages.
- * src/getargs.c (valid_languages): Add Java.
- * src/getargs.h (struct bison_language): Update size of string fields.
- * tests/Makefile.am: Add java.at.
- * tests/atlocal.in: Add CONF_JAVA and CONF_JAVAC.
- * tests/java.at: New.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include it.
-2007-01-28 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up.
- * src/scan-skel.l (at_directive_perform): Add at_directive_argc and
- at_directive_argv arguments so these no longer have to be global
- variables. Also, update the implementation for the following changes.
- (fail_for_at_directive_too_many_args,
- fail_for_at_directive_too_few_args): Add at_directive_name argument.
- (at_directive_name): Remove as at_directive_argv[0] will be used for
- this now.
- (AT_DIRECTIVE_ARGC_MAX): Increment to make space in at_directive_argv
- for the directive name.
- (at_directive_argc, at_directive_argv): Make these local within
- skel_lex instead of global.
- (INITIAL): Update directive start action for above changes.
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARG): Rename to...
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARGS): ... this, and update for above changes.
- (scan_skel): Move yylex_destroy to...
- (skel_scanner_free): ... here.
- * tests/skeletons.at (installed skeleton file name): Rename to...
- (installed skeleton file names): ... this.
-2007-01-27 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * ChangeLog: For changes in doc/bison.texinfo, consistently reference
- node names: say "Table of Symbols" not "Bison Symbols", and say "Decl
- Summary" not "Directives".
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Calc++ Parser): Cross-reference the
- %code entry in "Decl Summary" rather than the one in "Table of Symbols"
- since the former is now the more complete one.
- (Prologue Alternatives): Likewise and do the same for %defines.
- (Table of Symbols): Add summary of %code, add summary of %define, and
- move full %code documentation to...
- (Decl Summary): ... here for consistency with other entries in these
- sections.
- Move %define entry in order to keep this list alphabetized.
- Reword %define entry a little to put less emphasis on the skeleton
- concept, which most users shouldn't have to think about.
-2007-01-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Adjust to recent gnulib changes.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove stpcpy.h, strndup.h, strnlen.h.
- Add string.h, string_.h, unistd_.h, wchar_.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add gnulib-common.m4, string_h.m4, wchar.m4.
- * src/system.h: Don't include <stpcpy.h>; this is now done by
- <string.h>.
-2007-01-23 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- Simplify implementation of unqualified %code, implement macros for
- uniform treatment of boolean %define flags. Document %define.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_percent_define_ifdef, b4_percent_define_flag_if,
- b4_percent_code_ifdef): New.
- (b4_percent_code_get): Map unqualified %code to b4_percent_code().
- * data/c++.m4: Define default value for global_tokens_and_yystype.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/location.cc: Use b4_percent_define_flag_if.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Document %define.
- * src/parse-gram.y (Unqualified %code): Change muscle name to
- b4_percent_code().
- (content.opt): Default to empty.
-2007-01-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Implement support for relative and absolute skeleton file names.
- Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-12/msg00071.html>.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Document in %skeleton entry.
- (Bison Options): Document in --skeleton entry.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use strncpy rather than strcpy since
- full_skeleton can't necessarily hold all of pkgdatadir.
- If the specified skeleton file name contains a `/', don't prepend
- pkgdatadir.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): If the specified skeleton
- file name contains a `/', prepend the grammar file directory.
- * tests/Makefile.am (TESTSUITE_AT): Add skeletons.at.
- * skeletons.at: New file.
- (relative skeleton file names): New test case.
- (installed skeleton file names): New test case.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include skeletons.at.
- * bootstrap: Update copyright to 2007.
-2007-01-17 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * bootstrap: Remove occurrences of .#bootmp from the files.
-2007-01-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Parser): Don't try to alias
- nonterminals.
- Use per-type %printer.
-2007-01-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * NEWS, data/c++-skel.m4, data/c++.m4, data/c-skel.m4, data/c.m4,
- data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc, data/location.cc,
- djgpp/config.site, src/files.c, src/files.h, src/main.c,
- src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h, src/parse-gram.y, src/reader.h,
- src/scan-skel.h, src/scan-skel.l, tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at,
- tests/glr-regression.at, tests/input.at, tests/local.at,
- tests/output.at, tests/torture.at: Update copyright to 2007.
-2007-01-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Parsing Driver): Let "parse" return an
- error code.
- (Calc++ Scanner): Exit with failure if we can't open the input
- file.
- Accept "-" standing for stdin.
- (Calc++ Top Level): Print the result only if the parsing was
- successful.
-2007-01-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy_reduce_print_): Add a missing end-of-line.
-2007-01-15 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- and Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up %define and %code implementation in M4 some. Most
- importantly, rename all related macros to be in the b4_percent_define
- and b4_percent_code namespaces. Also, complete support for `.' in
- %define variable names and %code qualifiers.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_user_names): Check for special
- "SKELETON-NAMESPACE(name)" macros instead of using two nested
- m4_foreach loops.
- (b4_get_percent_define, b4_get_percent_code): Rename to...
- (b4_percent_define_get, b4_percent_code_get): ... these.
- Extend documentation with examples.
- For SKELETON-NAMESPACE (as documented for b4_check_user_names), use
- b4_percent_define_skeleton_variables and
- b4_percent_code_skeleton_qualifiers.
- Expect any value for the %define variable `foo' to be stored in the
- macro named `b4_percent_define(foo)'; expect any %code blocks for the
- qualifier `foo' to be stored in a macro named `b4_percent_code(foo)';
- expect any unqualified %code blocks to be stored in a macro named
- `b4_percent_code_unqualified'.
- Use m4_indir so that %define variable names and %code qualifiers can
- contain `.', which is allowed by the grammar parser.
- (b4_percent_define_default): New macro to set a default value for a
- %define variable.
- (m4_wrap): Update wrapped code, and fix some underquoting.
- (b4_check_user_names_wrap): Update and define outside the m4_wrap.
- Expect grammar uses of %define variables and %code qualifiers to be
- defined in b4_percent_define_user_variables and
- b4_percent_code_user_qualifiers.
- * data/c++.m4: Use b4_percent_define_default rather than
- m4_define_default. Fix some underquoting. Skeleton usage of %define
- variable define_location_comparison now implies skeleton usage of
- %define variable filename_type.
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc, data/location.cc,
- data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Update macro names.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration, grammar_declaration): Update
- muscle names.
-2007-01-14 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- DJGPP specific issues.
- * djgpp/config.site: Set ac_cv_path_mkdir to a sane DJGPP specific
- default. Set gl_cv_absolute_wctype_h to a sane DJGPP specific default.
-2007-01-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Use AT_PARSER_CHECK rather than AT_CHECK to
- run parsers in all tests so that Valgrind is invoked during
- maintainer-check-valgrind.
- (Duplicate representation of merged trees): Free all semantic values.
- (Duplicated user destructor for lookahead): Likewise.
-2007-01-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/local.at (AT_PARSER_CHECK): Add a PRE argument to specify a
- command-line prefix.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Stderr is
- ignored, so use that PRE to set --log-fd=1 in VALGRIND_OPTS so we don't
- miss Valgrind messages.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc): Likewise.
-2007-01-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Ignore YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA for push parsers since the stacks can't be
- locals. Reported by Juan Manuel Guerrero at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2007-01/msg00000.html>.
- * data/push.c: Enclose the #ifdef YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA in b4_push_if.
- Fix some indentation also.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Add comment
- explaining this issue.
-2007-01-09 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- and Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Simplify union and prologue handling, and escape union and lex/parse
- params with digraphs.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_pre_prologue, b4_post_prologue): Set their default
- values to the empty string since these are no longer guaranteed
- initialized by the front-end.
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc, data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Add
- braces around b4_user_stype since this is no longer done by the
- front-end.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (pre_prologue_obstack,
- post_prologue_obstack): Remove.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_pair_list_grow): Don't duplicate header
- comments here. Use MUSCLE_OBSTACK_SGROW so that values are escaped
- with digraphs. This fixes lex params and parse params.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_pair_list_grow): Update comments.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Remove muscle insertion of the prologues.
- (output): Remove freeing of pre_prologue_obstack and
- post_prologue_obstack.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Use muscle_code_grow rather
- than prologue_augment for prologue parsing so you don't need prologue
- obstacks.
- (grammar_declaration): For %union RHS, use `braceless' instead of
- "{...}" so that braces are already stripped and code is escaped with
- digraphs.
- * src/reader.c (prologue_augment): Remove.
- (reader): Remove initialization of pre_prologue_obstack and
- post_prologue_obstack.
- * src/reader.h (prologue_augment): Remove.
- * data/c.m4: Remove stray parenthesis.
-2007-01-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Remove quotes from variables names in %define directives and from
- qualifiers in %code directives, and restrict the characters that are
- allowed in them to M4-friendly ones. For %define, continue to support
- the quoted form as a deprecated feature. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-01/msg00023.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Add entry for the change to %define. Update entry for
- %code.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue Alternatives): Update.
- (Decl Summary): In %defines entry, update mention of `%code requires'
- and `%code provides'.
- (C++ Location Values): Update %define uses.
- (Calc++ Parser Interface): Likewise.
- (Calc++ Parser): Likewise, and update `%code requires' uses.
- (Table of Symbols): Update %code documentation.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): For %define variables, use
- `variable' instead of `STRING'.
- (grammar_declaration): For %code qualifiers, use `ID' instead of
- (variable): New nonterminal that takes an `ID' or a `STRING'.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Update %code
- and %define uses.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Update %define use.
- * tests/input.at (Reject unused %code qualifiers): Update %code uses.
- (%define errors): Update %define uses.
-2007-01-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Use MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING
- instead of muscle_insert for %define values so that M4-special
- characters are replaced with digraphs.
- * tests/input.at (%define errors): Extend to check weird values.
-2007-01-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Instead of having skeletons declare all valid %define variables and
- %code qualifiers, provide macros that retrieve the associated values
- and build these lists automatically. Thus Bison will now warn when a
- variable or qualifier is not used by the skeleton in the current
- invocation regardless of whether it might sometimes be used by that
- skeleton in other invocations. Also, move all %define value macros to
- the b4_percent_define_ namespace, and remove the %define "NAME" {CODE}
- form, which is replaced by %code.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_for_unrecognized_names): Rename to...
- (b4_check_user_names): ... this, and change the series of valid name
- arguments to a single list argument for names used in the skeleton
- similar to the existing list argument for names used in the grammar.
- Warn instead of complaining.
- (b4_get_percent_define, b4_get_percent_code): New to retrieve %define
- values and %code code, to format %code code properly, and to build
- lists of all %define variables and %code qualifiers used in the
- skeleton: b4_skeleton_percent_define_variables and
- b4_skeleton_percent_code_qualifiers.
- (b4_check_percent_define_variables, b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers):
- Remove, and...
- (m4_wrap): ... m4_wrap b4_check_user_names invocations instead so that
- the skeleton names lists can finish building first. In place of
- b4_used_percent_define_variables and b4_used_percent_code_qualifiers,
- expect the lists b4_user_percent_define_variables and
- b4_user_percent_code_qualifiers.
- * data/c++.m4: Where setting default values for b4_parser_class_name,
- b4_location_type, b4_filename_type, b4_namespace, and
- b4_define_location_comparison, update their names to the
- b4_percent_define_ namespace.
- * data/glr.c: Don't use b4_check_percent_define_variables and
- b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers. Use b4_get_percent_code.
- * data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc: Likewise, and use b4_get_percent_define.
- (b4_parser_class_name, b4_namespace): Define these using
- b4_get_percent_define for parser_class_name and namespace.
- * data/location.cc: Use b4_get_percent_define.
- * data/push.c: Don't use b4_check_percent_define_variables and
- b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers. Use b4_get_percent_code.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise, and don't call m4_exit in
- b4_use_push_for_pull_if or m4_wrap code will never execute.
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_grow_used_name_list):
- Rename to...
- (muscle_grow_user_name_list): ... this for consistency with the
- terminology used in bison.m4.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Prepend "percent_define_" to
- %define variable names, and rename muscle used_percent_define_variables
- to user_percent_define_variables.
- (grammar_declaration): Rename muscle used_percent_code_qualifiers to
- user_percent_code_qualifiers.
- (content): Remove.
- (content.opt): Replace content RHS with STRING RHS so %define "NAME"
- {CODE} form is no longer accepted.
- * tests/input.at (Reject bad %code qualifiers): Rename to...
- (Reject unused %code qualifiers): ... this, and update test output.
- (%define error): Update test output.
-2007-01-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Check for unrecognized %define variables similar to checking for
- unrecognized %code qualifiers. Check for redefined %define variables.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_for_unrecognized_names): New macro that
- generalizes...
- (b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers): ... this, which now wraps it.
- (b4_check_percent_define_variables): New, also wraps it.
- * data/glr.c: Unless glr.cc is wrapping glr.c, declare no valid %define
- variables using b4_check_percent_define_variables.
- * data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc: Declare the valid %define variables as
- all those exercised in the test suite and all those listed in the
- `Default values' section of c++.m4. Are there others?
- * data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Declare no valid %define variables.
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_find_const): New function,
- similar to muscle_find, but it works even when the muscle stores a
- const value.
- (muscle_grow_used_name_list): New function for constructing the used
- name list muscles that b4_check_for_unrecognized_names requires.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Warn if a variable is
- %define'd more than once. Define the b4_used_percent_define_variables
- muscle with muscle_grow_used_name_list.
- (grammar_declaration): Abbreviate %code code with
- muscle_grow_used_name_list.
- * tests/input.at (%define errors): New.
-2007-01-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Provide warn_at, complain_at, and fatal_at function callbacks to the
- skeletons, and use this for %code qualifier complaints.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_error_at): New, invoked by...
- (b4_warn_at, b4_complain_at, b4_fatal_at): ... these new macros to wrap
- the skeleton scanner's new @warn_at(...@), @complain_at(...@), and
- @fatal_at(...@) directives.
- (b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers): Rewrite to expect locations for
- qualifiers in b4_used_percent_code_qualifiers and to use
- b4_complain_at.
- * src/location.c, src/location.h (boundary_set_from_string): New global
- function.
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_boundary_grow): New global
- function.
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Add locations for qualifiers
- to b4_used_percent_code_qualifiers.
- * src/scan-skel.l (fail_for_at_directive_too_few_args): New static
- function.
- (AT_DIRECTIVE_ARGC_MAX): Increase for boundary arguments.
- (lineno): Rename to...
- (out_lineno): ... this so I don't misunderstand it again.
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_SKIP_WS): Don't increment out_lineno for newlines
- here; these newlines are in the input but not the output file.
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARG): Likewise. Extract directive execution to...
- (at_directive_perform): ... this new static function, and add handling
- of new @warn_at(...@), @complain_at(...@), and @fatal_at(...@)
- directives.
- * tests/input.at (Reject bad %code qualifiers): Update test output with
- locations and extend.
- * tests/output.at (Output file name: [, Output file name: ]): Remove
- bogus comment about these tests failing.
-2007-01-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers a little.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers): Expect qualifiers
- in b4_used_percent_code_qualifiers to be double-M4-quoted. Rewrite
- documentation and add examples.
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Double-M4-quote those
- qualifiers here.
-2007-01-05 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't use m4_divert since it makes m4_divert_push and m4_divert_pop
- unreliable -- especially when they're hidden inside another macro.
- * data/bison.m4, data/c++-skel.m4, data/c++.m4, data/c-skel.m4,
- data/c.m4: Remove m4_divert(-1).
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc, data/location.cc,
- data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Likewise, and replace m4_divert(0) with
- m4_divert_push(0) and m4_divert_pop(0).
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Don't add an m4_divert_push(0) and
- an m4_wrap([m4_divert_pop(0)]) to the M4. Diversion -1, which is
- pushed and popped by m4sugar, should be first on the stack.
- Provide warn, complain, and fatal function callbacks to the skeletons.
- This provides more flexibility than m4_fatal, improves the error
- message format, and captures messages for translation. Discussed
- starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-12/msg00063.html>.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_error): New, invoked by...
- (b4_warn, b4_complain, b4_fatal): ... these new macros to wrap the
- skeleton scanner's new @warn(...@), @complain(...@), and @fatal(...@)
- directives. Because these M4 macros might be called when the current
- diversion is -1 or 0, m4_divert_push and m4_divert_pop is used; thus
- the previous removal of uses of m4_divert, which caused trouble.
- (b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers): Use b4_complain instead of
- m4_fatal to report unrecognized %code qualifiers.
- * data/c++-skel.m4: Use b4_complain instead of m4_fatal to report C++
- push parser requests.
- * data/glr.c: Use b4_complain instead of m4_fatal to report
- non-deterministic push parser requests.
- Update @output usage to @output(...@) form.
- * data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc: Use b4_fatal instead of m4_fatal to
- report missing %defines. Update @output usage to @output(...@) form.
- * data/location.cc, data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Update @output usage to
- @output(...@) form.
- * src/main.c (main): Invoke skel_scanner_free.
- * src/scan-skel.h (skel_scanner_free): Prototype new function.
- * src/scan-skel.l (FLEX_NO_OBSTACK): Don't define; we now need the
- obstack_for_string from flex-scanner.h.
- (YY_DECL): Use to declare skel_lex static.
- (decode_at_digraphs): Remove; now handled in the new
- SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARG start condition.
- (fail_for_at_directive_too_many_args, fail_for_invalid_at): New static
- functions.
- (at_directive_name, AT_DIRECTIVE_ARGC_MAX, at_directive_argc,
- at_directive_argv): New static globals.
- (INITIAL): Use fail_for_invalid_at.
- Don't parse `@output file_name\n' or `@basename(...@)'. Instead,
- recognize the start of a generalized `@directive(...@)' form and
- start...
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARG): ... this new start condition to parse the
- directive args (using the new obstack_for_string), to decode the
- contained @ diagraphs, and to perform the directive. It recognizes
- @basename(...@), @warn(...@), @complain(...@), @fatal(...@), and
- @output(...@).
- (SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_SKIP_WS): New start condition started by
- SC_AT_DIRECTIVE_ARG to skip whitespace after the argument delimiter,
- `@,'.
- (scan_skel): Initialize obstack_for_string on the first call.
- (skel_scanner_free): New function to free obstack_for_string.
- * tests/input.at (Reject bad %code qualifiers): Update test output.
-2007-01-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Consolidate the 4 prologue alternative directives (%code, %requires,
- %provides, and %code-top) into a single %code directive with an
- optional qualifier field. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2007-01/msg00012.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Rewrite the existing entry for the prologue
- alternatives.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue Alternatives): Update.
- (Decl Summary): Update to %code "requires" and %code "provides".
- (Calc++ Parser): Update to %code "requires".
- (Table of Symbols): Remove entries for %requires, %provides, and
- %code-top. Rewrite %code entry, and add a %code "QUALIFIER" entry.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_user_provides, b4_user_requires): Remove as these
- are replaced by b4_percent_code_provides and b4_percent_code_requires,
- which are skeleton-specific.
- (b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers): New. A skeleton can use this to
- declare what %code qualifiers it supports and to complain if any other
- qualifiers were used in the grammar.
- * data/glr.cc: Update to use b4_user_code([b4_percent_code_requires])
- and b4_user_code([b4_percent_code_provides]) in place of
- b4_user_requires and b4_user_provides.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- Add b4_user_code([b4_percent_code_top]) and
- b4_user_code([b4_percent_code]).
- Invoke b4_check_percent_code_qualifiers.
- (grammar_declaration): Remove RHS's for %code-top, %provides, and
- %requires. Rewrite the %code RHS as the unqualified form defining the
- muscle b4_percent_code. Add another RHS for the qualified %code form,
- which defines muscles of the form b4_percent_code_QUALIFIER and the
- b4_used_percent_code_qualifiers muscle.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Update to use
- %code "requires" and %code "provides".
- * tests/input.at (Reject bad %code qualifiers): New.
-2007-01-03 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Use the new code_props interface for destructors and printers.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol, semantic_type): Remove destructor_location and
- printer_location members, and change the type of the destructor and
- printer members to code_props.
- (symbol_destructor_set, symbol_destructor_get, symbol_printer_set,
- symbol_printer_get, semantic_type_destructor_set,
- semantic_type_printer_set, default_tagged_destructor_set,
- default_tagless_destructor_set, default_tagged_printer_set,
- default_tagless_printer_set): Use code_props in arguments and return
- types in place of char const * and location.
- (symbol_destructor_location_get, symbol_printer_location_get): Remove
- since the locations are now contained in the return of
- symbol_destructor_get and symbol_printer_get.
- * src/output.c (symbol_destructors_output, symbol_printers_output):
- Replace with...
- (symbol_code_props_output): ... this to eliminate duplicate code.
- (output_skeleton): Update to use symbol_code_props_output.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used): Update use of
- symbol_destructor_get.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_destructor_set, symbol_list_printer_set):
- Update uses of the various _destructor_set and _printer_set functions.
- * src/symtab.c: (default_tagged_destructor_location,
- default_tagless_destructor_location, default_tagged_printer_location,
- default_tagless_printer_location): Remove since we...
- (default_tagged_destructor, default_tagless_destructor,
- default_tagged_printer, default_tagless_printer): ... change the type
- of these to code_props.
- (symbol_new, semantic_type_new, symbol_destructor_set,
- semantic_type_destructor_set, symbol_destructor_get,
- symbol_printer_set, semantic_type_printer_set, symbol_printer_get,
- symbol_check_alias_consistency, default_tagged_destructor_set,
- default_tagless_destructor_set, default_tagged_printer_set,
- default_tagless_printer_set): Update.
- (symbol_destructor_location_get, symbol_printer_location_get): Remove.
- (SYMBOL_CODE_PRINT): New similar to SYMBOL_ATTR_PRINT but for
- code_props members.
- (symbol_print): Use SYMBOL_CODE_PRINT.
-2007-01-03 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Use the new code_props interface for rule actions.
- * src/symlist.h (symbol_list): Replace action, action_location, and
- used members with a code_props action_props member.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used, grammar_rule_check,
- grammar_midrule_action, grammar_current_rule_merge_set,
- grammar_current_rule_symbol_append, packgram): Update.
- * src/scan-code.h (translate_rule_action): Remove, no longer used.
- * src/scan-code.l (handle_action_dollar): Update.
- (translate_rule_action): Remove, no longer used.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_sym_new, symbol_list_syms_print): Update.
-2007-01-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Use the new code_props interface in parse-gram.y.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration, braceless, epilogue.opt):
- Update all uses of translate_* functions to use the new code_props
- interface and to use gram_scanner_last_string_free and
- code_scanner_last_string_free where possible.
- (grammar_declaration): symbol_list_destructor_set and
- symbol_list_printer_set now perform the translation, so don't do it
- here. Use gram_scanner_last_string_free where possible.
- * src/scan-code.h, src/scan-code.l (translate_symbol_action,
- translate_code): Remove, no longer used.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_destructor_set,
- symbol_list_printer_set): Perform code translation here rather than
- depending on the caller to do so.
- * src/symlist.h (struct symbol_list): Correct some documentation typos.
- * src/scan-gram.h (gram_last_string): Remove declaration.
- * src/scan-gram.l (last_string): Declare it static.
-2007-01-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Encapsulate code properties and related functionality for the various
- destructors, printers, and actions into a code_props structure and
- interface. This patch merely implements code_props in scan-code.h and
- scan-code.l. Future patches will rewrite other modules to use it.
- Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-11/msg00020.html>.
- * src/location.h (EMPTY_LOCATION_INIT): Define so that it's easier to
- consistently initialize const structs that have an empty location
- field.
- * src/location.c (empty_location): Initialize with EMPTY_LOCATION_INIT
- to ensure consistency.
- * src/scan-code.h (code_props): New structure.
- (code_props_none_init, CODE_PROPS_NONE_INIT, code_props_none): New
- function, macro, and const global variable for initializing a
- code_props with no code.
- (code_props_plain_init, code_props_symbol_action_init,
- code_props_rule_action_init, code_props_translate_code): The rest of
- the new code_props functional interface. Among other things, the init
- functions set the code_props kind field so that
- code_props_translate_code will know whether to behave like
- translate_symbol_action, translate_rule_action, or translate_code.
- These old translate functions must remain until all other modules are
- updated to use the new code_props interface.
- (code_scanner_last_string_free): New function similar to
- gram_scanner_last_string_free.
- (code_scanner_free): Add documentation.
- * src/scan-code.l: Implement the new interface.
- (code_lex): Make it static, add a code_props* argument, and remove the
- rule argument.
- (last_string): New static global similar to the one in scan-gram.l.
- (SC_RULE_ACTION): Update to use the code_props* argument to code_lex
- instead of rule.
- (SC_SYMBOL_ACTION): For $$, set the is_value_used member of the
- code_props since Bison may one day use this information for destructors
- and printers.
- (<*><<EOF>>): Use STRING_FINISH so that last_string is set.
- (handle_action_dollar): Use symbol_list_n_get and set used flag
- directly since symbol_list_n_used_set is removed.
- (translate_action): Add a code_props* argument and remove the rule,
- action, and location arguments. Pass the code_props* on to code_lex.
- (translate_rule_action, translate_symbol_action, translate_code):
- Rewrite as wrappers around the new code_props interface.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_n_used_set): Remove since
- it would eventually need to break the encapsulation of code_props.
-2007-01-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * etc/.cvsignore: New.
-2007-01-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Add maintainer-push-check to run maintainer-check using push parsing in
- place of pull parsing where available.
- * Makefile.am (maintainer-push-check): New.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_use_push_for_pull_if): New.
- * data/push.c: Redefine b4_push_if and b4_use_push_for_pull_if
- appropriately based on their existing values.
- (yypush_parse): Don't print push-parser-specific diagnostics if push
- parsing is being used in place of pull parsing.
- * data/yacc.c: If push parsing should replace pull parsing, redirect to
- push.c.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Check BISON_USE_PUSH_FOR_PULL environment
- variable, and insert b4_use_push_for_pull_flag into muscles.
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-push-check): New.
-2006-12-31 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c (yypush_parse): Set yynew = 1 at the end of a parse
- (whether successful or failed) so that yypush_parse can be invoked
- again to start a new parse using the same yypstate.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE): For push mode, extend to
- check multiple yypull_parse invocations on the same yypstate. For pull
- mode, extend to check multiple yyparse invocations.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Extend to try with
- %push-pull-parser.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc): Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR Calculator): Don't specify
- %skeleton "push.c" since %push-pull-parser implies that now.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Don't check for the push
- declarations. Otherwise, this test case can't be used to see if push
- mode can truly emulate pull mode.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Likewise.
- * tests/local.at (AT_YACC_OR_PUSH_IF, AT_PUSH_IF): Remove.
- AT_YACC_IF, which now includes the case of push mode since %skeleton
- need not be used for push mode. This will be more intuitive once
- push.c is renamed to yacc.c.
-2006-12-31 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For push mode, convert yyparse from a macro to a function, invoke yylex
- instead of passing a yylexp argument to yypull_parse, and don't
- generate yypull_parse or yyparse unless %push-pull-parser is declared.
- Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-12/msg00163.html>.
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_pull_if): New.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_identification): Define YYPULL similar to YYPUSH.
- * data/push.c: Improve M4 quoting a little.
- (b4_generate_macro_args, b4_parenthesize): Remove.
- (yyparse): If there's a b4_prefix, #define this to b4_prefix[parse]
- any time a pull parser is requested.
- Don't #define this as a wrapper around yypull_parse. Instead, when
- both push and pull are requested, make it a function that does that
- same thing.
- (yypull_parse): If there's a b4_prefix, #define this to
- b4_prefix[pull_parse] when both push and pull are requested.
- Don't define this as a function unless both push and pull are
- requested.
- Remove the yylexp argument and hard-code yylex invocation instead.
- * etc/bench.pl.in (bench_grammar): Use %push-pull-parser instead of
- %push-parser.
- * src/getargs.c (pull_parser): New global initialized to true.
- * getargs.h (pull_parser): extern it.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Insert pull_flag muscle.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_PUSH_PULL_PARSER): New token.
- (prologue_declaration): Set both push_parser and pull_parser = true for
- %push-pull-parser. Set push_parser = true and pull_parser = false for
- %push-parser.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Don't accept %push_parser as an alternative to
- %push-parser since there's no backward-compatibility concern here.
- Scan %push-pull-parser.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR(1) Calculator): Use %push-pull-parser
- instead of %push-parser.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Make yylex static, and don't
- prototype it in the module that calls yyparse.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Likewise.
- * tests/local.at (AT_PUSH_IF): Check for %push-pull-parser as well.
-2006-12-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Update etc/bench.pl. Optimize push mode a little (the yyn change
- deserves most of the credit).
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add etc subdirectory.
- * configure.ac (AC_CONFIG_FILES): Add etc/bench.pl and etc/Makefile.
- * data/push.c (b4_declare_parser_state_variables): Move yyn, yyresult,
- yytoken, yyval, and yyloc declarations to...
- (yyparse or yypush_parse): ... here to improve performance. For
- yypush_parse invocations after the first, be sure to assign yyn its old
- value again.
- (yypstate_new): Don't bother initializing the yyresult field since the
- initial value isn't used.
- (yyn, yyresult, yytoken, yyval, yyloc): For each NAME in this list,
- remove the #define that, in push mode, set it to yyps->NAME.
- * etc/Makefile.am: New.
- * etc/bench.pl: Remove and build it instead from...
- * etc/bench.pl.in: ... this new file. Use @abs_top_builddir@ to invoke
- "tests/bison" from the build directory by default rather than just
- invoking "bison" from $PATH.
- (calc_grammar): Update push parser code: don't declare yylval globally,
- don't define yyparse_wrapper, and don't #define yyparse.
- (bench_grammar): Update to check all working combinations of yacc.c,
- push.c, impure, pure, pull, and push.
-2006-12-25 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For push mode, add pull wrappers around yypush_parse.
- * data/push.c: (b4_generate_macro_args, b4_parenthesize): New macros.
- (yypull_parse): New function wrapping yypush_parse.
- (yyparse): New #define wrapping yypull_parse.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Call yyparse even when %push-parser
- is declared.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Make yylex global. For push mode,
- prototype yylex in the module that calls yyparse, and don't prototype
- yyparse there. Otherwise, the yyparse expansion won't compile.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Likewise.
-2006-12-25 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Enable push parsers to operate in impure mode. Thus, %push-parser no
- longer implies %pure-parser. The point of this change is to move
- towards being able to test the push parser code by running the entire
- test suite as if %push-parser had been declared.
- * data/push.c (yypush_parse): For impure mode, remove the
- yypushed_char, yypushed_val, and yypushed_loc arguments.
- Instead, declare these as local variables initialized to the global
- yychar, yylval, and yylloc.
- For the first yypush_parse invocation only, restore the initial values
- of these global variables when it's time to read a token since they
- have been overwritten.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Don't set pure_parser for
- %push-parser.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR(1) Calculator): Always declare
- %pure-parser along with %push-parser since this test case was designed
- for pure push parsers.
- * tests/local.at (AT_PURE_OR_PUSH_IF): Remove unused.
- (AT_YYERROR_SEES_LOC_IF): Fix enough that the test suite passes, but
- add a note that it's still wrong for some cases (as it has been for a
- while).
- (AT_PURE_LEX_IF): Use AT_PURE_IF instead of AT_PURE_OR_PUSH_IF since
- %push-parser no longer implies %pure-parser.
-2006-12-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Remove some unnecessary differences between the pull parser code and
- the push parser code. This patch enables yynerrs in push mode.
- * data/push.c: Reformat M4 a little.
- (b4_yyerror_range): Remove and convert all uses to just yyerror_range.
- (b4_declare_scanner_communication_variables): Don't omit yynerrs just
- because push mode is on. Instead, if pure mode is on, move yynerrs
- to...
- (b4_declare_parser_state_variables): ... here.
- (yynerrs, yyerror_range): For push mode, #define each NAME in this list
- to yyps->NAME so it can be used in yypush_parse.
- (yypush_parse): Don't omit uses of yynerrs in push mode.
-2006-12-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix bug such that the first pushed token's value and location are
- sometimes overwritten (sometimes by %initial-action) before being used.
- * data/push.c (yypush_parse): Rename arguments yynchar, yynlval, and
- yynlloc to yypushed_char, yypushed_val, and yypushed_loc for clarity.
- For the first yypush_parse invocation, initialize yychar to YYEMPTY to
- more closely mimic the pull parser logic.
- Don't copy the pushed token to yychar, yylval, and yylloc until it's
- time to read a token, which is after any initialization of yylval and
- yylloc.
- (gottoken): Rename label to...
- (yyread_pushed_token): ... for clarity and to avoid infringing on the
- user namespace.
-2006-12-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Rearrange initialization of the parser state variables so that the
- skeleton doesn't have to have a copy for pull mode and another for push
- mode. This patch also fixes at least a bug such that yylloc was not
- initialized (with b4_location_initial_line and
- b4_location_initial_column) upon calling yypush_parse. However, that
- initialization now overwrites the first token's location;
- %initial-action assigning @$ already did the same thing, and both bugs
- will be fixed in a later patch.
- * data/push.c (b4_yyssa): Remove and convert all uses to just yyssa.
- (b4_declare_parser_state_variables): Remove initialization of yytoken,
- yyss, yyvs, yyls, and yystacksize.
- (yypstate_new): Remove initialization of some yypstate fields: yystate,
- yyerrstatus, yytoken, yyss, yyvs, yyls, yystacksize, yyssp, yyvsp, and
- yylsp.
- (yyssa, yyvsa, yylsa): For push mode, #define each NAME in this list to
- yyps->NAME so it can be used in yypush_parse.
- (yyparse or yypush_parse): For yypush_parse, don't print the
- "Starting parse" diagnostic for invocations after the first.
- Add initialization of yytoken, yyss, yyvs, yyls, and yystacksize; for
- yypush_parse, only do it for the first invocation.
- Allow yystate, yyerrstatus, yyssp, yyvsp, yylsp, and yylloc
- initialization to occur in yypush_parse but only on the first
- invocation.
-2006-12-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c: Add CPP guards around push parser declarations in both
- the header and the code file.
- In the code file, move the push parser declarations to the same place
- they appear in the header file.
- Clean up the M4 some, especially the inconsistent underquoting in
- some b4_c_function_def and b4_c_function_decl uses.
-2006-12-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Encapsulate the push parser state variables into an M4 macro so the
- push skeleton doesn't have to list them again for pull mode's yyparse.
- For push mode, remove yypush_parse's local equivalents of these
- variables to eliminate unnecessary copying between the two sets at
- run-time. This patch also fixes at least a bug related to multiple
- %initial-action invocations in push mode.
- * data/push.c (b4_declare_parser_variables): Rename to...
- (b4_declare_scanner_communication_variables): ... this for clarity and
- update both uses.
- (b4_declare_yyparse_variables): Remove and move its contents to the one
- spot where it was invoked.
- (b4_declare_parser_state_variables): New macro containing the parser
- state variables required by push mode.
- (struct yypstate): Replace all fields but yynew with
- b4_declare_parser_state_variables.
- (yystate, yyn, yyresult, yyerrstatus, yytoken, yyss, yyssp, yyvs,
- yyvsp, yyls, yylsp, yystacksize, yyval, yyloc): For push mode, #define
- each NAME in this list to yyps->NAME so it can be used in yypush_parse.
- (yyparse or yypush_parse): For yyparse in pull mode, replace local
- parser state variable declarations with
- b4_declare_parser_state_variables.
- Don't initialize parser state variables when calling yypush_parse since
- yypstate_new already does that.
- Invoke the user's initial action only upon the first yypush_parse
- invocation.
- Remove all code that copies between the local parser state variables
- and the yypstate.
-2006-12-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c (union yyalloc): Rename yyss, yyvs, and yyls fields to
- prevent a name collision in a future patch where these names will
- sometimes be #define'd.
- (YYSTACK_RELOCATE): Add an argument to select a union yyalloc field
- since it no longer has the same name as the existing argument.
- (yyparse or yypush_parse): Update all uses of YYSTACK_RELOCATE.
-2006-12-19 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- and Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): In the %language entry, mention
- that the argument is case-insensitive, and there's no `=' here.
- For the %skeleton entry, mention that %language is better.
- (Bison Options): Likewise for --language and --skeleton. Move the
- --skeleton entry so that the `Tuning the parser' section is sorted
- alphabetically on long options.
- (C++ Bison Interface): Don't use the word skeleton. Don't explain the
- %language directive in detail here; cross-reference the %language
- documentation instead.
- (Calc++ Parser): Use `%require "@value{VERSION}"' rather than
- `%require "2.3b"' so that the example is always up-to-date.
- (Table of Symbols): Add entries for %language and %skeleton.
- * examples/extexi (normalize): Instead of replacing every %require
- argument with the current Bison version, just substitute for
- `@value{VERSION}'. This guarantees that we're testing what actually
- appears in the documentation.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am ($(calc_extracted)): Use `$(VERSION)'
- rather than `@VERSION@'.
-2006-12-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Reword the %language news a bit, and put it earlier.
- * src/getargs.c (skeleton_arg): Last arg is now location const *.
- Rewrite to simplify the logic.
- (language_argmatch): Likewise.
- (program_name): We now own this var.
- * src/getargs.h (struct bison_language): Use char[] rather than
- const char *.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Bison Options): Don't claim
- Java is supported.
- * src/complain.c (program_name): Remove decl; no longer needed.
- * src/main.c (program_name): Remove; now belongs to getargs.
-2006-12-18 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * NEWS: Document %language.
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Add c-skel.m4, c++-skel.m4.
- * data/c-skel.m4, data/c++-skel.m4: New files.
- * data/glr.c: Complain on push parsers.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (C++ Parser Interface): Prefer %language
- over %skeleton.
- (Decl Summary): Document %language and %skeleton.
- (Command line): Document -L.
- * examples/extexi: Rewrite %require directive.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am: Pass VERSION to extexi.
- * src/files.c (compute_exts_from_gc): Look in language structure
- for .y extension.
- (compute_file_name_parts): Check whether .tab should be added.
- * src/getargs.c (valid_languages, skeleton_prio, language_prio):
- (language, skeleton_arg, language_argmatch): New.
- (long_options): Add --language.
- (getargs): Use skeleton_arg, add -L/--language.
- * src/getargs.h: Include location.h.
- (struct bison_language, language, skeleton_arg, language_argmatch): New.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Pick default skeleton from struct language.
- Don't dispatch C skeletons here.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_LANGUAGE): New.
- (prologue_declaration): Add "%language" rule, use skeleton_arg.
- * src/scan-gram.l ("%language"): New rule.
- * tests/calc.at: Test %skeleton and %language.
- * tests/local.at (AT_SKEL_CC_IF): Look for %language.
- (AT_GLR_IF): Look for %skeleton "glr.cc".
- (AT_LALR1_CC_IF, AT_GLR_CC_IF): Rewrite.
- (AT_YACC_IF): Reject %language.
-2006-12-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/symtab.h (struct semantic_type): Remove the tag 'semantic_type',
- since it wasn't used; only the typedef name 'semantic_type' is needed.
- Also, omit trailing white space.
- * bootstrap: Sync from coreutils.
- (gnulib_extra_files): Add build-aux/announce.gen.
- (slurp): Adjust .gitignore files like .cvsignore files.
- * build-aux/announce-gen: Remove from CVS, since bootstrap
- now creates this.
-2006-12-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Make %push-parser imply %pure-parser. This fixes several bugs; see
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-12/msg00148.html>.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): For %push-parser, also set
- pure_parser = true.
- * data/push.c: Don't bother testing b4_push_if when deciding whether
- to expand b4_declare_parser_variables globally.
- (yypush_parse): Likewise in here.
- * data/push.c (yypush_parse): Add b4_parse_param to arguments.
- (yy_reduce_print): Reformat M4 for readability.
-2006-12-15 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- and Joel Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c (yypstate): Add typedef, and update all uses of
- struct yypstate to just yypstate.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Update here as well.
-2006-12-14 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yypush_parse): Declare prototype regardless of
- %locations option.
-2006-12-14 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yyparse): Remove the prototype and the #define when in
- push-parser mode.
-2006-12-13 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yypstate_init): Rename to...
- (yypstate_new): ... this and use b4_c_function_def.
- (yypstate_delete): New.
- (yypush_parse): Change parameters yynval and yynlloc to be const.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Use new yypstate_new and
- yypstate_delete functions.
-2006-12-13 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * configure.ac (AC_PREREQ): Require Autoconf 2.61 because of our
- strange test case titles. Reported by Bob Rossi.
-2006-12-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * TODO: Add pointer to Sylvain Schmitz's work on static detection
- of potential ambiguities in GLR grammers.
-2006-12-12 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_CHECK): When checking if $1 starts with
- `bison ', use m4_index instead of m4_substr since chopping up a string
- containing M4-special characters causes problems here.
- Fix a couple of bugs related to special characters in user-specified
- file names, and make it easier for skeletons to compute output file
- names with the same file name prefix as Bison-computed output file
- names.
- * data/glr.cc, data/push.c, data/yacc.c: In @output, use
- b4_parser_file_name and b4_spec_defines_file instead of
- @output_parser_name@ and @output_header_name@, which are now redundant.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Likewise. Also, in header #include's, use
- b4_parser_file_name, b4_spec_defines_file, and the new
- @basename(FILENAME@) instead of @output_parser_name@ and
- @output_header_name@, which inappropriately escaped the file names as
- C string literals.
- * src/files.c (all_but_ext): Remove static qualifier.
- (compute_output_file_names): Move `free (all_but_ext)' to...
- (output_file_names_free): ... here since all_but_ext is needed later.
- * src/files.h (all_but_ext): Extern.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING_RAW): New macro that does
- exactly what MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING used to do.
- characters are escaped properly.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Define muscle file_name_all_but_ext as
- all_but_ext.
- For pkgdatadir muscle, maintain previous functionality by using
- is that b4_pkgdatadir is used inside m4_include in the skeletons, so
- digraphs would never be expanded. Hopefully no one has M4-special
- characters in his Bison installation path.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Don't parse @output_header_name@ and
- @output_parser_name@ anymore since they're now redundant.
- In @output, use decode_at_digraphs.
- Parse a new @basename command that invokes last_component.
- (decode_at_digraphs): New.
- (BASE_QPUTS): Remove unused.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME): New macro.
- (Output file name): New tests.
-2006-12-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Warn about output files that are generated by the skeletons and that
- conflict with other output files.
- * data/glr.c: Don't generate the header file here when glr.cc does.
- * src/files.c (file_names, file_names_count): New static globals.
- (compute_output_file_names): Invoke output_file_name_check for files
- not generated by the skeletons and remove existing checks.
- (output_file_name_check): New function that warns about conflicting
- output file names.
- (output_file_names_free): Free file_names.
- * src/files.h (output_file_name_check): Declare.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Invoke output_file_name_check for files generated by
- the skeletons.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_CONFLICTING_OUTPUT): New.
- (Conflicting output files): New tests.
-2006-12-09 Ralf Wildenhues <Ralf.Wildenhues@gmx.de>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fix a couple of typos.
-2006-12-08 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c: (yypvarsinit, yypvars, struct yypvars, yypushparse):
- Rename to...
- (yypstate_init, yypstate, struct yypstate, yypush_parse): ... these and
- update all uses.
- (b4_yyssa, b4_yyerror_range, yypstate_init): Rename pv to yyps.
- (yypush_parse): Rename yypvars argument to yyps and remove redundant
- local pv.
- (yypstate_init, yypush_parse): Declare in Bison-generated header file.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Use newly named functions.
-2006-12-07 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- and Joel Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c (yypvarsinit): Change return type from void* to struct
- yypvars*. No longer cast to void* on return.
- (struct yypvars): Remove yylen since it need not be remembered between
- yypushparse invocations.
- (yypushparse): Don't copy between yylen and pv->yylen.
-2006-12-05 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yychar_set, yylval_set, yylloc_set): Delete.
- (yypushparse): Add yynchar, yynlval, yynlloc parameters.
- (b4_declare_parser_variables): Do not declare yynerrs for push mode.
- (struct yypvars): Remove b4_declare_parser_variables.
- (yypvarsinit): Remove init code for removed variables.
- (global scope): Do not declare b4_declare_parser_variables if
- push or pure mode.
- (yypushparse): Add b4_declare_parser_variables.
- Init new local variables, and remove init code for removed
- yypvars variables.
- (yyparse): Delete.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Call yypushparse for push mode
- and yyparse for other modes.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR): Added '%skeleton "push.c"' for push tests.
- * tests/local.at (AT_PUSH_IF, AT_PURE_OR_PUSH_IF): Added.
- (AT_YYERROR_SEES_LOC_IF): push-parser makes this false.
- (AT_PURE_LEX_IF): True if pure or push parser.
-2006-12-05 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Document Yacc prologue alternatives and default %destructor's and
- %printer's as experimental. Don't mention Java yet. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-12/msg00002.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Say they're experimental. Remove any mention of Java.
- (2.3a): Annotate this entry to say the old forms of these features were
- also experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue Alternatives, Freeing Discarded Symbols,
- Table of Symbols): Say they're experimental. Comment out any mention
- of Java (we'll want this back eventually).
-2006-12-01 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Support a file name argument to %defines. Deprecate `=' in
- %file-prefix, %name-prefix, and %output. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2006-09/msg00001.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Table of Symbols): Add entry for new
- form of %defines, and remove `=' from entries for %file-prefix,
- %name-prefix, and %output.
- * src/parse-gram.y (prologue_declaration): Implement.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR Calculator, Simple GLR Calculator, Simple
- LALR1 C++ Calculator, Simple GLR C++ Calculator): Remove the `=' from
- all but one occurrence of %name-prefix.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Remove the `=' from %name-prefix.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Likewise.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): Remove the `=' from all but one
- occurrence of each of %file-prefix and %output. Add check for %defines
- with argument.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Terminals, Useless Nonterminals,
- Useless Rules, Reduced Automaton, Underivable Rules, Empty Language):
- Remove the `=' from %output.
-2006-11-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't escape $ in test case titles since Autoconf 2.61 now does that
- correctly.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor are not for error
- or $undefined): Here.
- (Default %printer and %destructor are not for $accept): Here.
- * tests/input.at (Invalid $n and @n): Here.
-2006-11-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Rename <!> to <>. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-11/msg00039.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Update.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Freeing Discarded Symbols, Table of Symbols):
- Update.
- * src/parse-gram.y (TYPE_TAG_NONE, generic_symlist_item): Implement.
- * src/scan-gram.l (INITIAL): Implement.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_default_tagless_new): Update comment.
- * src/symlist.h (symbol_list, symbol_list_default_tagless_new): Update
- comment.
- * tests/actions.at (Default tagless %printer and %destructor,
- Default tagged and per-type %printer and %destructor,
- Default %printer and %destructor are not for error or $undefined,
- Default %printer and %destructor are not for $accept,
- Default %printer and %destructor for mid-rule values): Update.
- * tests/input.at (Default %printer and %destructor redeclared,
- Unused values with default %destructor): Update.
-2006-11-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't let %prec take a nonterminal.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_prec_set): Make the %prec symbol a
- token.
- * tests/input.at (%prec takes a token): New test checking that %prec
- won't take a nonterminal.
-2006-11-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_CHECK): Don't miss an exit value of 0 because
- it was double-quoted.
- * src/Makefile.am (YACC): Use --warnings=all,error so that Bison's own
- grammar is maintained with Bison's highest standards.
- * src/getargs.c: Fix some typos in Doxygen comments.
-2006-11-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix memory leaks in scanners generated by at least Flex 2.5.9 and
- later. Reported by Paul Eggert in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-11/msg00014.html>.
- * src/flex-scanner.h (yylex_destroy): Define for Flex before 2.5.9.
- * src/scan-code.l (translate_action): Don't bother invoking
- yy_delete_buffer (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) before creating the first buffer.
- (code_scanner_free): Instead of invoking
- yy_delete_buffer (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) directly, invoke yylex_destroy,
- which frees more.
- * src/scan-gram.l (gram_scanner_free): Likewise.
- * src/scan-skel.l (scan_skel): Likewise.
-2006-11-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/files.c (tr): Change return type to void.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_insert): Free storage in case muscle_grow
- has been called previously for the same key.
- (muscle_find): Return storage instead of value so that
- --enable-gcc-warnings doesn't produce warnings that the return discards
- const. aver that the value and storage are the same since storage
- could potentially be NULL when value is not.
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_CHECK): Treat an unspecified exit value the
- same as 0.
-2006-11-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap.conf (excluded_files): Exclude m4/codeset.m4 (undoing
- the earlier change today), m4/intl.m4, m4/intldir.m4. This gives
- us a slightly cleaner distribution, and also works.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add inline.m4, wint_t.m4 to accommodate recent
- gnulib changes.
-2006-11-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- and Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Don't let Bison leak memory except when it complains.
- * src/files.h (parser_file_name, spec_verbose_file, spec_graph_file):
- (spec_defines_file, dir_prefix): Now char *, not const char *,
- since they are freed.
- * src/files.c: Likewise.
- (all_but_ext, all_but_tab_ext, src_extension, header_extension):
- Likewise.
- (tr): Now operates in-place. All uses changed.
- (compute_exts_from_gf, compute_exts_from_src): Don't leak temporary
- values.
- (compute_file_name_parts, compute_output_file_names): Don't store
- read-only data in variables that will be freed.
- (compute_output_file_names): Free all_but_ext, all_but_tab_ext,
- src_extension, and header_extension.
- (output_file_names_free): New public function to free
- spec_verbose_file, spec_graph_file, spec_defines_file,
- parser_file_name, and dir_prefix.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Don't store read-only data in variables that
- will be freed.
- * src/main.c (main): Invoke output_file_names_free, code_scanner_free
- (which previously existed but was unused), and quotearg_free.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_insert): value arg is now a `char const *'.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Likewise.
- (muscle_entry): Make the value char const *,
- and add a new storage member that is char * and can be freed.
- (muscle_entry_free): New private function.
- (muscle_init): Use it instead of free.
- (muscle_insert, muscle_grow): Update and use new storage member.
- (muscle_code_grow): Free the string passed to muscle_grow
- since it's not needed anymore.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%union): Make `chars' member a `char const *', and
- add a new `char *code' member.
- ("{...}"): Declare semantic type as code.
- * src/scan-code.h (translate_rule_action):
- (translate_symbol_action, translate_code, translate_action): Return
- `char const *' rather than `char *' since external code should not free
- these strings.
- * src/scan-code.l: Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_BRACED_CODE>): Use val->code for BRACED_CODE,
- which is "{...}" in the parser.
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-check-valgrind): Set
- VALGRIND_OPTS='--leak-check=full --show-reacheable=yes' before invoking
- Valgrind.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): fclose the FILE* so Valgrind doesn't
- complain.
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_CHECK): Redefine so that running Bison and
- expecting a non-zero exit status sets --leak-check=summary and
- --show-reachable=no for Valgrind. Bison unabashedly leaks memory in
- this case, and we don't want to hear about it.
-2006-11-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (runtime-po/Makevars): Derive from po/Makevars
- instead of from the template, to simplify configuration a bit.
- * bootstrap.conf (excluded_files): Don't exclude m4/codeset.m4
- and m4/wint_t.m4, as they are needed with the latest gnulib.
-2006-10-31 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Disable unset/unused mid-rule value warnings by default, and recognize
- --warnings=midrule-values to enable them. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2006-10/msg00030.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * src/getargs.c, src/getargs.h (warnings_args, warnings_types, enum
- warnings): Add entry for midrule-values subargument.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used): Don't return true just because
- the value is a set/used mid-rule value unless
- --warnings=midrule-values was specified.
- * tests/input.at (Unused values, Unused values before symbol
- declarations): Run tests with and without --warnings=midrule-values.
- * src/reader.c (check_and_convert_grammar): Use symbol_list_free rather
- than LIST_FREE directly.
-2006-10-31 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Finish implementing --warnings=error, which should not be implied by
- --warnings=all (or by its synonyms -W and --warnings without
- subarguments).
- * src/complain.c (set_warning_issued): New function to report that
- warnings are being treated as errors and to record an error if so.
- Invoke...
- (warn_at, warn): ... here.
- * src/getargs.c (warnings_args, warnings_types): Reorder so that
- "error - warnings are errors" does not appear above "all - all of the
- above".
- (getargs): For -W and --warnings without subarguments, don't let
- FLAGS_ARGMATCH set warnings_error in warnings_flag.
- * src/getargs.h (enum warnings): Unset warnings_error in warnings_all.
-2006-10-31 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (flags_argmatch): Don't cause segmentation fault for
- empty subargument list. For example: `bison --warnings= parser.y'.
-2006-10-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/push.c, data/yacc.c: Make sure there's a newline at the end of
- the parser header file so that gcc doesn't warn.
-2006-10-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Split the default %destructor/%printer into two kinds: <*> and <!>.
- Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-09/msg00060.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Freeing Discarded Symbols): Document this and the
- previous change today related to mid-rules.
- (Table of Symbols): Remove %symbol-default and add <*> and <!>.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT): Remove.
- (TYPE_TAG_ANY): Add as <*>.
- (TYPE_TAG_NONE): Add as <!>.
- (generic_symlist_item): Remove RHS for %symbol-default and add RHS's
- for <*> and <!>.
- * src/scan-gram.l (PERCENT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT): Remove.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_default_new): Split into tagged and
- tagless versions.
- (symbol_list_destructor_set, symbol_list_printer_set): Split
- * src/symlist.h: Update symbol_list_default*_new prototypes.
- (symbol_list.content_type): Split enum value SYMLIST_DEFAULT into
- * src/symtab.c (default_destructor, default_destructor_location,
- default_printer, default_printer_location): Split each into tagged and
- tagless versions.
- (symbol_destructor_get, symbol_destructor_location_get,
- symbol_printer_get, symbol_printer_location_get): Implement tagged
- default and tagless default cases.
- (default_destructor_set, default_printer_set): Split each into tagged
- and tagless versions.
- * src/symtab.h: Update prototypes.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor): Rename to...
- (Default tagless %printer and %destructor): ... this, and extend.
- (Per-type %printer and %destructor): Rename to...
- (Default tagged and per-type %printer and %destructor): ... this, and
- extend.
- (Default %printer and %destructor for user-defined end token): Extend.
- (Default %printer and %destructor are not for error or $undefined):
- Update.
- (Default %printer and %destructor are not for $accept): Update.
- (Default %printer and %destructor for mid-rule values): Extend.
- * tests/input.at (Default %printer and %destructor redeclared): Extend.
- (Unused values with default %destructor): Extend.
-2006-10-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't apply the default %destructor/%printer to an unreferenced midrule
- value. Mentioned at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-09/msg00104.html>.
- * src/symtab.c (dummy_symbol_get): Name all dummy symbols initially
- like $@n instead of just @n so that the default %destructor/%printer
- logic doesn't see them as user-defined symbols.
- (symbol_is_dummy): Check for both forms of the name.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Remove the `$' from each midrule symbol
- name for which the midrule value is referenced in any action.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor for mid-rule
- values): New test.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers, Web2c Report): Update output
- for change to dummy symbol names.
-2006-10-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Warn about unset midrule $$ if the corresponding $n is used.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used): Check midrule parent rule for
- $n usage.
- (packgram): Before invoking grammar_rule_check on any rule, make sure
- all actions have already been scanned in order to set `used' flags.
- Otherwise, checking that a midrule's $$ is set will not always work
- properly because the midrule check must forward-reference the midrule's
- parent rule.
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES): Extend to check the new
- warning.
-2006-10-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- More improvements to the documentation of the prologue alternatives:
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Mention the new `Prologue Alternatives' section in the
- Bison manual.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue Alternatives): Correct some errors. Add
- some text to clarify the relative importance of the new directives and
- to show how these directives may be viewed as code labels.
-2006-10-16 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Similar to the recently removed %before-header, add %code-top as the
- alternative to the pre-prologue. Mentioned at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-10/msg00063.html>.
- Also, let the prologue alternatives appear in the grammar section.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_CODE_TOP): New token.
- (prologue_declaration): Move the existing prologue alternatives to...
- (grammar_declaration): ... here and add %code-top.
- * src/scan-gram.l (PERCENT_CODE_TOP): New token.
- Clean up and extend documentation for the prologue alternatives.
- * NEWS (2.3a+): Describe prologue alternatives.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue): Move discussion of prologue
- alternatives to...
- (Prologue Alternatives): ... this new section, and extend it to discuss
- all 4 directives in detail.
- (Table of Symbols): Clean up discussion of prologue alternatives and
- add %code-top.
-2006-10-16 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- DJGPP specific issues.
- * djgpp/config.bat: config.hin has been moved to lib. Adjust
- config.bat accordingly.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Adjust config.sed for the use of autoconf 2.60.
- * djgpp/config.site: Likewise.
-2006-10-16 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- Replace %*-header with %provides, %requires, %code. See discussion at
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-10/msg00002.html
- * data/bison.m4 (b4_user_requires, b4_user_provides): New.
- (b4_user_start_header): Remove.
- * data/glr.c: Use new macros instead of b4_*start_header
- and b4_*end_header.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/push.c: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Remove %before-header, rename
- %{start,end,after}-header to %requires, %provides, %code.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Likewise (also rename token names accordingly).
- * src/scan-gram.l: Likewise.
- * tests/actions.at: Likewise.
-2006-10-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * lib/Makefile.am (AM_CFLAGS): Remove $(WERROR_CFLAGS).
- Problem reported by Joel E. Denny.
-2006-10-14 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- (Sync from coreutils.)
- Work also when the working directory (with e.g. coreutils sources)
- is version controlled with git, rather than CVS.
- * bootstrap (CVS_only_file): Test for the existence of README-cvs,
- rather than CVS.
- In messages and comments, say e.g., "checked-out sources",
- rather than "CVS sources".
- (version_controlled_file): New function. Work for git as well as
- for CVS. Don't use grep's -q option.
- (slurp): Call it here, in place of CVS-specific code.
-2006-10-14 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix testsuite for ./configure --enable-gcc-warnings:
- * configure.ac (gcc-warnings): Move -Wall before -Wno-sign-compare.
- Otherwise, gcc 4.1.0 (at least) warns about sign comparisons in
- __AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR in tests/actions.at.
- * test/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): #include <stdlib.h> for abort.
- * test/regression.at (Diagnostic that expects two alternatives):
- Likewise.
-2006-10-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add config-h.
- * djgpp/subpipe.c: Include <config.h> unconditionally; don't
- worry about HAVE_CONFIG_H.
- * lib/abitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c: Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/get-errno.c: Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.c: Likewise.
- * lib/vbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c: Include "bitset.h" first, to test interface.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Include "bitset_stats.h" first.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c: Include "bitsetv-print.h" first.
- * lib/bitsetv.c: Include "bitsetv.h" first.
- * lib/get-errno.c: Include "get-errno.h" first.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add config-h.m4.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor for ...):
- Adjust expected line numbers in output to reflect removal of #if
- HAVE_CONFIG_H lines.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Missed %merge type warnings when ...):
- Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Braced code in declaration in rules section):
- Likewise.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CPPFLAGS): Don't define HAVE_CONFIG_H.
- * tests/local.at (AT_DATA_GRAMMAR_PROLOGUE):
- Include <config.h> unconditionally.
- * bootstrap: Sync from coreutils, as follows:
- 2006-10-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (symlink_to_gnulib): Fix bug: the dot_dots shell
- variable was sometimes used without being initialized. This
- messed up the installation of the INSTALL file in some cases.
- 2006-10-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (usage, main program, symlink_to_gnulib): Add option
- --copy. Inspired by a suggestion from Bruno Haible.
- 2006-10-03 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- * bootstrap: Undo last change to this file, since now gnulib-tool
- sticks with the automake default in generating dependencies.
-2006-10-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * configure.ac: Use AC_PROG_CC_STDC; this is more modern than
- the old AC_PROG_CC / AM_PROG_CC_STDC combination.
- * doc/bison.1: Add copyright notice.
- * data/glr.c: Don't include <stdarg.h>; not used.
- * NEWS: The -g and --graph options now output graphs in Graphviz
- DOT format, not VCG format.
- * doc/bison.1: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Understanding, Bison Options): Likewise.
- * THANKS: Add Satya Kiran Popuri, who proposed the initial version
- of this change in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-09/msg00158.html>.
- * TODO: Remove Graphviz entry.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add graphviz.c and graphviz.h;
- remove vcg.c, vcg.h, vcg_defaults.h.
- * src/vcg.c, src/vcg.h, src/vcg_defaults.h: Remove.
- * src/graphviz.c, src/graphviz.h: New files.
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names): Output .dot, not .vcg.
- * src/files.h: Make comment more generic.
- * src/main.c (main): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.h: Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Make usage description more generic.
- * src/print_graph.c: Include graphviz.h rather than vcg.h.
- (static_graph, fgraph): Remove. All uses changed to pass
- arguments instead of sharing a static var.
- (print_core, print_actions, print_state, print_graph):
- Output graphviz format rather than VCG format.
- * tests/.cvsignore: Remove *.vcg; add *.dot.
- * tests/output.at: Expect *.dot files, not *.vcg files.
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Add bison.m4; this
- accommodates the 2006-10-08 change.
-2006-10-11 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yypushparse, yypvarsinit, yypvars): Wrap in b4_push_if.
- (b4_yyssa, b4_yyerror_range): New macros.
- (struct yypvars): Remove yyssa_ptr and yyerror_range_ptr fields.
- (yypvarsinit): Remove init of removed fields.
- (yypushparse): Remove use of removed fields; use new macros instead.
-2006-10-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/push.c (yypushparse): Fix memory leak if yymsg is malloced
- in a push parser. Reindent slightly to match yacc.c better.
-2006-10-11 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (struct yypvars): Remove yymsgbuf, yymsgbuf_ptr, yymsg,
- yymsg_alloc fields.
- (yypvarsinit, yypushparse): Remove init of removed fields.
- (yypushparse): Use yymsgbuf instead of yymsgbuf_ptr.
-2006-10-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * THANKS: Add Paolo Bonzini and Bob Rossi.
-2006-10-08 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_copyright, b4_epilogue, b4_location_initial_column,
- b4_location_initial_line, p4_parse_param, b4_ints_in, b4_flag_if,
- b4_define_flag_if and uses, b4_basename, b4_syncline, b4_user_code,
- b4_define_user_cde and uses): Remove.
- (b4_comment, b4_prefix, b4_sync_start): New.
- * data/bison.m4: New file, with most of the content removed from c.m4.
- * src/muscle_tab.h: Use "do {...} while(0)" throughout.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Pass bison.m4.
- (prepare): Pass glr_flag and nondeterministic_flag. Pass prefix
- only if specified.
-2006-10-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix test failure reported by Tom Lane in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-10/msg00000.html>
- and try to make such failures easier to catch in the future.
- * data/glr.c (YYTRANSLATE): Don't check for nonpositive arg;
- that's now the caller's responsibility.
- (yyprocessOneStack, yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyparse):
- Set yychar = YYEOF if it's negative.
- * tests/actions.at (yylex): Abort if asked to read past EOF.
- * tests/conflicts.at (yylex): Likewise.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (yylex): Likewise.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (yylex): Likewise.
- * tests/input.at (yylex): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (yylex): Likewise.
- * tests/torture.at (yylex): Likewise.
-2006-10-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix problems with translating English-language diagnostics.
- * bootstrap: Fix bug introduced in recent bootstrap changes, with
- respect to bison-runtime pot generation. The YY_ stuff
- wasn't being captured.
- * bootstrap.conf (XGETTEXT_OPTIONS_RUNTIME): New var.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Add src/location.c, src/scan-code.l.
- * runtime-po/POTFILES.in: Add data/push.c.
-2006-09-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Merge bootstrap changes from coreutils.
- 2006-09-28 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- Automatically generated dependencies are important even
- when all of the sources in a directory come from gnulib.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_tool): Remove the "no-dependencies" automake
- option that gnulib-tool adds to what becomes our lib/gnulib.mk.
- 2006-09-23 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- * bootstrap (gnulib_tool_options): Add "--local-dir gl".
- 2006-09-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap: Add support for --force.
- (usage): New function. Describe usage less tersely.
- (CVS_only_file): New var.
-2006-09-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/push.c (YYPUSH_MORE): Make it an enum instead.
- (yypushparse): Use YYPUSH_MORE instead of the mystery constant.
- Adjust white space and comments to match GNU style better.
-2006-09-20 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/push.c (yyresult_get): Remove function.
- (YYPUSH_MORE): Add #define.
- (yypushparse): Modify return value.
-2006-09-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * stamp-h.in: Remove; no longer needed.
- * .cvsignore: Replace autom4te.cache and config.cache with *.cache.
- Remove config.h, config.hin, intl (no longer created).
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add config.h, config.hin, configmake.h, inttypes.h,
- stamp-h1.
- Sync bootstrap from coreutils, as follows:
- 2006-09-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (symlink_to_gnulib): New function.
- (cp_mark_as_generated): Use it, to prefer symlinks-to-gnulib
- to copies-of-gnulib.
- (cp_mark_as_generated, slurp, gnulib_files):
- Avoid making a copy if it's the same as the old version.
- (gnulib_files): Add support for this variable (used by Bison).
-2006-09-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Rework to use conventions similar to
- coreutils, to make translation a bit easier and the code a bit
- smaller. Problem reported by Tim Van Holder.
-2006-09-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Use some of gnulib's new modules, taken from coreutils.
- * bootstrap: Sync from coreutils, except add support for gnulib_files.
- * bootstrap.conf: New file.
- (gnulib_modules): Add configmake, inttypes, unistd.
- (XGETTEXT_OPTIONS): Add complain, complain_at,
- fatal, fatal_at, warn, warn_at, unexpected_end.
- * configure.ac (AC_CONFIG_HEADERS): config.h is now in lib, not here.
- (gl_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS): Remove; gl_EARLY now does this.
- (gl_EARLY): Add.
- (AM_STDBOOL_H): Remove; gl_INIT now dows this.
- (gl_INIT): Add
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT): Add; require formatstring macros since that's
- the pickiest.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add inttypes_.h.
- * lib/Makefile.am: Include gnulib.mk first so we can append to it.
- (AM_CFLAGS): Add WERROR_CFLAGS, to be more like coreutils.
- no-longer-necessary initializations.
- (lib_SOURCES): Remove, replacing by libbison_a_SOURCES.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Include <unistd.h> unconditionally, now that we
- use the unistd module.
- * src/system.h: Likewise.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove *_gl.m4, gnulib.m4, inttypes_h.m4, uintmax_t.m4,
- ulonglong.m4. Add gettext.m4, gnulib-cache.m4, gnulib-comp.m4,
- gnulib-tool.m4, inttypes-h.m4, inttypes-pri.m4, inttypes.m4.
- * src/Makefile.am (DEFS): Remove, since configmake does this for us.
- (AM_CPPFLAGS): Remove -I../lib, since Automake does that for us.
- * src/system.h: Include inttypes.h unconditionally, now that we
- use the inttypes module. Don't bother to include stdint.h, since
- inttypes.h now does that for us.
- (LOCALEDIR): Remove, now that we use the configmake module.
- * src/getargs.c: Include configmake.h.
- * src/main.c: Likewise.
- * src/output.c: Likewise.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CPPFLAGS): Include from $abs_top_builddir/lib,
- not from $abs_top_builddir, since config.h moved.
- Port to GCC 2.95. First two problems reported by Michael Deutschmann in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-09/msg00018.html>.
- * src/parse-gram.y (symbol_declaration): Don't put statements
- before declarations; it's not portable to C89.
- * src/scan-code.l (handle_action_at): Likewise.
- * src/scan-code.l: Always initialize braces_level; the old code
- left it uninitialized and therefore had undefined behavior.
- Don't attempt to redefine 'assert', since it runs afoul of
- systems where standard headers (mistakenly) include <assert.h>.
- Instead, define and use our own alternative, called 'aver'.
- * src/reader.c: Don't include assert.h, since we no longer
- use assert.
- * src/scan-code.l: Likewise.
- * src/system.h (assert): Remove, replacing with....
- (aver): New function, taking a bool arg. All uses changed.
- * src/tables.c (pack_vector): Ensure that aver arg is bool,
- not merely an integer.
-2006-09-15 Bob Rossi <bob@brasko.net>
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Add push.c.
- * data/c.m4 (YYPUSH): New.
- (b4_push_if): New macro. Use it instead of #ifdef YYPUSH.
- * src/getargs.c (push_parser): New var.
- * src/getargs.h (push_parser): New declaration.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Add macro insertion of `push_flag'.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_PUSH_PARSER): New token.
- (prologue_declaration): Parse %push-parser.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Scan new PERCENT_PUSH_PARSER token.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Add "Return" and "Now" to
- list of removed lines from the traces observed.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR): Added push parser tests.
-2006-09-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.3a.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Likewise.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Remove
- "#define YYSTYPE int" that caused "make maintainer-check" to fail
- due to header ordering dependencies. I don't know why the #define
- was there.
- Fix glr.cc and lalr1.cc's use of YYDEBUG so that there's zero
- runtime cost when YYDEBUG is not defined, and so that some tests
- that used to fail now work. Problem and initial suggestion by
- Paolo Bonzini.
- * data/c++.m4 (b4_parse_param_cons): Omit leading ','.
- * data/glr.cc (b4_parser_class_name):
- Initialize yycdebug_ only if YYDEBUG. Also, initialize yydebug_.
- (debug_level, set_debug_level): Affect yydebug_, not ::yydebug.
- (yydebug_) [YYDEBUG]: New member.
- (yycdebug_): Now defined only if YYDEBUG.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yydebug_, yycdebug_): Now defined only if YYDEBUG.
- (YYCDEBUG) [!YYDEBUG]: Don't use yydebug_ and yycdebug_.
- (b4_parser_class_name): Initialize yydebug_ and yycdebug_ only
- (debug_stream, set_debug_stream, debug_level, set_debug_level):
- Define only if YYDEBUG.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y) [!YYDEBUG]: Omit call to
- set_debug_level.
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y) [!YYDEBUG]: Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC): Uncomment calls to
- AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR_CC that are working now.
-2006-09-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.cc (YYERROR_VERBOSE, YYTOKEN_TABLE): Remove.
- We don't need them in glr.cc, and glr.c defines them.
- Defining YYERROR_VERBOSE to 0 here breaks glr.c, since glr.c
- assumes that defining it to anything is the same as defining
- it to 1. Problem reported by Paolo Bonzini.
-2006-09-12 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org> (tiny change)
- * data/c.m4 (b4_null, b4_case): Define.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): Use b4_null.
- (user_actions_output): Use b4_case.
-2006-09-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (b4_shared_declarations): Put start-header first,
- before any #includes that we generate, so that feature-test
- macros work. Problem reported by Michael Deutschmann in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-09/msg00004.html>.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue): Document that feature-test macros
- should be defined before any Bison declarations.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Put defns
- that depend on location.hh after, not before, Bison decls, since
- we now include location.hh after the first user prologue.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Parser): Fix memory leak reported by
- Sander Brandenburg in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-09/msg00002.html>.
- Also, fix minor white space and comment issues.
- (Prologue): Mention that it's better to define feature-test macros
- before Bison declarations. Problem reported by Michael Deutschmann.
- * README-cvs: Fix typo: "&" should be "&&". Problem reported
- by Jim Meyering.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add argmatch.m4. Remove obstack.m4, strerror_r.m4.
- This adjusts to recent gnulib changes.
-2006-09-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Finish implementation of per-type %destructor/%printer. Discussed
- starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-02/msg00064.html>
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00091.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Add a description of this feature to the default
- %destructor/%printer description.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Freeing Discarded Symbols): Likewise.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_destructor_set, symbol_list_printer_set):
- Invoke semantic_type_destructor_set or semantic_type_printer_set when a
- list node contains a semantic type.
- * src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h: Extend with a table that associates
- semantic types with their %destructor's and %printer's.
- (semantic_type_from_uniqstr, semantic_type_get,
- semantic_type_destructor_set, semantic_type_printer_set): New functions
- composing the public interface of that table.
- (symbol_destructor_get, symbol_destructor_location_get,
- symbol_printer_get, symbol_printer_location_get): If there's no
- per-symbol %destructor/%printer, look up the per-type before trying
- the default.
- * tests/actions.at (Per-type %printer and %destructor): New test case.
- * tests/input.at (Default %printer and %destructor redeclared):
- Extend to check that multiple occurrences of %symbol-default in a
- single %destructor/%printer declaration is an error.
- (Per-type %printer and %destructor redeclared, Unused values with
- per-type %destructor): New test cases.
-2006-09-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Require default %destructor/%printer to be declared using
- %symbol-default instead of an empty symbol list, and start working on
- new per-type %destructor/%printer. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-09/msg00007.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Add %symbol-default to example.
- * bison.texinfo (Freeing Discarded Symbols): Likewise.
- (Table of Symbols): Add entry for %symbol-default.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT): New token.
- (generic_symlist, generic_symlist_item): New nonterminals for creating
- a list in which each item is a symbol, semantic type, or
- %symbol-default.
- (grammar_declaration): Use generic_symlist in %destructor and %printer
- declarations instead of symbols.1 or an empty list.
- (symbol_declaration, precedence_declaration, symbols.1): Update actions
- for changes to symbol_list.
- * src/reader.c: Update for changes to symbol_list.
- * src/scan-code.l: Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Scan new PERCENT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT token.
- * src/symlist.c, src/symlist.h: Extend such that a list node may
- represent a semantic type or a %symbol-default in addition to just an
- ordinary symbol. Add switched functions for setting %destructor's and
- %printer's.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/input.at: Add %symbol-default to all default
- %destructor/%printer declarations.
-2006-08-23 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Whether the default %destructor/%printer applies to a particular symbol
- isn't a question of whether the user *declares* that symbol (in %token,
- for example). It's a question of whether the user by any means
- *defines* the symbol at all (by simply using a char token, for
- example). $end is defined by Bison whereas any other token with token
- number 0 is defined by the user. The error token is always defined by
- Bison regardless of whether the user declares it with %token, but we
- may one day let the user define error as a nonterminal instead.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Say "user-defined" instead of "user-declared".
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Freeing Discarded Symbols): Likewise, and document
- the meaning of "user-defined".
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor for user-declared
- end token): Rename to...
- (Default %printer and %destructor for user-defined end token): ...
- this.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_destructor_get, symbol_printer_get): In the
- computation of whether to apply the default, don't maintain a list of
- every Bison-defined symbol. Instead, just check for a first character
- of '$', which a user symbol cannot have, and check for the error token.
-2006-08-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't apply the default %destructor or %printer to the error token,
- $undefined, or $accept. This change fits the general rule that the
- default %destructor and %printer are only for user-declared symbols,
- and it solves several difficulties that are described in the new test
- cases listed below.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_destructor_get, symbol_printer_get): Implement.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor are not for error
- or $undefined, Default %printer and %destructor are not for $accept):
- New test cases.
-2006-08-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Allow %start after the first rule.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_begin): Don't set the start symbol
- when parsing the first rule.
- (check_and_convert_grammar): Search for it here after all grammar
- declarations have been parsed. Skip midrules, which have dummy LHS
- nonterminals.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_is_dummy): New function.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_is_dummy): Declare it.
- * tests/input.at (%start after first rule): New test.
-2006-08-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Redo some of the previous commit: add back the ability to use
- non-aliased/undeclared string literals since it might be useful to
- those declaring %token-table.
- * src/reader.c (check_and_convert_grammar): Undo changes in previous
- commit: don't worry about complaints from symbols_pack.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new, symbol_class_set,
- symbol_check_alias_consistency): Undo changes in previous commit: count
- each string literal as a new symbol and token, assign it a symbol
- number, and don't complain about non-aliased string literals.
- (symbols_pack): Since symbol_make_alias still does not decrement symbol
- and token counts but does still set aliased tokens to the same number,
- symbol_pack_processor now leaves empty slots in the symbols array.
- Remove those slots.
- * tests/regression.at (Undeclared string literal): Remove test case
- added in previous commit since non-aliased string literals are allowed
- again.
- (Characters Escapes, Web2c Actions): Undo changes in previous commit:
- remove unnecessary string literal declarations.
- * tests/sets.at (Firsts): Likewise.
-2006-08-18 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't allow an undeclared string literal, but allow a string literal to
- be used before its declaration.
- * src/reader.c (check_and_convert_grammar): Don't invoke packgram if
- symbols_pack complained.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Don't count a string literal as a new
- symbol.
- (symbol_class_set): Don't count a string literal as a new token, and
- don't assign it a symbol number since symbol_make_alias does that.
- (symbol_make_alias): It's not necessary to decrement the symbol and
- token counts anymore. Don't assume that an alias declaration occurs
- before any uses of the identifier or string, and thus don't assert that
- one of them has the highest symbol number so far.
- (symbol_check_alias_consistency): Complain if there's a string literal
- that wasn't declared as an alias.
- (symbols_pack): Bail if symbol_check_alias_consistency failed since
- symbol_pack asserts that every token has been assigned a symbol number
- although undeclared string literals have not.
- * tests/regression.at (String alias declared after use, Undeclared
- string literal): New test cases.
- (Characters Escapes, Web2c Actions): Declare string literals as
- aliases.
- * tests/sets.at (Firsts): Likewise.
-2006-08-14 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In the grammar scanner, STRING_FINISH unclosed constructs and return
- them to the parser in order to improve error messages.
- * tests/input.at (Unclosed constructs): New test case.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Update now that unclosed %{ is
- seen.
- * src/scan-gram.h, src/scan-gram.l (gram_last_braced_code_loc): Remove
- unused global.
-2006-08-13 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Handle string aliases for character tokens correctly.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_user_token_number_set): If the token has an
- alias, check and set its alias's user token number instead of its own,
- which is set to indicate the alias. Previously, every occurrence of
- the character token in the grammar overwrote that alias indicator with
- the character code.
- * tests/input.at (String aliases for character tokens): New test.
-2006-08-12 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Add `%expect 0' so we don't overlook conflicts.
-2006-08-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap: Put in need-ngettext argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT,
- to prevent failures when building on older platforms.
- Check for autopoint failure.
- Set XGETTEXT_OPTIONS to values that check for C format strings,
- so that translators are warned about them (this also helps
- prevent core dumps).
- * lib/subpipe.c (create_subpipe): Use new gnulib pipe_safer
- function, since it simplifies our code a bit.
- * configure.ac (AC_ARG_ENABLE): Use -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare
- rather than -W, so we don't get bogus warnings about sign comparisons.
- Add -Wpointer-arith, since that warning is useful (it reports code
- that does not conform to C89 and that some compilers reject).
- * data/c.m4, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c: Undo latest change,
- since it's no longer needed.
-2006-08-10 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up scanners a bit.
- * src/flex-scanner.h (FLEX_NO_OBSTACK): New macro that blocks obstack
- definitions so gcc won't warn when obstack_for_string is unused.
- * src/scan-code.l: config.h and system.h are already #include'd by
- scan-code-c.c, so get rid of them here.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Likewise.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Likewise, and use flex-scanner.h without obstack
- definitions rather than duplicating the rest of it.
- * src/scan-gram-c.c, scan-skel-c.c: #include "system.h".
-2006-08-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Suppress signed/unsigned comparison warnings for yycheck.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_safest_int_type): New macro.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Wherever you compare yycheck[i] against
- a signed int type, cast it to b4_safest_int_type first.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- (b4_safest_int_type): Overwrite the one from c.m4 since b4_int_type is
- also overwritten.
-2006-08-09 Ralf Wildenhues <Ralf.Wildenhues@gmx.de> (tiny change)
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fix some typos.
-2006-08-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add inttypes_h.m4,lib-ld.m4, lib-prefix.m4,
- po.m4, stdint_h.m4, uintmax_t.m4, ulonglong.m4, warning.m4.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_tool): Stop using --assume-autoconf;
- the latest gnulib does this a different way.
- (get_translations): Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan reported that the ms
- translation was patched, so stop omitting it.
-2006-07-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Enable declaration of default %printer/%destructor. Make the parser
- use these for all user-declared grammar symbols for which the user does
- not declare a specific %printer/%destructor. Thus, the parser uses it
- for token 0 if the user declares it but not if Bison generates it as
- $end. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-02/msg00064.html>,
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00091.html>,
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-07/msg00019.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Mention.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Actions in Mid-Rule): It's no longer impossible to
- declare a %destructor for a mid-rule's semantic value. It's just
- impossible to declare one specific to it.
- (Freeing Discarded Symbols): Mention that @$ can be used in %destructor
- code. Describe default %destructor form.
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Parse default
- %printer/%destructor declarations.
- * src/output.c (symbol_destructors_output): Use symbol_destructor_get
- and symbol_destructor_location_get rather than accessing the destructor
- and destructor_location members of struct symbol.
- (symbol_printers_output): Likewise but for %printer's.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used): Likewise but for %destructor's
- again.
- * src/symtab.c (default_destructor, default_destructor_location,
- default_printer, default_printer_location): New static global
- variables to record the default %destructor and %printer.
- (symbol_destructor_get, symbol_destructor_location_get,
- symbol_printer_get, symbol_printer_location_get): New functions to
- compute the appropriate %destructor and %printer for a symbol.
- (default_destructor_set, default_printer_set): New functions to set the
- default %destructor and %printer.
- * src/symtab.h: Prototype all those new functions.
- * tests/actions.at (Default %printer and %destructor): New test to
- check that the right %printer and %destructor are called, that they're
- not called for $end, and that $$ and @$ work correctly.
- (Default %printer and %destructor for user-declared end token): New
- test to check that the default %printer and %destructor are called for
- a user-declared end token.
- * tests/input.at (Default %printer and %destructor redeclared, Unused
- values with default %destructor): New tests to check related grammar
- warnings and errors.
-2006-07-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up handling of %destructor for the end token (token 0).
- Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-07/msg00019.html>
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2006-07/msg00013.html>.
- Make the skeletons consistent in how they pop the end token and invoke
- its %destructor.
- * data/glr.c (yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyparse): Don't pop the start
- state, which has token number 0, since this would invoke the
- %destructor for the end token.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::parser::parse): Don't check for the final state
- until after shifting the end token, or else it won't be popped.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Likewise.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Clear the lookahead after shifting it even when
- it's the end token. Upon termination, destroy an unshifted lookahead
- even when it's the end token.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::parser::parse): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Don't check rule 0. This suppresses unused
- value warnings for the end token when the user gives the end token a
- %destructor.
- * tests/actions.at (Printers and Destructors): Test all the above.
-2006-07-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Update to latest gnulib and gettext versions.
- * bootstrap (gnulib-modules): Remove hard-locale, stdio-safer.
- Add fopen-safer.
- (gnulib_files): Add m4/warning.m4. Don't worry about files
- overwritten by autopoint.
- Replace gt_INTL_SUBDIR_CORE with an empty body in m4/gettext_gl.m4.
- Suppress "id", "ms", "tr" translations for now, since gettext 0.15
- rejects them.
- Don't use autoreconf; instead, invoke autopoint etc. by hand,
- so that we can remove the intl files at a better time.
- (intl_files_to_remove): Remove aclocal.m4, since it gets
- rebuilt anyway. Remove m4/inttypes_h.m4, m4/inttypes.m4,
- m4/isc-posix.m4, m4/lib-ld.m4, m4/lib-prefix.m4, m4/po.m4,
- m4/stdint_h.m4, m4/uintmax_t.m4, m4/ulonglong.m4.
- Add m4/inttypes-h.m4, m4/lock.m4, m4/visibility.m4.
- Remove datarootdir hack; no longer needed.
- * configure.ac: Use gl_WARNING_CFLAGS rather than BISON_WARNING.
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Bump from 0.12 to 0.15.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove hard-locale.c, hard-locale.h, strdup.c,
- strdup.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove hard-locale.m4, strdup.m4.
- * m4/warning.m4: Remove from CVS, since we now use gnulib's version.
-2006-07-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap: Adjust to today's change to gnulib-tool by invoking
- it with --assume-autoconf='latest-stable'.
-2006-07-13 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Don't confuse Doxygen (at
- least 1.4.7 and 1.4.4) by putting a #line between `typedef union
- YYSTYPE' and `{'.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_grow): Replace the header comments with
- those from muscle_tab.c since the old ones are misleading.
-2006-07-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Support %define "KEY" {VALUE}.
- * src/scan-code.h, src/scan-code.l (translate_action)
- (translate_rule_action, translate_symbol_action, translate_code):
- Return char *, not const char *.
- * src/parse-gram.y (declaration): Rename as...
- (prologue_declaration): this.
- (string_content): Remove this nonterminal, use STRING.
- (braceless, content, content.opt): New nonterminal.
- Use them.
- (%define): Now accept content.opt, i.e., accept also BRACED_CODE
- as value.
- * src/scan-gram.l (getargs.h): Don't include it.
-2006-07-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYCDEBUG): Use 'if (yydebug_) (*yycdebug_)'
- rather than a for-loop that declares a local bool variable. This
- should work around a compatibility problem with a Cray x1e C++
- compiler reported by Hung Nguyen in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2006-07/msg00022.html>.
- The for-loop was introduced in the 2004-11-17 change but I don't
- know why it was needed.
-2006-07-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4: Comment changes.
-2006-07-10 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/complain.c (error_message, ERROR_MESSAGE): New.
- To factor...
- (fatal_at, fatal, warn_at, warn, complain_at, complain): these.
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c (warning_issued): Remove, unused.
-2006-07-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Instead of %union, you can define and use your own union type
- YYSTYPE if your grammar contains at least one <type> tag.
- Your YYSTYPE need not be a macro; it can be a typedef.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Value Type, Multiple Types, Location Type):
- (Union Decl, Decl Summary): Document this.
- * data/glr.c (YYSTYPE): Implement this.
- * data/glr.cc (YYSTYPE): Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYSTYPE): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTYPE): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Output tag_seen_flag.
- * src/parse-gram.y (declaration, grammar_declaration):
- Use 'union_seen' rather than 'typed' to determine whether
- %union has been seen, since grammars can now be typed without
- %union.
- (symbol_declaration, type.opt, symbol_def):
- Keep track of whether a tag has been seen.
- * src/reader.c (union_seen, tag_seen): New vars.
- (typed): remove.
- * src/reader.h (union_seen, tag_seen, typed): Likewise.
- * src/scan-code.l (untyped_var_seen): New variable.
- (handle_action_dollar): Adjust to above changes.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at):
- Improve overflow checking for outlandish numbers.
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES): Redo test to
- avoid new diagnostics generated by above changes.
- * tests/regression.at (YYSTYPE typedef): Add test to check
- for type tags without %union.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_length): Return int, not unsigned
- int, since callers expect int. This may need to get revisited
- once we have proper integer overflow checking.
- * src/scan-gram.h (gram_scanner_cursor): Remove decl, since this
- object is now static.
- * src/getargs.c (flags_argmatch): Return void, not int,
- to pacify ./configure --enable-gcc-warnings.
- * src/flex-scanner.h (STRING_FREE): Don't use FLEX_PREFIX (last_string)
- since last_string is already defined to FLEX_PREFIX (last_string).
-2006-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- Implement --warnings/-W.
- * src/getargs.c (report_argmatch, trace_argmatch): Remove,
- replaced by...
- (flags_argmatch, FLAGS_ARGMATCH): this new function and macro.
- Adjust callers.
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c (warnings, warnings_flags)
- (warnings_args, warnings_types): New.
- (getargs, short_options, long_options): Accept -W/--warnings.
- Sort the options by alphabetical order, upper case letter right
- before its lower case.
-2006-07-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Change %merge result type clash warnings to errors. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-07/msg00026.html>.
- * src/reader.c (record_merge_function_type): Use complain_at.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Missed %merge type warnings when LHS type is
- declared later): Update test case results.
-2006-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c: Swap --report and --trace handling
- to be in alphabetical order.
- (trace_args): Spelling fixes.
-2006-07-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (YYID, yy_stack_print): Prefix local vars with "yy"
- so they don't collide with user-defined macros.
- (yy_stack_print): Don't assume that yytype_int16 promotes to int;
- this was never guaranteed, and now that we're using gnulib stdint,
- which defines int_fast16_t to long int, the problem is exposed.
-2006-07-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_basename): Simplify a bit, since we don't
- need the full POSIX semantics (and weren't implementing them
- anyway).
- Adjust to Autoconf 2.60 and today's gnulib.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add stdint.
- Remove special case for m4/onceonly_2_57.m4, since gnulib-tool
- no longer copies it.
- (intl_files_to_remove): Remove m4/longlong.m4 and m4/wchar_t.m4,
- since stdint needs the former and wcwidth (which is now required
- by mbswidth) needs the latter.
- Append 'datarootdir = @datarootdir@' to po/Makefile.in.in, to
- work around a compatibility glitch between gettext 0.14.6 and
- Autoconf 2.60.
- * configure.ac (AC_PREREQ): Require Autoconf 2.60.
- Do not check for uintptr_t, since new stdint module does the right
- thing.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove alloca.c, alloca.h, alloca_.h.
- Add stdint.h, stdint_.h, wcwidth.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove alloca.m4, onceonly.m4.
- Add absolute-header.m4, double-slash-root.m4, longlong.m4,
- stdint.m4, wchar_t.m4, wcwidth.m4.
- * src/files.c: Include <dirname.h> and <stdio-safer.h> in the
- usual order for ../lib/*.h files.
- (file_name_split): Use last_component, not base_name, to adjust
- to gnulib changes.
- * src/parse-gram.h: Include <strverscmp.h> in the usual order
- for ../lib/*.h files.
- Define unconditionally, since we now assume the stdint module.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Include <dirname.h>.
- (BASE_QPUTS): Use last_component, not base_name.
- * src/system.h: Include <unlocked-io.h> in the usual order
- for ../lib/*.h files. Include <stdint.h> unconditionally,
- since we now use the stdint module.
- (uintptr_t): Declare if UINTPTR_MAX is not defined, not
- HAVE_UINTPTR_T, since we now use the stdint module.
- (base_name): Remove decl, since files now include <dirname.h>
- to get the decl.
-2006-07-08 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_location_initial_column, b4_location_initial_line):
- New, default to 1.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/location.cc: Use them.
- * NEWS, doc/bison.texinfo: The initial column and line are 1 by
- default.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust.
-2006-07-08 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_basename): New.
- (b4_syncline): Also output the location of its invocation (from
- the skeleton).
- (b4_user_action, b4_define_user_action, b4_user_actions)
- (b4_user_initial_action, b4_user_post_prologue, b4_user_start_header)
- (b4_user_stype): New.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/glr.cc: Use them.
-2006-07-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In the grammar file, the first column is 1 not 0 on the first line as
- on every other line.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%initial-action): Initialize @$ correctly.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Update output.
- * src/scan-gram.l (scanner_cursor): Declare it static.
-2006-07-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- In warnings, say "previous declaration" rather than "first
- declaration".
- * src/symtab.c (redeclaration): Do that here.
- * src/reader.c (record_merge_function_type): In the case of a result
- type clash, report the previous declaration rather than the very first
- one in the grammar file.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Missed %merge type warnings when LHS type is
- declared later): Add a third declaration to check this behavior.
- * tests/input.at (Incompatible Aliases): Update output.
-2006-06-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/Doxyfile.in: New.
- * doc/Makefile.am: Use it.
- * src/lalr.h, src/symtab.h: Initial doxygenation.
-2006-06-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't miss %merge result type warnings just because the LHS types are
- declared after the %merge. This continues the effort of the previous
- patch.
- * src/reader.c (get_merge_function): Don't set the merger type yet.
- (record_merge_function_type): New function for setting the merger type
- and checking for clashes.
- (grammar_current_rule_merge_set): Set the location of the %merge for
- the current rule.
- (packgram): Invoke record_merge_function_type for each rule now that
- all symbol type declarations have been parsed.
- * src/reader.h (merger_list.type_declaration_location): New member
- storing the location of the first %merge from which the type for this
- merging function was derived.
- * src/symlist.h (symbol_list.merger_declaration_location): New member
- storing the location of a rule's %merge, if any.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Missed %merge type warnings when LHS type is
- declared later): New test to catch the error fixed by the above patch.
-2006-06-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Get action warnings (grammar_rule_check) right even when symbol
- declarations appear after the rules. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00108.html>
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00151.html>.
- Don't mistake the type of $$ in a midrule to be that of its parent
- rule's $$.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_end): Don't invoke
- grammar_rule_check yet since not all symbol declarations may have been
- parsed yet.
- (grammar_midrule_action): Likewise.
- Don't record whether the midrule's $$ has been used yet since actions
- haven't been translated yet.
- Record the midrule's parent rule and its RHS index within the parent
- rule.
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Don't translate the action yet
- since not all symbol declarations may have been parsed yet and, thus,
- warnings about types for $$, $n, @$, and @n can't be reported yet.
- (packgram): Translate the action and invoke grammar_rule_check now that
- all symbol declarations have been parsed.
- * src/scan-code.l (handle_action_dollar): Now that this is invoked
- after parsing the entire grammar file, the symbol list here in the case
- of a midrule is actually the midrule's empty RHS, so reference its
- parent rule's RHS where necessary.
- On the other hand, now that you can already know it's a midrule, you
- aren't forced to think $$ has the same type as its parent rule's $$.
- (handle_action_at): In the case of a midrule, reference the parent rule
- where necessary.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_new): Initialize new midrule-related
- members.
- (symbol_list_length): Now that this is invoked after all rules have
- been parsed, a NULL symbol (rather than a NULL symbol list node)
- terminates a rule. symbol_list_print already does this correctly.
- * src/symlist.h (symbol_list.midrule_parent_rule,
- symbol_list.midrule_parent_rhs_index): New members so that midrules can
- remember their relationships with their parents.
- * tests/input.at (Type Clashes): Extend to catch the midrule $$ error
- fixed by the above patch.
- implementing...
- (Unused values): ... this old test case and...
- (Unused values before symbol declarations): ... this new test case.
- This one is the same as `Unused values' except that all symbol
- declarations appear after the rules in order to catch the rest of the
- errors fixed by the above patch.
-2006-06-26 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- More cleanup.
- * src/reader.c (current_rule): Declare it static since it's no longer
- used outside this file.
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Remove redundant arguments from
- translate_rule_action invocation.
- * src/reader.h (current_rule): Remove this unused extern.
- * src/scan-code.h (translate_rule_action): Remove redundant arguments.
- * src/scan-code.l (translate_rule_action): Likewise.
-2006-06-25 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Clean up yesterday's patch.
- * parse-gram.y (rhs): Move grammar_midrule_action invocation from here
- to...
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_action_append): ... here for
- consistency with grammar_current_rule_symbol_append.
- * tests/regression.at (Braced code in declaration in rules section):
- Make yyerror and yylex static as usual.
-2006-06-24 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Fix bug that mistakes braced code in a declaration in the rules section
- to be a rule action. Mentioned at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00105.html>.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Move midrule action detection from the start of the
- scanning of any braced code to...
- * src/parse-gram.y (rhs): ... the parsing of braced code as a rule
- action. For readability, use $2 and @2 rather than the equivalent
- global variables.
- * tests/regression.at (Braced code in declaration in rules section):
- New test to catch the error fixed by the above patch.
- Work on code readability some.
- * src/scan-code.l (current_rule): Get rid of this misleading and
- redundant declaration: it's actually extern'ed in reader.h.
- (YY_DECL, code_lex, handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at,
- translate_action): Add a rule argument and use it instead of the global
- current_rule.
- (translate_rule_action): This already receives current_rule through an
- argument, so pass it on to translate_action instead of assigning
- current_rule to current_rule.
- (translate_symbol_action, translate_code): Pass rule = NULL to
- translate_action.
-2006-06-23 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Rename %before-definitions to %start-header and %after-definitions to
- %end-header. Don't use these declarations to separate pre-prologue
- blocks from post-prologue blocks. Add new order-independent
- declarations %before-header and %after-header as alternatives to the
- traditional Yacc pre-prologue and post-prologue blocks. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00110.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Update for these changes.
- * data/glr.c (b4_before_definitions): Update to...
- (b4_start_header): ... this.
- (b4_after_definitions): Update to...
- (b4_end_header): ... this.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (The prologue): Update names, and replace remaining
- prologue blocks with %*-header declarations.
- (Calc++ Parser): Likewise.
- (Decl Summary): Update names.
- (Table of Symbols): Update description.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_AFTER_DEFINITIONS): Update to...
- (PERCENT_END_HEADER): ... this.
- (declaration): Update token names and m4 macro names.
- When parsing %end-header and %start-header, invoke translate_code
- before muscle_code_grow, and no longer set global booleans to remember
- whether these declarations have been seen.
- Parse new %after-header and %before-header.
- * src/reader.c (before_definitions, after_definitions): Remove.
- (prologue_augment): Accept a new bool argument to specify whether to
- augment the pre-prologue or post-prologue.
- * src/reader.h (before_definitions, after_definitions): Remove these
- extern's.
- (prologue_augment): Add new bool argument.
- * src/scan-gram.l (PERCENT_AFTER_DEFINITIONS): Update to...
- (PERCENT_END_HEADER): ... this.
- * tests/actions.at (Printers and Destructors): Update names.
-2006-06-22 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Add comparison operators for C++ location classes. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00092.html>.
- * data/c++.m4 (b4_define_location_comparison): New boolean %define
- declaration indicating whether filename_type has an operator==. If
- filename_type is `std::string', it defaults to `1', `0' otherwise.
- * data/location.cc: Iff b4_define_location_comparison is `1', add
- operator== and operator!= for class position and for class location.
- Some minor fixes.
- * src/scan-action.l: Remove unused file.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_printer_set): Use printer_location not
- destructor_location.
- * src/symtab.h (struct symbol): Replace incorrect source comment for
- printer members.
- * tests/input.at (Incompatible Aliases): Update output with correct
- printer location.
-2006-06-20 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't put the pre-prologue in the header file. For the yacc.c code
- file and the glr.c header and code files, move the pre-prologue before
- the token definitions. Add new %before-definitions and
- %after-definitions to declare code that will go in both the header file
- and code file. Discussed at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-12/msg00000.html>,
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-01/msg00016.html>,
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00055.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Describe these changes.
- * data/glr.c (b4_pre_prologue): Move from within to before...
- (b4_shared_declarations): ... this.
- Add new b4_before_definitions before b4_token_enums.
- Add new b4_after_definitions at the end.
- * data/glr.cc (b4_pre_prologue): Replace with...
- (b4_before_definitions): ... this in the header file.
- (b4_after_definitions): New near the end of the header file.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_pre_prologue): Move from the header file to the
- code file right before including the header file.
- (b4_before_definitions): New in the previous position of
- b4_pre_prologue in the header file.
- (b4_after_definitions): New near the end of the header file.
- * data/yacc.c: Clean up some m4 quoting especially in the header file.
- (b4_token_enums_defines): In the code file, move to right before
- YYSTYPE for consistency with the header file.
- (b4_before_definitions): New right before b4_token_enums_defines in
- both the header and code file.
- (b4_after_definitions): New right after YYLTYPE and yylloc in both the
- header and code file.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue): Show use of %before-definitions instead
- of prologues for %union dependencies.
- (Decl Summary): In %defines description, mention the effect of
- %before-definitions and %after-definitions on the header file.
- (Calc++ Parser): Forward declare driver in a %before-definitions rather
- than in the pre-prologue so that make check succeeds.
- (Table of Symbols): Add entries for %before-definitions and
- %after-definitions.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_BEFORE_DEFINITIONS): New token for
- %before-definitions.
- (PERCENT_AFTER_DEFINITIONS): New token for %after-definitions.
- (declaration): Parse those declarations and append to
- b4_before_definitions and b4_after_definitions, respectively.
- * src/reader.c (before_definitions, after_definitions): New bools to
- track whether those declarations have been seen.
- (prologue_augment): Add to the post-prologue if %union,
- %before-definitions, or %after-definitions has been seen.
- * src/reader.h (before_definitions, after_definitions): New extern's.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Scan the new declarations.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Place the second
- prologue block in a %before-definitions or a %after-definitions based
- on whether the %union is declared.
- * tests/regression.at (Early token definitions with --yacc, Early token
- definitions without --yacc): Move tests for token definitions into the
- post-prologue since token names are no longer defined in the
- pre-prologue.
-2006-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_from_uniqstr): New.
- (symbol_get): Use it.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use it.
-2006-06-19 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Remove unused declaration of last_string_1 so the
- build succeeds when configured with --enable-gcc-warnings.
-2006-06-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y (char_name): New function.
- (CHAR, STRING, string_content): For %printer, properly escape.
- (ID): Prefer fputs to fprintf.
- (id): Reindent to be consistent with other rules.
- Properly quote char.
- The Translation Project changed its way of publishing translations
- to maintainers. I haven't received any responses to my request
- for supporting the old way, or for documenting the new way. I
- have modified 'bootstrap' to use screen scraping
- (in this case, HTML scraping). This is unreliable and inelegant,
- but I don't see any better way. Yuck.
- * bootstrap (TP_URL, WGET_COMMAND): New vars.
- (get_translations): New function, which uses HTML scraping to
- deduce locations of latest translations.
- Use this function to grab both bison and bison-runtime .po files.
- Don't bother priming the pump for the runtime-po domain any more,
- as it's now translated better than bison is.
-2006-06-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l: No longer "parse" things after `%union' until
- `{'. Rather, return a single "%union" token.
- No longer make symbols: return strings, and leave the conversion
- to symbols to the parser.
- (SC_PRE_CODE, token_type): Remove.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%union): New field `character'.
- Sort tokens.
- (CHAR): New token.
- (ID, ID_COLON): Now that the scanner no longer makes them
- identifiers, adjust all uses to invoke symbol_get.
- (id_colon): New, wraps the conversion from string to symbol.
- (%union): Accept a possible union_name.
- (symbol): Now can be a char.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_union_name): Leave a default value.
- * data/glr.c, data/yacc.c: Use it.
-2006-06-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For associating token numbers with token names for "yacc.c", don't use
- #define statements unless `--yacc' is specified; always use enum
- yytokentype. Most important discussions start at:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-09/msg00053.html>,
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-12/msg00052.html>,
- and
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00043.html>.
- * NEWS (2.3+): Mention.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yacc_if): New.
- (b4_token_enums_defines): Use b4_yacc_if to decide whether to add the
- token #define's.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Describe the effect of `--yacc'
- on token name definitions.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Capitalize `Yacc' in English.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Define b4_yacc_flag.
- * tests/regression.at (Early token definitions): Test that tokens names
- are defined before the pre-prologue not just before the post-prologue.
- Remove this test case and copy to...
- (Early token definitions with --yacc): ... this to test #define's.
- (Early token definitions without --yacc): ... and this to test enums.
-2006-06-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Reword the post-2.3 change to not be so optimistic about
- removing the old "look-ahead" spelling.
- Update previous look-ahead/lookahead change reports.
- * REFERENCES: look-ahead -> lookahead (since that's
- what he actually wrote).
- * doc/refcard.tex: look ahead -> lookahead,
- look-ahead -> lookahead
-2006-06-09 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- For consistency, use `lookahead' instead of `look-ahead' or
- `look_ahead'. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-01/msg00049.html>
- and then at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-06/msg00017.html>.
- * NEWS: For the next release, note the change to `--report'.
- * TODO, doc/bison.1: Update English.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update English.
- (Understanding Your Parser, Bison Options): Document as
- `--report=lookahead' rather than `--report=look-ahead'.
- * src/conflicts.c: Update English in comments.
- (lookahead_set): Rename from look_ahead_set.
- (flush_reduce): Rename argument look_ahead_tokens to lookahead_tokens.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Rename local look_ahead_tokens to
- lookahead_tokens, and update other uses.
- (flush_shift, set_conflicts, conflicts_solve, count_sr_conflicts,
- count_rr_conflicts, conflicts_free): Update uses.
- * src/getargs.c (report_args): Move "lookahead" before alternate
- spellings.
- (report_types): Update uses.
- (usage): For `--report' usage description, state `lookahead' spelling
- rather than `look-ahead'.
- * src/getargs.h (report.report_lookahead_tokens): Rename from
- report_look_ahead_tokens.
- * src/lalr.c: Update English in comments.
- (compute_lookahead_tokens): Rename from compute_look_ahead_tokens.
- (state_lookahead_tokens_count): Rename from
- state_look_ahead_tokens_count.
- Rename local n_look_ahead_tokens to n_lookahead_tokens.
- (lookahead_tokens_print): Rename from look_ahead_tokens_print.
- Rename local n_look_ahead_tokens to n_lookahead_tokens.
- Update other uses.
- Update English in output.
- (add_lookback_edge, initialize_LA, lalr, lalr_free): Update uses.
- * src/print.c: Update English in comments.
- (lookahead_set): Rename from look_ahead_set.
- (print_reduction): Rename argument lookahead_token from
- look_ahead_token.
- (print_core, state_default_rule, print_reductions, print_results):
- Update uses.
- * src/print_graph.c: Update English in comments.
- (print_core): Update uses.
- * src/state.c: Update English in comments.
- (reductions_new): Update uses.
- (state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print): Rename from
- state_rule_look_ahead_tokens_print, and update other uses.
- * src/state.h: Update English in comments.
- (reductions.lookahead_tokens): Rename from look_ahead_tokens.
- (state_rule_lookahead_tokens_print): Rename from
- state_rule_look_ahead_tokens_print.
- * src/tables.c: Update English in comments.
- (conflict_row, action_row): Update uses.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Incorrect lookahead during deterministic GLR,
- Incorrect lookahead during nondeterministic GLR): Rename
- print_look_ahead to print_lookahead.
- * tests/torture.at: Update English in comments.
- (Many lookahead tokens): Update uses.
- * data/glr.c: Update English in comments.
- * lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * yacc.c: Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.h: Likewise.
- * src/lalr.h: Likewise.
- * src/main.c: Likewise.
- * src/output.c: Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.c: Likewise.
- * src/tables.h: Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at: Likewise.
-2006-06-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/flex-scanner.h (yytext): Remove stray `*/' in #define.
-2006-06-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * TODO: Add request from Nelson H. F. Beebe to be able to install
- Bison without installing the yacc script.
-2006-06-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/flex-scanner.h: For the sake of Flex 2.5.4, don't #define yyleng
- and yytext if they're already #define'd.
- * src/flex-scanner.h, src/location.h: Move #include "system.h" to...
- * src/scan-code-c.c: ... here.
- * src/scan-code.l, src/scan-gram.l: ... and here. Also #include
- <config.h>.
-2006-06-07 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Get Bison to build again when configured with --enable-gcc-warnings.
- * src/location.c, src/location.h, src/main.c, src/scan-code.l: Add some
- missing #include's.
- * src/scan-code.l (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Rename
- loc argument as it shadows a global.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Remove stray comma that prevents boundary_set
- invocation.
- * src/.cvsignore: Add scan-code.c.
-2006-06-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Move the "add a trailing ; to actions" code
- to...
- * src/scan-code.l: here.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Fix another location
- error.
-2006-06-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am (BUILT_SOURCES): Fix the trailing backslash.
-2006-06-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Extract the parsing of user actions from the grammar scanner.
- As a consequence, the relation between the grammar scanner and
- parser is much simpler. We can also split "composite tokens" back
- into simple tokens.
- * src/gram.h (ITEM_NUMBER_MAX, RULE_NUMBER_MAX): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (add_column_width, adjust_location): Move to and
- rename as...
- * src/location.h, src/location.c (add_column_width)
- (location_compute): these.
- Fix the column count: the initial column is 0.
- (location_print): Be robust to ending column being 0.
- * src/location.h (boundary_set): New.
- * src/main.c: Adjust to scanner_free being renamed as
- gram_scanner_free.
- * src/output.c: Include scan-code.h.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Include scan-gram.h and scan-code.h.
- Use boundary_set.
- (PERCENT_LEX_PARAM, PERCENT_PARSE_PARAM): Remove the {...} part,
- which is now, again, a separate token.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- Whereever actions with $ and @ are used, use translate_code.
- (action): Remove this nonterminal which is now useless.
- * src/reader.c: Include assert.h, scan-gram.h and scan-code.h.
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Use translate_code.
- (packgram): Bound check ruleno, itemno, and rule_length.
- * src/reader.h (gram_in, gram__flex_debug, scanner_cursor)
- (last_string, last_braced_code_loc, max_left_semantic_context)
- (scanner_initialize, scanner_free, scanner_last_string_free)
- (gram_out, gram_lineno, YY_DECL_): Move to...
- * src/scan-gram.h: this new file.
- (YY_DECL): Rename as...
- (GRAM_DECL): this.
- * src/scan-code.h, src/scan-code.l, src/scan-code-c.c: New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (gram_get_lineno, gram_get_in, gram_get_out):
- (gram_get_leng, gram_get_text, gram_set_lineno, gram_set_in):
- (gram_set_out, gram_get_debug, gram_set_debug, gram_lex_destroy):
- Move these declarations, and...
- (obstack_for_string, STRING_GROW, STRING_FINISH, STRING_FREE):
- these to...
- * src/flex-scanner.h: this new file.
- * src/scan-gram.l (rule_length, rule_length_overflow)
- (increment_rule_length): Remove.
- (last_braced_code_loc): Rename as...
- (gram_last_braced_code_loc): this.
- Adjust to the changes of the parser.
- Move all the handling of $ and @ into...
- * src/scan-code.l: here.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_dollar, handle_at): Remove.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Move to...
- * src/scan-code.l: here.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add flex-scanner.h,
- scan-code.h, scan-code-c.c, scan-gram.h.
- (EXTRA_bison_SOURCES): Add scan-code.l.
- (BUILT_SOURCES): Add scan-code.c.
- (yacc): Be robust to white spaces.
- * tests/conflicts.at, tests/input.at, tests/reduce.at,
- * tests/regression.at: Adjust the column numbers.
- * tests/regression.at: Adjust the error message.
-2006-06-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Mention GLR not just LALR(1) in --help output.
- Use Akim's wording from
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-05/msg00056.html>.
-2006-06-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Between Bison releases, manually append `+' to the previous Bison
- release number, and use that as a signal to automatically print the
- ChangeLog's CVS Id keyword from --version. Discussed starting at
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2006-05/msg00028.html>.
- * ChangeLog: Add Id header.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Append `+' to `2.3'.
- * src/.cvsignore: Add revision.c.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add revision.c and revision.h.
- (BUILT_SOURCES): Add revision.c.
- (revision.c): New target rule. This file defines a new global variable
- named revision. It initializes it with either the Id from ChangeLog
- or, if VERSION doesn't contain `+', with the empty string.
- * src/getargs.c (version): Print the value of revision.
- * src/revision.h: Extern revision.
-2006-06-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.3.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Likewise.
-2006-05-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (YYRECOVERING): Define to be a function-like macro
- with no arguments, not as an object-like macro. This is for
- compatibility with data/yacc.c. Problem reported by John P. Hartmann in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-05/msg00059.html>.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Action Features, Error Recovery, Table of Symbols):
- Document this.
-2006-05-30 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Back out yesterday's modification of the
- --help output so that we don't have to wait for translation before
- releasing 2.3.
-2006-05-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Introduction): Don't say "GLR grammar".
- Problem reported by Akim Demaille.
-2006-05-29 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Mention GLR not just LALR(1) in --help output.
-2006-05-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print): Omit trailing white space in
- generated source code. Problem reported by Frans Englich in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-05/msg00049.html>.
-2006-05-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * Makefile.maint (gzip_rsyncable, GZIP_ENV): Compute within the
- shell, not within 'make', so that 'make' by an ordinary builder
- (using GNU make) does not worry about configuring gzip. This also
- works around a bug reported independently by Keith Thompson and by
- Georg Schwarz, whereby gzip 1.2.4 --help would output usage on
- stderr rather than stdout, messing up the build logs.
-2006-05-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Wrap the final return from yyparse inside YYID
- to make sure that YYID will never be unused. This fixes a 'make
- maintainer-check' failure caused by the recent changes to the 'Trivial
- grammars' test case, which caused g++ 4.1.0 to complain that YYID was
- not used.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Wrap yyparse's return inside YYID just in case.
-2006-05-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveLocations): Remove bogus YYASSERT that the
- state before an empty RHS is always resolved here. Only the location
- of that state is guaranteed to be resolved, and that's enough. This
- fixes the remaining bug reported by Derek M. Jones in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-05/msg00027.html>.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Uninitialized location when reporting
- ambiguity): Test the above case.
- Also, the embedded comments in this test case claim it checks the case
- of an empty RHS that has inherited the initial location. However, the
- corresponding LHS was already resolved, so yyresolveLocations didn't
- actually have reason to modify it. Fix this by forcing
- nondeterministic operation at the beginning of the parse.
-2006-05-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate):
- (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate): Use 'YYSTYPE const' rather than
- 'const YYSTYPE', and similarly for YYLTYPE. This fixes one
- of the bugs reported today by Derek M Jones in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-05/msg00027.html>.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Value Type): Document that YYSTYPE must be
- defined to be a type name without parens or brackets.
- (Location Type): Similarly for YYLTYPE.
- * tests/regression.at (Trivial grammars): Put in a test for this
- bug that will be caught by 'make maintainer-check' (though not,
- alas, by 'make check' unless your compiler is picky).
-2006-05-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.2.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Likewise.
-2006-05-17 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyreportTree): Make room in yystates for the state
- preceding the RHS. This fixes the segmentation fault reported by Derek
- M. Jones in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2006-05/msg00035.html>.
- (yyreportTree, yypdumpstack): Subtract 1 from yyrule before printing
- to the user. Reported for yyreportTree by Derek M. Jones later in the
- same thread.
- * THANKS: Add Derek M. Jones.
- Update my email address.
- Fix typo in Steve Murphy's name.
-2006-05-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyreportSyntaxError): Fix off-by-one error in
- checking against YYLAST that caused the parser to miss a potential
- alternative in its diagnostic.
- Problem reported by Maria Jose Moron Fernandez in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2006-05/msg00024.html>.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yysyntax_error_): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yysyntax_error): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y): Use static array for
- tokens, in case we run into an older C compiler.
- Use them to check for the off-by-one error fixed above.
- * data/yacc.c (yytnamerr): Fix typo: local var should be of type
- YYSIZE_T, not size_t.
- * tests/regression.at (Trivial grammars): New test, to catch
- the error fixed by the above patch.
-2006-05-14 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (C++ Bison Interface): Clarify the naming
- scheme.
- Reported by Steve Murphy.
-2006-05-14 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc: Using %defines is mandatory.
- * data/glr.cc: b4_location_flag is now b4_locations_flag.
-2006-05-14 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- Implement --trace=m4.
- * src/getargs.c (trace_types, trace_args): Accept trace_m4.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): When set, pass -dV to m4.
- Factor the handling of flags in m4.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Rename the muscle names debug, defines,
- error_verbose to debug_flag, defines_flag, error_verbose_flag.
- * data/c.m4: Adjust.
- (_b4_define_flag_if, b4_define_flag_if, b4_defines_if): New.
- Use b4_define_flag_if to define other b4_FLAG_if macros.
- (b4_location_if): As a consequence, rename as...
- (b4_locations_if): this, for consistency.
- Adjust all the skeletons.
-2006-05-14 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * etc/bench.pm: Shorten bench names.
-2006-05-14 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/output.h, src/output.c (error_verbose): Move to...
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c: here.
- Sort the flags.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2006-05-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_copyright): Put the special exception for Bison
- skeletons here, so we don't have to put it in each skeleton. All
- uses changed. Suggested by Akim Demaille. Also, wrap the
- copyright notice, in case it is longer than 80 columns. Replace
- comma by newline after title.
-2006-05-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Scanner): The flex behavior is an
- incompatibility, not a bug. Mention that it wasn't fixed as of
- flex 2.5.33.
-2006-05-11 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * examples/extexi: Enforce the precedence of concatenation over
- >>.
- Reported by Tommy Nordgren.
-2006-05-11 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yytranslate_): Rename token as t to avoid clashes
- with the member "token".
- Reported by Martin Nylin.
-2006-05-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c: Switch to Bison 2.2 special-exception language in
- the copyright notice. Use more-regular format for titles and
- copyright notices.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/location.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.cc: Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Conditions): Document this.
- * NEWS: likewise. Upgrade version to 2.2.
-2006-04-27 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/glr.cc: Remove dead code.
-2006-04-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap: Comment out the AM_CPPFLAGS line, since we don't use
- that variable and the line breaks the bootstrap. Problem reported
- by Juan M. Guerrero.
-2006-04-24 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Multiple start-symbols): New.
-2006-04-24 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * etc/README, etc/bench.pl: New.
-2006-04-03 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Be robust to BRACED_CODE appearing before any
- rule.
- Reported by Mickael Labau.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Test it.
-2006-03-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Don't mention yylloc twice.
- Problem reported by Bob Rossi.
-2006-03-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Remove @shorttitlepage stuff; it wasn't used
- and didn't really work.
- For the index, use @ifnotinfo, not @iftex.
- Minor cleanups of spacing and terminology.
-2006-03-12 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Fix the definition
- of AT_NAME_PREFIX when %name-prefix is not used.
-2006-03-12 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- Apply --prefix to C++ skeletons too: they change the namespace.
- The test suite already exercize these cases.
- * data/c++.m4 (b4_namespace): New.
- * data/lalr1.cc, data/glr.cc, data/location.cc: Use it instead of `yy'.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yytnameerr_): Move its definition into the namespace.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c: Remove a useless `[]'.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document it.
- (Option Cross Key): Use @multitable in all formats. It looks
- nicer, even in TeX outputs.
- (Rules): Use the same code whatever the output type is.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS)
- * tests/calc.at: Use it, instead of hard coding `yy'.
-2006-03-10 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * TODO: Remove dead items.
-2006-03-10 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * doc/FAQ: Remove, merged into...
- * doc/bison.texinfo (FAQ): this.
- * doc/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Adjust.
-2006-03-10 Akim Demaille <akim@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_token_enum): Always define the enum of tokens,
- even if empty.
- * data/lalrl1.cc, data/glr.cc (parser::token_type): New.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Scanner): Use it.
-2006-03-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix two nits reported by twlevo, plus one more that I discovered.
- * src/assoc.h (assoc_to_string): Give a name to the arg, as
- this is the usual Bison style.
- * src/location.h (location_print): Likewise.
- * src/reader.h (token_name): Likewise.
-2006-03-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix some nits reported by twlevo.
- * doc/FAQ: Remove ancient Y2K FAQ, replacing it with "secure"
- and "POSIX". Use more-modern syntax for URLs. Mention C++
- and ask for Java. Don't hardwire OS version numbers. Add
- copyright notice.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add unistd_h.m4, for latest gnulib.
- * src/conflicts.c (solved_conflicts_obstack): Now static.
-2006-03-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Introduction): Mention GLR and C++ as on the web
- page. Say "you can use it" not "you may use it" as on the web page;
- we're describing capabilities not granting permission.
-2006-03-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveLocations): Rename local variables to avoid
- shadowing warnings. Use usual patter for iterating through RHS.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Uninitialized location when reporting ambiguity):
- Modify yylex so that it uses its argument, rather than trying
- to rely on ARGSUSED (which doesn't work for gcc with warnings).
- const char -> char const.
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(srcdir)/package.m4, maintainer-check-valgrind):
- Don't use tabs inside commands; it messes up 'ps'.
- Problem reported by twlevo.
-2006-03-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Uninitialized location when reporting
- ambiguity): New test case.
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveLocations): New function, which uses
- (yyresolveValue): Invoke yyresolveLocations before reporting an
- ambiguity.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Default Action for Locations): Note
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT's usage for ambiguity locations.
- (GLR Semantic Actions): Cross-reference those notes.
-2006-03-04 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Leaked semantic values when reporting
- ambiguity): Remove unnecessary union and type declarations.
- (Leaked lookahead after nondeterministic parse syntax error): New test
- case.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Check for zero stacks remaining before
- attempting to shift the lookahead so that you don't lose it.
-2006-03-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Avoid memory leaks by not invoking longjmp in yyreportAmbiguity.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Leaked semantic values when reporting
- ambiguity): New test case.
- * data/glr.c (yyreportAmbiguity): Invoke yyyerror directly and return
- yyabort rather than invoking yyFail, which invokes longjmp. Remove the
- now unnecessary yystackp parameter.
- (yyresolveValue): Return yyreportAmbiguity's result. Now the necessary
- destructors can be called.
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Don't invoke bison with `-t' unnecessarily
- in existing testcases.
-2006-03-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- Don't leak semantic values for parent RHS when a user action cuts the
- parser, and clean up related code a bit.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Leaked merged semantic value if user action
- cuts parse): Rename to...
- (Leaked semantic values if user action cuts parse): ... this. Add check
- for leaked parent RHS values.
- * data/glr.c (yydestroyGLRState): In debugging output, distinguish
- between an unresolved state (non-empty chain of semantic options) and
- an incomplete one (signaled by an empty chain).
- (yyresolveStates): Document the interface. Move all manipulation of a
- successfully or unsuccessfully resolved yyGLRState to...
- (yyresolveValue): ... here so that yyresolveValue always leaves a
- yyGLRState with consistent data and thus is easier to understand.
- Remove the yyvalp and yylocp parameters since they are always just
- taken from the yys parameter. When reporting a discarded merged value
- in debugging output, note that it is incompletely merged. Document the
- interface.
- (yyresolveAction): If resolving any of the RHS states fails, destroy
- them all rather than leaking them. Thus, as long as user actions are
- written to clean up the RHS correctly, yyresolveAction always cleans up
- the RHS of a semantic option. Document the interface.
-2006-02-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyexpandGLRStack): Catch an off-by-one error that
- led to a segmentation fault in GNU Pascal. Problem reported
- by Waldek Hebisch.
-2006-02-21 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Mid-Rule Actions): Explain how to bury a
- mid-rule action inside a nonterminal symbol in order to declare a
- destructor for its semantic value.
-2006-02-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c [(! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE) && !
- YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA && ! defined YYSTACK_ALLOC && defined
- __cplusplus && ! defined _STDLIB_H && !
- ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) && (defined YYFREE ||
- defined free))]: Include <stdlib.h> rather than rolling our own
- declarations of malloc and free, to avoid problems with
- incompatible declarations (using 'throw') C++'s stdlib.h. This
- should fix Debian bug 340012
- <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=340012>,
- reported by Guillaume Melquiond.
-2006-02-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Clarify symbols versus types in unused-value warnings.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump version number.
-2006-02-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.1a.
- * tests/headers.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Declare yyerror and yylex,
- since C99 requires this.
-2006-02-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * m4/c-working.m4: New file.
- * configure.ac (BISON_TEST_FOR_WORKING_C_COMPILER): Use it.
-2006-02-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * Makefile.maint: Merge from coreutils.
-2006-02-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- More portability fixes for problems summarized by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- configuration screwup "./configure CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/c89
- CFLAGS="-xarch=generic64" CXX=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
- LDFLAGS="-xarch=generic64" with Sun C 5.7 on Solaris 10; this
- messes up because C++ code is compiled in 32-bit mode but linked
- in 64-bit mode.
-2006-02-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- More portability fixes for problems summarized by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Scanner): Work around a bug in flex
- 2.5.31. This resembles the 2005-10-10 patch to src/scan-skel.l.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am (check_PROGRAMS): Renamed from
- nodist_PROGRAMS, since we don't need to actually compile the
- example if we're just doing a plain 'make'. This avoids bothering
- the installer unnecessarily about problems due to weird C++
- compilers.
-2006-02-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- More portability fixes for problems summarized by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * tests/headers.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Use #include <...> rather
- than #include "...", and compile with -I'.'. The old method was
- not portable, according to Posix and the C standard, and it does
- not work with Sun C 5.7, where previous #line directives affect
- the working directory used in later #include "..." directives.
-2006-02-06 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- Various DJGGP specific issues in /djgpp
-2006-02-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- More portability fixes for problems summarized by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * m4/cxx.m4 (BISON_TEST_FOR_WORKING_CXX_COMPILER): Check that
- '#include <map>' works and that you can apply ++ to iterators.
-2006-02-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Work around portability problems summarized by Nelson H. F. Beebe in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2005-09/msg00021.html>.
- that '#include <string>' works.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yytranslate_): No longer inline, to work around a
- porting problem to g++ 3.4.3 on Darwin 7.9.0, where g++ complained
- "warning: sorry: semantics of inline function static data `const
- unsigned char translate_table[262]' are wrong (you'll wind up with
- multiple copies)".
- * lib/bbitset.h (struct bitset_vtable): Rename members not, and,
- or, xor to not_, and_, or_, and xor_, respectively. This works
- around a bug in GCC 3.4.3 on Irix 6.5, which apparently has a
- random system header somewhere that includes the equivalent of
- <iso646.h>.
- * tests/headers.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Don't assume that "$CC
- -E" works; it apparently doesn't work with PathScale EKO Compiler
- Suite Version 2.0.
