path: root/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src
diff options
authorQt by Nokia <qt-info@nokia.com>2011-04-27 12:34:00 +0200
committeraxis <qt-info@nokia.com>2011-04-27 12:34:00 +0200
commit92351a70e0b9193a1def156a470d9156beb8528b (patch)
treebbd040ad01c7a01d13939f45ad68c7d84d21b955 /gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src
Long live the qt5 Qt repository
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src')
20 files changed, 5081 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ABOUT-NLS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ABOUT-NLS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d79798cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ABOUT-NLS
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+Notes on the Free Translation Project
+ Free software is going international! The Free Translation Project
+is a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all
+together, so that will gradually become able to speak many languages.
+A few packages already provide translations for their messages.
+ If you found this `ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may
+assume that the distributed package does use GNU `gettext' internally,
+itself available at your nearest GNU archive site. But you do _not_
+need to install GNU `gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using
+this package with messages translated.
+ Installers will find here some useful hints. These notes also
+explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the
+available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and
+work at translations should contact the appropriate team.
+ When reporting bugs in the `intl/' directory or bugs which may be
+related to internationalization, you should tell about the version of
+`gettext' which is used. The information can be found in the
+`intl/VERSION' file, in internationalized packages.
+Quick configuration advice
+ If you want to exploit the full power of internationalization, you
+should configure it using
+ ./configure --with-included-gettext
+to force usage of internationalizing routines provided within this
+package, despite the existence of internationalizing capabilities in the
+operating system where this package is being installed. So far, only
+the `gettext' implementation in the GNU C library version 2 provides as
+many features (such as locale alias, message inheritance, automatic
+charset conversion or plural form handling) as the implementation here.
+It is also not possible to offer this additional functionality on top
+of a `catgets' implementation. Future versions of GNU `gettext' will
+very likely convey even more functionality. So it might be a good idea
+to change to GNU `gettext' as soon as possible.
+ So you need _not_ provide this option if you are using GNU libc 2 or
+you have installed a recent copy of the GNU gettext package with the
+included `libintl'.
+INSTALL Matters
+ Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the
+programs they contain can be made to speak your own native language.
+Most such packages use GNU `gettext'. Other packages have their own
+ways to internationalization, predating GNU `gettext'.
+ By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of
+messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already
+provides the GNU `gettext' functions. If not, the GNU `gettext' own
+library will be used. This library is wholly contained within this
+package, usually in the `intl/' subdirectory, so prior installation of
+the GNU `gettext' package is _not_ required. Installers may use
+special options at configuration time for changing the default
+behaviour. The commands:
+ ./configure --with-included-gettext
+ ./configure --disable-nls
+will respectively bypass any pre-existing `gettext' to use the
+internationalizing routines provided within this package, or else,
+_totally_ disable translation of messages.
+ When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run
+configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will
+probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl.a' file and
+will decide to use this. This might be not what is desirable. You
+should use the more recent version of the GNU `gettext' library. I.e.
+if the file `intl/VERSION' shows that the library which comes with this
+package is more recent, you should use
+ ./configure --with-included-gettext
+to prevent auto-detection.
+ The configuration process will not test for the `catgets' function
+and therefore it will not be used. The reason is that even an
+emulation of `gettext' on top of `catgets' could not provide all the
+extensions of the GNU `gettext' library.
+ Internationalized packages have usually many `po/LL.po' files, where
+LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless
+translations have been forbidden at `configure' time by using the
+`--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed
+together with the package. However, the environment variable `LINGUAS'
+may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set.
+`LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter
+codes, stating which languages are allowed.
+Using This Package
+ As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you
+only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate
+`LL_CC' combination. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code,
+and `CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's
+suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell
+prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'),
+`export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash').
+This can be done from your `.login' or `.profile' file, once and for
+ You might think that the country code specification is redundant.
+But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries. For
+example, `de_AT' is used for Austria, and `pt_BR' for Brazil. The
+country code serves to distinguish the dialects.
+ The locale naming convention of `LL_CC', with `LL' denoting the
+language and `CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based
+on GNU libc. On other systems, some variations of this scheme are
+used, such as `LL' or `LL_CC.ENCODING'. You can get the list of
+locales supported by your system for your country by running the command
+`locale -a | grep '^LL''.
+ Not all programs have translations for all languages. By default, an
+English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation. If you
+understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages.
+This is done through a different environment variable, called
+`LANGUAGE'. GNU `gettext' gives preference to `LANGUAGE' over `LANG'
+for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have `LANG'
+set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the
+system libraries. For example, some Swedish users who would rather
+read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not
+available, set `LANGUAGE' to `sv:de' while leaving `LANG' to `sv_SE'.
+ In the `LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the `LANG'
+environment variable, `LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as `LL'
+to denote the language's main dialect. For example, `de' is equivalent
+to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT'
+(Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context.
+Translating Teams
+ For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested
+people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also
+able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language.
+Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of
+teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage,
+`http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/', in the "National teams"
+ If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you
+should become a member of the translating team for your own language.
+The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has
+`-request' appended. For example, speakers of Swedish can send a
+message to `sv-request@li.org', having this message body:
+ subscribe
+ Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate
+_actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties,
+rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and
+you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to
+get started, please write to `translation@iro.umontreal.ca' to reach the
+coordinator for all translator teams.
+ The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing
+the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skill are praised more than
+programming skill, here.
+Available Packages
+ Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following
+matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of February
+2003. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages
+PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a
+translation percentage of at least 50%.
+ Ready PO files az be bg ca cs da de el en en_GB eo es et fa fi
+ +-------------------------------------------------+
+ a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ aegis | () |
+ anubis | |
+ ap-utils | |
+ bash | [] [] [] |
+ batchelor | |
+ bfd | [] [] |
+ binutils | [] [] |
+ bison | [] [] [] [] |
+ clisp | [] [] [] |
+ clisp | |
+ coreutils | [] [] [] [] |
+ cpio | [] [] [] |
+ darkstat | () [] |
+ diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ enscript | [] [] [] |
+ error | [] [] [] [] |
+ fetchmail | [] () [] [] [] |
+ fileutils | [] [] [] [] |
+ findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ flex | [] [] [] [] |
+ gas | [] |
+ gawk | [] [] [] |
+ gcal | [] |
+ gcc | [] [] |
+ gettext | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ gimp-print | |
+ gliv | |
+ gnucash | [] () |
+ gnucash-glossary| [] () [] |
+ gnupg | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ gpe-todo | |
+ gphoto2 | [] [] |
+ gprof | [] [] |
+ gpsdrive | () () () () |
+ grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ gretl | [] |
+ hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ id-utils | [] [] |
+ indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ jpilot | () [] [] [] |
+ jwhois | [] |
+ kbd | [] [] [] |
+ ld | [] [] |
+ libc | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ libgpewidget | |
+ libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ lifelines | [] () |
+ lilypond | [] |
+ lingoteach | [] |
+ lingoteach_lessons| () () |
+ lynx | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ m4 | [] [] [] [] |
+ mailutils | [] [] |
+ make | [] [] [] |
+ man-db | [] () [] () |
+ mysecretdiary | [] [] [] |
+ nano | [] () [] [] [] |
+ nano_1_0 | [] () [] [] [] |
+ opcodes | [] [] |
+ parted | [] [] [] [] |
+ ptx | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ python | |
+ radius | |
+ recode | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sh-utils | [] [] [] [] |
+ sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sketch | [] () [] |
+ soundtracker | [] [] [] |
+ sp | [] |
+ tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ texinfo | [] [] [] [] |
+ textutils | [] [] [] [] |
+ tin | () () [] |
+ util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ vorbis-tools | [] [] |
+ wastesedge | () |
+ wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ xchat | |
+ xpad | |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+
+ az be bg ca cs da de el en en_GB eo es et fa fi
+ 0 1 2 26 9 49 46 9 1 1 11 52 19 1 15
+ fr gl he hr hu id it ja ko lg lv ms nb nl
+ +-------------------------------------------+
+ a2ps | [] () () [] [] |
+ aegis | () |
+ anubis | [] [] |
+ ap-utils | [] |
+ bash | [] [] |
+ batchelor | |
+ bfd | [] [] |
+ binutils | [] [] |
+ bison | [] [] [] [] |
+ clisp | [] [] |
+ clisp | |
+ coreutils | [] [] [] |
+ cpio | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ darkstat | () [] [] [] |
+ diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ enscript | [] [] [] |
+ error | [] [] [] |
+ fetchmail | [] |
+ fileutils | [] [] [] [] |
+ findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ flex | [] [] |
+ gas | [] |
+ gawk | [] [] |
+ gcal | [] |
+ gcc | [] |
+ gettext | [] [] [] |
+ gimp-print | |
+ gliv | () |
+ gnucash | [] [] [] |
+ gnucash-glossary| [] [] |
+ gnupg | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ gpe-todo | |
+ gphoto2 | [] [] [] |
+ gprof | [] [] |
+ gpsdrive | () [] () () |
+ grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ gretl | [] |
+ hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ id-utils | [] [] [] |
+ indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ jpilot | [] () () |
+ jwhois | [] [] [] [] |
+ kbd | [] |
+ ld | [] |
+ libc | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ libgpewidget | |
+ libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ lifelines | () |
+ lilypond | [] [] |
+ lingoteach | [] |
+ lingoteach_lessons| |
+ lynx | [] [] [] [] |
+ m4 | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ mailutils | |
+ make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ man-db | [] () () |
+ mysecretdiary | [] [] |
+ nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ opcodes | [] [] [] |
+ parted | [] [] [] |
+ ptx | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ python | |
+ radius | |
+ recode | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sed | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sh-utils | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ sketch | [] |
+ soundtracker | [] [] [] |
+ sp | [] () |
+ tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ texinfo | [] [] [] [] |
+ textutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ tin | |
+ util-linux | [] [] () [] [] |
+ vorbis-tools | [] |
+ wastesedge | () |
+ wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] |
+ wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] |
+ xchat | |
+ xpad | |
+ +-------------------------------------------+
+ fr gl he hr hu id it ja ko lg lv ms nb nl
+ 59 23 8 10 26 20 18 26 8 0 1 8 7 24
+ nn no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW
+ +----------------------------------------------------+
+ a2ps | () () () [] [] [] [] [] [] | 14
+ aegis | () | 0
+ anubis | [] [] | 4
+ ap-utils | () () | 1
+ bash | [] [] | 7
+ batchelor | | 0
+ bfd | [] [] | 6
+ binutils | [] [] | 6
+ bison | [] [] [] | 11
+ clisp | | 5
+ clisp | | 0
+ coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 12
+ cpio | [] [] [] [] [] | 13
+ darkstat | [] [] () () | 6
+ diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 19
+ enscript | [] [] [] [] | 10
+ error | [] [] [] [] | 11
+ fetchmail | () () [] | 6
+ fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 14
+ findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24
+ flex | [] [] [] [] | 10
+ gas | [] | 3
+ gawk | [] [] | 7
+ gcal | [] [] | 4
+ gcc | [] | 4
+ gettext | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 14
+ gimp-print | | 0
+ gliv | [] | 1
+ gnucash | [] [] [] [] [] | 9
+ gnucash-glossary| [] [] [] [] | 8
+ gnupg | [] [] [] [] | 16
+ gpe-todo | | 0
+ gphoto2 | [] [] | 7
+ gprof | [] [] [] | 7
+ gpsdrive | [] [] | 3
+ grep | [] [] [] [] [] | 20
+ gretl | | 2
+ hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 31
+ id-utils | [] [] [] [] | 9
+ indent | [] [] [] [] [] | 17
+ jpilot | () [] [] [] [] | 8
+ jwhois | [] () () [] [] | 8
+ kbd | [] [] | 6
+ ld | [] [] | 5
+ libc | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 20
+ libgpewidget | | 0
+ libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 18
+ lifelines | [] | 2
+ lilypond | [] | 4
+ lingoteach | [] [] | 4
+ lingoteach_lessons| () | 0
+ lynx | [] [] [] [] | 13
+ m4 | [] [] [] [] | 13
+ mailutils | | 2
+ make | [] [] [] [] [] | 15
+ man-db | [] | 4
+ mysecretdiary | [] [] [] | 8
+ nano | [] [] [] | 13
+ nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] [] | 15
+ opcodes | [] [] [] | 8
+ parted | [] [] [] [] [] | 12
+ ptx | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 20
+ python | | 0
+ radius | | 0
+ recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 16
+ sed | [] [] [] [] [] | 16
+ sh-utils | [] [] [] | 12
+ sharutils | [] [] [] [] | 16
+ sketch | [] [] | 5
+ soundtracker | [] | 7
+ sp | [] | 3
+ tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24
+ texinfo | [] [] [] [] | 12
+ textutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 15
+ tin | | 1
+ util-linux | [] [] [] | 14
+ vorbis-tools | [] | 4
+ wastesedge | | 0
+ wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] | 15
+ wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 24
+ xchat | | 0
+ xpad | | 0
+ +----------------------------------------------------+
+ 43 teams nn no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW
+ 82 domains 3 4 14 4 34 1 29 14 13 53 46 6 9 13 723
+ Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of
+visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are
+used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language
+ For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to
+which it applies should also have been internationalized and
+distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable
+lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a
+ If February 2003 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy
+of this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most
+up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at
+Using `gettext' in new packages
+ If you are writing a freely available program and want to
+internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU `gettext' in your
+package. Of course you have to respect the GNU Library General Public
+License which covers the use of the GNU `gettext' library. This means
+in particular that even non-free programs can use `libintl' as a shared
+library, whereas only free software can use `libintl' as a static
+library or use modified versions of `libintl'.
+ Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle
+the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The
+Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not
+developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above
+applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact
+`translation@iro.umontreal.ca' to make the `.pot' files available to
+the translation teams.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/AUTHORS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bedd794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93322059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,2633 @@
+2004-01-23 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tests/table-from.c: Include binary-io.h.
+ (main): Switch stdout to binary mode.
+ * tests/table-to.c: Include binary-io.h.
+ (main): Switch stdout to binary mode.
+ * tests/genutf8.c: Include binary-io.h.
+ (main): Switch stdout to binary mode.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (INCLUDES): Also look in srclib.
+ (check): Pass INCLUDES when compiling genutf8.c.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (INCLUDES): Also look in srclib.
+ (genutf8.exe): Pass INCLUDES when compiling genutf8.c.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Also look in srclib.
+ (check): Pass INCLUDES when compiling genutf8.c.
+2004-01-21 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (force_binary): Remove variable.
+ (usage): Don't document --binary any more.
+ (convert, main): Always switch to binary mode.
+ * tests/check-stateful.bat: Remove --binary option.
+ * tests/check-translit.bat: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-stateful.cmd: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit.cmd: Likewise.
+ * djgpp/stateful-check.sed: Remove MODE variable.
+ * djgpp/translit-check.sed: Likewise.
+2004-01-21 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * man/iconv.3: Fix description of return value in case of error.
+ Reported by Jonathan Wakely <redi@users.sf.net>.
+2003-09-12 Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
+ * srclib/progreloc.c (get_full_program_name): Define via prototype.
+2003-08-15 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/translit.h): Add ulimit command so that the
+ gentranslit program gets the stack it needs. Many Linux distributions
+ allow only 8 MB of stack by default.
+2003-08-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/relocatable.c (find_shared_library_fullname): Disable the code on
+ Linux/libc5.
+ * srclib/relocatable.c (find_shared_library_fullname): Likewise.
+ Reported by Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+2003-07-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/lib-ld.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/lib-prefix.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/gettext.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/intmax.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/longdouble.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/longlong.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/printf-posix.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/signed.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/wchar_t.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/wint_t.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/pathmax.m4: Update from GNU gettext and gnulib.
+ * m4/ssize_t.m4: Update from GNU gettext and gnulib.
+ * m4/xreadlink.m4: Update from GNU gettext and gnulib.
+ * m4/readlink.m4: New file, from gnulib.
+ * autoconf/install-reloc: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/stdbool_.h: Renamed from srclib/stdbool.h.in.
+ * srclib/readlink.c: New file, from GNU gettext and gnulib.
+ * srclib/Makefile.am (LIBADD_SOURCE): Add readlink.c.
+ (EXTRA_DIST, stdbool.h): Use stdbool_.h instead of stdbool.h.in.
+ * configure.in: Invoke gl_FUNC_READLINK.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/Makefile.in (install): Link with the already installed library.
+ This fixes a link error on Solaris.
+ Reported by Paul Eggert.
+2003-06-08 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/canonicalize.c (__getcwd) [VMS]: Pass 3 arguments to getcwd.
+2003-05-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for libtool-1.5.
+ * srclib/progname.c (set_program_name): Remove a leading
+ "<dirname>/.libs/lt-" or "<dirname>/.libs/", not only "lt-".
+2003-06-23 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Avoid compilation units that are empty after preprocessing.
+ * srclib/canonicalize.c: Add dummy declaration.
+ * srclib/strerror.c: Likewise.
+ * srclib/error.c: Include <stdio.h> even if there's nothing to be
+ compiled.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Portability to mingw32.
+ * m4/ssize_t.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/xreadlink.m4 (gl_XREADLINK): Require gt_TYPE_SSIZE_T.
+ Reported by Jeff Bonggren <jbon@cfl.rr.com>.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Portability to mingw32.
+ * lib/relocatable.c [WIN32]: Include <windows.h>.
+ * srclib/relocatable.c: Likewise.
+ Reported by Jeff Bonggren <jbon@cfl.rr.com>.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/relocatable.c (compute_curr_prefix): Comment out this function in
+ the case when it is not used.
+ * srclib/relocatable.c (compute_curr_prefix): Likewise.
+ Reported by Pavel Roskin <proski@gnu.org>.
+2003-06-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config/install-sh: Update from automake-1.7.5.
+2003-06-16 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/encodings.def (ISO-8859-15): Add alias LATIN-9.
+ (ISO-8859-16): Add aliases ISO_8859-16:2001, LATIN10, L10. Remove alias
+ ISO_8859-16:2000.
+ (GBK): Add aliases MS936, WINDOWS-936.
+ Reported by Guido Flohr <guido@imperia.net>.
+2003-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/canonicalize.c: Add #ifdef around versioned_symbol. Avoids an
+ "extraneous semicolon" warning from Tru64 cc.
+2003-06-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h_vms): Don't define HAVE_ENVIRON_DECL.
+ * Makefile.vms (config.h): New rule.
+ (all, install): Depend on it.
+ (all, install, installdirs, uninstall, check): Fix typo.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Likewise. Remove
+ config.h.
+ * lib/Makefile.vms (DEFS): Fix value of INSTALLDIR.
+ (OBJECTS): Use libiconv.obj instead of iconv.obj.
+ (libiconv.obj): Renamed from iconv.obj.
+ * srclib/Makefile.vms (INCLUDES): Add parent directory.
+ (OBJECTS): Remove strtoul.obj, setenv.obj, unsetenv.obj.
+ (strtoul.obj, setenv.obj, unsetenv.obj): Remove rules.
+ (alloca.h): New rule.
+ (canonicalize.obj): Depend on it.
+ (clean): Remove alloca.h.
+ * src/Makefile.vms (datadir, localedir): New variables.
+ (DEFS): Also define LOCALEDIR.
+ (iconv.obj): Add flags for relocatability,
+ (iconv.exe): Link with libicrt. Use link_options.
+ * vms/link_options.opt: New file.
+ Reported by Jouk Jansen <joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.nl>.
+2003-06-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable data files even on Woe32.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (PICFLAGS): Also define PIC.
+2003-05-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Version 1.9.1 released.
+2003-05-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/genaliases.c (main): Emit %pic instead of %null-strings.
+ Change type of 'name' field to 'int'.
+ * lib/genaliases2.c (emit_encoding): Add a 'tag' argument. Emit an
+ invocation of macro S(), including the tag and a counter.
+ (main): Use the command-line argument as tag.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/aliases_aix.h, lib/aliases_osf1.h,
+ lib/aliases_dos.h, lib/aliases_extra.h): Pass a tag to the program.
+ * lib/iconv.c (stringpool2_t): New type.
+ (stringpool2_contents): New data table.
+ (stringpool2): New macro.
+ (sysdep_aliases): Make position-independent. Move #includes out to
+ aliases2.h.
+ (aliases2_lookup): Update.
+ (nalias): New type.
+ (compare_by_index): Use 'struct nalias' instead of 'struct alias'.
+ (iconvlist): Convert 'struct alias' to 'struct nalias' while copying.
+ * lib/aliases2.h: New file, extracted from lib/iconv.c.
+2003-05-20 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/iconv.c (iconvlist): Test p->name against NULL, not against "".
+ Reported by Muraoka Taro <koron@tka.att.ne.jp>.
+2003-05-19 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * windows/iconv.rc: Include <winver.h>.
+ Reported by Perry Rapp.
