path: root/examples/widgets/doc/src
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authorFrederik Gladhorn <>2012-09-18 20:32:53 +0200
committerThe Qt Project <>2012-09-21 19:59:06 +0200
commitd16c565ca6a55788435c52ad45647eda67854d80 (patch)
tree17e2c192b412e4959d422c1691e74ad172601ff7 /examples/widgets/doc/src
parent53373bdd9faf343611796e401805327e6de47586 (diff)
Move opengl/wid/net example docs to proper folders.
Change-Id: I846439a9cf7ad965ed27a00f98dbc4ff97abe73b Reviewed-by: Jerome Pasion <> Reviewed-by: Martin Smith <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/widgets/doc/src')
108 files changed, 21074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-fr.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-fr.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53bf89f3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-fr.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr.html
+ \title Tutoriel "Carnet d'adresses"
+ \brief Une introduction à la programation d'interface graphique montrant comment construire une application simple avec Qt.
+ Ce tutoriel est une introduction à la programmation de GUI (interface utilisateur)
+ à l'aide des outils fournis par la plateforme multiplate-forme Qt.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
+ Ce tutoriel va nous amener à découvrir quelques technologies fondamentales fournies
+ par Qt, tel que:
+ \list
+ \li Les Widgets et leur mise en page à l'aide des layouts
+ \li Les signaux et slots
+ \li Les structures de données de collections
+ \li Les entrées/sorties
+ \endlist
+ Le code source du tutoriel est distribué avec Qt dans le dossier \c tutorials/addressbook
+ Les chapitres du tutoriel:
+ \list 1
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1}{Conception de l'interface utilisateur}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part2}{Ajouter des adresses}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part3}{Navigation entre les éléments}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part4}{éditer et supprimer des adresses}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part5}{Ajout d'une fonction de recherche}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part6}{Sauvegarde et chargement}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part7}{Fonctionnalités avancées}
+ \endlist
+ La petite application que nous développerons ici ne possède pas tous les éléments
+ des interfaces dernier cri, elle va nous permettre d'utiliser les techniques de base
+ utilisées dans les applications plus complexes.
+ Lorsque vous aurez terminé ce tutoriel, nous vous recommandons de poursuivre avec l'exemple
+ "\l{mainwindows/application}{Application}", qui présente une interface simple utilisant
+ les menus et barres d'outils, la barre d'état, etc.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part1.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1
+ \title Carnet d'adresses 1 - Conception de l'interface utilisateur
+ La première partie de ce tutoriel traite de la conception d'une interface graphique
+ (GUI) basique, que l'on utilisera pour l'application Carnet d'adresses.
+ La première étape dans la création d'applications graphiques est la conception de
+ l'interface utilisateur. Dans ce chapitre, nous verrons comment créer les labels
+ et champs de saisie nécessaires à l'implementation d'un carnet d'adresses de base.
+ Le résultat attendu est illustré par la capture d'écran ci-dessous.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-screenshot.png
+ Nous allons avoir besoin de deux objets QLabel, \c nameLabel et \c addressLabel,
+ ainsi que deux champs de saisie: un objet QLineEdit, \c nameLine, et un objet
+ QTextEdit, \c addressText, afin de permettre à l'utilisateur d'entrer le nom d'un
+ contact et son adresse. Les widgets utilisés ainsi que leur placement sont visibles ci-dessous.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-screenshot.png
+ Trois fichiers sont nécessaires à l'implémentation de ce carnet d'adresses:
+ \list
+ \li \c{addressbook.h} - le fichier de définition (header) pour la classe \c AddressBook,
+ \li \c{addressbook.cpp} - le fichier source, qui comprend l'implémentation de la classe
+ \c AddressBook
+ \li \c{main.cpp} - le fichier qui contient la méthode \c main() , et
+ une instance de la classe \c AddressBook.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Programmation en Qt - héritage
+ Lorsque l'on écrit des programmes avec Qt, on a généralement recours à
+ l'héritage depuis des objets Qt, afin d'y ajouter des fonctionnalités.
+ C'est l'un des concepts fondamentaux de la création de widgets personnalisés
+ ou de collections de widgets. Utiliser l'héritage afin de compléter
+ ou modifier le comportement d'un widget présente les avantages suivants:
+ \list
+ \li La possibilité d'implémenter des méthodes virtuelles et des méthodes
+ virtuelles pures pour obtenir exactement ce que l'on souhaite, avec la possibilité
+ d'utiliser l'implémentation de la classe mère si besoin est.
+ \li Cela permet l'encapsulation partielle de l'interface utilisateur dans une classe,
+ afin que les autres parties de l'application n'aient pas à se soucier de chacun des
+ widgets qui forment l'interface utilisateur.
+ \li La classe fille peut être utilisée pour créer de nombreux widgets personnalisés
+ dans une même application ou bibliothèque, et le code de la classe fille peut être
+ réutilisé dans d'autres projets
+ \endlist
+ Comme Qt ne fournit pas de widget standard pour un carnet d'adresses, nous
+ partirons d'une classe de widget Qt standard et y ajouterons des fonctionnalités.
+ La classe \c AddressBook crée dans ce tutoriel peut être réutilisée si on a besoin d'un
+ widget carnet d'adresses basique.
+ \section1 La classe AddressBook
+ Le fichier \l{tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1/addressbook.h}{\c addressbook.h} permet de
+ définir la classe \c AddressBook.
+ On commence par définir \c AddressBook comme une classe fille de QWidget et déclarer
+ un constructeur. On utilise également la macro Q_OBJECT pour indiquer que la classe
+ exploite les fonctionnalités de signaux et slots offertes par Qt ainsi que
+ l'internationalisation, bien que nous ne les utilisions pas à ce stade.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook-fr/part1/addressbook.h class definition
+ La classe contient les déclarations de \c nameLine et \c addressText,
+ les instances privées de QLineEdit et QTextEdit mentionnées précédemment.
+ Vous verrez, dans les chapitres à venir que les informations contenues
+ dans \c nameLine et \c addressText sont nécessaires à de nombreuses méthodes
+ du carnet d'adresses.
+ Il n'est pas nécessaire de déclarer les objets QLabel que nous allons utiliser
+ puisque nous n'aurons pas besoin d'y faire référence après leur création.
+ La façon dont Qt gère la parenté des objets est traitée dans la section suivante.
+ La macro Q_OBJECT implémente des fonctionnalités parmi les plus avancées de Qt.
+ Pour le moment, il est bon de voir la macro Q_OBJECT comme un raccourci nous
+ permettant d'utiliser les méthodes \l{QObject::}{tr()} et \l{QObject::}{connect()}.
+ Nous en avons maintenant terminé avec le fichier \c addressbook.h et allons
+ passer à l'implémentation du fichier \c addressbook.cpp.
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Le constructeur de la classe \c{AddressBook} prend en paramètre un QWidget, \e parent.
+ Par convention, on passe ce paramètre au constructeur de la classe mère.
+ Ce concept de parenté, où un parent peut avoir un ou plusieurs enfants, est utile
+ pour regrouper les Widgets avec Qt. Par exemple, si vous détruisez le parent,
+ tous ses enfants seront détruits égalament.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp constructor and input fields
+ à l'intérieur de ce constructeur, on déclare et instancie deux objets locaux
+ QLabel, \c nameLabel et \c addressLabel, de même on instancie \c nameLine et
+ \c addressText. La méthode \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} renvoie une version traduite
+ de la chaîne de caractères, si elle existe; dans le cas contraire, elle renvoie
+ la chaîne elle même. On peut voir cette méthode comme un marqueur \tt{<insérer
+ la traduction ici>}, permettant de repérer les objets QString à considérer
+ pour traduire une application. Vous remarquerez, dans les chapitres à venir
+ comme dans les exemples Qt, qu'elle est utilisée chaque fois
+ que l'on utilise une chaîne susceptible d'être traduite.
+ Lorsque l'on programme avec Qt, il est utile de savoir comment fonctionnent les
+ agencements ou layouts. Qt fournit trois classes principales de layouts pour
+ contrôler le placement des widgets: QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout et QGridLayout.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-layout.png
+ On utilise un QGridLayout pour positionner nos labels et champs de saisie de manière
+ structurée. QGridLayout divise l'espace disponible en une grille, et place les
+ widgets dans les cellules que l'on spécifie par les numéros de ligne et de colonne.
+ Le diagramme ci-dessus présente les cellules et la position des widgets, et cette
+ organisation est obtenue à l'aide du code suivant:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp layout
+ On remarque que le label \c AddressLabel est positionné en utilisant Qt::AlignTop
+ comme argument optionnel. Ceci est destiné à assurer qu'il ne sera pas centré
+ verticalement dans la cellule (1,0). Pour un aperçu rapide des layouts de Qt,
+ consultez la section \l{Layout Management}.
+ Afin d'installer l'objet layout dans un widget, il faut appeler la méthode
+ \l{QWidget::setLayout()}{setLayout()} du widget en question:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp setting the layout
+ Enfin, on initialise le titre du widget à "Simple Address Book"
+ \section1 Exécution de l'application
+ Un fichier séparé, \c main.cpp, est utilisé pour la méthode \c main(). Dans cette
+ fonction, on crée une instance de QApplication, \c app. QApplication se charge de
+ des ressources communes à l'ensemble de l'application, tel que les polices de
+ caractères et le curseur par défaut, ainsi que de l'exécution de la boucle d'évènements.
+ De ce fait, il y a toujours un objet QApplication dans toute application graphique en Qt.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
+ On construit un nouveau widget \c AddressBook sur la pile et on invoque
+ sa méthode \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} pour l'afficher.
+ Cependant, le widget ne sera pas visible tant que la boucle d'évènements
+ n'aura pas été lancée. On démarre la boucle d'évènements en appelant la
+ méthode \l{QApplication::}{exec()} de l'application; le résultat renvoyé
+ par cette méthode est lui même utilisé comme valeur de retour pour la méthode
+ \c main().
+ On comprend maintenant pourquoi \c AddressBook a été créé sur la pile: à la fin
+ du programme, l'objet sort du scope de la fonction \c main() et tous ses widgets enfants
+ sont supprimés, assurant ainsi qu'il n'y aura pas de fuites de mémoire.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part2.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part2
+ \title Carnet d'adresses 2 - Ajouter des adresses
+ La prochaine étape pour créer notre carnet d'adresses est d'ajouter un soupçon
+ d'interactivité.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-contact.png
+ Nous allons fournir un bouton que l'utilisateur peut
+ cliquer pour ajouter un nouveau contact. Une structure de données est aussi
+ nécessaire afin de pouvoir stocker les contacts en mémoire.
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ Maintenant que nous avons mis en place les labels et les champs de saisie,
+ nous ajoutons les boutons pour compléter le processus d'ajout d'un contact.
+ Cela veut dire que notre fichier \c addressbook.h a maintenant trois
+ objets QPushButton et trois slots publics correspondant.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h slots
+ Un slot est une méthode qui répond à un signal. Nous allons
+ voir ce concept en détail lorsque nous implémenterons la classe \c{AddressBook}.
+ Pour une explication détaillée du concept de signal et slot, vous pouvez
+ vous référer au document \l{Signals and Slots}.
+ Les trois objets QPushButton \c addButton, \c submitButton et \c cancelButton
+ sont maintenant inclus dans la déclaration des variables privées, avec
+ \c nameLine et \c addressText du chapitre précédent.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h pushbutton declaration
+ Nous avons besoin d'un conteneur pour stocker les contacts du carnet
+ d'adresses, de façon à pouvoir les énumérer et les afficher.
+ Un objet QMap, \c contacts, est utilisé pour ça, car il permet de stocker
+ des paires clé-valeur: le nom du contact est la \e{clé} et l'adresse du contact
+ est la \e{valeur}.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h remaining private variables
+ Nous déclarons aussi deux objects QString privés: \c oldName et \c oldAddress.
+ Ces objets sont nécessaires pour conserver le nom et l'adresse du dernier contact
+ affiché avant que l'utilisateur ne clique sur le bouton "Add". Grâce à ces variables
+ si l'utilisateur clique sur "Cancel", il est possible de revenir
+ à l'affichage du dernier contact.
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, \c nameLine et
+ \c addressText sont mis en mode lecture seule, de façon à autoriser l'affichage
+ mais pas la modification du contact courant.
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 1
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 2
+ Ensuite, nous instancions les boutons \c addButton, \c submitButton, et
+ \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp pushbutton declaration
+ Le bouton \c addButton est affiché en invoquant la méthode \l{QPushButton::show()}
+ {show()}, tandis que \c submitButton et \c cancelButton sont cachés en invoquant
+ \l{QPushButton::hide()}{hide()}. Ces deux boutons ne seront affichés que lorsque
+ l'utilisateur cliquera sur "Add", et ceci est géré par la méthode \c addContact()
+ décrite plus loin.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp connecting signals and slots
+ Nous connectons le signal \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de chaque bouton
+ au slot qui gèrera l'action.
+ L'image ci-dessous illustre ceci:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-signals-and-slots.png
+ Ensuite, nous arrangeons proprement les boutons sur la droite du widget
+ AddressBook, et nous utilisons un QVBoxLayout pour les aligner verticalement.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp vertical layout
+ La methode \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} est utilisée pour
+ assurer que les boutons ne sont pas répartis uniformément, mais regroupés
+ dans la partie supperieure du widget. La figure ci-dessous montre la différence
+ si \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} est utilisé ou pas.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-stretch-effects.png
+ Ensuite nous ajoutons \c buttonLayout1 à \c mainLayout, en utilisant
+ \l{QGridLayout::addLayout()}{addLayout()}. Ceci nous permet d'imbriquer les
+ mises en page puisque \c buttonLayout1 est maintenant un enfant de \c mainLayout.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp grid layout
+ Les coordonnées du layout global ressemblent maintenant à ça:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-labeled-layout.png
+ Dans la méthode \c addContact(), nous stockons les détails du dernier
+ contact affiché dans \c oldName et \c oldAddress. Ensuite, nous
+ vidons ces champs de saisie et nous désactivons le mode
+ lecture seule. Le focus est placé sur \c nameLine et on affiche
+ \c submitButton et \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp addContact
+ La méthode \c submitContact() peut être divisée en trois parties:
+ \list 1
+ \li Nous extrayons les détails du contact depuis \c nameLine et \c addressText
+ et les stockons dans des objets QString. Nous les validons pour s'assurer
+ que l'utilisateur n'a pas cliqué sur "Add" avec des champs de saisie
+ vides; sinon un message est affiché avec QMessageBox pour rappeller à
+ l'utilisateur que les deux champs doivent être complétés.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part1
+ \li Ensuite, nous vérifions si le contact existe déjà. Si aucun contacts
+ existant n'entre en conflit avec le nouveau, nous l'ajoutons à
+ \c contacts et nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer l'utilisateur
+ que le contact a été ajouté.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part2
+ Si le contact existe déjà, nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer
+ l'utilisateur du problème.
+ Notre objet \c contacts est basé sur des paires clé-valeur formés par
+ le nom et l'adresse, nous voulons nous assurer que la \e clé est unique.
+ \li Une fois que les deux vérifications précédentes ont été traitées,
+ nous restaurons les boutons à leur état normal à l'aide du code
+ suivant:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part3
+ \endlist
+ La capture d'écran ci-dessous montre l'affichage fournit par un objet
+ QMessageBox, utilisé ici pour afficher un message d'information
+ à l'utilisateur:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-successful.png
+ La méthode \c cancel() restaure les détails du dernier contact, active
+ \c addButton, et cache \c submitButton et \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp cancel
+ L'idée générale pour augmenter la flexibilité lors de l'ajout d'un
+ contact est de donner la possiblité de cliquer sur "Add"
+ ou "Cancel" à n'importe quel moment.
+ L'organigramme ci-dessous reprend l'ensemble des interactions dévelopées
+ jusqu'ici:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-flowchart.png
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part3.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part3
+ \title Carnet d'adresses 3 - Navigation entre les éléments
+ L'application "Carnet d'adresses" est maintenant à moitié terminée. Il
+ nous faut maintenant ajouter quelques fonctions pour naviguer entre
+ les contacts. Avant de commencer, il faut se décider sur le type de structure de
+ données le plus approprié pour stocker les contacts.
+ Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons utilisé un QMap utilisant des paires clé-valeur,
+ avec le nom du contact comme \e clé, et l'adresse du contact comme \e valeur.
+ Cela fonctionnait bien jusqu'ici, mais pour ajouter la navigation entre les
+ entrées, quelques améliorations sont nécessaires.
+ Nous améliorerons le QMap en le faisant ressembler à une structure de données
+ similaire à une liste liée, où tous les éléments sont connectés, y compris
+ le premier et le dernier élément. La figure ci-dessous illustre cette structure
+ de donnée.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-linkedlist.png
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ Pour ajouter les fonctions de navigation au carnet d'adresses, nous avons
+ besoin de deux slots supplémentaires dans notre classe \c AddressBook:
+ \c next() et \c previous(). Ceux-ci sont ajoutés au fichier addressbook.h:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation functions
+ Nous avons aussi besoin de deux nouveaux objets QPushButton, nous ajoutons
+ donc les variables privées \c nextButton et \c previousButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation pushbuttons
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ A l'intérieur du constructeur de \c AddressBook, dans \c addressbook.cpp, nous
+ instancions \c nextButton et \c previousButton et nous les désactivons
+ par défaut. Nous faisons ceci car la navigation ne doit être activée
+ que lorsqu'il y a plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation pushbuttons
+ Nous connectons alors ces boutons à leur slots respectifs:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp connecting navigation signals
+ L'image ci-dessous montre l'interface utilisateur que nous allons créer.
+ Remarquez que cela ressemble de plus en plus à l'interface du programme
+ complet.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-screenshot.png
+ Nous suivons les conventions pour les fonctions \c next() et \c previous()
+ en plaçant \c nextButton à droite et \c previousButton à gauche. Pour
+ faire cette mise en page intuitive, nous utilisons un QHBoxLayout pour
+ placer les widgets côte à côte:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation layout
+ L'objet QHBoxLayout, \c buttonLayout2, est ensuite ajouté à \c mainLayout.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp adding navigation layout
+ La figure ci-dessous montre les systèmes de coordonnées pour les widgets du
+ \c mainLayout.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-labeled-layout.png
+ Dans notre méthode \c addContact(), nous avons desactivé ces boutons
+ pour être sûr que l'utilisateur n'utilise pas la navigation lors de
+ l'ajout d'un contact.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp disabling navigation
+ Dans notre méthode \c submitContact(), nous activons les boutons de
+ navigation, \c nextButton et \c previousButton, en fonction de la
+ taille de \c contacts. Commen mentionné plus tôt, la navigation n'est
+ activée que si il y a plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
+ Les lignes suivantes montrent comment faire cela:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp enabling navigation
+ Nous incluons aussi ces lignes de code dans le bouton \c cancel().
+ Souvenez vous que nous voulons émuler une liste-liée ciruculaire à
+ l'aide de l'objet QMap, \c contacts. Pour faire cela, nous obtenons un itérateur
+ sur \c contact dans la méthode \c next(), et ensuite:
+ \list
+ \li Si l'itérateur n'est pas à la fin de \c contacts, nous l'incrémentons
+ \li Si l'itérateur est à la fin de \c contacts, nous changeons sa position
+ jusqu'au début de \c contacts. Cela donne l'illusion que notre QMap
+ fonctionne comme une liste circulaire.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp next() function
+ Une fois que nous avons itéré jusqu'à l'objet recherché dans \c contacts,
+ nous affichons son contenu sur \c nameLine et \c addressText.
+ De la même façon, pour la méthode \c previous(), nous obtenons un
+ itérateur sur \c contacts et ensuite:
+ \list
+ \li Si l'itérateur est à la fin de \c contacts, on réinitialise
+ l'affichage et on retourne.
+ \li Si l'itérateur est au début de \c contacts, on change sa
+ position jusqu'à la fin
+ \li Ensuite, on décrémente l'itérateur
+ \endlist
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp previous() function
+ à nouveau, nous affichons le contenu de l'objet courant dans \c contacts.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part4.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part4
+ \title Carnet d'Adresses 4 - éditer et supprimer des adresses
+ Dans ce chapitre, nous verrons comment modifier les données des contacts
+ contenus dans l'application carnet d'adresses.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
+ Nous avons maintenant un carnet d'adresses qui ne se contente pas de
+ lister des contacts de façon ordonnée, mais permet également la
+ navigation. Il serait pratique d'inclure des fonctions telles qu'éditer et
+ supprimer, afin que les détails associés à un contact puissent être
+ modifiés lorsque c'est nécessaire. Cependant, cela requiert une légère
+ modification, sous la forme d'énumérations. Au chapitre précédent, nous avions deux
+ modes: \c {AddingMode} et \c {NavigationMode}, mais ils n'étaient pas
+ définis en tant qu'énumérations. Au lieu de ça, on activait et désactivait les
+ boutons correspondants manuellement, au prix de multiples redondances dans
+ le code.
+ Dans ce chapitre, on définit l'énumération \c Mode avec trois valeurs possibles.
+ \list
+ \li \c{NavigationMode},
+ \li \c{AddingMode}, et
+ \li \c{EditingMode}.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ Le fichier \c addressbook.h est mis a jour pour contenir l'énumération \c Mode :
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h Mode enum
+ On ajoute également deux nouveaux slots, \c editContact() et
+ \c removeContact(), à notre liste de slots publics.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h edit and remove slots
+ Afin de basculer d'un mode à l'autre, on introduit la méthode
+ \c updateInterface() pour contrôller l'activation et la désactivation de
+ tous les objets QPushButton. On ajoute également deux nouveaux boutons,
+ \c editButton et \c removeButton, pour les fonctions d'édition
+ et de suppression mentionnées plus haut.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h updateInterface() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h buttons declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h mode declaration
+ Enfin, on déclare \c currentMode pour garder une trace du mode
+ actuellement utilisé.
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Il nous faut maintenant implémenter les fonctionnalités de changement de
+ mode de l'application carnet d'adresses. Les boutons \c editButton et
+ \c removeButton sont instanciés et désactivés par défaut, puisque le
+ carnet d'adresses démarre sans aucun contact en mémoire.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp edit and remove buttons
+ Ces boutons sont ensuite connectés à leurs slots respectifs,
+ \c editContact() et \c removeContact(), avant d'être ajoutés à
+ \c buttonLayout1.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp connecting edit and remove
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp adding edit and remove to the layout
+ La methode \c editContact() place les anciens détails du contact dans
+ \c oldName et \c oldAddress, avant de basculer vers le mode
+ \c EditingMode. Dans ce mode, les boutons \c submitButton et
+ \c cancelButton sont tous deux activés, l'utilisateur peut par conséquent
+ modifier les détails du contact et cliquer sur l'un de ces deux boutons
+ par la suite.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp editContact() function
+ La méthode \c submitContact() a été divisée en deux avec un bloc
+ \c{if-else}. On teste \c currentMode pour voir si le mode courant est
+ \c AddingMode. Si c'est le cas, on procède à l'ajout.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function beginning
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part1
+ Sinon, on s'assure que \c currentMode est en \c EditingMode. Si c'est le
+ cas, on compare \c oldName et \c name. Si le nom a changé, on supprime
+ l'ancien contact de \c contacts et on insère le contact mis a jour.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part2
+ Si seule l'adresse a changé (i.e. \c oldAddress n'est pas identique à
+ \c address), on met à jour l'adresse du contact. Enfin on règle
+ \c currentMode à \c NavigationMode. C'est une étape importante puisque
+ c'est cela qui réactive tous les boutons désactivés.
+ Afin de retirer un contact du carnet d'adresses, on implémente la méthode
+ \c removeContact(). Cette méthode vérifie que le contact est présent dans
+ \c contacts.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp removeContact() function
+ Si c'est le cas, on affiche une boîte de dialogue QMessageBox, demandant
+ confirmation de la suppression à l'utilisateur. Une fois la confirmation
+ effectuée, on appelle \c previous(), afin de s'assurer que l'interface
+ utilisateur affiche une autre entrée, et on supprime le contact en
+ utilisant le méthode \l{QMap::remove()}{remove()} de \l{QMap}. Dans un
+ souci pratique, on informe l'utilisateur de la suppression par le biais
+ d'une autre QMessageBox. Les deux boîtes de dialogue utilisées dans cette
+ méthode sont représentées ci-dessous.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part4-remove.png
+ \section2 Mise à jour de l'Interface utilisateur
+ On a évoqué plus haut la méthode \c updateInterface() comme moyen
+ d'activer et de désactiver les différents boutons de l'interface en
+ fonction du mode. Cette méthode met à jour le mode courant selon
+ l'argument \c mode qui lui est passé, en l'assignant à \c currentMode,
+ avant de tester sa valeur.