-2006-01-30 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- During deterministic GLR operation, user actions should be able to
- influence the parse by changing yychar. To make this easier to fix and
- to make glr.c easier to evolve in general, don't maintain yytoken in
- parallel with yychar; just compute yytoken when needed.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Incorrect lookahead during deterministic
- GLR): Check that setting yychar in a user action has the intended
- effect.
- * data/glr.c (yyGLRStack): Remove yytokenp member.
- (yyclearin): Don't set *yytokenp.
- (yyprocessOneStack, yyreportSyntaxError, yyrecoverSyntaxError): Examine
- yychar rather than *yytokenp to determine the current lookahead.
- Compute yytoken locally when needed.
- (yyparse): Likewise. Remove the local yytoken that yytokenp used to
- point to.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Remove stray sentence fragment
- after `--report' documentation.
-2006-01-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Location of printer
- symbol is @1, not list->location. Bug reported by twlevo.
- * tests/input.at (Incompatible Aliases): Adjust to above change.
-2006-01-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES): Remove. Instead, do
- all the test at once. This makes the output easier to read in the
- normal case.
- Fix a longstanding bug uncovered by bro-0.9a9/src/parse.y, which I
- got from <http://bro-ids.org/download.html>. The bug is that
- when two actions appeared in succession, the second one was
- scanned before the first one was added to the grammar rule
- as a midrule action. Bison then output the incorrect warning
- "parse.y:905.17-906.36: warning: unused value: $3".
- * src/parse-gram.y (BRACED_CODE, action): These are no longer
- associated with a value.
- (rhs): Don't invoke grammar_current_rule_action_append.
- (action): Invoke it here instead.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_midrule_action): Now extern.
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Don't invoke
- grammar_midrule_action; that is now the scanner's job.
- * src/reader.h (last_string, last_braced_code_loc):
- (grammar_midrule_action): New decls.
- * src/scan-gram.l (last_string): Now extern, sigh.
- (last_braced_code_loc): New extern variable.
- (<INITIAL>"{"): Invoke grammar_midrule_action if the current
- rule already has an action.
- (<SC_BRACED_CODE>"}"): Set last_braced_code_loc before returning.
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES):
- Add some tests to check that the above changes fixed the bug.
-2006-01-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/reader.c (symbol_should_be_used): Renamed from symbol_typed_p.
- All used changed. Check whether the symbol has a destructor,
- not whether it is typed.
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES): Add a destructor, so
- that the values are still reported as unused. All line numbers
- adjusted.
-2006-01-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Work around a bug in bro 0.8, which underparenthesizes its
- definition of YYLLOC_DEFAULT.
- * data/glr.c: Change all uses of YYLLOC_DEFAULT to parenthesize
- their arguments.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.cc: Likewise.
-2006-01-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Work around a bug in Pike 7.0, and give the Pike folks a
- better way to override the usual int widths.
- * data/yacc.c (b4_int_type): Use yytype_uint8, etc., so that the
- user can override the types.
- (short): #undef, to work around a bug in Pike 7.0.
- (yytype_uint8, yytype_int8, yytype_uint16, yytype_int16): New types.
- (union yyalloc.yyss): Use yytype_int16 rather than short.
- All uses changed.
- (yysigned_char): Remove.
- * src/parse-gram.y (YYTYPE_UINT8, YYTYPE_INT8, YYTYPE_UINT16):
- (YYTYPE_INT16): New macros, to test the new facility in yacc.c.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust to above changes.
- * src/reader.c (check_and_convert_grammar): New function.
- (reader): Close the input file even if something went wrong during
- parsing. Minor file descriptor leak reported by twlevo.
- * src/assoc.c (assoc_to_string): Use a default: abort (); case
- to pacify gcc -Wswitch-default.
- * src/scan-gram.l (adjust_location): Use a default: break; case
- to pacify gcc -Wswitch-default.
- * src/scan-skel.h (skel_get_lineno, skel_get_in, skel_get_out):
- (skel_get_leng, skel_get_text, skel_set_lineno, skel_set_in):
- (skel_set_out, skel_get_debug, skel_set_debug, skel_lex_destroy):
- Move these decls to scan-skel.l, since they don't need to be
- visible elsewhere.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Accept the above decls.
- (skel_lex): New decl, to pacify GCC when unpatched flex 2.5.31
- is used.
-2006-01-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * Makefile.cfg (local-checks-to-skip): Add changelog-check,
- since we don't want to insist on a version number at the start
- of the changelog every time.
- * Makefile.maint: Sync from coreutils a bit better.
- (sc_trailing_blank): Renamed from sc_trailing_space.
- All uses changed.
- (sc_no_if_have_config_h, sc_require_config_h):
- (sc_prohibit_assert_without_use): New rules.
- (sc_obsolete_symbols): Don't catch Makefile.maint itself.
- (sc_dd_max_sym_length): Fix leading spaces in rule.
- (sc_system_h_headers): Prefix with @.
- (sc_useless_cpp_parens, m4-check): Output line numbers.
- (changelog-check): Allow version only in head.
- * data/c.m4: Use "defined FOO" instead of "defined (FOO)", to
- satisfy new Makefile.maint rule.
- * data/glr.c: Likewise.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * lib/ebitsetv.c: Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.c: Likewise.
- * src/system.h: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTYPE): Don't generate trailing spaces in output.
- * djgpp/Makefile.maint: Add copyright notice.
- * djgpp/README.in: Likewise.
- * djgpp/config.bat: Likewise.
- * djgpp/config.site: Likewise.
- * djgpp/config_h.sed: Likewise.
- * djgpp/djunpack.bat: Likewise.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Fix copyright notice to match standard format.
- * djgpp/subpipe.h: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c: Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.h: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.c: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.h: Likewise.
- * djgpp/subpipe.c: Use standard recipe for config.h.
- * lib/abitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c: Likewise.
- * lib/ebitsetv.c: Likewise.
- * lib/get-errno.c: Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Likewise.
- * lib/timevar.c: Likewise.
- * lib/vbitset.c: Likewise.
- * tests/local.at: Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Don't include verify.h, since system.h does
- that for us.
- * .x-sc_require_config_h: New file.
- * .x-sc_unmarked_diagnostics: New file.
-2006-01-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Be a bit more systematic about using 'abort'.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_test): Remove ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED; not needed.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_bytes, bitset_init, bitset_op4_cmp):
- Put 'default: abort ();' before some other case, to satisfy older
- pedantic compilers.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_init): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_elt_find, ebitset_op3_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_elt_find, lbitset_op3_cmp): Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Likewise.
- * src/vcg.c (get_color_str, get_textmode_str, get_shape_str):
- (get_decision_str, get_orientation_str, get_node_alignment_str):
- (get_arrow_mode_str, get_crossing_type_str, get_view_str):
- (get_linestyle_str, get_arrowstyle_str): Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict):
- Use a default case rather than one for the one remaining enum
- value, to catch invalid enum values as well.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map, map_goto):
- Prefer "assert (FOO);" to "if (!FOO) abort ();".
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute, token_definitions_output):
- Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (packgram, reader): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (transitions_to, state_new, state_reduction_find):
- Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_user_token_number_set, symbol_make_alias):
- (symbol_pack): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (conflict_row, pack_vector): Likewise.
- * src/scan-skel.l (QPUTS): Remove unnecessary parens.
- (BASE_QPUTS, "@output ".*\n): Remove unnecessary asserts.
- * src/system.h: Don't include <assert.h>.
- (assert): New macro.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue, Rules, Actions, Union Decl, Action Decl):
- (Destructor Decl, Parser Function, Pure Calling):
- Describe rules for braces inside C code more carefully.
-2006-01-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix some porting glitches found by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_resize): Rewrite to avoid warnings from
- compilers that don't understand that abort () does not return.
- * src/state.c (transitions_to): Likewise.
- that '#include <cstdlib>' works.
- * src/system.h (INT8_MIN, INT16_MIN, INT32_MIN, INT8_MAX):
- #undef if ! defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901,
- for the benefit of some pre-C99 compilers.
- * bootstrap: Undo changes to gnulib files that autoreconf made.
- Minor fixups to get 'make maintainer-check' to work.
- * configure.ac: Don't use -Wnested-externs, as it's incompatible
- with the new verify.h implementation.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate): YYUSE (yyoutput).
- * data/glr.c (YYUSE): Depend on __GNUC__ as well.
- * data/yacc.c (YYUSE): Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yysyntax_error_): YYUSE (yystate).
- * lib/subpipe.c (end_of_output_subpipe): The args are unused.
- * src/parse-gram.y (declaration): Don't pass a string constant
- to a function that expects char *, since GCC might complain
- about the constant value.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_typed_p): Add parens to pacify GCC.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): #undef yylloc and yylval
- before #defining them.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Incorrectly initialized location for empty right-hand side in GLR):
- In yyerror, use the msg arg.
- (Corrupted semantic options if user action cuts parse):
- (Incorrect lookahead during deterministic GLR):
- (Incorrect lookahead during nondeterministic GLR):
- Don't name a local var 'index'; it shadows string.h's 'index'.
-2006-01-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Initialize the whole initial
- location, not just parts of it.
-2006-01-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Document the fact that multiple %unions are now allowed.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Union Decl): Likewise.
- * TODO: This feature is now implemented, so remove it from
- the wishlist.
- * Makefile.maint: Merge with coreutils Makefile.maint.
- (CVS_LIST): Use build-aux version if available.
- (VERSION_REGEXP): New macro.
- (syntax-check-rules): Add sc_no_if_have_config_h,
- sc_prohibit_assert_without_use, sc_require_config_h,
- sc_useless_cpp_parens.
- (sc_obsolete_symbols): Check for O_NDELAY.
- (sc_dd_max_sym_length): Track coreutils.
- (sc_unmarked_diagnostics): Look in all files, not just *.c.
- (sc_useless_cpp_parens): New rule.
- (news-date-check): Look for version or today's date.
- (changelog-check): Don't require version number near head.
- (copyright-check): Use current year instead of hardwiring 2005.
- (my-distcheck): Depend on $(release_archive_dir)/$(prev-tgz).
- (announcement): Add --gpg-key-ID.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Add copyright notice, and replace "filesystem"
- with "file system".
- Avoid undefined behavior that addressed just before the start of an
- array. Problem reported by twlevo.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Prepend a new sentinel before ritem.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Rely on new sentinel.
- * src/gram.c (gram_free): Adjust to new sentinel.
-2006-01-12 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyGLRStateSet): Rename yylookaheadStatuses to
- yylookaheadNeeds. All uses updated.
- (yysplitStack): Rename local yynewLookaheadStatuses to
- yynewLookaheadNeeds.
- * data/glr-regression.at (Incorrect lookahead during nondeterministic
- GLR): In comments, change `lookahead status' to `lookahead need'.
-2006-01-11 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@tully.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yysplitStack): A little stylistic rewrite.
-2006-01-11 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@tully.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yyaddDeferredAction): Flesh out the comment.
-2006-01-11 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fix some typos.
- (GLR Semantic Actions): New subsection discussing special
- considerations because GLR semantic actions might be deferred.
- (Actions): Mention look-ahead usage of yylval.
- (Actions and Locations): Mention look-ahead usage of yylloc.
- (Special Features for Use in Actions): Add YYEOF entry and mention it
- in the yychar entry.
- In the yychar entry, remove mention of the local yychar case (pure
- parser) since this is irrelevant information when writing semantic
- actions and since it's already discussed in `Table of Symbols' where
- yychar is otherwise described as an external variable.
- In the yychar entry, don't call it the `current' look-ahead since it
- isn't when semantic actions are deferred.
- In the yychar and yyclearin entries, add note about deferred semantic
- actions.
- Add yylloc and yylval entries discussing look-ahead usage.
- (Look-Ahead Tokens): When discussing yychar, don't call it the
- `current' look-ahead, and do mention yylval and yylloc.
- (Error Recovery): Cross-reference `Action Features' when mentioning
- yyclearin.
- (Table of Symbols): In the yychar entry, don't call it the `current'
- look-ahead.
- In the yylloc and yylval entries, mention look-ahead usage.
-2006-01-08 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Update copyright year to 2006.
-2006-01-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyGLRStateSet): Add yybool* yylookaheadStatuses member to
- use during nondeterministic operation to track which stacks have
- actually needed the current lookahead.
- (yyinitStateSet, yyfreeStateSet, yyremoveDeletes, yysplitStack):
- Allocate, deallocate, resize, and otherwise shuffle space for
- yylookaheadStatuses in parallel with yystates member of yyGLRStateSet.
- (yysplitStack, yyprocessOneStack, yyparse): Set lookahead status
- appropriately during nondeterministic operation.
- (yySemanticOption): Add int yyrawchar, YYSTYPE yyval, and YYLTYPE yyloc
- members to store the current lookahead to be used by the deferred
- user action.
- (yyaddDeferredAction): Add size_t yyk parameter specifying the stack
- from which the RHS is taken. Set the lookahead members of the new
- yySemanticOption according to the lookahead status for stack yyk.
- (yyglrShiftDefer, yyglrReduce): Pass yyk parameter on to
- yyaddDeferredAction.
- (yyresolveAction): Set yychar, yylval, and yylloc to the lookahead
- members of yySemanticOption before invoking yyuserAction, and then set
- them back to their current values afterward.
- (yyparse): Set yychar = YYEMPTY where yytoken = YYEMPTY.
- (yyreportAmbiguity): Add /*ARGSUSED*/ to pacify lint.
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Remove `.' from the ends of recent test case
- titles for consistency.
- (Leaked merged semantic value if user action cuts parse): In order to
- suppress lint warnings, use arguments in merge function, and assign
- char value < 128 in main.
- (Incorrect lookahead during deterministic GLR): New test case.
- (Incorrect lookahead during nondeterministic GLR): New test case.
-2006-01-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate): In yy_symbol_print, accept
- !yyvaluep as signal that no semantic value is available to print.
- * data/glr.c (yydestroyGLRState): If state is not resolved, don't try
- to print a semantic value.
-2006-01-06 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at: For consistency with my newer test cases,
- don't thank myself.
-2006-01-05 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveValue): When merging semantic options, if at
- least one user action succeeds but a later one cuts the parse, then
- destroy the semantic value before returning rather than leaking it.
- (yyresolveStates): If a user action cuts the parse and thus
- yyresolveValue fails, ignore the (unset) semantic value rather than
- corrupting the yyGLRState, and empty the semantic options list since
- the user actions should have called all necessary destructors.
- Simplify code with YYCHK.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Corrupted semantic options if user action
- cuts parse): New test case.
- (Undesirable destructors if user action cuts parse): New test case.
- Before applying any of this patch, this test case never actually failed
- for me... but only because the corrupted semantic options usually
- masked this bug.
- (Leaked merged semantic value if user action cuts parse): New test
- case.
-2006-01-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c, src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c: s/mid_rule/midrule/.
-2006-01-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_modern): New macro, with a new provision for
- _MSC_VER. Problem reported by Cenzato Marco.
- (b4_c_function_def): Use it.
- * data/yacc.c (YYMODERN_C): Remove. All uses replaced by
- b4_c_modern.
- (yystrlen, yystpcpy, yyparse): Use b4_c_function... macros rather
- than rolling our own.
-2006-01-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Also warn about non-used mid-rule values.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list): Add a mid_rule
- member.
- (symbol_list_new): Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_typed_p): New.
- (grammar_rule_check): Use it.
- (grammar_midrule_action): Bind a mid-rule LHS to its rule.
- Check its rule.
- * tests/input.at (AT_CHECK_UNUSED_VALUES): New.
- Use it.
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): Adjust.
-2006-01-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_midrule_action): If $$ is set in a
- mid-rule, move the `used' bit to its lhs.
- * tests/input.at (Unused values): New.
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): Adjust: exp is not typed.
-2006-01-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Say more accurately what
- --yacc does.
- * src/parse-gram.y (rules_or_grammar_declaration): Don't complain
- about declarations in the grammar when in Yacc mode, as POSIX does
- not require a diagnostic when the grammar uses extensions.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar): Remove unnecessary cast to bool.
- Warn about dubious constructions like "%token T T".
- Reported by twlevo.
- * src/symtab.h (struct symbol.declared): New member.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Initialize it to false.
- (symbol_class_set): New arg DECLARING, specifying whether
- this is a declaration that we want to warn about, if there
- is more than one of them. All uses changed.
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c:
- Allow multiple %union directives, whose contents concatenate.
- * src/parse-gram.y (grammar_declaration): Likewise.
- Use muscle_code_grow, so that we don't need stype_line any more.
- All uses changed.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_grow): Fix comment.
- * ChangeLog, data/c.m4, data/glr.c, data/glr.cc, data/location.cc:
- * data/yacc.c, src/getargs.c, src/output.c, tests/cxx-type.at:
- Update copyright year to 2006.
-2006-01-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have glr.cc pass (some of) the calc.at tests.
- * data/glr.cc (b4_parse_param_orig): New.
- (b4_parse_param): Improve its definition, and bound it more
- clearly in the skeleton.
- (b4_epilogue): Append, instead of prepending, in order to keep
- #line consistency.
- Simplify the generation of auxiliary functions: locations and
- purity are mandated.
- (b4_global_tokens_and_yystype): Honor it.
- * data/location.cc (c++.m4): Don't include it.
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Define AT_GLR_CC_IF
- and AT_SKEL_CC_IF.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Rely on AT_SKEL_CC_IF instead of
- Be sure to initialize the first position's filename.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC): Add %location and %defines, they are
- mandated anyway.
- Use it to exercise glr.cc as a lalr1.cc drop-in replacement.
-2006-01-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Don't hard wire the inclusion of
- c.m4.
- * data/c++.m4, data/glr.c, data/yacc.c: Include c.m4.
- * data/glr.cc: Do not include stack.hh.
-2006-01-02 Joel E. Denny <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c: Reformat whitespace with tabs.
- (b4_lpure_formals): Remove this unused m4 macro.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Reformat whitespace with tabs.
- (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): In union Node, rename node_info to nodeInfo
- since it's a member. Rename type to isNterm for clarity.
-2005-12-29 Akim <akim@sulaco.local>
- Let glr.cc catch up with symbol_value_print.
- * data/glr.cc (b4_yysymprint_generate): Replace by...
- (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate): this.
- (yy_symbol_print, yy_symbol_value_print): Declare them.
-2005-12-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/location.h (boundary): Note that a line or column equal
- to INT_MAX indicates an overflow.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Include verify.h. Don't include get-errno.h.
- (rule_length_overflow, increment_rule_length, add_column_width):
- New functions.
- (<SC_BRACED_CODE>"}"):
- Use increment_rule_length rather than incrementing it by hand.
- (adjust_location, handle_syncline): Diagnose overflow.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at):
- Fix bug with monstrosities like $-2147483648.
- Remove now-unnecessary checks.
- (scan_integer): Verify assumptions and remove now-unnecessary checks.
- (convert_ucn_to_byte): Verify assumptions.
- (handle_syncline): New arg LOC. All callers changed.
- Don't store through a value derived from char const * pointer.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_rule_check): Rewrite slightly to avoid
- GCC warnings.
-2005-12-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_midrule_action, grammar_symbol_append):
- Remove unnecessary forward static decls.
-2005-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_check): Also check that $$
- is used.
- Take the rule to check as argument, hence rename as...
- (grammar_rule_check): this.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (grammar_rule_begin, grammar_rule_end):
- Rename as...
- (grammar_rule_begin, grammar_rule_end): these, for consistency.
- (grammar_midrule_action, grammar_symbol_append): Now static.
- * tests/torture.at (input): Don't rely on the default action
- being always performed.
- * tests/calc.at: "Set" $$ even when the action is "cut" with
- YYERROR or other.
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): Instead of using unused
- values, check that the warning is issued.
-2005-12-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Improve wording for unused-value warnings.
-2005-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/c.m4
- (b4_yysymprint_generate): Rename as...
- (b4_yy_symbol_print_generate): this.
- Generate yy_symbol_print instead of yysymprint.
- Generate also yy_symbol_value_print, and use it.
-2005-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * NEWS: Warn about unused values.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list, symbol_list_new): Add
- a `used' member.
- (symbol_list_n_get, symbol_list_n_used_set): New.
- (symbol_list_n_type_name_get): Use symbol_list_n_get.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_action_dollar): Flag used symbols.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_check): Check that values are
- used.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_print): Accept 0.
- * tests/existing.at: Remove the type information.
- Empty the actions.
- Remove useless actions (beware of mid-rule actions: perl -000
- -pi -e 's/\s*\{\}(?=[\n\s]*[|;])//g').
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): Use unused values.
- * tests/calc.at: Likewise.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (No users destructors if stack 0 deleted):
- Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (rule_useful_p, rule_never_reduced_p): Use
- rule_useful_p.
-2005-12-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Undo 2005-12-01 tentative license wording change. The wording is
- still being reviewed by the lawyers, and we don't want to wait for
- them before publishing a test release. For now, revert to the
- previous wording.
- * NEWS: Undo 2005-12-01 change.
- * data/glr.c: Revert to previous license wording.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/location.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * NEWS: Reword %destructor vs YYABORT etc.
- * data/glr.c: Use American spacing, for consistency.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Reformat comments slightly.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Replace "non-" with "non" when that makes sense,
- for consistency. Fix some spelling errors and reword recently-included
- text slightly.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Cast results of malloc, for C++.
-2005-12-21 Joel E. Denny <address@hidden>
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Construct a tree, count the parents of shared
- nodes, and free each node once and only once. Previously, the memory
- for semantic values was leaked instead.
-2005-12-21 Joel E. Denny <address@hidden>
- * data/glr.c (struct yyGLRStack): If pure, add yyval and yyloc members.
- (yylval, yylloc): If pure, #define to yystackp->yyval and
- yystackp->yyloc similar to yychar and yynerrs.
- (yyparse): If pure, remove local yylval and yylloc. Add local
- yystackp to accommodate pure definitions of yylval and yylloc.
- (b4_lex_param, b4_lyyerror_args, b4_lpure_args): If pure, change
- yylvalp and yyllocp to &yylval and &yylloc.
- (nerrs, char, lval, lloc): If pure, add #define's for b4_prefix[]
- namespace. Previously, nerrs and char were missing, but lval and lloc
- weren't necessary.
- (yyprocessOneStack, yyreportSyntaxError, yyrecoverSyntaxError): Remove
- yylvalp and yyllocp parameters since, if pure, these are now always
- accessible through yystackp. If not pure, they are still accessible
- globally.
- * data/glr.c, data/yacc.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Change `if (N)' to
- `if (YYID (N))' to pacify lint.
-2005-12-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- YYACCEPT, YYERROR, and YYABORT, as user actions, should not
- destroy the RHS symbols of a rule.
- * data/yacc.c (yylen): Initialize to 0.
- Keep its value to the number of items to possibly shift.
- In particular, a regular successful parse that ends on YYFINAL by
- a (internal) YYACCEPT must not have yylen != 0.
- (yyerrorlab, yyreturn): Pop the RHS.
- Reorder a bit to emphasize the `shifting' bits of code.
- (YYPOPSTACK): Now accept a number of items to pop.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/glr.c: Formatting changes.
- Use goto instead of fall through.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Destructor Decl): Complete.
-2005-12-20 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- * Makefile.am: DJGPP specific files added to EXTRA_DIST.
- * djgpp/Makefile.maint: Fix PACKAGE variable computation.
- * djgpp/config.bat: Replace every occurence of the file name
- scan-gram-c.c with c-scan-gram.c. The same for scan-skel-c.c with
- c-scan-skel.c to conform with the 8.3 file name restriction on MSDOS.
- * djgpp/config.sed: Replace every occurence of the file name
- scan-gram-c.c with c-scan-gram.c. The same for scan-skel-c.c with
- c-scan-skel.c to conform with the 8.3 file name restriction on MSDOS.
- * djgpp/djunpack.bat: DJGPP specific file.
- * djgpp/fnchange.lst: DJGPP specific file.
- * djgpp/README.in: Add new information about how to unpack the bison
- source on MSDOS and other systems which have 8.3 file name restrictions
- using djunpack.bat and fnchange.lst.
-2005-12-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (build_cvs_prefix): Remove; unused.
- (CVS_PREFIX): Adjust to yesterday's Savannah reorganization
- when getting gnulib.
-2005-12-12 "Joel E. Denny" <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c: Reorder typedef declarations for structs to match order
- of struct declarations.
- Rename yystack everywhere to yystackp except in yyparse where it's not
- a pointer.
- (yyglrShift): Change parameter YYSTYPE yysval to YYSTYPE* yyvalp for
- consistency.
- (yyis_table_ninf): Change 0 to YYID (0) to pacify lint.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Add /*ARGSUSED*/ to pacify lint.
- (yyparse): Change while (yytrue) to while ( YYID (yytrue)) to pacify
- lint.
-2005-12-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/sets.at (Accept): Fix typos in regular expression used to
- sed out the final state number.
- Work around portability problem on Solaris 10: flex-generated
- files include <stdio.h> before <config.h>, which messes up
- because the latter defines __EXTENSIONS__. Address the problem
- by creating two new little files that include <config.h> first,
- then include the flex-generated files. Rewrite everyone else
- to include <config.h> first, as well.
- * lib/timevar.c: Always include "config.h".
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Replace scan-gram.l with
- scan-gram-c.c, and scan-skel.l with scan-skel-c.c.
- (EXTRA_bison_SOURCES): New macro.
- * src/scan-gram-c.c, src/scan-skel-c.c: New files.
- * src/system.h: Don't include config.h.
- * src/LR0.c: Include <config.h> first.
- * src/assoc.c: Likewise.
- * src/closure.c: Likewise.
- * src/complain.c: Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.c: Likewise.
- * src/derives.c: Likewise.
- * src/files.c: Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c: Likewise.
- * src/gram.c: Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c: Likewise.
- * src/location.c: Likewise.
- * src/main.c: Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Likewise.
- * src/nullable.c: Likewise.
- * src/output.c: Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Likewise.
- * src/print.c: Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c: Likewise.
- * src/reader.c: Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c: Likewise.
- * src/relation.c: Likewise.
- * src/state.c: Likewise.
- * src/symlist.c: Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c: Likewise.
- * src/tables.c: Likewise.
- * src/uniqstr.c: Likewise.
- * src/vcg.c: Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Fix minor problems uncovered by lint.
- (current_lhs, current_lhs_location): Now static.
- (current_assoc): Remove unused variable.
- Cleanups so that Bison-generated parsers have less lint.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yydestruct_generate, b4_yysymprint_generate):
- Prepend /*ARGSUSED*/, for lint's sake.
- * data/glr.c (YYUSE): Properly parenthesize, and use an alternate
- definition if 'lint' is defined.
- (YYID): New macro (or function, if lint).
- All uses of /*CONSTCOND*/0 replaced by YYID(0).
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * data/glr.c (yyuserAction, yyuserMerge, yy_reduce_print):
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Prepend /*ARGSUSED*/.
- * data/glr.cc (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Omit /*CONSTCOND*/ since this code
- is C++ only.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYUSE): Just use a cast, since this code is C++ only.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTACK_FREE) [defined YYSTACK_ALLOC]:
- Use YYID(0) rather than 0, for lint.
- (yystrlen): Rewrite to avoid lint warning about ptrdiff_t overflow.
- (yysyntax_error): Rewrite to avoid lint warnings about parenthesization.
-2005-12-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Improper handling of embedded actions and dollar(-N) in GLR parsers):
- Close memory leak reported by twlevo.
-2005-12-06 "Joel E. Denny" <jdenny@ces.clemson.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyprocessOneStack, yyparse): Synchronize the shift for
- all stacks.
- (yyparse): Iterate another stack in order to call user destructors.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (No users destructors if stack 0 deleted):
- New test case.
- (Duplicated user destructor for lookahead): This test now is expected
- to succeed.
-2005-12-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Document the following change.
- * data/yacc.c: Say "parser skeleton" rather than "file", since
- it's no longer just a file.
- * data/glr.c: Grant a special exception for C GLR parsers, that
- reads like the already-existing exception for C LALR(1) parsers.
- * data/glr.cc: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/location.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Reword the "written by" statement to clarify that
- it was the parser skeleton, not the entire output file.
- * data/glr.c: Written by Paul Hilfinger.
- * data/glr.cc: Written by Akim Demaille.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
-2005-11-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print, YY_REDUCE_PRINT):
- Fix typos in previous change that broke 'make check'.
- YY_REDUCE_PRINT cannot be a pseudo-varargs macro; that isn't
- supported in C.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC,_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR):
- Don't check NUM-STDERR-LINES, since the output format is fluctuating.
- We can revert this once things settle down.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Don't print file name twice
- when %expect fails because there were no conflicts.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Expect Decl): Tighten up wording in previous
- change.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%expect not enough, %expect too much):
- (%expect with reduce conflicts): Adjust to new behavior.
-2005-11-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Unsatisfied %expectation are
- errors.
- * NEWS: Document this.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Expect Decl): Likewise.
-2005-11-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Generalize the display of semantic values and locations in traces.
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): Fix indices (again).
- * data/c++.m4 (b4_rhs_value, b4_rhs_location): Don't expect
- literal integers.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyreduce_print): Rename as...
- (yy_reduce_print): this.
- Display values and locations.
- * data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print): Likewise.
- (YY_REDUCE_PRINT): Adjust to pass the required arguments.
- (yysymprint): Move higher to be visible from yy_reduce_print).
- (yyparse): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust the expected length of the traces.
-2005-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): The loop was quite wrong: type are
- from 1 to N, while values and location start at 0.
- (b4_rhs_location, b4_rhs_value): Add parens around $1 and $2.
-2005-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): Fix the $ number.
-2005-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- "Use" parse parameters.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_parse_param_for, b4_parse_param_use): New.
- * data/glr.c, data/glr.cc: Use them.
- * data/glr.c (YYUSE): Have a C++ definition that supports
- non-pointer types.
-2005-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (yyexpandGLRStack): Declare only if defined.
-2005-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.cc: New.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_prepend): New.
-2005-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let position and location be PODs.
- * data/location.cc (position::initialize, location::initialize): New.
- (position::position, location::location): Define only if
- b4_location_constructors is defined.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_location_constructors): Define it for backward
- compatibility.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Initial Action Decl): Use initialize.
-2005-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Move the body of the ctor and dtor into the
- parser file (instead of the header).
- Wrap the implementations in a "namespace yy".
-2005-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have glr.c include its header file when created.
- * data/glr.c (b4_shared_declarations): New.
- Output them verbatim in the parser if !%defines, otherwise
- output then in the header file, and include it instead.
-2005-11-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c: Comment changes.
-2005-11-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- When yydebug, report semantic and location values for reductions.
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): Report the semantic values and the
- locations.
- (YY_REDUCE_PRINT): Adjust.
- (yyglrReduce): Use them.
- (b4_rhs_value, b4_rhs_location): Remove m4_eval invocations.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): Specify the const arguments.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Remove the reduction
- traces.
-2005-11-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (yynewGLRStackItem, YY_RESERVE_GLRSTACK): New.
- (yyaddDeferredAction, yyglrShift, yyglrShiftDefer): Use them.
- (yyexpandGLRStack, YYRELOC): Define only when YYSTACKEXPANDABLE.
-2005-11-09 Albert Chin-A-Young <china@thewrittenword.com>
- * m4/cxx.m4, examples/Makefile.am: Don't build
- examples/calc++ if no C++ compiler is available. (trivial change)
-2005-11-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-skel.l: Use a couple of asserts.
-2005-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- In some (weird) cases, the final state number is incorrect.
- Reported by Alexandre Duret-Lutz.
- * src/LR0.c (state_list_append): Remove the computation of
- final_state.
- (save_reductions): Do it here.
- (get_state): Alpha conversion.
- (generate_states): Use a for loop.
- * src/gram.h (item_number_is_rule_number)
- (item_number_is_symbol_number): New.
- * src/state.c: Use assert.
- * src/system.h: Include assert.h.
- * tests/sets.at (Accept): New.
-2005-10-30 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@tully.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yyfill): Adjust comment.
- (yyresolveAction): Initialize default location properly
- for empty right-hand sides.
- (yydoAction): Ditto.
- Add comment explaining apparently dead code.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Incorrectly initialized location for empty right-hand side in GLR):
- New test.
-2005-10-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (cleanup_gnulib): New function. Use it to clean up
- gnulib when interrupted. This fixes some race conditions and
- works around some portability problems (one noted by Paul
- Hilfinger).
-2005-10-22 Akim <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.cfg: Adjust to config -> build-aux.
- Reported by twledo.
-2005-10-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yydestruct_generate, b4_yysymprint_generate): Pass
- the %parse-params.
- * data/glr.c (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, yydestroyGLRState): Adjust.
- * data/yacc.c (b4_Pure_if): Rename as...
- (b4_yacc_pure_if): this.
- (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, yyparse): Adjust.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Formatting changes.
-2005-10-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Finish the transition config -> build-aux.
- * configure.ac, Makefile.am: Use build-aux.
- * config/prev-version, config/announce-gen, config/Makefile.am:
- Move to...
- * build-aux/prev-version, build-aux/announce-gen,
- * build-aux/Makefile.am: here.
-2005-10-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * examples/calc++/test: Use set -x only when VERBOSE.
-2005-10-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Bison now warns if it finds a stray `$' or `@' in an action.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_BRACED_CODE>[$@]): Implement this.
-2005-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-skel.l: Output the base name parts of the parser and
- header file names.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): Support subdirectories, and
- additional checks.
- Use this to exercise C++ outputs in subdirs.
- Reported by Oleg Smolsky.
-2005-10-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_function_def): Look at __C99_FUNC__, not at
- __STDC_VERSION__, as IBM cc 7.0 doesn't define the latter either.
- Problem reported by John P. Hartmann.
- * data/yacc.c (YYMODERN_C): Likewise. Don't define if the user has
- already defined it.
-2005-10-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (version_check): Exit 63 to please missing
- (stands for "version mismatch).
- * tests/input.at, doc/bison.texinfo: Adjust.
-2005-10-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Work around portability problems with Visual Age C compiler
- (xlc and xlC_r) reported by John P. Hartmann.
- * data/location.cc (initial_column, initial_line): Remove.
- All uses replaced by 0 and 1.
- * src/scan-gram.l (gram_wrap): Redefine to avoid bug in flex 2.5.31
- that xlc complains about.
- * src/scan-skel.l (skel_wrap): Likewise.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_function_def): Look at __STDC_VERSION__ as well
- as __STDC__.
- * data/yacc.c (YYMODERN_C): New macro, which also looks at
- __STDC_VERSION__. Use it everywhere instead of looking at
- __STDC__ and __cplusplus.
-2005-10-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * examples/calc++/test: Be quiet unless VERBOSE.
-2005-10-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (yydestruct, yysymprint):
- Use YYUSE instead of casting to void.
- * data/glr.c (YYUSE): New macro.
- (yyuserMerge, yyreportAmbiguity, yyreportSyntaxError):
- Use it instead of rolling our own.
- (YYCHK1):
- Use /*CONSTCOND*/ to suppress lint warnings.
- (YY_STACK_PRINT): Use 'false' not '0'.
- (YYUSE): New macro.
- (yysymprint_, yydestruct_): Use it instead of rolling our own.
- * data/yacc.c (YYUSE): New macro.
- (yyerrorlab): Use /*CONSTCOND*/ to suppress lint warnings.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (_m4_map): New macro.
- (m4_map, m4_map_sep): Use it. Handle the empty list correctly.
-2005-10-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Undo the parts of the unlocked-I/O change that substituted
- putc or puts for printf. This might hurt performance a bit,
- but some people prefer the printf style.
- * data/c.m4 (yysymprint): Prefer printf to puts and putc.
- * data/glr.c (YYFPUTC, YYFPUTS, YYDPUTS): Remove.
- All uses replaced by YYFPRINTF and YYDPRINTF.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_print): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_dump, debug-bitsetv): Prefer printf to
- putc and puts.
- * lib/lbitset.c (debug_lbitset): Likewise.
- * src/closure.c (print_firsts, print_fderives): Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_dump): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (look_ahead_tokens_print): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (escaped_output): Likewise.
- (user_actions_output): Break apart two printfs.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%printer): Prefer printf to putc and puts.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_look_ahead_tokens_print): Likewise.
- * src/system.h: Include unlocked-io.h rathe than stdio.h.
- * data/glr.c (yyuserMerge, yyreportAmbiguity, yyreportSyntaxError):
- Use assignments rather than casts-to-void to suppress
- unused-variable warnings. This pacifies 'lint'.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yysymprint_, yydestruct_): Use a call to suppress
- unused-variable warnings.
-2005-10-03 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- * Makefile.am: DJGPP specific files added to EXTRA_DIST.
-2005-10-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Use unlocked I/O for a minor performance improvement on hosts like
- GNU/Linux and Solaris that support unlocked I/O. The basic idea
- is to use the gnlib unlocked-io module, and to prefer putc and
- puts to printf when either will work (since the latter doesn't
- come in an unlocked flavor).
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add unlocked-io.
- * data/c.m4 (yysymprint): Prefer puts and putc to printf.
- * data/glr.c (YYFPUTC, YYFPUTS, YYDPUTS): New macros.
- Prefer them to YYFPRINTF and YYDPRINTF if either will do,
- and similarly for puts and putc and printf.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_print): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h [USE_UNLOCKED_IO]: Include unlocked-io.h.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_dump, debug-bitsetv): Prefer putc and puts
- to printf.
- * lib/lbitset.c (debug_lbitset): Likewise.
- * src/closure.c (print_firsts, print_fderives): Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_dump): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (look_ahead_tokens_print): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (escaped_output): Likewise.
- (user_actions_output): Coalesce two printfs.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%printer): Prefer putc and puts to printf.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_look_ahead_tokens_print): Likewise.
- * src/system.h: Include unlocked-io.h rather than stdio.h.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Don't put an unmatched ' in a dnl comment, as
- this confuses xgettext.
-2005-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add strverscmp.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add strverscmp.c, strverscmp.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add strverscmp.m4.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%require): New token, new rule.
- (version_check): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (%require): Adjust.
- * tests/input.at (AT_REQUIRE): New.
- Use it.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Require Decl): New.
- (Calc++ Parser): Use %require.
-2005-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/location.cc: New.
-2005-10-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>,
- Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Make sure -odir/foo.cc creates dir/location.hh etc.
- * src/files.h (spec_outfile, parser_file_name, spec_name_prefix)
- (spec_file_prefix, spec_verbose_file, spec_graph_file)
- (spec_defines_file): Now const.
- (dir_prefix): New.
- (short_base_name): Remove.
- * src/files.c: Adjust.
- (dirname.h): Include.
- (base_name): Don't prototype it.
- (finput): Remove, duplicates gram_in.
- (full_base_name, short_base_name): Replace by...
- (all_but_ext, all_but_tab_ext): these.
- (compute_base_names): Rename as...
- (compute_file_name_parts): this.
- Update to compute the new variables, including dir_prefix.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Output them.
- * src/reader.c: Adjust to use gram_in, not finput.
- * src/scan-skel.l (@dir_prefix@): New.
-2005-10-02 Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
- * lib/subpipe.c: New function end_of_output_subpipe() added
- to allow support for non-posix systems. This is a no-op function
- for posix systems.
- * lib/subpipe.h: New function end_of_output_subpipe() added
- to allow support for non-posix systems. This is a no-op function
- for posix systems.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use end_of_output_subpipe() to
- handle the lack of pipe/fork functionality on non-posix systems.
- * djgpp/Makefile.maint: DJGPP specific file.
- * djgpp/README.in: DJGPP specific file.
- * djgpp/config.bat: DJGPP specific configuration file.
- * djgpp/config.sed: DJGPP specific configuration file.
- * djgpp/config.site: DJGPP specific configuration file.
- * djgpp/config_h.sed: DJGPP specific configuration file.
- * djgpp/subpipe.c: DJGPP specific replacement file for lib/subpipe.c.
- * djgpp/subpipe.h: DJGPP specific replacement file for lib/subpipe.h.
-2005-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/location.cc: New, extract from...
- * data/lalr1.cc: here.
- (location.hh): Include it after the user prologue, in case the
- filename type is defined by the user.
- Forward declation location and position before the pre-prologue.
- (yyresult_): Rename as...
- (yyresult): this, it's a local variable, not an attribute.
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_pkgdata_DATA): Adjust.
-2005-10-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * examples/extexi: Restore the #line generation.
-2005-09-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>,
- Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl@gnu.org>
- Move the token type and YYSTYPE in the parser class.
- * data/lalr1.cc (stack.hh, location.hh): Include earlier.
- (parser::token): New, from the moved free definition of tokens.
- (parser::semantic_value): Now a full definition instead of an
- indirection to YYSTYPE.
- (b4_post_prologue): No longer included in the header file, but
- in the implementation file.
- * doc/bison.texi (C+ Language Interface): Update.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Support unary %define.
- * tests/actions.at: Define global_tokens_and_yystype for backward
- compatibility until we update the tests.
- * tests/calc.at: Idem.
- (first_line, first_column, last_line, last_column): Define for lalr1.cc
- to simplify the code.
-2005-09-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Port to SunOS 4.1.4, which lacks strtoul and strerror.
- Ah, the good old days! Problem reported by Peter Klein.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add strerror, strtoul.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add strerror.c, strtol.c, strtoul.c
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add strerror.m4, strtol.m4, strtoul.m4.
-2005-09-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_error_verbose_if): New.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Use it.
- (yyn_, yylen_, yystate_, yynerrs_, yyerrstatus_): Remove as
- parser members, replaced by...
- (yyn, yylen, yystate, yynerss, yyerrstatus): these parser::parse
- local variables.
- (yysyntax_error_): Takes the state number as argument.
- (yyreduce_print_): Use the argument yyrule, not the former
- attribute yyn_.
-2005-09-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add verify.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add verify.h.
- * src/getargs.c: Use ARGMATCH_VERIFY rather than verify.
- * src/system.h (verify): Remove.
- Include verify.h instead.
- * src/tables.c (tables_generate): Use new API for 'verify'.
-2005-09-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/local.at (_AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS): Do not use
- local variables whose names begin with 'yy'.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Likewise.
- Trivial changes from Joel E. Denny.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Remove alloca. Bison doesn't need
- it itself.
- * src/main.c (main) [C_ALLOCA]: Don't flush alloca'ed memory; we
- don't use alloca any more.
- * data/yacc.c [YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA && !defined __GNUC__ && ! defined
- __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR && ! defined _AIX && ! defined _MSC_VER &&
- defined _ALLOCA_H]: Don't include <stdlib.h>; not needed in this case.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Adjust
- to match yacc.c, to test more hosts.
-2005-09-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (YYSIZE_T): Reindent to make it clearer. This
- doesn't affect behavior.
- (YYSTACK_ALLOC) [YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA]: Improve support for
- Solaris, AIX, MSC.
- (_STDLIB_H): Renamed from YYINCLUDED_STDLIB_H. All uses changed.
- This works a bit better with glibc, if user code has already included
- stdlib.h.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Parser): Document that users can't
- arbitrarily use malloc and free for other purposes. Document
- that <alloca.h> and <malloc.h> might be included.
- (Table of Symbols): Under YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA, Don't claim that the
- user must declare alloca.
- * HACKING (release): Forwarn the Translation Project about
- stable releses.
-2005-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c: Use b4_token_enums, not b4_token_enums_defines.
-2005-09-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (YYSIZE_MAXIMUM): New macro.
- (yysyntax_error): New function.
- (yyparse) [YYERROR_VERBOSE]: Don't leak memory indefinitely if
- multiple syntax errors are reported, and alloca is being used.
- Instead, reallocate buffers twice as big each time, so that
- we waste at most half the allocated memory. Start with a small
- (128-byte) buffer that will suffice in most cases anyway.
- Use yysyntax_error to do most of the work.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Error Reporting, Table of Symbols):
- yynerrs is the number of errors reported, not the number of
- errors encountered.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Duplicated user destructor for lookahead):
- Mark it as expected to fail.
- Cast result of malloc; problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at, tests/glr-regression.at:
- Don't start user-code symbols with "yy", to avoid name space problems.
-2005-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove the traits, failed experiment.
- It never proved useful, and anyway because of the current
- definition, it was not possible to have several specialization of
- this traits, making it useless.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy:traits): Remove.
- Inline its definitions in the parser class.
-2005-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atlocal.in (LIBS): Pass INTLLIBS to address failures on at
- least Mac OSX with a /usr/local install of gettext.
-2005-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyparse): Rename yylooka and yyilooka as yychar
- and yytoken for similarity with the other skeletons.
-2005-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * NEWS, configure.ac: update version number to 2.1a.
-2005-09-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.1.
- * NEWS: Remove notice of yytname change, since it was never in an
- official release.
- * data/glr.c (yydestroyGLRState): Rename local var to avoid shadowing
- diagnostic.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYERROR_VERBOSE_IF): New macro.
- (yysyntax_error_): Use it to avoid GCC warning when YYERROR_VERBOSE
- is not defined. This is an awful hack, but it's enough for now.
- All callers changed.
- * tests/glr-regression-at (make_value): Args are const pointers now,
- to avoid GCC warning.
- (Duplicated user destructor for lookahead): New test. Currently
- skipped. It fails on my host but I'm not sure it'll always fail.
-2005-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h (struct symbol): Declare the printer and destructor
- as const, to avoid accidental calls to free.
- (symbol_destructor_set, symbol_printer_set): Adjust.
- * src/symtab.c: Adjust.
-2005-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_token_enums): New.
- (b4_token_defines): Rename as...
- (b4_token_enums_defines): this.
- (b4_token_defines): New, output only the #defines.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c: Adjust.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Use b4_token_enums instead of b4_token_enums_defines.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yydestruct_generate, b4_yysymprint_generate): Define
- as default values.
-2005-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yylex_): Remove, inline its code.
- (yyreport_syntax_error_): Remove, replaced by...
- (yysyntax_error_): this which returns a string and leaves to the
- caller the call to the users' error function.
- (yylooka_, yyilooka_, yylval, yylloc, yyerror_range_, yyval, yyloc):
- Move from members of the parser object...
- (yylooka, yyilooka, yylval, yylloc, yyerror_range, yyval, yyloc):
- to local variables of the parse function.
-2005-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Parser): Don't promote defining YYEOF
- since it's in Bison's name space.
-2005-09-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveValue): Add default case to pacify
- gcc -Wswitch-default. Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * NEWS: Document when yyparse started to return 2.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Parser Function): Document when yyparse
- returns 2.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Revert part of previous change, as it's incompatible.
- (b4_filename_type): Renamed back from b4_file_name_type. All uses
- changed.
- (class position): file_name -> filename (reverting). All uses changed.
-2005-09-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am ($(calc_sources_generated)): Don't
- do anything if $@ exists. This reverts part of the 2005-07-07
- patch.
-2005-09-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Do not distribute REFERENCES; it
- contains obsolete information and isn't worth distributing as a
- separate file anyway.
- * data/glr.c [defined YYSETJMP]: Don't include <setjmp.h>.
- All uses of jmp_buf, setjmp, longjmp changed to use these instead.
- (yyparse): Abort if user code uses longjmp to throw an unexpected
- value.
-2005-09-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_identification): Define YYBISON_VERSION.
- Suggested by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * data/glr.c (YYCHK1): Do not assume YYE is in range.
- This avoids a diagnostic from gcc -Wswitch-enum.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Don't use "filename", as per GNU coding
- standards. Use "file name" or "file" or "name", depending on
- the context.
- (Invocation): The output of "bison hack/foo.y" goes to foo.tab.c,
- not to hack/foo.tab.c.
- (Calc++ Top Level): 2nd arg of main is not const.
- * data/glr.c: b4_filename -> b4_file_name.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise. Also, b4_filename_type -> b4_file_name_type.
- All uses changed.
- (class position): filename -> file_name. All uses changed.
- * data/yacc.c: b4_filename -> b4_file_name.
- * lib/bitset.h: filename -> file_name in local vars.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Likewise.
- * src/files.c: Likewise.
- * src/scan-skel.l ("@output ".*\n): Likewise.
- * src/files.c (file_name_split): Renamed from filename_split.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Output b4_file_name, not b4_filename.
-2005-09-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add pipe-safer.c, stdio--.h, unistd--.h,
- to accommodate latest gnulib.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Duplicate representation of merged trees):
- Add casts to pacify g++. Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * bootstrap: Add comment as to why the AM_LANGINFO_CODESET hack is
- needed.
-2005-08-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yydestroyGLRState): Renamed from yydestroyStackItem.
- All uses changed. Invoke user destructor after an error during a
- split parse (trivial change from Joel E. Denny).
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (User destructor after an error during a split parse): New test case.
- Problem reported by Joel E. Denny in:
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-08/msg00029.html
-2005-08-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * README-cvs: Give URLs for recommended tools.
- Mention Gzip version problem, and bootstrapping issues.
- Remove troubleshooting section, as it's somewhat obsolete.
- * bootstrap (no_cache): New var, to accommodate different wget
- variants. Use it instead of '-C off'. Problem reported by
- twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * data/glr.c (yydestroyStackItem): New function.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyreturn): Use it to improve quality of
- debugging information. Problem reported by Joel E. Denny.
-2005-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Pass $LINKS too.
-2005-08-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyreturn):
- Don't invoke destructor on unresolved entries.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (User destructor for unresolved GLR semantic value): New test case.
- Problem reported by Joel E. Denny in:
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-08/msg00016.html
-2005-08-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove realloc.c, strncasecmp.c, xstrdup.c.
- Add strnlen.c.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove codeset.m4, gettext.m4, lib-ld.m4,
- lib-prefix.m4, po.m4.
- * data/glr.c (yyreturn): Use "Cleanup:" rather than "Error:"
- in yydestruct diagnostic, since it might not be an error.
- Problem reported by Joel Denny near end of
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2005-07/msg00040.html>.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyerturn): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yyreturn): Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Adjust to the above change.
- * src/files.c: Remove obsolete FIXME comment.
- * data/glr.c (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT): Append a newline, for consistency
- with the other templates, and to fix bogus run-on messages such
- as the one reported at the end of
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2005-07/msg00040.html>.
- All callers changed to avoid the newline.
- (yyprocessOneStack): Output two lines rather than one, to accommodate
- the above change. This changes the debug output format slightly.
- * data/glr.c (yyresolveValue): Fix redundant parse tree problem
- reported by Joel E. Denny in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-08/msg00004.html>
- (trivial change).
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Duplicate representation of merged trees):
- New test, from Joel E. Denny in:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2005-07/msg00013.html>.
- * THANKS: Add Joel E. Denny.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump to 2.0c.
-2005-07-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.0b.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Put examples before tests, so that
- "make check" doesn't finish with "All 1 tests passed".
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): Don't rely on
- AT_PARSER_CHECK for data that contains backslashes. It currently
- uses 'echo', and 'echo' isn't portable if its argument contains
- backslashes. Problem found on OpenBSD 3.4. Also, do not assume
- that the byte '\0xff' is not printable in the C locale; it is,
- under OpenBSD 3.4 (!). Luckily, '\0x80' through '\0x9e' are
- not printable, so use '\0x81' to test.
- * data/glr.c (YYOPTIONAL_LOC): Define even if it's not a recent
- version of GCC, since the macro is used with non-GCC compilers.
- Fix core dump reported by Pablo De Napoli in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2005-07/msg00053.html>.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs with {}): New test.
- * src/parse-gram.y (token_name): Translate type before using
- it as an index.
- * data/glr.c (ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED): Remove, since it infringes on
- the user's name space. All uses changed to __attribute__
- ((__unused__)).
- (yyFail, yyMemoryExhausted, yyreportAmbiguity):
- Add __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)).
- * etc/clcommit: Remove. We weren't using it, and it failed
- "make maintainer-distcheck".
- * Makefile.maint: Merge from coreutils.
- (CVS_LIST, CVS_LIST_EXCEPT): New macros.
- (syntax-check-rules): Change list of rules as described below.
- (sc_cast_of_alloca_return_value, sc_dd_max_sym_length):
- (sc_file_system, sc_obsolete_symbols, sc_prohibit_atoi_atof):
- (sc_prohibit_jm_in_m4, sc_root_tests, sc_tight_scope):
- (sc_trailing_space): New rules.
- (sc_xalloc_h_in_src): Remove.
- (sc_cast_of_argument_to_free, sc_cast_of_x_alloc_return_value):
- (sc_space_tab, sc_error_exit_success, sc_changelog):
- (sc_system_h_headers, sc_sun_os_names, sc_unmarked_diagnostics):
- (makefile-check, po-check, author_mark_check):
- (makefile_path_separator_check, copyright-check):
- Use grep -n, to make it easier to find violations.
- (header_regexp, h_re): Remove.
- (dd_c): New macro.
- (sc_dd_max_sym_length, .re-list, news-date-check): New rules.
- (my-distcheck): Use more-modern GCC flags.
- (signatures, %.asc): Remove.
- (rel-files, announcement): Remove signatures.
- Restore old updating code, even though we don't use it, so
- that we're the same as coreutils.
- (alpha, beta, major): Depend on news-date-check.
- Make the upload commands.
- * data/c.m4, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c: Normalize white space.
- * lib/abitset.h, lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.h: Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c, lib/ebitset.h, lib/lbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/libitset.h, lib/timevar.c, lib/vbitset.h: Likewise.
- * src/Makefile.am, src/gram.c, src/muscle_tab.h: Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.y, src/system.h, src/tables.c, src/vcg.c: Likewise.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h, tests/cxx-type.at, tests/existing.at: Likewise.
- * tests/sets.at: Likewise.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Sync from Autoconf, except that
- we comment out the Autoconf version number.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++ Scanner): Don't use atoi, as
- it's error-prone and "make maintainer-distcheck" rejects it.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Include <fcntl.h> without checking for HAVE_FCNTL_H.
- Indent calls to "error" to pacify "make maintainer-distcheck",
- when the calls are not intended to be translated.
- * m4/subpipe.m4 (BISON_PREREQ_SUBPIPE): Don't check for fcntl.h.
- * src/Makefile.am (DEFS): Use +=, to pacify
- "make maintainer-distcheck".
- (bison_SOURCES): Add scan-skel.h.
- (sc_tight_scope): New rule, from coreutils.
- * src/files.c (src_extension, header_extension):
- Now static, not extern.
- * src/getargs.c (short_options): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_table): Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.y (current_class, current_type, current_prec):
- Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_end, previous_rule_end): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.h: Redo comments to pacify "make maintainer-distcheck".
- * src/main.c (main): Cast bindtextdomain and textdomain calls to
- void, to avoid warning when NLS is disabled.
- * src/output.c: Include scan-skel.h.
- (scan_skel): Remove decl, since scan-skel.h does this.
- (output_skeleton):
- Indent calls to "error" to pacify "make maintainer-distcheck".
- * src/print_graph.c: Don't include <obstack.h>, as system.h does this.
- * src/reader.h (gram_end, gram_lineno): New decls to pacify
- "make maintainer-distcheck".
- * src/scan-skel.l (skel_lex, skel_get_lineno, skel_get_in):
- (skel_get_out, skel_get_leng, skel_get_text, skel_set_lineno):
- (skel_set_in, skel_set_out, skel_get_debug, skel_set_debug):
- (skel_lex_destroy, scan_skel): Move these decls to...
- * src/scan-skel.h: New file.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstr_assert):
- Indent calls to "error" to pacify "make maintainer-distcheck".
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(srcdir)/package.m4): Use $(VAR),
- not @VAR@.
- * tests/torture.at: Revamp to avoid misuse of atoi that
- "make maintainer-distcheck" complained about.
- * examples/extexi (message): Don't print a message more than once,
- and omit line-number decoration that makes Emacs compile think
- that informative messages are worth worrying about.
-2005-07-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * configure.ac: Update version number.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add examples; somehow this got removed
- accidentally.
- * examples/calc++/calc++-parser.yy: Remove from CVS, as it's
- autogenerated by the maintainer.
- * examples/calc++/.cvsignore: Add *.yy.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_alloc): Don't cast xcalloc result.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_init): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc): Likewise.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Add lib/xalloc-die.c; remove lib/xmalloc.c.
- * src/relation.c (relation_transpose): Rewrite to avoid bogus complaint
- from maintainer-distcheck about casting the argument of 'free'.
- * NEWS: Mention recent yytname changes.
- * THANKS: Add Anthony Heading, twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * bootstrap: For translations that have not yet been upgraded to
- the new runtime-po domain, prime the pump by extracting the
- relevant strings from the obsolete translations. This code can be
- removed once the bison-runtime domain has been translated by each
- team.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_PRE_CODE>.): Don't double-quote token names,
- now that token names are already quoted.
- Fix problem reported by Anthony Heading.
- * data/glr.c (YYTOKEN_TABLE): New macro.
- (yytname): Define if YYTOKEN_TABLE.
- * data/yacc.c (YYTOKEN_TABLE, yytname): Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYTOKEN_TABLE, yytname_): Likewise.
- (YYERROR_VERBOSE): Define the same way the other skeletons do.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): Output token_table_flag.
-2005-07-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyinitGLRStack, yyreturn): Don't call malloc
- again if the first call fails.
- * data/glr.c (yytnamerr): New function.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Use it to dequote most string literals.
- * data/lalr1.c (yytname_): Renamed from yyname_, for compatibility
- with other skeletons. All uses changed.
- (yytnameerr_): New function.
- (yyreport_syntax_error): Use it to dequote most string literals.
- * data/yacc.c (yytnamerr): New function.
- (yyerrlab): Use it to decode most string literals.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Calling Convention):
- Clarify quoting convention of yytname.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): Quote all names. This undoes
- the 2005-04-17 change, which is now accomplished (mostly) via
- changes in the parsers as described above.
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions, Web2c Actions):
- Undo most 2005-04-17 change here, too.
-2005-07-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix more problems reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Don't pipe output of ./types through sed to
- remove trailing spaces. This loses the exit status of ./types,
- and isn't needed since ./types shouldn't be emitting trailing
- spaces.
- * data/glr.c (yyreturn): Don't pop stack if yyinitStateSet failed,
- as the stack isn't valid in that case.
- * src/scan-gram.l (gram_get_lineno, gram_get_in, gram_get_out):
- (gram_get_leng, gram_get_text, gram_set_lineno, gram_set_in):
- (gram_set_out, gram_get_debug, gram_set_debug, gram_lex_destroy):
- Add declarations to pacify "gcc -Wmissing-prototypes" when flex 2.5.31
- is used.
- * src/scan-skel.l (skel_get_lineno, skel_get_in, skel_get_out):
- (skel_get_leng, skel_get_text, skel_set_lineno, skel_set_in):
- (skel_set_out, skel_get_debug, skel_set_debug, skel_lex_destroy):
- Likewise.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Work even with
- overly-picky compilers that reject 'char *foo = "bar";'.
- * src/symtab.c (SYMBOL_ATTR_PRINT, symbol_print): Direct output
- to FILE * parameter, not to stderr. This fixes a typo introduced
- in the 2005-07-12 change.
- * lib/subpipe.c (create_subpipe): Rewrite slightly to avoid
- warnings from GCC 4.
- * data/glr.c (yyexpandGLRStack, yyaddDeferredAction, yyexpandGLRStack):
- (yyglrShiftDefer, yysplitStack):
- Remove unused parameters b4_pure_formals. All uses changed.
- (yyglrShift): Remove unused parameters b4_user_formals.
- All uses changed.
- (yyglrReduce): Removed unused parameter yylocp. All uses changed.
-2005-07-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Destructor cleanups and regularization among the three skeletons.
- * NEWS: Document the behavior changes.
- * data/glr.c (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Don't bother to pop the
- stack before failing, as the cleanup code will do it for us now.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyerrlab): Likewise.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Pop everything off the stack before
- freeing it, so that destructors get called properly.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyreturn): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yyreturn): Pop and destroy the start symbol, too.
- This is more consistent.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Destructor Decl): Mention more reasons
- why destructors might be called. 1.875 -> 2.1.
- (Destructor Decl, Decl Summary, Table of Symbols):
- Some English-language cleanups for %destructor.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR):
- Add output line for destructor of start symbol.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Add one to line counts,
- because of that same extra output line.
- * NEWS: Document minor wording changes in diagnostics of
- Bison-generated parsers.
- * data/glr.c (yyMemoryExhausted): Renamed from yyStackOverflow.
- Remove unused formals. All uses changed.
- (yyreportAmbiguity): "ambiguity detected" -> "syntax is ambiguous".
- (yyparse): Rename yyoverflowlab to yyexhaustedlab.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): "parser stack overflow" -> "memory exhausted".
- Rename yyoverflowab to yyexhaustedlab.
- When memory exhaustion occurs during syntax-error reporting,
- report it separately rather than in a single diagnostic; this
- eases translation.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Memory Management): Renamed from Stack Overflow.
- (Memory Exhausted): Renamed from Parser Stack Overflow.
- Revamp wording slightly to prefer "memory exhaustion".
- * tests/actions.at: "parser stack overflow" -> "memory exhausted".
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): Use YYFPRINTF, not fprintf.
- Add i18n support to the GLR skeleton. Partially fix the C++
- skeleton; a C++ expert needs to finish this. Remove debugging
- msgids; there's little point to having them translated, since they
- can be understood only by someone who can read the
- (English-language) source code.
- Generate runtime-po/bison-runtime.pot automatically, so that we
- don't have to worry about garbage getting in that file. We'll
- make sure after the next official release that old msgids don't
- get lost. See
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2005-07/msg00119.html>.
- * runtime-po/Makefile.in.in, runtime-po/bison-runtime.pot: Remove.
- Now auto-generated.
- * PACKAGING: Don't claim that Gawk, GCC, Perl use this method yet.
- Fix typos in explanations of the runtime file.
- * bootstrap: Change gettext keyword from YYI18N to YY_.
- Use standard Makefile.in.in in runtime-po, since we'll arrange
- for backward-compatible bison-runtime.po files in a different way.
- * data/glr.c (YY_): New macro, from yacc.c.
- (yyuserAction, yyreportAmbiguity, yyreportSyntaxError, yyparse):
- Translate messages intended for users.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Change "virtual memory" to "memory" to match
- the wording in the other skeletons. We don't know that the memory
- is virtual.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YY_): Renamed from _. All uses changed.
- Use same method that yacc.c uses.
- Don't translate debugging messages.
- (yy::yyreport_syntax_error): Put in a FIXME for the i18n stuff;
- it doesn't work (yet), and requires C++ expertise to fix.
- * data/yacc.c (YY_): Renamed from YY18N. All uses changed.
- Move defn to a more logical place, to be consistent with other
- skeletons.
- Don't translate debugging messages.
- Don't assume line numbers fit in unsigned int; use unsigned long fmts.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Mention <libintl.h>. Change glibc cross reference
- to gettext cross reference. Add indexing terms. Mention YYENABLE_NLS.
- * runtime-po/POTFILES.in: Add data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc.
- Fix yyerror / yylex test glitches noted by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Have yyerror return
- void, not int.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Badly Collapsed GLR States):
- Likewise.
- (Improper handling of embedded actions and dollar(-N) in GLR parsers):
- yylex should return 0 at EOF rather than aborting.
- Improve tests for stack overflow in GLR parser.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * data/glr.c (struct yyGLRStack): Remove yyerrflag member.
- All uses removed.
- (yyStackOverflow): Just longjmp, but with value 2 so that caller
- can handle the problem.
- (YYCHK1): Use goto (a la yacc.c) rather than setting a flag.
- (yyparse): New local variable yyresult to record the result.
- Use result of setjmp to set it, rather than storing itinto
- struct.
- (yyDone): Remove label.
- (yyacceptlab, yyabortlab, yyoverflowlab, yyreturn): New labels,
- to mimic yacc.c. Do not discard lookahead if it's EOF (possible
- if YYABORT is used).
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Exit with
- yyparse status; put status > 1 into diagnostic.
- Check that status==2 works.
- * tests/calc.at, tests/cxx-type.at, tests/glr-regression.at:
- Use exit status 3 for failure to open (which shouldn't happen).
-2005-07-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/conflicts.at (%nonassoc and eof): Don't exit with status
- 1 on syntax error; just let yyparse do its thing.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Badly Collapsed GLR States): Likewise.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE): Likewise.
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca):
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc):
- Expect exit status 2, not 1, since the parser is supposed to blow
- its stack. Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Don't assume that the initial calls
- to YYMALLOC succeed; in that case, yyparse incorrectly returned 0.
- Print a stack-overflow message and fail instead.
- Initialize the line-number information before creating the stack,
- so that the stack-overflow message can report line zero safely.
-2005-07-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix problems reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * data/glr.c (YYSTACKEXPANDABLE): Don't define if already defined.
- (yyuserMerge): Provide a default case if b4_mergers is empty.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Define YYSTACKEXPANDABLE.
- * tests/glr-regression.at
- (Improper handling of embedded actions and dollar(-N) in GLR parsers):
- Add casts to pacify C++ compilers.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Improper merging of GLR delayed action
- sets): Declare yylex before using it.
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-check-g++): Fix a stray
- $(GXX) that escaped the renaming of GXX to CXX. Remove bogus
- test for valgrind; valgrind is independent of g++.
- (maintainer-check-posix): Add _POSIX2_VERSION=200112, to check
- for compatibility with POSIX 1003.1-2001 (if running coreutils).
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Port to stricter C++.
- Use a destructor, so that we can expand the stack. Change
- YYSTYPE to char * so that we can free it. Cast result of malloc.
-2005-07-13 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yyuserAction): Fix uninitialized variable that caused
- a valgrind failure. Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-07-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * PACKAGING: New file, suggested by Bruno Haible and taken from
- similar wording in gettext's PACKAGING file.
- * NEWS: Mention PACKAGING.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add PACKAGING.
-2005-07-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Document recent i18n improvements.
- * bootstrap: Get runtime translations into runtime-po.
- Create runtime-po files automatically, if possible.
- * configure.ac: Invoke BISON_I18N, so that we eat our own dog food.
- * data/yacc.c: Rewrite inclusion of <libintl.h> so that ENABLE_NLS
- does not infringe on the user's name space.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Internationalization): Revamp the English
- and Texinfo syntax a bit, to try to make it clearer.
- (Bison Options, Option Cross Key): Mention --print-localedir.
- * m4/bison-i18n.m4 (BISON_I18N): Rename ENABLE_BISON_NLS to
- YYENABLE_NLS. Quote a bit more.
- * runtime-po/.cvsignore: New file.
- * runtime-po/Makefile.in.in (mostlyclean): Remove *.old.pot.
- * runtime-po/Rules-quot: Remove; now created by bootstrap.
- * runtime-po/quot.sed: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/boldquot.sed: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/en@quot.header: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/en@boldquot.header: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/insert-header.sin: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/remove-potcdate.sin: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/Makevars: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/LINGUAS: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/de.po: Likewise; we will rely on the translation project
- to maintain this, so "bootstrap" should get it.
- * src/getarg.c (PRINT_LOCALEDIR_OPTION): Let the C compiler determine
- its value.
- * src/main.c (main): Bind the bison-runtime domain, too.
-2005-07-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
- * data/yacc.c: Include <libintl.h> when NLS is enabled.
- (YYI18N): Renamed from _. Use dgettext when NLS is enabled.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Remove autogenerated file src/parse-gram.c.
- * runtime-po: New directory.
- * runtime-po/Makefile.in.in: New file, copied from po/, with modified
- $(DOMAIN).pot-update rule, so that old messages are never dropped.
- * runtime-po/Rules-quot: New file, copied from po/.
- * runtime-po/quot.sed: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/boldquot.sed: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/en@quot.header: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/en@boldquot.header: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/insert-header.sin: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/remove-potcdate.sin: Likewise.
- * runtime-po/Makevars: New file.
- * runtime-po/POTFILES.in: New file.
- * runtime-po/LINGUAS: New file.
- * runtime-po/bison-runtime.pot: New file.
- * runtime-po/de.po: New file.
- * m4/bison.m4: New file.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add runtime-po.
- (aclocaldir, aclocal_DATA): New variables.
- * configure.ac: Add AC_CONFIG_FILES of runtime-po/Makefile.in.
- Define aclocaldir.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Document --print-localedir option.
- (PRINT_LOCALEDIR_OPTION): New enum item.
- (long_options): Add --print-localedir option.
- (getargs): Handle --print-localedir option.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Parser): Remove paragraph about _().
- (Internationalization): New section.
-2005-07-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_print): Swap the arguments,
- for consistency with the rest of the code.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_print): Ditto.
- Add separators.
-2005-07-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use %printer instead of YYPRINT.
-2005-07-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_print): New.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_print): New.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_n_type_name_get): Report the culprit.
-2005-07-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (b4_syncline): Fix (swap) the definitions of
- b4_at_dollar and b4_dollar_dollar.
-2005-07-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Mystery Conflicts): Add reference to DeRemer
- and Pennello's paper.
-2005-07-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Undo previous patch. Instead,
- set yylsp[0] and yyvsp[0] only if the initial action
- sets yylloc and yylval, respectively.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): In the initial action, set
- yylsp[0] and yyvsp[0] rather than yylloc and yylval.
- This avoids the use of undefined variables if the initial
- action does not set yylloc and/or yylval.
-2005-07-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * examples/calc++/calc++-driver.cc, examples/calc++/calc++-driver.hh:
- * examples/calc++/calc++-scanner.ll, examples/calc++/calc++.cc:
- Remove from CVS. These files are automatically generated.
- * examples/extexi: Clarify that this file is now part of Bison,
- not GNU M4, and that it works with any POSIX-compatible Awk.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am (run_extexi): Remove; not used.
- ($(calc_extracted)): Renamed from $(calc_sources_extracted),
- so that we also get calc++-parser.yy. Geneate it.
- Use $(AWK), not gawk, since any conforming Awk will do.
- Put comment before action, since older 'make' can't handle comment
- in action.
- $(BUILT_SOURCES): List all built sources, not just some of them.
- $(MAINTAINERCLEANFILES): Remove *.stamp, and all built sources.
- $($(srcdir)/calc++-parser.stamp): Work even if POSIXLY_CORRECT.
- $($(calc_sources_generated)): Remove unnecessary test for existence
- of target. (This had a shell syntax error anyway; a stray "x".)
- (calc_extracted): List $(srcdir)/calc++-parser.yy, not
- calc++-parser.yy.
- * examples/.cvsignore, examples/calc++/.cvsignore: New files.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add gettext, now that it's no longer
- implied by the other modules.
-2005-07-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bind examples/calc++ to the package.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile: Remove, replaced by...
- * examples/calc++/Makefile.am: ... this new file.
- * examples/calc++/test: Remove input.
- * examples/calc++/compile: Remove.
- * examples/Makefile.am: New.
- * configure.ac, Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * doc/Makefile.am (clean-local): New, for more recent texi2dvis.
-2005-07-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyFail): Drastically simplify; since the format argument
- never had any % directives, we can simply pass it to yyerror.
- (yyparse): Use "t a; a=b;" rather than "t a = b;" when a will
- be modified later, as that is the usual style in glr.c.
- Problems reported by Paul Hilfinger.
- Rewrite GLR parser to catch more buffer overrun, storage exhaustion,
- and size overflow errors.
- * data/glr.c: Include <stdio.h> etc. after user prolog, not before,
- in case the user prolog sets feature-test macros like _GNU_SOURCE.
- (YYSIZEMAX): New macro.
- (yystpcpy): New function, taken from yacc.c.
- (struct yyGLRStack.yyspaceLeft): Now size_t, not int.
- (yyinitGLRStack, yyfreeGLRstack): Remove unnecessary forward decls,
- so that we don't have to maintain their signatures.
- (yyFail): Check for buffer overflow, by using vsnprintf rather
- than vsprintf. Allocate a bigger buffer if possible.
- Report an error if buffer allocation fails.
- (yyStackOverflow): New function.
- (yyinitStateSet, yyinitGLRStack): Return a boolean indicating whether
- the initialization was successful. It might fail if storage was
- exhausted.
- (yyexpandGLRStack): Add more checks for storage allocation failure.
- Use yyStackOverflow to report failures.
- (yymarkStackDeleted, yyglrShift, yyglrShiftDefer, yydoAction):
- (yysplitStack, yyprocessOneStack, yyparse, yypstack):
- Don't assume stack number fits in int.
- (yysplitStack): Check for storage allocation failure.
- (yysplitStack, yyprocessOneStack): Add pure_formals, so that we
- can print diagnostics on storage allocation failure. All callers
- changed.
- (yyresolveValue): Use yybool for boolean.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Check for size-calculation overflow.
- This code is taken from yacc.c.
- (yyparse): Check for storage allocation errors when allocating
- the initial stack.
-2005-07-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Extract calc++ from the documentation.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Calc++): Add the extraction marks.
- * examples/extexi: New, from the aborted GNU Programming 2E.
- Separate the different paragraph of a file with empty lines.
- * examples/Makefile: Use it to extract the whole calc++ example.
-2005-06-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (C++ Parser Interface): Use defcv to define
- class typedefs.
-2005-06-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (C++ Language Interface): First stab.
- (C++ Parsers): Remove.
-2005-06-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yylex_): Honor %lex-param.
-2005-06-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Start a set of simple examples.
- * examples/calc++/Makefile, examples/calc++/calc++-driver.cc,
- * examples/calc++/calc++-driver.hh,
- * examples/calc++/calc++-parser.yy,
- * examples/calc++/calc++-scanner.ll, examples/calc++/calc++.cc,
- * examples/calc++/compile, examples/calc++/test: New.
-2005-06-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (malloc, free) [defined __cplusplus]: Wrap inside
- extern "C" {}. This fixes a problem reported by Paul Hilfinger,
- which stems from the 2005-05-27 patch.
-2005-06-06 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@tully.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c: Modify treatment of unused parameters to permit use
- of g++ (which doesn't allow __attribute__ ((unused)) for parameters).
-2005-05-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix infringement on user name space reported by Janos Zoltan Szabo.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): strlen -> yystrlen.
-2005-05-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (_): New.
- Translate the various messages.
-2005-05-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix infringement on user name space reported by Bruno Haible.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSIZE_T): Define first, so that later decls can use it.
- Prefer GCC's __SIZE_TYPE__ if available, so that we don't infringe on
- the user's name space.
- (alloca): Include <stdlib.h> to get it, if it's not built in.
- (YYMALLOC, YYFREE): Define only if needed.
- (malloc, free): Declare, but only if needed, as this infringes on
- the user name space.
-2005-05-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix BeOS, FreeBSD, MacOS porting problems reported by Bruno Haible.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_print): Don't assume size_t can be printed
- with %d format.
- * lib/ebitset.c (min, max): Undef before defining.
- * lib/vbitset.c (min, max): Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.c (create_subpipe): Save local variables in case
- vfork clobbers them.
-2005-05-24 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
- * tests/synclines.at (AT_SYNCLINES_COMPILE): Add support for the
- error message syntax used by gcc-4.0.
-2005-05-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * README: Mention m4 1.4.3. Remove obsolete advice about
- Sun Forte Developer 6 update 2, VMS, and MS-DOS.
- * bootstrap: Remove workaround for problem I encountered with
- gettext 0.14.1; it seems to be fixed now.
-2005-05-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.0a.
- * src/files.c: Include "stdio-safer.h"; this fixes a typo in
- the previous change.
- Various maintainer cleanups.
- * .cvsignore: Add a.exe, a.out, b.out,, conf[0-9]*, confdefs*,
- conftest*, for benefit of CVS commands run at the same time as
- "configure". Add build-aux, since "bootstrap" now creates it and
- its subfiles.
- * Makefile.cfg (move_if_change): Remove.
- * Makefile.maint: Remove the update stuff; we now use "bootstrap".
- (ftp-gnu, www-gnu, move_if_change, local_updates, update):
- (po_repo, do-po-update, po-update, wget_files, get-targets):
- (config.guess-url_prefix, config.sub-url_prefix):
- (ansi2knr.c-url_prefix, texinfo.tex-url_prefix):
- (standards.texi-url_prefix, make-stds.texi-url_prefix, taget, url):
- ($(get-targets), cvs-files, automake_repo, wget-update, cvs-update):
- Remove.
- * configure.ac (AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR): Change from config to build-aux;
- this is now the recommended name.
- * config/.cvsignore: Remove config.guess, config.rpath, config.sub,
- depcomp, install-sh, mdate-sh, missing, mkinstalldirs, texinfo.tex,
- ylwrap. These files now go into build-aux.
- * config/move-if-change: Remove.
- * config/prev-version.txt: Bump from 1.75 to 2.0.
- * bootstrap: Add stdio-safer, unistd-safer modules.
- Remove m4/glibc2.m4 (introduced by latest gnulib, but
- we don't need it).
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add dup-safer.c, fd-safer.c,
- fopen-safer.c, stdio-safer.h, unistd-safer.h.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Include "unistd-safer.h".
- (create_subpipe): Make sure all the newly-created
- file descriptors are > 2, so that diagnostics don't
- get sent down them (which might cause Bison to hang, in theory).
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add stdio-safer.m4, unistd-safer.m4.
- * src/files.c (xfopen): Use fopen_safer, not fopen.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse): Port
- yesterday's yacc.c fix.
-2005-05-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Update copyright date.
- Fix a destructor bug reported by Wolfgang Spraul in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2005-05/msg00042.html>.
- * data/yacc.c (yyabortlab): Don't call destructor, and
- don't set yychar to EMPTY.
- (yyoverflowlab): Don't call destructor.
- (yyreturn): Call destructor, if yychar is neither YYEOF nor YYEMPTY.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Expect one fewer output lines,
- since we no longer output the message "discarding lookahead token
- end of input ()".
-2005-05-20 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT): Don't print newline at end to
- fix a small glitch in debugging output.
- (yyprocessOneStack, yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyparse): Print newline
- after YY_SYMBOL_PRINT where needed.
- (struct yyGLRState): Add some comments.
- (struct yySemanticOption): Add some comments.
- (union yyGLRStackItem): Add comment.
- (yymergeOptionSets): Correct this to properly perform the union,
- avoiding infinite reported by Michael Rosien.
- Update comment.
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Add test for GLR merging error reported
- by M. Rosien.
-2005-05-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * COPYING, ChangeLog, GNUmakefile, HACKING, Makefile.am,
- Makefile.cfg, Makefile.maint, NEWS, README, README-alpha,
- README-cvs, TODO, bootstrap, configure.ac, data/Makefile.am,
- data/README, data/c.m4, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c,
- data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4, doc/Makefile.am, doc/bison.texinfo,
- doc/fdl.texi, doc/gpl.texi, doc/refcard.tex, lib/Makefile.am,
- lib/abitset.c, lib/abitset.h, lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.c,
- lib/bitset.h, lib/bitset_stats.c, lib/bitset_stats.h,
- lib/bitsetv-print.c, lib/bitsetv-print.h, lib/bitsetv.c,
- lib/bitsetv.h, lib/ebitset.c, lib/ebitset.h, lib/get-errno.c,
- lib/get-errno.h, lib/lbitset.c, lib/lbitset.h, lib/libiberty.h,
- lib/main.c, lib/subpipe.c, lib/subpipe.h, lib/timevar.c,
- lib/timevar.def, lib/timevar.h, lib/vbitset.c, lib/vbitset.h,
- lib/yyerror.c, m4/cxx.m4, m4/m4.m4, m4/subpipe.m4, m4/timevar.m4,
- m4/warning.m4, src/LR0.c, src/LR0.h, src/Makefile.am, src/assoc.c,
- src/assoc.h, src/closure.c, src/closure.h, src/complain.c,
- src/complain.h, src/conflicts.c, src/conflicts.h, src/derives.c,
- src/derives.h, src/files.c, src/files.h, src/getargs.c,
- src/getargs.h, src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h,
- src/location.c, src/location.h, src/main.c, src/muscle_tab.c,
- src/muscle_tab.h, src/nullable.c, src/nullable.h, src/output.c,
- src/output.h, src/parse-gram.c, src/parse-gram.h,
- src/parse-gram.y, src/print.c, src/print.h, src/print_graph.c,
- src/print_graph.h, src/reader.c, src/reader.h, src/reduce.c,
- src/reduce.h, src/relation.c, src/relation.h, src/scan-gram.l,
- src/scan-skel.l, src/state.c, src/state.h, src/symlist.c,
- src/symlist.h, src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h, src/system.h,
- src/tables.c, src/tables.h, src/uniqstr.c, src/uniqstr.h,
- src/vcg.c, src/vcg.h, src/vcg_defaults.h, tests/Makefile.am,
- tests/actions.at, tests/c++.at, tests/calc.at, tests/conflicts.at,
- tests/cxx-type.at, tests/existing.at, tests/glr-regression.at,
- tests/headers.at, tests/input.at, tests/local.at, tests/output.at,
- tests/reduce.at, tests/regression.at, tests/sets.at,
- tests/synclines.at, tests/testsuite.at, tests/torture.at:
- Update FSF postal mail address.
-2005-05-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Treat LDFLAGS like AT_COMPILE does.
- Problem reported by Ralf Menzel.
-2005-05-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/actions.at: Test that stack overflow invokes destructors.
- From Marcus Holland-Moritz.
- * data/yacc.c (yyerrlab): Move the code that destroys the stack
- from here....
- (yyreturn): to here. That way, destructors are called properly
- even if the stack overflows, or the user calls YYACCEPT or
- YYABORT. Stack-overflow problem reported by Marcus Holland-Moritz.
- (yyoverflowlab): Destroy the lookahead.
-2005-04-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM): Add more-descriptive comment.
-2005-04-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Bison-generated C parsers no longer quote literal strings
- associated with tokens.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): Don't escape strings,
- since users don't want to see C escapes.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Adjust to lack of quotes
- in diagnostics.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions, Web2c Actions): Likewise.
-2005-04-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/torture.at (AT_INCREASE_DATA_SIZE): Skip the test if
- the data size is known to be too small and we can't increase it.
- This works around an HP-UX 11.00 glitch reported by Andrew Benham.
-2005-04-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Include quotearg.h.
- (string_as_id): Quote $1 before using it as a key, since the
- lexer no longer quotes it for us.
- (string_content): Don't strip quotes, since lexer no longer
- quotes it for us.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Include quotearg.h.
- ("\""): Omit quote.
- ("'"<SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER>): Quote symbol before using it as
- a key, since the rest of the lexer doesn't quote it.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_get): Don't quote symbol; caller does it now.
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): Check for backslashes
- in token strings.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM): New macro.
- (YYSIZE_T): Define to unsigned long int when using an older compiler.
- (yyparse): Revamp code to generate long syntax error message, to
- make it easier to translate, and to avoid problems with arithmetic
- overflow. Change "virtual memory" to "memory" in diagnostic, since
- we don't know whether the memory is virtual.
-2005-04-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Bison-generated C parsers now use the _ macro to
- translate strings.
- * data/yacc.c (_) [!defined _]: New macro.
- All English strings wrapped inside this macro.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Parser): Document _.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Include src/parse-gram.c, since it now
- includes translateable strings that parse-gram.y doesn't.
-2005-04-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_make_alias): Call symbol_type_set,
- reverting the 2004-10-11 change to this function.
- (symbol_check_alias_consistency): Don't call symbol_type_set
- if the type name is already correct.
- * tests/input.at (Typed symbol aliases): New test, from Tim Van Holder.
-2005-03-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): Don't use a token named
- c, as that generates a "#define c ..." that runs afoul of buggy
- stdlib.h that uses the identifier c as a member of struct
- drand48_data. Problem reported by Horst Wente.
-2005-03-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap: Change translation URL from
- http://www2.iro.umontreal.ca/~gnutra/po/maint/bison/ to
- http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/maint/bison/ to avoid
- redirection glitches. Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-03-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE, AT_COMPILE_CXX): Don't put options
- after operands; POSIX says this isn't portable for the c99 command.
-2005-03-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at (glr-regr2a.y): Try to dump core
- immediately if a data overrun has occurred; this may help us track
- down what may be a spurious failure on MacOS.
-2005-03-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Respond to problems reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * bootstrap: Use "trap - 0" rather than the unportable "trap 0".
- * src/vcg.h: Comment fix.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h: Parenthesize macro bodies to make them safe.
- (G_CMAX): Change to -1 instead of INT_MAX.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Omit spaces before #line.
-2005-03-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/tables.c (state_number_to_vector_number): Put it inside an
- "#if 0", since it's not currently used. Problem reported by
- Roland McGrath.
-2005-03-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/output.c (escaped_output): Renamed from
- escaped_file_name_output, since we now use it for symbol tags as
- well. All uses changed.
- (symbol_destructors_output, symbol_printers_output):
- Escape symbol tags too.
- Problem reported by Matyas Forstner in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2005-03/msg00009.html>.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_code_grow): Don't quote numbers; it's
- not needed.
- * src/output.c (user_actions_output, token_definitions_output,
- symbol_destructors_output, symbol_printers_output): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (prologue_augment): Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Likewise.
- * src/vcg.c (output_edge): Don't quote linestyle arg.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-02-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Semantic Tokens): Fix scoping problem in
- example, reported by Derek M Jones. Also, make the example even
- more outrageous, to better illustrate how bad the problem is.
-2005-02-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Mfcalc Symtab): Correct the prototype for
- putsym. Typo reported by Sebastian Piping.
-2005-02-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Language and Grammar): some -> same
- (Epilogue): int he -> in the
- Typos reported by Sebastian Piping via Justin Pence.
-2005-02-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Improper handling of embedded actions
- and dollar(-N) in GLR parsers): Renamed from "Improper handling of
- embedded actions and $-N in GLR parsers", work around an Autoconf bug
- with dollar signs in test names.
- * tests/input.at (Invalid dollar-n): Renamed from "Invalid \$n",
- for a similar reason.
-2005-01-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/vcg.c (output_graph): G_VIEW -> normal_view in case someone
- wants to redefine G_VIEW.
-2005-01-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/vcg.c (get_view_str): Remove case for normal_view.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-01-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * configure.ac (O0CFLAGS, O0CXXFLAGS): Fix quoting bug.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Change @dircategory from "GNU programming
- tools" to "Software development". Requested by Richard Stallman
- via Karl Berry.
-2005-01-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/c++.at (AT_CHECK_DOXYGEN): Don't use options after operands.
- Problem reported by twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-01-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (YYCOPY, yystpcpy, yyparse): Remove "register"
- keyword; it's not needed with modern compilers, and it doesn't
- affect correctness with older compilers. Suggested by
- twlevo@xs4all.nl.
-2005-01-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyuserAction): Add "default: break;" case to pacify
- gcc -Wswitch-default.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Likewise.
-2005-01-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/system.h (OUTPUT_EXT, TAB_EXT): Define only if not defined
- already. Let config.h define any nonstandard values.
-2005-01-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Use alarm (100), not alarm (10),
- for the benefit of slower hosts. Problem reported by
- Nelson H. F. Beebe.
-2005-01-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Pacify non-GCC compilers about yyerrorlab
- being defined and not used.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyparse): Likewise.
- Use "if (false)" rather than "if (0)".
-2005-01-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * TODO: Mention that we should allow NUL bytes in tokens.
-2005-01-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/scan-skel.l (<<EOF>>): Don't close standard output.
- Problem reported by Hans Aberg.
-2005-01-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (version): Happy new year; update overall
- program copyright date from 2004 to 2005.
- * src/scan-skel.l ("@output ".*\n): Don't close standard output.
- Problem reported by Hans Aberg.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): New arg SHELLIO.
- (Output file names.): Add a test for the case when standard output
- is closed.
-2004-12-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (@copying): Update FDL version number to 1.2,
- to fix an oversight in the Bison 2.0 manual.
-2004-12-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 2.0. Reformat the existing news items since
- 1.875, so that related items are grouped together.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump version to 2.0.
- * src/parse-gram.c, src/parse-gram.h: Regenerate with 2.0.
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca): Set
- YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA to 1 if __GNUC__ or alloca are defined;
- otherwise, we're not testing alloca. Unfortunately there's no
- simple way to consult HAVE_ALLOCA here.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yydestruct_): Pacify unused variable warning
- for yymsg, too.
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets): Use memset rather than zeroing by
- hand. This avoids a warning about comparing int to size_t when
- GCC warnings are enabled.
-2004-12-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Bison-generated parsers no longer default to using the
- alloca function (when available) to extend the parser stack, due
- to widespread problems in unchecked stack-overflow detection.
- * data/glr.c (YYMAXDEPTH): Remove undef when zero. It's the user's
- responsibility to set it to a positive value. This lets the user
- specify a value that is not a preprocessor constant.
- * data/yacc.c (YYMAXDEPTH): Likewise.
- (YYSTACK_ALLOC): Define only if YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA is nonzero.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Stack Overflow): YYMAXDEPTH no longer needs
- to be a compile-time constant. However, explain the constraints on it.
- Also, explain the constraints on YYINITDEPTH.
- (Table of Symbols): Explain that alloca is no longer the default.
- Explain the user's responsibility if they define YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA
- to 1.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Default Action): Mention that n must
- be zero when k is zero. Suggested by Frank Heckenbach.
-2004-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (parser::token_number_type, parser::rhs_number_type)
- (parser::state_type, parser::semantic_type, parser::location_type):
- Private, not public.
- (parser::parse): Return ints, not bool.
- Returning a bool introduces a problem: 0 corresponds to false, and
- it seems weird to return false on success. Returning true changes
- the conventions for yyparse.
- Alternatively we could return void and send an exception.
- There is no clear consensus (yet?).
- (state_stack, semantic_stack, location_stack): Rename as...
- (state_stack_type, semantic_stack_type, location_stack_type): these.
- Private, not public.
- * tests/c++.at: New.
- * tests/testsuite.at, tests/Makefile.am: Adjust.
-2004-12-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (parser::parse): Return a bool instead of an int.
-2004-12-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Don't impose std::string for filenames.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_filename_type): New.
- (position::filename): Use it.
- (parser.hh): Move the inclusion of stack.hh and location.hh below
- the user code, so that needed headers for the filename type can be
- included first.
- Forward declare them before the user code.
- * tests/Makefile.am (check-local, installcheck-local): Pass
-2004-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use more STL like names: my_class instead of MyClass.
- * data/lalr1.cc (LocationStack, LocationType, RhsNumberType)
- (SemanticStack, SemanticType, StateStack, StateType)
- (TokenNumberType, Stack, Slice, Traits, Parser::location)
- (Parser::value): Rename as...
- (location_stack, location_type, rhs_number_type, semantic_stack)
- (semantic_type, state_stack, state_type, token_number_type, stack)
- (slice, traits, parser::yylloc, parser::yylval): these.
- * tests/calc.at, tests/regression.at, tests/actions.at: Adjust.
-2004-12-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Use GNU spacing conventions.
- * data/yacc.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Likewise.
-2004-12-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Remove uses of 'short int' and 'unsigned short int'. This raises
- some arbitrary limits. It uses more memory but nowadays that's
- not much of an issue.
- This change does not affect the generated parsers; that's a different
- task, as some users will want to conserve memory there.
- Ideally we should use size_t to represent all object counts, and
- something like ptrdiff_t to represent signed differences of object
- counts; but that will require more code-cleanup than I have the
- time to do right now.
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets, new_itemsets, save_reductions):
- Use size_t, not int or short int, to count objects.
- * src/closure.c (nritemset, closure): Likewise.
- * src/closure.h (nritemset, closure): Likewise.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_compare, state_hash): Likewise.
- * src/state.h (struct state): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (default_goto, goto_actions): Likewise.
- * src/gram.h (rule_number, rule): Use int, not short int.
- * src/output.c (prepare_rules): Likewise.
- * src/state.h (state_number, STATE_NUMBER_MAXIMUM, transitions,
- errs, reductions): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_number, SYMBOL_NUMBER_MAXIMUM, struct symbol):
- Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (vector_number, tally, action_number,
- * src/output.c (muscle_insert_short_int_table): Remove.
-2004-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Extensive Doxygenation.
- (error_): Rename as...
- (error): this, since it is visible to the user.
- Adjust callers.
- (Parser::message): Now an automatic variable from...
- (Parser::yyreport_syntax_error_): here.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at, tests/regression.at: Adjust to
- Parser::error.
- * tests/input.at: Escape $.
-2004-12-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (b4_lhs_value, b4_rhs_value, b4_rhs-location):
- Parenthesize rhs to avoid obscure problems with mistakes like
- "foo$$bar = foo$1bar;". Problem reported by twlevo at xs4all.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_lhs_value, b4_rhs_value, b4_lhs_location,
- b4_rhs_location): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (b4_lhs_value, b4_rhs_value, b4_lhs_location,
- b4_rhs_location): Likewise.
-2004-12-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyreport_syntax_error_): Catch up with glr.c and
- yacc.c: be sure to stay within yycheck_.
- * tests/actions.at: Re-enable C++ tests.
-2004-12-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Remove layoutalgorithm uses for
- real.
-2004-12-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use #define to handle the %name-prefix.
- * data/glr.c, data/yacc.c: Comment changes.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yylex): Use #define to select the name of yylex,
- so that one can refer to yylex in the parser file, and have it
- renamed, as is the case with other skeletons.
-2004-12-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Move lalr1.cc internals into yy*.
- * data/lalr1.cc (semantic_stack_, location_stack_, state_stack_)
- (semantic_stack_, location_stack_, pact_, pact_ninf_, defact_)
- (pgoto_, defgoto_, table_, table_ninf_, check_, stos_, r1_, r2_)
- (name_, rhs_, prhs_, rline_, token_number_, eof_, last_, nnts_)
- (empty_, final_, terror_, errcode_, ntokens_)
- (user_token_number_max_, undef_token_, n_, len_, state_, nerrs_)
- (looka_, ilooka_, error_range_, nerrs_):
- Rename as...
- (yysemantic_stack_, yylocation_stack_, yystate_stack_)
- (yysemantic_stack_, yylocation_stack_, yypact_, yypact_ninf_)
- (yydefact_, yypgoto_, yydefgoto_, yytable_, yytable_ninf_)
- (yycheck_, yystos_, yyr1_, yyr2_, yyname_, yyrhs_, yyprhs_)
- (yyrline_, yytoken_number_, yyeof_, yylast_, yynnts_, yyempty_)
- (yyfinal_, yyterror_, yyerrcode_, yyntokens_)
- (yyuser_token_number_max_, yyundef_token_, yyn_, yylen_, yystate_)
- (yynerrs_, yylooka_, yyilooka_, yyerror_range_, yynerrs_):
- these.
-2004-12-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix some problems reported by twlevo at xs4all.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Report an error if the input grammar
- contains too many symbols. This is better than calling abort() later.
- * src/vcg.h (enum layoutalgorithm): Remove. All uses removed.
- (struct node, struct graph):
- Rename member expand to stretch. All uses changed.
- (struct graph): Remove member layoutalgorithm. All uses removed.
- * src/vcg.c (get_layoutalgorithm_str): Remove. All uses removed.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h (G_STRETCH): Renamed from G_EXPAND.
- All uses changed.
- (N_STRETCH): Rename from N_EXPAND. All uses changed.
-2004-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Normalize /** \brief ... */ to ///.
- Add more Doxygen comments.
- (symprint_, stack_print_, reduce_print_, destruct_, pop)
- (report_syntax_error_, translate_): Rename as...
- (yysymprint_, yystack_print_, yyreduce_print_, yydestruct_)
- (yypop_, yyreport_syntax_error_, yytranslate_): this.
-2004-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (lex_): Rename as...
- (yylex_): this.
- Move the trace here.
- Take the %name-prefix into account.
- Reported by Alexandre Duret-Lutz.
-2004-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Simplify the C++ parser constructor.
- * data/lalr1.cc (debug_): Rename as...
- (yydebug_): so that the parser's internals are always in the yy*
- pseudo namespace.
- Adjust uses.
- (b4_parse_param_decl): Remove the leading comma as it is now only
- called as unique argument list.
- (Parser::Parser): Remove the constructor accepting a location and
- an initial debugging level.
- Remove from the other ctor the argument for the debugging level.
- (debug_level_type, debug_level, set_debug_level): New.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at, tests/regression.at: Adjust
- constructor calls.
-2004-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove b4_root related material: failure experiment
- (which goal was to allow to derive from a class).
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_root, b4_param, b4_constructor): Remove
- definitions and uses.
-2004-12-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (struct yyGLRStack): yyerror_range now has 3 items,
- not 2, since it's not portable to subtract 1 from the start of an
- array. The new item 0 is never set or used. All uses changed.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Use YYLLOC_DEFAULT instead of assuming
- the default definition of YYLLOC_DEFAULT. Problem reported
- by Frank Heckenbach.
-2004-12-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (YYRHSLOC): Don't have two definitions, one for
- the normal case and one for the error case. Just use the
- first one uniformly. Problem reported by Frank Heckenbach.
- (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Use the conventions of yacc.c, so we can
- use exactly the same macro in both places.
- (yyerror_range): Now of type yyGLRStackItem, not YYLTYPE,
- so that the normal-case YYRHSLOC works for the error case too.
- All uses changed.
- * data/yacc.c (YYRHSLOC): New macro, taken from glr.c.
- (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Use the same macro as glr.c.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Default Action): Don't claim that
- we have an array of locations. Use the same macro for both glr
- and lalr parsers. Mention YYRHSLOC. Mention what happens when
- the index is 0.
-2004-12-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * HACKING: Update email addresses to send announcements to.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump version to 1.875f.
-2004-12-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 1.875e.
- * src/parse-gram.c, src/parse-gram.h: Regenerate with 1.875e.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Include "complain.h", for "fatal".
- * src/relation.h (relation_print, relation_digraph):
- Relation sizes are of type relation_node, not size_t (this is
- merely a doc fix, since the two types are equivalent).
- (relation_transpose): Relation sizes are of type relation_node,
- not int.
- * src/relation.c: Likewise.
- (top, infinity): Now of type relation_node, not int.
- (traverse, relation_transpose): Use relation_node, not int.
- * data/glr.c (yyuserAction, yyrecoverSyntaxError): Mark args
- with ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED if they're not used, to avoid GCC warning.
- (yyparse): Remove unused local introduced in 2004-10-25 patch.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): New arg
- specifying whether the test should be skipped. Use it tp
- specify that the [%defines %skeleton "lalr1.cc"] tests currently
- fail on some hosts, and should be skipped.
-2004-12-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/system.h (CALLOC, MALLOC, REALLOC): Remove. All callers
- changed to use xcalloc, xnmalloc, xnrealloc, respectively,
- unless otherwise specified below.
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets): Use xnmalloc, not xcalloc,
- to allocate kernel_base, kernel_items, kernel_size, since
- they needn't be initialized to 0.
- (allocate_storgae): Likewise, for shiftset, redset, shift_symbol.
- * src/closure.c (new_closure): Likewise, for itemset.
- * src/derives.c (derives_compute): Likewise, for delts, derives, q.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map): Likewise, for temp_map.
- (initialize_F): Likewise, for reads, edge, reads[i], includes[i].
- (build_relations): Likewise for edge, states1, includes.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise, for squeue, relts.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Likewise, for ritem, rules.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Likewise for nontermmap.
- * src/relation.c (relation_digraph): Likewise for VERTICES.
- (relation_transpose): Likewise for new_R, end_R.
- * src/symtab.c (symbols_token_translations_init): Likewise for
- token_translations.
- * src/tables.c (save_row): Likewise for froms, tos, conflict_tos.
- (token_actions): Likewise for yydefact, actrow, conflrow,
- conflict_list.
- (save_column): Likewise for froms[symno], tos[symno].
- (goto_actions): Likewise for state_count.
- (pack_table): Likewise for base, pos, check.
- (tables_generate): Likewise for width.
- * src/LR0.c (set_states): Don't reuse kernel_size and kernel_base
- for initial core. Just have a separate core, so we needn't worry
- about whether kernel_size and kernel_base are initialized.
- * src/LR0.c (shift_symbol, redset, shiftset, kernel_base,
- kernel_size, kernel_items): Remove unnecessary initialization.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts): Likewise.
- * src/derives.c (derives): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tablc (muscle_insert): Likewise.
- * src/relation.c (relation_digraph): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (froms, tos, conflict_tos, tally, width, actrow, order,
- conflrow, conflict_table, conflict_list, table, check):
- Likewise.
- * src/closure.c (new_closure): Arg is of type unsigned int, not int.
- This is because all callers pass unsigned int.
- * src/closure.h (new_closure): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_F): Initialize reads[i] in all cases.
- (build_relations): Initialize includes[i] in all cases.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Always initialize rules[ruleno].prec
- and rules[ruleno].precsym. Initialize members in order.
- * src/relation.c (relation_transpose): Always initialize new_R[i]
- and end_R[i].
- * src/table.c (conflict_row): Initialize 0 at end of conflict_list.
- * src/output.c (prepare_actions): Pass 0 instead of conflict_list[0];
- conflict_list[0] was always 0, but now it isn't initialized.
- * src/table.c (table_grow): When conflict_table grew, the grown
- area wasn't cleared. Fix this.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add strdup.c, strdup.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add strdup.m4.
-2004-12-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/lalr.h (GOTO_NUMBER_MAXIMUM): New macro.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map): Don't allow ngotos to equal
- GOTO_NUMBER_MAXIMUM, since we occasionally compute
- ngotos + 1 without checking for overflow.
- (build_relations): Use END_NODE, not -1, to denote end of edges.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map, map_goto, initialize_F, add_loopback_edge,
- build_relations): Use goto_number, not int, for goto numbers.
- * src/tables.c (save_column, default_goto): Likewise.
-2004-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYSTYPE): Define it as is done for C, instead
- of #defining from yystype.
- Don't typedef yystype, C++ does not need it.
- This lets it possible to forward declare it as union.
-2004-11-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add extensions.
- Problem reported by Jim Meyering.
-2004-11-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.c,
- src/lalr.c, src/nullable.c, src/relation.c, src/scan-skel.l,
- src/system.h, src/tables.c: XFREE -> free, to accommodate
- recent change to gnulib xalloc.h.
- Problem reported by Jim Meyering.
-2004-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (symprint_): Use cdebug_ to avoid warnings.
-2004-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>,
- Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl@gnu.org>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::yycdebug_): New, a pointer, to allow
- changes.
- (YYCDEBUG): Adjust.
- Use it instead of cdebug_.
- (Parser::debug_stream, Parser::set_debug_stream): New.
- (Parser::symprint_): Define cdebug_ for temporary backward
- compatibility.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Use
- debug_stream ().
-2004-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser:print_): Remove, use %printer instead.
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Ditto.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Likewise.
-2004-10-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yyloc_default): Remove; not used.
- Problem reported by Frank Heckenbach.
-2004-10-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (YYRHSLOC): Move its definition next to its uses.
- Introduce another definition to address simple location arrays.
- (yyGLRStack): New member: yyerror_range.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError, yyparse): Update it.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Use it when shifting the error token to
- have an accurate range, equivalent to the one computed by both
- yacc.c and lalr1.cc.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Change its yylex so
- that column numbers start at column 0, as per GNU Coding
- Standards, the others tests, and the doc.
- Adjust to the above change (first column is 0).
- And adjust the location of the "<error>", now covering the whole
- line.
-2004-10-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- and Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Remove some arbitrary limits on goto numbers and relations.
- * src/lalr.c (goto_map, ngotos, from_state, to_state): Omit
- initial values, since they're never used.
- (set_goto_map): ngotos is now unsigned, so test for overflow
- by seeing whether it wraps around to zero.
- * src/lalr.h (goto_number): Now size_t, not short int.
- * src/relation.c (relation_print, traverse, relation_transpose):
- Check for END_NODE rather than looking at sign.
- * src/relation.h (END_NODE): New macro.
- (relation_node): Now size_t, not short int.
-2004-10-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Language and Grammar): In example, "int" is a
- keyword, not an identifier. Problem reported by Baron Schwartz in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-10/msg00017.html>.
-2004-10-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_check_alias_consistency): Also check
- type names, destructors, and printers.
- Reported by Alexandre Duret-Lutz.
- Recode the handling of associativity and precedence in terms
- of symbol_precedence_set.
- Accept no redeclaration at all, not even equal to the previous
- value.
- (redeclaration): New.
- Use it to factor redeclaration complaints.
- (symbol_make_alias): Don't set the type of the alias, let
- symbol_check_alias_consistency do it as for other features.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol): Add new member prec_location, and
- type_location.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_precedence_set, symbol_type_set): Set them.
- * tests/input.at (Incompatible Aliases): New.
-2004-10-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- .cvsignore fixes to accommodate gnulib changes,
- and the practice of naming build directories "_build".
- * .cvsignore: Add "_*". Sort.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add getopt_.h, xalloc-die.c.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add "*_gl.m4".
-2004-10-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (add_param): Fix the truncation of trailing
- spaces.
-2004-10-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- In Bison 1.875's yacc.c, YYLLOC_DEFAULT was called regardless
- whether the reducion was empty or not. This leaves room to
- improve the use of YYLLOC_DEFAULT in such a case.
- lalr1.cc is still experimental, so changing this is acceptable.
- And finally, there are probably not many users who changed the
- handling of locations in GLR, so changing is admissible too.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): On an
- empty reduction, set @$ to an empty location ending the previously
- stacked symbol.
- Adjust uses to make sure the code is triggered on empty
- reductions.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Adjust the
- expected output: empty reductions have empty locations.
-2004-09-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Move towards a more standard C++ coding style
- for templates: Class < T > -> Class<T>.
-2004-09-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Reinstall the former ctor, for sake of
- compatibility, but warn it will be removed.
- Move towards a more standard C++ coding style (i.e., type *var ->
- type* var).
-2004-09-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/parse-gram.y (add_param): Rewrite to avoid strchr,
- since it's less likely to work if NULs are involved in the future.
-2004-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (YY_LOCATION_PRINT): Fix its default declaration.
-2004-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_parse_param_decl_1): New.
- (b4_parse_param_decl): Use it to have different names between attribute
- and argument names.
- (b4_cc_constructor_call): Likewise.
-2004-09-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (add_param): Strip the leading and trailing
- blanks from a formal argument declaration.
-2004-09-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): Move the YYINPUT invocation
- after the location.
-2004-09-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Table of Symbols): Sort.
-2004-09-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c (b4_at_dollar, b4_dollar_dollar): Remove
- the useless parentheses.
- Suggested by Paul Eggert.
-2004-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let the initial-action act on the look-ahead, and use it for the
- "initial push" (corresponding to an hypothetical beginning-of-file).
- And let lalr1.cc honor %initial-action.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Initial Action Decl): Clarify, and add an
- example.
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::initlocation_): Remove, bad experiment.
- (Parser::Parser): Remove the ctor that used to initialize it.
- (Parser::parse): Like in the other skeletons, issue the "starting
- parse" message before any action.
- Honor %initial-action.
- Initialize the stacks with the lookahead.
- * data/yacc.c: Let $$ and @$ in %initial-action designate the
- look-ahead.
- Push them in the stacks.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at: Adjust the C++ ctor invocations.
-2004-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Initial Action Decl): New.
-2004-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (YY_LOCATION_PRINT): Use YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL as a
- clearer criterion to define it.
- (parse): Initialize the initial location when YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL.
- When reducing on an empty RHS, use the latest stacked location as
- location.
- yylloc is not always available.
- * data/glr.c: Likewise.
- Also, honor initial-actions.
-2004-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (YY_LOCATION_PRINT): New.
- Define when we know YYLTYPE's structure, i.e., when the default
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): Use it.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Stop relying on the initial
- value of the result.
- (error_start_): Replace with...
- (error_range_): this location array.
- This allows to replace code relying on the implementation of
- locations by portable code.
- * data/yacc.c (yylerrsp): Replace with...
- (yyerror_range): this.
- Every time a token is popped, update yyerror_range[0], to have an
- accurate location for the error token.
- * data/glr.c (YY_LOCATION_PRINT): New.
- (yyprocessOneStack): Fix an invocation of YY_SYMBOL_PRINT:
- deference a pointer.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): No longer
- report the location in %printers.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Instead of abort, report error messages to ease
- understanding skeleton scanning failures.
-2004-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Stack::Iterator, Stack::ConstIterator): Rename as...
- (iterator, const_iterator): these, to be more in the C++ spirit.
- Also, return reverse iterators so that when displaying the stack
- we display its bottom first.
- (Parser::stack_print_, Parser::reduce_print_): Match the messages
- from yacc.c.
- We should probably use vector here though.
-2004-09-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have more complete shift traces.
- * data/yacc.c, data/lalr1.c, data/glr.c: Use YY_SYMBOL_PRINT
- to report Shifts instead of ad hoc YYDPRINTF invocations,
- including for the error token.
- * data/lalr1.cc (symprint_): Output the location.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): In C++, don't
- output the location within the %printer.
- Activate GLR tests, at least to make sure they compile properly.
- They still don't pass though.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust expect verbose output, since now "Entering
- state..." is on a different line than the "Shifting" message.
-2004-09-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Move the
- Bison directive from the Bison file to the invocation of this
- macro, so that these directives are passed to
- AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS to get correct help macros.
- Use these helping macros (e.g., AT_LOC, AT_VAL and so forth).
- Move the AT_SETUP/AT_CLEANUP outside, to report as test title
- the extra Bison directives instead of the whole series.
- Change the grammar so that there are recoverable errors, and
- unrecoverable errors. Now we can have the parser give up before
- consuming the whole input. As a result we now can observe that
- the lookahead is freed when needed.
- Change the parser source to parse argv[1] instead of a hard coded
- string.
- Simplify yylex, and give a value and location to EOF.
- Simplify some invocations of AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR that
- passed directives already coded in the file.
- Add some tests to check the location of "error".
- For some tests, the C++ parser is correct, and not yacc.c.
- For other tests, they provide different, but unsatisfying, values,
- so keep the C++ value so that at least one parser is "correct"
- according to the test suite.
- (Actions after errors): Remove, this is subsumed by the
-2004-09-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Adjust the indentation of the labels.
- (Parser::pop): New.
- Use it.
-2004-09-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.cc, data/glr.cc (yydestruct): Accept an additional
- argument, an informative message.
- Adjust all callers: integrate the associated YY_SYMBOL_PRINT.
- * data/lalr1.cc (destruct_): Likewise.
- In addition, no longer depend on b4_yysymprint_generate and
- b4_yydestruct_generate to generate these functions, do it "by
- hand".
-2004-09-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c: When YYABORT was
- invoked, yydestruct the lookahead.
- * tests/calc.at (Calculator $1): Update the expected lengths of
- traces: there is an added line for the discarded lookahead.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Destructor Decl): Some rewording.
- Define "discarded" symbols.
-2004-09-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (translate_, destruct_): No reason to be static.
-2004-09-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c, yacc.c (YYDSYMPRINT): Remove, not used.
- (YYDSYMPRINTF): Rename as...
- (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT): this.
- * data/lalr1.cc (YY_SYMBOL_PRINT): New, modeled after the previous
- two.
- Use it instead of direct symprint_ calls.
- (yybackup): Tweak the "Now at end of input" case to match yacc.c's
- one.
-2004-09-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_yysymprint_generate): New.
- (symprint_): New member function, defined when YYDEBUG.
- Use it consistently instead of token/nterm debugging output by
- hand.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Adjust
- %printer calls to use cdebug_ when using lalr1.cc.
-2004-08-30 Florian Krohm <florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com>
- * data/glr.c: Guard the declarations of yypstack and yypdumpstack
- with #ifdef YYDEBUG.
-2004-08-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Implementing Loops): Rename as...
- (Implementing Gotos/Loops): this.
-2004-08-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Adjust to latest gnulib.
- * bootstrap (gnulib_modules): Add xalloc-die.
- Set LC_ALL=C so that file names sort consistently.
- Prefer the gnulib copies of gettext.m4, glibc21.m4,
- inttypes_h.m4, lib-ld.m4, lib-prefix.m4, po.m4, stdint_h.m4,
- uintmax_t.m4, ulonglong.m4.
- (intl_files_to_remove): Add gettext.m4, lib-ld.m4, lib-prefix.m4,
- po.m4 since we are now using _gl.m4 instead.
-2004-08-10 Florian Krohm <florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com>
- * src/scan-action.l: Remove. Scanning of semantic actions is
- handled in scan-gram.l.
-2004-08-07 Florian Krohm <florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_syncline): Use uniqstr_new not xstrdup.
- * src/location.h (struct): The file member is a uniqstr.
- (equal_boundaries): Use UNIQSTR_EQ for comparison.
-2004-07-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix bug with non-%union parsers that have printers or destructors,
- which led to a Bison core dump. Reported by Peter Fales in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-07/msg00014.html>.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_symbol_actions): Don't assume %union was used.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yystype) [defined YYSTYPE]: Define to YYSTYPE,
- not to our own type.
- * src/output.c (symbol_destructors_output, symbol_printers_output):
- Don't assume %union.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR,
- UNION-FLAG. All callers changed.
- (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Don't assume %union.
- Use type char, not unsigned int, when declaring an array of char;
- this lets us remove a cast.
- (Printers and Destructors): Add non-%union test cases.
-2004-06-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Minor editorial changes, mostly to the new
- GLR writeups. E.g., avoid frenchspacing and the future tense,
- change "lookahead" to "look-ahead", and change "wrt" to "with
- respect to".
-2004-06-21 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Merging GLR Parses, Compiler Requirements):
- New sections, split off from the GLR Parsers section. Put the new
- Simple GLR Parser near the start of the GLR section, for clarity.
- Rewrite connective text.
-2004-06-21 Frank Heckenbach <frank@g-n-u.de>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Simple GLR Parsers): New section.
-2004-06-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS, TODO, doc/bison.texinfo:
- Use "look-ahead" instead of "lookahead", to be consistent.
- * REFERENCES: Fix incorrect reference to DeRemer and Pennello,
- while we're fixing "look-ahead".
- * src/conflicts.c (shift_set): Renamed from shiftset.
- (look_ahead_set): Renamed from lookaheadset.
- * src/print.c: Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (report_args): Add "look-ahead" as the new canonical
- name for "lookahead".
- (report_types, usage): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.h (report_look_ahead_tokens): Renamed from
- report_lookaheads.
- * src/lalr.c (compute_look_ahead_tokens): Renamed from
- compute_lookaheads.
- (state_look_ahead_tokens_count): Renamed from state_lookaheads_count.
- (look_ahead_tokens_print): Renamed from lookaheads_print.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_look_ahead_tokens_print): Renamed from
- state_rule_lookaheads_print.
- * src/state.h: Likewise.
- (reductions.look_ahead_tokens): Renamed from lookaheads.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_LOOK_AHEAD_TOKENS_GRAMMAR): Renamed from
-2004-06-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * README: Update location of patched M4 distribution.
-2004-05-30 Albert Chin-A-Young <china@thewrittenword.com>
- Don't assume the C++ compiler takes the same arguments as the C compiler
- (trivial change).
- * configure.ac (O0CXXFLAGS): New var.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CXXFLAGS): Use it.
-2004-05-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Fix some "make check" problems with C++ reported by
- Albert Chin-A-Young for Tru64 C++ in this thread:
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-05/msg00049.html
- * m4/cxx.m4 (BISON_TEST_FOR_WORKING_CXX_COMPILER): Check for std::cerr.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR):
- Output to a .cc file for C++, not to a .c file.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (AT_CHECK_DANCER): Likewise.
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Default to OUTPUT.cc, not OUTPUT.c.
-2004-05-28 Albert Chin-A-Young <china@thewrittenword.com>
- * tests/calc.at, tests/actions.at: Workaround for SGI
- C++ compiler. (trivial change)
-2004-05-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Spent a few hours checking out which prerequisite versions the
- current sources actually require. I went all the way back to
- Gettext 0.10.40, Automake 1.4, and Autoconf 2.57 and investigated
- a seemingly endless set of combinations of versions more recent
- than that. The bottom line is that the current sources require
- fairly recent versions of the build tools, and it'll be some work
- to change this.
- * configure.ac (AC_PREREQ): Increase from 2.58 to 2.59.
- (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): Increase from 1.7 to 1.8.
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Increase from 0.11.5 to 0.12.
- Add comments explaining why those particular versions are
- currently needed.
- * src/parse-gram.y (lloc_default): Rewrite to avoid compiler bug
- in SGI MIPSpro 7.4.1m. Problem reported by Albert Chin-A-Young in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-05/msg00037.html>.
- * configure.ac (AC_PREREQ): Bump to 2.58, since 2.57 doesn't work
- (it fails with a Autoconf-without-aclocal-m4 diagnostic).
-2004-05-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * configure.ac (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Lower it from 0.14.1 to
- 0.11.5. Suggested by Bruno Haible.
- * bootstrap: Remove gettext version checking.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Also mention that %union
- can depend on prerequisite types. Problem reported by Tim
- Van Holder.
-2004-05-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * README: Mention GNU m4 1.4 bugs and Akim's patched version.
- * README-alpha: Don't tell people not to package this.
- * bootstrap: Don't assume $(...) works; use `...` instead.
- Problem reported by Paul Hilfinger. Also, diagnose non-GNU
- gettext better.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Bison Options): Clarify what's
- put into the -d output file, and mention what to do if YYSTYPE is
- defined as a macro.
-2004-05-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Undo change made earlier today: it caused autopoint to not bring
- in ABOUT-NLS. Ouch. Instead, substitute our own diagnostic for
- autopoint's.
- * bootstrap: Check that gettext version matches what's in
- configure.ac. Warn users to ignore robots.txt ERROR 404.
- * bootstrap: Undo today's earlier change (logged below).
- * configure.ac (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Likewise.
- The gettext version checking is causing more trouble than it's
- curing; remove it. Problem reported by Paul Hilfinger.
- * bootstrap: Issue a warning that one can expect a message
- * configure.ac (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Remove.
-2004-05-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- Ensure that the C++ compiler used for testing actually works on a
- simple test program; if not, skip the C++-related tests. Problem
- reported by Vin Shelton in:
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-05/msg00026.html
- * m4/cxx.m4: New file.
- * tests/atlocal.in (BISON_CXX_WORKS): Add.
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Use it.
-2004-05-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * data/glr.c (yylloc): Output this macro even if locations are not
- being generated, as the GLR parser needs it even in that case.
- Problem reported by Troy A. Johnson
- <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=195946>.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Update to 1.875e.
-2004-05-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Version 1.875d.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT): Likewise.
- * src/parse-gram.c, src/parse-gram.h: Regenerate with 1.875d.
- * configure.ac (--enable-gcc-warnings): Do not enable -Wshadow,
- -Wmissing-prototypes, or -Wstrict-prototypes for C++. The current
- lalr1.cc runs afoul of the first, and the last two are no longer
- supported by GCC 3.4.0.
- * README: Mention GNU m4 1.4 or later; mention m4 patches.
- * HACKING: Use ./bootstrap, not "make update" to import foreign files.
-2004-05-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (hash_muscle): Accept and return size_t, not
- unsigned int, for compatibility with latest gnulib hash module.
- * src/state.c (state_hash, state_hasher): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (hash_symbol, hash_symbol_hasher): Likewise.
- * src/uniqstr.c (hash_uniqstr): Likewise.
-2004-05-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
- * NEWS: Unescaped newlines are no longer allowed in char & strings.
- SC_CHARACTER,SC_STRING>): Reject unescaped newlines in
- character and string literals.
- (unexpected_end): New function.
- (unexpected_eof): Use it.
- (unexpected_newline): New function.
- actions.
- * NEWS: Document %expect-rr.
- * bootstrap (--gnulib-srcdir=*, --cvs-user=*):
- Fix typo by replacing $1 with $option.
- Remove more 'intl'-related files.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add strndup.h. Remove memchr.c, memcmp.c,
- memrchr.c, strcasecmp.c, strchr.c, strrchr.c, strspn.c, strtol.c,
- strtoul.c.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add exitfail.m4, extensions.m4, gnulib.m4,
- hard-locale.m4, mbstate_t.m4, strerror_r.m4, strndup.m4,
- xstrndup.m4. Remove glibc21.m4, intdiv0.m4, inttypes-pri.m4,
- inttypes.m4, inttypes_h.m4, isc-posix.m4, lcmessage.m4,
- stdint_h.m4, uintmax_t.m4, ulonglong.m4.
- * src/.cvsignore: Add *.output.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Put copyright notice inside %{ %} so it
- gets copied to the output file.
-2004-04-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Get files from the gnulib and po repositories, instead of relying
- on them being in our CVS. Upgrade to latest versions of gnulib
- and Automake.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Remove m4; Automake now does m4.
- * bootstrap: Bootstrap from gnulib and po repositories.
- Much of this code was stolen from GNU diff and GNU tar's bootstrap.
- * README-cvs: Document these changes. Remove version numbers from
- mentions of build tools, since they change so often. Mention Flex.
- * configure.ac (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR): Add, with m4 as arg.
- Remove; no longer needed, as gl_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS
- does this for us.
- (AC_ISC_POSIX): Remove; we no longer support this
- ancient OS, as it gets in the way of latest Autoconf & gnulib.
- (AC_HEADER_STDC): Remove: we now assume C89 or better.
- Do not check for C89 headers, except for locale.h which is used
- by the Yacc library and must port to K&R hosts.
- Do not check for C89 functions, except for setlocale which is
- used by the Yacc library.
- (AC_CHECK_DECLS, AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): Remove; no longer needed.
- AM_GNU_GETTEXT): Remove; now done by:
- (GNULIB_AUTOCONF_SNIPPET): Add. "bootstrap" builds this for us.
- (AC_CONFIG_FILES): Remove m4/Makefile, as Automake now does this
- for us.
- * lib/Makefile.am: Include gnulib.mk, built for us by "bootstrap".
- Define to empty, as gnulib.mk will do the rest for us.
- ($(libbison_a_OBJECTS), stdbool.h): Remove, as gnulib.mk does this
- for us.
- (libbison_a_SOURCES): Define to $(lib_SOURCES) now.
- (lib_SOURCES): New symbol, containing only the non-gnulib libs.
- * src/files.c: Include gnulib's xstrndup.h.
- * src/system.h (MALLOC): Use xnmalloc, for better overflow checking.
- (REALLOC): Use xnrealloc, for likewise.
- (xstrndup, stpcpy): Remove decls, as gnulib does this for us now.
- (strnlen, memrchr): Remove decls; functions no longer used.
- Include <stpcpy.h>.
- * config/depcomp, config/install-sh, lib/alloca.c, lib/argmatch.c,
- lib/argmatch.h, lib/basename.c, lib/dirname.c, lib/dirname.h,
- lib/error.c, lib/error.h, lib/getopt.c, lib/getopt.h,
- lib/getopt1.c, lib/gettext.h, lib/hash.c, lib/hash.h,
- lib/malloc.c, lib/mbswidth.c, lib/mbswidth.h, lib/memchr.c,
- lib/memcmp.c, lib/memrchr.c, lib/obstack.c, lib/obstack.h,
- lib/quote.c, lib/quote.h, lib/quotearg.c, lib/quotearg.h,
- lib/realloc.c, lib/stdbool_.h, lib/stpcpy.c, lib/strcasecmp.c,
- lib/strchr.c, lib/strncasecmp.c, lib/strnlen.c, lib/strrchr.c,
- lib/strspn.c, lib/strtol.c, lib/strtoul.c, lib/unlocked-io.h,
- lib/xalloc.h, lib/xmalloc.c, lib/xstrdup.c, lib/xstrndup.c,
- m4/Makefile.am, m4/alloca.m4, m4/dirname.m4, m4/dos.m4,
- m4/error.m4, m4/getopt.m4, m4/hash.m4, m4/malloc.m4,
- m4/mbrtowc.m4, m4/mbswidth.m4, m4/memchr.m4, m4/memcmp.m4,
- m4/memrchr.m4, m4/obstack.m4, m4/onceonly.m4, m4/prereq.m4,
- m4/quote.m4, m4/quotearg.m4, m4/realloc.m4, m4/stdbool.m4,
- m4/stpcpy.m4, m4/strnlen.m4, m4/strtol.m4, m4/strtoul.m4,
- m4/unlocked-io.m4, m4/xalloc.m4, po/LINGUAS, po/Makefile.in.in,
- po/Makevars, po/da.po, po/de.po, po/es.po, po/et.po, po/fr.po,
- po/hr.po, po/id.po, po/it.po, po/ja.po, po/ms.po, po/nl.po,
- po/pt_BR.po, po/ro.po, po/ru.po, po/sv.po, po/tr.po:
- Remove, as these files are now generated automatically
- by bootstrap or automake.
- * po/ChangeLog: Remove: all but one entry was a duplicate
- of this file, and I moved that 2000-11-02 entry here.
