path: root/cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake
diff options
authorAlexandru Croitor <>2020-08-13 17:37:47 +0200
committerAlexandru Croitor <>2020-08-14 13:17:11 +0200
commit44cce1a2ea9dadd8b2de93f40de34269dda703c0 (patch)
treeeca02c6e828da9e84c4c2de6ff643cafad794024 /cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake
parent9d3a908e9ed154294ed4c58429d22a9ff8541ba4 (diff)
CMake: Split QtBuild.cmake into smaller files
QtBuild.cmake is huge. Split it. Move module, plugin, tools, executables and test related functions out of QtBuild.cmake into separate files. Do the same for many other things too. An additional requirement is that all the new Helpers files only define functions and macros. No global variable definitions are allowed, nor execution of commands with side effects. Some notes: qt_install_qml_files is removed because it's dead code. Some functions still need to be figured out, because they are interspersed and depend on various global state assignments. Task-number: QTBUG-86035 Change-Id: I21d79ff02eef923c202eb1000422888727cb0e2c Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake b/cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..261e9cc457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/QtCMakeHelpers.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# qt_configure_file(OUTPUT output-file <INPUT input-file | CONTENT content>)
+# input-file is relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
+# output-file is relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+# This function is similar to file(GENERATE OUTPUT) except it writes the content
+# to the file at configure time, rather than at generate time. Once CMake 3.18 is released, it can use file(CONFIGURE) in its implmenetation. Until then, it
+# uses configure_file() with a generic input file as source, when used with the CONTENT signature.
+ qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_configure_file" "" "OUTPUT;INPUT;CONTENT" "" ${ARGN})
+ if(NOT arg_OUTPUT)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "No output file provided to qt_configure_file.")
+ endif()
+ if(arg_CONTENT)
+ set(template_name "")
+ # When building qtbase, use the source template file.
+ # Otherwise use the installed file.
+ # This should work for non-prefix and superbuilds as well.
+ if(QtBase_SOURCE_DIR)
+ set(input_file "${QtBase_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/${template_name}")
+ else()
+ set(input_file "${Qt6_DIR}/${template_name}")
+ endif()
+ set(__qt_file_configure_content "${arg_CONTENT}")
+ elseif(arg_INPUT)
+ set(input_file "${arg_INPUT}")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "No input value provided to qt_configure_file.")
+ endif()
+ configure_file("${input_file}" "${arg_OUTPUT}" @ONLY)
+# A version of cmake_parse_arguments that makes sure all arguments are processed and errors out
+# with a message about ${type} having received unknown arguments.
+macro(qt_parse_all_arguments result type flags options multiopts)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(${result} "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments were passed to ${type} (${${result}_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}).")
+ endif()
+# Print all variables defined in the current scope.
+ cmake_parse_arguments(__arg "DEDUP" "" "MATCH;IGNORE" ${ARGN})
+ message("Known Variables:")
+ get_cmake_property(__variableNames VARIABLES)
+ list (SORT __variableNames)
+ if (__arg_DEDUP)
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES __variableNames)
+ endif()
+ foreach(__var ${__variableNames})
+ set(__ignore OFF)
+ foreach(__i ${__arg_IGNORE})
+ if(__var MATCHES "${__i}")
+ set(__ignore ON)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if (__ignore)
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ set(__show OFF)
+ foreach(__i ${__arg_MATCH})
+ if(__var MATCHES "${__i}")
+ set(__show ON)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if (__show)
+ message(" ${__var}=${${__var}}.")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if (${ARGN})
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "ASSERT: ${ARGN}.")
+ endif()
+# Takes a list of path components and joins them into one path separated by forward slashes "/",
+# and saves the path in out_var.
+function(qt_path_join out_var)
+ string(JOIN "/" path ${ARGN})
+ set(${out_var} ${path} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# qt_remove_args can remove arguments from an existing list of function
+# arguments in order to pass a filtered list of arguments to a different function.
+# Parameters:
+# out_var: result of remove all arguments specified by ARGS_TO_REMOVE from ALL_ARGS
+# ARGS_TO_REMOVE: Arguments to remove.
+# ALL_ARGS: All arguments supplied to cmake_parse_arguments or
+# qt_parse_all_arguments
+# from which ARGS_TO_REMOVE should be removed from. We require all the
+# arguments or we can't properly identify the range of the arguments detailed
+# ARGS: Arguments passed into the function, usually ${ARGV}
+# E.g.:
+# We want to forward all arguments from foo to bar, execpt ZZZ since it will
+# trigger an error in bar.
+# foo(target BAR .... ZZZ .... WWW ...)
+# bar(target BAR.... WWW...)
+# function(foo target)
+# qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "" "" "BAR;ZZZ;WWW ${ARGV})
+# qt_remove_args(forward_args
+# ARGS_TO_REMOVE ${target} ZZZ
+# ALL_ARGS ${target} BAR ZZZ WWW
+# )
+# bar(${target} ${forward_args})
+# endfunction()
+function(qt_remove_args out_var)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "" "ARGS_TO_REMOVE;ALL_ARGS;ARGS" ${ARGN})
+ set(result ${arg_ARGS})
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS arg_ARGS_TO_REMOVE)
+ # find arg
+ list(FIND result ${arg} find_result)
+ if (NOT find_result EQUAL -1)
+ # remove arg
+ list(REMOVE_AT result ${find_result})
+ list(LENGTH result result_len)
+ list(GET result ${find_result} arg_current)
+ # remove values until we hit another arg
+ while(NOT ${arg_current} IN_LIST arg_ALL_ARGS AND find_result LESS result_len)
+ list(REMOVE_AT result ${find_result})
+ list(GET result ${find_result} arg_current)
+ list(LENGTH result result_len)
+ endwhile()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set(${out_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Creates a regular expression that exactly matches the given string
+# Found in
+function(qt_re_escape out_var str)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "([][+.*()^])" "\\\\\\1" regex "${str}")
+ set(${out_var} ${regex} PARENT_SCOPE)