+2003-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Version 1.9 released.
+2003-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_osf.so): Avoid using LIBTOOL_LINK.
+2003-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (DEBUGFLAGS): New variable.
+ (iconv.lib): Use it.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (DEBUGFLAGS): New variable.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (DEBUGFLAGS): New variable.
+2003-05-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (libdir, datadir, localedir): New variables.
+ (IIlibdir, IIdatadir, IIlocaledir): New variables.
+ (iconv_no_i18n.exe): New rule.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+ * tests/check-stateful.bat: Invoke iconv_no_i18n instead of iconv.
+ * tests/check-translit.bat: Likewise.
+2003-05-16 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/genaliases.c (main): Emit declarations for gperf-3.0.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/aliases.h): Remove gperf command line options;
+ add new option "-m 10" for gperf-3.0.
+2003-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/error.m4: Update from gettext.
+2003-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Invoke AC_GNU_SOURCE and jm_FUNC_GLIBC_UNLOCKED_IO.
+2003-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (PICFLAGS, CFLAGS): Move BUILDING_* macros from
+2003-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/error.c: Update from gnulib with modifications.
+ * srclib/unlocked-io.h: New file, from gnulib.
+ * m4/strerror_r.m4: New file, from gnulib.
+ * m4/unlocked-io.m4: New file, from gnulib.
+ * Makefile.devel (aclocal.m4): Depend on them.
+2003-05-08 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (IIPREFIX): New variable.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Add -I..\windows.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (IIPREFIX, IIprefix, IIexec_prefix, IIbindir,
+ IIincludedir): New variables.
+ (INCLUDES): Add -I..\windows.
+ (iconv.exe): Define INSTALLPREFIX and INSTALLDIR. Link with
+ ../srclib/icrt.lib.
+ Patches by Perry Rapp.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * README.woe32: Fix instructions for step 1.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (OBJECTS): Remove strtoul.obj.
+ (strtoul.obj): Remove rule.
+ Reported by Perry Rapp.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * lib/Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * srclib/Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * src/Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * man/Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h_vms, lib/config.h_vms, include/iconv.h_vms):
+ New rules.
+ (all): Depend on them.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (OBJECTS): Remove findprog.obj.
+ (findprog.obj): Remove rule.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (includedir): New variable.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/translit.def: Upgrade to Unicode 4.0.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/Makefile.am (DEFS): Fix spelling of DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (CFLAGS): Likewise.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Add -I.. .
+ Reported by Perry Rapp.
+ * Makefile.msvc (config.h): New rule.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Erase config.h.
+ Reported by Perry Rapp.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/config.guess: Update to GNU version 2003-02-22.
+ * autoconf/config.sub: Likewise.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/lib-link.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * autoconf/config.rpath: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Update from GNU gettext, based on libtool-1.5.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Update from GNU gettext, based on libtool-1.5.
+ * m4/gettext.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/nls.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/po.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * Makefile.devel (aclocal.m4): Depend on m4/nls.m4 and m4/po.m4.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for OpenVMS 7.3.
+ * lib/iconv.c (USE_OSF1): Define also on VMS.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Better support for FreeBSD.
+ * lib/encodings.def (ISO8859-{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16): New
+ aliases, for compatibility with earlier FreeBSD iconv implementation
+ by Konstantin Chuguev.
+ * lib/iconv.c (iconv_open, iconv, iconv_close) [FreeBSD]: Define as
+ aliases.
+ * src/Makefile.in (install) [FreeBSD]: Avoid installation problem.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in (mandir): Change default value.
+ * Makefile.in (datadir): New variable.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): Pass datadir to po and man
+ directories.
+ * Makefile.os2 (datadir): New variable.
+ (mandir): Use it instead of prefix.
+ (install, uninstall): Pass datadir to man directory.
+ * Makefile.msvc (mandir, docdir): Use datadir instead of prefix.
+ * man/Makefile.in (datadir): New variable.
+ (docdir): Use it instead of prefix.
+ (install, installdirs): Update.
+ * man/Makefile.os2 (datadir): New variable.
+ (mandir): Use it instead of prefix.
+ * man/Makefile.msvc (datadir): New variable.
+ (mandir, docdir): Use it instead of prefix.
+ (install, installdirs): Update.
+2003-04-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Make it possible to build with or without libintl support on Woe32.
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h.msvc): Remove ENABLE_NLS.
+ * Makefile.msvc (NO_NLS): New variable.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc (NO_NLS): New variable.
+ (CFLAGS, INCLUDES): Use them.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (NO_NLS): New variable.
+ (NLSFLAGS, INCINTL, LIBINTL): New variables.
+ (CFLAGS, INCLUDES, iconv.exe): Use them.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_transliterate): When the Hangul or
+ variants transliteration failed with RET_ILUNI, don't return
+ Reported by the FreeBSD porters.
+2003-04-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * srclib/binary-io.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include it.
+ (O_BINARY, O_TEXT, SET_BINARY): Remove definitions.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable installation.
+ * m4/alloca.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/canonicalize.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/error.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/onceonly.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/pathmax.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/relocatable.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/setenv.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/stdbool.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/strerror.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/xreadlink.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * autoconf/config.libpath: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * autoconf/install-reloc: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * autoconf/reloc-ldflags: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * autoconf/missing: New file, from GNU automake 1.7.3.
+ * lib/relocatable.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * lib/relocatable.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/alloca.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/alloca_.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/canonicalize.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/canonicalize.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/error.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/error.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/exit.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/gettext.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/memmove.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/pathmax.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/progname.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/progname.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/progreloc.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/relocatable.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/relocatable.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/relocwrapper.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/setenv.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/setenv.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/stdbool.h.in: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/strerror.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/unsetenv.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/xmalloc.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/xmalloc.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/xreadlink.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/xreadlink.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/xstrdup.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * srclib/Makefile.am: New file.
+ * srclib/Makefile.msvc: New file.
+ * windows/alloca.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * windows/stdbool.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * configure.in (AC_CONFIG_HEADERS): Replace src/config.h with config.h.
+ string.h), AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getc_unlocked), AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(memmove),
+ gl_FUNC_STRERROR, gl_XREADLINK, AC_OUTPUT(srclib/Makefile).
+ relocatable.c.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (DEFS): New variable.
+ (SOURCES): Add localcharset.c and relocatable.c.
+ (OBJECTS): Add localcharset.lo and relocatable.lo.
+ (LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS): Remove variable.
+ (libiconv_plug_linux.so, libiconv_plug_solaris.so,
+ libiconv_plug_osf.so): Use $(DEFS). Don't use $(LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS).
+ (iconv.lo): Use $(DEFS).
+ (localcharset.lo, relocatable.lo): New rules.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (CFLAGS): Define HAVE_CONFIG_H, BUILDING_DLL,
+ set_relocation_prefix, relocate. Remove $(PICFLAGS).
+ (INCLUDES): Simplify.
+ (SOURCES): Remove variable.
+ (OBJECTS): Add localcharset.obj and relocatable.obj.
+ (LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS): Remove variable.
+ (iconv.obj): Add $(PICFLAGS).
+ (localcharset.obj, relocatable.obj): New rules.
+ (iconv.lib): Drop $(LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS).
+ * include/iconv.h.in (libiconv_set_relocation_prefix): New declaration.
+ * src/gettext.h: Remove file.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include progname.h and relocatable.h.
+ (ICONV_CONST): Define to const if the system has no iconv.
+ (main): Invoke set_program_name. Relocate LOCALEDIR.
+ * src/Makefile.in (top_srcdir): New variable.
+ (INCLUDES): Add .. and ../srclib.
+ (iconv_no_i18n, iconv): Link with ../srclib/libicrt.a.
+ (iconv_no_i18n.@OBJEXT@, iconv.@OBJEXT@): Define INSTALLDIR.
+ variables.
+ (iconv): Use $(iconv_LDFLAGS).
+ (install): Use $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV).
+ (distclean): Drop removing config.h.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Add .., simplify.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Simplify.
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOHEADER, AUTOMAKE): New variables.
+ (config.h.in, srclib/Makefile.in, config.h.msvc): New rules.
+ (all): Depend on them.
+ (aclocal.m4) Depend also on m4/alloca.m4, m4/canonicalize.m4,
+ m4/error.m4, m4/onceonly.m4, m4/pathmax.m4, m4/relocatable.m4,
+ m4/setenv.m4, m4/stdbool.m4, m4/strerror.m4, m4/xreadlink.m4.
+ (lib/config.h.msvc): Additional processing.
+ * Makefile.in (all, install, installdirs, uninstall, check): Recurse
+ into srclib.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainerclean): Likewise. Remove
+ lib/localcharset.h.
+ (distclean, maintainerclean): Remove also config.h and some stamps.
+ * Makefile.msvc (all, install, installdirs, uninstall, check,
+ mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainerclean): Recurse into srclib.
+ * INSTALL.generic: Document --enable-relocatable and
+ --with-libintl-prefix. Remove the recommendation to set CPPFLAGS and
+ LDFLAGS. The lib-link.m4 macros make this unnecessary.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Bump version number to 1.9.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION): Bump.
+ * windows/iconv.rc: Bump version number.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Bump to 4:0:2.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (distclean, maintainer-clean): Drop Unix specific removals.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (PREFIX, IIPREFIX): New variables.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (IIprefix, IIexec_prefix, IIbindir, IIlibdir): New variables.
+ (clean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (clean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+ (distclean): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (clean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+ (distclean): Likewise.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/endian.m4 (CL_WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN): Use 3-argument AC_DEFINE.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ macros.
+ * m4/gettext.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/iconv.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/lcmessage.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/progtest.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Update from GNU gettext.
+ 2003-02-16 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Workaround autoconf >= 2.52 breakage.
+ * libtool.m4 (AC_LIBTOOL_ARG_WITH): New macro.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Update from GNU gettext.
+ 2003-02-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Fix the 2002-09-16 fix.
+ * ltmain.sh (install): If "ln -s -f" fails (this is the case
+ with /usr/bin/ln on Solaris 2.7), fall back to "rm && ln -s".
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Start using automake.
+ * configure.in: Add AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE invocation.
+ Use AC_PROG_LN_S instead of CL_PROG_LN_S.
+ Reorder so that AC_CANONICAL_HOST comes early but still after
+ * m4/ranlib.m4: Remove file.
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Undo AC_ -> CL_ substitutions.
+ * Makefile.devel (CLISP_DIR): Comment out.
+ (AUTOCONF_FILES): Change to aclocal.m4.
+ (aclocal.m4): Renamed from autoconf/aclocal.m4. Update dependencies.
+ (configure.in): Drop --include option.
+2003-03-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Improved MSVC support.
+ * Makefile.msvc (prefix): Use less Unixy value.
+ (local_prefix): Remove variable.
+ (libdir, includedir, mandir): Use backslashes.
+ (bindir, datadir, localedir, docdir): New variables.
+ (all): Recurse into po/ and man/.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): Rewritten.
+ (check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Recurse
+ into po/ and man/.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (prefix): Use less Unixy value.
+ (local_prefix): Remove variable.
+ (libdir): Use backslashes.
+ (bindir): New variable.
+ (RESOURCES): Enable iconv.res.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): New rules.
+ (clean): Remove config.h.
+ (distclean): Don't remove config.h here.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (prefix, exec_prefix, bindir): New variables.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): New rules.
+ * man/Makefile.msvc: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (install, installdirs, uninstall): New rules.
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Depend on po/Makefile.msvc.
+ (po/Makefile.msvc): New rule.
+ * windows/iconv.rc: Update.
+ * README.woe32: Mention automatic installation command.
+ Rename libcharset.h to localcharset.h.
+ * lib/iconv.c: Include localcharset.h, not libcharset.h.
+ * Makefile.in (lib/localcharset.h): Renamed from lib/libcharset.h.
+ (all, install): Update dependencies.
+ (all): Create lib/localcharset.h, not lib/libcharset.h.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove
+ lib/localcharset.h, not lib/libcharset.h.
+ * djgpp/README.in, djgpp/README: Update.
+ * djgpp/config.bat: Update.
+ * djgpp/config.sed: Update.
+ * djgpp/fnchange.in, djgpp/fnchange.lst: Update.
+2003-01-31 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/Makefile.in (all): Don't do the chmod if it has already been
+ done.
+2003-01-31 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_transliterate): Enable recursive
+ transliteration. Idea from Perry Rapp.
+ * lib/gentranslit.c (main): Change bound from 0x10000 to 0x110000.
+ Change element type of translit_data to 'unsigned int'.
+ * lib/translit.def: Many new transliterations, mostly taken from glibc.
+ * lib/translit.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/Translit1.ISO-8859-1, tests/Translit1.ASCII: New files.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Add Translit1 check.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/TranslitFail1.ISO-8859-1: Choose a sentence which the new
+ improved transliteration cannot do.
+2003-02-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOCONF): Switch to autoconf-2.57.
+ (configure): Update rule.
+2003-01-03 Albert Chin <libtool@thewrittenword.com>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Don't pass -R flags found in a .la's
+ dependency_libs variable directly down to the linker.
+ Reported by Tim Mooney <mooney@dogbert.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu>.
+2003-01-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/Makefile.in (install): Use libiconv.la in ../lib, not in
+ $(libdir), so that installing with DESTDIR works.
+ Reported by Michael Adams <michael@michaeladams.org>.
+2003-01-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): New variable.
+ (install-lib, install, installdirs): Use it instead of mkdir.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): New variable.
+ (install-lib, install, installdirs): Use it instead of mkdir.
+ * man/Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): New variable.
+ (install, installdirs): Use it instead of mkdir.
+ * src/Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): New variable.
+ (install, installdirs): Use it instead of mkdir.
+2002-09-27 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/mkinstalldirs: Upgrade to automake-1.7.2 version.
+2002-11-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.3.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.3.
+2002-07-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/libtool.m4 (_LT_AC_LTCONFIG_HACK): Add support for GNU/FreeBSD.
+2002-06-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Use new AC_* names of libtool macros. Invoke
+2002-12-19 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_solaris.so): Change rule if using gcc.
+ Reported by Henry Nelson <henry@irm.nara.kindai.ac.jp>.
+2002-11-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Make "make install" without prior "make" work.
+ * Makefile.in (lib/libcharset.h): New rule.
+ (all, install): Depend on it.
+ Reported by Martin Mokrejš <mmokrejs@natur.cuni.cz>.
+2002-10-28 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * man/Makefile.in (install): Change directory back to the working
+ directory, so that install-sh (which may be a relative pathname) is
+ found in the right place.
+2002-09-16 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh (install): Use "ln -s -f" instead of
+ "rm -f && ln -s" to make a symlink for a shared library.
+ Reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu>.
+2002-09-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (main): Don't call bindtextdomain if !ENABLE_NLS.
+2002-08-16 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (main): Perform fflush before testing ferror(stdout).
+2002-05-29 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Version 1.8 released.
+2002-05-26 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/c99.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include it.
+ * lib/encodings.def (C99): New encoding.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Document C99 encoding.
+2002-05-26 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/java.h (java_mbtowc): Accept 12-byte sequences for non-BMP
+ characters.
+ (java_wctomb): Produce 12-byte sequences for non-BMP characters.
+2002-05-29 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Fix installation of iconv program when linked with a libintl that was
+ built against an earlier libiconv.
+ * src/iconv.c: Conditionally disable NLS.
+ * src/iconv_no_i18n.c: New file.
+ * src/Makefile.in (libdir): New variable.
+ (all): Depend on iconv_no_i18n, iconv.@OBJEXT@ but not iconv. Make
+ directory writable, so iconv executable can be created during "make
+ install".
+ (iconv): Remove rule.
+ (iconv_no_i18n, iconv_no_i18n.@OBJEXT@): New rules.
+ (install): Link iconv now, after the new libiconv.so is installed.
+ (clean): Also remove iconv_no_i18n.
+ * tests/Makefile.in: (check, check-extra-yes): Depend on iconv_no_i18n,
+ not iconv.
+ * tests/check-stateful: Use iconv_no_i18n, not iconv.
+ * tests/check-translit: LIkewise.
+ * tests/check-translitfailure: Likewise.
+2002-05-29 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Call AC_PROG_INSTALL instead of CL_PROG_INSTALL.
+ * m4/install.m4: Remove file.
+ * Makefile.devel (autoconf/aclocal.m4): Don't depend on m4/install.m4.
+2002-05-24 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/jisx0213.h: Use 'inline' only conditionally.
+2002-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in (AC_INIT), include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION),
+ README, windows/iconv.rc, djgpp/README, djgpp/fnchange.lst:
+ Bump version number.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 3:0:1.
+2002-02-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Upgrade from libtool-1.4 to libtool-1.4.2.
+2002-02-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Add DESTDIR support on ELF systems.
+2001-11-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: chmod 777 the .libs directory, so that
+ "make install" succeeds.
+2002-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv): Remove the -liconv dependency of -lintl
+ from the command line. Needed to ensure that the new libiconv version
+ is used on FreeBSD.
+2002-05-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Implement and document CP853, TDS565, RISCOS-LATIN1.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cp853.h, tds565.h, riscos1.h.
+ (cp853.h, tds565.h, riscos1.h): New rules.
+ * lib/cp853.h: New file.
+ * lib/tds565.h: New file.
+ * lib/riscos1.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def (CP853): New encoding.
+ * lib/encodings_extra.def (TDS565, RISCOS-LATIN1): New encodings.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add CP853, TDS565, RISCOS-LATIN1.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check-extra-yes): Check CP853, TDS565,
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Check CP853.
+ * tests/CP853.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/TDS565.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/RISCOS-LATIN1.TXT: New file.
+ * lib/cp860.h (cp860_wctomb): Optimize.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (ksc5601.h): Add two extra characters.
+ * lib/ksc5601.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/CP949.TXT: Likewise.
+ * tests/JOHAB.TXT: Likewise.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * README: Mention extra encodings.
+ * man/iconv_open.3: Likewise. Improve formatting in text and html
+ output formats.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tests/SHIFT_JIS.TXT: Renamed from tests/SHIFT-JIS.TXT.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOCONF): New variable.
+ (AUTOCONF_FILES): Remove autoconf/autoconf.m4f.
+ (configure): Use the AUTOCONF variable.
+ * autoconf/autoconf: Remove file.
+ * autoconf/autoconf.m4: Remove file.
+ * autoconf/autoconf.m4f: Remove file.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tools/JISX0213.TXT: New file.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (do_jisx0213): New function.
+ (main): Accept "jisx0213".
+ * tools/Makefile (all): Add jisx0213.h.
+ (jisx0213.h): New rule.
+ * lib/jisx0213.h: New file, generated by cjk_tab_to_h.
+ * lib/euc_jisx0213.h: New file.
+ * lib/shift_jisx0213.h: New file.
+ * lib/iso2022_jp3.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them.
+ * lib/encodings_extra.def (EUC-JISX0213, SHIFT_JISX0213,
+ ISO-2022-JP-3): New encodings.
+ * tests/EUC-JISX0213.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/SHIFT_JISX0213.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/ISO-2022-JP-3-snippet: New file.
+ * tests/ISO-2022-JP-3-snippet.UTF-8: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check-extra): Also check EUC-JISX0213,
+ SHIFT_JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP-3.
+ * tests/check-stateless: Add support for encodings which contain
+ precomposed Unicode characters, by eliminating precomposed characters
+ before the comparison.
+ * tests/table-from.c (main): Fix usage message.
+ * tests/table-to.c (main): Make it work for encodings for which the
+ "to" direction is stateful.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ New configure option --enable-extra-encodings.
+ * lib/encodings_extra.def: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Handle USE_EXTRA.
+ * lib/genaliases2.c (main): Handle USE_EXTRA.
+ * lib/genflags.c: Define USE_EXTRA.
+ (main): Include encodings_extra.def.
+ * lib/iconv.c: Handle ENABLE_EXTRA, conditionally set USE_EXTRA.
+ Handle USE_EXTRA.
+ * lib/config.h.in (ENABLE_EXTRA): New macro.
+ * configure.in: Accept option --enable-extra-encodings.
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Depend on lib/aliases_extra.h.
+ (lib/aliases_extra.h): New rule.
+ (lib/flags.h): Depend on lib/encodings_extra.def.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check-extra, check-extra-no, check-extra-yes):
+ New rules.
+ (check): Invoke check-extra.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Also check the DOS encodings.
+ Support for testing the AIX encodings.
+ * tests/CP856.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP922.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1046.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1124.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1129.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1161.TXT, tests/CP1161.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New files.
+ * tests/CP1162.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1163.TXT, tests/CP1163.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New files.
+ Support for testing the OSF/1 encodings.
+ * tests/DEC-KANJI.TXT: New file.
+ Support for testing the DOS encodings.