- * config/.cvsignore: Add Makefile, depcomp, install-sh.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add alloca.c, alloca.h, alloca_.h, argmatch.c,
- argmatch.h, basename.c, dirname.c, dirname.h, error.c, error.h,
- exit.h, exitfail.c, exitfail.h, getopt.c, getopt.h, getopt1.c,
- getopt_int.h, gettext.h, gnulib.mk, hard-locale.c, hard-locale.h,
- hash.c, hash.h, malloc.c, mbswidth.c, mbswidth.h, memchr.c,
- memcmp.c, memrchr.c, obstack.c, obstack.h, quote.c, quote.h,
- quotearg.c, quotearg.h, realloc.c, stdbool_.h, stpcpy.c, stpcpy.h,
- strcasecmp.c, strchr.c, stripslash.c, strncasecmp.c, strndup.c,
- strnlen.c, strrchr.c, strspn.c, strtol.c, strtoul.c,
- unlocked-io.h, xalloc.h, xmalloc.c, xstrdup.c, xstrndup.c,
- xstrndup.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Remove Makefile, Makefile.in. Add alloca.m4,
- dirname.m4, dos.m4, error.m4, getopt.m4, hash.m4, mbrtowc.m4,
- mbswidth.m4, obstack.m4, onceonly.m4, quote.m4, quotearg.m4,
- stdbool.m4, stpcpy.m4, strnlen.m4, unlocked-io.m4, xalloc.m4.
- * po/.cvsignore: Add *.po, LINGUAS, Makefile.in.in, Makevars.
- * src/.cvsignore: Remove *_.c.
- * Makefile.maint (GZIP_ENV): Don't use --rsyncable if gzip doesn't
- support it. (The latest stable gzip doesn't.)
-2004-04-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::stos_) [! YYDEBUG]: Define even in this
- case, as stos_ is now used by destructors due to the 2004-02-09
- change.
- Remove more K&R C support.
- * lib/libiberty.y (PARAMS): Remove. All uses removed.
- * lib/subpipe.c (errno): Remove decl.
- Include <stdlib.h> unconditionally.
- (EXIT_FAILURE): Remove macro.
- * src/complain.c (vfprintf, strerror): Remove.
- * src/system.h: Include limits.h, stdlib.h, string.h, locale.h
- unconditionally.
- (EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS, setlocale): Remove defns.
- Use latest Autoconf recommendations for including inttypes.h, stdint.h.
- (strchr, strspn, memchr): Remove decls.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Include stdlib.h, string.h
- unconditionally. Do not declare perror.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%nonassoc and eof): Include stdlib.h
- unconditionally.
- * src/complain.c (_): Remove useless defn, as system.h defines this.
- * lib/bitset.h (__INT_TO_PTR): Remove; workaround no longer needed
- with latest obstack.h.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_elt_alloc): Don't bother to cast args
- to procedure types, as obstack.h now does that for us.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_elt_alloc): Likewise.
- * lib/subpipe.h [HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H]: Include <sys/types.h>,
- so that this include file can stand alone.
- * lib/subpipe.c: Do not include <sys/types.h>, as subpipe.h
- does this now. Include subpipe.h first after config.h, to
- test whether it can stand alone.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Don't
- declare yyerror when using lalr.cc, as GCC 3.4.0 warns about the
- unused declaration.
- * tests/synclines.at (%union synch line): Put a dummy member in
- the union, because empty unions aren't allowed in C. Caught
- by GCC 3.4.0.
-2004-04-13 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Correct format string typo:
- use `%%' to produce literal `%'. (trivial change)
-2004-03-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/getargs.c (version): Update copyright year to 2004.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_int_type): Use 'short int' rather than
- 'short', and similarly for 'long', 'unsigned', etc.
- * data/glr.c (YYTRANSLATE, yyconfl, yySymbol, yyItemNum,
- yygetLRActions, yyprocessOneStack, yyrecoverSyntaxError,
- yy_yypstack, yydumpstack): Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc (user_token_number_max_, user_token_number_max_,
- translate_, seq_, [], pop, Slice, range_, operator+, operator+=):
- Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (b4_int_type, yyss, YYSTACK_BYTES, yysigned_char,
- yy_stack_print, yyparse): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue, Multiple Types): Likewise.
- * lib/bbitset.h (bitset_word, BITSET_WORD_BITS): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_print): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitste_log_histogram_print): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c (bitsetv_matrix_dump): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_dump): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (EBITSET_ELT_BITS, ebitset_elt_alloc): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (LBITSET_ELT_BITS, lbitset_elt_alloc, debug_lbitset):
- Likewise.
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets): Likewise.
- * src/gram.h (rule_number, rule): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.h (goto_number): Likewise.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (prepare_rules): Likewise.
- * src/relation.c (relation_print, relation_digraph): Likewise.
- * src/relation.h (relation_node): Likewise.
- * src/state.h (state_number, transitions, errs, reductions,
- struct state): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_number, struct symbol): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (vector_number, tally, action_number,
- default_goto, goto_actions): Likewise.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU Cim Grammar): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (muscle_insert_short_int_table): Renamed from
- muscle_insert_short_table. All uses changed.
-2004-03-25 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@tully.CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Define PERCENT_EXPECT_RR.
- (declaration): Replace expected_conflicts with expected_sr_conflicts.
- Add %expect-rr rule.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Recognize %expect-rr.
- * src/conflicts.h (expected_sr_conflicts): Rename from
- expected_conflicts.
- (expected_rr_conflicts): Declare.
- * src/conflicts.c (expected_sr_conflicts): Rename from
- expected_conflicts.
- (expected_rr_conflicts): Define.
- (conflicts_print): Check r/r conflicts against expected_rr_conflicts
- for GLR parsers.
- Use expected_sr_conflicts in place of expected_conflicts.
- Warn if expected_rr_conflicts used in non-GLR parser.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Add documentation for %expect-rr.
-2004-03-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@gnu.org>
- Add support for hex token numbers. Suggested by Odd Arild Olsen in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2004-03/msg00000.html>.
- * NEWS: Document hexadecimal tokens, no NUL bytes, %destructor
- in lalr1.cc.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Token Decl): Add hexadecimal token numbers.
- * src/scan-gram.l (scan_integer): New function.
- ({int}): Use it.
- (0[xX][0-9abcdefABCDEF]+): New pattern, to support hex numbers.
- handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at, convert_ucn_to_byte):
- Say "long int", not "long", for uniformity with GNU style.
-2004-02-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE, AT_COMPILE_CXX): Ignore stdout from
- compilers. This fixes a problem with Intel's C++ compiler being
- chatty, reported by Guido Trentalancia in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2004-02/msg00030.html>.
-2004-02-09 Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl@gnu.org>
- Support %destructor and merge error locations in lalr1.cc.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_cxx_destruct_def): New macro.
- (Parser::stos_): Define unconditionally.
- (Parser::destruct_): New method. Generate its body with
- b4_yydestruct_generate.
- (Parser::error_start_): New attribute.
- (Parser::parse) <yyerrlab, yyerrlab1>: Call destruct_ on erroneous
- token which are discarded.
- (Parser::parse) <yyerrlab, yyerrorlab, yyerrlab1>: Update
- error_start_ when erroneous token are discarded.
- (Parser::parse) <yyerrlab1>: Compute the location of the error
- token so that it covers all the discarded tokens.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Adjust so
- it can be called with `%skeleton "lalr1.cc"', and do that.
-2004-02-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/Makefile.am (AM_CPPFLAGS): New macro. It mentions
- $(top_srcdir)/lib and ../lib. This fixes a bug reported
- by Paul Hilfinger; the old INCLUDES value didn't mention ../lib.
- There's no need to mention top_builddir since Automake does that
- for us.
- (INCLUDES): Remove, as Automake says it's obsolescent.
- Contents migrated into AM_CPPFLAGS as described above.
- * lib/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Remove; obsolescent.
-2004-01-14 Paul Hilfinger <hilfingr@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yytokenName): Bullet-proof against YYEMPTY token.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Handle case where lookahead token is
-2004-01-13 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c: Put casts on uses of YYREALLOC and YYMALLOC so that
- resulting parsers are compilable with C++.
-2003-12-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * config/depcomp, config/install-sh: Sync with Automake 1.8.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Rename local var.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Don't use \x0 or \0 in
- Bison tokens, as this runs afoul of the 2003-10-07 change that
- disallowed NUL bytes in character constants or string literals.
- * tests/local.at: Require Autoconf 2.59's Autotest.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Don't include local.at, since we now assume
- Autoconf 2.59 or later. Autoconf 2.59 had some problems with
- including it.
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(TESTSUITE)): Remove warning about ignoring
- multiple inclusion warnings.
-2003-12-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (How Can I Reset the Parser): More about start
- conditions.
- From Bruno Haible.
-2003-11-18 Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Escape `@' in `$@'.
-2003-10-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/Makefile.am (clean-local): Don't run 'testsuite --clean'
- if testsuite doesn't exist.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Symbols): NUL bytes are not allowed in string
- literals, unfortunately.
- Complain about NUL bytes in character constants or string literals.
-2003-10-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * NEWS: Don't document %no-default-prec, as it's still
- too experimental.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document %no-default-prec only if
- the defaultprec flag is set. Normally it's not.
-2003-10-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (b4_rhs_value, b4_rhs_location): Yield a
- non-modifiable lvalue, instead of a modifiable one.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Actions): Document that $$ can
- be assigned to. Do not claim that $$ and $N are
- array element references: user code should not rely on this.
-2003-10-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/parse-gram.h (PERCENT_NO_DEFAULT_PREC): New token.
- (grammar_declaration): Use it.
- * src/scan-gram.l: New token %no-default-prec.
- * tests/conflicts.at: Revamp tests to use %no-default-prec.
- * NEWS, doc/bison.texinfo: Document the above.
-2003-10-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- VCG no longer supports long_straight_phase.
- * src/vcg.c, src/vcg.h: Remove the handling of long_straight_phase.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Adjust.
-2003-09-30 Frank Heckenbach <frank@g-n-u.de>
- and Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary, Contextual Precedence,
- Table of Symbols): Document %default-prec.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_DEFAULT_PREC): New token.
- (grammar_declaration): Set default_prec on %default-prec.
- * src/scan-gram.l (%default-prec): New token.
- * src/reader.h (default_prec): New flag.
- * src/reader.c: Likewise.
- (packgram): Handle it.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%default-prec without %prec,
- %default-prec with %prec, %default-prec 1): New tests.
-2003-09-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include local.at, not input.at, fixing
- a typo in the 2003-08-25 patch.
-2003-08-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yyparse) [__GNUC__]: "Use" yyerrorlab to pacify
- GCC warnings.
-2003-08-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * config/announce-gen (print_changelog_deltas): Neutralize "<#" as
- "<\#" to avoid magic from Gnus when posting parts of this script.
-2003-08-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::report_syntax_error_): New, extracted from
- (Parser::parse): here.
- Adjust: nerrs and errstatus is now replaced by...
- (Parser::nerrs_, Parser::errstatus_): New.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * config/announce-gen, Makefile.cfg: New.
- * Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * GNUmakefile, Makefile.maint: Update from CVS Autoconf, but
- keeping local WGET and WGETFLAGS modifications from Paul Eggert.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- When reducing initial empty rules, Bison parser read an initial
- location that is not defined. This results in garbage, and that
- affects Bison's own parser. Therefore we need (i) to extend Bison
- to support a means to initialize this location, and (ii) to use
- this CVS Bison to fix CVS Bison's parser.
- * src/reader.h, reader.c (epilogue_augment): Remove, replace
- with...
- * src/muscle_tab.h, src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_code_grow): this.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Adjust.
- (%initial-action): New.
- (%error-verbose): Since we require CVS Bison, there is no reason
- not to use it.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Adjust.
- * src/Makefile.am (YACC): New, to make sure we use our own parser.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Use b4_initial_action.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Don't promote stdout for error messages.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::reduce_print_): Remove unused yyi.
- From Alexandre Duret-Lutz.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.875c.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::stack_print_, YY_STACK_PRINT): New.
- Use them.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (Parser::reduce_print_): New.
- Use it.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have lalr1.cc catch with Paul Eggert's patch to fix the infinite
- error recovery loops. This patch is based on
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-06/msg00000.html>.
- Also, augment the similarity between lalr1.cc and yacc.c.
- Note: the locations of error recovery rules are not correct yet.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Comment changes to augment the similarity between
- lalr1.cc and yacc.c.
- (YYERROR): Goto to yyerrorlab, not yyerrlab1.
- (yyerrlab1): Remove, but where it used to be (now the bottom part of
- yyerrlab), when hitting EOF, pop the whole stack here instead of
- merely falling thru the default error handling mechanism.
- (yyerrorlab): New label, with the old contents of YYERROR,
- plus the following change: pop the stack of rhs corresponding
- to the production that invoked YYERROR. That is how Yacc
- behaves (required by POSIX).
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC): No longer expected to
- fail.
-2003-08-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Tune local.at so that people can "autom4te -l autotest calc.at -o
- calc" for instance, to extract a sub test suite.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Move the initialization, Autotest version
- requirement, and AT_TESTED invocation into...
- * tests/local.at: here.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include it for compatibility with Autoconf
- 2.57.
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(TESTSUITE)): Report that the warning should
- be ignore.
-2003-08-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Rework code slightly to avoid gcc -Wtraditional warnings.
- * data/glr.c (yyuserMerge): Return void, not YYSTYPE.
- The returned value is now stored in *YY0. All callers changed.
- * src/output.c (merge_output): Adjust to the above change.
-2003-07-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (YYASSERT): New macro.
- (yyfillin, yydoAction, yyglrReduce, yysplitStack,
- yyresolveStates, yyprocessOneStack):
- Use `YYASSERT (FOO);' rather than `if (! (FOO)) abort ();'.
- Derived from a suggestion by Frank Heckenbach.
-2003-07-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yyglrReduce): Don't use C89 string concatenation,
- for portability to K&R C (after ansi2knr, presumably). See
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-06/msg00041.html>
- by Frank Heckenbach, though I have omitted the structure-initialization
- part of his glr-knr.diff patch since I recall that the Portable
- C Compiler didn't require that change.
- Let the user specify how to allocate and free memory.
- Derived from a suggestion by Frank Heckenbach in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-06/msg00041.html>.
- * data/glr.c (YYFREE, YYMALLOC, YYREALLOC): New macros.
- All uses of free, malloc, realloc changed to use these macros,
- and unnecessary casts removed.
- * data/yacc.c (YYFREE, YYMALLOC): Likewise.
-2003-07-06 Matthias Mann <MatthiasMann@gmx.de>
- * data/lalr1.cc (operator<<(std::ostream&, const Position&)):
- use s.empty() rather than s == "" to test for empty string; see
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-07/msg00003.html>
- (trivial change)
-2003-06-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * config/depcomp, config/install-sh: Update from masters.
-2003-06-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Parenthesize arguments as needed,
- and return properly parenthesized result.
- * data/lalar1.cc (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Likewise.
- Remove unnecessary parentheses from uses.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Default Action): Describe the
- conventions for parentheses.
-2003-06-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yyremoveDeletes, yy_reduce_print, yyglrReduce,
- yyreportTree): Do not assume that size_t is the same width as int,
- when printing sizes. Print sizes using an unsigned format.
- Problem reported by Frank Heckenbach in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-06/msg00035.html>.
- Port to Forte Developer 7 C compiler.
- * data/glr.c (struct YYLTYPE): If locations are not being used,
- declare a single dummy member, as empty structs do not conform
- to the C standard.
- (YYERROR, YYBACKUP): Do not use "do { ...; return foo; } while (0)";
- the Forte Developer 7 C compiler complains that end-of-loop
- code is not reached.
-2003-06-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/libiberty.h (PARAMS): Spell argument as Args, not as X, to
- avoid warnings from picky compilers about redefinition of PARAMS.
-2003-06-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.875b.
- * NEWS: Document 1.875b.
- * lib/bbitset.h: Do not include config.h; that's the includer's job.
- Do not include <sys/types.h>; shouldn't be needed on a C89 host.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_compatible_p): Indent as per GNU standard.
- Don't use 'index' in comments, as it's a builtin fn on some hosts.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Include gettext.h unconditionally, as
- per recent gettext manual's suggestion.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_resize, ebitset_unused_clear):
- Use prototypes, not old-style definitions.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_unused_clear): Likewise.
- * lib/vbitset.c (vbitset_resize, vbitset_ones, vbitset_zero,
- vbitset_empty_p, vbitset_copy1, vbitset_not, vbitset_equal_p,
- vbitset_subset_p, vbitset_disjoint_p, vbitset_and, vbitset_and_cmp,
- vbitset_andn, vbitset_andn_cmp, vbitset_or, vbitset_or_cmp,
- vbitset_xor, vbitset_xor_cmp, vbitset_and_or, vbitset_and_or_cmp,
- vbitset_andn_or, vbitset_andn_or_cmp, vbitset_or_and,
- vbitset_or_and_cmp, vbitset_copy): Likewise.
- * lib/libiberty.h: Do not include config.h; that's the includer's job.
- Do not include <stdlib.h>.
- (PARAMS): Define unconditionally for C89.
- (ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED): Define unconditionally.
- Upgrade to 2003-06-08 libbitset, submitted by Michael Hayes in:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-06/msg00005.html>
- * lib/Makefile.am (bitsets_sources): Add vbitset.c, vbitset.h.
- * lib/vbitset.c, lib/vbitset.h: New files.
- * lib/abitset.c, lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h,
- lib/bitset_stats.c, lib/ebitset.c, lib/lbitset.c: Import
- from libbitset.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (How Can I Reset the Parser): Renamed from
- `How Can I Reset @code{yyparse}', since texinfo does not allow
- arbitrary @ in node names.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add the following files, which
- shouldn't be needed according to the gettext 0.12.1 documentation
- but which seem to be needed anyway: codeset.m4 glibc21.m4
- intdiv0.m4 inttypes-pri.m4 inttypes.m4 inttypes_h.m4 isc-posix.m4
- lcmessage.m4 nls.m4 po.m4 stdint_h.m4 uintmax_t.m4 ulonglong.m4.
- * po/Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext 0.12.1 version.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Add stdbool.h.
- * m4/.cvsignore: Add nls.m4, po.m4.
- Upgrade to CVS gnulib.
- * stdbool_.h: File renamed from stdbool.h.in.
- * configure.ac (AM_STDBOOL_H): Invoke this instead of
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT): Put brackets around args, as latest manual suggests.
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Update to 0.12.1.
- * lib/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add stdbool_.h.
- ($(libbison_a_OBJECTS)): Depend on $(STDBOOL_H).
- (stdbool.h): New rule.
- * lib/dirname.c, lib/dirname.h, lib/hash.c, lib/hash.h,
- lib/malloc.c, lib/obstack.h, lib/quote.c, lib/realloc.c,
- lib/strcasecmp.c, lib/xalloc.h, m4/alloca.m4, m4/onceonly.m4,
- m4/quote.m4: Upgrade to today's gnulib.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): New option EXPECTED-TO-FAIL.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR1_CC): Use it, since the C++ LALR parser fails
- the tests right now.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Ensure yylex and
- yyerror are declared before use; C99 requires this.
-2003-06-09 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (YYERROR): Update definition to reset yyerrState to 0
- first.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Correct the logic for setting and testing
- yyerrState.
- Correct comment on handling EOF.
- Allow states with only a default reduction, rather than failing
- (I can't quite reconstruct why these were not allowed before).
- Fixes to avoid problem that $-N rules in GLR parsers can cause
- buffer overruns, corrupting state.
- * src/output.c (prepare_rules): Output max_left_semantic_context
- definition.
- * src/reader.h (max_left_semantic_context): New variable declaration.
- * src/scan-gram.l (max_left_semantic_context): Define.
- (handle_action_dollar): Update max_left_semantic_context.
- * data/glr.c (YYMAXLEFT): New definition.
- (yydoAction): Increase size of yyrhsVals by YYMAXLEFT.
- (yyresolveAction): Ditto.
- Fixes to problems with location handling in GLR parsers reported by
- Frank Heckenbach (2003/06/05).
- * data/glr.c (YYLTYPE): Make trivial if locations not used.
- (YYRHSLOC): Add parentheses, and define only if locations used.
- (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Add parentheses, and give trivial definition if
- locations not used.
- (yyuserAction): Use YYLLOC_DEFAULT to set *yylocp.
- (yydoAction): Remove redundant initialization of *yyvalp and *yylocp.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Exercise location information; update tests
- to differentiate output with and without locations.
- Remove forward declarations of yylex and yyerror---caused errors
- because default YYLTYPE not yet defined.
- Change semantic actions to compute strings, rather than printing
- them directly (to test proper passing of semantics values). Change
- output to prefix notation and update test data and expected results.
- (yylex): Track locations.
- (stmtMerge): Return value rather than printing, and include arguments
- in value.
-2003-06-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Avoid warnings generated by GCC 2.95.4 when Bison is
- configured with --enable-gcc-warnings.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse,
- yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::translate_,
- yy::Stack::operator[] (unsigned),
- yy::Stack::operator[] (unsigned) const,
- yy::Slice::operator[] (unsigned),
- yy::Slice::operator[] (unsigned) const):
- Rename local vars to avoid warnings.
- * tests/glr-regression.at (Improper handling of embedded actions
- and $-N in GLR parsers): Remove unused local variable from yylex.
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y): Declare yylex to take
- (void) as arg when not pure, since we now assume C89 when building
- Bison. Pacify GCC by using parameter.
-2003-06-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::Position::lines, yy::Position::columns,
- yy::Location::lines, yy::Location::columns): Rename arguments
- to avoid shadowing; this removes a warning generated by GCC 3.3.
-2003-06-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Don't pass C-only warning optins (e.g., -Wmissing-declarations)
- to g++, as GCC 3.3 complains if you do it.
- * configure.ac (WARNING_CXXFLAGS): New subst. Set it to
- everything that WARNING_CFLAGS has, except omit warnings
- not suitable for C++.
- (AC_PROG_CXX): Use this instead of AC_CHECK_PROGS([CXX], [g++]).
- * tests/atlocal.in (CXXFLAGS): New var.
- * tests/local.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Use it instead of CFLAGS.
- Fix a GLR parser bug I reported in February; see
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-02/msg00008.html>.
- The problem was that GLR parsers did not conform to the C standard,
- because actions like { $1 = $2 + $3; } expanded to expressions
- that invoked YYFILL in separate subexpressions, and YYFILL assigned
- to a local variable. The C standard says that expressions
- like (var = f ()) + (var = f ()) have undefined behavior.
- Another problem was that GCC sometimes issues warnings that
- yyfill and its parameters are unused.
- * data/glr.c (yyfillin): Renamed from the old yyfill. Mark
- as possibly unused.
- (yyfill): New function.
- (YYFILL): Use it.
- (yyuserAction): Change type of yynormal to bool, so that it matches
- the new yyfill signature. Mark it as possibly unused.
- Follow up on a bug I reported in February, where a Bison-generated
- parser can loop. Provide a test case and a fix for yacc.c. I
- don't have a fix for lalr1.cc or for glr.c, unfortunately.
- The original bug report is in:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2003-02/msg00044.html>
- * data/yacc.c (YYERROR): Now just 'goto yyerrorlab', since the
- macro's size was becoming unwieldy.
- (yyerrlab): Do not discard an empty lookahead symbol, as this
- might destroy garbage.
- (yyerrorlab): New label, with the old contents of YYERROR,
- plus the following change: pop the stack of rhs corresponding
- to the production that invoked YYERROR. That is how Yacc
- behaves, and POSIX requires this behavior.
- (yyerrlab1): Use YYPOPSTACK instead of its definiens.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Include unistd.h if available.
- Define 'alarm' to do nothing if unistd.h is not available.
- Add a new rule "exp: '-' error;" to test the above change to
- data/yacc.c. Use 'alarm' to abort any test taking longer than
- 10 seconds, as it's probably looping.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC): Test recovery from error in new grammar rule.
- Also, the new yacc.c generates two fewer diagnostics for an
- existing test.
-2003-05-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (YYSTACKEXPANDABLE): Do not evaluate
- YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL or YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL unless they are defined.
- This fixes a problem reported by John Bowman when the Compaq/HP
- Alpha cxx compiler happy (e.g. using cxx -D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM
- -ansi -Wall -gall).
- * data/yacc.c (union yyalloc): Likewise.
- (YYCOPY): Do not evaluate __GNUC__ unless it is defined.
- Switch from 'int' to 'bool' where that makes sense.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_test, abitset_empty_p, abitset_equal_p,
- abitset_subset_p, abitset_disjoint_p, abitset_and_cmp,
- abitset_andn_cmp, abitset_or_cmp, abitset_xor_cmp, abitset_and_or,
- abitset_and_or_cmp, abitset_andn_or_cmp, abitset_or_and_cmp):
- Return or accept bool, not int. All callers changed.
- * lib/bbitset.h: (bitset_toggle_, bitset_copy_, bitset_and_or_cmp_,
- bitset_andn_or_cmp_, bitset_or_and_cmp_): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_only_set_p, bitset_print, bitset_toggle_,
- bitset_copy_, bitset_op4_cmp, bitset_and_or_cmp_, bitset_andn_or_cmp_,
- bitset_or_and_cmp_): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_test, bitset_only_set_p): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_print, bitset_stats_toggle,
- bitset_stats_test, bitset_stats_empty_p, bitset_stats_disjoint_p,
- bitset_stats_equal_p, bitset_stats_subset_p, bitset_stats_and_cmp,
- bitset_stats_andn_cmp, bitset_stats_or_cmp, bitset_stats_xor_cmp,
- bitset_stats_and_or_cmp, bitset_stats_andn_or_cmp,
- bitset_stats_or_and_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_elt_zero_p, ebitset_equal_p, ebitset_copy_cmp,
- ebitset_test, ebitset_empty_p, ebitset_subset_p, ebitset_disjoint_p,
- ebitset_op3_cmp, ebitset_and_cmp, ebitset_andn_cmp, ebitset_or_cmp,
- ebitset_xor_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_elt_zero_p, lbitset_equal_p, lbitset_copy_cmp,
- lbitset_test, lbitset_empty_p, lbitset_subset_p, lbitset_disjoint_p,
- lbitset_op3_cmp, lbitset_and_cmp, lbitset_andn_cmp, lbitset_or_cmp,
- lbitset_xor_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/bbitset.h: Include <stdbool.h>.
- (struct bitset_vtable): The following members now return bool, not
- int: toggle, test, empty_p, disjoint_p, equal_p, subset_p,
- and_cmp, andn_cmp, or_cmp, xor_cmp, and_or_cmp, andn_or_cmp,
- or_and_cmp).
- * src/conflicts.c (count_rr_conflicts): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.h (bitset_stats_enabled): Now bool, not int.
- All uses changed.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_obstack_init): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_obstack_init): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (debug_flag, defines_flag, locations_flag,
- no_lines_flag, no_parser_flag, token_table_flag, yacc_flag,
- graph_flag): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.h (debug_flag, defines_flag, locations_flag,
- no_lines_flag, no_parser_flag, token_table_flag, yacc_flag,
- graph_flag): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (error_verbose): Likewise.
- * src/output.h (error_verbose): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (start_flag, typed): Likewise.
- * src/reader.h (typed): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (LOCATIONS_OPTION): New constant.
- (long_options, getargs): Use it.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Use bool, not int.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_reductions): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (action_row, pack_vector): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_INSERT_BOOL): New macro.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Use it.
- * src/output.c (token_definitions_output,
- symbol_destructors_output, symbol_destructors_output): Use string,
- not boolean integer, to keep track of whether to output separator.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_lookaheads_print): Likewise.
- * config/install-sh: Sync from automake 1.7.5.
-2003-05-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/parse-gram.y (rules_or_grammar_declaration): Require a
- semicolon after a grammar declaration, in the interest of possible
- future changes to the Bison input language.
- Do not allow a stray semicolon at the start of the grammar.
- (rhses.1): Allow one or more semicolons after any rule, including
- just before "|" as required by POSIX.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Add tests for ";|" in a
- grammar.
-2003-05-14 Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl@gnu.org>
- %parse-param support for lalr1.cc.
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_parse_param_decl, b4_parse_param_cons,
- b4_cc_constructor_calls, b4_cc_constructor_call,
- b4_parse_param_vars, b4_cc_var_decls, b4_cc_var_decl): New m4
- definitions.
- (yy::b4_parser_class_name::b4_parser_class_name): Take extra
- parse-param arguments.
- (yy::b4_parser_class_name): Declare instance variables to
- hold parse-param arguments.
- * tests/calc.at: s/value/semantic_value/ because value clashes
- with a member of yy::b4_parser_class_name. Adjust C++ code
- to handle %parse-param. Enable %parse-param test in C++.
-2003-05-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (How Can I Reset @code{yyparse}): Reword the
- English a bit. Fix fclose typo. Change "const char" to "char
- const", and use ANSI C rather than K&R for "main". Suggest
- YY_FLUSH_BUFFER over yyrestart (as that is what Flex recommends)
- and suggest yy_switch_to_buffer.
-2003-05-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/bitset.h (__INT_TO_PTR): Define to a value that presumes
- C89. This avoids a diagnostic on compilers that define __STDC__
- to 0, fixing a problem with Tru64 cc reported by Martin Mokrejs in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00041.html>.
-2003-05-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Do not overrun array bounds.
- This should fix a bug reported today by Olatunji Oluwabukunmi in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-05/msg00004.html>.
-2003-04-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (pure_parser, glr_parser): Move to...
- * src/getargs.c, src/getargs.h: here, as bool, not int.
- (nondeterministic_parser): New.
- * src/parse-gram.y, src/scan-gram.l: Support
- %nondeterministic-parser.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Use nondeterministic_parser instead
- of glr_parser where appropriate.
- * src/tables.c (conflict_row, action_row, save_row)
- (token_actions, token_actions, pack_vector): Ditto.
-2003-04-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (C++ Parsers, Implementing Loops): New.
-2003-04-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Also test yacc.c and glr.c (but not lalr1.cc yet)
- with %pure-parser and %locations to exercise the patch from Yakov
- Markovitch below.
-2003-04-28 Tim Van Holder <tim.van.holder@pandora.be>
- * data/yacc.c: (b4_lex_param): Corrected for the case where
- %lex-param is provided and %pure-parser isn't.
-2003-04-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Avoid gcc -Wundef warnings reported by Gerald Pfeifer in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00044.html>.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTACK_ALLOC): Don't evaluate YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA
- if it is not defined.
- (YYMAXDEPTH): Don't evaluate YYMAXDEPTH if it is not defined.
-2003-04-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::Parser::pact_ninf_, yy::Parser::table_ninf_):
- Declare to be of type suitable for the ninf value itself, not of
- type suitable for the corresponding table, since the latter might
- be unsigned but the ninf value might be negative. This fixes a
- bug reported by Alexandre Duret-Lutz in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00017.html>.
- * configure.ac (AC_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE): Remove, since gl_ERROR
- invokes it. We shouldn't invoke it twice because it will attempt
- to put error.o in the archive twice. This fixes a glitch reported
- by Martin Mokrejs in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00041.html>.
-2003-04-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * m4/error.m4: Update from Bruno Haible's 2003-04-14 patch
- to gnulib.
-2003-04-21 Yakov Markovitch <Markovitch@iso.ru>
- * data/glr.c (yyexpandGLRStack) [!YYSTACKEXPANDABLE]:
- Fix obvious typo that results in uncompilable GLR parsers
- when both %pure-parser and %locations are used. (trivial change)
-2003-04-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Add %option nounput, since we no longer use unput.
- (unexpected_eof): Renamed from unexpected_end_of_file, for brevity.
- Do not insert the expected token via unput, as this runs afoul
- of a POSIX-compatibility bug in flex 2.5.31.
- All uses changed to BEGIN the parent state,
- since we no longer insert the expected token via unput.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Remove cascaded diagnostic
- that is no longer emitted after the above change.
- * src/conflicts.c (set_conflicts): Resolve all conflicts, not just
- the first one. This change is from Paul Hilfinger, and it fixes
- regression reported by Werner Lemberg in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-04/msg00026.html>.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Don't invoke state_errs_set
- unless one or more tokens have been explicitly made errors.
- Otherwise, the above change causes Bison to abort.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU pic Grammar): New test case, taken from
- Lemberg's email.
-2003-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/Makefile.am (AM_MAKEINFOFLAGS): Don't split the info file.
-2003-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): Avoid trailing spaces in the
- output.
-2003-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Strings are Destroyed): s/losses/loses/.
- From Paul Hilfinger.
-2003-03-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * m4/error.m4: Do not put under dynamic conditions some code which
- expansion is under static control.
-2003-03-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (How Can I Reset @code{yyparse}): New.
-2003-03-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Strings are Destroyed): New.
-2003-03-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * .cvsignore: Add configure.lineno.
- * src/.cvsignore: Add yacc.
- * tests/.cvsignore: Add testsuite.log.
- * doc/fdl.texi: Sync with latest FSF version.
-2003-03-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * scan-gram.l (YY_USER_INIT): Initialize code_start, too.
- (<INITIAL><<EOF>>, <SC_PRE_CODE><<EOF>>): Set *loc to the scanner
- cursor, instead of leaving it undefined. This fixes a bug
- reported by Tim Van Holder in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-03/msg00023.html>.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Test the scanner on
- an empty input file, which was Tim Van Holder's test case.
- * m4/timevar.m4 (BISON_PREREQ_TIMEVAR): When checking whether
- <sys/resource.h> can be included, include sys/time.h and
- sys/times.h first, if available. This works around the SunOS
- 4.1.4 porting bug reported by Bruce Becker in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-03/msg00018.html>.
- * m4/subpipe.m4 (BISON_PREREQ_SUBPIPE): Don't
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/wait.h]), as this interferes with
- Merge changes from gnulib. This was prompted because the CVS
- snapshot didn't build on Solaris 7 due to strnlen problems.
- These changes need to be merged back into gnulib:
- * lib/hash.c: Include <stdbool.h> unconditionally.
- * m4/onceonly.m4 (m4_quote): New macro.
- Quote AC_FOREACH variable-expansions properly.
- The 2003-01-03 obstack.h change also needs merging.
- {end of changes requiring merging}
- * lib/stdbool.h.in, m4/alloca.m4, m4/dirname.m4, m4/dos.m4,
- m4/getopt.m4, m4/hash.m4, m4/malloc.m4, m4/memchr.m4,
- m4/memrchr.m4, m4/obstack.m4, m4/onceonly.m4, m4/quote.m4,
- m4/quotearg.m4, m4/realloc.m4, m4/stpcpy.m4, m4/strnlen.m4,
- m4/strtol.m4, m4/strtoul.m4, m4/unlocked-io.m4, m4/xalloc.m4:
- New files, imported from gnulib.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add the new m4/*.m4 files mentioned
- above.
- * lib/mbswidth.c, m4/error.m4, m4/mbrtowc.m4, m4/mbswidth.m4,
- m4/memcmp.m4, m4/prereq.m4, m4/stdbool.m4: Update to current
- gnulib sources.
- * configure.ac (gl_DIRNAME, gl_GETOPT, gl_HASH, gl_QUOTE, gl_XALLOC):
- Add.
- (gl_ERROR): New, replacing jm_PREREQ_ERROR.
- (gl_FUNC_ALLOCA): New, replacing AC_FUNC_ALLOCA.
- (gl_FUNC_STPCPY): New, replacing AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(stpcpy).
- (gl_FUNC_STRNLEN): New, replacing AC_FUNC_STRNLEN.
- (gl_MBSWIDTH): New, replacing jm_PREREQ_MBSWIDTH.
- (gl_OBSTACK): New, replacing AC_FUNC_OBSTACK.
- (gl_QUOTEARG): New, replacing jm_PREREQ_QUOTEARG.
- (jm_FUNC_MALLOC): New, replacing AC_FUNC_MALLOC.
- (jm_FUNC_REALLOC): New, replacing AC_FUNC_REALLOC.
- (jm_PREREQ_ARGMATCH): Remove.
- (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): Remove memchr, memrchr, stpcpy, strtol, strtoul.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Add argmatch.c, argmatch.h.
- * src/system.h: Include <stdbool.h> unconditionally.
- * lib/bbitset.h: Include <limits.h> unconditionally. We have been
- assuming at least C89 in the bitset code for some time now.
-2003-03-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * ro.po: New.
-2003-03-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Table of Symbols): Reactivate the
- documentation for %lex-param, and %parse-param.
-2003-03-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lal1.cc: Use similar code to
- generate verbose error messages.
- Use the number of tokens as an upper bound in yytname, as it
- cannot be a non terminal.
-2003-03-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y): Fix the expected error
- message.
-2003-03-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (_AT_DATA_DANCER_Y, AT_CHECK_DANCER): New.
- Use them to exercise yycheck overrun.
- Based on Andrew Suffield's grammar.
-2003-03-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Create tests/local.at for Bison generic testing macros.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_PUSHDEFS, AT_CHECK_POPDEFS): Move to...
- This new file.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Adjust.
- * tests/local.at: here.
- (AT_COMPILE_CXX): Tags the tests using it as c++.
- Ignore the test if CXX is not functional.
-2003-03-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l (code_start): Initialize it to scanner_cursor,
- not loc->end, since loc->end might contain garbage and this leads
- to undefined behavior on some platforms.
- (id_loc, token_start): Use (IF_LINTed) initial values that do not
- depend on *loc, so that the reader doesn't give the the false
- impression that *loc is initialized.
- (<INITIAL>"%%"): Do not bother setting code_start, since its value
- does not survive the return.
-2003-03-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (code_start): Always initialize it when entering
- into yylex, as SC_EPILOGUE is activated *before* the corresponding
- yylex invocation. An alternative would be making it static, but
- then it starts with the second %%'s beginning, instead of its end.
-2003-02-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/mbswidth.c: Include <wchar.h> before "mbswidth.h", to work
- around a UnixWare 7.1.1 porting bug reported by John Hughes in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-02/msg00030.html>.
-2003-02-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * README: Mention compiler bug in Sun Forte Developer 6 update 2.
- Remove Sequent/Pyramid discussion (nobody uses them any more).
- Merge VMS and MS-DOS discussion; these ports may well be dead
- but let's keep mentioning them for now. Put <> around email
- addresses. Add copyright notice.
-2003-02-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): yylineno -> yylno,
- to avoid collision with flex use of yylineno.
- Problem reported by Bruce Lilly in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-02/msg00016.html>.
- * data/lalr1.cc (yy::]b4_parser_class_name[::parse): Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print): Likewise.
- * config/depcomp: Sync with Automake 1.7.3.
-2003-02-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Use temporary variables instead of casts to
- change integer types.
- Suggested by Paul Eggert.
-2003-02-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Use "location" consistently to refer to @n,
- to avoid confusions with lalr1.cc's notion of Position.
- Suggested by Paul Eggert.
-2003-02-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (position.hh): Make sure "columns" never pushes
- before initial_columns.
- (location.hh): Use consistent variable names when defining the
- operator<<.
- Use "last" so that we subtract from Positions, not from unsigned.
-2003-02-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (position.hh): New subfile, including the extended
- and Doxygen'ed documentation of class Position.
- (location.hh): Use it.
- Document a` la Doxygen.
- With the help of Benoit Perrot.
-2003-02-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_PUSHDEFS, AT_CHECK_POPDEFS): Define
- Redefine AT_YYERROR_SEES_LOC_IF using it.
- (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Don't declare yyerror when lalr1.cc, as it is
- not defined.
- Don't use the location in yy::Parser::error_ and
- yy::Parser::print_ when not %locations.
- Activate more lalr1.cc tests.
-2003-02-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: When displaying a line number, be sure to make it
- an int.
-2003-02-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (b4_stack_depth_init, yy::Parser::initdepth_):
- Remove, useless.
- * tests/calc.at: Renable the lalr1.cc test.
-2003-02-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Check different scenarios of
- error recovery, mixing with/without pops and discarding of the
- lookahead.
- Exercise YYERROR.
- Disable the lalr1.cc tests as currently it doesn't support YYERROR.
-2003-02-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/atlocal.in (LDFLAGS, LIBS): New vars.
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_COMPILE): Use them.
- This fixes the testsuite problem reported by Robert Lentz in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-02/msg00011.html>.
-2003-02-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c (yyerrlab) [YYERROR_VERBOSE]:
- Avoid subscript error in yycheck. Bug reported by Andrew Suffield in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-02/msg00003.html>.
- * data/glr.c (yyreportSyntaxError) [YYERROR_VERBOSE]: Likewise.
- Check for malloc failure, for consistency with yacc.c.
- (yytname_size): Remove, for consistency with yacc.c.
- The bug still remains in data/lalr1.cc, as I didn't have time
- to fix it there.
-2003-02-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.ac (GXX): Rename as...
- (CXX): this, to keep the original Autoconf semantics.
- Require 2.57.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Fix b4_copyright invocations.
- If YYDEBUG is not defined, don't depend upon name_ being defined.
- (location.hh): Include string and iostream.
- (Position::filename): New member.
- (Position::Position ()): New.
- (operator<< (Position)): New.
- (operator- (Position, int)): New.
- (Location::first, Location::last): Rename as...
- (Location::begin, Location::end): these, to mock the conventional
- iterator names.
- (operator<< (Location)): New.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CXX): New.
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_COMPILE_CXX): New.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Adjust yyerror to report the
- locations in a more synthetic way.
- lalr1.cc is used.
- Adjust the C locations to match those from Emacs: first column is
- column 0.
- Change all the expected results.
- Conform to the GCS: simplify the locations when applicable.
- these CPP macros with the m4 macros new defined by...
- (AT_CHECK_PUSHDEFS): this, i.e.:
- New macros.
- (AT_CHECK_POPDEFS): Undefine them.
- Use it for the first lalr1.cc test.
-2003-02-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Fix its definition: be based on
- Location as is defined.
-2003-02-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc: If YYDEBUG is not defined, don't depend upon
- name_ being defined.
-2003-02-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/gram.h (start_symbol): Remove unused decl.
- Use more-consistent naming conventions for local vars.
- * src/derives.c (derives_compute): Change type of local var from
- int to rule_number.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_rules_partial_print): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_dump): Change name of item_number *
- local var from r to rp.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise.
- * src/gram.h (ISTOKEN, ISVAR): Use i, not s, for int var.
- * src/gram.h (symbol_number_as_item_number): Use sym, not s,
- for symbol or symbol_number var.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_start_symbol_set): Likewise.
- * src/reader.h (grammar_start_symbol_set, grammar_symbol_append):
- Likewise.
- * src/state.c (transitions_to): Likewise.
- * src/state.h: Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (symbol_number_to_vector_number): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_OBSTACK_SGROW): Use p, not s, for
- char * var.
- * src/parse-gram.y (lloc_default): Use loc, not r, for YYLTYPE
- var.
- * src/scan-gram.l (no_cr_read): Use bytes_read, not s, for size
- var.
- * src/system.h (xstrndup, strchr, strspn, strnlen, memchr, memrchr):
- Use str, not s, for char * var. Use ch, not c, for character var.
- Use size for size var.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstr_new, uniqstr_assert): Use str, not s, for
- char * var.
- (uniqstr_print, uniqst_print_processor): Use ustr, not s, for
- uniqstr var.
- * src/uniqstr.h: Likewise.
- * src/vcg.c (get_color_str, get_textmode_str, get_shape_str,
- get_layoutalgorithm_str, get_decision_str, get_orientation_str,
- get_node_alignment_str, get_arrow_mode_str, get_crossing_type_str,
- get_view_str, get_linestyle_str, get_arrowstyle_str): Rename
- param to have same name as that of enum, so that we don't use
- "s" to stand for a non-state.
-2003-02-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-skel.l: Scan more than one inert character per yylex
- invocation.
-2003-02-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.875a.
- * po/LINGUAS: Add ms.
-2003-01-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/Makefile.am (CLEANFILES): Add bison.fns for distcheck.
-2003-01-29 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Correct apparent typo in Bison input: $$ instead
- of $1.
- Changes in response to error report by S. Eken: GLR mode does not
- handle negative $ indices or $ indices in embedded rules correctly.
- See <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-01/msg00076.html>.
- * data/glr.c (b4_rhs_value): Change to use YYFILL macro.
- (b4_rhs_location): Ditto.
- (yyfill): New function to copy from stack tree into array
- incrementally.
- (yyuserAction): Modify to allow incremental move of semantic values
- to rhs array when in GLR mode.
- Define YYFILL to use in user-defined actions to fill semantic array
- as needed.
- Remove dummy use of yystack, as there is now a guaranteed use.
- (yydoAction): Modify to allow incremental move of semantic values
- to rhs array when in GLR mode.
- (yyresolveAction): Ditto.
- (yyglrShiftDefer): Update comment.
- (yyresolveStates): Use X == NULL for pointers, not !X.
- (yyglrReduce): Ditto.
- (yydoAction): Ditto
- * tests/glr-regr1.at: Rename to ...
- * tests/glr-regression.at: Add new regression test for the problems
- described above (adapted from S. Eken).
- Update copyright notice.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Rename glr-regr1.at to glr-regression.at.
- * tests/Makefile.am: Ditto.
-2003-01-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/lalr1.cc: Do not use @output_header_name@ unless
- b4_defines_flag is set. This fixes two bugs reported by
- Tim Van Holder in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-01/msg00071.html>
- and <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-01/msg00073.html>.
-2003-01-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c (YYERROR): Move code from yyerrlab1 to here, so that
- we don't need to worry about yyerrlab1 being reported as an
- "unused label" by non-GCC C compilers. The downside is that if
- locations are used then a couple of statements are duplicated each
- time YYERROR is invoked, but the upside is that the warnings
- should vanish.
- (yyerrlab1): Move code to YERROR.
- (yyerrlab2): Remove. Change uses back to yyerrlab1.
- This reverts some of the 2002-12-27 change.
-2003-01-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/output.c (symbol_printers_output): Fix typo that led
- to core dump. Problem reported by Antonio Rus in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-01/msg00058.html>.
-2003-01-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>,
- Quoc Peyrot <chojin@lrde.epita.fr>,
- Robert Anisko <anisko_r@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/lalr1.cc (parse::yyerrlab1): When popping the stack, stop
- when the stacks contain one element, as the loop would otherwise
- free the last state, and then use the top state (the one we just
- popped). This means that the initial elements will not be freed
- explicitly, as is the case in yacc.c; it is not a problem, as
- these elements have fake values.
-2003-01-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * NEWS: %expect-violations are now just warnings, reverting
- to Bison 1.30 and 1.75 behavior. This fixes the GCC 3.2
- bootstrapping problem reported by Matthias Klose; see
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2003-01/msg00053.html>.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Likewise.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%expect not enough, %expect too much,
- %expect with reduce conflicts): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Expect Decl): Document this. Also mention
- that the warning is enabled if the number of conflicts changes
- (not necessarily increases).
- * src/getargs.c (version): Update copyright year.
-2003-01-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am, lib/Makefile.am: Use $(VAR) instead of @VAR@.
-2003-01-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * Makefile.maint (WGETFLAGS):
- New macro, containing "-C off" to disable proxy caches.
- All uses of $(WGET) changed to $(WGET) $(WGETFLAGS).
- (rel-check): Use $(WGET) instead of wget.
-2003-01-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Generalized LR Parsing): Add a reference to
- the GLR paper of Scott, Johnstone and Hussain.
-2003-01-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * configure.ac (AC_ARG_ENABLE): Add --disable-yacc.
- * lib/Makefile.am (lib_LIBRARIES): liby.a -> @YACC_LIBRARY@.
- (EXTRA_LIBRARIES): New var, for liby.a.
- * src/Makefile.am (bin_SCRIPTS): yacc -> @YACC_SCRIPT@.
- (EXTRA_SCRIPTS): New var, for yacc.
- * data/yacc.c (yyerrlab1): Omit attribute if __cplusplus is defined,
- since GNU C++ (as of 3.2.1) does not allow attributes on labels.
- Problem reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
-2003-01-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/obstack.h (__INT_TO_PTR) [__STDC__]: Cast result to
- (void *) to avoid diagnostic with native c89 on SGI IRIX 6.5
- when compiling Bison 1.875's `bitset bset = obstack_alloc
- (bobstack, bytes);'. Problem reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * src/scan-skel.l (QPUTS): Omit redundant `;' from macro definition.
- ([^@\n]): Renamed from [^@\n]+ so that the token buffer does not
- grow to a huge size with typical invocation.
- * lib/hash.c (_Bool, bool, false, true, __bool_true_false_are_defined):
- Use the pattern recommended by Autoconf 2.57, except also protect
- against double-definition.
- * src/system.h: Likewise.
- Portability issues reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * data/glr.c (yybool): Renamed from bool, to avoid collisions in C.
- All uses changed. Provide a definition in both C and C++.
- (yytrue, yyfalse): Define even if defined (__cplusplus).
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_list): Remove unused var.
- Reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
- * src/scan-skel.l ("@oline@"): Output lineno+1, not lineno.
-2003-01-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c (yyerrlab1): Append `;' after attribute, to
- pacify the buggy "smart preprocessor" in MacOS 10.2.3.
- Bug reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
-2003-01-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * Version 1.875.
-2002-12-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l (<INITIAL,SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER,SC_PRE_CODE>","):
- Moved here from...
- (<INITIAL>","): Here. This causes stray "," to be treated
- more uniformly.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_BRACED_CODE>"}"): Output ";" before the
- last brace in braced code when not in Yacc mode, for compatibility
- with Bison 1.35. This resurrects the 2001-12-15 patch to
- src/reader.c.
- * src/reader.h (YYDECL): Use YYSTYPE, not its deprecated alias
- yystype. This follows up the 2002-12-24 YYSTYPE bug fix.
-2002-12-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_make_alias): Set type of SYMVAL to be
- that of SYM's type. This fixes Debian bug 168069, reported by
- Thomas Olsson.
-2002-12-28 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75f.
- Switch back to the Yacc style of conflict reports, undoing some
- of the 2002-07-30 change.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Understanding): Use Yacc style for
- conflict reports. Also, use new way of locating rules.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflict_report):
- Renamed from conflict_report_yacc, removing the old
- 'conflict_report'. Translate the entire conflict report at once,
- so that we don't assume that "," has the same interpretation in
- all languages.
- (conflicts_output): Use Yacc-style conflict report for each state,
- instead of our more-complicated style.
- (conflicts_print): Use Yacc-style conflict report, except print
- the input file name when not emulating Yacc.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unresolved SR Conflicts, Defaulted
- Conflicted Reduction, %expect not enough, %expect too much,
- %expect with reduce conflicts): Switch to Yacc-style conflict reports.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU Cim Grammar): Likewise.
- * tests/glr-regr1.at (Badly Collapsed GLR States): Likewise.
- * src/complain.c (warn_at, warn, complain_at, complain, fatal_at,
- fatal): Don't invoke fflush; it's not needed and it might even be
- harmful for stdout, as stdout might not be open.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Likewise.
-2002-12-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Fix a bug where error locations were not being recorded correctly.
- This problem was originally reported by Paul Hilfinger in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00086.html>.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): New local var yylerrsp, to record the
- top of the location stack's error locations.
- (yyerrlab): Set it. When discarding a token, push its location
- onto yylerrsp so that we don't lose track of the error's end.
- (yyerrlab1): Now is only the target of YYERROR, so that we can
- properly record the location of the action that failed. For GCC
- 2.93 and later, insert an __attribute__ ((__unused__)) to avoid
- GCC warning about yyerrlab1 being unused if YYERROR is unused.
- (yyerrlab2): New label, which yyerrlab now falls through to.
- Compute the error's location by applying YYLLOC_DEFAULT to
- the locations of all the symbols that went into the error.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Default Action): Mention that
- YYLLOC_DEFAULT is also invoked for syntax errors.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR):
- Error locations include the locations of all the tokens that were
- discarded, not just the last token.
-2002-12-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/files.c: Include quote.h.
- (compute_output_file_names): Warn if we detect conflicting
- outputs to the same file. This should catch the misunderstanding
- exemplified by Debian Bug 165349, reported by Bruce Stephens..
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): If the user specifies
- "%expect N", report an error if there are any reduce/reduce
- conflicts. This is what the manual says should happen.
- This fixes Debian bug 130890, reported by Anthony DeRobertis.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%expect with reduce conflicts): New test.
- Don't use m4_include on relative file names, as it doesn't work as
- desired if there happens to be a file with that name under ".".
- * m4sugar/version.m4: Remove; it was included but it wasn't used.
- * data/Makefile.am (dist_m4sugar_DATA): Remove m4sugar/version.m4.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Don't include m4sugar/version.m4.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c: Don't include c.m4.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use full path names when
- specifying a file to include; don't rely on include path, as
- it's unreliable when the working file contains a file with
- that name.
-2002-12-25 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Remove obsolete references to bison.simple and bison.hairy.
- Problem mentioned by Aubin Mahe in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-bison/2002-12/msg00010.html>.
- * data/glr.c: Comment fix.
- * doc/bison.1: Remove references. Also, mention "yacc".
- * src/getargs.c (getargs) [MSDOS]: Don't assume optarg != NULL
- with -g option.
- * src/parse-gram.y (declaration): Use enum "report_states" rather
- than its numeric value 1.
- * src/scan-skel.l ("@output ".*\n): Close any old yyout before
- opening a new one. This fixes Debian bug 165349, reported by
- Bruce Stephens.
-2002-12-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75e.
- * Makefile.maint (cvs-update): Don't assume that the shell
- supports $(...), as Solaris sh doesn't.
- * src/parse-gram.y (lloc_default): Remove test for empty
- nonterminals at the end, since it didn't change the result.
-2002-12-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- If the user does not define YYSTYPE as a macro, Bison now declares it
- using typedef instead of defining it as a macro. POSIX requires this.
- For consistency, YYLTYPE is also declared instead of defined.
- %union directives can now have a tag before the `{', e.g., the
- directive `%union foo {...}' now generates the C code
- `typedef union foo { ... } YYSTYPE;'; this is for Yacc compatibility.
- The default union tag is `YYSTYPE', for compatibility with Solaris 9
- Yacc. For consistency, YYLTYPE's struct tag is now `YYLTYPE'
- instead of `yyltype'.
- `yystype' and `yyltype' are now obsolescent macros instead of being
- typedefs or tags; they are no longer documented and will be
- withdrawn in a future release.
- * data/glr.c (b4_location_type): Remove.
- (YYSTYPE): Renamed from yystype.
- (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED): New macro, used to prevent double-typedef.
- (struct YYLTYPE): Renamed from struct yyltype.
- (YYLTYPE): Renamed from yyltype.
- (yyltype, yystype): New (and obsolescent) macros,
- for backward compatibility.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTYPE): Declare as union YYSTYPE if the user
- does not specify a union tag. This is for compatibility with
- Solaris 9 yacc.
- * src/parse-gram.y (add_param): 2nd arg is now char * not char
- const *, since it is now modified by stripping surrounding { }.
- (current_braced_code): Remove.
- PERCENT_LEX_PARAM, PERCENT_PARSE_PARAM): Change names to include
- trailing " {...}". Now of type <chars>.
- (grammar_declaration): Adjust to bundled tokens.
- (code_content): Remove; stripping is now done by add_param.
- (print_token_value): Print contents of bundled tokens.
- (token_name): New function.
- * src/reader.h (braced_code, current_braced_code): Remove.
- (token_name): New decl.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_dollar, handle_at): Now takes int
- token_type, not braced_code code_kind. All uses changed.
- (SC_PRE_CODE): New state, for scanning after a keyword that
- has (or usually has) an immediately-following braced code.
- (token_type): New local var, to keep track of which token type
- to return when scanning braced code.
- (<INITIAL>"%destructor", <INITIAL>"%lex-param",
- <INITIAL>"%parse-param", <INITIAL>"%printer",
- <INITIAL>"%union"): Set token type and BEGIN SC_PRE_CODE
- instead of returning a token type immediately.
- (<INITIAL>"{"): Set token type.
- (<SC_BRACED_CODE>"}"): Use it.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Now returns bool
- indicating success. Fail if ! current_rule; this prevents a core dump.
- (handle_symbol_code_dollar, handle_symbol_code_at):
- Remove; merge body into caller.
- (handle_dollar, handle_at): Complain in invalid contexts.
- * NEWS, doc/bison.texinfo: Document the above.
- * NEWS: Fix years and program names in copyright notice.
-2002-12-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * NEWS, doc/bison.texinfo (Parser Function, Pure Calling, Error
- Reporting, Table of Symbols): Omit mentions of %lex-param and
- %parse-param from the documentation for now.
-2002-12-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Undo most of the 2002-11-12 yychar -> yytoken patch, as it broke
- GCC 3.2.1 (which depends on yychar == YYEMPTY when there is no
- lookahead symbol, and which sets yychar in parser actions) and it
- disagreed with the Bison documentation. Bug
- reported by Andrew Walrond.
- * data/yacc.c (YYTRANSLATE): Don't check for negative argument,
- as the caller now does that.
- (yyclearin, YYBACKUP, yyparse): Use yychar, not yytoken.
- (YYEMPTY): Parenthesize right hand side, since others use it.
- (yyparse): Don't assume that our generated code is the only code
- that sets yychar.
-2002-12-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75d.
- POSIX requires a "yacc" command.
- * src/Makefile.am (bin_SCRIPTS): New macro, for yacc.
- (yacc): New rule.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Invocation, Bison Options): Mention yacc
- as an alias for bison y.
- * po/LINGUAS: Add da.
- * src/getargs.c (__GNU_LIBRARY__) [lint]: Define to work around
- problem with latest <getopt.h>.
- * doc/fdl.texi: Upgrade to 1.2.
- * lib/alloca.c, lib/error.c, lib/getopt.c, lib/getopt.h
- lib/getopt1.c, lib/gettext.h, lib/memrchr.c, lib/obstack.c,
- lib/obstack.h, lib/strnlen.c, lib/unlocked-io.h: Sync with
- gnulib.
- * config/install-sh: Sync with autotools.
- Fix a bad interaction with flex 2.5.23 reported by Bruce Lilly in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00114.html>.
- * data/yacc.c (YYLTYPE, struct yyltype): Do not define unless
- locations are requested.
- (union yyalloc): Do not depend on YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL unless
- locations are requested.
-2002-12-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Remove unportable casts and storage allocation tricks.
- While we're at it, remove almost all casts, since they
- usually aren't needed and are a sign of trouble.
- * configure.ac (AC_CHECK_TYPES): Check for uintptr_t.
- * src/derives.c (derives_compute): Do not subtract NTOKENS from
- the pointer DSET returned by malloc; this isn't portable.
- Instead, always use DSET[i - NTOKENS] rather than DSET[i].
- Similarly for DERIVES.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map): Likewise, for GOTO_MAP and TEMP_MAP.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise, for RSETS and NULLABLE.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Likewise, for nontermmap
- * src/derives.c (derives_compute): Do not bother invoking
- int_of_rule_number, since rule numbers are integers.
- * src/files.c (concat2, tr, compute_base_name): Use xmalloc (N)
- rather than XMALLOC (char, N).
- * src/files.c (filename_split): Rewrite to avoid cast.
- * src/gram.h (symbol_number_as_item_number,
- item_number_as_symbol_number, rule_number_as_item_number,
- item_number_as_rule_number):
- Now inline functions rather than macros, to avoid casts.
- * src/state.h (state_number_as_int): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (state_number_to_vector_number,
- symbol_number_to_vector_number): Likewise.
- * src/gram.h (int_of_rule_number): Remove; no longer used.
- * src/lalr.c (add_lookback_edge): Use malloc rather than calloc,
- since the resulting storage is always stored into.
- * src/main.c (alloca) [C_ALLOCA]: Add decl here, the only place
- where it's needed.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_m4_output):
- Now inline. Return bool, not int.
- * src/state.c (state_compare): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_check_defined,
- symbol_check_alias_consistency, symbol_pack, symbol_translation,
- hash_compare_symbol, hash_symbol):
- Likewise.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstr_print): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_m4_output_processor):
- New function, to avoid casts.
- * src/state.c (state_comparator, stage_hasher): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_check_defined_processor,
- symbol_check_alias_consistency_processor, symbol_pack_processor,
- symbol_translation_processor, hash_symbol_comparator,
- hash_symbol_hasher): Likewise.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstr_print_processor): Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscles_m4_output):
- Use new functions instead of casting old functions unportably.
- * src/state.c (state_hash_new): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (symbols_new, symbols_do, symbols_check_defined,
- symbols_token_translations_init):
- Likewise.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstrs_new, hash_initialize, uniqstrs_do): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (GENERATE_MUSCLE_INSERT_TABLE): Use long local
- var instead of casting to long, to avoid casts.
- (prepare_states): Use MALLOC rather than alloca, so that we don't
- have to worry about alloca.
- * src/state.c (state_hash_lookup): Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER>"'"): Use unsigned char
- local var instead of casting to unsigned char, to avoid casts.
- STATE_ALLOC): Remove.
- (transitions_new, errs_new, reductions_new, state_new): Use malloc
- rather than calloc, and use offsetof to avoid allocating slightly
- too much storage.
- (state_new): Initialize all members.
- * src/state.c (state_hash): Use unsigned accumulator, not signed.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_free): Remove; unused.
- (symbol_get): Remove cast in lhs of assignment.
- (symbols_do): Now static. Accept generic arguments, not
- hashing-related ones.
- * src/symtab.h: (NUMBER_UNDEFINED): Remove unnecessary cast.
- (symbol_processor): Remove.
- (symbols_do): Remove decl; now static.
- * src/system.h (alloca): Remove; decl no longer needed.
- (<stddef.h>): Include, for offsetof.
- (<inttypes.>, <stdint.h>): Include if available.
- (uintptr_t): New type, if system lacks it.
- (CALLOC, MALLOC, REALLOC): New macros.
- All uses of XCALLOC, XMALLOC, and XREALLOC changed to use these
- new macros.
- * src/tables.c (table_size): Now int, to pacify GCC.
- (table_grow, table_ninf_remap): Use signed table size.
- (save_row): Don't bother initializing locals when not needed.
- (default_goto, goto_actions, pack_vector): Remove unnecessary casts.
- * src/uniqstr.c (hash_compare_uniqstr): Likewise.
- * src/vcg.h: Correct misspellings.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h (G_CMAX): Now INT_MAX.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Don't assume EOF == -1.
-2002-12-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Change identifier spellings to avoid collisions with names
- that are reserved by POSIX.
- Don't use names ending in _t, since POSIX reserves them.
- For consistency, remove _e and _s endings -- they're weren't
- needed to remove ambiguity. All uses changed.
- * src/uniqstr.h (uniqstr): Renamed from uniqstr_t, which in
- turn was just renamed from struniq_t.
- * src/uniqstr.c (uniqstr_processor): Renamed from struniq_processor,
- which in turn was just renamed from struniq_processor_t.
- (hash_compare_uniqstr): Renamed from hash_compare_struniq, which
- in turn was renamed from hash_compare_struniq_t.
- * src/LR0.c (struct state_list): Renamed from struct state_list_s.
- (state_list): Renamed from state_list_t.
- * src/assoc.h (assoc): Renamed from assoc_t.
- * src/conflicts.c (enum conflict_resolution): Renamed from
- enum conflict_resolution_e.
- * src/derives.c (struct rule_list): Renamed from struct rule_list_s.
- (rule_list): Renamed from rule_list_t.
- * src/getargs.h (enum trace): Renamed from enum trace_e.
- (enum report): Renamed from enum report_e.
- * src/gram.h (item_number): Renamed from item_number_t.
- (rule_number): Renamed from rule_number_t.
- (struct rule_s): Remove the "rule_s" part; not used.
- (rule): Renamed from rule_t.
- (rule_filter): Renamed from rule_filter_t.
- * src/lalr.c (struct goto_list): Renamed from struct goto_list_s.
- (goto_list): Renamed from goto_list_t.
- * src/lalr.h (goto_number): Renamed from goto_number_t.
- * src/location.h (location): Renamed from location_t.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_entry): Renamed from muscle_entry_t,
- and moved here from:
- * src/muscle_tab.h (muscle_entry_t): here.
- * src/nullable.c (struct rule_list): Renamed from struct rule_list_s.
- (rule_list): Renamed from rule_list_t.
- * src/print_graph.c (static_graph): Renamed from graph.
- * src/reader.h (braced_code): Renamed from braced_code_t.
- Remove brace_code_e tag.
- * src/relation.h (relation_node): Renamed from relation_node_t.
- (relation_nodes): Renamed from relation_nodes_t.
- (relation): Renamed from relation_t.
- * src/state.h (state_number): Renamed from state_number_t.
- (struct state): Renamed from struct state_s.
- (state): Renamed from state_t.
- (transitions): Renamed from transitions_t. Unused (and
- misspelled) transtion_s tag removed.
- (errs): Renamed from errs_t. Unused errs_s tag removed.
- (reductions): Renamed from reductions_t. Unused tag
- reductions_s removed.
- * src/symlist.h (symbol_list): Renamed from symbol_list_t.
- (struct symbol_list): Renamed from struct symbol_list_s.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_number): Renamed from symbol_number_t.
- (struct symbol): Renamed from struct symbol_s.
- (symbol): Renamed from symbol_t.
- * src/tables.c (vector_number): Renamed from vector_number_t.
- (action_number): Renamed from action_t.
- * src/tables.h (base_number): Renamed from base_t.
- * src/vcg.h (enum color): Renamed from enum color_e.
- (enum textmode): Renamed from enum textmode_e.
- (enum shape): Renamed from enum shape_e.
- (struct colorentry): Renamed from struct colorentry_s.
- (struct classname): Renamed from struct classname_s.
- (struct infoname): Renamed from struct infoname_s.
- (enum layoutalgorithm): Renamed from enum layoutalgorithm_e.
- (enum decision): Renamed from enum decision_e.
- (enum orientation): Renamed from enum orientation_e.
- (enum alignment): Renamed from enum alignment_e.
- (enum arrow_mode): Renamed from enum arrow_mode_e.
- (enum crossing_type): Renamed from enum crossing_type_e.
- (enum view): Renamed from enum view_e.
- (struct node): Renamed from struct node_s.
- (node): Renamed from node_t.
- (enum linestyle): Renamed from enum linestyle_e.
- (enum arrowstyle): Renamed from enum arrowstyle_e.
- (struct edge): Renamed from struct edge.
- (edge): Renamed from edge_t.
- (struct graph): Renamed from struct graph_s.
- (graph): Renamed from graph_t.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y, Simple LALR Calculator):
- Rename value_t -> value.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Rename value_t -> value,
- value_t_as_yystype -> value_as_yystype.
- Don't include <errno.h> in the mainstream code, since it
- reserves E[A-Z0-9]* and we want to use symbols like 'EQUALS'.
- * lib/get-errno.c, lib/get-errno.h: New files.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Add get-errno.h,
- get-errno.c.
- * src/files.c (xfopen, xfclose): Use get_errno instead of errno.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<INITIAL>{int}): Use set_errno and get_errno
- instead of errno.
- Likewise.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Likewise.
- * src/system.h: Do not include <errno.h>.
- (TAB_EXT): Renamed from EXT_TAB.
- (OUTPUT_EXT): Renamed from EXT_OUTPUT.
- Avoid str[a-z]*, since <string.h> reserves that name space.
- Change all instances of "struniq" in names to "uniqstr", and
- likewise for "STRUNIQ" and "UNIQSTR".
- * src/uniqstr.c: Renamed from src/struniq.c.
- * src/uniqstr.h: Renamed from src/struniq.h.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Adjust to these renamings.
- * src/files.c (strsuffix): Remove; unused.
- (concat2): Renamed from stringappend. Now static.
- * src/files.h (strsuffix, stringappend): Remove; unused.
- * src/parse-gram.y (<chars>): Renamed from <string>.
- (<uniqstr>): Renamed from <struniq>.
- * src/scan-gram.l (obstack_for_string): Renamed from string_obstack.
- * src/vcg.h (struct node_s.expand): Renamed from struct node_s.stretch.
- (struct graph_s.expand): Renamed from struct graph_s.stretch.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h (G_EXPAND): Renamed from G_STRETCH.
- (N_EXPAND): Renamed from N_STRETCH.
- Avoid *_MAX and *_MIN, since <limits.h> reserves that name space.
- * data/yacc.c (YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM): Renamed from YYSTACK_GAP_MAX.
- Remove; unused.
- * src/lalr.h (GOTO_NUMBER_MAXIMUM): Renamed from GOTO_NUMBER_MAX.
- * src/state.h (STATE_NUMBER_MAXIMUM): Renamed from STATE_NUMBER_MAX.
- * src/symtab.h (SYMBOL_NUMBER_MAXIMUM): Renamed from SYMBOL_NUMBER_MAX.
- * src/tables.c (VECTOR_NUMBER_MAX, VECTOR_NUMBER_MIN): Remove; unused.
- (BASE_MAXIMUM): Renamed from BASE_MAX.
- (BASE_MINIMUM): Renamed from BASE_MIN.
- (ACTION_MAX): Remove; unused.
- Unnecessary casts removed from above defines.
- Fix misspelling in names.
- * src/vcg.h (enum_alignment_e): Renamed from enum_alignement_e.
- * src/vcg_defaults.h (G_NODE_ALIGNMENT): Renamed from
- * lib/timevar.c (timevar_report): Renamed from time_report,
- for consistency with other names.
- * lib/timevar.h (timevar_report): New decl.
- * src/system.h (time_report): Remove; decl is now in lib/timevar.h.
- Sort include-file uses.
- Reorder all include files under src to be in the order "system.h".
- then the ../lib include files in angle brackets (alphabetized),
- then the . include files in double-quotes (alphabetized). Fix
- dependency breakages encountered in this process, as follows:
- * src/closure.h, src/derives.h, src/state.h: Include "gram.h".
- * src/complain.c: Don't include stdlib.h, string.h _LIBC stuff.
- * src/state.h: Include "symtab.h".
-2002-12-08 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c: Do not use __file__,
- since this causes problems when __file__ contains character
- sequences like "@" that are treated specially by src/scan-skel.l.
- Instead, just use the file's basename. This fixes the bug
- reported by Martin Mokrejs in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-12/msg00007.html>.
-2002-12-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Add support for rules that do not have trailing semicolons, as
- POSIX requires. Improve the quality of locations in Bison
- diagnostics.
- * src/location.c: Include <quotearg.h>.
- (empty_location): Now const.
- (location_print): New function. Follow the recommendation of the
- GNU Coding Standards for locations that span file boundaries.
- * src/location.h: Do not include <quotearg.h>; no longer needed.
- (boundary): New type.
- (location_t): Use it. This allows locations to span file boundaries.
- All member uses changed: file -> start.file or end.file (as needed),
- first_line -> start.line, first_column -> start.column,
- last_line -> end.line, last_column -> end.column.
- (equal_boundaries): New function.
- (LOCATION_PRINT): Remove. All callers changed to use location_print.
- (empty_location): Now const.
- (location_print): New decl.
- * src/parse-gram.y (lloc_default): New function, which handles
- empty locations more accurately.
- (%token COLON): Remove.
- (%token ID_COLON): New token.
- (rules): Use it.
- (declarations, rules): Remove trailing semicolon.
- (declaration, rules_or_grammar_declaration):
- Allow empty (";") declaration.
- (symbol_def): Remove empty actions; no longer needed.
- (rules_or_grammar_declaration): Remove trailing semicolon.
- (semi_colon.opt): Remove.
- * src/reader.h: Include location.h.
- (scanner_cursor): New decl.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Use warn_at rather than
- rolling our own.
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_USER_INIT): Initialize scanner_cursor instead
- of *loc.
- (STEP): Remove. No longer needed, now that adjust_location does
- the work. All uses removed.
- (scanner_cursor): New var.
- (adjust_location): Renamed from extend_location. It now sets
- *loc and adjusts the scanner cursor. All uses changed.
- Don't bother testing for CR.
- (handle_syncline): Remove location arg; now updates scanner cursor.
- All callers changed.
- (unexpected_end_of_file): Now accepts start boundary of token or
- comment, not location. All callers changed. Update scanner cursor,
- not the location.
- (context_state): Renamed from c_context. All uses changed.
- (id_loc, code_start, token_start): New local vars.
- (<INITIAL,SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER>): New initial context. Move all
- processing of Yacc white space and equivalents here.
- (<INITIAL>{id}): Save id_loc. Begin state SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER
- instead of returning ID immediately, since we need to search for
- a subsequent colon.
- (<INITIAL>"'", "\""): Save token_start.
- (<INITIAL>"%{", "{", "%%"): Save code_start.
- (<SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER>): New state, looking for a colon.
- BEGIN context_state at end, not INITIAL.
- Return correct token start.
- (<SC_BRACED_CODE,SC_PROLOGUE,SC_EPILOGUE>): Save start boundary when
- the start of a character, string or multiline comment is found.
- * tests/conflicts.at (S/R in initial, Defaulted Conflicted
- Reduction): Adjust reported locations to match the more-precise
- results now expected.
- * tests/input.at (Invalid $n, Invalid @n, Type Clashes): Likewise.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Rules, Reduced Automaton,
- Underivable Rules): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): No longer `expecting ";"
- or "|"' now that so many other tokens are allowed by the new grammar.
- * src/complain.h (current_file): Remove duplicate decl;
- current_file is now owned by files.h.
- * src/complain.c, src/scan-gram.l: Include files.h.
-2002-12-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): Don't assume that yyrline[yyrule]
- promotes to int; it might be unsigned int.
- * data/yacc.c (yy_reduce_print): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Table of Symbols): YYERROR_VERBOSE should
- be #defined in the prologue, not in the Bison declarations.
- This fixes Debian Bug 102878, reported by Shaul Karl.
-2002-12-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * configure.ac (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): Add strtoul.
- * lib/strtoul.c: New file, from gnulib.
- This fixes a porting bug reported by Peter Klein in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-12/msg00000.html>.
-2002-11-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l (no_cr_read, extend_location): Move to epilogue,
- and put only a forward declaration in the prologue. This is for
- consistency with the other scanner helper functions.
- Type clashes now generate warnings, not errors, since it
- appears that POSIX may allow some grammars with type clashes.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_check): Warn about
- type clashes instead of complaining.
- * tests/input.at (Type Clashes): Expect warnings, not complaints.
- Add Yacc library, since POSIX requires it.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Yacc Library): New node. Regenerate top menu.
- * lib/Makefile.am (lib_LIBRARIES, liby_a_SOURCES): New macros.
- * lib/main.c, lib/yyerror.c: New files.
- gram_error can be static; it need not be extern.
- * src/reader.h (gram_error): Remove decl.
- * src/parse-gram.y (gram_error): Now static. Add static decl.
- (print_token_value): Omit parameter names from forward decl,
- for consistency.
-2002-11-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Emphasize that yylex and yyerror must
- be declared before being used. E.g., one should typically
- declare them in the prologue. Use GNU coding style in examples.
- Put "const" consistently after the type it modifies. Mention
- that C99 supports "inline". Mention that yyerror traditionally
- returns "int".
- %parse-param and %lex-param now take just one argument, the
- declaration; the argument name is deduced from the declaration.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Parser Function, Pure Calling, Error
- Reporting, Table of Symbols): Document this.
- * src/parse-gram.y (add_param): New function.
- (COMMA): Remove.
- (declaration): Implement new rule for %parse-param and %lex-param.
- * src/scan-gram.l: "," now elicits a warning, rather than being
- a token; this is more compatible with byacc.
- * tests/calc.at (Simple LALR Calculator): Adopt new convention.
-2002-11-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Rename identifiers to avoid real and potential collisions.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): yyout -> yyoutput,
- to avoid collision with lex macro described by Bruce Lilly in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00114.html>.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Prologue, Tracing): yyprint -> print_token_value.
- * src/parse-gram.y (print_token_value): Renamed from yyprint.
- All uses changed.
- (YYPARSE_PARAM, YYLEX_PARAM, yycontrol): Remove. All uses changed.
- The name "yycontrol" violates the name space rules, and this stuff
- wasn't being used anyway.
- (input): Remove action; this stuff wasn't being used.
- (gram_error): Rename local variable yylloc -> loc.
- * src/reader.h (struct gram_control_s, gram_control_t): Remove.
- (YY_DECL): Don't use "yy" at start of local variables.
- All uses changed, e.g., yylloc -> loc.
- * src/scan-gram.l (STEP): Renamed from YY_STEP. All uses changed.
- (STRING_GROW): Renamed from YY_OBS_GROW. All uses changed.
- (STRING_FINISH): Renamed from YY_OBS_FINISH. All uses changed.
- (STRING_FREE): Renamed from YY_OBS_FREE. All uses changed.
- * src/parse-gram.y (gram_error): loc is now const *.
- * src/reader.h (gram_error): Likewise.
-2002-11-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75c.
- * tests/actions.at (Actions after errors): Use an output format
- more similar to that of the Printers and Destructors test.
- Test the position of the ';' token too.
- (Printers and Destructors): Likewise.
- (Printers and Destructors: %glr-parser): Remove for now, to avoid
- unnecessarily alarming people when the test fails.
- * data/yacc.c (yyerrlab1): Move this label down, so that the
- parser does not discard the lookahead token if the user code
- invokes YYERROR. This change is required for POSIX conformance.
- * lib/error.c: Sync with gnulib.
-2002-11-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/quotearg.c, lib/quotearg.h: Sync with gnulib.
- * lib/mbswidth.c, lib/mbswidth.h: Likewise.
- * lib/xmalloc.c: Likewise.
-2002-11-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/argmatch.c, lib/argmatch.h: Sync with gnulib.
-2002-11-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Avoid use of <assert.h>, as the GNU Coding Standards hint that one
- should use `if (! x) abort ();' rather than `assert (x);', and
- anyway it's one less thing to worry about configuring.
- * data/glr.c, lib/hash.c, src/system.h: Do not include <assert.h>.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Likewise,
- and replace all instances of assert with abort.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Likewise.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): Likewise.
- * data/glr.c (yydoAction, yyglrReduce, yysplitStack, yyresolveStates,
- yyresolveAction, yyprocessOneStack): Use abort rather than assert.
- * lib/hash.c (hash_lookup, hash_get_first, hash_get_next,
- hash_find_entry, hash_rehash, hash_insert): Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map, map_goto): Likewise.
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_compute): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (prepare_rules, token_definitions_output): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (packgram, reader): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_new, state_free, state_transitions_set,
- state_reduction_find): Likewise.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_user_token_number_set, symbol_make_alias,
- symbol_pack): Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (conflict_row, pack_vector): Likewise.
- * src/vcg.c (get_color_str, get_textmode_str, get_shape_str,
- get_layoutalgorithm_str, get_decision_str, get_orientation_str,
- get_node_alignement_str, get_arrow_mode_str, get_crossing_type_str,
- get_view_str, get_linestyle_str, get_arrowstyle_str): Likewise.
- * lib/argmatch.h (ARRAY_CARDINALITY): Do not bother to #undef.
- * src/system.h (verify): New macro.
- * src/getargs.c (trace_argmatch, report_argmatch): Use verify
- rather than assert.
- * src/tables.c (tables_generate): Likewise.
- * src/struniq.c (struniq_assert): Now returns void, and aborts
- if the assertion is false.
- (struniq_assert_p): Remove.
- * src/struniq.h: Likewise.
-2002-11-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yygetLRActions): Replace `yyindex' with
- `yytable[yyindex]' to fix typo introduced in my 2002-11-09 patch.
- This fixes the regression with Sun ONE Studio 7 cc that I reported in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00077.html>.
-2002-11-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Tracing): `yyprint' shouldn't prepend a
- space.
- From Tim Van Holder.
-2002-11-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Pacify Sun ONE Studio 7 lint. Also, rename "ParseError"
- to "SyntaxError" for consistency with my 2002-11-15 change.
- not define to {}, since this breaks the common use of `YYDPRINTF
- ((...));' if a single statement is desired (e.g. before `else').
- Work around GCC warnings by surrounding corresponding calls with
- {} if needed.
- (yyhasResolvedValue): Remove unused function.
- (yymergeOptionSets, yyresolvStack): Use `continue;' for empty
- loop body.
- (yyreportSyntaxError): Renamed from yyreportParseError.
- (yyrecoverSyntaxError): Renamed from yyrecoverParseError.
- All uses changed.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Make vars static instead of
- extern when possible. Remove unused initializations.
-2002-11-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Augment the similarity between GLR and LALR traces.
- * data/yacc.c (yy_stack_print, YY_STACK_PRINT, yy_reduce_print)
- (yyparse): Use them.
- * data/glr.c (yy_reduce_print): Use YYFPRINTF, no need for
- YYDPRINT here.
- (yyglrReduce, yyrecoverParseError, yyparse): Don't report the
- state reached after the reduction/recovery, since...
- (yyparse, yyprocessOneStack): Report the state we are entering in.
-2002-11-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c (trace_e, trace_args, trace_types):
- Add support for --trace=skeleton.
- * src/scan-skel.l: %option debug.
- Scan strings of non-@ or \n instead of character by character.
- (scan_skel): Handle trace_skeleton.
- (QPUTS): New.
- (@output_parser_name@, @output_header_name@): ``Restore'' their
- support (used to be M4 macros).
- * data/yacc.c: Quote larger chunks, a la glr.c.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- The header guards are no longer available, so use some other
- string than `YYLSP_NEEDED'.
-2002-11-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Make the ``Printers and Destructors'' test more verbose, taking
- `yacc.c''s behavior as (possibly wrong) reference.
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Use printf
- instead of fprint on stdout.
- Set and report the last_line of the symbols.
- Consistently display values and locations.
-2002-11-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c: Avoid over-quoting of __line__ and __file__.
-2002-11-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/actions.at (Actions after errors): New test case.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.cc, doc/bison.texinfo,
- src/conflicts.c, src/parse-gram.y, src/tables.c, src/tables.h,
- tests/action.at, tests/calc.at, tests/conflicts.at,
- tests/cxx-type.at, tests/regression.at:
- "parse error" -> "syntax error" for POSIX compatibility.
- "parsing stack overflow..." -> "parser stack overflow" so
- that code matches Bison documentation.
-2002-11-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (declaration): Have %parse-param and %lex-param
- take two BRACED_CODE, not two string_content.
- Free the scanner's obstack when we are done.
- (code_content): New.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Adjust.
- Also, make sure to include the `,' for these declarations.
-2002-11-15 Tim Van Holder <tim.van.holder@pandora.be>
- * m4/prereq.m4: Removed the commented jm_PREREQ_HASH
- definition; avoids potential autoreconf problems.
-2002-11-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Always check the value returned by yyparse.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Have `main' exit with the value
- returned by yyparse.
- (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Take the expected exit value as argument.
- Adjust calls.
- * tests/glr-regr1.at (glr-regr1.y): Have `main' exit with the value
- returned by yyparse.
-2002-11-14 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c (yyFail): Always set yyerrflag. Corrects regression
- on input.at test.
-2002-11-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Call xfopen instead of
- duplicating xfopen's body.
- Fix bugs reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00078.html>.
- * tests/headers.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Don't assume that
- "$CC -E foo.h" is allowed, as this doesn't work with the Portland
- Group compiler. Instead, use "$CC -E bar.c". Include the .h
- file twice in the grammar, as an extra check.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Surround the
- backslash-newline tests with "#if 0", to make it less likely that
- we'll run into compiler bugs. Bring back solitary \ inside
- comment, but add a closing comment to work around HP C bug. Don't
- test backslash-newline in C character constant.
-2002-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/synclines.at (AT_SYNCLINES_COMPILE): Ignore the exit
- status of the compiler.
- Calling `exit 1' is no longer needed.
- Reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe.
-2002-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atlocal.in (CPPFLAGS): We have config.h.
- New.
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at, tests/conflicts.at,
- * tests/cxx-type.at, tests/glr-regr1.at, tests/headers.at,
- * tests/regression.at, tests/torture.at: Use them for all the
- grammars that are to be compiled.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CALC): Rename as...
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES): this.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (GLR Parsers): Document `inline'.
-2002-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Various formatting changes (alignments in
- samples, additional @group/@end group, GCS in samples.
- Use @deffn instead of simple @table to define the directives,
- macros, variables etc.
-2002-11-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Fix some bugs reported by Albert Chin-A-Young in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00066.html>.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Don't invoke "cc a.c b.c
- -o c"; the HP C compiler chatters during compilation.
- Instead, invoke "cc -c a.c -o a.o; cc -c b.c -o b.o; cc a.o b.o -o c".
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Likewise.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Remove lines containing
- solitary backslashes, as they tickle a bug in the HP C compiler.
- * tests/glr-regr1.at (Badly Collapsed GLR States): Avoid //
- comments, since they're not portable. Use GNU coding style.
-2002-11-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c: Leave bigger chunks of quoted text.
- Use it to report symbol activities.
- * data/glr.c (YYDSYMPRINTF): New.
- Use it.
-2002-11-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75b.
- * data/glr.c (yydoAction): Return YYRESULTTAG, not int.
- (yyglrReduce): Return yyok, not 0.
- This should avoid the enumerated-type warnings reported
- by Nelson H. F. Beebe in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00057.html>.
- * lib/bbitset.h (BITSET_INLINE): Remove.
- * lib/bitset.h [! BITSET_INLINE]: Remove.
- (bitset_set, bitset_reset, bitset_test): Rename local vars
- to avoid shadowing warnings by GCC.
- * data/glr.c (inline): Remove #define. It's the user's
- responsibility to #define it away, just like 'const'.
- This fixes one of the bugs reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00058.html>.
- * Makefile.maint (po-check): Scan .l and .y files instead of the
- .c and the .h files that they generate. This fixes the bug
- reported by Tim Van Holder in:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2002-11/msg00062.html>
- Look for N_ as well as for _. Try to avoid matching #define for
- N_ and _.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Remove src/parse-gram.c, src/scan-gram.c,
- src/system.h. Add src/parse-gram.y, src/scan-gram.l.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Revamp regular expressions so that " and '
- do not confuse xgettext.
- * src/struniq.h (struniq_new): Do not declare the return type
- to be 'const'; this violates the C standard.
- * src/struniq.c (struniq_new): Likewise.
-2002-11-12 Albert Chin-A-Young <china@thewrittenword.com>
- * src/Makefile.am (LDADD): Link $(LIBINTL) last to avoid the
- duplicate definition of optind on Tru64 UNIX 4.0D with the Compaq
- linker.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Sync with Autoconf:
- (local_updates): New.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * po/POTFILES.in (src/lalr.c, src/state.c): Remove
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at (_AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): Display the
- locations.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): Pass *yyvaluep to YYPRINT,
- not yyvalue.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at (AT_CHECK_PRINTER_AND_DESTRUCTOR): New.
- Use it to test the GLR parser.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (input.y): s/YYEOF/MYEOF/, as the skeleton
- defines it.
- * data/glr.c (yystos): New.
- (b4_yysymprint_generate, b4_yydestruct_generate): Invoke.
- (yyval): Don't define it, it is handled via M4.
- (yyrecoverParseError): Free verbosely the discarded symbols.
- * data/yacc.c (yysymprint): Remove, rather...
- (b4_yysymprint_generate): invoke.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yysymprint_generate): New.
- Accept pointers as arguments, as opposed to the version from
- yacc.c.
- (b4_yydestruct_generate): Likewise.
- * tests/cations.at (Printers and Destructors): Use Bison directives
- instead of CPP macros.
- Don't rely on internal details.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_yydestruct_generate, b4_symbol_actions): New.
- * data/yacc.c: Rename yychar1 as yytoken, as in glr.c.
- Don't work on yychar (i.e., do set it to YYEMPTY, don't match
- it against YYEMPTY and so forth), work on yytoken (i.e., set
- it to YYEMPTY etc.).
- (yydestruct): Replace with a b4_yydestruct_generate invocation.
- (b4_symbol_actions): Remove.
- * data/glr.c (YYTRANSLATE): As for yacc.c, if negative, it stands
- for 0, end-of-input.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Destructor Decl): New.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/tables.c (tables_generate): Use free for pointers that
- cannot be NULL, not XFREE.
- (pack_vector): Use assert, not fatal, for bound violations.
- * src/state.c (state_new): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map): Likewise.
- * src/location.h (LOCATION_PRINT): If first_line is 0, just issue
- the file name.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l, src/reader.h (scanner_last_string_free):
- Restore.
- * src/scan-gram.l (last_string): Is global to the file, not to
- yylex.
- * src/parse-gram.y (input): Don't append the epilogue here,
- (epilogue.opt): do it here, and free the scanner's obstack.
- * src/reader.c (epilogue_set): Rename as...
- (epilogue_augment): this.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_epilogue): Defaults to empty.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (long_options): Remove duplicates.
- * src/vmsgetargs.c, src/build.com, src/bison.cld, src/vmshlp.mar:
- Remove.
- * doc/bison.rnh: Remove.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (VMS Invocation): Remove.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/struniq.h, src/struniq.c (struniq_t): Is const.
- (STRUNIQ_EQ, struniq_assert, struniq_assert_p): New.
- Use struniq for symbols.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_t): The tag member is a struniq.
- (symbol_type_set): Adjust.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Takes a struniq.
- (symbol_free): Don't free the tag member.
- (hash_compare_symbol_t, hash_symbol_t): Rename as...
- (hash_compare_symbol, hash_symbol): these.
- Use the fact that tags as struniqs.
- (symbol_get): Use struniq_new.
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_n_type_name_get):
- Returns a strniq.
- * src/reader.h (merger_list, grammar_currentmerge_set): The name
- and type members are struniqs.
- * src/reader.c (get_merge_function)
- (grammar_current_rule_merge_set): Adjust.
- (TYPE, current_type): Are struniq.
- Use struniq for file names.
- * src/files.h, src/files.c (infile): Split into...
- (grammar_file, current_file): these.
- * src/scan-gram.c (YY_USER_INIT, handle_syncline): Adjust.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Likewise.
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c: Likewise.
- * src/main.c (main): Call struniqs_new early enough to use it for
- file names.
- Don't free the input file name.
-2002-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_free): Remove dead deactivated code:
- type_name are properly removed.
- Don't use XFREE to free items that cannot be NULL.
- * src/struniq.h, src/struniq.c: New.
- * src/main.c (main): Initialize/free struniqs.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%union): Add astruniq member.
- (yyprint): Adjust.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<{tag}>): Return a struniq.
- Free the obstack bit that used to store it.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_t): The 'type_name' member is a struniq.
-2002-11-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Revamp to fix many (but not all) of the C- and M4-related quoting
- problems. Among other things, this fixes the Bison bug reported
- by Jan Hubicka when processing the Bash grammar; see:
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2002-11/msg00039.html>
- Use new @ escapes consistently. Represent brackets with @{ and @}
- rather than @<:@ and @:>@, since this works a bit better with dumb
- editors like vi. Represent @ with @@, since @ is now consistently
- an escape. Use @oline@ and @ofile@ rather than __oline__ and
- __ofile__, to avoid unexpected expansions. Similarly, use @output
- rather than #output.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_copyright): Omit file name from comment, since
- the file name could contain "*/".
- (b4_synclines_flag): Don't quote the 2nd argument; it should already
- be quoted. All uses changed.
- * data/glr.c: Use new @ escapes consistently.
- (b4_input_suffix, b4_output_parser_suffix, b4_output_parser_name,
- b4_output_header_suffix, b4_output_header_name, b4_header_guard):
- Remove, since they couldn't handle arbitrary characters in file
- names.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Likewise.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * src/files.c (output_infix): Remove; all uses removed.
- * src/files.h: Likewise.
- * data/glr.c: Remove use of "#ifdef b4_header_guard", since it
- mishandled funny characters in file names, and anyway it isn't
- needed any more.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Use YYSLP_NEEDED instead of b4_header_guard.
- * data/glr.c (YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL): Define when the .h file would.
- * data/yacc.c: Likewise.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Include quotearg.h, since we need to quote C
- strings now.
- (muscle_init): Quote filename as a C string.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_GROW_STRING_PAIR): Remove; unused.
- * src/output.c (escaped_file_name_output): New function.
- (prepare_symbols): Quote tokens for M4.
- (prepare): Don't insert output_infix, output_prefix,
- output_parser_name, output_header_name; this is now down by scan-skel.
- Insert skeleton as a C string.
- * src/output.c (user_actions_output, symbol_destructors_output,
- symbol_printers_output): Quote filenames for C and M4.
- * src/reader.c (prologue_augment, epilogue_set): Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_CHARACTER>): Don't worry about any backslash
- escapes other than \\ and \'; this simplifies the code.
- (<SC_STRING>): Likewise, for \\ and \".
- SC_PROLOGUE,SC_EPILOGUE>): Escape $ and @, too.
- Use new escapes @{ and @} for [ and ].
- * src/scan-skel.l (yylineno, yyoutname): Remove static vars, replacing
- them with auto vars.
- Switch to new escape scheme, where @ is the escape character uniformly.
- Abort if a stray escape character is found. Avoid unbounded input
- buffer when parsing non-escaped text.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): Add tests that @oline@,
- __oline__, #output, $@, and @{ do not have unintended meanings.
-2002-11-09 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Fix the test failure due to GCC warnings described in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-11/msg00000.html>.
- * data/glr.c (yyis_pact_ninf, yyis_table_ninf): New macros, which
- evaluate to 0 if it's impossible for NINF to be in the respective
- table.
- (yygetLRActions, yyrecoverParseError): Use them.
- * src/scan-gram.l (unexpected_end_of_file): Fix bug: columns were
- counted in the token inserted at end of file. Now takes
- location_t *, not location_t, so that the location can be
- adjusted. All uses changed.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Adjust wording in
- diagnostic to match the new behavior.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_TRIANGULAR_GRAMMAR,
- AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE): Replace `assert (x);' with `if (! (x))
- abort ();'. This reduces the runtime of the "Many lookaheads"
- test from 27.6 to 2.7 minutes on a 440 MHz Ultrasparc III running
- GCC 3.2.
-2002-11-07 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/parse-gram.y (CHARACTER): Remove unused token.
- All uses removed.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Remove stack option. We no longer use the
- stack, since the stack was never deeper than 1; instead, use the
- new auto var c_context to record the stacked value.
- Remove nounput option. At an unexpected end of file, we now unput
- the minimal input necessary to end cleanly; this simplifies the
- code.
- Avoid unbounded token sizes where this is easy.
- (unexpected_end_of_file): New function.
- Use it to systematize the error message on unexpected EOF.
- (last-string): Now auto, not static.
- (YY_OBS_FREE): Remove unnecessary do while (0) wrapper.
- (scanner_last_string_free): Remove; not used.
- (percent_percent_count): Move decl to just before use.
- (SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER): Return ID at unexpected end of file,
- not the (never otherwised-used) CHARACTER.
-2002-11-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let yyerror always receive the msg as last argument, so that
- yyerror can be variadic.
- * data/yacc.c (b4_yyerror_args): New.
- Use it when calling yyerror.
- * data/glr.c (b4_yyerror_args, b4_lyyerror_args): New.
- Use it when calling yyerror.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Error Reporting): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Adjust.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CALC): Adjust.
-2002-11-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- #line should have quoted strings.
- Ideally, this should be done by m4_quotearg.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Include quotearg.h.
- Quote __ofile__.
- * src/output.c (symbol_printers_output)
- (symbol_destructors_output): Quote the file name.
-2002-11-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Adjust to the recent
- messages.
-2002-11-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Restore --no-lines.
- Reported by Jim Kent.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_syncline): New.
- * data/glr.c, data/yacc.c, data/lalr1.cc: Use it.
- * src/reader.c (prologue_augment, epilogue_set): Use b4_syncline.
- * src/output.c (user_actions_output): Likewise.
- (prepare): Define 'b4_synclines_flag'.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Don't define b4_linef.
-2002-11-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): Free `infile'.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_syncline): New.
- Recognize `#line'.
- * src/output.c (user_actions_output, symbol_destructors_output)
- (symbol_printers_output): Use the location's file name, not
- infile.
- * src/reader.c (prologue_augment, epilogue_set): Likewise.
-2002-11-05 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/tables.c (matching_state): Don't allow states to match if
- either has GLR conflict entries.
-2002-11-05 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Use more accurate diagnostics, e.g.
- "integer out of range" rather than "invalid value".
- * tests/input.at (Invalid $n, Invalid @n): Change expected wording
- accordingly.
- Scan <% and %> digraphs in C code as POSIX 1003.1-2001 requires.
- Also, remove one static variable in the scanner.
- * src/scan-gram.l (braces_level): Now auto, not static.
- Initialize to zero if the compiler is being picky.
- (INITIAL): Clear braces_level instead of incrementing it.
- (SC_BRACED_CODE): Treat <% and %> as { and } when inside C code,
- as POSIX 1003.1-2001 requires.
- * src/system.h (IF_LINT): New macro, taken from coreutils.
- * configure.ac: Define "lint" if --enable-gcc-warnings.
-2002-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l: When it starts with `%', complain about the
- whole directive, not just that `invalid character: %'.
-2002-11-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Update from Autoconf.
- (update, cvs-update, po-update, do-po-update): New.
-2002-11-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/glr-regr1.at (Badly Collapsed GLR States): Prototype yylex
- and yyerror.
- Have yyerror `use' its arguments.
- returns true when location & yacc & pure & parse-param.
- (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Let yyerror ``use'' its arguments.
-2002-11-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/location.h (LOCATION_PRINT): Use quotearg slot 3 to avoid
- clashes.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Use [\'] instead of ['] to pacify
- font-lock-mode.
- Use complain_at.
- Use quote, not quote_n since LOCATION_PRINT no longer uses the
- slot 0.
-2002-11-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/reader.c (get_merge_function, grammar_current_rule_check):
- Use consistent diagnostics for reporting type name clashes.
- Quote the types with <>, for consistency with Yacc.
- * tests/input.at (Type Clashes): Adjust to diagnostic changes.
-2002-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_identification, b4_user_args, b4_parse_param):
- New.
- * data/yacc.m4 (b4_pure_args, b4_Pure_args): New.
- (b4_parse_param): Remove.
- Use b4_identification.
- Propagate b4_pure_args where needed to pass them to yyerror.
- * data/glr.m4 (b4_parse_param): Remove.
- (b4_user_formals, b4_pure_args, b4_pure_formals, b4_lpure_args)
- (b4_lpure_formals): New.
- Use b4_identification.
- (YY_USER_FORMALS, YY_USER_ARGS): Remove, replaced by
- b4_user_formals and b4_user_args.
- (yyexpandGLRStack, yyFail, yyaddDeferredAction, yyglrShiftDefer)
- (yyreportAmbiguity): When using a pure parser, also need
- the location, and the parse-params.
- Adjust callers.
- (yyuserAction, yyglrShift, yyreportParseError, yyrecoverParseError):
- When using a pure parser, also need the parse-params.
- Adjust callers.
- * tests/calc.at: Test pure (%pure-parser) and absolutely pure
- (%pure-parser + %parse-param) LALR and GLR parsers.
- (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Equip for purity of yyerror.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CALC): Equip for yyerror purity.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Untabify the whole file.
- (Parser Function): Document %parse-param, deprecate YYPARSE_PARAM.
- (Pure Calling): Document %lex-param, deprecate YYLEX_PARAM.
- (Error Reporting): Adjust to these new directives.
- Document %error-verbose, deprecate YYERROR_VERBOSE.
-2002-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Change all the AT_CHECK_CALC_LALR and
- AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR invocations to use % directives, instead of
- command line options.
- * tests/cxx-type.at: Formatting changes.
-2002-11-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Revamp to fix POSIX incompatibilities,
- to count columns correctly, and to check for invalid inputs.
- Use mbsnwidth to count columns correctly. Account for tabs, too.
- Include mbswidth.h.
- (YY_USER_ACTION): Invoke extend_location rather than LOCATION_COLUMNS.
- (extend_location): New function.
- (YY_LINES): Remove.
- Handle CRLF in C code rather than in Lex code.
- (YY_INPUT): New macro.
- (no_cr_read): New function.
- Scan UCNs, even though we don't fully handle them yet.
- (convert_ucn_to_byte): New function.
- Handle backslash-newline correctly in C code.
- (eols, blanks): Remove. YY_USER_ACTION now counts newlines etc.;
- all uses changed.
- (tag, splice): New EREs. Do not allow NUL or newline in tags.
- Use {splice} wherever C allows backslash-newline.
- YY_STEP after space, newline, vertical-tab.
- ("/*"): BEGIN SC_YACC_COMMENT, not yy_push_state (SC_COMMENT).
- (letter, id): Don't assume ASCII; e.g., spell out a-z.
- ({int}, handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Check for integer
- overflow.
- (YY_STEP): Omit trailing semicolon, so that it's more like C.
- as well as \000. Check for UCHAR_MAX, not 255.
- Allow \x with an arbitrary positive number of digits, as in C.
- Check for overflow here.
- Allow \? and UCNs, for compatibility with C.
- (handle_symbol_code_dollar): Use quote_n slot 1 to avoid collision
- with quote slot used by complain_at.
- * tests/input.at: Add tests for backslash-newline, m4 quotes
- in symbols, long literals, and funny escapes in strings.
- * configure.ac (jm_PREREQ_MBSWIDTH): Add.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Add mbswidth.h, mbswidth.c.
- * lib/mbswidth.h, lib/mbswidth.c: New files, from GNU gettext.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add mbswidth.m4.
- * m4/mbswidth.m4: New file, from GNU coreutils.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Grammar Outline): Document // comments.
- (Symbols): Document that trigraphs have no special meaning in Bison,
- nor is backslash-newline allowed.
- (Actions): Document that trigraphs have no special meaning.
- * src/location.h (LOCATION_COLUMNS, LOCATION_LINES): Remove;
- no longer used.
-2002-11-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/reader.c: Don't include quote.h; not needed.
- (get_merge_function): Reword warning to be consistent with
- type clash diagnostic in grammar_current_rule_check.
- * lib/quotearg.c (quotearg_buffer_restyled): Fix off-by-two
- bug in trigraph handling.
- * src/output.c (prepare_symbols): When printing token names,
- escape "[" as "@<:@" and likewise for "]".
- * src/system.h (errno): Remove declaration, as we are now
- assuming C89 or better, and C89 guarantees errno.
-2002-10-30 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_read, bitset_stats_write):
- Check for close failures.
- * src/files.h (xfclose): Return void, not int, since it always
- returned zero.
- * src/files.c (xfclose): Likewise. Report I/O error if ferror
- indicates one.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use xfclose rather than fclose
- and ferror. xfclose now checks ferror.
- * data/glr.c (YYLEFTMOST_STATE): Remove.
- (yyreportTree): Use a stack-based leftmost state. This avoids
- our continuing battles with bogus warnings about initializers.
-2002-10-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Don't use #ifdef/#ifndef on HAVE_ values, only
- #if.
-2002-10-29 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * tests/glr-regr1.at: New test for reported regressions.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Add glr-regr1.at test.
- * tests/Makefile.am: Add glr-regr1.at test.
-2002-10-24 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.75a.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Remove unused strcat declaration.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (_AT_TEST_GLR_CALC): Include stdlib.h, since
- we use malloc. Don't assume 'A' through 'Z' are contiguous.
- Don't assume strdup exists; POSIX says its an XSI extension.
- Check for buffer overflow on input.
-2002-10-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Don't disable M4sugar comments
- too soon: it results in comments being expanded.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Do it right before the
- first output.
-2002-10-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (m4_int_type): New.
- * data/c.m4 (m4_int_type): Don't use yysigned_char, but `signed
- char' as only yacc.c wants K&R portability.
- * data/glr.c (yysigned_char): Remove.
- * data/lalr1.cc: Rename the trailing b4_name as b4_parser_class_name.
- Reported by Quoc Peyrot.
-2002-10-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/main.c (main): With --trace=time, report times even if a
- non-fatal error occurs. Formerly, the times were reported in some
- such cases but not in others.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Just return if a complaint has been issued,
- instead of exiting, so that 'main' can report times.
-2002-10-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Include sys/types.
- Reported by Bert Deknuydt.
-2002-10-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * configure.ac (AC_PROG_LEX): Use instead of AM_PROG_LEX.
- Suggested by Art Haas.
-2002-10-22 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/complain.c (exit) [! (STDC_HEADERS || _LIBC)]: Remove exit
- decl; not needed any more.
- * src/main.c (main): Use return to exit, undoing yesterday's change.
- The last OS that we could find where this wouldn't work is
- SunOS 3.5, and that's too old to worry about now.
- * data/glr.c (struct yyltype): Define members even when not
- doing locations. This is more consistent with yacc.c, and it
- works around the following bug reports:
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00106.html
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00111.html
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Minor spelling and typographical fixes. Use
- @acronym consistently. Standardize on "Yacc" instead of "YACC",
- "Algol" instead of "ALGOL". Give a bit more history about BNF.
-2002-10-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/README: New.
-2002-10-21 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Be consistent about 'bool'; the old code used an enum in one
- module and an int in another, and this violates the C standard.
- * m4/stdbool.m4: New file, from coreutils 4.5.3.
- * configure.ac (AC_HEADER_STDBOOL): Add.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add stdbool.m4.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (hash_compare_muscles): (a ? FALSE : TRUE) -> (! a)
- * src/symtab.c (hash_compare_symbol_t): Likewise.
- * src/system.h (bool, false, true): Use a definition consistent
- with ../lib/hash.c. All uses changed.
- * src/complain.c (warning_issued): Renamed from warn_message_count,
- so that we needn't worry about integer overflow (!).
- Now of type bool. All uses changed.
- (complaint_issued): Renamed from complain_message_count; likewise.
- * src/main.c (main): Use exit to exit with failure.
- * src/complain.c (fatal_at, fatal): Use EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
- rather than 1 and 0.
- * src/main.c (main): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Likewise.
- * src/getarg.c (getargs): Remove duplicate code for
- "Try `bison --help'".
- * src/files.c (xfopen, xfclose): Use EXIT_FAILURE rather than 2.
- What was that "2" for?
- * src/complain.h (fatal, fatal_at): Add __attribute__((__noreturn__)).
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Likewise.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): When there are too few operands, report
- the last one. When there are too many, report the first extra
- one. This is how diffutils does it.
-2002-10-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Remove K&R vestiges.
- * configure.ac (AC_C_CONST, AM_C_PROTOTYPES): Remove.
- * src/complain.c (VA_START): Remove. Assume prototypes.
- (vfprintf) [! (HAVE_VPRINTF || defined vfprintf)]: New macro.
- (private_strerror, warn_at, warn, complain_at, complain, fatal_at,
- fatal): Assume prototypes.
- * src/complain.h: Assume prototypes.
- * src/system.h (PARAMS): Remove.
- Include <limits.h> unconditionally, since it's guaranteeed even
- for a freestanding C89 compiler.
- (SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX): Remove, since C89 guarantees them.
- * src/vmsgetargs.c (getargs, cli_present, cli_get_value): Prototype.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_grow): Remove trailing debugging code.
- * data/glr.c (YY_USER_FORMALS, YY_USER_ARGS): New.
- (yyuserAction, yydoAction, yyglrReduce, yyresolveValue)
- (yyresolveStates, yyresolveAction, yyresolveStack)
- (yyprocessOneStack): Use them.
- (yy_reduce_print): New.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Exercise %parse-param.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_ansi_args): Recognize functions with no
- arguments and output `void'.
- (b4_c_function): Rename as...
- (b4_c_function_def): this.
- (b4_c_function_decl, b4_c_ansi_function_def)
- (b4_c_ansi_function_decl): New.
- Change the interpretation of the arguments: before `int, foo', now
- `int foo, foo'.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Prototype and define thanks to these.
- Adjust b4_c_function_def uses.
- * data/glr.c (yyparse): Likewise, but ANSI only.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Move the definition of `tokens_number',
- `nterms_number', `undef_token_number', `user_token_number_max'
- to...
- (prepare_tokens): Here.
- (prepare_tokens): Rename as...
- (prepare_symbols): this.
- (prepare): Move the definition of `rules_number' to...
- (prepare_rules): here.
- (prepare): Move the definition of `last', `final_state_number',
- `states_number' to...
- (prepare_states): here.
- * data/yacc.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/glr.c: Normalize `>' into `<'.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/tables.h, src/tables.c, src/output.c: Comment changes.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c, data/yacc.c (b4_location_if, b4_pure_if): Move to...
- * data/c.m4: here.
-2002-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Use MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_pair_list_grow): Rename `val as
- `pair'.
- (muscle_init): Move the `b4_ltype', `b4_maxdepth', `b4_initdepth',
- `name' to...
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c (b4_location_type)
- (b4_stack_depth_init, b4_stack_depth_max, b4_parser_class_name):
- These.
-2002-10-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Do not create a temporary file, as that involves security and
- cleanup headaches. Instead, use a pair of pipes.
- Derived from a suggestion by Florian Krohm.
- * lib/subpipe.c, lib/subpipe.h, m4/subpipe.m4: New files.
- * lib/mkstemp.c, lib/readpipe.c, lib/tempname.c, m4/mkstemp.m4: Remove.
- * configure.ac (UTILS_FUNC_MKSTEMP, jm_PREREQ_TEMPNAME): Remove.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Remove readpipe.c.
- Add subpipe.h, subpipe.c.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Remove mkstemp.m4. Add subpipe.m4.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Add lib/subpipe.c.
- * src/output.c: Include "subpipe.h".
- (m4_invoke): Remove decl.
- (scan_skel): New decl.
- (output_skeleton): Use pipe rather than temporary file for m4 input.
- Check that m4sugar.m4 is readable, to avoid deadlock.
- Check for pipe I/O error.
- * src/scan-skel.l (readpipe): Remove decl.
- (scan_skel): New function, to be used in place of m4_invoke.
- Read from stream rather than file.
- * lib/timevar.c (TICKS_TO_MSEC, CLOCKS_TO_MSEC): Do not cast to
- float, as this generates a warning on Solaris 8 + GCC 3.2 with
- --enable-gcc-warnings. Instead, divide into 1.0 rather than 1;
- this generates a more-accurate value anyway.
- * lib/timevar.c (timervar_accumulate): Rename locals to
- avoid confusion with similarly-named more-global.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_pair_list_grow): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Use xstrdup to convert char const *
- to char *, to avoid GCC warning.
-2002-10-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Define VAL, LOC, LEX_FORMALS,
- Use them to have `calc.y' ready for %pure-parser.
- * data/yacc.c (YYLEX): Pass a yylex return type to
- b4_c_function_call.
-2002-10-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Prototype support of %lex-param and %parse-param.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Add the definition of the %lex-param and
- %parse-param tokens, plus their rules.
- Drop the `_' version of %glr-parser.
- Add the "," token.
- * src/scan-gram.l (INITIAL): Scan them.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Comment changes.
- (muscle_insert, muscle_find): Rename `pair' as `probe'.
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_INSERT_PREFIX): Remove unused.
- (muscle_entry_s): The `value' member is no longer const.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Adjust: use
- Initialize the obstack earlier.
- * src/muscle_tab.h, src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_grow)
- (muscle_pair_list_grow): New.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_function_call, b4_c_args): New.
- * data/yacc.c (YYLEX): Use b4_c_function_call to honor %lex-param.
- * tests/calc.at: Use %locations, not --locations.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC_GLR): Use %glr-parser, not %glr_parser.
-2002-10-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Take status as argument and exit
- accordingly.
- Report the traditional `Try ... --help' message when status != 0.
- (usage, version): Don't take a FILE * as arg, it is pointless.
- (getargs): When there is an incorrect number of arguments, make it
- an error, and report it GNUlically thanks to `usage ()'.
-2002-10-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/glr.c (yyreportParseError): Don't assume that sprintf
- yields the length of the printed string, as this is not true
- on SunOS 4.1.4. Reported by Peter Klein.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): #undef memcmp and realloc.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%nonassoc and eof): Likewise.
- Fixes SunOS 4.1.4 test failure reported by Peter Klein.
-2002-10-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.h (trace_e): Add trace_scan, and trace_parse.
- * src/getargs.c (trace_types, trace_args): Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_prec_set)
- (grammar_current_rule_dprec_set, grammar_current_rule_merge_set):
- Standardize error messages.
- And s/@prec/%prec/!
- (reader): Use trace_flag to enable scanner/parser debugging,
- instead of an adhoc scheme.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Remove trailing debugging code.
-2002-10-16 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_TAB_H_): Was misspelled as
- * NEWS: Officially drop support for building Bison with K&R C,
- since it didn't work anyway and it's not worth worrying about.
- * Makefile.maint (wget_files): Remove ansi2knr.c.
- (ansi2knr.c-url_prefix): Remove.
- * lib/.cvsignore: Remove ansi2knr, ansi2knr.*.
- * lib/Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Remove.
- * src/Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Remove.
-2002-10-15 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Stop using the "enum_" trick for K&R-style function definitions;
- it confused me, and I was the author! Instead, assume that people
- who want to use K&R C compilers (when using these modules in GCC,
- perhaps?) will run ansi2knr.
- * lib/bbitset.h: (enum_bitset_ops, enum_bitset_type): Remove.
- All uses of "enum_" changed to "enum ".
- * lib/ebitset.c (enum_ebitset_find_mode): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (enum_lbitset_find_mode): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_and, abitset_and_cmp, abitset_and_or,
- abitset_and_or_cmp, abitset_andn, abitset_andn_cmp,
- abitset_andn_or, abitset_andn_or_cmp, abitset_bytes, abitset_copy,
- abitset_copy1, abitset_disjoint_p, abitset_empty_p,
- abitset_equal_p, abitset_init, abitset_list, abitset_list_reverse,
- abitset_not, abitset_ones, abitset_or, abitset_or_and,
- abitset_or_and_cmp, abitset_or_cmp, abitset_reset, abitset_set,
- abitset_size, abitset_small_list, abitset_subset_p, abitset_test,
- abitset_unused_clear, abitset_xor, abitset_xor_cmp, abitset_zero):
- Use function prototypes; this removes the need for declaring
- static functions simply to provide their prototypes.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_alloc, bitset_and_or_, bitset_and_or_cmp_,
- bitset_andn_or_, bitset_andn_or_cmp_, bitset_bytes, bitset_copy_,
- bitset_count_, bitset_create, bitset_dump, bitset_first,
- bitset_free, bitset_init, bitset_last, bitset_next,
- bitset_obstack_alloc, bitset_obstack_free, bitset_only_set_p,
- bitset_op4_cmp, bitset_or_and_, bitset_or_and_cmp_, bitset_prev,
- bitset_print, bitset_release_memory, bitset_toggle_,
- bitset_type_choose, bitset_type_get, bitset_type_name_get,
- debug_bitset): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_set, bitset_reset, bitset_test): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_log_histogram_print,
- bitset_percent_histogram_print, bitset_stats_and,
- bitset_stats_and_cmp, bitset_stats_and_or,
- bitset_stats_and_or_cmp, bitset_stats_andn, bitset_stats_andn_cmp,
- bitset_stats_andn_or, bitset_stats_andn_or_cmp, bitset_stats_copy,
- bitset_stats_count, bitset_stats_disable, bitset_stats_disjoint_p,
- bitset_stats_dump, bitset_stats_empty_p, bitset_stats_enable,
- bitset_stats_equal_p, bitset_stats_free, bitset_stats_init,
- bitset_stats_list, bitset_stats_list_reverse, bitset_stats_not,
- bitset_stats_ones, bitset_stats_or, bitset_stats_or_and,
- bitset_stats_or_and_cmp, bitset_stats_or_cmp, bitset_stats_print,
- bitset_stats_print_1, bitset_stats_read, bitset_stats_reset,
- bitset_stats_set, bitset_stats_size, bitset_stats_subset_p,
- bitset_stats_test, bitset_stats_toggle, bitset_stats_type_get,
- bitset_stats_write, bitset_stats_xor, bitset_stats_xor_cmp,
- bitset_stats_zero): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc, bitsetv_create, bitsetv_free,
- bitsetv_zero, bitsetv_ones, bitsetv_transitive_closure,
- bitsetv_dump, debug_bitsetv): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_and, ebitset_and_cmp, ebitset_andn,
- ebitset_andn_cmp, ebitset_bytes, ebitset_copy, ebitset_copy_,
- ebitset_copy_cmp, ebitset_disjoint_p, ebitset_elt_add,
- ebitset_elt_alloc, ebitset_elt_calloc, ebitset_elt_find,
- ebitset_elt_free, ebitset_elt_last, ebitset_elt_remove,
- ebitset_elt_zero_p, ebitset_elts_grow, ebitset_empty_p,
- ebitset_equal_p, ebitset_free, ebitset_init, ebitset_list,
- ebitset_list_reverse, ebitset_not, ebitset_ones, ebitset_op3_cmp,
- ebitset_or, ebitset_or_cmp, ebitset_release_memory, ebitset_reset,
- ebitset_set, ebitset_size, ebitset_subset_p, ebitset_test,
- ebitset_weed, ebitset_xor, ebitset_xor_cmp, ebitset_zero):
- Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (debug_lbitset, lbitset_and, lbitset_and_cmp,
- lbitset_andn, lbitset_andn_cmp, lbitset_bytes, lbitset_copy,
- lbitset_copy_cmp, lbitset_disjoint_p, lbitset_elt_alloc,
- lbitset_elt_calloc, lbitset_elt_find, lbitset_elt_free,
- lbitset_elt_link, lbitset_elt_unlink, lbitset_elt_zero_p,
- lbitset_empty_p, lbitset_equal_p, lbitset_free, lbitset_init,
- lbitset_list, lbitset_list_reverse, lbitset_not, lbitset_ones,
- lbitset_op3_cmp, lbitset_or, lbitset_or_cmp, lbitset_prune,
- lbitset_release_memory, lbitset_reset, lbitset_set, lbitset_size,
- lbitset_subset_p, lbitset_test, lbitset_weed, lbitset_xor,
- lbitset_xor_cmp, lbitset_zero): Likewise.
-2002-10-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.75.
-2002-10-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-check-posix): New.
-2002-10-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c [YYDEBUG] (YYLEFTMOST_STATE): Initialize the yyloc
- member.
-2002-10-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/tables.c (table_ninf_remap): base -> tab.
- Reported by Matt Rosing.
-2002-10-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * tests/action.at, tests/calc.at, tests/conflicts.at,
- tests/cxx-type.at, tests/headers.at, tests/input.at,
- tests/regression.at, tests/synclines.at, tests/torture.at:
- Say "bison -o foo.c foo.y", not "bison foo.y -o foo.c",
- so that the tests still work even if POSIXLY_CORRECT is set.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Rpcalc Compile, Invocation): Likewise.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_int_type): Use yysigned_char instead of signed char,
- for portability to K&R hosts. Fix typo: signed char is guaranteed
- only to 127, not to 128.
- * data/glr.c (yysigned_char): New type.
- * data/yacc.c (yysigned_char): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): signed char -> yysigned_char.
-2002-10-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse): Rewrite to avoid "comparison is always
- true due to limited range of data type" warning from GCC.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_token_defines): Protect against double-inclusion
- by wrapping enum yytokentype's definition inside #ifndef
- YYTOKENTYPE. This undoes a bug I introduced on 2002-10-12.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c (yyglrShiftDefer, yyaddDeferredAction, yydoAction):
- Un yy- yyrhs to avoid the name clash with the global YYRHS.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Update from Autoconf 2.54.
- * m4/strerror_r.m4 (AC_FUNC_STRERROR_R): Remove, shipped with 2.54.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c (print_state): Separate the list of solved conflicts
- from the other items.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Resolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let nondeterministic skeletons be usable with deterministic
- tables.
- With the patch, GAWK compiled by GCC without -O2 passes its test
- suite using a GLR parser driven by LALR tables. It fails with -O2
- because `struct stat' gives two different answers on my machine:
- 88 (definition of an auto var) and later 96 (memset on this var).
- Hence the stack is badly corrumpted. The headers inclusion is to
- blame: if I move the awk.h inclusion before GLR's system header
- inclusion, the two struct stat have the same size.
- * src/tables.c (pack_table): Always create conflict_table.
- (token_actions): Always create conflict_list.
- * data/glr.c (YYFLAG): Remove, unused.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.ac (AC_GNU_SOURCE): Use it instead of hand written code.
- (O0FLAGS): New.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CFLAGS): Use O0FLAGS.
- * tests/bison.in: Run $PREBISON a pre-command.
- * tests/Makefile.am (maintainer-check, maintainer-check-valgrind)
- (maintainer-check-g++): New.
- * Makefile.am (maintainer-check): New.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/glr.c: Formatting changes.
- Tweak some trace messages to match yacc.c's.
-2002-10-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- GLR parsers sometimes raise parse errors instead of performing the
- default reduction.
- Reported by Charles-Henry de Boysson.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC, _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Don't
- check the length of the traces when %glr.
- (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Also skip `^Stack' lines, coming from
- GLR's traces.
- Test GLR parsers.
- * data/glr.c (YYLEFTMOST_STATE): Fix its value.
- (yyltype): Remove the yy prefix from the member names.
- (yytable): Complete its comment.
- (yygetLRActions): Map error action number from YYTABLE from
- (yyisErrorAction): No longer compare YYACTION to YYPACT_NINF
- (which was a bug: it should have been YYTABEL_NINF, and yet it was
- not satisfying as we could compare an YYACTION computed from
- YYDEFACT to YYTABLE_NINF although they are unrelated): 0 is the
- only value for error actions.
- (yyreportParseError): In verbose parse error messages, don't issue
- `error' in the list of expected tokens.
- * data/yacc.c (yyparse) <yybackup>: Rewrite the decoding of the
- next action to perform to match glr.c's decoding.
- (yytable): Complete its comment.
-2002-10-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Fix problem reported by Henrik Grubbstroem in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00098.html>:
- "nonterm: { $$ = 123; } { $$ = $1; };" was wrongly rejected,
- because the Bison parser reads the second action before reducing
- the first one.
- * src/scan-gram.l (rule_length): New static var.
- Use it to keep track of the rule length in the scanner, since
- we can't expect the parser to be in lock-step sync with the scanner.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Use this var.
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): Test for the problem.
-2002-10-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/timevar.c [! IN_GCC && HAVE_SYS_TIME_H]: Include <sys/time.h>.
- * m4/timevar.m4 (BISON_PREREQ_TIMEVAR): Check for <sys/time.h>.
- Include <sys/time.h> when checking for clock_t and struct tms.
- Use same include order as source.
- This is for the SunOS 4.1.4 porting bug reported by Peter Klein in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00016.html>.
- * lib/timevar.c: Update copyright date and clarify comments.
- (get_time) [IN_GCC]: Keep the GCC version for reference.
- * lib/timevar.c, lib/timevar.h, lib/timevar.def: Import
- GCC version as of today, then merge Bison's changes.
- Change "GCC" to "Bison" in copyright notice. timevar.def's
- author is Akim, so change that too.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_check):
- Don't worry about the default action if $$ is untyped.
- Prevents bogus warnings reported by Jim Gifford in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00015.html>.
- * data/c.m4 (b4_token_enum): Do not define YYTOKENTYPE.
- * data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c:
- Output token definitions before the first part of user declarations.
- Fixes compatibility problem reported by Jim Gifford for kbd in
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-10/msg00014.html>.
-2002-10-11 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/yacc.c (yyreport_parse_error): Remove, putting its body into...
- (yyparse): here. This undoes some of the 2002-07-25 change.
- Compatibility problem reported by Ralf S. Engelschall with
- OSSP cfg <http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/cfg/>.
-2002-10-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at Characters Escapes): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER): Accept \' in strings and
- characters.
- Reported by Jan Nieuwenhuizen.
-2002-10-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * po/id.po: New.
-2002-10-10 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Portability fixes for bitsets; this also avoids several GCC
- warnings.
- * lib/abitset.c: Include <stddef.h>, for offsetof.
- * lib/lbitset.c: Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_bytes): Return a size that is aligned
- properly for vectors of objects. Do not assume that adding a
- header size to a multiple of a word size yields a value that is
- properly aligned for the whole union.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_bytes): Adjust to new,
- unique names for structures.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_ones, abitset_zero, abitset_empty_p,
- abitset_copy1, abitset_not, abitset_equal_p, abitset_subset_p,
- abitset_disjoint_p, abitset_and, abitset_and_cmp, abitset_andn,
- abitset_andn_cmp, abitset_or, abitset_or_cmp, abitset_xor,
- abitset_xor_cmp, abitset_and_or, abitset_and_or_cmp,
- abitset_andn_or, abitset_andn_or_cmp, abitset_or_and,
- abitset_or_and_cmp, abitset_copy): Supply prototype decls,
- to improve the type-checking that GCC can do.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_op4_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_count,
- bitset_stats_empty_p, bitset_stats_ones, bitset_stats_zero,
- bitset_stats_copy, bitset_stats_disjoint_p,
- bitset_stats_equal_p, bitset_stats_not, bitset_stats_subset_p,
- bitset_stats_and, bitset_stats_and_cmp, bitset_stats_andn,
- bitset_stats_andn_cmp, bitset_stats_or, bitset_stats_or_cmp,
- bitset_stats_xor, bitset_stats_xor_cmp, bitset_stats_and_or,
- bitset_stats_and_or_cmp, bitset_stats_andn_or,
- bitset_stats_andn_or_cmp, bitset_stats_or_and,
- bitset_stats_or_and_cmp): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_and, lbitset_and_cmp, lbitset_andn,
- lbitset_andn_cmp, lbitset_or, lbitset_or_cmp, lbitset_xor,
- lbitset_xor_cmp, lbitset_empty_p, lbitset_ones, lbitset_not,
- lbitset_subset_p, lbitset_disjoint_p, debug_lbitset): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.h: Include bitset.h, not bbitset.h.