+ Chacun des boutons est ensuite activé ou désactivé, en fonction du mode.
+ Le code source pour les cas \c AddingMode et \c EditingMode est visible
+ ci-dessous:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 1
+ Dans le cas de \c NavigationMode, en revanche, des tests conditionnels
+ sont passés en paramètre de QPushButton::setEnabled(). Ceci permet de
+ s'assurer que les boutons \c editButton et \c removeButton ne sont activés
+ que s'il existe au moins un contact dans le carnet d'adresses;
+ \c nextButton et \c previousButton ne sont activés que lorsqu'il existe
+ plus d'un contact dans le carnet d'adresses.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 2
+ En effectuant les opérations de réglage du mode et de mise à jour de
+ l'interface utilisateur au sein de la même méthode, on est à l'abri de
+ l'éventualité où l'interface utilisateur se "désynchronise" de l'état
+ interne de l'application.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part5.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part5
+ \title Carnet d'adresse 5 - Ajout d'une fonction de recherche
+ Dans ce chapitre, nous allons voir les possibilités pour rechercher
+ des contacts dans le carnet d'adresse.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-screenshot.png
+ Plus nous ajoutons des contacts dans l'application, plus
+ il devient difficile de naviguer avec les boutons \e Next et \e Previous.
+ Dans ce cas, une fonction de recherche serait plus efficace pour rechercher
+ les contacts.
+ La capture d'écran ci-dessus montre le bouton de recherche \e Find et sa position
+ dans le paneau de bouton.
+ Lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton \e Find, il est courant d'afficher
+ une boîte de dialogue qui demande à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de contact.
+ Qt fournit la classe QDialog, que nous sous-classons dans ce chapitre pour
+ implémenter la class \c FindDialog.
+ \section1 Définition de la classe FindDialog
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-finddialog.png
+ Pour sous-classer QDialog, nous commençons par inclure le header de
+ QDialog dans le fichier \c finddialog.h. De plus, nous déclarons les
+ classes QLineEdit et QPushButton car nous utilisons ces widgets dans
+ notre classe dialogue.
+ Tout comme dans la classe \c AddressBook, la classe \c FindDialog utilise
+ la macro Q_OBJECT et son constructeur est défini de façon à accepter
+ un QWidget parent, même si cette boîte de dialogue sera affichée dans une
+ fenêtre séparée.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.h FindDialog header
+ Nous définissons la méthode publique \c getFindText() pour être utilisée
+ par les classes qui instancient \c FindDialog, ce qui leur permet d'obtenir
+ le texte entré par l'utilisateur. Un slot public, \c findClicked(), est
+ défini pour prendre en charge le texte lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur
+ le bouton \uicontrol Find.
+ Finalement, nous définissons les variables privées \c findButton,
+ \c lineEdit et \c findText, qui correspondent respectivement au bouton
+ \uicontrol Find, au champ de texte dans lequel l'utilisateur tape le texte
+ à rechercher, et à une variable interne stockant le texte pour une
+ utilisation ultérieure.
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe FindDialog
+ Dans le constructeur de \c FindDialog, nous instancions les objets des
+ variables privées \c lineEdit, \c findButton et \c findText. Nous utilisons ensuite
+ un QHBoxLayout pour positionner les widgets.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp constructor
+ Nous mettons en place la mise en page et le titre de la fenêtre, et
+ nous connectons les signaux aux slots. Remarquez que le signal
+ \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de \c{findButton} est connecté
+ à \c findClicked() et \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()}. Le slot
+ \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()} fourni par le QDialog ferme
+ la boîte de dialogue et lui donne le code de retour \l{QDialog::}{Accepted}.
+ Nous utilisons cette fonction pour aider la méthode \c findContact() de la classe
+ \c{AddressBook} à savoir si l'objet \c FindDialog a été fermé. Ceci sera
+ expliqué plus loin lorsque nous verrons la méthode \c findContact().
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-signals-and-slots.png
+ Dans \c findClicked(), nous validons le champ de texte pour nous
+ assurer que l'utilisateur n'a pas cliqué sur le bouton \uicontrol Find sans
+ avoir entré un nom de contact. Ensuite, nous stockons le texte du champ
+ d'entrée \c lineEdit dans \c findText. Et finalement nous vidons le
+ contenu de \c lineEdit et cachons la boîte de dialogue.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp findClicked() function
+ La variable \c findText a un accesseur publique associé: \c getFindText().
+ Étant donné que nous ne modifions \c findText directement que dans le
+ constructeur et la méthode \c findClicked(), nous ne créons pas
+ de manipulateurs associé à \c getFindText().
+ Puisque \c getFindText() est publique, les classes instanciant et
+ utilisant \c FindDialog peuvent toujours accéder à la chaîne de
+ caractères que l'utilisateur a entré et accepté.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp getFindText() function
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ Pour utiliser \c FindDialog depuis la classe \c AddressBook, nous
+ incluons \c finddialog.h dans le fichier \c addressbook.h.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h include finddialog's header
+ Jusqu'ici, toutes les fonctionnalités du carnet d'adresses ont un
+ QPushButton et un slot correspondant. De la même façon, pour la
+ fonctionnalité \uicontrol Find, nous avons \c findButton et \c findContact().
+ Le \c findButton est déclaré comme une variable privée et la
+ méthode \c findContact() est déclarée comme un slot public.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findContact() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findButton declaration
+ Finalement, nous déclarons la variable privée \c dialog que nous allons
+ utiliser pour accéder à une instance de \c FindDialog.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h FindDialog declaration
+ Une fois que nous avons instancié la boîte de dialogue, nous voulons l'utiliser
+ plus qu'une fois. Utiliser une variable privée nous permet d'y référer
+ à plus d'un endroit dans la classe.
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, nous instancions nos objets privés,
+ \c findbutton et \c findDialog:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating findButton
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating FindDialog
+ Ensuite, nous connectons le signal \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de
+ \c{findButton} à \c findContact().
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp signals and slots for find
+ Maintenant, tout ce qui manque est le code de notre méthode \c findContact():
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp findContact() function
+ Nous commençons par afficher l'instance de \c FindDialog, \c dialog.
+ L'utilisateur peut alors entrer le nom du contact à rechercher. Lorsque
+ l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton \c findButton, la boîte de dialogue est
+ masquée et le code de retour devient QDialog::Accepted. Ce code de retour
+ vient remplir la condition du premier if.
+ Ensuite, nous extrayons le texte que nous utiliserons pour la recherche,
+ il s'agit ici de \c contactName obtenu à l'aide de la méthode \c getFindText()
+ de \c FindDialog. Si le contact existe dans le carnet d'adresse, nous
+ l'affichons directement. Sinon, nous affichons le QMessageBox suivant pour
+ indiquer que la recherche à échouée.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-notfound.png
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part6.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part6
+ \title Carnet d'Adresses 6 - Sauvegarde et chargement
+ Ce chapitre couvre les fonctionnalités de gestion des fichiers de Qt que
+ l'on utilise pour écrire les procédures de sauvegarde et chargement pour
+ l'application carnet d'adresses.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-screenshot.png
+ Bien que la navigation et la recherche de contacts soient des
+ fonctionnalités importantes, notre carnet d'adresses ne sera pleinement
+ utilisable qu'une fois que l'on pourra sauvegarder les contacts existants
+ et les charger à nouveau par la suite.
+ Qt fournit de nombreuses classes pour gérer les \l{Input/Output and
+ Networking}{entrées et sorties}, mais nous avons choisi de nous contenter d'une
+ combinaison de deux classes simples à utiliser ensemble: QFile et QDataStream.
+ Un objet QFile représente un fichier sur le disque qui peut être lu, et
+ dans lequel on peut écrire. QFile est une classe fille de la classe plus
+ générique QIODevice, qui peut représenter différents types de
+ périphériques.
+ Un objet QDataStream est utilisé pour sérialiser des données binaires
+ dans le but de les passer à un QIODevice pour les récupérer dans le
+ futur. Pour lire ou écrire dans un QIODevice, il suffit d'ouvrir le
+ flux, avec le périphérique approprié en paramètre, et d'y lire ou
+ écrire.
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ On déclare deux slots publics, \c saveToFile() et \c loadFromFile(),
+ ainsi que deux objets QPushButton, \c loadButton et \c saveButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load functions declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load buttons declaration
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Dans notre constructeur, on instancie \c loadButton et \c saveButton.
+ Idéalement, l'interface serait plus conviviale avec des boutons
+ affichant "Load contacts from a file" et "Save contacts to a file". Mais
+ compte tenu de la dimension des autres boutons, on initialise les labels
+ des boutons à \uicontrol{Load...} et \uicontrol{Save...}. Heureusement, Qt offre une
+ façon simple d'ajouter des info-bulles avec
+ \l{QWidget::setToolTip()}{setToolTip()}, et nous l'exploitons de la façon
+ suivante pour nos boutons:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 1
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 2
+ Bien qu'on ne cite pas le code correspondant ici, nous ajoutons ces deux boutons au
+ layout de droite, \c button1Layout, comme pour les fonctionnalités précédentes, et
+ nous connectons leurs signaux
+ \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} à leurs slots respectifs.
+ Pour la sauvegarde, on commence par récupérer le nom de fichier
+ \c fileName, en utilisant QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(). C'est une
+ méthode pratique fournie par QFileDialog, qui ouvre une boîte de
+ dialogue modale et permet à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de fichier ou
+ de choisir un fichier \c{.abk} existant. Les fichiers \c{.abk}
+ correspondent à l'extension choisie pour la sauvegarde des contacts de
+ notre carnet d'adresses.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part1
+ La boîte de dialogue affichée est visible sur la capture d'écran ci-
+ dessous.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-save.png
+ Si \c fileName n'est pas vide, on crée un objet QFile, \c file, à partir
+ de \c fileName. QFile fonctionne avec QDataStream puisqu'il dérive de
+ QIODevice.
+ Ensuite, on essaie d'ouvrir le fichier en écriture, ce qui correspond au
+ mode \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly}. Si cela échoue, on en informe
+ l'utilisateur avec une QMessageBox.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part2
+ Dans le cas contraire, on instancie un objet QDataStream, \c out, afin
+ d'écrire dans le fichier ouvert. QDataStream nécessite que la même
+ version de flux soit utilisée pour la lecture et l'écriture. On s'assure
+ que c'est le cas en spécifiant explicitement d'utiliser la
+ \l{QDataStream::Qt_4_5}{version introduite avec Qt 4.5} avant de
+ sérialiser les données vers le fichier \c file.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part3
+ Pour le chargement, on récupère également \c fileName en utilisant
+ QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(). Cette méthode est l'homologue de
+ QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() et affiche également une boîte de
+ dialogue modale permettant à l'utilisateur d'entrer un nom de fichier ou
+ de selectionner un fichier \c{.abk} existant, afin de le charger dans le
+ carnet d'adresses.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part1
+ Sous Windows, par exemple, cette méthode affiche une boîte de dialogue
+ native pour la sélection de fichier, comme illustré sur la capture
+ d'écran suivante:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-load.png
+ Si \c fileName n'est pas vide, on utilise une fois de plus un objet
+ QFile, \c file, et on tente de l'ouvrir en lecture, avec le mode
+ \l{QIODevice::}{ReadOnly}. De même que précédemment dans notre
+ implémentation de \c saveToFile(), si cette tentative s'avère
+ infructueuse, on en informe l'utilisateur par le biais d'une
+ QMessageBox.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part2
+ Dans le cas contraire, on instancie un objet QDataStream, \c in, en
+ spécifiant la version à utiliser comme précédemment, et on lit les
+ informations sérialisées vers la structure de données \c contacts. Notez
+ qu'on purge \c contacts avant d'y mettre les informations lues afin de
+ simplifier le processus de lecture de fichier. Une façon plus avancée de
+ procéder serait de lire les contacts dans un objet QMap temporaire, et
+ de copier uniquement les contacts n'existant pas encore dans
+ \c contacts.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part3
+ Pour afficher les contacts lus depuis le fichier, on doit d'abord
+ valider les données obtenues afin de s'assurer que le fichier lu
+ contient effectivement des entrées de carnet d'adresses. Si c'est le
+ cas, on affiche le premier contact; sinon on informe l'utilisateur du
+ problème par une QMessageBox. Enfin, on met à jour l'interface afin
+ d'activer et de désactiver les boutons de façon appropriée.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-fr-part7.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook-fr/part7
+ \title Carnet d'adresse 7 - Fonctionnalités avancées
+ Ce chapitre couvre quelques fonctionnalités additionnelles qui
+ feront de notre carnet d'adresses une application plus pratique
+ pour une utilisation quotidienne.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part7-screenshot.png
+ Bien que notre application carnet d'adresses soit utile en tant que telle,
+ il serait pratique de pouvoir échanger les contacts avec d'autres applications.
+ Le format vCard est un un format de fichier populaire pour échanger
+ ce type de données.
+ Dans ce chapitre, nous étendrons notre carnet d'adresses pour permettre
+ d'exporter des contacts dans des fichiers vCard \c{.vcf}.
+ \section1 Définition de la classe AddressBook
+ Nous ajoutons un objet QPushButton, \c exportButton, et un slot
+ public correspondant, \c exportAsVCard(), à notre classe \c AddressBook
+ dans le fichier \c addressbook.h.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportAsVCard() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportButton declaration
+ \section1 Implémentation de la classe AddressBook
+ Dans le constructeur de \c AddressBook, nous connectons le signal
+ \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} de \c{exportButton} au slot
+ \c exportAsVCard().
+ Nous ajoutons aussi ce bouton à \c buttonLayout1, le layout responsable
+ du groupe de boutons sur la droite.
+ Dans la méthode \c exportAsVCard(), nous commençons par extraire le
+ nom du contact dans \c name. Nous déclarons \c firstname, \c lastName et
+ \c nameList.
+ Ensuite, nous cherchons la position du premier espace blanc de \c name.
+ Si il y a un espace, nous séparons le nom du contact en \c firstName et
+ \c lastName. Finalement, nous remplaçons l'espace par un underscore ("_").
+ Si il n'y a pas d'espace, nous supposons que le contact ne comprend que
+ le prénom.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part1
+ Comme pour la méthode \c saveToFile(), nous ouvrons une boîte de dialogue
+ pour donner la possibilité à l'utilisateur de choisir un emplacement pour
+ le fichier. Avec le nom de fichier choisi, nous créons une instance de QFile
+ pour y écrire.
+ Nous essayons d'ouvrir le fichier en mode \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly}. Si
+ cela échoue, nous affichons un QMessageBox pour informer l'utilisateur
+ à propos de l'origine du problème et nous quittons la méthode. Sinon, nous passons le
+ fichier comme paramètre pour créer un objet QTextStream, \c out. De la même façon que
+ QDataStream, la classe QTextStream fournit les fonctionnalités pour
+ lire et écrire des fichiers de texte. Grâce à celà, le fichier \c{.vcf}
+ généré pourra être ouvert et édité à l'aide d'un simple éditeur de texte.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part2
+ Nous écrivons ensuite un fichier vCard avec la balise \c{BEGIN:VCARD},
+ suivit par \c{VERSION:2.1}.
+ Le nom d'un contact est écrit à l'aide de la balise \c{N:}. Pour la balise
+ \c{FN:}, qui remplit le titre du contact, nous devons vérifier si le contact
+ à un nom de famille défini ou non. Si oui, nous utilions les détails de
+ \c nameList pour remplir le champ, dans le cas contraire on écrit uniquement le contenu
+ de \c firstName.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part3
+ Nous continuons en écrivant l'adresse du contact. Les points-virgules
+ dans l'adresse sont échappés à l'aide de "\\", les retours de ligne sont
+ remplacés par des points-virgules, et les vigules sont remplacées par des espaces.
+ Finalement nous écrivons les balises \c{ADR;HOME:;} suivies par l'adresse
+ et la balise \c{END:VCARD}.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part4
+ À la fin de la méthode, un QMessageBox est affiché pour informer l'utilisateur
+ que la vCard a été exportée avec succès.
+ \e{vCard est une marque déposée de \l{}
+ {Internet Mail Consortium}}.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-tutorial.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-tutorial.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1e39643f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook-tutorial.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook.html
+ \title Address Book Tutorial
+ \brief An introduction to GUI programming, showing how to put together a
+ simple yet fully-functioning application.
+ This tutorial is an introduction to GUI programming with the Qt
+ cross-platform framework.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
+ \omit
+ It doesn't cover everything; the emphasis is on teaching the programming
+ philosophy of GUI programming, and Qt's features are introduced as needed.
+ Some commonly used features are never used in this tutorial.
+ \endomit
+ In this tutorial, you will learn about some of the basic
+ components of Qt, including:
+ \list
+ \li Widgets and layout managers
+ \li Container classes
+ \li Signals and slots
+ \li Input and output devices
+ \endlist
+ Tutorial contents:
+ \list 1
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part1}{Designing the User Interface}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part2}{Adding Addresses}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part3}{Navigating between Entries}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part4}{Editing and Removing Addresses}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part5}{Adding a Find Function}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part6}{Loading and Saving}
+ \li \l{tutorials/addressbook/part7}{Additional Features}
+ \endlist
+ The tutorial source code is located in \c{tutorials/addressbook}.
+ Although this little application does not look much like a
+ fully-fledged modern GUI application, it uses many of the basic
+ elements that are used in more complex applications. After you
+ have worked through this tutorial, we recommend reading the
+ \l{mainwindows/application}{Application} example, which presents a
+ small GUI application, with menus, toolbars, a status bar, and so
+ on.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part1.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part1
+ \title Part 1 - Designing the User Interface
+ This first part covers the design of the basic graphical user
+ interface (GUI) for our address book application.
+ The first step in creating a GUI program is to design the user
+ interface. Here the our goal is to set up the labels and input
+ fields to implement a basic address book. The figure below is a
+ screenshot of the expected output.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-screenshot.png
+ We require two QLabel objects, \c nameLabel and \c addressLabel, as well
+ as two input fields, a QLineEdit object, \c nameLine, and a QTextEdit
+ object, \c addressText, to enable the user to enter a contact's name and
+ address. The widgets used and their positions are shown in the figure
+ below.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-screenshot.png
+ There are three files used to implement this address book:
+ \list
+ \li \c{addressbook.h} - the definition file for the \c AddressBook
+ class,
+ \li \c{addressbook.cpp} - the implementation file for the
+ \c AddressBook class, and
+ \li \c{main.cpp} - the file containing a \c main() function, with
+ an instance of \c AddressBook.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Qt Programming - Subclassing
+ When writing Qt programs, we usually subclass Qt objects to add
+ functionality. This is one of the essential concepts behind creating
+ custom widgets or collections of standard widgets. Subclassing to
+ extend or change the behavior of a widget has the following advantages:
+ \list
+ \li We can write implementations of virtual or pure virtual functions to
+ obtain exactly what we need, falling back on the base class's implementation
+ when necessary.
+ \li It allows us to encapsulate parts of the user interface within a class,
+ so that the other parts of the application don't need to know about the
+ individual widgets in the user interface.
+ \li The subclass can be used to create multiple custom widgets in the same
+ application or library, and the code for the subclass can be reused in other
+ projects.
+ \endlist
+ Since Qt does not provide a specific address book widget, we subclass a
+ standard Qt widget class and add features to it. The \c AddressBook class
+ we create in this tutorial can be reused in situations where a basic address
+ book widget is needed.
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ The \l{tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.h}{\c addressbook.h} file is
+ used to define the \c AddressBook class.
+ We start by defining \c AddressBook as a QWidget subclass and declaring
+ a constructor. We also use the Q_OBJECT macro to indicate that the class
+ uses internationalization and Qt's signals and slots features, even
+ if we do not use all of these features at this stage.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.h class definition
+ The class holds declarations of \c nameLine and \c addressText,
+ the private instances of QLineEdit and QTextEdit mentioned
+ earlier. The data stored in \c nameLine and \c addressText will
+ be needed for many of the address book functions.
+ We don't include declarations of the QLabel objects we will use
+ because we will not need to reference them once they have been
+ created. The way Qt tracks the ownership of objects is explained
+ in the next section.
+ The Q_OBJECT macro itself implements some of the more advanced features of Qt.
+ For now, it is useful to think of the Q_OBJECT macro as a shortcut which allows
+ us to use the \l{QObject::}{tr()} and \l{QObject::}{connect()} functions.
+ We have now completed the \c addressbook.h file and we move on to
+ implement the corresponding \c addressbook.cpp file.
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ The constructor of \c AddressBook accepts a QWidget parameter, \a parent.
+ By convention, we pass this parameter to the base class's constructor.
+ This concept of ownership, where a parent can have one or more children,
+ is useful for grouping widgets in Qt. For example, if you delete a parent,
+ all of its children will be deleted as well.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp constructor and input fields
+ In this constructor, the QLabel objects \c nameLabel and \c
+ addressLabel are instantiated, as well as \c nameLine and \c
+ addressText. The \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} function returns a
+ translated version of the string, if there is one
+ available. Otherwise it returns the string itself. This function
+ marks its QString parameter as one that should be translated into
+ other languages. It should be used wherever a translatable string
+ appears.
+ When programming with Qt, it is useful to know how layouts work.
+ Qt provides three main layout classes: QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout
+ and QGridLayout to handle the positioning of widgets.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part1-labeled-layout.png
+ We use a QGridLayout to position our labels and input fields in a
+ structured manner. QGridLayout divides the available space into a grid and
+ places widgets in the cells we specify with row and column numbers. The
+ diagram above shows the layout cells and the position of our widgets, and
+ we specify this arrangement using the following code:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp layout
+ Notice that \c addressLabel is positioned using Qt::AlignTop as an
+ additional argument. This is to make sure it is not vertically centered in
+ cell (1,0). For a basic overview on Qt Layouts, refer to the
+ \l{Layout Management} documentation.
+ In order to install the layout object onto the widget, we have to invoke
+ the widget's \l{QWidget::setLayout()}{setLayout()} function:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/addressbook.cpp setting the layout
+ Lastly, we set the widget's title to "Simple Address Book".
+ \section1 Running the Application
+ A separate file, \c main.cpp, is used for the \c main() function. Within
+ this function, we instantiate a QApplication object, \c app. QApplication
+ is responsible for various application-wide resources, such as the default
+ font and cursor, and for running an event loop. Hence, there is always one
+ QApplication object in every GUI application using Qt.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part1/main.cpp main function
+ We construct a new \c AddressBook widget on the stack and invoke
+ its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function to display it.
+ However, the widget will not be shown until the application's event loop
+ is started. We start the event loop by calling the application's
+ \l{QApplication::}{exec()} function; the result returned by this function
+ is used as the return value from the \c main() function. At this point,
+ it becomes apparent why we instanciated \c AddressBook on the stack: It
+ will now go out of scope. Therefore, \c AddressBook and all its child widgets
+ will be deleted, thus preventing memory leaks.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part2.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part2
+ \title Part 2 - Adding Addresses
+ The next step in creating the address book is to implement some
+ user interactions.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-contact.png
+ We will provide a push button that the user can click to add a new contact.
+ Also, some form of data structure is needed to store these contacts in an
+ organized way.
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ Now that we have the labels and input fields set up, we add push buttons to
+ complete the process of adding a contact. This means that our
+ \c addressbook.h file now has three QPushButton objects declared and three
+ corresponding public slots.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h slots
+ A slot is a function that responds to a particular signal. We will discuss
+ this concept in further detail when implementing the \c AddressBook class.
+ However, for an overview of Qt's signals and slots concept, you can refer
+ to the \l{Signals and Slots} document.
+ Three QPushButton objects (\c addButton, \c submitButton, and
+ \c cancelButton) are now included in our private variable declarations,
+ along with \c nameLine and \c addressText.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h pushbutton declaration
+ We need a container to store our address book contacts, so that we can
+ traverse and display them. A QMap object, \c contacts, is used for this
+ purpose as it holds a key-value pair: the contact's name as the \e key,
+ and the contact's address as the \e{value}.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.h remaining private variables
+ We also declare two private QString objects, \c oldName and \c oldAddress.