+ * tests/CP437.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP737.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP775.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP852.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP855.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP857.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP858.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP860.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP861.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP863.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP864.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP865.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP869.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/CP1125.TXT: New file.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Implement more ASCII compatible DOS encodings.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cp737.h, cp858.h, cp860.h, cp863.h.
+ (cp737.h, cp858.h, cp860.h, cp863.h): New rules.
+ * lib/cp737.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp858.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp860.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp863.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def (CP737, CP858, CP860, CP863): New encodings.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Implement new ASCII compatible encodings from IBM.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cp1161.h, cp1162.h, cp1163.h.
+ (cp1161.h, cp1162.h, cp1163.h): New rules.
+ * lib/cp1161.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp1162.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp1163.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them.
+ * lib/encodings_aix.def (CP1161, CP1162, CP1163): New encodings.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Implement and document KOI8-T.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add koi8_t.h.
+ (koi8_t.h): New rule.
+ * lib/koi8_t.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include it.
+ * lib/encodings.def (KOI8-T): New encoding.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add KOI8-T.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (tests): Check KOI8-T.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (tests): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (tests): Likewise.
+ * tests/KOI8-T.TXT: New file.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tools/8bit_tab_to_h.c (main): Update copyright year.
+ * tools/cjk_variants.c (main): Likewise.
+2002-05-08 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * README.woe32: Renamed from README.win32.
+2002-05-08 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/iconv.c: Enable DOS encodings also when compiling for Woe32,
+ because the Woe32 consoles use them.
+2002-05-04 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_loop_convert): When quitting the loop
+ without writing an output character, restore cd->istate to its value
+ before the xxx_mbtowc call. Otherwise we lose some characters during
+ CP1255/CP1258/TCVN to Unicode conversion.
+ (unicode_loop_reset): Likewise for the xxx_flushwc call.
+ * tests/CP1255-snippet, tests/CP1255-snippet.UTF-8: Make the test
+ files large enough to test against the bug.
+ * tests/CP1258-snippet, tests/CP1258-snippet.UTF-8: Likewise.
+ * tests/TCVN-snippet, tests/TCVN-snippet.UTF-8: Likewise.
+2002-04-28 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (armscii_8.h): Use table from glibc-2.2.90.
+ * tests/ARMSCII-8.TXT: Update to glibc-2.2.90 version.
+ * tests/ARMSCII-8.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: Remove 0x0027.
+ * lib/armscii_8.h: Regenerated.
+2002-04-28 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * src/iconv.c: Include gettext.h.
+ (_): New macro.
+ (usage, print_version, convert, main): Internationalize.
+ (main): Call setlocale, bindtextdomain, textdomain.
+ * src/gettext.h: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * src/config.h.in: New file, needed for ENABLE_NLS.
+ * src/Makefile.in (datadir, localedir): New variables.
+ (iconv): Link with @LTLIBINTL@.
+ (iconv.@OBJEXT@): Define LOCALEDIR.
+ (distclean): Remove config.h.
+ * po: New directory.
+ * Makefile.in (all, install, installdirs, uninstall, check,
+ mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Recurse into the po
+ directory.
+ * autoconf/mkinstalldirs: New file, from automake-1.5.
+ * ABOUT-NLS: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/codeset.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/gettext.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/glibc21.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/isc-posix.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/lcmessage.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/progtest.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * configure.in: Require autoconf-2.52, needed for multiple config.h.in
+ files. Use new form of AC_INIT. Invoke AM_GNU_GETTEXT.
+ (PACKAGE, VERSION): Define, needed for po/Makefile.in.in.
+ * lib/config.h.in (HAVE_LOCALE_H, HAVE_SETLOCALE): Remove.
+2002-04-28 gettextize <bug-gnu-gettext@gnu.org>
+ * configure.in (AC_OUTPUT): Add po/Makefile.in.
+2002-04-28 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/eilseq.m4: Renamed from autoconf/eilseq.m4.
+ * m4/mbstate_t.m4: Renamed from autoconf/mbstate_t.m4.
+ * m4/general.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/proto.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/ranlib.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/install.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/cp.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/ln.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/endian.m4: New file, from GNU clisp.
+ * m4/iconv.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/lib-ld.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/lib-link.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/lib-prefix.m4: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * autoconf/config.rpath: New file, from GNU gettext 0.11.2.
+ * m4/libtool.m4: New file, based on libtool-1.4.2.
+ * Makefile.devel (ACLOCAL): Remove variable.
+ (ACSELECT): Remove variable.
+ (OTHERMACROS): Remove variable.
+ (m4/*.m4): New rules.
+ (autoconf/aclocal.m4): Construct using aclocal instead of acselect.
+ * configure.in: Invoke AM_ICONV instead of CL_ICONV.
+2002-04-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Upgrade to Unicode 3.2.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (output_title): Bump copyright year.
+ (compact_large_charset2uni): Add an argument. Determine optimal shift.
+ Copy modified enc->charset2uni table.
+ (output_charset2uni): Deal with shift other than 8. Copy encoding, so
+ as to not disturb subsequent output_uni2charset[_sparse] call.
+ * lib/hkscs.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/BIG5-HKSCS.TXT: Update.
+2002-04-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Upgrade to Unicode 3.2.
+ * tools/Makefile (cns11643_1.h, cns11643_2.h, cns11643_3.h,
+ cns11643_4a.h, cns11643_4b.h, cns11643_5.h, cns11643_6.h,
+ cns11643_7.h, cns11643_15.h, cns11643_inv.h): Use
+ CNS11643-Unicode32.TXT instead of CNS11643-Unicode31.TXT.
+ * lib/cns11643_3.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_4a.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_4b.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_5.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_6.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_7.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_15.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/cns11643_inv.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/EUC-TW.TXT: Update.
+2002-01-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/tcvn.h (tcvn_2uni_1): Make it smaller.
+ (tcvn_mbtowc): Small optimization.
+2002-01-13 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ New options -l, -c, -s.
+ * src/iconv.c (discard_unconvertible, silent): New variables.
+ (usage): Document options -l, -c, -s.
+ (print_one): New function.
+ (convert): If silent is true, don't print error messages about the
+ conversion to stderr. If discard_unconvertible is true, set the
+ iconv descriptor to DISCARD_ILSEQ the first time, but make sure to
+ return the same return code as when discard_unconvertible is false.
+ (main): Accept options -l, -c, -s. Implement option -l.
+ * man/iconv.1: Document options -l, -c, -s.
+2002-01-13 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for "iconv -c".
+ * include/iconv.h.in (ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ): New macro.
+ * lib/converters.h (struct conv_struct): New field discard_ilseq.
+ * lib/iconv.c (iconv_open): Set discard_ilseq to true if tocode
+ has an "//IGNORE" suffix, and to false otherwise.
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_loop_convert): If discard_ilseq is
+ true, skip one input character instead of returning EILSEQ.
+ (unicode_loop_reset): Likewise.
+ * lib/loop_wchar.h (wchar_from_loop_convert): Likewise.
+ (wchar_to_loop_convert): Likewise.
+2002-01-13 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for "iconv -l".
+ * include/iconv.h.in (iconvlist): New declaration.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/aliases.h): Change gperf options.
+ * lib/iconv.c (compare_by_index, compare_by_name, iconvlist): New
+ functions.
+2002-01-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_transliterate): If the transliteration
+ fails due to limited output encoding, return RET_ILUNI, not
+ RET_TOOSMALL. Reported by Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu>.
+ * tests/check-translitfailure: New file.
+ * tests/TranslitFail1.ISO-8859-1: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Call check-translitfailure.
+2001-12-15 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/euc_jp.h (euc_jp_wctomb): Add irreversible mappings for
+ Shift_JIS characters 0x5C and 0x7E.
+ * tests/EUC-JP.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New file.
+2001-12-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/iconv.c (iconv_open): Recognize the empty encoding name. Avoid
+ endless loop if locale_charset() returns the empty string.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add the empty encoding name.
+2001-11-10 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_linux.so): Allow building it with a
+ non-gcc compiler.
+2001-10-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (cp1125.h): New target.
+ (ALL): Add it.
+ * lib/cp1125.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include it.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def (CP1125): New encoding.
+2001-09-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/eilseq.m4: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (OTHERMACROS): Add it.
+ * configure.in: Call AC_EILSEQ.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (EILSEQ): Define to the autoconf determined value.
+2001-08-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Upgrade to autoconf-2.52.
+ * autoconf/autoconf: Upgrade to autoconf-2.52.
+ * autoconf/acgeneral.m4: Remove file.
+ * autoconf/acspecific.m4: Remove file.
+ * autoconf/autoconf.m4f: New file, from autoconf-2.52.
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4: Require autoconf-2.52.
+ (CL_CANONICAL_HOST): Call AC_CANONICAL_HOST. Don't cache the result,
+ AC_CANONICAL_HOST does it itself. Add $SHELL in front of
+ $ac_config_guess and $ac_config_sub.
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOCONF_FILES): Remove acgeneral.m4, acspecific.m4.
+ Add autoconf.m4f.
+ (configure): Use autoconf options -A, -l instead of -m.
+ * configure.in: Use AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS, not AC_OUTPUT_SUBDIRS.
+2001-08-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/acgeneral.m4 (AC_MSG_RESULTPROTO): Remove macro.
+ (AC_LANG_EXTERN): Move to aclocal.m4.
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (AC_LANG_EXTERN): Moved here from acgeneral.m4.
+ (CL_PROTO): Use AC_MSG_RESULT directly, instead of AC_MSG_RESULTPROTO.
+ (CL_SILENT): No need to pushdef AC_MSG_RESULTPROTO.
+2001-08-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Make it possible to build libiconv with CC=gcc CFLAGS="-x c++".
+ * lib/loop_wchar.h (wchar_to_loop_convert): Rename local variable
+ 'try' to 'incount'.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_linux.so): Add "-x none" option
+ between sources and libs.
+ (libiconv_plug_solaris.so) [GCC]: Likewise.
+ (libiconv_plug_osf.so) [GCC]: Likewise.
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv.@OBJEXT@): New rule.
+ (iconv): Depend on it.
+ (clean): Erase *.@OBJEXT@, not *.o.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (table-from.@OBJEXT@): New rule.
+ (table-from): Depend on it.
+ (table-to.@OBJEXT@): New rule.
+ (table-to): Depend on it.
+ (clean): Erase *.@OBJEXT@, not *.o.
+2001-07-28 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (iso8859_16.h): Generate from the unicode.org table.
+ * lib/iso8859_16.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/ISO-8859-16.TXT: Swap the values of 0xA5 and 0xAB.
+2001-07-17 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * configure.in (VERSION): Define. Needed by djgpp/Makefile.maint.
+2001-07-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * configure.in: Also check for mbsinit.
+ * lib/loop_wchar.h (mbsinit): Define to 1 if not defined.
+ Needed for SCO 3.2v5.0.2.
+2001-06-27 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.7 released.
+2001-06-27 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INSTALL.generic (Particular Systems): Generalize section about
+ /usr/local to "most systems".
+ * lib/Makefile.in (all): Build @PLUGLIB@ before libiconv.la, because
+ Solaris cc destroys iconv.o and iconv.lo while building
+ libiconv_plug_solaris.so.
+ (clean): Remove so_locations, left there by the OSF/1 linker.
+ * lib/cp1255.h (cp1255_decomp): Use 'signed int' instead of 'int'.
+ * lib/vietcomb.h (viet_decomp): Use 'unsigned int' instead of
+ 'unsigned short'.
+ * tests/table-from.c: Include string.h.
+ * tests/table-to.c: Likewise.
+2001-06-26 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (jisx0208.h): Replace U+005C with U+FF3C.
+ (jisx0212.h): Replace U+007E with U+FF5E.
+ * lib/jisx0208.h: Regenerated.
+ * lib/jisx0212.h: Regenerated.
+ * tests/EUC-JP.TXT: Map 0xA1C0 to U+FF3C. Map 0x8FA2B7 to U+FF5E.
+ * tests/EUC-JP.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: Remove file.
+ * tests/SHIFT-JIS.TXT: Map 0x815F to U+FF3C.
+ * tests/CP932.TXT: Likewise.
+ * tests/CP932.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: 0x815F mapping is now reversible.
+2001-06-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv): Mention $(INCLUDES) before $(CFLAGS) and
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (iconv.exe): Likewise.
+ * src/Makefile.os2 (iconv.exe): Likewise.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_linux.so): Likewise.
+ (libiconv_plug_solaris.so): Likewise.
+ (libiconv_plug_osf.so): Likewise.
+ (iconv.lo): Likewise.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (iconv.obj): Likewise.
+ * lib/Makefile.os2 (iconv.obj): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (table-from, table-to): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (table-from.exe, table-to.exe): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (table-from.exe, table-to.exe): Likewise.
+ (genutf8.exe): Don't use $(INCLUDES).
+2001-06-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION), README, windows/iconv.rc:
+ Bump version number.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 2:4:0.
+2001-06-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (OTHERMACROS): Use libtool.m4 in libcharset subdir.
+2001-06-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/encodings.def: Make SHIFT_JIS the primary name of SJIS.
+2001-06-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.
+ * autoconf/ltconfig: Remove file.
+2001-06-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/config.guess: Update to GNU version 2001-05-11.
+ * autoconf/config.sub: Likewise.
+2001-06-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_loop_convert): Ignore Unicode 3.1 tag
+ characters if they cannot be converted.
+ (unicode_loop_reset): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_jp2.h (STATE_TAG_NONE, STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE,
+ New macros.
+ (SPLIT_STATE, COMBINE_STATE): Different differently for wctomb
+ direction.
+ (iso2022_jp2_wctomb): Keep track of Unicode 3.1 language tag.
+ If "ja", prefer conversion to Japanese character sets. If "zh",
+ prefer conversion to GB2312. If "ko", prefer conversion to KSC5601.
+ * lib/converters.h (RET_ILUNI): Change value from 0 to -1.
+ (RET_TOOSMALL): Change value from -1 to -2.
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_transliterate): Allow xxx_wctomb to
+ return 0 written bytes.
+2001-06-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/encodings.def: Align with IANA character-set registry.
+ (US-ASCII): Add alias "ANSI_X3.4-1986".
+ (ISO-8859-14): Add alias "ISO-CELTIC".
+ (JIS_X0208): Add alias "JIS_C6226-1983".
+ (BIG5HKSCS): Add alias "BIG5-HKSCS".
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Rename BIG5HKSCS to BIG5-HKSCS.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/BIG5-HKSCS.TXT: Renamed from BIG5HKSCS.TXT.
+ * tests/BIG5-HKSCS.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: Renamed from
+2001-06-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (Encoding): Add fffd field.
+ (is_charset2uni_large, compact_large_charset2uni): New functions.
+ (find_charset2uni_pages): Use enc->fffd instead of 0xfffd.
+ (output_charset2uni): If mapping to more than the Unicode BMP,
+ use an extra indirection to keep each value in 16 bits.
+ (invert): Bump limit from U+10000 to U+30000.
+ (output_uni2charset_dense): Likewise.
+ (output_uni2charset_sparse): Likewise. If mapping to more than one
+ CJK plane, use three bytes per value instead of two bytes.
+ (byte_row_cns11643): Allow more than 3 CJK planes.
+ (do_cns11643_only_uni2charset): Increase number of rows, to include
+ plane 15. Remove plane bits hack.
+ (main): Accept names cns11643_4a,4b,5,6,7,15 as well.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cns11643_4a.h, cns11643_4b.h, cns11643_5.h,
+ cns11643_6.h, cns11643_7.h, cns11643_15.h.
+ (cns11643_1.h, cns11643_2.h, cns11643_3.h): Use new Unicode 3.1
+ derived table.
+ (cns11643_4a.h, cns11643_4b.h, cns11643_5.h, cns11643_6.h,
+ cns11643_7.h, cns11643_15.h): New rules.
+ (cns11643_inv.h): Change title.
+ * lib/cns11643_1.h: Regenerated from Unicode 3.1 derived table.
+ * lib/cns11643_3.h: Likewise.
+ * lib/cns11643_4a.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_4b.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_4.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_5.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_6.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_7.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_15.h: New file.
+ * lib/cns11643_inv.h: Regenerated from Unicode 3.1 derived table.
+ (cns11643_inv_wctomb): Return 3 bytes now.
+ * lib/cns11643.h: Include cns11643_4.h, cns11643_5.h, cns11643_6.h,
+ cns11643_7.h, cns11643_15.h.
+ (cns11643_wctomb): Now a simple alias to cns11643_inv_wctomb. Return
+ plane number starting at 1, not 0.
+ * lib/dec_hanyu.h (dec_hanyu_wctomb): Update for cns11643_wctomb
+ change.
+ * lib/euc_tw.h (euc_tw_mbtowc): Accept CNS11643 planes 4,5,6,7,15 as
+ well.
+ (euc_tw_wctomb): Update for cns11643_wctomb change.
+ * lib/iso2022_cn.h (iso2022_cn_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_cnext.h (iso2022_cn_ext_mbtowc): Accept CNS11643 planes
+ 4,5,6,7 as well.
+ (iso2022_cn_ext_wctomb): Update for cns11643_wctomb change.
+ Try CNS11643 planes 4,5,6,7 as well.
+ * tests/EUC-TW.TXT: Many additions, mostly in planes 3,4,5,6,7,15.
+ * tests/EUC-TW.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: Reflect additions to CNS11643 plane 1.
+ Add U+5344.
+2001-06-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tests/table-from.c (bmp_only): New variable.
+ (ucs4_decode): If bmp_only, don't return characters outside Unicode
+ plane 0.
+ (main): When testing UTF-8 or GB18030, set bmp_only to 1. Don't print
+ a conversion line if ucs4_decode returns NULL.
+ * tests/table-to.c (main): When testing encodings other than UTF-8 and
+ GB18030, loop upto U+30000 instead of U+10000.
+2001-05-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/converters.h (mbtowc_funcs): Add flushwc member function.
+ * lib/flushwc.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp1255.h: Include flushwc.h.
+ (cp1255_comp_table_data, cp1255_comp_table): New arrays.
+ (cp1255_mbtowc): Compose base and combining characters.
+ (cp1255_flushwc): New macro.
+ * lib/vietcomb.h (viet_comp_table_data, viet_comp_table): New arrays.
+ * lib/cp1258.h: Include flushwc.h.
+ (cp1258_mbtowc): Compose base and combining characters.
+ (cp1258_flushwc): New macro.
+ * lib/tcvn.h: Include flushwc.h.
+ (tcvn_mbtowc): Compose base and combining characters.
+ (tcvn_flushwc): New macro.
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h: (unicode_transliterate): New function, extracted
+ from unicode_loop_convert.
+ (unicode_loop_convert): Use unicode_transliterate.
+ (unicode_loop_reset): Call xxx_flushwc and output the resulting
+ character.
+ * lib/encodings.def: Add xxx_flushwc member.
+ * lib/encodings_aix.def: Likewise.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def: Likewise.
+ * lib/encodings_local.def: Likewise.
+ * lib/encodings_osf1.def: Likewise.
+ * lib/genaliases.c: Add an argument to the DEFENCODING macro.
+ * lib/genaliases2.c: Likewise.
+ * lib/genflags.c: Likewise.
+ * lib/iconv.c: Likewise.
+ * tests/table-from.c (try): Reset the iconv descriptor before the main
+ call, and flush it afterwards.
+ (ucs4_decode): New function.
+ (main): Allow up to 3 Unicode characters output. Call ucs4_decode.
+ * tests/CP1255-snippet: New file.
+ * tests/CP1255-snippet.UTF-8: New file.
+ * tests/CP1258-snippet: New file.
+ * tests/CP1258-snippet.UTF-8: New file.
+ * tests/TCVN-snippet: New file.
+ * tests/TCVN-snippet.UTF-8: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check combining behaviour of CP1255,
+ CP1258, TCVN.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+2001-05-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/converters.h (RET_ILUNI): New macro.
+ (RET_ILSEQ): Change value to -1.
+ (RET_TOOFEW): Change value.
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_loop_convert): Write RET_ILUNI instead
+ of 0. Update handling of xxx_mbtowc return value.
+ * lib/genflags.c (emit_encoding): Likewise.
+ * lib/ascii.h (ascii_wctomb): Use RET_ILUNI instead of RET_ILSEQ.