- * lib/ebitset.h: Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.h: Likewise.
- * lib/bbitset.h: (enum_bitset_ops, enum_bitset_type): New types.
- All instances of parameters of type enum bitset_opts are now of
- type enum_bitset_opts, to conform to the C Standard, and similarly
- for enum_bitset_type.
- * lib/ebitset.c (enum_ebitset_find_mode): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (enum_lbitset_find_mode): Likewise.
- Do not use "struct bitset_struct" to mean different things in
- different modules. Not only is this confusing, it violates
- the C Standard, which requires that structure types in different
- modules must be compatible if one is to be passed to the other.
- * lib/bbitset.h (bitset): Now points to a union, not to a struct.
- All instances of "struct bitset_struct *" replaced with "bitset".
- * lib/bitset.h (struct bitset_struct): Remove, replacing with....
- (union bitset_union, struct abitset_struct, struct ebitset_struct,
- struct lbitset_struct, struct bitset_stats_struct): New types.
- All uses of struct bitset_struct changed to union bitset_union,
- etc.
- * lib/abitset.c (struct abitset_struct, abitset,
- struct bitset_struct): Remove.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (struct bitset_stats_struct, bitset_stats,
- struct bitset_struct): Remove.
- * lib/ebitset.c (struct ebitset_struct, ebitset, struct
- bitset_struct): Remove.
- * lib/lbitset.c (struct lbitset_struct, lbitset, bitset_struct):
- Likewise.
- Do not call a function of type T using a call that assumes the
- function is of a different type U. Standard C requires that a
- function must be called with a type that is compatible with its
- definition.
- * lib/bbitset.h (bitset_and_or_, bitset_andn_or_, bitset_or_and_):
- New decls.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_and_or_, bitset_andn_or_, bitset_or_and_):
- New functions.
- * lib/ebitset.c (PFV): Remove.
- * lib/lbitset.c (PFV): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_and, ebitset_andn, ebitset_or,
- ebitset_xor, ebitset_copy, ebitset_ones, ebitset_empty_p): New
- decls.
- (ebitset_and, ebitset_andn, ebitset_or, ebitset_xor): New functions.
- (ebitset_vtable): Use them.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_and, lbitset_andn, lbitset_or,
- lbitset_xor): New functions.
- (lbitset_vtable): Use them.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_next, bitset_prev, bitset_only_set_p):
- Declare.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc): Add a cast to (void *) to avoid a
- GCC warning.
- * lib/lbitset.c (LBITSET_CURRENT1): Likewise.
- Use offsetof, for simplicity.
-2002-10-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_reset): Do not assume that bitset_word is
- the same width as int. This reapplies a hunk of the 2002-08-12 patch
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2002-08/msg00007.html>,
- which was inadvertently undone by the 2002-09-30 patch.
- * lib/lbitset.c (debug_lbitset): Do not assume that bitset_word is
- the same width as int.
-2002-10-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.50.
- * configure.ac (AC_INIT), NEWS: Increment version number.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Minor spelling, grammar, and white space
- fixes.
- (Symbols): Mention that any negative value returned from yylex
- signifies end-of-input. Warn about negative chars. Mention
- the portable Standard C character set.
- The GNU coding standard says CFLAGS and YFLAGS are reserved
- for the installer to set.
- * lib/Makefile.am (AM_CFLAGS): Renamed from CFLAGS.
- * src/Makefile.am (AM_CFLAGS): Likewise.
- (AM_YFLAGS): Renamed from YFLAGS.
- Fix some MAX and MIN problems.
- * src/gram.h (ITEM_NUMBER_MIN): MIN_MAX -> INT_MIN.
- * src/lalr.h (GOTO_NUMBER_MAX): INT_MAX -> SHRT_MAX.
- * src/symtab.h (SYMBOL_NUMBER_MAX): New macro.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Use it.
- * tests/regression.at (Braces parsing): Use grep, not fgrep, as
- POSIX 1003.1-2001 has removed fgrep.
-2002-10-04 Michael Hayes <m.hayes@elec.canterbury.ac.nz>
- * lib/bbitset.h (BITSET_WINDEX_MAX): Redefine so that it cannot be
- interpreted as signed.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_list): Fix bug.
-2002-10-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- More fixes for 64-bit hosts and large bitsets.
- * lib/abitset.c (struct abitset_struct.n_bits, abitset_small_list,
- abitset_size, abitset_list, abitset_list_reverse, abitset_list):
- Use bitset_bindex, not int or unsigned int or size_t, to count bits.
- * lib/bbitset.h (struct bitset_vtable.size, struct bitset_vtable.count,
- struct bitset_vtable.list, struct bitset_vtable.list_reverse,
- bitset_count_, bitset_next, bitset_prev, bitset_first, bitset_last,
- bitset_count_): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_iterator.num, bitset_iterator.i,
- bitset_first, bitset_last): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_size, bitset_stats_list,
- bitset_stats_list_reverse, bitset_stats_size,
- bitset_stats_count, bitset_stats_list, bitset_stat_list_reverse):
- Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c (bitsetv_matrix_dump): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc, bitsetv_create, bitsetv_free,
- bitsetv_zero, bitsetv_ones, bitsetv_transitive_closure,
- bitsetv_reflexive_transitive_closure): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.h (bitsetv_alloc, bitsetv_create): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_size, ebitset_list, ebitset_list_reverse):
- Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_size, lbitset_list, lbitset_list_merge):
- Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_ones, abitset_zero, abitset_bytes):
- Use size_t, not unsigned int, to count bytes.
- * lib/abitset.h (abitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_bytes, bitset_alloc, bitset_obstack_alloc):
- Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_bytes, bitset_stats_init): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.h (bitset_stats_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.h (ebitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.h (lbitset_bytes): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_empty_p, abitset_not, abitset_equal_p,
- abitset_subset_p, abitset_disjoint_p, abitset_and,
- abitset_and_cmp, abitset_andn, abitset_andn_cmp, abitset_or,
- abitset_or_cmp, abitset_xor, abitset_xor_cmp, abitset_and_or,
- abitset_and_or_cmp, abitset_andn_or, abitset_andn_or_cmp,
- abitset_or_and, abitset_or_and_cmp):
- Use bitset_windex instead of unsigned int.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_dump, debug_bitsetv): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (struct ebitset_struct.size, ebitset_elts_grow,
- ebitset_elt_add, ebitset_elt_remove, ebitset_weed,
- ebitset_elt_find, ebitset_list_reverse, ebitset_list, ebitset_init):
- Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_ones, lbitset_not): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_print):
- Use proper printf formats for widths of integer types.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_percent_histogram_print,
- bitset_log_histogram_print, bitset_stats_print_1): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv-print.c (bitsetv_matrix_dump): Likewise.
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_dump, debug_bitsetv): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_bytes): Likewise.
- BITSET_SIZE_MAX): New macros.
- (BITSET_INDEX_MAX): Remove. It wasn't right, since it assumed that
- sizeof (bitset_word) == sizeof (bitset_windex). All uses changed
- * lib/bitset.c (bitset_next, bitset_prev, bitset_first,
- bitset_last): Return BITSET_BINDEX_MAX (not -1) for no value,
- since we now return the bitset_bindex type (not int).
- * lib/bitsetv.c (bitsetv_alloc): Check for arithmetic overflow
- when computing sizes.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_elts_grow): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_elt_find): Simplify windex calculation
- and avoid cast to unsigned.
-2002-09-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/abitset.c, lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h,
- * lib/bitset_stats.c, lib/bitsetv.c, lib/ebitset.c, lib/lbitset.c:
- Updates from Michael Hayes.
-2002-09-30 Art Haas <ahaas@neosoft.com>
- * configure.ac: Update AC_OUTPUT and AM_CONFIG_HEADER
- invocations.
- * tests/cxx-type.at (declarator): Don't rely on NDEBUG being not
- defined.
-2002-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.49c.
-2002-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.ac (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): We _need_ 1.7.
- (Because of AC_LIBSOURCE).
-2002-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Playing with Autoscan.
- * configure.ac: Remove the old LIBOBJ tweaks.
- (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): Add strrchr and strtol.
- * lib/strrchr.c: New.
- * lib/strtol.c: New, from the Coreutils 4.5.1.
-2002-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Playing with Autoscan.
- * m4/prereq.m4 (jm_PREREQ_ARGMATCH, jm_FUNC_ARGMATCH): New.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): No longer include
- argmatch.c and argmatch.h, since they are AC_LIBSOURCE'd.
- * lib/strcasecmp.c, lib/strncasecmp.c, lib/memcmp.c: New, from the
- Coreutils 4.5.1.
-2002-09-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Stack Overflow): xref to Recursion.
- (Frequently Asked Questions, Parser Stack Overflow): New.
-2002-09-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Playing with autoscan.
- * src/reader.c (get_merge_function): Use xstrdup, not strdup.
- * src/files.c (skeleton_find): Remove, unused.
- * m4/memcmp.m4: New, from the Coreutils 4.5.1.
- * m4/prereq.m4 (jm_PREREQ_QUOTEARG): Run jm_FUNC_MEMCMP.
-2002-09-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.ac (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): Require Automake 1.6.3.
- * Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Don't.
-2002-09-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.ac: Require 2.54.
- * m4/c-bs-a.m4, m4/malloc.m4, m4/mbstate_t.m4, m4/realloc.m4:
- Remove, provided by Autoconf macros.
-2002-09-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * m4/prereq.m4: Update, from Coreutils 4.5.1.
-2002-09-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * m4/prereq.m4: Update, from Fileutils 4.1.5.
- * configure.ac (jm_PREREQ_TEMPNAME): Invoke it.
- Reported by Martin Mokrejs.
-2002-09-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Associate a human readable string to each
- token type.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Adjust.
-2002-09-10 Gary V. Vaughan <gary@gnu.org>
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(srcdir)/package.m4): Bison now ships
- with an Autoconf-2.5x style configure.ac.
-2002-09-06 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Conditions): Make explicit that the GPL
- exception applies only to yacc.c. This is a modification of a
- patch originally suggested by Akim Demaille.
-2002-09-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_copyright): Move the GPL exception comment from
- here to...
- * data/yacc.c: here.
- * data/lalr1.cc (struct yyltype): Don't define it, since we use
- LocationType.
- (b4_ltype): Default to yy::Location from location.hh.
-2002-09-04 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
- * data/yacc.c: Guard the declaration of yytoknum also with
- `#ifdef YYPRINT', so it is declared only when used.
-2002-09-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Rename as...
- * configure.ac: this.
- Bump to 1.49c.
-2002-09-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/assoc.c, src/closure.c, src/gram.c, src/injections.c,
- * src/lalr.c, src/LR0.c, src/relation.c, src/tables.c: Don't
- translate maintainer only messages.
-2002-08-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Version 1.49b.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Remove intl.
- * NEWS: Mention that GNU M4 is now required. Clarify what is
- meant by "larger grammars". Mention the pt_BR translation.
- * configure.in (AC_CHECK_DECLS): Add getenv, getopt.
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): New macro, replacing GETTEXT_VERSION var.
- Bump version from 0.11.2 to 0.11.5.
- (AM_GNU_GETTEXT): Use external gettext.
- (AC_OUTPUT): Remove intl/Makefile.
- * config/depcomp, config/install-sh: Sync with Automake 1.6.3.
- * data/glr.c: Include string.h, for strlen.
- (yyreportParseError): Use size_t for yysize.
- (yy_yypstack): No longer nested inside yypstates, as nested
- functions are not portable. Do not assume size_t is the
- same width as int.
- (yypstates): Do not assume that ptrdiff_t is the same width
- as int, and similarly for yyposn and YYINDEX.
- * data/yacc.c: Fix comment about `$$ = $1': it can copy garbage.
- * lib/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Do not include from the intl
- directory, which has been removed.
- * src/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Likewise.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Add unlocked-io.h.
- (bitsets_sources, additional_bitsets_sources, timevars_sources):
- New vars.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Avoid +=, a GNU make extension.
- * tests/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_reverse_list, ebitset_reverse_list):
- Do not assume that bitset_windex is the same width as unsigned.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_unused_clear): Do not assume that
- bitset_word is the same width as int.
- * lib/bbitset.h (BITSET_INDEX_MAX, BITSET_MSB): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset.h (bitset_set, bitset_reset): Likewise.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_set, bitset_stats_reset): Likewise.
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_set, ebitset_reset): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_set, lbitset_reset): Likewise.
- * lib/abitset.c (abitset_op1): Use -1, not ~0, as memset arg (for
- portability to one's complement hosts!).
- * lib/ebitset.c (ebitset_op1): Likewise.
- * lib/lbitset.c (lbitset_op1): Likewise.
- * lib/argmatch.c, lib/quotearg.c, quotearg.h: Sync with GNU tar.
- * lib/argmatch.h, lib/basename.c, lib/dirname.c, lib/dirname.h,
- lib/hash.c, lib/hash.h, lib/strnlen.c, lib/xmalloc.c:
- Sync with fileutils.
- * lib/error.c, lib/getopt.c, lib/getopt.h, lib/getopt1.c,
- lib/gettext.h: Sync with diffutils.
- * lib/memrchr.c, lib/mkstemp.c, lib/strchr.c, lib/strnlen.c,
- lib/strspn.c, lib/tempname.c: Use GPL, not LGPL.
- * lib/obstack.c, lib/obstack.h: Sync with fileutils, except use
- PROTOTYPES to check for prototypes, and "defined __STDC__" to
- check for void *.
- * lib/bbitset.h (BITSET_WORD_BITS): Now of type unsigned, not
- size_t; the old version tried to do this but casted improperly.
- (bitset_bindex, bitset_windex): Now size_t, not unsigned long.
- (bitset_test): Now returns int, not unsigned long.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c: Include "gettext.h".
- (_): New macro.
- (bitset_stats_set, bitset_stats_reset, bitset_stats_test): Don't
- name locals "index", as it generates unnecessary warnings on some
- hosts that have an "index" function.
- * lib/bitset_stats.c (bitset_stats_print_1, bitset_stats_print,
- bitset_stats_read, bitset_stats_write): Wrap strings in _() if
- they need translation.
- * src/LR0.c (state_list_append, new_itemsets, get_state,
- append_states, generate_states): Likewise.
- * src/assoc.c (assoc_to_string): Likewise.
- * src/closure.c (print_closure, set_firsts, closure): Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_dump): Likewise.
- * src/injections.c (injections_compute): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (lookaheads_print): Likewise.
- * src/relation.c (relation_transpose): Likewise.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Likewise.
- * src/tables.c (table_grow, pack_vector): Likewise.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Remove codeset.m4,
- glibc21.m4, isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4, stage.m4.
- * m4/malloc.m4, m4/realloc.m4: Sync with diffutils.
- * m4/mbstate_t.m4: Sync with fileutils.
- * po/LINGUAS: Add pt_BR.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Add src/assoc.c, src/closure.c, src/gram.c,
- src/main.c, src/relation.c, src/state.c, lib/bitset_stats.c,
- lib/timevar.c.
- Use src/parse-gram.y instead of src/parse-gram.c, as the gettext
- manual recommends.
- Similarly, use src/scan-gram.l instead of src/scan-gram.c.
- * src/complain.c (strerror_r): Remove decl; not needed.
- (strerror): Use same pattern as ../lib/error.c.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (compute_header_macro): Remove; unused.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_dump): Do not assume ptrdiff_t fits in int.
- * src/main.c (main): Cast result of bindtextdomain and textdomain
- to void, to avoid a GCC warning when --disable-nls is in effect.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Use strings rather than escapes when possible,
- to minimize the number of warnings from xgettext.
- (handle_action_dollar, handle_action_at): Don't use isdigit,
- as it mishandles negative chars and it may not work as expected
- outside the C locale.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_get): Don't cast LHS of an assignment;
- this is a GCC extension and is not portable to other compilers.
- * src/system.h (alloca): Use same pattern as ../lib/error.c.
- Do not include <ctype.h>; no longer needed.
- Do not include <malloc.h>; no longer needed (and generates
- warnings on OpenBSD 3.0).
- * tests/cxx-type.at (yylex): Do not pass signed char to isupper;
- it's not portable.
- * tests/regression.at: Do not use 'cc -c input.c -o input';
- Sun C rejects this. Instead, use 'cc -c input.c -o input.o'.
- * tests/synclines.at (AC_SYNCLINES_COMPILE): Accept any nonzero
- exit status as failure, not just exit status 1. Sun C exits
- with status 2 sometimes.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_INCREASE_DATA_SIZE): New macro.
- Use it for the two large tests.
-2002-08-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_output): Don't output rules never
- reduced here, since anyway that computation doesn't work.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.h (rule_filter_t, rule_useful_p)
- (rule_useless_p, rule_never_reduced_p): New.
- (grammar_rules_partial_print): Use a filter instead of a range.
- Display the title only if needed.
- (grammar_rules_print): Adjust.
- (grammar_rules_never_reduced_report): New.
- * src/tables.c (action_row): Move the computation of rules never
- reduced to...
- (token_actions): here.
- * src/main.c (main): Make the parser before making the report, so
- that rules never reduced are computed.
- Call grammar_rules_never_reduced_report.
- * src/print.c (print_results): Report rules never reduced.
- * tests/conflicts.at, tests/reduce.at: Adjust.
-2002-08-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Instead of attaching lookaheads and duplicating the rules being
- reduced by a state, attach the lookaheads to the reductions.
- * src/state.h (state_t): Remove the `lookaheads',
- `lookaheads_rule' member.
- (reductions_t): Add a `lookaheads' member.
- Use a regular array for the `rules'.
- * src/state.c (reductions_new): Initialize the lookaheads member
- to 0.
- (state_rule_lookaheads_print): Adjust.
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (state_reductions_find): New.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict, set_conflicts)
- (count_rr_conflicts): Adjust.
- * src/lalr.c (LArule): Remove.
- (add_lookback_edge): Adjust.
- (state_lookaheads_count): New.
- (states_lookaheads_initialize): Merge into...
- (initialize_LA): this.
- (lalr_free): Adjust.
- * src/main.c (main): Don't free nullable and derives too early: it
- is used by --verbose.
- * src/print.c, src/print_graph.c, src/tables.c: Adjust.
-2002-08-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.h, src/derives.c (derives): A `rule_t***' instead of
- `rule_number_t**'.
- (set_derives, free_derives): Rename as...
- (derives_compute, derives_free): this.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable, free_nullable): Rename as...
- (nullable_compute, nullable_free): these.
- (rule_list_t): Store rule_t *, not rule_number_t.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_lookaheads_print): Directly compare rule
- pointers, instead of their numbers.
- * src/main.c (main): Call nullable_free, and derives_free earlier,
- as they were lo longer used.
-2002-08-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/timevar.c (get_time): Include children time.
- * src/lalr.h (LA, LArule): Don't export them: used with the
- state_t.
- * src/lalr.c (LA, LArule): Static.
- * src/lalr.h, src/lalr.c (lalr_free): New.
- * src/main.c (main): Call it.
- * src/tables.c (pack_vector): Check whether loc is >= to the
- table_size, not >.
- (pack_tables): Don't free froms, tos, conflict_tos, and pos...
- (tables_generate): do it, since that's also it which allocates
- them.
- Don't free LA and LArule, main does.
-2002-07-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Separate parser tables computation and output.
- * src/output.c (nvectors, base_t, base, base_ninf, conflict_table)
- (conflict_list, conflict_list_cnt, table, check, table_ninf)
- (yydefgoto, yydefact, high): Move to...
- * src/tables.h, src/tables.c: here.
- * src/output.c (vector_number_t, VECTOR_NUMBER_MAX)
- (VECTOR_NUMBER_MIN, state_number_to_vector_number)
- (symbol_number_to_vector_number, nvectors, BASE_MAX, BASE_MIN)
- (froms, tos, conflict_tos, tally, width, action_t, ACTION_MAX)
- (ACTION_MIN, actrow, order, nentries, pos, conflrow)
- (conflict_list_free, table_size, lowzero, table_grow, conflict_row)
- (action_row, save_row, token_actions, save_column, default_goto)
- (goto_actions, sort_actions, matching_state, pack_vector)
- (table_ninf_remap, pack_table, prepare_actions): Move to...
- * src/tables.c: here.
- * src/tables.h, src/tables.c(tables_generate, tables_free): New.
- * src/output.c (token_actions, output_base, output_conflicts)
- (output_check): Merge into...
- (prepare_actions): this.
- (actions_output): Rename as...
- (user_actions_output): this.
- * src/main.c (main): Call tables_generate and tables_free.
-2002-07-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Steal GCC's --time-report support.
- * lib/timevar.c, lib/timevar.h, lib/timevar.def: New,
- stolen/adjusted from GCC.
- * m4/stage.m4: Remove time related checks.
- * m4/timevar.m4: New.
- * configure.in: Adjust.
- * src/system.h: Adjust to using timevar.h.
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c: Support trace_time for
- --trace=time.
- * src/main.c (stage): Remove.
- (main): Replace `stage' invocations with timevar calls.
- * src/output.c: Insert pertinent timevar calls.
-2002-07-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let --trace have arguments.
- * src/getargs.h (enum trace_e): New.
- * src/getargs.c (trace_args, trace_types, trace_argmatch): New.
- (long_options, short_options): --trace/-T takes an optional
- argument.
- Change all the uses of trace_flag to reflect the new flags.
- * tests/sets.at (Firsts, Nullable, Broken Closure): Use --trace=sets.
- Strengthen `stage' portability.
- * m4/stage.m4 (BISON_PREREQ_STAGE): New.
- * configure.in: Use it.
- Don't check for malloc.h and sys/times.h.
- * src/system.h: Include them when appropriate.
- * src/main.c (stage): Compile only when mallinfo, struct mallinfo,
- times and struct tms are available.
-2002-07-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- In verbose parse error message, don't report `error' as an
- expected token.
- * tests/actions.at (Printers and Destructors): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.at (Calculator $1): Adjust.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.c: When making the verbose
- error message, do not report the parser accepts the error token in
- that state.
-2002-07-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Normalize conflict related messages.
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c (warn, complain): New.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Use them.
- (conflict_report_yacc): New, extracted from...
- (conflicts_print): here.
- * tests/conflicts.at, tests/existing.at: Adjust.
-2002-07-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Report rules which are never reduced by the parser: those hidden
- by conflicts.
- * src/LR0.c (save_reductions): Don't make the final state too
- different: save its reduction (accept) instead of having a state
- without any action (no shift or goto, no reduce).
- Note: the final state is now a ``regular'' state, i.e., the
- parsers now contain `reduce 0' as default reduction.
- Nevertheless, since they decide to `accept' when yystate =
- final_state, they still will not reduce rule 0.
- * src/print.c (print_actions, print_reduction): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (action_row): Track reduced rules.
- (token_actions): Report rules never reduced.
- * tests/conflicts.at, tests/regression.at: Adjust.
-2002-07-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- `stage' was accidently included in a previous patch.
- Initiate its autoconfiscation.
- * configure.in: Look for malloc.h and sys/times.h.
- * src/main.c (stage): Adjust.
- Report only when trace_flag.
-2002-07-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (transitions_t): Holds state_t*'s, not
- state_number_t.
- (errs_t): symbol_t*, not symbol_number_t.
- (reductions_t): rule_t*, not rule_number_t.
- * src/LR0.c, src/conflicts.c, src/lalr.c, src/output.c
- * src/print.c, src/print_graph.c: Adjust.
-2002-07-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use $accept and $end, as BYacc and BTYacc do, instead of $axiom and $.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (eoftoken, axiom): Rename as...
- (endtoken, accept): these.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Set endtoken's default tag to "$end".
- Set undeftoken's tag to "$undefined" instead of "$undefined.".
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Table of Symbols): Mention $accept and $end.
- Adjust.
-2002-07-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar): When the language is empty,
- complain about the start symbol, not the axiom.
- Use its location.
- * tests/reduce.at (Empty Language): New.
-2002-07-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (gram_error): ... can't get
- yycontrol without making too strong assumptions on the parser
- itself.
- * src/output.c (prepare_tokens): Use the real 0th value of
- token_translations instead of `0'.
- * src/parse-gram.y (yyerror): Don't rely on yycontrol being
- visible here.
- * data/yacc.c (yyreport_parse_error): Rename yylocation as yylloc
- for the time being: %locations ought to provide it to yyerror.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare_tokens): Go up to ntokens, not ntokens + 1.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): s/$illegal/$undefined./.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Stop storing rules from 1 to nrules + 1.
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.c, src/lalr.c
- * src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/reader.c
- * src/reduce.c: Allocate and free from &rules[0], not &rules[1].
- Iterate from 0 to nrules.
- Use rule_number_as_item_number and item_number_as_rule_number.
- Adjust to `derive' now containing possibly 0.
- * src/gram.h (rule_number_as_item_number, item_number_as_rule_number):
- Handle the `- 1' part in rule numbers from/to item numbers.
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Fix the message which reversed
- shift and reduce.
- * src/output.c (action_row): Initialize default_rule to -1.
- (token_actions): Adjust.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable, Firsts): Fix the previously bogus
- expected output.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Resolved SR Conflicts): Likewise.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_c_function, b4_c_ansi_args, b4_c_ansi_arg)
- (b4_c_knr_arg_names, b4_c_knr_arg_name, b4_c_knr_arg_decls)
- (b4_c_knr_arg_decl): New.
- * data/yacc.c: Use it to define yysymprint, yydestruct, and
- yyreport_parse_error.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (yyreport_parse_error): New, extracted from...
- (yyparse): here.
- (yydestruct, yysymprint): Move above yyparse.
- Be K&R compliant.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_ints_in, b4_int_type, b4_int_type_for): New,
- replace...
- (b4_sint_type, b4_uint_type): these.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Use b4_int_type_for.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-07-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (TIEM_NUMBER_MAX): New.
- (item_number_of_rule_number, rule_number_of_item_number): Rename
- as...
- (rule_number_as_item_number, item_number_as_rule_number): these.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/output.c (vector_number_t, VECTOR_NUMBER_MAX)
- (VECTOR_NUMBER_MIN, state_number_to_vector_number)
- (symbol_number_to_vector_number): New.
- (order): Of vector_number_t* type.
- (base_t, BASE_MAX, BASE_MIN): New.
- (froms, tos, width, pos, check): Of base_t type.
- (action_number_t, ACTION_MIN, ACTION_MAX): New.
- (actrow): Of action_number_t type.
- (conflrow): Of unsigned int type.
- (table_ninf, base_ninf): New.
- (GENERATE_MUSCLE_INSERT_TABLE): Also output the `*_min' value.
- (muscle_insert_int_table, muscle_insert_base_table)
- (muscle_insert_rule_number_table): New.
- (prepare_tokens): Output `toknum' as int_table.
- (action_row): Returns a rule_number_t.
- (token_actions): yydefact is rule_number_t*.
- (table_ninf_remap): New.
- (pack_table): Use it for `base' and `table'.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc (YYFLAG): Remove,
- replaced with...
- (yypact, yytable): Compute their types instead of hard-coded
- `short'.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-07-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (id): Can start with an underscore.
-2002-07-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/assoc.c, src/asssoc.h (assoc_t, assoc_to_string): New.
- Adjust all former `associativity' dependencies.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Default associativity is `undef', not
- `right'.
- (symbol_check_alias_consistence): Adjust.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Properly set the ``header'' part.
- Use @dircategory ``GNU programming tools'' as per Texinfo's
- documentation.
- Use @copying.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/quotearg.h: Protect against multiple inclusions.
- * src/location.h (location_t): Add a `file' member.
- * src/complain.c (warn_at, complain_at, fatal_at): Drop
- `error_one_per_line' support.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c (warn, complain): Remove, unused.
- * src/reader.c (lineno): Remove.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- (get_merge_function): Take a location and use complain_at.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_make_alias): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs, Mixing %token styles):
- Adjust.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (rules_or_grammar_declaration): Add an error
- recovery rule, and forbid extensions when --yacc.
- (gram_error): Use complain_at.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Exit if there were parse errors.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/synclines.at (AT_SYNCLINES_COMPILE): New.
- (AT_TEST_SYNCLINE): Adjust to unusual GCC outputs.
- Reported by R Blake <blakers@mac.com>.
-2002-07-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c: Output the copyright notive in the header.
-2002-07-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (froms, tos): Are state_number_t.
- (save_column): sp, sp1, and sp2 are state_number_t.
- (prepare): Rename `final' as `final_state_number', `nnts' as
- `nterms_number', `nrules' as `rules_number', `nstates' as
- `states_number', and `ntokens' as `tokens_number'. Remove `nsym',
- unused.
- * data/yacc.c, data/glr.c, data/lalr1.cc: Adjust.
- * data/lalr1.cc (nsym_): Remove, unused.
-2002-07-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h, src/lalr.c (goto_number_t): New.
- * src/lalr.c (goto_list_t): New.
- Propagate them.
- * src/nullable.c (rule_list_t): New.
- Propagate.
- * src/types.h: Remove.
-2002-07-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (print_fderives): Use rule_rhs_print.
- * src/derives.c (print_derives): Use rule_rhs_print.
- (rule_list_t): New, replaces `shorts'.
- (set_derives): Add comments.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable, Firsts): Adjust.
-2002-07-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare_actions): Free `tally' and `width'.
- (prepare_actions): Allocate and free `order'.
- * src/symtab.c (symbols_free): Free `symbols'.
- * src/scan-gram.l (scanner_free): Clear Flex's scanners memory.
- * src/output.c (m4_invoke): Move to...
- * src/scan-skel.l: here.
- (<<EOF>>): Close yyout, and free its name.
-2002-07-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Fix some memory leaks, and fix a bug: state 0 was examined twice.
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): Merge into...
- (state_list_append): this.
- (new_states): Merge into...
- (generate_states): here.
- (set_states): Don't ensure a proper `errs' state member here, do it...
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_solve): here.
- * src/state.h, src/state.c: Comment changes.
- (state_t): Rename member `shifts' as `transitions'.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- (errs_new): For consistency, also take the values as argument.
- (errs_dup): Remove.
- (state_errs_set): New.
- (state_reductions_set, state_transitions_set): Assert that no
- previous value was assigned.
- (state_free): New.
- (states_free): Use it.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Don't use an `errs_t' as
- temporary storage: use `errs' and `nerrs' as elsewhere.
- (set_conflicts): Allocate and free this `errs'.
-2002-07-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/libiberty.h: New.
- * lib: Update the bitset implementation from upstream.
- * src/closure.c, src/lalr.c, src/output.c, src/print_graph.c,
- * src/state.c: Use BITSET_FOR_EACH, not BITSET_EXECUTE.
- * src/main.c: Adjust bitset stats calls.
-2002-07-01 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/scan-gram.l (<SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER>): Convert to unsigned
- char, so that negative chars don't collide with $.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have the GLR tests be `warning' checked, and fix the warnings.
- * data/glr.c (YYFPRINTF): Always define it, not only when YYDEBUG
- (yyuserAction, yyreportAmbiguity): `Use' all the arguments.
- (yyremoveDeletes): `yyi' and `yyj' are size_t.
- Use YYFPRINTF when under if (YYDEBUG) to avoid empty `if' bodies.
- (yyaddDeferredAction): static.
- (yyglrReduce): yyi, yyk, amd yyposn are size_t.
- (yyreportParseError): yyprefix is const.
- yytokenp is used only when verbose.
- (yy__GNUC__): Replace with __GNUC__.
- (yypdumpstack): yyi is size_t.
- (yypreference): Un-yy local variables and arguments, to avoid
- clashes with `yyr1'. Anyway, we are not in the user name space.
- (yytname_size): be an int, as is compared with ints.
- * tests/testsuite.at (AT_COMPILE, AT_PARSER_CHECK): New.
- Use them.
- * tests/cxx-gram.at: Use quotation to protect $1.
- Use AT_COMPILE to enable warnings hunts.
- Prototype yylex and yyerror.
- `Use' argc.
- Include `string.h', not `strings.h'.
- Produce and prototype stmtMerge only when used.
- yylex takes a location.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- We spend a lot of time in quotearg, in particular when --verbose.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_get): Store a quoted version of the key.
- (symbol_tag_get, symbol_tag_get_n, symbol_tag_print): Remove.
- Adjust all callers.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (reductions_t): Rename member `nreds' as num.
- (errs_t): Rename members `nerrs' and `errs' as `num' and `symbols'.
- * src/state.c (ERRS_ALLOC, REDUCTIONS_ALLOC): Use the correct types.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (shift_t, SHIFT_SYMBOL, SHIFT_IS_SHIFT)
- (shifts_to): Rename as...
- (TRANSITION_IS_DISABLED, transitions_to): these.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c (print_shifts, print_gotos): Merge into...
- (print_transitions): this.
- (print_transitions, print_errs, print_reductions): Align the
- lookaheads columns.
- (print_core, print_transitions, print_errs, print_state,
- print_grammar): Output empty lines separator before, not after.
- (state_default_rule_compute): Rename as...
- (state_default_rule): this.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Defaulted Conflicted Reduction),
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts, Resolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers, Web2c Report): Adjust.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Display items as we display rules.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (rule_lhs_print): New.
- * src/gram.c (grammar_rules_partial_print): Use it.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Defaulted Conflicted Reduction),
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust and rename as...
- (Resolved SR Conflicts): this, as was meant.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Report): Adjust.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c (state_default_rule_compute): New, extracted from...
- (print_reductions): here.
- Pessimize, but clarify the code.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Defaulted Conflicted Reduction): New.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (action_row): Let default_rule be always a rule
- number.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (print_firsts, print_fderives, closure):
- * src/lalr.c (lookaheads_print): Likewise.
- * src/state.c (state_rule_lookaheads_print): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_reductions): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (action_row): Likewise.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c: Use report_flag.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (traverse, digraph, matrix_print, transpose): Move
- to...
- * src/relation.h, src/relation.c (traverse, relation_digraph)
- (relation_print, relation_transpose): New.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (shifts_to): New.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Use it.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_number_t, RULE_NUMBER_MAX, int_of_rule_number)
- (item_number_of_rule_number, rule_number_of_item_number): New.
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/derives.h,
- * src/gram.c, src/lalr.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c,
- * src/print_graph.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c, src/reduce.h:
- Propagate their use.
- Much remains to be done, in particular wrt `shorts' from types.h.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_new): Initialize the `printer' member.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (save_reductions): Remove, replaced by...
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (state_reductions_set): New.
- (reductions, errs): Rename as...
- (reductions_t, errs_t): these.
- Adjust all dependencies.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (state_list_t, state_list_append): New.
- (first_state, last_state): Now symbol_list_t.
- (this_state): Remove.
- (new_itemsets, append_states, save_reductions): Take a state_t as
- argument.
- (set_states, generate_states): Adjust.
- (save_shifts): Remove, replaced by...
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (state_shifts_set): New.
- (shifts): Rename as...
- (shifts_t): this.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/state.h (state_t): Remove the `next' member.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c (quote): Use slot 2, since we often pass symbol tag
- escaped in slot 0.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use hash.h for the state hash table.
- * src/LR0.c (STATE_HASH_SIZE, state_hash): Remove.
- (allocate_storage): Use state_hash_new.
- (free_storage): Use state_hash_free.
- (new_state, get_state): Adjust.
- * src/lalr.h, src/lalr.c (states): Move to...
- * src/states.h (state_t): Remove the `link' member, no longer
- used.
- * src/states.h, src/states.c: here.
- (state_hash_new, state_hash_free, state_hash_lookup)
- (state_hash_insert, states_free): New.
- * src/states.c (state_table, state_compare, state_hash): New.
- * src/output.c (output_actions): Do not free states now, since we
- still need to know the final_state number in `prepare', called
- afterwards. Do it...
- * src/main.c (main): here: call states_free after `output'.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (state_new): New, extracted from...
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): here.
- * src/state.h (STATE_ALLOC): Move to...
- * src/state.c: here.
- * src/LR0.h, src/LR0.c (nstates, final_state): Move to...
- * src/state.h, src/state.c: here.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (gensym): Rename as...
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (dummy_symbol_get): this.
- (getsym): Rename as...
- (symbol_get): this.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (state_number_t, STATE_NUMBER_MAX): New.
- * src/LR0.c, src/LR0.h, src/conflicts.c, src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h,
- * src/output.c, src/print.c, src/print_graph.c: Propagate.
- * src/LR0.h, src/LR0.h (final_state): Is a state_t*.
-2002-06-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Make the test suite pass with warnings checked.
- * tests/actions.at (Printers and Destructors): Improve.
- Avoid unsigned vs. signed issues.
- * tests/calc.at: Don't exercise the scanner here, do it...
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): here.
-2002-06-28 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/glr.c: Correct typo in Emacs-mode directive. Slightly
- reorganize first lines parallel to yacc.c.
-2002-06-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/c.m4 (b4_copyright, b4_sint_type, b4_uint_type, b4_token_define)
- (b4_token_enum, b4_token_defines): New, factored from...
- * data/lalr1.cc, data/yacc.c, glr.c: here.
-2002-06-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/yacc.c (yydestruct, yysymprint): Pacify GCC warnings for
- unused variables.
- * src/output.c (merger_output): static.
-2002-06-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.h: s/grammer_current_rule_merge_set/grammar_.../.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_total_count): `i' is unsigned, to
- pacify GCC.
- * src/output.c (save_row): Initialize all the variables to pacify GCC.
-2002-06-27 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- Accumulated changelog for new GLR parsing features.
- * src/conflicts.c (count_total_conflicts): Change name to
- conflicts_total_count.
- * src/conflicts.h: Ditto.
- * src/output.c (token_actions): Use the new name.
- (output_conflicts): Change conflp => conflict_list_heads, and
- confl => conflict_list for better readability.
- * data/glr.c: Use the new names.
- * NEWS: Add self to GLR announcement.
- * src/reader.c (free_merger_functions): Cleanup: XFREE->free.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (GLR Parsers): Make corrections suggested by
- Akim Demaille.
- * data/bison.glr: Change name to glr.c
- * data/glr.c: Renamed from bison.glr.
- * data/Makefile.am: Add glr.c
- * src/getargs.c:
- * src/symlist.h: Add dprec and merger fields to symbol_list_s.
- * src/symlist.c (symbol_list_new): Initialize dprec and merger fields.
- Originally 2002-06-16 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/bison.glr: Be sure to restore the
- current #line when returning to the skeleton contents after having
- exposed the input file's #line.
- Originally 2002-06-13 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/bison.glr: Bring up to date with changes to bison.simple.
- Originally 2002-06-03 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/bison.glr: Correct definitions that use b4_prefix.
- Various reformatting.
- (GLRStack): Make yychar (in YYPURE case) and yytokenp as part of stack.
- (yyreportParseError, yyrecoverParseError, yyprocessOneStack): remove
- yytokenp argument; now part of stack.
- (yychar): Define to behave as documented.
- (yyclearin): Ditto.
- Originally 2002-05-14 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/reader.h: Add declaration for free_merger_functions.
- * src/reader.c (merge_functions): New variable.
- (get_merge_function): New function.
- (free_merger_functions): New function.
- (readgram): Check for %prec that is not followed by a symbol.
- Handle %dprec and %merge declarations.
- (packgram): Initialize dprec and merger fields in rules array.
- * src/output.c (conflict_tos, conflrow, conflict_table, conflict_list,
- conflict_list_cnt, conflict_list_free): New variables.
- (table_grow): Also grow conflict_table.
- (prepare_rules): Output dprec and merger tables.
- (conflict_row): New function.
- (action_row): Output conflict lists for GLR parser. Don't use
- default reduction in conflicted states for GLR parser so that there
- are spaces for the conflict lists.
- (save_row): Also save conflict information.
- (token_actions): Allocate conflict list.
- (merger_output): New function.
- (pack_vector): Pack conflict table, too.
- (output_conflicts): New function to output yyconflp and yyconfl.
- (output_check): Allocate conflict_tos.
- (output_actions): Output conflict tables, also.
- (output_skeleton): Output b4_mergers definition.
- (prepare): Output b4_max_rhs_length definition.
- Use 'bison.glr' as default skeleton for GLR parsers.
- * src/gram.c (glr_parser): New flag.
- (grammar_free): Call free_merger_functions.
- * src/conflicts.c (count_rr_conflicts): Augment to optionally count
- all pairs of conflicting reductions, rather than just all tokens
- causing conflicts. Needed to size conflict tables.
- (conflicts_output): Modify call to count_rr_conflicts for new
- interface.
- (conflicts_print): Ditto.
- (count_total_conflicts): New function.
- * src/reader.h (merger_list): New type.
- (merge_functions): New variable.
- * src/lex.h (tok_dprec, tok_merge): New token types.
- * src/gram.h (rule_s): Add dprec and merger fields.
- (glr_parser): New flag.
- * src/conflicts.h (count_total_conflicts): New function.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Add %dprec, %merge, and %glr-parser.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Generalized LR Parsing): New section.
- (GLR Parsers): New section.
- (Language and Grammar): Mention GLR parsing.
- (Table of Symbols): Add %dprec, %glr-parser, %merge, GLR
- Correct typo ("tge" -> "the").
- * data/bison.glr: New skeleton for GLR parsing.
- * tests/cxx-gram.at: New tests for GLR parsing.
- * tests/testsuite.at: Include cxx-gram.at.
- * tests/Makefile.am: Add cxx-gram.at.
- * src/parse-gram.y:
- * src/scan-gram.l: Add %dprec, %glr-parser, %merge.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Grammar for %dprec, %merge, %glr-parser.
-2002-06-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/options.h, src/options.c: Remove.
- * src/getargs.c (short_options, long_options): New.
-2002-06-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Rename as...
- * data/yacc.c, data/lalr1.cc: these.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Environment Variables): Remove.
-2002-06-25 Raja R Harinath <harinath@cs.umn.edu>
- * src/getargs.c (report_argmatch): Initialize strtok().
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (b4_symbol_actions): New, replaces...
- (b4_symbol_destructor, b4_symbol_printer): these.
- (yysymprint): Be sure to call YYPRINT only for tokens, and using
- user token numbers.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (yydestructor): Rename as...
- (yydestruct): this.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_type_set)
- (symbol_destructor_set, symbol_precedence_set): The location is
- the last argument.
- Adjust all callers.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (YYPRINT, yyprint): Don't mess with the parser
- internals.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_prec_set):
- Takes a location.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_class_set)
- (symbol_user_token_number_set): Likewise.
- Adjust all callers.
- Promote complain_at.
- * tests/input.at (Type Clashes): Adjust.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (YYLEX): Fix the declaration when
- %pure-parser.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (yysymprint): Don't print the token number,
- just its name.
- * tests/actions.at (Destructors): Rename as...
- (Printers and Destructors): this.
- Also exercise %printer.
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (YYDSYMPRINT): New.
- Use it to remove many of the #if YYDEBUG/if (yydebug).
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_t): printer and
- printer_location are new members.
- (symbol_printer_set): New.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_PRINTER): New token.
- Handle its associated rule.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Adjust.
- (handle_destructor_at, handle_destructor_dollar): Rename as...
- (handle_symbol_code_at, handle_symbol_code_dollar): these.
- * src/output.c (symbol_printers_output): New.
- (output_skeleton): Call it.
- * data/bison.simple (yysymprint): New. Cannot be named yyprint
- since there are already many grammar files with a user `yyprint'.
- Replace the calls to YYPRINT to calls to yysymprint.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE): Remove YYPRINT: it was
- taking advantage of parser very internal details (stack size!).
-2002-06-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l: Complete the scanner with the missing patterns
- to pacify Flex.
- Use `quote' and `symbol_tag_get' where appropriate.
-2002-06-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at (Destructors): Augment to test locations.
- * data/bison.simple (yydestructor): Pass it the current location
- if locations are enabled.
- Prototype only when __STDC__ or C++.
- Change the argument names to move into the yy name space: there is
- user code here.
-2002-06-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (b4_pure_if): New.
- Use it instead of #ifdef YYPURE.
-2002-06-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (b4_location_if): New.
- Use it instead of #ifdef YYLSP_NEEDED.
-2002-06-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Prepare @$ in %destructor, but currently don't bind it in the
- skeleton, as %location use is not cleaned up yet.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_dollar, handle_destructor_at)
- (handle_action_at): New.
- (handle_at, handle_action_dollar, handle_destructor_dollar): Take
- a braced_code_t and a location as additional arguments.
- (handle_destructor_dollar): Instead of requiring `b4_eval', just
- unquote one when outputting `b4_dollar_dollar'.
- Adjust callers.
- * data/bison.simple (b4_eval): Remove.
- (b4_symbol_destructor): Adjust.
- * tests/input.at (Invalid @n): Adjust.
-2002-06-19 Zack Weinberg <zack@codesourcery.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document ability to have multiple
- prologue sections.
-2002-06-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (compute_base_names): When computing the output file
- names from the input file name, strip the directory part.
-2002-06-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple.new: Comment changes.
- Reported by Andreas Schwab.
-2002-06-18 Matt Kraai <kraai@alumni.cmu.edu>
- * data/bison.simple (yyoverflowlab): #ifndef yyoverflow, so that
- there are no `label `yyoverflowlab' defined but not used' warnings
- when yyoverflow is defined.
-2002-06-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_t): destructor_location is a
- new member.
- (symbol_destructor_set): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (symbol_destructors_output): Output the destructor
- locations.
- Output the symbol name.
- * data/bison.simple (b4_symbol_destructor): Adjust.
-2002-06-18 Cris Bailiff <c.bailiff@awayweb.com>
- and Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple.new (yyerrlab1): Be sure to pop and destroy
- what's left on the stack when the error recovery hits EOF.
- * tests/actions.at (Destructors): Complete to exercise this case.
-2002-06-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 (m4_map): Recognize when the list of
- arguments is really empty, not only equal to `[]'.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_t): `destructor' is a new
- member.
- (symbol_destructor_set): New.
- * src/output.c (symbol_destructors_output): New.
- * src/reader.h (brace_code_t, current_braced_code): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (BRACED_CODE): Use it to branch on...
- (handle_dollar): Rename as...
- (handle_action_dollar): this.
- (handle_destructor_dollar): New.
- * src/parse-gram.y (PERCENT_DESTRUCTOR): New.
- (grammar_declaration): Use it.
- * data/bison.simple (yystos): Is always defined.
- (yydestructor): New.
- * tests/actions.at (Destructors): New.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Don't rely on egrep.
-2002-06-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_length): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_dollar, handle_at): Compute the
- rule_length only when needed.
- * src/output.c (actions_output, token_definitions_output): Output
- the full M4 block.
- * src/symtab.c: Don't access directly to the symbol tag, use
- symbol_tag_get.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use symbol_list_free.
-2002-06-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (symbol_list, symbol_list_new)
- (symbol_list_prepend, get_type_name): Move to...
- * src/symlist.h, src/symlist.c (symbol_list_t, symbol_list_new)
- (symbol_list_prepend, symbol_list_n_type_name_get): here.
- Adjust all callers.
- (symbol_list_free): New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (handle_dollar): Takes a location.
- * tests/input.at (Invalid $n): Adjust.
-2002-06-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (symbol_list_new): Export it.
- (symbol_list_prepend): New.
- * src/parse-gram.y (%union): `list' is a new member.
- (symbols.1): New, replaces...
- (terms_to_prec.1, nterms_to_type.1): these.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_type_set, symbol_precedence_set)
- Take a location as additional argument.
- Adjust all callers.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y: Move %token in the declaration section so that
- we don't depend upon CVS Bison.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (state_rule_lookaheads_print): New.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Use it.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Accept the rule involved in
- the sr conflicts instead of the lookahead number that points to
- that rule.
- (flush_reduce): Accept the current lookahead vector as argument,
- instead of the index in LA.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Accept the current number of lookahead
- bitset to consider for the STATE, instead of the index in LA.
- (set_conflicts): Adjust.
- * src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/state.h: Comment changes.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (state_t): Replace the `lookaheadsp' member, a
- short, with `lookaheads' (bitsetv), `lookaheads_rule' (rule_t**).
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_lookaheads): Split into...
- (states_lookaheads_count, states_lookaheads_initialize): these.
- (lalr): Adjust.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (grammar_rules_partial_print): New, eved
- out of...
- (grammar_rules_print): here.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_output): Use it.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Rules, Reduced Automaton)
- (Underivable Rules): Adjust.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Copy BYacc's nice way to report the grammar.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (grammar_rhs_print, grammar_rules_print):
- New.
- Don't print the rules' location, it is confusing and useless.
- (rule_print): Use grammar_rhs_print.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Use grammar_rules_print.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Complete and rationalize `useless thing' warnings.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_tag_get, symbol_tag_get_n)
- (symbol_tag_print): New.
- Use them everywhere in place of accessing directly the tag member.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (rule_print): New.
- Use it where a rule used to be printed `by hand'.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Report the use nonterminals.
- (reduce_grammar_tables): Report the useless rules.
- (reduce_print): Useless things are a warning, not an error.
- Report it as such.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Nonterminals, Useless Rules):
- (Reduced Automaton, Underivable Rules): Adjust.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Report, Web2c Report): Adjust.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unresolved SR Conflicts)
- (Solved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let symbols have a location.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_t): Location is a new member.
- (getsym): Adjust.
- Adjust all callers.
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c (complain_at, fatal_at, warn_at):
- Use location_t, not int.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_check_defined): Take advantage of the
- location.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid inputs): Adjust.
-2002-06-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (YYLLOC_DEFAULT, current_lhs_location): New.
- (input): Don't try to initialize yylloc here, do it in the
- scanner.
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_USER_INIT): Initialize yylloc.
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): Change line and action_line into location
- and action_location, of location_t type.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/location.h, src/location.c (empty_location): New.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (grammar_start_symbol_set)
- (grammar_symbol_append, grammar_rule_begin, grammar_rule_end)
- (grammar_current_rule_symbol_append)
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Expect a location as argument.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_midrule_action): Adjust to attach an
- action's location as dummy symbol location.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (startsymbol_location): New.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Report, Rule Line Numbers): Adjust
- the line numbers.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Grammar declarations may be found in the grammar section.
- * src/parse-gram.y (rules_or_grammar_declaration): New.
- (declarations): Each declaration may end with a semicolon, not
- just...
- (grammar_declaration): `"%union"'.
- (grammar): Branch to rules_or_grammar_declaration.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): Invoke scanner_free.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (m4_invoke): Extracted from...
- (output_skeleton): here.
- Free tempfile.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-gram.y (directives, directive, gram)
- (grammar_directives, precedence_directives, precedence_directive):
- Rename as...
- (declarations, declaration, grammar, grammar_declaration)
- (precedence_declaration, precedence_declarator): these.
- (symbol_declaration): New.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (action_obstack): Remove, unused.
- (output_obstack): Remove it, and all its dependencies, as it is no
- longer needed.
- * src/reader.c (epilogue_set): Build the epilogue in the
- muscle_obstack.
- * src/output.h, src/output.c (muscle_obstack): Move to...
- * src/muscle_tab.h, src/muscle_tab.h: here.
- (muscle_init): Initialize muscle_obstack.
- (muscle_free): New.
- * src/main.c (main): Call it.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/location.h: New, extracted from...
- * src/reader.h: here.
- * src/Makefile.am (noinst_HEADERS): Merge into
- (bison_SOURCES): this.
- Add location.h.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use location_t instead of Bison's.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (prologue_augment, epilogue_set):
- Use location_t instead of ints.
-2002-06-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Be sure to restore the
- current #line when returning to the skeleton contents after having
- exposed the input file's #line.
-2002-06-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (SC_BRACED_CODE): Don't use `<.*>', it is too
- eager.
- * tests/actions.at (Exotic Dollars): New.
-2002-06-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (SC_PROLOGUE): Don't eat characters amongst
- ['"/] too eagerly.
- * tests/input.at (Torturing the Scanner): New.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_OBS_INIT): Remove, replace with...
- [SC_EPILOGUE]: Output the quadrigraphs only when not in a comment.
- * src/reader.h, src/scan-gram.l (scanner_initialize): this.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Use it.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_OBS_FINISH): Don't set yylval.
- Adjust all callers.
- (scanner_last_string_free): New.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_INIT, YY_GROW, YY_FINISH): Rename as...
- (last_string, YY_OBS_FREE): New.
- Use them when returning an ID.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Have Bison grammars parsed by a Bison grammar.
- * src/reader.c, src/reader.h (prologue_augment): New.
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition): Remove.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (gram_start_symbol_set, prologue_augment)
- (grammar_symbol_append, grammar_rule_begin, grammar_midrule_action)
- (grammar_current_rule_prec_set, grammar_current_rule_check)
- (grammar_current_rule_symbol_append)
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): Export.
- * src/parse-gram.y (symbol_list_new, symbol_list_symbol_append_
- (symbol_list_action_append): Remove.
- Hook the routines from reader.
- * src/scan-gram.l: In INITIAL, characters and strings are tokens.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Remove, unused.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Handle the epilogue.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (gram_start_symbol_set): Rename as...
- (grammar_start_symbol_set): this.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Be sure to ``use'' yycontrol to keep GCC quiet.
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Remove, unused.
- (reader): Adjust to insert eoftoken and axiom where appropriate.
- * src/reader.c (copy_dollar): Replace with...
- * src/scan-gram.h (handle_dollar): this.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Remove `%thong'.
- * src/reader.c (copy_at): Replace with...
- * src/scan-gram.h (handle_at): this.
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c (warn_at, complain_at, fatal_at):
- New.
- * src/scan-gram.l (YY_LINES): Keep lineno synchronized for the
- time being.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (grammar_rule_end): New.
- * src/parse.y (current_type, current_class): New.
- Implement `%nterm', `%token' support.
- Merge `%term' into `%token'.
- (string_as_id): New.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_make_alias): Don't pass the
- type name.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Be sure to handle properly the beginning of
- rules.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Handle %type.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_rule_end): Call grammar_current_rule_check.
- * src/parse-gram.y: More directives support.
- * src/options.c: No longer handle source directives.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Fix %output.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Handle %union.
- Use the prologue locations.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Remove.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (epilogue_set): New.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Use it.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: b4_stype is now either not
- defined, then default to int, or to the contents of %union,
- without `union' itself.
- Adjust.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Don't predefine `stype'.
- * src/output.c (actions_output): Don't output braces, as they are
- already handled by the scanner.
- * src/scan-gram.l (SC_CHARACTER): Set the user_token_number of
- characters to themselves.
- * tests/reduce.at (Reduced Automaton): End the grammars with %% so
- that the epilogue has a proper #line.
- * src/parse-gram.y: Handle precedence/associativity.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_precedence_set): Requires the symbol to be
- a terminal.
- * src/scan-gram.l (SC_BRACED_CODE): Catch strings and characters.
- * tests/calc.at: Do not use `%token "foo"' as it makes not sense
- at all to define terminals that cannot be emitted.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Escape M4 characters.
- * src/scan-gram.l: Working properly with escapes in user
- strings/characters.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_TRIANGULAR_GRAMMAR)
- grammar.
- Use more modest sizes, as for the time being the parser does not
- release memory, and therefore the process swallows a huge amount
- of memory.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_LOOKAHEADS_GRAMMAR): Adjust to the
- stricter %token grammar.
- * src/symtab.h (associativity): Add `undef_assoc'.
- (symbol_precedence_set): Do nothing when passed an undef_assoc.
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_check_alias_consistence): Adjust.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid %directive): Remove, as it is now
- meaningless.
- (Invalid inputs): Adjust to the new error messages.
- (Token definitions): The new grammar doesn't allow too many
- eccentricities.
- * src/lex.h, src/lex.c: Remove.
- * src/reader.c (lastprec, skip_to_char, read_signed_integer)
- (copy_character, copy_string2, copy_string, copy_identifier)
- (copy_comment, parse_token_decl, parse_type_decl, parse_assoc_decl)
- (parse_muscle_decl, parse_dquoted_param, parse_skel_decl)
- (parse_action): Remove.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Adjust.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_action): Don't store directly into the
- rule's action member: return the action as a string.
- Don't require `rule_length' as an argument: compute it.
- (grammar_current_rule_symbol_append)
- (grammar_current_rule_action_append): New, eved out from
- (readgram): here.
- Remove `action_flag', `rulelength', unused now.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_current_rule_prec_set).
- (grammar_current_rule_check): New, eved out from...
- (readgram): here.
- Remove `xaction', `first_rhs': useless.
- * tests/input.at (Type clashes): New.
- * tests/existing.at (GNU Cim Grammar): Adjust.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_midrule_action): New, Eved out from
- (readgram): here.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_rule_begin, previous_rule, current_rule):
- New.
- (readgram): Use them as replacement of inlined code, crule and
- crule1.
-2002-06-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (grammar_end, grammar_symbol_append): New.
- (readgram): Use them.
- Make the use of `p' as local as possible.
-2002-06-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- GCJ's parser requires the tokens to be defined before the prologue.
- * data/bison.simple: Output the token definition before the user's
- prologue.
- * tests/regression.at (Braces parsing, Duplicate string)
- (Mixing %token styles): Check the output from bison.
- (Early token definitions): New.
-2002-06-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c (symbol_user_token_number_set): Don't complain when
- assigning twice the same user number to a token, so that we can
- use it in...
- * src/lex.c (lex): here.
- Also use `symbol_class_set' instead of hand written code.
- * src/reader.c (parse_assoc_decl): Likewise.
-2002-06-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c, src/symtab.c (symbol_class_set)
- (symbol_user_token_number_set): New.
- * src/reader.c (parse_token_decl): Use them.
- Use a switch instead of ifs.
- Use a single argument.
-2002-06-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove `%thong' support as it is undocumented, unused, duplicates
- `%token's job, and creates useless e-mail traffic with people who
- want to know what it is, why it is undocumented, unused, and
- duplicates `%token's job.
- * src/reader.c (parse_thong_decl): Remove.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Remove "thong".
- * src/lex.h (tok_thong): Remove.
-2002-06-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c, src/symtab.c (symbol_type_set)
- (symbol_precedence_set): New.
- * src/reader.c (parse_type_decl, parse_assoc_decl): Use them.
- (value_components_used): Remove, unused.
-2002-06-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Move symbols handling code out of the reader.
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (errtoken, undeftoken, eoftoken)
- (axiom): Move to...
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c: here.
- * src/gram.c (start_symbol): Remove: use startsymbol->number.
- * src/reader.c (startval): Rename as...
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (startsymbol): this.
- * src/reader.c: Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_check_defined, symbol_make_alias)
- (symbol_check_alias_consistence, symbol_pack, symbol_translation)
- (token_translations_init)
- Move to...
- * src/symtab.c: here.
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols): Move to...
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbols_pack): here.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (symbol_make_alias): Takes SYMVAL as
- argument.
-2002-06-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_insert, muscle_find): Declarations,
- then statements.
-2002-06-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_find, muscle_insert): Don't initialize
- structs with non literals.
- * src/scan-skel.l: never-interactive.
- * src/conflicts.c (enum conflict_resolution_e): No trailing
- comma.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Split long literal strings.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
-2002-05-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Use C++ ostreams.
- (cdebug_): New member.
-2002-05-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Be sure to allocate enough room
- for `/' _and_ for `\0' in full_skeleton.
-2002-05-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Catch up with bison.simple:
- 2002-05-24 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- and Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>: `error' handing.
- 2002-05-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>: stos_, token_number_,
- and popping traces.
-2002-05-27 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Put an explicit path in front of
- the skeleton file name, rather than relying on the -I directory,
- to partially alleviate effects of having a skeleton file lying around
- in the current directory.
-2002-05-27 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Correct typo:
- obstack_printf should be obstack_fgrow1.
-2002-05-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (state_t): `solved_conflicts' is a new member.
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): Set it to 0.
- * src/conflicts.h, src/conflicts.c (print_conflicts)
- (free_conflicts, solve_conflicts): Rename as...
- (conflicts_print, conflicts_free, conflicts_solve): these.
- Adjust callers.
- * src/conflicts.c (enum conflict_resolution_e)
- (solved_conflicts_obstack): New, used by...
- (log_resolution): this.
- Adjust to attach the conflict resolution to each state.
- Complete the description with the precedence/associativity
- information.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Adjust.
- * src/print.c (print_state): Output its solved_conflicts.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Unresolved SR Conflicts)
- (Solved SR Conflicts): Exercise --report=all.
-2002-05-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/lalr.c,
- * src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/print_graph.c,
- * src/reader.c, src/reduce.c, src/state.h, src/symtab.h
- (token_number_t, item_number_as_token_number)
- (token_number_as_item_number, muscle_insert_token_number_table):
- Rename as...
- (symbol_number_t, item_number_as_symbol_number)
- (symbol_number_as_item_number, muscle_insert_symbol_number_table):
- these, since it is more appropriate.
-2002-05-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Adjust: there are now additional
- `Error:' lines.
- * data/bison.simple (yystos) [YYDEBUG]: New.
- (yyparse) [YYDEBUG]: Display the symbols which are popped during
- error recovery.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust: yystos is output now.
-2002-05-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Debugging): Split into...
- (Tracing): this new section, its former contents, and...
- (Understanding): this new section.
- * src/getargs.h, src/getargs.c (verbose_flag): Remove, replaced
- by...
- (report_flag): this.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- (report_args, report_types, report_argmatch): New.
- (usage, getargs): Report/support -r, --report.
- * src/options.h
- (struct option_table_struct): Rename as..,
- (struct option_table_s): this.
- Rename the `set_flag' member to `flag' to match with getopt_long's
- struct.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Split verbose into an entry for
- %verbose, and another for --verbose.
- Support --report/-r, so remove -r from the obsolete --raw.
- * src/print.c: Attach full item sets and lookaheads reports to
- report_flag instead of trace_flag.
- * lib/argmatch.h, lib/argmatch.c: New, from Fileutils 4.1.
-2002-05-24 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- and Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/bison.simple (yyparse): Correct error handling to conform to
- POSIX and yacc. Specifically, after syntax error is discovered,
- do not reduce further before shifting the error token.
- Clean up the code a bit by removing the labels yyerrdefault,
- yyerrhandle, yyerrpop.
- * NEWS: Document the above.
-2002-05-20 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * data/bison.simple (yyr1): Don't use yy_token_number_type as element
- type; it isn't always big enough, since it doesn't necessarily
- include non-terminals.
- (yytranslate): Expand definition of yy_token_number_type, so that
- the latter can be removed.
- (yy_token_number_type): Remove, only one use.
- * data/bison.c++ (r1_): Parallel change to yyr1 in bison.simple---
- don't use TokenNumberType as element type.
- * tests/regression.at: Modify expected output to agree with change
- to yyr1 and yytranslate.
-2002-05-13 Florian Krohm <florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com>
- * src/reader.c (parse_action): Use copy_character instead of
- obstack_1grow.
-2002-05-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): Prototype yylex and
- yyerror.
-2002-05-12 Paul Hilfinger <Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
- * src/scan-skel.l: Correct off-by-one error in handling of __oline__.
- * data/bison.simple (b4_sint_type, b4_uint_type): Correct to reflect
- 32-bit arithmetic.
- * data/bison.c++ (b4_sint_type, b4_uint_type): Ditto.
-2002-05-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/synclines.at: Be sure to prototype yylex and yyerror to
- avoid GCC warnings.
-2002-05-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Kill GCC warnings.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Don't loop over RITEM: loop
- over the RHS of each rule.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (nritems): Is `unsigned int', not int.
- * src/state.h (state_t): Member `nitems' is unsigned short.
- * src/LR0.c (get_state): Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (GENERATE_MUSCLE_INSERT_TABLE): `max' is of type
- `Type'.
- (muscle_insert_int_table): Remove, unused.
- (prepare_rules): Remove `max'.
-2002-05-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (print_firsts): Display of the symbol tags.
- (bitmatrix_print): Move to...
- * lib/bitsetv-print.h, lib/bitsetv-print.c (bitsetv_matrix_dump):
- here.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable, Broken Closure, Firsts): Adjust.
-2002-05-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_m4_output): Must return TRUE for
- hash_do_for_each.
-2002-05-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_state, get_state): Instead of using the global
- `kernel_size' and `kernel_base', have two new arguments:
- `core_size' and `core'.
- Adjust callers.
-2002-05-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (packgram): No longer end `ritem' with a 0
- sentinel: it is not used.
-2002-05-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- New experimental feature: display the lookaheads in the report and
- graph.
- * src/print (print_core): When --trace-flag, display the rules
- lookaheads.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Likewise.
- Swap the arguments.
- Adjust caller.
-2002-05-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/torture.at (Many lookaheads): New test.
-2002-05-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (GENERATE_OUTPUT_TABLE): Replace with...
- (output_int_table, output_unsigned_int_table, output_short_table)
- (output_token_number_table, output_item_number_table): Replace with...
- (muscle_insert_int_table, muscle_insert_unsigned_int_table)
- (muscle_insert_short_table, muscle_insert_token_number_table)
- (muscle_insert_item_number_table): these.
- Adjust all callers.
- (prepare_tokens): Don't free `translations', since...
- * src/reader.h, src/reader.c (grammar_free): do it.
- Move to...
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (grammar_free): here.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: b4_token_number_max is now
- b4_translate_max.
-2002-05-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_unsigned_int_table): New.
- (prepare_rules): `i' is unsigned.
- `prhs', `rline', `r2' are unsigned int.
- Rename muscle `rhs_number_max' as `rhs_max'.
- Output muscles `prhs_max', `rline_max', and `r2_max'.
- Free rline and r1.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Adjust to use these muscles
- to compute types instead of constant types.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-05-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h (SALIAS, SUNDEF): Rename as...
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/output.c (token_definitions_output): Be sure not to output a
- `#define 'a'' when fed with `%token 'a' "a"'.
- * tests/regression.at (Token definitions): New.
-2002-05-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/bison.simple (b4_token_defines): Also define YYTOKENTYPE
- for K&R C.
-2002-05-03 gettextize <bug-gnu-gettext@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Remove intl.
- (EXTRA_DIST): Add config/config.rpath.
-2002-05-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (m4_if): Don't output empty enums.
- And actually, output valid enum definitions :(.
-2002-05-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.bat: Remove, completely obsolete.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Adjust.
- Don't distribute config.rpath...
- * config/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Do it.
-2002-05-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in (GETTEXT_VERSION): New.
- Suggested by Bruno Haible for the forthcoming Gettext 0.10.3.
-2002-05-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (b4_token_enum): New.
- (b4_token_defines): Use it to output tokens both as #define and
- enums.
- Suggested by Paul Eggert.
- * src/output.c (token_definitions_output): Don't output spurious
- white spaces.
-2002-05-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Update from CVS Autoconf.
-2002-05-02 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Adapt expansion of $s and @s to the C++ parser.
- Update the stack class, give a try to deque as the default container.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (yyparse): Do not implement @$ = @1.
- (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Adjust to do it.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Default Action): Fix.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_braces): Merge into...
- (parse_action): this.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): Remove.
- * po/LINGUAS, hr.po: New.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove the so called hairy (semantic) parsers.
- * src/system.h (EXT_GUARD_C, EXT_STYPE_H): Remove.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (semantic_parser): Remove.
- (rule_t): Remove the guard and guard_line members.
- * src/lex.h (token_t): remove tok_guard.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Remove %guard and %semantic_parser
- support.
- * src/output.c, src/output.h (guards_output): Remove.
- (prepare): Adjust.
- (token_definitions_output): Don't output the `T'
- tokens (???).
- (output_skeleton): Don't output the guards.
- * src/files.c, src/files.c (attrsfile): Remove.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_list): Remove the guard and guard_line
- members.
- Adjust dependencies.
- (parse_guard): Remove.
- * data/bison.hairy: Remove.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Environment Variables): Remove occurrences of
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_at, copy_dollarm parse_braces, parse_action)
- (parse_guard): Rename the formal argument `stack_offset' as
- `rule_length', which is more readable.
- Adjust callers.
- (copy_at, copy_dollar): Instead of outputting the hard coded
- values of $$, $n and so forth, output invocation to b4_lhs_value,
- b4_lhs_location, b4_rhs_value, and b4_rhs_location.
- Note: this patch partially drops `semantic-parser' support: it
- always does `rule_length - n', where semantic parsers ought to
- always use `-n'.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++ (b4_lhs_value)
- (b4_lhs_location, b4_rhs_value, and b4_rhs_location: New.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in (AC_INIT): Bump to 1.49b.
- (AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE): Short invocation.
-2002-05-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.49a.
-2002-05-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/skeleton.h: Remove.
-2002-05-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/skeleton.h: Fix the #endif.
- Reported by Magnus Fromreide.
-2002-04-26 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Define if we define YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE, respectively.
- (YYCOPY): Fix [] quoting problem in the non-GCC case.
-2002-04-25 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/scan-skel.l: Postprocess quadrigraphs.
- * src/reader.c (copy_character): New function, used to output
- single characters while replacing `[' and `]' with quadrigraphs, to
- avoid troubles with M4 quotes.
- (copy_comment): Output characters with copy_character.
- (read_additionnal_code): Likewise.
- (copy_string2): Likewise.
- (copy_definition): Likewise.
- * tests/calc.at: Exercise M4 quoting.
-2002-04-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/sets.at (AT_EXTRACT_SETS): Sed portability issue: no space
- between `!' and the command.
- Reported by Paul Eggert.
-2002-04-24 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Exercise prologue splitting.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Use `b4_pre_prologue' and
- `b4_post_prologue' instead of `b4_prologue'.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Add the `pre_prologue' and `post_prologue'
- muscles.
- (output): Free pre_prologue_obstack and post_prologue_obstack.
- * src/files.h, src/files.c (attrs_obstack): Remove.
- (pre_prologue_obstack, post_prologue_obstack): New.
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition): Add a parameter to specify the
- obstack to fill, instead of using attrs_obstack unconditionally.
- (read_declarations): Pass pre_prologue_obstack to copy_definition if
- `%union' has not yet been seen, pass post_prologue_obstack otherwise.
-2002-04-23 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * data/bison.simple: Remove unnecessary commentary and white
- space differences from 1_29-branch.
- Depend on YYERROR_VERBOSE, not defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE).
- YYSTACK_RELOCATE): Do not define if yyoverflow is defined, or
- if this is a C++ parser and YYSTYPE or YYLTYPE has nontrivial
- constructors or destructors.
- (yyparse) [! defined YYSTACK_RELOCATE]: Do not relocate the stack.
-2002-04-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/sets.at (AT_EXTRACT_SETS): Don't use 8 char long sed labels.
- * tests/synclines.at (AT_TEST_SYNCLINE): Be robust to GCC's
- location with columns.
- * tests/conflicts.at (%nonassoc and eof): Don't use `error.h'.
- All reported by Paul Eggert.
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (dump_grammar): Move to...
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (grammar_dump): here.
- Be sure to separate long item numbers.
- Don't read the members of a rule's prec if its nil.
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (table_size, table_grow): New.
- (MAXTABLE): Remove, replace uses with table_size.
- (pack_vector): Instead of dying when the table is too big, grow it.
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.simple (yyr1): Its type is that of a token number.
- * data/bison.c++ (r1_): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (token_translations_init): 256 is now the default
- value for the error token, i.e., it will be assigned another
- number if the user assigned 256 to one of her tokens.
- (reader): Don't force 256 to error.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Symbols): Adjust.
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_HORIZONTAL_GRAMMAR)
- (AT_DATA_TRIANGULAR_GRAMMAR): Number the tokens as 1, 2, 3
- etc. instead of 10, 20, 30 (which was used to `jump' over error
- (256) and undefined (2)).
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Propagate more token_number_t.
- * src/gram.h (token_number_as_item_number)
- (item_number_as_token_number): New.
- * src/output.c (GENERATE_OUTPUT_TABLE): New.
- Use it to create output_item_number_table and
- output_token_number_table.
- * src/LR0.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/lalr.c,
- * src/lex.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c,
- * src/print_graph.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c, src/state.h,
- * src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h: Use token_number_t instead of shorts.
-2002-04-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.h, src/output.c (get_lines_number): Remove.
-2002-04-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Actions): Make clear that `|' is not the same
- as Lex/Flex'.
- (Debugging): More details about enabling the debugging features.
- (Table of Symbols): Describe $$, $n, @$, and @n.
- Suggested by Tim Josling.
-2002-04-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Remove the uses of the obsolete @refill.
-2002-04-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Rely on HAVE_LIMITS_H.
- Suggested by Paul Eggert.
-2002-04-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Receive as argument the
- full stderr, and strip it according to the bison options, instead
- of composing the error message from different bits.
- This makes it easier to check for several error messages.
- Adjust all the invocations.
- Add an invocation exercising the error token.
- Add an invocation demonstrating a stupid error message.
- (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Follow the GCS: initial column is 1, not 0.
- Adjust the tests.
- Error message are for stderr, not stdout.
-2002-04-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (error_token_number): Remove, use
- errtoken->number.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Don't specify the user token number (2)
- for $undefined, as it uselessly prevents using it.
- * src/gram.h (token_number_t): Move to...
- * src/symtab.h: here.
- (state_t.number): Is a token_number_t.
- * src/print.c, src/reader.c: Use undeftoken->number instead of
- hard coded 2.
- (Even though this 2 is not the same as above: the number of the
- undeftoken remains being 2, it is its user token number which
- might not be 2).
- * src/output.c (prepare_tokens): Rename the `maxtok' muscle with
- `user_token_number_max'.
- Output `undef_token_number'.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Use them.
- Be sure to map invalid yylex return values to
- `undef_token_number'. This saves us from gratuitous SEGV.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Solved SR Conflicts)
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-04-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: s/b4_item_number_max/b4_rhs_number_max/.
- Adding #line.
- Remove the duplicate `typedefs'.
- (RhsNumberType): Fix the declaration and various other typos.
- Use __ofile__.
- * data/bison.simple: Use __ofile__.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Handle __ofile__.
-2002-04-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (item_number_t): New, the type of item numbers in
- RITEM. Note that it must be able to code symbol numbers as
- positive number, and the negation of rule numbers as negative
- numbers.
- Adjust all dependencies (pretty many).
- * src/reduce.c (rule): Remove this `short *' pointer: use
- item_number_t.
- * src/system.h (MINSHORT, MAXSHORT): Remove.
- Include `limits.h'.
- Adjust dependencies to using SHRT_MAX and SHRT_MIN.
- (shortcpy): Remove.
- (MAXTABLE): Move to...
- * src/output.c (MAXTABLE): here.
- (prepare_rules): Use output_int_table to output rhs.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Adjust.
- * tests/torture.at (Big triangle): Move the limit from 254 to
- 500.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Ajust.
- Trying with bigger grammars shows various phenomena: at 3000 (28Mb
- of grammar file) bison is killed by my system, at 2000 (12Mb) bison
- passes, but produces negative #line number, once fixed, GCC is
- killed while compiling 14Mb, at 1500 (6.7 Mb of grammar, 8.2Mb of
- C), it passes.
- * src/state.h (state_h): Code input lines on ints, not shorts.
-2002-04-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar): First reduce the nonterminals,
- and then the grammar.
-2002-04-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: No longer using strndup.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.h (MUSCLE_INSERT_LONG_INT): New.
- * src/output.c (output_table_data): Return the longest number.
- (prepare_tokens): Output `token_number_max').
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++ (b4_sint_type, b4_uint_type):
- New.
- Use them to define yy_token_number_type/TokenNumberType.
- Use this type for yytranslate.
- * tests/torture.at (Big triangle): Push the limit from 124 to
- 253.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Adjust.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/torture.at (Big triangle): New.
- (GNU AWK Grammar, GNU Cim Grammar): Move to...
- * tests/existing.at: here.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (nitems): Remove, it is an alias of
- nritems.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c: Normalize increments to prefix form.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c, symtab.c: Remove debugging code.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Rename all the `bucket's as `symbol_t'.
- * src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/lex.c, src/lex.h, src/output.c,
- * src/reader.c, src/reader.h, src/reduce.c, src/state.h,
- * src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h (bucket): Rename as...
- (symbol_t): this.
- (symbol_list_new, bucket_check_defined, bucket_make_alias)
- (bucket_check_alias_consistence, bucket_pack, bucket_translation)
- (bucket_new, bucket_free, hash_compare_bucket, hash_bucket)
- (buckets_new, buckets_free, buckets_do): Rename as...
- (symbol_list_new, symbol_check_defined, symbol_make_alias)
- (symbol_check_alias_consistence, symbol_pack, symbol_translation)
- (symbol_new, symbol_free, hash_compare_symbol_t, hash_symbol_t)
- (symbols_new, symbols_free, symbols_do): these.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use lib/hash for the symbol table.
- * src/gram.c (ntokens): Initialize to 1, to reserve a slot for
- EOF.
- * src/lex.c (lex): Set the `number' member of new terminals.
- * src/reader.c (bucket_check_defined, bucket_make_alias)
- (bucket_check_alias_consistence, bucket_translation): New.
- (reader, grammar_free, readgram, token_translations_init)
- (packsymbols): Adjust.
- (reader): Number the predefined tokens.
- * src/reduce.c (inaccessable_symbols): Just use hard coded numbers
- for predefined tokens.
- * src/symtab.h (bucket): Remove all the hash table related
- members.
- * src/symtab.c (symtab): Replace by...
- (bucket_table): this.
- (bucket_new, bucket_free, hash_compare_bucket, hash_bucket)
- (buckets_new, buckets_do): New.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c (nitems, nrules, nsyms, ntokens, nvars, nritems)
- (start_symbol, max_user_token_number, semantic_parser)
- (error_token_number): Initialize.
- * src/reader.c (grammar, start_flag, startval, typed, lastprec):
- Initialize.
- (reader): Don't.
- (errtoken, eoftoken, undeftoken, axiom): Extern.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_s): prec and precsym are now pointers
- to the bucket giving the priority/associativity.
- Member `associativity' removed: useless.
- * src/reduce.c, src/conflicts.c: Adjust.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c, src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/gram.c, src/reduce.c:
- Properly escape the symbols' TAG when outputting them.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (LA): Is a bitsetv, not bitset*.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h, src/lalr.c (LAruleno): Replace with...
- (LArule): this, which is an array to rule_t*.
- * src/print.c, src/conflicts.c: Adjust.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): Rename `number' as `user_number'.
- `number' is a new member.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Renumber rule_t.number.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- As a result of the previous patch, it is no longer needed
- to reorder ritem itself.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Don't sort RITEM.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Be sure never to walk through RITEMS, but use only data related to
- the rules themselves. RITEMS should be banished.
- * src/output.c (output_token_translations): Rename as...
- (prepare_tokens): this.
- In addition to `translate', prepare the muscles `tname' and
- `toknum', which were handled by...
- (output_rule_data): this.
- Remove, and move the remainder of its outputs into...
- (prepare_rules): this new routines, which also merges content from
- (output_gram): this.
- (prepare_rules): Be sure never to walk through RITEMS.
- (output_stos): Rename as...
- (prepare_stos): this.
- (output): Always invoke prepare_states, after all, just don't use it
- in the output if you don't need it.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): Display `nstates' as the name of the
- newly created state.
- Adjust to initialize first_state and last_state if needed.
- Be sure to distinguish the initial from the final state.
- (new_states): Create the itemset of the initial state, and use
- new_state.
- * src/closure.c (closure): Now that the initial state has its
- items properly set, there is no need for a special case when
- creating `ruleset'.
- As a result, now the rule 0, reducing to $axiom, is visible in the
- outputs. Adjust the test suite.
- * tests/conflicts.at (Solved SR Conflicts)
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Report, Rule Line Numbers): Idem.
- * tests/conflicts.at (S/R in initial): New.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets): Don't loop over ritem: loop over
- the RHS of the rules.
- * src/output.c (output_gram): Likewise.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): `lhs' is now a pointer to the symbol's
- bucket.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Don't forget to renumber the
- `number' of the buckets too.
- * src/gram.h: Include `symtab.h'.
- (associativity): Move to...
- * src/symtab.h: here.
- No longer include `gram.h'.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (rules_rhs_length): New.
- (ritem_longest_rhs): Use it.
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): `number' is a new member.
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Set it.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Move the useless rules at
- the end of `rules', and count them out of `nrules'.
- (reduce_output, dump_grammar): Adjust.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): It is no longer needed to check for
- the usefulness of a rule, as useless rules are beyond `nrules + 1'.
- * tests/reduce.at (Reduced Automaton): New test.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (inaccessable_symbols): Fix a buglet: because of a
- lacking `+ 1' to nrules, Bison reported as useless a token if it
- was used solely to set the precedence of the last rule...
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++, data/bison.simple: Don't output the current file
- name in #line, to avoid useless diffs between two identical
- outputs under different names.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c, src/print.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c:
- Normalize loops to using `< nrules + 1', not `<= nrules'.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * TODO: Update.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c, src/reader.c, src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h: Rename
- bucket.value as bucket.number.
-2002-04-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.h, src/lalr.c,
- * src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/print_graph.c,
- * src/reader.c, src/reduce.c: Let rule_t.rhs point directly to the
- RHS, instead of being an index in RITEMS.
-2002-04-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update copyright date.
- (Rpcalc Lexer, Symbols, Token Decl): Don't assume ASCII.
- (Symbols): Warn about running Bison in one character set,
- but compiling and/or running in an incompatible one.
- Warn about character code 256, too.
-2002-04-03 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.data (YYSTACK_ALLOC): Depend on whether
- YYERROR_VERBOSE is nonzero, not whether it is defined.
- Merge changes from bison-1_29-branch.
-2002-03-20 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Merge fixes from Debian bison_1.34-1.diff.
- * configure.in (AC_PREREQ): 2.53.
-2002-03-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Argument `resolution' is const.
-2002-03-19 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYCOPY): New macro.
- Remove Type arg; no longer needed. All callers changed.
- (yymemcpy): Remove; no longer needed.
- * Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): 1.6.
- * doc/Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Remove.
-2002-03-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Test and fix the #line outputs.
- * tests/atlocal.at (GCC): New.
- * tests/synclines.at (AT_TEST_SYNCLINE): New macro.
- (Prologue synch line, %union synch line, Postprologue synch line)
- (Action synch line, Epilogue synch line): New tests.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Define the muscle stype_line.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Use it.
-2002-03-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (%nonassoc and eof, Unresolved SR Conflicts)
- (Solved SR Conflicts, %expect not enough, %expect right)
- (%expect too much): Move to...
- * tests/conflicts.at: this new file.
-2002-03-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4: Update from CVS Autoconf.
- * data/bison.simple, data/bison.c++: Handle the `#define' part, so
- that we can move to enums for instance.
- * src/output.c (token_definitions_output): Output a list of
- `token-name, token-number' instead of the #define.
- (output_skeleton): Name this list `b4_tokens', not `b4_tokendefs'.
-2002-03-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use Gettext 0.11.1.
-2002-03-09 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Make the user able to add members to the generated
- parser by subclassing.
-2002-03-05 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (read_additionnal_code): `c' should be an integer, not
- a character.
- Reported by Nicolas Tisserand and Nicolas Burrus.
-2002-03-04 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c: Warn about lacking semi-colons, do not complain.
-2002-03-04 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Remove a debug line.
-2002-03-04 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Unmerge value as yylval and value as yyval. Unmerge
- location as yylloc and location as yyloc. Use YYLLOC_DEFAULT, and
- provide a default implementation.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/input.at (Invalid $n, Invalid @n): Add the ending `;'.
- * tests/output.at (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): Likewise.
- * tests/headers.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Ditto.
- * tests/semantic.at (Parsing Guards): Similarly.
- * src/reader.at (readgram): Complain if the last rule is not ended
- with a semi-colon.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/warshall.h, src/warshall.c (bitmatrix_print): Move to...
- * src/closure.c: here.
- (set_firsts): Use bitsetv_reflexive_transitive_closure instead of
- RTC.
- * src/warshall.h, src/warshall.c: Remove.
- * tests/sets.at (Broken Closure): Adjust.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): tempdir is const.
- bytes_read is unused.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/bbitset.h, lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h, lib/bitsetv.c,
- * lib/bitsetv.h, lib/ebitset.c, lib/lbitset.c, lib/sbitset.c:
- Update.
- From Michael Hayes.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): `r' is unused.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/sets.at (Broken Closure): Add the ending `;'.
- * src/reader.at (readgram): Complain if a rule is not ended with a
- semi-colon.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (set_conflicts): Use bitset_disjoint_p.
- (count_sr_conflicts): Use bitset_count.
- * src/reduce.c (inaccessable_symbols): Ditto.
- (bits_size): Remove.
- * src/warshall.h, src/warshall.c: Convert to bitsetv.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/lalr.c, src/print.c,
- * src/reduce.c: Remove the `bitset_zero's following the
- `bitset_create's, as now it is performed by the latter.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h, lib/bitsetv.c, lib/bitsetv.h,
- * lib/ebitset.c, lib/ebitset.h, lib/lbitset.c, lib/lbitset.h,
- * lib/sbitset.c, lib/sbitset.h, lib/bbitset.h: Update from the
- latest sources from Michael.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Don't free the grammar.
- * src/reader.c (grammar_free): New.
- * src/main.c (main): Call it and don't free symtab here.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Be sure to 0-end token_buffer
- before returning.
- Reported by Benoit Perrot.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use bitset operations when possible, not loops over bits.
- * src/conflicts.c (set_conflicts, count_sr_conflicts): Use
- bitset_or.
- * src/print.c (print_reductions): Use bitset_and, bitset_andn.
- * src/reduce.c (useless_nonterminals): Formatting changes.
- * src/warshall.c (TC): Use bitset_or.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h, src/lalr.c (tokensetsize): Remove, unused.
- Ditto.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (F): Now a bitset*.
- Adjust all dependencies.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (shiftset, lookaheadset): Now bitset.
- Adjust all dependencies.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/L0.c, src/LR0.h (nstates): Be size_t.
- Adjust comparisons (signed vs unsigned).
- * src/conflics.c, src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/output.c (LA): Now a
- bitset*.
- Adjust all dependencies.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (firsts): Now, also a bitset.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- (varsetsize): Remove, now unused.
- * src/warshall.h, src/warshall.c: Now work on arrays of bitsets.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c: Convert to use bitset.h, not hand coded iterations
- over ints.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c: Convert to use bitset.h, not hand coded BSet.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (ruleset): Be a bitset.
- (rulesetsize): Remove.
-2002-03-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/bitset-int.h, lib/bitset.c, lib/bitset.h, lib/bitsetv.c,
- * lib/bitsetv.h, lib/ebitset.c, lib/ebitset.h, lib/lbitset.c,
- * lib/lbitset.h, lib/sbitset.c, lib/sbitset.h: New.
- * src/closure.c (fderives): Be an array of bitsets.
-2002-02-28 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Merge the two generated headers. Insert a copyright
- notice in each output file.
-2002-02-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Copy the prologue of bison.simple to fetch
- useful M4 definitions, such as b4_header_guard.
-2002-02-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (version): Give the name of the authors, and use a
- translator friendly scheme for the bgr
- copyright notice.
-2002-02-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (header_output): Remove, now handled completely via
- M4.
-2002-02-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * m4/m4.m4: New, from CVS Autoconf.
- * configure.in: Invoke it.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use its result instead of the
- hard coded name.
-2002-02-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/tempname.c, lib/mkstemp.c, m4/mkstemp.m4: New, stolen from
- Fileutils 4.1.5.
- * configure.in: Invoke UTILS_FUNC_MKSTEMP.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): Use mkstemp to create a real
- temporary file.
- Move the filling of `skeleton' and its muscle to...
- (prepare): here.
- (output): Move the definition of the prologue muscle to...
- (prepare): here.
- * src/system.h (DEFAULT_TMPDIR): New.
-2002-02-14 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Remove the support for C++ namespace cleanliness; it was
- causing more problems than it was curing, since it didn't work
- properly on some nonstandard C++ compilers. This can wait
- for a proper C++ parser.
- * NEWS: Document this.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Parser, Debugging): Remove special mention
- of C++, as it's treated like C now.
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTD): Remove.
- Treat C++ just like Standard C instead of trying to support
- namespace cleanliness.
-2002-02-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (else): Adjust to Andreas' change.
-2002-02-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Ship strnlen.c.
-2002-02-13 Andreas Schwab <schwab@suse.de>
- * src/output.c (output_rule_data): Don't output NULL, it might
- not be defined yet.
-2002-02-11 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++ (YYDEBUG, YYERROR_VERBOSE): After the prologue.
- (Copyright notice): Update.
-2002-02-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (%nonassoc and eof): Don't include
- nonportable headers.
-2002-02-08 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Correct error recovery. Make the user able to
- initialize the starting location.
-2002-02-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/input.at: New.
-2002-02-07 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Replace some direct m4 expansions by constants. Be
- more consistent when naming methods and variables. Put preprocessor
- directives around tables only needed for debugging.
-2002-02-07 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++ (yy::b4_name::print_): New method, replaces yyprint in
- C++ parsers.
- (yy::b4_name::parse): Use print_.
-2002-02-07 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++ (yy::b4_name::parse): Error recovery is back.
-2002-02-07 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++ (yy::b4_name::error_): New method, replaces yyerror in
- C++ parsers.
- (yy::b4_name::parse): Build verbose error messages, and use error_.
-2002-02-06 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Fix m4 quoting in comments.
-2002-02-06 Robert Anisko <robert@lrde.epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Adjust the parser code. Fix some muscles that were
- not expanded by m4.
-2002-02-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * data/bison.c++: Adjust to the M4 back end.
- More is certainly needed.
-2002-02-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Give a try to M4 as a back end.
- * lib/readpipe.c: New, from wdiff.
- * src/Makefile.am (DEFS): Define PKGDATADIR, not BISON_SIMPLE and
- * src/system.h (BISON_HAIRY, BISON_SIMPLE): Remove the DOS and VMS
- specific values. Now it is m4 that performs the lookup.
- * src/parse-skel.y: Remove.
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h (muscles_m4_output): New.
- * src/output.c (actions_output, guards_output)
- (token_definitions_output): No longer keeps track of the output
- line number, hence remove the second argument.
- (guards_output): Check against the guard member of a rule, not the
- action member.
- Adjust callers.
- (output_skeleton): Don't look for the skeleton location, let m4 do
- that.
- Create `/tmp/muscles.m4'. This is temporary, a proper temporary
- file will be used.
- Invoke `m4' on m4sugar.m4, muscles.m4, and the skeleton.
- (prepare): Given that for the time being changesyntax is not
- usable in M4, rename the muscles using `-' to `_'.
- Define `defines_flag', `output_parser_name' and `output_header_name'.
- * src/output.h (actions_output, guards_output)
- (token_definitions_output): Adjust prototypes.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Instead of scanning the skeletons, it now
- processes the output of m4: `__oline__' and `#output'.
- * data/bison.simple: Adjust to be used by M4(sugar).
- * tests/Makefile.am: Use check_SCRIPTS to make sure `bison' is up
- to date.
- * tests/bison.in: Use the secrete envvar `BISON_PKGDATADIR'
- instead of the dead `BISON_SIMPLE' and `BISON_HAIRY'.
- * data/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4, data/m4sugar/version.m4: New,
- shamelessly stolen from CVS Autoconf.
-2002-02-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/hash.c, lib/hash.h: Replace with Fileutils 4.1's version.
- * configure.in: Check for the declarations of free and malloc.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Adjust.
-2002-02-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Don't default to NULL muscle
- which have no values.
-2002-02-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple, src/bison.hairy, src/bison.c++: Move to...
- * data/: here.
-2002-01-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSIZE_T): Do not define merely because
- YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA is nonzero or alloca or _ALLOCA_H are defined.
- On some platforms, <alloca.h> does not declare YYSTD (size_t).
-2002-01-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Fix `%nonassoc and eof'.
- * src/state.c (errs_dup): Aaaah! The failure was due to bytes
- which were not properly copied! Replace
- memcpy (res->errs, src->errs, src->nerrs);
- with
- memcpy (res->errs, src->errs, src->nerrs * sizeof (src->errs[0]));
- !!!
- * tests/regression.at (%nonassoc and eof): Adjust to newest
- Autotest: `.' is not in the PATH.
-2002-01-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/sets.at (AT_EXTRACT_SETS): New.
- (Nullable): Use it.
- (Firsts): New.
-2002-01-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at, tests/calc.at, tests/headers.at,
- * tests/torture.at: Adjust to the newest Autotest which no longer
- forces `.' in the PATH.
-2002-01-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (%nonassoc and eof): New.
- Suggested by Robert Anisko.
-2002-01-24 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bison dumps core when trying to complain about broken input files.
- Reported by Cris van Pelt.
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Be sure to set token_buffer.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid input: 1, Invalid input: 2): Merge
- into...
- (Invalid inputs): Strengthen: exercise parse_percent_token.
-2002-01-24 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am: Add bison.c++.
- * src/bison.c++: New skeleton.
-2002-01-21 Paolo Bonzini <bonzini@gnu.org>
- * po/it.po: New.
-2002-01-21 Kees Zeelenberg <kzlg@users.sourceforge.net>
- * src/files.c (skeleton_find) [MSDOS]: Fix cp definition.
-2002-01-20 Marc Autret <marc@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names): Fix
-2002-01-20 Marc Autret <marc@gnu.org>
- * tests/output.at: New test.
- * src/files.c (compute_base_names): Don't map extensions when
- the YACC flag is set, use defaults.
- Reported by Evgeny Stambulchik.
-2002-01-20 Marc Autret <marc@gnu.org>
- * src/system.h: Need to define __attribute__ away for non-GCC
- compilers as well (i.e., the vendor C compiler).
- Suggested by Albert Chin-A-Young.
-2002-01-11 Tim Van Holder <tim.van.holder@pandora.be>
- * lib/hash.h, lib/hash.c: Renamed __P to PARAMS and used the
- canonical definition.
- * src/system.h: Use the canonical definition for PARAMS (avoids
- a conflict with the macro from lib/hash.h).
-2002-01-11 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Use AC_FUNC_STRNLEN.
- Fixes the failures observed on AIX 4.3 by H.Merijn Brand.
-2002-01-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (output_infix): New.
- (tab_extension): Remove.
- (compute_base_names): Compute the former, drop the latter.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Insert the muscles `output-infix', and
- `output-suffix'.
- * src/parse-skel.y (string, string.1): New.
- (section.header): Use it.
- (section.yacc): Remove.
- (prefix): Remove too.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Adjust.
- * src/bison.simple, src/bison.hairy: Adjust.
-2002-01-09 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in (WERROR_CFLAGS): Compute it.
- * src/Makefile.am (CFLAGS): Pass it.
- * tests/atlocal.in (CFLAGS): Idem.
- * src/files.c: Fix a few warnings.
- (get_extension_index): Remove, unused.
-2002-01-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (AS_FILE_NAME): New.
- (getargs): Use it to convert DOSish file names.
- * src/files.c (base_name): Rename as full_base_name to avoid
- clashes with `base_name ()'.
- (filename_split): New.
- (compute_base_names): N-th rewrite, using filename_split.
-2002-01-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/basename.c, lib/dirname.h, lib/dirname.c, lib/memrchr.c:
- New, stolen from the Fileutils 4.1.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Adjust.
- * configure.in: Check for the presence of memrchr, and of its
- prototype.
-2002-01-07 Tim Van Holder <tim.van.holder@pandora.be>
- * lib/hash.h (__P): Added definition for this macro.
- * src/Makefile.am: Add parse-skel.c and scan-skel.c to
- BUILT_SOURCES, to ensure they are generated first.
- * src/parse-skel.y: Use YYERROR_VERBOSE instead of
- %error-verbose to allow bootstrapping with bison 1.30x.
-2002-01-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_braces): Don't fetch the next char, the
- convention is to fetch on entry.
- * tests/torture.at (GNU Cim Grammar): Reintroduce their weird
- 'switch' without a following semicolon.
- * tests/regression.at (braces parsing): New.
-2002-01-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bison is dead wrong in its RR conflict reports.
- * tests/torture.at (GNU Cim Grammar): New.
- * src/conflicts.c (count_rr_conflicts): Fix.
-2002-01-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Creating package.m4 from configure.ac causes too many problems.
- * tests/Makefile.am (package.m4): Create it by hand,
- AC_CONFIG_TESTDIR no longer does in the most recent CVS Autoconf.
-2002-01-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add parse-skel.h and
- skeleton.h.
-2002-01-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Debugging):
- Remove YYSTDERR; it's no longer defined or used.
- Also, s/cstdio.h/cstdio/.
-2002-01-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/bison.in, tests/atlocal.in: Adjust to CVS Autoconf.
-2002-01-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-skel.y (process_skeleton): Don't bind the parser's
- tracing code to --trace, wait for a better --trace option, with
- args.
-2002-01-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTDERR): Remove, replace `stderr'.
- The ISO C++ standard is extremely clear about it: stderr is
- considered a macro, not a regular symbol (see table 94 `Header
- <cstdio> synopsis', [lib.c.files] 27.8.2 C Library files).
- Therefore std:: does not apply to it. It still does with fprintf.
- Also, s/cstdio.h/cstdio/.
-2002-01-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/quotearg.c: Use `#include "..."' instead of `#include <...>'
- for non system headers.
-2002-01-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Equip the skeleton chain with location tracking, runtime trace,
- pure parser and scanner.
- * src/parse-skel.y: Request a pure parser, locations, and prefix
- renaming.
- (%union): Having several members with the same type does not help
- type mismatches, simplify.
- (YYPRINT, yyprint): New.
- (yyerror): ``Rename'' (there is a #define yyerror skel_error) as...
- (skel_error): this.
- Handle locations.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Adjust to these changes.
- (LOCATION_PRINT, skel_control_t): New.
-2001-12-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/parse-skel.y: Get rid of the shift/reduce conflict:
- replace `gb' with BLANKS.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Adjust.
-2001-12-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: We don't need nor want bcopy.
- Throw away MS-DOS crap: we don't need getpid.
- * configure.in: We don't need strndup. It was even causing
- problems: because Flex includes the headers *before* us,
- _GNU_SOURCE is not defined by config.h, and therefore strndup was
- not visible.
- * lib/xstrndup.c: New.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Use it.
- Be sure to initialize yylval.muscle member when scanning a MUSCLE.
- * src/parse-skel.y: Use %directives instead of #defines.
-2001-12-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/skeleton.h: New.
- * src/output.c (output_parser, output_master_parser): Remove, dead
- code.
- * src/output.h (get_lines_number, actions_output, guards_output)
- (token_definitions_output): Prototype them.
- * src/parse-skel.y: Add the license notice.
- Include output.h and skeleton.h.
- (process_skeleton): Returns void, and takes a single parameter.
- * src/scan-skel.l: Add the license notice.
- Include skeleton.h.
- Don't use %option yylineno: it seems that then Flex imagines
- REJECT has been used, and therefore it won't reallocate its
- buffers (which makes no other sense to me than a bug). It results
- in warnings for `unused: yy_flex_realloc'.
-2001-12-30 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- (MUSCLE_INSERT_PREFIX): ...to there.
- (MUSCLE_INSERT_PREFIX): Move from here...
- * src/bison.hairy: Add a section directive. Put braces around muscle
- names. This parser skeleton is still broken, but Bison should not
- choke on a bad muscle 'syntax'.
- * src/bison.simple: Add a section directive. Put braces around muscle
- names.
- * src/files.h (strsuffix, stringappend): Add declarations.
- (tab_extension): Add declaration.
- (short_base_name): Add declaration.
- * src/files.c (strsuffix, stringappend): No longer static. These
- functions are used in the skeleton parser.
- (tab_extension): New.
- (compute_base_names): Use the computations done in this function
- to guess if the generated parsers should have '.tab' in their
- names.
- (short_base_name): No longer static.
- * src/output.c (output_skeleton): New.
- (output): Disable call to output_master_parser, and give a try to
- a new skeleton handling system.
- (guards_output, actions_output): No longer static.
- (token_definitions_output, get_lines_number): No longer static.
- * configure.in: Use AM_PROG_LEX and AC_PROG_YACC.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Add scan-skel.l and
- parse-skel.y.
- * src/parse-skel.y: New file.
- * src/scan-skel.l: New file.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- %name-prefix is broken.
- * src/files.c (spec_name_prefix): Initialize to NULL, not to "yy".
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): Strengthen this test: use
- %name-prefix.
- Renaming yylval but not yylloc is not consistent. Now we do.
- * src/bison.simple: Prefix yylloc if used.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Document that.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Promote `%long-directive' over
- `%long_directive'.
- Remove all references to fixed-output-files, yacc is enough.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Define YYDEBUG and YYERROR_VERBOSE *after* the
- user prologue. These are defaults.
- * tests/actions.at (Mid-rule actions): Make sure the user can
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (header_output): Don't forget to export YYLTYPE and
- yylloc.
- * tests/headers.at (export YYLTYPE): New, make sure it does.
- * tests/regression.at (%union and --defines, Invalid CPP headers):
- Move to...
- * tests/headers.at: here.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_s): Member `assoc' is of type `associativity'.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/actions.at (Mid-rule actions): Output on a single line
- instead of several.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Formatting changes.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Don't store the token defs in a muscle, just be ready to output it
- on command. Now possible via `symbols'. Fixes a memory leak.
- * src/output.c (token_definitions_output): New.
- (output_parser, header_output): Use it.
- * src/reader.c (symbols_save): Remove.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Do not provide a default for YYSTYPE and
- YYLTYPE before the user's prologue. Otherwise it's hardly... a
- default.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Mid-rule actions are simply... ignored!
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Be sure to attach mid-rule actions to
- the empty-rule associated to the dummy symbol, not to the host
- rule.
- * tests/actions.at (Mid-rule actions): New.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Memory leak.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Free grammar.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Memory leak.
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets): Don't allocate `shift_symbol' here,
- since it allocates it for each state, although only one is needed.
- (allocate_storage): Do it here.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/options.h, src/options.c (create_long_option_table): Rename
- as...
- (long_option_table_new): this, with a clearer prototype.
- (percent_table): Remove, unused,
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Adjust.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c, src/conflicts.c, src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/output.c
- * src/print.c, src/print_graph.c, src/state.h: Rename state_table
- as states.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Rename `states' as `states1'.
- Sorry, I don't understand exactly what it is, no better name...
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/derives.c, src/gram.c
- * src/gram.h, src/lalr.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c
- * src/print_graph.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c: Rename rule_table
- as rules.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c (rprec, rprecsym, rassoc): Remove, unused since long
- ago.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c, src/reader.h (user_toknums): Remove.
- Adjust all users to use symbols[i]->user_token_number.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c, src/gram.h (sprec, sassoc): Remove.
- Adjust all users to use symbols[i]->prec or ->assoc.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c, src/reader.h (tags): Remove.
- Adjust all users to use symbols[i]->tag.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (symbols): New, similar to state_table
- and rule_table.
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols): Fill this table.
- Drop sprec.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Adjust.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar): Adjust: just sort symbols, a
- single table.
- Use symbols[i]->tag instead of tags[i].
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Also use %union.
- In addition, put a comment in there, to replace...
- * tests/regression.at (%union and C comments): Remove.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Actions): Blindly move the actual
- output as expected output. The contents *seem* right to me, but I
- can't pretend reading perfectly parser tables... Nonetheless, all
- the other tests pass correctly, the table look OK, even though the
- presence of `$axiom' is to be noted: AFAICS it is useless (but
- harmless).
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Don't add the rule 0 if there were no
- rules read. In other words, add it _after_ having performed
- grammar sanity checks.
- Fixes the `tests/regression.at (Invalid input: 1)' Failure.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c Report): Catch up: the rule 0 is now
- visible, and some states have now a different number.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Bind the initial rule's lineno to that
- of the first rule.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers, Unresolved SR Conflicts):
- (Solved SR Conflicts): Adjust rule 0's line number.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Fix the `GAWK Grammar' failure.
- * src/LR0.c (final_state): Initialize to -1 so that we do compute
- the reductions of the first state which was mistakenly confused
- with the final state because precisely final_state was initialized
- to 0.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable): Adjust: state 0 does have lookaheads,
- now noticed by Bison.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers): Adjust: state 0 does
- have a reduction on $default.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c (ritem_print): Be sure to subtract 1 when displaying
- rule line numbers.
- * src/closure.c (print_closure): Likewise.
- * src/derives.c (print_derives): Likewise.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable): Adjust: the rule numbers are correct
- now.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (lookaheads_print): New.
- (lalr): Call it when --trace-flag.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable): Adjust: when tracing, the lookaheads
- are dumped.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.c (print_derives): Be sure to use `>= 0', not `> 0',
- when walking through ritem, even via rule->rhs.
- * src/reduce.c (dump_grammar, useful_production, reduce_output)
- (useful_production, useless_nonterminals): Likewise.
- (reduce_grammar_tables): Likewise, plus update nritems.
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Likewise.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Likewise.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable): Adjust.
- Fortunately, now, the $axiom is no longer nullable.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (generate_states): Use nritems, not nitems, nor using
- the 0-sentinel.
- * src/gram.c (ritem_longest_rhs): Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (output_rule_data): Likewise.
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Likewise.
-2001-12-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c: Comment changes.
-2001-12-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_ALLOC, YYSIZE_T): Remove special
- cases for non-GNU systems like AIX, HP-UX, SGI, Sun, and
- Sparc, as they were causing more porting problems than the
- (minor) performance improvement was worth.
- Also, catch up with 1.31's YYSTD.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_gram): Rely on nritems, not the
- 0-sentinel. See below.
- Use -1 as separator, not 0.
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): Subtract 1 to the rule numbers.
- Rely on -1 as separator in yyrhs, instead of 0.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Now, the parsers no longer issue
- twice `Now at end of input', therefore there are two lines less to
- expect.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Unresolved SR Conflicts):
- (Solved SR Conflicts, Rule Line Numbers): Adjust to the changes
- below.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): Recognize the final state by the fact it
- is reached by eoftoken.
- (insert_start_shifting_state, insert_eof_shifting_state)
- (insert_accepting_state, augment_automaton): Remove, since now
- these states are automatically computed from the initial state.
- (generate_states): Adjust.
- * src/print.c: When reporting a rule number to the user, substract
- 1, so that the axiom rule is rule 0, and the first user rule is 1.
- * src/reduce.c: Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): For the time being, just as for
- the report, depend upon --trace-flags to dump the full set of
- items.
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Once the grammar read, insert the rule
- 0: `$axiom: START-SYMBOL $'.
- * tests/set.at: Adjust: rule 0 is now displayed, and since the
- number of the states has changed (the final state is no longer
- necessarily the last), catch up.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Try to make the use of the eoftoken valid. Given that its value
- is 0 which was also used as a sentinel in ritem, (i) make sure >= 0
- is used instead of > 0 where appropriate, (ii), depend upon nritems
- instead of the 0-sentinel.
- * src/gram.h, src/gram.c (nritems): New.
- Expected to be duplication of nitems, but for the time being...
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Assert nritems and nitems are equal.
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets, new_itemsets): Adjust.
- * src/closure.c (print_closure, print_fderives): Likewise.
- * src/gram.c (ritem_print): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_core, print_grammar): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c: Likewise.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): If there are complains after grammar
- reductions, then output the report anyway if requested, then die.
- * src/symtab.c (bucket_new): Initialize `value' to -1, not 0.
- * src/reader.c (eoftoken): New.
- (parse_token_decl): If the token being defined has value `0', it
- is the eoftoken.
- (packsymbols): No longer hack `tags' to insert `$' by hand.
- Be sure to preserve the value of the eoftoken.
- (reader): Make sure eoftoken is defined.
- Initialize nsyms to 0: now eoftoken is created just like the others.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Don't special case the eof token.
- * src/regression.at: Adjust: `$' has value 0, not -1, which was a
- lie anyway, albeit pleasant.
- * tests/calc.at: Exercise error messages with eoftoken.
- Change the grammar so that empty input is invalid.
- Adjust expectations.
- When yyungeting, be sure to use a valid yylloc: use last_yylloc.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Check the protos of strchr ans strspn.
- Replace strchr if needed.
- * src/system.h: Provide the protos of strchr, strspn and memchr if
- missing.
- * lib/strchr.c: New.
- * src/reader.c (symbols_save): Use strchr.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c, src/print_graph.c (escape): New.
- Use it to quote the TAGS outputs.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_state): Now errors are in red, and
- reductions in green.
- Prefer high to wide: output the state number on a line of its own.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (reductions_new): New.
- * src/LR0.c (set_state_table): Let all the states have a
- `reductions', even if reduced to 0.
- (save_reductions): Adjust.
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_LA, initialize_lookaheads): Adjust.
- * src/print.c (print_reductions, print_actions): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (action_row): Adjust.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h, src/state.c (errs_new, errs_dup): New.
- * src/LR0.c (set_state_table): Let all the states have an errs,
- even if reduced to 0.
- * src/print.c (print_errs, print_reductions): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (output_actions, action_row): Adjust.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict): Adjust.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map, initialize_F): Use SHIFT_SYMBOL.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c, src/conflicts.h (print_reductions): Move to...
- * src/print.c: here.
- (lookaheadset, shiftset): New, used as additional storage by
- print_reductions.
- (print_results): Adjust.
- (print_shifts, print_gotos, print_errs): New, extracted from...
- (print_actions): here.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_actions): Remove dead code.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_dollar, copy_at): Better checking of `n' in
- `$n' and `@n'.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (add_lookback_edge): Use state_t instead of ints.
- (build_relations): Adjust.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (set_goto_map): Remove a wrong but benign loop
- duplication.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (packgram): Catch nitems overflows.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (guard_obstack): Remove.
- * src/output.c (output): Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (parse_braces): New, factoring...
- (copy_action, copy_guard): these two which are renamed as...
- (parse_action, parse_guard): these.
- As a voluntary consequence, using braces around guards is now
- mandatory.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): `guard' and `guard_line' are new members.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_list): `guard' and `guard_line' are new
- members.
- (symbol_list_new): Adjust.
- (copy_action): action_line is the first line, not the last.
- (copy_guard): Just as for actions, store the `action' only, not
- the switch/case/break flesh.
- Don't parse the user action that might follow the guard, let...
- (readgram): do it, i.e., now, there can be an action after a
- guard.
- In other words the guard is just explicitly optional.
- (packgram): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (guards_output): New.
- (output_parser): Call it when needed.
- (output): Also free the guard and attrs obstacks.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (obstack_save): Remove.
- (output_files): Remove.
- As a result, if one needs the former `.act' file, using an
- appropriate skeleton which requires actions and guards is now
- required.
- * src/main.c (main): Adjust.
- * tests/semantic.at: New.
- * tests/regression.at: Use `input.y' as input file name.
- Avoid 8+3 problems by requiring input.c when the test needs the
- parser.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (symbol_list_new): Be sure to initialize all the
- fields.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- All the hacks using a final pseudo state are now useless.
- * src/LR0.c (set_state_table): state_table holds exactly nstates.
- * src/lalr.c (nLA): New.
- (initialize_LA, compute_lookaheads, initialize_lookaheads): Use it
- instead of lookaheadsp from the pseudo state (nstate + 1).
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (action_row, token_actions): Use a state_t instead
- of a integer, and nlookaheads instead of the following state's
- lookaheadsp.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution, flush_shift)
- (resolve_sr_conflict, set_conflicts, solve_conflicts)
- (count_sr_conflicts, count_rr_conflicts, conflicts_output)
- (conflicts_print, print_reductions): Use a state_t instead of an
- integer when referring to a state.
- As much as possible, depend upon nlookaheads, instead of the
- `lookaheadsp' member of the following state (since lookaheads of
- successive states are successive, the difference between state n + 1
- and n served as the number of lookaheads for state n).
- * src/lalr.c (add_lookback_edge): Likewise.
- * src/print.c (print_core, print_actions, print_state)
- (print_results): Likewise.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core, print_actions, print_state)
- (print_graph): Likewise.
- * src/conflicts.h: Adjust.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.hairy: Formatting/comment changes.
- ANSIfy.
- Remove `register' indications.
- Add plenty of `static'.
-2001-12-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Drop the muscle `ntbase' which
- duplicates ntokens.
- * src/bison.simple: Formatting/comment changes.
- Use YYNTOKENS only, which is documented, but not YYNTBASE, which
- is an undocumented synonym.
-2001-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_table_data): Change the prototype to use
- `int' for array ranges: some invocations do pass an int, not a
- short.
- Reported by Wayne Green.
-2001-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Some actions of web2c.y are improperly triggered.
- Reported by Mike Castle.
- * src/lalr.c (traverse): s/F (i)[k] = F (j)[k]/F (j)[k] = F (i)[k]/.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c): Rename as...
- (Web2c Report): this.
- (Web2c Actions): New.
-2001-12-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Reductions in web2c.y are improperly reported.
- Reported by Mike Castle.
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Fix.
- * tests/regression.at (Web2c): New.
-2001-12-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Some host fail on `assert (!"foo")', which expands to
- ((!"foo") ? (void)0 : __assert("!"foo."", __FILE__, __LINE__))
- Reported by Nelson Beebee.
- * src/output.c, src/vcg.c: Replace `assert (!"it succeeded")' with
- `#define it_succeeded 0' and `assert (it_succeeded)'.
-2001-12-17 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Don't hard code the skeleton line and filename.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Rename 'line' as 'output_line'.
- New line counter 'skeleton_line' (skeleton-line muscle).
-2001-12-17 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * NEWS, doc/bison.texinfo, doc/bison.1, doc/bison.rnh: Document that
- YYDEBUG must be defined to a nonzero value.
- * src/bison.simple (yytname): Do not assume that the user defines
- YYDEBUG to a properly parenthesized expression.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (state_t): Rename lookaheads as lookaheadsp.
- nlookaheads is a new member.
- Adjust all users.
- * src/lalr.h (nlookaheads): Remove this orphan declaration.
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_lookaheads): Set nlookaheads for each
- state.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.h, src/files.c (open_files, close_files): Remove.
- * src/main.c (main): Don't open/close files, nor invoke lex_free,
- let...
- * src/reader.c (reader): Do it.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Formatting changes.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (flush_shift): Also adjust lookaheadset.
- (flush_reduce): New.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Adjust.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_obstack): Be static and rename as...
- (format_obstack): this, to avoid any confusion with files.c's
- output_obstack.
- * src/reader.h (muscle_obstack): Move to...
- * src/output.h: here, since it's defined in output.c.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (action_row, save_column, default_goto)
- (sort_actions, matching_state, pack_vector): Better variable
- locality.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c: Various formatting changes.
-2001-12-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (output_files): Free the output_obstack.
- * src/main.c (main): Call print and print_graph conditionally.
- * src/print.c (print): Work unconditionally.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Work unconditionally.
- * src/conflicts.c (log_resolution): Output only if verbose_flag.
-2001-12-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (actions_output): Fix. When we use %no-lines,
- there is one less line per action.
-2001-12-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Remove a useless #line directive.
- s/#line %%line %%skeleton/#line %%line "%%parser-file-name"/'.
- * src/output.c (get_lines_number): New.
- (output_parser): Adjust, now takes care about the lines of a
- output muscles.
- Fix line numbering.
- (actions_output): Computes the number of lines taken by actions.
- (output_master_parser): Insert new skeleton which is the name of
- the output parser file name.
-2001-12-15 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple [YYERROR_VERBOSE]: Restore backward compatibility.
-2001-12-15 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_gram): Keep track of the hairy one.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Make `make distcheck' work.
- * lib/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add top_srcdir/intl, since hash uses
- system.h which uses libgettext.h.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Useless rules must be skipped,
- otherwise, since we range over their symbols, we might look at a
- nonterminal which no longer ``exists'', i.e., it is not counted in
- `nvars', hence we overflow our arrays.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- The header can also be produced directly, without any obstack!
- Yahoo!
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (defines_obstack): Remove.
- (compute_header_macro): Global.
- (defines_obstack_save): Remove.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): No longer output to
- defines_obstack: its content can be found in the `stype' muscle
- anyway.
- (output_token_translations): Merge into...
- (symbols_output): this.
- Rename as...
- (symbols_save): this.
- (reader): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (header_output): New.
- (output): Call it.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Instead of handling two obstack
- simultaneously, use one to define the `stype' muscle, and use the
- value of the latter to fill defines_obstack.
- (copy_comment): Remove.
- (copy_comment2): Work for a single obstack.
- Rename as...
- (copy_comment): this.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c, src/lex.h (xgetc): No longer static.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Revamp.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Still making progress in separating Bison into (i) input, (ii)
- process, (iii) output: now we can directly output the parser file
- without using table_obstack at all.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (table_obstack): Bye bye.
- (parser_file_name): New.
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names): Compute it.
- * src/output.c (actions_output, output_parser)
- (output_master_parser): To a file instead of an obstack.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Attach actions to rules, instead of pre-outputting them to
- actions_obstack.
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): action and action_line are new members.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_list): Likewise.
- (copy_action): Save the actions within the rule.
- (packgram): Save them in rule_table.
- * src/output.c (actions_output): New.
- (output_parser): Use it on `%%actions'.
- (output_rule_data): Don't free rule_table.
- (output): Do it.
- (prepare): Don't save the `action' muscle.
- * src/bison.simple: s/%%action/%%actions/.
-2001-12-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_action): When --yacc, don't append a `;'
- to the user action: let it fail if lacking.
- Suggested by Arnold Robbins and Tom Tromey.
-2001-12-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (literalchar): Simply return the char you decoded, non
- longer mess around with obstacks and int pointers.
- Adjust all callers.
-2001-12-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (literalchar): Don't escape the special characters,
- just decode them, and keep them as char (before, eol was output as
- the 2 char string `\n' etc.).
- * src/output.c (output_rule_data): Use quotearg to output the
- token strings.
-2001-12-13 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSIZE_T, YYSTACK_ALLOC, YYSTACK_FREE):
- Do not infringe on the global user namespace when using C++.
- (YYFPRINTF, YYSTDERR): New macros, needed for the above.
- All uses of `fprintf' and `stderr' changed.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document YYFPRINTF, YYSTDERR.
-2001-12-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- The computation of nullable is broken: it doesn't handle empty
- RHS's properly.
- * tests/torture.at (GNU AWK Grammar): New.
- * tests/sets.at (Nullable): New.
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Instead of blindly looping over
- `ritems', loop over the rules, and then over their rhs's.
- Work around Autotest bugs.
- * src/warshall.c (bitmatrix_print): Don't use `+--+' as table
- frame, because Autotest understand lines starting with a `+' as
- traces from the shell. Then, they are not processed properly.
- Admittedly an Autotest bug, but we don't have time to wait for
- Autotest to catch up.
- * tests/regression.at (Broken Closure): Adjust to the new table
- frames.
- Move to...
- * tests/sets.at: here.
-2001-12-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): Use nrules instead of playing tricks
-2001-12-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c (print_actions): Output the handling of `$' as the
- traces do: shifting the token EOF. Before EOF was treated as a
- nonterminal.
- * tests/regression.at: Adjust some tests.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Complete the set of items via
- closure. The next-to-final and final states are still unsatisfying,
- but that's to be addressed elsewhere.
- No longer output the rule numbers, but do output the state number.
- A single loop for the shifts + gotos is enough, but picked a
- distinct color for each.
- (print_graph): Initialize and finalize closure.
-2001-12-13 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Remove dead code, an strip useless
- braces.
- (get_type): Remove, unused.
-2001-12-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/complain.h, src/complain.c: Remove error_one_per_line, rely
- on that of lib/error.c.
-2001-12-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Some hosts don't like `/' in includes.
- * src/system.h: Include libgettext.h without qualifying the path.
- * src/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add $(top_srcdir)/intl, remove
- $(top_srcdir).
-2001-12-11 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Remove useless muscle.
-2001-12-11 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Remove #line just before %%epilogue. It
- is now handled in ...
- * src/reader.c (read_additionnal_code): Add the output of a
- #line for the epilogue.
-2001-12-10 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition): Re-use CPP-outed code which
- replace precedent remove.
- * src/bison.simple: Remove #line before %%prologue because
- %%input-line is wrong at this time.
-2001-12-10 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (symbols_output): Clean up.
- * src/output.c (output_gram, output): Clean up.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_lookaheads): New. Extracted from...
- * src/LR0.c (set_state_table): here.
- * src/lalr.c (lalr): Call it.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (shifts): Remove the `number' member: shifts are
- attached to state, hence no longer need to be labelled with a
- state number.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Now that states have a complete set of members, the linked list of
- shifts is useless: just fill directly the state's shifts member.
- * src/state.h (shifts): Remove the `next' member.
- * src/LR0.c (first_state, last_state): Remove.
- Adjust the callers.
- (augment_automaton): Don't look for the shifts that must be added
- a shift on EOF: it is those of the state we looked for! But now,
- since shifts are attached, it is no longer needed to looking
- merely by its id: its number.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (augment_automaton): Better variable locality.
- Remove an impossible branch: if there is a state corresponding to
- the start symbol being shifted, then there is shift for the start
- symbol from the initial state.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (augment_automaton): Call `insert_eof_shifting_state'
- only when appropriate: when insert_start_shifting_state' is not
- invoked.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers): Adjust.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (augment_automaton): Now that all states have shifts,
- merge the two cases addition shifts to the initial state.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (set_state_table): Move to...
- * src/LR0.c: here.
- * src/lalr.c (lalr): Don't call it...
- * src/LR0.c (generate_states): do it.
- * src/LR0.h (first_state): Remove, only the table is used.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.h (first_shift, first_reduction): Remove.
- * src/lalr.c: Don't use first_shift: find shifts through the
- states.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c: Attach shifts to states as soon as they are
- computed.
- * src/lalr.c (set_state_table): Instead of assigning shifts to
- state, just assert that the mapping was properly done.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (insert_start_shift): Rename as...
- (insert_start_shifting_state): this.
- (insert_eof_shifting_state, insert_accepting_state): New.
- (augment_automaton): Adjust.
- Better locality of the variables.
- When looking if the start_symbol is shifted from the initial
- state, using `while (... symbol != start_symbol ...)' sounds
- better than `while (... symbol < start_symbol ...)': If fail
- to see how the order between symbols could be relevant!
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.h: Don't declare `spec_name_prefix' and
- `spec_file_prefix', declared by src/files.h.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h: Default for spec_name_prefix is "yy".
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Default prefix to NULL.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (symbols_output): Likewise.
- * src/vmsgetargs.c: Vaguely adjust, but who cares?
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): NULL is a better default than
- `"0"'.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (reader): Calling symbols_output once is enough.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Now that states have a complete set of members, the linked list of
- reductions is useless: just fill directly the state's reductions
- member.
- * src/state.h (struct reductions): Remove member `number' and
- `next'.
- * src/LR0.c (first_reduction, last_reduction): Remove.
- (save_reductions): Don't link the new reductions, store them in
- this_state.
- * src/lalr.c (set_state_table): No need to attach reductions to
- states, it's already done.
- * src/output.c (output_actions): No longer free the shifts, then
- the reductions, then the states: free all the states and their
- members.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/options.c (OPTN, DRTV, BOTH): New.
- (option_table): Use them.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Don't include xalloc.h and string.h: that's
- the job of system.h.
- * src/options.c: Don't include stdio.h and xalloc.h for the same
- reasons.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output, prepare): Make sure the values of the
- muscles `action' and `prologue' are 0-terminated.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Clean up GCC warnings.
- * src/reader.c (copy_action): `buf' is not used.
- (parse_skel_decl): Be static.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (mhash1, mhash2, muscle_insert): Preserve `const'.
- * src/options.h (create_long_option_table): Have a real prototype.
- * lib/hash.c, lib/hash.h (hash_insert, hash_insert_at, hash_delete)
- (hash_delete_at): Return const void *.
- Adjust casts to preserve the const.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Require 2.52g.
- M4 is not needed, but AUTOM4TE is.
- * m4/m4.m4: Remove.
- * tests/Makefile.am: Adjust.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- One structure for states is enough, even though theoretically
- there are LR(0) states and LALR(1) states.
- * src/lalr.h (state_t): Remove.
- (state_table): Be state_t **, not state_t *.
- * src/state.h (core, CORE_ALLOC): Rename as...
- (state_t, STATE_ALLOC): this.
- Add the LALR(1) members: shifts, reductions, errs.
- * src/LR0.c (state_table): Rename as...
- (state_hash): this, to avoid name clashes with the global
- `state_table'.
- * src/print_graph.c, src/LR0.c, src/LR0.h, src/conflicts.c
- * src/lalr.c, src/lalr.h, src/output.c, src/print.c: Adjust.
-2001-12-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bison dumps core on bash.y.
- Reported by Pascal Bart.
- * src/warshall.c (bitmatrix_print): New.
- (TC): Use it.
- When performing a transitive closure R(i, j) && R(j, k) => R(i, k),
- j must be the outer loop.
- * tests/regression.at (Broken Closure): New.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atlocal.in (CPPFLAGS): Do not leave a space between -I and
- its argument.
- Reported by Peter Hamorsky.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (err_table): Remove.
- (resolve_sr_conflict): Adjust.
- * src/lalr.h (state_t.reduction_table, state_t.shift_table):
- Rename as...