+ These objects are needed to hold the name and address of the contact that
+ was last displayed, before the user clicked \uicontrol Add. So, when the user clicks
+ \uicontrol Cancel, we can revert to displaying the details of the last contact.
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ Within the constructor of \c AddressBook, we set the \c nameLine and
+ \c addressText to read-only, so that we can only display but not edit
+ existing contact details.
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 1
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp setting readonly 2
+ Then, we instantiate our push buttons: \c addButton, \c submitButton, and
+ \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp pushbutton declaration
+ The \c addButton is displayed by invoking the \l{QPushButton::show()}
+ {show()} function, while the \c submitButton and \c cancelButton are
+ hidden by invoking \l{QPushButton::hide()}{hide()}. These two push
+ buttons will only be displayed when the user clicks \uicontrol Add and this is
+ handled by the \c addContact() function discussed below.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp connecting signals and slots
+ We connect the push buttons' \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal
+ to their respective slots. The figure below illustrates this.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-signals-and-slots.png
+ Next, we arrange our push buttons neatly to the right of our address book
+ widget, using a QVBoxLayout to line them up vertically.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp vertical layout
+ The \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} function is used to ensure
+ the push buttons are not evenly spaced, but arranged closer to the top of
+ the widget. The figure below shows the difference between using
+ \l{QBoxLayout::addStretch()}{addStretch()} and not using it.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-stretch-effects.png
+ We then add \c buttonLayout1 to \c mainLayout, using
+ \l{QGridLayout::addLayout()}{addLayout()}. This gives us nested layouts
+ as \c buttonLayout1 is now a child of \c mainLayout.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp grid layout
+ Our layout coordinates now look like this:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-labeled-layout.png
+ In the \c addContact() function, we store the last displayed contact
+ details in \c oldName and \c oldAddress. Then we clear these input
+ fields and turn off the read-only mode. The focus is set on \c nameLine
+ and we display \c submitButton and \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp addContact
+ The \c submitContact() function can be divided into three parts:
+ \list 1
+ \li We extract the contact's details from \c nameLine and \c addressText
+ and store them in QString objects. We also validate to make sure that the
+ user did not click \uicontrol Submit with empty input fields; otherwise, a
+ QMessageBox is displayed to remind the user for a name and address.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part1
+ \li We then proceed to check if the contact already exists. If it does not
+ exist, we add the contact to \c contacts and we display a QMessageBox to
+ inform the user that the contact has been added.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part2
+ If the contact already exists, again, we display a QMessageBox to inform
+ the user about this, preventing the user from adding duplicate contacts.
+ Our \c contacts object is based on key-value pairs of name and address,
+ hence, we want to ensure that \e key is unique.
+ \li Once we have handled both cases mentioned above, we restore the push
+ buttons to their normal state with the following code:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp submitContact part3
+ \endlist
+ The screenshot below shows the QMessageBox object we use to display
+ information messages to the user.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-successful.png
+ The \c cancel() function restores the last displayed contact details and
+ enables \c addButton, as well as hides \c submitButton and
+ \c cancelButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part2/addressbook.cpp cancel
+ The general idea behind adding a contact is to give the user the
+ flexibility to click \uicontrol Submit or \uicontrol Cancel at any time. The flowchart below
+ further explains this concept:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part2-add-flowchart.png
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part3.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part3
+ \title Part 3 - Navigating between Entries
+ The address book is now about half complete. We should add the
+ capability to navigate among the contacts, but first we must
+ decide what sort of a data structure we need for containing these
+ contacts.
+ In the previous section, we used a QMap of key-value pairs with
+ the contact's name as the \e key, and the contact's address as the
+ \e value. This works well for our case. However, in order to
+ navigate and display each entry, a little bit of enhancement is
+ needed.
+ We enhance the QMap by making it replicate a data structure similar to a
+ circularly-linked list, where all elements are connected, including the
+ first element and the last element. The figure below illustrates this data
+ structure.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-linkedlist.png
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ To add navigation functions to the address book, we must add two
+ more slots to the \c AddressBook class: \c next() and \c
+ previous() to the \c addressbook.h file:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation functions
+ We also require another two QPushButton objects, so we declare \c nextButton
+ and \c previousButton as private variables:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.h navigation pushbuttons
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ In the \c AddressBook constructor in \c addressbook.cpp, we instantiate
+ \c nextButton and \c previousButton and disable them by default. This is
+ because navigation is only enabled when there is more than one contact
+ in the address book.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation pushbuttons
+ We then connect these push buttons to their respective slots:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp connecting navigation signals
+ The image below is the expected graphical user interface.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-screenshot.png
+ We follow basic conventions for \c next() and \c previous() functions by
+ placing the \c nextButton on the right and the \c previousButton on the
+ left. In order to achieve this intuitive layout, we use QHBoxLayout to
+ place the widgets side-by-side:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp navigation layout
+ The QHBoxLayout object, \c buttonLayout2, is then added to \c mainLayout.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp adding navigation layout
+ The figure below shows the coordinates of the widgets in \c mainLayout.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part3-labeled-layout.png
+ Within our \c addContact() function, we have to disable these buttons so
+ that the user does not attempt to navigate while adding a contact.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp disabling navigation
+ Also, in our \c submitContact() function, we enable the navigation
+ buttons, \c nextButton and \c previousButton, depending on the size
+ of \c contacts. As mentioned earlier, navigation is only enabled when
+ there is more than one contact in the address book. The following lines
+ of code demonstrates how to do this:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp enabling navigation
+ We also include these lines of code in the \c cancel() function.
+ Recall that we intend to emulate a circularly-linked list with our QMap
+ object, \c contacts. So, in the \c next() function, we obtain an iterator
+ for \c contacts and then:
+ \list
+ \li If the iterator is not at the end of \c contacts, we increment it
+ by one.
+ \li If the iterator is at the end of \c contacts, we move it to the
+ beginning of \c contacts. This gives us the illusion that our QMap is
+ working like a circularly-linked list.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp next() function
+ Once we have iterated to the correct object in \c contacts, we display
+ its contents on \c nameLine and \c addressText.
+ Similarly, for the \c previous() function, we obtain an iterator for
+ \c contacts and then:
+ \list
+ \li If the iterator is at the end of \c contacts, we clear the
+ display and return.
+ \li If the iterator is at the beginning of \c contacts, we move it to
+ the end.
+ \li We then decrement the iterator by one.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part3/addressbook.cpp previous() function
+ Again, we display the contents of the current object in \c contacts.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part4.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part4
+ \title Part 4 - Editing and Removing Addresses
+ Now we look at ways to modify the contents of contacts stored in
+ the address book.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-screenshot.png
+ We now have an address book that not only holds contacts in an
+ organized manner, but also allows navigation. It would be
+ convenient to include edit and remove functions so that a
+ contact's details can be changed when needed. However, this
+ requires a little improvement, in the form of enums. We defined
+ two modes: \c{AddingMode} and \c{NavigationMode}, but they were
+ not defined as enum values. Instead, we enabled and disabled the
+ corresponding buttons manually, resulting in multiple lines of
+ repeated code.
+ Here we define the \c Mode enum with three different values:
+ \list
+ \li \c{NavigationMode},
+ \li \c{AddingMode}, and
+ \li \c{EditingMode}.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ The \c addressbook.h file is updated to contain the \c Mode enum:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h Mode enum
+ We also add two new slots, \c editContact() and \c removeContact(), to
+ our current list of public slots.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h edit and remove slots
+ In order to switch between modes, we introduce the \c updateInterface() function
+ to control the enabling and disabling of all QPushButton objects. We also
+ add two new push buttons, \c editButton and \c removeButton, for the edit
+ and remove functions mentioned earlier.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h updateInterface() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h buttons declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.h mode declaration
+ Lastly, we declare \c currentMode to keep track of the enum's current mode.
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ We now implement the mode-changing features of the address
+ book. The \c editButton and \c removeButton are instantiated and
+ disabled by default. The address book starts with zero contacts
+ in memory.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp edit and remove buttons
+ These buttons are then connected to their respective slots, \c editContact()
+ and \c removeContact(), and we add them to \c buttonLayout1.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp connecting edit and remove
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp adding edit and remove to the layout
+ The \c editContact() function stores the contact's old details in
+ \c oldName and \c oldAddress, before switching the mode to \c EditingMode.
+ In this mode, the \c submitButton and \c cancelButton are both enabled,
+ hence, the user can change the contact's details and click either button.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp editContact() function
+ The \c submitContact() function has been divided in two with an \c{if-else}
+ statement. We check \c currentMode to see if it's in \c AddingMode. If it is,
+ we proceed with our adding process.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function beginning
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part1
+ Otherwise, we check to see if \c currentMode is in \c EditingMode. If it
+ is, we compare \c oldName with \c name. If the name has changed, we remove
+ the old contact from \c contacts and insert the newly updated contact.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp submitContact() function part2
+ If only the address has changed (i.e., \c oldAddress is not the same as \c address),
+ we update the contact's address. Lastly, we set \c currentMode to
+ \c NavigationMode. This is an important step as it re-enables all the
+ disabled push buttons.
+ To remove a contact from the address book, we implement the
+ \c removeContact() function. This function checks to see if the contact
+ exists in \c contacts.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp removeContact() function
+ If it does, we display a QMessageBox, to confirm the removal with the
+ user. Once the user has confirmed, we call \c previous() to ensure that the
+ user interface shows another contact, and we remove the contact using \l{QMap}'s
+ \l{QMap::remove()}{remove()} function. As a courtesy, we display a QMessageBox
+ to inform the user. Both the message boxes used in this function are shown below:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part4-remove.png
+ \section2 Updating the User Interface
+ We mentioned the \c updateInterface() function earlier as a means to
+ enable and disable the push buttons depending on the current mode.
+ The function updates the current mode according to the \c mode argument
+ passed to it, assigning it to \c currentMode before checking its value.
+ Each of the push buttons is then enabled or disabled, depending on the
+ current mode. The code for \c AddingMode and \c EditingMode is shown below:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 1
+ For \c NavigationMode, however, we include conditions within the parameters
+ of the QPushButton::setEnabled() function. This is to ensure that
+ \c editButton and \c removeButton are enabled when there is at least one
+ contact in the address book; \c nextButton and \c previousButton are only
+ enabled when there is more than one contact in the address book.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part4/addressbook.cpp update interface() part 2
+ By setting the mode and updating the user interface in the same
+ function, we avoid the possibility of the user interface getting
+ out of sync with the internal state of the application.
+ */
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part5.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part5
+ \title Part 5 - Adding a Find Function
+ Here we look at ways to locate contacts and addresses in the
+ address book.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-screenshot.png
+ As we add contacts to our address book, it becomes tedious to
+ navigate the list with the \e Next and \e Previous buttons. A \e
+ Find function would be more efficient. The screenshot above shows
+ the \e Find button and its position on the panel of buttons.
+ When the user clicks on the \e Find button, it is useful to
+ display a dialog that prompts for a contact's name. Qt provides
+ QDialog, which we subclass here to implement a \c FindDialog
+ class.
+ \section1 Defining the FindDialog Class
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-finddialog.png
+ In order to subclass QDialog, we first include the header for QDialog in
+ the \c finddialog.h file. Also, we use forward declaration to declare
+ QLineEdit and QPushButton since we will be using those widgets in our
+ dialog class.
+ As in our \c AddressBook class, the \c FindDialog class includes
+ the Q_OBJECT macro and its constructor is defined to accept a parent
+ QWidget, even though the dialog will be opened as a separate window.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.h FindDialog header
+ We define a public function, \c getFindText(), to be used by classes that
+ instantiate \c FindDialog. This function allows these classes to obtain the
+ search string entered by the user. A public slot, \c findClicked(), is also
+ defined to handle the search string when the user clicks the \uicontrol Find
+ button.
+ Lastly, we define the private variables, \c findButton, \c lineEdit
+ and \c findText, corresponding to the \uicontrol Find button, the line edit
+ into which the user types the search string, and an internal string
+ used to store the search string for later use.
+ \section1 Implementing the FindDialog Class
+ Within the constructor of \c FindDialog, we set up the private variables,
+ \c lineEdit, \c findButton and \c findText. We use a QHBoxLayout to
+ position the widgets.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp constructor
+ We set the layout and window title, as well as connect the signals to their
+ respective slots. Notice that \c{findButton}'s \l{QPushButton::clicked()}
+ {clicked()} signal is connected to to \c findClicked() and
+ \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()}. The \l{QDialog::accept()}{accept()} slot
+ provided by QDialog hides the dialog and sets the result code to
+ \l{QDialog::}{Accepted}. We use this function to help \c{AddressBook}'s
+ \c findContact() function know when the \c FindDialog object has been
+ closed. We will explain this logic in further detail when discussing the
+ \c findContact() function.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-signals-and-slots.png
+ In \c findClicked(), we validate \c lineEdit to ensure that the user
+ did not click the \uicontrol Find button without entering a contact's name. Then, we set
+ \c findText to the search string, extracted from \c lineEdit. After that,
+ we clear the contents of \c lineEdit and hide the dialog.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp findClicked() function
+ The \c findText variable has a public getter function, \c getFindText(),
+ associated with it. Since we only ever set \c findText directly in both the
+ constructor and in the \c findClicked() function, we do not create a
+ setter function to accompany \c getFindText().
+ Because \c getFindText() is public, classes instantiating and using
+ \c FindDialog can always access the search string that the user has
+ entered and accepted.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/finddialog.cpp getFindText() function
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ To ensure we can use \c FindDialog from within our \c AddressBook class, we
+ include \c finddialog.h in the \c addressbook.h file.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h include finddialog's header
+ So far, all our address book features have a QPushButton and a
+ corresponding slot. Similarly, for the \uicontrol Find feature we have
+ \c findButton and \c findContact().
+ The \c findButton is declared as a private variable and the
+ \c findContact() function is declared as a public slot.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findContact() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h findButton declaration
+ Lastly, we declare the private variable, \c dialog, which we will use to
+ refer to an instance of \c FindDialog.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.h FindDialog declaration
+ Once we have instantiated a dialog, we will want to use it more than once;
+ using a private variable allows us to refer to it from more than one place
+ in the class.
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ Within the \c AddressBook class's constructor, we instantiate our private
+ objects, \c findButton and \c findDialog:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating findButton
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp instantiating FindDialog
+ Next, we connect the \c{findButton}'s
+ \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal to \c findContact().
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp signals and slots for find
+ Now all that is left is the code for our \c findContact() function:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part5/addressbook.cpp findContact() function
+ We start out by displaying the \c FindDialog instance, \c dialog. This is
+ when the user enters a contact name to look up. Once the user clicks
+ the dialog's \c findButton, the dialog is hidden and the result code is
+ set to QDialog::Accepted. This ensures that
+ our \c if statement is always true.
+ We then proceed to extract the search string, which in this case is
+ \c contactName, using \c{FindDialog}'s \c getFindText() function. If the
+ contact exists in our address book, we display it immediately. Otherwise,
+ we display the QMessageBox shown below to indicate that their search
+ failed.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part5-notfound.png
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part6.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part6
+ \title Part 6 - Loading and Saving
+ This part covers the Qt file handling features we use to write
+ loading and saving routines for the address book.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-screenshot.png
+ Although browsing and searching the contact list are useful
+ features, our address book is not complete until we can save
+ existing contacts and load them again at a later time.
+ Qt provides a number of classes for \l{Input/Output and Networking}
+ {input and output}, but we have chosen to use two which are simple to use
+ in combination: QFile and QDataStream.
+ A QFile object represents a file on disk that can be read from and written
+ to. QFile is a subclass of the more general QIODevice class which
+ represents many different kinds of devices.
+ A QDataStream object is used to serialize binary data so that it can be
+ stored in a QIODevice and retrieved again later. Reading from a QIODevice
+ and writing to it is as simple as opening the stream - with the respective
+ device as a parameter - and reading from or writing to it.
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ We declare two public slots, \c saveToFile() and \c loadFromFile(), as well
+ as two QPushButton objects, \c loadButton and \c saveButton.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load functions declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.h save and load buttons declaration
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ In our constructor, we instantiate \c loadButton and \c saveButton.
+ Ideally, it would be more user-friendly to set the push buttons' labels
+ to "Load contacts from a file" and "Save contacts to a file". However, due
+ to the size of our other push buttons, we set the labels to \uicontrol{Load...}
+ and \uicontrol{Save...}. Fortunately, Qt provides a simple way to set tooltips with
+ \l{QWidget::setToolTip()}{setToolTip()} and we use it in the following way
+ for our push buttons:
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 1
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp tooltip 2
+ Although it is not shown here, just like the other features we implemented,
+ we add the push buttons to the layout panel on the right, \c buttonLayout1,
+ and we connect the push buttons' \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()}
+ signals to their respective slots.
+ For the saving feature, we first obtain \c fileName using
+ QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(). This is a convenience function provided
+ by QFileDialog, which pops up a modal file dialog and allows the user to
+ enter a file name or select any existing \c{.abk} file. The \c{.abk} file
+ is our Address Book extension that we create when we save contacts.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part1
+ The file dialog that pops up is displayed in the screenshot below:
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-save.png
+ If \c fileName is not empty, we create a QFile object, \c file, with
+ \c fileName. QFile works with QDataStream as QFile is a QIODevice.
+ Next, we attempt to open the file in \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly} mode.
+ If this is unsuccessful, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part2
+ Otherwise, we instantiate a QDataStream object, \c out, to write the open
+ file. QDataStream requires that the same version of the stream is used
+ for reading and writing. We ensure that this is the case by setting the
+ version used to the \l{QDataStream::Qt_4_5}{version introduced with Qt 4.5}
+ before serializing the data to \c file.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp saveToFile() function part3
+ For the loading feature, we also obtain \c fileName using
+ QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(). This function, the counterpart to
+ QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(), also pops up the modal file dialog and
+ allows the user to enter a file name or select any existing \c{.abk} file
+ to load it into the address book.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part1
+ On Windows, for example, this function pops up a native file dialog, as
+ shown in the following screenshot.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part6-load.png
+ If \c fileName is not empty, again, we use a QFile object, \c file, and
+ attempt to open it in \l{QIODevice::}{ReadOnly} mode. Similar to our
+ implementation of \c saveToFile(), if this attempt is unsuccessful, we
+ display a QMessageBox to inform the user.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part2
+ Otherwise, we instantiate a QDataStream object, \c in, set its version as
+ above and read the serialized data into the \c contacts data structure.
+ The \c contacts object is emptied before data is read into it to simplify
+ the file reading process. A more advanced method would be to read the
+ contacts into a temporary QMap object, and copy over non-duplicate contacts
+ into \c contacts.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part6/addressbook.cpp loadFromFile() function part3
+ To display the contacts that have been read from the file, we must first
+ validate the data obtained to ensure that the file we read from actually
+ contains address book contacts. If it does, we display the first contact;
+ otherwise, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user about the problem.
+ Lastly, we update the interface to enable and disable the push buttons
+ accordingly.
+ \page tutorials-addressbook-part7.html
+ \example tutorials/addressbook/part7
+ \title Part 7 - Additional Features
+ This part covers some additional features that make the address
+ book more convenient for the frequent user.
+ \image addressbook-tutorial-part7-screenshot.png
+ Although our address book is useful in isolation, it would be
+ better if we could exchange contact data with other applications.
+ The vCard format is a popular file format that can be used for
+ this purpose. Here we extend our address book client to allow
+ contacts to be exported to vCard \c{.vcf} files.
+ \section1 Defining the AddressBook Class
+ We add a QPushButton object, \c exportButton, and a corresponding public
+ slot, \c exportAsVCard() to our \c AddressBook class in the
+ \c addressbook.h file.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportAsVCard() declaration
+ \dots
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.h exportButton declaration
+ \section1 Implementing the AddressBook Class
+ Within the \c AddressBook constructor, we connect \c{exportButton}'s
+ \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal to \c exportAsVCard().
+ We also add this button to our \c buttonLayout1, the layout responsible
+ for our panel of buttons on the right.
+ In our \c exportAsVCard() function, we start by extracting the contact's
+ name into \c name. We declare \c firstName, \c lastName and \c nameList.
+ Next, we look for the index of the first white space in \c name. If there
+ is a white space, we split the contact's name into \c firstName and
+ \c lastName. Then, we replace the space with an underscore ("_").
+ Alternately, if there is no white space, we assume that the contact only
+ has a first name.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part1
+ As with the \c saveToFile() function, we open a file dialog to let the user
+ choose a location for the file. Using the file name chosen, we create an
+ instance of QFile to write to.
+ We attempt to open the file in \l{QIODevice::}{WriteOnly} mode. If this
+ process fails, we display a QMessageBox to inform the user about the
+ problem and return. Otherwise, we pass the file as a parameter to a
+ QTextStream object, \c out. Like QDataStream, the QTextStream class
+ provides functionality to read and write plain text to files. As a result,
+ the \c{.vcf} file generated can be opened for editing in a text editor.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part2
+ We then write out a vCard file with the \c{BEGIN:VCARD} tag, followed by
+ the \c{VERSION:2.1} tag. The contact's name is written with the \c{N:}
+ tag. For the \c{FN:} tag, which fills in the "File as" property of a vCard,
+ we have to check whether the contact has a last name or not. If the contact
+ does, we use the details in \c nameList to fill it. Otherwise, we write
+ \c firstName only.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part3
+ We proceed to write the contact's address. The semicolons in the address
+ are escaped with "\\", the newlines are replaced with semicolons, and the
+ commas are replaced with spaces. Lastly, we write the \c{ADR;HOME:;}
+ tag, followed by \c address and then the \c{END:VCARD} tag.
+ \snippet tutorials/addressbook/part7/addressbook.cpp export function part4
+ In the end, a QMessageBox is displayed to inform the user that the vCard
+ has been successfully exported.
+ \e{vCard is a trademark of the \l{}
+ {Internet Mail Consortium}}.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b4ede5775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/addressbook.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/addressbook
+ \title Address Book Example
+ The address book example shows how to use proxy models to display
+ different views onto data from a single model.
+ \image addressbook-example.png Screenshot of the Address Book example
+ This example provides an address book that allows contacts to be
+ grouped alphabetically into 9 groups: ABC, DEF, GHI, ... , VW,
+ ..., XYZ. This is achieved by using multiple views on the same
+ model, each of which is filtered using an instance of the
+ QSortFilterProxyModel class.
+ \section1 Overview
+ The address book contains 5 classes: \c MainWindow,
+ \c AddressWidget, \c TableModel, \c NewAddressTab and
+ \c AddDialog. The \c MainWindow class uses \c AddressWidget as
+ its central widget and provides \uicontrol File and \uicontrol Tools menus.
+ \image addressbook-classes.png Diagram for Address Book Example
+ The \c AddressWidget class is a QTabWidget subclass that is used
+ to manipulate the 10 tabs displayed in the example: the 9
+ alphabet group tabs and an instance of \c NewAddressTab.
+ The \c NewAddressTab class is a subclass of QWidget that
+ is only used whenever the address book is empty, prompting the
+ user to add some contacts. \c AddressWidget also interacts with
+ an instance of \c TableModel to add, edit and remove entries to
+ the address book.
+ \c TableModel is a subclass of QAbstractTableModel that provides
+ the standard model/view API to access data. It also holds a
+ QList of \l{QPair}s corresponding to the contacts added.
+ However, this data is not all visible in a single tab. Instead,
+ QTableView is used to provide 9 different views of the same
+ data, according to the alphabet groups.
+ QSortFilterProxyModel is the class responsible for filtering
+ the contacts for each group of contacts. Each proxy model uses
+ a QRegExp to filter out contacts that do not belong in the
+ corresponding alphabetical group. The \c AddDialog class is
+ used to obtain information from the user for the address book.
+ This QDialog subclass is instantiated by \c NewAddressTab to
+ add contacts, and by \c AddressWidget to add and edit contacts.
+ We begin by looking at the \c TableModel implementation.
+ \section1 TableModel Class Definition
+ The \c TableModel class provides standard API to access data in
+ its QList of \l{QPair}s by subclassing QAbstractTableModel. The
+ basic functions that must be implemented in order to do so are:
+ \c rowCount(), \c columnCount(), \c data(), \c headerData().
+ For TableModel to be editable, it has to provide implementations
+ \c insertRows(), \c removeRows(), \c setData() and \c flags()
+ functions.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.h 0
+ Two constructors are used, a default constructor which uses
+ \c TableModel's own \c {QList<QPair<QString, QString>>} and one
+ that takes \c {QList<QPair<QString, QString>} as an argument,
+ for convenience.