+ * lib/armscii_8.h (armscii_8_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/big5.h (big5_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/big5hkscs.h (big5hkscs_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ces_big5.h (ces_big5_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ces_gbk.h (ces_gbk_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cns11643.h (cns11643_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cns11643_inv.h (cns11643_inv_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp437.h (cp437_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp775.h (cp775_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp850.h (cp850_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp852.h (cp852_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp855.h (cp855_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp856.h (cp856_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp857.h (cp857_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp861.h (cp861_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp862.h (cp862_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp864.h (cp864_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp865.h (cp865_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp866.h (cp866_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp869.h (cp869_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp874.h (cp874_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp922.h (cp922_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp932ext.h (cp932ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp932.h (cp932_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp936ext.h (cp936ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp949.h (cp949_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp950ext.h (cp950ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp950.h (cp950_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1046.h (cp1046_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1124.h (cp1124_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1129.h (cp1129_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1133.h (cp1133_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1250.h (cp1250_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1251.h (cp1251_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1252.h (cp1252_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1253.h (cp1253_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1254.h (cp1254_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1255.h (cp1255_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1256.h (cp1256_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1257.h (cp1257_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/cp1258.h (cp1258_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/dec_hanyu.h (dec_hanyu_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/dec_kanji.h (dec_kanji_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/euc_cn.h (euc_cn_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/euc_jp.h (euc_jp_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/euc_kr.h (euc_kr_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/euc_tw.h (euc_tw_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb12345ext.h (gb12345ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb12345.h (gb12345_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb18030ext.h (gb18030ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb18030.h (gb18030_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb18030uni.h (gb18030uni_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb2312.h (gb2312_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gbkext_inv.h (gbkext_inv_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gbk.h (gbk_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/georgian_academy.h (georgian_academy_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/georgian_ps.h (georgian_ps_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/hkscs.h (hkscs_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/hp_roman8.h (hp_roman8_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/hz.h (hz_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_cnext.h (iso2022_cn_ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_cn.h (iso2022_cn_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_jp1.h (iso2022_jp1_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_jp2.h (iso2022_jp2_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_jp.h (iso2022_jp_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso2022_kr.h (iso2022_kr_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso646_cn.h (iso646_cn_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso646_jp.h (iso646_jp_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_1.h (iso8859_1_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_2.h (iso8859_2_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_3.h (iso8859_3_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_4.h (iso8859_4_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_5.h (iso8859_5_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_6.h (iso8859_6_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_7.h (iso8859_7_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_8.h (iso8859_8_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_9.h (iso8859_9_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_10.h (iso8859_10_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_13.h (iso8859_13_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_14.h (iso8859_14_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_15.h (iso8859_15_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/iso8859_16.h (iso8859_16_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/isoir165ext.h (isoir165ext_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/isoir165.h (isoir165_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/jisx0201.h (jisx0201_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/jisx0208.h (jisx0208_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/jisx0212.h (jisx0212_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/johab.h (johab_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/johab_hangul.h (johab_hangul_wctomb, johab_hangul_decompose):
+ Likewise.
+ * lib/koi8_r.h (koi8_r_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/koi8_ru.h (koi8_ru_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/koi8_u.h (koi8_u_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ksc5601.h (ksc5601_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_arabic.h (mac_arabic_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_centraleurope.h (mac_centraleurope_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_croatian.h (mac_croatian_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_cyrillic.h (mac_cyrillic_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_greek.h (mac_greek_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_hebrew.h (mac_hebrew_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_iceland.h (mac_iceland_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_roman.h (mac_roman_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_romania.h (mac_romania_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_thai.h (mac_thai_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_turkish.h (mac_turkish_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mac_ukraine.h (mac_ukraine_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/mulelao.h (mulelao_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/nextstep.h (nextstep_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/sjis.h (sjis_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/tcvn.h (tcvn_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/tis620.h (tis620_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs2be.h (ucs2be_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs2.h (ucs2_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs2internal.h (ucs2internal_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs2le.h (ucs2le_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs2swapped.h (ucs2swapped_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/ucs4.h (ucs4_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/uhc_1.h (uhc_1_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/uhc_2.h (uhc_2_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf16be.h (utf16be_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf16.h (utf16_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf16le.h (utf16le_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf32be.h (utf32be_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf32.h (utf32_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf32le.h (utf32le_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf7.h (utf7_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/utf8.h (utf8_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/viscii.h (viscii_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * tools/8bit_tab_to_h.c (main): Likewise.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (output_uni2charset_dense,
+ output_uni2charset_sparse, do_gb18030uni): Likewise.
+2001-05-19 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Add man/{iconv.1,iconv*.3}.html.
+ (man/%.html): New rule.
+ * man/Makefile.in (docdir, htmldir): New variables.
+ (install, installdirs): Install the HTML formatted man pages in
+ $(htmldir).
+ (uninstall): Uninstall them.
+2001-05-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/cp1255.h (cp1255_decomp_table): New array.
+ (cp1255_comb_table): New array.
+ (cp1255_wctomb): Decompose Unicode characters.
+ * tests/CP1255.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New file.
+2001-05-13 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/vietcomb.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp1258.h: Include it.
+ (cp1258_comb_table): New array.
+ (cp1258_wctomb): Decompose Unicode characters.
+ * lib/tcvn.h: Include it.
+ (tcvn_comb_table): New array.
+ (tcvn_wctomb): Decompose Unicode characters.
+ * tests/CP1258.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New file.
+ * tests/TCVN.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New file.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (config.h): Allow the 'del' command to fail.
+ (iconv.lib): Likewise.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS): New variables.
+ (CPP): Remove variable.
+ (libiconv.la, libiconv_plug_linux.so, libiconv_plug_solaris.so,
+ libiconv_plug_osf.so): Use LDFLAGS.
+ (libiconv_plug_linux.so, libiconv_plug_solaris.so,
+ libiconv_plug_osf.so, iconv.lo): Use CPPFLAGS.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc (CPP): Remove variable.
+ * src/Makefile.in (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS): New variables.
+ (CPP): Remove variable.
+ (iconv): Use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (CPP): Remove variable.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS): New variables.
+ (check, table-from, table-to): Use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (CPP): Remove variable.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_solaris.so): Change rule if not using
+ gcc. Reported by Paananen Mikko <mikkopa@cs.tut.fi>.
+2001-04-11 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Implement and document UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE.
+ * src/utf32.h, src/utf32be.h, src/utf32le.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include them.
+ * src/encodings.def (UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF32LE): New encodings.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF32LE.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF32LE.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/UTF-32*snippet*: New files.
+ * lib/ucs4.h (ucs4_mbtowc): Fix value of other-endian byte order.
+ (ucs4_wctomb): Allow any 31-bit codepoint.
+2001-04-11 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tests/GB18030.TXT: Add mappings for all of U+0000..U+FFFF, including
+ unassigned code points.
+ * tests/table-from.c (main); When dumping GB18030, don't print code
+ points larger than U+FFFF.
+2001-03-30 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (GB18030uni.TXT): Use a table source which includes
+ the unassigned Unicode code points.
+ * lib/gb18030uni.h: Update.
+ (gb18030uni_ranges): Remove bitmap_offset field.
+ (gb18030uni_bitmap): Remove array.
+ (gb18030uni_mbtowc): Omit gb18030uni_bitmap access.
+ (gb18030uni_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * lib/gb18030.h (gb18030_mbtowc): Handle Unicode characters >= 0x10000.
+ (gb18030_wctomb): Likewise.
+2001-03-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INSTALL.generic (Particular Systems): Add recommendations for AIX 3.
+2001-03-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (print_version): Now called GNU libiconv.
+2001-03-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * README: This package is now called GNU libiconv.
+ * tools/8bit_tab_to_h.c (main): Emit copyright notice to the output
+ file.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (output_title): Likewise.
+ * tools/cjk_variants.c (main): Likewise.
+ * lib/gentranslit.c (main): Likewise.
+2001-03-19 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_CANONICAL_HOST): Always define
+ ac_config_guess and ac_config_sub. Then ignore requests for
+2001-03-10 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INSTALL.generic: New section "Particular Systems".
+2001-03-10 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libiconv.la): Pass flag -no-undefined. Needed on
+ platforms like BeOS.
+ * lib/loop_wchar.h (mbstate_t): Don't typedef if already #defined in
+ config.h.
+2001-03-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.6 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION), README, windows/iconv.rc:
+ Bump version number.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 2:3:0.
+2001-03-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Provide all encodings used by OSF/1 5.1 locales.
+ * lib/dec_kanji.h: New file.
+ * lib/dec_hanyu.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them if USE_OSF1 is defined.
+ * lib/encodings_osf1.def: New file.
+ * lib/genflags.c (main): Include it. Define USE_OSF1.
+ * lib/genaliases2.c (main): Include it conditionally.
+ * lib/iconv.c: Define USE_OSF1 on OSF/1.
+ Include encodings_osf1.def and aliases_osf1.h.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (iconv.lo): Depend on encodings_osf1.def and
+ aliases_osf1.h.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/aliases_osf1.h): New target.
+ (all): Depend on lib/aliases_osf1.h.
+ (lib/flags.h): Depend on lib/encodings_osf1.def.
+2001-03-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (cp775.h): New target.
+ (ALL): Add it.
+ * lib/cp775.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include it.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def (CP775): New encoding.
+2001-02-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/iconv.c (iconv_open): locale_charset() doesn't return NULL any
+ more.
+2001-02-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (convert): Use ICONV_CONST.
+ * tests/table-from.c: Include config.h.
+ (try): Use ICONV_CONST.
+ * tests/table-to.c: Include config.h.
+ (main): Use ICONV_CONST.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (INCLUDES): Add -I../lib.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (INCLUDES): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Add -I..\lib.
+2001-02-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Provide all encodings used by DOS locales.
+ * tools/Makefile (cp437.h, cp852.h, cp855.h, cp857.h, cp861.h,
+ cp864.h, cp865.h, cp869.h): New targets.
+ (ALL): Add them.
+ * lib/cp437.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp852.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp855.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp857.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp861.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp864.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp865.h: New file.
+ * lib/cp869.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include them if USE_DOS is defined.
+ * lib/encodings_dos.def: New file.
+ * lib/genflags.c (main): Include it. Define USE_DOS.
+ * lib/genaliases2.c (main): Include it conditionally.
+ * lib/iconv.c: Define USE_DOS on DJGPP.
+ Include encodings_dos.def and aliases_dos.h.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (iconv.lo): Depend on encodings_dos.def and
+ aliases_dos.h.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/aliases_dos.h): New target.
+ (all): Depend on lib/aliases_dos.h.
+ (lib/flags.h): Depend on lib/encodings_dos.def.
+2001-02-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c [DJGPP]: Include <io.h> and <unistd.h>.
+ (SET_BINARY) [O_BINARY]: New macro.
+ (usage): Mention --binary if available.
+ (convert): Use SET_BINARY instead of setmode.
+ (main): Likewise.
+ Reported by Juan Manuel Guerrero <st001906@hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>.
+2001-02-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/ltconfig:
+ sed -e 's/reload object files/produce relocatable object files/'.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (usage, main): Make -f and -t options optional.
+ * man/iconv.1: Mark them as optional.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/Makefile (GB18030ext.TXT, GB18030uni.TXT): Generate from
+ glibc-2.2.2 table.
+ * lib/gb18030uni.h, lib/gb18030ext.h: Add mapping 0xA989 -> U+303E,
+ 0xFE5E -> U+2E97. Shift the entire four-byte range.
+ * tests/GB18030.TXT: Regenerated.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Better support for DOS/Windows platforms.
+ * autoconf/ltconfig: Upgrade to libtool-1.3.5.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Likewise.
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4: Likewise.
+ * autoconf/install-sh: New file.
+ * configure.in: Call AC_OBJEXT and AC_EXEEXT. Call AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (libdir, includedir, mandir): Use the autoconf
+ determined value, in order to respect the configure arguments.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libdir): Likewise.
+ * src/Makefile.in (bindir): Likewise.
+ * man/Makefile.in (mandir): Likewise.
+2001-02-04 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/translit.def: Add all the neutral transliterations from glibc.
+ * lib/gentranslit.c (main): Allow UTF-8 replacements which are in
+ UCS-2 but not in ISO-8859-1. Generate a table of 'unsigned short'.
+ Avoid accessing data[-1].
+ * lib/loop_unicode.h (unicode_loop_convert): Change type of pointer
+ into translit_data.
+2001-01-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Implement and document CP862.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cp862.h.
+ (cp862.h): New target.
+ * lib/cp862.h: New file.
+ * lib/converters.h: Include it.
+ * lib/encodings.def (CP862): New encoding.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add CP862.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check CP862.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/CP862.TXT: New file.
+2000-12-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/mbstate_t.m4: New file, from textutils-2.0.10.
+ * Makefile.devel (OTHERMACROS): Add it.
+ * configure.in: Call AC_MBSTATE_T.
+ * lib/config.h.in (mbstate_t): New definition.
+ * lib/loop_wchar.h (mbrtowc): For BeOS, declare and define fallback.
+2000-12-12 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in: Use $(MAKE) instead of $(MAKE) -r. Needed with Solaris
+ "make", which doesn't set MAKE as expected by @SET_MAKE@ if -r is
+ given. Reported by Toshimitsu Fujiwara.
+2000-12-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Use configure's --exec-prefix argument.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Likewise.
+ * src/Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Likewise.
+ * man/Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Likewise.
+2000-12-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.5 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION), README, windows/iconv.rc:
+ Bump version number.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 2:2:0.
+2000-12-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean):
+ Remove files installed in lib by libcharset.
+ * Makefile.msvc (mostlyclean): Likewise.
+ * Makefile.in (check): Depend on target 'all'.
+ * Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * Makefile.msvc (check): Depend on target 'force' as well.
+ * src/iconv.c (usage): Take an exitcode argument.
+ (print_version): New function.
+ (main): Recognize --help and --version command line options.
+2000-12-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc: Replace STATIC with its opposite flag, DLL.
+ * lib/Makefile.msvc: Likewise.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc: Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc: Likewise.
+2000-12-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c: Include <fcntl.h>. Define fallbacks for setmode, fileno.
+ (force_binary): New variable.
+ (convert): If requested, set the input O_BINARY.
+ (main): Accept --binary option. If requested, set the output O_BINARY.
+ * tests/check-stateful.bat: Pass --binary to iconv.
+ * tests/check-stateful.cmd: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit.bat: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit.cmd: Likewise.
+2000-12-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_libiconv_version): New declaration.
+ * lib/iconv.c (_libiconv_version): New variable.
+2000-11-30 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (all): File now named lib/libcharset.h.
+ (clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Likewise.
+2000-11-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * lib/*: Move here all files from src/*.
+ * src/*: Move all files to lib.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (distclean): No need to remove config.status,
+ config.log, config.cache.
+ * configure.in: Require lib/iconv.c, not src/iconv.c. Create
+ lib/config.h, not src/config.h. Also create lib/Makefile.
+ * Makefile.in (all): Install libcharset into lib, not src. Recurse
+ into lib and src.
+ (install-lib): Recurse into lib, not src.
+ (install): Recurse into libcharset, lib and src.
+ (installdirs, uninstall): Likewise.
+ (check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Likewise.
+ * Makefile.msvc (all): Recurse into lib and src.
+ (install): Recurse into libcharset, lib and src.
+ (installdirs, uninstall): Likewise.
+ (check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Likewise.
+ * Makefile.os2 (all): Recurse into lib and src.
+ (install-lib): Recurse into lib, not src.
+ (install, uninstall): Recurse into lib and src.
+ (check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Likewise.
+ * Makefile.devel (lib/config.h.msvc): Renamed from src/config.h.msvc.
+ (lib/aliases.h): Renamed from src/aliases.h.
+ (lib/aliases.gperf): Renamed from src/aliases.gperf.
+ (lib/aliases_aix.h): Renamed from src/aliases_aix.h.
+ (lib/flags.h): Renamed from src/flags.h.
+ (lib/translit.h): Renamed from src/translit.h.
+ * src/iconv.c: Moved here from tests/iconv.c.
+ * src/Makefile.in: New file.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc: New file.
+ * src/Makefile.os2: New file.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (iconv): Remove target.
+ (../lib/libiconv.la): Renamed from ../src/libiconv.la.
+ (clean): No need to remove iconv.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (iconv.exe): Remove target.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (iconv.exe): Likewise.
+ * tests/check-stateful: iconv is in ../src.
+ * tests/check-stateful.bat: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-stateful.cmd: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit: iconv is in ../src.
+ * tests/check-translit.bat: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit.cmd: Likewise.
+ * man/iconv.1: New file.
+ * man/Makefile.in (install, installdirs, uninstall): Also install *.1
+ man pages.
+ * man/Makefile.os2 (MAN3): Renamed from MAN.
+ (MAN1): New variable.
+ (install, uninstall): Also install *.1 man pages.
+2000-11-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (all, check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean,
+ maintainer-clean): Recurse into libcharset.
+ (clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove src\libcharset.h.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS): New variable.
+ (iconv.lib): Link with $(LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS).
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/cp950.h (cp950_mbtowc, cp950_wctomb): Change implementation
+ so that it agrees with Microsoft's definition of CP950.
+ * tests/CP950.TXT: Likewise.
+ * tests/CP950.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: Add 0xA244, 0xA2CC, 0xA2CE.
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Add support for locale dependent "char" and "wchar_t" encodings.
+ * libcharset: New subdirectory.
+ * src/loop_unicode.h: New file, extracted from src/iconv.c.
+ * src/loop_wchar.h: New file.
+ * src/loops.h: New file. Include loop_unicode.h and loop_wchar.h.
+ * src/encodings_local.def: New file.
+ * src/genaliases.c: Also create aliases for encodings_local.def.
+ * src/converters.h (conv_struct): Add lfuncs field.
+ * src/genflags.c: Add dummy definitions of struct loop_funcs.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include libcharset.h.
+ (loop_funcs): New structure.
+ Treat encodings_local.def like encodings.def.
+ Include loops.h.
+ (iconv_open): Move the bulk of the code to loop_unicode.h.
+ (iconv): Likewise.
+ (iconvctl): Extend determination of TRIVIALP to wchar_t conversion
+ descriptors.
+ * src/Makefile.in (PLUG_SOURCES): Remove variable.
+ (LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS): New variable.
+ (libiconv.la): Link in the LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS.
+ (libiconv_plug_linux.so, libiconv_plug_solaris.so,
+ libiconv_plug_osf.so): Link in the LIBCHARSET_OBJECTS, using
+ (iconv.lo): Depend on encodings_local.def.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (iconv.obj): Depend on encodings_local.def.
+ * src/Makefile.os2 (iconv.obj): Likewise.
+ * configure.in: Add tests for locale.h, mbrtowc, wcrtomb, setlocale.
+ Recurse into libcharset.
+ HAVE_SETLOCALE): New macros.
+ * tests/iconv.c: Include config.h and locale.h.
+ (main): Call setlocale.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (iconv): Search for config.h in ../src.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (iconv.exe): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (iconv.exe): Likewise.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Document "char" and "wchar_t" encodings.
+ * Makefile.in: After "cd", use "&&" not ";".
+ (all, check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean):
+ Recurse into libcharset.
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Recurse into libcharset.
+ (src/aliases.gperf): Depend on src/encodings_local.def.
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/converters.h (ucs4_t): New type.
+ (wchar_t): Remove locally defined override.
+ (mbtowc_funcs, wctomb_funcs): Use ucs4_t instead of wchar_t.
+ * src/iconv.c (iconv): Likewise.
+ * src/genflags.c (emit_encoding): Use ucs4_t instead of wchar_t.
+ * tools/8bit_tab_to_h.c: Use "ucs4_t" instead of "wchar_t".
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c: Likewise.
+ * src/armscii_8.h: Use ucs4_t instead of wchar_t.
+ * src/ascii.h: Likewise.
+ * src/big5.h: Likewise.
+ * src/big5hkscs.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ces_big5.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ces_gbk.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cns11643.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cns11643_1.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cns11643_2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cns11643_3.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cns11643_inv.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1046.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1124.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1129.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1133.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1250.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1251.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1252.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1253.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1254.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1255.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1256.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1257.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp1258.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp850.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp856.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp866.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp874.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp922.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp932.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp932ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp936ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp949.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp950.h: Likewise.
+ * src/cp950ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/euc_cn.h: Likewise.
+ * src/euc_jp.h: Likewise.
+ * src/euc_kr.h: Likewise.
+ * src/euc_tw.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb12345.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb12345ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb18030.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb18030ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb18030uni.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gb2312.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gbk.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gbkext1.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gbkext2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/gbkext_inv.h: Likewise.
+ * src/georgian_academy.h: Likewise.
+ * src/georgian_ps.h: Likewise.
+ * src/hkscs.h: Likewise.
+ * src/hp_roman8.h: Likewise.
+ * src/hz.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_cn.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_cnext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_jp.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_jp1.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_jp2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_kr.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso646_cn.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso646_jp.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_1.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_10.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_13.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_14.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_15.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_16.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_3.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_4.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_5.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_6.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_7.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_8.h: Likewise.
+ * src/iso8859_9.h: Likewise.
+ * src/isoir165.h: Likewise.
+ * src/isoir165ext.h: Likewise.
+ * src/java.h: Likewise.
+ * src/jisx0201.h: Likewise.
+ * src/jisx0208.h: Likewise.
+ * src/jisx0212.h: Likewise.
+ * src/johab.h: Likewise.
+ * src/johab_hangul.h: Likewise.