- (state_t.reductions, state_t.shifts): this.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): No longer disable the
- removal of useless rules via CPP but via `if (0)', so that the
- compiler still check the code is valid.
- For instance, it should have noticed `rline' no longer exists: use
- the `line' member of rule_t.
- * src/gram.c (dummy, rline): Remove, unused.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (pack_vector): Use assert, not berror.
- * src/main.c (berror): Remove, unused.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- New experimental feature: if --verbose --trace output all the
- items of a state, not only its kernel.
- * src/print.c (print_core): If `trace_flag', then invoke closure
- before outputting the items of the state (print_core is no longer
- a correct name them).
- (print_results): Invoke new_closure/free_closure if needed.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets): Use nshifts only, not shiftcount.
- * src/closure.c, src/closure.h (itemsetsize): Rename as...
- (nitemset): for consistency with the rest of the project.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (print_closure): Improve.
- (closure): Use it for printing input and output.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (FIRSTS, FDERIVES): Adjust to reality: they are
- indexed by nonterminals.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/warshall.c (TC, RTC): De-obsfucate (source reduced to 22% of
- what it was!).
- * src/warshall.h: Remove accidental duplication of the content.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (set_fderives): De-obfuscate.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (print_firsts, print_fderives): De-obfuscate.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (set_firsts): De-obfuscate.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (action_row): De-obfuscate
- using the good o' techniques: arrays not pointers, variable
- locality, BITISSET, RESETBIT etc.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Pessimize the code to simplify it: from now on, all the states
- have a valid SHIFTS, which NSHIFTS is possibly 0.
- * src/LR0.c (shifts_new): Be global and move to..
- * src/state.c, src/state.h: here.
- * src/conflicts, src/lalr.c, src/output.c, src/print.c,
- * src/print_graph: Adjust.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (SHIFT_DISABLE, SHIFT_IS_DISABLED): New.
- * src/conflicts.c: Use it.
- Restore a few missing `if (!SHIFT_IS_DISABLED)' which were
- incorrectly ``simplified''.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (flush_shift, resolve_sr_conflict): De-obfuscate
- using the good o' techniques: arrays not pointers, variable
- locality, BITISSET, RESETBIT etc.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (SHIFT_SYMBOL): New.
- * src/conflicts.c: Use it to deobfuscate.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (count_sr_conflicts, count_rr_conflicts)
- (print_reductions): De-obfuscate using the good o' techniques:
- arrays not pointers, variable locality, BITISSET.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Arrays, not pointers.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Pessimize, but clarify.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Improve variable locality.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Pessimize, but clarify.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Improve variable locality.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c: Use them.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (augment_automaton): Formatting changes.
- Better variable locality.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (matrix_print): New.
- (transpose): Use it.
- Use arrays instead of pointers.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (maxrhs): Move to...
- * src/gram.c, src/gram.h (ritem_longest_rhs): here.
- * src/lalr.c (build_relations): Adjust.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (transpose): Free the memory allocated to the
- argument, as it is replaced by the results by the unique caller.
- (build_relations): Merely invoke transpose: it handles the memory
- deallocation.
- Improve variable locality.
- Avoid variables used as mere abbreviations.
- (compute_lookaheads): Use arrays instead of pointers.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_F): Improve variable locality.
- Avoid variables used as mere abbreviations.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.c (print_derives): Display the ruleno.
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_F, transpose): Better variable locality
- to improve readability.
- Avoid variables used as mere abbreviations.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (traverse): Use arrays instead of pointers.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Use a for loop to de-obfuscate
- the handling of squeue.
- `symbol >= 0' is wrong now, use `rule_table[ruleno].useful'.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Because useless nonterminals are now kept alive (instead of being
- `destroyed'), we now sometimes examine them, and store information
- related to them. Hence we need to know their number, and adjust
- memory allocations.
- * src/reduce.c, src/reduce.h (nuseless_nonterminals): No longer
- static.
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets): The memory allocated to
- `symbol_count' was used for two different purpose: once to count
- the number of occurrences of each symbol, and later reassigned to
- `shift_symbol', containing the symbol that can be shifted from a
- given state.
- Deobfuscate, i.e., allocate, use and free `symbol_count' here
- only, and...
- (new_itemsets): Allocate `shift_symbol' here.
- (allocate_itemsets): symbol_count includes useless nonterminals.
- Make room for them.
- (free_storage): Use `free', not `XFREE', for pointers that cannot
- be null.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Deobfuscate the handling of
- ritem.
- `symbol >= 0' is wrong now, use `rule_table[ruleno].useful'.
-2001-12-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c, src/gram.h (ritem_print): New.
- * src/gram.c (dummy): Remove, now there is actual code in gram.c.
- (This useless function was defined only to work around VMS linkers
- that can't handle compilation units with variables only).
- * src/reduce.c (dump_grammar): Use it to trace the construction of
- ritem.
-2001-12-04 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (union yyalloc): Change member names
- to be the same as the stack names.
- (yyparse): yyptr is now union yyalloc *, not char *.
- (YYSTACK_RELOCATE): Likewise. This avoids a GCC warning,
- and may generate better code on some machines.
- (yystpcpy): Use prototype if __STDC__ is defined, not just
- if __cplusplus is defined.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in (WARNING_CFLAGS): Add -Werror when possible.
- (CFLAGS): Do not include the WARNING_CFLAGS here, since GNU
- Gettext doesn't compile cleanly, and dies with -Werror.
- * src/Makefile.am, lib/Makefile.am, tests/atlocal.in (CFLAGS):
- Include WARNING_CFLAGS here.
- * lib/xstrdup.c: Include xalloc.h, so that xstrdup be declared
- before being defined.
-2001-11-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * lib/quotearg.h (quotearg_n, quotearg_n_style):
- First arg is int, not unsigned.
- * lib/quotearg.c (quotearg_n, quotearg_n_style): Likewise.
- (SIZE_MAX, UINT_MAX): New macros.
- (quotearg_n_options): Abort if N is negative.
- Avoid overflow check on hosts where size_t is 64 bits and int
- is 32 bits, as overflow is impossible there.
- Fix off-by-one typo that caused unnecessary reallocation.
-2001-11-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Name space cleanup in generated parser.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Parser): Discuss system headers
- and their effect on the user name space.
- * src/bison.simple:
- YYSTACK_BYTES, YYSTACK_RELOCATE): Do not define unless necessary,
- i.e. unless ! defined (yyoverflow) || defined (YYERROR_VERBOSE).
- (YYSIZE_T): New macro. Use it instead of size_t, to avoid infringing
- on user names when possible.
- (YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA): Do not define; just use any existing defn.
- Simplify test for whather <alloca.h> exists.
- (<stdlib.h>): Include if we will use malloc, and if standard C or C++.
- (<stdio.h>): Include if YYDEBUG.
- (yymemcpy): Renamed from __yy_memcpy. Do not define unless
- ! defined (yyoverflow) && ! defined (yymemcpy).
- (yymemcpy, yyparse): Rename local variables as needed so that
- they all begin with 'yy'.
- (yystrlen, yystpcpy): New functions.
- All uses changed.
- (yyparse): size_t -> YYSIZE_T. Use yystrlen and yystpcpy
- instead of relying on string.h functions. Use YYSTACK_ALLOC
- and YYSTACK_FREE instead of malloc and free.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTYPE, YYLTYPE): Move their definitions
- before their first uses.
- (YYBISON, YYPURE): Move to the top of the output.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Nonterminals): Fix.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_FREE): Use `do {;} while (0)' as empty
- if body instead of `;' to pacify GCC's warnings.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Instead of mapping the LHS of unused rules to -1, keep the LHS
- valid, but flag the rules as invalid.
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): `useful' is a new member.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Adjust.
- * src/derives.c (set_derives): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (packgram, reduce_output): Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Likewise.
- * tests/reduce.at (Underivable Rules, Useless Rules): New.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_output): Formatting changes.
- * src/print.c (print_results, print_grammar): Likewise.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers)
- (Solved SR Conflicts, Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (nonterminals_reduce): Instead of throwing away
- useless nonterminals, move them at the end of the symbol arrays.
- (reduce_output): Adjust.
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Nonterminals): Adjust.
-2001-11-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c: Various comment/formatting changes.
- (nonterminals_reduce): New, extracted from...
- (reduce_grammar_tables): here.
- (reduce_grammar): Call nonterminals_reduce.
-2001-11-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_REALLOC): Remove.
- (YYSTACK_ALLOC): Resurrect this macro, with its old meaning.
- New macros.
- (union yyalloc): New type.
- (__yy_memcpy): Last arg is size_t, not unsigned int, to remove
- an arbitrary restriction on hosts where size_t is wider than int.
- (yyparse): Don't dump core if alloca or malloc fails; instead, report
- a parser stack overflow. Allocate just one block of memory for all
- three stacks, instead of allocating three blocks; this typically is
- faster and reduces fragmentation.
- Do not limit the number of items in the stack to a value that fits
- in 'int', as this is an arbitrary limit on hosts with 64-bit
- size_t and 32-bit int.
-2001-11-29 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at [AT_DATA_CALC_Y]: Use %error-verbose instead
- of defining YYERROR_VERBOSE.
- [AT_DATA]: $4 is now out of C declarations in the prologue.
-2001-11-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_dquoted_param): New.
- (parse_skel_decl): Use it.
- * src/lex.h: Add its prototype.
- * src/lex.c (literalchar): Become not static.
-2001-11-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.h: And put its extern declaration here.
- * src/output.c (error_verbose): Define here.
- (prepare): Echo name modification.
- * src/getargs.h: Clean its extern declaration.
- * src/getargs.c (error_verbose_flag): Remove.
- (getargs): Remove case 'e'.
- * src/options.c (option_table): 'error-verbose' is now seen as simple
- percent option.
- Include output.h.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Remove case tok_include.
- (parse_include_decl): Remove.
- * src/lex.h (token_t): Remove tok_include.
- * src/options.c (option_table): 'include' is now a simple command line
- option.
-2001-11-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Adjust muscle names.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Also rename the muscles.
- * src/output.c (prepare): s/_/-/ for the muscles names.
- (output_parser): When scanning for a muscle, allow '-' instead of '_'.
-2001-11-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Fix debug.
- [YYERROR_VERBOSE]: Re-integrate as an internal macro.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (shifts_new): New.
- (save_shifts, insert_start_shift, augment_automaton): Use it.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): `b' and `ruleno' denote the same value:
- keep ruleno only.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): Instead of looping over word in array
- then bits in words, loop over bits in array.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): No longer optimize the special case
- where all the bits of `ruleset[r]' are set to 0, to make the code
- clearer.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): `r' and `c' are new variables, used to
- de-obfuscate accesses to RULESET and CORE.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_print): Use ngettext.
- (dump_grammar): Improve the trace accuracy.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (dump_grammar): Don't translate trace messages.
-2001-11-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/reduce.at (Useless Terminals, Useless Nonterminals): New.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar_tables): Do not free useless tags,
- as all tags are free'ed afterwards.
- From Enrico Scholz.
-2001-11-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_REALLOC): Fix typo that caused us to
- use alloca when we didn't want to, and vice versa.
-2001-11-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Remove 'verbose' muscle
- initialization.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Remove its update.
-2001-11-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/torture.at [AT_DATA]: Remove YYERROR_VERBOSE definition.
- Use %error-verbose.
-2001-11-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Remove YYERROR_VERBOSE using.
- Use %%error_verbose.
- (yyparse): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Give its final value.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Init new muscle 'error_verbose'.
- * src/getargs.h: Add its extern declaration.
- * src/getargs.c (error_verbose_flag): New int.
- (getargs): Update to catch new case.
- * src/options.c (option_table): 'error-verbose' is a new option.
- (shortopts): Update.
-2001-11-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Use intl/libgettext.h.
- * src/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Add -I $(top_srcdir).
-2001-11-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/torture.at (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc):
-2001-11-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c: Include error.h.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
-2001-11-26 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_include_decl): New, not yet implemented.
- (read_declarations): Add case tok_include.
- * src/getargs.h (include): Add its extern definition.
- * src/getargs.c (include): New const char *.
- (getargs): Add case '-I'.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Add include as command line and
- percent option.
- * src/lex.h (token_t): Add tok_include.
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Make sure rules for mid-rule actions
- have a lineno equal to that of their host rule.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
- * tests/regression.at (Rule Line Numbers): New.
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (allocate_itemsets): kernel_size contains ints, not
- size_ts.
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/complain.c, src/complain.h (error): Remove, provided by
- lib/error.[ch].
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Don't abort on tok_illegal,
- issue an error message.
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid %directive): New.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Invoke AC_FUNC_OBSTACK and AC_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_SOURCES): Adjust.
-2001-11-26 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Don't complain at all when
- there are no reduce/reduce conflicts, and as many shift/reduce
- conflicts as expected.
- * tests/regression.at (%expect right): Adjust.
-2001-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/alloca.c: Update, from fileutils.
-2001-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/Makefile.am (libbison_a_LIBADD): Add @ALLOCA@.
-2001-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Include alloca.h.
- * src/main.c (main) [C_ALLOCA]: Call alloca (0).
-2001-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (print_actions): Remove `rule', unused.
- * src/LR0.c (kernel_size): Contain `int' instead of `size_t' to
- pacify GCC's signed < unsigned warnings.
- * src/closure.c (itemsetsize): Likewise.
- * src/reader.c (symbol_list_new): Static.
-2001-11-23 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Attaching lineno to buckets is stupid, since only one copy of each
- symbol is kept, only the line of the first occurrence is kept too.
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c (bucket): Remove the line member.
- * src/reader.c (rline_allocated): Remove, unused.
- (symbol_list): Have a `line' member.
- (symbol_list_new): New.
- (readgram): Use it.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Output the rule line numbers.
- * tests/regression.at (Solved SR Conflicts)
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): Adjust.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
-2001-11-22 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple [YYERROR_VERBOSE]: Force its value to be 1 or 0.
-2001-11-22 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Remove initialization of
- skeleton muscle.
- * src/output.c (output_master_parser): Do it here.
-2001-11-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * po/sv.po: New.
- * configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): Adjust.
- * po/POTFILE.in: Remove `nullable.c' and `derives.c' which no
- longer contains strings to translate.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflicts_print): Add a missing \n.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/nullable.c (nullable_print): New.
- (set_nullable): Call it when tracing.
- Better locality of variables.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c (print_actions): Better locality of variables.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.c (print_derives): Fix and enrich.
- * src/closure.c (print_fderives): Likewise.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (itemsetend): Remove, replaced with...
- (itemsetsize): new.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (kernel_end): Remove, replaced with...
- (kernel_size): new.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (set_conflicts): Use arrays instead of pointers
- to clarify.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c (closure): Use arrays instead of pointers to clarify.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/nullable.c: Adjust various
- trace messages.
- * src/LR0.c: Likewise.
- (allocate_itemsets): Use arrays instead of pointers to clarify.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (statistics_flag): Replace with...
- (trace_flag): New.
- (longopts): Accept --trace instead of --statistics.
- * src/getargs.h, src/options.c: Adjust.
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/derives.c, src/nullable.c,
- * src/reduce.c: Use trace_flags instead of the CPP conditional TRACE.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_itemsets, get_state): Use more arrays and fewer
- pointers to clarify the code.
- (save_reductions, save_shifts): Factor common parts of alternatives.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_state, get_state): Complete TRACE code.
- * src/closure.c: Include `reader.h' to get `tags', needed by the
- trace code.
- Rename the conditional DEBUG as TRACE.
- Output consistently TRACEs to stderr, not stdout.
- * src/derives.c: Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c: (inaccessable_symbols): Using if is better style
- than goto.
- Use `#if TRACE' instead of `#if 0' for tracing code.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h (LIST_FREE, shortcpy): New.
- * src/LR0.c: Use them.
- * src/output.c (free_itemsets, free_reductions, free_shifts):
- Remove, replaced by LIST_FREE.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c, src/conflicts.c: Use them to de-obfuscate memory
- allocation.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.c (new_state): Complete trace code.
- * src/nullable.c (set_nullable): Don't translate traces.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (print_core): Better locality of variables.
- * src/print.c (print_core): Likewise.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c: You do the output, so you are responsible of the
- handling of VCG syntax, in particular: use quotearg.
- * src/print_graph.c: Don't.
- (print_actions): Don't output the actions as part of the nodes,
- since that's the job of the edges.
- (print_state): Don't output by hand: fill the node description,
- and ask for its output.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): When verbosely reporting an error,
- no longer put additional quotes around token names.
- * tests/calc.at: Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h, src/symtab.c: `line' is a new member of `bucket'.
- * src/reader.c (record_rule_lines, rline, rline_allocated): Remove.
- * src/output.c: Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rprec, rprecsym, rassoc): Remove, now part of...
- (rule_t): this.
- * src/conflicts.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c: Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (rule_t): New.
- (rule_table): New.
- (rrhs, rlhs): Remove, part of state_t.
- * src/print_graph.c, src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/derives.c,
- * src/lalr.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c,
- * src/reader.c, src/reduce.c: Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (symbols_output): New, extracted from...
- (packsymbols): Here.
- (reader): Call it.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (set_maxrhs, maxrhs): Remove, replaced with...
- (maxrhs): this new function.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (F): New macro to access the variable F.
- Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (LA): New macro to access the variable LA.
- * src/output.c, src/lalr.c, src/print_graph.c, src/conflicts.c:
- * src/lalr.c: Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.c (initialize_LA): Only initialize LA. Let...
- (set_state_table): handle the `lookaheads' members.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (lookaheads): Removed array, whose contents is now
- a member of...
- (state_t): this structure.
- * src/output.c, src/lalr.c, src/print_graph.c, src/conflicts.c:
- Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (consistent): Removed array, whose contents is now
- a member of...
- (state_t): this structure.
- * src/output.c, src/lalr.c, src/print_graph.c, src/conflicts.c:
- Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (reduction_table, shift_table): Removed arrays, whose
- contents are now members of...
- (state_t): this structure.
- * src/output.c, src/lalr.c, src/print_graph.c, src/conflicts.c:
- Adjust.
-2001-11-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h (state_t): New.
- (state_table): Be a state_t * instead of a core **.
- (accessing_symbol): Remove, part of state_t.
- * src/lalr.c: Adjust.
- (set_accessing_symbol): Merge into...
- (set_state_table): this.
- * src/print_graph.c, src/conflicts.c: Adjust.
-2001-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at, tests/output.at, tests/regression.at,
- * tests/testsuite.at, tests/torture.at: Rely on Autotest 2.52g:
- now the tests are run in private dirs, therefore AC_CLEANUP and
- family can be simplified to 0-ary.
- * tests/atlocal.in: Now that we run `elsewhere' than in tests/,
- use abs. path to find config.h.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK_CALC): Don't try to check the compiler's
- stderr, there can be way too much random noise.
- Instead pass -Werror to GCC and rely on the exit status.
- Reported by Wolfram Wagner.
-2001-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): Let yyls1, yyss1 and yyvs1 be
- defined only if yyoverflow is defined, to avoid `warning: unused
- variable `yyvs1''.
- Reported by The Test Suite.
-2001-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.c: Include reduce.h.
- Reported by Hans Aberg.
-2001-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c, src/lex.h (token_buffer, unlexed_token_buffer):
- Revert a previous patch: these are really const.
- * src/conflicts.c (conflict_report): Additional useless pair of
- braces to pacify GCC's warnings for `if () if () {} else {}'.
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Replace equal_offset with
- arg_offset.
- arg is const.
- Be sure to strdup `arg' when used, since there is no reason for
- token_buffer not to change.
-2001-11-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h (EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE): Ensure a proper
- definition.
- * src/main.c (main): Use them.
- Suggested by Hans Aberg.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h (ngettext): Now that we use ngettext, be sure to
- provide a default definition when NLS are not used.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Use `$' as shell prompt, not `%'.
- Use @kbd to denote user input.
- (Language and Grammar): ANSIfy the example.
- Adjust its layout for info/notinfo.
- (Location Tracking Calc): Output error messages to stderr.
- Output locations in a more GNUtically correct way.
- Fix a couple of Englishos.
- Adjust @group/@end group pairs.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- %expect was not functioning at all.
- * src/conflicts.c (expected_conflicts): Set to -1.
- (conflict_report): Use ngettext.
- (conflicts_print): Check %expect and make its violation an error.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Expect Decl): Adjust.
- * configure.in (AM_GNU_GETTEXT): Ask for ngettext.
- * tests/regression.at (%expect not enough, %expect right)
- (%expect too much): New.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Conflicts): Rename as...
- (Unresolved SR Conflicts): this.
- (Solved SR Conflicts): New.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.c (print_results): Rename as...
- (reduce_output): This.
- Output to OUT, passed as argument, instead of output_obstack.
- (dump_grammar): Likewise.
- (reduce_free): New.
- Also free V1.
- (reduce_grammar): No longer call reduce_output, since...
- * src/print.c (print_results): do it.
- * src/main.c (main): Call reduce_free;
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (print_reductions): Accept OUT as argument.
- Output to it, not to output_obstack.
- * src/print.c (print_actions): Adjust.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (count_sr_conflicts, count_rr_conflicts): Return
- the result instead of using...
- (src_total, rrc_total, src_count, rrc_count): Remove.
- (any_conflicts): Remove.
- (print_conflicts): Split into...
- (conflicts_print, conflicts_output): New.
- * src/conflicts.h: Adjust.
- * src/main.c (main): Invoke both conflicts_output and conflicts_print.
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Issue `\n' between two rules.
- * tests/regression.at (Conflicts): New.
- Reported by Tom Lane.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid input): Remove, duplicate with
- ``Invalid input: 1''.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/torture.at (AT_DATA_STACK_TORTURE)
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Alloca)
- (Exploding the Stack Size with Malloc): New.
-2001-11-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_REALLOC): New.
- (yyparse) [!yyoverflow]: Use it and free the old stack.
- Reported by Per Allansson.
-2001-11-12 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Define type yystype instead of YYSTYPE, and
- define CPP macro, which substitute YYSTYPE by yystype.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Output yystype/YYSTYPE as we do
- with yyltype/YYLTYPE. This allows inclusion of the generated
- header within the parser if the compiler, such as GGC, accepts
- multiple equivalent #defines.
- From Akim.
-2001-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (symbols_output): New, extracted from...
- (packsymbols): here.
- (reader): Adjust.
-2001-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): s/quotearg/quote/.
-2001-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): Adjust the clean up
- pattern.
-2001-11-05 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/options.h (struct option_table_struct): set_flags is void*.
- * src/options.c (longopts): Support `--output' and `%output'.
- (usage): Adjust.
- * src/lex.h (tok_setopt): Remove, replaced with...
- (tok_intopt, tok_stropt): these new guys.
- * src/lex.c (getopt.h): Not needed.
- (token_buffer, unlexed_token_buffer): Not const.
- (percent_table): Promote `-' over `_' in directive names.
- Active `%name-prefix', `file-prefix', and `output'.
- (parse_percent_token): Accept possible arguments to directives.
- Promote `-' over `_' in directive names.
-2001-11-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Decl Summary): Split the list into
- `directives for grammars' and `directives for bison'.
- Sort'em.
- Add description of `%name-prefix', `file-prefix', and `output'.
- Promote `-' over `_' in directive names.
- (Bison Options): s/%locactions/%locations/. Nice Freudian slip.
- Simplify the description of `--name-prefix'.
- Promote `-' over `_' in directive names.
- Promote `--output' over `--output-file'.
- Fix the description of `--defines'.
- * tests/output.at: Exercise %file-prefix and %output.
-2001-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/refcard.tex: Update.
-2001-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.h (SUNDEF): New.
- * src/symtab.c (bucket_new): Init user_token_number to SUNDEF to
- stand for `uninitialized', instead of 0.
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols, parse_thong_decl): Adjust.
- * src/lex.c (lex): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Declare a token for EOF.
- Number it 0.
- Let yylex return it instead of a plain 0.
- Reported by Dick Streefland.
-2001-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Mixing %token styles): New test.
-2001-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_thong_decl): Formatting changes.
- (token_translations_init): New, extracted from...
- (packsymbols): Here.
- Adjust.
-2001-11-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (AT_TEST_CPP_GUARD_H): New.
- Check that `9foo.y' produces correct cpp guards.
- * src/files.c (compute_header_macro): Prepend `BISON_' to CPP
- guards.
- Reported by Wwp.
-2001-11-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid input: 2): New.
- * src/lex.c (unlexed_token_buffer): New.
- (lex, unlex): Adjust: when unlexing, be sure to save token_buffer
- too.
- Reported by Wwp.
-2001-11-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Catch up with 1.30.
- * configure.in: Bump to 1.49a.
- Adjust to newer Autotest.
-2001-10-19 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c: Move global variables rrc_total and src_total ...
- (print_conflicts): here.
- * src/output.c (output): Free global variable user_toknums.
- * src/lex.c (token_obstack): Become static.
-2001-10-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atlocal.in (GCC): Add.
- * tests/calc.at: s/m4_match/m4_bmatch/.
- s/m4_patsubst/m4_bpatsubst/.
- (AT_CHECK_CALC): Check the compiler's stderr only if it's GCC.
- * configure.in: AC_SUBST(GCC).
-2001-10-14 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/options.c (create_long_option_table): Fix.
-2001-10-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Be sure to set YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA.
-2001-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Push the caracters in
- union_obstack, not attrs_obstack.
-2001-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Merge in the branch 1.29.
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols): Use a temporary obstack for
- `%%tokendef', since output_stack is already used elsewhere.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bump 1.29d.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.29c.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid CPP headers): New.
- From Alexander Belopolsky.
- * src/files.c (compute_header_macro): Map non alnum chars to `_'.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at (Invalid input): New.
- * src/lex.c (lex): Be sure to set `token_buffer' in any case.
- Reported by Shura.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Now that --debug works, the tests must be adjusted.
- 2001-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Assert `skeleton'.
- * src/files.c (skeleton_find): Look harder for skeletons on DOSish
- systems.
- From Shura.
- 2001-10-01 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.h: Echo modifications.
- * src/lex.c (unlex): Parameter is now token_t.
- From Hans Aberg.
- 2001-10-01 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c: Include lex.h.
- From Hans Aberg.
- 2001-09-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (longopts): `--debug' is `-t', not `-d'.
- 2001-09-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/testsuite.at: Update to newer Autotest.
- * tests/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): bison is not to be shipped.
- 2001-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Position independent wrapper.
- * tests/bison: Remove.
- * tests/bison.in: New.
- * configure.in: Adjust.
- 2001-09-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- Port quotearg fixes from tar 1.13.24.
- * lib/quotearg.c: BSD/OS 4.1 wchar.h requires FILE and struct
- tm to be declared.
- (mbsinit): Define to 1 if !defined mbsinit && !HAVE_MBSINIT.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add mbrtowc.m4.
- * m4/mbrtowc.m4: New file.
- * m4/prereq.m4 (jm_PREREQ_QUOTEARG): Check for mbsinit and stddef.h.
- Use jm_FUNC_MBRTOWC instead of AC_CHECK_FUNCS(mbrtowc).
- 2001-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bump to 1.29c.
- 2001-09-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.29b.
- 2001-09-25 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Include `xalloc.h'.
- Remove it from the C files.
- * src/files.c (output_files): Free the obstacks.
- * src/lex.c (init_lex): Rename as...
- (lex_init): this.
- (lex_free): New.
- * src/main.c (main): Use it.
- 2001-09-24 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c (open_edge, close_edge, open_node, close_node): Change
- to output informations in fout (FILE*).
- (open_graph, close_graph): Likewise.
- (output_graph, output_edge, output_node): Likewise.
- * src/vcg.h: Update function prototypes.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Open output graph file.
- (print_actions): Adjust.
- * src/files.h: Remove extern declaration.
- * src/files.c: Remove graph_obstack declaration.
- (open_files): Remove graph_obstack initialization.
- (output_files): Remove graph_obstack saving.
- 2001-09-24 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names): Fix.
- 2001-09-24 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>,
- Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (reader): Remove call to free_symtab ().
- * src/main.c (main): Call it here.
- Include symtab.h.
- * src/conflicts.c (initialize_conflicts): Rename as...
- (solve_conflicts): this.
- * src/print.c (print_core, print_actions, print_state)
- (print_grammar): Dump to a file instead a `output_obstack'.
- (print_results): Dump `output_obstack', and then proceed with the
- FILE *.
- * src/files.c (compute_output_file_names, close_files): New.
- (output_files): Adjust.
- * src/main.c (main): Adjust.
- 2001-09-23 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (compute_header_macro): Computes header macro name
- from spec_defines_file when given.
- 2001-09-23 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (output_files): Add default extensions.
- 2001-09-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (finalize_conflicts): Rename as...
- (free_conflicts): this.
- 2001-09-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.c (gram_free): Rename back as...
- (dummy): this.
- (output_token_translations): Free `token_translations'.
- * src/symtab.c (free_symtab): Free the tag field.
- 2001-09-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove `translations' as it is always set to true.
- * src/gram.h: Adjust.
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols, parse_token_decl): Adjust
- * src/print.c (print_grammar): Adjust.
- * src/output.c (output_token_translations): Adjust.
- * src/lex.c (lex): Adjust.
- * src/gram.c: Be sure the set pointers to NULL.
- (dummy): Rename as...
- (gram_free): this.
- 2001-09-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Invoke AM_LIB_DMALLOC.
- * src/system.h: Use dmalloc.
- * src/LR0.c: Be sure to have pointers initialized to NULL.
- (allocate_itemsets): Allocate kernel_items only if needed.
- 2001-09-22 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Bump to 1.29b.
- * tests/Makefile.am (DISTCLEANFILES): Add package.m4.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): #undef malloc so that we don't
- need xmalloc.c in calc.y.
- From Pascal Bart.
- 2001-09-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.29a.
- * Makefile.maint, config/config.guess, config/config.sub,
- * config/missing: Update from masters.
- * tests/Makefile.am ($(srcdir)/$(TESTSUITE)): No longer depend
- upon package.m4.
- * configure.in (ALL_LINGUAS): Add `tr'.
- 2001-09-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/Makefile.am (package.m4): Move to...
- ($(srcdir)/$(TESTSUITE)): here.
- 2001-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/complain.c: No longer try to be standalone: use system.h.
- Don't assume __STDC__ is defined to 1. Just test if it is defined.
- * src/complain.h: Likewise.
- * src/reduce.c (useless_nonterminals, inaccessable_symbols):
- Remove the unused variable `n'.
- From Albert Chin-A-Young.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.1: Update.
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Update --defines and --graph
- descriptions.
- (Option Cross Key): Update.
- Add --graph.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.at: New test (comment in %union).
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Do not output '/'. Let copy_comment
- do that.
- Reported by Keith Browne.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/output.at: Add tests for --defines and --graph.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/output.at: Removes tests of %{header,src}_extension features.
- 2001-09-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/Makefile.am (package.m4): New.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC): Just run `calc input'.
- (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Likewise.
- Factor the `, ' part of verbose error messages.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (longopts): Declare --defines and --graph as options
- with optional arguments.
- * src/files.h: Add extern declarations.
- * src/files.c (spec_graph_file, spec_defines_file): New.
- (output_files): Update.
- Remove CPP-outed code.
- 2001-09-18 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- Turn off %{source,header}_extension feature.
- * src/files.c (compute_exts_from_gf): Update.
- (compute_exts_from_src): Update.
- (output_files): CPP-out useless code.
- * src/files.h: Remove {header,source}_extension extern declarations.
- * src/reader.c (parse_dquoted_param): CPP-out.
- (parse_header_extension_decl): Remove.
- (parse_source_extension_decl): Remove.
- (read_declarations): Remove cases tok_{hdrext,srcext}.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Remove {header,source}_extension entries.
- * src/lex.h (token_t): Remove tok_hdrext and tok_srcext.
- 2001-09-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- (AT_CHECK_OUTPUT): this.
- Merely check ls' exit status, its output is useless.
- 2001-09-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at: Use m4_match.
- (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Check `yyin != NULL', not `stdin != NULL'.
- 2001-09-10 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>,
- Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.h (graph_s): color, textcolor, bordercolor are now
- enum color_e.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_graph): Initalize graph.layoutalgorithm
- to `normal'.
- * src/reader.c (parse_token_decl): Initialize token with tok_eof.
- * src/lex.h: Adjust prototype.
- (token_t): Add `tok_undef'.
- * src/lex.c (struct percent_table_struct): Retval is now a token_t.
- (parse_percent_token): Now returns token_t.
- Add default statement in switch.
- (lex): Separate `c' as an input variable, from the token_t result
- part.
- (unlexed): Is a token_t.
- 2001-09-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Bump to 1.29a.
- 2001-09-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.29.
- 2001-08-30 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atgeneral.m4, tests/atconfig.in, tests/suite.at: Remove.
- * m4/atconfig.m4: Remove.
- * tests/testsuite.at, tests/atlocal.in, tests/output.at,
- * tests/bison: New.
- * tests/regression.at, tests/calc.at: Use m4_define, AT_BANNER,
- m4_if, m4_patsubst, and m4_regexp.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_CHECK_CALC, _AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): Use an
- `input' file instead of echo.
- 2001-08-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Bump to 1.28e.
- 2001-08-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.28d.
- 2001-08-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): Don't take the address of an
- item before the start of an array, as that doesn't conform to
- the C Standard.
- 2001-08-29 Robert Anisko <anisko_r@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Location Tracking Calc): New node.
- 2001-08-29 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/output.c (output): Do not define const, as this now
- causes more problems than it cures.
- 2001-08-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Modernize `@node' and `@top' use: just name
- the nodes.
- Be sure to tag the `detailmenu'.
- 2001-08-29 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint (do-po-update): Wget refuses to overwrite files:
- download in a tmp dir.
- 2001-08-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * config/depcomp: New file.
- 2001-08-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.1 (mandoc): Adjust.
- From Juan Manuel Guerrero.
- 2001-08-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (print_state): Fix.
- 2001-08-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.h (classname_s, infoname_s, node_s): Constify the
- char * members.
- Echo modifications to the functions prototypes.
- * src/vcg.c (add_classname, add_infoname): Adjust arguments.
- 2001-08-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c: Include `xalloc.h'.
- (add_colorentry): New.
- (add_classname): New.
- (add_infoname): New.
- * src/vcg.h: Add new prototypes.
- 2001-08-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Sync. again with CVS Autoconf.
- 2001-08-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Formatting changes.
- (po-update, cvs-update, update): New targets.
- (AMTAR): Remove.
- 2001-08-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): 1.5.
- * Makefile.maint: Sync. with CVS Autoconf.
- 2001-08-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.h (struct infoname_s): New.
- (struct colorentry_s): New.
- (graph_s): New fields {vertical,horizontal}_order in structure.
- Add `infoname' field.
- Add `colorentry' field;
- * src/vcg_defaults.h (G_VERTICAL_ORDER): New.
- (G_INFONAME): New.
- * src/vcg.c (output_graph): Add output of {vertical,horizontal}_order.
- Add output of `infoname'.
- Add output of `colorentry'.
- 2001-08-27 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_dquoted_param): Rename variable `index' to `i'.
- This one shadowed a global parameter.
- 2001-08-24 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (node_output_size): Declared POSIX `size_t' type,
- instead of `unsigned'.
- (print_state): Do not call obstack_object_size () in obstack_grow ()
- to avoid macro variables shadowing.
- 2001-08-23 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Typo: s/naem/name/.
- Add graph option.
- Normalize new options declarations.
- 2001-08-20 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * tests/suite.at: Exercise %header_extension and %source_extension.
- 2001-08-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_dquoted_param): New.
- (parse_header_extension_decl): Use it.
- (parse_source_extension_decl): Likewise.
- 2001-08-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c: Remove includes of `complain.h' and `xalloc.h'.
- (get_xxxx_str): Use assert () instead of complain ().
- Remove return invokations in default cases.
- (get_decision_str): Modify default behaviour. Remove second argument.
- Echo modifications on calls.
- (output_graph): Fix.
- 2001-08-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Update with ``-g, --graph''.
- 2001-08-16 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Bison Options): Add items `-g', `--graph'.
- (Option Cross Key): Likewise.
- * doc/bison.1: Update.
-2001-09-25 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_master_parser): Don't finish action_obstack.
- (output_parser): Don't care about the muscle action, here.
- (prepare): Copy the action_obstack in the action muscle.
- (output): Free action_obstack.
-2001-09-23 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Add new obstack union_obstack. Which
- will contain `%union' declaration.
- (parse_union_decl): Delete #line directive output.
- (parse_union_decl): Substitute /attrs_obstack/union_obstack for all
- informations about %union.
- (parse_union_decl): Copy the union_obstack in the muscle stype.
- * src/bison.simple: Add new #line directive.
- Add typdef %%stype YYSTYPE.
-2001-09-23 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Add new `#line' directive.
-2001-09-22 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: New `#line' directive.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Support new dynamic muscle input_line.
-2001-09-22 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_master_parser): New.
- (output_parser): Be more re-entrant.
-2001-09-21 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition, parse_union_decl): Update and use
- `linef' muscle.
- (copy_action): Likewise.
- Use obstack_1grow ().
- * src/muscle_tab.c (muscle_init): Add muscle `linef'.
-2001-09-21 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/options.c (option_table): Adjust.
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Fix.
-2001-09-20 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/options.c (symtab.h): Include it, need by lex.h.
-2001-09-20 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Change type of variable `tx', which
- is now an option_table_struct*.
- (option_strcmp): New function option_strcmp.
- (parse_percent_token): Call option_strcmp.
- * src/getargs.c (xalloc.h, options.h): Include it.
- (getargs): Call create_long_option_table.
- (getargs): Free longopts at the end of the function.
- (shortopts): Move in options.c.
- * src/options.c (create_long_option_table): New function. Convert
- information from option_table to option structure.
- * src/reader.c (options.h): Include it.
- * src/Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * src/options.c (option_table): Create from longopts and percent_table.
- * src/getargs.c (longopts): Delete.
- * src/lex.c (struct percent_table_struct): Delete.
- (percent_table): Delete.
- (options.h): Include it.
- * src/options.c: Create.
- * src/options.h: Create.
- Declare enum opt_access_e.
- Define struct option_table_struct.
-2001-09-20 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Adjust terminologies about prologue and epilogue
- sections of Bison.
-2001-09-19 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: s/%%filename/%%skeleton.
- * src/muscle_tab.c (getargs.h): Include it.
- (muscle_init): Insert new muscle skeleton.
-2001-09-18 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Delete unused variable actions_dumped.
-2001-09-07 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Delete call to reader_output_yylsp.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Likewise.
- * src/reader.h: Delete declaration of reader_output_yylsp.
-2001-09-02 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c: Include muscle_tab.h.
- (parse_union_decl): Update.
- (parse_macro_decl): Rename parse_muscle_decl.
- Update to use renamed functions and variable.
- (read_declarations, copy_action, read_additionnal_code, : Updated
- with correct variables and functions names.
- (packsymbols, reader): Likewise.
- * src/reader.h (muscle_obstack): Extern declaration update.
- * src/output.c: Include muscle_tab.h
- In all functions using macro_insert, change by using muscle_insert ().
- (macro_obstack): Rename muscle_obstack.
- Echo modifications in the whole file.
- * src/muscle_tab.h: Update double inclusion macros.
- (macro_entry_s): Rename muscle_entry_s.
- Update prototypes.
- * src/muscle_tab.c: Include muscle_tab.h.
- Rename macro_tabble to muscle_table.
- (mhash1, mhash2, mcmp): Use muscle_entry.
- (macro_init): Rename muscle_init. Update.
- (macro_insert): Rename muscle_insert. Update.
- (macro_find): Rename muscle_find. Update.
- * src/main.c: Include muscle_tab.h.
- (main): Call muscle_init ().
- * src/Makefile.am (bison_SOURCES): Echo modifications.
-2001-09-02 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- Now the files macro_tab.[ch] are named muscle_tab.[ch].
- * src/muscle_tab.c, src/muscle_tab.h: Add files.
-2001-09-02 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/macrotab.c, src/macrotab.h: Remove.
-2001-09-01 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_guard): Use muscle to specify the `#line'
- filename.
-2001-09-01 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.at (exp): Now, YYERROR_VERBOSE need to be set
- to an explicit value to activate the feature. We do it here.
-2001-08-31 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Delete the `filename' muscule insertion.
- * src/reader.c (copy_action): Use `filename' muscule with `#line'.
- (parse_union_decl): Likewise.
- * src/macrotab.c (macro_init): Initialize filename by infile.
-2001-08-31 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYLSP_NEEDED): New definition.
- * src/output.c (prepare): Add macro insertion of `locations_flag'
-2001-08-31 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Delete insertion of previous muscles,
- and insert the `prefix' muscles.
- * src/macrotab.c (macro_init): Likewise.
- (macro_init): Initialization prefix directive by `yy'.
- * src/bison.simple: Substitute all %%yylex, %%yychar, %%yylval,
- %%yydebug, %%yyerror, %%yynerrs and %%yyparse by yylex, yychar,
- yylval, yydebug, yyerror, yynerrs and yyparse.
- New directive `#define' to substitute yydebug, ... with option
- name_prefix.
-2001-08-31 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): Standardize.
- * src/output.c (output_table_data, output_parser): Likewise.
- * src/macrotab.h, src/macrotab.c, src/bison.simple: Likewise.
-2001-08-31 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>, Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (read_additionnal_code): Rename %%user_code to
- %%epilogue.
- * src/output.c (output): Rename %%declarations to %%prologue.
- * src/bison.simple: Echo modifications.
-2001-08-31 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): CleanUp.
- (output_token_defines): Likewise.
- (packsymbols): Likewise.
- (reader): Likewise.
- * src/output.c (output): CPP-out useless code.
-2001-08-31 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (reader): Delete obsolete call to function
- output_trailers and output_headers.
- * src/output.h: Remove obsolete functions prototypes of output_headers
- and output_trailers.
-2001-08-30 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c: Include macrotab.h.
- * src/macrotab.h (macro_entry_s): Constify fields.
- Adjust functions prototypes.
- * src/macrotab.c (macro_insert): Constify key and value.
- (macro_find): Constify key.
- (macro_insert): Include 'xalloc.h'
- (macro_insert): Use XMALLOC.
- (macro_find): Constify return value.
- * src/output.c (output_table_data): Rename table to table_data.
- (output_parser): Constify macro_key, macro_value.
-2001-08-30 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_skel_decl): New.
- (read_declarations): Add case `tok_skel', call parse_skel_decl ().
- * src/lex.h (token_t): New token `tok_skel'.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Add skeleton option entry.
- Standardize.
-2001-08-29 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Add %%user_code directive at the end.
- * src/reader.c (read_additionnal_code): New.
- (reader): Use it.
- * src/output.c (output_program): Remove.
- (output): Update.
-2001-08-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_actions): Clean up.
- (output_gram): CPP-out useless code.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Clean up, CPP-out useless code.
-2001-08-28 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Copy attrs_obstack in the '%%definitions'
- directive.
- * src/bison.simple: Add `%%definitions'.
-2001-08-28 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * config/depcomp: New file.
-2001-08-27 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): Don't take the address of an
- item before the start of an array, as that doesn't conform to
- the C Standard.
-2001-08-27 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Remove the initialization of the macro
- obstack. It was done too late here.
- * src/reader.c (parse_macro_decl): Fix. Use of the macro obstack was
- completely wrong.
- (reader): Initialize the macro obstack here, since we need it to grow
- '%define' directives.
- * src/reader.h: Declare the macro obstack as extern.
-2001-08-27 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Fix. Store single '%' characters in
- the output obstack instead of throwing them away.
-2001-08-27 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.am (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): 1.5.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * lib/Makefile.am: Adjust.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple: Update and add '%%' directives.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (reader): Remove calls to 'output_headers' and
- 'output_trailers'. Remove some C output.
- (readgram): Disable a piece of code that was writing a default
- definition for 'YYSTYPE'.
- (reader_output_yylsp): Remove.
- (packsymbols): Output token defintions to a macro.
- (copy_definition): Disable C output.
- * src/reader.c (parse_macro_decl): New function used to parse macro
- declarations.
- (copy_string2): Put the body of copy_string into this new function.
- Add a parameter to let the caller choose whether he wants to copy the
- string delimiters or not.
- (copy_string): Be a simple call to copy_string2 with the last argument
- bound to true.
- (read_declarations): Add case for macro definition.
- (copy_identifier): New.
- (parse_macro_decl): Read macro identifiers using copy_identifier
- rather than lex.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (prepare): Add prefixed names.
- (output_parser): Output semantic actions.
- (output_parser): Fix bug on '%%line' directives.
- * src/output.c (output_headers): Remove. The C code printed by this
- function should now be in the skeletons.
- (output_trailers): Remove.
- (output): Disable call to 'reader_output_yylsp'.
- (output_rule_data): Do not output tables to the table obstack.
- * src/output.c: Remove some C dedicated output.
- Improve the use of macro and output obstacks.
- (output_defines): Remove.
- * src/output.c (output_token_translations): Associate 'translate'
- table with a macro. No output to the table obstack.
- (output_gram): Same for 'rhs' and 'prhs'.
- (output_stos): Same for 'stos'.
- (output_rule_data): Same for 'r1' and 'r2'.
- (token_actions): Same for 'defact'.
- (goto_actions): Same for 'defgoto'.
- (output_base): Same for 'pact' and 'pgoto'.
- (output_table): Same for 'table'.
- (output_check): Same for 'check'.
- * src/output.c (output_table_data): New function.
- (output_short_table): Remove.
- (output_short_or_char_table): Remove.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Replace most of the skeleton copy code
- with something new. Skeletons are now processed character by character
- rather than line by line, and Bison looks for '%%' macros. This is the
- first step in making Bison's output process (a lot) more flexible.
- (output_parser): Use the macro table.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): Initialize the macro table.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Add tok_define.
- * src/lex.h: Add tok_define.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * src/macrotab.c: New file.
- * src/macrotab.h: New file.
- * src/Makefile.am: Update.
-2001-08-25 Robert Anisko <robert.anisko@epita.fr>
- * lib/hash.c: New file.
- * lib/hash.h: New file.
- * lib/Makefile.am: Update.
-2001-08-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.28c.
-2001-08-15 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Indent output macro YYSTYPE.
- (packsymbols): Likewise.
- (output_token_defines): Likewise.
- * src/files.c: Standardize.
- (compute_header_macro): New.
- (defines_obstack_save): New. Use compute_header_macro.
- (output_files): Update. Use defines_obstack_save.
-2001-08-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Table of Symbols): Document
-2001-08-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * missing: Update from CVS Automake.
- * config/config.guess, config/config.sub, config/texinfo.tex:
- Update from gnu.org.
-2001-08-15 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint: Sync with CVS Autoconf.
-2001-08-14 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Include GNU Free Documentation License from
- `fdl.texi'.
- * doc/fdl.texi: Add to package.
-2001-08-14 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- Turn on %{source,header}_extension features.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Un-CPP out header_extension and
- source_extension.
- * src/files.c (compute_exts_from_gf): Compare pointers with NULL.
- (compute_exts_from_src): Remove conditions. It restores priorities
- between options.
-2001-08-14 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (compute_base_names): Add extensions computing when
- `--file-prefix' used.
- Standardize function calls.
-2001-08-13 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA): Changed to allow users
- defining it (defined but null disables alloca).
-2001-08-13 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (_yy_memcpy): CPP reformat.
-2001-08-13 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * tests/atconfig.in (CPPFLAGS): Fix.
-2001-08-10 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Include GNU General Public License from
- `gpl.texi'.
- * doc/gpl.texi: Add to package.
-2001-08-10 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.h: Fix.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Use parse_header_extension_decl ().
-2001-08-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h: Provide default declarations for stpcpy, strndup,
- and strnlen.
-2001-08-10 Robert Anisko <anisko_r@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo (Locations): Update @$ stuff.
-2001-08-09 Robert Anisko <anisko_r@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): Update.
- (yyparse): Adjust.
-2001-08-08 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Change @samp{$<@dots{}>} to
- @samp{$<@dots{}>@var{n}} in Section Actions in Mid-Rule.
- Reported by Fabrice Bauzac.
-2001-08-08 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg_default.h: Use NULL instead of 0 to initialize pointers.
- * src/vcg.c (output_node): Fix.
- * src/vcg.h: Cleanup.
- * src/print_graph.c: Add comments.
- (node_output_size): New global variable. Simplify the formatting of
- the VCG graph output.
- (print_actions): Unused code is now used. It notifies the final state
- and no action states in the VCG graph. It also give the reduce actions.
- The `shift and goto' edges are red and the `go to state' edges are
- blue.
- Get the current node name and node_obstack by argument.
- (node_obstack): New variable.
- (print_state): Manage node_obstack.
- (print_core): Use node_obstack given by argument.
- A node is not only computed here but in print_actions also.
- (print_graph): CPP out useless code instead of commenting it.
-2001-08-07 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * tests/atconfig.in (CPPFLAGS): Fix.
-2001-08-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c (quote): New.
- (print_core): Use it.
-2001-08-06 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>, Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/vcg.c (complain.h): Include it.
- Unepitaize `return' invocations.
- [NDEBUG] (main): Remove.
- * src/vcg.h (node_t, edge_t, graph_t): Constify the char * members.
- * src/files.c (open_files): Initialize graph_obstack.
- * src/print_graph.c (print_actions): CPP out useless code.
- (print_core): Don't output the last `\n' in labels.
- Use `quote'.
- * src/files.c (output_files): Output the VCG file.
- * src/main.c (main): Invoke print_graph ();
-2001-08-06 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- Automaton VCG graph output.
- Using option ``-g'' or long option ``--graph'', you can generate
- a gram_filename.vcg file containing a VCG description of the LALR (1)
- automaton of your grammar.
- * src/main.c: Call to print_graph() function.
- * src/getargs.h: Update.
- * src/getargs.c (options): Update to catch `-g' and `--graph' options.
- (graph_flag): New flag.
- (longopts): Update.
- (getargs): Add case `g'.
- * src/files.c (graph_obstack): New obstack struct.
- (open_files): Initialize new obstack.
- (output_files): Saves graph_obstack if required.
- * src/files.h (graph_obstack): New extern declaration.
- * src/Makefile.am: Add new source files.
-2001-08-06 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * src/print_graph.c, src/print_graph.h (graph): New.
- * src/vcg.h: New file.
- * src/vcg.c: New file, VCG graph handling.
-2001-08-06 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- Add of %source_extension and %header_extension which specify
- the source or/and the header output file extension.
- * src/files.c (compute_base_names): Remove initialisation of
- src_extension and header_extension.
- (compute_exts_from_gf): Update.
- (compute_exts_from_src): Update.
- (output_files): Update.
- * src/reader.c (parse_header_extension_decl): New.
- (parse_source_extension_decl): New.
- (read_declarations): New case statements for the new tokens.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Add entries for %source_extension
- and %header_extension.
- * src/lex.h (token_e): New tokens tok_hdrext and tok_srcext.
-2001-08-06 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Bump to 1.28c.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Texinfo thingies.
-2001-08-04 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * tests/atconfig.in (CPPFLAGS): Add.
- * tests/calc.at (AT_CHECK): Use CPPFLAGS.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.28b.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/Makefile.am (check-local): Ship testsuite.
- * tests/calc.at (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Prototype all the functions.
- Include `string.h'.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Try using -Wformat when compiling.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Bump to 1.28b.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/complain.c: Adjust strerror_r portability issues.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Version 1.28a.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c, src/getarg.h (skeleton)): Constify.
- * src/lex.c (literalchar): Avoid name clashes on `buf'.
- * src/getargs.c: Include complain.h.
- * src/files.c, src/files.h (skeleton_find): Avoid name clashes.
- * lib/quotearg.c, lib/quotearg.h: Update from fileutils 4.1.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (readgram): Display hidden chars in error messages.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Update to gettext 0.10.39.
-2001-08-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/strspn.c: New.
-2001-08-01 Marc Autret <autret_m@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update.
- * doc/bison.1 (mandoc): Update.
- * src/system.h (EXT_GUARD_C, EXT_STYPE_H): Remove .c and .h.
- * src/files.c: Support output files extensions computing.
- (src_extension): New static variable.
- (header_extension): New static variable.
- (tr): New function.
- (get_extension_index): New function, gets the index of an extension
- filename in a string.
- (compute_exts_from_gf): New function, computes extensions from the
- grammar file extension.
- (compute_exts_from_src): New functions, computes extensions from the
- C source file extension, file given by ``-o'' option.
- (compute_base_names): Update.
- (output_files): Update.
-2001-08-01 Robert Anisko <anisko_r@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texi: Document @$.
- (Locations): New section.
-2001-07-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * Makefile.maint, GNUmakefile: New, from Autoconf 2.52.
- * config/prev-version.txt, config/move-if-change: New.
- * Makefile.am: Adjust.
-2001-07-08 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.simple (yyparse): Suppress warning `comparaison
- between signed and unsigned'.
-2001-07-05 Pascal Bart <pascal.bart@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.h (raw_flag): Remove.
- * src/getargs.c: Die on `-r'/`--raw'.
- * src/lex.c (parse_percent_token): Die on `%raw'.
- * src/reader.c (output_token_defines): Suppress call to `raw_flag'.
- * tests/calc.at: Suppress test with option `--raw'.
-2001-07-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * config/: New.
- * configure.in: Require Autoconf 2.50.
- Update to gettext 0.10.38.
-2001-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: ANSIfy the examples.
-2001-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * getargs.c (skeleton): New variable.
- (longopts): --skeleton is a new option.
- (shortopts, getargs): -S is a new option.
- * getargs.h: Declare skeleton.
- * output.c (output_parser): Use it.
-2001-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * m4/strerror_r.m4: New.
- * m4/error.m4: Run AC_FUNC_STRERROR_R.
- * lib/error.h, lib/error.c: Update.
-2001-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (longopts): Clean up.
-2001-02-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (gensym): `gensym_count' is your own.
- Use a static buf to create the symbol name, as token_buffer is no
- longer a buffer.
-2001-02-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflict_report): Be sure not to append to res
- between two calls, which could happen if both first sprintf were
- skipped, but not the first cp += strlen.
-2001-02-08 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/memchr.c, lib/stpcpy.c, lib/strndup.c, lib/strnlen.c:
- New, from fileutils 4.0.37.
- * configure.in: Require Autoconf 2.49c. I took some time before
- making this decision. This is the only way out for portability
- issues in Bison, it would mean way too much duplicate effort to
- import in Bison features implemented in 2.49c since 2.13.
- AC_REPLACE_FUNCS and AC_CHECK_DECLS the functions above.
-2001-02-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/malloc.c, lib/realloc.c: New, from the fileutils 4.0.37.
- * lib/xalloc.h, lib/xmalloc.c: Update.
-2001-01-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Get rid of the ad hoc handling of token_buffer in the scanner: use
- the obstacks.
- * src/lex.c (token_obstack): New.
- (init_lex): Initialize it. No longer call...
- (grow_token_buffer): this. Remove it.
- Adjust all the places which used it to use the obstack.
-2001-01-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.h: Rename all the tokens:
- s/\bENDFILE\b/tok_eof/g;
- s/\bIDENTIFIER\b/tok_identifier/g;
- etc.
- Let them be enums, not #define, to ease debugging.
- Adjust all the code.
-2001-01-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.h (MAXTOKEN, maxtoken, grow_token_buffer): Remove, private.
- * src/lex.c (maxtoken, grow_token_buffer): Static.
-2001-01-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Since we now use obstacks, more % directives can be enabled.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Also accept `%yacc',
- `%fixed_output_files', `%defines', `%no_parser', `%verbose', and
- `%debug'.
- Handle the actions for `%semantic_parser' and `%pure_parser' here,
- instead of returning a token.
- * src/lex.h (SEMANTIC_PARSER, PURE_PARSER): Remove, unused.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Adjust.
- * src/files.c (open_files): Don't call `compute_base_names', don't
- compute `attrsfile' since they depend upon data which might be
- *in* the input file now.
- (output_files): Do it here.
- * src/output.c (output_headers): Document the fact that this patch
- introduces a guaranteed SEGV for semantic parsers.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document them.
- * tests/suite.at: Exercise these %options.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Also handle the output file (--verbose) with obstacks.
- * files.c (foutput): Remove.
- (output_obstack): New.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/conflicts.c: Return a string.
- * src/system.h (obstack_grow_string): Rename as...
- (obstack_sgrow): this. Be ready to work with non literals.
- (obstack_fgrow4): New.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (open_files): Fix the computation of short_base_name
- in the case of `-o foo.tab.c'.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_string, copy_comment, copy_comment2, copy_at)
- (copy_dollar): Now that everything uses obstacks, get rid of the
- FILE * parameters.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (open_files): Actually the `.output' file is based
- on the short_base_name, not base_name.
- * tests/suite.at (Checking output file names): Adjust.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1: Remove, we now use directly...
- * src/bison.simple: this.
- * src/Makefile.am: Use pkgdata instead of data.
-2000-12-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (guard_obstack): New.
- (open_files): Initialize it.
- (output_files): Dump it...
- * src/files.h: Export it.
- * src/reader.c (copy_guard): Use it.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (outfile, defsfile, actfile): Removed as global
- vars.
- (open_files): Don't compute them.
- (output_files): Adjust.
- (base_name, short_base_name): Be global.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (strsuffix): New.
- (stringappend): Be just like strcat but allocate.
- (base_names): Eve out from open_files.
- Try to simplify the rather hairy computation of base_name and
- short_base_name.
- (open_files): Use it.
- * tests/suite.at (Checking output file names): New test.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/system.h (obstack_grow_literal_string): Rename as...
- (obstack_grow_string): this.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Recognize `%% actions' instead of
- `$'.
- * src/bison.s1: s/$/%% actions/.
- * src/bison.hairy: Likewise.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Compute the `#line' lines when
- there are.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison.simple): Be a simple copy of bison.s1.
- Suggested by Hans Aberg.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Let the handling of the skeleton files be local to the procedures
- that use it.
- * src/files.c (xfopen, xfclose, skeleton_find, guardfile): No
- longer static.
- (fparser, open_extra_files): Remove.
- (open_files, output_files): Don't take care of fparser.
- * src/files.h: Adjust.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): Open and close the file to the
- skeleton.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): When %semantic_parser, open
- fguard.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/file.h (BISON_SIMPLE, BISON_HAIRY): Move from here...
- * src/system.h (BISON_SIMPLE, BISON_HAIRY): ... to here.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (open_files): Yipee! We no longer need all the code
- looking for `/tmp' since we have no tmp file.
-2000-12-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- New macros.
- * src/files.c (open_files): Less dependency on MSDOS etc.
-2000-12-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1 (YYLLOC_DEFAULT): New macro.
- Provide a default definition.
- Use it when executing the default @ action.
- * src/reader.c (reader_output_yylsp): No longer include
- `timestamp' and `text' in the default YYLTYPE.
-2000-12-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition, parse_union_decl, copy_action)
- (copy_guard): Quote the file names.
- Reported by Laurent Mascherpa.
-2000-12-12 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_headers, output_program, output): Be sure
- to escape special characters when outputting filenames.
- (output_headers): Don't depend on them, Use ACTSTR.
-2000-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/obstack.h: Formatting changes.
- (obstack_grow, obstack_grow0): Don't cast WHERE at all: it
- prevents type checking.
- (obstack_ptr_grow, obstack_ptr_grow_fast): When assigning, don't
- cast the value to (void *): assigning a `foo *' to a `void *'
- variable is valid.
- (obstack_int_grow, obstack_int_grow_fast): Don't cast AINT to int.
- * src/reader.c (parse_union_decl): Typo: use obstack_1grow to
- append characters.
-2000-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/Makefile.am (suite.m4, regression.m4, calc.m4): Rename
- as...
- (suite.m4, regression.m4, calc.m4): these.
- * tests/atgeneral.m4: Update from CVS Autoconf.
-2000-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/regression.m4 (%union and --defines): New test,
- demonstrating a current bug in the obstack implementation.
-2000-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- macros.
- Use them to declare the variables which are global or local to
- `yyparse'.
-2000-11-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * acconfig.h: Remove, no longer used.
-2000-11-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src: s/Copyright (C)/Copyright/g.
-2000-11-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (reader): #define YYLSP_NEEDED to 1 instead of just
- defining.
- * src/bison.s1: s/#ifdef YYLSP_NEEDED/#if YYLSP_NEEDED/.
-2000-11-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1 (YYLEX): Use #if instead of #ifdef.
- Merge in a single CPP if/else.
-2000-11-07 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Remove useless variables.
- * lib/obstack.c (obstack_grow, obstack_grow0): Rename the second
- argument `data' for consistency with the prototypes.
- Qualify it `const'.
- (obstack_copy, obstack_copy0): Rename the second argument as
- `address' for consistency. Qualify it `const'.
- * lib/obstack.h (obstack_copy, obstack_copy0, obstack_grow)
- (obstack_grow0, obstack_ptr_grow, obstack_ptr_grow_fast): Qualify
- `const' their input argument (`data' or `address').
- Adjust the corresponding macros to include `const' in casts.
-2000-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): s/PFILE/BISON_SIMPLE/.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2000-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- For some reason, this was not applied.
- * src/files.c [VMS]: No longer include `ssdef.h', no longer define
- `unlink': it's no longer used.
-2000-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (skeleton_find): New function, eved out of...
- (open_files, open_extra_files): here.
-2000-11-03 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Don't use `atexit'.
- * src/files.c (obstack_save): New function.
- (done): Rename as...
- (output_files): this.
- Use `obstack_save'.
- * src/main.c (main): Don't use `atexit' to register `done', since
- it no longer has to remove tmp files, just call `output_files'
- when there are no errors.
-2000-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c [VMS]: No longer include `ssdef.h', no longer define
- `unlink': it's no longer used.
- * src/files.h: Formatting changes.
-2000-11-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Remove the last uses of mktemp and unlink/delete.
- * src/files.c (fdefines, ftable): Removed.
- (defines_ostack, table_obstack): New.
- Adjust dependencies of the former into uses of the latter.
- * src/output.c (output_short_or_char_table, output_short_table):
- Convert to using obstacks.
- * src/reader.c (copy_comment2): Accept one FILE * and two
- obstacks.
- (output_token_defines, reader_output_yylsp): Use obstacks.
- * src/system.h (obstack_fgrow3): New.
- * po/POTFILES.in: Adjust.
-2000-11-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Change each use of `fattrs' into a use of `attrs_obstack'.
- * src/reader.c (copy_at): Typo: s/yylloc/yyloc/.
- * src/files.c (fattrs): Remove.
- (attrs_obstack): New.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- (done): If SEMANTIC_PARSER, dump attrs_obstack into attrsfile.
-2000-11-01 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Introduce obstacks.
- Change each use of `faction' into a use of `action_obstack'.
- * lib/obstack.h, lib/obstack.c: New files.
- * src/files.c (faction): Remove.
- (action_obstack): New.
- Adjust all dependencies.
-2000-10-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/quote.h (PARAMS): New macro. Use it.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_short_or_char_table): New function.
- (output_short_table, output_token_translations): Use it.
- (goto_actions): Use output_short_table.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/symtab.c (bucket_new): New function.
- (getsym): Use it.
- * src/output.c (output_short_table): New argument to display the
- comment associated with the table.
- Adjust dependencies.
- (output_gram): Use it.
- (output_rule_data): Nicer output layout for YYTNAME.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.c (read_typename): New function.
- (lex): Use it.
- * src/reader.c (copy_dollar): Likewise.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_comment2): Expect the input stream to be on
- the `/' which is suspected to open a comment, instead of being
- called after `//' or `/*' was read.
- (copy_comment, copy_definition, parse_union_decl, copy_action)
- (copy_guard): Adjust.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_expect_decl): Use `skip_white_space' and
- `read_signed_integer'.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_dollar): New function.
- (copy_guard, copy_action): Use it.
-2000-10-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/quote.h, lib/quote.c, lib/quotearg.h, lib/quotearg.c:
- * m4/prereq.m4, m4/c-bs-a.m4, m4/mbstate.m4:
- New files, from Fileutils 4.0.27.
- * src/main.c (printable_version): Remove.
- * src/lex.c, src/reader.c: Use `quote'.
-2000-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/error.c, lib/error.h: New files, needed by xmalloc.c.
-2000-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Various typos spotted by Neil Booth.
-2000-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- When a literal string is used to define two different tokens,
- `bison -v' segfaults.
- Reported by Piotr Gackiewicz, and fixed by Neil Booth.
- * tests/regression.m4: New file.
- Include the core of the sample provided by Piotr Gackiewicz.
- * src/reader.c (parse_token_decl): Diagnose bad cases, and proceed
- properly.
-2000-10-04 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (parse_expect_decl): Keep `count' within the size
- of `buffer'.
- From Neil Booth.
-2000-10-02 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
- * bison.s1 (yyparse): Assign the default value
- unconditionally, to avoid a GCC warning and make the parser a
- tad smaller.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Don't dump `--help' on unrecognized
- options.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.c, src/print.c, src/reduce.c: To ease the
- translation, move some `\n' out of the translated strings.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- The location tracking mechanism is precious for parse error
- messages. Nevertheless, it is enabled only when `@n' is used in
- the grammar, which is a different issue (you can use it in error
- message, but not in the grammar per se). Therefore, there should
- be another means to enable it.
- * src/getargs.c (getargs): Support `--locations'.
- (usage): Report it.
- * src/getargs.h (locationsflag): Export it.
- * src/lex.c (percent_table): Support `%locations'.
- * src/reader.c (yylsp_needed): Remove this variable, now replaced
- with `locationsflag'.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Document `--locations' and `%locations'.
- Sort the options.
- * tests/calc.m4: Test it.
- For regularity of the names, replace each
- (nolineflag, toknumflag, rawtokenumflag, noparserflag): with...
- (no_lineflag, token_tableflag, rawflag, no_parserflag): this.
- In addition replace each `flag' with `_flag'.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Also test parse error messages, including with YYERROR_VERBOSE.
- * tests/calc.m4 (calc.y): Add support for `exp = exp' (non
- associative).
- Use it to check the computations.
- Use it to check `nonassoc' is honored.
- (AT_DATA_CALC_Y): Equip `calc.y' with YYERROR_VERBOSE when passed
- `--yyerror-verbose'.
- (_AT_CHECK_CALC): Adjust to this option.
- (_AT_CHECK_CALC_ERROR): New macro to check parse error messages.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Test also `--verbose', `--defines' and `--name-prefix'. Testing
- the latter demonstrates a flaw in the handling of non debugging
- parsers introduced by myself on 2000-03-16: `#define yydebug 0'
- was used in order to simplify:
- if (yydebug)
- {
- ...
- }
- #endif
- into
- if (yydebug)
- {
- ...
- }
- unfortunately this leads to a CPP conflict when
- `--name-prefix=foo' is used since it produces `#define yydebug
- foodebug'.
- * src/bison.s1 [!YYDEBUG]: Do not define yydebug.
- (YYDPRINTF): New macro.
- Spread its use.
- * tests/calc.m4 (AT_CHECK_CALC): Do require a title, build it from
- the bison options.
- Also test `--verbose', `--defines' and `--name-prefix'.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Improve the readability of the produced parsers.
- * src/bison.s1: Formatting changes.
- Improve the comment related to the `$' mark.
- (yydefault): Don't fall through to `yyresume': `goto' there.
- * src/output.c (output_parser): When the `$' is met, skip the end
- of its line.
- New variable, `number_of_dollar_signs', to check there's exactly
- one `$' in the parser skeleton.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/xstrdup.c: New file, from the fileutils.
- * src/reader.c (parse_token_decl, get_type_name, parse_type_decl)
- (parse_assoc_decl, parse_thong_decl, get_type): Use `xstrdup'
- instead of strlen + xmalloc + strcpy.
- * src/symtab.c (copys): Remove, use xstrdup instead.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/gram.h (associativity): New enum type which replaces the
- former CPP macros `RIGHT_ASSOC', `LEFT_ASSOC' and `NON_ASSOC' with
- `right_assoc', `left_assoc' and `non_assoc'.
- Adjust all dependencies.
- * src/reader.c: Formatting changes.
- (LTYPESTR): Don't define it, use it as a literal in
- `reader_output_yylsp'.
- * src/symtab.h (symbol_class): New enum type which replaces the
- former CPP macros `SUNKNOWN', `STOKEN and `SNTERM' with
- `sunknown', `stoken and `snterm'.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (fixed_outfiles): Rename as...
- (yaccflag): for consistency and accuracy.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Use the more standard files `xalloc.h' and `xmalloc.c' instead of
- Bison's `allocate.c' and `alloc.h'. This patch was surprisingly
- difficult and introduced a lot of core dump. It turns out that
- Bison used an implementation of `xmalloc' based on `calloc', and
- at various places it does depend upon the initialization to 0. I
- have not tried to isolate the pertinent places, and all the former
- calls to Bison's `xmalloc' are now using `XCALLOC'. Someday,
- someone should address this issue.
- * src/allocate.c, src/alloc.h, m4/bison-decl.m4: Remove.
- * lib/xmalloc.c, lib/xalloc.h, m4/malloc.m4, m4/realloc.m4: New
- files.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/warshall.h: New file.
- Propagate.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Various anti-`extern in *.c' changes.
- * src/system.h: Include `assert.h'.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/state.h (nstates, final_state, first_state, first_shift)
- (first_reduction): Move their exportation from here...
- * src/LR0.h: to here.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/getargs.c (statisticsflag): New variable.
- Add support for `--statistics'.
- Adjust dependencies.
- Remove a lot of now useless `extern' statements in most files.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/LR0.h: New file.
- Propagate its use.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/print.h: New file.
- Propagate its use.
- * src/print.c: Formatting and ordering changes.
- (verbose, terse): Replace with...
- (print_results): this new function.
- Adjust dependencies.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/conflicts.c (conflict_report): New function.
- (conflict_log, verbose_conflict_log): Replace with...
- (print_conflicts): this function.
- Adjust dependencies.
- * src/conflicts.h: New file.
- Propagate its inclusion.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/nullable.h: New file.
- Propagate its inclusion.
- * src/nullable.c: Formatting changes.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reduce.h: New file.
- Propagate its inclusion.
- * src/reduce.c: Topological sort and other formatting changes.
- (bool, TRUE, FALSE): Move their definition to...
- * src/system.h: here.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c: Formatting changes.
- (tryopen, tryclose, openfiles): Rename as...
- (xfopen, xfclose, open_files): this.
- (stringappend): static.
- * src/files.h: Complete the list of exported symbols.
- Propagate its use.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.h: New file.
- Propagate its use instead of tedious list of `extern' and
- prototypes.
- * src/reader.c: Formatting changes, topological sort,
- s/register//.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lex.h: Prototype `lex.c' exported functions.
- * src/reader.c: Adjust.
- * src/lex.c: Formatting changes.
- (safegetc): Rename as...
- (xgetc): this.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/lalr.h: New file.
- Propagate its inclusion instead of prototypes and `extern'.
- * src/lalr.c: Formatting changes, topological sorting etc.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (token_actions): Introduce a temporary array,
- YYDEFACT, that makes it possible for this function to use
- output_short_table.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- `user_toknums' is output as a `short[]' in `output.c', while it is
- defined as a `int[]' in `reader.c'. For consistency with the
- other output tables, `user_toknums' is now defined as a table of
- shorts.
- * src/reader.c (user_toknums): Be a short table instead of an int
- table.
- Adjust dependencies.
- Factor the short table outputs.
- * src/output.c (output_short_table): New function.
- * src/output.c (output_gram, output_stos, output_rule_data)
- (output_base, output_table, output_check): Use it.
-2000-10-02 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output): Topological sort of the functions, in
- order to get rid of the `static' prototypes.
- No longer use `register'.
- * src/output.h: New file.
- Propagate its inclusion in files explicitly prototyping functions
- from output.c.
-2000-09-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/atgeneral.m4: Update from Autoconf.
-2000-09-21 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.h: New file.
- * src/closure.c: Formatting changes, topological sort over the
- functions, use of closure.h.
- (initialize_closure, finalize_closure): Rename as...
- (new_closure, free_closure): these. Adjust dependencies.
- * src/LR0.c: Formatting changes, topological sort, use of
- cloture.h.
- (initialize_states): Rename as...
- (new_states): this.
- * src/Makefile.am (noinst_HEADERS): Adjust.
-2000-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/acconfig.h: Don't protect config.h against multiple
- inclusion.
- Don't define PARAMS.
- * src/system.h: Define PARAMS.
- Remove some of the ad-hoc CPP magic for DOS, VMS etc.: this is the
- purpose of config.h. system.h must not try to fix wrong
- definitions in config.h.
-2000-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/derives.h: New file.
- * src/main.c, src/derives.h: Use it.
- Formatting changes.
- * src/Makefile.am (noinst_HEADERS): Adjust.
-2000-09-20 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/atgeneral.m4: Update from Autoconf.
- * tests/calc.m4 (_AT_DATA_CALC_Y, AT_DATA_CALC_Y, _AT_CHECK_CALC)
- (AT_CHECK_CALC): New macros.
- Use these macros to test bison with options `', `--raw',
- `--debug', `--yacc', `--yacc --debug'.
-2000-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c: Formatting changes.
- * src/machine.h: Remove, leaving its contents in...
- * src/system.h: here.
- Include stdio.h.
- Adjust all dependencies on stdio.h and machine.h.
- * src/getargs.h: New file.
- Let all `extern' declarations about getargs.c be replaced with
- inclusion of `getargs.h'.
- * src/Makefile.am (noinst_HEADERS): Adjust.
- * tests/calc.m4 (yyin): Be initialized in main, not on the global
- scope.
- (yyerror): Returns void, not int.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Formatting changes.
-2000-09-19 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * tests/calc.m4 (calc.y): Do not assign to stdin, as it's not
- portable.
-2000-09-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * configure.in: Append WARNING_CFLAGS to CFLAGS.
- * src/Makefile.am (INCLUDES): Don't.
- Be ready to fetch headers in lib/.
-2000-09-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update the copyright.
- ANSIfy and GNUify the examples.
- Remove the old menu.
-2000-09-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- First set of tests: use the `calc' example from the documentation.
- * src/bison.s1 (yyparse): Condition the code using `yytname' which
- is defined only when YYDEBUG is.
- * m4/atconfig.m4 (AT_CONFIG): Adjust to Autoconf 2.13.
- * src/files.c (tryopen, tryclose): Formatting changes.
- Move to the top and be static.
- * src/reader.c (read_signed_integer): Likewise.
- * tests/calc.m4: New file.
- * Makefile.am, suite.m4: Adjust.
- * m4/atconfig.m4: Set BISON_SIMPLE and BISON_HAIRY.
-2000-09-18 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Add support for an Autotest test suite for Bison.
- * m4/m4.m4, m4/atconfig.m4: New files.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Adjust.
- * tests/suite.m4, tests/Makefile.am, tests/atgeneral.m4: New
- files.
- * src/getargs.c: Display a more standard --version message.
- * src/reader.c (reader): Formatting changes.
- No longer depend upon VERSION_STRING.
- * configure.in: No longer use `dnl'.
- Set up the test suite and the new directory `tests/.
-2000-04-14 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_comment2): New function, same as former
- `copy_comment', but outputs into two FILE *.
- (copy_comment): Use it.
- (parse_union_decl): Use it.
- (get_type, parse_start_decl): Use the same `invalid' message.
- (parse_start_decl, parse_union_decl): Use the same `multiple'
- message.
- (parse_union_decl, copy_guard, copy_action): Use the same
- `unmatched' message.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add `warning.m4'.
-2000-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/files.c (tryopen, tryclose): Move to the top.
- Be static.
-2000-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/main.c (main): Don't call `done', exit does it.
-2000-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * allocate.c: s/return (foo)/return foo/.
- * lalr.c: Likewise.
- * LR0.c: Likewise.
- * output.c: Likewise.
- * reader.c: Likewise.
- * symtab.c: Likewise.
- * vmsgetargs.c: Likewise.
-2000-03-31 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Clean up the error reporting functions.
- * src/report.c: New file.
- * src/report.h: Likewise.
- * src/Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * m4/error.m4: New file.
- * m4/Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * configure.in (jm_PREREQ_ERROR): Call it.
- * src/main.c (int_to_string, banner, fatal_banner, warn_banner):
- Remove.
- (fatal, fatals): Remove. All callers use complain.c::fatal.
- (warn, warni, warns, warnss, warnss): Remove. All callers use
- complain.c::complain.
- (toomany): Remove, use fatal instead.
- * src/files.c (done): No argument, use complain_message_count.
- * src/main.c (main): Register `done' to `atexit'.
- * src/getargs.c (usage): More `fputs', less `fprintf'.
-2000-03-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * lib/: New directory.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Adjust.
- * configure.in: Adjust.
- (LIBOBJS): Although not used yet, AC_SUBST it, otherwise it's
- useless.
- * src/alloca.c: Moved to lib/.
- * src/getopt.c: Likewise.
- * src/getopt1.c: Likewise.
- * src/getopt.h: Likewise.
- * src/ansi2knr.c: Likewise.
- * src/ansi2knr.1: Likewise.
- * src/Makefile.am: Adjust.
- * lib/Makefile.am: New file.
-2000-03-28 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getargs.c (usage): Refresh the help message.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/getopt1.c: Updated from textutils 2.0e
- * src/getopt.c: Likewise.
- * src/getopt.h: Likewise.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/Makefile.am (bison.simple): Fix the awk program: quote only
- the file name, not the whole `#line LINE FILE'.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- On syntax errors, report the token on which we choked.
- * src/bison.s1 (yyparse): In the label yyerrlab, when
- YYERROR_VERBOSE, add yychar in msg.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_at): New function.
- (copy_guard): Use it.
- (copy_action): Use it.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Be kind to translators, save some useless translations.
- * src/main.c (banner): New function.
- (fatal_banner): Use it.
- (warn_banner): Use it.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_definition): Use copy_string and
- copy_comment. Removed now unused `match', `ended',
- `cplus_comment'.
- (copy_comment, copy_string): Moved, to be visible from
- copy_definition.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_string): Declare `static inline'. No
- problems with inline, since it is checked by configure.
- (copy_comment): Likewise.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (packsymbols): Formatting changes.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_comment): New function, factored out from:
- (copy_action): Use it. Removed now unused `match', `ended',
- `cplus_comment'.
- (copy_guard): Likewise.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/reader.c (copy_string): New function, factored out from:
- (copy_action): Use it.
- (copy_guard): Likewise.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Change the handling of @s so that they behave exactly like $s.
- There is now a pseudo variable @$ (readble and writable), location
- of the lhs of the rule (by default ranging from the location of
- the first symbol of the rhs, to the location of the last symbol,
- or, if the rhs is empty, YYLLOC).
- * src/bison.s1 [YYLSP_NEEDED] (yyloc): New variable, twin of
- yyval.
- (yyparse): When providing a default semantic action, provide a
- default location action.
- (after the $): No longer change `*YYLSP', just stack YYLOC the
- same way you stack YYVAL.
- * src/reader.c (read_declarations): Use warns.
- (copy_guard, case '@'): Also recognize `@$', expanded as `YYLOC'.
- (copy_action, case '@'): Likewise.
- Use a standard error message, to save useless work from
- translators.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1: Formatting and cosmetics changes.
- * src/reader.c: Likewise.
- Update the Copyright notice.
-2000-03-17 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1 (#line): All set to `#line' only, since the
- Makefile now handles them.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/output.c (output_rule_data): Output the documentation of
- some of the tables.
- (Copyright notice): Update.
- Formatting changes.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1 [!YYDEBUG]: Define yydebug to 0. This allows to
- remove most `#if YYDEBUG != 0', since `if (yydebug)' is enough.
- One `#if YYDEBUG' remains, since it uses variables which are
- defined only if `YYDEBUG != 0'.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1 (yyparse): Reorganize the definitions of the stacks
- and related variables so that the similarities are highlighted.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1: Properly indent CPP directives.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/bison.s1: Properly indent the `alloca' CPP section.
-2000-03-16 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- Do not hard code values of directories in `configure.in'.
- Update the `configure' tool chain.
- * configure.in (XPFILE, XPFILE1, LOCALEDIR): Remove, handled by
- src/makefile.am.
- (VERSION_STRING): Use the third arg of AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED.
- (AC_OUTPUT): Add m4/Makefile.
- Bump to bison 1.28a, 1.29 has never been released.
- * acconfig.h (XPFILE, XPFILE1, LOCALEDIR): Remove, since they are
- handled via src/Makefile.am.
- autoheader.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add m4.
- (ACLOCAL_AM_FLAGS): New variable.
- (AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS): Add check-news.
- * src/Makefile.am (bison.simple): Use awk to replace #line lines with
- the proper line number and file name.
- (DEFS): Propagate the location of bison library files and of the
- locale files.
- (INCLUDES): Added `-I ..' so that one can compile with srcdir !=
- builddir.
- * acinclude.m4: Remove, replaced by the directory m4.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): New variable.
- * m4/gettext.m4: New file, from the fileutils.
- * m4/lcmessage.m4: Likewise
- * m4/progtest.m4: Likewise.
- * m4/bison-decl.m4: New file, extracted from former acinclude.m4.
-2000-03-10 Akim Demaille <akim@epita.fr>
- * src/closure.c:
- Formatting changes of various comments.
- Respect the GNU coding standards at various places.
- Don't use `_()' when no translation is needed.
-1999-12-13 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c:
- OS/2 honors TMPDIR environment variable.
-1999-12-13 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Tweaked spelling and grammar.
- Updated ISBN.
- Removed reference to price of printed copy.
-1999-12-13 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in, NEWS:
- Bison 1.29 released.
-1999-10-27 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/.cvsignore, doc/Makefile.am, doc/refcard.tex:
- Added reference card.
-1999-07-26 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/ru.po: Added Russian translation.
-1999-07-26 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in: Added Russian translation.
-1999-07-06 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in, NEWS, README:
- Released version 1.28.
-1999-06-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/system.h:
- Squashed redefinition warning on some systems.
- * src/getargs.c, src/Makefile.am, src/reader.c, src/version.c:
- Have configure build version string instead of relying on ANSI string
- concatentation.
-1999-06-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/POTFILES.in: Got rid of version.c.
-1999-06-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * acconfig.h, configure.in:
- Have configure build version string instead of relying on ANSI string
- concatentation.
-1999-06-08 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.1:
- Dropped mention of `+' for long-named options.
-1999-05-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c: Added <unistd.h> for unlink().
- * src/Makefile.am, src/system.h:
- I18n fixes.
-1999-05-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * README: Added a FAQ list.
- * configure.in, acconfig.h:
- I18n fixes.
-1999-05-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/FAQ, doc/Makefile.am:
- Added a FAQ list.
-1999-05-19 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/alloc.h, src/symtab.h, src/version.c:
- Protected inclusion of "config.h" with HAVE_CONFIG_H.
-1999-04-18 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/.cvsignore, src/Makefile.am:
- Reorganized: sources in `src', documentation in `doc'.
- * src/lex.c (literalchar):
- fixed the code for escaping double quotes (thanks
- Jonathan Czisny.)
-1999-04-18 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/de.po, po/es.po, po/fr.po, po/nl.po, po/POTFILES.in:
- Adjusted paths to reflect directory reorganization.
-1999-04-18 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/.cvsignore, doc/Makefile.am:
- Reorganized: sources in `src', documentation in `doc'.
-1999-04-18 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in:
- Updated AC_INIT file to reflect directory reorganization.
- * configure.in, .cvsignore, Makefile.am, POTFILES.in:
- Reorganized: sources in `src', documentation in `doc'.
-1999-04-13 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/allocate.c:
- Don't declare calloc() and realloc() if not necessary.
-1999-04-13 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in, acconfig.h, acinclude.m4:
- Don't declare calloc() and realloc() if not necessary.
-1999-03-23 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/.cvsignore: Added i18n support.
-1999-03-23 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * acconfig.h, configure.in, Makefile.am:
- Added i18n support.
-1999-03-22 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: Fixed #line numbers.
-1999-03-15 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/es.po, po/fr.po, po/nl.po, po/de.po:
- Added PO files from Translation Project.
-1999-03-03 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am:
- Added support for non-ANSI compilers (ansi2knr).
-1999-02-16 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in: Bumped version number to 1.27.
- * Makefile.am:
- Added `bison.simple' to list of files removed by `make distclean'.
-1999-02-12 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c, src/files.h:
- Defined locations of parser files in config.h instead of Makefile.
-1999-02-12 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * acconfig.h, acinclude.m4, configure.in, Makefile.am:
- Defined locations of parser files in config.h instead of Makefile.
-1999-02-09 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am:
- Removed inappropriate use of $< macro.
-1999-02-05 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * po/Makefile.in.in, po/POTFILES.in:
- Add `po' directory skeleton.
-1999-01-27 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * README: Document help-bison list.
- * configure.in: Add check for mkstemp().
-1999-01-20 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/conflicts.c, src/LR0.c, src/output.c, src/reader.c:
- Hush a few compiler warnings.
- * src/files.c:
- Add tryclose(), which verifies that fclose was successful.
- Hush a couple of compiler warnings.
-1999-01-20 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am, OChangeLog:
- ChangeLog is now automatically generated. Include the old version as
- OChangeLog.
-1999-01-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/gram.h, src/lalr.c, src/lex.c, src/lex.h, src/machine.h, src/main.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c, src/state.h, src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h, src/types.h, src/vmsgetargs.c, src/warshall.c, src/allocate.c, src/alloc.h, src/bison.s1, src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/derives.c, src/files.c, src/files.h, src/getargs.c, src/gram.c, src/LR0.c:
- Update FSF address.
-1999-01-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fix formatting glitch.
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Update FSF address.
-1999-01-14 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * acconfig.h: Update FSF address.
-1999-01-08 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/system.h:
- Don't define PACKAGE here, since config.h defines it.
-1998-12-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/reader.c: Update copyright date.
- * src/main.c:
- Ditch sprintf to statically-sized buffers in fatal/warn functions in
- favor of output directly to stderr (avoids buffer overruns).
- * src/reader.c: Some checks for premature EOF.
- * src/allocate.c, src/alloc.h, src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/derives.c, src/getargs.c, src/gram.c, src/lalr.c, src/lex.c, src/LR0.c, src/main.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/reduce.c, src/symtab.c, src/symtab.h, src/warshall.c:
- Use prototypes if the compiler understands them.
- * src/files.c: Honor TMPDIR on Unix hosts.
- Use prototypes if the compiler understands them.
- * src/reader.c:
- Fix a couple of buffer overrun bugs.
- Use prototypes if the compiler understands them.
- * src/system.h: Include unistd.h and ctype.h.
- Use #ifdef instead of #if for NLS symbols.
-1998-12-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo:
- Delete comment "consider using @set for edition number, etc..." since
- we now are doing so.
-1998-12-30 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * configure.in:
- Use prototypes if the compiler understands them.
- * NEWS: Document 1.26 highlights.
- * Makefile.am: Require Automake 1.3 or later.
- * acconfig.h:
- Use prototypes if the compiler understands them.
-1998-12-29 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c:
- Use VERSION symbol from automake for version number.
-1998-12-29 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * acconfig.h, configure.in, version.cin:
- Use VERSION symbol from automake for version number.
-1998-11-28 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am:
- Distribute original version of simple parser (bison.s1), not built
- version (bison.simple).
-1998-11-28 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Add info dir entry.
- * doc/bison.texinfo:
- Let automake put version number into documentation.
-1998-11-26 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.cld, src/build.com, src/vmshlp.mar:
- Add non-RCS files from /gd/gnu/bison.
-1998-11-26 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.1:
- Document the BISON_HAIRY and BISON_SIMPLE variables.
-1998-11-25 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: Build version.c automatically.
- * src/reader.c:
- Fix token numbering (used to start at 258, not 257).
- * src/system.h: Include config.h.
- * src/getargs.c: Update bug report address.
- * src/alloca.c, src/getopt1.c, src/getopt.c, src/getopt.h:
- Get latest copies of alloca.c, getopt.c, getopt.h, getopt1.c from gnu.org.
-1998-11-25 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.am:
- Rename bison.simple to bison.s1 (bison.simple is then built from bison.s1).
- * configure.in, version.cin:
- Build version.c automatically.
- * AUTHORS: Add AUTHORS file.
- * README: Update bug report address.
- * bison.simple:
- Rename bison.simple to bison.s1 (bison.simple is then built from bison.s1).
- * configure.in, Makefile.am, Makefile.in, stamp-h.in:
- Add automake stuff.
-1998-11-25 Jesse Thilo <jthilo@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Clean up some formatting.
-1998-05-05 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo:
- Explain better why to make a pure parser.
-1998-01-05 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c (openfiles):
- [_WIN32 && !__CYGWIN32__] Use TEMP or Temp to
- find a temporary directory, if possible. Do not unlink files while
- they are open.
-1997-08-25 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/reader.c (stack_offset;):
- Change some warni to warns.
- * src/lex.c (literalchar): Use warns, not warni.
-1997-06-28 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: Add a Bison version comment.
- * src/main.c (fatal, warn, berror):
- Use program_name.
-1997-06-28 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in (bison_version): New variable.
- (dist): Use that variable.
- (bison.s1): Substitute the Bison version into bison.simple.
- * bison.simple: Add a Bison version comment.
-1997-06-18 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/main.c (fatal, warn, berror):
- Make error messages standard.
- (toomany): Improve error message text.
- * src/LR0.c, src/closure.c, src/conflicts.c, src/derives.c, src/files.c, src/lalr.c, src/lex.c, src/nullable.c, src/output.c, src/print.c, src/reader.c, src/reduce.c, src/symtab.c:
- new.h renamed to alloc.h.
-1997-06-18 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: new.h renamed to alloc.h.
-1997-05-24 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/lex.c (literalchar):
- Fix the code for escaping \, " and '.
- (lex): Avoid trouble when there are many chars
- to discard in a char literal with just several chars in it.
-1997-05-17 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- Use malloc, if using alloca is troublesome.
- (YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA): New flag macro.
- Define it for some systems and compilers.
- (YYSTACK_ALLOC): New macro.
- (yyparse): Use YYSTACK_ALLOC to allocate stack.
- If it was malloc'd, free it.
-1997-05-17 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- Use malloc, if using alloca is troublesome.
- (YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA): New flag macro.
- Define it for some systems and compilers.
- (YYSTACK_ALLOC): New macro.
- (yyparse): Use YYSTACK_ALLOC to allocate stack.
- If it was malloc'd, free it.
-1997-04-23 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- (alloca) [__hpux]: Always define as __builtin_alloca.
-1997-04-23 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- (alloca) [__hpux]: Always define as __builtin_alloca.
-1997-04-22 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- [__hpux]: Include alloca.h (right for HPUX 10)
- instead of declaring alloca (right for HPUX 9).
- * src/bison.s1 (__yy_memcpy):
- Declare arg `count' as unsigned int.
- (yyparse): Cast third arg to __yy_memcpy to unsigned int.
-1997-04-22 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- [__hpux]: Include alloca.h (right for HPUX 10)
- instead of declaring alloca (right for HPUX 9).
- * bison.simple (__yy_memcpy):
- Declare arg `count' as unsigned int.
- (yyparse): Cast third arg to __yy_memcpy to unsigned int.
-1997-01-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/allocate.c: [__STDC__ or _MSC_VER]:
- Declare calloc and realloc to return void *.
-1997-01-02 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/system.h:
- [_MSC_VER]: Include stdlib.h and process.h.
- [_MSC_VER] (getpid): Define as macro--translate it to _getpid.
- * src/main.c (main): Return FAILURE as a value.
- (printable_version): Declare arg as int, not char.
-1997-01-02 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in (dist):
- Explicitly check for symlinks, and copy them.
-1996-12-19 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c:
- [_MSC_VER] (XPFILE, XPFILE1): Define, if not already defined.
-1996-12-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1 (yyparse):
- If __GNUC__ and YYPARSE_PARAM are both defined,
- declare yyparse to have a void * argument.
-1996-12-18 Paul Eggert <eggert@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple (yyparse):
- If __GNUC__ and YYPARSE_PARAM are both defined,
- declare yyparse to have a void * argument.
-1996-12-17 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/reduce.c (nbits): Add some casts.
-1996-08-12 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: Test _MSDOS as well as _MSDOS_.
-1996-08-12 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: Test _MSDOS as well as _MSDOS_.
-1996-07-31 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- [__sun && __i386]: Include alloca.h.
-1996-07-31 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- [__sun && __i386]: Include alloca.h.
-1996-07-30 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: Comment change.
- * src/bison.s1: Test _MSDOS_, not MSDOS.
-1996-07-30 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: Comment change.
- * bison.simple: Test _MSDOS_, not MSDOS.
-1996-06-01 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/reduce.c, src/reader.c, src/print.c, src/output.c, src/nullable.c, src/lex.c, src/lalr.c, src/getargs.c, src/derives.c, src/conflicts.c, src/closure.c, src/allocate.c:
- Insert `_' macro around many string constants.
- * src/main.c:
- Insert `_' macro around many string constants.
- (main): Call setlocale, bindtextdomain and textdomain.
- * src/system.h: [HAVE_LOCALE_H]: Include locale.h.
- [! HAVE_LOCALE_H] (setlocale): Define as no-op.
- [ENABLE_NLS]: Include libintl.h.
- [ENABLE_NLS] (gettext): Define.
- [! ENABLE_NLS] (bintextdomain, textdomain, _): Consolation definitions.
- (N_, PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR): New macros.
-1996-06-01 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * POTFILES.in: New file.
- * Makefile.in (allocate.o):
- Define target explicitly.
- * Makefile.in (CFLAGS): Set to @CFLAGS@.
- (LDFLAGS): Set to @LDFLAGS@.
- (configure): Run autoconf only if preceding `cd' succeeds.
- (bison.s1): Redirect output to temporary file then move the
- temporary to the target, rather than redirecting directly to bison.s1.
- (clean): Remove config.status and config.log.
- (distclean): Don't remove config.status here.
-1996-05-12 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- (__yy_memcpy) [__cplusplus]: Reorder declarations of variables f and t.
-1996-05-12 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- (__yy_memcpy) [__cplusplus]: Reorder declarations of variables f and t.
-1996-05-11 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1 (__yy_memcpy):
- Really reorder the args, as was supposedly done on Feb 14 1995.
- (yyparse): Calls changed accordingly.
-1996-05-11 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in (dist): Don't use $(srcdir).
- * bison.simple (__yy_memcpy):
- Really reorder the args, as was supposedly done on Feb 14 1995.
- (yyparse): Calls changed accordingly.
-1996-01-27 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/output.c (output_rule_data):
- Test YYERROR_VERBOSE in the conditional
- around the definition of ttyname.
-1995-12-29 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- Fix line numbers in #line commands.
-1995-12-29 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- Fix line numbers in #line commands.
-1995-12-27 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1 (YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL):
- In C++, make it always null.
- (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG): New macro.
- (yyparse): Use YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG.
-1995-12-27 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple (YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL):
- In C++, make it always null.
- (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG): New macro.
- (yyparse): Use YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG.
-1995-11-29 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo:
- Describe literal string tokens, %raw, %no_lines, %token_table.
-1995-11-29 Daniel Hagerty <hag@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: Fixed update date
-1995-10-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: Version 1.25.
-1995-10-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * NEWS: *** empty log message ***
-1995-10-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.1, doc/bison.rnh:
- Add new options.
-1995-10-15 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/vmsgetargs.c, src/getargs.c:
- Added -n, -k, and -raw switches.
- (noparserflag, toknumflag, rawtoknumflag): New variables.
- * src/symtab.h (SALIAS):
- New #define for adding aliases to %token.
- (struct bucket): Added `alias' field.
- * src/reduce.c (reduce_grammar):
- Revise error message.
- (print_notices): Remove final `.' from error message.
- * src/reader.c (reader_output_yylsp):
- New function.
- (readgram): Use `#if 0' around code that accepted %command
- inside grammar rules: The documentation doesn't allow it,
- and it will fail since the %command processors scan for the next %.
- (parse_token_decl): Extended the %token
- declaration to allow a multi-character symbol as an alias.
- (parse_thong_decl): New function.
- (read_declarations): Added %thong declarations.
- (read_declarations): Handle NOOP to deal with allowing
- % declarations as another means to specify the flags.
- (readgram): Allow %prec prior to semantics embedded in a rule.
- (skip_to_char, read_declarations, copy_definition)
- (parse_token_decl, parse_start_decl, parse_type_decl)
- (parse_assoc_decl, parse_union_decl, parse_expect_decl)
- (get_type_name, copy_guard, copy_action, readgram)
- (get_type, packsymbols): Revised most error messages.
- Changed `fatal' to `warnxxx' to avoid aborting for error.
- Revised and use multiple warnxxx functions to avoid using VARARGS1.
- (read_declarations): Improve the error message for
- an invalid character. Do not abort.
- (read_declarations, copy_guard, copy_action): Use
- printable_version to avoid unprintable characters in printed output.
- (parse_expect_decl): Error if argument to %expect exceeds 10 digits.
- (parse_token_decl, parse_assoc_decl, parse_type_decl, get_type):
- Allow the type of a non-terminal can be given
- more than once, as long as all specifications give the same type.
- * src/output.c:
- (output_headers, output_trailers, output, output_gram)
- (output_rule_data): Implement noparserflag variable.
- Implement toknumflag variable.
- (output): Call reader_output_yylsp to output LTYPESTR.
- * src/main.c (main):
- If reader sees an error, don't process the grammar.
- (fatals): Updated to not use VARARGS1.
- (printable_version, int_to_string, warn, warni, warns, warnss)
- (warnsss): New error reporting functions. Avoid abort for error.
- * src/lex.h:
- Added THONG and NOOP for alias processing.
- Added SETOPT for the new code that allows setting options with %flags.
- * src/lex.c:
- Include getopt.h. Add some extern decls.
- (safegetc): New function to deal with EOF gracefully.
- (literalchar); new function to deal with reading \ escapes.
- (lex): Use literalchar.
- (lex): Implemented "..." tokens.
- (literalchar, lex, parse_percent_token): Made tokenbuffer
- always contain the token. This includes growing the token
- buffer while reading an integer.
- (parse_percent_token): Replaced if-else statement with percent_table.
- (parse_percent_token): Added % declarations as another
- way to specify the flags -n, -l, and -r. Also added hooks for
- -d, -k, -y, -v, -t, -p, -b, -o, but implementation requires
- major changes to files.c.
- (lex) Retain in the incoming stream a character following
- an incorrect '/'.
- (skip_white_space, lex): Revised most error messages
- and changed fatal to warn to avoid aborting.
- (percent_table): Added %thong declarations.
- * src/gram.h: Comment changes.
- * src/files.c (openfiles, open_extra_files, done):
- Add faction flag
- and actfile file. Handle noparserflag. Both for -n switch.
- * src/conflicts.c (resolve_sr_conflict):
- Remove use of alloca.
-1995-06-01 Jim Meyering <meyering@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
-1995-05-06 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: Comment change.
-1995-05-06 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: Comment change.
-1995-05-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: Version now 1.24.
- * src/bison.s1: Change distribution terms.
- * src/version.c: Version now 1.23.
-1995-05-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo:
- Rewrite "Conditions for Using Bison".
- Update version to 1.24.
-1995-05-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: Change distribution terms.
-1995-02-23 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/files.c: Test __VMS_POSIX as well as VMS.
-1995-02-14 Jim Meyering <meyering@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1 (__yy_memcpy):
- Renamed from __yy_bcopy to avoid
- confusion. Reverse FROM and TO arguments to be consistent with
- those of memcpy.
-1995-02-14 Jim Meyering <meyering@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple (__yy_memcpy):
- Renamed from __yy_bcopy to avoid
- confusion. Reverse FROM and TO arguments to be consistent with
- those of memcpy.
-1994-11-10 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * NEWS: reformat
- * NEWS: New file.
- * Makefile.in (DISTFILES): Include NEWS.
- * Makefile.in (DISTFILES):
- Include install-sh, not install.sh.
- * configure.in: Update to Autoconf v2 macro names.
-1994-10-05 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: fix typo
- * Makefile.in (prefix, exec_prefix):
- Let configure set them.
-1994-09-28 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: Set datadir to $(prefix)/share.
-1994-09-15 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1:
- Update copyright notice and GPL version.
-1994-09-15 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple:
- Update copyright notice and GPL version.
-1994-07-12 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/reduce.c, src/reader.c:
- entered into RCS
-1994-05-05 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: entered into RCS
-1994-03-26 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: entered into RCS
-1994-03-26 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: entered into RCS
-1994-03-25 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/main.c: entered into RCS
-1994-03-24 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/conflicts.c: entered into RCS
-1994-01-02 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-11-21 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-11-21 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: entered into RCS
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
-1993-11-21 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-10-25 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
-1993-10-19 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-10-19 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-10-14 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-10-14 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-09-14 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
-1993-09-13 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-09-10 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/conflicts.c: *** empty log message ***
- * src/system.h: entered into RCS
-1993-09-10 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.1: entered into RCS
-1993-09-06 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: entered into RCS
-1993-09-06 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-30 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-24 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-24 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-08 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-04 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-07-04 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-06-26 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * src/getargs.c: entered into RCS
-1993-06-26 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
- * doc/bison.1: New file.
-1993-06-25 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/getargs.c: New file.
-1993-06-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: *** empty log message ***
-1993-06-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: *** empty log message ***
-1993-06-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.s1: New file.
-1993-06-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: *** empty log message ***
-1993-06-03 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * bison.simple: New file.
-1993-05-19 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.texinfo: New file.
-1993-05-07 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-04-28 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * src/reader.c: *** empty log message ***
-1993-04-23 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * src/alloc.h: entered into RCS
-1993-04-20 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: *** empty log message ***
- * src/files.c, src/allocate.c:
- entered into RCS
- * src/reader.c: *** empty log message ***
- * src/lex.c: entered into RCS
- * src/conflicts.c: New file.
- * src/symtab.c: entered into RCS
- * src/alloc.h: New file.
- * src/LR0.c: entered into RCS
-1993-04-18 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * src/reader.c: New file.
- * src/version.c: *** empty log message ***
-1993-04-18 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-04-17 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: *** empty log message ***
-1993-04-15 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/main.c, src/files.c:
- New file.
-1993-04-15 Noah Friedman <friedman@gnu.org>
- * configure.in: entered into RCS
- * configure.in: *** empty log message ***
- * configure.in: New file.
-1993-04-14 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * Makefile.in: New file.
-1993-04-13 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/version.c: New file.
-1993-03-25 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/output.c: entered into RCS
-1992-09-25 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * configure.bat: entered into RCS
-1992-06-22 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/vmsgetargs.c: entered into RCS
-1992-06-22 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * doc/bison.rnh: entered into RCS
-1992-04-20 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * README: entered into RCS
-1992-01-22 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/machine.h: entered into RCS
-1991-12-21 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/lalr.c, src/closure.c:
- entered into RCS
-1991-12-20 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/state.h: entered into RCS
-1991-12-18 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/print.c, src/nullable.c, src/derives.c:
- entered into RCS
-1991-11-03 David J. MacKenzie <djm@gnu.org>
- * src/warshall.c, src/types.h, src/symtab.h, src/lex.h, src/gram.c, src/gram.h, src/files.h:
- entered into RCS
-1988-09-09 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * src/bison.hairy: entered into RCS
-1987-12-16 Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
- * REFERENCES: entered into RCS
- -----
- Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
- 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided the copyright notice and this
- notice are preserved.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/INSTALL b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b82ade0..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-Installation Instructions
-Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005,
-2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
-unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-Basic Installation
- Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should
-configure, build, and install this package. The following
-more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
-instructions specific to this package.
- The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
-various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
-those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
-It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
-definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
-you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
-file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
-debugging `configure').
- It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
-and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
-the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. Caching is
-disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
-cache files.
- If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
-to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
-diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
-be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at
-some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
-may remove or edit it.
- The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create
-`configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You need `configure.ac' if
-you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
-of `autoconf'.
-The simplest way to compile this package is:
- 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
- `./configure' to configure the package for your system.
- Running `configure' might take a while. While running, it prints
- some messages telling which features it is checking for.
- 2. Type `make' to compile the package.
- 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
- the package.
- 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
- documentation.
- 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
- source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
- files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
- a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
- also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
- for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
- all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
- with the distribution.
- 6. Often, you can also type `make uninstall' to remove the installed
- files again.
-Compilers and Options
- Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
-the `configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help'
-for details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
- You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
-by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here
-is an example:
- ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
- *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
-Compiling For Multiple Architectures
- You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
-same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
-own directory. To do this, you can use GNU `make'. `cd' to the
-directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
-the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
-source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
- With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
-architecture at a time in the source code directory. After you have
-installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
-reconfiguring for another architecture.
- On MacOS X 10.5 and later systems, you can create libraries and
-executables that work on multiple system types--known as "fat" or
-"universal" binaries--by specifying multiple `-arch' options to the
-compiler but only a single `-arch' option to the preprocessor. Like
- ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
- CXX="g++ -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
- CPP="gcc -E" CXXCPP="g++ -E"
- This is not guaranteed to produce working output in all cases, you
-may have to build one architecture at a time and combine the results
-using the `lipo' tool if you have problems.
-Installation Names
- By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
-`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc. You
-can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
-`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX'.
- You can specify separate installation prefixes for
-architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
-pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
-PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
-Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
- In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
-options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
-kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
-you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
- If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
-with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
-option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
-Optional Features
- Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
-`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
-They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
-is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
-`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
-package recognizes.
- For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
-find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
-you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
-`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
-Particular systems
- On HP-UX, the default C compiler is not ANSI C compatible. If GNU
-CC is not installed, it is recommended to use the following options in
-order to use an ANSI C compiler:
- ./configure CC="cc -Ae"
-and if that doesn't work, install pre-built binaries of GCC for HP-UX.
- On OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64, some versions of the default C compiler cannot
-parse its `<wchar.h>' header file. The option `-nodtk' can be used as
-a workaround. If GNU CC is not installed, it is therefore recommended
-to try
- ./configure CC="cc"
-and if that doesn't work, try
- ./configure CC="cc -nodtk"
-Specifying the System Type
- There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out
-automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package
-will run on. Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the
-_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
-a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
-`--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
-type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
-where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
- See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
-`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
-need to know the machine type.
- If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
-use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
-produce code for.
- If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
-platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
-"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
-eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
-Sharing Defaults
- If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
-you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives
-default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
-`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
-`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the
-`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
-A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
-Defining Variables
- Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
-environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run
-configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
-variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set
-them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example:
- ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
-causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
-overridden in the site shell script).
-Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
-an Autoconf bug. Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround:
- CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
-`configure' Invocation
- `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
- Print a summary of all of the options to `configure', and exit.
- Print a summary of the options unique to this package's
- `configure', and exit. The `short' variant lists options used
- only in the top level, while the `recursive' variant lists options
- also present in any nested packages.
- Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
- script, and exit.
- Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
- traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
- disable caching.
- Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
- Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To
- suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
- messages will still be shown).
- Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
- `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
- Use DIR as the installation prefix. *Note Installation Names::
- for more details, including other options available for fine-tuning
- the installation locations.
- Run the configure checks, but stop before creating any output
- files.
-`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run
-`configure --help' for more details.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/NEWS b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/NEWS
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +0,0 @@
-Bison News
-* Changes in version 2.4.1 (2008-12-11):
-** In the GLR defines file, unexpanded M4 macros in the yylval and yylloc
- declarations have been fixed.
-** Temporary hack for adding a semicolon to the user action.
- Bison used to prepend a trailing semicolon at the end of the user
- action for reductions. This allowed actions such as
- exp: exp "+" exp { $$ = $1 + $3 };
- instead of
- exp: exp "+" exp { $$ = $1 + $3; };
- Some grammars still depend on this `feature'. Bison 2.4.1 restores
- the previous behavior in the case of C output (specifically, when
- neither %language or %skeleton or equivalent command-line options
- are used) to leave more time for grammars depending on the old
- behavior to be adjusted. Future releases of Bison will disable this
- feature.
-** A few minor improvements to the Bison manual.
-* Changes in version 2.4 (2008-11-02):
-** %language is an experimental feature.
- We first introduced this feature in test release 2.3b as a cleaner
- alternative to %skeleton. Since then, we have discussed the possibility of
- modifying its effect on Bison's output file names. Thus, in this release,
- we consider %language to be an experimental feature that will likely evolve
- in future releases.
-** Forward compatibility with GNU M4 has been improved.
-** Several bugs in the C++ skeleton and the experimental Java skeleton have been
- fixed.
-* Changes in version 2.3b (2008-05-27):
-** The quotes around NAME that used to be required in the following directive
- are now deprecated:
- %define NAME "VALUE"
-** The directive `%pure-parser' is now deprecated in favor of:
- %define api.pure
- which has the same effect except that Bison is more careful to warn about
- unreasonable usage in the latter case.
-** Push Parsing
- Bison can now generate an LALR(1) parser in C with a push interface. That
- is, instead of invoking `yyparse', which pulls tokens from `yylex', you can
- push one token at a time to the parser using `yypush_parse', which will
- return to the caller after processing each token. By default, the push
- interface is disabled. Either of the following directives will enable it:
- %define api.push_pull "push" // Just push; does not require yylex.
- %define api.push_pull "both" // Push and pull; requires yylex.
- See the new section `A Push Parser' in the Bison manual for details.
- The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More user
- feedback will help to stabilize it.
-** The -g and --graph options now output graphs in Graphviz DOT format,
- not VCG format. Like --graph, -g now also takes an optional FILE argument
- and thus cannot be bundled with other short options.
-** Java
- Bison can now generate an LALR(1) parser in Java. The skeleton is
- `data/lalr1.java'. Consider using the new %language directive instead of
- %skeleton to select it.
- See the new section `Java Parsers' in the Bison manual for details.
- The current Java interface is experimental and may evolve. More user
- feedback will help to stabilize it.
-** %language
- This new directive specifies the programming language of the generated
- parser, which can be C (the default), C++, or Java. Besides the skeleton
- that Bison uses, the directive affects the names of the generated files if
- the grammar file's name ends in ".y".
-** XML Automaton Report
- Bison can now generate an XML report of the LALR(1) automaton using the new
- `--xml' option. The current XML schema is experimental and may evolve. More
- user feedback will help to stabilize it.
-** The grammar file may now specify the name of the parser header file using
- %defines. For example:
- %defines "parser.h"
-** When reporting useless rules, useless nonterminals, and unused terminals,
- Bison now employs the terms "useless in grammar" instead of "useless",
- "useless in parser" instead of "never reduced", and "unused in grammar"
- instead of "unused".
-** Unreachable State Removal
- Previously, Bison sometimes generated parser tables containing unreachable
- states. A state can become unreachable during conflict resolution if Bison
- disables a shift action leading to it from a predecessor state. Bison now:
- 1. Removes unreachable states.
- 2. Does not report any conflicts that appeared in unreachable states.
- WARNING: As a result, you may need to update %expect and %expect-rr
- directives in existing grammar files.
- 3. For any rule used only in such states, Bison now reports the rule as
- "useless in parser due to conflicts".
- This feature can be disabled with the following directive:
- %define lr.keep_unreachable_states
- See the %define entry in the `Bison Declaration Summary' in the Bison manual
- for further discussion.
-** Lookahead Set Correction in the `.output' Report
- When instructed to generate a `.output' file including lookahead sets
- (using `--report=lookahead', for example), Bison now prints each reduction's
- lookahead set only next to the associated state's one item that (1) is
- associated with the same rule as the reduction and (2) has its dot at the end
- of its RHS. Previously, Bison also erroneously printed the lookahead set
- next to all of the state's other items associated with the same rule. This
- bug affected only the `.output' file and not the generated parser source
- code.
-** --report-file=FILE is a new option to override the default `.output' file
- name.
-** The `=' that used to be required in the following directives is now
- deprecated:
- %file-prefix "parser"
- %name-prefix "c_"
- %output "parser.c"
-** An Alternative to `%{...%}' -- `%code QUALIFIER {CODE}'
- Bison 2.3a provided a new set of directives as a more flexible alternative to
- the traditional Yacc prologue blocks. Those have now been consolidated into
- a single %code directive with an optional qualifier field, which identifies
- the purpose of the code and thus the location(s) where Bison should generate
- it:
- 1. `%code {CODE}' replaces `%after-header {CODE}'
- 2. `%code requires {CODE}' replaces `%start-header {CODE}'
- 3. `%code provides {CODE}' replaces `%end-header {CODE}'
- 4. `%code top {CODE}' replaces `%before-header {CODE}'
- See the %code entries in section `Bison Declaration Summary' in the Bison
- manual for a summary of the new functionality. See the new section `Prologue
- Alternatives' for a detailed discussion including the advantages of %code
- over the traditional Yacc prologues.
- The prologue alternatives are experimental. More user feedback will help to
- determine whether they should become permanent features.
-** Revised warning: unset or unused mid-rule values
- Since Bison 2.2, Bison has warned about mid-rule values that are set but not
- used within any of the actions of the parent rule. For example, Bison warns
- about unused $2 in:
- exp: '1' { $$ = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $4; };
- Now, Bison also warns about mid-rule values that are used but not set. For
- example, Bison warns about unset $$ in the mid-rule action in:
- exp: '1' { $1 = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $2 + $4; };
- However, Bison now disables both of these warnings by default since they
- sometimes prove to be false alarms in existing grammars employing the Yacc
- constructs $0 or $-N (where N is some positive integer).
- To enable these warnings, specify the option `--warnings=midrule-values' or
- `-W', which is a synonym for `--warnings=all'.
-** Default %destructor or %printer with `<*>' or `<>'
- Bison now recognizes two separate kinds of default %destructor's and
- %printer's:
- 1. Place `<*>' in a %destructor/%printer symbol list to define a default
- %destructor/%printer for all grammar symbols for which you have formally
- declared semantic type tags.
- 2. Place `<>' in a %destructor/%printer symbol list to define a default
- %destructor/%printer for all grammar symbols without declared semantic
- type tags.
- Bison no longer supports the `%symbol-default' notation from Bison 2.3a.
- `<*>' and `<>' combined achieve the same effect with one exception: Bison no
- longer applies any %destructor to a mid-rule value if that mid-rule value is
- not actually ever referenced using either $$ or $n in a semantic action.
- The default %destructor's and %printer's are experimental. More user
- feedback will help to determine whether they should become permanent
- features.
- See the section `Freeing Discarded Symbols' in the Bison manual for further
- details.
-** %left, %right, and %nonassoc can now declare token numbers. This is required
- by POSIX. However, see the end of section `Operator Precedence' in the Bison
- manual for a caveat concerning the treatment of literal strings.
-** The nonfunctional --no-parser, -n, and %no-parser options have been
- completely removed from Bison.
-* Changes in version 2.3a, 2006-09-13:
-** Instead of %union, you can define and use your own union type
- YYSTYPE if your grammar contains at least one <type> tag.
- Your YYSTYPE need not be a macro; it can be a typedef.
- This change is for compatibility with other Yacc implementations,
- and is required by POSIX.
-** Locations columns and lines start at 1.
- In accordance with the GNU Coding Standards and Emacs.
-** You may now declare per-type and default %destructor's and %printer's:
- For example:
- %union { char *string; }
- %token <string> STRING1
- %token <string> STRING2
- %type <string> string1
- %type <string> string2
- %union { char character; }
- %token <character> CHR
- %type <character> chr
- %destructor { free ($$); } %symbol-default
- %destructor { free ($$); printf ("%d", @$.first_line); } STRING1 string1
- %destructor { } <character>
- guarantees that, when the parser discards any user-defined symbol that has a
- semantic type tag other than `<character>', it passes its semantic value to
- `free'. However, when the parser discards a `STRING1' or a `string1', it
- also prints its line number to `stdout'. It performs only the second
- `%destructor' in this case, so it invokes `free' only once.
- [Although we failed to mention this here in the 2.3a release, the default
- %destructor's and %printer's were experimental, and they were rewritten in
- future versions.]
-** Except for LALR(1) parsers in C with POSIX Yacc emulation enabled (with `-y',
- `--yacc', or `%yacc'), Bison no longer generates #define statements for
- associating token numbers with token names. Removing the #define statements
- helps to sanitize the global namespace during preprocessing, but POSIX Yacc
- requires them. Bison still generates an enum for token names in all cases.
-** Handling of traditional Yacc prologue blocks is now more consistent but
- potentially incompatible with previous releases of Bison.
- As before, you declare prologue blocks in your grammar file with the
- `%{ ... %}' syntax. To generate the pre-prologue, Bison concatenates all
- prologue blocks that you've declared before the first %union. To generate
- the post-prologue, Bison concatenates all prologue blocks that you've
- declared after the first %union.
- Previous releases of Bison inserted the pre-prologue into both the header
- file and the code file in all cases except for LALR(1) parsers in C. In the
- latter case, Bison inserted it only into the code file. For parsers in C++,
- the point of insertion was before any token definitions (which associate
- token numbers with names). For parsers in C, the point of insertion was
- after the token definitions.
- Now, Bison never inserts the pre-prologue into the header file. In the code
- file, it always inserts it before the token definitions.
-** Bison now provides a more flexible alternative to the traditional Yacc
- prologue blocks: %before-header, %start-header, %end-header, and
- %after-header.
- For example, the following declaration order in the grammar file reflects the
- order in which Bison will output these code blocks. However, you are free to
- declare these code blocks in your grammar file in whatever order is most
- convenient for you:
- %before-header {
- /* Bison treats this block like a pre-prologue block: it inserts it into
- * the code file before the contents of the header file. It does *not*
- * insert it into the header file. This is a good place to put
- * #include's that you want at the top of your code file. A common
- * example is `#include "system.h"'. */
- }
- %start-header {
- /* Bison inserts this block into both the header file and the code file.
- * In both files, the point of insertion is before any Bison-generated
- * token, semantic type, location type, and class definitions. This is a
- * good place to define %union dependencies, for example. */
- }
- %union {
- /* Unlike the traditional Yacc prologue blocks, the output order for the
- * new %*-header blocks is not affected by their declaration position
- * relative to any %union in the grammar file. */
- }
- %end-header {
- /* Bison inserts this block into both the header file and the code file.
- * In both files, the point of insertion is after the Bison-generated
- * definitions. This is a good place to declare or define public
- * functions or data structures that depend on the Bison-generated
- * definitions. */
- }
- %after-header {
- /* Bison treats this block like a post-prologue block: it inserts it into
- * the code file after the contents of the header file. It does *not*
- * insert it into the header file. This is a good place to declare or
- * define internal functions or data structures that depend on the
- * Bison-generated definitions. */
- }
- If you have multiple occurrences of any one of the above declarations, Bison
- will concatenate the contents in declaration order.
- [Although we failed to mention this here in the 2.3a release, the prologue
- alternatives were experimental, and they were rewritten in future versions.]
-** The option `--report=look-ahead' has been changed to `--report=lookahead'.
- The old spelling still works, but is not documented and may be removed
- in a future release.
-* Changes in version 2.3, 2006-06-05:
-** GLR grammars should now use `YYRECOVERING ()' instead of `YYRECOVERING',
- for compatibility with LALR(1) grammars.
-** It is now documented that any definition of YYSTYPE or YYLTYPE should
- be to a type name that does not contain parentheses or brackets.
-* Changes in version 2.2, 2006-05-19:
-** The distribution terms for all Bison-generated parsers now permit
- using the parsers in nonfree programs. Previously, this permission
- was granted only for Bison-generated LALR(1) parsers in C.
-** %name-prefix changes the namespace name in C++ outputs.
-** The C++ parsers export their token_type.
-** Bison now allows multiple %union declarations, and concatenates
- their contents together.
-** New warning: unused values
- Right-hand side symbols whose values are not used are reported,
- if the symbols have destructors. For instance:
- exp: exp "?" exp ":" exp { $1 ? $1 : $3; }
- | exp "+" exp
- ;
- will trigger a warning about $$ and $5 in the first rule, and $3 in
- the second ($1 is copied to $$ by the default rule). This example
- most likely contains three errors, and could be rewritten as:
- exp: exp "?" exp ":" exp
- { $$ = $1 ? $3 : $5; free ($1 ? $5 : $3); free ($1); }
- | exp "+" exp
- { $$ = $1 ? $1 : $3; if ($1) free ($3); }
- ;
- However, if the original actions were really intended, memory leaks
- and all, the warnings can be suppressed by letting Bison believe the
- values are used, e.g.:
- exp: exp "?" exp ":" exp { $1 ? $1 : $3; (void) ($$, $5); }
- | exp "+" exp { $$ = $1; (void) $3; }
- ;
- If there are mid-rule actions, the warning is issued if no action
- uses it. The following triggers no warning: $1 and $3 are used.
- exp: exp { push ($1); } '+' exp { push ($3); sum (); };
- The warning is intended to help catching lost values and memory leaks.
- If a value is ignored, its associated memory typically is not reclaimed.
-** %destructor vs. YYABORT, YYACCEPT, and YYERROR.
- Destructors are now called when user code invokes YYABORT, YYACCEPT,
- and YYERROR, for all objects on the stack, other than objects
- corresponding to the right-hand side of the current rule.
-** %expect, %expect-rr
- Incorrect numbers of expected conflicts are now actual errors,
- instead of warnings.
-** GLR, YACC parsers.
- The %parse-params are available in the destructors (and the
- experimental printers) as per the documentation.
-** Bison now warns if it finds a stray `$' or `@' in an action.
-** %require "VERSION"
- This specifies that the grammar file depends on features implemented
- in Bison version VERSION or higher.
-** lalr1.cc: The token and value types are now class members.
- The tokens were defined as free form enums and cpp macros. YYSTYPE
- was defined as a free form union. They are now class members:
- tokens are enumerations of the `yy::parser::token' struct, and the
- semantic values have the `yy::parser::semantic_type' type.
- If you do not want or can update to this scheme, the directive
- `%define "global_tokens_and_yystype" "1"' triggers the global
- definition of tokens and YYSTYPE. This change is suitable both
- for previous releases of Bison, and this one.
- If you wish to update, then make sure older version of Bison will
- fail using `%require "2.2"'.
-** DJGPP support added.
-* Changes in version 2.1, 2005-09-16:
-** The C++ lalr1.cc skeleton supports %lex-param.
-** Bison-generated parsers now support the translation of diagnostics like
- "syntax error" into languages other than English. The default
- language is still English. For details, please see the new
- Internationalization section of the Bison manual. Software
- distributors should also see the new PACKAGING file. Thanks to
- Bruno Haible for this new feature.
-** Wording in the Bison-generated parsers has been changed slightly to
- simplify translation. In particular, the message "memory exhausted"
- has replaced "parser stack overflow", as the old message was not
- always accurate for modern Bison-generated parsers.
-** Destructors are now called when the parser aborts, for all symbols left
- behind on the stack. Also, the start symbol is now destroyed after a
- successful parse. In both cases, the behavior was formerly inconsistent.
-** When generating verbose diagnostics, Bison-generated parsers no longer
- quote the literal strings associated with tokens. For example, for
- a syntax error associated with '%token NUM "number"' they might
- print 'syntax error, unexpected number' instead of 'syntax error,
- unexpected "number"'.
-* Changes in version 2.0, 2004-12-25:
-** Possibly-incompatible changes
- - Bison-generated parsers no longer default to using the alloca function
- (when available) to extend the parser stack, due to widespread
- problems in unchecked stack-overflow detection. You can "#define
- YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA 1" to require the use of alloca, but please read
- the manual to determine safe values for YYMAXDEPTH in that case.
- - Error token location.
- During error recovery, the location of the syntax error is updated
- to cover the whole sequence covered by the error token: it includes
- the shifted symbols thrown away during the first part of the error
- recovery, and the lookahead rejected during the second part.
- - Semicolon changes:
- . Stray semicolons are no longer allowed at the start of a grammar.
- . Semicolons are now required after in-grammar declarations.
- - Unescaped newlines are no longer allowed in character constants or
- string literals. They were never portable, and GCC 3.4.0 has
- dropped support for them. Better diagnostics are now generated if
- forget a closing quote.
- - NUL bytes are no longer allowed in Bison string literals, unfortunately.
-** New features
- - GLR grammars now support locations.
- - New directive: %initial-action.
- This directive allows the user to run arbitrary code (including
- initializing @$) from yyparse before parsing starts.
- - A new directive "%expect-rr N" specifies the expected number of
- reduce/reduce conflicts in GLR parsers.
- - %token numbers can now be hexadecimal integers, e.g., `%token FOO 0x12d'.
- This is a GNU extension.
- - The option `--report=lookahead' was changed to `--report=look-ahead'.
- [However, this was changed back after 2.3.]
- - Experimental %destructor support has been added to lalr1.cc.
- - New configure option --disable-yacc, to disable installation of the
- yacc command and -ly library introduced in 1.875 for POSIX conformance.
-** Bug fixes
- - For now, %expect-count violations are now just warnings, not errors.