+ \section1 TableModel Class Implementation
+ We implement the two constructors as defined in the header file.
+ The second constructor initializes the list of pairs in the
+ model, with the parameter value.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 0
+ The \c rowCount() and \c columnCount() functions return the
+ dimensions of the model. Whereas, \c rowCount()'s value will vary
+ depending on the number of contacts added to the address book,
+ \c columnCount()'s value is always 2 because we only need space
+ for the \b Name and \b Address columns.
+ \note The \c Q_UNUSED() macro prevents the compiler from
+ generating warnings regarding unused parameters.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 1
+ The \c data() function returns either a \b Name or
+ \b {Address}, based on the contents of the model index
+ supplied. The row number stored in the model index is used to
+ reference an item in the list of pairs. Selection is handled
+ by the QItemSelectionModel, which will be explained with
+ \c AddressWidget.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 2
+ The \c headerData() function displays the table's header,
+ \b Name and \b Address. If you require numbered entries
+ for your address book, you can use a vertical header which we
+ have hidden in this example (see the \c AddressWidget
+ implementation).
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 3
+ The \c insertRows() function is called before new data is added,
+ otherwise the data will not be displayed. The
+ \c beginInsertRows() and \c endInsertRows() functions are called
+ to ensure all connected views are aware of the changes.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 4
+ The \c removeRows() function is called to remove data. Again,
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{beginRemoveRows()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{endRemoveRows()} are called to ensure
+ all connected views are aware of the changes.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 5
+ The \c setData() function is the function that inserts data into
+ the table, item by item and not row by row. This means that to
+ fill a row in the address book, \c setData() must be called
+ twice, as each row has 2 columns. It is important to emit the
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{dataChanged()} signal as it tells all
+ connected views to update their displays.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 6
+ The \c flags() function returns the item flags for the given
+ index.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 7
+ We set the Qt::ItemIsEditable flag because we want to allow the
+ \c TableModel to be edited. Although for this example we don't
+ use the editing features of the QTableView object, we enable
+ them here so that we can reuse the model in other programs.
+ The last function in \c {TableModel}, \c getList() returns the
+ QList<QPair<QString, QString>> object that holds all the
+ contacts in the address book. We use this function later to
+ obtain the list of contacts to check for existing entries, write
+ the contacts to a file and read them back. Further explanation is
+ given with \c AddressWidget.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/tablemodel.cpp 8
+ \section1 AddressWidget Class Definition
+ The \c AddressWidget class is technically the main class
+ involved in this example as it provides functions to add, edit
+ and remove contacts, to save the contacts to a file and to load
+ them from a file.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.h 0
+ \c AddressWidget extends QTabWidget in order to hold 10 tabs
+ (\c NewAddressTab and the 9 alphabet group tabs) and also
+ manipulates \c table, the \c TableModel object, \c proxyModel,
+ the QSortFilterProxyModel object that we use to filter the
+ entries, and \c tableView, the QTableView object.
+ \section1 AddressWidget Class Implementation
+ The \c AddressWidget constructor accepts a parent widget and
+ instantiates \c NewAddressTab, \c TableModel and
+ QSortFilterProxyModel. The \c NewAddressTab object, which is
+ used to indicate that the address book is empty, is added
+ and the rest of the 9 tabs are set up with \c setupTabs().
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 0
+ The \c setupTabs() function is used to set up the 9 alphabet
+ group tabs, table views and proxy models in
+ \c AddressWidget. Each proxy model in turn is set to filter
+ contact names according to the relevant alphabet group using a
+ \l{Qt::CaseInsensitive}{case-insensitive} QRegExp object. The
+ table views are also sorted in ascending order using the
+ corresponding proxy model's \l{QSortFilterProxyModel::}{sort()}
+ function.
+ Each table view's \l{QTableView::}{selectionMode} is set to
+ QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection and
+ \l{QTableView::}{selectionBehavior} is set to
+ QAbstractItemView::SelectRows, allowing the user to select
+ all the items in one row at the same time. Each QTableView object
+ is automatically given a QItemSelectionModel that keeps track
+ of the selected indexes.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 1
+ The QItemSelectionModel class provides a
+ \l{QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged()}{selectionChanged}
+ signal that is connected to \c{AddressWidget}'s
+ \c selectionChanged() signal. This signal to signal connection
+ is necessary to enable the \uicontrol{Edit Entry...} and
+ \uicontrol{Remove Entry} actions in \c MainWindow's Tools menu. This
+ connection is further explained in \c MainWindow's
+ implementation.
+ Each table view in the address book is added as a tab to the
+ QTabWidget with the relevant label, obtained from the QStringList
+ of groups.
+ \image addressbook-signals.png Signals and Slots Connections
+ We provide 2 \c addEntry() functions: 1 which is intended to be
+ used to accept user input, and the other which performs the actual
+ task of adding new entries to the address book. We divide the
+ responsibility of adding entries into two parts to allow
+ \c newAddressTab to insert data without having to popup a dialog.
+ The first \c addEntry() function is a slot connected to the
+ \c MainWindow's \uicontrol{Add Entry...} action. This function creates an
+ \c AddDialog object and then calls the second \c addEntry()
+ function to actually add the contact to \c table.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 2
+ Basic validation is done in the second \c addEntry() function to
+ prevent duplicate entries in the address book. As mentioned with
+ \c TableModel, this is part of the reason why we require the
+ getter method \c getList().
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 3
+ If the model does not already contain an entry with the same name,
+ we call \c setData() to insert the name and address into the
+ first and second columns. Otherwise, we display a QMessageBox
+ to inform the user.
+ \note The \c newAddressTab is removed once a contact is added
+ as the address book is no longer empty.
+ Editing an entry is a way to update the contact's address only,
+ as the example does not allow the user to change the name of an
+ existing contact.
+ Firstly, we obtain the active tab's QTableView object using
+ QTabWidget::currentWidget(). Then we extract the
+ \c selectionModel from the \c tableView to obtain the selected
+ indexes.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 4a
+ Next we extract data from the row the user intends to
+ edit. This data is displayed in an instance of \c AddDialog
+ with a different window title. The \c table is only
+ updated if changes have been made to data in \c aDialog.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 4b
+ \image addressbook-editdialog.png Screenshot of Dialog to Edit a Contact
+ Entries are removed using the \c removeEntry() function.
+ The selected row is removed by accessing it through the
+ QItemSelectionModel object, \c selectionModel. The
+ \c newAddressTab is re-added to the \c AddressWidget only if
+ the user removes all the contacts in the address book.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 5
+ The \c writeToFile() function is used to save a file containing
+ all the contacts in the address book. The file is saved in a
+ custom \c{.dat} format. The contents of the QList of \l{QPair}s
+ are written to \c file using QDataStream. If the file cannot be
+ opened, a QMessageBox is displayed with the related error message.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 6
+ The \c readFromFile() function loads a file containing all the
+ contacts in the address book, previously saved using
+ \c writeToFile(). QDataStream is used to read the contents of a
+ \c{.dat} file into a list of pairs and each of these is added
+ using \c addEntry().
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/addresswidget.cpp 7
+ \section1 NewAddressTab Class Definition
+ The \c NewAddressTab class provides an informative tab telling
+ the user that the address book is empty. It appears and
+ disappears according to the contents of the address book, as
+ mentioned in \c{AddressWidget}'s implementation.
+ \image addressbook-newaddresstab.png Screenshot of NewAddressTab
+ The \c NewAddressTab class extends QWidget and contains a QLabel
+ and QPushButton.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/newaddresstab.h 0
+ \section1 NewAddressTab Class Implementation
+ The constructor instantiates the \c addButton,
+ \c descriptionLabel and connects the \c{addButton}'s signal to
+ the \c{addEntry()} slot.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/newaddresstab.cpp 0
+ The \c addEntry() function is similar to \c AddressWidget's
+ \c addEntry() in the sense that both functions instantiate an
+ \c AddDialog object. Data from the dialog is extracted and sent
+ to \c AddressWidget's \c addEntry() slot by emitting the
+ \c sendDetails() signal.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/newaddresstab.cpp 1
+ \image signals-n-slots-aw-nat.png
+ \section1 AddDialog Class Definition
+ The \c AddDialog class extends QDialog and provides the user
+ with a QLineEdit and a QTextEdit to input data into the
+ address book.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/adddialog.h 0
+ \image addressbook-adddialog.png
+ \section1 AddDialog Class Implementation
+ The \c AddDialog's constructor sets up the user interface,
+ creating the necessary widgets and placing them into layouts.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/adddialog.cpp 0
+ To give the dialog the desired behavior, we connect the \uicontrol OK
+ and \uicontrol Cancel buttons to the dialog's \l{QDialog::}{accept()} and
+ \l{QDialog::}{reject()} slots. Since the dialog only acts as a
+ container for name and address information, we do not need to
+ implement any other functions for it.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ The \c MainWindow class extends QMainWindow and implements the
+ menus and actions necessary to manipulate the address book.
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage addressbook-filemenu.png
+ \li \inlineimage addressbook-toolsmenu.png
+ \endtable
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.h 0
+ The \c MainWindow class uses an \c AddressWidget as its central
+ widget and provides the File menu with \uicontrol Open, \uicontrol Close and
+ \uicontrol Exit actions, as well as the \uicontrol Tools menu with
+ \uicontrol{Add Entry...}, \uicontrol{Edit Entry...} and \uicontrol{Remove Entry}
+ actions.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ The constructor for \c MainWindow instantiates AddressWidget,
+ sets it as its central widget and calls the \c createMenus()
+ function.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ The \c createMenus() function sets up the \uicontrol File and
+ \uicontrol Tools menus, connecting the actions to their respective slots.
+ Both the \uicontrol{Edit Entry...} and \uicontrol{Remove Entry} actions are
+ disabled by default as such actions cannot be carried out on an empty
+ address book. They are only enabled when one or more contacts
+ are added.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 1a
+ \dots
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 1b
+ Apart from connecting all the actions' signals to their
+ respective slots, we also connect \c AddressWidget's
+ \c selectionChanged() signal to its \c updateActions() slot.
+ The \c openFile() function allows the user to choose a file with
+ the \l{QFileDialog::getOpenFileName()}{open file dialog}. The chosen
+ file has to be a custom \c{.dat} file that contains address book
+ contacts. This function is a slot connected to \c openAct in the
+ \uicontrol File menu.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ The \c saveFile() function allows the user to save a file with
+ the \l{QFileDialog::getSaveFileName()}{save file dialog}. This function
+ is a slot connected to \c saveAct in the \uicontrol File menu.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ The \c updateActions() function enables and disables
+ \uicontrol{Edit Entry...} and \uicontrol{Remove Entry} depending on the contents of
+ the address book. If the address book is empty, these actions
+ are disabled; otherwise, they are enabled. This function is a slot
+ is connected to the \c AddressWidget's \c selectionChanged()
+ signal.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ \section1 main() Function
+ The main function for the address book instantiates QApplication
+ and opens a \c MainWindow before running the event loop.
+ \snippet itemviews/addressbook/main.cpp 0
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/affine.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/affine.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c69794d511
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/affine
+ \title Affine Transformations
+ In this example we show Qt's ability to perform affine transformations
+ on painting operations.
+ \image affine-demo.png
+ Transformations can be performed on any kind of graphics drawn using QPainter.
+ The transformations used to display the vector graphics, images, and text can be adjusted
+ in the following ways:
+ \list
+ \li Dragging the red circle in the centre of each drawing moves it to a new position.
+ \li Dragging the displaced red circle causes the current drawing to be rotated about the
+ central circle. Rotation can also be controlled with the \uicontrol Rotate slider.
+ \li Scaling is controlled with the \uicontrol Scale slider.
+ \li Each drawing can be sheared with the \uicontrol Shear slider.
+ \endlist
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/analogclock.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/analogclock.qdoc
new file mode 100644
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/analogclock
+ \title Analog Clock Example
+ The Analog Clock example shows how to draw the contents of a custom
+ widget.
+ \image analogclock-example.png Screenshot of the Analog Clock example
+ This example also demonstrates how the transformation and scaling
+ features of QPainter can be used to make drawing custom widgets
+ easier.
+ \section1 AnalogClock Class Definition
+ The \c AnalogClock class provides a clock widget with hour and minute
+ hands that is automatically updated every few seconds.
+ We subclass \l QWidget and reimplement the standard
+ \l{QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} function to draw the clock face:
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.h 0
+ \section1 AnalogClock Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 1
+ When the widget is constructed, we set up a one-second timer to
+ keep track of the current time, and we connect it to the standard
+ \l{QWidget::update()}{update()} slot so that the clock face is
+ updated when the timer emits the \l{QTimer::timeout()}{timeout()}
+ signal.
+ Finally, we resize the widget so that it is displayed at a
+ reasonable size.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 8
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 10
+ The \c paintEvent() function is called whenever the widget's
+ contents need to be updated. This happens when the widget is
+ first shown, and when it is covered then exposed, but it is also
+ executed when the widget's \l{QWidget::update()}{update()} slot
+ is called. Since we connected the timer's
+ \l{QTimer::timeout()}{timeout()} signal to this slot, it will be
+ called at least once every five seconds.
+ Before we set up the painter and draw the clock, we first define
+ two lists of \l {QPoint}s and two \l{QColor}s that will be used
+ for the hour and minute hands. The minute hand's color has an
+ alpha component of 191, meaning that it's 75% opaque.
+ We also determine the length of the widget's shortest side so that we
+ can fit the clock face inside the widget. It is also useful to determine
+ the current time before we start drawing.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 12
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 14
+ The contents of custom widgets are drawn with a QPainter.
+ Painters can be used to draw on any QPaintDevice, but they are
+ usually used with widgets, so we pass the widget instance to the
+ painter's constructor.
+ We call QPainter::setRenderHint() with QPainter::Antialiasing to
+ turn on antialiasing. This makes drawing of diagonal lines much
+ smoother.
+ The translation moves the origin to the center of the widget, and
+ the scale operation ensures that the following drawing operations
+ are scaled to fit within the widget. We use a scale factor that
+ let's us use x and y coordinates between -100 and 100, and that
+ ensures that these lie within the length of the widget's shortest
+ side.
+ To make our code simpler, we will draw a fixed size clock face that will
+ be positioned and scaled so that it lies in the center of the widget.
+ The painter takes care of all the transformations made during the
+ paint event, and ensures that everything is drawn correctly. Letting
+ the painter handle transformations is often easier than performing
+ manual calculations just to draw the contents of a custom widget.
+ \image analogclock-viewport.png
+ We draw the hour hand first, using a formula that rotates the coordinate
+ system counterclockwise by a number of degrees determined by the current
+ hour and minute. This means that the hand will be shown rotated clockwise
+ by the required amount.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 16
+ We set the pen to be Qt::NoPen because we don't want any outline,
+ and we use a solid brush with the color appropriate for
+ displaying hours. Brushes are used when filling in polygons and
+ other geometric shapes.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 17
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 19
+ We save and restore the transformation matrix before and after the
+ rotation because we want to place the minute hand without having to
+ take into account any previous rotations.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 20
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 21
+ We draw markers around the edge of the clock for each hour. We
+ draw each marker then rotate the coordinate system so that the
+ painter is ready for the next one.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 22
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 23
+ The minute hand is rotated in a similar way to the hour hand.
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 25
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/analogclock/analogclock.cpp 26
+ Again, we draw markers around the edge of the clock, but this
+ time to indicate minutes. We skip multiples of 5 to avoid drawing
+ minute markers on top of hour markers.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/animatedtiles
+ \title Animated Tiles Example
+ The Animated Tiles example animates items in a graphics scene.
+ \image animatedtiles-example.png
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/appchooser
+ \title Application Chooser Example
+ The Application Chooser example shows how to use the Qt state
+ machine and the animation framework to select between
+ applications.
+ \image appchooser-example.png
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/application.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/application
+ \title Application Example
+ The Application example shows how to implement a standard GUI
+ application with menus, toolbars, and a status bar. The example
+ itself is a simple text editor program built around QPlainTextEdit.
+ \image application.png Screenshot of the Application example
+ Nearly all of the code for the Application example is in the \c
+ MainWindow class, which inherits QMainWindow. QMainWindow
+ provides the framework for windows that have menus, toolbars,
+ dock windows, and a status bar. The application provides
+ \uicontrol{File}, \uicontrol{Edit}, and \uicontrol{Help} entries in the menu
+ bar, with the following popup menus:
+ \image application-menus.png The Application example's menu system
+ The status bar at the bottom of the main window shows a
+ description of the menu item or toolbar button under the cursor.
+ To keep the example simple, recently opened files aren't shown in
+ the \uicontrol{File} menu, even though this feature is desired in 90%
+ of applications. The \l{mainwindows/recentfiles}{Recent Files}
+ example shows how to implement this. Furthermore, this example
+ can only load one file at a time. The \l{mainwindows/sdi}{SDI}
+ and \l{mainwindows/mdi}{MDI} examples shows how to lift these
+ restrictions.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ Here's the class definition:
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.h 0
+ The public API is restricted to the constructor. In the \c
+ protected section, we reimplement QWidget::closeEvent() to detect
+ when the user attempts to close the window, and warn the user
+ about unsaved changes. In the \c{private slots} section, we
+ declare slots that correspond to menu entries, as well as a
+ mysterious \c documentWasModified() slot. Finally, in the \c
+ private section of the class, we have various members that will
+ be explained in due time.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ We start by including \c <QtGui>, a header file that contains the
+ definition of all classes in the \l QtCore and \l QtGui
+ libraries. This saves us from the trouble of having to include
+ every class individually. We also include \c mainwindow.h.
+ You might wonder why we don't include \c <QtGui> in \c
+ mainwindow.h and be done with it. The reason is that including
+ such a large header from another header file can rapidly degrade
+ performances. Here, it wouldn't do any harm, but it's still
+ generally a good idea to include only the header files that are
+ strictly necessary from another header file.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ In the constructor, we start by creating a QPlainTextEdit widget as a
+ child of the main window (the \c this object). Then we call
+ QMainWindow::setCentralWidget() to tell that this is going to be
+ the widget that occupies the central area of the main window,
+ between the toolbars and the status bar.
+ Then we call \c createActions(), \c createMenus(), \c
+ createToolBars(), and \c createStatusBar(), four private
+ functions that set up the user interface. After that, we call \c
+ readSettings() to restore the user's preferences.
+ We establish a signal-slot connection between the QPlainTextEdit's
+ document object and our \c documentWasModified() slot. Whenever
+ the user modifies the text in the QPlainTextEdit, we want to update
+ the title bar to show that the file was modified.
+ At the end, we set the window title using the private
+ \c setCurrentFile() function. We'll come back to this later.
+ \target close event handler
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ When the user attempts to close the window, we call the private
+ function \c maybeSave() to give the user the possibility to save
+ pending changes. The function returns true if the user wants the
+ application to close; otherwise, it returns false. In the first
+ case, we save the user's preferences to disk and accept the close
+ event; in the second case, we ignore the close event, meaning
+ that the application will stay up and running as if nothing
+ happened.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ The \c newFile() slot is invoked when the user selects
+ \uicontrol{File|New} from the menu. We call \c maybeSave() to save any
+ pending changes and if the user accepts to go on, we clear the
+ QPlainTextEdit and call the private function \c setCurrentFile() to
+ update the window title and clear the
+ \l{QWidget::windowModified}{windowModified} flag.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ The \c open() slot is invoked when the user clicks
+ \uicontrol{File|Open}. We pop up a QFileDialog asking the user to
+ choose a file. If the user chooses a file (i.e., \c fileName is
+ not an empty string), we call the private function \c loadFile()
+ to actually load the file.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ The \c save() slot is invoked when the user clicks
+ \uicontrol{File|Save}. If the user hasn't provided a name for the file
+ yet, we call \c saveAs(); otherwise, we call the private function
+ \c saveFile() to actually save the file.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ In \c saveAs(), we start by popping up a QFileDialog asking the
+ user to provide a name. If the user clicks \uicontrol{Cancel}, the
+ returned file name is empty, and we do nothing.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ The application's About box is done using one statement, using
+ the QMessageBox::about() static function and relying on its
+ support for an HTML subset.
+ The \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} call around the literal string marks
+ the string for translation. It is a good habit to call
+ \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} on all user-visible strings, in case you
+ later decide to translate your application to other languages.
+ The \l{Internationalization with Qt} overview covers
+ \l{QObject::tr()}{tr()} in more detail.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ The \c documentWasModified() slot is invoked each time the text
+ in the QPlainTextEdit changes because of user edits. We call
+ QWidget::setWindowModified() to make the title bar show that the
+ file was modified. How this is done varies on each platform.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 18
+ \dots
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 22
+ The \c createActions() private function, which is called from the
+ \c MainWindow constructor, creates \l{QAction}s. The code is very
+ repetitive, so we show only the actions corresponding to
+ \uicontrol{File|New}, \uicontrol{File|Open}, and \uicontrol{Help|About Qt}.
+ A QAction is an object that represents one user action, such as
+ saving a file or invoking a dialog. An action can be put in a
+ QMenu or a QToolBar, or both, or in any other widget that
+ reimplements QWidget::actionEvent().
+ An action has a text that is shown in the menu, an icon, a
+ shortcut key, a tooltip, a status tip (shown in the status bar),
+ a "What's This?" text, and more. It emits a
+ \l{QAction::triggered()}{triggered()} signal whenever the user
+ invokes the action (e.g., by clicking the associated menu item or
+ toolbar button). We connect this signal to a slot that performs
+ the actual action.
+ The code above contains one more idiom that must be explained.
+ For some of the actions, we specify an icon as a QIcon to the
+ QAction constructor. The QIcon constructor takes the file name
+ of an image that it tries to load. Here, the file name starts
+ with \c{:}. Such file names aren't ordinary file names, but
+ rather path in the executable's stored resources. We'll come back
+ to this when we review the \c application.qrc file that's part of
+ the project.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 23
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 24
+ The \uicontrol{Edit|Cut} and \uicontrol{Edit|Copy} actions must be available
+ only when the QPlainTextEdit contains selected text. We disable them
+ by default and connect the QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable() signal to
+ the QAction::setEnabled() slot, ensuring that the actions are
+ disabled when the text editor has no selection.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 25
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 27
+ Creating actions isn't sufficient to make them available to the
+ user; we must also add them to the menu system. This is what \c
+ createMenus() does. We create a \uicontrol{File}, an \uicontrol{Edit}, and
+ a \uicontrol{Help} menu. QMainWindow::menuBar() lets us access the
+ window's menu bar widget. We don't have to worry about creating
+ the menu bar ourselves; the first time we call this function, the
+ QMenuBar is created.
+ Just before we create the \uicontrol{Help} menu, we call
+ QMenuBar::addSeparator(). This has no effect for most widget
+ styles (e.g., Windows and Mac OS X styles), but for Motif-based
+ styles this makes sure that \uicontrol{Help} is pushed to the right
+ side of the menu bar. Try running the application with various
+ styles and see the results:
+ \code
+ application -style=windows
+ application -style=motif
+ application -style=cde
+ \endcode
+ Let's now review the toolbars:
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 30
+ Creating toolbars is very similar to creating menus. The same
+ actions that we put in the menus can be reused in the toolbars.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 32
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 33
+ QMainWindow::statusBar() returns a pointer to the main window's
+ QStatusBar widget. Like with \l{QMainWindow::menuBar()}, the
+ widget is automatically created the first time the function is
+ called.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 34
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 36
+ The \c readSettings() function is called from the constructor to
+ load the user's preferences and other application settings. The
+ QSettings class provides a high-level interface for storing
+ settings permanently on disk. On Windows, it uses the (in)famous
+ Windows registry; on Mac OS X, it uses the native XML-based
+ CFPreferences API; on Unix/X11, it uses text files.
+ The QSettings constructor takes arguments that identify your
+ company and the name of the product. This ensures that the
+ settings for different applications are kept separately.
+ We use QSettings::value() to extract the value of the "pos" and
+ "size" settings. The second argument to QSettings::value() is
+ optional and specifies a default value for the setting if there
+ exists none. This value is used the first time the application is
+ run.
+ When restoring the position and size of a window, it's important
+ to call QWidget::resize() before QWidget::move(). The reason why
+ is given in the \l{Window Geometry} overview.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 37
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 39
+ The \c writeSettings() function is called from \c closeEvent().
+ Writing settings is similar to reading them, except simpler. The
+ arguments to the QSettings constructor must be the same as in \c
+ readSettings().