+ * src/koi8_r.h: Likewise.
+ * src/koi8_ru.h: Likewise.
+ * src/koi8_u.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ksc5601.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_arabic.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_centraleurope.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_croatian.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_cyrillic.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_greek.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_hebrew.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_iceland.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_roman.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_romania.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_thai.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_turkish.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mac_ukraine.h: Likewise.
+ * src/mulelao.h: Likewise.
+ * src/nextstep.h: Likewise.
+ * src/sjis.h: Likewise.
+ * src/tcvn.h: Likewise.
+ * src/tis620.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2be.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2internal.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2le.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2swapped.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs4.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs4be.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs4internal.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs4le.h: Likewise.
+ * src/ucs4swapped.h: Likewise.
+ * src/uhc_1.h: Likewise.
+ * src/uhc_2.h: Likewise.
+ * src/utf16.h: Likewise.
+ * src/utf16be.h: Likewise.
+ * src/utf16le.h: Likewise.
+ * src/utf7.h: Likewise.
+ * src/utf8.h: Likewise.
+ * src/viscii.h: Likewise.
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Make transliteration optional.
+ * src/iconv.c (iconv_open): Strip off //TRANSLIT suffix from names.
+ Set transliteration on if and only if tocode ends in //TRANSLIT.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Document how to enable transliteration.
+ * tests/check-translit: Add //TRANSLIT to iconv's 't' argument.
+ * tests/check-translit.bat: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-translit.cmd: Likewise.
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * man/iconv.3: Fix typo.
+2000-10-31 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Document JOHAB again.
+2000-11-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc: Add support for MFLAGS and DEBUG parameters.
+ (STATIC): Change default from 0 to 1.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc: Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc: Likewise.
+ * tests/check-stateless.bat: Call 'sort' with no arguments.
+2000-11-12 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/config.guess, autoconf/config.sub: Upgrade to newest
+ version from GNU CVS.
+2000-10-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.4 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION), README, windows/iconv.rc:
+ Bump version number.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 2:1:0.
+2000-10-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Implement and document GB18030 and BIG5HKSCS.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (row_byte_hkscs, byte_row_hkscs, do_hkscs): New
+ functions.
+ (do_gb18030uni): New function.
+ (main): Accept gb18030ext, gb18030uni, hkscs.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add gb18030ext.h, gb18030uni.h, hkscs.h.
+ (gb18030ext.h, GB18030ext.TXT, gb18030uni.h, GB18030uni.TXT,
+ hkscs.h): New targets.
+ * src/gb18030ext.h, src/gb18030uni.h, src/gb18030.h: New files.
+ * src/hkscs.h, src/big5hkscs.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include gb18030.h and big5hkscs.h.
+ * src/encodings.def (GB18030, BIG5HKSCS): New encodings.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add GB18030, BIG5HKSCS.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check GB18030, BIG5HKSCS.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/Makefile.os2 (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/GB18030.TXT: New file.
+2000-10-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tests/table-from.c (try, main): Use UCS-4-INTERNAL instead of
+ UCS-2-INTERNAL, to avoid problems with UCS-2 surrogate handling.
+ * tests/table-to.c (main): Likewise.
+2000-10-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/gentranslit.c (main): Read the input in UTF-8 encoding.
+2000-10-09 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ CPU recognition on OpenBSD.
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN): Recognize __m68k__,
+ __mc68020__, __MIPSEB__, __MIPSEL__, __m88k__ as CPU indicators.
+2000-10-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/gentranslit.c (main): Don't output non-ASCII ISO-8859-1
+ character literals, use the numeric value instead.
+ Reported by Shin-Hsien Yeh <shyeh@alcatel.com.tw>.
+2000-09-29 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_CANONICAL_HOST): Fix bug in 2000-05-23
+ change.
+2000-09-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN): Recognize __i386__
+ as equivalent to __i386. For OpenBSD.
+2000-09-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/utf16.h (utf16_wctomb): Reject single surrogates.
+ * src/utf16be.h (utf16be_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/utf16le.h (utf16le_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2.h (ucs2_mbtowc, ucs2_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2be.h (ucs2be_mbtowc, ucs2be_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2le.h (ucs2le_mbtowc, ucs2le_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2internal.h (ucs2internal_mbtowc, ucs2internal_wctomb):
+ Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2swapped.h (ucs2swapped_mbtowc, ucs2swapped_wctomb):
+ Likewise.
+2000-09-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (install, installdirs, uninstall): Support DESTDIR.
+ * src/Makefile.in (install, installdirs, uninstall): Likewise.
+ * man/Makefile.in (install, installdirs, uninstall): Likewise.
+2000-09-11 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/utf7.h (utf7_mbtowc): Fix combining of UTF-16 surrogates.
+2000-08-26 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/acgeneral.m4 (AC_OUTPUT): Use braces in exec_prefix default
+ value, not parens.
+2000-07-04 Akira Hatakeyama <akira@sra.co.jp>
+ Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * os2/iconv.def, README.os2, Makefile.os2, src/Makefile.os2,
+ tests/Makefile.os2, man/Makefile.os2, tests/check-stateful.cmd,
+ tests/check-stateless.cmd, tests/check-translit.cmd: New files.
+2000-06-28 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/ucs2internal.h (ucs2internal_mbtowc): Avoid gcc warning about
+ cast.
+ * src/ucs4internal.h (ucs4internal_mbtowc): Likewise.
+ * src/ucs2swapped.h (ucs2swapped_mbtowc, ucs2swapped_wctomb): Verify
+ sizeof(unsigned short).
+ * src/ucs4swapped.h (ucs4swapped_mbtowc, ucs4swapped_mbtowc): Verify
+ sizeof(unsigned int).
+ Reported by François Pinard <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>.
+2000-05-29 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_PROG_INSTALL): Fix typo.
+ Reported by Thomas Klausner <wiz@danbala.ifoer.tuwien.ac.at>.
+2000-05-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4 (CL_CANONICAL_HOST): Determine host_cpu,
+ host_vendor, host_os correctly if $host has more than two hyphens.
+2000-04-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.3 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION), README, windows/iconv.rc:
+ Bump version number.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 2:0:0.
+2000-04-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * THANKS: New file.
+ * INSTALL.generic: New file.
+ Implement and document UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE.
+ * src/ucs2be.h, src/ucs2le.h, src/ucs4be.h, src/ucs4le.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include them.
+ * src/ucs2swapped.h: Remove #defines for UCS-2-BE, UCS-2-LE.
+ * src/ucs4swapped.h: Remove #defines for UCS-4-BE, UCS-4-LE.
+ * src/encodings.def (UCS-2BE): Renamed from UCS-2-BE.
+ (UCS-2LE): Renamed from UCS-2-LE.
+ (UCS-4BE): Renamed from UCS-4-BE.
+ (UCS-4LE): Renamed from UCS-4-LE.
+ * Makefile.devel (src/aliases.h): Pass option "-i 1" to gperf.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc (check): Likewise.
+ * tests/UCS-*snippet*: New files.
+ Allow building as a shared library on Windows.
+ Allow running the tests on Windows.
+ * Makefile.devel (include/iconv.h.msvc): Remove rule.
+ (include/iconv.h.msvc-static, include/iconv.h.msvc-shared): New
+ rules.
+ (all): Update.
+ * windows/dllexport.h: New file.
+ * include/iconv.h.msvc: Remove file.
+ * include/iconv.h.msvc-static, include/iconv.h.msvc-shared: New
+ autogenerated files.
+ * Makefile.msvc (STATIC, DEBUG): Default to 0.
+ (all): Choose either include\iconv.h.msvc-static or
+ include\iconv.h.msvc-shared.
+ (check): Depend on all.
+ (all, check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean):
+ Recurse into tests directory.
+ * src/Makefile.msvc (STATIC, DEBUG): Default to 0.
+ (CFLAGS): Use them. Add -MD and -DBUILDING_LIBICONV.
+ (RESOURCES): New variable.
+ (iconv.lib): Change rule when building DLL.
+ (clean, distclean): One filename per line.
+ * tests/Makefile.msvc: New file.
+ * tests/check-stateful.bat, tests/check-stateless.bat,
+ tests/check-translit.bat: New files.
+ * tests/uniq-u.c: New file, taken from GNU textutils.
+ * README.win32: Update.
+ Based on patches by Taro Muraoka <koron@tka.att.ne.jp>.
+2000-04-14 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Fix an OSF/1 problem.
+ * configure.in: Define GCC variable for substitution.
+ * src/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_osf.so): Change rule if not using
+ gcc.
+2000-04-13 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Fix a SunOS 4 problem.
+ * include/iconv.h.in: If EILSEQ is not defined by the system, define
+ it to ENOENT, not EINVAL.
+2000-04-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Allow building on filesystems lacking symlinks and hard links.
+ * Makefile.devel (autoconf/aclocal.m4): Replace AC_PROG_LN_S with
+ * configure.in: Add CL_PROG_LN, CL_PROG_LN_S.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LN): Use autoconfigured value @LN@.
+ (LN_S): Use autoconfigured value @LN_S@.
+2000-03-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.2 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION): Bump version number.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 1:1:1.
+2000-03-14 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Implement and document UTF-16BE and UTF16LE.
+ * src/utf16be.h, src/utf16le.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include them.
+ * src/encodings.def (UTF-16BE, UTF16LE): New encodings.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add UTF-16BE, UTF16LE.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF16LE.
+ * tests/UTF-16*snippet*: New files.
+ * src/utf16.h (utf16_wctomb): Output a byte order mark.
+2000-03-13 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Provide all encodings used by AIX locales.
+ * tools/Makefile (all): Add cp856.h, cp922.h, cp1046.h, cp1124.h,
+ cp1129.h.
+ (cp856.h, cp922.h, cp1046.h, cp1124.h, cp1129.h): New targets.
+ * src/cp856.h, src/cp922.h, src/cp943.h, src/cp1046.h, src/cp1124.h,
+ src/cp1129.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include them if USE_AIX is defined.
+ * src/encodings_aix.def: New file, with CP856, CP922, CP943, CP1046,
+ CP1124, CP1129.
+ * src/genflags.c: Define USE_AIX. Include encodings_aix.def.
+ * src/genaliases2.c: New file.
+ * src/iconv.c: Define USE_AIX on AIX.
+ Include encodings_aix.def and aliases_aix.h.
+ (aliases2_lookup): New function.
+ (iconv_open): Call aliases2_lookup.
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv.lo): Depend on encodings_aix.def and
+ aliases_aix.h.
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Add src/aliases_aix.h.
+ (src/aliases_aix.h): New rule.
+ (src/flags.h): Depend on src/encodings_aix.def.
+2000-02-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (iconv): Don't write beyond the end of the output buffer.
+ Reported by Edmund Grimley Evans <edmundo@rano.org>.
+2000-02-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/utf7.h (direct_tab, xdirect_tab): Treat tab like space.
+2000-02-15 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/iconv.c (iconv): Add cast in xxx_reset call.
+2000-02-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/tis620.h: Simplify.
+2000-01-27 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (CLISP_DIR): Change to "..".
+2000-01-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.1 released.
+ * include/iconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION): Bump version number.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 1:0:1.
+2000-01-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * src/utf7.h (utf7_wctomb): If base64 encoding is not active, encode
+ '+' as "+-".
+2000-01-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * include/iconv.h.in (iconvctl): New declaration.
+ New macros.
+ * src/iconv.c (iconvctl): New function.
+ * tests/Makefile.in: Add a rule for ../src/libiconv.la. Define $(MAKE).
+ Solve a build problem.
+ * include/iconv.h.in: Renamed from include/libiconv.h.in.
+ * Makefile.devel: libiconv.h -> iconv.h.
+ * Makefile.in: Likewise.
+ * configure.in: Likewise. Remove check for <iconv.h>.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include iconv.h instead of libiconv.h.
+ * tests/iconv.c, tests/table-from.c, tests/table-to.c: Likewise.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Don't document JOHAB any more.
+ * man/iconv.3: Clarify return value again.
+2000-01-16 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Add aliases.
+ * src/encodings.def (ISO-8859-14): Add alias ISO-IR-199.
+ (ISO-8859-15): Add alias ISO-IR-203.
+ (EUC-CN): Add alias CN-GB, from RFC 1922.
+ (BIG5): Add alias CN-BIG5, from RFC 1922.
+ * Makefile.devel (src/aliases.h): Add 8th character to key set.
+ Drop X11 aliases.
+ * src/encodings.def (JIS_X0201): Drop JISX0201.1976-0 alias.
+ (JIS_X0208): Drop JIS_X0208.1983-0, JIS_X0208.1983-1 aliases.
+ (KSC_5601): Drop KSC5601.1987-0 alias.
+ Improve GB/T 12345 (not used yet).
+ * tools/Makefile (gb12345ext.h): Use GB12345-more.TXT.
+ * src/gb12345ext.h: Regenerated.
+ Improve and document CP949.
+ * tools/Makefile (all): Add uhc_1.h and uhc_2.h.
+ (uhc_1.h, uhc_2.h): New rules.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (output_charset2uni_noholes_monotonic): New
+ function.
+ (output_uni2charset_sparse): Take an additional boolean argument.
+ All callers changed.
+ (*_uhc_1, *_uhc_2): New functions.
+ (main): Treat uhc_1 and uhc_2.
+ * src/uhc_1.h, src/uhc_2.h: New files.
+ * src/cp949.h: New file, include them.
+ * src/converters.h: Include it.
+ * src/encodings.def (KSC_5601): Remove alias CP949.
+ (CP949): New encoding.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add CP949.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check CP949.
+ * tests/CP949.TXT: New file.
+ Document CP932.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add CP932.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check CP932.
+ * tests/CP932.TXT, tests/CP932.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New files.
+ * Makefile.devel (src/flags.h): Depend on src/converters.h.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check JIS_X0201.
+ * tests/JIS_X0201.TXT: New file.
+ * src/euc_kr.h (euc_kr_wctomb): Shrink size of buf.
+ * src/iso2022_kr.h (iso2022_kr_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/iso2022_cnext.h (iso2022_cn_ext_mbtowc): Use isoir165_mbtowc.
+ (iso2022_cn_ext_wctomb): Use isoir165_wctomb.
+ Add ISO-IR-165 (undocumented).
+ * tools/Makefile (all): Add isoir165ext.h.
+ (isoir165ext.h): New rule.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (main): Treat isoir165ext like gb2312.
+ * src/isoir165.h, src/isoir165ext.h: New files.
+ * src/converters.h: Include it.
+ * src/encodings.def: Add ISO-IR-165.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check ISO-IR-165.
+ * tests/ISO-IR-165.TXT, tests/ISO-IR-165.IRREVERSIBLE.TXT: New files.
+ Add ISO646-CN (undocumented).
+ * src/iso646_cn.h: New file.
+ * src/converters.h: Include it.
+ * src/encodings.def: Add ISO646-CN.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check ISO646-CN.
+ * tests/ISO646-CN.TXT: New file.
+ Add ISO646-JP (undocumented).
+ * src/iso646_jp.h: New file.
+ * src/converters.h: Include it.
+ * src/encodings.def: Add ISO646-JP.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check ISO646-JP.
+ * tests/ISO646-JP.TXT: New file.
+2000-01-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Add ISO-8859-16.
+ * tools/Makefile (all): Add iso8859_16.h.
+ (iso8859_16.h): New rule.
+ * src/iso8859_16.h: New file.
+ * src/converters.h: Include it.
+ * src/encodings.def: Add ISO-8859-16.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add ISO-8859-16.
+ * tests/Makefile.in (check): Check ISO-8859-16.
+ * tests/ISO-8859-16.TXT: New file.
+ * man/iconv.3: Clarify what happens *inbuf in case 3.
+ * src/iso8859_8.h: Update using newest table from ftp.unicode.org.
+ * tests/ISO-8859-8.TXT: Likewise.
+2000-01-04 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 1.0 released.
+ * include/libiconv.h.in (_LIBICONV_VERSION): Bump version number.
+ * src/Makefile.in (LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO): Define to 0:1:0.
+ (libiconv.la): Use LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO.
+2000-01-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tests/Makefile.in: New file.
+ tests/check-stateless, tests/table-from.c, tests/table-to.c,
+ tests/*.TXT, tests/genutf8.c: New files, checks for stateless
+ encodings.
+ tests/check-stateful, tests/iconv.c, tests/*-snippet*: New files,
+ checks for stateful encodings.
+ * Makefile.in (all, check, mostlyclean, clean, distclean,
+ maintainer-clean): Descend into tests directory.
+ * configure.in: Add tests/Makefile to AC_OUTPUT duties.
+ * src/gentranslit.c: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (src/translit.h): New rule.
+ * src/translit.def, src/translit.h: New files.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include it.
+ (iconv): Transliterate using translit.h table.
+ * src/genflags.c: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (src/flags.h): New rule.
+ * src/flags.h: New file.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include it.
+ (encoding): Add field 'oflags'.
+ (all_encodings): Initialize the field 'oflags'.
+ (iconv_open): Copy field 'oflags'.
+ (iconv): Transliterate quotation marks U+2018, U+2019, U+201A.
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv.lo): Update dependencies.
+ * src/converters.h: New file, extracted from src/iconv.c.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include it.
+ * src/Makefile.in (iconv.lo): Update dependencies.
+ * tools/cjk_variants.c: New file.
+ * tools/Makefile (ALL): Add cjk_variants.h.
+ (cjk_variants.h, cjk_variants): New rules.
+ * src/cjk_variants.h: New file.
+ * src/iconv.c: Include it.
+ (iconv): Use cjk_variants for transliteration.
+ * man/iconv.3: Fix description of return value.
+ * euc_kr.h (euc_kr_wctomb): Remove Hangul transliteration.
+ * iso2022_kr.h (iso2022kr_wctomb): Likewise.
+ * src/iconv.c (iconv): Do Hangul transliteration here and increment
+ result once for every transliterated character.
+ * src/johab_hangul.h (johab_hangul_decompose): Change result array
+ from 'unsigned char*' to 'wchar_t*'.
+ * src/cp1258.h (cp1258_mbtowc): Return RET_ILSEQ instead of storing
+ 0xfffd.
+ * src/georgian_ps.h (georgian_ps_wctomb): Accept 0x00e6.
+ * src/euc_jp.h (euc_jp_wctomb): Don't treat U+005C and U+007E like
+ Katakana.
+ * src/euc_tw.h (euc_tw_mbtowc): Fix typo.
+ * src/cp950.h (cp950_mbtowc, cp950_wctomb): Exclude the range
+ 0xC6A1..0xC7FE.
+ * tools/cjk_tab_to_h.c (read_table_ksc5601): Some Hangul range was
+ not being excluded. Fix that.
+ * src/ksc5601.h: Regenerated.
+ * src/johab.h (johab_mbtowc): Don't accept 0xDA{A1..D3} - this is
+ valid in KSC5601/KSX1001 but not in JOHAB.
+ * src/iconv.c (conv_struct): Add fields iindex, oindex.
+ (iconv_open): Fill in iindex, oindex.
+ * src/encodings.def (UCS-2-BE): Add aliases "UNICODE-1-1" and
+ "csUnicode11", from IANA charset list.
+ (MacRoman): Add aliases "MAC" and "csMacintosh" for "MACINTOSH",
+ from IANA charset list.
+ (JIS_X0208): Add aliases "X0208", "ISO-IR-87", "csISO87JISX0208",
+ from IANA charset list.
+ (GB_2312-80): New encoding, from IANA charset list.
+ * README, man/iconv_open.3: Add MacIceland and MacUkraine.
+ * Makefile.devel: Add rules for src/aliases.h and src/aliases.gperf.
+ (all): Depend on src/aliases.h.
+ * src/Makefile.in: Remove rules for $(srcdir)/aliases.h and
+ $(srcdir)/aliases.gperf.
+ (clean): Clean up.
+ * src/Makefile.in (libiconv_plug_linux.so): Remove unneeded "-ldl".
+1999-12-31 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Version 0.3 released.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/DESIGN b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/DESIGN
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ff2ad3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/DESIGN
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+While some other iconv(3) implementations - like FreeBSD iconv(3) - choose
+the "many small shared libraries" and dlopen(3) approach, this implementation
+packs everything into a single shared library. Here is a comparison of the
+two designs.
+* Run-time efficiency
+ 1. A dlopen() based approach needs a cache of loaded shared libraries.
+ Otherwise, every iconv_open() call will result in a call to dlopen()
+ and thus to file system related system calls - which is prohibitive
+ because some applications use the iconv_open/iconv/iconv_close sequence
+ for every single filename, string, or piece of text.
+ 2. In terms of virtual memory use, both approaches are on par. Being shared
+ libraries, the tables are shared between any processes that use them.
+ And because of the demand loading used by Unix systems (and because libiconv
+ does not have initialization functions), only those parts of the tables
+ which are needed (typically very few kilobytes) will be read from disk and
+ paged into main memory.
