path: root/coin/provisioning/common/windows/install-ffmpeg.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'coin/provisioning/common/windows/install-ffmpeg.ps1')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/coin/provisioning/common/windows/install-ffmpeg.ps1 b/coin/provisioning/common/windows/install-ffmpeg.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..487e4552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coin/provisioning/common/windows/install-ffmpeg.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+. "$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1"
+# This script will install FFmpeg
+$msys = "C:\Utils\msys64\usr\bin\bash"
+$version = "n7.0"
+$ffmpeg_name = "ffmpeg-" + $version;
+$sha1 = "CC948A547113469E284CA085B9A236F1ECC50843"
+$url_cached = "https://ci-files01-hki.ci.qt.io/input/ffmpeg/" + $version + ".zip"
+$url_public = "https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/archive/refs/tags/" +$version + ".zip"
+$download_location = "C:\Windows\Temp\" + $ffmpeg_name + ".zip"
+$unzip_location = "C:\"
+Write-Host "Fetching FFmpeg $version..."
+Download $url_public $url_cached $download_location
+Verify-Checksum $download_location $sha1
+Extract-7Zip $download_location $unzip_location
+Remove $download_location
+function GetFfmpegDefaultConfiguration {
+ $defaultConfiguration = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\shared\ffmpeg_config_options.txt"
+ Write-Host "FFmpeg default configuration: $defaultConfiguration"
+ return $defaultConfiguration
+function InstallFfmpeg {
+ Param (
+ [string]$config,
+ [string]$buildSystem,
+ [string]$msystem,
+ [string]$additionalPath,
+ [string]$ffmpegDirEnvVar,
+ [string]$toolchain,
+ [bool]$shared
+ )
+ Write-Host "Configure and compile FFmpeg for $buildSystem with configuration: $config"
+ $oldPath = $env:PATH
+ if ($additionalPath) {
+ $env:PATH = "$additionalPath;$env:PATH"
+ }
+ $env:MSYS2_PATH_TYPE = "inherit"
+ $env:MSYSTEM = $msystem
+ $cmd = "cd /c/$ffmpeg_name"
+ $cmd += " && mkdir -p build/$buildSystem && cd build/$buildSystem"
+ $cmd += " && ../../configure --prefix=installed $config"
+ if ($toolchain) {
+ $cmd += " --toolchain=$toolchain"
+ }
+ if ($shared) {
+ $cmd += " --enable-shared --disable-static"
+ }
+ $cmd += " && make install -j"
+ Write-Host "MSYS cmd:"
+ Write-Host $cmd
+ $buildResult = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath "$msys" -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"$cmd`"")
+ $env:PATH = $oldPath
+ if ($buildResult.ExitCode) {
+ Write-Host "Failed to build FFmpeg for $buildSystem"
+ return $false
+ }
+ Set-EnvironmentVariable $ffmpegDirEnvVar "C:\$ffmpeg_name\build\$buildSystem\installed"
+ return $true
+function InstallMingwFfmpeg {
+ $config = GetFfmpegDefaultConfiguration
+ $mingwPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("MINGW_PATH", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
+ return InstallFfmpeg -config $config -buildSystem "mingw" -msystem "MINGW" -additionalPath "$mingwPath\bin" -ffmpegDirEnvVar "FFMPEG_DIR_MINGW" -shared $true
+function InstallMsvcFfmpeg {
+ Param (
+ [bool]$isArm64
+ )
+ $arch = "amd64"
+ $buildSystem = "msvc"
+ $ffmpegDirEnvVar = "FFMPEG_DIR_MSVC"
+ $config = GetFfmpegDefaultConfiguration
+ if ($isArm64) {
+ $arch = "arm64"
+ $buildSystem += "-arm64"
+ $ffmpegDirEnvVar += "_ARM64"
+ $config += " --enable-cross-compile --arch=arm64 --disable-asm"
+ }
+ $result = EnterVSDevShell -Arch $arch
+ if (-Not $result) {
+ return $false
+ }
+ $result = InstallFfmpeg -config $config -buildSystem $buildSystem -msystem "MSYS" -toolchain "msvc" -ffmpegDirEnvVar $ffmpegDirEnvVar -shared $true
+ if ($result) {
+ # As ffmpeg build system creates lib*.a file we have to rename them to *.lib files to be recognized by WIN32
+ Write-Host "Rename libraries lib*.a -> *.lib"
+ try {
+ $msvcDir = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("FFMPEG_DIR_MSVC", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
+ Get-ChildItem "$msvcDir\lib\lib*.a" | ForEach-Object {
+ $NewName = $_.Name -replace 'lib(\w+).a$', '$1.lib'
+ $Destination = Join-Path -Path $_.Directory.FullName -ChildPath $NewName
+ Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Destination -Force
+ }
+ } catch {
+ Write-Host "Failed to rename libraries lib*.a -> *.lib"
+ return $false
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+function InstallLlvmMingwFfmpeg {
+ $config = GetFfmpegDefaultConfiguration