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 40
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 41
+ The \c maybeSave() function is called to save pending changes. If
+ there are pending changes, it pops up a QMessageBox giving the
+ user to save the document. The options are QMessageBox::Yes,
+ QMessageBox::No, and QMessageBox::Cancel. The \uicontrol{Yes} button is
+ made the default button (the button that is invoked when the user
+ presses \uicontrol{Return}) using the QMessageBox::Default flag; the
+ \uicontrol{Cancel} button is made the escape button (the button that is
+ invoked when the user presses \uicontrol{Esc}) using the
+ QMessageBox::Escape flag.
+ The \c maybeSave() function returns \c true in all cases, except
+ when the user clicks \uicontrol{Cancel}. The caller must check the
+ return value and stop whatever it was doing if the return value
+ is \c false.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 42
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 43
+ In \c loadFile(), we use QFile and QTextStream to read in the
+ data. The QFile object provides access to the bytes stored in a
+ file.
+ We start by opening the file in read-only mode. The QFile::Text
+ flag indicates that the file is a text file, not a binary file.
+ On Unix and Mac OS X, this makes no difference, but on Windows,
+ it ensures that the "\\r\\n" end-of-line sequence is converted to
+ "\\n" when reading.
+ If we successfully opened the file, we use a QTextStream object
+ to read in the data. QTextStream automatically converts the 8-bit
+ data into a Unicode QString and supports various encodings. If no
+ encoding is specified, QTextStream assumes the file is written
+ using the system's default 8-bit encoding (for example, Latin-1;
+ see QTextCodec::codecForLocale() for details).
+ Since the call to QTextStream::readAll() might take some time, we
+ set the cursor to be Qt::WaitCursor for the entire application
+ while it goes on.
+ At the end, we call the private \c setCurrentFile() function,
+ which we'll cover in a moment, and we display the string "File
+ loaded" in the status bar for 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 44
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 45
+ Saving a file is very similar to loading one. Here, the
+ QFile::Text flag ensures that on Windows, "\\n" is converted into
+ "\\r\\n" to conform to the Windows convension.
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 46
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 47
+ The \c setCurrentFile() function is called to reset the state of
+ a few variables when a file is loaded or saved, or when the user
+ starts editing a new file (in which case \c fileName is empty).
+ We update the \c curFile variable, clear the
+ QTextDocument::modified flag and the associated \c
+ QWidget:windowModified flag, and update the window title to
+ contain the new file name (or \c untitled.txt).
+ The \c strippedName() function call around \c curFile in the
+ QWidget::setWindowTitle() call shortens the file name to exclude
+ the path. Here's the function:
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 48
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/mainwindow.cpp 49
+ \section1 The main() Function
+ The \c main() function for this application is typical of
+ applications that contain one main window:
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/main.cpp 0
+ \section1 The Resource File
+ As you will probably recall, for some of the actions, we
+ specified icons with file names starting with \c{:} and mentioned
+ that such file names aren't ordinary file names, but path in the
+ executable's stored resources. These resources are compiled
+ The resources associated with an application are specified in a
+ \c .qrc file, an XML-based file format that lists files on the
+ disk. Here's the \c application.qrc file that's used by the
+ Application example:
+ \quotefile mainwindows/application/application.qrc
+ The \c .png files listed in the \c application.qrc file are files
+ that are part of the Application example's source tree. Paths are
+ relative to the directory where the \c application.qrc file is
+ located (the \c mainwindows/application directory).
+ The resource file must be mentioned in the \c
+ file so that \c qmake knows about it:
+ \snippet mainwindows/application/ 0
+ \c qmake will produce make rules to generate a file called \c
+ qrc_application.cpp that is linked into the application. This
+ file contains all the data for the images and other resources as
+ static C++ arrays of compressed binary data. See
+ \l{resources.html}{The Qt Resource System} for more information
+ about resources.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/applicationicon.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/applicationicon.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+/*! \example widgets/applicationicon
+ \group all-examples
+ \title Application Icon Example
+ The example shows how to add an application icon to a mobile application.
+ \image appicon_screenshot.png The icon on a Nokia XPressMusic 5800
+ \section1 Creating an icon for Maemo
+ Maemo expects the icon of an application to be a 64x64 PNG image file. The
+ file name of the icon should be the same as the executable with a \c .png
+ extension. You also need a \c .desktop file that gives the window manager
+ hints about the application, such as name, type and icon.
+ \quotefile applicationicon/applicationicon.desktop
+ The \c Icon field should also contain the name of the executable. On the
+ device, application icons are stored in the
+ \c /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps directory
+ and desktop files in the \c /usr/share/applications/hildon directory.
+ \section1 Adding the icons to the project
+ For Maemo, we need to add that the \c .desktop and icon file should be
+ installed.
+ \quotefile applicationicon/
+ Currently, Qt Creator doesn't include the icon and desktop files in the
+ application package for Maemo, merely the executable file is included. As a
+ workaround for this, the files can be added manually in the Projects tab.
+ In the "Create Package" build step for the Maemo target, the \c .desktop
+ file and icon can be added to be a part of the package contents.
+ Unfortunately, these additions are only stored as a part of the
+ \c .pro.user file. This issue will be resolved in a future release of
+ Qt Creator.
+ \image appicon_packagecontents.png Manual addition of files to the "Create Package" build step
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicdrawing.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicdrawing.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..899aa361f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicdrawing.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/basicdrawing
+ \title Basic Drawing Example
+ The Basic Drawing example shows how to display basic graphics
+ primitives in a variety of styles using the QPainter class.
+ QPainter performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint
+ devices. The class can draw everything from simple lines to
+ complex shapes like pies and chords. It can also draw aligned text
+ and pixmaps. Normally, it draws in a "natural" coordinate system,
+ but it can in addition do view and world transformation.
+ \image basicdrawing-example.png
+ The example provides a render area, displaying the currently
+ active shape, and lets the user manipulate the rendered shape and
+ its appearance using the QPainter parameters: The user can change
+ the active shape (\uicontrol Shape), and modify the QPainter's pen (\uicontrol
+ {Pen Width}, \uicontrol {Pen Style}, \uicontrol {Pen Cap}, \uicontrol {Pen Join}),
+ brush (\uicontrol {Brush Style}) and render hints (\uicontrol
+ Antialiasing). In addition the user can rotate a shape (\uicontrol
+ Transformations); behind the scenes we use QPainter's ability to
+ manipulate the coordinate system to perform the rotation.
+ The Basic Drawing example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c RenderArea is a custom widget that renders multiple
+ copies of the currently active shape.
+ \li \c Window is the application's main window displaying a
+ \c RenderArea widget in addition to several parameter widgets.
+ \endlist
+ First we will review the \c Window class, then we will take a
+ look at the \c RenderArea class.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The Window class inherits QWidget, and is the application's main
+ window displaying a \c RenderArea widget in addition to several
+ parameter widgets.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.h 0
+ We declare the various widgets, and three private slots updating
+ the \c RenderArea widget: The \c shapeChanged() slot updates the
+ \c RenderArea widget when the user changes the currently active
+ shape. We call the \c penChanged() slot when either of the
+ QPainter's pen parameters changes. And the \c brushChanged() slot
+ updates the \c RenderArea widget when the user changes the
+ painter's brush style.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we create and initialize the various widgets
+ appearing in the main application window.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 1
+ First we create the \c RenderArea widget that will render the
+ currently active shape. Then we create the \uicontrol Shape combobox,
+ and add the associated items (i.e. the different shapes a QPainter
+ can draw).
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 2
+ QPainter's pen is a QPen object; the QPen class defines how a
+ painter should draw lines and outlines of shapes. A pen has
+ several properties: Width, style, cap and join.
+ A pen's width can be \e zero or greater, but the most common width
+ is zero. Note that this doesn't mean 0 pixels, but implies that
+ the shape is drawn as smoothly as possible although perhaps not
+ mathematically correct.
+ We create a QSpinBox for the \uicontrol {Pen Width} parameter.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 3
+ The pen style defines the line type. The default style is solid
+ (Qt::SolidLine). Setting the style to none (Qt::NoPen) tells the
+ painter to not draw lines or outlines. The pen cap defines how
+ the end points of lines are drawn. And the pen join defines how
+ two lines join when multiple connected lines are drawn. The cap
+ and join only apply to lines with a width of 1 pixel or greater.
+ We create \l {QComboBox}es for each of the \uicontrol {Pen Style}, \uicontrol
+ {Pen Cap} and \uicontrol {Pen Join} parameters, and adds the associated
+ items (i.e the values of the Qt::PenStyle, Qt::PenCapStyle and
+ Qt::PenJoinStyle enums respectively).
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 4
+ The QBrush class defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a
+ QPainter. The default brush style is Qt::NoBrush. This style tells
+ the painter to not fill shapes. The standard style for filling is
+ Qt::SolidPattern.
+ We create a QComboBox for the \uicontrol {Brush Style} parameter, and add
+ the associated items (i.e. the values of the Qt::BrushStyle enum).
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 5
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 6
+ Antialiasing is a feature that "smoothes" the pixels to create
+ more even and less jagged lines, and can be applied using
+ QPainter's render hints. QPainter::RenderHints are used to specify
+ flags to QPainter that may or may not be respected by any given
+ engine.
+ We simply create a QCheckBox for the \uicontrol Antialiasing option.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 7
+ The \uicontrol Transformations option implies a manipulation of the
+ coordinate system that will appear as if the rendered shape is
+ rotated in three dimensions.
+ We use the QPainter::translate(), QPainter::rotate() and
+ QPainter::scale() functions to implement this feature represented
+ in the main application window by a simple QCheckBox.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 8
+ Then we connect the parameter widgets with their associated slots
+ using the static QObject::connect() function, ensuring that the \c
+ RenderArea widget is updated whenever the user changes the shape,
+ or any of the other parameters.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 9
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 10
+ Finally, we add the various widgets to a layout, and call the \c
+ shapeChanged(), \c penChanged(), and \c brushChanged() slots to
+ initialize the application. We also turn on antialiasing.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 11
+ The \c shapeChanged() slot is called whenever the user changes the
+ currently active shape.
+ First we retrieve the shape the user has chosen using the
+ QComboBox::itemData() function. This function returns the data for
+ the given role in the given index in the combobox. We use
+ QComboBox::currentIndex() to retrieve the index of the shape, and
+ the role is defined by the Qt::ItemDataRole enum; \c IdRole is an
+ alias for Qt::UserRole.
+ Note that Qt::UserRole is only the first role that can be used for
+ application-specific purposes. If you need to store different data
+ in the same index, you can use different roles by simply
+ incrementing the value of Qt::UserRole, for example: 'Qt::UserRole
+ + 1' and 'Qt::UserRole + 2'. However, it is a good programming
+ practice to give each role their own name: 'myFirstRole =
+ Qt::UserRole + 1' and 'mySecondRole = Qt::UserRole + 2'. Even
+ though we only need a single role in this particular example, we
+ add the following line of code to the beginning of the \c
+ window.cpp file.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 0
+ The QComboBox::itemData() function returns the data as a QVariant,
+ so we need to cast the data to \c RenderArea::Shape. If there is
+ no data for the given role, the function returns
+ QVariant::Invalid.
+ In the end we call the \c RenderArea::setShape() slot to update
+ the \c RenderArea widget.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 12
+ We call the \c penChanged() slot whenever the user changes any of
+ the pen parameters. Again we use the QComboBox::itemData()
+ function to retrieve the parameters, and then we call the \c
+ RenderArea::setPen() slot to update the \c RenderArea widget.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 13
+ The brushChanged() slot is called whenever the user changes the
+ brush parameter which we retrieve using the QComboBox::itemData()
+ function as before.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 14
+ If the brush parameter is a gradient fill, special actions are
+ required.
+ The QGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify
+ gradient fills. Qt currently supports three types of gradient
+ fills: linear, radial and conical. Each of these is represented by
+ a subclass of QGradient: QLinearGradient, QRadialGradient and
+ QConicalGradient.
+ So if the brush style is Qt::LinearGradientPattern, we first
+ create a QLinearGradient object with interpolation area between
+ the coordinates passed as arguments to the constructor. The
+ positions are specified using logical coordinates. Then we set the
+ gradient's colors using the QGradient::setColorAt() function. The
+ colors is defined using stop points which are composed by a
+ position (between 0 and 1) and a QColor. The set of stop points
+ describes how the gradient area should be filled. A gradient can
+ have an arbitrary number of stop points.
+ In the end we call \c RenderArea::setBrush() slot to update the \c
+ RenderArea widget's brush with the QLinearGradient object.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 15
+ A similar pattern of actions, as the one used for QLinearGradient,
+ is used in the cases of Qt::RadialGradientPattern and
+ Qt::ConicalGradientPattern.
+ The only difference is the arguments passed to the constructor:
+ Regarding the QRadialGradient constructor the first argument is
+ the center, and the second the radial gradient's radius. The third
+ argument is optional, but can be used to define the focal point of
+ the gradient inside the circle (the default focal point is the
+ circle center). Regarding the QConicalGradient constructor, the
+ first argument specifies the center of the conical, and the second
+ specifies the start angle of the interpolation.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 16
+ If the brush style is Qt::TexturePattern we create a QBrush from a
+ QPixmap. Then we call \c RenderArea::setBrush() slot to update the
+ \c RenderArea widget with the newly created brush.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/window.cpp 17
+ Otherwise we simply create a brush with the given style and a
+ green color, and then call \c RenderArea::setBrush() slot to
+ update the \c RenderArea widget with the newly created brush.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Definition
+ The \c RenderArea class inherits QWidget, and renders multiple
+ copies of the currently active shape using a QPainter.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.h 0
+ First we define a public \c Shape enum to hold the different
+ shapes that can be rendered by the widget (i.e the shapes that can
+ be rendered by a QPainter). Then we reimplement the constructor as
+ well as two of QWidget's public functions: \l
+ {QWidget::minimumSizeHint()}{minimumSizeHint()} and \l
+ {QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()}.
+ We also reimplement the QWidget::paintEvent() function to be able
+ to draw the currently active shape according to the specified
+ parameters.
+ We declare several private slots: The \c setShape() slot changes
+ the \c RenderArea's shape, the \c setPen() and \c setBrush() slots
+ modify the widget's pen and brush, and the \c setAntialiased() and
+ \c setTransformed() slots modify the widget's respective
+ properties.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we initialize some of the widget's variables.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 0
+ We set its shape to be a \uicontrol Polygon, its antialiased property to
+ be false and we load an image into the widget's pixmap
+ variable. In the end we set the widget's background role, defining
+ the brush from the widget's \l {QWidget::palette}{palette} that
+ will be used to render the background. QPalette::Base is typically
+ white.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 2
+ The \c RenderArea inherits QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint} property holding the recommended
+ size for the widget. If the value of this property is an invalid
+ size, no size is recommended.
+ The default implementation of the QWidget::sizeHint() function
+ returns an invalid size if there is no layout for the widget, and
+ returns the layout's preferred size otherwise.
+ Our reimplementation of the function returns a QSize with a 400
+ pixels width and a 200 pixels height.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 1
+ \c RenderArea also inherits QWidget's
+ \l{QWidget::minimumSizeHint()}{minimumSizeHint} property holding
+ the recommended minimum size for the widget. Again, if the value
+ of this property is an invalid size, no size is recommended.
+ The default implementation of QWidget::minimumSizeHint() returns
+ an invalid size if there is no layout for the widget, and returns
+ the layout's minimum size otherwise.
+ Our reimplementation of the function returns a QSize with a 100
+ pixels width and a 100 pixels height.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 5
+ The public \c setShape(), \c setPen() and \c setBrush() slots are
+ called whenever we want to modify a \c RenderArea widget's shape,
+ pen or brush. We set the shape, pen or brush according to the
+ slot parameter, and call QWidget::update() to make the changes
+ visible in the \c RenderArea widget.
+ The QWidget::update() slot does not cause an immediate
+ repaint; instead it schedules a paint event for processing when Qt
+ returns to the main event loop.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 7
+ With the \c setAntialiased() and \c setTransformed() slots we
+ change the state of the properties according to the slot
+ parameter, and call the QWidget::update() slot to make the changes
+ visible in the \c RenderArea widget.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 8
+ Then we reimplement the QWidget::paintEvent() function. The first
+ thing we do is to create the graphical objects we will need to
+ draw the various shapes.
+ We create a vector of four \l {QPoint}s. We use this vector to
+ render the \uicontrol Points, \uicontrol Polyline and \uicontrol Polygon
+ shapes. Then we create a QRect, defining a rectangle in the plane,
+ which we use as the bounding rectangle for all the shapes excluding
+ the \uicontrol Path and the \uicontrol Pixmap.
+ We also create a QPainterPath. The QPainterPath class provides a
+ container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be
+ constructed and reused. A painter path is an object composed of a
+ number of graphical building blocks, such as rectangles, ellipses,
+ lines, and curves. For more information about the QPainterPath
+ class, see the \l {painting/painterpaths}{Painter Paths}
+ example. In this example, we create a painter path composed of one
+ straight line and a Bezier curve.
+ In addition we define a start angle and an arc length that we will
+ use when drawing the \uicontrol Arc, \uicontrol Chord and \uicontrol Pie shapes.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 9
+ We create a QPainter for the \c RenderArea widget, and set the
+ painters pen and brush according to the \c RenderArea's pen and
+ brush. If the \uicontrol Antialiasing parameter option is checked, we
+ also set the painter's render hints. QPainter::Antialiasing
+ indicates that the engine should antialias edges of primitives if
+ possible.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 10
+ Finally, we render the multiple copies of the \c RenderArea's
+ shape. The number of copies is depending on the size of the \c
+ RenderArea widget, and we calculate their positions using two \c
+ for loops and the widgets height and width.
+ For each copy we first save the current painter state (pushes the
+ state onto a stack). Then we translate the coordinate system,
+ using the QPainter::translate() function, to the position
+ determined by the variables of the \c for loops. If we omit this
+ translation of the coordinate system all the copies of the shape
+ will be rendered on top of each other in the top left cormer of
+ the \c RenderArea widget.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 11
+ If the \uicontrol Transformations parameter option is checked, we do an
+ additional translation of the coordinate system before we rotate
+ the coordinate system 60 degrees clockwise using the
+ QPainter::rotate() function and scale it down in size using the
+ QPainter::scale() function. In the end we translate the coordinate
+ system back to where it was before we rotated and scaled it.
+ Now, when rendering the shape, it will appear as if it was rotated
+ in three dimensions.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 12
+ Next, we identify the \c RenderArea's shape, and render it using
+ the associated QPainter drawing function:
+ \list
+ \li QPainter::drawLine(),
+ \li QPainter::drawPoints(),
+ \li QPainter::drawPolyline(),
+ \li QPainter::drawPolygon(),
+ \li QPainter::drawRect(),
+ \li QPainter::drawRoundedRect(),
+ \li QPainter::drawEllipse(),
+ \li QPainter::drawArc(),
+ \li QPainter::drawChord(),
+ \li QPainter::drawPie(),
+ \li QPainter::drawPath(),
+ \li QPainter::drawText() or
+ \li QPainter::drawPixmap()
+ \endlist
+ Before we started rendering, we saved the current painter state
+ (pushes the state onto a stack). The rationale for this is that we
+ calculate each shape copy's position relative to the same point in
+ the coordinate system. When translating the coordinate system, we
+ lose the knowledge of this point unless we save the current
+ painter state \e before we start the translating process.
+ \snippet painting/basicdrawing/renderarea.cpp 13
+ Then, when we are finished rendering a copy of the shape we can
+ restore the original painter state, with its associated coordinate
+ system, using the QPainter::restore() function. In this way we
+ ensure that the next shape copy will be rendered in the correct
+ position.
+ We could translate the coordinate system back using
+ QPainter::translate() instead of saving the painter state. But
+ since we in addition to translating the coordinate system (when
+ the \uicontrol Transformation parameter option is checked) both rotate
+ and scale the coordinate system, the easiest solution is to save
+ the current painter state.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicgraphicslayouts.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicgraphicslayouts.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f52b3eafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/basicgraphicslayouts.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts
+ \title Basic Graphics Layouts Example
+ The Basic Graphics Layouts example shows how to use the layout classes
+ in QGraphicsView: QGraphicsLinearLayout and QGraphicsGridLayout.
+ In addition to that it shows how to write your own custom layout item.
+ \image basicgraphicslayouts-example.png Screenshot of the Basic Layouts Example
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class is a subclass of QGraphicsWidget. It has a
+ constructor with a QGraphicsWidget \a parent as its parameter.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/window.h 0
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The constructor of \c Window instantiates a QGraphicsLinearLayout object,
+ \c windowLayout, with vertical orientation. We instantiate another
+ QGraphicsLinearLayout object, \c linear, whose parent is \c windowLayout.
+ Next, we create a \c LayoutItem object, \c item and add it to \c linear
+ with the \l{QGraphicsLinearLayout::}{addItem()} function. We also provide
+ \c item with a \l{QGraphicsLinearLayout::setStretchFactor()}
+ {stretchFactor}.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/window.cpp 0
+ We repeat the process:
+ \list
+ \li create a new \c LayoutItem,
+ \li add the item \c linear, and
+ \li provide a stretch factor.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/window.cpp 1
+ We then add \c linear to \c windowLayout, nesting two
+ QGraphicsLinearLayout objects. Apart from the QGraphicsLinearLayout, we
+ also use a QGraphicsGridLayout object, \c grid, which is a 4x3 grid with
+ some cells spanning to other rows.
+ We create seven \c LayoutItem objects and place them into \c grid with
+ the \l{QGraphicsGridLayout::}{addItem()} function as shown in the code
+ snippet below:
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/window.cpp 2
+ The first item we add to \c grid is placed in the top left cell,
+ spanning four rows. The next two items are placed in the second column,
+ and they span two rows. Each item's \l{QGraphicsWidget::}{maximumHeight()}
+ and \l{QGraphicsWidget::}{minimumHeight()} are set to be equal so that
+ they do not expand vertically. As a result, these items will not
+ fit vertically in their cells. So, we specify that they should be
+ vertically aligned in the center of the cell using Qt::AlignVCenter.
+ Finally, \c grid itself is added to \c windowLayout. Unlike
+ QGridLayout::addItem(), QGraphicsGridLayout::addItem() requires a row
+ and a column for its argument, specifying which cell the item should be
+ positioned in. Also, if the \c rowSpan and \c columnSpan arguments
+ are omitted, they will default to 1.
+ Note that we do not specify a parent for each \c LayoutItem that we
+ construct, as all these items will be added to \c windowLayout. When we
+ add an item to a layout, it will be automatically reparented to the widget
+ on which the layout is installed.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/window.cpp 3
+ Now that we have set up \c grid and added it to \c windowLayout, we
+ install \c windowLayout onto the window object using
+ QGraphicsWidget::setLayout() and we set the window title.
+ \section1 LayoutItem Class Definition
+ The \c LayoutItem class is a subclass of QGraphicsLayoutItem and
+ QGraphicsItem. It has a constructor, a destructor, and some required
+ reimplementations.
+ Since it inherits QGraphicsLayoutItem it must reimplement
+ {QGraphicsLayoutItem::setGeometry()}{setGeometry()} and
+ {QGraphicsLayoutItem::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()}.
+ In addition to that it inherits QGraphicsItem, so it must reimplement
+ {QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} and
+ {QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.h 0
+ The \c LayoutItem class also has a private instance of QPixmap, \c m_pix.
+ \section1 LayoutItem Class Implementation
+ In \c{LayoutItem}'s constructor, \c m_pix is instantiated and the
+ \c{block.png} image is loaded into it.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 0
+ We use the Q_UNUSED() macro to prevent the compiler from generating
+ warnings regarding unused parameters.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 1
+ The idea behind the \c paint() function is to paint the
+ background rect then paint a rect around the pixmap.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 2
+ The reimplementation of \l{QGraphicsItem::}{boundingRect()}
+ will set the top left corner at (0,0), and the size of it will be
+ the size of the layout items
+ \l{QGraphicsLayoutItem::}{geometry()}. This is the area that
+ we paint within.
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 3
+ The reimplementation of \l{QGraphicsLayoutItem::setGeometry()}{setGeometry()}
+ simply calls its baseclass implementation. However, since this will change
+ the boundingRect we must also call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::prepareGeometryChange()}{prepareGeometryChange()}.
+ Finally, we move the item according to \c geom.topLeft().