+ 3. Even with a cache of loaded shared libraries, the dlopen() based approach
+ makes more system calls, because it has to load one or two shared libraries
+ for every encoding in use.
+* Total size
+ In the dlopen(3) approach, every shared library has a symbol table and
+ relocation offset. All together, FreeBSD iconv installs more than 200 shared
+ libraries with a total size of 2.3 MB. Whereas libiconv installs 0.45 MB.
+* Extensibility
+ The dlopen(3) approach is good for guaranteeing extensibility if the iconv
+ implementation is distributed without source. (Or when, as in glibc, you
+ cannot rebuild iconv without rebuilding your libc, thus possibly
+ destabilizing your system.)
+ The libiconv package achieves extensibility through the LGPL license:
+ Every user has access to the source of the package and can extend and
+ replace just libiconv.so.
+ The places which have to be modified when a new encoding is added are as
+ follows: add an #include statement in iconv.c, add an entry in the table in
+ iconv.c, and of course, update the README and iconv_open.3 manual page.
+* Use within other packages
+ If you want to incorporate an iconv implementation into another package
+ (such as a mail user agent or web browser), the single library approach
+ is easier, because:
+ 1. In the shared library approach you have to provide the right directory
+ prefix which will be used at run time.
+ 2. Incorporating iconv as a static library into the executable is easy -
+ it won't need dynamic loading. (This assumes that your package is under
+ the LGPL or GPL license.)
+All conversions go through Unicode. This is possible because most of the
+world's characters have already been allocated in the Unicode standard.
+Therefore we have for each encoding two functions:
+- For conversion from the encoding to Unicode, a function called xxx_mbtowc.
+- For conversion from Unicode to the encoding, a function called xxx_wctomb,
+ and for stateful encodings, a function called xxx_reset which returns to
+ the initial shift state.
+All our functions operate on a single Unicode character at a time. This is
+obviously less efficient than operating on an entire buffer of characters at
+a time, but it makes the coding considerably easier and less bug-prone. Those
+who wish best performance should install the Real Thing (TM): GNU libc 2.1
+or newer.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NEWS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1248c5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+New in 1.9:
+* Many more transliterations.
+* New configuration option --enable-relocatable. See the INSTALL.generic file
+ for details.
+New in 1.8:
+* The iconv program has new options -l, -c, -s.
+* The iconv program is internationalized.
+* Added C99 converter.
+* Added KOI8-T converter.
+* New configuration option --enable-extra-encodings that enables a bunch of
+ additional encodings; see the README for details.
+* Updated the ISO-8859-16 converter.
+* Upgraded BIG5-HKSCS, EUC-TW, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT converters to
+ Unicode 3.2.
+* Upgraded EUC-KR, CP949, JOHAB converters to include the Euro sign.
+* Changed the ARMSCII-8 converter.
+* Extended the EUC-JP encoder so that YEN SIGN characters don't cause failures
+ in Shift_JIS to EUC-JP conversion.
+* The JAVA converter now handles characters outside the Unicode BMP correctly.
+* Fixed a bug in the CP1255, CP1258, TCVN decoders: The base characters of
+ combining characters could be dropped at the end of the conversion buffer.
+* Fixed a bug in the transliteration that could lead to excessive memory
+ allocations in libintl when transliteration was needed.
+* Portability to BSD/OS and SCO 3.2.5.
+New in 1.7:
+* Added UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE converters.
+* Changed CP1255, CP1258 and TCVN converters to handle combining characters.
+* Changed EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-1
+ converters to use fullwidth Yen sign instead of halfwidth Yen sign, and
+ fullwidth tilde instead of halfwidth tilde.
+* Upgraded EUC-TW, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT converters to Unicode 3.1.
+* Changed the GB18030 converter to not reject unassigned and private-use
+ Unicode characters.
+* Fixed a bug in the byte order mark treatment of the UCS-4 decoder.
+* The manual pages are now distributed also in HTML format.
+New in 1.6:
+* The iconv program's -f and -t options are now optional.
+* Many more transliterations.
+* Added CP862 converter.
+* Changed the GB18030 converter.
+* Portability to DOS with DJGPP.
+New in 1.5:
+* Added an iconv(1) program.
+* New locale dependent encodings "char", "wchar_t".
+* Transliteration is now off by default. Use a //TRANSLIT suffix to enable it.
+* The JOHAB encoding is documented again.
+* Changed a few mappings in the CP950 converter.
+New in 1.4:
+* Added GB18030, BIG5HKSCS converters.
+* Portability to OS/2 with emx+gcc.
+New in 1.3:
+* Added UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE converters.
+* Fixed the definition of EILSEQ on SunOS4.
+* Fixed a build problem on OSF/1.
+* Support for building as a shared library on Woe32.
+New in 1.2:
+* Added UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE converters.
+* Changed the UTF-16 encoder.
+* Fixed the treatment of tab characters in the UTF-7 converter.
+* Fixed an internal error when output buffer was not large enough.
+New in 1.1:
+* Added ISO-8859-16 converter.
+* Added CP932 converter, a variant of SHIFT_JIS.
+* Added CP949 converter, a variant of EUC-KR.
+* Improved the ISO-2022-CN-EXT converter: It now covers the ISO-IR-165 range.
+* Updated the ISO-8859-8 conversion table.
+* The JOHAB encoding is deprecated and not documented any more.
+* Fixed two build problems: 1. "make -n check" failed. 2. When libiconv was
+ already installed, "make" failed.
+New in 1.0:
+* Added transliteration facilities.
+* Added a test suite.
+* Fixed the iconv(3) manual page and function: the return value was not
+ described correctly.
+* Fixed a bug in the CP1258 decoder: invalid bytes now yield EILSEQ instead of
+* Fixed a bug in the Georgian-PS encoder: accept U+00E6.
+* Fixed a bug in the EUC-JP encoder: reject 0x8E5C and 0x8E7E.
+* Fixed a bug in the KSC5601 and JOHAB converters: they recognized some Hangul
+ characters at some invalid code positions.
+* Fixed a bug in the EUC-TW decoder; it was severely broken.
+* Fixed a bug in the CP950 converter: it recognized a dubious BIG5 range.
+New in 0.3:
+* Reduced the size of the tables needed for the JOHAB converter.
+* Portability to Woe32.
+New in 0.2:
+* Added KOI8-RU, CP850, CP866, CP874, CP950, ISO-2022-CN-EXT, GBK and
+ ISO-2022-JP-1 converters.
+* Added MACINTOSH as an alias for MAC-ROMAN.
+* Added ASMO-708 as an alias for ISO-8859-6.
+* Added ELOT_928 as an alias for ISO-8859-7.
+* Improved the EUC-TW converter: Treat CNS 11643 plane 3.
+* Improved the ISO-2022-KR and EUC-KR converters: Hangul characters are
+ decomposed into Jamo when needed.
+* Improved the CP932 converter.
+* Updated the CP1133, MULELAO-1 and ARMSCII-8 mappings.
+* The EUC-JP and SHIFT_JIS converters now cover the user-defined range.
+* Fixed a possible buffer overrun in the JOHAB converter.
+* Fixed a bug in the UTF-7, ISO-2022-*, HZ decoders: a shift sequence a the
+ end of the input no longer gives an error.
+* The HZ encoder now always terminates its output in the ASCII state.
+* Use a perfect hash table for looking up the aliases.
+New in 0.1:
+* Portability to Linux/glibc-2.0.x, Linux/libc5, OSF/1, FreeBSD.
+* Fixed a bug in the EUC-JP decoder. Extended the ISO-2022-JP-2 converter.
+* Made TIS-620 mapping consistent with glibc-2.1.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NOTES b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NOTES
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f630e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/NOTES
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+Q: Why does libiconv support encoding XXX? Why does libiconv not support
+ encoding ZZZ?
+A: libiconv, as an internationalization library, supports those character
+ sets and encodings which are in wide-spread use in at least one territory
+ of the world.
+ Hint1: On http://www.w3c.org/International/O-charset-lang.html you find a
+ page "Languages, countries, and the charsets typically used for them".
+ From this table, we can conclude that the following are in active use:
+ ISO-8859-1, CP1252 Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch,
+ English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German,
+ Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese,
+ Scottish, Spanish, Swedish
+ ISO-8859-2 Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak,
+ Slovenian
+ ISO-8859-3 Esperanto, Maltese
+ ISO-8859-5 Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian,
+ Serbian, Ukrainian
+ ISO-8859-6 Arabic
+ ISO-8859-7 Greek
+ ISO-8859-8 Hebrew
+ ISO-8859-9, CP1254 Turkish
+ ISO-8859-10 Inuit, Lapp
+ ISO-8859-13 Latvian, Lithuanian
+ ISO-8859-15 Estonian
+ KOI8-R Russian
+ SHIFT_JIS Japanese
+ ISO-2022-JP Japanese
+ EUC-JP Japanese
+ Ordered by frequency on the web (1997):
+ ISO-8859-1, CP1252 96%
+ SHIFT_JIS 1.6%
+ ISO-2022-JP 1.2%
+ EUC-JP 0.4%
+ CP1250 0.3%
+ CP1251 0.2%
+ CP850 0.1%
+ ISO-8859-5 0.1%
+ ISO-8859-2 0.0%
+ Hint2: The character sets mentioned in the XFree86 4.0 locale.alias file.
+ ISO-8859-1 Afrikaans, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Danish, Dutch,
+ English, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French,
+ Galician, German, Greenlandic, Icelandic,
+ Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Norwegian,
+ Occitan, Portuguese, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish,
+ Walloon, Welsh
+ ISO-8859-2 Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish,
+ Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian
+ ISO-8859-3 Esperanto
+ ISO-8859-4 Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian
+ ISO-8859-5 Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian,
+ Serbian, Ukrainian
+ ISO-8859-6 Arabic
+ ISO-8859-7 Greek
+ ISO-8859-8 Hebrew
+ ISO-8859-9 Turkish
+ ISO-8859-14 Breton, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
+ ISO-8859-15 Basque, Breton, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian,
+ Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German,
+ Greenlandic, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian,
+ Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Scottish, Spanish,
+ Swedish, Walloon, Welsh
+ KOI8-R Russian
+ KOI8-U Russian, Ukrainian
+ EUC-JP (alias eucJP) Japanese
+ ISO-2022-JP (alias JIS7) Japanese
+ SHIFT_JIS (alias SJIS) Japanese
+ U90 Japanese
+ S90 Japanese
+ EUC-CN (alias eucCN) Chinese
+ EUC-TW (alias eucTW) Chinese
+ BIG5 Chinese
+ EUC-KR (alias eucKR) Korean
+ ARMSCII-8 Armenian
+ GEORGIAN-PS Georgian
+ TIS-620 (alias TACTIS) Thai
+ MULELAO-1 Laothian
+ IBM-CP1133 Laothian
+ VISCII Vietnamese
+ TCVN Vietnamese
+ NUNACOM-8 Inuktitut
+ Hint3: The character sets supported by Netscape Communicator 4.
+ Where is this documented? For the complete picture, I had to use
+ "strings netscape" and then a lot of guesswork. For a quick take,
+ look at the "View - Character set" menu of Netscape Communicator 4.6:
+ ISO-8859-{1,2,5,7,9,15}
+ WINDOWS-{1250,1251,1253}
+ KOI8-R Cyrillic
+ CP866 Cyrillic
+ Autodetect Japanese (EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, SJIS)
+ EUC-JP Japanese
+ SHIFT_JIS Japanese
+ GB2312 Chinese
+ BIG5 Chinese
+ EUC-TW Chinese
+ Autodetect Korean (EUC-KR, ISO-2022-KR, but not JOHAB)
+ UTF-8
+ UTF-7
+ Hint4: The character sets supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.
+ ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
+ WINDOWS-{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1255,1256,1257}
+ KOI8-R Cyrillic
+ KOI8-RU Ukrainian
+ ASMO-708 Arabic
+ EUC-JP Japanese
+ ISO-2022-JP Japanese
+ SHIFT_JIS Japanese
+ GB2312 Chinese
+ HZ-GB-2312 Chinese
+ BIG5 Chinese
+ EUC-KR Korean
+ ISO-2022-KR Korean
+ WINDOWS-874 Thai
+ WINDOWS-1258 Vietnamese
+ UTF-8
+ UTF-7
+ and various DOS character sets: DOS-720, DOS-862, IBM852, CP866.
+ We take the union of all these four sets. The result is:
+ European and Semitic languages
+ * ASCII.
+ We implement this because it is occasionally useful to know or to
+ check whether some text is entirely ASCII (i.e. if the conversion
+ ISO-8859-x -> UTF-8 is trivial).
+ * ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
+ We implement this because they are widely used. Except ISO-8859-4
+ which appears to have been superseded by ISO-8859-13 in the baltic
+ countries. But it's an ISO standard anyway.
+ * ISO-8859-13
+ We implement this because it's a standard in Lithuania and Latvia.
+ * ISO-8859-14
+ We implement this because it's an ISO standard.
+ * ISO-8859-15
+ We implement this because it's increasingly used in Europe, because
+ of the Euro symbol.
+ * ISO-8859-16
+ We implement this because it's an ISO standard.
+ * KOI8-R, KOI8-U
+ We implement this because it appears to be the predominant encoding
+ on Unix in Russia and Ukraine, respectively.
+ * KOI8-RU
+ We implement this because MSIE4 supports it.
+ * KOI8-T
+ We implement this because it is the locale encoding in glibc's Tajik
+ locale.
+ * CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1255,1256,1257}
+ We implement these because they are the predominant Windows encodings
+ in Europe.
+ * CP850
+ We implement this because it is mentioned as occurring in the web
+ in the aforementioned statistics.
+ * CP862
+ We implement this because Ron Aaron says it is sometimes used in web
+ pages and emails.
+ * CP866
+ We implement this because Netscape Communicator does.
+ * Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Croatian,Romania,Cyrillic,Greek,Turkish} and
+ Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}
+ We implement these because the Sun JDK does, and because Mac users
+ don't deserve to be punished.
+ * Macintosh
+ We implement this because it is mentioned as occurring in the web
+ in the aforementioned statistics.
+ Japanese
+ We implement these because they are widely used. EUC-JP and SHIFT_JIS
+ are more used for files, whereas ISO-2022-JP is recommended for email.
+ * CP932
+ We implement this because it is the Microsoft variant of SHIFT_JIS,
+ used on Windows.
+ * ISO-2022-JP-2
+ We implement this because it's the common way to represent mails which
+ make use of JIS X 0212 characters.
+ * ISO-2022-JP-1
+ We implement this because it's in the RFCs, but I don't think it is
+ really used.
+ * U90, S90
+ We DON'T implement this because I have no informations about what it
+ is or who uses it.
+ Simplified Chinese
+ * EUC-CN = GB2312
+ We implement this because it is the widely used representation
+ of simplified Chinese.
+ * GBK
+ We implement this because it appears to be used on Solaris and Windows.
+ * GB18030
+ We implement this because it is an official requirement in the
+ People's Republic of China.
+ * ISO-2022-CN
+ We implement this because it is in the RFCs, but I have no idea
+ whether it is really used.
+ * ISO-2022-CN-EXT
+ We implement this because it's in the RFCs, but I don't think it is
+ really used.
+ * HZ = HZ-GB-2312
+ We implement this because the RFCs recommend it for Usenet postings,
+ and because MSIE4 supports it.
+ Traditional Chinese
+ * EUC-TW
+ We implement it because it appears to be used on Unix.
+ * BIG5
+ We implement it because it is the de-facto standard for traditional
+ Chinese.
+ * CP950
+ We implement this because it is the Microsoft variant of BIG5, used
+ on Windows.
+ * BIG5+
+ We DON'T implement this because it doesn't appear to be in wide use.
+ Only the CWEX fonts use this encoding. Furthermore, the conversion
+ tables in the big5p package are not coherent: If you convert directly,
+ you get different results than when you convert via GBK.
+ We implement it because it is the de-facto standard for traditional
+ Chinese in Hongkong.
+ Korean
+ * EUC-KR
+ We implement these because they appear to be the widely used
+ representations for Korean.
+ * CP949
+ We implement this because it is the Microsoft variant of EUC-KR, used
+ on Windows.
+ * ISO-2022-KR
+ We implement it because it is in the RFCs and because MSIE4 supports
+ it, but I have no idea whether it's really used.
+ We implement this because it is apparently used on Windows as a locale
+ encoding (codepage 1361).
+ * ISO-646-KR
+ We DON'T implement this because although an old ASCII variant, its
+ glyph for 0x7E is not clear: RFC 1345 and unicode.org's JOHAB.TXT
+ say it's a tilde, but Ken Lunde's "CJKV information processing" says
+ it's an overline. And it is not ISO-IR registered.
+ Armenian
+ We implement it because XFree86 supports it.
+ Georgian
+ * Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS
+ We implement these because they appear to be both used for Georgian;
+ Xfree86 supports them.
+ Thai
+ * TIS-620
+ We implement this because it seems to be standard for Thai.
+ * CP874
+ We implement this because MSIE4 supports it.
+ * MacThai
+ We implement this because the Sun JDK does, and because Mac users
+ don't deserve to be punished.
+ Laotian
+ * MuleLao-1, CP1133
+ We implement these because XFree86 supports them. I have no idea which
+ one is used more widely.
+ Vietnamese
+ We implement these because XFree86 supports them.
+ * CP1258
+ We implement this because MSIE4 supports it.
+ Other languages
+ * NUNACOM-8 (Inuktitut)
+ We DON'T implement this because it isn't part of Unicode yet, and
+ therefore doesn't convert to anything except itself.
+ Platform specifics
+ We implement these because they were the native character set on HPs
+ and NeXTs for a long time, and libiconv is intended to be usable on
+ these old machines.
+ Full Unicode
+ * UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-4
+ We implement these. Obviously.
+ We implement these because they are the preferred internal
+ representation of strings in Unicode aware applications. These are
+ non-ambiguous names, known to glibc. (glibc doesn't have
+ * UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE
+ We implement these, because UTF-16 is still the favourite encoding of
+ the president of the Unicode Consortium (for political reasons), and
+ because they appear in RFC 2781.
+ * UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE
+ We implement these because they are part of Unicode 3.1.
+ * UTF-7
+ We implement this because it is essential functionality for mail
+ applications.
+ * C99
+ We implement it because it's used for C and C++ programs and because
+ it's a nice encoding for debugging.
+ * JAVA
+ We implement it because it's used for Java programs and because it's
+ a nice encoding for debugging.
+ * UNICODE (big endian), UNICODEFEFF (little endian)
+ We DON'T implement these because they are stupid and not standardized.
+ Full Unicode, in terms of `uint16_t' or `uint32_t'
+ (with machine dependent endianness and alignment)
+ We implement these because they are the preferred internal
+ representation of strings in Unicode aware applications.
+Q: Support encodings mentioned in RFC 1345 ?
+A: No, they are not in use any more. Supporting ISO-646 variants is pointless
+ since ISO-8859-* have been adopted.
+Q: Support EBCDIC ?
+A: No!
+Q: How do I add a new character set?
+A: 1. Explain the "why" in this file, above.
+ 2. You need to have a conversion table from/to Unicode. Transform it into
+ the format used by the mapping tables found on ftp.unicode.org: each line
+ contains the character code, in hex, with 0x prefix, then whitespace,
+ then the Unicode code point, in hex, 4 hex digits, with 0x prefix. '#'
+ counts as a comment delimiter until end of line.
+ Please also send your table to Mark Leisher <mleisher@crl.nmsu.edu> so he
+ can include it in his collection.
+ 3. If it's an 8-bit character set, use the '8bit_tab_to_h' program in the
+ tools directory to generate the C code for the conversion. You may tweak
+ the resulting C code if you are not satisfied with its quality, but this
+ is rarely needed.
+ If it's a two-dimensional character set (with rows and columns), use the
+ 'cjk_tab_to_h' program in the tools directory to generate the C code for
+ the conversion. You will need to modify the main() function to recognize
+ the new character set name, with the proper dimensions, but that shouldn't
+ be too hard. This yields the CCS. The CES you have to write by hand.
+ 4. Store the resulting C code file in the lib directory. Add a #include
+ directive to converters.h, and add an entry to the encodings.def file.
+ 5. Compile the package, and test your new encoding using a program like
+ iconv(1) or clisp(1).
+ 6. Augment the testsuite: Add a line to each of tests/Makefile.in,
+ tests/Makefile.msvc and tests/Makefile.os2. For a stateless encoding,
+ create the complete table as a TXT file. For a stateful encoding,
+ provide a text snippet encoded using your new encoding and its UTF-8
+ equivalent.
+ 7. Update the README and man/iconv_open.3, to mention the new encoding.
+ Add a note in the NEWS file.
