path: root/cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
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authorAlexandru Croitor <>2021-09-21 10:20:17 +0200
committerAlexandru Croitor <>2021-10-01 14:32:36 +0200
commit657525965b86cfa135bb5a814a537443163acb14 (patch)
tree759d736837ebde6a87c9a0d97649428c5e76044a /cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
parentccf504abeefe625b65750daa091ec8daf606b990 (diff)
CMake: Warn if cmake_minimum_required has an unsupported low version
Qt6Config.cmake calls cmake_minimum_required to ensure a recent enough CMake version is used in projects. That call does not set policies in the calling subdirectory scope, because find_package introduces a new policy scope. If a project using Qt has a 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)' call and is configured with a recent CMake, many policies will still be set to OLD. One such policy is CMP0071 (Run AUTOMOC on GENERATED files). The policy value is queried at generation time rather than at target definition time, which means we can't influence the policy value (e.g. inside the implementation of qt_add_executable for example) The inability to influence the policy value for targets created by our own CMake functions is unfortunate and can lead to issues (in the case of the above policy to compilation / linker issues). Record the version of the last cmake_minimum_required call before the Qt packages are found and error out if the version is lower than the minimum supported one. A project can reduce the error into a warning by specifying a option when configuring the project. If the option is used and build issues arise, no official support is given. All the CMake example projects shipped with Qt specify a minimum version of 3.16 already (which is the minimum for shared Qt builds), so it shouldn't be an issue to require that in other user projects as well. Implementation wise, we follow the existing pattern to record what the minimum and computed versions for static and shared Qt builds are at qtbase configure time. These are then checked before the Qt6 or QtFoo packages are find_package'd. Amends 6518bcc167d47e1c27d082c21551b9a838b04e5d Pick-to: 6.2 Task-number: QTBUG-95018 Task-number: QTBUG-95832 Change-Id: I1a1d06d82f566c92192a699045127943604c8353 Reviewed-by: Craig Scott <> Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake b/cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
index 2b3c697f4c..638c9edc2d 100644
--- a/cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
+++ b/cmake/QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ function(__qt_internal_get_supported_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt out_var)
set(${out_var} "${supported_version}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(__qt_internal_get_supported_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt_in_cmake_min_required out_var)
+ # This is recorded in Qt6ConfigExtras.cmake
+ set(${out_var} "${supported_version}" PARENT_SCOPE)
function(__qt_internal_get_computed_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt out_var)
# Allow override when configuring user project.
@@ -20,6 +26,23 @@ function(__qt_internal_get_computed_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt out_var)
set(${out_var} "${computed_min_version}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(__qt_internal_get_computed_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt_in_cmake_min_required out_var)
+ # Allow override when configuring user project.
+ # Set in QtConfigExtras.cmake.
+ set(computed_min_version
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR
+ "Qt Developer error: Can't compute the version that should appear in cmake_minimum_required to use this Qt.")
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} "${computed_min_version}" PARENT_SCOPE)
@@ -34,6 +57,22 @@ function(__qt_internal_warn_if_min_cmake_version_not_met)
+ __qt_internal_get_supported_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt_in_cmake_min_required(
+ min_supported_version)
+ __qt_internal_get_computed_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt_in_cmake_min_required(
+ computed_min_version)
+ if(computed_min_version VERSION_LESS min_supported_version)
+ message(WARNING
+ "To use this Qt, the minimum CMake version that should appear in the project's "
+ "cmake_minimum_required() call should be: '${min_supported_version}'. "
+ "You have explicitly chosen to require a lower version: '${computed_min_version}'. "
+ "Using Qt with this version is not officially supported. Use at your own risk."
+ )
+ endif()
# Skip the public project check if we're building a Qt repo because it's too early to do
# it at find_package(Qt6) time.
@@ -66,4 +105,23 @@ function(__qt_internal_require_suitable_cmake_version_for_using_qt)
"project. Using Qt with this CMake version is not officially supported. "
"Use at your own risk.")
+ # Check that the project has a supported version specified in the last cmake_minimum_required
+ # call before the Qt6 package was found.
+ __qt_internal_warn_if_project_min_cmake_version_is_not_met()
+ __qt_internal_get_computed_min_cmake_version_for_using_qt_in_cmake_min_required(
+ computed_min_version)
+ if(_qt_project_last_cmake_minimum_required_version VERSION_LESS computed_min_version)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR
+ "The last cmake_minimum_required() call before the Qt package was found had the "
+ "following version specified: '${_qt_project_last_cmake_minimum_required_version}' but "
+ "it needs to be ${computed_min_version} or higher to use Qt. "
+ "You can reduce the error into a warning by passing "
+ "-DQT_FORCE_MIN_CMAKE_VERSION_FOR_USING_QT_IN_CMAKE_MIN_REQUIRED=${_qt_project_last_cmake_minimum_required_version} "
+ "when configuring the project, but you do so at your own risk (it is not an officially "
+ "supported way of building Qt projects)."
+ )
+ endif()