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 4
+ Since we don't want the size of the item to be smaller than the pixmap, we
+ must make sure that we return a size hint that is larger than \c m_pix.
+ We also add some extra space around for borders that we will paint later.
+ Alternatively, you could scale the pixmap to prevent the item from
+ becoming smaller than the pixmap.
+ The preferred size is the same as the minimum size hint, while we set
+ maximum to be a large value
+ \snippet graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts/layoutitem.cpp 5
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0f083ba58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/basiclayouts.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example layouts/basiclayouts
+ \title Basic Layouts Example
+ The Basic Layouts example shows how to use the standard layout
+ managers that are available in Qt: QBoxLayout, QGridLayout and
+ QFormLayout.
+ \image basiclayouts-example.png Screenshot of the Basic Layouts example
+ The QBoxLayout class lines up widgets horizontally or vertically.
+ QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout are convenience subclasses of QBoxLayout.
+ QGridLayout lays out widgets in cells by dividing the available space
+ into rows and columns. QFormLayout, on the other hand, lays out its
+ children in a two-column form with labels in the left column and
+ input fields in the right column.
+ \section1 Dialog Class Definition
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.h 0
+ The \c Dialog class inherits QDialog. It is a custom widget that
+ displays its child widgets using the geometry managers:
+ QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout and QFormLayout.
+ We declare four private functions to simplify the class
+ constructor: The \c createMenu(), \c createHorizontalGroupBox(),
+ \c createGridGroupBox() and \c createFormGroupBox() functions create
+ several widgets that the example uses to demonstrate how the layout
+ affects their appearances.
+ \section1 Dialog Class Implementation
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we first use the \c createMenu() function to
+ create and populate a menu bar and the \c createHorizontalGroupBox()
+ function to create a group box containing four buttons with a
+ horizontal layout. Next we use the \c createGridGroupBox() function
+ to create a group box containing several line edits and a small text
+ editor which are displayed in a grid layout. Finally, we use the
+ \c createFormGroupBox() function to create a group box with
+ three labels and three input fields: a line edit, a combo box and
+ a spin box.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 1
+ We also create a big text editor and a dialog button box. The
+ QDialogButtonBox class is a widget that presents buttons in a
+ layout that is appropriate to the current widget style. The
+ preferred buttons can be specified as arguments to the
+ constructor, using the QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons enum.
+ Note that we don't have to specify a parent for the widgets when
+ we create them. The reason is that all the widgets we create here
+ will be added to a layout, and when we add a widget to a layout,
+ it is automatically reparented to the widget the layout is
+ installed on.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 2
+ The main layout is a QVBoxLayout object. QVBoxLayout is a
+ convenience class for a box layout with vertical orientation.
+ In general, the QBoxLayout class takes the space it gets (from its
+ parent layout or from the parent widget), divides it up into a
+ series of boxes, and makes each managed widget fill one box. If
+ the QBoxLayout's orientation is Qt::Horizontal the boxes are
+ placed in a row. If the orientation is Qt::Vertical, the boxes are
+ placed in a column. The corresponding convenience classes are
+ QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout, respectively.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 3
+ When we call the QLayout::setMenuBar() function, the layout places
+ the provided menu bar at the top of the parent widget, and outside
+ the widget's \l {QWidget::contentsRect()}{content margins}. All
+ child widgets are placed below the bottom edge of the menu bar.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 4
+ We use the QBoxLayout::addWidget() function to add the widgets to
+ the end of layout. Each widget will get at least its minimum size
+ and at most its maximum size. It is possible to specify a stretch
+ factor in the \l {QBoxLayout::addWidget()}{addWidget()} function,
+ and any excess space is shared according to these stretch
+ factors. If not specified, a widget's stretch factor is 0.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 5
+ We install the main layout on the \c Dialog widget using the
+ QWidget::setLayout() function, and all of the layout's widgets are
+ automatically reparented to be children of the \c Dialog widget.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 6
+ In the private \c createMenu() function we create a menu bar, and
+ add a pull-down \uicontrol File menu containing an \uicontrol Exit option.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 7
+ When we create the horizontal group box, we use a QHBoxLayout as
+ the internal layout. We create the buttons we want to put in the
+ group box, add them to the layout and install the layout on the
+ group box.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 8
+ In the \c createGridGroupBox() function we use a QGridLayout which
+ lays out widgets in a grid. It takes the space made available to
+ it (by its parent layout or by the parent widget), divides it up
+ into rows and columns, and puts each widget it manages into the
+ correct cell.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 9
+ For each row in the grid we create a label and an associated line
+ edit, and add them to the layout. The QGridLayout::addWidget()
+ function differ from the corresponding function in QBoxLayout: It
+ needs the row and column specifying the grid cell to put the
+ widget in.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 10
+ QGridLayout::addWidget() can in addition take arguments
+ specifying the number of rows and columns the cell will be
+ spanning. In this example, we create a small editor which spans
+ three rows and one column.
+ For both the QBoxLayout::addWidget() and QGridLayout::addWidget()
+ functions it is also possible to add a last argument specifying
+ the widget's alignment. By default it fills the whole cell. But we
+ could, for example, align a widget with the right edge by
+ specifying the alignment to be Qt::AlignRight.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 11
+ Each column in a grid layout has a stretch factor. The stretch
+ factor is set using QGridLayout::setColumnStretch() and determines
+ how much of the available space the column will get over and above
+ its necessary minimum.
+ In this example, we set the stretch factors for columns 1 and 2.
+ The stretch factor is relative to the other columns in this grid;
+ columns with a higher stretch factor take more of the available
+ space. So column 2 in our grid layout will get more of the
+ available space than column 1, and column 0 will not grow at all
+ since its stretch factor is 0 (the default).
+ Columns and rows behave identically; there is an equivalent
+ stretch factor for rows, as well as a QGridLayout::setRowStretch()
+ function.
+ \snippet layouts/basiclayouts/dialog.cpp 12
+ In the \c createFormGroupBox() function, we use a QFormLayout
+ to neatly arrange objects into two columns - name and field.
+ There are three QLabel objects for names with three
+ corresponding input widgets as fields: a QLineEdit, a QComboBox
+ and a QSpinBox. Unlike QBoxLayout::addWidget() and
+ QGridLayout::addWidget(), we use QFormLayout::addRow() to add widgets
+ to the layout.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/basicsortfiltermodel
+ \title Basic Sort/Filter Model Example
+ The Basic Sort/Filter Model example illustrates how to use
+ QSortFilterProxyModel to perform basic sorting and filtering.
+ \image basicsortfiltermodel-example.png Screenshot of the Basic Sort/Filter Model Example
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example effects/blurpicker
+ \title Blur Picker Effect Example
+ \image blurpickereffect-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example layouts/borderlayout
+ \title Border Layout Example
+ The Border Layout example shows how to create a custom layout that arranges
+ child widgets according to a simple set of rules.
+ \image borderlayout-example.png
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new file mode 100644
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/boxes
+ \title Boxes
+ This demo shows Qt's ability to combine advanced OpenGL rendering with the
+ the \l{Graphics View Framework}.
+ \image boxes-demo.png
+ Elements in the demo can be controlled using the mouse in the following
+ ways:
+ \list
+ \li Dragging the mouse while pressing the left mouse button rotates the
+ box in the center.
+ \li Dragging the mouse while pressing the right mouse button rotates the
+ satellite boxes.
+ \li Scrolling the mouse wheel zooms in and out of the scene.
+ \endlist
+ The options pane can be used to fine-tune various parameters in the demo,
+ including colors and pixel shaders.
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new file mode 100644
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/calculator
+ \title Calculator Example
+ The example shows how to use signals and slots to implement the
+ functionality of a calculator widget, and how to use QGridLayout
+ to place child widgets in a grid.
+ \image calculator-example.png Screenshot of the Calculator example
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c Calculator is the calculator widget, with all the
+ calculator functionality.
+ \li \c Button is the widget used for each of the calculator
+ button. It derives from QToolButton.
+ \endlist
+ We will start by reviewing \c Calculator, then we will take a
+ look at \c Button.
+ \section1 Calculator Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 0
+ The \c Calculator class provides a simple calculator widget. It
+ inherits from QDialog and has several private slots associated
+ with the calculator's buttons. QObject::eventFilter() is
+ reimplemented to handle mouse events on the calculator's display.
+ Buttons are grouped in categories according to their behavior.
+ For example, all the digit buttons (labeled \uicontrol 0 to \uicontrol 9)
+ append a digit to the current operand. For these, we connect
+ multiple buttons to the same slot (e.g., \c digitClicked()). The
+ categories are digits, unary operators (\uicontrol{Sqrt}, \uicontrol{x\unicode{178}},
+ \uicontrol{1/x}), additive operators (\uicontrol{+}, \uicontrol{-}), and
+ multiplicative operators (\uicontrol{\unicode{215}}, \uicontrol{\unicode{247}}). The other buttons
+ have their own slots.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 1
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 2
+ The private \c createButton() function is used as part of the
+ widget construction. \c abortOperation() is called whenever a
+ division by zero occurs or when a square root operation is
+ applied to a negative number. \c calculate() applies a binary
+ operator (\uicontrol{+}, \uicontrol{-}, \uicontrol{\unicode{215}}, or \uicontrol{\unicode{247}}).
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 3
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 4
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 5
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 6
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 7
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 8
+ These variables, together with the contents of the calculator
+ display (a QLineEdit), encode the state of the calculator:
+ \list
+ \li \c sumInMemory contains the value stored in the calculator's memory
+ (using \uicontrol{MS}, \uicontrol{M+}, or \uicontrol{MC}).
+ \li \c sumSoFar stores the value accumulated so far. When the user
+ clicks \uicontrol{=}, \c sumSoFar is recomputed and shown on the
+ display. \uicontrol{Clear All} resets \c sumSoFar to zero.
+ \li \c factorSoFar stores a temporary value when doing
+ multiplications and divisions.
+ \li \c pendingAdditiveOperator stores the last additive operator
+ clicked by the user.
+ \li \c pendingMultiplicativeOperator stores the last multiplicative operator
+ clicked by the user.
+ \li \c waitingForOperand is \c true when the calculator is
+ expecting the user to start typing an operand.
+ \endlist
+ Additive and multiplicative operators are treated differently
+ because they have different precedences. For example, \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247}
+ 3} is interpreted as \uicontrol{1 + (2 \unicode{247} 3)} because \uicontrol{\unicode{247}} has higher
+ precedence than \uicontrol{+}.
+ The table below shows the evolution of the calculator state as
+ the user enters a mathematical expression.
+ \table
+ \header \li User Input \li Display \li Sum so Far \li Add. Op. \li Factor so Far \li Mult. Op. \li Waiting for Operand?
+ \row \li \li 0 \li 0 \li \li \li \li \c true
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1} \li 1 \li 0 \li \li \li \li \c false
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 +} \li 1 \li 1 \li \uicontrol{+} \li \li \li \c true
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2} \li 2 \li 1 \li \uicontrol{+} \li \li \li \c false
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247}} \li 2 \li 1 \li \uicontrol{+} \li 2 \li \uicontrol{\unicode{247}} \li \c true
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247} 3} \li 3 \li 1 \li \uicontrol{+} \li 2 \li \uicontrol{\unicode{247}} \li \c false
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247} 3 -} \li 1.66667 \li 1.66667 \li \uicontrol{-} \li \li \li \c true
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247} 3 - 4} \li 4 \li 1.66667 \li \uicontrol{-} \li \li \li \c false
+ \row \li \uicontrol{1 + 2 \unicode{247} 3 - 4 =} \li -2.33333 \li 0 \li \li \li \li \c true
+ \endtable
+ Unary operators, such as \uicontrol Sqrt, require no special handling;
+ they can be applied immediately since the operand is already
+ known when the operator button is clicked.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 9
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.h 10
+ Finally, we declare the variables associated with the display and the
+ buttons used to display numerals.
+ \section1 Calculator Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we initialize the calculator's state. The \c
+ pendingAdditiveOperator and \c pendingMultiplicativeOperator
+ variables don't need to be initialized explicitly, because the
+ QString constructor initializes them to empty strings.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 2
+ We create the QLineEdit representing the calculator's display and
+ set up some of its properties. In particular, we set it to be
+ read-only.
+ We also enlarge \c{display}'s font by 8 points.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 4
+ For each button, we call the private \c createButton() function with
+ the proper text label and a slot to connect to the button.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 6
+ The layout is handled by a single QGridLayout. The
+ QLayout::setSizeConstraint() call ensures that the \c Calculator
+ widget is always shown as its optimal size (its
+ \l{QWidget::sizeHint()}{size hint}), preventing the user from
+ resizing the calculator. The size hint is determined by the size
+ and \l{QWidget::sizePolicy()}{size policy} of the child widgets.
+ Most child widgets occupy only one cell in the grid layout. For
+ these, we only need to pass a row and a column to
+ QGridLayout::addWidget(). The \c display, \c backspaceButton, \c
+ clearButton, and \c clearAllButton widgets occupy more than one
+ column; for these we must also pass a row span and a column
+ span.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 7
+ Pressing one of the calculator's digit buttons will emit the
+ button's \l{QToolButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal, which will
+ trigger the \c digitClicked() slot.
+ First, we find out which button sent the signal using
+ QObject::sender(). This function returns the sender as a QObject
+ pointer. Since we know that the sender is a \c Button object, we
+ can safely cast the QObject. We could have used a C-style cast or
+ a C++ \c static_cast<>(), but as a defensive programming
+ technique we use a \l qobject_cast(). The advantage is that if
+ the object has the wrong type, a null pointer is returned.
+ Crashes due to null pointers are much easier to diagnose than
+ crashes due to unsafe casts. Once we have the button, we extract
+ the operator using QToolButton::text().
+ The slot needs to consider two situations in particular. If \c
+ display contains "0" and the user clicks the \uicontrol{0} button, it
+ would be silly to show "00". And if the calculator is in
+ a state where it is waiting for a new operand,
+ the new digit is the first digit of that new operand; in that case,
+ any result of a previous calculation must be cleared first.
+ At the end, we append the new digit to the value in the display.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 8
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 9
+ The \c unaryOperatorClicked() slot is called whenever one of the
+ unary operator buttons is clicked. Again a pointer to the clicked
+ button is retrieved using QObject::sender(). The operator is
+ extracted from the button's text and stored in \c
+ clickedOperator. The operand is obtained from \c display.
+ Then we perform the operation. If \uicontrol Sqrt is applied to a
+ negative number or \uicontrol{1/x} to zero, we call \c
+ abortOperation(). If everything goes well, we display the result
+ of the operation in the line edit and we set \c waitingForOperand
+ to \c true. This ensures that if the user types a new digit, the
+ digit will be considered as a new operand, instead of being
+ appended to the current value.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 10
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 11
+ The \c additiveOperatorClicked() slot is called when the user
+ clicks the \uicontrol{+} or \uicontrol{-} button.
+ Before we can actually do something about the clicked operator,
+ we must handle any pending operations. We start with the
+ multiplicative operators, since these have higher precedence than
+ additive operators:
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 12
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 13
+ If \uicontrol{\unicode{215}} or \uicontrol{\unicode{247}} has been clicked earlier, without clicking
+ \uicontrol{=} afterward, the current value in the display is the right
+ operand of the \uicontrol{\unicode{215}} or \uicontrol{\unicode{247}} operator and we can finally
+ perform the operation and update the display.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 14
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 15
+ If \uicontrol{+} or \uicontrol{-} has been clicked earlier, \c sumSoFar is
+ the left operand and the current value in the display is the
+ right operand of the operator. If there is no pending additive
+ operator, \c sumSoFar is simply set to be the text in the
+ display.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 16
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 17
+ Finally, we can take care of the operator that was just clicked.
+ Since we don't have the right-hand operand yet, we store the clicked
+ operator in the \c pendingAdditiveOperator variable. We will
+ apply the operation later, when we have a right operand, with \c
+ sumSoFar as the left operand.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 18
+ The \c multiplicativeOperatorClicked() slot is similar to \c
+ additiveOperatorClicked(). We don't need to worry about pending
+ additive operators here, because multiplicative operators have
+ precedence over additive operators.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 20
+ Like in \c additiveOperatorClicked(), we start by handing any
+ pending multiplicative and additive operators. Then we display \c
+ sumSoFar and reset the variable to zero. Resetting the variable
+ to zero is necessary to avoid counting the value twice.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 22
+ The \c pointClicked() slot adds a decimal point to the content in
+ \c display.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 24
+ The \c changeSignClicked() slot changes the sign of the value in
+ \c display. If the current value is positive, we prepend a minus
+ sign; if the current value is negative, we remove the first
+ character from the value (the minus sign).
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 26
+ The \c backspaceClicked() removes the rightmost character in the
+ display. If we get an empty string, we show "0" and set \c
+ waitingForOperand to \c true.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 28
+ The \c clear() slot resets the current operand to zero. It is
+ equivalent to clicking \uicontrol Backspace enough times to erase the
+ entire operand.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 30
+ The \c clearAll() slot resets the calculator to its initial state.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 32
+ The \c clearMemory() slot erases the sum kept in memory, \c
+ readMemory() displays the sum as an operand, \c setMemory()
+ replace the sum in memory with the current sum, and \c
+ addToMemory() adds the current value to the value in memory. For
+ \c setMemory() and \c addToMemory(), we start by calling \c
+ equalClicked() to update \c sumSoFar and the value in the
+ display.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 34
+ The private \c createButton() function is called from the
+ constructor to create calculator buttons.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 36
+ The private \c abortOperation() function is called whenever a
+ calculation fails. It resets the calculator state and displays
+ "####".
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/calculator.cpp 38
+ The private \c calculate() function performs a binary operation.
+ The right operand is given by \c rightOperand. For additive
+ operators, the left operand is \c sumSoFar; for multiplicative
+ operators, the left operand is \c factorSoFar. The function
+ return \c false if a division by zero occurs.
+ \section1 Button Class Definition
+ Let's now take a look at the \c Button class:
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/button.h 0
+ The \c Button class has a convenience constructor that takes a
+ text label and a parent widget, and it reimplements QWidget::sizeHint()
+ to provide more space around the text than the amount QToolButton
+ normally provides.
+ \section1 Button Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/button.cpp 0
+ The buttons' appearance is determined by the layout of the
+ calculator widget through the size and
+ \l{QWidget::sizePolicy}{size policy} of the layout's child
+ widgets. The call to the
+ \l{QWidget::setSizePolicy()}{setSizePolicy()} function in the
+ constructor ensures that the button will expand horizontally to
+ fill all the available space; by default, \l{QToolButton}s don't
+ expand to fill available space. Without this call, the different
+ buttons in a same column would have different widths.
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/button.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/calculator/button.cpp 2
+ In \l{QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()}, we try to return a size
+ that looks good for most buttons. We reuse the size hint of the
+ base class (QToolButton) but modify it in the following ways:
+ \list
+ \li We add 20 to the \l{QSize::height()}{height} component of the size hint.
+ \li We make the \l{QSize::width()}{width} component of the size
+ hint at least as much as the \l{QSize::width()}{height}.
+ \endlist
+ This ensures that with most fonts, the digit and operator buttons
+ will be square, without truncating the text on the
+ \uicontrol{Backspace}, \uicontrol{Clear}, and \uicontrol{Clear All} buttons.
+ The screenshot below shows how the \c Calculator widget would
+ look like if we \e didn't set the horizontal size policy to
+ QSizePolicy::Expanding in the constructor and if we didn't
+ reimplement QWidget::sizeHint().
+ \image calculator-ugly.png The Calculator example with default size policies and size hints
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7fa7c8617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/calendar.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example richtext/calendar
+ \title Calendar Example
+ The Calendar example shows how to create rich text content and display it using
+ a rich text editor.
+ \image calendar-example.png
+ Specifically, the example demonstrates the following:
+ \list
+ \li Use of a text editor with a text document
+ \li Insertion of tables and frames into a document
+ \li Navigation within a table
+ \li Insert text in different styles
+ \endlist
+ The rich text editor used to display the document is used within a main window
+ application.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ The \c MainWindow class provides a text editor widget and some controls to
+ allow the user to change the month and year shown. The font size used for the
+ text can also be adjusted.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.h 0
+ The private \c insertCalendar() function performs most of the work, relying on
+ the \c fontSize and \c selectedDate variables to write useful information to
+ the \c editor.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ The \c MainWindow constructor sets up the user interface and initializes
+ variables used to generate a calendar for each month.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ We begin by setting default values for the selected date that will be highlighted
+ in the calendar and the font size to be used. Since we are using a QMainWindow
+ for the user interface, we construct a widget for use as the central widget.
+ The user interface will include a line of controls above the generated calendar;
+ we construct a label and a combobox to allow the month to be selected, and a
+ spin box for the year. These widgets are configured to provide a reasonable range
+ of values for the user to try:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ We use the \c selectedDate object to obtain the current month and year, and we
+ set these in the combobox and spin box:
+ The font size is displayed in a spin box which we restrict to a sensible range
+ of values:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ We construct an editor and use the \c insertCalendar() function to create
+ a calendar for it. Each calendar is displayed in the same text editor; in
+ this example we use a QTextBrowser since we do not allow the calendar to be
+ edited.
+ The controls used to set the month, year, and font size will not have any
+ effect on the appearance of the calendar unless we make some signal-slot
+ connections:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ The signals are connected to some simple slots in the \c MainWindow class
+ which we will describe later.
+ We create layouts to manage the widgets we constructed:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ Finally, the central widget is set for the window.
+ Each calendar is created for the editor by the \c insertCalendar() function
+ which uses the date and font size, defined by the private \a selectedDate
+ and \c fontSize variables, to produce a suitable plan for the specified
+ month and year.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ We begin by clearing the editor's rich text document, and obtain a text
+ cursor from the editor that we will use to add content. We also create a
+ QDate object based on the currently selected date.
+ The calendar is made up of a table with a gray background color that contains
+ seven columns: one for each day of the week. It is placed in the center of the
+ page with equal space to the left and right of it. All of these properties are
+ set in a QTextTableFormat object:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ Each cell in the table will be padded and spaced to make the text easier to
+ read.
+ We want the columns to have equal widths, so we provide a vector containing
+ percentage widths for each of them and set the constraints in the
+ QTextTableFormat:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ The constraints used for the column widths are only useful if the table has
+ an appropriate number of columns. With the format for the table defined, we
+ construct a new table with one row and seven columns at the current cursor
+ position:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ We only need one row to start with; more can be added as we need them. Using
+ this approach means that we do not need to perform any date calculations
+ until we add cells to the table.
+ When inserting objects into a document with the cursor's insertion functions,
+ the cursor is automatically moved inside the newly inserted object. This means
+ that we can immediately start modifying the table from within:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ Since the table has an outer frame, we obtain the frame and its format so that
+ we can customize it. After making the changes we want, we set the frame's format
+ using the modified format object. We have given the table an outer border one
+ pixel wide.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ In a similar way, we obtain the cursor's current character format and
+ create customized formats based on it.
+ We do not set the format on the cursor because this would change the default
+ character format; instead, we use the customized formats explicitly when we
+ insert text. The following loop inserts the days of the week into the table
+ as bold text:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ For each day of the week, we obtain an existing table cell in the first row
+ (row 0) using the table's \l{QTextTable::cellAt()}{cellAt()} function. Since
+ we start counting the days of the week at day 1 (Monday), we subtract 1 from
+ \c weekDay to ensure that we obtain the cell for the correct column of the
+ table.
+ Before text can be inserted into a cell, we must obtain a cursor with the
+ correct position in the document. The cell provides a function for this
+ purpose, and we use this cursor to insert text using the \c boldFormat
+ character format that we created earlier:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ Inserting text into document objects usually follows the same pattern.
+ Each object can provide a new cursor that corresponds to the first valid
+ position within itself, and this can be used to insert new content. We
+ continue to use this pattern as we insert the days of the month into the
+ table.
+ Since every month has more than seven days, we insert a single row to begin
+ and add days until we reach the end of the month. If the current date is
+ encountered, it is inserted with a special format (created earlier) that
+ makes it stand out:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ We add a new row to the table at the end of each week only if the next week
+ falls within the currently selected month.
+ For each calendar that we create, we change the window title to reflect the
+ currently selected month and year:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ The \c insertCalendar() function relies on up-to-date values for the month,
+ year, and font size. These are set in the following slots:
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ The \c setFontSize() function simply changes the private \c fontSize variable
+ before updating the calendar.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ The \c setMonth slot is called when the QComboBox used to select the month is
+ updated. The value supplied is the currently selected row in the combobox.