+Q: What about bidirectional text? Should it be tagged or reversed when
+ converting from ISO-8859-8 or ISO-8859-6 to Unicode? Qt appears to do
+ this, see qt-2.0.1/src/tools/qrtlcodec.cpp.
+A: After reading RFC 1556: I don't think so. Support for ISO-8859-8-I and
+ ISO-8859-E remains to be implemented.
+ On the other hand, a page on www.w3c.org says that ISO-8859-8 in *email*
+ is visually encoded, ISO-8859-8 in *HTML* is logically encoded, i.e.
+ the same as ISO-8859-8-I. I'm confused.
+Other character sets not implemented:
+"MNEMONIC" = "csMnemonic"
+"MNEM" = "csMnem"
+"ISO-10646-UCS-Basic" = "csUnicodeASCII"
+"ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1" = "csUnicodeLatin1" = "ISO-10646"
+"UNICODE-1-1" = "csUnicode11"
+Other aliases not implemented (and not implemented in glibc-2.1 either):
+ From MSIE4:
+ ISO-8859-1: alias ISO8859-1
+ ISO-8859-2: alias ISO8859-2
+ KSC_5601: alias KS_C_5601
+ UTF-8: aliases UNICODE-1-1-UTF-8 UNICODE-2-0-UTF-8
+Q: How can I integrate libiconv into my package?
+A: Just copy the entire libiconv package into a subdirectory of your package.
+ At configuration time, call libiconv's configure script with the
+ appropriate --srcdir option and maybe --enable-static or --disable-shared.
+ Then "cd libiconv && make && make install-lib libdir=... includedir=...".
+ 'install-lib' is a special (not GNU standardized) target which installs
+ only the include file - in $(includedir) - and the library - in $(libdir) -
+ and does not use other directory variables. After "installing" libiconv
+ in your package's build directory, building of your package can proceed.
+Q: Why is the testsuite so big?
+A: Because some of the tests are very comprehensive.
+ If you don't feel like using the testsuite, you can simply remove the
+ tests/ directory.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/PORTS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/PORTS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c4cfa03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/PORTS
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* Linux with libc6 (glibc-2.1):
+ OK
+* Linux with libc6 (glibc-2.0.7):
+ OK
+* Linux with libc5:
+ OK
+* Solaris 2.7:
+ OK
+* Solaris 2.6:
+ OK
+* OSF/1 5.1:
+ OK
+* OSF/1 4.0d:
+ OK
+* Irix 6.5:
+ OK
+* HP-UX 10.20:
+ OK
+* AIX 4.2:
+ OK
+* SunOS 4:
+ OK when configured --enable-static --disable-shared
+ (gcc cannot create shared libraries without relocations)
+* FreeBSD 3.3:
+ OK
+* BeOS 5:
+ OK
+* Woe32 with MSVC 4.0:
+ OK
+* Woe32 with MSVC 5.0:
+ OK
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e07ba0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/README
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ GNU LIBICONV - character set conversion library
+This library provides an iconv() implementation, for use on systems which
+don't have one, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode.
+It provides support for the encodings:
+ European languages
+ ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16},
+ KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KOI8-RU,
+ CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866},
+ Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Iceland,Croatian,Romania},
+ Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish},
+ Macintosh
+ Semitic languages
+ ISO-8859-{6,8}, CP{1255,1256}, CP862, Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}
+ Japanese
+ EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-1
+ Chinese
+ EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950, BIG5-HKSCS,
+ ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT
+ Korean
+ EUC-KR, CP949, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB
+ Armenian
+ Georgian
+ Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS
+ Tajik
+ KOI8-T
+ Thai
+ TIS-620, CP874, MacThai
+ Laotian
+ MuleLao-1, CP1133
+ Vietnamese
+ Platform specifics
+ Full Unicode
+ UTF-8
+ UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE
+ UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE
+ UTF-7
+ C99, JAVA
+ Full Unicode, in terms of `uint16_t' or `uint32_t'
+ (with machine dependent endianness and alignment)
+ Locale dependent, in terms of `char' or `wchar_t'
+ (with machine dependent endianness and alignment, and with OS and
+ locale dependent semantics)
+ char, wchar_t
+ The empty encoding name "" is equivalent to "char": it denotes the
+ locale dependent character encoding.
+When configured with the option --enable-extra-encodings, it also provides
+support for a few extra encodings:
+ European languages
+ CP{437,737,775,852,853,855,857,858,860,861,863,865,869,1125}
+ Semitic languages
+ CP864
+ Japanese
+ EUC-JISX0213, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP-3
+ Turkmen
+ TDS565
+ Platform specifics
+It can convert from any of these encodings to any other, through Unicode
+It has also some limited support for transliteration, i.e. when a character
+cannot be represented in the target character set, it can be approximated
+through one or several similarly looking characters. Transliteration is
+activated when "//TRANSLIT" is appended to the target encoding name.
+libiconv is for you if your application needs to support multiple character
+encodings, but that support lacks from your system.
+As usual for GNU packages:
+ $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+After installing GNU libiconv for the first time, it is recommended to
+recompile and reinstall GNU gettext, so that it can take advantage of
+On systems other than GNU/Linux, the iconv program will be internationalized
+only if GNU gettext has been built and installed before GNU libiconv. This
+means that the first time GNU libiconv is installed, we have a circular
+dependency between the GNU libiconv and GNU gettext packages, which can be
+resolved by building and installing either
+ - first libiconv, then gettext, then libiconv again,
+or (on systems supporting shared libraries, excluding AIX)
+ - first gettext, then libiconv, then gettext again.
+Recall that before building a package for the second time, you need to erase
+the traces of the first build by running "make distclean".
+This library can be built and installed in two variants:
+ - The library mode. This works on all systems, and uses a library
+ `libiconv.so' and a header file `<iconv.h>'. (Both are installed
+ through "make install".)
+ To use it, simply #include <iconv.h> and use the functions.
+ To use it in an autoconfiguring package:
+ - If you don't use automake, append m4/iconv.m4 to your aclocal.m4
+ file.
+ - If you do use automake, add m4/iconv.m4 to your m4 macro repository.
+ - Add to the link command line of libraries and executables that use
+ the functions the placeholder @LIBICONV@ (or, if using libtool for
+ the link, @LTLIBICONV@). If you use automake, the right place for
+ these additions are the *_LDADD variables.
+ Note that 'iconv.m4' is also part of the GNU gettext package, which
+ installs it in /usr/local/share/aclocal/iconv.m4.
+ - The libc plug/override mode. This works on GNU/Linux, Solaris and OSF/1
+ systems only. It is a way to get good iconv support without having
+ glibc-2.1.
+ It installs a library `libiconv_plug.so'. This library can be used with
+ LD_PRELOAD, to override the iconv* functions present in the C library.
+ On GNU/Linux and Solaris:
+ $ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libiconv_plug.so
+ On OSF/1:
+ $ export _RLD_LIST=/usr/local/lib/libiconv_plug.so:DEFAULT
+ A program's source need not be modified, the program need not even be
+ recompiled. Just set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable, that's it!
+ ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.9.2.tar.gz
+ http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
+Bug reports to:
+ <bug-gnu-libiconv@gnu.org>
+Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/THANKS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/THANKS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35fc2eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/THANKS
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ Thanks to for
+Edmund Grimley Evans <edmundo@rano.org> bug reports
+Taro Muraoka <koron@tka.att.ne.jp> Woe32 DLL support
+Akira Hatakeyama <akira@sra.co.jp> OS/2 support
+Juan Manuel Guerrero <st001906@hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>
+ DOS/DJGPP support
+Hironori Sakamoto <hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp> advice on EUC-JP and JISX0213
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/djgpp/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/djgpp/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfcc894b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/djgpp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+This is a port of GNU Libiconv 1.8 to MSDOS/DJGPP.
+1.: DJGPP specific changes.
+ =======================
+ There are no DJGPP specific changes. This package should
+ configure and compile out-of-the-box.
+ Please read the documentation to become familiar with this
+ product.
+2.: Installing the binary package.
+ ==============================
+2.1.: Copy the binary distribution into the top DJGPP installation
+ directory and unzip the binary distribution running *ONE* of
+ the following commands:
+ unzip32 licv18b.zip or
+ djtarx licv18b.zip or
+ pkunzip -d licv18b.zip
+3.: Building the binaries from sources.
+ ===================================
+3.1.: To build the binaries you will need the following binary packages:
+ djdev203.zip, bsh204b.zip, gcc2952b.zip,
+ bnu210b.zip, mak3791b.zip, fil316b.zip,
+ shl112b.zip, txt20b.zip, txi40b.zip,
+ grep24b.zip and sed302b.zip
+ All this packages can be found in the v2gnu directory of any
+ Simtel.NET mirror.
+ You will need bsh204b.zip and *NOT* a prior version or the build will fail.
+ The same applies to djdev203.zip. You *MUST* use the updated versions of
+ fil316b.zip (date: 2000-05-30) and shl112b.zip (date: 2000-08-11). This
+ updated versions have been recompiled with djdev203.zip and know about
+ the "/dev/env" functionality introduced with djdev203.zip. All the other
+ packages are the ones I have used to build the binaries from this sources.
+ Previuos and/or later versions of this packages may do the job as well but
+ I have not tested this.
+3.2.: Create a temporary directory and copy the source package: licv18s.zip
+ into the temporary directory. If you download the source distribution
+ from one of the DJGPP archives, just unzip it preserving the directory
+ structure, runnig ONE of the following commands:
+ unzip32 licv18s.zip or
+ djtarx licv18s.zip or
+ pkunzip -d licv18s.zip
+ Source distributions downloaded from one of the GNU FTP sites need
+ some more work to unpack. First, you MUST use the `djtar' program to
+ unzip the package. That's because some file names in the official
+ distributions need to be changed to avoid problems on the various
+ platforms supported by DJGPP. `djtar' can rename files on the fly
+ given a file with name mappings. The distribution includes a file
+ `djgpp/fnchange.lst' with the necessary mappings. So you need first
+ to retrieve that file, and then invoke `djtar' to unpack the
+ distribution. Here's how:
+ djtar -x -p -o libiconv-1.7/djgpp/fnchange.lst libiconv-1.7.tar.gz > lst
+ djtar -x -n lst libiconv-1.7.tar.gz
+ (The name of the distribution archive and the top-level directory will
+ be different for versions other than 1.7.)
+3.3.: The package is preconfigured for djdev203. To build the products you
+ should run the following command:
+ make
+ After the compilation has finished, you can check the products
+ running the command:
+ make check
+ To install the products run the command:
+ make install
+ This will install the products (iconv.exe iconv.h localcharset.h libconv.a
+ libcharset.a iconv.1 iconv.3 iconv_open.3 iconv_close.3) into your DJGPP
+ installation tree. As usual, prefix is defined as "/dev/env/DJDIR".
+ If you prefer to install into same other directory run the command:
+ make install prefix=z:/some/other/dir
+ Of course, you should replace "z:/some/other/dir" by an appropriate path
+ that will meet your requeriments.
+3.4.: If you need/want to reconfigure the package you will have to run the
+ following commands:
+ make distclean
+ djgpp\config
+ Please note that you *MUST* use the "distclean" option or the config.cache
+ file will *NOT* be deleted. In this case you are *NOT* reconfiguring
+ because the configuration informations is read from the cache file instead
+ of being newly computed.
+ To build the programs in a directory other than where the sources are,
+ you must add the parameter that specifies the source directory,
+ e.g:
+ x:\src\gnu\libiconv.18\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/libiconv.18
+ Lets assume you want to build the binaries in a directory placed on a
+ different drive (z:\build in this case) from where the sources are,
+ then you will run the following commands:
+ z:
+ md \build
+ cd \build
+ x:\src\gnu\libiconv.18\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/libiconv.18
+ You *MUST* use forward slashes to specify the source directory.
+ After having configured the package run the folowing commands to create
+ the binaries and docs and install them:
+ make
+ make check
+ make install
+ Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
+ comp.os.msdos.djgpp or djgpp@delorie.com. Libiconv specific bugs
+ must be reported to Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>.
+ Guerrero, Juan Manuel <st001906@hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/extras/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/extras/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e74835b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/extras/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+2003-05-10 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * iconv_string.c (iconv_string): Don't return -1 just because the
+ string is longer than 4 KB.
+2002-02-13 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * iconv.m4: Remove file. Obsoleted by m4/iconv.m4.
+2000-06-16 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4: Change prefix to AM.
+2001-05-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4 (jm_ICONV): Accept --with-libiconv-prefix option.
+2001-03-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4 (jm_ICONV): Tweak printing of prototype.
+2001-03-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4 (jm_ICONV): Recommend GNU libiconv.
+2001-01-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4 (jm_ICONV): Also check whether the iconv declaration
+ has const.
+2000-02-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv.m4: New file.
+2001-01-29 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * locale_charset.c: Remove file. Obsoleted by libcharset.
+2000-10-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * locale_charset.c (get_locale_charset): Accept french and spanish
+ names in both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.
+2000-08-24 Jim Blackson <blackson@ontrack-japan.com>
+ * iconv_string.c (iconv_string): Fix return value for autodetect.
+2000-01-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * iconv_string.c (iconv_string): Stop recognizing JOHAB.
+ Fix typo for EUC-JP.
+1999-12-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * locale_charset.c (get_locale_charset): Recognize more language codes:
+ "af" (afrikaans), "ca" (catalan), "eu" (basque), "fo" (faeroese),
+ "ga" (irish), "gd" (scottish), "gl" (galician), "sq" (albanian),
+ "eo" (esperanto), "mt" (maltese), "be" (byelorussian),
+ "et" (estonian), "lt" (lithuanian), "lv" (latvian), "uk" (ukrainian).
+ Recognize more aliases: "english", "slovenian", "macedonian",
+ "serbian", "arabic".
+ Change default: KOI8-R for "ru" (russian) instead of ISO-8859-5,
+ ISO-8859-5 for "sr" instead of ISO-8859-2.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/AUTHORS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bedd794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1be73272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+2003-06-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config/install-sh: Update from automake-1.7.5.
+2003-06-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h_vms): Remove INSTALLPREFIX.
+ Reported by Jouk Jansen <joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.nl>.
+2003-05-19 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * windows/charset.rc: Include <winver.h>.
+ Reported by Perry Rapp.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.vms: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h_vms): New rule.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Update from GNU gettext, based on libtool-1.5.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/config.guess: Update to GNU version 2003-02-22.
+ * autoconf/config.sub: Likewise.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Update from GNU gettext, based on libtool-1.5.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in (mandir): Change default value.
+ * Makefile.in (datadir): New variable.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable installation.
+ * autoconf/config.libpath: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * configure.in: Invoke AC_RELOCATABLE_LIBRARY.
+ * include/libcharset.h.in: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (include/libcharset.h.msvc-shared): New rule.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+ (autoconf/aclocal.m4): Update aclocal invocation.
+ (config.h.msvc): Handle INSTALLPREFIX.
+ * Makefile.in (include/libcharset.h): New rule.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+ (install-lib, install): Also install libcharset.h.
+ (uninstall): Uninstall libcharset.h.
+ (distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove include/libcharset.h.
+ * Makefile.msvc (all): Create include/libcharset.h.
+ (install): Also install libcharset.h.
+ (uninstall): Uninstall libcharset.h.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove
+ include/libcharset.h.
+ * INSTALL.generic: Document --enable-relocatable and
+ --with-libintl-prefix. Remove the recommendation to set CPPFLAGS and
+ LDFLAGS. The lib-link.m4 macros make this unnecessary.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (distclean, maintainer-clean): Drop Unix specific removals.
+ * man/Makefile.msvc (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (clean): Drop unnecessary removals.
+ (distclean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Invoke AM_LANGINFO_CODESET, not jm_LANGINFO_CODESET.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Update from GNU gettext.
+ 2003-02-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Fix the 2002-09-16 fix.
+ * ltmain.sh (install): If "ln -s -f" fails (this is the case
+ with /usr/bin/ln on Solaris 2.7), fall back to "rm && ln -s".
+2003-03-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Improved MSVC support.
+ * windows/charset.rc: New file.
+ * Makefile.msvc (prefix): Use less Unixy value.
+ (local_prefix): Remove variable.
+ (libdir, includedir): Use backslashes.
+ (bindir): New variable.
+ (mandir): Remove variable.
+ (mostlyclean, clean): Remove config.h and include/localcharset.h.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): Rewritten.
+ * README.woe32: Mention automatic installation command.
+ Rename libcharset.h to localcharset.h.
+ * include/localcharset.h.in: Renamed from include/libcharset.h.in.
+ * tools/locale_charset.c: Include localcharset.h, not libcharset.h.
+ * Makefile.in (include/localcharset.h): Renamed from
+ include/libcharset.h.
+ (all): Update dependency.
+ (install-lib, install, uninstall, distclean, maintainer-clean): Update.
+ * Makefile.msvc (all): Create include/localcharset.h, not
+ include/libcharset.h.
+ * Makefile.devel (include/localcharset.h.msvc-shared): Renamed from
+ include/libcharset.h.msvc-shared.
+ (all): Update dependency.
+ (config.h.in): Touch the file when done; autoheader doesn't do it.
+ (config.h.msvc): Make rule more robust.
+ * INTEGRATE: Mention localcharset.h only once.
+ * djgpp/README.in, djgpp/README: Update.
+ * djgpp/config.bat: Update.
+ * djgpp/config.sed: Update.
+ * djgpp/fnchange.in, djgpp/fnchange.lst: Update.
+ * configure.in (VERSION): Bump to 1.2.
+ * NEWS: New file.
+2003-02-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOCONF): Switch to autoconf-2.57.
+ (configure, config.h.in): Update rules.
+2003-01-03 Albert Chin <libtool@thewrittenword.com>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Don't pass -R flags found in a .la's
+ dependency_libs variable directly down to the linker.
+ Reported by Tim Mooney <mooney@dogbert.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu>.
+2003-01-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * INTEGRATE: Mention localcharset.h.
+2003-01-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): Renamed from MKINSTALLDIRS.
+ (install-lib, install, installdirs): Use it.
+2002-09-27 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/mkinstalldirs: Upgrade to automake-1.7.2 version.
+2002-11-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.3.
+2002-06-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * configure.in: Use new AC_* names of libtool macros. Invoke
+2002-11-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Make "make install" without prior "make" work.
+ * Makefile.in (install): Depend on include/libcharset.h.
+ Reported by Martin Mokrejš <mmokrejs@natur.cuni.cz>.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * tools/all-charsets: Update for change of lib/config.charset.
+2002-05-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (AUTOCONF): New variable.
+ (configure): Use the AUTOCONF variable.
+2002-05-08 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * README.woe32: Renamed from README.win32.
+2002-02-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.2.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Likewise.
+2002-02-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Add DESTDIR support on ELF systems.
+2001-11-03 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: chmod 777 the .libs directory, so that
+ "make install" succeeds.
+2001-12-04 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * INTEGRATE: Change the install rule to not create $(libdir) if
+ there is no file to install in it.
+2001-07-17 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * configure.in (VERSION): Bump to 1.1.
+2001-06-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Likewise.
+ * autoconf/ltconfig: Remove file.
+2001-06-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/config.guess: Update to GNU version 2001-05-11.
+ * autoconf/config.sub: Likewise.
+2001-05-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (include/libcharset.h): New target.
+ (all): Depend on it.
+2001-05-11 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INTEGRATE (Makefile.in): Fix syntax error.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (config.h): Allow the 'del' command to fail.
+2001-03-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INSTALL.generic (Particular Systems): Add recommendations for AIX 3.
+2001-03-10 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INSTALL.generic: New section "Particular Systems".
+2001-03-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/all-charsets: Update for change of lib/config.charset.
+2001-03-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/all-charsets: Update for change of lib/config.charset.
+2001-02-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/ltconfig:
+ sed -e 's/reload object files/produce relocatable object files/'.
+2001-02-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * include/libcharset.h.in (locale_charset): Return value is never
+ NULL any more.
+2001-02-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * INTEGRATE (Makefile.am): Change $@-t to t-$@. For DJGPP.
+ Patch by Juan Manuel Guerrero <st001906@hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Better support for DOS/Windows platforms.
+ * autoconf/ltconfig: Upgrade to libtool-1.3.5.
+ * autoconf/ltmain.sh: Likewise.
+ * m4/libtool.m4: Likewise.
+ * autoconf/aclocal.m4: Likewise.
+ * configure.in: Call AC_OBJEXT and AC_EXEEXT.
+2001-02-20 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (libdir, includedir, mandir): Use the autoconf
+ determined value, in order to respect the configure arguments.
+ * lib/Makefile.in (libdir): Likewise.
+2000-12-13 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * autoconf/install-sh: Update to a newer version from fileutils.
+2000-12-12 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in: Use $(MAKE) instead of $(MAKE) -r. Needed with Solaris
+ "make", which doesn't set MAKE as expected by @SET_MAKE@ if -r is
+ given. Reported by Toshimitsu Fujiwara.