- This is for compatibility with Bison 1.75 and earlier (when there are
- reduce/reduce conflicts) and with Bison 1.30 and earlier (when there
- are too many or too few shift/reduce conflicts). However, in future
- versions of Bison we plan to improve the %expect machinery so that
- these violations will become errors again.
- - Within Bison itself, numbers (e.g., goto numbers) are no longer
- arbitrarily limited to 16-bit counts.
- - Semicolons are now allowed before "|" in grammar rules, as POSIX requires.
-* Changes in version 1.875, 2003-01-01:
-** The documentation license has been upgraded to version 1.2
- of the GNU Free Documentation License.
-** syntax error processing
- - In Yacc-style parsers YYLLOC_DEFAULT is now used to compute error
- locations too. This fixes bugs in error-location computation.
- - %destructor
- It is now possible to reclaim the memory associated to symbols
- discarded during error recovery. This feature is still experimental.
- - %error-verbose
- This new directive is preferred over YYERROR_VERBOSE.
- - #defining yyerror to steal internal variables is discouraged.
- It is not guaranteed to work forever.
-** POSIX conformance
- - Semicolons are once again optional at the end of grammar rules.
- This reverts to the behavior of Bison 1.33 and earlier, and improves
- compatibility with Yacc.
- - `parse error' -> `syntax error'
- Bison now uniformly uses the term `syntax error'; formerly, the code
- and manual sometimes used the term `parse error' instead. POSIX
- requires `syntax error' in diagnostics, and it was thought better to
- be consistent.
- - The documentation now emphasizes that yylex and yyerror must be
- declared before use. C99 requires this.
- - Bison now parses C99 lexical constructs like UCNs and
- backslash-newline within C escape sequences, as POSIX 1003.1-2001 requires.
- - File names are properly escaped in C output. E.g., foo\bar.y is
- output as "foo\\bar.y".
- - Yacc command and library now available
- The Bison distribution now installs a `yacc' command, as POSIX requires.
- Also, Bison now installs a small library liby.a containing
- implementations of Yacc-compatible yyerror and main functions.
- This library is normally not useful, but POSIX requires it.
- - Type clashes now generate warnings, not errors.
- - If the user does not define YYSTYPE as a macro, Bison now declares it
- using typedef instead of defining it as a macro.
- For consistency, YYLTYPE is also declared instead of defined.
-** Other compatibility issues
- - %union directives can now have a tag before the `{', e.g., the
- directive `%union foo {...}' now generates the C code
- `typedef union foo { ... } YYSTYPE;'; this is for Yacc compatibility.
- The default union tag is `YYSTYPE', for compatibility with Solaris 9 Yacc.
- For consistency, YYLTYPE's struct tag is now `YYLTYPE' not `yyltype'.
- This is for compatibility with both Yacc and Bison 1.35.
- - `;' is output before the terminating `}' of an action, for
- compatibility with Bison 1.35.
- - Bison now uses a Yacc-style format for conflict reports, e.g.,
- `conflicts: 2 shift/reduce, 1 reduce/reduce'.
- - `yystype' and `yyltype' are now obsolescent macros instead of being
- typedefs or tags; they are no longer documented and are planned to be
- withdrawn in a future release.
-** GLR parser notes
- - GLR and inline
- Users of Bison have to decide how they handle the portability of the
- C keyword `inline'.
- - `parsing stack overflow...' -> `parser stack overflow'
- GLR parsers now report `parser stack overflow' as per the Bison manual.
-** Bison now warns if it detects conflicting outputs to the same file,
- e.g., it generates a warning for `bison -d -o foo.h foo.y' since
- that command outputs both code and header to foo.h.
-** #line in output files
- - --no-line works properly.
-** Bison can no longer be built by a K&R C compiler; it requires C89 or
- later to be built. This change originally took place a few versions
- ago, but nobody noticed until we recently asked someone to try
- building Bison with a K&R C compiler.
-* Changes in version 1.75, 2002-10-14:
-** Bison should now work on 64-bit hosts.
-** Indonesian translation thanks to Tedi Heriyanto.
-** GLR parsers
- Fix spurious parse errors.
-** Pure parsers
- Some people redefine yyerror to steal yyparse' private variables.
- Reenable this trick until an official feature replaces it.
-** Type Clashes
- In agreement with POSIX and with other Yaccs, leaving a default
- action is valid when $$ is untyped, and $1 typed:
- untyped: ... typed;
- but the converse remains an error:
- typed: ... untyped;
-** Values of mid-rule actions
- The following code:
- foo: { ... } { $$ = $1; } ...
- was incorrectly rejected: $1 is defined in the second mid-rule
- action, and is equal to the $$ of the first mid-rule action.
-* Changes in version 1.50, 2002-10-04:
-** GLR parsing
- The declaration
- %glr-parser
- causes Bison to produce a Generalized LR (GLR) parser, capable of handling
- almost any context-free grammar, ambiguous or not. The new declarations
- %dprec and %merge on grammar rules allow parse-time resolution of
- ambiguities. Contributed by Paul Hilfinger.
- Unfortunately Bison 1.50 does not work properly on 64-bit hosts
- like the Alpha, so please stick to 32-bit hosts for now.
-** Output Directory
- When not in Yacc compatibility mode, when the output file was not
- specified, running `bison foo/bar.y' created `foo/bar.c'. It
- now creates `bar.c'.
-** Undefined token
- The undefined token was systematically mapped to 2 which prevented
- the use of 2 by the user. This is no longer the case.
-** Unknown token numbers
- If yylex returned an out of range value, yyparse could die. This is
- no longer the case.
-** Error token
- According to POSIX, the error token must be 256.
- Bison extends this requirement by making it a preference: *if* the
- user specified that one of her tokens is numbered 256, then error
- will be mapped onto another number.
-** Verbose error messages
- They no longer report `..., expecting error or...' for states where
- error recovery is possible.
-** End token
- Defaults to `$end' instead of `$'.
-** Error recovery now conforms to documentation and to POSIX
- When a Bison-generated parser encounters a syntax error, it now pops
- the stack until it finds a state that allows shifting the error
- token. Formerly, it popped the stack until it found a state that
- allowed some non-error action other than a default reduction on the
- error token. The new behavior has long been the documented behavior,
- and has long been required by POSIX. For more details, please see
- Paul Eggert, "Reductions during Bison error handling" (2002-05-20)
- <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bison/2002-05/msg00038.html>.
-** Traces
- Popped tokens and nonterminals are now reported.
-** Larger grammars
- Larger grammars are now supported (larger token numbers, larger grammar
- size (= sum of the LHS and RHS lengths), larger LALR tables).
- Formerly, many of these numbers ran afoul of 16-bit limits;
- now these limits are 32 bits on most hosts.
-** Explicit initial rule
- Bison used to play hacks with the initial rule, which the user does
- not write. It is now explicit, and visible in the reports and
- graphs as rule 0.
-** Useless rules
- Before, Bison reported the useless rules, but, although not used,
- included them in the parsers. They are now actually removed.
-** Useless rules, useless nonterminals
- They are now reported, as a warning, with their locations.
-** Rules never reduced
- Rules that can never be reduced because of conflicts are now
- reported.
-** Incorrect `Token not used'
- On a grammar such as
- %token useless useful
- %%
- exp: '0' %prec useful;
- where a token was used to set the precedence of the last rule,
- bison reported both `useful' and `useless' as useless tokens.
-** Revert the C++ namespace changes introduced in 1.31
- as they caused too many portability hassles.
-** Default locations
- By an accident of design, the default computation of @$ was
- performed after another default computation was performed: @$ = @1.
- The latter is now removed: YYLLOC_DEFAULT is fully responsible of
- the computation of @$.
-** Token end-of-file
- The token end of file may be specified by the user, in which case,
- the user symbol is used in the reports, the graphs, and the verbose
- error messages instead of `$end', which remains being the default.
- For instance
- %token MYEOF 0
- or
- %token MYEOF 0 "end of file"
-** Semantic parser
- This old option, which has been broken for ages, is removed.
-** New translations
- Brazilian Portuguese, thanks to Alexandre Folle de Menezes.
- Croatian, thanks to Denis Lackovic.
-** Incorrect token definitions
- When given `%token 'a' "A"', Bison used to output `#define 'a' 65'.
-** Token definitions as enums
- Tokens are output both as the traditional #define's, and, provided
- the compiler supports ANSI C or is a C++ compiler, as enums.
- This lets debuggers display names instead of integers.
-** Reports
- In addition to --verbose, bison supports --report=THINGS, which
- produces additional information:
- - itemset
- complete the core item sets with their closure
- - lookahead [changed to `look-ahead' in 1.875e through 2.3, but changed back]
- explicitly associate lookahead tokens to items
- - solved
- describe shift/reduce conflicts solving.
- Bison used to systematically output this information on top of
- the report. Solved conflicts are now attached to their states.
-** Type clashes
- Previous versions don't complain when there is a type clash on
- the default action if the rule has a mid-rule action, such as in:
- %type <foo> bar
- %%
- bar: '0' {} '0';
- This is fixed.
-** GNU M4 is now required when using Bison.
-* Changes in version 1.35, 2002-03-25:
-** C Skeleton
- Some projects use Bison's C parser with C++ compilers, and define
- YYSTYPE as a class. The recent adjustment of C parsers for data
- alignment and 64 bit architectures made this impossible.
- Because for the time being no real solution for C++ parser
- generation exists, kludges were implemented in the parser to
- maintain this use. In the future, when Bison has C++ parsers, this
- kludge will be disabled.
- This kludge also addresses some C++ problems when the stack was
- extended.
-* Changes in version 1.34, 2002-03-12:
-** File name clashes are detected
- $ bison foo.y -d -o foo.x
- fatal error: header and parser would both be named `foo.x'
-** A missing `;' at the end of a rule triggers a warning
- In accordance with POSIX, and in agreement with other
- Yacc implementations, Bison will mandate this semicolon in the near
- future. This eases the implementation of a Bison parser of Bison
- grammars by making this grammar LALR(1) instead of LR(2). To
- facilitate the transition, this release introduces a warning.
-** Revert the C++ namespace changes introduced in 1.31, as they caused too
- many portability hassles.
-** DJGPP support added.
-** Fix test suite portability problems.
-* Changes in version 1.33, 2002-02-07:
-** Fix C++ issues
- Groff could not be compiled for the definition of size_t was lacking
- under some conditions.
-** Catch invalid @n
- As is done with $n.
-* Changes in version 1.32, 2002-01-23:
-** Fix Yacc output file names
-** Portability fixes
-** Italian, Dutch translations
-* Changes in version 1.31, 2002-01-14:
-** Many Bug Fixes
-** GNU Gettext and %expect
- GNU Gettext asserts 10 s/r conflicts, but there are 7. Now that
- Bison dies on incorrect %expectations, we fear there will be
- too many bug reports for Gettext, so _for the time being_, %expect
- does not trigger an error when the input file is named `plural.y'.
-** Use of alloca in parsers
- If YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA is defined to 0, then the parsers will use
- malloc exclusively. Since 1.29, but was not NEWS'ed.
- alloca is used only when compiled with GCC, to avoid portability
- problems as on AIX.
-** yyparse now returns 2 if memory is exhausted; formerly it dumped core.
-** When the generated parser lacks debugging code, YYDEBUG is now 0
- (as POSIX requires) instead of being undefined.
-** User Actions
- Bison has always permitted actions such as { $$ = $1 }: it adds the
- ending semicolon. Now if in Yacc compatibility mode, the semicolon
- is no longer output: one has to write { $$ = $1; }.
-** Better C++ compliance
- The output parsers try to respect C++ namespaces.
- [This turned out to be a failed experiment, and it was reverted later.]
-** Reduced Grammars
- Fixed bugs when reporting useless nonterminals.
-** 64 bit hosts
- The parsers work properly on 64 bit hosts.
-** Error messages
- Some calls to strerror resulted in scrambled or missing error messages.
-** %expect
- When the number of shift/reduce conflicts is correct, don't issue
- any warning.
-** The verbose report includes the rule line numbers.
-** Rule line numbers are fixed in traces.
-** Swedish translation
-** Parse errors
- Verbose parse error messages from the parsers are better looking.
- Before: parse error: unexpected `'/'', expecting `"number"' or `'-'' or `'(''
- Now: parse error: unexpected '/', expecting "number" or '-' or '('
-** Fixed parser memory leaks.
- When the generated parser was using malloc to extend its stacks, the
- previous allocations were not freed.
-** Fixed verbose output file.
- Some newlines were missing.
- Some conflicts in state descriptions were missing.
-** Fixed conflict report.
- Option -v was needed to get the result.
-** %expect
- Was not used.
- Mismatches are errors, not warnings.
-** Fixed incorrect processing of some invalid input.
-** Fixed CPP guards: 9foo.h uses BISON_9FOO_H instead of 9FOO_H.
-** Fixed some typos in the documentation.
-** %token MY_EOF 0 is supported.
- Before, MY_EOF was silently renumbered as 257.
-** doc/refcard.tex is updated.
-** %output, %file-prefix, %name-prefix.
- New.
-** --output
- New, aliasing `--output-file'.
-* Changes in version 1.30, 2001-10-26:
-** `--defines' and `--graph' have now an optional argument which is the
- output file name. `-d' and `-g' do not change; they do not take any
- argument.
-** `%source_extension' and `%header_extension' are removed, failed
- experiment.
-** Portability fixes.
-* Changes in version 1.29, 2001-09-07:
-** The output file does not define const, as this caused problems when used
- with common autoconfiguration schemes. If you still use ancient compilers
- that lack const, compile with the equivalent of the C compiler option
- `-Dconst='. autoconf's AC_C_CONST macro provides one way to do this.
-** Added `-g' and `--graph'.
-** The Bison manual is now distributed under the terms of the GNU FDL.
-** The input and the output files has automatically a similar extension.
-** Russian translation added.
-** NLS support updated; should hopefully be less troublesome.
-** Added the old Bison reference card.
-** Added `--locations' and `%locations'.
-** Added `-S' and `--skeleton'.
-** `%raw', `-r', `--raw' is disabled.
-** Special characters are escaped when output. This solves the problems
- of the #line lines with path names including backslashes.
-** New directives.
- `%yacc', `%fixed_output_files', `%defines', `%no_parser', `%verbose',
- `%debug', `%source_extension' and `%header_extension'.
-** @$
- Automatic location tracking.
-* Changes in version 1.28, 1999-07-06:
-** Should compile better now with K&R compilers.
-** Added NLS.
-** Fixed a problem with escaping the double quote character.
-** There is now a FAQ.
-* Changes in version 1.27:
-** The make rule which prevented bison.simple from being created on
- some systems has been fixed.
-* Changes in version 1.26:
-** Bison now uses automake.
-** New mailing lists: <bug-bison@gnu.org> and <help-bison@gnu.org>.
-** Token numbers now start at 257 as previously documented, not 258.
-** Bison honors the TMPDIR environment variable.
-** A couple of buffer overruns have been fixed.
-** Problems when closing files should now be reported.
-** Generated parsers should now work even on operating systems which do
- not provide alloca().
-* Changes in version 1.25, 1995-10-16:
-** Errors in the input grammar are not fatal; Bison keeps reading
-the grammar file, and reports all the errors found in it.
-** Tokens can now be specified as multiple-character strings: for
-example, you could use "<=" for a token which looks like <=, instead
-of chosing a name like LESSEQ.
-** The %token_table declaration says to write a table of tokens (names
-and numbers) into the parser file. The yylex function can use this
-table to recognize multiple-character string tokens, or for other
-** The %no_lines declaration says not to generate any #line preprocessor
-directives in the parser file.
-** The %raw declaration says to use internal Bison token numbers, not
-Yacc-compatible token numbers, when token names are defined as macros.
-** The --no-parser option produces the parser tables without including
-the parser engine; a project can now use its own parser engine.
-The actions go into a separate file called NAME.act, in the form of
-a switch statement body.
-* Changes in version 1.23:
-The user can define YYPARSE_PARAM as the name of an argument to be
-passed into yyparse. The argument should have type void *. It should
-actually point to an object. Grammar actions can access the variable
-by casting it to the proper pointer type.
-Line numbers in output file corrected.
-* Changes in version 1.22:
---help option added.
-* Changes in version 1.20:
-Output file does not redefine const for C++.
-Local Variables:
-mode: outline
-Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
-2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 498671f0..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-This package contains the GNU Bison parser generator.
-See the file INSTALL for generic compilation and installation instructions.
-See the section FAQ in the documentation (doc/bison.info) for
-frequently asked questions. The documentation is also available in
-PDF and HTML, provided you have a recent version of Texinfo installed:
-run "make pdf" or "make html".
-Bison requires GNU m4 1.4.6 or later. See:
-Bison can work with pre-1.4.6 distributions of GNU m4 if they are
-sufficiently patched, but if you encounter a bug with an older
-distribution and report a bug we will probably suggest that you
-upgrade to 1.4.6 as the first step in trying to fix it.
-Please send bug reports to <bug-bison@gnu.org>. Please include the
-version number from `bison --version', and a complete, self-contained
-test case in each bug report.
-If you have questions about using Bison and the documentation does
-not answer them, please send mail to <help-bison@gnu.org>.
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README-alpha b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README-alpha
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--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/README-alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--*- text -*-
-This is a test release of this package. Using it more or less
-implicitly signs you up to help us find whatever problems you report.
-The documentation still needs more work. Suggestions welcome.
-Patches even more welcome.
-Please send comments and problem reports about this test release to
-<bug-bison@gnu.org>. This program will get better only if you report
-the problems you encounter.
-Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GNU Bison.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/THANKS b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/THANKS
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--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/THANKS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Bison was originally written by Robert Corbett. It would not be what
-it is today without the invaluable help of these people:
-Airy Andre Airy.Andre@edf.fr
-Akim Demaille akim@freefriends.org
-Albert Chin-A-Young china@thewrittenword.com
-Alexander Belopolsky alexb@rentec.com
-Alexandre Duret-Lutz adl@src.lip6.fr
-Andreas Schwab schwab@suse.de
-Andrew Suffield asuffield@users.sourceforge.net
-Anthony Heading ajrh@ajrh.net
-Arnold Robbins arnold@skeeve.com
-Art Haas ahaas@neosoft.com
-Baron Schwartz baron@sequent.org
-Benoit Perrot benoit.perrot@epita.fr
-Bert Deknuydt Bert.Deknuydt@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
-Bob Rossi bob@brasko.net
-Brandon Lucia blucia@gmail.com
-Bruce Lilly blilly@erols.com
-Bruno Haible bruno@clisp.org
-Charles-Henri de Boysson de-boy_c@epita.fr
-Christian Burger cburger@sunysb.edu
-Cris Bailiff c.bailiff+bison@awayweb.com
-Cris van Pelt cris@amf03054.office.wxs.nl
-Csaba Raduly csaba_22@yahoo.co.uk
-Daniel Hagerty hag@gnu.org
-David J. MacKenzie djm@gnu.org
-Derek M. Jones derek@knosof.co.uk
-Di-an Jan dianj@freeshell.org
-Dick Streefland dick.streefland@altium.nl
-Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
-Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
-Evgeny Stambulchik fnevgeny@plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il
-Fabrice Bauzac noon@cote-dazur.com
-Florian Krohm florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com
-Frank Heckenbach frank@g-n-u.de
-Frans Englich frans.englich@telia.com
-Georg Sauthoff gsauthof@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
-Goran Uddeborg goeran@uddeborg.se
-Guido Trentalancia trentalg@aston.ac.uk
-H. Merijn Brand h.m.brand@hccnet.nl
-Hans Aberg haberg@matematik.su.se
-Jan Nieuwenhuizen janneke@gnu.org
-Jesse Thilo jthilo@gnu.org
-Jim Kent jkent@arch.sel.sony.com
-Jim Meyering jim@meyering.net
-Joel E. Denny jdenny@ces.clemson.edu
-Juan Manuel Guerrero juan.guerrero@gmx.de
-Kees Zeelenberg kzlg@users.sourceforge.net
-Keith Browne kbrowne@legato.com
-Laurent Mascherpa laurent.mascherpa@epita.fr
-Magnus Fromreide magfr@lysator.liu.se
-Marc Autret autret_m@epita.fr
-Martin Mokrejs mmokrejs@natur.cuni.cz
-Martin Nylin martin.nylin@linuxmail.org
-Matt Kraai kraai@alumni.cmu.edu
-Matt Rosing rosing@peakfive.com
-Michael Hayes m.hayes@elec.canterbury.ac.nz
-Mickael Labau labau_m@epita.fr
-Mike Castle dalgoda@ix.netcom.com
-Neil Booth NeilB@earthling.net
-Nelson H. F. Beebe beebe@math.utah.edu
-Nicolas Burrus nicolas.burrus@epita.fr
-Nicolas Tisserand nicolas.tisserand@epita.fr
-Noah Friedman friedman@gnu.org
-Oleg Smolsky oleg.smolsky@pacific-simulators.co.nz
-Paolo Bonzini bonzini@gnu.org
-Pascal Bart pascal.bart@epita.fr
-Paul Eggert eggert@cs.ucla.edu
-Paul Hilfinger Hilfinger@CS.Berkeley.EDU
-Per Allansson per@appgate.com
-Peter Fales psfales@lucent.com
-Peter Hamorsky hamo@upjs.sk
-Piotr Gackiewicz gacek@intertel.com.pl
-Quoc Peyrot chojin@lrde.epita.fr
-R Blake blakers@mac.com
-Raja R Harinath harinath@cs.umn.edu
-Richard Stallman rms@gnu.org
-Robert Anisko anisko_r@epita.fr
-Satya Kiran Popuri satyakiran@gmail.com
-Sebastien Fricker sebastien.fricker@gmail.com
-Sebastian Setzer sebastian.setzer.ext@siemens.com
-Sergei Steshenko sergstesh@yahoo.com
-Shura debil_urod@ngs.ru
-Steve Murphy murf@parsetree.com
-Tim Josling tej@melbpc.org.au
-Tim Van Holder tim.van.holder@pandora.be
-Tom Lane tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us
-Tom Tromey tromey@cygnus.com
-Tommy Nordgren tommy.nordgren@chello.se
-Troy A. Johnson troyj@ecn.purdue.edu
-Tys Lefering twlevo@xs4all.nl
-Vin Shelton acs@alumni.princeton.edu
-Wayne Green wayne@infosavvy.com
-Wolfram Wagner ww@mpi-sb.mpg.de
-Wwp subscript@free.fr
-Zack Weinberg zack@codesourcery.com
-Many people are not named here because we lost track of them. We
-thank them! Please, help us keeping this list up to date.
-Local Variables:
-mode: text
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/TODO b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index b2bca354..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
--*- outline -*-
-* Header guards
-From Franc,ois: should we keep the directory part in the CPP guard?
-* Yacc.c: CPP Macros
-Do some people use YYPURE, YYLSP_NEEDED like we do in the test suite?
-They should not: it is not documented. But if they need to, let's
-find something clean (not like YYLSP_NEEDED...).
-* Installation
-* Documentation
-Before releasing, make sure the documentation ("Understanding your
-parser") refers to the current `output' format.
-* lalr1.cc
-** vector
-Move to using vector, drop stack.hh.
-** I18n
-Catch up with yacc.c.
-* Report
-** GLR
-How would Paul like to display the conflicted actions? In particular,
-what when two reductions are possible on a given lookahead token, but one is
-part of $default. Should we make the two reductions explicit, or just
-keep $default? See the following point.
-** Disabled Reductions
-See `tests/conflicts.at (Defaulted Conflicted Reduction)', and decide
-what we want to do.
-** Documentation
-Extend with error productions. The hard part will probably be finding
-the right rule so that a single state does not exhibit too many yet
-undocumented ``features''. Maybe an empty action ought to be
-presented too. Shall we try to make a single grammar with all these
-features, or should we have several very small grammars?
-** --report=conflict-path
-Provide better assistance for understanding the conflicts by providing
-a sample text exhibiting the (LALR) ambiguity. See the paper from
-DeRemer and Penello: they already provide the algorithm.
-** Statically check for potential ambiguities in GLR grammars. See
-<http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~schmitz/papers.html#expamb> for an approach.
-* Extensions
-** Labeling the symbols
-Have a look at the Lemon parser generator: instead of $1, $2 etc. they
-can name the values. This is much more pleasant. For instance:
- exp (res): exp (a) '+' exp (b) { $res = $a + $b; };
-I love this. I have been bitten too often by the removal of the
-symbol, and forgetting to shift all the $n to $n-1. If you are
-unlucky, it compiles...
-But instead of using $a etc., we can use regular variables. And
-instead of using (), I propose to use `:' (again). Paul suggests
-supporting `->' in addition to `:' to separate LHS and RHS. In other
- r:exp -> a:exp '+' b:exp { r = a + b; };
-That requires an significant improvement of the grammar parser. Using
-GLR would be nice. It also requires that Bison know the type of the
-symbols (which will be useful for %include anyway). So we have some
-time before...
-Note that there remains the problem of locations: `@r'?
-** $-1
-We should find a means to provide an access to values deep in the
-stack. For instance, instead of
- baz: qux { $$ = $<foo>-1 + $<bar>0 + $1; }
-we should be able to have:
- foo($foo) bar($bar) baz($bar): qux($qux) { $baz = $foo + $bar + $qux; }
-Or something like this.
-** %if and the like
-It should be possible to have %if/%else/%endif. The implementation is
-not clear: should it be lexical or syntactic. Vadim Maslow thinks it
-must be in the scanner: we must not parse what is in a switched off
-part of %if. Akim Demaille thinks it should be in the parser, so as
-to avoid falling into another CPP mistake.
-** -D, --define-muscle NAME=VALUE
-To define muscles via cli. Or maybe support directly NAME=VALUE?
-** XML Output
-There are couple of available extensions of Bison targeting some XML
-output. Some day we should consider including them. One issue is
-that they seem to be quite orthogonal to the parsing technique, and
-seem to depend mostly on the possibility to have some code triggered
-for each reduction. As a matter of fact, such hooks could also be
-used to generate the yydebug traces. Some generic scheme probably
-exists in there.
-XML output for GNU Bison and gcc
- http://www.cs.may.ie/~jpower/Research/bisonXML/
-XML output for GNU Bison
- http://yaxx.sourceforge.net/
-* Unit rules
-Maybe we could expand unit rules, i.e., transform
- exp: arith | bool;
- arith: exp '+' exp;
- bool: exp '&' exp;
- exp: exp '+' exp | exp '&' exp;
-when there are no actions. This can significantly speed up some
-grammars. I can't find the papers. In particular the book `LR
-parsing: Theory and Practice' is impossible to find, but according to
-`Parsing Techniques: a Practical Guide', it includes information about
-this issue. Does anybody have it?
-* Documentation
-** History/Bibliography
-Some history of Bison and some bibliography would be most welcome.
-Are there any Texinfo standards for bibliography?
-* Java, Fortran, etc.
-* Coding system independence
-Paul notes:
- Currently Bison assumes 8-bit bytes (i.e. that UCHAR_MAX is
- 255). It also assumes that the 8-bit character encoding is
- the same for the invocation of 'bison' as it is for the
- invocation of 'cc', but this is not necessarily true when
- people run bison on an ASCII host and then use cc on an EBCDIC
- host. I don't think these topics are worth our time
- addressing (unless we find a gung-ho volunteer for EBCDIC or
- PDP-10 ports :-) but they should probably be documented
- somewhere.
- More importantly, Bison does not currently allow NUL bytes in
- tokens, either via escapes (e.g., "x\0y") or via a NUL byte in
- the source code. This should get fixed.
-* --graph
-Show reductions.
-* Broken options ?
-** %token-table
-** Skeleton strategy
-Must we keep %token-table?
-* src/print_graph.c
-Find the best graph parameters.
-* BTYacc
-See if we can integrate backtracking in Bison. Charles-Henri de
-Boysson <de-boy_c@epita.fr> is working on this, and already has some
-results. Vadim Maslow, the maintainer of BTYacc was contacted, and we
-stay in touch with him. Adjusting the Bison grammar parser will be
-needed to support some extra BTYacc features. This is less urgent.
-** Keeping the conflicted actions
-First, analyze the differences between byacc and btyacc (I'm referring
-to the executables). Find where the conflicts are preserved.
-** Compare with the GLR tables
-See how isomorphic the way BTYacc and the way the GLR adjustments in
-Bison are compatible. *As much as possible* one should try to use the
-same implementation in the Bison executables. I insist: it should be
-very feasible to use the very same conflict tables.
-** Adjust the skeletons
-Import the skeletons for C and C++.
-** Improve the skeletons
-Have them support yysymprint, yydestruct and so forth.
-* Precedence
-** Partial order
-It is unfortunate that there is a total order for precedence. It
-makes it impossible to have modular precedence information. We should
-move to partial orders (sounds like series/parallel orders to me).
-** Correlation b/w precedence and associativity
-Also, I fail to understand why we have to assign the same
-associativity to operators with the same precedence. For instance,
-why can't I decide that the precedence of * and / is the same, but the
-latter is nonassoc?
-If there is really no profound motivation, we should find a new syntax
-to allow specifying this.
-** RR conflicts
-See if we can use precedence between rules to solve RR conflicts. See
-what POSIX says.
-* $undefined
-From Hans:
-- If the Bison generated parser experiences an undefined number in the
-character range, that character is written out in diagnostic messages, an
-addition to the $undefined value.
-Suggest: Change the name $undefined to undefined; looks better in outputs.
-* Default Action
-From Hans:
-- For use with my C++ parser, I transported the "switch (yyn)" statement
-that Bison writes to the bison.simple skeleton file. This way, I can remove
-the current default rule $$ = $1 implementation, which causes a double
-assignment to $$ which may not be OK under C++, replacing it with a
-"default:" part within the switch statement.
-Note that the default rule $$ = $1, when typed, is perfectly OK under C,
-but in the C++ implementation I made, this rule is different from
-$<type_name>$ = $<type_name>1. I therefore think that one should implement
-a Bison option where every typed default rule is explicitly written out
-(same typed ruled can of course be grouped together).
-Note: Robert Anisko handles this. He knows how to do it.
-* Warnings
-It would be nice to have warning support. See how Autoconf handles
-them, it is fairly well described there. It would be very nice to
-implement this in such a way that other programs could use
-Don't work on this without first announcing you do, as I already have
-thought about it, and know many of the components that can be used to
-implement it.
-* Pre and post actions.
-From: Florian Krohm <florian@edamail.fishkill.ibm.com>
-To: bug-bison@gnu.org
-X-Sent: 1 week, 4 days, 14 hours, 38 minutes, 11 seconds ago
-The other day I had the need for explicitly building the parse tree. I
-used %locations for that and defined YYLLOC_DEFAULT to call a function
-that returns the tree node for the production. Easy. But I also needed
-to assign the S-attribute to the tree node. That cannot be done in
-YYLLOC_DEFAULT, because it is invoked before the action is executed.
-The way I solved this was to define a macro YYACT_EPILOGUE that would
-be invoked after the action. For reasons of symmetry I also added
-YYACT_PROLOGUE. Although I had no use for that I can envision how it
-might come in handy for debugging purposes.
-All is needed is to add
- YYACT_EPILOGUE (yyval, (yyvsp - yylen), yylen, yyloc, (yylsp - yylen));
- YYACT_EPILOGUE (yyval, (yyvsp - yylen), yylen);
-at the proper place to bison.simple. Ditto for YYACT_PROLOGUE.
-I was wondering what you think about adding YYACT_PROLOGUE/EPILOGUE
-to bison. If you're interested, I'll work on a patch.
-* Better graphics
-Equip the parser with a means to create the (visual) parse tree.
-Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation,
-This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/data/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/data/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e025c1..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/data/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
--*- outline -*-
-This directory contains data needed by Bison.
-* Skeletons
-Bison skeletons: the general shapes of the different parser kinds,
-that are specialized for specific grammars by the bison program.
-Currently, the supported skeletons are:
-- yacc.c
- It used to be named bison.simple: it corresponds to C Yacc
- compatible LALR(1) parsers.
-- lalr1.cc
- Produces a C++ parser class.
-- lalr1.java
- Produces a Java parser class.
-- glr.c
- A Generalized LR C parser based on Bison's LALR(1) tables.
-- glr.cc
- A Generalized LR C++ parser. Actually a C++ wrapper around glr.c.
-These skeletons are the only ones supported by the Bison team.
-Because the interface between skeletons and the bison program is not
-finished, *we are not bound to it*. In particular, Bison is not
-mature enough for us to consider that ``foreign skeletons'' are
-* m4sugar
-This directory contains M4sugar, sort of an extended library for M4,
-which is used by Bison to instantiate the skeletons.
-* xslt
-This directory contains XSLT programs that transform Bison's XML output
-into various formats.
-- bison.xsl
- A library of routines used by the other XSLT programs.
-- xml2dot.xsl
- Conversion into GraphViz's dot format.
-- xml2text.xsl
- Conversion into text.
-- xml2xhtml.xsl
- Conversion into XHTML.
-Copyright (C) 2002, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GNU Bison.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/djgpp/README.in b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/djgpp/README.in
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index d559a096..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/djgpp/README.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-This is a port of GNU Bison @VERSION@ to MSDOS/DJGPP.
-Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-1.: DJGPP specific changes.
- =======================
- The DJGPP port of Bison offers LFN and SFN support depending on which
- OS it is running. If LFN support is available or not is determinated at
- run time. If LFN support is available (DOS session under Win9X, Win2K,
- WinXP, etc.) the standard posix file name extensions will be used.
- These are: y.tab.c, y.tab.c++, y.tab.h, y.output, etc. If only SFN
- support is available (plain DOS), then the standard MSDOS short file
- names will be used. These are: y_tab.c, y_tab.h, y.out, etc.
- It should be noticed that this bison version needs the m4 program as
- back end to generate the parser file (y.tab.c etc.) from the skeleton
- files. This implies that m4 must always be installed to get bison
- working. m4 will use a couple of m4 scripts that will be installed in
- /dev/env/DJDIR/share/bison and shall not be removed.
- It should also be noticed that the skeleton files bison.simple and
- bison.hairy are no longer supported. This applies also to the environ-
- ment variables BISON_HAIRY and BISON_SIMPLE. Those variables are *no*
- longer honored at all.
- The kind of skeleton file bison.hairy is no longer supported at all.
- The skeleton file bison.simple is now called yacc.c and is an m4 script.
- The other two skeleton files supported by this bison version are glr.c
- and lalr1.cc. The first one is a generalized LR C parser based on
- Bison's LALR(1) tables and the second one is a experimental C++ parser
- class.
- As has been told before, bison uses m4 to generate the parser file.
- This is done by forking and using pipes for the IPC. MSDOS does not
- support this functionality so this has been reproduced in the usual
- way by redirecting stdin and stdout of bison and m4 to temporary files
- and processing these files in sequence.
- It should be noticed that due to the great amount of file names that do
- not cleanly map to 8.3 file names, you will need an OS with LFN support
- to configure and compile the sources. On Win98 this implies that the
- generation of numeric tails for 8.3 file name aliases must be enabled
- or the compilation will fail.
- Please **read** the docs.
-2.: Installing the binary package.
- ==============================
-2.1.: Copy the binary distribution into the top DJGPP installation directory,
- just unzip it preserving the directory structure running *ONE* of the
- following commands:
- unzip32 bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@b.zip or
- djtarx bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@b.zip or
- pkunzip -d bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@b.zip
-3.: Building the binaries from sources.
- ===================================
-3.1.: Create a temporary directory and copy the source package into the
- directory. If you download the source distribution from one of the
- DJGPP sites, just unzip it preserving the directory structure
- running *ONE* of the following commands:
- unzip32 bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
- djtarx bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip or
- pkunzip -d bsn@PACKAGE_VERSION@s.zip
- and proceed to the paragraph 3.3, below.
-3.2.: Source distributions downloaded from one of the GNU FTP sites need
- some more work to unpack, if LFN support is not available. If LFN is
- available then you can extract the source files from the archive with
- any unzip program and proceed to the paragraph 3.3, below. Any file
- name issue will be handled by the the DJGPP configuration files.
- To unpack the source distribution on SFN systems, first, you MUST use
- the `djunpack' batch file to unzip the package. That is because some
- file names in the official distributions need to be changed to avoid
- problems on the various platforms supported by DJGPP.
- `djunpack' invokes the `djtar' program (that is part of the basic DJGPP
- development kit) to rename these files on the fly given a file with
- name mappings; the distribution includes a file `djgpp/fnchange.lst'
- with the necessary mappings. So you need first to retrieve that batch
- file, and then invoke it to unpack the distribution. Here's how:
- djtar -x -p -o bison-@VERSION@/djgpp/djunpack.bat bison-@VERSION@.tar.gz > djunpack.bat
- djunpack bison-@VERSION@.tar.gz
- (The name of the distribution archive and the leading directory of the
- path to `djunpack.bat' in the distribution will be different for
- versions of Bison other than @VERSION@.)
- If the argument to `djunpack.bat' include leading directories, it MUST
- be given with the DOS-style backslashes; Unix-style forward slashes
- will NOT work.
- If the distribution comes as a .tar.bz2 archive, and your version of
- `djtar' doesn't support bzip2 decompression, you need to unpack it as
- follows:
- bnzip2 bison-@VERSION@.tar.bz2
- djtar -x -p -o bison-@VERSION@/djgpp/djunpack.bat bison-@VERSION@.tar > djunpack.bat
- djunpack bison-@VERSION@.tar
-3.3.: To build the binaries you will need the following binary packages:
- djdev203.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
- bsh204b.zip (or a later but NOT a prior version)
- gccNNNb.zip, gppNNN.zip, bnuNNNb.zip, makNNNb.zip, filNNNb.zip,
- perlNNNb.zip, shlNNNb.zip, txtNNNb.zip, txiNNNb.zip, grepNNNb.zip,
- sedNNNb.zip and m4NNN.zip
- If you want to run the check you will need also:
- difNNNb.zip
- NNN represents the latest version number of the binary packages. All
- this packages can be found in the /v2gnu directory of any
- ftp.delorie.com mirror.
- You will need bsh204b.zip or later and *NOT* a prior version or
- the build will fail. The same applies to djdev203.zip. Please note
- that Bison requires m4-144b.zip or later to work properly.
-3.4.: If for some reason you want to reconfigure the package cd into the top
- srcdir (bison-@TREE_VERSION@) and run the following commands:
- del djgpp\config.cache
- make clean
- djgpp\config
- Please note that you *MUST* delete the config.cache file in the djgpp
- subdir or you will not really reconfigure the sources because the
- configuration informations will be read from the cache file instead
- of being newly computed.
- To build the programs in a directory other than where the sources are,
- you must add the parameter that specifies the source directory,
- e.g:
- x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
- Lets assume you want to build the binaries in a directory placed on a
- different drive (z:\build in this case) from where the sources are,
- then you will run the following commands:
- z:
- md \build
- cd \build
- x:\src\gnu\bison-@TREE_VERSION@\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/bison-@TREE_VERSION@
- The order of the options and the srcdir option does not matter. You
- *MUST* use forward slashes to specify the source directory.
- The batch file will set same environment variables, make MSDOS specific
- modifications to the Makefile.in's and supply all other needed options
- to the configure script.
-3.5.: To compile the package run from the top srcdir the command:
- make
-3.6.: Now you can run the tests if you like. From the top srcdir run the
- command:
- make check
- No test should fail but the tests #131 (Doxygen Public Documentation)
- and #132 (Doxygen Private Documentation) will be skipped. Please note
- that the testsuite only works with LFN available. On plain DOS, most
- of the tests will fail due to invalid DOS names.
-3.7.: To install the binaries, header, library, catalogs, and info docs
- run the following command from the top srcdir:
- make install
- This will install the products into your DJGPP installation tree given
- by the default prefix "/dev/env/DJDIR". If you prefer to install them
- into some other directory you will have to set prefix to the appropiate
- value:
- make install prefix=z:/some/other/place
- Send GNU bison specific bug reports to <bug-bison@gnu.org>.
- Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
- comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp@delorie.com>.
- Guerrero, Juan Manuel <juan.guerrero@gmx.de>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/bison.info b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/bison.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f574f3..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/bison.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11009 +0,0 @@
-This is ../../bison-2.4.1-src/doc/bison.info, produced by makeinfo
-version 4.8 from ../../bison-2.4.1-src/doc/bison.texinfo.
- This manual (19 November 2008) is for GNU Bison (version 2.4.1), the
-GNU parser generator.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999,
-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
-Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
- Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software
- Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts
- being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a)
- below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
- "GNU Free Documentation License."
- (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and
- modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in
- developing GNU and promoting software freedom."
-INFO-DIR-SECTION Software development
-* bison: (bison). GNU parser generator (Yacc replacement).
-File: bison.info, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Up: (dir)
-This manual (19 November 2008) is for GNU Bison (version 2.4.1), the
-GNU parser generator.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999,
-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
-Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
- Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software
- Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts
- being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a)
- below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
- "GNU Free Documentation License."
- (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and
- modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in
- developing GNU and promoting software freedom."
-* Menu:
-* Introduction::
-* Conditions::
-* Copying:: The GNU General Public License says
- how you can copy and share Bison.
-Tutorial sections:
-* Concepts:: Basic concepts for understanding Bison.
-* Examples:: Three simple explained examples of using Bison.
-Reference sections:
-* Grammar File:: Writing Bison declarations and rules.
-* Interface:: C-language interface to the parser function `yyparse'.
-* Algorithm:: How the Bison parser works at run-time.
-* Error Recovery:: Writing rules for error recovery.
-* Context Dependency:: What to do if your language syntax is too
- messy for Bison to handle straightforwardly.
-* Debugging:: Understanding or debugging Bison parsers.
-* Invocation:: How to run Bison (to produce the parser source file).
-* Other Languages:: Creating C++ and Java parsers.
-* FAQ:: Frequently Asked Questions
-* Table of Symbols:: All the keywords of the Bison language are explained.
-* Glossary:: Basic concepts are explained.
-* Copying This Manual:: License for copying this manual.
-* Index:: Cross-references to the text.
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-The Concepts of Bison
-* Language and Grammar:: Languages and context-free grammars,
- as mathematical ideas.
-* Grammar in Bison:: How we represent grammars for Bison's sake.
-* Semantic Values:: Each token or syntactic grouping can have
- a semantic value (the value of an integer,
- the name of an identifier, etc.).
-* Semantic Actions:: Each rule can have an action containing C code.
-* GLR Parsers:: Writing parsers for general context-free languages.
-* Locations Overview:: Tracking Locations.
-* Bison Parser:: What are Bison's input and output,
- how is the output used?
-* Stages:: Stages in writing and running Bison grammars.
-* Grammar Layout:: Overall structure of a Bison grammar file.
-Writing GLR Parsers
-* Simple GLR Parsers:: Using GLR parsers on unambiguous grammars.
-* Merging GLR Parses:: Using GLR parsers to resolve ambiguities.
-* GLR Semantic Actions:: Deferred semantic actions have special concerns.
-* Compiler Requirements:: GLR parsers require a modern C compiler.
-* RPN Calc:: Reverse polish notation calculator;
- a first example with no operator precedence.
-* Infix Calc:: Infix (algebraic) notation calculator.
- Operator precedence is introduced.
-* Simple Error Recovery:: Continuing after syntax errors.
-* Location Tracking Calc:: Demonstrating the use of @N and @$.
-* Multi-function Calc:: Calculator with memory and trig functions.
- It uses multiple data-types for semantic values.
-* Exercises:: Ideas for improving the multi-function calculator.
-Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
-* Rpcalc Declarations:: Prologue (declarations) for rpcalc.
-* Rpcalc Rules:: Grammar Rules for rpcalc, with explanation.
-* Rpcalc Lexer:: The lexical analyzer.
-* Rpcalc Main:: The controlling function.
-* Rpcalc Error:: The error reporting function.
-* Rpcalc Generate:: Running Bison on the grammar file.
-* Rpcalc Compile:: Run the C compiler on the output code.
-Grammar Rules for `rpcalc'
-* Rpcalc Input::
-* Rpcalc Line::
-* Rpcalc Expr::
-Location Tracking Calculator: `ltcalc'
-* Ltcalc Declarations:: Bison and C declarations for ltcalc.
-* Ltcalc Rules:: Grammar rules for ltcalc, with explanations.
-* Ltcalc Lexer:: The lexical analyzer.
-Multi-Function Calculator: `mfcalc'
-* Mfcalc Declarations:: Bison declarations for multi-function calculator.
-* Mfcalc Rules:: Grammar rules for the calculator.
-* Mfcalc Symbol Table:: Symbol table management subroutines.
-Bison Grammar Files
-* Grammar Outline:: Overall layout of the grammar file.
-* Symbols:: Terminal and nonterminal symbols.
-* Rules:: How to write grammar rules.
-* Recursion:: Writing recursive rules.
-* Semantics:: Semantic values and actions.
-* Locations:: Locations and actions.
-* Declarations:: All kinds of Bison declarations are described here.
-* Multiple Parsers:: Putting more than one Bison parser in one program.
-Outline of a Bison Grammar
-* Prologue:: Syntax and usage of the prologue.
-* Prologue Alternatives:: Syntax and usage of alternatives to the prologue.
-* Bison Declarations:: Syntax and usage of the Bison declarations section.
-* Grammar Rules:: Syntax and usage of the grammar rules section.
-* Epilogue:: Syntax and usage of the epilogue.
-Defining Language Semantics
-* Value Type:: Specifying one data type for all semantic values.
-* Multiple Types:: Specifying several alternative data types.
-* Actions:: An action is the semantic definition of a grammar rule.
-* Action Types:: Specifying data types for actions to operate on.
-* Mid-Rule Actions:: Most actions go at the end of a rule.
- This says when, why and how to use the exceptional
- action in the middle of a rule.
-Tracking Locations
-* Location Type:: Specifying a data type for locations.
-* Actions and Locations:: Using locations in actions.
-* Location Default Action:: Defining a general way to compute locations.
-Bison Declarations
-* Require Decl:: Requiring a Bison version.
-* Token Decl:: Declaring terminal symbols.
-* Precedence Decl:: Declaring terminals with precedence and associativity.
-* Union Decl:: Declaring the set of all semantic value types.
-* Type Decl:: Declaring the choice of type for a nonterminal symbol.
-* Initial Action Decl:: Code run before parsing starts.
-* Destructor Decl:: Declaring how symbols are freed.
-* Expect Decl:: Suppressing warnings about parsing conflicts.
-* Start Decl:: Specifying the start symbol.
-* Pure Decl:: Requesting a reentrant parser.
-* Push Decl:: Requesting a push parser.
-* Decl Summary:: Table of all Bison declarations.
-Parser C-Language Interface
-* Parser Function:: How to call `yyparse' and what it returns.
-* Push Parser Function:: How to call `yypush_parse' and what it returns.
-* Pull Parser Function:: How to call `yypull_parse' and what it returns.
-* Parser Create Function:: How to call `yypstate_new' and what it returns.
-* Parser Delete Function:: How to call `yypstate_delete' and what it returns.
-* Lexical:: You must supply a function `yylex'
- which reads tokens.
-* Error Reporting:: You must supply a function `yyerror'.
-* Action Features:: Special features for use in actions.
-* Internationalization:: How to let the parser speak in the user's
- native language.
-The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex'
-* Calling Convention:: How `yyparse' calls `yylex'.
-* Token Values:: How `yylex' must return the semantic value
- of the token it has read.
-* Token Locations:: How `yylex' must return the text location
- (line number, etc.) of the token, if the
- actions want that.
-* Pure Calling:: How the calling convention differs in a pure parser
- (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.).
-The Bison Parser Algorithm
-* Lookahead:: Parser looks one token ahead when deciding what to do.
-* Shift/Reduce:: Conflicts: when either shifting or reduction is valid.
-* Precedence:: Operator precedence works by resolving conflicts.
-* Contextual Precedence:: When an operator's precedence depends on context.
-* Parser States:: The parser is a finite-state-machine with stack.
-* Reduce/Reduce:: When two rules are applicable in the same situation.
-* Mystery Conflicts:: Reduce/reduce conflicts that look unjustified.
-* Generalized LR Parsing:: Parsing arbitrary context-free grammars.
-* Memory Management:: What happens when memory is exhausted. How to avoid it.
-Operator Precedence
-* Why Precedence:: An example showing why precedence is needed.
-* Using Precedence:: How to specify precedence in Bison grammars.
-* Precedence Examples:: How these features are used in the previous example.
-* How Precedence:: How they work.
-Handling Context Dependencies
-* Semantic Tokens:: Token parsing can depend on the semantic context.
-* Lexical Tie-ins:: Token parsing can depend on the syntactic context.
-* Tie-in Recovery:: Lexical tie-ins have implications for how
- error recovery rules must be written.
-Debugging Your Parser
-* Understanding:: Understanding the structure of your parser.
-* Tracing:: Tracing the execution of your parser.
-Invoking Bison
-* Bison Options:: All the options described in detail,
- in alphabetical order by short options.
-* Option Cross Key:: Alphabetical list of long options.
-* Yacc Library:: Yacc-compatible `yylex' and `main'.
-Parsers Written In Other Languages
-* C++ Parsers:: The interface to generate C++ parser classes
-* Java Parsers:: The interface to generate Java parser classes
-C++ Parsers
-* C++ Bison Interface:: Asking for C++ parser generation
-* C++ Semantic Values:: %union vs. C++
-* C++ Location Values:: The position and location classes
-* C++ Parser Interface:: Instantiating and running the parser
-* C++ Scanner Interface:: Exchanges between yylex and parse
-* A Complete C++ Example:: Demonstrating their use
-A Complete C++ Example
-* Calc++ --- C++ Calculator:: The specifications
-* Calc++ Parsing Driver:: An active parsing context
-* Calc++ Parser:: A parser class
-* Calc++ Scanner:: A pure C++ Flex scanner
-* Calc++ Top Level:: Conducting the band
-Java Parsers
-* Java Bison Interface:: Asking for Java parser generation
-* Java Semantic Values:: %type and %token vs. Java
-* Java Location Values:: The position and location classes
-* Java Parser Interface:: Instantiating and running the parser
-* Java Scanner Interface:: Specifying the scanner for the parser
-* Java Action Features:: Special features for use in actions
-* Java Differences:: Differences between C/C++ and Java Grammars
-* Java Declarations Summary:: List of Bison declarations used with Java
-Frequently Asked Questions
-* Memory Exhausted:: Breaking the Stack Limits
-* How Can I Reset the Parser:: `yyparse' Keeps some State
-* Strings are Destroyed:: `yylval' Loses Track of Strings
-* Implementing Gotos/Loops:: Control Flow in the Calculator
-* Multiple start-symbols:: Factoring closely related grammars
-* Secure? Conform?:: Is Bison POSIX safe?
-* I can't build Bison:: Troubleshooting
-* Where can I find help?:: Troubleshouting
-* Bug Reports:: Troublereporting
-* More Languages:: Parsers in C++, Java, and so on
-* Beta Testing:: Experimenting development versions
-* Mailing Lists:: Meeting other Bison users
-Copying This Manual
-* Copying This Manual:: License for copying this manual.
-File: bison.info, Node: Introduction, Next: Conditions, Prev: Top, Up: Top
-"Bison" is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an
-annotated context-free grammar into an LALR(1) or GLR parser for that
-grammar. Once you are proficient with Bison, you can use it to develop
-a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk
-calculators to complex programming languages.
- Bison is upward compatible with Yacc: all properly-written Yacc
-grammars ought to work with Bison with no change. Anyone familiar with
-Yacc should be able to use Bison with little trouble. You need to be
-fluent in C or C++ programming in order to use Bison or to understand
-this manual.
- We begin with tutorial chapters that explain the basic concepts of
-using Bison and show three explained examples, each building on the
-last. If you don't know Bison or Yacc, start by reading these
-chapters. Reference chapters follow which describe specific aspects of
-Bison in detail.
- Bison was written primarily by Robert Corbett; Richard Stallman made
-it Yacc-compatible. Wilfred Hansen of Carnegie Mellon University added
-multi-character string literals and other features.
- This edition corresponds to version 2.4.1 of Bison.
-File: bison.info, Node: Conditions, Next: Copying, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top
-Conditions for Using Bison
-The distribution terms for Bison-generated parsers permit using the
-parsers in nonfree programs. Before Bison version 2.2, these extra
-permissions applied only when Bison was generating LALR(1) parsers in
-C. And before Bison version 1.24, Bison-generated parsers could be
-used only in programs that were free software.
- The other GNU programming tools, such as the GNU C compiler, have
-never had such a requirement. They could always be used for nonfree
-software. The reason Bison was different was not due to a special
-policy decision; it resulted from applying the usual General Public
-License to all of the Bison source code.
- The output of the Bison utility--the Bison parser file--contains a
-verbatim copy of a sizable piece of Bison, which is the code for the
-parser's implementation. (The actions from your grammar are inserted
-into this implementation at one point, but most of the rest of the
-implementation is not changed.) When we applied the GPL terms to the
-skeleton code for the parser's implementation, the effect was to
-restrict the use of Bison output to free software.
- We didn't change the terms because of sympathy for people who want to
-make software proprietary. *Software should be free.* But we
-concluded that limiting Bison's use to free software was doing little to
-encourage people to make other software free. So we decided to make the
-practical conditions for using Bison match the practical conditions for
-using the other GNU tools.
- This exception applies when Bison is generating code for a parser.
-You can tell whether the exception applies to a Bison output file by
-inspecting the file for text beginning with "As a special
-exception...". The text spells out the exact terms of the exception.
-File: bison.info, Node: Copying, Next: Concepts, Prev: Conditions, Up: Top
- Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. `http://fsf.org/'
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
- license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software
-and other kinds of works.
- The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains
-free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use
-the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies
-also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply
-it to your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you
-have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software,
-or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
-or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
-know their rights.
- Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
- For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
- Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the
-manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the
-aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The
-systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for
-individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.
-Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the
-practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in
-other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains
-in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of
- Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
-make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. Definitions.
- "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public
- License.
- "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other
- kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.
- "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
- License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
- "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
- To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the
- work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the
- making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified
- version" of the earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
- A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work
- based on the Program.
- To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
- permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
- infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it
- on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes
- copying, distribution (with or without modification), making
- available to the public, and in some countries other activities as
- well.
- To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
- parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user
- through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not
- conveying.
- An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
- to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
- feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
- tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to
- the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may
- convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this
- License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or
- options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this
- criterion.
- 1. Source Code.
- The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
- for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any
- non-source form of a work.
- A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an
- official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in
- the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming
- language, one that is widely used among developers working in that
- language.
- The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything,
- other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal
- form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that
- Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work
- with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface
- for which an implementation is available to the public in source
- code form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major
- essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the
- specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work
- runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code
- interpreter used to run it.
- The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
- the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
- work) run the object code and to modify the work, including
- scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include
- the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally
- available free programs which are used unmodified in performing
- those activities but which are not part of the work. For example,
- Corresponding Source includes interface definition files
- associated with source files for the work, and the source code for
- shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work
- is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data
- communication or control flow between those subprograms and other
- parts of the work.
- The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can
- regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
- Source.
- The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
- same work.
- 2. Basic Permissions.
- All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
- copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
- conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
- permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running
- a covered work is covered by this License only if the output,
- given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License
- acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as
- provided by copyright law.
- You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
- convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise
- remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the
- sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for
- you, or provide you with facilities for running those works,
- provided that you comply with the terms of this License in
- conveying all material for which you do not control copyright.
- Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so
- exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on
- terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your
- copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
- Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
- the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section
- 10 makes it unnecessary.
- 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
- No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
- measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under
- article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December
- 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of
- such measures.
- When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
- circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
- circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License
- with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention
- to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of
- enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal
- rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.
- 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
- You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
- receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
- appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
- keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
- non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the
- code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and
- give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
- You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
- and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
- 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
- You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
- produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
- terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these
- conditions:
- a. The work must carry prominent notices stating that you
- modified it, and giving a relevant date.
- b. The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
- released under this License and any conditions added under
- section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in
- section 4 to "keep intact all notices".
- c. You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
- License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
- License will therefore apply, along with any applicable
- section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all
- its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License
- gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but
- it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately
- received it.
- d. If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
- Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has
- interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal
- Notices, your work need not make them do so.
- A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
- works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered
- work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger
- program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is
- called an "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting
- copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the
- compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
- Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this
- License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.
- 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
- You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
- of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
- machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this
- License, in one of these ways:
- a. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
- Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
- customarily used for software interchange.
- b. Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
- written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for
- as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that
- product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code
- either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the
- software in the product that is covered by this License, on a
- durable physical medium customarily used for software
- interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of
- physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access
- to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no
- charge.
- c. Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of
- the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
- alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially,
- and only if you received the object code with such an offer,
- in accord with subsection 6b.
- d. Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
- place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access
- to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same
- place at no further charge. You need not require recipients
- to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code.
- If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the
- Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated
- by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying
- facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to
- the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source.
- Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you
- remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long
- as needed to satisfy these requirements.
- e. Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission,
- provided you inform other peers where the object code and
- Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the
- general public at no charge under subsection 6d.
- A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is
- excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need
- not be included in conveying the object code work.
- A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means
- any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal,
- family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for
- incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product
- is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of
- coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user,
- "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of
- product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the
- way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is
- expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product
- regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial,
- industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the
- only significant mode of use of the product.
- "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
- procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to
- install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that
- User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.
- The information must suffice to ensure that the continued
- functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or
- interfered with solely because modification has been made.
- If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with,
- or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying
- occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession
- and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in
- perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction
- is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this
- section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But
- this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
- retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
- Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).
- The requirement to provide Installation Information does not
- include a requirement to continue to provide support service,
- warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or
- installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it
- has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied
- when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the
- operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for
- communication across the network.
- Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information
- provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is
- publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the
- public in source code form), and must require no special password
- or key for unpacking, reading or copying.
- 7. Additional Terms.
- "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of
- this License by making exceptions from one or more of its
- conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the
- entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in
- this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable
- law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program,
- that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the
- entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to
- the additional permissions.
- When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
- remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part
- of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
- removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
- additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
- for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material
- you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright
- holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License
- with terms:
- a. Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from
- the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
- b. Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices
- or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate
- Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or
- c. Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
- or requiring that modified versions of such material be
- marked in reasonable ways as different from the original
- version; or
- d. Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors
- or authors of the material; or
- e. Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
- trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
- f. Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
- material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified
- versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to
- the recipient, for any liability that these contractual
- assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors.
- All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
- restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as
- you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that
- it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further
- restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document
- contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or
- conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work
- material governed by the terms of that license document, provided
- that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or
- conveying.
- If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
- must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
- additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
- where to find the applicable terms.
- Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in
- the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
- the above requirements apply either way.
- 8. Termination.
- You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
- provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
- modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights
- under this License (including any patent licenses granted under
- the third paragraph of section 11).
- However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
- license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
- provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly
- and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the
- copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some
- reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.
- Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
- reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
- violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
- received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from
- that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days
- after your receipt of the notice.
- Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate
- the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from
- you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and
- not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new
- licenses for the same material under section 10.
- 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
- You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
- run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
- occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer
- transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require
- acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you
- permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions
- infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore,
- by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your
- acceptance of this License to do so.
- 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
- Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
- receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
- propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not
- responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this
- License.
- An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
- organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
- organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a
- covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
- transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
- licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or
- could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to
- possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the
- predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it
- with reasonable efforts.
- You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
- rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you
- may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for
- exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not
- initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a
- lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making,
- using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any
- portion of it.
- 11. Patents.
- A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
- License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.
- The work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor
- version".
- A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
- owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
- hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner,
- permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its
- contributor version, but do not include claims that would be
- infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the
- contributor version. For purposes of this definition, "control"
- includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner
- consistent with the requirements of this License.
- Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
- royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential
- patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and
- otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its
- contributor version.
- In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any
- express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to
- enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a
- patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To
- "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an
- agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.
- If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent
- license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available
- for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this
- License, through a publicly available network server or other
- readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the
- Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive
- yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular
- work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements
- of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream
- recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have actual knowledge
- that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work
- in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a
- country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
- country that you have reason to believe are valid.
- If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
- arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
- covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
- receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate,
- modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the
- patent license you grant is automatically extended to all
- recipients of the covered work and works based on it.
- A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
- the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
- conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that
- are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a
- covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third
- party that is in the business of distributing software, under
- which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of
- your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third
- party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered
- work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection
- with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made
- from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with
- specific products or compilations that contain the covered work,
- unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license
- was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
- Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
- any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
- otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
- 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
- If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,
- agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this
- License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this
- License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy
- simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other
- pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it
- at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to
- collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you
- convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those
- terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying
- the Program.
- 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
- permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
- under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a
- single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms
- of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the
- covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero
- General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through
- a network will apply to the combination as such.
- 14. Revised Versions of this License.
- The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
- versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time.
- Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
- version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or
- concerns.
- Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
- Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU
- General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you
- have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
- that numbered version or of any later version published by the
- Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a
- version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose
- any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
- If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
- versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that
- proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently
- authorizes you to choose that version for the Program.
- Later license versions may give you additional or different
- permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
- author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
- later version.
- 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
- 16. Limitation of Liability.
- 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
- If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
- above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
- reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely
- approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in
- connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of
- liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.
-How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
- your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'.
- Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper
- If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
- The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
-appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your
-program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would
-use an "about box".
- You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow
-the GNU GPL, see `http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'.
- The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your
-program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine
-library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
-applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the
-GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first,
-please read `http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Concepts, Next: Examples, Prev: Copying, Up: Top
-1 The Concepts of Bison
-This chapter introduces many of the basic concepts without which the
-details of Bison will not make sense. If you do not already know how to
-use Bison or Yacc, we suggest you start by reading this chapter
-* Menu:
-* Language and Grammar:: Languages and context-free grammars,
- as mathematical ideas.
-* Grammar in Bison:: How we represent grammars for Bison's sake.
-* Semantic Values:: Each token or syntactic grouping can have
- a semantic value (the value of an integer,
- the name of an identifier, etc.).
-* Semantic Actions:: Each rule can have an action containing C code.
-* GLR Parsers:: Writing parsers for general context-free languages.
-* Locations Overview:: Tracking Locations.
-* Bison Parser:: What are Bison's input and output,
- how is the output used?
-* Stages:: Stages in writing and running Bison grammars.
-* Grammar Layout:: Overall structure of a Bison grammar file.
-File: bison.info, Node: Language and Grammar, Next: Grammar in Bison, Up: Concepts
-1.1 Languages and Context-Free Grammars
-In order for Bison to parse a language, it must be described by a
-"context-free grammar". This means that you specify one or more
-"syntactic groupings" and give rules for constructing them from their
-parts. For example, in the C language, one kind of grouping is called
-an `expression'. One rule for making an expression might be, "An
-expression can be made of a minus sign and another expression".
-Another would be, "An expression can be an integer". As you can see,
-rules are often recursive, but there must be at least one rule which
-leads out of the recursion.
- The most common formal system for presenting such rules for humans
-to read is "Backus-Naur Form" or "BNF", which was developed in order to
-specify the language Algol 60. Any grammar expressed in BNF is a
-context-free grammar. The input to Bison is essentially
-machine-readable BNF.
- There are various important subclasses of context-free grammar.
-Although it can handle almost all context-free grammars, Bison is
-optimized for what are called LALR(1) grammars. In brief, in these
-grammars, it must be possible to tell how to parse any portion of an
-input string with just a single token of lookahead. Strictly speaking,
-that is a description of an LR(1) grammar, and LALR(1) involves
-additional restrictions that are hard to explain simply; but it is rare
-in actual practice to find an LR(1) grammar that fails to be LALR(1).
-*Note Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts: Mystery Conflicts, for more
-information on this.
- Parsers for LALR(1) grammars are "deterministic", meaning roughly
-that the next grammar rule to apply at any point in the input is
-uniquely determined by the preceding input and a fixed, finite portion
-(called a "lookahead") of the remaining input. A context-free grammar
-can be "ambiguous", meaning that there are multiple ways to apply the
-grammar rules to get the same inputs. Even unambiguous grammars can be
-"nondeterministic", meaning that no fixed lookahead always suffices to
-determine the next grammar rule to apply. With the proper
-declarations, Bison is also able to parse these more general
-context-free grammars, using a technique known as GLR parsing (for
-Generalized LR). Bison's GLR parsers are able to handle any
-context-free grammar for which the number of possible parses of any
-given string is finite.
- In the formal grammatical rules for a language, each kind of
-syntactic unit or grouping is named by a "symbol". Those which are
-built by grouping smaller constructs according to grammatical rules are
-called "nonterminal symbols"; those which can't be subdivided are called
-"terminal symbols" or "token types". We call a piece of input
-corresponding to a single terminal symbol a "token", and a piece
-corresponding to a single nonterminal symbol a "grouping".
- We can use the C language as an example of what symbols, terminal and
-nonterminal, mean. The tokens of C are identifiers, constants (numeric
-and string), and the various keywords, arithmetic operators and
-punctuation marks. So the terminal symbols of a grammar for C include
-`identifier', `number', `string', plus one symbol for each keyword,
-operator or punctuation mark: `if', `return', `const', `static', `int',
-`char', `plus-sign', `open-brace', `close-brace', `comma' and many more.
-(These tokens can be subdivided into characters, but that is a matter of
-lexicography, not grammar.)
- Here is a simple C function subdivided into tokens:
- int /* keyword `int' */
- square (int x) /* identifier, open-paren, keyword `int',
- identifier, close-paren */
- { /* open-brace */
- return x * x; /* keyword `return', identifier, asterisk,
- identifier, semicolon */
- } /* close-brace */
- The syntactic groupings of C include the expression, the statement,
-the declaration, and the function definition. These are represented in
-the grammar of C by nonterminal symbols `expression', `statement',
-`declaration' and `function definition'. The full grammar uses dozens
-of additional language constructs, each with its own nonterminal
-symbol, in order to express the meanings of these four. The example
-above is a function definition; it contains one declaration, and one
-statement. In the statement, each `x' is an expression and so is `x *
- Each nonterminal symbol must have grammatical rules showing how it
-is made out of simpler constructs. For example, one kind of C
-statement is the `return' statement; this would be described with a
-grammar rule which reads informally as follows:
- A `statement' can be made of a `return' keyword, an `expression'
- and a `semicolon'.
-There would be many other rules for `statement', one for each kind of
-statement in C.
- One nonterminal symbol must be distinguished as the special one which
-defines a complete utterance in the language. It is called the "start
-symbol". In a compiler, this means a complete input program. In the C
-language, the nonterminal symbol `sequence of definitions and
-declarations' plays this role.
- For example, `1 + 2' is a valid C expression--a valid part of a C
-program--but it is not valid as an _entire_ C program. In the
-context-free grammar of C, this follows from the fact that `expression'
-is not the start symbol.
- The Bison parser reads a sequence of tokens as its input, and groups
-the tokens using the grammar rules. If the input is valid, the end
-result is that the entire token sequence reduces to a single grouping
-whose symbol is the grammar's start symbol. If we use a grammar for C,
-the entire input must be a `sequence of definitions and declarations'.
-If not, the parser reports a syntax error.
-File: bison.info, Node: Grammar in Bison, Next: Semantic Values, Prev: Language and Grammar, Up: Concepts
-1.2 From Formal Rules to Bison Input
-A formal grammar is a mathematical construct. To define the language
-for Bison, you must write a file expressing the grammar in Bison syntax:
-a "Bison grammar" file. *Note Bison Grammar Files: Grammar File.
- A nonterminal symbol in the formal grammar is represented in Bison
-input as an identifier, like an identifier in C. By convention, it
-should be in lower case, such as `expr', `stmt' or `declaration'.
- The Bison representation for a terminal symbol is also called a
-"token type". Token types as well can be represented as C-like
-identifiers. By convention, these identifiers should be upper case to
-distinguish them from nonterminals: for example, `INTEGER',
-`IDENTIFIER', `IF' or `RETURN'. A terminal symbol that stands for a
-particular keyword in the language should be named after that keyword
-converted to upper case. The terminal symbol `error' is reserved for
-error recovery. *Note Symbols::.
- A terminal symbol can also be represented as a character literal,
-just like a C character constant. You should do this whenever a token
-is just a single character (parenthesis, plus-sign, etc.): use that
-same character in a literal as the terminal symbol for that token.
- A third way to represent a terminal symbol is with a C string
-constant containing several characters. *Note Symbols::, for more
- The grammar rules also have an expression in Bison syntax. For
-example, here is the Bison rule for a C `return' statement. The
-semicolon in quotes is a literal character token, representing part of
-the C syntax for the statement; the naked semicolon, and the colon, are
-Bison punctuation used in every rule.
- stmt: RETURN expr ';'
- ;
-*Note Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
-File: bison.info, Node: Semantic Values, Next: Semantic Actions, Prev: Grammar in Bison, Up: Concepts
-1.3 Semantic Values
-A formal grammar selects tokens only by their classifications: for
-example, if a rule mentions the terminal symbol `integer constant', it
-means that _any_ integer constant is grammatically valid in that
-position. The precise value of the constant is irrelevant to how to
-parse the input: if `x+4' is grammatical then `x+1' or `x+3989' is
-equally grammatical.
- But the precise value is very important for what the input means
-once it is parsed. A compiler is useless if it fails to distinguish
-between 4, 1 and 3989 as constants in the program! Therefore, each
-token in a Bison grammar has both a token type and a "semantic value".
-*Note Defining Language Semantics: Semantics, for details.
- The token type is a terminal symbol defined in the grammar, such as
-`INTEGER', `IDENTIFIER' or `',''. It tells everything you need to know
-to decide where the token may validly appear and how to group it with
-other tokens. The grammar rules know nothing about tokens except their
- The semantic value has all the rest of the information about the
-meaning of the token, such as the value of an integer, or the name of an
-identifier. (A token such as `','' which is just punctuation doesn't
-need to have any semantic value.)
- For example, an input token might be classified as token type
-`INTEGER' and have the semantic value 4. Another input token might
-have the same token type `INTEGER' but value 3989. When a grammar rule
-says that `INTEGER' is allowed, either of these tokens is acceptable
-because each is an `INTEGER'. When the parser accepts the token, it
-keeps track of the token's semantic value.
- Each grouping can also have a semantic value as well as its
-nonterminal symbol. For example, in a calculator, an expression
-typically has a semantic value that is a number. In a compiler for a
-programming language, an expression typically has a semantic value that
-is a tree structure describing the meaning of the expression.
-File: bison.info, Node: Semantic Actions, Next: GLR Parsers, Prev: Semantic Values, Up: Concepts
-1.4 Semantic Actions
-In order to be useful, a program must do more than parse input; it must
-also produce some output based on the input. In a Bison grammar, a
-grammar rule can have an "action" made up of C statements. Each time
-the parser recognizes a match for that rule, the action is executed.
-*Note Actions::.
- Most of the time, the purpose of an action is to compute the
-semantic value of the whole construct from the semantic values of its
-parts. For example, suppose we have a rule which says an expression
-can be the sum of two expressions. When the parser recognizes such a
-sum, each of the subexpressions has a semantic value which describes
-how it was built up. The action for this rule should create a similar
-sort of value for the newly recognized larger expression.
- For example, here is a rule that says an expression can be the sum of
-two subexpressions:
- expr: expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; }
- ;
-The action says how to produce the semantic value of the sum expression
-from the values of the two subexpressions.
-File: bison.info, Node: GLR Parsers, Next: Locations Overview, Prev: Semantic Actions, Up: Concepts
-1.5 Writing GLR Parsers
-In some grammars, Bison's standard LALR(1) parsing algorithm cannot
-decide whether to apply a certain grammar rule at a given point. That
-is, it may not be able to decide (on the basis of the input read so
-far) which of two possible reductions (applications of a grammar rule)
-applies, or whether to apply a reduction or read more of the input and
-apply a reduction later in the input. These are known respectively as
-"reduce/reduce" conflicts (*note Reduce/Reduce::), and "shift/reduce"
-conflicts (*note Shift/Reduce::).
- To use a grammar that is not easily modified to be LALR(1), a more
-general parsing algorithm is sometimes necessary. If you include
-`%glr-parser' among the Bison declarations in your file (*note Grammar
-Outline::), the result is a Generalized LR (GLR) parser. These parsers
-handle Bison grammars that contain no unresolved conflicts (i.e., after
-applying precedence declarations) identically to LALR(1) parsers.
-However, when faced with unresolved shift/reduce and reduce/reduce
-conflicts, GLR parsers use the simple expedient of doing both,
-effectively cloning the parser to follow both possibilities. Each of
-the resulting parsers can again split, so that at any given time, there
-can be any number of possible parses being explored. The parsers
-proceed in lockstep; that is, all of them consume (shift) a given input
-symbol before any of them proceed to the next. Each of the cloned
-parsers eventually meets one of two possible fates: either it runs into
-a parsing error, in which case it simply vanishes, or it merges with
-another parser, because the two of them have reduced the input to an
-identical set of symbols.
- During the time that there are multiple parsers, semantic actions are
-recorded, but not performed. When a parser disappears, its recorded
-semantic actions disappear as well, and are never performed. When a
-reduction makes two parsers identical, causing them to merge, Bison
-records both sets of semantic actions. Whenever the last two parsers
-merge, reverting to the single-parser case, Bison resolves all the
-outstanding actions either by precedences given to the grammar rules
-involved, or by performing both actions, and then calling a designated
-user-defined function on the resulting values to produce an arbitrary
-merged result.
-* Menu:
-* Simple GLR Parsers:: Using GLR parsers on unambiguous grammars.
-* Merging GLR Parses:: Using GLR parsers to resolve ambiguities.
-* GLR Semantic Actions:: Deferred semantic actions have special concerns.
-* Compiler Requirements:: GLR parsers require a modern C compiler.
-File: bison.info, Node: Simple GLR Parsers, Next: Merging GLR Parses, Up: GLR Parsers
-1.5.1 Using GLR on Unambiguous Grammars
-In the simplest cases, you can use the GLR algorithm to parse grammars
-that are unambiguous, but fail to be LALR(1). Such grammars typically
-require more than one symbol of lookahead, or (in rare cases) fall into
-the category of grammars in which the LALR(1) algorithm throws away too
-much information (they are in LR(1), but not LALR(1), *Note Mystery
- Consider a problem that arises in the declaration of enumerated and
-subrange types in the programming language Pascal. Here are some
- type subrange = lo .. hi;
- type enum = (a, b, c);
-The original language standard allows only numeric literals and
-constant identifiers for the subrange bounds (`lo' and `hi'), but
-Extended Pascal (ISO/IEC 10206) and many other Pascal implementations
-allow arbitrary expressions there. This gives rise to the following
-situation, containing a superfluous pair of parentheses:
- type subrange = (a) .. b;
-Compare this to the following declaration of an enumerated type with
-only one value:
- type enum = (a);
-(These declarations are contrived, but they are syntactically valid,
-and more-complicated cases can come up in practical programs.)
- These two declarations look identical until the `..' token. With
-normal LALR(1) one-token lookahead it is not possible to decide between
-the two forms when the identifier `a' is parsed. It is, however,
-desirable for a parser to decide this, since in the latter case `a'
-must become a new identifier to represent the enumeration value, while
-in the former case `a' must be evaluated with its current meaning,
-which may be a constant or even a function call.
- You could parse `(a)' as an "unspecified identifier in parentheses",
-to be resolved later, but this typically requires substantial
-contortions in both semantic actions and large parts of the grammar,
-where the parentheses are nested in the recursive rules for expressions.
- You might think of using the lexer to distinguish between the two
-forms by returning different tokens for currently defined and undefined
-identifiers. But if these declarations occur in a local scope, and `a'
-is defined in an outer scope, then both forms are possible--either
-locally redefining `a', or using the value of `a' from the outer scope.
-So this approach cannot work.
- A simple solution to this problem is to declare the parser to use
-the GLR algorithm. When the GLR parser reaches the critical state, it
-merely splits into two branches and pursues both syntax rules
-simultaneously. Sooner or later, one of them runs into a parsing
-error. If there is a `..' token before the next `;', the rule for
-enumerated types fails since it cannot accept `..' anywhere; otherwise,
-the subrange type rule fails since it requires a `..' token. So one of
-the branches fails silently, and the other one continues normally,
-performing all the intermediate actions that were postponed during the
- If the input is syntactically incorrect, both branches fail and the
-parser reports a syntax error as usual.
- The effect of all this is that the parser seems to "guess" the
-correct branch to take, or in other words, it seems to use more
-lookahead than the underlying LALR(1) algorithm actually allows for.
-In this example, LALR(2) would suffice, but also some cases that are
-not LALR(k) for any k can be handled this way.
- In general, a GLR parser can take quadratic or cubic worst-case time,
-and the current Bison parser even takes exponential time and space for
-some grammars. In practice, this rarely happens, and for many grammars
-it is possible to prove that it cannot happen. The present example
-contains only one conflict between two rules, and the type-declaration
-context containing the conflict cannot be nested. So the number of
-branches that can exist at any time is limited by the constant 2, and
-the parsing time is still linear.
- Here is a Bison grammar corresponding to the example above. It
-parses a vastly simplified form of Pascal type declarations.
- %left '+' '-'
- %left '*' '/'
- %%
- type_decl : TYPE ID '=' type ';'
- ;
- type : '(' id_list ')'
- | expr DOTDOT expr
- ;
- id_list : ID
- | id_list ',' ID
- ;
- expr : '(' expr ')'
- | expr '+' expr
- | expr '-' expr
- | expr '*' expr
- | expr '/' expr
- | ID
- ;
- When used as a normal LALR(1) grammar, Bison correctly complains
-about one reduce/reduce conflict. In the conflicting situation the
-parser chooses one of the alternatives, arbitrarily the one declared
-first. Therefore the following correct input is not recognized:
- type t = (a) .. b;
- The parser can be turned into a GLR parser, while also telling Bison
-to be silent about the one known reduce/reduce conflict, by adding
-these two declarations to the Bison input file (before the first `%%'):
- %glr-parser
- %expect-rr 1
-No change in the grammar itself is required. Now the parser recognizes
-all valid declarations, according to the limited syntax above,
-transparently. In fact, the user does not even notice when the parser
- So here we have a case where we can use the benefits of GLR, almost
-without disadvantages. Even in simple cases like this, however, there
-are at least two potential problems to beware. First, always analyze
-the conflicts reported by Bison to make sure that GLR splitting is only
-done where it is intended. A GLR parser splitting inadvertently may
-cause problems less obvious than an LALR parser statically choosing the
-wrong alternative in a conflict. Second, consider interactions with
-the lexer (*note Semantic Tokens::) with great care. Since a split
-parser consumes tokens without performing any actions during the split,
-the lexer cannot obtain information via parser actions. Some cases of
-lexer interactions can be eliminated by using GLR to shift the
-complications from the lexer to the parser. You must check the
-remaining cases for correctness.
- In our example, it would be safe for the lexer to return tokens
-based on their current meanings in some symbol table, because no new
-symbols are defined in the middle of a type declaration. Though it is
-possible for a parser to define the enumeration constants as they are
-parsed, before the type declaration is completed, it actually makes no
-difference since they cannot be used within the same enumerated type
-File: bison.info, Node: Merging GLR Parses, Next: GLR Semantic Actions, Prev: Simple GLR Parsers, Up: GLR Parsers
-1.5.2 Using GLR to Resolve Ambiguities
-Let's consider an example, vastly simplified from a C++ grammar.
- %{
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define YYSTYPE char const *
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- %token TYPENAME ID
- %right '='
- %left '+'
- %glr-parser
- %%
- prog :
- | prog stmt { printf ("\n"); }
- ;
- stmt : expr ';' %dprec 1
- | decl %dprec 2
- ;
- expr : ID { printf ("%s ", $$); }
- | TYPENAME '(' expr ')'
- { printf ("%s <cast> ", $1); }
- | expr '+' expr { printf ("+ "); }
- | expr '=' expr { printf ("= "); }
- ;
- decl : TYPENAME declarator ';'
- { printf ("%s <declare> ", $1); }
- | TYPENAME declarator '=' expr ';'
- { printf ("%s <init-declare> ", $1); }
- ;
- declarator : ID { printf ("\"%s\" ", $1); }
- | '(' declarator ')'
- ;
-This models a problematic part of the C++ grammar--the ambiguity between
-certain declarations and statements. For example,
- T (x) = y+z;
-parses as either an `expr' or a `stmt' (assuming that `T' is recognized
-as a `TYPENAME' and `x' as an `ID'). Bison detects this as a
-reduce/reduce conflict between the rules `expr : ID' and `declarator :
-ID', which it cannot resolve at the time it encounters `x' in the
-example above. Since this is a GLR parser, it therefore splits the
-problem into two parses, one for each choice of resolving the
-reduce/reduce conflict. Unlike the example from the previous section
-(*note Simple GLR Parsers::), however, neither of these parses "dies,"
-because the grammar as it stands is ambiguous. One of the parsers
-eventually reduces `stmt : expr ';'' and the other reduces `stmt :
-decl', after which both parsers are in an identical state: they've seen
-`prog stmt' and have the same unprocessed input remaining. We say that
-these parses have "merged."
- At this point, the GLR parser requires a specification in the
-grammar of how to choose between the competing parses. In the example
-above, the two `%dprec' declarations specify that Bison is to give
-precedence to the parse that interprets the example as a `decl', which
-implies that `x' is a declarator. The parser therefore prints
- "x" y z + T <init-declare>
- The `%dprec' declarations only come into play when more than one
-parse survives. Consider a different input string for this parser:
- T (x) + y;
-This is another example of using GLR to parse an unambiguous construct,
-as shown in the previous section (*note Simple GLR Parsers::). Here,
-there is no ambiguity (this cannot be parsed as a declaration).
-However, at the time the Bison parser encounters `x', it does not have
-enough information to resolve the reduce/reduce conflict (again,
-between `x' as an `expr' or a `declarator'). In this case, no
-precedence declaration is used. Again, the parser splits into two, one
-assuming that `x' is an `expr', and the other assuming `x' is a
-`declarator'. The second of these parsers then vanishes when it sees
-`+', and the parser prints
- x T <cast> y +
- Suppose that instead of resolving the ambiguity, you wanted to see
-all the possibilities. For this purpose, you must merge the semantic
-actions of the two possible parsers, rather than choosing one over the
-other. To do so, you could change the declaration of `stmt' as follows:
- stmt : expr ';' %merge <stmtMerge>
- | decl %merge <stmtMerge>
- ;
-and define the `stmtMerge' function as:
- static YYSTYPE
- stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1)
- {
- printf ("<OR> ");
- return "";
- }
-with an accompanying forward declaration in the C declarations at the
-beginning of the file:
- %{
- #define YYSTYPE char const *
- static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1);
- %}
-With these declarations, the resulting parser parses the first example
-as both an `expr' and a `decl', and prints
- "x" y z + T <init-declare> x T <cast> y z + = <OR>
- Bison requires that all of the productions that participate in any
-particular merge have identical `%merge' clauses. Otherwise, the
-ambiguity would be unresolvable, and the parser will report an error
-during any parse that results in the offending merge.
-File: bison.info, Node: GLR Semantic Actions, Next: Compiler Requirements, Prev: Merging GLR Parses, Up: GLR Parsers
-1.5.3 GLR Semantic Actions
-By definition, a deferred semantic action is not performed at the same
-time as the associated reduction. This raises caveats for several
-Bison features you might use in a semantic action in a GLR parser.
- In any semantic action, you can examine `yychar' to determine the
-type of the lookahead token present at the time of the associated
-reduction. After checking that `yychar' is not set to `YYEMPTY' or
-`YYEOF', you can then examine `yylval' and `yylloc' to determine the
-lookahead token's semantic value and location, if any. In a
-nondeferred semantic action, you can also modify any of these variables
-to influence syntax analysis. *Note Lookahead Tokens: Lookahead.
- In a deferred semantic action, it's too late to influence syntax
-analysis. In this case, `yychar', `yylval', and `yylloc' are set to
-shallow copies of the values they had at the time of the associated
-reduction. For this reason alone, modifying them is dangerous.
-Moreover, the result of modifying them is undefined and subject to
-change with future versions of Bison. For example, if a semantic
-action might be deferred, you should never write it to invoke
-`yyclearin' (*note Action Features::) or to attempt to free memory
-referenced by `yylval'.
- Another Bison feature requiring special consideration is `YYERROR'
-(*note Action Features::), which you can invoke in a semantic action to
-initiate error recovery. During deterministic GLR operation, the
-effect of `YYERROR' is the same as its effect in an LALR(1) parser. In
-a deferred semantic action, its effect is undefined.
- Also, see *Note Default Action for Locations: Location Default
-Action, which describes a special usage of `YYLLOC_DEFAULT' in GLR
-File: bison.info, Node: Compiler Requirements, Prev: GLR Semantic Actions, Up: GLR Parsers
-1.5.4 Considerations when Compiling GLR Parsers
-The GLR parsers require a compiler for ISO C89 or later. In addition,
-they use the `inline' keyword, which is not C89, but is C99 and is a
-common extension in pre-C99 compilers. It is up to the user of these
-parsers to handle portability issues. For instance, if using Autoconf
-and the Autoconf macro `AC_C_INLINE', a mere
- %{
- #include <config.h>
- %}
-will suffice. Otherwise, we suggest
- %{
- #if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901 && ! defined __GNUC__ && ! defined inline
- #define inline
- #endif
- %}
-File: bison.info, Node: Locations Overview, Next: Bison Parser, Prev: GLR Parsers, Up: Concepts
-1.6 Locations
-Many applications, like interpreters or compilers, have to produce
-verbose and useful error messages. To achieve this, one must be able
-to keep track of the "textual location", or "location", of each
-syntactic construct. Bison provides a mechanism for handling these
- Each token has a semantic value. In a similar fashion, each token
-has an associated location, but the type of locations is the same for
-all tokens and groupings. Moreover, the output parser is equipped with
-a default data structure for storing locations (*note Locations::, for
-more details).
- Like semantic values, locations can be reached in actions using a
-dedicated set of constructs. In the example above, the location of the
-whole grouping is `@$', while the locations of the subexpressions are
-`@1' and `@3'.
- When a rule is matched, a default action is used to compute the
-semantic value of its left hand side (*note Actions::). In the same
-way, another default action is used for locations. However, the action
-for locations is general enough for most cases, meaning there is
-usually no need to describe for each rule how `@$' should be formed.
-When building a new location for a given grouping, the default behavior
-of the output parser is to take the beginning of the first symbol, and
-the end of the last symbol.
-File: bison.info, Node: Bison Parser, Next: Stages, Prev: Locations Overview, Up: Concepts
-1.7 Bison Output: the Parser File
-When you run Bison, you give it a Bison grammar file as input. The
-output is a C source file that parses the language described by the
-grammar. This file is called a "Bison parser". Keep in mind that the
-Bison utility and the Bison parser are two distinct programs: the Bison
-utility is a program whose output is the Bison parser that becomes part
-of your program.
- The job of the Bison parser is to group tokens into groupings
-according to the grammar rules--for example, to build identifiers and
-operators into expressions. As it does this, it runs the actions for
-the grammar rules it uses.
- The tokens come from a function called the "lexical analyzer" that
-you must supply in some fashion (such as by writing it in C). The Bison
-parser calls the lexical analyzer each time it wants a new token. It
-doesn't know what is "inside" the tokens (though their semantic values
-may reflect this). Typically the lexical analyzer makes the tokens by
-parsing characters of text, but Bison does not depend on this. *Note
-The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex': Lexical.
- The Bison parser file is C code which defines a function named
-`yyparse' which implements that grammar. This function does not make a
-complete C program: you must supply some additional functions. One is
-the lexical analyzer. Another is an error-reporting function which the
-parser calls to report an error. In addition, a complete C program must
-start with a function called `main'; you have to provide this, and
-arrange for it to call `yyparse' or the parser will never run. *Note
-Parser C-Language Interface: Interface.
- Aside from the token type names and the symbols in the actions you
-write, all symbols defined in the Bison parser file itself begin with
-`yy' or `YY'. This includes interface functions such as the lexical
-analyzer function `yylex', the error reporting function `yyerror' and
-the parser function `yyparse' itself. This also includes numerous
-identifiers used for internal purposes. Therefore, you should avoid
-using C identifiers starting with `yy' or `YY' in the Bison grammar
-file except for the ones defined in this manual. Also, you should
-avoid using the C identifiers `malloc' and `free' for anything other
-than their usual meanings.
- In some cases the Bison parser file includes system headers, and in
-those cases your code should respect the identifiers reserved by those
-headers. On some non-GNU hosts, `<alloca.h>', `<malloc.h>',
-`<stddef.h>', and `<stdlib.h>' are included as needed to declare memory
-allocators and related types. `<libintl.h>' is included if message
-translation is in use (*note Internationalization::). Other system
-headers may be included if you define `YYDEBUG' to a nonzero value
-(*note Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.).
-File: bison.info, Node: Stages, Next: Grammar Layout, Prev: Bison Parser, Up: Concepts
-1.8 Stages in Using Bison
-The actual language-design process using Bison, from grammar
-specification to a working compiler or interpreter, has these parts:
- 1. Formally specify the grammar in a form recognized by Bison (*note
- Bison Grammar Files: Grammar File.). For each grammatical rule in
- the language, describe the action that is to be taken when an
- instance of that rule is recognized. The action is described by a
- sequence of C statements.
- 2. Write a lexical analyzer to process input and pass tokens to the
- parser. The lexical analyzer may be written by hand in C (*note
- The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex': Lexical.). It could also
- be produced using Lex, but the use of Lex is not discussed in this
- manual.
- 3. Write a controlling function that calls the Bison-produced parser.
- 4. Write error-reporting routines.
- To turn this source code as written into a runnable program, you
-must follow these steps:
- 1. Run Bison on the grammar to produce the parser.
- 2. Compile the code output by Bison, as well as any other source
- files.
- 3. Link the object files to produce the finished product.
-File: bison.info, Node: Grammar Layout, Prev: Stages, Up: Concepts
-1.9 The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar
-The input file for the Bison utility is a "Bison grammar file". The
-general form of a Bison grammar file is as follows:
- %{
- %}
- %%
- %%
-The `%%', `%{' and `%}' are punctuation that appears in every Bison
-grammar file to separate the sections.
- The prologue may define types and variables used in the actions.
-You can also use preprocessor commands to define macros used there, and
-use `#include' to include header files that do any of these things.
-You need to declare the lexical analyzer `yylex' and the error printer
-`yyerror' here, along with any other global identifiers used by the
-actions in the grammar rules.
- The Bison declarations declare the names of the terminal and
-nonterminal symbols, and may also describe operator precedence and the
-data types of semantic values of various symbols.
- The grammar rules define how to construct each nonterminal symbol
-from its parts.
- The epilogue can contain any code you want to use. Often the
-definitions of functions declared in the prologue go here. In a simple
-program, all the rest of the program can go here.
-File: bison.info, Node: Examples, Next: Grammar File, Prev: Concepts, Up: Top
-2 Examples
-Now we show and explain three sample programs written using Bison: a
-reverse polish notation calculator, an algebraic (infix) notation
-calculator, and a multi-function calculator. All three have been tested
-under BSD Unix 4.3; each produces a usable, though limited, interactive
-desk-top calculator.
- These examples are simple, but Bison grammars for real programming
-languages are written the same way. You can copy these examples into a
-source file to try them.
-* Menu:
-* RPN Calc:: Reverse polish notation calculator;
- a first example with no operator precedence.
-* Infix Calc:: Infix (algebraic) notation calculator.
- Operator precedence is introduced.
-* Simple Error Recovery:: Continuing after syntax errors.
-* Location Tracking Calc:: Demonstrating the use of @N and @$.
-* Multi-function Calc:: Calculator with memory and trig functions.
- It uses multiple data-types for semantic values.
-* Exercises:: Ideas for improving the multi-function calculator.
-File: bison.info, Node: RPN Calc, Next: Infix Calc, Up: Examples
-2.1 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
-The first example is that of a simple double-precision "reverse polish
-notation" calculator (a calculator using postfix operators). This
-example provides a good starting point, since operator precedence is
-not an issue. The second example will illustrate how operator
-precedence is handled.
- The source code for this calculator is named `rpcalc.y'. The `.y'
-extension is a convention used for Bison input files.
-* Menu:
-* Rpcalc Declarations:: Prologue (declarations) for rpcalc.
-* Rpcalc Rules:: Grammar Rules for rpcalc, with explanation.
-* Rpcalc Lexer:: The lexical analyzer.
-* Rpcalc Main:: The controlling function.
-* Rpcalc Error:: The error reporting function.
-* Rpcalc Generate:: Running Bison on the grammar file.
-* Rpcalc Compile:: Run the C compiler on the output code.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Declarations, Next: Rpcalc Rules, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.1 Declarations for `rpcalc'
-Here are the C and Bison declarations for the reverse polish notation
-calculator. As in C, comments are placed between `/*...*/'.
- /* Reverse polish notation calculator. */
- %{
- #define YYSTYPE double
- #include <math.h>
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- %token NUM
- %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow. */
- The declarations section (*note The prologue: Prologue.) contains two
-preprocessor directives and two forward declarations.
- The `#define' directive defines the macro `YYSTYPE', thus specifying
-the C data type for semantic values of both tokens and groupings (*note
-Data Types of Semantic Values: Value Type.). The Bison parser will use
-whatever type `YYSTYPE' is defined as; if you don't define it, `int' is
-the default. Because we specify `double', each token and each
-expression has an associated value, which is a floating point number.
- The `#include' directive is used to declare the exponentiation
-function `pow'.
- The forward declarations for `yylex' and `yyerror' are needed
-because the C language requires that functions be declared before they
-are used. These functions will be defined in the epilogue, but the
-parser calls them so they must be declared in the prologue.
- The second section, Bison declarations, provides information to Bison
-about the token types (*note The Bison Declarations Section: Bison
-Declarations.). Each terminal symbol that is not a single-character
-literal must be declared here. (Single-character literals normally
-don't need to be declared.) In this example, all the arithmetic
-operators are designated by single-character literals, so the only
-terminal symbol that needs to be declared is `NUM', the token type for
-numeric constants.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Rules, Next: Rpcalc Lexer, Prev: Rpcalc Declarations, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.2 Grammar Rules for `rpcalc'
-Here are the grammar rules for the reverse polish notation calculator.
- input: /* empty */
- | input line
- ;
- line: '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }
- ;
- exp: NUM { $$ = $1; }
- | exp exp '+' { $$ = $1 + $2; }
- | exp exp '-' { $$ = $1 - $2; }
- | exp exp '*' { $$ = $1 * $2; }
- | exp exp '/' { $$ = $1 / $2; }
- /* Exponentiation */
- | exp exp '^' { $$ = pow ($1, $2); }
- /* Unary minus */
- | exp 'n' { $$ = -$1; }
- ;
- %%
- The groupings of the rpcalc "language" defined here are the
-expression (given the name `exp'), the line of input (`line'), and the
-complete input transcript (`input'). Each of these nonterminal symbols
-has several alternate rules, joined by the vertical bar `|' which is
-read as "or". The following sections explain what these rules mean.
- The semantics of the language is determined by the actions taken
-when a grouping is recognized. The actions are the C code that appears
-inside braces. *Note Actions::.
- You must specify these actions in C, but Bison provides the means for
-passing semantic values between the rules. In each action, the
-pseudo-variable `$$' stands for the semantic value for the grouping
-that the rule is going to construct. Assigning a value to `$$' is the
-main job of most actions. The semantic values of the components of the
-rule are referred to as `$1', `$2', and so on.
-* Menu:
-* Rpcalc Input::
-* Rpcalc Line::
-* Rpcalc Expr::
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Input, Next: Rpcalc Line, Up: Rpcalc Rules
- Explanation of `input'
-Consider the definition of `input':
- input: /* empty */
- | input line
- ;
- This definition reads as follows: "A complete input is either an
-empty string, or a complete input followed by an input line". Notice
-that "complete input" is defined in terms of itself. This definition
-is said to be "left recursive" since `input' appears always as the
-leftmost symbol in the sequence. *Note Recursive Rules: Recursion.
- The first alternative is empty because there are no symbols between
-the colon and the first `|'; this means that `input' can match an empty
-string of input (no tokens). We write the rules this way because it is
-legitimate to type `Ctrl-d' right after you start the calculator. It's
-conventional to put an empty alternative first and write the comment
-`/* empty */' in it.
- The second alternate rule (`input line') handles all nontrivial
-input. It means, "After reading any number of lines, read one more
-line if possible." The left recursion makes this rule into a loop.
-Since the first alternative matches empty input, the loop can be
-executed zero or more times.
- The parser function `yyparse' continues to process input until a
-grammatical error is seen or the lexical analyzer says there are no more
-input tokens; we will arrange for the latter to happen at end-of-input.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Line, Next: Rpcalc Expr, Prev: Rpcalc Input, Up: Rpcalc Rules
- Explanation of `line'
-Now consider the definition of `line':
- line: '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }
- ;
- The first alternative is a token which is a newline character; this
-means that rpcalc accepts a blank line (and ignores it, since there is
-no action). The second alternative is an expression followed by a
-newline. This is the alternative that makes rpcalc useful. The
-semantic value of the `exp' grouping is the value of `$1' because the
-`exp' in question is the first symbol in the alternative. The action
-prints this value, which is the result of the computation the user
-asked for.
- This action is unusual because it does not assign a value to `$$'.
-As a consequence, the semantic value associated with the `line' is
-uninitialized (its value will be unpredictable). This would be a bug if
-that value were ever used, but we don't use it: once rpcalc has printed
-the value of the user's input line, that value is no longer needed.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Expr, Prev: Rpcalc Line, Up: Rpcalc Rules
- Explanation of `expr'
-The `exp' grouping has several rules, one for each kind of expression.
-The first rule handles the simplest expressions: those that are just
-numbers. The second handles an addition-expression, which looks like
-two expressions followed by a plus-sign. The third handles
-subtraction, and so on.
- exp: NUM
- | exp exp '+' { $$ = $1 + $2; }
- | exp exp '-' { $$ = $1 - $2; }
- ...
- ;
- We have used `|' to join all the rules for `exp', but we could
-equally well have written them separately:
- exp: NUM ;
- exp: exp exp '+' { $$ = $1 + $2; } ;
- exp: exp exp '-' { $$ = $1 - $2; } ;
- ...
- Most of the rules have actions that compute the value of the
-expression in terms of the value of its parts. For example, in the
-rule for addition, `$1' refers to the first component `exp' and `$2'
-refers to the second one. The third component, `'+'', has no meaningful
-associated semantic value, but if it had one you could refer to it as
-`$3'. When `yyparse' recognizes a sum expression using this rule, the
-sum of the two subexpressions' values is produced as the value of the
-entire expression. *Note Actions::.
- You don't have to give an action for every rule. When a rule has no
-action, Bison by default copies the value of `$1' into `$$'. This is
-what happens in the first rule (the one that uses `NUM').
- The formatting shown here is the recommended convention, but Bison
-does not require it. You can add or change white space as much as you
-wish. For example, this:
- exp : NUM | exp exp '+' {$$ = $1 + $2; } | ... ;
-means the same thing as this:
- exp: NUM
- | exp exp '+' { $$ = $1 + $2; }
- | ...
- ;
-The latter, however, is much more readable.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Lexer, Next: Rpcalc Main, Prev: Rpcalc Rules, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.3 The `rpcalc' Lexical Analyzer
-The lexical analyzer's job is low-level parsing: converting characters
-or sequences of characters into tokens. The Bison parser gets its
-tokens by calling the lexical analyzer. *Note The Lexical Analyzer
-Function `yylex': Lexical.
- Only a simple lexical analyzer is needed for the RPN calculator.
-This lexical analyzer skips blanks and tabs, then reads in numbers as
-`double' and returns them as `NUM' tokens. Any other character that
-isn't part of a number is a separate token. Note that the token-code
-for such a single-character token is the character itself.
- The return value of the lexical analyzer function is a numeric code
-which represents a token type. The same text used in Bison rules to
-stand for this token type is also a C expression for the numeric code
-for the type. This works in two ways. If the token type is a
-character literal, then its numeric code is that of the character; you
-can use the same character literal in the lexical analyzer to express
-the number. If the token type is an identifier, that identifier is
-defined by Bison as a C macro whose definition is the appropriate
-number. In this example, therefore, `NUM' becomes a macro for `yylex'
-to use.
- The semantic value of the token (if it has one) is stored into the
-global variable `yylval', which is where the Bison parser will look for
-it. (The C data type of `yylval' is `YYSTYPE', which was defined at
-the beginning of the grammar; *note Declarations for `rpcalc': Rpcalc
- A token type code of zero is returned if the end-of-input is
-encountered. (Bison recognizes any nonpositive value as indicating
- Here is the code for the lexical analyzer:
- /* The lexical analyzer returns a double floating point
- number on the stack and the token NUM, or the numeric code
- of the character read if not a number. It skips all blanks
- and tabs, and returns 0 for end-of-input. */
- #include <ctype.h>
- int
- yylex (void)
- {
- int c;
- /* Skip white space. */
- while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == '\t')
- ;
- /* Process numbers. */
- if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
- {
- ungetc (c, stdin);
- scanf ("%lf", &yylval);
- return NUM;
- }
- /* Return end-of-input. */
- if (c == EOF)
- return 0;
- /* Return a single char. */
- return c;
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Main, Next: Rpcalc Error, Prev: Rpcalc Lexer, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.4 The Controlling Function
-In keeping with the spirit of this example, the controlling function is
-kept to the bare minimum. The only requirement is that it call
-`yyparse' to start the process of parsing.
- int
- main (void)
- {
- return yyparse ();
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Error, Next: Rpcalc Generate, Prev: Rpcalc Main, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.5 The Error Reporting Routine
-When `yyparse' detects a syntax error, it calls the error reporting
-function `yyerror' to print an error message (usually but not always
-`"syntax error"'). It is up to the programmer to supply `yyerror'
-(*note Parser C-Language Interface: Interface.), so here is the
-definition we will use:
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* Called by yyparse on error. */
- void
- yyerror (char const *s)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
- }
- After `yyerror' returns, the Bison parser may recover from the error
-and continue parsing if the grammar contains a suitable error rule
-(*note Error Recovery::). Otherwise, `yyparse' returns nonzero. We
-have not written any error rules in this example, so any invalid input
-will cause the calculator program to exit. This is not clean behavior
-for a real calculator, but it is adequate for the first example.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Generate, Next: Rpcalc Compile, Prev: Rpcalc Error, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.6 Running Bison to Make the Parser
-Before running Bison to produce a parser, we need to decide how to
-arrange all the source code in one or more source files. For such a
-simple example, the easiest thing is to put everything in one file. The
-definitions of `yylex', `yyerror' and `main' go at the end, in the
-epilogue of the file (*note The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar:
-Grammar Layout.).
- For a large project, you would probably have several source files,
-and use `make' to arrange to recompile them.
- With all the source in a single file, you use the following command
-to convert it into a parser file:
- bison FILE.y
-In this example the file was called `rpcalc.y' (for "Reverse Polish
-CALCulator"). Bison produces a file named `FILE.tab.c', removing the
-`.y' from the original file name. The file output by Bison contains
-the source code for `yyparse'. The additional functions in the input
-file (`yylex', `yyerror' and `main') are copied verbatim to the output.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rpcalc Compile, Prev: Rpcalc Generate, Up: RPN Calc
-2.1.7 Compiling the Parser File
-Here is how to compile and run the parser file:
- # List files in current directory.
- $ ls
- rpcalc.tab.c rpcalc.y
- # Compile the Bison parser.
- # `-lm' tells compiler to search math library for `pow'.
- $ cc -lm -o rpcalc rpcalc.tab.c
- # List files again.
- $ ls
- rpcalc rpcalc.tab.c rpcalc.y
- The file `rpcalc' now contains the executable code. Here is an
-example session using `rpcalc'.
- $ rpcalc
- 4 9 +
- 13
- 3 7 + 3 4 5 *+-
- -13
- 3 7 + 3 4 5 * + - n Note the unary minus, `n'
- 13
- 5 6 / 4 n +
- -3.166666667
- 3 4 ^ Exponentiation
- 81
- ^D End-of-file indicator
- $
-File: bison.info, Node: Infix Calc, Next: Simple Error Recovery, Prev: RPN Calc, Up: Examples
-2.2 Infix Notation Calculator: `calc'
-We now modify rpcalc to handle infix operators instead of postfix.
-Infix notation involves the concept of operator precedence and the need
-for parentheses nested to arbitrary depth. Here is the Bison code for
-`calc.y', an infix desk-top calculator.
- /* Infix notation calculator. */
- %{
- #define YYSTYPE double
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- /* Bison declarations. */
- %token NUM
- %left '-' '+'
- %left '*' '/'
- %left NEG /* negation--unary minus */
- %right '^' /* exponentiation */
- %% /* The grammar follows. */
- input: /* empty */
- | input line
- ;
- line: '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }
- ;
- exp: NUM { $$ = $1; }
- | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
- | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
- | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
- | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; }
- | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; }
- | exp '^' exp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
- | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- %%
-The functions `yylex', `yyerror' and `main' can be the same as before.
- There are two important new features shown in this code.
- In the second section (Bison declarations), `%left' declares token
-types and says they are left-associative operators. The declarations
-`%left' and `%right' (right associativity) take the place of `%token'
-which is used to declare a token type name without associativity.
-(These tokens are single-character literals, which ordinarily don't
-need to be declared. We declare them here to specify the
- Operator precedence is determined by the line ordering of the
-declarations; the higher the line number of the declaration (lower on
-the page or screen), the higher the precedence. Hence, exponentiation
-has the highest precedence, unary minus (`NEG') is next, followed by
-`*' and `/', and so on. *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence.
- The other important new feature is the `%prec' in the grammar
-section for the unary minus operator. The `%prec' simply instructs
-Bison that the rule `| '-' exp' has the same precedence as `NEG'--in
-this case the next-to-highest. *Note Context-Dependent Precedence:
-Contextual Precedence.
- Here is a sample run of `calc.y':
- $ calc
- 4 + 4.5 - (34/(8*3+-3))
- 6.880952381
- -56 + 2
- -54
- 3 ^ 2
- 9
-File: bison.info, Node: Simple Error Recovery, Next: Location Tracking Calc, Prev: Infix Calc, Up: Examples
-2.3 Simple Error Recovery
-Up to this point, this manual has not addressed the issue of "error
-recovery"--how to continue parsing after the parser detects a syntax
-error. All we have handled is error reporting with `yyerror'. Recall
-that by default `yyparse' returns after calling `yyerror'. This means
-that an erroneous input line causes the calculator program to exit.
-Now we show how to rectify this deficiency.
- The Bison language itself includes the reserved word `error', which
-may be included in the grammar rules. In the example below it has been
-added to one of the alternatives for `line':
- line: '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }
- | error '\n' { yyerrok; }
- ;
- This addition to the grammar allows for simple error recovery in the
-event of a syntax error. If an expression that cannot be evaluated is
-read, the error will be recognized by the third rule for `line', and
-parsing will continue. (The `yyerror' function is still called upon to
-print its message as well.) The action executes the statement
-`yyerrok', a macro defined automatically by Bison; its meaning is that
-error recovery is complete (*note Error Recovery::). Note the
-difference between `yyerrok' and `yyerror'; neither one is a misprint.
- This form of error recovery deals with syntax errors. There are
-other kinds of errors; for example, division by zero, which raises an
-exception signal that is normally fatal. A real calculator program
-must handle this signal and use `longjmp' to return to `main' and
-resume parsing input lines; it would also have to discard the rest of
-the current line of input. We won't discuss this issue further because
-it is not specific to Bison programs.
-File: bison.info, Node: Location Tracking Calc, Next: Multi-function Calc, Prev: Simple Error Recovery, Up: Examples
-2.4 Location Tracking Calculator: `ltcalc'
-This example extends the infix notation calculator with location
-tracking. This feature will be used to improve the error messages. For
-the sake of clarity, this example is a simple integer calculator, since
-most of the work needed to use locations will be done in the lexical
-* Menu:
-* Ltcalc Declarations:: Bison and C declarations for ltcalc.
-* Ltcalc Rules:: Grammar rules for ltcalc, with explanations.
-* Ltcalc Lexer:: The lexical analyzer.
-File: bison.info, Node: Ltcalc Declarations, Next: Ltcalc Rules, Up: Location Tracking Calc
-2.4.1 Declarations for `ltcalc'
-The C and Bison declarations for the location tracking calculator are
-the same as the declarations for the infix notation calculator.
- /* Location tracking calculator. */
- %{
- #define YYSTYPE int
- #include <math.h>
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- /* Bison declarations. */
- %token NUM
- %left '-' '+'
- %left '*' '/'
- %left NEG
- %right '^'
- %% /* The grammar follows. */
-Note there are no declarations specific to locations. Defining a data
-type for storing locations is not needed: we will use the type provided
-by default (*note Data Types of Locations: Location Type.), which is a
-four member structure with the following integer fields: `first_line',
-`first_column', `last_line' and `last_column'. By conventions, and in
-accordance with the GNU Coding Standards and common practice, the line
-and column count both start at 1.
-File: bison.info, Node: Ltcalc Rules, Next: Ltcalc Lexer, Prev: Ltcalc Declarations, Up: Location Tracking Calc
-2.4.2 Grammar Rules for `ltcalc'
-Whether handling locations or not has no effect on the syntax of your
-language. Therefore, grammar rules for this example will be very close
-to those of the previous example: we will only modify them to benefit
-from the new information.
- Here, we will use locations to report divisions by zero, and locate
-the wrong expressions or subexpressions.
- input : /* empty */
- | input line
- ;
- line : '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("%d\n", $1); }
- ;
- exp : NUM { $$ = $1; }
- | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
- | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
- | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
- | exp '/' exp
- {
- if ($3)
- $$ = $1 / $3;
- else
- {
- $$ = 1;
- fprintf (stderr, "%d.%d-%d.%d: division by zero",
- @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
- @3.last_line, @3.last_column);
- }
- }
- | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; }
- | exp '^' exp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
- | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
- This code shows how to reach locations inside of semantic actions, by
-using the pseudo-variables `@N' for rule components, and the
-pseudo-variable `@$' for groupings.
- We don't need to assign a value to `@$': the output parser does it
-automatically. By default, before executing the C code of each action,
-`@$' is set to range from the beginning of `@1' to the end of `@N', for
-a rule with N components. This behavior can be redefined (*note
-Default Action for Locations: Location Default Action.), and for very
-specific rules, `@$' can be computed by hand.
-File: bison.info, Node: Ltcalc Lexer, Prev: Ltcalc Rules, Up: Location Tracking Calc
-2.4.3 The `ltcalc' Lexical Analyzer.
-Until now, we relied on Bison's defaults to enable location tracking.
-The next step is to rewrite the lexical analyzer, and make it able to
-feed the parser with the token locations, as it already does for
-semantic values.
- To this end, we must take into account every single character of the
-input text, to avoid the computed locations of being fuzzy or wrong:
- int
- yylex (void)
- {
- int c;
- /* Skip white space. */
- while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == '\t')
- ++yylloc.last_column;
- /* Step. */
- yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line;
- yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column;
- /* Process numbers. */
- if (isdigit (c))
- {
- yylval = c - '0';
- ++yylloc.last_column;
- while (isdigit (c = getchar ()))
- {
- ++yylloc.last_column;
- yylval = yylval * 10 + c - '0';
- }
- ungetc (c, stdin);
- return NUM;
- }
- /* Return end-of-input. */
- if (c == EOF)
- return 0;
- /* Return a single char, and update location. */
- if (c == '\n')
- {
- ++yylloc.last_line;
- yylloc.last_column = 0;
- }
- else
- ++yylloc.last_column;
- return c;
- }
- Basically, the lexical analyzer performs the same processing as
-before: it skips blanks and tabs, and reads numbers or single-character
-tokens. In addition, it updates `yylloc', the global variable (of type
-`YYLTYPE') containing the token's location.
- Now, each time this function returns a token, the parser has its
-number as well as its semantic value, and its location in the text.
-The last needed change is to initialize `yylloc', for example in the
-controlling function:
- int
- main (void)
- {
- yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = 1;
- yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = 0;
- return yyparse ();
- }
- Remember that computing locations is not a matter of syntax. Every
-character must be associated to a location update, whether it is in
-valid input, in comments, in literal strings, and so on.
-File: bison.info, Node: Multi-function Calc, Next: Exercises, Prev: Location Tracking Calc, Up: Examples
-2.5 Multi-Function Calculator: `mfcalc'
-Now that the basics of Bison have been discussed, it is time to move on
-to a more advanced problem. The above calculators provided only five
-functions, `+', `-', `*', `/' and `^'. It would be nice to have a
-calculator that provides other mathematical functions such as `sin',
-`cos', etc.
- It is easy to add new operators to the infix calculator as long as
-they are only single-character literals. The lexical analyzer `yylex'
-passes back all nonnumeric characters as tokens, so new grammar rules
-suffice for adding a new operator. But we want something more
-flexible: built-in functions whose syntax has this form:
-At the same time, we will add memory to the calculator, by allowing you
-to create named variables, store values in them, and use them later.
-Here is a sample session with the multi-function calculator:
- $ mfcalc
- pi = 3.141592653589
- 3.1415926536
- sin(pi)
- 0.0000000000
- alpha = beta1 = 2.3
- 2.3000000000
- alpha
- 2.3000000000
- ln(alpha)
- 0.8329091229
- exp(ln(beta1))
- 2.3000000000
- $
- Note that multiple assignment and nested function calls are
-* Menu:
-* Mfcalc Declarations:: Bison declarations for multi-function calculator.
-* Mfcalc Rules:: Grammar rules for the calculator.
-* Mfcalc Symbol Table:: Symbol table management subroutines.
-File: bison.info, Node: Mfcalc Declarations, Next: Mfcalc Rules, Up: Multi-function Calc
-2.5.1 Declarations for `mfcalc'
-Here are the C and Bison declarations for the multi-function calculator.
- %{
- #include <math.h> /* For math functions, cos(), sin(), etc. */
- #include "calc.h" /* Contains definition of `symrec'. */
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- %union {
- double val; /* For returning numbers. */
- symrec *tptr; /* For returning symbol-table pointers. */
- }
- %token <val> NUM /* Simple double precision number. */
- %token <tptr> VAR FNCT /* Variable and Function. */
- %type <val> exp
- %right '='
- %left '-' '+'
- %left '*' '/'
- %left NEG /* negation--unary minus */
- %right '^' /* exponentiation */
- %% /* The grammar follows. */
- The above grammar introduces only two new features of the Bison
-language. These features allow semantic values to have various data
-types (*note More Than One Value Type: Multiple Types.).
- The `%union' declaration specifies the entire list of possible types;
-this is instead of defining `YYSTYPE'. The allowable types are now
-double-floats (for `exp' and `NUM') and pointers to entries in the
-symbol table. *Note The Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.
- Since values can now have various types, it is necessary to
-associate a type with each grammar symbol whose semantic value is used.
-These symbols are `NUM', `VAR', `FNCT', and `exp'. Their declarations
-are augmented with information about their data type (placed between
-angle brackets).
- The Bison construct `%type' is used for declaring nonterminal
-symbols, just as `%token' is used for declaring token types. We have
-not used `%type' before because nonterminal symbols are normally
-declared implicitly by the rules that define them. But `exp' must be
-declared explicitly so we can specify its value type. *Note
-Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.
-File: bison.info, Node: Mfcalc Rules, Next: Mfcalc Symbol Table, Prev: Mfcalc Declarations, Up: Multi-function Calc
-2.5.2 Grammar Rules for `mfcalc'
-Here are the grammar rules for the multi-function calculator. Most of
-them are copied directly from `calc'; three rules, those which mention
-`VAR' or `FNCT', are new.
- input: /* empty */
- | input line
- ;
- line:
- '\n'
- | exp '\n' { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }
- | error '\n' { yyerrok; }
- ;
- exp: NUM { $$ = $1; }
- | VAR { $$ = $1->value.var; }
- | VAR '=' exp { $$ = $3; $1->value.var = $3; }
- | FNCT '(' exp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
- | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
- | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
- | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
- | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; }
- | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; }
- | exp '^' exp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
- | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- /* End of grammar. */
- %%
-File: bison.info, Node: Mfcalc Symbol Table, Prev: Mfcalc Rules, Up: Multi-function Calc
-2.5.3 The `mfcalc' Symbol Table
-The multi-function calculator requires a symbol table to keep track of
-the names and meanings of variables and functions. This doesn't affect
-the grammar rules (except for the actions) or the Bison declarations,
-but it requires some additional C functions for support.
- The symbol table itself consists of a linked list of records. Its
-definition, which is kept in the header `calc.h', is as follows. It
-provides for either functions or variables to be placed in the table.
- /* Function type. */
- typedef double (*func_t) (double);
- /* Data type for links in the chain of symbols. */
- struct symrec
- {
- char *name; /* name of symbol */
- int type; /* type of symbol: either VAR or FNCT */
- union
- {
- double var; /* value of a VAR */
- func_t fnctptr; /* value of a FNCT */
- } value;
- struct symrec *next; /* link field */
- };
- typedef struct symrec symrec;
- /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'. */
- extern symrec *sym_table;
- symrec *putsym (char const *, int);
- symrec *getsym (char const *);
- The new version of `main' includes a call to `init_table', a
-function that initializes the symbol table. Here it is, and
-`init_table' as well:
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* Called by yyparse on error. */
- void
- yyerror (char const *s)
- {
- printf ("%s\n", s);
- }
- struct init
- {
- char const *fname;
- double (*fnct) (double);
- };
- struct init const arith_fncts[] =
- {
- "sin", sin,
- "cos", cos,
- "atan", atan,
- "ln", log,
- "exp", exp,
- "sqrt", sqrt,
- 0, 0
- };
- /* The symbol table: a chain of `struct symrec'. */
- symrec *sym_table;
- /* Put arithmetic functions in table. */
- void
- init_table (void)
- {
- int i;
- symrec *ptr;
- for (i = 0; arith_fncts[i].fname != 0; i++)
- {
- ptr = putsym (arith_fncts[i].fname, FNCT);
- ptr->value.fnctptr = arith_fncts[i].fnct;
- }
- }
- int
- main (void)
- {
- init_table ();
- return yyparse ();
- }
- By simply editing the initialization list and adding the necessary
-include files, you can add additional functions to the calculator.
- Two important functions allow look-up and installation of symbols in
-the symbol table. The function `putsym' is passed a name and the type
-(`VAR' or `FNCT') of the object to be installed. The object is linked
-to the front of the list, and a pointer to the object is returned. The
-function `getsym' is passed the name of the symbol to look up. If
-found, a pointer to that symbol is returned; otherwise zero is returned.
- symrec *
- putsym (char const *sym_name, int sym_type)
- {
- symrec *ptr;
- ptr = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec));
- ptr->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1);
- strcpy (ptr->name,sym_name);
- ptr->type = sym_type;
- ptr->value.var = 0; /* Set value to 0 even if fctn. */
- ptr->next = (struct symrec *)sym_table;
- sym_table = ptr;
- return ptr;
- }
- symrec *
- getsym (char const *sym_name)
- {
- symrec *ptr;
- for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symrec *) 0;
- ptr = (symrec *)ptr->next)
- if (strcmp (ptr->name,sym_name) == 0)
- return ptr;
- return 0;
- }
- The function `yylex' must now recognize variables, numeric values,
-and the single-character arithmetic operators. Strings of alphanumeric
-characters with a leading letter are recognized as either variables or
-functions depending on what the symbol table says about them.
- The string is passed to `getsym' for look up in the symbol table. If
-the name appears in the table, a pointer to its location and its type
-(`VAR' or `FNCT') is returned to `yyparse'. If it is not already in
-the table, then it is installed as a `VAR' using `putsym'. Again, a
-pointer and its type (which must be `VAR') is returned to `yyparse'.
- No change is needed in the handling of numeric values and arithmetic
-operators in `yylex'.
- #include <ctype.h>
- int
- yylex (void)
- {
- int c;
- /* Ignore white space, get first nonwhite character. */
- while ((c = getchar ()) == ' ' || c == '\t');
- if (c == EOF)
- return 0;
- /* Char starts a number => parse the number. */
- if (c == '.' || isdigit (c))
- {
- ungetc (c, stdin);
- scanf ("%lf", &yylval.val);
- return NUM;
- }
- /* Char starts an identifier => read the name. */
- if (isalpha (c))
- {
- symrec *s;
- static char *symbuf = 0;
- static int length = 0;
- int i;
- /* Initially make the buffer long enough
- for a 40-character symbol name. */
- if (length == 0)
- length = 40, symbuf = (char *)malloc (length + 1);
- i = 0;
- do
- {
- /* If buffer is full, make it bigger. */
- if (i == length)
- {
- length *= 2;
- symbuf = (char *) realloc (symbuf, length + 1);
- }
- /* Add this character to the buffer. */
- symbuf[i++] = c;
- /* Get another character. */
- c = getchar ();
- }
- while (isalnum (c));
- ungetc (c, stdin);
- symbuf[i] = '\0';
- s = getsym (symbuf);
- if (s == 0)
- s = putsym (symbuf, VAR);
- yylval.tptr = s;
- return s->type;
- }
- /* Any other character is a token by itself. */
- return c;
- }
- This program is both powerful and flexible. You may easily add new
-functions, and it is a simple job to modify this code to install
-predefined variables such as `pi' or `e' as well.
-File: bison.info, Node: Exercises, Prev: Multi-function Calc, Up: Examples
-2.6 Exercises
- 1. Add some new functions from `math.h' to the initialization list.
- 2. Add another array that contains constants and their values. Then
- modify `init_table' to add these constants to the symbol table.
- It will be easiest to give the constants type `VAR'.
- 3. Make the program report an error if the user refers to an
- uninitialized variable in any way except to store a value in it.
-File: bison.info, Node: Grammar File, Next: Interface, Prev: Examples, Up: Top
-3 Bison Grammar Files
-Bison takes as input a context-free grammar specification and produces a
-C-language function that recognizes correct instances of the grammar.
- The Bison grammar input file conventionally has a name ending in
-`.y'. *Note Invoking Bison: Invocation.
-* Menu:
-* Grammar Outline:: Overall layout of the grammar file.
-* Symbols:: Terminal and nonterminal symbols.
-* Rules:: How to write grammar rules.
-* Recursion:: Writing recursive rules.
-* Semantics:: Semantic values and actions.
-* Locations:: Locations and actions.
-* Declarations:: All kinds of Bison declarations are described here.
-* Multiple Parsers:: Putting more than one Bison parser in one program.
-File: bison.info, Node: Grammar Outline, Next: Symbols, Up: Grammar File
-3.1 Outline of a Bison Grammar
-A Bison grammar file has four main sections, shown here with the
-appropriate delimiters:
- %{
- %}
- %%
- %%
- Comments enclosed in `/* ... */' may appear in any of the sections.
-As a GNU extension, `//' introduces a comment that continues until end
-of line.
-* Menu:
-* Prologue:: Syntax and usage of the prologue.
-* Prologue Alternatives:: Syntax and usage of alternatives to the prologue.
-* Bison Declarations:: Syntax and usage of the Bison declarations section.
-* Grammar Rules:: Syntax and usage of the grammar rules section.
-* Epilogue:: Syntax and usage of the epilogue.
-File: bison.info, Node: Prologue, Next: Prologue Alternatives, Up: Grammar Outline
-3.1.1 The prologue
-The PROLOGUE section contains macro definitions and declarations of
-functions and variables that are used in the actions in the grammar
-rules. These are copied to the beginning of the parser file so that
-they precede the definition of `yyparse'. You can use `#include' to
-get the declarations from a header file. If you don't need any C
-declarations, you may omit the `%{' and `%}' delimiters that bracket
-this section.
- The PROLOGUE section is terminated by the first occurrence of `%}'
-that is outside a comment, a string literal, or a character constant.
- You may have more than one PROLOGUE section, intermixed with the
-BISON DECLARATIONS. This allows you to have C and Bison declarations
-that refer to each other. For example, the `%union' declaration may
-use types defined in a header file, and you may wish to prototype
-functions that take arguments of type `YYSTYPE'. This can be done with
-two PROLOGUE blocks, one before and one after the `%union' declaration.
- %{
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ptypes.h"
- %}
- %union {
- long int n;
- tree t; /* `tree' is defined in `ptypes.h'. */
- }
- %{
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
- %}
- ...
- When in doubt, it is usually safer to put prologue code before all
-Bison declarations, rather than after. For example, any definitions of
-feature test macros like `_GNU_SOURCE' or `_POSIX_C_SOURCE' should
-appear before all Bison declarations, as feature test macros can affect
-the behavior of Bison-generated `#include' directives.