+ We add 1 to this value to obtain a valid month number, and create a new QDate
+ based on the existing one. The calendar is then updated to use this new date.
+ \snippet richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ The \c setYear() slot is called when the QDateTimeEdit used to select the
+ year is updated. The value supplied is a QDate object; this makes
+ the construction of a new value for \c selectedDate simple. We update the
+ calendar afterwards to use this new date.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/calendarwidget.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/calendarwidget.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6e86d1668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/calendarwidget.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \title Calendar Widget Example
+ \example widgets/calendarwidget
+ The Calendar Widget example shows use of \c QCalendarWidget.
+ \image calendarwidgetexample.png
+ QCalendarWidget displays one calendar month
+ at a time and lets the user select a date.
+ The calendar consists of four components: a navigation
+ bar that lets the user change the month that is
+ displayed, a grid where each cell represents one day
+ in the month, and two headers that display weekday names
+ and week numbers.
+ The Calendar Widget example displays a QCalendarWidget and lets the user
+ configure its appearance and behavior using
+ \l{QComboBox}es, \l{QCheckBox}es, and \l{QDateEdit}s. In
+ addition, the user can influence the formatting of individual dates
+ and headers.
+ The properties of the QCalendarWidget are summarized in the table
+ below.
+ \table
+ \header \li Property
+ \li Description
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{selectedDate}
+ \li The currently selected date.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{minimumDate}
+ \li The earliest date that can be selected.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{maximumDate}
+ \li The latest date that can be selected.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{firstDayOfWeek}
+ \li The day that is displayed as the first day of the week
+ (usually Sunday or Monday).
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{gridVisible}
+ \li Whether the grid should be shown.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{selectionMode}
+ \li Whether the user can select a date or not.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{horizontalHeaderFormat}
+ \li The format of the day names in the horizontal header
+ (e.g., "M", "Mon", or "Monday").
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{verticalHeaderFormat}
+ \li The format of the vertical header.
+ \row \li \l{QCalendarWidget::}{navigationBarVisible}
+ \li Whether the navigation bar at the top of the calendar
+ widget is shown.
+ \endtable
+ The example consists of one class, \c Window, which creates and
+ lays out the QCalendarWidget and the other widgets that let the
+ user configure the QCalendarWidget.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ Here is the definition of the \c Window class:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.h 0
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.h 1
+ As is often the case with classes that represent self-contained
+ windows, most of the API is private. We will review the private
+ members as we stumble upon them in the implementation.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ Let's now review the class implementation, starting with the constructor:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 0
+ We start by creating the four \l{QGroupBox}es and their child
+ widgets (including the QCalendarWidget) using four private \c
+ create...GroupBox() functions, described below. Then we arrange
+ the group boxes in a QGridLayout.
+ We set the grid layout's resize policy to QLayout::SetFixedSize to
+ prevent the user from resizing the window. In that mode, the
+ window's size is set automatically by QGridLayout based on the
+ size hints of its contents widgets.
+ To ensure that the window isn't automatically resized every time
+ we change a property of the QCalendarWidget (e.g., hiding the
+ navigation bar, trhe vertical header, or the grid), we set the
+ minimum height of row 0 and the minimum width of column 0 to the
+ initial size of the QCalendarWidget.
+ Let's move on to the \c createPreviewGroupBox() function:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 9
+ The \uicontrol Preview group box contains only one widget: the
+ QCalendarWidget. We set it up, connect its
+ \l{QCalendarWidget::}{currentPageChanged()} signal to our \c
+ reformatCalendarPage() slot to make sure that every new page gets
+ the formatting specified by the user.
+ The \c createGeneralOptionsGroupBox() function is somewhat large
+ and several widgets are set up the same way; we look at parts of
+ its implementation here and skip the rest:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 10
+ \dots
+ We start with the setup of the \uicontrol{Week starts on} combobox.
+ This combobox controls which day should be displayed as the first
+ day of the week.
+ The QComboBox class lets us attach user data as a QVariant to
+ each item. The data can later be retrieved with QComboBox's
+ \l{QComboBox::}{itemData()} function. QVariant doesn't directly
+ support the Qt::DayOfWeek data type, but it supports \c int, and
+ C++ will happily convert any enum value to \c int.
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 11
+ \dots
+ After creating the widgets, we connect the signals and slots. We
+ connect the comboboxes to private slots of \c Window or to
+ public slots provided by QComboBox.
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 12
+ At the end of the function, we call the slots that update the calendar to ensure
+ that the QCalendarWidget is synchronized with the other widgets on startup.
+ Let's now take a look at the \c createDatesGroupBox() private function:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 13
+ In this function, we create the \uicontrol {Minimum Date}, \uicontrol {Maximum Date},
+ and \uicontrol {Current Date} editor widgets,
+ which control the calendar's minimum, maximum, and selected dates.
+ The calendar's minimum and maximum dates have already been
+ set in \c createPrivewGroupBox(); we can then set the widgets
+ default values to the calendars values.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 14
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 15
+ We connect the \c currentDateEdit's
+ \l{QDateEdit::}{dateChanged()} signal directly to the calendar's
+ \l{QCalendarWidget::}{setSelectedDate()} slot. When the calendar's
+ selected date changes, either as a result of a user action or
+ programmatically, our \c selectedDateChanged() slot updates
+ the \uicontrol {Current Date} editor. We also need to react when the user
+ changes the \uicontrol{Minimum Date} and \uicontrol{Maximum Date} editors.
+ Here is the \c createTextFormatsGroup() function:
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 16
+ We set up the \uicontrol {Weekday Color} and \uicontrol {Weekend Color} comboboxes
+ using \c createColorCombo(), which instantiates a QComboBox and
+ populates it with colors ("Red", "Blue", etc.).
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 17
+ The \uicontrol {Header Text Format} combobox lets the user change the
+ text format (bold, italic, or plain) used for horizontal and
+ vertical headers. The \uicontrol {First Friday in blue} and \uicontrol {May 1
+ in red} check box affect the rendering of specific dates.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 18
+ We connect the check boxes and comboboxes to various private
+ slots. The \uicontrol {First Friday in blue} and \uicontrol {May 1 in red}
+ check boxes are both connected to \c reformatCalendarPage(),
+ which is also called when the calendar switches month.
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 19
+ At the end of \c createTextFormatsGroupBox(), we call private
+ slots to synchronize the QCalendarWidget with the other widgets.
+ We're now done reviewing the four \c create...GroupBox()
+ functions. Let's now take a look at the other private functions
+ and slots.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 20
+ In \c createColorCombo(), we create a combobox and populate it with
+ standard colors. The second argument to QComboBox::addItem()
+ is a QVariant storing user data (in this case, QColor objects).
+ This function was used to set up the \uicontrol {Weekday Color}
+ and \uicontrol {Weekend Color} comboboxes.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 1
+ When the user changes the \uicontrol {Week starts on} combobox's
+ value, \c firstDayChanged() is invoked with the index of the
+ combobox's new value. We retrieve the custom data item
+ associated with the new current item using
+ \l{QComboBox::}{itemData()} and cast it to a Qt::DayOfWeek.
+ \c selectionModeChanged(), \c horizontalHeaderChanged(), and \c
+ verticalHeaderChanged() are very similar to \c firstDayChanged(),
+ so they are omitted.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 2
+ The \c selectedDateChanged() updates the \uicontrol{Current Date}
+ editor to reflect the current state of the QCalendarWidget.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 3
+ When the user changes the minimum date, we tell the
+ QCalenderWidget. We also update the \uicontrol {Maximum Date} editor,
+ because if the new minimum date is later than the current maximum
+ date, QCalendarWidget will automatically adapt its maximum date
+ to avoid a contradicting state.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 4
+ \c maximumDateChanged() is implemented similarly to \c
+ minimumDateChanged().
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 5
+ Each combobox item has a QColor object as user data corresponding to the
+ item's text. After fetching the colors from the comboboxes, we
+ set the text format of each day of the week.
+ The text format of a column in the calendar is given as a
+ QTextCharFormat, which besides the foreground color lets us
+ specify various character formatting information. In this
+ example, we only show a subset of the possibilities.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 6
+ \c weekendFormatChanged() is the same as \c
+ weekdayFormatChanged(), except that it affects Saturday and
+ Sunday instead of Monday to Friday.
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 7
+ The \c reformatHeaders() slot is called when the user
+ changes the text format of
+ the headers. We compare the current text of the \uicontrol {Header Text Format}
+ combobox to determine which format to apply. (An alternative would
+ have been to store \l{QTextCharFormat} values alongside the combobox
+ items.)
+ \snippet widgets/calendarwidget/window.cpp 8
+ In \c reformatCalendarPage(), we set the text format of the first
+ Friday in the month and May 1 in the current year. The text
+ formats that are actually used depend on which check boxes are
+ checked and what the weekday/weekend formats are.
+ QCalendarWidget lets us set the text format of individual dates
+ with the \l{QCalendarWidget::}{setDateTextFormat()}. We chose to
+ set the date formats when the calendar page changes - i.e. a new month is
+ displayed - and when the weekday/weekend format is changed.
+ We check which of the \c mayFirstCheckBox and \c firstDayCheckBox, if any,
+ are checked and set the text formats accordingly.
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index 0000000000..fee2a42156
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+\example widgets/charactermap
+\title Character Map Example
+The Character Map example shows how to create a custom widget that can
+both display its own content and respond to user input.
+The example displays an array of characters which the user can click on
+to enter text in a line edit. The contents of the line edit can then be
+copied into the clipboard, and pasted into other applications. The
+purpose behind this sort of tool is to allow users to enter characters
+that may be unavailable or difficult to locate on their keyboards.
+\image charactermap-example.png Screenshot of the Character Map example
+The example consists of the following classes:
+\li \c CharacterWidget displays the available characters in the current
+ font and style.
+\li \c MainWindow provides a standard main window that contains font and
+ style information, a view onto the characters, a line edit, and a push
+ button for submitting text to the clipboard.
+\section1 CharacterWidget Class Definition
+The \c CharacterWidget class is used to display an array of characters in
+a user-specified font and style. For flexibility, we subclass QWidget and
+reimplement only the functions that we need to provide basic rendering
+and interaction features.
+The class definition looks like this:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.h 0
+The widget does not contain any other widgets, so it must provide its own
+size hint to allow its contents to be displayed correctly.
+We reimplement \l{QWidget::paintEvent()} to draw custom content. We also
+reimplement \l{QWidget::mousePressEvent()} to allow the user to interact
+with the widget.
+The updateFont() and updateStyle() slots are used to update the font and
+style of the characters in the widget whenever the user changes the
+settings in the application.
+The class defines the characterSelected() signal so that other parts
+of the application are informed whenever the user selects a character in
+the widget.
+As a courtesy, the widget provides a tooltip that shows the current
+character value. We reimplement the \l{QWidget::mouseMoveEvent()} event
+handler and define showToolTip() to enable this feature.
+The \c columns, \c displayFont and \c currentKey private data members
+are used to record the number of columns to be shown, the current font,
+and the currently highlighted character in the widget.
+\section1 CharacterWidget Class Implementation
+Since the widget is to be used as a simple canvas, the constructor just
+calls the base class constructor and defines some default values for
+private data members.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 0
+We initialize \c currentKey with a value of -1 to indicate
+that no character is initially selected. We enable mouse tracking to
+allow us to follow the movement of the cursor across the widget.
+The class provides two functions to allow the font and style to be set up.
+Each of these modify the widget's display font and call update():
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 1
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 2
+We use a fixed size font for the display. Similarly, a fixed size hint is
+provided by the sizeHint() function:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 3
+Three standard event functions are implemented so that the widget
+can respond to clicks, provide tooltips, and render the available
+characters. The paintEvent() shows how the contents of the widget are
+arranged and displayed:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 6
+A QPainter is created for the widget and, in all cases, we ensure that the
+widget's background is painted. The painter's font is set to the
+user-specified display font.
+The area of the widget that needs to be redrawn is used to determine which
+characters need to be displayed:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 7
+Using integer division, we obtain the row and column numbers of each
+characters that should be displayed, and we draw a square on the widget
+for each character displayed.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 8
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 9
+The symbols for each character in the array are drawn within each square,
+with the symbol for the most recently selected character displayed in red:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 10
+We do not need to take into account the difference between the area
+displayed in the viewport and the area we are drawing on because
+everything outside the visible area will be clipped.
+The mousePressEvent() defines how the widget responds to mouse clicks.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 5
+We are only interested when the user clicks with the left mouse button
+over the widget. When this happens, we calculate which character was
+selected and emit the characterSelected() signal.
+The character's number is found by dividing the x and y-coordinates of
+the click by the size of each character's grid square. Since the number
+of columns in the widget is defined by the \c columns variable, we
+simply multiply the row index by that value and add the column number
+to obtain the character number.
+If any other mouse button is pressed, the event is passed on to the
+QWidget base class. This ensures that the event can be handled properly
+by any other interested widgets.
+The mouseMoveEvent() maps the mouse cursor's position in global
+coordinates to widget coordinates, and determines the character that
+was clicked by performing the calculation
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/characterwidget.cpp 4
+The tooltip is given a position defined in global coordinates.
+\section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+The \c MainWindow class provides a minimal user interface for the example,
+with only a constructor, slots that respond to signals emitted by standard
+widgets, and some convenience functions that are used to set up the user
+The class definition looks like this:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.h 0
+The main window contains various widgets that are used to control how
+the characters will be displayed, and defines the findFonts() function
+for clarity and convenience. The findStyles() slot is used by the widgets
+to determine the styles that are available, insertCharacter() inserts
+a user-selected character into the window's line edit, and
+updateClipboard() synchronizes the clipboard with the contents of the
+line edit.
+\section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+In the constructor, we set up the window's central widget and fill it with
+some standard widgets (two comboboxes, a line edit, and a push button).
+We also construct a CharacterWidget custom widget, and add a QScrollArea
+so that we can view its contents:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 0
+QScrollArea provides a viewport onto the \c CharacterWidget when we set
+its widget and handles much of the work needed to provide a scrolling
+The font combo box is automatically popuplated with a list of available
+fonts. We list the available styles for the current font in the style
+combobox using the following function:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 1
+The line edit and push button are used to supply text to the clipboard:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 2
+We also obtain a clipboard object so that we can send text entered by the
+user to other applications.
+Most of the signals emitted in the example come from standard widgets.
+We connect these signals to slots in this class, and to the slots provided
+by other widgets.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 4
+The font combobox's
+\l{QFontComboBox::currentFontChanged()}{currentFontChanged()} signal is
+connected to the findStyles() function so that the list of available styles
+can be shown for each font that is used. Since both the font and the style
+can be changed by the user, the font combobox's currentFontChanged() signal
+and the style combobox's
+\l{QComboBox::currentIndexChanged()}{currentIndexChanged()} are connected
+directly to the character widget.
+The final two connections allow characters to be selected in the character
+widget, and text to be inserted into the clipboard:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 5
+The character widget emits the characterSelected() custom signal when
+the user clicks on a character, and this is handled by the insertCharacter()
+function in this class. The clipboard is changed when the push button emits
+the clicked() signal, and we handle this with the updateClipboard() function.
+The remaining code in the constructor sets up the layout of the central widget,
+and provides a window title:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 6
+The font combobox is automatically populated with a list of available font
+families. The styles that can be used with each font are found by the
+findStyles() function. This function is called whenever the user selects a
+different font in the font combobox.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 7
+We begin by recording the currently selected style, and we clear the
+style combobox so that we can insert the styles associated with the
+current font family.
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 8
+We use the font database to collect the styles that are available for the
+current font, and insert them into the style combobox. The current item is
+reset if the original style is not available for this font.
+The last two functions are slots that respond to signals from the character
+widget and the main window's push button. The insertCharacter() function is
+used to insert characters from the character widget when the user clicks a
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 9
+The character is inserted into the line edit at the current cursor position.
+The main window's "To clipboard" push button is connected to the
+updateClipboard() function so that, when it is clicked, the clipboard is
+updated to contain the contents of the line edit:
+\snippet widgets/charactermap/mainwindow.cpp 10
+We copy all the text from the line edit to the clipboard, but we do not clear
+the line edit.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/chart.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/chart.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44263d1027
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/chart.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/chart
+ \title Chart Example
+ The Chart example shows how to create a custom view for the model/view framework.
+ \image chart-example.png
+ In this example, the items in a table model are represented as slices in a pie chart,
+ relying on the flexibility of the model/view architecture to handle custom editing
+ and selection features.
+ \b{Note that you only need to create a new view class if your data requires a
+ specialized representation.} You should first consider using a standard QListView,
+ QTableView, or QTreeView with a custom QItemDelegate subclass if you need to
+ represent data in a special way.
+ \omit
+ \section1 PieView Class Definition
+ The \c PieView class is a subclass of QAbstractItemView. The base class provides
+ much of the functionality required by view classes, so we only need to provide
+ implementations for three public functions: visualRect(), scrollTo(), and
+ indexAt(). However, the view needs to maintain strict control over its look and
+ feel, so we also provide implementations for a number of other functions:
+ \snippet itemviews/chart/pieview.h 0
+ \section1 PieView Class Implementation
+ The paint event renders the data from the standard item model as a pie chart.
+ We interpret the data in the following way:
+ \list
+ \li Column 0 contains data in two different roles:
+ The \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{DisplayRole} contains a label, and the
+ \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{DecorationRole} contains the color of the pie slice.
+ \li Column 1 contains a quantity which we will convert to the angular extent of
+ the slice.
+ \endlist
+ The figure is always drawn with the chart on the left and the key on
+ the right. This means that we must try and obtain an area that is wider
+ than it is tall. We do this by imposing a particular aspect ratio on
+ the chart and applying it to the available vertical space. This ensures
+ that we always obtain the maximum horizontal space for the aspect ratio
+ used.
+ We also apply fixed size margin around the figure.
+ We use logical coordinates to draw the chart and key, and position them
+ on the view using viewports.
+ \endomit
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/chip
+ \title 40000 Chips
+ This demo shows how to visualize a huge scene with 40000 chip items
+ using Graphics View. It also shows Graphics View's powerful navigation
+ and interaction features, allowing you to zoom and rotate each of four
+ views independently, and you can select and move items around the scene.
+ \image chip-demo.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+ \example dialogs/classwizard
+ \title Class Wizard Example
+ The License Wizard example shows how to implement linear
+ wizards using QWizard.
+ \image classwizard.png Screenshot of the Class Wizard example
+ Most wizards have a linear structure, with page 1 followed by
+ page 2 and so on until the last page. Some wizards are more
+ complex in that they allow different traversal paths based on the
+ information provided by the user. The
+ \l{dialogs/licensewizard}{License Wizard} example shows how to
+ create such wizards.
+ The Class Wizard example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c ClassWizard inherits QWizard and provides a
+ three-step wizard that generates the skeleton of a C++ class
+ based on the user's input.
+ \li \c IntroPage, \c ClassInfoPage, \c CodeStylePage, \c
+ OutputFilesPage, and \c ConclusionPage are QWizardPage
+ subclasses that implement the wizard pages.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 ClassWizard Class Definition
+ \image classwizard-flow.png The Class Wizard pages
+ We will see how to subclass QWizard to implement our own wizard.
+ The concrete wizard class is called \c ClassWizard and provides
+ five pages:
+ \list
+ \li The first page is an introduction page, telling the user what
+ the wizard is going to do.
+ \li The second page asks for a class name and a base class, and
+ allows the user to specify whether the class should have a \c
+ Q_OBJECT macro and what constructors it should provide.
+ \li The third page allows the user to set some options related to the code
+ style, such as the macro used to protect the header file from
+ multiple inclusion (e.g., \c MYDIALOG_H).
+ \li The fourth page allows the user to specify the names of the
+ output files.
+ \li The fifth page is a conclusion page.
+ \endlist
+ Although the program is just an example, if you press \uicontrol Finish
+ (\uicontrol Done on Mac OS X), actual C++ source files will actually be
+ generated.
+ \section1 The ClassWizard Class
+ Here's the \c ClassWizard definition:
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.h 0
+ The class reimplements QDialog's \l{QDialog::}{accept()} slot.
+ This slot is called when the user clicks \uicontrol{Finish}.
+ Here's the constructor:
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 1
+ We instantiate the five pages and insert them into the wizard
+ using QWizard::addPage(). The order in which they are inserted
+ is also the order in which they will be shown later on.
+ We call QWizard::setPixmap() to set the banner and the
+ background pixmaps for all pages. The banner is used as a
+ background for the page header when the wizard's style is
+ \l{QWizard::}{ModernStyle}; the background is used as the
+ dialog's background in \l{QWizard::}{MacStyle}. (See \l{Elements
+ of a Wizard Page} for more information.)
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 3
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 4
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 5
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 6
+ If the user clicks \uicontrol Finish, we extract the information from
+ the various pages using QWizard::field() and generate the files.
+ The code is long and tedious (and has barely anything to do with
+ noble art of designing wizards), so most of it is skipped here.
+ See the actual example in the Qt distribution for the details if
+ you're curious.
+ \section1 The IntroPage Class
+ The pages are defined in \c classwizard.h and implemented in \c
+ classwizard.cpp, together with \c ClassWizard. We will start with
+ the easiest page:
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.h 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 7
+ A page inherits from QWizardPage. We set a
+ \l{QWizardPage::}{title} and a
+ \l{QWizard::WatermarkPixmap}{watermark pixmap}. By not setting
+ any \l{QWizardPage::}{subTitle}, we ensure that no header is
+ displayed for this page. (On Windows, it is customary for wizards
+ to display a watermark pixmap on the first and last pages, and to
+ have a header on the other pages.)
+ Then we create a QLabel and add it to a layout.
+ \section1 The ClassInfoPage Class
+ The second page is defined and implemented as follows:
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.h 2
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 9
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 12
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 13
+ First, we set the page's \l{QWizardPage::}{title},
+ \l{QWizardPage::}{subTitle}, and \l{QWizard::LogoPixmap}{logo
+ pixmap}. The logo pixmap is displayed in the page's header in
+ \l{QWizard::}{ClassicStyle} and \l{QWizard::}{ModernStyle}.
+ Then we create the child widgets, create \l{Registering and Using
+ Fields}{wizard fields} associated with them, and put them into
+ layouts. The \c className field is created with an asterisk (\c
+ *) next to its name. This makes it a \l{mandatory field}, that
+ is, a field that must be filled before the user can press the
+ \uicontrol Next button (\uicontrol Continue on Mac OS X). The fields' values
+ can be accessed from any other page using QWizardPage::field(),
+ or from the wizard code using QWizard::field().
+ \section1 The CodeStylePage Class
+ The third page is defined and implemented as follows:
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.h 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 14
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 15
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/classwizard/classwizard.cpp 16
+ The code in the constructor is very similar to what we did for \c
+ ClassInfoPage, so we skipped most of it.
+ The \c initializePage() function is what makes this class
+ interesting. It is reimplemented from QWizardPage and is used to
+ initialize some of the page's fields with values from the
+ previous page (namely, \c className and \c baseClass). For
+ example, if the class name on page 2 is \c SuperDuperWidget, the
+ default macro name on page 3 is \c SUPERDUPERWIDGET_H.
+ The \c OutputFilesPage and \c ConclusionPage classes are very
+ similar to \c CodeStylePage, so we won't review them here.
+ \sa QWizard, {License Wizard Example}, {Trivial Wizard Example}
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/codeeditor
+ \title Code Editor Example
+ The Code Editor example shows how to create a simple editor that
+ has line numbers and that highlights the current line.
+ \image codeeditor-example.png
+ As can be seen from the image, the editor displays the line
+ numbers in an area to the left of the area for editing. The editor
+ will highlight the line containing the cursor.
+ We implement the editor in \c CodeEditor, which is a widget that
+ inherits QPlainTextEdit. We keep a separate widget in \c
+ CodeEditor (\c LineNumberArea) onto which we draw the line
+ numbers.
+ QPlainTextEdit inherits from QAbstractScrollArea, and editing
+ takes place within its \l{QAbstractScrollArea::}{viewport()}'s
+ margins. We make room for our line number area by setting the left
+ margin of the viewport to the size we need to draw the line
+ numbers.
+ When it comes to editing code, we prefer QPlainTextEdit over
+ QTextEdit because it is optimized for handling plain text. See
+ the QPlainTextEdit class description for details.