+2000-12-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Use configure's --exec-prefix argument.
+2000-12-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (check): Depend on target 'force' as well.
+ (mostlyclean, clean, distclean, maintainer-clean): Fix dependency.
+ * Makefile.msvc: Replace STATIC with its opposite flag, DLL.
+2000-11-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * tools/all-charsets: Update for 2000-10-31 change of
+ lib/config.charset.
+2000-11-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (install-lib): Fix for builddir != srcdir.
+2000-11-22 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (all): Fix for builddir != srcdir.
+2000-11-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * include/libcharset.h.in: Renamed from include/libcharset.h.
+ * windows/dllexport.h: New file.
+ * Makefile.devel (all): Add config.h.msvc,
+ include/libcharset.h.msvc-shared.
+ (config.h.msvc, include/libcharset.h.msvc-shared): New targets.
+ * Makefile.msvc (MFLAGS): New variable.
+ (all): Create include\libcharset.h.
+ (distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove include\libcharset.h.
+ * Makefile.in (CP): New variable.
+ (all): Create include/libcharset.h.
+ (distclean, maintainer-clean): Remove include/libcharset.h.
+2000-11-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.devel (config.h.in): Rename from config.h.
+2000-11-16 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in: After "cd", use "&&" not ";".
+2000-10-31 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc: New file.
+ * README.win32: New file.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/NEWS b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e82f6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+New in 1.2:
+* The include file is renamed from "libcharset.h" to "localcharset.h".
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f4cf7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/README
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ LIBCHARSET - portable character set determination library
+This library provides a function which determines the character set / encoding
+of text in the currently selected locale (the LC_CTYPE locale facet).
+It is useful for portable programs which need to process text in other
+encodings and locales than the currently selected one. Possible uses:
+ * Use of Unicode in POSIX compliant applications.
+ * Conversion of text between the current locale's encoding and UTF-8 (or
+ any other given encoding).
+ * Mail agents.
+In theory, this would be very simple: The Single Unix Specification (SUSV2)
+provides the nl_langinfo function, in such a way that
+ nl_langinfo (CODESET)
+returns the encoding name. But the nl_langinfo function still does not exist
+on some systems, and on those where it exists it returns unstandardized
+variations of the encoding names, like (on Solaris) "PCK" for "Shift_JIS".
+This library fixes these flaws and provides a function
+ const char * locale_charset (void);
+It determines the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalizes it
+into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. The result must
+not be freed; it is statically allocated. If the canonical name cannot be
+determined, the result is a non-canonical name.
+As usual for GNU packages:
+ $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+This library is used in
+ GNU sh-utils, fileutils, textutils
+ GNU gettext
+ GNU clisp
+To integrate this library into your package:
+See file INTEGRATE.
+ The libcharset directory of
+ ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.8.tar.gz
+ http://www.haible.de/bruno/packages-libcharset.html
+Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/djgpp/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/djgpp/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27c44a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/djgpp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+This is a port of GNU Libiconv 1.7 to MSDOS/DJGPP.
+1.: DJGPP specific changes.
+ =======================
+ There are no DJGPP specific changes. This package should
+ configure and compile out-of-the-box.
+ Please read the documentation to become familiar with this
+ product.
+2.: Installing the binary package.
+ ==============================
+2.1.: Copy the binary distribution into the top DJGPP installation
+ directory and unzip the binary distribution running *ONE* of
+ the following commands:
+ unzip32 licv16b.zip or
+ djtarx licv16b.zip or
+ pkunzip -d licv16b.zip
+3.: Building the binaries from sources.
+ ===================================
+3.1.: To build the binaries you will need the following binary packages:
+ djdev203.zip, bsh204b.zip, gcc2952b.zip,
+ bnu210b.zip, mak3791b.zip, fil316b.zip,
+ shl112b.zip, txt20b.zip, txi40b.zip,
+ grep24b.zip and sed302b.zip
+ All this packages can be found in the v2gnu directory of any
+ Simtel.NET mirror.
+ You will need bsh204b.zip and *NOT* a prior version or the build will fail.
+ The same applies to djdev203.zip. You *MUST* use the updated versions of
+ fil316b.zip (date: 2000-05-30) and shl112b.zip (date: 2000-08-11). This
+ updated versions have been recompiled with djdev203.zip and know about
+ the "/dev/env" functionality introduced with djdev203.zip. All the other
+ packages are the ones I have used to build the binaries from this sources.
+ Previuos and/or later versions of this packages may do the job as well but
+ I have not tested this.
+3.2.: Create a temporary directory and copy the source package: licv16s.zip
+ into the temporary directory. If you download the source distribution
+ from one of the DJGPP archives, just unzip it preserving the directory
+ structure, runnig ONE of the following commands:
+ unzip32 licv16s.zip or
+ djtarx licv16s.zip or
+ pkunzip -d licv16s.zip
+ Source distributions downloaded from one of the GNU FTP sites need
+ some more work to unpack. First, you MUST use the `djtar' program to
+ unzip the package. That's because some file names in the official
+ distributions need to be changed to avoid problems on the various
+ platforms supported by DJGPP. `djtar' can rename files on the fly
+ given a file with name mappings. The distribution includes a file
+ `djgpp/fnchange.lst' with the necessary mappings. So you need first
+ to retrieve that file, and then invoke `djtar' to unpack the
+ distribution. Here's how:
+ djtar -x -p -o libiconv-1.7/djgpp/fnchange.lst libiconv-1.7.tar.gz > lst
+ djtar -x -n lst libiconv-1.7.tar.gz
+ (The name of the distribution archive and the top-level directory will
+ be different for versions other than 1.7.)
+3.3.: The package is preconfigured for djdev203. To build the products you
+ should run the following command:
+ make
+ After the compilation has finished, you can check the products
+ running the command:
+ make check
+ To install the products run the command:
+ make install
+ This will install the products (iconv.exe iconv.h localcharset.h libconv.a
+ libcharset.a iconv.1 iconv.3 iconv_open.3 iconv_close.3) into your DJGPP
+ installation tree. As usual, prefix is defined as "/dev/env/DJDIR".
+ If you prefer to install into same other directory run the command:
+ make install prefix=z:/some/other/dir
+ Of course, you should replace "z:/some/other/dir" by an appropriate path
+ that will meet your requeriments.
+3.4.: If you need/want to reconfigure the package you will have to run the
+ following commands:
+ make distclean
+ djgpp\config
+ Please note that you *MUST* use the "distclean" option or the config.cache
+ file will *NOT* be deleted. In this case you are *NOT* reconfiguring
+ because the configuration informations is read from the cache file instead
+ of being newly computed.
+ To build the programs in a directory other than where the sources are,
+ you must add the parameter that specifies the source directory,
+ e.g:
+ x:\src\gnu\libiconv.16\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/libiconv.16
+ Lets assume you want to build the binaries in a directory placed on a
+ different drive (z:\build in this case) from where the sources are,
+ then you will run the following commands:
+ z:
+ md \build
+ cd \build
+ x:\src\gnu\libiconv.16\djgpp\config x:/src/gnu/libiconv.16
+ You *MUST* use forward slashes to specify the source directory.
+ After having configured the package run the folowing commands to create
+ the binaries and docs and install them:
+ make
+ make check
+ make install
+ Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
+ comp.os.msdos.djgpp or djgpp@delorie.com. Libiconv specific bugs
+ must be reported to Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>.
+ Guerrero, Juan Manuel <st001906@hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/lib/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/lib/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cf95b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/lib/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+2004-01-21 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Upgrade from gettext-0.14.
+ 2004-01-21 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for MacOS X (Darwin).
+ 2003-12-02 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Treat the new country name CS like the old country
+ name YU.
+ 2003-08-20 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset (linux-gnulibc1*): Change hr_HR, ro_RO to ISO-8859-2.
+ Reported by Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+ 2003-08-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for Linux libc5. Based on data from
+ Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+2003-06-27 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Avoid use of *_unlocked functions on Solaris 2.5.1.
+ Reported by Eric Botcazou <ebotcazou@libertysurf.fr>.
+2003-08-20 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset (linux-gnulibc1*): Change hr_HR, ro_RO to ISO-8859-2.
+ Reported by Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+2003-08-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for Linux libc5. Based on data from
+ Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+2003-08-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * relocatable.c (find_shared_library_fullname): Disable the code on
+ Linux/libc5. Reported by Alain Guibert <derogaton+bgli@oreka.com>.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Portability to mingw32.
+ * relocatable.c [WIN32]: Include <windows.h>.
+ Reported by Jeff Bonggren <jbon@cfl.rr.com>.
+2003-06-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * relocatable.c (compute_curr_prefix): Comment out this function in
+ the case when it is not used.
+ Reported by Pavel Roskin <proski@gnu.org>.
+2003-06-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable data files even on VMS.
+ * Makefile.vms (bindir): New variable.
+ (DEFS): Add flags for relocatability.
+ Reported by Jouk Jansen <joukj@hrem.stm.tudelft.nl>.
+2003-06-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable data files even on Woe32.
+ * Makefile.msvc (IIPREFIX, IIprefix, IIexec_prefix, IIbindir,
+ IIlibdir): New variables.
+ (PICFLAGS): Also define PIC. Define BUILDING_* flags here.
+ (CFLAGS): ... not here. Add flags for relocatability.
+2003-05-18 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (DEBUGFLAGS): New variable.
+ (charset.lib): Use it.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.vms: New file.
+2003-04-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * lib/localcharset.c (get_charset_aliases): Add special case for VMS.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable installation.
+ * relocatable.h: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * relocatable.c: New file, from GNU gettext.
+ * localcharset.c: Update from GNU gettext.
+ 2003-02-28 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c: Include relocatable.h.
+ (get_charset_aliases): Relocate LIBDIR value.
+ * localcharset.c: Drop C linkage declaration.
+ * Makefile.in (DEFS): New variable.
+ (SOURCES): Add relocatable.c.
+ (OBJECTS): Add relocatable.lo.
+ (localcharset.lo): Use $(DEFS).
+ (relocatable.lo): New rule.
+ * Makefile.msvc (CFLAGS): Remove $(PICFLAGS).
+ (INCLUDES): Simplify.
+ (SOURCES): Remove variable.
+ (OBJECTS): Add relocatable.obj.
+ (localcharset.obj): Add $(PICFLAGS).
+ (relocatable.obj): New rule.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (clean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+2003-03-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Improved MSVC support.
+ * Makefile.msvc (prefix): Use less Unixy value.
+ (local_prefix): Remove variable.
+ (libdir): Use backslashes.
+ (bindir): New variable.
+ (RESOURCES): Enable charset.res.
+ (charset.lib): Set the target library name explicitly.
+ (charset.res): New rule.
+ (install, installdirs, uninstall): New rules.
+ Rename libcharset.h to localcharset.h.
+ * localcharset.c: Include localcharset.h.
+ * localcharset.h: Remove file.
+ * Makefile.in (INCLUDES): Add -I../include.
+ * Makefile.msvc (INCLUDES): Add -I../include.
+2003-01-29 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Add an alias for CP1251 on Solaris.
+ Reported by Hidetoshi Tajima <hidetoshi.tajima@sun.com>.
+2003-01-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.h: New file.
+ * localcharset.c: Include it.
+2003-01-01 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.in (mkinstalldirs): Renamed from MKINSTALLDIRS.
+ (install-lib, install, installdirs): Use it.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Update for newest glibc. Add canonical names
+ ISO-8859-14, KOI8-T, TCVN5712-1, GEORGIAN-PS.
+2002-05-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c (get_charset_aliases): Add more Windows specific
+ aliases.
+2002-05-08 Owen Taylor <otaylor@redhat.com>
+ * config.charset: A few additions for Solaris.
+2002-02-15 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset [msdosdjgpp]: For Russian, use CP866.
+2002-02-11 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for NetBSD.
+2002-01-10 Andrew Zabolotny <zap@cobra.ru>
+ Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c: Rework OS/2 support.
+ * config.charset: Add OS/2 support.
+2001-12-21 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c (ISSLASH): Provide definition for DOS-like systems.
+2001-12-15 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c: Add OS/2 support.
+2001-12-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Don't return an empty string.
+2001-10-23 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: msdos in uk_UA uses CP1125.
+2001-08-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Make it possible to build libcharset with CC=gcc CFLAGS="-x c++".
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Declare as extern "C".
+ (get_charset_aliases): Cast malloc and realloc results to 'char *'.
+2001-06-27 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (clean): Remove also *.o.lock, left there by libtool
+ on IRIX.
+2001-06-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (localcharset.lo): Mention $(INCLUDES) before $(CFLAGS)
+ and $(CPPFLAGS).
+ * Makefile.msvc (localcharset.obj): Likewise.
+2001-06-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Change canonical name of BIG5HKSCS to BIG5-HKSCS.
+ Change canonical name of SJIS to SHIFT_JIS.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (charset.lib): Allow the 'del' command to fail.
+2001-05-06 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS): New variables.
+ (libcharset.la): Use LDFLAGS.
+ (localcharset.lo): Use CPPFLAGS.
+2001-04-30 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ Silence "gcc -Wall -Wwrite-strings" warnings.
+ * localcharset.c (charset_aliases): Change type to 'const char *'.
+ (get_charset_aliases): Change type of 'cp' to 'const char *'.
+2001-03-10 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Allow wildcard syntax. Also resolve
+ alias if codeset is empty.
+ * config.charset (BeOS): Use wildcard syntax.
+ * Makefile.in (libcharset.la): Pass flag -no-undefined. Needed on
+ platforms like BeOS.
+ * Makefile.in (RM): New variable.
+2001-01-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * localcharset.c (volatile): Define to empty if not using ANSI C.
+2001-03-05 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Update for OSF/1 5.1.
+2001-03-01 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: For DOS/DJGPP, add CP775.
+2001-02-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for DOS/DJGPP.
+2001-02-25 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Don't return NULL.
+2001-02-24 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Don't use setlocale(LC_CTYPE,NULL).
+2001-01-30 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Update for FreeBSD 4.2.
+2000-12-19 Jim Meyering <jim@meyering.net>
+ * localcharset.c: Improve WIN32 macrology.
+ (locale_charset): Increase size of buffer.
+2000-12-18 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Add support for BeOS.
+2000-12-12 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (ref-add.sed, ref-del.sed): Don't use $<, not understood
+ by Solaris "make". Reported by Toshimitsu Fujiwara.
+2000-12-08 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.in (exec_prefix): Use configure's --exec-prefix argument.
+2000-12-02 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc: Replace STATIC with its opposite flag, DLL.
+2000-11-21 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc (MFLAGS): New variable.
+ (CFLAGS, charset.lib): Use it.
+ (INCLUDES): Use "..", not "..\include".
+2000-10-31 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc: New file.
+2000-10-31 Bruno Haible <haible@clisp.cons.org>
+ * config.charset: Add ISO-8859-3, BIG5HKSCS, GB18030, JOHAB, VISCII,
+ CP874, CP949, CP950, CP1250, CP1253, CP1254, CP1255, CP1256, CP1257
+ to the list of canonical encodings. Rename EUC-CN to GB2312.
+ * localcharset.c (locale_charset): Add support for Win32.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/m4/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/m4/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..236923ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/m4/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Support for relocatable installation.
+ * relocatable.m4: New file, from GNU gettext.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * codeset.m4: Update from GNU gettext-0.10.40.
+ * glibc21.m4: Update from GNU gettext-0.10.40.
+2002-11-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * libtool.m4: Upgrade to libtool-1.4.3.
+2002-07-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * libtool.m4 (_LT_AC_LTCONFIG_HACK): Add support for GNU/FreeBSD.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/tools/README b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/tools/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c5f7d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/libcharset/tools/README
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+This directory contains tools for maintaining the config.charset file.
+The main script is "all-charsets". Before using it, you must configure
+this package. For all installed locales, it prints
+ - the result of the command "locale charmap",
+ - the result of "nl_langinfo (CODESET)",
+ - the result of "locale_charset ()".
+It uses the following auxiliary scripts and programs:
+ - all-locales
+ Prints all usable locales in the system, one per line.
+ - locale_charmap
+ Executes "locale charmap".
+ - locale_codeset.c
+ Prints nl_langinfo (CODESET).
+ - locale_charset.c
+ Prints locale_charset().
+A second main script is "all-charsets-X11". It also prints the X11
+encoding name. Before using it, you must tweak the X11 paths needed
+for compiling locale_x11encoding (a simple X11 program), and let your
+DISPLAY environment variable point to a running X11 screen.
+The other files are test results from various operating systems.
diff --git a/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/po/ChangeLog b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/po/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..daf35ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuwin32/contrib/libiconv/1.9.2/libiconv-1.9.2-src/po/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+2003-11-13 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * sr.po: New file, from Aleksandar Jelenak <jelenak@netlinkplus.net>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add sr.
+2003-10-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * pl.po: New file, from Arkadiusz Lipiec <A.Lipiec@elka.pw.edu.pl>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add pl.
+2003-08-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * wa.po: New file, from Pablo Saratxaga <pablo@walon.org>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add wa.
+2003-08-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * nl.po: Update from Elros Cyriatan <cyriatan@fastmail.fm>.
+2003-07-31 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * nl.po: New file, from Taco Witte <T.C.Witte@phys.uu.nl>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add nl.
+2003-06-11 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * et.po: New file, from Toomas Soome <Toomas.Soome@microlink.ee>.
+ * ro.po: Update from Eugen Hoanca <eugenh@urban-grafx.ro>.
+ * ru.po: Update from Dmitry S. Sivachenko <mitya@cavia.pp.ru>.
+ * zh_CN.po: New file, from Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add et and zh_CN.
+2003-05-07 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * ga.po: Update from Kevin Patrick Scannell <scannell@slu.edu>.
+2003-05-06 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * ga.po: New file, from Kevin Patrick Scannell <scannell@slu.edu>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add it.
+2003-04-22 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * ro.po: New file, from Eugen Hoanca <eugenh@urban-grafx.ro>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add it.
+2003-04-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makefile.msvc.sh (PREFIX): New variable.
+ (prefix): Use it.
+ (clean): Drop Unix specific removal.
+2003-04-09 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * Makevars (MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS): New variable.
+2003-04-09 gettextize <bug-gnu-gettext@gnu.org>
+ * Makefile.in.in: Upgrade to gettext-0.12-pre3.
+2003-03-17 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ Improved MSVC support.
+ * Makefile.msvc.sh: New file.
+ * Rules-msvc: New file.
+2003-02-10 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * uk.po: New file, from Volodymyr M. Lisivka <lvm@mystery.lviv.net>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add it.
+2002-12-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * it.po: New file, from Marco Parrone <marc0@autistici.org>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add it.
+2002-11-12 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * da.po: New file, from Keld Simonsen <keld@dkuug.dk>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add da.
+2002-10-29 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * id.po: New file, from Tedi Heriyanto <tedi_h@gmx.net>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add id.
+2002-08-23 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * fi.po: New file, from Matti Koskimies <matti@apulanta.fi>.
+ * fr.po: New file, from Michel Robitaille <robitail@iro.umontreal.ca>.
+ * pt_BR.po: Update from
+ Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez@terra.com.br>.
+ * ru.po: New file, from Dmitry S. Sivachenko <mitya@cavia.pp.ru>.
+ * sl.po: New file, from
+ Primož Peterlin <primoz.peterlin@biofiz.mf.uni-lj.si>.
+ * tr.po: New file, from Deniz Akkus Kanca <deniz@arayan.com>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add fi, fr, ru, sl, tr.
+2002-06-20 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * es.po: New file, from Santiago Vila Doncel <sanvila@unex.es>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add es.
+2002-06-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * hr.po: New file, from Denis Lackovic <delacko@fly.srk.fer.hr>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add hr.
+2002-06-14 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * pt_BR.po: Update from
+ Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez@terra.com.br>.
+2002-06-11 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * sv.po: New file, from Christian Rose <menthos@menthos.com>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add sv.
+2002-06-05 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * pt_BR.po: New file, from
+ Alexandre Folle de Menezes <afmenez@terra.com.br>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add pt_BR.
+2002-06-03 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * gl.po: New file, from Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio@trasno.net>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add gl.
+2002-05-31 Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>
+ * ca.po: New file, from Ivan Vilata i Balaguer <ivan@selidor.net>.
+ * eo.po: New file, from Edmund Grimley Evans <edmundo@rano.org>.
+ * hu.po: New file, from Emese Kovacs <emese@gnome.hu>.
+ * sk.po: New file, from Marcel Telka <marcel@telka.sk>.
+ * LINGUAS: Add ca, eo, hu, sk.
+2002-04-27 gettextize <bug-gnu-gettext@gnu.org>
+ * Makefile.in.in: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * Rules-quot: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * boldquot.sed: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * en@boldquot.header: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * en@quot.header: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * insert-header.sin: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * quot.sed: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.
+ * remove-potcdate.sin: New file, from gettext-0.11.1.