-File: bison.info, Node: Prologue Alternatives, Next: Bison Declarations, Prev: Prologue, Up: Grammar Outline
-3.1.2 Prologue Alternatives
-(The prologue alternatives described here are experimental. More user
-feedback will help to determine whether they should become permanent
- The functionality of PROLOGUE sections can often be subtle and
-inflexible. As an alternative, Bison provides a %code directive with
-an explicit qualifier field, which identifies the purpose of the code
-and thus the location(s) where Bison should generate it. For C/C++,
-the qualifier can be omitted for the default location, or it can be one
-of `requires', `provides', `top'. *Note %code: Decl Summary.
- Look again at the example of the previous section:
- %{
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ptypes.h"
- %}
- %union {
- long int n;
- tree t; /* `tree' is defined in `ptypes.h'. */
- }
- %{
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
- %}
- ...
-Notice that there are two PROLOGUE sections here, but there's a subtle
-distinction between their functionality. For example, if you decide to
-override Bison's default definition for `YYLTYPE', in which PROLOGUE
-section should you write your new definition? You should write it in
-the first since Bison will insert that code into the parser source code
-file _before_ the default `YYLTYPE' definition. In which PROLOGUE
-section should you prototype an internal function, `trace_token', that
-accepts `YYLTYPE' and `yytokentype' as arguments? You should prototype
-it in the second since Bison will insert that code _after_ the
-`YYLTYPE' and `yytokentype' definitions.
- This distinction in functionality between the two PROLOGUE sections
-is established by the appearance of the `%union' between them. This
-behavior raises a few questions. First, why should the position of a
-`%union' affect definitions related to `YYLTYPE' and `yytokentype'?
-Second, what if there is no `%union'? In that case, the second kind of
-PROLOGUE section is not available. This behavior is not intuitive.
- To avoid this subtle `%union' dependency, rewrite the example using a
-`%code top' and an unqualified `%code'. Let's go ahead and add the new
-`YYLTYPE' definition and the `trace_token' prototype at the same time:
- %code top {
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* WARNING: The following code really belongs
- * in a `%code requires'; see below. */
- #include "ptypes.h"
- typedef struct YYLTYPE
- {
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- char *filename;
- }
- %union {
- long int n;
- tree t; /* `tree' is defined in `ptypes.h'. */
- }
- %code {
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
- static void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);
- }
- ...
-In this way, `%code top' and the unqualified `%code' achieve the same
-functionality as the two kinds of PROLOGUE sections, but it's always
-explicit which kind you intend. Moreover, both kinds are always
-available even in the absence of `%union'.
- The `%code top' block above logically contains two parts. The first
-two lines before the warning need to appear near the top of the parser
-source code file. The first line after the warning is required by
-`YYSTYPE' and thus also needs to appear in the parser source code file.
-However, if you've instructed Bison to generate a parser header file
-(*note %defines: Decl Summary.), you probably want that line to appear
-before the `YYSTYPE' definition in that header file as well. The
-`YYLTYPE' definition should also appear in the parser header file to
-override the default `YYLTYPE' definition there.
- In other words, in the `%code top' block above, all but the first two
-lines are dependency code required by the `YYSTYPE' and `YYLTYPE'
-definitions. Thus, they belong in one or more `%code requires':
- %code top {
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- }
- %code requires {
- #include "ptypes.h"
- }
- %union {
- long int n;
- tree t; /* `tree' is defined in `ptypes.h'. */
- }
- %code requires {
- typedef struct YYLTYPE
- {
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- char *filename;
- }
- %code {
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
- static void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);
- }
- ...
-Now Bison will insert `#include "ptypes.h"' and the new `YYLTYPE'
-definition before the Bison-generated `YYSTYPE' and `YYLTYPE'
-definitions in both the parser source code file and the parser header
-file. (By the same reasoning, `%code requires' would also be the
-appropriate place to write your own definition for `YYSTYPE'.)
- When you are writing dependency code for `YYSTYPE' and `YYLTYPE', you
-should prefer `%code requires' over `%code top' regardless of whether
-you instruct Bison to generate a parser header file. When you are
-writing code that you need Bison to insert only into the parser source
-code file and that has no special need to appear at the top of that
-file, you should prefer the unqualified `%code' over `%code top'.
-These practices will make the purpose of each block of your code
-explicit to Bison and to other developers reading your grammar file.
-Following these practices, we expect the unqualified `%code' and `%code
-requires' to be the most important of the four PROLOGUE alternatives.
- At some point while developing your parser, you might decide to
-provide `trace_token' to modules that are external to your parser.
-Thus, you might wish for Bison to insert the prototype into both the
-parser header file and the parser source code file. Since this
-function is not a dependency required by `YYSTYPE' or `YYLTYPE', it
-doesn't make sense to move its prototype to a `%code requires'. More
-importantly, since it depends upon `YYLTYPE' and `yytokentype', `%code
-requires' is not sufficient. Instead, move its prototype from the
-unqualified `%code' to a `%code provides':
- %code top {
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- }
- %code requires {
- #include "ptypes.h"
- }
- %union {
- long int n;
- tree t; /* `tree' is defined in `ptypes.h'. */
- }
- %code requires {
- typedef struct YYLTYPE
- {
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- char *filename;
- }
- %code provides {
- void trace_token (enum yytokentype token, YYLTYPE loc);
- }
- %code {
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(F, N, L) print_token_value (F, N, L)
- }
- ...
-Bison will insert the `trace_token' prototype into both the parser
-header file and the parser source code file after the definitions for
-`yytokentype', `YYLTYPE', and `YYSTYPE'.
- The above examples are careful to write directives in an order that
-reflects the layout of the generated parser source code and header
-files: `%code top', `%code requires', `%code provides', and then
-`%code'. While your grammar files may generally be easier to read if
-you also follow this order, Bison does not require it. Instead, Bison
-lets you choose an organization that makes sense to you.
- You may declare any of these directives multiple times in the
-grammar file. In that case, Bison concatenates the contained code in
-declaration order. This is the only way in which the position of one
-of these directives within the grammar file affects its functionality.
- The result of the previous two properties is greater flexibility in
-how you may organize your grammar file. For example, you may organize
-semantic-type-related directives by semantic type:
- %code requires { #include "type1.h" }
- %union { type1 field1; }
- %destructor { type1_free ($$); } <field1>
- %printer { type1_print ($$); } <field1>
- %code requires { #include "type2.h" }
- %union { type2 field2; }
- %destructor { type2_free ($$); } <field2>
- %printer { type2_print ($$); } <field2>
-You could even place each of the above directive groups in the rules
-section of the grammar file next to the set of rules that uses the
-associated semantic type. (In the rules section, you must terminate
-each of those directives with a semicolon.) And you don't have to
-worry that some directive (like a `%union') in the definitions section
-is going to adversely affect their functionality in some
-counter-intuitive manner just because it comes first. Such an
-organization is not possible using PROLOGUE sections.
- This section has been concerned with explaining the advantages of
-the four PROLOGUE alternatives over the original Yacc PROLOGUE.
-However, in most cases when using these directives, you shouldn't need
-to think about all the low-level ordering issues discussed here.
-Instead, you should simply use these directives to label each block of
-your code according to its purpose and let Bison handle the ordering.
-`%code' is the most generic label. Move code to `%code requires',
-`%code provides', or `%code top' as needed.
-File: bison.info, Node: Bison Declarations, Next: Grammar Rules, Prev: Prologue Alternatives, Up: Grammar Outline
-3.1.3 The Bison Declarations Section
-The BISON DECLARATIONS section contains declarations that define
-terminal and nonterminal symbols, specify precedence, and so on. In
-some simple grammars you may not need any declarations. *Note Bison
-Declarations: Declarations.
-File: bison.info, Node: Grammar Rules, Next: Epilogue, Prev: Bison Declarations, Up: Grammar Outline
-3.1.4 The Grammar Rules Section
-The "grammar rules" section contains one or more Bison grammar rules,
-and nothing else. *Note Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
- There must always be at least one grammar rule, and the first `%%'
-(which precedes the grammar rules) may never be omitted even if it is
-the first thing in the file.
-File: bison.info, Node: Epilogue, Prev: Grammar Rules, Up: Grammar Outline
-3.1.5 The epilogue
-The EPILOGUE is copied verbatim to the end of the parser file, just as
-the PROLOGUE is copied to the beginning. This is the most convenient
-place to put anything that you want to have in the parser file but
-which need not come before the definition of `yyparse'. For example,
-the definitions of `yylex' and `yyerror' often go here. Because C
-requires functions to be declared before being used, you often need to
-declare functions like `yylex' and `yyerror' in the Prologue, even if
-you define them in the Epilogue. *Note Parser C-Language Interface:
- If the last section is empty, you may omit the `%%' that separates it
-from the grammar rules.
- The Bison parser itself contains many macros and identifiers whose
-names start with `yy' or `YY', so it is a good idea to avoid using any
-such names (except those documented in this manual) in the epilogue of
-the grammar file.
-File: bison.info, Node: Symbols, Next: Rules, Prev: Grammar Outline, Up: Grammar File
-3.2 Symbols, Terminal and Nonterminal
-"Symbols" in Bison grammars represent the grammatical classifications
-of the language.
- A "terminal symbol" (also known as a "token type") represents a
-class of syntactically equivalent tokens. You use the symbol in grammar
-rules to mean that a token in that class is allowed. The symbol is
-represented in the Bison parser by a numeric code, and the `yylex'
-function returns a token type code to indicate what kind of token has
-been read. You don't need to know what the code value is; you can use
-the symbol to stand for it.
- A "nonterminal symbol" stands for a class of syntactically
-equivalent groupings. The symbol name is used in writing grammar rules.
-By convention, it should be all lower case.
- Symbol names can contain letters, digits (not at the beginning),
-underscores and periods. Periods make sense only in nonterminals.
- There are three ways of writing terminal symbols in the grammar:
- * A "named token type" is written with an identifier, like an
- identifier in C. By convention, it should be all upper case. Each
- such name must be defined with a Bison declaration such as
- `%token'. *Note Token Type Names: Token Decl.
- * A "character token type" (or "literal character token") is written
- in the grammar using the same syntax used in C for character
- constants; for example, `'+'' is a character token type. A
- character token type doesn't need to be declared unless you need to
- specify its semantic value data type (*note Data Types of Semantic
- Values: Value Type.), associativity, or precedence (*note Operator
- Precedence: Precedence.).
- By convention, a character token type is used only to represent a
- token that consists of that particular character. Thus, the token
- type `'+'' is used to represent the character `+' as a token.
- Nothing enforces this convention, but if you depart from it, your
- program will confuse other readers.
- All the usual escape sequences used in character literals in C can
- be used in Bison as well, but you must not use the null character
- as a character literal because its numeric code, zero, signifies
- end-of-input (*note Calling Convention for `yylex': Calling
- Convention.). Also, unlike standard C, trigraphs have no special
- meaning in Bison character literals, nor is backslash-newline
- allowed.
- * A "literal string token" is written like a C string constant; for
- example, `"<="' is a literal string token. A literal string token
- doesn't need to be declared unless you need to specify its semantic
- value data type (*note Value Type::), associativity, or precedence
- (*note Precedence::).
- You can associate the literal string token with a symbolic name as
- an alias, using the `%token' declaration (*note Token
- Declarations: Token Decl.). If you don't do that, the lexical
- analyzer has to retrieve the token number for the literal string
- token from the `yytname' table (*note Calling Convention::).
- *Warning*: literal string tokens do not work in Yacc.
- By convention, a literal string token is used only to represent a
- token that consists of that particular string. Thus, you should
- use the token type `"<="' to represent the string `<=' as a token.
- Bison does not enforce this convention, but if you depart from
- it, people who read your program will be confused.
- All the escape sequences used in string literals in C can be used
- in Bison as well, except that you must not use a null character
- within a string literal. Also, unlike Standard C, trigraphs have
- no special meaning in Bison string literals, nor is
- backslash-newline allowed. A literal string token must contain
- two or more characters; for a token containing just one character,
- use a character token (see above).
- How you choose to write a terminal symbol has no effect on its
-grammatical meaning. That depends only on where it appears in rules and
-on when the parser function returns that symbol.
- The value returned by `yylex' is always one of the terminal symbols,
-except that a zero or negative value signifies end-of-input. Whichever
-way you write the token type in the grammar rules, you write it the
-same way in the definition of `yylex'. The numeric code for a
-character token type is simply the positive numeric code of the
-character, so `yylex' can use the identical value to generate the
-requisite code, though you may need to convert it to `unsigned char' to
-avoid sign-extension on hosts where `char' is signed. Each named token
-type becomes a C macro in the parser file, so `yylex' can use the name
-to stand for the code. (This is why periods don't make sense in
-terminal symbols.) *Note Calling Convention for `yylex': Calling
- If `yylex' is defined in a separate file, you need to arrange for the
-token-type macro definitions to be available there. Use the `-d'
-option when you run Bison, so that it will write these macro definitions
-into a separate header file `NAME.tab.h' which you can include in the
-other source files that need it. *Note Invoking Bison: Invocation.
- If you want to write a grammar that is portable to any Standard C
-host, you must use only nonnull character tokens taken from the basic
-execution character set of Standard C. This set consists of the ten
-digits, the 52 lower- and upper-case English letters, and the
-characters in the following C-language string:
- "\a\b\t\n\v\f\r !\"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^_{|}~"
- The `yylex' function and Bison must use a consistent character set
-and encoding for character tokens. For example, if you run Bison in an
-ASCII environment, but then compile and run the resulting program in an
-environment that uses an incompatible character set like EBCDIC, the
-resulting program may not work because the tables generated by Bison
-will assume ASCII numeric values for character tokens. It is standard
-practice for software distributions to contain C source files that were
-generated by Bison in an ASCII environment, so installers on platforms
-that are incompatible with ASCII must rebuild those files before
-compiling them.
- The symbol `error' is a terminal symbol reserved for error recovery
-(*note Error Recovery::); you shouldn't use it for any other purpose.
-In particular, `yylex' should never return this value. The default
-value of the error token is 256, unless you explicitly assigned 256 to
-one of your tokens with a `%token' declaration.
-File: bison.info, Node: Rules, Next: Recursion, Prev: Symbols, Up: Grammar File
-3.3 Syntax of Grammar Rules
-A Bison grammar rule has the following general form:
- ;
-where RESULT is the nonterminal symbol that this rule describes, and
-COMPONENTS are various terminal and nonterminal symbols that are put
-together by this rule (*note Symbols::).
- For example,
- exp: exp '+' exp
- ;
-says that two groupings of type `exp', with a `+' token in between, can
-be combined into a larger grouping of type `exp'.
- White space in rules is significant only to separate symbols. You
-can add extra white space as you wish.
- Scattered among the components can be ACTIONS that determine the
-semantics of the rule. An action looks like this:
-This is an example of "braced code", that is, C code surrounded by
-braces, much like a compound statement in C. Braced code can contain
-any sequence of C tokens, so long as its braces are balanced. Bison
-does not check the braced code for correctness directly; it merely
-copies the code to the output file, where the C compiler can check it.
- Within braced code, the balanced-brace count is not affected by
-braces within comments, string literals, or character constants, but it
-is affected by the C digraphs `<%' and `%>' that represent braces. At
-the top level braced code must be terminated by `}' and not by a
-digraph. Bison does not look for trigraphs, so if braced code uses
-trigraphs you should ensure that they do not affect the nesting of
-braces or the boundaries of comments, string literals, or character
- Usually there is only one action and it follows the components.
-*Note Actions::.
- Multiple rules for the same RESULT can be written separately or can
-be joined with the vertical-bar character `|' as follows:
- ...
- ;
-They are still considered distinct rules even when joined in this way.
- If COMPONENTS in a rule is empty, it means that RESULT can match the
-empty string. For example, here is how to define a comma-separated
-sequence of zero or more `exp' groupings:
- expseq: /* empty */
- | expseq1
- ;
- expseq1: exp
- | expseq1 ',' exp
- ;
-It is customary to write a comment `/* empty */' in each rule with no
-File: bison.info, Node: Recursion, Next: Semantics, Prev: Rules, Up: Grammar File
-3.4 Recursive Rules
-A rule is called "recursive" when its RESULT nonterminal appears also
-on its right hand side. Nearly all Bison grammars need to use
-recursion, because that is the only way to define a sequence of any
-number of a particular thing. Consider this recursive definition of a
-comma-separated sequence of one or more expressions:
- expseq1: exp
- | expseq1 ',' exp
- ;
-Since the recursive use of `expseq1' is the leftmost symbol in the
-right hand side, we call this "left recursion". By contrast, here the
-same construct is defined using "right recursion":
- expseq1: exp
- | exp ',' expseq1
- ;
-Any kind of sequence can be defined using either left recursion or right
-recursion, but you should always use left recursion, because it can
-parse a sequence of any number of elements with bounded stack space.
-Right recursion uses up space on the Bison stack in proportion to the
-number of elements in the sequence, because all the elements must be
-shifted onto the stack before the rule can be applied even once. *Note
-The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm, for further explanation of this.
- "Indirect" or "mutual" recursion occurs when the result of the rule
-does not appear directly on its right hand side, but does appear in
-rules for other nonterminals which do appear on its right hand side.
- For example:
- expr: primary
- | primary '+' primary
- ;
- primary: constant
- | '(' expr ')'
- ;
-defines two mutually-recursive nonterminals, since each refers to the
-File: bison.info, Node: Semantics, Next: Locations, Prev: Recursion, Up: Grammar File
-3.5 Defining Language Semantics
-The grammar rules for a language determine only the syntax. The
-semantics are determined by the semantic values associated with various
-tokens and groupings, and by the actions taken when various groupings
-are recognized.
- For example, the calculator calculates properly because the value
-associated with each expression is the proper number; it adds properly
-because the action for the grouping `X + Y' is to add the numbers
-associated with X and Y.
-* Menu:
-* Value Type:: Specifying one data type for all semantic values.
-* Multiple Types:: Specifying several alternative data types.
-* Actions:: An action is the semantic definition of a grammar rule.
-* Action Types:: Specifying data types for actions to operate on.
-* Mid-Rule Actions:: Most actions go at the end of a rule.
- This says when, why and how to use the exceptional
- action in the middle of a rule.
-File: bison.info, Node: Value Type, Next: Multiple Types, Up: Semantics
-3.5.1 Data Types of Semantic Values
-In a simple program it may be sufficient to use the same data type for
-the semantic values of all language constructs. This was true in the
-RPN and infix calculator examples (*note Reverse Polish Notation
-Calculator: RPN Calc.).
- Bison normally uses the type `int' for semantic values if your
-program uses the same data type for all language constructs. To
-specify some other type, define `YYSTYPE' as a macro, like this:
- #define YYSTYPE double
-`YYSTYPE''s replacement list should be a type name that does not
-contain parentheses or square brackets. This macro definition must go
-in the prologue of the grammar file (*note Outline of a Bison Grammar:
-Grammar Outline.).
-File: bison.info, Node: Multiple Types, Next: Actions, Prev: Value Type, Up: Semantics
-3.5.2 More Than One Value Type
-In most programs, you will need different data types for different kinds
-of tokens and groupings. For example, a numeric constant may need type
-`int' or `long int', while a string constant needs type `char *', and
-an identifier might need a pointer to an entry in the symbol table.
- To use more than one data type for semantic values in one parser,
-Bison requires you to do two things:
- * Specify the entire collection of possible data types, either by
- using the `%union' Bison declaration (*note The Collection of
- Value Types: Union Decl.), or by using a `typedef' or a `#define'
- to define `YYSTYPE' to be a union type whose member names are the
- type tags.
- * Choose one of those types for each symbol (terminal or
- nonterminal) for which semantic values are used. This is done for
- tokens with the `%token' Bison declaration (*note Token Type
- Names: Token Decl.) and for groupings with the `%type' Bison
- declaration (*note Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.).
-File: bison.info, Node: Actions, Next: Action Types, Prev: Multiple Types, Up: Semantics
-3.5.3 Actions
-An action accompanies a syntactic rule and contains C code to be
-executed each time an instance of that rule is recognized. The task of
-most actions is to compute a semantic value for the grouping built by
-the rule from the semantic values associated with tokens or smaller
- An action consists of braced code containing C statements, and can be
-placed at any position in the rule; it is executed at that position.
-Most rules have just one action at the end of the rule, following all
-the components. Actions in the middle of a rule are tricky and used
-only for special purposes (*note Actions in Mid-Rule: Mid-Rule
- The C code in an action can refer to the semantic values of the
-components matched by the rule with the construct `$N', which stands for
-the value of the Nth component. The semantic value for the grouping
-being constructed is `$$'. Bison translates both of these constructs
-into expressions of the appropriate type when it copies the actions
-into the parser file. `$$' is translated to a modifiable lvalue, so it
-can be assigned to.
- Here is a typical example:
- exp: ...
- | exp '+' exp
- { $$ = $1 + $3; }
-This rule constructs an `exp' from two smaller `exp' groupings
-connected by a plus-sign token. In the action, `$1' and `$3' refer to
-the semantic values of the two component `exp' groupings, which are the
-first and third symbols on the right hand side of the rule. The sum is
-stored into `$$' so that it becomes the semantic value of the
-addition-expression just recognized by the rule. If there were a
-useful semantic value associated with the `+' token, it could be
-referred to as `$2'.
- Note that the vertical-bar character `|' is really a rule separator,
-and actions are attached to a single rule. This is a difference with
-tools like Flex, for which `|' stands for either "or", or "the same
-action as that of the next rule". In the following example, the action
-is triggered only when `b' is found:
- a-or-b: 'a'|'b' { a_or_b_found = 1; };
- If you don't specify an action for a rule, Bison supplies a default:
-`$$ = $1'. Thus, the value of the first symbol in the rule becomes the
-value of the whole rule. Of course, the default action is valid only
-if the two data types match. There is no meaningful default action for
-an empty rule; every empty rule must have an explicit action unless the
-rule's value does not matter.
- `$N' with N zero or negative is allowed for reference to tokens and
-groupings on the stack _before_ those that match the current rule.
-This is a very risky practice, and to use it reliably you must be
-certain of the context in which the rule is applied. Here is a case in
-which you can use this reliably:
- foo: expr bar '+' expr { ... }
- | expr bar '-' expr { ... }
- ;
- bar: /* empty */
- { previous_expr = $0; }
- ;
- As long as `bar' is used only in the fashion shown here, `$0' always
-refers to the `expr' which precedes `bar' in the definition of `foo'.
- It is also possible to access the semantic value of the lookahead
-token, if any, from a semantic action. This semantic value is stored
-in `yylval'. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action
-File: bison.info, Node: Action Types, Next: Mid-Rule Actions, Prev: Actions, Up: Semantics
-3.5.4 Data Types of Values in Actions
-If you have chosen a single data type for semantic values, the `$$' and
-`$N' constructs always have that data type.
- If you have used `%union' to specify a variety of data types, then
-you must declare a choice among these types for each terminal or
-nonterminal symbol that can have a semantic value. Then each time you
-use `$$' or `$N', its data type is determined by which symbol it refers
-to in the rule. In this example,
- exp: ...
- | exp '+' exp
- { $$ = $1 + $3; }
-`$1' and `$3' refer to instances of `exp', so they all have the data
-type declared for the nonterminal symbol `exp'. If `$2' were used, it
-would have the data type declared for the terminal symbol `'+'',
-whatever that might be.
- Alternatively, you can specify the data type when you refer to the
-value, by inserting `<TYPE>' after the `$' at the beginning of the
-reference. For example, if you have defined types as shown here:
- %union {
- int itype;
- double dtype;
- }
-then you can write `$<itype>1' to refer to the first subunit of the
-rule as an integer, or `$<dtype>1' to refer to it as a double.
-File: bison.info, Node: Mid-Rule Actions, Prev: Action Types, Up: Semantics
-3.5.5 Actions in Mid-Rule
-Occasionally it is useful to put an action in the middle of a rule.
-These actions are written just like usual end-of-rule actions, but they
-are executed before the parser even recognizes the following components.
- A mid-rule action may refer to the components preceding it using
-`$N', but it may not refer to subsequent components because it is run
-before they are parsed.
- The mid-rule action itself counts as one of the components of the
-rule. This makes a difference when there is another action later in
-the same rule (and usually there is another at the end): you have to
-count the actions along with the symbols when working out which number
-N to use in `$N'.
- The mid-rule action can also have a semantic value. The action can
-set its value with an assignment to `$$', and actions later in the rule
-can refer to the value using `$N'. Since there is no symbol to name
-the action, there is no way to declare a data type for the value in
-advance, so you must use the `$<...>N' construct to specify a data type
-each time you refer to this value.
- There is no way to set the value of the entire rule with a mid-rule
-action, because assignments to `$$' do not have that effect. The only
-way to set the value for the entire rule is with an ordinary action at
-the end of the rule.
- Here is an example from a hypothetical compiler, handling a `let'
-statement that looks like `let (VARIABLE) STATEMENT' and serves to
-create a variable named VARIABLE temporarily for the duration of
-STATEMENT. To parse this construct, we must put VARIABLE into the
-symbol table while STATEMENT is parsed, then remove it afterward. Here
-is how it is done:
- stmt: LET '(' var ')'
- { $<context>$ = push_context ();
- declare_variable ($3); }
- stmt { $$ = $6;
- pop_context ($<context>5); }
-As soon as `let (VARIABLE)' has been recognized, the first action is
-run. It saves a copy of the current semantic context (the list of
-accessible variables) as its semantic value, using alternative
-`context' in the data-type union. Then it calls `declare_variable' to
-add the new variable to that list. Once the first action is finished,
-the embedded statement `stmt' can be parsed. Note that the mid-rule
-action is component number 5, so the `stmt' is component number 6.
- After the embedded statement is parsed, its semantic value becomes
-the value of the entire `let'-statement. Then the semantic value from
-the earlier action is used to restore the prior list of variables. This
-removes the temporary `let'-variable from the list so that it won't
-appear to exist while the rest of the program is parsed.
- In the above example, if the parser initiates error recovery (*note
-Error Recovery::) while parsing the tokens in the embedded statement
-`stmt', it might discard the previous semantic context `$<context>5'
-without restoring it. Thus, `$<context>5' needs a destructor (*note
-Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor Decl.). However, Bison currently
-provides no means to declare a destructor specific to a particular
-mid-rule action's semantic value.
- One solution is to bury the mid-rule action inside a nonterminal
-symbol and to declare a destructor for that symbol:
- %type <context> let
- %destructor { pop_context ($$); } let
- %%
- stmt: let stmt
- { $$ = $2;
- pop_context ($1); }
- ;
- let: LET '(' var ')'
- { $$ = push_context ();
- declare_variable ($3); }
- ;
-Note that the action is now at the end of its rule. Any mid-rule
-action can be converted to an end-of-rule action in this way, and this
-is what Bison actually does to implement mid-rule actions.
- Taking action before a rule is completely recognized often leads to
-conflicts since the parser must commit to a parse in order to execute
-the action. For example, the following two rules, without mid-rule
-actions, can coexist in a working parser because the parser can shift
-the open-brace token and look at what follows before deciding whether
-there is a declaration or not:
- compound: '{' declarations statements '}'
- | '{' statements '}'
- ;
-But when we add a mid-rule action as follows, the rules become
- compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
- '{' declarations statements '}'
- | '{' statements '}'
- ;
-Now the parser is forced to decide whether to run the mid-rule action
-when it has read no farther than the open-brace. In other words, it
-must commit to using one rule or the other, without sufficient
-information to do it correctly. (The open-brace token is what is called
-the "lookahead" token at this time, since the parser is still deciding
-what to do about it. *Note Lookahead Tokens: Lookahead.)
- You might think that you could correct the problem by putting
-identical actions into the two rules, like this:
- compound: { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
- '{' declarations statements '}'
- | { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
- '{' statements '}'
- ;
-But this does not help, because Bison does not realize that the two
-actions are identical. (Bison never tries to understand the C code in
-an action.)
- If the grammar is such that a declaration can be distinguished from a
-statement by the first token (which is true in C), then one solution
-which does work is to put the action after the open-brace, like this:
- compound: '{' { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
- declarations statements '}'
- | '{' statements '}'
- ;
-Now the first token of the following declaration or statement, which
-would in any case tell Bison which rule to use, can still do so.
- Another solution is to bury the action inside a nonterminal symbol
-which serves as a subroutine:
- subroutine: /* empty */
- { prepare_for_local_variables (); }
- ;
- compound: subroutine
- '{' declarations statements '}'
- | subroutine
- '{' statements '}'
- ;
-Now Bison can execute the action in the rule for `subroutine' without
-deciding which rule for `compound' it will eventually use.
-File: bison.info, Node: Locations, Next: Declarations, Prev: Semantics, Up: Grammar File
-3.6 Tracking Locations
-Though grammar rules and semantic actions are enough to write a fully
-functional parser, it can be useful to process some additional
-information, especially symbol locations.
- The way locations are handled is defined by providing a data type,
-and actions to take when rules are matched.
-* Menu:
-* Location Type:: Specifying a data type for locations.
-* Actions and Locations:: Using locations in actions.
-* Location Default Action:: Defining a general way to compute locations.
-File: bison.info, Node: Location Type, Next: Actions and Locations, Up: Locations
-3.6.1 Data Type of Locations
-Defining a data type for locations is much simpler than for semantic
-values, since all tokens and groupings always use the same type.
- You can specify the type of locations by defining a macro called
-`YYLTYPE', just as you can specify the semantic value type by defining
-a `YYSTYPE' macro (*note Value Type::). When `YYLTYPE' is not defined,
-Bison uses a default structure type with four members:
- typedef struct YYLTYPE
- {
- int first_line;
- int first_column;
- int last_line;
- int last_column;
- At the beginning of the parsing, Bison initializes all these fields
-to 1 for `yylloc'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Actions and Locations, Next: Location Default Action, Prev: Location Type, Up: Locations
-3.6.2 Actions and Locations
-Actions are not only useful for defining language semantics, but also
-for describing the behavior of the output parser with locations.
- The most obvious way for building locations of syntactic groupings
-is very similar to the way semantic values are computed. In a given
-rule, several constructs can be used to access the locations of the
-elements being matched. The location of the Nth component of the right
-hand side is `@N', while the location of the left hand side grouping is
- Here is a basic example using the default data type for locations:
- exp: ...
- | exp '/' exp
- {
- @$.first_column = @1.first_column;
- @$.first_line = @1.first_line;
- @$.last_column = @3.last_column;
- @$.last_line = @3.last_line;
- if ($3)
- $$ = $1 / $3;
- else
- {
- $$ = 1;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Division by zero, l%d,c%d-l%d,c%d",
- @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
- @3.last_line, @3.last_column);
- }
- }
- As for semantic values, there is a default action for locations that
-is run each time a rule is matched. It sets the beginning of `@$' to
-the beginning of the first symbol, and the end of `@$' to the end of the
-last symbol.
- With this default action, the location tracking can be fully
-automatic. The example above simply rewrites this way:
- exp: ...
- | exp '/' exp
- {
- if ($3)
- $$ = $1 / $3;
- else
- {
- $$ = 1;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Division by zero, l%d,c%d-l%d,c%d",
- @3.first_line, @3.first_column,
- @3.last_line, @3.last_column);
- }
- }
- It is also possible to access the location of the lookahead token,
-if any, from a semantic action. This location is stored in `yylloc'.
-*Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.
-File: bison.info, Node: Location Default Action, Prev: Actions and Locations, Up: Locations
-3.6.3 Default Action for Locations
-Actually, actions are not the best place to compute locations. Since
-locations are much more general than semantic values, there is room in
-the output parser to redefine the default action to take for each rule.
-The `YYLLOC_DEFAULT' macro is invoked each time a rule is matched,
-before the associated action is run. It is also invoked while
-processing a syntax error, to compute the error's location. Before
-reporting an unresolvable syntactic ambiguity, a GLR parser invokes
-`YYLLOC_DEFAULT' recursively to compute the location of that ambiguity.
- Most of the time, this macro is general enough to suppress location
-dedicated code from semantic actions.
- The `YYLLOC_DEFAULT' macro takes three parameters. The first one is
-the location of the grouping (the result of the computation). When a
-rule is matched, the second parameter identifies locations of all right
-hand side elements of the rule being matched, and the third parameter
-is the size of the rule's right hand side. When a GLR parser reports
-an ambiguity, which of multiple candidate right hand sides it passes to
-`YYLLOC_DEFAULT' is undefined. When processing a syntax error, the
-second parameter identifies locations of the symbols that were
-discarded during error processing, and the third parameter is the
-number of discarded symbols.
- By default, `YYLLOC_DEFAULT' is defined this way:
- # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \
- do \
- if (N) \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_line; \
- (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 1).first_column; \
- (Current).last_line = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_line; \
- (Current).last_column = YYRHSLOC(Rhs, N).last_column; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- (Current).first_line = (Current).last_line = \
- YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_line; \
- (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column = \
- YYRHSLOC(Rhs, 0).last_column; \
- } \
- while (0)
- where `YYRHSLOC (rhs, k)' is the location of the Kth symbol in RHS
-when K is positive, and the location of the symbol just before the
-reduction when K and N are both zero.
- When defining `YYLLOC_DEFAULT', you should consider that:
- * All arguments are free of side-effects. However, only the first
- one (the result) should be modified by `YYLLOC_DEFAULT'.
- * For consistency with semantic actions, valid indexes within the
- right hand side range from 1 to N. When N is zero, only 0 is a
- valid index, and it refers to the symbol just before the reduction.
- During error processing N is always positive.
- * Your macro should parenthesize its arguments, if need be, since the
- actual arguments may not be surrounded by parentheses. Also, your
- macro should expand to something that can be used as a single
- statement when it is followed by a semicolon.
-File: bison.info, Node: Declarations, Next: Multiple Parsers, Prev: Locations, Up: Grammar File
-3.7 Bison Declarations
-The "Bison declarations" section of a Bison grammar defines the symbols
-used in formulating the grammar and the data types of semantic values.
-*Note Symbols::.
- All token type names (but not single-character literal tokens such as
-`'+'' and `'*'') must be declared. Nonterminal symbols must be
-declared if you need to specify which data type to use for the semantic
-value (*note More Than One Value Type: Multiple Types.).
- The first rule in the file also specifies the start symbol, by
-default. If you want some other symbol to be the start symbol, you
-must declare it explicitly (*note Languages and Context-Free Grammars:
-Language and Grammar.).
-* Menu:
-* Require Decl:: Requiring a Bison version.
-* Token Decl:: Declaring terminal symbols.
-* Precedence Decl:: Declaring terminals with precedence and associativity.
-* Union Decl:: Declaring the set of all semantic value types.
-* Type Decl:: Declaring the choice of type for a nonterminal symbol.
-* Initial Action Decl:: Code run before parsing starts.
-* Destructor Decl:: Declaring how symbols are freed.
-* Expect Decl:: Suppressing warnings about parsing conflicts.
-* Start Decl:: Specifying the start symbol.
-* Pure Decl:: Requesting a reentrant parser.
-* Push Decl:: Requesting a push parser.
-* Decl Summary:: Table of all Bison declarations.
-File: bison.info, Node: Require Decl, Next: Token Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.1 Require a Version of Bison
-You may require the minimum version of Bison to process the grammar. If
-the requirement is not met, `bison' exits with an error (exit status
- %require "VERSION"
-File: bison.info, Node: Token Decl, Next: Precedence Decl, Prev: Require Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.2 Token Type Names
-The basic way to declare a token type name (terminal symbol) is as
- %token NAME
- Bison will convert this into a `#define' directive in the parser, so
-that the function `yylex' (if it is in this file) can use the name NAME
-to stand for this token type's code.
- Alternatively, you can use `%left', `%right', or `%nonassoc' instead
-of `%token', if you wish to specify associativity and precedence.
-*Note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
- You can explicitly specify the numeric code for a token type by
-appending a nonnegative decimal or hexadecimal integer value in the
-field immediately following the token name:
- %token NUM 300
- %token XNUM 0x12d // a GNU extension
-It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for
-all token types. Bison will automatically select codes that don't
-conflict with each other or with normal characters.
- In the event that the stack type is a union, you must augment the
-`%token' or other token declaration to include the data type
-alternative delimited by angle-brackets (*note More Than One Value
-Type: Multiple Types.).
- For example:
- %union { /* define stack type */
- double val;
- symrec *tptr;
- }
- %token <val> NUM /* define token NUM and its type */
- You can associate a literal string token with a token type name by
-writing the literal string at the end of a `%token' declaration which
-declares the name. For example:
- %token arrow "=>"
-For example, a grammar for the C language might specify these names with
-equivalent literal string tokens:
- %token <operator> OR "||"
- %token <operator> LE 134 "<="
- %left OR "<="
-Once you equate the literal string and the token name, you can use them
-interchangeably in further declarations or the grammar rules. The
-`yylex' function can use the token name or the literal string to obtain
-the token type code number (*note Calling Convention::). Syntax error
-messages passed to `yyerror' from the parser will reference the literal
-string instead of the token name.
- The token numbered as 0 corresponds to end of file; the following
-line allows for nicer error messages referring to "end of file" instead
-of "$end":
- %token END 0 "end of file"
-File: bison.info, Node: Precedence Decl, Next: Union Decl, Prev: Token Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.3 Operator Precedence
-Use the `%left', `%right' or `%nonassoc' declaration to declare a token
-and specify its precedence and associativity, all at once. These are
-called "precedence declarations". *Note Operator Precedence:
-Precedence, for general information on operator precedence.
- The syntax of a precedence declaration is nearly the same as that of
-`%token': either
- %left SYMBOLS...
- %left <TYPE> SYMBOLS...
- And indeed any of these declarations serves the purposes of `%token'.
-But in addition, they specify the associativity and relative precedence
-for all the SYMBOLS:
- * The associativity of an operator OP determines how repeated uses
- of the operator nest: whether `X OP Y OP Z' is parsed by grouping
- X with Y first or by grouping Y with Z first. `%left' specifies
- left-associativity (grouping X with Y first) and `%right'
- specifies right-associativity (grouping Y with Z first).
- `%nonassoc' specifies no associativity, which means that `X OP Y
- OP Z' is considered a syntax error.
- * The precedence of an operator determines how it nests with other
- operators. All the tokens declared in a single precedence
- declaration have equal precedence and nest together according to
- their associativity. When two tokens declared in different
- precedence declarations associate, the one declared later has the
- higher precedence and is grouped first.
- For backward compatibility, there is a confusing difference between
-the argument lists of `%token' and precedence declarations. Only a
-`%token' can associate a literal string with a token type name. A
-precedence declaration always interprets a literal string as a
-reference to a separate token. For example:
- %left OR "<=" // Does not declare an alias.
- %left OR 134 "<=" 135 // Declares 134 for OR and 135 for "<=".
-File: bison.info, Node: Union Decl, Next: Type Decl, Prev: Precedence Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.4 The Collection of Value Types
-The `%union' declaration specifies the entire collection of possible
-data types for semantic values. The keyword `%union' is followed by
-braced code containing the same thing that goes inside a `union' in C.
- For example:
- %union {
- double val;
- symrec *tptr;
- }
-This says that the two alternative types are `double' and `symrec *'.
-They are given names `val' and `tptr'; these names are used in the
-`%token' and `%type' declarations to pick one of the types for a
-terminal or nonterminal symbol (*note Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.).
- As an extension to POSIX, a tag is allowed after the `union'. For
- %union value {
- double val;
- symrec *tptr;
- }
-specifies the union tag `value', so the corresponding C type is `union
-value'. If you do not specify a tag, it defaults to `YYSTYPE'.
- As another extension to POSIX, you may specify multiple `%union'
-declarations; their contents are concatenated. However, only the first
-`%union' declaration can specify a tag.
- Note that, unlike making a `union' declaration in C, you need not
-write a semicolon after the closing brace.
- Instead of `%union', you can define and use your own union type
-`YYSTYPE' if your grammar contains at least one `<TYPE>' tag. For
-example, you can put the following into a header file `parser.h':
- union YYSTYPE {
- double val;
- symrec *tptr;
- };
- typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE;
-and then your grammar can use the following instead of `%union':
- %{
- #include "parser.h"
- %}
- %type <val> expr
- %token <tptr> ID
-File: bison.info, Node: Type Decl, Next: Initial Action Decl, Prev: Union Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.5 Nonterminal Symbols
-When you use `%union' to specify multiple value types, you must declare
-the value type of each nonterminal symbol for which values are used.
-This is done with a `%type' declaration, like this:
-Here NONTERMINAL is the name of a nonterminal symbol, and TYPE is the
-name given in the `%union' to the alternative that you want (*note The
-Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.). You can give any number of
-nonterminal symbols in the same `%type' declaration, if they have the
-same value type. Use spaces to separate the symbol names.
- You can also declare the value type of a terminal symbol. To do
-this, use the same `<TYPE>' construction in a declaration for the
-terminal symbol. All kinds of token declarations allow `<TYPE>'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Initial Action Decl, Next: Destructor Decl, Prev: Type Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.6 Performing Actions before Parsing
-Sometimes your parser needs to perform some initializations before
-parsing. The `%initial-action' directive allows for such arbitrary
- -- Directive: %initial-action { CODE }
- Declare that the braced CODE must be invoked before parsing each
- time `yyparse' is called. The CODE may use `$$' and `@$' --
- initial value and location of the lookahead -- and the
- `%parse-param'.
- For instance, if your locations use a file name, you may use
- %parse-param { char const *file_name };
- %initial-action
- {
- @$.initialize (file_name);
- };
-File: bison.info, Node: Destructor Decl, Next: Expect Decl, Prev: Initial Action Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.7 Freeing Discarded Symbols
-During error recovery (*note Error Recovery::), symbols already pushed
-on the stack and tokens coming from the rest of the file are discarded
-until the parser falls on its feet. If the parser runs out of memory,
-or if it returns via `YYABORT' or `YYACCEPT', all the symbols on the
-stack must be discarded. Even if the parser succeeds, it must discard
-the start symbol.
- When discarded symbols convey heap based information, this memory is
-lost. While this behavior can be tolerable for batch parsers, such as
-in traditional compilers, it is unacceptable for programs like shells or
-protocol implementations that may parse and execute indefinitely.
- The `%destructor' directive defines code that is called when a
-symbol is automatically discarded.
- -- Directive: %destructor { CODE } SYMBOLS
- Invoke the braced CODE whenever the parser discards one of the
- SYMBOLS. Within CODE, `$$' designates the semantic value
- associated with the discarded symbol, and `@$' designates its
- location. The additional parser parameters are also available
- (*note The Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.).
- When a symbol is listed among SYMBOLS, its `%destructor' is called
- a per-symbol `%destructor'. You may also define a per-type
- `%destructor' by listing a semantic type tag among SYMBOLS. In
- that case, the parser will invoke this CODE whenever it discards
- any grammar symbol that has that semantic type tag unless that
- symbol has its own per-symbol `%destructor'.
- Finally, you can define two different kinds of default
- `%destructor's. (These default forms are experimental. More user
- feedback will help to determine whether they should become
- permanent features.) You can place each of `<*>' and `<>' in the
- SYMBOLS list of exactly one `%destructor' declaration in your
- grammar file. The parser will invoke the CODE associated with one
- of these whenever it discards any user-defined grammar symbol that
- has no per-symbol and no per-type `%destructor'. The parser uses
- the CODE for `<*>' in the case of such a grammar symbol for which
- you have formally declared a semantic type tag (`%type' counts as
- such a declaration, but `$<tag>$' does not). The parser uses the
- CODE for `<>' in the case of such a grammar symbol that has no
- declared semantic type tag.
-For example:
- %union { char *string; }
- %token <string> STRING1
- %token <string> STRING2
- %type <string> string1
- %type <string> string2
- %union { char character; }
- %token <character> CHR
- %type <character> chr
- %token TAGLESS
- %destructor { } <character>
- %destructor { free ($$); } <*>
- %destructor { free ($$); printf ("%d", @$.first_line); } STRING1 string1
- %destructor { printf ("Discarding tagless symbol.\n"); } <>
-guarantees that, when the parser discards any user-defined symbol that
-has a semantic type tag other than `<character>', it passes its
-semantic value to `free' by default. However, when the parser discards
-a `STRING1' or a `string1', it also prints its line number to `stdout'.
-It performs only the second `%destructor' in this case, so it invokes
-`free' only once. Finally, the parser merely prints a message whenever
-it discards any symbol, such as `TAGLESS', that has no semantic type
- A Bison-generated parser invokes the default `%destructor's only for
-user-defined as opposed to Bison-defined symbols. For example, the
-parser will not invoke either kind of default `%destructor' for the
-special Bison-defined symbols `$accept', `$undefined', or `$end' (*note
-Bison Symbols: Table of Symbols.), none of which you can reference in
-your grammar. It also will not invoke either for the `error' token
-(*note error: Table of Symbols.), which is always defined by Bison
-regardless of whether you reference it in your grammar. However, it
-may invoke one of them for the end token (token 0) if you redefine it
-from `$end' to, for example, `END':
- %token END 0
- Finally, Bison will never invoke a `%destructor' for an unreferenced
-mid-rule semantic value (*note Actions in Mid-Rule: Mid-Rule Actions.).
-That is, Bison does not consider a mid-rule to have a semantic value if
-you do not reference `$$' in the mid-rule's action or `$N' (where N is
-the RHS symbol position of the mid-rule) in any later action in that
-rule. However, if you do reference either, the Bison-generated parser
-will invoke the `<>' `%destructor' whenever it discards the mid-rule
- "Discarded symbols" are the following:
- * stacked symbols popped during the first phase of error recovery,
- * incoming terminals during the second phase of error recovery,
- * the current lookahead and the entire stack (except the current
- right-hand side symbols) when the parser returns immediately, and
- * the start symbol, when the parser succeeds.
- The parser can "return immediately" because of an explicit call to
-`YYABORT' or `YYACCEPT', or failed error recovery, or memory exhaustion.
- Right-hand side symbols of a rule that explicitly triggers a syntax
-error via `YYERROR' are not discarded automatically. As a rule of
-thumb, destructors are invoked only when user actions cannot manage the
-File: bison.info, Node: Expect Decl, Next: Start Decl, Prev: Destructor Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.8 Suppressing Conflict Warnings
-Bison normally warns if there are any conflicts in the grammar (*note
-Shift/Reduce Conflicts: Shift/Reduce.), but most real grammars have
-harmless shift/reduce conflicts which are resolved in a predictable way
-and would be difficult to eliminate. It is desirable to suppress the
-warning about these conflicts unless the number of conflicts changes.
-You can do this with the `%expect' declaration.
- The declaration looks like this:
- %expect N
- Here N is a decimal integer. The declaration says there should be N
-shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce conflicts. Bison reports
-an error if the number of shift/reduce conflicts differs from N, or if
-there are any reduce/reduce conflicts.
- For normal LALR(1) parsers, reduce/reduce conflicts are more
-serious, and should be eliminated entirely. Bison will always report
-reduce/reduce conflicts for these parsers. With GLR parsers, however,
-both kinds of conflicts are routine; otherwise, there would be no need
-to use GLR parsing. Therefore, it is also possible to specify an
-expected number of reduce/reduce conflicts in GLR parsers, using the
- %expect-rr N
- In general, using `%expect' involves these steps:
- * Compile your grammar without `%expect'. Use the `-v' option to
- get a verbose list of where the conflicts occur. Bison will also
- print the number of conflicts.
- * Check each of the conflicts to make sure that Bison's default
- resolution is what you really want. If not, rewrite the grammar
- and go back to the beginning.
- * Add an `%expect' declaration, copying the number N from the number
- which Bison printed. With GLR parsers, add an `%expect-rr'
- declaration as well.
- Now Bison will warn you if you introduce an unexpected conflict, but
-will keep silent otherwise.
-File: bison.info, Node: Start Decl, Next: Pure Decl, Prev: Expect Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.9 The Start-Symbol
-Bison assumes by default that the start symbol for the grammar is the
-first nonterminal specified in the grammar specification section. The
-programmer may override this restriction with the `%start' declaration
-as follows:
- %start SYMBOL
-File: bison.info, Node: Pure Decl, Next: Push Decl, Prev: Start Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.10 A Pure (Reentrant) Parser
-A "reentrant" program is one which does not alter in the course of
-execution; in other words, it consists entirely of "pure" (read-only)
-code. Reentrancy is important whenever asynchronous execution is
-possible; for example, a nonreentrant program may not be safe to call
-from a signal handler. In systems with multiple threads of control, a
-nonreentrant program must be called only within interlocks.
- Normally, Bison generates a parser which is not reentrant. This is
-suitable for most uses, and it permits compatibility with Yacc. (The
-standard Yacc interfaces are inherently nonreentrant, because they use
-statically allocated variables for communication with `yylex',
-including `yylval' and `yylloc'.)
- Alternatively, you can generate a pure, reentrant parser. The Bison
-declaration `%define api.pure' says that you want the parser to be
-reentrant. It looks like this:
- %define api.pure
- The result is that the communication variables `yylval' and `yylloc'
-become local variables in `yyparse', and a different calling convention
-is used for the lexical analyzer function `yylex'. *Note Calling
-Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling, for the details of this.
-The variable `yynerrs' becomes local in `yyparse' in pull mode but it
-becomes a member of yypstate in push mode. (*note The Error Reporting
-Function `yyerror': Error Reporting.). The convention for calling
-`yyparse' itself is unchanged.
- Whether the parser is pure has nothing to do with the grammar rules.
-You can generate either a pure parser or a nonreentrant parser from any
-valid grammar.
-File: bison.info, Node: Push Decl, Next: Decl Summary, Prev: Pure Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.11 A Push Parser
-(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
-More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- A pull parser is called once and it takes control until all its input
-is completely parsed. A push parser, on the other hand, is called each
-time a new token is made available.
- A push parser is typically useful when the parser is part of a main
-event loop in the client's application. This is typically a
-requirement of a GUI, when the main event loop needs to be triggered
-within a certain time period.
- Normally, Bison generates a pull parser. The following Bison
-declaration says that you want the parser to be a push parser (*note
-%define api.push_pull: Decl Summary.):
- %define api.push_pull "push"
- In almost all cases, you want to ensure that your push parser is also
-a pure parser (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.). The only
-time you should create an impure push parser is to have backwards
-compatibility with the impure Yacc pull mode interface. Unless you know
-what you are doing, your declarations should look like this:
- %define api.pure
- %define api.push_pull "push"
- There is a major notable functional difference between the pure push
-parser and the impure push parser. It is acceptable for a pure push
-parser to have many parser instances, of the same type of parser, in
-memory at the same time. An impure push parser should only use one
-parser at a time.
- When a push parser is selected, Bison will generate some new symbols
-in the generated parser. `yypstate' is a structure that the generated
-parser uses to store the parser's state. `yypstate_new' is the
-function that will create a new parser instance. `yypstate_delete'
-will free the resources associated with the corresponding parser
-instance. Finally, `yypush_parse' is the function that should be
-called whenever a token is available to provide the parser. A trivial
-example of using a pure push parser would look like this:
- int status;
- yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
- do {
- status = yypush_parse (ps, yylex (), NULL);
- } while (status == YYPUSH_MORE);
- yypstate_delete (ps);
- If the user decided to use an impure push parser, a few things about
-the generated parser will change. The `yychar' variable becomes a
-global variable instead of a variable in the `yypush_parse' function.
-For this reason, the signature of the `yypush_parse' function is
-changed to remove the token as a parameter. A nonreentrant push parser
-example would thus look like this:
- extern int yychar;
- int status;
- yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
- do {
- yychar = yylex ();
- status = yypush_parse (ps);
- } while (status == YYPUSH_MORE);
- yypstate_delete (ps);
- That's it. Notice the next token is put into the global variable
-`yychar' for use by the next invocation of the `yypush_parse' function.
- Bison also supports both the push parser interface along with the
-pull parser interface in the same generated parser. In order to get
-this functionality, you should replace the `%define api.push_pull
-"push"' declaration with the `%define api.push_pull "both"'
-declaration. Doing this will create all of the symbols mentioned
-earlier along with the two extra symbols, `yyparse' and `yypull_parse'.
-`yyparse' can be used exactly as it normally would be used. However,
-the user should note that it is implemented in the generated parser by
-calling `yypull_parse'. This makes the `yyparse' function that is
-generated with the `%define api.push_pull "both"' declaration slower
-than the normal `yyparse' function. If the user calls the
-`yypull_parse' function it will parse the rest of the input stream. It
-is possible to `yypush_parse' tokens to select a subgrammar and then
-`yypull_parse' the rest of the input stream. If you would like to
-switch back and forth between between parsing styles, you would have to
-write your own `yypull_parse' function that knows when to quit looking
-for input. An example of using the `yypull_parse' function would look
-like this:
- yypstate *ps = yypstate_new ();
- yypull_parse (ps); /* Will call the lexer */
- yypstate_delete (ps);
- Adding the `%define api.pure' declaration does exactly the same
-thing to the generated parser with `%define api.push_pull "both"' as it
-did for `%define api.push_pull "push"'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Decl Summary, Prev: Push Decl, Up: Declarations
-3.7.12 Bison Declaration Summary
-Here is a summary of the declarations used to define a grammar:
- -- Directive: %union
- Declare the collection of data types that semantic values may have
- (*note The Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.).
- -- Directive: %token
- Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) with no precedence or
- associativity specified (*note Token Type Names: Token Decl.).
- -- Directive: %right
- Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is
- right-associative (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.).
- -- Directive: %left
- Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is
- left-associative (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.).
- -- Directive: %nonassoc
- Declare a terminal symbol (token type name) that is nonassociative
- (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.). Using it in a way
- that would be associative is a syntax error.
- -- Directive: %type
- Declare the type of semantic values for a nonterminal symbol
- (*note Nonterminal Symbols: Type Decl.).
- -- Directive: %start
- Specify the grammar's start symbol (*note The Start-Symbol: Start
- Decl.).
- -- Directive: %expect
- Declare the expected number of shift-reduce conflicts (*note
- Suppressing Conflict Warnings: Expect Decl.).
-In order to change the behavior of `bison', use the following
- -- Directive: %code {CODE}
- This is the unqualified form of the `%code' directive. It inserts
- CODE verbatim at a language-dependent default location in the
- output(1).
- For C/C++, the default location is the parser source code file
- after the usual contents of the parser header file. Thus, `%code'
- replaces the traditional Yacc prologue, `%{CODE%}', for most
- purposes. For a detailed discussion, see *Note Prologue
- Alternatives::.
- For Java, the default location is inside the parser class.
- (Like all the Yacc prologue alternatives, this directive is
- experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether
- it should become a permanent feature.)
- -- Directive: %code QUALIFIER {CODE}
- This is the qualified form of the `%code' directive. If you need
- to specify location-sensitive verbatim CODE that does not belong
- at the default location selected by the unqualified `%code' form,
- use this form instead.
- QUALIFIER identifies the purpose of CODE and thus the location(s)
- where Bison should generate it. Not all values of QUALIFIER are
- available for all target languages:
- * requires
- * Language(s): C, C++
- * Purpose: This is the best place to write dependency code
- required for `YYSTYPE' and `YYLTYPE'. In other words,
- it's the best place to define types referenced in
- `%union' directives, and it's the best place to override
- Bison's default `YYSTYPE' and `YYLTYPE' definitions.
- * Location(s): The parser header file and the parser
- source code file before the Bison-generated `YYSTYPE'
- and `YYLTYPE' definitions.
- * provides
- * Language(s): C, C++
- * Purpose: This is the best place to write additional
- definitions and declarations that should be provided to
- other modules.
- * Location(s): The parser header file and the parser
- source code file after the Bison-generated `YYSTYPE',
- `YYLTYPE', and token definitions.
- * top
- * Language(s): C, C++
- * Purpose: The unqualified `%code' or `%code requires'
- should usually be more appropriate than `%code top'.
- However, occasionally it is necessary to insert code
- much nearer the top of the parser source code file. For
- example:
- %code top {
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- }
- * Location(s): Near the top of the parser source code file.
- * imports
- * Language(s): Java
- * Purpose: This is the best place to write Java import
- directives.
- * Location(s): The parser Java file after any Java package
- directive and before any class definitions.
- (Like all the Yacc prologue alternatives, this directive is
- experimental. More user feedback will help to determine whether
- it should become a permanent feature.)
- For a detailed discussion of how to use `%code' in place of the
- traditional Yacc prologue for C/C++, see *Note Prologue
- Alternatives::.
- -- Directive: %debug
- In the parser file, define the macro `YYDEBUG' to 1 if it is not
- already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled.
- *Note Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.
- -- Directive: %define VARIABLE
- -- Directive: %define VARIABLE "VALUE"
- Define a variable to adjust Bison's behavior. The possible
- choices for VARIABLE, as well as their meanings, depend on the
- selected target language and/or the parser skeleton (*note
- %language: Decl Summary, *note %skeleton: Decl Summary.).
- Bison will warn if a VARIABLE is defined multiple times.
- Omitting `"VALUE"' is always equivalent to specifying it as `""'.
- Some VARIABLEs may be used as Booleans. In this case, Bison will
- complain if the variable definition does not meet one of the
- following four conditions:
- 1. `"VALUE"' is `"true"'
- 2. `"VALUE"' is omitted (or is `""'). This is equivalent to
- `"true"'.
- 3. `"VALUE"' is `"false"'.
- 4. VARIABLE is never defined. In this case, Bison selects a
- default value, which may depend on the selected target
- language and/or parser skeleton.
- Some of the accepted VARIABLEs are:
- * api.pure
- * Language(s): C
- * Purpose: Request a pure (reentrant) parser program.
- *Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
- * Accepted Values: Boolean
- * Default Value: `"false"'
- * api.push_pull
- * Language(s): C (LALR(1) only)
- * Purpose: Requests a pull parser, a push parser, or both.
- *Note A Push Parser: Push Decl. (The current push
- parsing interface is experimental and may evolve. More
- user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- * Accepted Values: `"pull"', `"push"', `"both"'
- * Default Value: `"pull"'
- * lr.keep_unreachable_states
- * Language(s): all
- * Purpose: Requests that Bison allow unreachable parser
- states to remain in the parser tables. Bison considers
- a state to be unreachable if there exists no sequence of
- transitions from the start state to that state. A state
- can become unreachable during conflict resolution if
- Bison disables a shift action leading to it from a
- predecessor state. Keeping unreachable states is
- sometimes useful for analysis purposes, but they are
- useless in the generated parser.
- * Accepted Values: Boolean
- * Default Value: `"false"'
- * Caveats:
- * Unreachable states may contain conflicts and may
- use rules not used in any other state. Thus,
- keeping unreachable states may induce warnings that
- are irrelevant to your parser's behavior, and it
- may eliminate warnings that are relevant. Of
- course, the change in warnings may actually be
- relevant to a parser table analysis that wants to
- keep unreachable states, so this behavior will
- likely remain in future Bison releases.
- * While Bison is able to remove unreachable states,
- it is not guaranteed to remove other kinds of
- useless states. Specifically, when Bison disables
- reduce actions during conflict resolution, some
- goto actions may become useless, and thus some
- additional states may become useless. If Bison
- were to compute which goto actions were useless and
- then disable those actions, it could identify such
- states as unreachable and then remove those states.
- However, Bison does not compute which goto actions
- are useless.
- * namespace
- * Languages(s): C++
- * Purpose: Specifies the namespace for the parser class.
- For example, if you specify:
- %define namespace "foo::bar"
- Bison uses `foo::bar' verbatim in references such as:
- foo::bar::parser::semantic_type
- However, to open a namespace, Bison removes any leading
- `::' and then splits on any remaining occurrences:
- namespace foo { namespace bar {
- class position;
- class location;
- } }
- * Accepted Values: Any absolute or relative C++ namespace
- reference without a trailing `"::"'. For example,
- `"foo"' or `"::foo::bar"'.
- * Default Value: The value specified by `%name-prefix',
- which defaults to `yy'. This usage of `%name-prefix' is
- for backward compatibility and can be confusing since
- `%name-prefix' also specifies the textual prefix for the
- lexical analyzer function. Thus, if you specify
- `%name-prefix', it is best to also specify `%define
- namespace' so that `%name-prefix' _only_ affects the
- lexical analyzer function. For example, if you specify:
- %define namespace "foo"
- %name-prefix "bar::"
- The parser namespace is `foo' and `yylex' is referenced
- as `bar::lex'.
- -- Directive: %defines
- Write a header file containing macro definitions for the token type
- names defined in the grammar as well as a few other declarations.
- If the parser output file is named `NAME.c' then this file is
- named `NAME.h'.
- For C parsers, the output header declares `YYSTYPE' unless
- `YYSTYPE' is already defined as a macro or you have used a
- `<TYPE>' tag without using `%union'. Therefore, if you are using
- a `%union' (*note More Than One Value Type: Multiple Types.) with
- components that require other definitions, or if you have defined
- a `YYSTYPE' macro or type definition (*note Data Types of Semantic
- Values: Value Type.), you need to arrange for these definitions to
- be propagated to all modules, e.g., by putting them in a
- prerequisite header that is included both by your parser and by
- any other module that needs `YYSTYPE'.
- Unless your parser is pure, the output header declares `yylval' as
- an external variable. *Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
- If you have also used locations, the output header declares
- `YYLTYPE' and `yylloc' using a protocol similar to that of the
- `YYSTYPE' macro and `yylval'. *Note Tracking Locations: Locations.
- This output file is normally essential if you wish to put the
- definition of `yylex' in a separate source file, because `yylex'
- typically needs to be able to refer to the above-mentioned
- declarations and to the token type codes. *Note Semantic Values
- of Tokens: Token Values.
- If you have declared `%code requires' or `%code provides', the
- output header also contains their code. *Note %code: Decl Summary.
- -- Directive: %defines DEFINES-FILE
- Same as above, but save in the file DEFINES-FILE.
- -- Directive: %destructor
- Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to
- discarded symbols. *Note Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor
- Decl.
- -- Directive: %file-prefix "PREFIX"
- Specify a prefix to use for all Bison output file names. The
- names are chosen as if the input file were named `PREFIX.y'.
- -- Directive: %language "LANGUAGE"
- Specify the programming language for the generated parser.
- Currently supported languages include C, C++, and Java. LANGUAGE
- is case-insensitive.
- This directive is experimental and its effect may be modified in
- future releases.
- -- Directive: %locations
- Generate the code processing the locations (*note Special Features
- for Use in Actions: Action Features.). This mode is enabled as
- soon as the grammar uses the special `@N' tokens, but if your
- grammar does not use it, using `%locations' allows for more
- accurate syntax error messages.
- -- Directive: %name-prefix "PREFIX"
- Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start
- with PREFIX instead of `yy'. The precise list of symbols renamed
- in C parsers is `yyparse', `yylex', `yyerror', `yynerrs',
- `yylval', `yychar', `yydebug', and (if locations are used)
- `yylloc'. If you use a push parser, `yypush_parse',
- `yypull_parse', `yypstate', `yypstate_new' and `yypstate_delete'
- will also be renamed. For example, if you use `%name-prefix
- "c_"', the names become `c_parse', `c_lex', and so on. For C++
- parsers, see the `%define namespace' documentation in this section.
- *Note Multiple Parsers in the Same Program: Multiple Parsers.
- -- Directive: %no-lines
- Don't generate any `#line' preprocessor commands in the parser
- file. Ordinarily Bison writes these commands in the parser file
- so that the C compiler and debuggers will associate errors and
- object code with your source file (the grammar file). This
- directive causes them to associate errors with the parser file,
- treating it an independent source file in its own right.
- -- Directive: %output "FILE"
- Specify FILE for the parser file.
- -- Directive: %pure-parser
- Deprecated version of `%define api.pure' (*note %define: Decl
- Summary.), for which Bison is more careful to warn about
- unreasonable usage.
- -- Directive: %require "VERSION"
- Require version VERSION or higher of Bison. *Note Require a
- Version of Bison: Require Decl.
- -- Directive: %skeleton "FILE"
- Specify the skeleton to use.
- If FILE does not contain a `/', FILE is the name of a skeleton
- file in the Bison installation directory. If it does, FILE is an
- absolute file name or a file name relative to the directory of the
- grammar file. This is similar to how most shells resolve commands.
- -- Directive: %token-table
- Generate an array of token names in the parser file. The name of
- the array is `yytname'; `yytname[I]' is the name of the token
- whose internal Bison token code number is I. The first three
- elements of `yytname' correspond to the predefined tokens `"$end"',
- `"error"', and `"$undefined"'; after these come the symbols
- defined in the grammar file.
- The name in the table includes all the characters needed to
- represent the token in Bison. For single-character literals and
- literal strings, this includes the surrounding quoting characters
- and any escape sequences. For example, the Bison single-character
- literal `'+'' corresponds to a three-character name, represented
- in C as `"'+'"'; and the Bison two-character literal string `"\\/"'
- corresponds to a five-character name, represented in C as
- `"\"\\\\/\""'.
- When you specify `%token-table', Bison also generates macro
- definitions for macros `YYNTOKENS', `YYNNTS', and `YYNRULES', and
- The highest token number, plus one.
- The number of nonterminal symbols.
- The number of grammar rules,
- The number of parser states (*note Parser States::).
- -- Directive: %verbose
- Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the
- parser states and what is done for each type of lookahead token in
- that state. *Note Understanding Your Parser: Understanding, for
- more information.
- -- Directive: %yacc
- Pretend the option `--yacc' was given, i.e., imitate Yacc,
- including its naming conventions. *Note Bison Options::, for more.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) The default location is actually skeleton-dependent; writers
-of non-standard skeletons however should choose the default location
-consistently with the behavior of the standard Bison skeletons.
-File: bison.info, Node: Multiple Parsers, Prev: Declarations, Up: Grammar File
-3.8 Multiple Parsers in the Same Program
-Most programs that use Bison parse only one language and therefore
-contain only one Bison parser. But what if you want to parse more than
-one language with the same program? Then you need to avoid a name
-conflict between different definitions of `yyparse', `yylval', and so
- The easy way to do this is to use the option `-p PREFIX' (*note
-Invoking Bison: Invocation.). This renames the interface functions and
-variables of the Bison parser to start with PREFIX instead of `yy'.
-You can use this to give each parser distinct names that do not
- The precise list of symbols renamed is `yyparse', `yylex',
-`yyerror', `yynerrs', `yylval', `yylloc', `yychar' and `yydebug'. If
-you use a push parser, `yypush_parse', `yypull_parse', `yypstate',
-`yypstate_new' and `yypstate_delete' will also be renamed. For
-example, if you use `-p c', the names become `cparse', `clex', and so
- *All the other variables and macros associated with Bison are not
-renamed.* These others are not global; there is no conflict if the same
-name is used in different parsers. For example, `YYSTYPE' is not
-renamed, but defining this in different ways in different parsers causes
-no trouble (*note Data Types of Semantic Values: Value Type.).
- The `-p' option works by adding macro definitions to the beginning
-of the parser source file, defining `yyparse' as `PREFIXparse', and so
-on. This effectively substitutes one name for the other in the entire
-parser file.
-File: bison.info, Node: Interface, Next: Algorithm, Prev: Grammar File, Up: Top
-4 Parser C-Language Interface
-The Bison parser is actually a C function named `yyparse'. Here we
-describe the interface conventions of `yyparse' and the other functions
-that it needs to use.
- Keep in mind that the parser uses many C identifiers starting with
-`yy' and `YY' for internal purposes. If you use such an identifier
-(aside from those in this manual) in an action or in epilogue in the
-grammar file, you are likely to run into trouble.
-* Menu:
-* Parser Function:: How to call `yyparse' and what it returns.
-* Push Parser Function:: How to call `yypush_parse' and what it returns.
-* Pull Parser Function:: How to call `yypull_parse' and what it returns.
-* Parser Create Function:: How to call `yypstate_new' and what it returns.
-* Parser Delete Function:: How to call `yypstate_delete' and what it returns.
-* Lexical:: You must supply a function `yylex'
- which reads tokens.
-* Error Reporting:: You must supply a function `yyerror'.
-* Action Features:: Special features for use in actions.
-* Internationalization:: How to let the parser speak in the user's
- native language.
-File: bison.info, Node: Parser Function, Next: Push Parser Function, Up: Interface
-4.1 The Parser Function `yyparse'
-You call the function `yyparse' to cause parsing to occur. This
-function reads tokens, executes actions, and ultimately returns when it
-encounters end-of-input or an unrecoverable syntax error. You can also
-write an action which directs `yyparse' to return immediately without
-reading further.
- -- Function: int yyparse (void)
- The value returned by `yyparse' is 0 if parsing was successful
- (return is due to end-of-input).
- The value is 1 if parsing failed because of invalid input, i.e.,
- input that contains a syntax error or that causes `YYABORT' to be
- invoked.
- The value is 2 if parsing failed due to memory exhaustion.
- In an action, you can cause immediate return from `yyparse' by using
-these macros:
- -- Macro: YYACCEPT
- Return immediately with value 0 (to report success).
- -- Macro: YYABORT
- Return immediately with value 1 (to report failure).
- If you use a reentrant parser, you can optionally pass additional
-parameter information to it in a reentrant way. To do so, use the
-declaration `%parse-param':
- -- Directive: %parse-param {ARGUMENT-DECLARATION}
- Declare that an argument declared by the braced-code
- ARGUMENT-DECLARATION is an additional `yyparse' argument. The
- ARGUMENT-DECLARATION is used when declaring functions or
- prototypes. The last identifier in ARGUMENT-DECLARATION must be
- the argument name.
- Here's an example. Write this in the parser:
- %parse-param {int *nastiness}
- %parse-param {int *randomness}
-Then call the parser like this:
- {
- int nastiness, randomness;
- ... /* Store proper data in `nastiness' and `randomness'. */
- value = yyparse (&nastiness, &randomness);
- ...
- }
-In the grammar actions, use expressions like this to refer to the data:
- exp: ... { ...; *randomness += 1; ... }
-File: bison.info, Node: Push Parser Function, Next: Pull Parser Function, Prev: Parser Function, Up: Interface
-4.2 The Push Parser Function `yypush_parse'
-(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
-More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- You call the function `yypush_parse' to parse a single token. This
-function is available if either the `%define api.push_pull "push"' or
-`%define api.push_pull "both"' declaration is used. *Note A Push
-Parser: Push Decl.
- -- Function: int yypush_parse (yypstate *yyps)
- The value returned by `yypush_parse' is the same as for yyparse
- with the following exception. `yypush_parse' will return
- YYPUSH_MORE if more input is required to finish parsing the
- grammar.
-File: bison.info, Node: Pull Parser Function, Next: Parser Create Function, Prev: Push Parser Function, Up: Interface
-4.3 The Pull Parser Function `yypull_parse'
-(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
-More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- You call the function `yypull_parse' to parse the rest of the input
-stream. This function is available if the `%define api.push_pull
-"both"' declaration is used. *Note A Push Parser: Push Decl.
- -- Function: int yypull_parse (yypstate *yyps)
- The value returned by `yypull_parse' is the same as for `yyparse'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Parser Create Function, Next: Parser Delete Function, Prev: Pull Parser Function, Up: Interface
-4.4 The Parser Create Function `yystate_new'
-(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
-More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- You call the function `yypstate_new' to create a new parser instance.
-This function is available if either the `%define api.push_pull "push"'
-or `%define api.push_pull "both"' declaration is used. *Note A Push
-Parser: Push Decl.
- -- Function: yypstate *yypstate_new (void)
- The fuction will return a valid parser instance if there was
- memory available or 0 if no memory was available. In impure mode,
- it will also return 0 if a parser instance is currently allocated.
-File: bison.info, Node: Parser Delete Function, Next: Lexical, Prev: Parser Create Function, Up: Interface
-4.5 The Parser Delete Function `yystate_delete'
-(The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
-More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- You call the function `yypstate_delete' to delete a parser instance.
-function is available if either the `%define api.push_pull "push"' or
-`%define api.push_pull "both"' declaration is used. *Note A Push
-Parser: Push Decl.
- -- Function: void yypstate_delete (yypstate *yyps)
- This function will reclaim the memory associated with a parser
- instance. After this call, you should no longer attempt to use
- the parser instance.
-File: bison.info, Node: Lexical, Next: Error Reporting, Prev: Parser Delete Function, Up: Interface
-4.6 The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex'
-The "lexical analyzer" function, `yylex', recognizes tokens from the
-input stream and returns them to the parser. Bison does not create
-this function automatically; you must write it so that `yyparse' can
-call it. The function is sometimes referred to as a lexical scanner.
- In simple programs, `yylex' is often defined at the end of the Bison
-grammar file. If `yylex' is defined in a separate source file, you
-need to arrange for the token-type macro definitions to be available
-there. To do this, use the `-d' option when you run Bison, so that it
-will write these macro definitions into a separate header file
-`NAME.tab.h' which you can include in the other source files that need
-it. *Note Invoking Bison: Invocation.
-* Menu:
-* Calling Convention:: How `yyparse' calls `yylex'.
-* Token Values:: How `yylex' must return the semantic value
- of the token it has read.
-* Token Locations:: How `yylex' must return the text location
- (line number, etc.) of the token, if the
- actions want that.
-* Pure Calling:: How the calling convention differs in a pure parser
- (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.).
-File: bison.info, Node: Calling Convention, Next: Token Values, Up: Lexical
-4.6.1 Calling Convention for `yylex'
-The value that `yylex' returns must be the positive numeric code for
-the type of token it has just found; a zero or negative value signifies
- When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a name, that name
-in the parser file becomes a C macro whose definition is the proper
-numeric code for that token type. So `yylex' can use the name to
-indicate that type. *Note Symbols::.
- When a token is referred to in the grammar rules by a character
-literal, the numeric code for that character is also the code for the
-token type. So `yylex' can simply return that character code, possibly
-converted to `unsigned char' to avoid sign-extension. The null
-character must not be used this way, because its code is zero and that
-signifies end-of-input.
- Here is an example showing these things:
- int
- yylex (void)
- {
- ...
- if (c == EOF) /* Detect end-of-input. */
- return 0;
- ...
- if (c == '+' || c == '-')
- return c; /* Assume token type for `+' is '+'. */
- ...
- return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
- ...
- }
-This interface has been designed so that the output from the `lex'
-utility can be used without change as the definition of `yylex'.
- If the grammar uses literal string tokens, there are two ways that
-`yylex' can determine the token type codes for them:
- * If the grammar defines symbolic token names as aliases for the
- literal string tokens, `yylex' can use these symbolic names like
- all others. In this case, the use of the literal string tokens in
- the grammar file has no effect on `yylex'.
- * `yylex' can find the multicharacter token in the `yytname' table.
- The index of the token in the table is the token type's code. The
- name of a multicharacter token is recorded in `yytname' with a
- double-quote, the token's characters, and another double-quote.
- The token's characters are escaped as necessary to be suitable as
- input to Bison.
- Here's code for looking up a multicharacter token in `yytname',
- assuming that the characters of the token are stored in
- `token_buffer', and assuming that the token does not contain any
- characters like `"' that require escaping.
- for (i = 0; i < YYNTOKENS; i++)
- {
- if (yytname[i] != 0
- && yytname[i][0] == '"'
- && ! strncmp (yytname[i] + 1, token_buffer,
- strlen (token_buffer))
- && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 1] == '"'
- && yytname[i][strlen (token_buffer) + 2] == 0)
- break;
- }
- The `yytname' table is generated only if you use the
- `%token-table' declaration. *Note Decl Summary::.
-File: bison.info, Node: Token Values, Next: Token Locations, Prev: Calling Convention, Up: Lexical
-4.6.2 Semantic Values of Tokens
-In an ordinary (nonreentrant) parser, the semantic value of the token
-must be stored into the global variable `yylval'. When you are using
-just one data type for semantic values, `yylval' has that type. Thus,
-if the type is `int' (the default), you might write this in `yylex':
- ...
- yylval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
- return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
- ...
- When you are using multiple data types, `yylval''s type is a union
-made from the `%union' declaration (*note The Collection of Value
-Types: Union Decl.). So when you store a token's value, you must use
-the proper member of the union. If the `%union' declaration looks like
- %union {
- int intval;
- double val;
- symrec *tptr;
- }
-then the code in `yylex' might look like this:
- ...
- yylval.intval = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
- return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
- ...
-File: bison.info, Node: Token Locations, Next: Pure Calling, Prev: Token Values, Up: Lexical
-4.6.3 Textual Locations of Tokens
-If you are using the `@N'-feature (*note Tracking Locations:
-Locations.) in actions to keep track of the textual locations of tokens
-and groupings, then you must provide this information in `yylex'. The
-function `yyparse' expects to find the textual location of a token just
-parsed in the global variable `yylloc'. So `yylex' must store the
-proper data in that variable.
- By default, the value of `yylloc' is a structure and you need only
-initialize the members that are going to be used by the actions. The
-four members are called `first_line', `first_column', `last_line' and
-`last_column'. Note that the use of this feature makes the parser
-noticeably slower.
- The data type of `yylloc' has the name `YYLTYPE'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Pure Calling, Prev: Token Locations, Up: Lexical
-4.6.4 Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers
-When you use the Bison declaration `%define api.pure' to request a
-pure, reentrant parser, the global communication variables `yylval' and
-`yylloc' cannot be used. (*Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.)
-In such parsers the two global variables are replaced by pointers
-passed as arguments to `yylex'. You must declare them as shown here,
-and pass the information back by storing it through those pointers.
- int
- yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp)
- {
- ...
- *lvalp = value; /* Put value onto Bison stack. */
- return INT; /* Return the type of the token. */
- ...
- }
- If the grammar file does not use the `@' constructs to refer to
-textual locations, then the type `YYLTYPE' will not be defined. In
-this case, omit the second argument; `yylex' will be called with only
-one argument.
- If you wish to pass the additional parameter data to `yylex', use
-`%lex-param' just like `%parse-param' (*note Parser Function::).
- -- Directive: lex-param {ARGUMENT-DECLARATION}
- Declare that the braced-code ARGUMENT-DECLARATION is an additional
- `yylex' argument declaration.
- For instance:
- %parse-param {int *nastiness}
- %lex-param {int *nastiness}
- %parse-param {int *randomness}
-results in the following signature:
- int yylex (int *nastiness);
- int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);
- If `%define api.pure' is added:
- int yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, int *nastiness);
- int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);
-and finally, if both `%define api.pure' and `%locations' are used:
- int yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, int *nastiness);
- int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);
-File: bison.info, Node: Error Reporting, Next: Action Features, Prev: Lexical, Up: Interface
-4.7 The Error Reporting Function `yyerror'
-The Bison parser detects a "syntax error" or "parse error" whenever it
-reads a token which cannot satisfy any syntax rule. An action in the
-grammar can also explicitly proclaim an error, using the macro
-`YYERROR' (*note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.).
- The Bison parser expects to report the error by calling an error
-reporting function named `yyerror', which you must supply. It is
-called by `yyparse' whenever a syntax error is found, and it receives
-one argument. For a syntax error, the string is normally
-`"syntax error"'.
- If you invoke the directive `%error-verbose' in the Bison
-declarations section (*note The Bison Declarations Section: Bison
-Declarations.), then Bison provides a more verbose and specific error
-message string instead of just plain `"syntax error"'.
- The parser can detect one other kind of error: memory exhaustion.
-This can happen when the input contains constructions that are very
-deeply nested. It isn't likely you will encounter this, since the Bison
-parser normally extends its stack automatically up to a very large
-limit. But if memory is exhausted, `yyparse' calls `yyerror' in the
-usual fashion, except that the argument string is `"memory exhausted"'.
- In some cases diagnostics like `"syntax error"' are translated
-automatically from English to some other language before they are
-passed to `yyerror'. *Note Internationalization::.
- The following definition suffices in simple programs:
- void
- yyerror (char const *s)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
- }
- After `yyerror' returns to `yyparse', the latter will attempt error
-recovery if you have written suitable error recovery grammar rules
-(*note Error Recovery::). If recovery is impossible, `yyparse' will
-immediately return 1.
- Obviously, in location tracking pure parsers, `yyerror' should have
-an access to the current location. This is indeed the case for the GLR
-parsers, but not for the Yacc parser, for historical reasons. I.e., if
-`%locations %define api.pure' is passed then the prototypes for
-`yyerror' are:
- void yyerror (char const *msg); /* Yacc parsers. */
- void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp, char const *msg); /* GLR parsers. */
- If `%parse-param {int *nastiness}' is used, then:
- void yyerror (int *nastiness, char const *msg); /* Yacc parsers. */
- void yyerror (int *nastiness, char const *msg); /* GLR parsers. */
- Finally, GLR and Yacc parsers share the same `yyerror' calling
-convention for absolutely pure parsers, i.e., when the calling
-convention of `yylex' _and_ the calling convention of `%define
-api.pure' are pure. I.e.:
- /* Location tracking. */
- %locations
- /* Pure yylex. */
- %define api.pure
- %lex-param {int *nastiness}
- /* Pure yyparse. */
- %parse-param {int *nastiness}
- %parse-param {int *randomness}
-results in the following signatures for all the parser kinds:
- int yylex (YYSTYPE *lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp, int *nastiness);
- int yyparse (int *nastiness, int *randomness);
- void yyerror (YYLTYPE *locp,
- int *nastiness, int *randomness,
- char const *msg);
-The prototypes are only indications of how the code produced by Bison
-uses `yyerror'. Bison-generated code always ignores the returned
-value, so `yyerror' can return any type, including `void'. Also,
-`yyerror' can be a variadic function; that is why the message is always
-passed last.
- Traditionally `yyerror' returns an `int' that is always ignored, but
-this is purely for historical reasons, and `void' is preferable since
-it more accurately describes the return type for `yyerror'.
- The variable `yynerrs' contains the number of syntax errors reported
-so far. Normally this variable is global; but if you request a pure
-parser (*note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.) then it is a
-local variable which only the actions can access.
-File: bison.info, Node: Action Features, Next: Internationalization, Prev: Error Reporting, Up: Interface
-4.8 Special Features for Use in Actions
-Here is a table of Bison constructs, variables and macros that are
-useful in actions.
- -- Variable: $$
- Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the
- grouping made by the current rule. *Note Actions::.
- -- Variable: $N
- Acts like a variable that contains the semantic value for the Nth
- component of the current rule. *Note Actions::.
- -- Variable: $<TYPEALT>$
- Like `$$' but specifies alternative TYPEALT in the union specified
- by the `%union' declaration. *Note Data Types of Values in
- Actions: Action Types.
- -- Variable: $<TYPEALT>N
- Like `$N' but specifies alternative TYPEALT in the union specified
- by the `%union' declaration. *Note Data Types of Values in
- Actions: Action Types.
- -- Macro: YYABORT;
- Return immediately from `yyparse', indicating failure. *Note The
- Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
- -- Macro: YYACCEPT;
- Return immediately from `yyparse', indicating success. *Note The
- Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
- Unshift a token. This macro is allowed only for rules that reduce
- a single value, and only when there is no lookahead token. It is
- also disallowed in GLR parsers. It installs a lookahead token
- with token type TOKEN and semantic value VALUE; then it discards
- the value that was going to be reduced by this rule.
- If the macro is used when it is not valid, such as when there is a
- lookahead token already, then it reports a syntax error with a
- message `cannot back up' and performs ordinary error recovery.
- In either case, the rest of the action is not executed.
- -- Macro: YYEMPTY
- Value stored in `yychar' when there is no lookahead token.
- -- Macro: YYEOF
- Value stored in `yychar' when the lookahead is the end of the input
- stream.
- -- Macro: YYERROR;
- Cause an immediate syntax error. This statement initiates error
- recovery just as if the parser itself had detected an error;
- however, it does not call `yyerror', and does not print any
- message. If you want to print an error message, call `yyerror'
- explicitly before the `YYERROR;' statement. *Note Error
- Recovery::.
- The expression `YYRECOVERING ()' yields 1 when the parser is
- recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. *Note Error
- Recovery::.
- -- Variable: yychar
- Variable containing either the lookahead token, or `YYEOF' when the
- lookahead is the end of the input stream, or `YYEMPTY' when no
- lookahead has been performed so the next token is not yet known.
- Do not modify `yychar' in a deferred semantic action (*note GLR
- Semantic Actions::). *Note Lookahead Tokens: Lookahead.
- -- Macro: yyclearin;
- Discard the current lookahead token. This is useful primarily in
- error rules. Do not invoke `yyclearin' in a deferred semantic
- action (*note GLR Semantic Actions::). *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Macro: yyerrok;
- Resume generating error messages immediately for subsequent syntax
- errors. This is useful primarily in error rules. *Note Error
- Recovery::.
- -- Variable: yylloc
- Variable containing the lookahead token location when `yychar' is
- not set to `YYEMPTY' or `YYEOF'. Do not modify `yylloc' in a
- deferred semantic action (*note GLR Semantic Actions::). *Note
- Actions and Locations: Actions and Locations.
- -- Variable: yylval
- Variable containing the lookahead token semantic value when
- `yychar' is not set to `YYEMPTY' or `YYEOF'. Do not modify
- `yylval' in a deferred semantic action (*note GLR Semantic
- Actions::). *Note Actions: Actions.
- -- Value: @$
- Acts like a structure variable containing information on the
- textual location of the grouping made by the current rule. *Note
- Tracking Locations: Locations.
- -- Value: @N
- Acts like a structure variable containing information on the
- textual location of the Nth component of the current rule. *Note
- Tracking Locations: Locations.
-File: bison.info, Node: Internationalization, Prev: Action Features, Up: Interface
-4.9 Parser Internationalization
-A Bison-generated parser can print diagnostics, including error and
-tracing messages. By default, they appear in English. However, Bison
-also supports outputting diagnostics in the user's native language. To
-make this work, the user should set the usual environment variables.
-*Note The User's View: (gettext)Users. For example, the shell command
-`export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8' might set the user's locale to French
-Canadian using the UTF-8 encoding. The exact set of available locales
-depends on the user's installation.
- The maintainer of a package that uses a Bison-generated parser
-enables the internationalization of the parser's output through the
-following steps. Here we assume a package that uses GNU Autoconf and
-GNU Automake.
- 1. Into the directory containing the GNU Autoconf macros used by the
- package--often called `m4'--copy the `bison-i18n.m4' file
- installed by Bison under `share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4' in Bison's
- installation directory. For example:
- cp /usr/local/share/aclocal/bison-i18n.m4 m4/bison-i18n.m4
- 2. In the top-level `configure.ac', after the `AM_GNU_GETTEXT'
- invocation, add an invocation of `BISON_I18N'. This macro is
- defined in the file `bison-i18n.m4' that you copied earlier. It
- causes `configure' to find the value of the `BISON_LOCALEDIR'
- variable, and it defines the source-language symbol `YYENABLE_NLS'
- to enable translations in the Bison-generated parser.
- 3. In the `main' function of your program, designate the directory
- containing Bison's runtime message catalog, through a call to
- `bindtextdomain' with domain name `bison-runtime'. For example:
- bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", BISON_LOCALEDIR);
- Typically this appears after any other call `bindtextdomain
- (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR)' that your package already has. Here we rely
- on `BISON_LOCALEDIR' to be defined as a string through the
- `Makefile'.
- 4. In the `Makefile.am' that controls the compilation of the `main'
- function, make `BISON_LOCALEDIR' available as a C preprocessor
- macro, either in `DEFS' or in `AM_CPPFLAGS'. For example:
- or:
- 5. Finally, invoke the command `autoreconf' to generate the build
- infrastructure.
-File: bison.info, Node: Algorithm, Next: Error Recovery, Prev: Interface, Up: Top
-5 The Bison Parser Algorithm
-As Bison reads tokens, it pushes them onto a stack along with their
-semantic values. The stack is called the "parser stack". Pushing a
-token is traditionally called "shifting".
- For example, suppose the infix calculator has read `1 + 5 *', with a
-`3' to come. The stack will have four elements, one for each token
-that was shifted.
- But the stack does not always have an element for each token read.
-When the last N tokens and groupings shifted match the components of a
-grammar rule, they can be combined according to that rule. This is
-called "reduction". Those tokens and groupings are replaced on the
-stack by a single grouping whose symbol is the result (left hand side)
-of that rule. Running the rule's action is part of the process of
-reduction, because this is what computes the semantic value of the
-resulting grouping.
- For example, if the infix calculator's parser stack contains this:
- 1 + 5 * 3
-and the next input token is a newline character, then the last three
-elements can be reduced to 15 via the rule:
- expr: expr '*' expr;
-Then the stack contains just these three elements:
- 1 + 15
-At this point, another reduction can be made, resulting in the single
-value 16. Then the newline token can be shifted.
- The parser tries, by shifts and reductions, to reduce the entire
-input down to a single grouping whose symbol is the grammar's
-start-symbol (*note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and
- This kind of parser is known in the literature as a bottom-up parser.
-* Menu:
-* Lookahead:: Parser looks one token ahead when deciding what to do.
-* Shift/Reduce:: Conflicts: when either shifting or reduction is valid.
-* Precedence:: Operator precedence works by resolving conflicts.
-* Contextual Precedence:: When an operator's precedence depends on context.
-* Parser States:: The parser is a finite-state-machine with stack.
-* Reduce/Reduce:: When two rules are applicable in the same situation.
-* Mystery Conflicts:: Reduce/reduce conflicts that look unjustified.
-* Generalized LR Parsing:: Parsing arbitrary context-free grammars.
-* Memory Management:: What happens when memory is exhausted. How to avoid it.
-File: bison.info, Node: Lookahead, Next: Shift/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
-5.1 Lookahead Tokens
-The Bison parser does _not_ always reduce immediately as soon as the
-last N tokens and groupings match a rule. This is because such a
-simple strategy is inadequate to handle most languages. Instead, when a
-reduction is possible, the parser sometimes "looks ahead" at the next
-token in order to decide what to do.
- When a token is read, it is not immediately shifted; first it
-becomes the "lookahead token", which is not on the stack. Now the
-parser can perform one or more reductions of tokens and groupings on
-the stack, while the lookahead token remains off to the side. When no
-more reductions should take place, the lookahead token is shifted onto
-the stack. This does not mean that all possible reductions have been
-done; depending on the token type of the lookahead token, some rules
-may choose to delay their application.
- Here is a simple case where lookahead is needed. These three rules
-define expressions which contain binary addition operators and postfix
-unary factorial operators (`!'), and allow parentheses for grouping.
- expr: term '+' expr
- | term
- ;
- term: '(' expr ')'
- | term '!'
- ;
- Suppose that the tokens `1 + 2' have been read and shifted; what
-should be done? If the following token is `)', then the first three
-tokens must be reduced to form an `expr'. This is the only valid
-course, because shifting the `)' would produce a sequence of symbols
-`term ')'', and no rule allows this.
- If the following token is `!', then it must be shifted immediately so
-that `2 !' can be reduced to make a `term'. If instead the parser were
-to reduce before shifting, `1 + 2' would become an `expr'. It would
-then be impossible to shift the `!' because doing so would produce on
-the stack the sequence of symbols `expr '!''. No rule allows that
- The lookahead token is stored in the variable `yychar'. Its
-semantic value and location, if any, are stored in the variables
-`yylval' and `yylloc'. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions:
-Action Features.
-File: bison.info, Node: Shift/Reduce, Next: Precedence, Prev: Lookahead, Up: Algorithm
-5.2 Shift/Reduce Conflicts
-Suppose we are parsing a language which has if-then and if-then-else
-statements, with a pair of rules like this:
- if_stmt:
- IF expr THEN stmt
- | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
- ;
-Here we assume that `IF', `THEN' and `ELSE' are terminal symbols for
-specific keyword tokens.
- When the `ELSE' token is read and becomes the lookahead token, the
-contents of the stack (assuming the input is valid) are just right for
-reduction by the first rule. But it is also legitimate to shift the
-`ELSE', because that would lead to eventual reduction by the second
- This situation, where either a shift or a reduction would be valid,
-is called a "shift/reduce conflict". Bison is designed to resolve
-these conflicts by choosing to shift, unless otherwise directed by
-operator precedence declarations. To see the reason for this, let's
-contrast it with the other alternative.
- Since the parser prefers to shift the `ELSE', the result is to attach
-the else-clause to the innermost if-statement, making these two inputs
- if x then if y then win (); else lose;
- if x then do; if y then win (); else lose; end;
- But if the parser chose to reduce when possible rather than shift,
-the result would be to attach the else-clause to the outermost
-if-statement, making these two inputs equivalent:
- if x then if y then win (); else lose;
- if x then do; if y then win (); end; else lose;
- The conflict exists because the grammar as written is ambiguous:
-either parsing of the simple nested if-statement is legitimate. The
-established convention is that these ambiguities are resolved by
-attaching the else-clause to the innermost if-statement; this is what
-Bison accomplishes by choosing to shift rather than reduce. (It would
-ideally be cleaner to write an unambiguous grammar, but that is very
-hard to do in this case.) This particular ambiguity was first
-encountered in the specifications of Algol 60 and is called the
-"dangling `else'" ambiguity.
- To avoid warnings from Bison about predictable, legitimate
-shift/reduce conflicts, use the `%expect N' declaration. There will be
-no warning as long as the number of shift/reduce conflicts is exactly N.
-*Note Suppressing Conflict Warnings: Expect Decl.
- The definition of `if_stmt' above is solely to blame for the
-conflict, but the conflict does not actually appear without additional
-rules. Here is a complete Bison input file that actually manifests the
- %token IF THEN ELSE variable
- %%
- stmt: expr
- | if_stmt
- ;
- if_stmt:
- IF expr THEN stmt
- | IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
- ;
- expr: variable
- ;
-File: bison.info, Node: Precedence, Next: Contextual Precedence, Prev: Shift/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
-5.3 Operator Precedence
-Another situation where shift/reduce conflicts appear is in arithmetic
-expressions. Here shifting is not always the preferred resolution; the
-Bison declarations for operator precedence allow you to specify when to
-shift and when to reduce.
-* Menu:
-* Why Precedence:: An example showing why precedence is needed.
-* Using Precedence:: How to specify precedence in Bison grammars.
-* Precedence Examples:: How these features are used in the previous example.
-* How Precedence:: How they work.
-File: bison.info, Node: Why Precedence, Next: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
-5.3.1 When Precedence is Needed
-Consider the following ambiguous grammar fragment (ambiguous because the
-input `1 - 2 * 3' can be parsed in two different ways):
- expr: expr '-' expr
- | expr '*' expr
- | expr '<' expr
- | '(' expr ')'
- ...
- ;
-Suppose the parser has seen the tokens `1', `-' and `2'; should it
-reduce them via the rule for the subtraction operator? It depends on
-the next token. Of course, if the next token is `)', we must reduce;
-shifting is invalid because no single rule can reduce the token
-sequence `- 2 )' or anything starting with that. But if the next token
-is `*' or `<', we have a choice: either shifting or reduction would
-allow the parse to complete, but with different results.
- To decide which one Bison should do, we must consider the results.
-If the next operator token OP is shifted, then it must be reduced first
-in order to permit another opportunity to reduce the difference. The
-result is (in effect) `1 - (2 OP 3)'. On the other hand, if the
-subtraction is reduced before shifting OP, the result is
-`(1 - 2) OP 3'. Clearly, then, the choice of shift or reduce should
-depend on the relative precedence of the operators `-' and OP: `*'
-should be shifted first, but not `<'.
- What about input such as `1 - 2 - 5'; should this be `(1 - 2) - 5'
-or should it be `1 - (2 - 5)'? For most operators we prefer the
-former, which is called "left association". The latter alternative,
-"right association", is desirable for assignment operators. The choice
-of left or right association is a matter of whether the parser chooses
-to shift or reduce when the stack contains `1 - 2' and the lookahead
-token is `-': shifting makes right-associativity.
-File: bison.info, Node: Using Precedence, Next: Precedence Examples, Prev: Why Precedence, Up: Precedence
-5.3.2 Specifying Operator Precedence
-Bison allows you to specify these choices with the operator precedence
-declarations `%left' and `%right'. Each such declaration contains a
-list of tokens, which are operators whose precedence and associativity
-is being declared. The `%left' declaration makes all those operators
-left-associative and the `%right' declaration makes them
-right-associative. A third alternative is `%nonassoc', which declares
-that it is a syntax error to find the same operator twice "in a row".
- The relative precedence of different operators is controlled by the
-order in which they are declared. The first `%left' or `%right'
-declaration in the file declares the operators whose precedence is
-lowest, the next such declaration declares the operators whose
-precedence is a little higher, and so on.
-File: bison.info, Node: Precedence Examples, Next: How Precedence, Prev: Using Precedence, Up: Precedence
-5.3.3 Precedence Examples
-In our example, we would want the following declarations:
- %left '<'
- %left '-'
- %left '*'
- In a more complete example, which supports other operators as well,
-we would declare them in groups of equal precedence. For example,
-`'+'' is declared with `'-'':
- %left '<' '>' '=' NE LE GE
- %left '+' '-'
- %left '*' '/'
-(Here `NE' and so on stand for the operators for "not equal" and so on.
-We assume that these tokens are more than one character long and
-therefore are represented by names, not character literals.)
-File: bison.info, Node: How Precedence, Prev: Precedence Examples, Up: Precedence
-5.3.4 How Precedence Works
-The first effect of the precedence declarations is to assign precedence
-levels to the terminal symbols declared. The second effect is to assign
-precedence levels to certain rules: each rule gets its precedence from
-the last terminal symbol mentioned in the components. (You can also
-specify explicitly the precedence of a rule. *Note Context-Dependent
-Precedence: Contextual Precedence.)
- Finally, the resolution of conflicts works by comparing the
-precedence of the rule being considered with that of the lookahead
-token. If the token's precedence is higher, the choice is to shift.
-If the rule's precedence is higher, the choice is to reduce. If they
-have equal precedence, the choice is made based on the associativity of
-that precedence level. The verbose output file made by `-v' (*note
-Invoking Bison: Invocation.) says how each conflict was resolved.
- Not all rules and not all tokens have precedence. If either the
-rule or the lookahead token has no precedence, then the default is to
-File: bison.info, Node: Contextual Precedence, Next: Parser States, Prev: Precedence, Up: Algorithm
-5.4 Context-Dependent Precedence
-Often the precedence of an operator depends on the context. This sounds
-outlandish at first, but it is really very common. For example, a minus
-sign typically has a very high precedence as a unary operator, and a
-somewhat lower precedence (lower than multiplication) as a binary
- The Bison precedence declarations, `%left', `%right' and
-`%nonassoc', can only be used once for a given token; so a token has
-only one precedence declared in this way. For context-dependent
-precedence, you need to use an additional mechanism: the `%prec'
-modifier for rules.
- The `%prec' modifier declares the precedence of a particular rule by
-specifying a terminal symbol whose precedence should be used for that
-rule. It's not necessary for that symbol to appear otherwise in the
-rule. The modifier's syntax is:
-and it is written after the components of the rule. Its effect is to
-assign the rule the precedence of TERMINAL-SYMBOL, overriding the
-precedence that would be deduced for it in the ordinary way. The
-altered rule precedence then affects how conflicts involving that rule
-are resolved (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence.).
- Here is how `%prec' solves the problem of unary minus. First,
-declare a precedence for a fictitious terminal symbol named `UMINUS'.
-There are no tokens of this type, but the symbol serves to stand for its
- ...
- %left '+' '-'
- %left '*'
- %left UMINUS
- Now the precedence of `UMINUS' can be used in specific rules:
- exp: ...
- | exp '-' exp
- ...
- | '-' exp %prec UMINUS
-File: bison.info, Node: Parser States, Next: Reduce/Reduce, Prev: Contextual Precedence, Up: Algorithm
-5.5 Parser States
-The function `yyparse' is implemented using a finite-state machine.
-The values pushed on the parser stack are not simply token type codes;
-they represent the entire sequence of terminal and nonterminal symbols
-at or near the top of the stack. The current state collects all the
-information about previous input which is relevant to deciding what to
-do next.
- Each time a lookahead token is read, the current parser state
-together with the type of lookahead token are looked up in a table.
-This table entry can say, "Shift the lookahead token." In this case,
-it also specifies the new parser state, which is pushed onto the top of
-the parser stack. Or it can say, "Reduce using rule number N." This
-means that a certain number of tokens or groupings are taken off the
-top of the stack, and replaced by one grouping. In other words, that
-number of states are popped from the stack, and one new state is pushed.
- There is one other alternative: the table can say that the lookahead
-token is erroneous in the current state. This causes error processing
-to begin (*note Error Recovery::).
-File: bison.info, Node: Reduce/Reduce, Next: Mystery Conflicts, Prev: Parser States, Up: Algorithm
-5.6 Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
-A reduce/reduce conflict occurs if there are two or more rules that
-apply to the same sequence of input. This usually indicates a serious
-error in the grammar.
- For example, here is an erroneous attempt to define a sequence of
-zero or more `word' groupings.
- sequence: /* empty */
- { printf ("empty sequence\n"); }
- | maybeword
- | sequence word
- { printf ("added word %s\n", $2); }
- ;
- maybeword: /* empty */
- { printf ("empty maybeword\n"); }
- | word
- { printf ("single word %s\n", $1); }
- ;
-The error is an ambiguity: there is more than one way to parse a single
-`word' into a `sequence'. It could be reduced to a `maybeword' and
-then into a `sequence' via the second rule. Alternatively,
-nothing-at-all could be reduced into a `sequence' via the first rule,
-and this could be combined with the `word' using the third rule for
- There is also more than one way to reduce nothing-at-all into a
-`sequence'. This can be done directly via the first rule, or
-indirectly via `maybeword' and then the second rule.
- You might think that this is a distinction without a difference,
-because it does not change whether any particular input is valid or
-not. But it does affect which actions are run. One parsing order runs
-the second rule's action; the other runs the first rule's action and
-the third rule's action. In this example, the output of the program
- Bison resolves a reduce/reduce conflict by choosing to use the rule
-that appears first in the grammar, but it is very risky to rely on
-this. Every reduce/reduce conflict must be studied and usually
-eliminated. Here is the proper way to define `sequence':
- sequence: /* empty */
- { printf ("empty sequence\n"); }
- | sequence word
- { printf ("added word %s\n", $2); }
- ;
- Here is another common error that yields a reduce/reduce conflict:
- sequence: /* empty */
- | sequence words
- | sequence redirects
- ;
- words: /* empty */
- | words word
- ;
- redirects:/* empty */
- | redirects redirect
- ;
-The intention here is to define a sequence which can contain either
-`word' or `redirect' groupings. The individual definitions of
-`sequence', `words' and `redirects' are error-free, but the three
-together make a subtle ambiguity: even an empty input can be parsed in
-infinitely many ways!
- Consider: nothing-at-all could be a `words'. Or it could be two
-`words' in a row, or three, or any number. It could equally well be a
-`redirects', or two, or any number. Or it could be a `words' followed
-by three `redirects' and another `words'. And so on.
- Here are two ways to correct these rules. First, to make it a
-single level of sequence:
- sequence: /* empty */
- | sequence word
- | sequence redirect
- ;
- Second, to prevent either a `words' or a `redirects' from being
- sequence: /* empty */
- | sequence words
- | sequence redirects
- ;
- words: word
- | words word
- ;
- redirects:redirect
- | redirects redirect
- ;
-File: bison.info, Node: Mystery Conflicts, Next: Generalized LR Parsing, Prev: Reduce/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
-5.7 Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
-Sometimes reduce/reduce conflicts can occur that don't look warranted.
-Here is an example:
- %token ID
- %%
- def: param_spec return_spec ','
- ;
- param_spec:
- type
- | name_list ':' type
- ;
- return_spec:
- type
- | name ':' type
- ;
- type: ID
- ;
- name: ID
- ;
- name_list:
- name
- | name ',' name_list
- ;
- It would seem that this grammar can be parsed with only a single
-token of lookahead: when a `param_spec' is being read, an `ID' is a
-`name' if a comma or colon follows, or a `type' if another `ID'
-follows. In other words, this grammar is LR(1).
- However, Bison, like most parser generators, cannot actually handle
-all LR(1) grammars. In this grammar, two contexts, that after an `ID'
-at the beginning of a `param_spec' and likewise at the beginning of a
-`return_spec', are similar enough that Bison assumes they are the same.
-They appear similar because the same set of rules would be active--the
-rule for reducing to a `name' and that for reducing to a `type'. Bison
-is unable to determine at that stage of processing that the rules would
-require different lookahead tokens in the two contexts, so it makes a
-single parser state for them both. Combining the two contexts causes a
-conflict later. In parser terminology, this occurrence means that the
-grammar is not LALR(1).
- In general, it is better to fix deficiencies than to document them.
-But this particular deficiency is intrinsically hard to fix; parser
-generators that can handle LR(1) grammars are hard to write and tend to
-produce parsers that are very large. In practice, Bison is more useful
-as it is now.
- When the problem arises, you can often fix it by identifying the two
-parser states that are being confused, and adding something to make them
-look distinct. In the above example, adding one rule to `return_spec'
-as follows makes the problem go away:
- %token BOGUS
- ...
- %%
- ...
- return_spec:
- type
- | name ':' type
- /* This rule is never used. */
- ;
- This corrects the problem because it introduces the possibility of an
-additional active rule in the context after the `ID' at the beginning of
-`return_spec'. This rule is not active in the corresponding context in
-a `param_spec', so the two contexts receive distinct parser states. As
-long as the token `BOGUS' is never generated by `yylex', the added rule
-cannot alter the way actual input is parsed.
- In this particular example, there is another way to solve the
-problem: rewrite the rule for `return_spec' to use `ID' directly
-instead of via `name'. This also causes the two confusing contexts to
-have different sets of active rules, because the one for `return_spec'
-activates the altered rule for `return_spec' rather than the one for
- param_spec:
- type
- | name_list ':' type
- ;
- return_spec:
- type
- | ID ':' type
- ;
- For a more detailed exposition of LALR(1) parsers and parser
-generators, please see: Frank DeRemer and Thomas Pennello, Efficient
-Computation of LALR(1) Look-Ahead Sets, `ACM Transactions on
-Programming Languages and Systems', Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1982), pp.
-615-649 `http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/69622.357187'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Generalized LR Parsing, Next: Memory Management, Prev: Mystery Conflicts, Up: Algorithm
-5.8 Generalized LR (GLR) Parsing
-Bison produces _deterministic_ parsers that choose uniquely when to
-reduce and which reduction to apply based on a summary of the preceding
-input and on one extra token of lookahead. As a result, normal Bison
-handles a proper subset of the family of context-free languages.
-Ambiguous grammars, since they have strings with more than one possible
-sequence of reductions cannot have deterministic parsers in this sense.
-The same is true of languages that require more than one symbol of
-lookahead, since the parser lacks the information necessary to make a
-decision at the point it must be made in a shift-reduce parser.
-Finally, as previously mentioned (*note Mystery Conflicts::), there are
-languages where Bison's particular choice of how to summarize the input
-seen so far loses necessary information.
- When you use the `%glr-parser' declaration in your grammar file,
-Bison generates a parser that uses a different algorithm, called
-Generalized LR (or GLR). A Bison GLR parser uses the same basic
-algorithm for parsing as an ordinary Bison parser, but behaves
-differently in cases where there is a shift-reduce conflict that has not
-been resolved by precedence rules (*note Precedence::) or a
-reduce-reduce conflict. When a GLR parser encounters such a situation,
-it effectively _splits_ into a several parsers, one for each possible
-shift or reduction. These parsers then proceed as usual, consuming
-tokens in lock-step. Some of the stacks may encounter other conflicts
-and split further, with the result that instead of a sequence of states,
-a Bison GLR parsing stack is what is in effect a tree of states.
- In effect, each stack represents a guess as to what the proper parse
-is. Additional input may indicate that a guess was wrong, in which case
-the appropriate stack silently disappears. Otherwise, the semantics
-actions generated in each stack are saved, rather than being executed
-immediately. When a stack disappears, its saved semantic actions never
-get executed. When a reduction causes two stacks to become equivalent,
-their sets of semantic actions are both saved with the state that
-results from the reduction. We say that two stacks are equivalent when
-they both represent the same sequence of states, and each pair of
-corresponding states represents a grammar symbol that produces the same
-segment of the input token stream.
- Whenever the parser makes a transition from having multiple states
-to having one, it reverts to the normal LALR(1) parsing algorithm,
-after resolving and executing the saved-up actions. At this
-transition, some of the states on the stack will have semantic values
-that are sets (actually multisets) of possible actions. The parser
-tries to pick one of the actions by first finding one whose rule has
-the highest dynamic precedence, as set by the `%dprec' declaration.
-Otherwise, if the alternative actions are not ordered by precedence,
-but there the same merging function is declared for both rules by the
-`%merge' declaration, Bison resolves and evaluates both and then calls
-the merge function on the result. Otherwise, it reports an ambiguity.
- It is possible to use a data structure for the GLR parsing tree that
-permits the processing of any LALR(1) grammar in linear time (in the
-size of the input), any unambiguous (not necessarily LALR(1)) grammar in
-quadratic worst-case time, and any general (possibly ambiguous)
-context-free grammar in cubic worst-case time. However, Bison currently
-uses a simpler data structure that requires time proportional to the
-length of the input times the maximum number of stacks required for any
-prefix of the input. Thus, really ambiguous or nondeterministic
-grammars can require exponential time and space to process. Such badly
-behaving examples, however, are not generally of practical interest.
-Usually, nondeterminism in a grammar is local--the parser is "in doubt"
-only for a few tokens at a time. Therefore, the current data structure
-should generally be adequate. On LALR(1) portions of a grammar, in
-particular, it is only slightly slower than with the default Bison
- For a more detailed exposition of GLR parsers, please see: Elizabeth
-Scott, Adrian Johnstone and Shamsa Sadaf Hussain, Tomita-Style
-Generalised LR Parsers, Royal Holloway, University of London,
-Department of Computer Science, TR-00-12,
-File: bison.info, Node: Memory Management, Prev: Generalized LR Parsing, Up: Algorithm
-5.9 Memory Management, and How to Avoid Memory Exhaustion
-The Bison parser stack can run out of memory if too many tokens are
-shifted and not reduced. When this happens, the parser function
-`yyparse' calls `yyerror' and then returns 2.
- Because Bison parsers have growing stacks, hitting the upper limit
-usually results from using a right recursion instead of a left
-recursion, *Note Recursive Rules: Recursion.
- By defining the macro `YYMAXDEPTH', you can control how deep the
-parser stack can become before memory is exhausted. Define the macro
-with a value that is an integer. This value is the maximum number of
-tokens that can be shifted (and not reduced) before overflow.
- The stack space allowed is not necessarily allocated. If you
-specify a large value for `YYMAXDEPTH', the parser normally allocates a
-small stack at first, and then makes it bigger by stages as needed.
-This increasing allocation happens automatically and silently.
-Therefore, you do not need to make `YYMAXDEPTH' painfully small merely
-to save space for ordinary inputs that do not need much stack.
- However, do not allow `YYMAXDEPTH' to be a value so large that
-arithmetic overflow could occur when calculating the size of the stack
-space. Also, do not allow `YYMAXDEPTH' to be less than `YYINITDEPTH'.
- The default value of `YYMAXDEPTH', if you do not define it, is 10000.
- You can control how much stack is allocated initially by defining the
-macro `YYINITDEPTH' to a positive integer. For the C LALR(1) parser,
-this value must be a compile-time constant unless you are assuming C99
-or some other target language or compiler that allows variable-length
-arrays. The default is 200.
- Do not allow `YYINITDEPTH' to be greater than `YYMAXDEPTH'.
- Because of semantical differences between C and C++, the LALR(1)
-parsers in C produced by Bison cannot grow when compiled by C++
-compilers. In this precise case (compiling a C parser as C++) you are
-suggested to grow `YYINITDEPTH'. The Bison maintainers hope to fix
-this deficiency in a future release.
-File: bison.info, Node: Error Recovery, Next: Context Dependency, Prev: Algorithm, Up: Top
-6 Error Recovery
-It is not usually acceptable to have a program terminate on a syntax
-error. For example, a compiler should recover sufficiently to parse the
-rest of the input file and check it for errors; a calculator should
-accept another expression.
- In a simple interactive command parser where each input is one line,
-it may be sufficient to allow `yyparse' to return 1 on error and have
-the caller ignore the rest of the input line when that happens (and
-then call `yyparse' again). But this is inadequate for a compiler,
-because it forgets all the syntactic context leading up to the error.
-A syntax error deep within a function in the compiler input should not
-cause the compiler to treat the following line like the beginning of a
-source file.
- You can define how to recover from a syntax error by writing rules to
-recognize the special token `error'. This is a terminal symbol that is
-always defined (you need not declare it) and reserved for error
-handling. The Bison parser generates an `error' token whenever a
-syntax error happens; if you have provided a rule to recognize this
-token in the current context, the parse can continue.
- For example:
- stmnts: /* empty string */
- | stmnts '\n'
- | stmnts exp '\n'
- | stmnts error '\n'
- The fourth rule in this example says that an error followed by a
-newline makes a valid addition to any `stmnts'.
- What happens if a syntax error occurs in the middle of an `exp'? The
-error recovery rule, interpreted strictly, applies to the precise
-sequence of a `stmnts', an `error' and a newline. If an error occurs in
-the middle of an `exp', there will probably be some additional tokens
-and subexpressions on the stack after the last `stmnts', and there will
-be tokens to read before the next newline. So the rule is not
-applicable in the ordinary way.
- But Bison can force the situation to fit the rule, by discarding
-part of the semantic context and part of the input. First it discards
-states and objects from the stack until it gets back to a state in
-which the `error' token is acceptable. (This means that the
-subexpressions already parsed are discarded, back to the last complete
-`stmnts'.) At this point the `error' token can be shifted. Then, if
-the old lookahead token is not acceptable to be shifted next, the
-parser reads tokens and discards them until it finds a token which is
-acceptable. In this example, Bison reads and discards input until the
-next newline so that the fourth rule can apply. Note that discarded
-symbols are possible sources of memory leaks, see *Note Freeing
-Discarded Symbols: Destructor Decl, for a means to reclaim this memory.
- The choice of error rules in the grammar is a choice of strategies
-for error recovery. A simple and useful strategy is simply to skip the
-rest of the current input line or current statement if an error is
- stmnt: error ';' /* On error, skip until ';' is read. */
- It is also useful to recover to the matching close-delimiter of an
-opening-delimiter that has already been parsed. Otherwise the
-close-delimiter will probably appear to be unmatched, and generate
-another, spurious error message:
- primary: '(' expr ')'
- | '(' error ')'
- ...
- ;
- Error recovery strategies are necessarily guesses. When they guess
-wrong, one syntax error often leads to another. In the above example,
-the error recovery rule guesses that an error is due to bad input
-within one `stmnt'. Suppose that instead a spurious semicolon is
-inserted in the middle of a valid `stmnt'. After the error recovery
-rule recovers from the first error, another syntax error will be found
-straightaway, since the text following the spurious semicolon is also
-an invalid `stmnt'.
- To prevent an outpouring of error messages, the parser will output
-no error message for another syntax error that happens shortly after
-the first; only after three consecutive input tokens have been
-successfully shifted will error messages resume.
- Note that rules which accept the `error' token may have actions, just
-as any other rules can.
- You can make error messages resume immediately by using the macro
-`yyerrok' in an action. If you do this in the error rule's action, no
-error messages will be suppressed. This macro requires no arguments;
-`yyerrok;' is a valid C statement.
- The previous lookahead token is reanalyzed immediately after an
-error. If this is unacceptable, then the macro `yyclearin' may be used
-to clear this token. Write the statement `yyclearin;' in the error
-rule's action. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action
- For example, suppose that on a syntax error, an error handling
-routine is called that advances the input stream to some point where
-parsing should once again commence. The next symbol returned by the
-lexical scanner is probably correct. The previous lookahead token
-ought to be discarded with `yyclearin;'.
- The expression `YYRECOVERING ()' yields 1 when the parser is
-recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. Syntax error
-diagnostics are suppressed while recovering from a syntax error.
-File: bison.info, Node: Context Dependency, Next: Debugging, Prev: Error Recovery, Up: Top
-7 Handling Context Dependencies
-The Bison paradigm is to parse tokens first, then group them into larger
-syntactic units. In many languages, the meaning of a token is affected
-by its context. Although this violates the Bison paradigm, certain
-techniques (known as "kludges") may enable you to write Bison parsers
-for such languages.
-* Menu:
-* Semantic Tokens:: Token parsing can depend on the semantic context.
-* Lexical Tie-ins:: Token parsing can depend on the syntactic context.
-* Tie-in Recovery:: Lexical tie-ins have implications for how
- error recovery rules must be written.
- (Actually, "kludge" means any technique that gets its job done but is
-neither clean nor robust.)
-File: bison.info, Node: Semantic Tokens, Next: Lexical Tie-ins, Up: Context Dependency
-7.1 Semantic Info in Token Types
-The C language has a context dependency: the way an identifier is used
-depends on what its current meaning is. For example, consider this:
- foo (x);
- This looks like a function call statement, but if `foo' is a typedef
-name, then this is actually a declaration of `x'. How can a Bison
-parser for C decide how to parse this input?
- The method used in GNU C is to have two different token types,
-`IDENTIFIER' and `TYPENAME'. When `yylex' finds an identifier, it
-looks up the current declaration of the identifier in order to decide
-which token type to return: `TYPENAME' if the identifier is declared as
-a typedef, `IDENTIFIER' otherwise.
- The grammar rules can then express the context dependency by the
-choice of token type to recognize. `IDENTIFIER' is accepted as an
-expression, but `TYPENAME' is not. `TYPENAME' can start a declaration,
-but `IDENTIFIER' cannot. In contexts where the meaning of the
-identifier is _not_ significant, such as in declarations that can
-shadow a typedef name, either `TYPENAME' or `IDENTIFIER' is
-accepted--there is one rule for each of the two token types.
- This technique is simple to use if the decision of which kinds of
-identifiers to allow is made at a place close to where the identifier is
-parsed. But in C this is not always so: C allows a declaration to
-redeclare a typedef name provided an explicit type has been specified
- typedef int foo, bar;
- int baz (void)
- {
- static bar (bar); /* redeclare `bar' as static variable */
- extern foo foo (foo); /* redeclare `foo' as function */
- return foo (bar);
- }
- Unfortunately, the name being declared is separated from the
-declaration construct itself by a complicated syntactic structure--the
- As a result, part of the Bison parser for C needs to be duplicated,
-with all the nonterminal names changed: once for parsing a declaration
-in which a typedef name can be redefined, and once for parsing a
-declaration in which that can't be done. Here is a part of the
-duplication, with actions omitted for brevity:
- initdcl:
- declarator maybeasm '='
- init
- | declarator maybeasm
- ;
- notype_initdcl:
- notype_declarator maybeasm '='
- init
- | notype_declarator maybeasm
- ;
-Here `initdcl' can redeclare a typedef name, but `notype_initdcl'
-cannot. The distinction between `declarator' and `notype_declarator'
-is the same sort of thing.
- There is some similarity between this technique and a lexical tie-in
-(described next), in that information which alters the lexical analysis
-is changed during parsing by other parts of the program. The
-difference is here the information is global, and is used for other
-purposes in the program. A true lexical tie-in has a special-purpose
-flag controlled by the syntactic context.
-File: bison.info, Node: Lexical Tie-ins, Next: Tie-in Recovery, Prev: Semantic Tokens, Up: Context Dependency
-7.2 Lexical Tie-ins
-One way to handle context-dependency is the "lexical tie-in": a flag
-which is set by Bison actions, whose purpose is to alter the way tokens
-are parsed.
- For example, suppose we have a language vaguely like C, but with a
-special construct `hex (HEX-EXPR)'. After the keyword `hex' comes an
-expression in parentheses in which all integers are hexadecimal. In
-particular, the token `a1b' must be treated as an integer rather than
-as an identifier if it appears in that context. Here is how you can do
- %{
- int hexflag;
- int yylex (void);
- void yyerror (char const *);
- %}
- %%
- ...
- | constant
- | HEX '('
- { hexflag = 1; }
- expr ')'
- { hexflag = 0;
- $$ = $4; }
- | expr '+' expr
- { $$ = make_sum ($1, $3); }
- ...
- ;
- constant:
- ;
-Here we assume that `yylex' looks at the value of `hexflag'; when it is
-nonzero, all integers are parsed in hexadecimal, and tokens starting
-with letters are parsed as integers if possible.
- The declaration of `hexflag' shown in the prologue of the parser file
-is needed to make it accessible to the actions (*note The Prologue:
-Prologue.). You must also write the code in `yylex' to obey the flag.
-File: bison.info, Node: Tie-in Recovery, Prev: Lexical Tie-ins, Up: Context Dependency
-7.3 Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery
-Lexical tie-ins make strict demands on any error recovery rules you
-have. *Note Error Recovery::.
- The reason for this is that the purpose of an error recovery rule is
-to abort the parsing of one construct and resume in some larger
-construct. For example, in C-like languages, a typical error recovery
-rule is to skip tokens until the next semicolon, and then start a new
-statement, like this:
- stmt: expr ';'
- | IF '(' expr ')' stmt { ... }
- ...
- error ';'
- { hexflag = 0; }
- ;
- If there is a syntax error in the middle of a `hex (EXPR)'
-construct, this error rule will apply, and then the action for the
-completed `hex (EXPR)' will never run. So `hexflag' would remain set
-for the entire rest of the input, or until the next `hex' keyword,
-causing identifiers to be misinterpreted as integers.
- To avoid this problem the error recovery rule itself clears
- There may also be an error recovery rule that works within
-expressions. For example, there could be a rule which applies within
-parentheses and skips to the close-parenthesis:
- expr: ...
- | '(' expr ')'
- { $$ = $2; }
- | '(' error ')'
- ...
- If this rule acts within the `hex' construct, it is not going to
-abort that construct (since it applies to an inner level of parentheses
-within the construct). Therefore, it should not clear the flag: the
-rest of the `hex' construct should be parsed with the flag still in
- What if there is an error recovery rule which might abort out of the
-`hex' construct or might not, depending on circumstances? There is no
-way you can write the action to determine whether a `hex' construct is
-being aborted or not. So if you are using a lexical tie-in, you had
-better make sure your error recovery rules are not of this kind. Each
-rule must be such that you can be sure that it always will, or always
-won't, have to clear the flag.
-File: bison.info, Node: Debugging, Next: Invocation, Prev: Context Dependency, Up: Top
-8 Debugging Your Parser
-Developing a parser can be a challenge, especially if you don't
-understand the algorithm (*note The Bison Parser Algorithm:
-Algorithm.). Even so, sometimes a detailed description of the automaton
-can help (*note Understanding Your Parser: Understanding.), or tracing
-the execution of the parser can give some insight on why it behaves
-improperly (*note Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.).
-* Menu:
-* Understanding:: Understanding the structure of your parser.
-* Tracing:: Tracing the execution of your parser.
-File: bison.info, Node: Understanding, Next: Tracing, Up: Debugging
-8.1 Understanding Your Parser
-As documented elsewhere (*note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.)
-Bison parsers are "shift/reduce automata". In some cases (much more
-frequent than one would hope), looking at this automaton is required to
-tune or simply fix a parser. Bison provides two different
-representation of it, either textually or graphically (as a DOT file).
- The textual file is generated when the options `--report' or
-`--verbose' are specified, see *Note Invoking Bison: Invocation. Its
-name is made by removing `.tab.c' or `.c' from the parser output file
-name, and adding `.output' instead. Therefore, if the input file is
-`foo.y', then the parser file is called `foo.tab.c' by default. As a
-consequence, the verbose output file is called `foo.output'.
- The following grammar file, `calc.y', will be used in the sequel:
- %token NUM STR
- %left '+' '-'
- %left '*'
- %%
- exp: exp '+' exp
- | exp '-' exp
- | exp '*' exp
- | exp '/' exp
- | NUM
- ;
- useless: STR;
- %%
- `bison' reports:
- calc.y: warning: 1 nonterminal and 1 rule useless in grammar
- calc.y:11.1-7: warning: nonterminal useless in grammar: useless
- calc.y:11.10-12: warning: rule useless in grammar: useless: STR
- calc.y: conflicts: 7 shift/reduce
- When given `--report=state', in addition to `calc.tab.c', it creates
-a file `calc.output' with contents detailed below. The order of the
-output and the exact presentation might vary, but the interpretation is
-the same.
- The first section includes details on conflicts that were solved
-thanks to precedence and/or associativity:
- Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '+' resolved as reduce.
- Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '-' resolved as reduce.
- Conflict in state 8 between rule 2 and token '*' resolved as shift.
-The next section lists states that still have conflicts.
