path: root/tests/manual/RunCMake/InitRepository/RunCMakeTest.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manual/RunCMake/InitRepository/RunCMakeTest.cmake')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/RunCMake/InitRepository/RunCMakeTest.cmake b/tests/manual/RunCMake/InitRepository/RunCMakeTest.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a83b192e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/RunCMake/InitRepository/RunCMakeTest.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
+# The file is included separately from Common.cmake because it has side-effects
+# that we want to apply only in the RunCMake part of the test.
+# Uses prefix set from outside scope.
+function(run_suite_command name)
+ run_cmake_command(${prefix}_${name} ${ARGN})
+macro(read_expected_output test file_name)
+ set(expect "")
+ set(expect_path "${RunCMake_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_name}-stdout.txt")
+ if(EXISTS "${expect_path}")
+ file(READ "${expect_path}" expect)
+ endif()
+ if(NOT expect)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "No expected output for test ${file_name}. "
+ "Make sure to add a ${file_name}-stdout.txt file.")
+ endif()
+ set(RunCMake_TEST_EXPECT_stdout "${expect}")
+function(run_suite_test test_name)
+ set(options "ONLY_CMAKE")
+ set(oneValueArgs "EXPECT_NAME")
+ set(multiValueArgs "COMMAND_ARGS")
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
+ if(prefix STREQUAL "perl" AND arg_ONLY_CMAKE)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ if(arg_EXPECT_NAME)
+ set(expect_name "${arg_EXPECT_NAME}")
+ else()
+ set(expect_name "${test_name}")
+ endif()
+ read_expected_output(${test_name} ${expect_name})
+ run_suite_command(${test_name} ${arg_COMMAND_ARGS})
+ set(options
+ )
+ set(oneValueArgs "")
+ set(multiValueArgs "")
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
+ set(use_perl_script TRUE)
+ set(prefix "perl")
+ set(extra_ir_args "")
+ else()
+ set(use_perl_script FALSE)
+ set(prefix "cmake")
+ # When testing the cmake script, we don't want to resolve deps by default and
+ # we want output to be the same as the one shown by the perl script.
+ set(extra_ir_args "--no-resolve-deps" "--perl-identical-output")
+ endif()
+ # Set in Common.cmake
+ set(local_clone_url "${top_repo_dir_path}")
+ # Path to temp qt6 dir based on script used.
+ set(tmp_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tmp_${prefix}")
+ set(qt6_repo_dir "${tmp_path}/qt6")
+ # Path to init-repository script
+ set(init_repository_script_path "${qt6_repo_dir}/init-repository")
+ if(use_perl_script)
+ string(APPEND init_repository_script_path ".pl")
+ # Need to call perl explicitly, especially on Windows
+ list(PREPEND init_repository_script_path perl)
+ elseif(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32)
+ string(APPEND init_repository_script_path ".bat")
+ endif()
+ # Clean up the temp qt6 repo dir.
+ file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${qt6_repo_dir}")
+ file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${tmp_path}")
+ file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${tmp_path}")
+ set(RunCMake_TEST_COMMAND_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${tmp_path}")
+ # Make a copy of the qt6 repo
+ run_suite_command(0010_prepare_qt6_clone git clone "${local_clone_url}" qt6 --quiet)
+ set(RunCMake_TEST_COMMAND_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${qt6_repo_dir}")
+ # Adjust its remote url to be the official mirror rather the local url.
+ set(remote_clone_url "https://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git")
+ run_suite_command(0020_set_qt6_remote_url git remote set-url origin "${remote_clone_url}")
+ # Ignore certain lines
+ "|Trace will be written to"
+ "|Put cmake in trace mode, but with variables expanded"
+ "|Put cmake in trace mode and redirect trace output"
+ )
+ # Merge stdout with stderr, otherwise we can't test for the same output across script
+ # implementations, because CMake has no easy way to control with output stream
+ # should be used.
+ # Initialize just qtsvg
+ run_suite_test(0030_ir_qtsvg
+ COMMAND_ARGS ${init_repository_script_path} --module-subset=qtsvg ${extra_ir_args})
+ # Asking to do it again will refuse to do it, unless forced, because the repo has already been
+ # initialized. Only do this check for cmake, because the perl script checks for initialization
+ # if qtbase is initialized, and we don't want to test that because cloning qtbase just for the
+ # test is too slow.
+ run_suite_test(0040_ir_qtsvg_again
+ COMMAND_ARGS ${init_repository_script_path} --module-subset=qtsvg ${extra_ir_args})
+ # Configuring without a module-subset will initialize qtsvg again, because the new behavior
+ # of the cmake script is to initialize previously existing submodules, rather than all of them.
+ run_suite_test(0050_ir_existing
+ COMMAND_ARGS ${init_repository_script_path} -f ${extra_ir_args})
+ # Initialize more than one submodule, choosing the smaller ones, for faster cloning.
+ run_suite_test(0060_ir_shadertools_and_svg
+ COMMAND_ARGS ${init_repository_script_path}
+ --module-subset=qtshadertools,qtsvg -f
+ ${extra_ir_args})
+ # Initialize qttools with dependencies, but without qtbase and qtdeclarative.
+ # This should also clone qtactiveqt.
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM extra_ir_args "--no-resolve-deps")
+ run_suite_test(0070_ir_qttools_with_deps
+ COMMAND_ARGS ${init_repository_script_path}
+ --module-subset=qttools,-qtbase,-qtdeclarative,-qtimageformats,-qtlanguageserver -f
+ ${extra_ir_args})
+ # Unset the working dir for further tests.