+ return InstallFfmpeg -config $config -buildSystem "llvm-mingw" -msystem "CLANG64" -ffmpegDirEnvVar "FFMPEG_DIR_LLVM_MINGW" -additionalPath "C:\llvm-mingw\bin" -shared $true
+function InstallAndroidArmv7 {
+ $shared=$true
+ $target_toolchain_arch="armv7a-linux-androideabi"
+ $target_arch="armv7-a"
+ $target_cpu="armv7-a"
+ $api_version="24"
+ $ndkVersionLatest = "r26b"
+ $ndkFolderLatest = "/c/Utils/Android/android-ndk-$ndkVersionLatest"
+ $toolchain="${ndkFolderLatest}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64"
+ $toolchain_bin="${toolchain}/bin"
+ $sysroot="${toolchain}/sysroot"
+ $cxx="${toolchain_bin}/${target_toolchain_arch}${api_version}-clang++"
+ $cc="${toolchain_bin}/${target_toolchain_arch}${api_version}-clang"
+ $ld="${toolchain_bin}/ld.exe"
+ $ar="${toolchain_bin}/llvm-ar.exe"
+ $ranlib="${toolchain_bin}/llvm-ranlib.exe"
+ $nm="${toolchain_bin}/llvm-nm.exe"
+ $strip="${toolchain_bin}/llvm-strip.exe"
+ $openssl_path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_DEFAULT", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
+ $openssl_path = $openssl_path.Replace("\", "/")
+ New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.so -Target ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto_3.so
+ New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libssl.so -Target ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libssl_3.so
+ $config = GetFfmpegDefaultConfiguration
+ $config += " --enable-cross-compile --target-os=android --enable-jni --enable-mediacodec --enable-openssl --enable-pthreads --enable-neon --disable-asm --disable-indev=android_camera"
+ $config += " --arch=$target_arch --cpu=${target_cpu} --sysroot=${sysroot} --sysinclude=${sysroot}/usr/include/"
+ $config += " --cc=${cc} --cxx=${cxx} --ar=${ar} --ranlib=${ranlib}"
+ $config += " --extra-cflags=-I$envOPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_DEFAULT/include --extra-ldflags=-L$env:OPENSSL_ANDROID_HOME_DEFAULT/armeabi-v7a"
+ $config += " --extra-cflags=-I${openssl_path}/include --extra-ldflags=-L${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a"
+ $config += " --strip=$strip"
+ $result= InstallFfmpeg -config $config -buildSystem "android-arm" -msystem "ANDROID_CLANG" -ffmpegDirEnvVar "FFMPEG_DIR_ANDROID_ARMV7" -shared $shared
+ Remove-Item -Path ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libcrypto.so
+ Remove-Item -Path ${openssl_path}/armeabi-v7a/libssl.so
+ if (-not $shared) {
+ return $result
+ }
+ # For Shared ffmpeg we need to change dependencies to stubs
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"pacman -Sy --noconfirm binutils`"")
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"pacman -Sy --noconfirm autoconf`"")
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"pacman -Sy --noconfirm automake`"")
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"pacman -Sy --noconfirm libtool`"")
+ $patchelf_sha1 = "7EB974172DE73B7B452EE376237AD78601603C45"
+ $patchelf_sources = "https://ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io/input/android/patchelf/0.18.0.tar.gz"
+ $patchelf_download_location = "C:\Windows\Temp\0.18.0.tar.gz"
+ Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing $patchelf_sources -OutFile $patchelf_download_location
+ Verify-Checksum $patchelf_download_location $patchelf_sha1
+ Extract-tar_gz $patchelf_download_location $unzip_location
+ Remove $patchelf_download_location
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"cd C:/patchelf-0.18.0 && ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make install`"")
+ $command = "${PSScriptRoot}/../shared/fix_ffmpeg_dependencies.sh C:/${ffmpeg_name}/build/android-arm/installed/ _armeabi-v7a no"
+ $command = $command.Replace("\", "/")
+ Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop -FilePath $msys -ArgumentList ("-lc", "`"$command`"")
+ return $result
+$mingwRes = InstallMingwFfmpeg
+$llvmMingwRes = InstallLlvmMingwFfmpeg
+$androidArmV7Res = InstallAndroidArmv7
+$msvcRes = InstallMsvcFfmpeg -isArm64 $false
+$msvcArm64Res = InstallMsvcFfmpeg -isArm64 $true
+Write-Host "Ffmpeg installation results:"
+Write-Host " mingw:" $(if ($mingwRes) { "OK" } else { "FAIL" })
+Write-Host " msvc:" $(if ($msvcRes) { "OK" } else { "FAIL" })
+Write-Host " msvc-arm64:" $(if ($msvcArm64Res) { "OK" } else { "FAIL" })
+Write-Host " llvm-mingw:" $(if ($llvmMingwRes) { "OK" } else { "FAIL" })
+Write-Host " android-armv7:" $(if ($androidArmV7Res) { "OK" } else { "FAIL" })
+exit $(if ($mingwRes -and $msvcRes -and $msvcArm64Res -and $llvmMingwRes -and $androidArmV7Res) { 0 } else { 1 })