- State 8 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
- State 9 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
- State 10 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
- State 11 conflicts: 4 shift/reduce
-The next section reports useless tokens, nonterminal and rules. Useless
-nonterminals and rules are removed in order to produce a smaller parser,
-but useless tokens are preserved, since they might be used by the
-scanner (note the difference between "useless" and "unused" below):
- Nonterminals useless in grammar:
- useless
- Terminals unused in grammar:
- Rules useless in grammar:
- #6 useless: STR;
-The next section reproduces the exact grammar that Bison used:
- Grammar
- Number, Line, Rule
- 0 5 $accept -> exp $end
- 1 5 exp -> exp '+' exp
- 2 6 exp -> exp '-' exp
- 3 7 exp -> exp '*' exp
- 4 8 exp -> exp '/' exp
- 5 9 exp -> NUM
-and reports the uses of the symbols:
- Terminals, with rules where they appear
- $end (0) 0
- '*' (42) 3
- '+' (43) 1
- '-' (45) 2
- '/' (47) 4
- error (256)
- NUM (258) 5
- Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
- $accept (8)
- on left: 0
- exp (9)
- on left: 1 2 3 4 5, on right: 0 1 2 3 4
-Bison then proceeds onto the automaton itself, describing each state
-with it set of "items", also known as "pointed rules". Each item is a
-production rule together with a point (marked by `.') that the input
- state 0
- $accept -> . exp $ (rule 0)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 2
- This reads as follows: "state 0 corresponds to being at the very
-beginning of the parsing, in the initial rule, right before the start
-symbol (here, `exp'). When the parser returns to this state right
-after having reduced a rule that produced an `exp', the control flow
-jumps to state 2. If there is no such transition on a nonterminal
-symbol, and the lookahead is a `NUM', then this token is shifted on the
-parse stack, and the control flow jumps to state 1. Any other
-lookahead triggers a syntax error."
- Even though the only active rule in state 0 seems to be rule 0, the
-report lists `NUM' as a lookahead token because `NUM' can be at the
-beginning of any rule deriving an `exp'. By default Bison reports the
-so-called "core" or "kernel" of the item set, but if you want to see
-more detail you can invoke `bison' with `--report=itemset' to list all
-the items, include those that can be derived:
- state 0
- $accept -> . exp $ (rule 0)
- exp -> . exp '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> . exp '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> . exp '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> . exp '/' exp (rule 4)
- exp -> . NUM (rule 5)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 2
-In the state 1...
- state 1
- exp -> NUM . (rule 5)
- $default reduce using rule 5 (exp)
-the rule 5, `exp: NUM;', is completed. Whatever the lookahead token
-(`$default'), the parser will reduce it. If it was coming from state
-0, then, after this reduction it will return to state 0, and will jump
-to state 2 (`exp: go to state 2').
- state 2
- $accept -> exp . $ (rule 0)
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- $ shift, and go to state 3
- '+' shift, and go to state 4
- '-' shift, and go to state 5
- '*' shift, and go to state 6
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
-In state 2, the automaton can only shift a symbol. For instance,
-because of the item `exp -> exp . '+' exp', if the lookahead if `+', it
-will be shifted on the parse stack, and the automaton control will jump
-to state 4, corresponding to the item `exp -> exp '+' . exp'. Since
-there is no default action, any other token than those listed above
-will trigger a syntax error.
- The state 3 is named the "final state", or the "accepting state":
- state 3
- $accept -> exp $ . (rule 0)
- $default accept
-the initial rule is completed (the start symbol and the end of input
-were read), the parsing exits successfully.
- The interpretation of states 4 to 7 is straightforward, and is left
-to the reader.
- state 4
- exp -> exp '+' . exp (rule 1)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 8
- state 5
- exp -> exp '-' . exp (rule 2)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 9
- state 6
- exp -> exp '*' . exp (rule 3)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 10
- state 7
- exp -> exp '/' . exp (rule 4)
- NUM shift, and go to state 1
- exp go to state 11
- As was announced in beginning of the report, `State 8 conflicts: 1
- state 8
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp '+' exp . (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- '*' shift, and go to state 6
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
- '/' [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
- $default reduce using rule 1 (exp)
- Indeed, there are two actions associated to the lookahead `/':
-either shifting (and going to state 7), or reducing rule 1. The
-conflict means that either the grammar is ambiguous, or the parser lacks
-information to make the right decision. Indeed the grammar is
-ambiguous, as, since we did not specify the precedence of `/', the
-sentence `NUM + NUM / NUM' can be parsed as `NUM + (NUM / NUM)', which
-corresponds to shifting `/', or as `(NUM + NUM) / NUM', which
-corresponds to reducing rule 1.
- Because in LALR(1) parsing a single decision can be made, Bison
-arbitrarily chose to disable the reduction, see *Note Shift/Reduce
-Conflicts: Shift/Reduce. Discarded actions are reported in between
-square brackets.
- Note that all the previous states had a single possible action:
-either shifting the next token and going to the corresponding state, or
-reducing a single rule. In the other cases, i.e., when shifting _and_
-reducing is possible or when _several_ reductions are possible, the
-lookahead is required to select the action. State 8 is one such state:
-if the lookahead is `*' or `/' then the action is shifting, otherwise
-the action is reducing rule 1. In other words, the first two items,
-corresponding to rule 1, are not eligible when the lookahead token is
-`*', since we specified that `*' has higher precedence than `+'. More
-generally, some items are eligible only with some set of possible
-lookahead tokens. When run with `--report=lookahead', Bison specifies
-these lookahead tokens:
- state 8
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp '+' exp . [$, '+', '-', '/'] (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- '*' shift, and go to state 6
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
- '/' [reduce using rule 1 (exp)]
- $default reduce using rule 1 (exp)
- The remaining states are similar:
- state 9
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp '-' exp . (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- '*' shift, and go to state 6
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
- '/' [reduce using rule 2 (exp)]
- $default reduce using rule 2 (exp)
- state 10
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp '*' exp . (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
- '/' [reduce using rule 3 (exp)]
- $default reduce using rule 3 (exp)
- state 11
- exp -> exp . '+' exp (rule 1)
- exp -> exp . '-' exp (rule 2)
- exp -> exp . '*' exp (rule 3)
- exp -> exp . '/' exp (rule 4)
- exp -> exp '/' exp . (rule 4)
- '+' shift, and go to state 4
- '-' shift, and go to state 5
- '*' shift, and go to state 6
- '/' shift, and go to state 7
- '+' [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
- '-' [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
- '*' [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
- '/' [reduce using rule 4 (exp)]
- $default reduce using rule 4 (exp)
-Observe that state 11 contains conflicts not only due to the lack of
-precedence of `/' with respect to `+', `-', and `*', but also because
-the associativity of `/' is not specified.
-File: bison.info, Node: Tracing, Prev: Understanding, Up: Debugging
-8.2 Tracing Your Parser
-If a Bison grammar compiles properly but doesn't do what you want when
-it runs, the `yydebug' parser-trace feature can help you figure out why.
- There are several means to enable compilation of trace facilities:
-the macro `YYDEBUG'
- Define the macro `YYDEBUG' to a nonzero value when you compile the
- parser. This is compliant with POSIX Yacc. You could use
- `-DYYDEBUG=1' as a compiler option or you could put `#define
- YYDEBUG 1' in the prologue of the grammar file (*note The
- Prologue: Prologue.).
-the option `-t', `--debug'
- Use the `-t' option when you run Bison (*note Invoking Bison:
- Invocation.). This is POSIX compliant too.
-the directive `%debug'
- Add the `%debug' directive (*note Bison Declaration Summary: Decl
- Summary.). This is a Bison extension, which will prove useful
- when Bison will output parsers for languages that don't use a
- preprocessor. Unless POSIX and Yacc portability matter to you,
- this is the preferred solution.
- We suggest that you always enable the debug option so that debugging
-is always possible.
- The trace facility outputs messages with macro calls of the form
-`YYFPRINTF (stderr, FORMAT, ARGS)' where FORMAT and ARGS are the usual
-`printf' format and variadic arguments. If you define `YYDEBUG' to a
-nonzero value but do not define `YYFPRINTF', `<stdio.h>' is
-automatically included and `YYFPRINTF' is defined to `fprintf'.
- Once you have compiled the program with trace facilities, the way to
-request a trace is to store a nonzero value in the variable `yydebug'.
-You can do this by making the C code do it (in `main', perhaps), or you
-can alter the value with a C debugger.
- Each step taken by the parser when `yydebug' is nonzero produces a
-line or two of trace information, written on `stderr'. The trace
-messages tell you these things:
- * Each time the parser calls `yylex', what kind of token was read.
- * Each time a token is shifted, the depth and complete contents of
- the state stack (*note Parser States::).
- * Each time a rule is reduced, which rule it is, and the complete
- contents of the state stack afterward.
- To make sense of this information, it helps to refer to the listing
-file produced by the Bison `-v' option (*note Invoking Bison:
-Invocation.). This file shows the meaning of each state in terms of
-positions in various rules, and also what each state will do with each
-possible input token. As you read the successive trace messages, you
-can see that the parser is functioning according to its specification in
-the listing file. Eventually you will arrive at the place where
-something undesirable happens, and you will see which parts of the
-grammar are to blame.
- The parser file is a C program and you can use C debuggers on it,
-but it's not easy to interpret what it is doing. The parser function
-is a finite-state machine interpreter, and aside from the actions it
-executes the same code over and over. Only the values of variables
-show where in the grammar it is working.
- The debugging information normally gives the token type of each token
-read, but not its semantic value. You can optionally define a macro
-named `YYPRINT' to provide a way to print the value. If you define
-`YYPRINT', it should take three arguments. The parser will pass a
-standard I/O stream, the numeric code for the token type, and the token
-value (from `yylval').
- Here is an example of `YYPRINT' suitable for the multi-function
-calculator (*note Declarations for `mfcalc': Mfcalc Declarations.):
- %{
- static void print_token_value (FILE *, int, YYSTYPE);
- #define YYPRINT(file, type, value) print_token_value (file, type, value)
- %}
- ... %% ... %% ...
- static void
- print_token_value (FILE *file, int type, YYSTYPE value)
- {
- if (type == VAR)
- fprintf (file, "%s", value.tptr->name);
- else if (type == NUM)
- fprintf (file, "%d", value.val);
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Invocation, Next: Other Languages, Prev: Debugging, Up: Top
-9 Invoking Bison
-The usual way to invoke Bison is as follows:
- bison INFILE
- Here INFILE is the grammar file name, which usually ends in `.y'.
-The parser file's name is made by replacing the `.y' with `.tab.c' and
-removing any leading directory. Thus, the `bison foo.y' file name
-yields `foo.tab.c', and the `bison hack/foo.y' file name yields
-`foo.tab.c'. It's also possible, in case you are writing C++ code
-instead of C in your grammar file, to name it `foo.ypp' or `foo.y++'.
-Then, the output files will take an extension like the given one as
-input (respectively `foo.tab.cpp' and `foo.tab.c++'). This feature
-takes effect with all options that manipulate file names like `-o' or
- For example :
- bison -d INFILE.YXX
- will produce `infile.tab.cxx' and `infile.tab.hxx', and
- bison -d -o OUTPUT.C++ INFILE.Y
- will produce `output.c++' and `outfile.h++'.
- For compatibility with POSIX, the standard Bison distribution also
-contains a shell script called `yacc' that invokes Bison with the `-y'
-* Menu:
-* Bison Options:: All the options described in detail,
- in alphabetical order by short options.
-* Option Cross Key:: Alphabetical list of long options.
-* Yacc Library:: Yacc-compatible `yylex' and `main'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Bison Options, Next: Option Cross Key, Up: Invocation
-9.1 Bison Options
-Bison supports both traditional single-letter options and mnemonic long
-option names. Long option names are indicated with `--' instead of
-`-'. Abbreviations for option names are allowed as long as they are
-unique. When a long option takes an argument, like `--file-prefix',
-connect the option name and the argument with `='.
- Here is a list of options that can be used with Bison, alphabetized
-by short option. It is followed by a cross key alphabetized by long
-Operations modes:
- Print a summary of the command-line options to Bison and exit.
- Print the version number of Bison and exit.
- Print the name of the directory containing locale-dependent data.
- Print the name of the directory containing skeletons and XSLT.
- Act more like the traditional Yacc command. This can cause
- different diagnostics to be generated, and may change behavior in
- other minor ways. Most importantly, imitate Yacc's output file
- name conventions, so that the parser output file is called
- `y.tab.c', and the other outputs are called `y.output' and
- `y.tab.h'. Also, if generating an LALR(1) parser in C, generate
- `#define' statements in addition to an `enum' to associate token
- numbers with token names. Thus, the following shell script can
- substitute for Yacc, and the Bison distribution contains such a
- script for compatibility with POSIX:
- #! /bin/sh
- bison -y "$@"
- The `-y'/`--yacc' option is intended for use with traditional Yacc
- grammars. If your grammar uses a Bison extension like
- `%glr-parser', Bison might not be Yacc-compatible even if this
- option is specified.
- Output warnings falling in CATEGORY. CATEGORY can be one of:
- `midrule-values'
- Warn about mid-rule values that are set but not used within
- any of the actions of the parent rule. For example, warn
- about unused `$2' in:
- exp: '1' { $$ = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $4; };
- Also warn about mid-rule values that are used but not set.
- For example, warn about unset `$$' in the mid-rule action in:
- exp: '1' { $1 = 1; } '+' exp { $$ = $2 + $4; };
- These warnings are not enabled by default since they
- sometimes prove to be false alarms in existing grammars
- employing the Yacc constructs `$0' or `$-N' (where N is some
- positive integer).
- `yacc'
- Incompatibilities with POSIX Yacc.
- `all'
- All the warnings.
- `none'
- Turn off all the warnings.
- `error'
- Treat warnings as errors.
- A category can be turned off by prefixing its name with `no-'. For
- instance, `-Wno-syntax' will hide the warnings about unused
- variables.
-Tuning the parser:
- In the parser file, define the macro `YYDEBUG' to 1 if it is not
- already defined, so that the debugging facilities are compiled.
- *Note Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.
- Specify the programming language for the generated parser, as if
- `%language' was specified (*note Bison Declaration Summary: Decl
- Summary.). Currently supported languages include C, C++, and Java.
- LANGUAGE is case-insensitive.
- This option is experimental and its effect may be modified in
- future releases.
- Pretend that `%locations' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
-`-p PREFIX'
- Pretend that `%name-prefix "PREFIX"' was specified. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- Don't put any `#line' preprocessor commands in the parser file.
- Ordinarily Bison puts them in the parser file so that the C
- compiler and debuggers will associate errors with your source
- file, the grammar file. This option causes them to associate
- errors with the parser file, treating it as an independent source
- file in its own right.
-`-S FILE'
- Specify the skeleton to use, similar to `%skeleton' (*note Bison
- Declaration Summary: Decl Summary.).
- If FILE does not contain a `/', FILE is the name of a skeleton
- file in the Bison installation directory. If it does, FILE is an
- absolute file name or a file name relative to the current working
- directory. This is similar to how most shells resolve commands.
- Pretend that `%token-table' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
-Adjust the output:
- Pretend that `%defines' was specified, i.e., write an extra output
- file containing macro definitions for the token type names defined
- in the grammar, as well as a few other declarations. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- This is the same as `--defines' except `-d' does not accept a FILE
- argument since POSIX Yacc requires that `-d' can be bundled with
- other short options.
- Pretend that `%file-prefix' was specified, i.e., specify prefix to
- use for all Bison output file names. *Note Decl Summary::.
-`-r THINGS'
- Write an extra output file containing verbose description of the
- comma separated list of THINGS among:
- `state'
- Description of the grammar, conflicts (resolved and
- unresolved), and LALR automaton.
- `lookahead'
- Implies `state' and augments the description of the automaton
- with each rule's lookahead set.
- `itemset'
- Implies `state' and augments the description of the automaton
- with the full set of items for each state, instead of its
- core only.
- Specify the FILE for the verbose description.
- Pretend that `%verbose' was specified, i.e., write an extra output
- file containing verbose descriptions of the grammar and parser.
- *Note Decl Summary::.
-`-o FILE'
- Specify the FILE for the parser file.
- The other output files' names are constructed from FILE as
- described under the `-v' and `-d' options.
- Output a graphical representation of the LALR(1) grammar automaton
- computed by Bison, in Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/) DOT
- (http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) format. `FILE' is
- optional. If omitted and the grammar file is `foo.y', the output
- file will be `foo.dot'.
- Output an XML report of the LALR(1) automaton computed by Bison.
- `FILE' is optional. If omitted and the grammar file is `foo.y',
- the output file will be `foo.xml'. (The current XML schema is
- experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to
- stabilize it.)
-File: bison.info, Node: Option Cross Key, Next: Yacc Library, Prev: Bison Options, Up: Invocation
-9.2 Option Cross Key
-Here is a list of options, alphabetized by long option, to help you find
-the corresponding short option.
-Long Option Short Option
-`--debug' `-t'
-`--file-prefix=PREFIX' `-b' PREFIX
-`--graph=[FILE]' `-g' [FILE]
-`--help' `-h'
-`--language=LANGUAGE' `-L' LANGUAGE
-`--name-prefix=PREFIX' `-p' PREFIX
-`--no-lines' `-l'
-`--output=FILE' `-o' FILE
-`--report=THINGS' `-r' THINGS
-`--skeleton=FILE' `-S' FILE
-`--token-table' `-k'
-`--verbose' `-v'
-`--version' `-V'
-`--warnings' `-W'
-`--xml=[FILE]' `-x' [FILE]
-`--yacc' `-y'
-File: bison.info, Node: Yacc Library, Prev: Option Cross Key, Up: Invocation
-9.3 Yacc Library
-The Yacc library contains default implementations of the `yyerror' and
-`main' functions. These default implementations are normally not
-useful, but POSIX requires them. To use the Yacc library, link your
-program with the `-ly' option. Note that Bison's implementation of the
-Yacc library is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-License (*note Copying::).
- If you use the Yacc library's `yyerror' function, you should declare
-`yyerror' as follows:
- int yyerror (char const *);
- Bison ignores the `int' value returned by this `yyerror'. If you
-use the Yacc library's `main' function, your `yyparse' function should
-have the following type signature:
- int yyparse (void);
-File: bison.info, Node: Other Languages, Next: FAQ, Prev: Invocation, Up: Top
-10 Parsers Written In Other Languages
-* Menu:
-* C++ Parsers:: The interface to generate C++ parser classes
-* Java Parsers:: The interface to generate Java parser classes
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Parsers, Next: Java Parsers, Up: Other Languages
-10.1 C++ Parsers
-* Menu:
-* C++ Bison Interface:: Asking for C++ parser generation
-* C++ Semantic Values:: %union vs. C++
-* C++ Location Values:: The position and location classes
-* C++ Parser Interface:: Instantiating and running the parser
-* C++ Scanner Interface:: Exchanges between yylex and parse
-* A Complete C++ Example:: Demonstrating their use
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Bison Interface, Next: C++ Semantic Values, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.1 C++ Bison Interface
-The C++ LALR(1) parser is selected using the skeleton directive,
-`%skeleton "lalr1.c"', or the synonymous command-line option
-`--skeleton=lalr1.c'. *Note Decl Summary::.
- When run, `bison' will create several entities in the `yy' namespace. Use
-the `%define namespace' directive to change the namespace name, see
-*Note Decl Summary::. The various classes are generated in the
-following files:
- The definition of the classes `position' and `location', used for
- location tracking. *Note C++ Location Values::.
- An auxiliary class `stack' used by the parser.
- (Assuming the extension of the input file was `.yy'.) The
- declaration and implementation of the C++ parser class. The
- basename and extension of these two files follow the same rules as
- with regular C parsers (*note Invocation::).
- The header is _mandatory_; you must either pass `-d'/`--defines'
- to `bison', or use the `%defines' directive.
- All these files are documented using Doxygen; run `doxygen' for a
-complete and accurate documentation.
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Semantic Values, Next: C++ Location Values, Prev: C++ Bison Interface, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.2 C++ Semantic Values
-The `%union' directive works as for C, see *Note The Collection of
-Value Types: Union Decl. In particular it produces a genuine
-`union'(1), which have a few specific features in C++.
- - The type `YYSTYPE' is defined but its use is discouraged: rather
- you should refer to the parser's encapsulated type
- `yy::parser::semantic_type'.
- - Non POD (Plain Old Data) types cannot be used. C++ forbids any
- instance of classes with constructors in unions: only _pointers_
- to such objects are allowed.
- Because objects have to be stored via pointers, memory is not
-reclaimed automatically: using the `%destructor' directive is the only
-means to avoid leaks. *Note Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor Decl.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) In the future techniques to allow complex types within
-pseudo-unions (similar to Boost variants) might be implemented to
-alleviate these issues.
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Location Values, Next: C++ Parser Interface, Prev: C++ Semantic Values, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.3 C++ Location Values
-When the directive `%locations' is used, the C++ parser supports
-location tracking, see *Note Locations Overview: Locations. Two
-auxiliary classes define a `position', a single point in a file, and a
-`location', a range composed of a pair of `position's (possibly
-spanning several files).
- -- Method on position: std::string* file
- The name of the file. It will always be handled as a pointer, the
- parser will never duplicate nor deallocate it. As an experimental
- feature you may change it to `TYPE*' using `%define filename_type
- "TYPE"'.
- -- Method on position: unsigned int line
- The line, starting at 1.
- -- Method on position: unsigned int lines (int HEIGHT = 1)
- Advance by HEIGHT lines, resetting the column number.
- -- Method on position: unsigned int column
- The column, starting at 0.
- -- Method on position: unsigned int columns (int WIDTH = 1)
- Advance by WIDTH columns, without changing the line number.
- -- Method on position: position& operator+= (position& POS, int WIDTH)
- -- Method on position: position operator+ (const position& POS, int
- -- Method on position: position& operator-= (const position& POS, int
- -- Method on position: position operator- (position& POS, int WIDTH)
- Various forms of syntactic sugar for `columns'.
- -- Method on position: position operator<< (std::ostream O, const
- position& P)
- Report P on O like this: `FILE:LINE.COLUMN', or `LINE.COLUMN' if
- FILE is null.
- -- Method on location: position begin
- -- Method on location: position end
- The first, inclusive, position of the range, and the first beyond.
- -- Method on location: unsigned int columns (int WIDTH = 1)
- -- Method on location: unsigned int lines (int HEIGHT = 1)
- Advance the `end' position.
- -- Method on location: location operator+ (const location& BEGIN,
- const location& END)
- -- Method on location: location operator+ (const location& BEGIN, int
- -- Method on location: location operator+= (const location& LOC, int
- Various forms of syntactic sugar.
- -- Method on location: void step ()
- Move `begin' onto `end'.
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Parser Interface, Next: C++ Scanner Interface, Prev: C++ Location Values, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.4 C++ Parser Interface
-The output files `OUTPUT.hh' and `OUTPUT.cc' declare and define the
-parser class in the namespace `yy'. The class name defaults to
-`parser', but may be changed using `%define parser_class_name "NAME"'.
-The interface of this class is detailed below. It can be extended
-using the `%parse-param' feature: its semantics is slightly changed
-since it describes an additional member of the parser class, and an
-additional argument for its constructor.
- -- Type of parser: semantic_value_type
- -- Type of parser: location_value_type
- The types for semantics value and locations.
- -- Method on parser: parser (TYPE1 ARG1, ...)
- Build a new parser object. There are no arguments by default,
- unless `%parse-param {TYPE1 ARG1}' was used.
- -- Method on parser: int parse ()
- Run the syntactic analysis, and return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.
- -- Method on parser: std::ostream& debug_stream ()
- -- Method on parser: void set_debug_stream (std::ostream& O)
- Get or set the stream used for tracing the parsing. It defaults to
- `std::cerr'.
- -- Method on parser: debug_level_type debug_level ()
- -- Method on parser: void set_debug_level (debug_level L)
- Get or set the tracing level. Currently its value is either 0, no
- trace, or nonzero, full tracing.
- -- Method on parser: void error (const location_type& L, const
- std::string& M)
- The definition for this member function must be supplied by the
- user: the parser uses it to report a parser error occurring at L,
- described by M.
-File: bison.info, Node: C++ Scanner Interface, Next: A Complete C++ Example, Prev: C++ Parser Interface, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.5 C++ Scanner Interface
-The parser invokes the scanner by calling `yylex'. Contrary to C
-parsers, C++ parsers are always pure: there is no point in using the
-`%define api.pure' directive. Therefore the interface is as follows.
- -- Method on parser: int yylex (semantic_value_type& YYLVAL,
- location_type& YYLLOC, TYPE1 ARG1, ...)
- Return the next token. Its type is the return value, its semantic
- value and location being YYLVAL and YYLLOC. Invocations of
- `%lex-param {TYPE1 ARG1}' yield additional arguments.
-File: bison.info, Node: A Complete C++ Example, Prev: C++ Scanner Interface, Up: C++ Parsers
-10.1.6 A Complete C++ Example
-This section demonstrates the use of a C++ parser with a simple but
-complete example. This example should be available on your system,
-ready to compile, in the directory "../bison/examples/calc++". It
-focuses on the use of Bison, therefore the design of the various C++
-classes is very naive: no accessors, no encapsulation of members etc.
-We will use a Lex scanner, and more precisely, a Flex scanner, to
-demonstrate the various interaction. A hand written scanner is
-actually easier to interface with.
-* Menu:
-* Calc++ --- C++ Calculator:: The specifications
-* Calc++ Parsing Driver:: An active parsing context
-* Calc++ Parser:: A parser class
-* Calc++ Scanner:: A pure C++ Flex scanner
-* Calc++ Top Level:: Conducting the band
-File: bison.info, Node: Calc++ --- C++ Calculator, Next: Calc++ Parsing Driver, Up: A Complete C++ Example
- Calc++ -- C++ Calculator
-Of course the grammar is dedicated to arithmetics, a single expression,
-possibly preceded by variable assignments. An environment containing
-possibly predefined variables such as `one' and `two', is exchanged
-with the parser. An example of valid input follows.
- three := 3
- seven := one + two * three
- seven * seven
-File: bison.info, Node: Calc++ Parsing Driver, Next: Calc++ Parser, Prev: Calc++ --- C++ Calculator, Up: A Complete C++ Example
- Calc++ Parsing Driver
-To support a pure interface with the parser (and the scanner) the
-technique of the "parsing context" is convenient: a structure
-containing all the data to exchange. Since, in addition to simply
-launch the parsing, there are several auxiliary tasks to execute (open
-the file for parsing, instantiate the parser etc.), we recommend
-transforming the simple parsing context structure into a fully blown
-"parsing driver" class.
- The declaration of this driver class, `calc++-driver.hh', is as
-follows. The first part includes the CPP guard and imports the
-required standard library components, and the declaration of the parser
- # include <string>
- # include <map>
- # include "calc++-parser.hh"
-Then comes the declaration of the scanning function. Flex expects the
-signature of `yylex' to be defined in the macro `YY_DECL', and the C++
-parser expects it to be declared. We can factor both as follows.
- // Tell Flex the lexer's prototype ...
- # define YY_DECL \
- yy::calcxx_parser::token_type \
- yylex (yy::calcxx_parser::semantic_type* yylval, \
- yy::calcxx_parser::location_type* yylloc, \
- calcxx_driver& driver)
- // ... and declare it for the parser's sake.
-The `calcxx_driver' class is then declared with its most obvious
- // Conducting the whole scanning and parsing of Calc++.
- class calcxx_driver
- {
- public:
- calcxx_driver ();
- virtual ~calcxx_driver ();
- std::map<std::string, int> variables;
- int result;
-To encapsulate the coordination with the Flex scanner, it is useful to
-have two members function to open and close the scanning phase.
- // Handling the scanner.
- void scan_begin ();
- void scan_end ();
- bool trace_scanning;
-Similarly for the parser itself.
- // Run the parser. Return 0 on success.
- int parse (const std::string& f);
- std::string file;
- bool trace_parsing;
-To demonstrate pure handling of parse errors, instead of simply dumping
-them on the standard error output, we will pass them to the compiler
-driver using the following two member functions. Finally, we close the
-class declaration and CPP guard.
- // Error handling.
- void error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m);
- void error (const std::string& m);
- };
- #endif // ! CALCXX_DRIVER_HH
- The implementation of the driver is straightforward. The `parse'
-member function deserves some attention. The `error' functions are
-simple stubs, they should actually register the located error messages
-and set error state.
- #include "calc++-driver.hh"
- #include "calc++-parser.hh"
- calcxx_driver::calcxx_driver ()
- : trace_scanning (false), trace_parsing (false)
- {
- variables["one"] = 1;
- variables["two"] = 2;
- }
- calcxx_driver::~calcxx_driver ()
- {
- }
- int
- calcxx_driver::parse (const std::string &f)
- {
- file = f;
- scan_begin ();
- yy::calcxx_parser parser (*this);
- parser.set_debug_level (trace_parsing);
- int res = parser.parse ();
- scan_end ();
- return res;
- }
- void
- calcxx_driver::error (const yy::location& l, const std::string& m)
- {
- std::cerr << l << ": " << m << std::endl;
- }
- void
- calcxx_driver::error (const std::string& m)
- {
- std::cerr << m << std::endl;
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Calc++ Parser, Next: Calc++ Scanner, Prev: Calc++ Parsing Driver, Up: A Complete C++ Example
- Calc++ Parser
-The parser definition file `calc++-parser.yy' starts by asking for the
-C++ LALR(1) skeleton, the creation of the parser header file, and
-specifies the name of the parser class. Because the C++ skeleton
-changed several times, it is safer to require the version you designed
-the grammar for.
- %skeleton "lalr1.cc" /* -*- C++ -*- */
- %require "2.4.1"
- %defines
- %define parser_class_name "calcxx_parser"
-Then come the declarations/inclusions needed to define the `%union'.
-Because the parser uses the parsing driver and reciprocally, both
-cannot include the header of the other. Because the driver's header
-needs detailed knowledge about the parser class (in particular its
-inner types), it is the parser's header which will simply use a forward
-declaration of the driver. *Note %code: Decl Summary.
- %code requires {
- # include <string>
- class calcxx_driver;
- }
-The driver is passed by reference to the parser and to the scanner.
-This provides a simple but effective pure interface, not relying on
-global variables.
- // The parsing context.
- %parse-param { calcxx_driver& driver }
- %lex-param { calcxx_driver& driver }
-Then we request the location tracking feature, and initialize the first
-location's file name. Afterwards new locations are computed relatively
-to the previous locations: the file name will be automatically
- %locations
- %initial-action
- {
- // Initialize the initial location.
- @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file;
- };
-Use the two following directives to enable parser tracing and verbose
-error messages.
- %debug
- %error-verbose
-Semantic values cannot use "real" objects, but only pointers to them.
- // Symbols.
- %union
- {
- int ival;
- std::string *sval;
- };
-The code between `%code {' and `}' is output in the `*.cc' file; it
-needs detailed knowledge about the driver.
- %code {
- # include "calc++-driver.hh"
- }
-The token numbered as 0 corresponds to end of file; the following line
-allows for nicer error messages referring to "end of file" instead of
-"$end". Similarly user friendly named are provided for each symbol.
-Note that the tokens names are prefixed by `TOKEN_' to avoid name
- %token END 0 "end of file"
- %token ASSIGN ":="
- %token <sval> IDENTIFIER "identifier"
- %token <ival> NUMBER "number"
- %type <ival> exp
-To enable memory deallocation during error recovery, use `%destructor'.
- %printer { debug_stream () << *$$; } "identifier"
- %destructor { delete $$; } "identifier"
- %printer { debug_stream () << $$; } <ival>
-The grammar itself is straightforward.
- %%
- %start unit;
- unit: assignments exp { driver.result = $2; };
- assignments: assignments assignment {}
- | /* Nothing. */ {};
- assignment:
- "identifier" ":=" exp
- { driver.variables[*$1] = $3; delete $1; };
- %left '+' '-';
- %left '*' '/';
- exp: exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
- | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
- | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
- | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; }
- | "identifier" { $$ = driver.variables[*$1]; delete $1; }
- | "number" { $$ = $1; };
- %%
-Finally the `error' member function registers the errors to the driver.
- void
- yy::calcxx_parser::error (const yy::calcxx_parser::location_type& l,
- const std::string& m)
- {
- driver.error (l, m);
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Calc++ Scanner, Next: Calc++ Top Level, Prev: Calc++ Parser, Up: A Complete C++ Example
- Calc++ Scanner
-The Flex scanner first includes the driver declaration, then the
-parser's to get the set of defined tokens.
- %{ /* -*- C++ -*- */
- # include <cstdlib>
- # include <errno.h>
- # include <limits.h>
- # include <string>
- # include "calc++-driver.hh"
- # include "calc++-parser.hh"
- /* Work around an incompatibility in flex (at least versions
- 2.5.31 through 2.5.33): it generates code that does
- not conform to C89. See Debian bug 333231
- <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=333231>. */
- # undef yywrap
- # define yywrap() 1
- /* By default yylex returns int, we use token_type.
- Unfortunately yyterminate by default returns 0, which is
- not of token_type. */
- #define yyterminate() return token::END
- %}
-Because there is no `#include'-like feature we don't need `yywrap', we
-don't need `unput' either, and we parse an actual file, this is not an
-interactive session with the user. Finally we enable the scanner
-tracing features.
- %option noyywrap nounput batch debug
-Abbreviations allow for more readable rules.
- id [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
- int [0-9]+
- blank [ \t]
-The following paragraph suffices to track locations accurately. Each
-time `yylex' is invoked, the begin position is moved onto the end
-position. Then when a pattern is matched, the end position is advanced
-of its width. In case it matched ends of lines, the end cursor is
-adjusted, and each time blanks are matched, the begin cursor is moved
-onto the end cursor to effectively ignore the blanks preceding tokens.
-Comments would be treated equally.
- %{
- # define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns (yyleng);
- %}
- %%
- %{
- yylloc->step ();
- %}
- {blank}+ yylloc->step ();
- [\n]+ yylloc->lines (yyleng); yylloc->step ();
-The rules are simple, just note the use of the driver to report errors.
-It is convenient to use a typedef to shorten
-`yy::calcxx_parser::token::identifier' into `token::identifier' for
- %{
- typedef yy::calcxx_parser::token token;
- %}
- /* Convert ints to the actual type of tokens. */
- [-+*/] return yy::calcxx_parser::token_type (yytext[0]);
- ":=" return token::ASSIGN;
- {int} {
- errno = 0;
- long n = strtol (yytext, NULL, 10);
- if (! (INT_MIN <= n && n <= INT_MAX && errno != ERANGE))
- driver.error (*yylloc, "integer is out of range");
- yylval->ival = n;
- return token::NUMBER;
- }
- {id} yylval->sval = new std::string (yytext); return token::IDENTIFIER;
- . driver.error (*yylloc, "invalid character");
- %%
-Finally, because the scanner related driver's member function depend on
-the scanner's data, it is simpler to implement them in this file.
- void
- calcxx_driver::scan_begin ()
- {
- yy_flex_debug = trace_scanning;
- if (file == "-")
- yyin = stdin;
- else if (!(yyin = fopen (file.c_str (), "r")))
- {
- error (std::string ("cannot open ") + file);
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- void
- calcxx_driver::scan_end ()
- {
- fclose (yyin);
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Calc++ Top Level, Prev: Calc++ Scanner, Up: A Complete C++ Example
- Calc++ Top Level
-The top level file, `calc++.cc', poses no problem.
- #include <iostream>
- #include "calc++-driver.hh"
- int
- main (int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- calcxx_driver driver;
- for (++argv; argv[0]; ++argv)
- if (*argv == std::string ("-p"))
- driver.trace_parsing = true;
- else if (*argv == std::string ("-s"))
- driver.trace_scanning = true;
- else if (!driver.parse (*argv))
- std::cout << driver.result << std::endl;
- }
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Parsers, Prev: C++ Parsers, Up: Other Languages
-10.2 Java Parsers
-* Menu:
-* Java Bison Interface:: Asking for Java parser generation
-* Java Semantic Values:: %type and %token vs. Java
-* Java Location Values:: The position and location classes
-* Java Parser Interface:: Instantiating and running the parser
-* Java Scanner Interface:: Specifying the scanner for the parser
-* Java Action Features:: Special features for use in actions
-* Java Differences:: Differences between C/C++ and Java Grammars
-* Java Declarations Summary:: List of Bison declarations used with Java
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Bison Interface, Next: Java Semantic Values, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.1 Java Bison Interface
-(The current Java interface is experimental and may evolve. More user
-feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- The Java parser skeletons are selected using the `%language "Java"'
-directive or the `-L java'/`--language=java' option.
- When generating a Java parser, `bison BASENAME.y' will create a
-single Java source file named `BASENAME.java'. Using an input file
-without a `.y' suffix is currently broken. The basename of the output
-file can be changed by the `%file-prefix' directive or the
-`-p'/`--name-prefix' option. The entire output file name can be
-changed by the `%output' directive or the `-o'/`--output' option. The
-output file contains a single class for the parser.
- You can create documentation for generated parsers using Javadoc.
- Contrary to C parsers, Java parsers do not use global variables; the
-state of the parser is always local to an instance of the parser class.
-Therefore, all Java parsers are "pure", and the `%pure-parser' and
-`%define api.pure' directives does not do anything when used in Java.
- Push parsers are currently unsupported in Java and `%define
-api.push_pull' have no effect.
- GLR parsers are currently unsupported in Java. Do not use the
-`glr-parser' directive.
- No header file can be generated for Java parsers. Do not use the
-`%defines' directive or the `-d'/`--defines' options.
- Currently, support for debugging and verbose errors are always
-compiled in. Thus the `%debug' and `%token-table' directives and the
-`-t'/`--debug' and `-k'/`--token-table' options have no effect. This
-may change in the future to eliminate unused code in the generated
-parser, so use `%debug' and `%verbose-error' explicitly if needed.
-Also, in the future the `%token-table' directive might enable a public
-interface to access the token names and codes.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Semantic Values, Next: Java Location Values, Prev: Java Bison Interface, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.2 Java Semantic Values
-There is no `%union' directive in Java parsers. Instead, the semantic
-values' types (class names) should be specified in the `%type' or
-`%token' directive:
- %type <Expression> expr assignment_expr term factor
- %type <Integer> number
- By default, the semantic stack is declared to have `Object' members,
-which means that the class types you specify can be of any class. To
-improve the type safety of the parser, you can declare the common
-superclass of all the semantic values using the `%define stype'
-directive. For example, after the following declaration:
- %define stype "ASTNode"
-any `%type' or `%token' specifying a semantic type which is not a
-subclass of ASTNode, will cause a compile-time error.
- Types used in the directives may be qualified with a package name.
-Primitive data types are accepted for Java version 1.5 or later. Note
-that in this case the autoboxing feature of Java 1.5 will be used.
-Generic types may not be used; this is due to a limitation in the
-implementation of Bison, and may change in future releases.
- Java parsers do not support `%destructor', since the language adopts
-garbage collection. The parser will try to hold references to semantic
-values for as little time as needed.
- Java parsers do not support `%printer', as `toString()' can be used
-to print the semantic values. This however may change (in a
-backwards-compatible way) in future versions of Bison.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Location Values, Next: Java Parser Interface, Prev: Java Semantic Values, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.3 Java Location Values
-When the directive `%locations' is used, the Java parser supports
-location tracking, see *Note Locations Overview: Locations. An
-auxiliary user-defined class defines a "position", a single point in a
-file; Bison itself defines a class representing a "location", a range
-composed of a pair of positions (possibly spanning several files). The
-location class is an inner class of the parser; the name is `Location'
-by default, and may also be renamed using `%define location_type
- The location class treats the position as a completely opaque value.
-By default, the class name is `Position', but this can be changed with
-`%define position_type "CLASS-NAME"'. This class must be supplied by
-the user.
- -- Instance Variable of Location: Position begin
- -- Instance Variable of Location: Position end
- The first, inclusive, position of the range, and the first beyond.
- -- Constructor on Location: Location (Position LOC)
- Create a `Location' denoting an empty range located at a given
- point.
- -- Constructor on Location: Location (Position BEGIN, Position END)
- Create a `Location' from the endpoints of the range.
- -- Method on Location: String toString ()
- Prints the range represented by the location. For this to work
- properly, the position class should override the `equals' and
- `toString' methods appropriately.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Parser Interface, Next: Java Scanner Interface, Prev: Java Location Values, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.4 Java Parser Interface
-The name of the generated parser class defaults to `YYParser'. The
-`YY' prefix may be changed using the `%name-prefix' directive or the
-`-p'/`--name-prefix' option. Alternatively, use `%define
-parser_class_name "NAME"' to give a custom name to the class. The
-interface of this class is detailed below.
- By default, the parser class has package visibility. A declaration
-`%define public' will change to public visibility. Remember that,
-according to the Java language specification, the name of the `.java'
-file should match the name of the class in this case. Similarly, you
-can use `abstract', `final' and `strictfp' with the `%define'
-declaration to add other modifiers to the parser class.
- The Java package name of the parser class can be specified using the
-`%define package' directive. The superclass and the implemented
-interfaces of the parser class can be specified with the `%define
-extends' and `%define implements' directives.
- The parser class defines an inner class, `Location', that is used
-for location tracking (see *Note Java Location Values::), and a inner
-interface, `Lexer' (see *Note Java Scanner Interface::). Other than
-these inner class/interface, and the members described in the interface
-below, all the other members and fields are preceded with a `yy' or
-`YY' prefix to avoid clashes with user code.
- The parser class can be extended using the `%parse-param' directive.
-Each occurrence of the directive will add a `protected final' field to
-the parser class, and an argument to its constructor, which initialize
-them automatically.
- Token names defined by `%token' and the predefined `EOF' token name
-are added as constant fields to the parser class.
- -- Constructor on YYParser: YYParser (LEX_PARAM, ..., PARSE_PARAM,
- ...)
- Build a new parser object with embedded `%code lexer'. There are
- no parameters, unless `%parse-param's and/or `%lex-param's are
- used.
- -- Constructor on YYParser: YYParser (Lexer LEXER, PARSE_PARAM, ...)
- Build a new parser object using the specified scanner. There are
- no additional parameters unless `%parse-param's are used.
- If the scanner is defined by `%code lexer', this constructor is
- declared `protected' and is called automatically with a scanner
- created with the correct `%lex-param's.
- -- Method on YYParser: boolean parse ()
- Run the syntactic analysis, and return `true' on success, `false'
- otherwise.
- -- Method on YYParser: boolean recovering ()
- During the syntactic analysis, return `true' if recovering from a
- syntax error. *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Method on YYParser: java.io.PrintStream getDebugStream ()
- -- Method on YYParser: void setDebugStream (java.io.printStream O)
- Get or set the stream used for tracing the parsing. It defaults to
- `System.err'.
- -- Method on YYParser: int getDebugLevel ()
- -- Method on YYParser: void setDebugLevel (int L)
- Get or set the tracing level. Currently its value is either 0, no
- trace, or nonzero, full tracing.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Scanner Interface, Next: Java Action Features, Prev: Java Parser Interface, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.5 Java Scanner Interface
-There are two possible ways to interface a Bison-generated Java parser
-with a scanner: the scanner may be defined by `%code lexer', or defined
-elsewhere. In either case, the scanner has to implement the `Lexer'
-inner interface of the parser class.
- In the first case, the body of the scanner class is placed in `%code
-lexer' blocks. If you want to pass parameters from the parser
-constructor to the scanner constructor, specify them with `%lex-param';
-they are passed before `%parse-param's to the constructor.
- In the second case, the scanner has to implement the `Lexer'
-interface, which is defined within the parser class (e.g.,
-`YYParser.Lexer'). The constructor of the parser object will then
-accept an object implementing the interface; `%lex-param' is not used
-in this case.
- In both cases, the scanner has to implement the following methods.
- -- Method on Lexer: void yyerror (Location LOC, String MSG)
- This method is defined by the user to emit an error message. The
- first parameter is omitted if location tracking is not active.
- Its type can be changed using `%define location_type "CLASS-NAME".'
- -- Method on Lexer: int yylex ()
- Return the next token. Its type is the return value, its semantic
- value and location are saved and returned by the ther methods in
- the interface.
- Use `%define lex_throws' to specify any uncaught exceptions.
- Default is `java.io.IOException'.
- -- Method on Lexer: Position getStartPos ()
- -- Method on Lexer: Position getEndPos ()
- Return respectively the first position of the last token that
- `yylex' returned, and the first position beyond it. These methods
- are not needed unless location tracking is active.
- The return type can be changed using `%define position_type
- -- Method on Lexer: Object getLVal ()
- Return the semantical value of the last token that yylex returned.
- The return type can be changed using `%define stype "CLASS-NAME".'
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Action Features, Next: Java Differences, Prev: Java Scanner Interface, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.6 Special Features for Use in Java Actions
-The following special constructs can be uses in Java actions. Other
-analogous C action features are currently unavailable for Java.
- Use `%define throws' to specify any uncaught exceptions from parser
-actions, and initial actions specified by `%initial-action'.
- -- Variable: $N
- The semantic value for the Nth component of the current rule.
- This may not be assigned to. *Note Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Variable: $<TYPEALT>N
- Like `$N' but specifies a alternative type TYPEALT. *Note Java
- Semantic Values::.
- -- Variable: $$
- The semantic value for the grouping made by the current rule. As a
- value, this is in the base type (`Object' or as specified by
- `%define stype') as in not cast to the declared subtype because
- casts are not allowed on the left-hand side of Java assignments.
- Use an explicit Java cast if the correct subtype is needed. *Note
- Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Variable: $<TYPEALT>$
- Same as `$$' since Java always allow assigning to the base type.
- Perhaps we should use this and `$<>$' for the value and `$$' for
- setting the value but there is currently no easy way to distinguish
- these constructs. *Note Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Variable: @N
- The location information of the Nth component of the current rule.
- This may not be assigned to. *Note Java Location Values::.
- -- Variable: @$
- The location information of the grouping made by the current rule.
- *Note Java Location Values::.
- -- Statement: return YYABORT;
- Return immediately from the parser, indicating failure. *Note
- Java Parser Interface::.
- -- Statement: return YYACCEPT;
- Return immediately from the parser, indicating success. *Note
- Java Parser Interface::.
- -- Statement: return YYERROR;
- Start error recovery without printing an error message. *Note
- Error Recovery::.
- -- Statement: return YYFAIL;
- Print an error message and start error recovery. *Note Error
- Recovery::.
- -- Function: boolean recovering ()
- Return whether error recovery is being done. In this state, the
- parser reads token until it reaches a known state, and then
- restarts normal operation. *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Function: protected void yyerror (String msg)
- -- Function: protected void yyerror (Position pos, String msg)
- -- Function: protected void yyerror (Location loc, String msg)
- Print an error message using the `yyerror' method of the scanner
- instance in use.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Differences, Next: Java Declarations Summary, Prev: Java Action Features, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.7 Differences between C/C++ and Java Grammars
-The different structure of the Java language forces several differences
-between C/C++ grammars, and grammars designed for Java parsers. This
-section summarizes these differences.
- * Java lacks a preprocessor, so the `YYERROR', `YYACCEPT', `YYABORT'
- symbols (*note Table of Symbols::) cannot obviously be macros.
- Instead, they should be preceded by `return' when they appear in
- an action. The actual definition of these symbols is opaque to
- the Bison grammar, and it might change in the future. The only
- meaningful operation that you can do, is to return them. See
- *note Java Action Features::.
- Note that of these three symbols, only `YYACCEPT' and `YYABORT'
- will cause a return from the `yyparse' method(1).
- * Java lacks unions, so `%union' has no effect. Instead, semantic
- values have a common base type: `Object' or as specified by
- `%define stype'. Angle backets on `%token', `type', `$N' and `$$'
- specify subtypes rather than fields of an union. The type of
- `$$', even with angle brackets, is the base type since Java casts
- are not allow on the left-hand side of assignments. Also, `$N'
- and `@N' are not allowed on the left-hand side of assignments. See
- *note Java Semantic Values:: and *note Java Action Features::.
- * The prolog declarations have a different meaning than in C/C++
- code.
- `%code imports'
- blocks are placed at the beginning of the Java source code.
- They may include copyright notices. For a `package'
- declarations, it is suggested to use `%define package'
- instead.
- unqualified `%code'
- blocks are placed inside the parser class.
- `%code lexer'
- blocks, if specified, should include the implementation of the
- scanner. If there is no such block, the scanner can be any
- class that implements the appropriate interface (see *note
- Java Scanner Interface::).
- Other `%code' blocks are not supported in Java parsers. In
- particular, `%{ ... %}' blocks should not be used and may give an
- error in future versions of Bison.
- The epilogue has the same meaning as in C/C++ code and it can be
- used to define other classes used by the parser _outside_ the
- parser class.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) Java parsers include the actions in a separate method than
-`yyparse' in order to have an intuitive syntax that corresponds to
-these C macros.
-File: bison.info, Node: Java Declarations Summary, Prev: Java Differences, Up: Java Parsers
-10.2.8 Java Declarations Summary
-This summary only include declarations specific to Java or have special
-meaning when used in a Java parser.
- -- Directive: %language "Java"
- Generate a Java class for the parser.
- -- Directive: %lex-param {TYPE NAME}
- A parameter for the lexer class defined by `%code lexer' _only_,
- added as parameters to the lexer constructor and the parser
- constructor that _creates_ a lexer. Default is none. *Note Java
- Scanner Interface::.
- -- Directive: %name-prefix "PREFIX"
- The prefix of the parser class name `PREFIXParser' if `%define
- parser_class_name' is not used. Default is `YY'. *Note Java
- Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %parse-param {TYPE NAME}
- A parameter for the parser class added as parameters to
- constructor(s) and as fields initialized by the constructor(s).
- Default is none. *Note Java Parser Interface::.
- -- Directive: %token <TYPE> TOKEN ...
- Declare tokens. Note that the angle brackets enclose a Java
- _type_. *Note Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Directive: %type <TYPE> NONTERMINAL ...
- Declare the type of nonterminals. Note that the angle brackets
- enclose a Java _type_. *Note Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Directive: %code { CODE ... }
- Code appended to the inside of the parser class. *Note Java
- Differences::.
- -- Directive: %code imports { CODE ... }
- Code inserted just after the `package' declaration. *Note Java
- Differences::.
- -- Directive: %code lexer { CODE ... }
- Code added to the body of a inner lexer class within the parser
- class. *Note Java Scanner Interface::.
- -- Directive: %% CODE ...
- Code (after the second `%%') appended to the end of the file,
- _outside_ the parser class. *Note Java Differences::.
- -- Directive: %{ CODE ... %}
- Not supported. Use `%code import' instead. *Note Java
- Differences::.
- -- Directive: %define abstract
- Whether the parser class is declared `abstract'. Default is false.
- *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define extends "SUPERCLASS"
- The superclass of the parser class. Default is none. *Note Java
- Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define final
- Whether the parser class is declared `final'. Default is false.
- *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define implements "INTERFACES"
- The implemented interfaces of the parser class, a comma-separated
- list. Default is none. *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define lex_throws "EXCEPTIONS"
- The exceptions thrown by the `yylex' method of the lexer, a
- comma-separated list. Default is `java.io.IOException'. *Note
- Java Scanner Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define location_type "CLASS"
- The name of the class used for locations (a range between two
- positions). This class is generated as an inner class of the
- parser class by `bison'. Default is `Location'. *Note Java
- Location Values::.
- -- Directive: %define package "PACKAGE"
- The package to put the parser class in. Default is none. *Note
- Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define parser_class_name "NAME"
- The name of the parser class. Default is `YYParser' or
- `NAME-PREFIXParser'. *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define position_type "CLASS"
- The name of the class used for positions. This class must be
- supplied by the user. Default is `Position'. *Note Java Location
- Values::.
- -- Directive: %define public
- Whether the parser class is declared `public'. Default is false.
- *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define stype "CLASS"
- The base type of semantic values. Default is `Object'. *Note
- Java Semantic Values::.
- -- Directive: %define strictfp
- Whether the parser class is declared `strictfp'. Default is false.
- *Note Java Bison Interface::.
- -- Directive: %define throws "EXCEPTIONS"
- The exceptions thrown by user-supplied parser actions and
- `%initial-action', a comma-separated list. Default is none.
- *Note Java Parser Interface::.
-File: bison.info, Node: FAQ, Next: Table of Symbols, Prev: Other Languages, Up: Top
-11 Frequently Asked Questions
-Several questions about Bison come up occasionally. Here some of them
-are addressed.
-* Menu:
-* Memory Exhausted:: Breaking the Stack Limits
-* How Can I Reset the Parser:: `yyparse' Keeps some State
-* Strings are Destroyed:: `yylval' Loses Track of Strings
-* Implementing Gotos/Loops:: Control Flow in the Calculator
-* Multiple start-symbols:: Factoring closely related grammars
-* Secure? Conform?:: Is Bison POSIX safe?
-* I can't build Bison:: Troubleshooting
-* Where can I find help?:: Troubleshouting
-* Bug Reports:: Troublereporting
-* More Languages:: Parsers in C++, Java, and so on
-* Beta Testing:: Experimenting development versions
-* Mailing Lists:: Meeting other Bison users
-File: bison.info, Node: Memory Exhausted, Next: How Can I Reset the Parser, Up: FAQ
-11.1 Memory Exhausted
- My parser returns with error with a `memory exhausted'
- message. What can I do?
- This question is already addressed elsewhere, *Note Recursive Rules:
-File: bison.info, Node: How Can I Reset the Parser, Next: Strings are Destroyed, Prev: Memory Exhausted, Up: FAQ
-11.2 How Can I Reset the Parser
-The following phenomenon has several symptoms, resulting in the
-following typical questions:
- I invoke `yyparse' several times, and on correct input it works
- properly; but when a parse error is found, all the other calls fail
- too. How can I reset the error flag of `yyparse'?
- My parser includes support for an `#include'-like feature, in
- which case I run `yyparse' from `yyparse'. This fails
- although I did specify `%define api.pure'.
- These problems typically come not from Bison itself, but from
-Lex-generated scanners. Because these scanners use large buffers for
-speed, they might not notice a change of input file. As a
-demonstration, consider the following source file, `first-line.l':
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-.*\n ECHO; return 1;
-yyparse (char const *file)
- yyin = fopen (file, "r");
- if (!yyin)
- exit (2);
- /* One token only. */
- yylex ();
- if (fclose (yyin) != 0)
- exit (3);
- return 0;
-main (void)
- yyparse ("input");
- yyparse ("input");
- return 0;
-If the file `input' contains
-input:1: Hello,
-input:2: World!
-then instead of getting the first line twice, you get:
- $ flex -ofirst-line.c first-line.l
- $ gcc -ofirst-line first-line.c -ll
- $ ./first-line
- input:1: Hello,
- input:2: World!
- Therefore, whenever you change `yyin', you must tell the
-Lex-generated scanner to discard its current buffer and switch to the
-new one. This depends upon your implementation of Lex; see its
-documentation for more. For Flex, it suffices to call
-`YY_FLUSH_BUFFER' after each change to `yyin'. If your Flex-generated
-scanner needs to read from several input streams to handle features
-like include files, you might consider using Flex functions like
-`yy_switch_to_buffer' that manipulate multiple input buffers.
- If your Flex-generated scanner uses start conditions (*note Start
-conditions: (flex)Start conditions.), you might also want to reset the
-scanner's state, i.e., go back to the initial start condition, through
-a call to `BEGIN (0)'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Strings are Destroyed, Next: Implementing Gotos/Loops, Prev: How Can I Reset the Parser, Up: FAQ
-11.3 Strings are Destroyed
- My parser seems to destroy old strings, or maybe it loses track of
- them. Instead of reporting `"foo", "bar"', it reports
- `"bar", "bar"', or even `"foo\nbar", "bar"'.
- This error is probably the single most frequent "bug report" sent to
-Bison lists, but is only concerned with a misunderstanding of the role
-of the scanner. Consider the following Lex code:
-#include <stdio.h>
-char *yylval = NULL;
-.* yylval = yytext; return 1;
-\n /* IGNORE */
-main ()
- /* Similar to using $1, $2 in a Bison action. */
- char *fst = (yylex (), yylval);
- char *snd = (yylex (), yylval);
- printf ("\"%s\", \"%s\"\n", fst, snd);
- return 0;
- If you compile and run this code, you get:
- $ flex -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
- $ gcc -osplit-lines split-lines.c -ll
- $ printf 'one\ntwo\n' | ./split-lines
- "one
- two", "two"
-this is because `yytext' is a buffer provided for _reading_ in the
-action, but if you want to keep it, you have to duplicate it (e.g.,
-using `strdup'). Note that the output may depend on how your
-implementation of Lex handles `yytext'. For instance, when given the
-Lex compatibility option `-l' (which triggers the option `%array') Flex
-generates a different behavior:
- $ flex -l -osplit-lines.c split-lines.l
- $ gcc -osplit-lines split-lines.c -ll
- $ printf 'one\ntwo\n' | ./split-lines
- "two", "two"
-File: bison.info, Node: Implementing Gotos/Loops, Next: Multiple start-symbols, Prev: Strings are Destroyed, Up: FAQ
-11.4 Implementing Gotos/Loops
- My simple calculator supports variables, assignments, and functions,
- but how can I implement gotos, or loops?
- Although very pedagogical, the examples included in the document blur
-the distinction to make between the parser--whose job is to recover the
-structure of a text and to transmit it to subsequent modules of the
-program--and the processing (such as the execution) of this structure.
-This works well with so called straight line programs, i.e., precisely
-those that have a straightforward execution model: execute simple
-instructions one after the others.
- If you want a richer model, you will probably need to use the parser
-to construct a tree that does represent the structure it has recovered;
-this tree is usually called the "abstract syntax tree", or "AST" for
-short. Then, walking through this tree, traversing it in various ways,
-will enable treatments such as its execution or its translation, which
-will result in an interpreter or a compiler.
- This topic is way beyond the scope of this manual, and the reader is
-invited to consult the dedicated literature.
-File: bison.info, Node: Multiple start-symbols, Next: Secure? Conform?, Prev: Implementing Gotos/Loops, Up: FAQ
-11.5 Multiple start-symbols
- I have several closely related grammars, and I would like to share their
- implementations. In fact, I could use a single grammar but with
- multiple entry points.
- Bison does not support multiple start-symbols, but there is a very
-simple means to simulate them. If `foo' and `bar' are the two pseudo
-start-symbols, then introduce two new tokens, say `START_FOO' and
-`START_BAR', and use them as switches from the real start-symbol:
- %start start;
- start: START_FOO foo
- | START_BAR bar;
- These tokens prevents the introduction of new conflicts. As far as
-the parser goes, that is all that is needed.
- Now the difficult part is ensuring that the scanner will send these
-tokens first. If your scanner is hand-written, that should be
-straightforward. If your scanner is generated by Lex, them there is
-simple means to do it: recall that anything between `%{ ... %}' after
-the first `%%' is copied verbatim in the top of the generated `yylex'
-function. Make sure a variable `start_token' is available in the
-scanner (e.g., a global variable or using `%lex-param' etc.), and use
-the following:
- /* Prologue. */
- %%
- %{
- if (start_token)
- {
- int t = start_token;
- start_token = 0;
- return t;
- }
- %}
- /* The rules. */
-File: bison.info, Node: Secure? Conform?, Next: I can't build Bison, Prev: Multiple start-symbols, Up: FAQ
-11.6 Secure? Conform?
- Is Bison secure? Does it conform to POSIX?
- If you're looking for a guarantee or certification, we don't provide
-it. However, Bison is intended to be a reliable program that conforms
-to the POSIX specification for Yacc. If you run into problems, please
-send us a bug report.
-File: bison.info, Node: I can't build Bison, Next: Where can I find help?, Prev: Secure? Conform?, Up: FAQ
-11.7 I can't build Bison
- I can't build Bison because `make' complains that
- `msgfmt' is not found.
- What should I do?
- Like most GNU packages with internationalization support, that
-feature is turned on by default. If you have problems building in the
-`po' subdirectory, it indicates that your system's internationalization
-support is lacking. You can re-configure Bison with `--disable-nls' to
-turn off this support, or you can install GNU gettext from
-`ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/' and re-configure Bison. See the file
-`ABOUT-NLS' for more information.
-File: bison.info, Node: Where can I find help?, Next: Bug Reports, Prev: I can't build Bison, Up: FAQ
-11.8 Where can I find help?
- I'm having trouble using Bison. Where can I find help?
- First, read this fine manual. Beyond that, you can send mail to
-<help-bison@gnu.org>. This mailing list is intended to be populated
-with people who are willing to answer questions about using and
-installing Bison. Please keep in mind that (most of) the people on the
-list have aspects of their lives which are not related to Bison (!), so
-you may not receive an answer to your question right away. This can be
-frustrating, but please try not to honk them off; remember that any
-help they provide is purely voluntary and out of the kindness of their
-File: bison.info, Node: Bug Reports, Next: More Languages, Prev: Where can I find help?, Up: FAQ
-11.9 Bug Reports
- I found a bug. What should I include in the bug report?
- Before you send a bug report, make sure you are using the latest
-version. Check `ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bison/' or one of its
-mirrors. Be sure to include the version number in your bug report. If
-the bug is present in the latest version but not in a previous version,
-try to determine the most recent version which did not contain the bug.
- If the bug is parser-related, you should include the smallest grammar
-you can which demonstrates the bug. The grammar file should also be
-complete (i.e., I should be able to run it through Bison without having
-to edit or add anything). The smaller and simpler the grammar, the
-easier it will be to fix the bug.
- Include information about your compilation environment, including
-your operating system's name and version and your compiler's name and
-version. If you have trouble compiling, you should also include a
-transcript of the build session, starting with the invocation of
-`configure'. Depending on the nature of the bug, you may be asked to
-send additional files as well (such as `config.h' or `config.cache').
- Patches are most welcome, but not required. That is, do not
-hesitate to send a bug report just because you can not provide a fix.
- Send bug reports to <bug-bison@gnu.org>.
-File: bison.info, Node: More Languages, Next: Beta Testing, Prev: Bug Reports, Up: FAQ
-11.10 More Languages
- Will Bison ever have C++ and Java support? How about INSERT YOUR
- C++ and Java support is there now, and is documented. We'd love to
-add other languages; contributions are welcome.
-File: bison.info, Node: Beta Testing, Next: Mailing Lists, Prev: More Languages, Up: FAQ
-11.11 Beta Testing
- What is involved in being a beta tester?
- It's not terribly involved. Basically, you would download a test
-release, compile it, and use it to build and run a parser or two. After
-that, you would submit either a bug report or a message saying that
-everything is okay. It is important to report successes as well as
-failures because test releases eventually become mainstream releases,
-but only if they are adequately tested. If no one tests, development is
-essentially halted.
- Beta testers are particularly needed for operating systems to which
-the developers do not have easy access. They currently have easy
-access to recent GNU/Linux and Solaris versions. Reports about other
-operating systems are especially welcome.
-File: bison.info, Node: Mailing Lists, Prev: Beta Testing, Up: FAQ
-11.12 Mailing Lists
- How do I join the help-bison and bug-bison mailing lists?
- See `http://lists.gnu.org/'.
-File: bison.info, Node: Table of Symbols, Next: Glossary, Prev: FAQ, Up: Top
-Appendix A Bison Symbols
- -- Variable: @$
- In an action, the location of the left-hand side of the rule.
- *Note Locations Overview: Locations.
- -- Variable: @N
- In an action, the location of the N-th symbol of the right-hand
- side of the rule. *Note Locations Overview: Locations.
- -- Variable: $$
- In an action, the semantic value of the left-hand side of the rule.
- *Note Actions::.
- -- Variable: $N
- In an action, the semantic value of the N-th symbol of the
- right-hand side of the rule. *Note Actions::.
- -- Delimiter: %%
- Delimiter used to separate the grammar rule section from the Bison
- declarations section or the epilogue. *Note The Overall Layout of
- a Bison Grammar: Grammar Layout.
- -- Delimiter: %{CODE%}
- All code listed between `%{' and `%}' is copied directly to the
- output file uninterpreted. Such code forms the prologue of the
- input file. *Note Outline of a Bison Grammar: Grammar Outline.
- -- Construct: /*...*/
- Comment delimiters, as in C.
- -- Delimiter: :
- Separates a rule's result from its components. *Note Syntax of
- Grammar Rules: Rules.
- -- Delimiter: ;
- Terminates a rule. *Note Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
- -- Delimiter: |
- Separates alternate rules for the same result nonterminal. *Note
- Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
- -- Directive: <*>
- Used to define a default tagged `%destructor' or default tagged
- `%printer'.
- This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to
- determine whether it should become a permanent feature.
- *Note Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor Decl.
- -- Directive: <>
- Used to define a default tagless `%destructor' or default tagless
- `%printer'.
- This feature is experimental. More user feedback will help to
- determine whether it should become a permanent feature.
- *Note Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor Decl.
- -- Symbol: $accept
- The predefined nonterminal whose only rule is `$accept: START
- $end', where START is the start symbol. *Note The Start-Symbol:
- Start Decl. It cannot be used in the grammar.
- -- Directive: %code {CODE}
- -- Directive: %code QUALIFIER {CODE}
- Insert CODE verbatim into output parser source. *Note %code: Decl
- Summary.
- -- Directive: %debug
- Equip the parser for debugging. *Note Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %debug
- Equip the parser for debugging. *Note Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %define DEFINE-VARIABLE
- -- Directive: %define DEFINE-VARIABLE VALUE
- Define a variable to adjust Bison's behavior. *Note %define: Decl
- Summary.
- -- Directive: %defines
- Bison declaration to create a header file meant for the scanner.
- *Note Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %defines DEFINES-FILE
- Same as above, but save in the file DEFINES-FILE. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- -- Directive: %destructor
- Specify how the parser should reclaim the memory associated to
- discarded symbols. *Note Freeing Discarded Symbols: Destructor
- Decl.
- -- Directive: %dprec
- Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a rule that is used at
- parse time to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts. *Note Writing GLR
- Parsers: GLR Parsers.
- -- Symbol: $end
- The predefined token marking the end of the token stream. It
- cannot be used in the grammar.
- -- Symbol: error
- A token name reserved for error recovery. This token may be used
- in grammar rules so as to allow the Bison parser to recognize an
- error in the grammar without halting the process. In effect, a
- sentence containing an error may be recognized as valid. On a
- syntax error, the token `error' becomes the current lookahead
- token. Actions corresponding to `error' are then executed, and
- the lookahead token is reset to the token that originally caused
- the violation. *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Directive: %error-verbose
- Bison declaration to request verbose, specific error message
- strings when `yyerror' is called.
- -- Directive: %file-prefix "PREFIX"
- Bison declaration to set the prefix of the output files. *Note
- Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %glr-parser
- Bison declaration to produce a GLR parser. *Note Writing GLR
- Parsers: GLR Parsers.
- -- Directive: %initial-action
- Run user code before parsing. *Note Performing Actions before
- Parsing: Initial Action Decl.
- -- Directive: %language
- Specify the programming language for the generated parser. *Note
- Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %left
- Bison declaration to assign left associativity to token(s). *Note
- Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
- -- Directive: %lex-param {ARGUMENT-DECLARATION}
- Bison declaration to specifying an additional parameter that
- `yylex' should accept. *Note Calling Conventions for Pure
- Parsers: Pure Calling.
- -- Directive: %merge
- Bison declaration to assign a merging function to a rule. If
- there is a reduce/reduce conflict with a rule having the same
- merging function, the function is applied to the two semantic
- values to get a single result. *Note Writing GLR Parsers: GLR
- Parsers.
- -- Directive: %name-prefix "PREFIX"
- Bison declaration to rename the external symbols. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- -- Directive: %no-lines
- Bison declaration to avoid generating `#line' directives in the
- parser file. *Note Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %nonassoc
- Bison declaration to assign nonassociativity to token(s). *Note
- Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
- -- Directive: %output "FILE"
- Bison declaration to set the name of the parser file. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- -- Directive: %parse-param {ARGUMENT-DECLARATION}
- Bison declaration to specifying an additional parameter that
- `yyparse' should accept. *Note The Parser Function `yyparse':
- Parser Function.
- -- Directive: %prec
- Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a specific rule.
- *Note Context-Dependent Precedence: Contextual Precedence.
- -- Directive: %pure-parser
- Deprecated version of `%define api.pure' (*note %define: Decl
- Summary.), for which Bison is more careful to warn about
- unreasonable usage.
- -- Directive: %require "VERSION"
- Require version VERSION or higher of Bison. *Note Require a
- Version of Bison: Require Decl.
- -- Directive: %right
- Bison declaration to assign right associativity to token(s).
- *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
- -- Directive: %skeleton
- Specify the skeleton to use; usually for development. *Note Decl
- Summary::.
- -- Directive: %start
- Bison declaration to specify the start symbol. *Note The
- Start-Symbol: Start Decl.
- -- Directive: %token
- Bison declaration to declare token(s) without specifying
- precedence. *Note Token Type Names: Token Decl.
- -- Directive: %token-table
- Bison declaration to include a token name table in the parser file.
- *Note Decl Summary::.
- -- Directive: %type
- Bison declaration to declare nonterminals. *Note Nonterminal
- Symbols: Type Decl.
- -- Symbol: $undefined
- The predefined token onto which all undefined values returned by
- `yylex' are mapped. It cannot be used in the grammar, rather, use
- `error'.
- -- Directive: %union
- Bison declaration to specify several possible data types for
- semantic values. *Note The Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.
- -- Macro: YYABORT
- Macro to pretend that an unrecoverable syntax error has occurred,
- by making `yyparse' return 1 immediately. The error reporting
- function `yyerror' is not called. *Note The Parser Function
- `yyparse': Parser Function.
- For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using `return
- YYABORT;' instead.
- -- Macro: YYACCEPT
- Macro to pretend that a complete utterance of the language has been
- read, by making `yyparse' return 0 immediately. *Note The Parser
- Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
- For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using `return
- YYACCEPT;' instead.
- -- Macro: YYBACKUP
- Macro to discard a value from the parser stack and fake a lookahead
- token. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.
- -- Variable: yychar
- External integer variable that contains the integer value of the
- lookahead token. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within
- `yyparse'.) Error-recovery rule actions may examine this variable.
- *Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.
- -- Variable: yyclearin
- Macro used in error-recovery rule actions. It clears the previous
- lookahead token. *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Macro: YYDEBUG
- Macro to define to equip the parser with tracing code. *Note
- Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.
- -- Variable: yydebug
- External integer variable set to zero by default. If `yydebug' is
- given a nonzero value, the parser will output information on input
- symbols and parser action. *Note Tracing Your Parser: Tracing.
- -- Macro: yyerrok
- Macro to cause parser to recover immediately to its normal mode
- after a syntax error. *Note Error Recovery::.
- -- Macro: YYERROR
- Macro to pretend that a syntax error has just been detected: call
- `yyerror' and then perform normal error recovery if possible
- (*note Error Recovery::), or (if recovery is impossible) make
- `yyparse' return 1. *Note Error Recovery::.
- For Java parsers, this functionality is invoked using `return
- YYERROR;' instead.
- -- Function: yyerror
- User-supplied function to be called by `yyparse' on error. *Note
- The Error Reporting Function `yyerror': Error Reporting.
- An obsolete macro that you define with `#define' in the prologue
- to request verbose, specific error message strings when `yyerror'
- is called. It doesn't matter what definition you use for
- `YYERROR_VERBOSE', just whether you define it. Using
- `%error-verbose' is preferred.
- Macro for specifying the initial size of the parser stack. *Note
- Memory Management::.
- -- Function: yylex
- User-supplied lexical analyzer function, called with no arguments
- to get the next token. *Note The Lexical Analyzer Function
- `yylex': Lexical.
- -- Macro: YYLEX_PARAM
- An obsolete macro for specifying an extra argument (or list of
- extra arguments) for `yyparse' to pass to `yylex'. The use of this
- macro is deprecated, and is supported only for Yacc like parsers.
- *Note Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling.
- -- Variable: yylloc
- External variable in which `yylex' should place the line and column
- numbers associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
- variable within `yyparse', and its address is passed to `yylex'.)
- You can ignore this variable if you don't use the `@' feature in
- the grammar actions. *Note Textual Locations of Tokens: Token
- Locations. In semantic actions, it stores the location of the
- lookahead token. *Note Actions and Locations: Actions and
- Locations.
- -- Type: YYLTYPE
- Data type of `yylloc'; by default, a structure with four members.
- *Note Data Types of Locations: Location Type.
- -- Variable: yylval
- External variable in which `yylex' should place the semantic value
- associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
- variable within `yyparse', and its address is passed to `yylex'.)
- *Note Semantic Values of Tokens: Token Values. In semantic
- actions, it stores the semantic value of the lookahead token.
- *Note Actions: Actions.
- -- Macro: YYMAXDEPTH
- Macro for specifying the maximum size of the parser stack. *Note
- Memory Management::.
- -- Variable: yynerrs
- Global variable which Bison increments each time it reports a
- syntax error. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within
- `yyparse'. In a pure push parser, it is a member of yypstate.)
- *Note The Error Reporting Function `yyerror': Error Reporting.
- -- Function: yyparse
- The parser function produced by Bison; call this function to start
- parsing. *Note The Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
- -- Function: yypstate_delete
- The function to delete a parser instance, produced by Bison in
- push mode; call this function to delete the memory associated with
- a parser. *Note The Parser Delete Function `yypstate_delete':
- Parser Delete Function. (The current push parsing interface is
- experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will help to
- stabilize it.)
- -- Function: yypstate_new
- The function to create a parser instance, produced by Bison in
- push mode; call this function to create a new parser. *Note The
- Parser Create Function `yypstate_new': Parser Create Function.
- (The current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
- More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- -- Function: yypull_parse
- The parser function produced by Bison in push mode; call this
- function to parse the rest of the input stream. *Note The Pull
- Parser Function `yypull_parse': Pull Parser Function. (The
- current push parsing interface is experimental and may evolve.
- More user feedback will help to stabilize it.)
- -- Function: yypush_parse
- The parser function produced by Bison in push mode; call this
- function to parse a single token. *Note The Push Parser Function
- `yypush_parse': Push Parser Function. (The current push parsing
- interface is experimental and may evolve. More user feedback will
- help to stabilize it.)
- An obsolete macro for specifying the name of a parameter that
- `yyparse' should accept. The use of this macro is deprecated, and
- is supported only for Yacc like parsers. *Note Calling
- Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling.
- The expression `YYRECOVERING ()' yields 1 when the parser is
- recovering from a syntax error, and 0 otherwise. *Note Special
- Features for Use in Actions: Action Features.
- Macro used to control the use of `alloca' when the C LALR(1)
- parser needs to extend its stacks. If defined to 0, the parser
- will use `malloc' to extend its stacks. If defined to 1, the
- parser will use `alloca'. Values other than 0 and 1 are reserved
- for future Bison extensions. If not defined, `YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA'
- defaults to 0.
- In the all-too-common case where your code may run on a host with a
- limited stack and with unreliable stack-overflow checking, you
- should set `YYMAXDEPTH' to a value that cannot possibly result in
- unchecked stack overflow on any of your target hosts when `alloca'
- is called. You can inspect the code that Bison generates in order
- to determine the proper numeric values. This will require some
- expertise in low-level implementation details.
- -- Type: YYSTYPE
- Data type of semantic values; `int' by default. *Note Data Types
- of Semantic Values: Value Type.
-File: bison.info, Node: Glossary, Next: Copying This Manual, Prev: Table of Symbols, Up: Top
-Appendix B Glossary
-Backus-Naur Form (BNF; also called "Backus Normal Form")
- Formal method of specifying context-free grammars originally
- proposed by John Backus, and slightly improved by Peter Naur in
- his 1960-01-02 committee document contributing to what became the
- Algol 60 report. *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars:
- Language and Grammar.
-Context-free grammars
- Grammars specified as rules that can be applied regardless of
- context. Thus, if there is a rule which says that an integer can
- be used as an expression, integers are allowed _anywhere_ an
- expression is permitted. *Note Languages and Context-Free
- Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Dynamic allocation
- Allocation of memory that occurs during execution, rather than at
- compile time or on entry to a function.
-Empty string
- Analogous to the empty set in set theory, the empty string is a
- character string of length zero.
-Finite-state stack machine
- A "machine" that has discrete states in which it is said to exist
- at each instant in time. As input to the machine is processed, the
- machine moves from state to state as specified by the logic of the
- machine. In the case of the parser, the input is the language
- being parsed, and the states correspond to various stages in the
- grammar rules. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
-Generalized LR (GLR)
- A parsing algorithm that can handle all context-free grammars,
- including those that are not LALR(1). It resolves situations that
- Bison's usual LALR(1) algorithm cannot by effectively splitting
- off multiple parsers, trying all possible parsers, and discarding
- those that fail in the light of additional right context. *Note
- Generalized LR Parsing: Generalized LR Parsing.
- A language construct that is (in general) grammatically divisible;
- for example, `expression' or `declaration' in C. *Note Languages
- and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Infix operator
- An arithmetic operator that is placed between the operands on
- which it performs some operation.
-Input stream
- A continuous flow of data between devices or programs.
-Language construct
- One of the typical usage schemas of the language. For example,
- one of the constructs of the C language is the `if' statement.
- *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
-Left associativity
- Operators having left associativity are analyzed from left to
- right: `a+b+c' first computes `a+b' and then combines with `c'.
- *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence.
-Left recursion
- A rule whose result symbol is also its first component symbol; for
- example, `expseq1 : expseq1 ',' exp;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
- Recursion.
-Left-to-right parsing
- Parsing a sentence of a language by analyzing it token by token
- from left to right. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
-Lexical analyzer (scanner)
- A function that reads an input stream and returns tokens one by
- one. *Note The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex': Lexical.
-Lexical tie-in
- A flag, set by actions in the grammar rules, which alters the way
- tokens are parsed. *Note Lexical Tie-ins::.
-Literal string token
- A token which consists of two or more fixed characters. *Note
- Symbols::.
-Lookahead token
- A token already read but not yet shifted. *Note Lookahead Tokens:
- Lookahead.
- The class of context-free grammars that Bison (like most other
- parser generators) can handle; a subset of LR(1). *Note
- Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts: Mystery Conflicts.
- The class of context-free grammars in which at most one token of
- lookahead is needed to disambiguate the parsing of any piece of
- input.
-Nonterminal symbol
- A grammar symbol standing for a grammatical construct that can be
- expressed through rules in terms of smaller constructs; in other
- words, a construct that is not a token. *Note Symbols::.
- A function that recognizes valid sentences of a language by
- analyzing the syntax structure of a set of tokens passed to it
- from a lexical analyzer.
-Postfix operator
- An arithmetic operator that is placed after the operands upon
- which it performs some operation.
- Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single
- nonterminal, according to a grammar rule. *Note The Bison Parser
- Algorithm: Algorithm.
- A reentrant subprogram is a subprogram which can be in invoked any
- number of times in parallel, without interference between the
- various invocations. *Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
-Reverse polish notation
- A language in which all operators are postfix operators.
-Right recursion
- A rule whose result symbol is also its last component symbol; for
- example, `expseq1: exp ',' expseq1;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
- Recursion.
- In computer languages, the semantics are specified by the actions
- taken for each instance of the language, i.e., the meaning of each
- statement. *Note Defining Language Semantics: Semantics.
- A parser is said to shift when it makes the choice of analyzing
- further input from the stream rather than reducing immediately some
- already-recognized rule. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm:
- Algorithm.
-Single-character literal
- A single character that is recognized and interpreted as is.
- *Note From Formal Rules to Bison Input: Grammar in Bison.
-Start symbol
- The nonterminal symbol that stands for a complete valid utterance
- in the language being parsed. The start symbol is usually listed
- as the first nonterminal symbol in a language specification.
- *Note The Start-Symbol: Start Decl.
-Symbol table
- A data structure where symbol names and associated data are stored
- during parsing to allow for recognition and use of existing
- information in repeated uses of a symbol. *Note Multi-function
- Calc::.
-Syntax error
- An error encountered during parsing of an input stream due to
- invalid syntax. *Note Error Recovery::.
- A basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language. The symbol
- that describes a token in the grammar is a terminal symbol. The
- input of the Bison parser is a stream of tokens which comes from
- the lexical analyzer. *Note Symbols::.
-Terminal symbol
- A grammar symbol that has no rules in the grammar and therefore is
- grammatically indivisible. The piece of text it represents is a
- token. *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and
- Grammar.
-File: bison.info, Node: Copying This Manual, Next: Index, Prev: Glossary, Up: Top
-Appendix C Copying This Manual
- Version 1.2, November 2002
- Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
- functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
- assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
- with or without modifying it, either commercially or
- noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
- author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
- being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
- This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
- works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
- It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
- license designed for free software.
- We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
- free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
- free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
- that the software does. But this License is not limited to
- software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
- of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book.
- We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
- instruction or reference.
- This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
- that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it
- can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice
- grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration,
- to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The
- "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member
- of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". You
- accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a
- way requiring permission under copyright law.
- A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
- Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
- modifications and/or translated into another language.
- A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
- of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
- publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
- subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could
- fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document
- is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not
- explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of
- historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or
- of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position
- regarding them.
- The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
- titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in
- the notice that says that the Document is released under this
- License. If a section does not fit the above definition of
- Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant.
- The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document
- does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.
- The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
- listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
- that says that the Document is released under this License. A
- Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may
- be at most 25 words.
- A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
- represented in a format whose specification is available to the
- general public, that is suitable for revising the document
- straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images
- composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some
- widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to
- text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of
- formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an
- otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of
- markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent
- modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is
- not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A
- copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
- Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
- ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format,
- SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
- standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for
- human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include
- PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that
- can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or
- XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally
- available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF
- produced by some word processors for output purposes only.
- The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
- plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the
- material this License requires to appear in the title page. For
- works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title
- Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the
- work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
- A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document
- whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses
- following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ
- stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as
- "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)
- To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the
- Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according
- to this definition.
- The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice
- which states that this License applies to the Document. These
- Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in
- this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
- implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and
- has no effect on the meaning of this License.
- You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
- commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
- copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License
- applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you
- add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You
- may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading
- or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However,
- you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you
- distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow
- the conditions in section 3.
- You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
- and you may publicly display copies.
- If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly
- have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and
- the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must
- enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all
- these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
- Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly
- and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The
- front cover must present the full title with all words of the
- title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material
- on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the
- covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and
- satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in
- other respects.
- If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
- legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
- reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto
- adjacent pages.
- If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
- numbering more than 100, you must either include a
- machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or
- state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from
- which the general network-using public has access to download
- using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent
- copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the
- latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you
- begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that
- this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
- location until at least one year after the last time you
- distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or
- retailers) of that edition to the public.
- It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
- the Document well before redistributing any large number of
- copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated
- version of the Document.
- You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
- under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you
- release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
- the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
- licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to
- whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these
- things in the Modified Version:
- A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
- distinct from that of the Document, and from those of
- previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed
- in the History section of the Document). You may use the
- same title as a previous version if the original publisher of
- that version gives permission.
- B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
- entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
- the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
- principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
- authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you
- from this requirement.
- C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
- Modified Version, as the publisher.
- D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
- E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
- adjacent to the other copyright notices.
- F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
- notice giving the public permission to use the Modified
- Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in
- the Addendum below.
- G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
- Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's
- license notice.
- H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
- I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title,
- and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
- authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on
- the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in
- the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors,
- and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page,
- then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in
- the previous sentence.
- J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
- for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
- likewise the network locations given in the Document for
- previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in
- the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a
- work that was published at least four years before the
- Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version
- it refers to gives permission.
- K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
- Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the
- section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
- acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
- L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
- unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
- or the equivalent are not considered part of the section
- titles.
- M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
- may not be included in the Modified Version.
- N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
- "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant
- Section.
- O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
- If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
- appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
- material copied from the Document, you may at your option
- designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this,
- add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified
- Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any
- other section titles.
- You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
- nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
- parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text
- has been approved by an organization as the authoritative
- definition of a standard.
- You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
- and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end
- of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one
- passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be
- added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the
- Document already includes a cover text for the same cover,
- previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity
- you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may
- replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous
- publisher that added the old one.
- The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
- License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
- assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
- You may combine the Document with other documents released under
- this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
- modified versions, provided that you include in the combination
- all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
- unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
- combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all
- their Warranty Disclaimers.
- The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
- multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
- copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
- but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
- by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
- original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
- unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
- the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
- combined work.
- In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled
- "History" in the various original documents, forming one section
- Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled
- "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You
- must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements."
- You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
- documents released under this License, and replace the individual
- copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
- that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the
- rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the
- documents in all other respects.
- You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
- distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
- a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow
- this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of
- that document.
- A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
- separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of
- a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the
- copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the
- legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual
- works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this
- License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which
- are not themselves derivative works of the Document.
- If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
- copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half
- of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed
- on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
- electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic
- form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket
- the whole aggregate.
- Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
- distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
- 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
- permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
- translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
- original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
- translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
- Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also
- include the original English version of this License and the
- original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a
- disagreement between the translation and the original version of
- this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will
- prevail.
- If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
- "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to
- Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the
- actual title.
- You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
- except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other
- attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is
- void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this
- License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights,
- from you under this License will not have their licenses
- terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
- the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
- versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
- differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
- `http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/'.
- Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
- number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
- version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you
- have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
- that specified version or of any later version that has been
- published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If
- the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
- you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
- Free Software Foundation.
-ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
-To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
-notices just after the title page:
- Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
- under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
- or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
- with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
- Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
- Free Documentation License''.
- If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover
-Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this:
- with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with
- the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts
- being LIST.
- If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
-combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
- If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
-recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
-free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
-permit their use in free software.
-File: bison.info, Node: Index, Prev: Copying This Manual, Up: Top
-* Menu:
-* $ <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 19)
-* $ <2>: Action Features. (line 14)
-* $: Java Action Features.
- (line 13)
-* $$ <1>: Action Features. (line 10)
-* $$ <2>: Java Action Features.
- (line 21)
-* $$ <3>: Actions. (line 6)
-* $$: Table of Symbols. (line 15)
-* $< <1>: Java Action Features.
- (line 17)
-* $< <2>: Action Features. (line 23)
-* $< <3>: Java Action Features.
- (line 29)
-* $<: Action Features. (line 18)
-* $accept: Table of Symbols. (line 65)
-* $end: Table of Symbols. (line 104)
-* $N: Actions. (line 6)
-* $undefined: Table of Symbols. (line 212)
-* % <1>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 53)
-* %: Table of Symbols. (line 28)
-* %% <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 23)
-* %%: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 49)
-* %code <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 71)
-* %code <2>: Prologue Alternatives.
- (line 6)
-* %code <3>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 37)
-* %code <4>: Calc++ Parser. (line 64)
-* %code: Decl Summary. (line 63)
-* %code imports <1>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 41)
-* %code imports: Decl Summary. (line 115)
-* %code lexer: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 45)
-* %code provides <1>: Prologue Alternatives.
- (line 6)
-* %code provides: Decl Summary. (line 303)
-* %code requires <1>: Decl Summary. (line 72)
-* %code requires <2>: Calc++ Parser. (line 17)
-* %code requires: Prologue Alternatives.
- (line 6)
-* %code top <1>: Decl Summary. (line 98)
-* %code top: Prologue Alternatives.
- (line 6)
-* %debug <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 78)
-* %debug <2>: Tracing. (line 23)
-* %debug <3>: Decl Summary. (line 134)
-* %debug: Table of Symbols. (line 75)
-* %define <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 81)
-* %define <2>: Decl Summary. (line 140)
-* %define: Table of Symbols. (line 82)
-* %define abstract: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 57)
-* %define api.pure <1>: Decl Summary. (line 166)
-* %define api.pure: Pure Decl. (line 6)
-* %define api.push_pull <1>: Push Decl. (line 6)
-* %define api.push_pull: Decl Summary. (line 177)
-* %define extends: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 61)
-* %define final: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 65)
-* %define implements: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 69)
-* %define lex_throws: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 73)
-* %define location_type: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 78)
-* %define lr.keep_unreachable_states: Decl Summary. (line 190)
-* %define namespace <1>: Decl Summary. (line 232)
-* %define namespace: C++ Bison Interface. (line 10)
-* %define package: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 84)
-* %define parser_class_name: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 88)
-* %define position_type: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 92)
-* %define public: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 97)
-* %define strictfp: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 105)
-* %define stype: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 101)
-* %define throws: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 109)
-* %defines <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 90)
-* %defines <2>: Decl Summary. (line 307)
-* %defines: Table of Symbols. (line 86)
-* %destructor <1>: Destructor Decl. (line 22)
-* %destructor <2>: Decl Summary. (line 310)
-* %destructor <3>: Destructor Decl. (line 6)
-* %destructor <4>: Mid-Rule Actions. (line 59)
-* %destructor <5>: Table of Symbols. (line 94)
-* %destructor: Destructor Decl. (line 22)
-* %dprec <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 99)
-* %dprec: Merging GLR Parses. (line 6)
-* %error-verbose <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 118)
-* %error-verbose: Error Reporting. (line 17)
-* %expect <1>: Decl Summary. (line 38)
-* %expect: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* %expect-rr <1>: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* %expect-rr: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* %file-prefix <1>: Decl Summary. (line 315)
-* %file-prefix: Table of Symbols. (line 122)
-* %glr-parser <1>: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* %glr-parser <2>: Table of Symbols. (line 126)
-* %glr-parser: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* %initial-action <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 130)
-* %initial-action: Initial Action Decl. (line 11)
-* %language <1>: Decl Summary. (line 319)
-* %language: Table of Symbols. (line 134)
-* %language "Java": Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 10)
-* %left <1>: Using Precedence. (line 6)
-* %left <2>: Decl Summary. (line 21)
-* %left: Table of Symbols. (line 138)
-* %lex-param <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 142)
-* %lex-param <2>: Pure Calling. (line 31)
-* %lex-param: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 13)
-* %locations: Decl Summary. (line 327)
-* %merge <1>: Merging GLR Parses. (line 6)
-* %merge: Table of Symbols. (line 147)
-* %name-prefix <1>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 19)
-* %name-prefix <2>: Decl Summary. (line 334)
-* %name-prefix: Table of Symbols. (line 154)
-* %no-lines <1>: Decl Summary. (line 346)
-* %no-lines: Table of Symbols. (line 158)
-* %nonassoc <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 162)
-* %nonassoc <2>: Using Precedence. (line 6)
-* %nonassoc: Decl Summary. (line 25)
-* %output <1>: Decl Summary. (line 354)
-* %output: Table of Symbols. (line 166)
-* %parse-param <1>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 24)
-* %parse-param <2>: Parser Function. (line 36)
-* %parse-param <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 170)
-* %parse-param: Parser Function. (line 36)
-* %prec <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 175)
-* %prec: Contextual Precedence.
- (line 6)
-* %pure-parser <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 179)
-* %pure-parser: Decl Summary. (line 357)
-* %require <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 184)
-* %require <2>: Require Decl. (line 6)
-* %require: Decl Summary. (line 362)
-* %right <1>: Using Precedence. (line 6)
-* %right <2>: Decl Summary. (line 17)
-* %right: Table of Symbols. (line 188)
-* %skeleton <1>: Decl Summary. (line 366)
-* %skeleton: Table of Symbols. (line 192)
-* %start <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 196)
-* %start <2>: Decl Summary. (line 34)
-* %start: Start Decl. (line 6)
-* %token <1>: Decl Summary. (line 13)
-* %token <2>: Token Decl. (line 6)
-* %token <3>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 29)
-* %token: Table of Symbols. (line 200)
-* %token-table <1>: Decl Summary. (line 374)
-* %token-table: Table of Symbols. (line 204)
-* %type <1>: Java Declarations Summary.
- (line 33)
-* %type <2>: Type Decl. (line 6)
-* %type <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 208)
-* %type: Decl Summary. (line 30)
-* %union <1>: Decl Summary. (line 9)
-* %union <2>: Union Decl. (line 6)
-* %union: Table of Symbols. (line 217)
-* %verbose: Decl Summary. (line 407)
-* %yacc: Decl Summary. (line 413)
-* *yypstate_new: Parser Create Function.
- (line 15)
-* /*: Table of Symbols. (line 33)
-* :: Table of Symbols. (line 36)
-* ;: Table of Symbols. (line 40)
-* <*> <1>: Destructor Decl. (line 6)
-* <*>: Table of Symbols. (line 47)
-* <> <1>: Destructor Decl. (line 6)
-* <>: Table of Symbols. (line 56)
-* @$ <1>: Action Features. (line 98)
-* @$ <2>: Java Action Features.
- (line 39)
-* @$ <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 7)
-* @$: Actions and Locations.
- (line 6)
-* @N <1>: Action Features. (line 104)
-* @N <2>: Actions and Locations.
- (line 6)
-* @N <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 11)
-* @N <4>: Action Features. (line 104)
-* @N: Java Action Features.
- (line 35)
-* abstract syntax tree: Implementing Gotos/Loops.
- (line 17)
-* action: Actions. (line 6)
-* action data types: Action Types. (line 6)
-* action features summary: Action Features. (line 6)
-* actions in mid-rule <1>: Mid-Rule Actions. (line 6)
-* actions in mid-rule: Destructor Decl. (line 88)
-* actions, location: Actions and Locations.
- (line 6)
-* actions, semantic: Semantic Actions. (line 6)
-* additional C code section: Epilogue. (line 6)
-* algorithm of parser: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* ambiguous grammars <1>: Generalized LR Parsing.
- (line 6)
-* ambiguous grammars: Language and Grammar.
- (line 33)
-* associativity: Why Precedence. (line 33)
-* AST: Implementing Gotos/Loops.
- (line 17)
-* Backus-Naur form: Language and Grammar.
- (line 16)
-* begin of Location: Java Location Values.
- (line 21)
-* begin on location: C++ Location Values. (line 44)
-* Bison declaration summary: Decl Summary. (line 6)
-* Bison declarations: Declarations. (line 6)
-* Bison declarations (introduction): Bison Declarations. (line 6)
-* Bison grammar: Grammar in Bison. (line 6)
-* Bison invocation: Invocation. (line 6)
-* Bison parser: Bison Parser. (line 6)
-* Bison parser algorithm: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* Bison symbols, table of: Table of Symbols. (line 6)
-* Bison utility: Bison Parser. (line 6)
-* bison-i18n.m4: Internationalization.
- (line 20)
-* bison-po: Internationalization.
- (line 6)
-* BISON_I18N: Internationalization.
- (line 27)
-* BISON_LOCALEDIR: Internationalization.
- (line 27)
-* BNF: Language and Grammar.
- (line 16)
-* braced code: Rules. (line 31)
-* C code, section for additional: Epilogue. (line 6)
-* C-language interface: Interface. (line 6)
-* calc: Infix Calc. (line 6)
-* calculator, infix notation: Infix Calc. (line 6)
-* calculator, location tracking: Location Tracking Calc.
- (line 6)
-* calculator, multi-function: Multi-function Calc. (line 6)
-* calculator, simple: RPN Calc. (line 6)
-* character token: Symbols. (line 31)
-* column on position: C++ Location Values. (line 25)
-* columns on location: C++ Location Values. (line 48)
-* columns on position: C++ Location Values. (line 28)
-* compiling the parser: Rpcalc Compile. (line 6)
-* conflicts <1>: Shift/Reduce. (line 6)
-* conflicts <2>: Merging GLR Parses. (line 6)
-* conflicts <3>: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* conflicts: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* conflicts, reduce/reduce: Reduce/Reduce. (line 6)
-* conflicts, suppressing warnings of: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* context-dependent precedence: Contextual Precedence.
- (line 6)
-* context-free grammar: Language and Grammar.
- (line 6)
-* controlling function: Rpcalc Main. (line 6)
-* core, item set: Understanding. (line 129)
-* dangling else: Shift/Reduce. (line 6)
-* data type of locations: Location Type. (line 6)
-* data types in actions: Action Types. (line 6)
-* data types of semantic values: Value Type. (line 6)
-* debug_level on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 31)
-* debug_stream on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 26)
-* debugging: Tracing. (line 6)
-* declaration summary: Decl Summary. (line 6)
-* declarations: Prologue. (line 6)
-* declarations section: Prologue. (line 6)
-* declarations, Bison: Declarations. (line 6)
-* declarations, Bison (introduction): Bison Declarations. (line 6)
-* declaring literal string tokens: Token Decl. (line 6)
-* declaring operator precedence: Precedence Decl. (line 6)
-* declaring the start symbol: Start Decl. (line 6)
-* declaring token type names: Token Decl. (line 6)
-* declaring value types: Union Decl. (line 6)
-* declaring value types, nonterminals: Type Decl. (line 6)
-* default action: Actions. (line 50)
-* default data type: Value Type. (line 6)
-* default location type: Location Type. (line 6)
-* default stack limit: Memory Management. (line 30)
-* default start symbol: Start Decl. (line 6)
-* deferred semantic actions: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 6)
-* defining language semantics: Semantics. (line 6)
-* discarded symbols: Destructor Decl. (line 98)
-* discarded symbols, mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions. (line 59)
-* else, dangling: Shift/Reduce. (line 6)
-* end of Location: Java Location Values.
- (line 22)
-* end on location: C++ Location Values. (line 45)
-* epilogue: Epilogue. (line 6)
-* error <1>: Error Recovery. (line 20)
-* error: Table of Symbols. (line 108)
-* error on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 37)
-* error recovery: Error Recovery. (line 6)
-* error recovery, mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions. (line 59)
-* error recovery, simple: Simple Error Recovery.
- (line 6)
-* error reporting function: Error Reporting. (line 6)
-* error reporting routine: Rpcalc Error. (line 6)
-* examples, simple: Examples. (line 6)
-* exercises: Exercises. (line 6)
-* file format: Grammar Layout. (line 6)
-* file on position: C++ Location Values. (line 13)
-* finite-state machine: Parser States. (line 6)
-* formal grammar: Grammar in Bison. (line 6)
-* format of grammar file: Grammar Layout. (line 6)
-* freeing discarded symbols: Destructor Decl. (line 6)
-* frequently asked questions: FAQ. (line 6)
-* generalized LR (GLR) parsing <1>: Generalized LR Parsing.
- (line 6)
-* generalized LR (GLR) parsing <2>: Language and Grammar.
- (line 33)
-* generalized LR (GLR) parsing: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* generalized LR (GLR) parsing, ambiguous grammars: Merging GLR Parses.
- (line 6)
-* generalized LR (GLR) parsing, unambiguous grammars: Simple GLR Parsers.
- (line 6)
-* getDebugLevel on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 67)
-* getDebugStream on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 62)
-* getEndPos on Lexer: Java Scanner Interface.
- (line 39)
-* getLVal on Lexer: Java Scanner Interface.
- (line 47)
-* getStartPos on Lexer: Java Scanner Interface.
- (line 38)
-* gettext: Internationalization.
- (line 6)
-* glossary: Glossary. (line 6)
-* GLR parsers and inline: Compiler Requirements.
- (line 6)
-* GLR parsers and yychar: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* GLR parsers and yyclearin: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 18)
-* GLR parsers and YYERROR: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 28)
-* GLR parsers and yylloc: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* GLR parsers and YYLLOC_DEFAULT: Location Default Action.
- (line 6)
-* GLR parsers and yylval: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* GLR parsing <1>: Language and Grammar.
- (line 33)
-* GLR parsing <2>: Generalized LR Parsing.
- (line 6)
-* GLR parsing: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* GLR parsing, ambiguous grammars: Merging GLR Parses. (line 6)
-* GLR parsing, unambiguous grammars: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* grammar file: Grammar Layout. (line 6)
-* grammar rule syntax: Rules. (line 6)
-* grammar rules section: Grammar Rules. (line 6)
-* grammar, Bison: Grammar in Bison. (line 6)
-* grammar, context-free: Language and Grammar.
- (line 6)
-* grouping, syntactic: Language and Grammar.
- (line 47)
-* i18n: Internationalization.
- (line 6)
-* infix notation calculator: Infix Calc. (line 6)
-* inline: Compiler Requirements.
- (line 6)
-* interface: Interface. (line 6)
-* internationalization: Internationalization.
- (line 6)
-* introduction: Introduction. (line 6)
-* invoking Bison: Invocation. (line 6)
-* item: Understanding. (line 107)
-* item set core: Understanding. (line 129)
-* kernel, item set: Understanding. (line 129)
-* LALR(1): Mystery Conflicts. (line 36)
-* LALR(1) grammars: Language and Grammar.
- (line 22)
-* language semantics, defining: Semantics. (line 6)
-* layout of Bison grammar: Grammar Layout. (line 6)
-* left recursion: Recursion. (line 16)
-* lex-param: Pure Calling. (line 31)
-* lexical analyzer: Lexical. (line 6)
-* lexical analyzer, purpose: Bison Parser. (line 6)
-* lexical analyzer, writing: Rpcalc Lexer. (line 6)
-* lexical tie-in: Lexical Tie-ins. (line 6)
-* line on position: C++ Location Values. (line 19)
-* lines on location: C++ Location Values. (line 49)
-* lines on position: C++ Location Values. (line 22)
-* literal string token: Symbols. (line 53)
-* literal token: Symbols. (line 31)
-* location <1>: Locations Overview. (line 6)
-* location: Locations. (line 6)
-* location actions: Actions and Locations.
- (line 6)
-* Location on Location: Java Location Values.
- (line 25)
-* location tracking calculator: Location Tracking Calc.
- (line 6)
-* location, textual <1>: Locations. (line 6)
-* location, textual: Locations Overview. (line 6)
-* location_value_type: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 16)
-* lookahead token: Lookahead. (line 6)
-* LR(1): Mystery Conflicts. (line 36)
-* LR(1) grammars: Language and Grammar.
- (line 22)
-* ltcalc: Location Tracking Calc.
- (line 6)
-* main function in simple example: Rpcalc Main. (line 6)
-* memory exhaustion: Memory Management. (line 6)
-* memory management: Memory Management. (line 6)
-* mfcalc: Multi-function Calc. (line 6)
-* mid-rule actions <1>: Destructor Decl. (line 88)
-* mid-rule actions: Mid-Rule Actions. (line 6)
-* multi-function calculator: Multi-function Calc. (line 6)
-* multicharacter literal: Symbols. (line 53)
-* mutual recursion: Recursion. (line 32)
-* NLS: Internationalization.
- (line 6)
-* nondeterministic parsing <1>: Generalized LR Parsing.
- (line 6)
-* nondeterministic parsing: Language and Grammar.
- (line 33)
-* nonterminal symbol: Symbols. (line 6)
-* nonterminal, useless: Understanding. (line 62)
-* operator precedence: Precedence. (line 6)
-* operator precedence, declaring: Precedence Decl. (line 6)
-* operator+ on location: C++ Location Values. (line 53)
-* operator+ on position: C++ Location Values. (line 33)
-* operator+= on location: C++ Location Values. (line 57)
-* operator+= on position: C++ Location Values. (line 31)
-* operator- on position: C++ Location Values. (line 36)
-* operator-= on position: C++ Location Values. (line 35)
-* operator<< on position: C++ Location Values. (line 40)
-* options for invoking Bison: Invocation. (line 6)
-* overflow of parser stack: Memory Management. (line 6)
-* parse error: Error Reporting. (line 6)
-* parse on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 23)
-* parse on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 54)
-* parser: Bison Parser. (line 6)
-* parser on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 19)
-* parser stack: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* parser stack overflow: Memory Management. (line 6)
-* parser state: Parser States. (line 6)
-* pointed rule: Understanding. (line 107)
-* polish notation calculator: RPN Calc. (line 6)
-* precedence declarations: Precedence Decl. (line 6)
-* precedence of operators: Precedence. (line 6)
-* precedence, context-dependent: Contextual Precedence.
- (line 6)
-* precedence, unary operator: Contextual Precedence.
- (line 6)
-* preventing warnings about conflicts: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* Prologue <1>: Decl Summary. (line 129)
-* Prologue <2>: Prologue. (line 6)
-* Prologue: Decl Summary. (line 50)
-* Prologue Alternatives: Prologue Alternatives.
- (line 6)
-* pure parser: Pure Decl. (line 6)
-* push parser: Push Decl. (line 6)
-* questions: FAQ. (line 6)
-* recovering: Java Action Features.
- (line 59)
-* recovering on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 58)
-* recovery from errors: Error Recovery. (line 6)
-* recursive rule: Recursion. (line 6)
-* reduce/reduce conflict: Reduce/Reduce. (line 6)
-* reduce/reduce conflicts <1>: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* reduce/reduce conflicts <2>: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* reduce/reduce conflicts: Merging GLR Parses. (line 6)
-* reduction: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* reentrant parser: Pure Decl. (line 6)
-* requiring a version of Bison: Require Decl. (line 6)
-* return YYABORT;: Java Action Features.
- (line 43)
-* return YYACCEPT;: Java Action Features.
- (line 47)
-* return YYERROR;: Java Action Features.
- (line 51)
-* return YYFAIL;: Java Action Features.
- (line 55)
-* reverse polish notation: RPN Calc. (line 6)
-* right recursion: Recursion. (line 16)
-* rpcalc: RPN Calc. (line 6)
-* rule syntax: Rules. (line 6)
-* rule, pointed: Understanding. (line 107)
-* rule, useless: Understanding. (line 62)
-* rules section for grammar: Grammar Rules. (line 6)
-* running Bison (introduction): Rpcalc Generate. (line 6)
-* semantic actions: Semantic Actions. (line 6)
-* semantic value: Semantic Values. (line 6)
-* semantic value type: Value Type. (line 6)
-* semantic_value_type: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 15)
-* set_debug_level on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 32)
-* set_debug_stream on parser: C++ Parser Interface.
- (line 27)
-* setDebugLevel on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 68)
-* setDebugStream on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 63)
-* shift/reduce conflicts <1>: Simple GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* shift/reduce conflicts <2>: Shift/Reduce. (line 6)
-* shift/reduce conflicts: GLR Parsers. (line 6)
-* shifting: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* simple examples: Examples. (line 6)
-* single-character literal: Symbols. (line 31)
-* stack overflow: Memory Management. (line 6)
-* stack, parser: Algorithm. (line 6)
-* stages in using Bison: Stages. (line 6)
-* start symbol: Language and Grammar.
- (line 96)
-* start symbol, declaring: Start Decl. (line 6)
-* state (of parser): Parser States. (line 6)
-* step on location: C++ Location Values. (line 60)
-* string token: Symbols. (line 53)
-* summary, action features: Action Features. (line 6)
-* summary, Bison declaration: Decl Summary. (line 6)
-* suppressing conflict warnings: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* symbol: Symbols. (line 6)
-* symbol table example: Mfcalc Symbol Table. (line 6)
-* symbols (abstract): Language and Grammar.
- (line 47)
-* symbols in Bison, table of: Table of Symbols. (line 6)
-* syntactic grouping: Language and Grammar.
- (line 47)
-* syntax error: Error Reporting. (line 6)
-* syntax of grammar rules: Rules. (line 6)
-* terminal symbol: Symbols. (line 6)
-* textual location <1>: Locations Overview. (line 6)
-* textual location: Locations. (line 6)
-* token: Language and Grammar.
- (line 47)
-* token type: Symbols. (line 6)
-* token type names, declaring: Token Decl. (line 6)
-* token, useless: Understanding. (line 62)
-* toString on Location: Java Location Values.
- (line 32)
-* tracing the parser: Tracing. (line 6)
-* unary operator precedence: Contextual Precedence.
- (line 6)
-* useless nonterminal: Understanding. (line 62)
-* useless rule: Understanding. (line 62)
-* useless token: Understanding. (line 62)
-* using Bison: Stages. (line 6)
-* value type, semantic: Value Type. (line 6)
-* value types, declaring: Union Decl. (line 6)
-* value types, nonterminals, declaring: Type Decl. (line 6)
-* value, semantic: Semantic Values. (line 6)
-* version requirement: Require Decl. (line 6)
-* warnings, preventing: Expect Decl. (line 6)
-* writing a lexical analyzer: Rpcalc Lexer. (line 6)
-* YYABORT <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 221)
-* YYABORT: Parser Function. (line 29)
-* YYABORT;: Action Features. (line 28)
-* YYACCEPT <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 230)
-* YYACCEPT: Parser Function. (line 26)
-* YYACCEPT;: Action Features. (line 32)
-* YYBACKUP <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 238)
-* YYBACKUP: Action Features. (line 36)
-* yychar <1>: Action Features. (line 69)
-* yychar <2>: Lookahead. (line 47)
-* yychar <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 242)
-* yychar: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* yyclearin <1>: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 18)
-* yyclearin <2>: Table of Symbols. (line 248)
-* yyclearin: Error Recovery. (line 97)
-* yyclearin;: Action Features. (line 76)
-* yydebug <1>: Tracing. (line 6)
-* yydebug: Table of Symbols. (line 256)
-* YYDEBUG <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 252)
-* YYDEBUG: Tracing. (line 12)
-* YYEMPTY: Action Features. (line 49)
-* YYENABLE_NLS: Internationalization.
- (line 27)
-* YYEOF: Action Features. (line 52)
-* yyerrok <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 261)
-* yyerrok: Error Recovery. (line 92)
-* yyerrok;: Action Features. (line 81)
-* YYERROR: Action Features. (line 56)
-* yyerror: Java Action Features.
- (line 64)
-* YYERROR: Table of Symbols. (line 265)
-* yyerror <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 274)
-* yyerror: Error Reporting. (line 6)
-* YYERROR: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 28)
-* yyerror on Lexer: Java Scanner Interface.
- (line 25)
-* YYERROR;: Action Features. (line 56)
-* YYERROR_VERBOSE: Table of Symbols. (line 278)
-* YYINITDEPTH <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 285)
-* YYINITDEPTH: Memory Management. (line 32)
-* yylex <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 289)
-* yylex: Lexical. (line 6)
-* yylex on Lexer: Java Scanner Interface.
- (line 30)
-* yylex on parser: C++ Scanner Interface.
- (line 12)
-* YYLEX_PARAM: Table of Symbols. (line 294)
-* yylloc <1>: Token Locations. (line 6)
-* yylloc <2>: Table of Symbols. (line 300)
-* yylloc <3>: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* yylloc <4>: Action Features. (line 86)
-* yylloc <5>: Lookahead. (line 47)
-* yylloc: Actions and Locations.
- (line 60)
-* YYLLOC_DEFAULT: Location Default Action.
- (line 6)
-* YYLTYPE <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 310)
-* YYLTYPE: Token Locations. (line 19)
-* yylval <1>: Actions. (line 74)
-* yylval <2>: Action Features. (line 92)
-* yylval <3>: Table of Symbols. (line 314)
-* yylval <4>: GLR Semantic Actions.
- (line 10)
-* yylval <5>: Lookahead. (line 47)
-* yylval: Token Values. (line 6)
-* YYMAXDEPTH <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 322)
-* YYMAXDEPTH: Memory Management. (line 14)
-* yynerrs <1>: Error Reporting. (line 92)
-* yynerrs: Table of Symbols. (line 326)
-* yyparse <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 332)
-* yyparse: Parser Function. (line 6)
-* YYPARSE_PARAM: Table of Symbols. (line 365)
-* YYParser on YYParser: Java Parser Interface.
- (line 41)
-* YYPRINT: Tracing. (line 71)
-* yypstate_delete <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 336)
-* yypstate_delete: Parser Delete Function.
- (line 6)
-* yypstate_new <1>: Parser Create Function.
- (line 6)
-* yypstate_new: Table of Symbols. (line 344)
-* yypull_parse <1>: Pull Parser Function.
- (line 6)
-* yypull_parse <2>: Table of Symbols. (line 351)
-* yypull_parse: Pull Parser Function.
- (line 14)
-* yypush_parse <1>: Push Parser Function.
- (line 15)
-* yypush_parse: Table of Symbols. (line 358)
-* YYRECOVERING <1>: Action Features. (line 64)
-* YYRECOVERING <2>: Error Recovery. (line 109)
-* YYRECOVERING <3>: Action Features. (line 64)
-* YYRECOVERING: Table of Symbols. (line 371)
-* YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA: Table of Symbols. (line 376)
-* YYSTYPE: Table of Symbols. (line 392)
-* | <1>: Table of Symbols. (line 43)
-* |: Rules. (line 49)
-Tag Table:
-Node: Top1174
-Node: Introduction13739
-Node: Conditions15002
-Node: Copying16893
-Node: Concepts54431
-Node: Language and Grammar55612
-Node: Grammar in Bison61501
-Node: Semantic Values63430
-Node: Semantic Actions65536
-Node: GLR Parsers66723
-Node: Simple GLR Parsers69470
-Node: Merging GLR Parses76122
-Node: GLR Semantic Actions80691
-Node: Compiler Requirements82581
-Node: Locations Overview83317
-Node: Bison Parser84770
-Node: Stages87710
-Node: Grammar Layout88998
-Node: Examples90330
-Node: RPN Calc91533
-Node: Rpcalc Declarations92533
-Node: Rpcalc Rules94461
-Node: Rpcalc Input96277
-Node: Rpcalc Line97752
-Node: Rpcalc Expr98880
-Node: Rpcalc Lexer100847
-Node: Rpcalc Main103441
-Node: Rpcalc Error103848
-Node: Rpcalc Generate104881
-Node: Rpcalc Compile106016
-Node: Infix Calc106895
-Node: Simple Error Recovery109658
-Node: Location Tracking Calc111553
-Node: Ltcalc Declarations112249
-Node: Ltcalc Rules113338
-Node: Ltcalc Lexer115354
-Node: Multi-function Calc117677
-Node: Mfcalc Declarations119253
-Node: Mfcalc Rules121300
-Node: Mfcalc Symbol Table122695
-Node: Exercises128871
-Node: Grammar File129385
-Node: Grammar Outline130234
-Node: Prologue131084
-Node: Prologue Alternatives132873
-Node: Bison Declarations142558
-Node: Grammar Rules142986
-Node: Epilogue143457
-Node: Symbols144473
-Node: Rules151176
-Node: Recursion153655
-Node: Semantics155373
-Node: Value Type156472
-Node: Multiple Types157307
-Node: Actions158474
-Node: Action Types161889
-Node: Mid-Rule Actions163201
-Node: Locations169666
-Node: Location Type170317
-Node: Actions and Locations171103
-Node: Location Default Action173564
-Node: Declarations177284
-Node: Require Decl178811
-Node: Token Decl179130
-Node: Precedence Decl181556
-Node: Union Decl183566
-Node: Type Decl185340
-Node: Initial Action Decl186266
-Node: Destructor Decl187037
-Node: Expect Decl192501
-Node: Start Decl194494
-Node: Pure Decl194882
-Node: Push Decl196632
-Node: Decl Summary201131
-Ref: Decl Summary-Footnote-1218017
-Node: Multiple Parsers218221
-Node: Interface219860
-Node: Parser Function221178
-Node: Push Parser Function223194
-Node: Pull Parser Function224004
-Node: Parser Create Function224655
-Node: Parser Delete Function225478
-Node: Lexical226249
-Node: Calling Convention227681
-Node: Token Values230641
-Node: Token Locations231805
-Node: Pure Calling232699
-Node: Error Reporting234580
-Node: Action Features238710
-Node: Internationalization243012
-Node: Algorithm245553
-Node: Lookahead247919
-Node: Shift/Reduce250128
-Node: Precedence253023
-Node: Why Precedence253679
-Node: Using Precedence255552
-Node: Precedence Examples256529
-Node: How Precedence257239
-Node: Contextual Precedence258396
-Node: Parser States260192
-Node: Reduce/Reduce261436
-Node: Mystery Conflicts264977
-Node: Generalized LR Parsing268684
-Node: Memory Management273303
-Node: Error Recovery275516
-Node: Context Dependency280819
-Node: Semantic Tokens281668
-Node: Lexical Tie-ins284738
-Node: Tie-in Recovery286315
-Node: Debugging288492
-Node: Understanding289158
-Node: Tracing300317
-Node: Invocation304419
-Node: Bison Options305818
-Node: Option Cross Key312822
-Node: Yacc Library313874
-Node: Other Languages314699
-Node: C++ Parsers315026
-Node: C++ Bison Interface315523
-Node: C++ Semantic Values316791
-Ref: C++ Semantic Values-Footnote-1317733
-Node: C++ Location Values317886
-Node: C++ Parser Interface320259
-Node: C++ Scanner Interface321976
-Node: A Complete C++ Example322678
-Node: Calc++ --- C++ Calculator323620
-Node: Calc++ Parsing Driver324134
-Node: Calc++ Parser327915
-Node: Calc++ Scanner331705
-Node: Calc++ Top Level335131
-Node: Java Parsers335780
-Node: Java Bison Interface336457
-Node: Java Semantic Values338420
-Node: Java Location Values340034
-Node: Java Parser Interface341590
-Node: Java Scanner Interface344828
-Node: Java Action Features347013
-Node: Java Differences349740
-Ref: Java Differences-Footnote-1352315
-Node: Java Declarations Summary352465
-Node: FAQ356713
-Node: Memory Exhausted357660
-Node: How Can I Reset the Parser357970
-Node: Strings are Destroyed360239
-Node: Implementing Gotos/Loops361828
-Node: Multiple start-symbols363111
-Node: Secure? Conform?364656
-Node: I can't build Bison365104
-Node: Where can I find help?365822
-Node: Bug Reports366615
-Node: More Languages368076
-Node: Beta Testing368434
-Node: Mailing Lists369308
-Node: Table of Symbols369519
-Node: Glossary384901
-Node: Copying This Manual391798
-Node: Index414191
-End Tag Table
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/gpl-3.0.texi b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/gpl-3.0.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 1908d1f8..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/doc/gpl-3.0.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-@c The GNU General Public License.
-@center Version 3, 29 June 2007
-@c This file is intended to be included within another document,
-@c hence no sectioning command or @node.
-Copyright @copyright{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{http://fsf.org/}
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
-license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-@end display
-@heading Preamble
-The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
-software and other kinds of works.
-The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom
-to share and change all versions of a program---to make sure it remains
-free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation,
-use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it
-applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You
-can apply it to your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you
-have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the
-software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom
-of others.
-For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too,
-receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these
-terms so they know their rights.
-Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
-For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
-Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the
-manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the
-aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The
-systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for
-individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.
-Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the
-practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in
-other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those
-domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the
-freedom of users.
-Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish
-to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program
-could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL
-assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-@enumerate 0
-@item Definitions.
-``This License'' refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
-``Copyright'' also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds
-of works, such as semiconductor masks.
-``The Program'' refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
-License. Each licensee is addressed as ``you''. ``Licensees'' and
-``recipients'' may be individuals or organizations.
-To ``modify'' a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of
-an exact copy. The resulting work is called a ``modified version'' of
-the earlier work or a work ``based on'' the earlier work.
-A ``covered work'' means either the unmodified Program or a work based
-on the Program.
-To ``propagate'' a work means to do anything with it that, without
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
-computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.
-To ``convey'' a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
-parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user
-through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not
-An interactive user interface displays ``Appropriate Legal Notices'' to
-the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
-@item Source Code.
-The ``source code'' for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. ``Object code'' means any non-source form
-of a work.
-A ``Standard Interface'' means an interface that either is an official
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
-is widely used among developers working in that language.
-The ``System Libraries'' of an executable work include anything, other
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
-implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
-``Major Component'', in this context, means a major essential component
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
-The ``Corresponding Source'' for a work in object code form means all
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
-control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
-which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
-subprograms and other parts of the work.
-The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can
-regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.
-The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same
-@item Basic Permissions.
-All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
-conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
-permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
-content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
-You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey,
-without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force.
-You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having
-them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with
-facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the
-terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not
-control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for
-you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and
-control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your
-copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
-Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the
-conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
-makes it unnecessary.
-@item Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
-No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
-When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
-circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with
-respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit
-operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against
-the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures.
-@item Conveying Verbatim Copies.
-You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
-You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
-@item Conveying Modified Source Versions.
-You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these
-@enumerate a
-The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it,
-and giving a relevant date.
-The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released
-under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This
-requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to ``keep intact all
-You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to
-anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will
-therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms,
-to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they
-are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in
-any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have
-separately received it.
-If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
-Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
-interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work
-need not make them do so.
-@end enumerate
-A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
-``aggregate'' if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
-beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
-parts of the aggregate.
-@item Conveying Non-Source Forms.
-You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of
-sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable
-Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these
-@enumerate a
-Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
-(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
-Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily
-used for software interchange.
-Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
-(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written
-offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you
-offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give
-anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the
-Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is
-covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used
-for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable
-cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access
-to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
-Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written
-offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is
-allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you
-received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection
-Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place
-(gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
-Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
-further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
-Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy
-the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be
-on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports
-equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions
-next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source.
-Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain
-obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to
-satisfy these requirements.
-Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you
-inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of
-the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under
-subsection 6d.
-@end enumerate
-A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
-included in conveying the object code work.
-A ``User Product'' is either (1) a ``consumer product'', which means any
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal,
-family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for
-incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a
-consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of
-coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user,
-``normally used'' refers to a typical or common use of that class of
-product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way
-in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected
-to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of
-whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or
-non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant
-mode of use of the product.
-``Installation Information'' for a User Product means any methods,
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to
-install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User
-Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The
-information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of
-the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with
-solely because modification has been made.
-If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
-by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
-been installed in ROM).
-The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or
-updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the
-recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or
-installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification
-itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network
-or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the
-Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for
-unpacking, reading or copying.
-@item Additional Terms.
-``Additional permissions'' are terms that supplement the terms of this
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
-that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.
-When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
-it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
-Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders
-of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
-@enumerate a
-Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms
-of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
-Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author
-attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices
-displayed by works containing it; or
-Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
-requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
-reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
-Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
-authors of the material; or
-Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade
-names, trademarks, or service marks; or
-Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by
-anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with
-contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any
-liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those
-licensors and authors.
-@end enumerate
-All other non-permissive additional terms are considered ``further
-restrictions'' within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further
-restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.
-If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
-where to find the applicable terms.
-Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the
-above requirements apply either way.
-@item Termination.
-You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
-provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
-paragraph of section 11).
-However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
-from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
-unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
-terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
-fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
-60 days after the cessation.
-Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
-Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
-material under section 10.
-@item Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
-You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run
-a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
-modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
-not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
-@item Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
-Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
-propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
-An ``entity transaction'' is a transaction transferring control of an
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
-organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
-You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
-rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
-@item Patents.
-A ``contributor'' is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's ``contributor version''.
-A contributor's ``essential patent claims'' are all patent claims owned
-or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
-purposes of this definition, ``control'' includes the right to grant
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
-this License.
-Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.
-In the following three paragraphs, a ``patent license'' is any express
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
-sue for patent infringement). To ``grant'' such a patent license to a
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
-patent against the party.
-If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
-license to downstream recipients. ``Knowingly relying'' means you have
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.
-If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
-work and works based on it.
-A patent license is ``discriminatory'' if it does not include within the
-scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on
-the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically
-granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you
-are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the
-business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the
-third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the
-work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties
-who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent
-license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by
-you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in
-connection with specific products or compilations that contain the
-covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent
-license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
-Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
-@item No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
-If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey
-a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under
-this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a
-consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree
-to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying
-from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could
-satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely
-from conveying the Program.
-@item Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
-Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
-combination as such.
-@item Revised Versions of this License.
-The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new
-versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
-differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public
-License ``or any later version'' applies to it, you have the option of
-following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or
-of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If
-the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General
-Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free
-Software Foundation.
-If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions
-of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public
-statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to
-choose that version for the Program.
-Later license versions may give you additional or different
-permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
-later version.
-@item Disclaimer of Warranty.
-@item Limitation of Liability.
-@item Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
-If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.
-@end enumerate
-@heading How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-@var{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
-Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{name of author}
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see @url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
-@end smallexample
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-@var{program} Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{name of author}
-This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type @samp{show w}.
-This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-under certain conditions; type @samp{show c} for details.
-@end smallexample
-The hypothetical commands @samp{show w} and @samp{show c} should show
-the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your
-program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would
-use an ``about box''.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program, if necessary.
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
-The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your
-program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine
-library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
-applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use
-the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But
-first, please read @url{http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html}.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/etc/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/etc/README
deleted file mode 100644
index d7fce478..00000000
--- a/gnuwin32/contrib/bison/2.4.1/bison-2.4.1-src/etc/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-A directory of tools provided to people using CVS Bison. None of
-these is distributed.
-* bench.pl
-A primitive Perl script to run benches. Currently its only bench is
-the usual calculator: it has a lightweight processing part (but not
-null), so it is really emphasizing the cost of the whole parsing
-(including scanning and I/O).
-Set the envvars BISON and CC to the programs and flags you want to
-use. They default to bison and gcc. To run a non-installed bison
-from a tarball built in _build, I suggest the following.
- BISON=_build/tests/bison CC='gcc -O2' ./bench.pl
-(The _build/tests/bison wrapper makes sure that _build/src/bison will
-use the tarballs' skeletons, not those already installed as a
-straightforward use of _build/src/bison would.)
-Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Local Variables:
-mode: outline