+ QPlainTextEdit lets us add selections in addition to the
+ selection the user can make with the mouse or keyboard. We use
+ this functionality to highlight the current line. More on this
+ later.
+ We will now move on to the definitions and implementations of \c
+ CodeEditor and \c LineNumberArea. Let's start with the \c
+ LineNumberArea class.
+ \section1 The LineNumberArea Class
+ We paint the line numbers on this widget, and place it over the \c
+ CodeEditor's \l{QAbstractScrollArea::}{viewport()}'s left margin
+ area.
+ We need to use protected functions in QPlainTextEdit while
+ painting the area. So to keep things simple, we paint the area in
+ the \c CodeEditor class. The area also asks the editor to
+ calculate its size hint.
+ Note that we could simply paint the line numbers directly on the
+ code editor, and drop the LineNumberArea class. However, the
+ QWidget class helps us to \l{QWidget::}{scroll()} its contents.
+ Also, having a separate widget is the right choice if we wish to
+ extend the editor with breakpoints or other code editor features.
+ The widget would then help in the handling of mouse events.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.h extraarea
+ \section1 CodeEditor Class Definition
+ Here is the code editor's class definition:
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.h codeeditordefinition
+ In the editor we resize and draw the line numbers on the \c
+ LineNumberArea. We need to do this when the number of lines in the
+ editor changes, and when the editor's viewport() is scrolled. Of
+ course, it is also done when the editor's size changes. We do
+ this in \c updateLineNumberWidth() and \c updateLineNumberArea().
+ Whenever, the cursor's position changes, we highlight the current
+ line in \c highlightCurrentLine().
+ \section1 CodeEditor Class Implementation
+ We will now go through the code editors implementation, starting
+ off with the constructor.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp constructor
+ In the constructor we connect our slots to signals in
+ QPlainTextEdit. It is necessary to calculate the line number area
+ width and highlight the first line when the editor is created.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp extraAreaWidth
+ The \c lineNumberAreaWidth() function calculates the width of the
+ \c LineNumberArea widget. We take the number of digits in the last
+ line of the editor and multiply that with the maximum width of a
+ digit.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp slotUpdateExtraAreaWidth
+ When we update the width of the line number area, we simply call
+ QAbstractScrollArea::setViewportMargins().
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp slotUpdateRequest
+ This slot is invoked when the editors viewport has been scrolled.
+ The QRect given as argument is the part of the editing area that
+ is do be updated (redrawn). \c dy holds the number of pixels the
+ view has been scrolled vertically.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp resizeEvent
+ When the size of the editor changes, we also need to resize the
+ line number area.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp cursorPositionChanged
+ When the cursor position changes, we highlight the current line,
+ i.e., the line containing the cursor.
+ QPlainTextEdit gives the possibility to have more than one
+ selection at the same time. we can set the character format
+ (QTextCharFormat) of these selections. We clear the cursors
+ selection before setting the new new
+ QPlainTextEdit::ExtraSelection, else several lines would get
+ highlighted when the user selects multiple lines with the mouse.
+ \omit ask someone how this works \endomit
+ One sets the selection with a text cursor. When using the
+ FullWidthSelection property, the current cursor text block (line)
+ will be selected. If you want to select just a portion of the text
+ block, the cursor should be moved with QTextCursor::movePosition()
+ from a position set with \l{QTextCursor::}{setPosition()}.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp extraAreaPaintEvent_0
+ The \c lineNumberAreaPaintEvent() is called from \c LineNumberArea
+ whenever it receives a paint event. We start off by painting the
+ widget's background.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp extraAreaPaintEvent_1
+ We will now loop through all visible lines and paint the line
+ numbers in the extra area for each line. Notice that in a plain
+ text edit each line will consist of one QTextBlock; though, if
+ line wrapping is enabled, a line may span several rows in the text
+ edit's viewport.
+ We get the top and bottom y-coordinate of the first text block,
+ and adjust these values by the height of the current text block in
+ each iteration in the loop.
+ \snippet widgets/codeeditor/codeeditor.cpp extraAreaPaintEvent_2
+ Notice that we check if the block is visible in addition to check
+ if it is in the areas viewport - a block can, for example, be
+ hidden by a window placed over the text edit.
+ \section1 Suggestions for Extending the Code Editor
+ No self-respecting code editor is without a syntax
+ highligther; the \l{Syntax Highlighter Example} shows how to
+ create one.
+ In addition to line numbers, you can add more to the extra area,
+ for instance, break points.
+ QSyntaxHighlighter gives the possibility to add user data to each
+ text block with
+ \l{QSyntaxHighlighter::}{setCurrentBlockUserData()}. This can be
+ used to implement parenthesis matching. In the \c
+ highlightCurrentLine(), the data of the currentBlock() can be
+ fetched with QTextBlock::userData(). Matching parentheses can be
+ highlighted with an extra selection. The "Matching Parentheses
+ with QSyntaxHighlighter" article in Qt Quarterly 31 implements
+ this. You find it here: \l{}.
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/coloreditorfactory.qdoc
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+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/coloreditorfactory
+ \title Color Editor Factory Example
+ This example shows how to create an editor that can be used by
+ a QItemDelegate.
+ \image coloreditorfactoryimage.png
+ When editing data in a QListView, QTableView, or QTreeView,
+ editors are created and displayed by a \l{Delegate
+ Classes}{delegate}. QItemDelegate, which is the default delegate
+ used by Qt's \l{View Classes}{item views}, uses a
+ QItemEditorFactory to create editors for it. A unique instance
+ provided by QItemEditorFactory is by default installed on all
+ item delegates.
+ An item editor factory contains a collection of
+ QItemEditorCreatorBase instances, which are specialized factories
+ that produce editors for one particular QVariant data type (all
+ models in Qt store their data in \l{QVariant}s). An editor can be any
+ Qt or custom widget.
+ In this example, we will create an editor (implemented in the \c
+ ColorListEditor class) that can edit the QColor data type and be
+ used by \l{QItemDelegate}s. We do this by creating a new
+ QItemEditorCreatorBase that produces \c ColorListEditors and
+ register it with a new factory, which we set as the default editor
+ item factory (the unique factory instance). To test our editor, we
+ have implemented the \c Window class, which displays a
+ QTableWidget in which \l{QColor}s can be edited.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In the Window class, we create the item editor creator
+ base for our color editor and add it to the default factory.
+ We also create a QTableWidget in which our editor can be
+ tested. It is filled with some data and displayed in a window.
+ We take a closer look at the constructor:
+ \snippet itemviews/coloreditorfactory/window.cpp 0
+ The QStandardItemEditorCreator is a convenience class that
+ inherits QItemEditorCreatorBase. Its constructor takes a template
+ class, of which instances are returned from
+ \l{QItemEditorCreatorBase::}{createWidget()}. The creator uses a
+ constructor that takes a QWidget as its only parameter; the
+ template class must provide this. This way, there is no need to
+ subclass QStandardItemEditorCreator.
+ After the new factory has been set, all standard item delegates
+ will use it (i.e, also delegates that were created before the new
+ default factory was set).
+ The \c createGUI() function sets up the table and fills it
+ with data.
+ \section1 ColorListEditor Definition
+ The ColorListEditor inherits QComboBox and lets the user
+ select a QColor from its popup list.
+ \snippet itemviews/coloreditorfactory/colorlisteditor.h 0
+ QItemDelegate manages the interaction between the editor and
+ the model, i.e., it retrieves data to edit from the model and
+ store data from the editor in the model. The data that is edited
+ by an editor is stored in the editor's user data property, and the
+ delegate uses Qt's \l{Qt's Property System}{property system} to
+ access it by name. We declare our user data property with the
+ Q_PROPERTY macro. The property is set to be the user type with the
+ USER keyword.
+ \section1 ColorListEditor Implementation
+ The constructor of \c ColorListEditor simply calls \c
+ populateList(), which we will look at later. We move on to the
+ \c color() function:
+ \snippet itemviews/coloreditorfactory/colorlisteditor.cpp 0
+ We return the data that is selected in the combobox. The data
+ is stored in the Qt::DecorationRole as the color is then also
+ displayed in the popup list (as shown in the image above).
+ \snippet itemviews/coloreditorfactory/colorlisteditor.cpp 1
+ The \c findData() function searches the items in the combobox
+ and returns the index of the item that has \c color in the
+ Qt::Decoration role.
+ \snippet itemviews/coloreditorfactory/colorlisteditor.cpp 2
+ Qt knows some predefined colors by name. We simply loop
+ through these to fill our editor with items.
+ \section1 Further Customization of Item View Editors
+ You can customize Qt's \l{Model/View Programming}{model view
+ framework} in many ways. The procedure shown in this example is
+ usually sufficient to provide custom editors. Further
+ customization is achieved by subclassing QItemEditorFactory
+ and QItemEditorCreatorBase. It is also possible to subclass
+ QItemDelegate if you don't wish to use a factory at all.
+ Possible suggestions are:
+ \list
+ \li If the editor widget has no user property defined, the delegate
+ asks the factory for the property name, which it in turn
+ asks the item editor creator for. In this case, you can use
+ the QItemEditorCreator class, which takes the property
+ name to use for editing as a constructor argument.
+ \li If the editor requires other constructors or other
+ initialization than provided by QItemEditorCreatorBase, you
+ must reimplement
+ QItemEditorCreatorBase::createWidget().
+ \li You could also subclass QItemEditorFactory if you only want
+ to provide editors for certain kinds of data or use another
+ method of creating the editors than using creator bases.
+ \endlist
+ In this example, we use a standard QVariant data type. You can
+ also use custom types. In the \l{Star Delegate Example}, we
+ show how to store a custom data type in a QVariant and paint
+ and edit it in a class that inherits QItemDelegate.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/combowidgetmapper
+ \title Combo Widget Mapper Example
+ The Combo Widget Mapper example shows how to use a custom delegate to
+ map information from a model to specific widgets on a form.
+ \image combowidgetmapper-example.png
+ In the \l{Simple Widget Mapper Example}, we showed the basic use of a
+ widget mapper to relate data exposed by a model to simple input widgets
+ in a user interface. However, sometimes we want to use input widgets that
+ expose data as choices to the user, such as QComboBox, and we need a way
+ to relate their input to the values stored in the model.
+ This example is very similar to the \l{Simple Widget Mapper Example}.
+ Again, we create a \c Window class with an almost identical user interface,
+ except that, instead of providing a spin box so that each person's age
+ can be entered, we provide a combo box to allow their addresses to be
+ classified as "Home", "Work" or "Other".
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The class provides a constructor, a slot to keep the buttons up to date,
+ and a private function to set up the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.h Window definition
+ In addition to the QDataWidgetMapper object and the controls used to make
+ up the user interface, we use a QStandardItemModel to hold our data and
+ a QStringListModel to hold information about the types of address that
+ can be applied to each person's data.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The constructor of the \c Window class can be explained in three parts.
+ In the first part, we set up the widgets used for the user interface:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up widgets
+ Note that we set up the mapping the combo box in the same way as for other
+ widgets, but that we apply its own model to it so that it will display
+ data from its own model, the \c typeModel, rather than from the model
+ containing data about each person.
+ Next, we set up the widget mapper, relating each input widget to a column
+ in the model specified by the call to \l{QDataWidgetMapper::}{setModel()}:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up the mapper
+ For the combo box, we pass an extra argument to tell the widget mapper
+ which property to relate to values from the model. As a result, the user
+ is able to select an item from the combo box, and the corresponding
+ value stored in the widget's \c currentIndex property will be stored in
+ the model.
+ \omit
+ However, we also set a delegate on the mapper. As with \l{Delegate Classes},
+ this changes the way that data is presented to the user. In this case, the
+ delegate acts as a proxy between the mapper and the input widgets,
+ translating the data into a suitable form for the combo box but not
+ interfering with the other input widgets. The implementation is shown later.
+ \endomit
+ The rest of the constructor is very similar to that of the
+ \l{Simple Widget Mapper Example}:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up connections and layouts
+ The model is initialized in the window's \c{setupModel()} function. Here,
+ we create a standard model with 5 rows and 3 columns. In each row, we
+ insert a name, address, and a value that indicates the type of address.
+ The address types are stored in a string list model.
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up the model
+ As we insert each row into the model, like a record in a database, we
+ store values that correspond to items in \c typeModel for each person's
+ address type. When the widget mapper reads these values from the final
+ column of each row, it will need to use them as references to values in
+ \c typeModel, as shown in the following diagram. This is where the
+ delegate is used.
+ \image widgetmapper-combo-mapping.png
+ We show the implementation of the \c{updateButtons()} slot for
+ completeness:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/window.cpp Slot for updating the buttons
+ \omit
+ \section1 Delegate Class Definition and Implementation
+ The delegate we use to mediate interaction between the widget mapper and
+ the input widgets is a small QItemDelegate subclass:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/delegate.h Delegate class definition
+ This provides implementations of the two standard functions used to pass
+ data between editor widgets and the model (see the \l{Delegate Classes}
+ documentation for a more general description of these functions).
+ Since we only provide an empty implementation of the constructor, we
+ concentrate on the other two functions.
+ The \l{QItemDelegate::}{setEditorData()} implementation takes the data
+ referred to by the model index supplied and processes it according to
+ the presence of a \c currentIndex property in the editor widget:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/delegate.cpp setEditorData implementation
+ If, like QComboBox, the editor widget has this property, it is set using
+ the value from the model. Since we are passing around QVariant values,
+ the strings stored in the model are automatically converted to the integer
+ values needed for the \c currentIndex property.
+ As a result, instead of showing "0", "1" or "2" in the combo box, one of
+ its predefined set of items is shown. We call QItemDelegate::setEditorData()
+ for widgets without the \c currentIndex property.
+ The \l{QItemDelegate::}{setModelData()} implementation performs the reverse
+ process, taking the value stored in the widget's \c currentIndex property
+ and storing it back in the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/combowidgetmapper/delegate.cpp setModelData implementation
+ \endomit
+ \section1 Summary and Further Reading
+ The use of a separate model for the combo box provides a menu of choices
+ that are separate from the data stored in the main model. Using a named
+ mapping that relates the combo box's \c currentIndex property to a column
+ in the model effectively allows us to store a look-up value in the model.
+ However, when reading the model outside the context of the widget mapper,
+ we need to know about the \c typeModel to make sense of these look-up
+ values. It would be useful to be able to store both the data and the
+ choices held by the \c typeModel in one place.
+ This is covered by the \l{SQL Widget Mapper Example}.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/composition
+ \title Composition Modes
+ This demo shows some of the more advanced composition modes supported by Qt.
+ \image composition-demo.png
+ The two most common forms of composition are \b{Source} and \b{SourceOver}.
+ \b{Source} is used to draw opaque objects onto a paint device. In this mode,
+ each pixel in the source replaces the corresponding pixel in the destination.
+ In \b{SourceOver} composition mode, the source object is transparent and is
+ drawn on top of the destination.
+ In addition to these standard modes, Qt defines the complete set of composition modes
+ as defined by X. Porter and Y. Duff. See the QPainter documentation for details.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/concentriccircles
+ \title Concentric Circles Example
+ The Concentric Circles example shows the improved rendering
+ quality that can be obtained using floating point precision and
+ anti-aliasing when drawing custom widgets. The example also shows
+ how to do simple animations.
+ The application's main window displays several widgets which are
+ drawn using the various combinations of precision and
+ anti-aliasing.
+ \image concentriccircles-example.png
+ Anti-aliasing is one of QPainter's render hints. The
+ QPainter::RenderHints are used to specify flags to QPainter that
+ may, or may not, be respected by any given
+ engine. QPainter::Antialiasing indicates that the engine should
+ anti-alias the edges of primitives if possible, i.e. put
+ additional pixels around the original ones to smooth the edges.
+ The difference between floating point precision and integer
+ precision is a matter of accuracy, and is visible in the
+ application's main window: Even though the logic that is
+ calculating the circles' geometry is the same, floating points
+ ensure that the white spaces between each circle are of the same
+ size, while integers make two and two circles appear as if they
+ belong together. The reason is that the integer based precision
+ rely on rounding off non-integer calculations.
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c CircleWidget is a custom widget which renders several animated
+ concentric circles.
+ \li \c Window is the application's main window displaying four \c
+ {CircleWidget}s drawn using different combinations of precision
+ and aliasing.
+ \endlist
+ First we will review the CircleWidget class, then we will take a
+ look at the Window class.
+ \section1 CircleWidget Class Definition
+ The CircleWidget class inherits QWidget, and is a custom widget
+ which renders several animated concentric circles.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.h 0
+ We declare the \c floatBased and \c antialiased variables to hold
+ whether an instance of the class should be rendered with integer
+ or float based precision, and whether the rendering should be
+ anti-aliased or not. We also declare functions setting each of
+ these variables.
+ In addition we reimplement the QWidget::paintEvent() function to
+ apply the various combinations of precision and anti-aliasing when
+ rendering, and to support the animation. We reimplement the
+ QWidget::minimumSizeHint() and QWidget::sizeHint() functions to
+ give the widget a reasonable size within our application.
+ We declare the private \c nextAnimationFrame() slot, and the
+ associated \c frameNo variable holding the number of "animation
+ frames" for the widget, to facilitate the animation.
+ \section1 CircleWidget Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we make the widget's rendering integer based
+ and aliased by default:
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 0
+ We initialize the widget's \c frameNo variable, and set the
+ widget's background color using the QWidget::setBackgroundColor()
+ function which takes a \l {QPalette::ColorRole}{color role} as
+ argument; the QPalette::Base color role is typically white.
+ Then we set the widgets size policy using the
+ QWidget::setSizePolicy() function. QSizePolicy::Expanding means
+ that the widget's \l {QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()} is a
+ sensible size, but that the widget can be shrunk and still be
+ useful. The widget can also make use of extra space, so it should
+ get as much space as possible.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 2
+ The public \c setFloatBased() and \c setAntialiased() functions
+ update the widget's rendering preferences, i.e. whether the widget
+ should be rendered with integer or float based precision, and
+ whether the rendering should be anti-aliased or not.
+ The functions also generate a paint event by calling the
+ QWidget::update() function, forcing a repaint of the widget with
+ the new rendering preferences.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 4
+ The default implementations of the QWidget::minimumSizeHint() and
+ QWidget::sizeHint() functions return invalid sizes if there is no
+ layout for the widget, otherwise they return the layout's minimum and
+ preferred size, respectively.
+ We reimplement the functions to give the widget minimum and
+ preferred sizes which are reasonable within our application.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 5
+ The nextAnimationFrame() slot simply increments the \c frameNo
+ variable's value, and calls the QWidget::update() function which
+ schedules a paint event for processing when Qt returns to the main
+ event loop.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 6
+ A paint event is a request to repaint all or part of the
+ widget. The \c paintEvent() function is an event handler that can
+ be reimplemented to receive the widget's paint events. We
+ reimplement the event handler to apply the various combinations of
+ precision and anti-aliasing when rendering the widget, and to
+ support the animation.
+ First, we create a QPainter for the widget, and set its
+ antialiased flag to the widget's preferred aliasing. We also
+ translate the painters coordinate system, preparing to draw the
+ widget's cocentric circles. The translation ensures that the
+ center of the circles will be equivalent to the widget's center.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 7
+ When painting a circle, we use the number of "animation frames" to
+ determine the alpha channel of the circle's color. The alpha
+ channel specifies the color's transparency effect, 0 represents a
+ fully transparent color, while 255 represents a fully opaque
+ color.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/circlewidget.cpp 8
+ If the calculated alpha channel is fully transparent, we don't
+ draw anything since that would be equivalent to drawing a white
+ circle on a white background. Instead we skip to the next circle
+ still creating a white space. If the calculated alpha channel is
+ fully opaque, we set the pen (the QColor passed to the QPen
+ constructor is converted into the required QBrush by default) and
+ draw the circle. If the widget's preferred precision is float
+ based, we specify the circle's bounding rectangle using QRectF and
+ double values, otherwise we use QRect and integers.
+ The animation is controlled by the public \c nextAnimationFrame()
+ slot: Whenever the \c nextAnimationFrame() slot is called the
+ number of frames is incremented and a paint event is
+ scheduled. Then, when the widget is repainted, the alpha-blending
+ of the circles' colors change and the circles appear as animated.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The Window class inherits QWidget, and is the application's main
+ window rendering four \c {CircleWidget}s using different
+ combinations of precision and aliasing.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/window.h 0
+ We declare the various components of the main window, i.e., the text
+ labels and a double array that will hold reference to the four \c
+ {CircleWidget}s. In addition we declare the private \c
+ createLabel() function to simplify the constructor.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/window.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we first create the various labels and put
+ them in a QGridLayout.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/window.cpp 1
+ Then we create a QTimer. The QTimer class is a high-level
+ programming interface for timers, and provides repetitive and
+ single-shot timers.
+ We create a timer to facilitate the animation of our concentric
+ circles; when we create the four CircleWidget instances (and add
+ them to the layout), we connect the QTimer::timeout() signal to
+ each of the widgets' \c nextAnimationFrame() slots.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/window.cpp 2
+ Before we set the layout and window title for our main window, we
+ make the timer start with a timeout interval of 100 milliseconds,
+ using the QTimer::start() function. That means that the
+ QTimer::timeout() signal will be emitted, forcing a repaint of the
+ four \c {CircleWidget}s, every 100 millisecond which is the reason
+ the circles appear as animated.
+ \snippet painting/concentriccircles/window.cpp 3
+ The private \c createLabel() function is implemented to simlify
+ the constructor.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/configdialog
+ \title Config Dialog Example
+ The Config Dialog examples shows how a configuration dialog can be created by
+ using an icon view with a stacked widget.
+ \image configdialog-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/customsortfiltermodel
+ \title Custom Sort/Filter Model Example
+ The Custom Sort/Filter Model example illustrates how to subclass
+ QSortFilterProxyModel to perform advanced sorting and filtering.
+ \image customsortfiltermodel-example.png Screenshot of the Custom Sort/Filter Model Example
+ The QSortFilterProxyModel class provides support for sorting and
+ filtering data passed between another model and a view.
+ The model transforms the structure of a source model by mapping
+ the model indexes it supplies to new indexes, corresponding to
+ different locations, for views to use. This approach allows a
+ given source model to be restructured as far as views are
+ concerned, without requiring any transformations on the underlying
+ data and without duplicating the data in memory.
+ The Custom Sort/Filter Model example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li The \c MySortFilterProxyModel class provides a custom proxy
+ model.
+ \li The \c Window class provides the main application window,
+ using the custom proxy model to sort and filter a standard
+ item model.
+ \endlist
+ We will first take a look at the \c MySortFilterProxyModel class
+ to see how the custom proxy model is implemented, then we will
+ take a look at the \c Window class to see how the model is
+ used. Finally we will take a quick look at the \c main() function.
+ \section1 MySortFilterProxyModel Class Definition
+ The \c MySortFilterProxyModel class inherits the
+ QSortFilterProxyModel class.
+ Since QAbstractProxyModel and its subclasses are derived from
+ QAbstractItemModel, much of the same advice about subclassing
+ normal models also applies to proxy models.
+ On the other hand, it is worth noting that many of
+ QSortFilterProxyModel's default implementations of functions are
+ written so that they call the equivalent functions in the relevant
+ source model. This simple proxying mechanism may need to be
+ overridden for source models with more complex behavior; in this
+ example we derive from the QSortFilterProxyModel class to ensure
+ that our filter can recognize a valid range of dates, and to
+ control the sorting behavior.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.h 0
+ We want to be able to filter our data by specifying a given period
+ of time. For that reason, we implement the custom \c
+ setFilterMinimumDate() and \c setFilterMaximumDate() functions as
+ well as the corresponding \c filterMinimumDate() and \c
+ filterMaximumDate() functions. We reimplement
+ QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow()}{filterAcceptsRow()}
+ function to only accept rows with valid dates, and
+ QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan() to be able to sort the senders
+ by their email addresses. Finally, we implement a \c dateInRange()
+ convenience function that we will use to determine if a date is
+ valid.
+ \section1 MySortFilterProxyModel Class Implementation
+ The \c MySortFilterProxyModel constructor is trivial, passing the
+ parent parameter on to the base class constructor:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 0
+ The most interesting parts of the \c MySortFilterProxyModel
+ implementation are the reimplementations of
+ QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow()}{filterAcceptsRow()}
+ and \l {QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan()}{lessThan()}
+ functions. Let's first take a look at our customized \c lessThan()
+ function.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 4
+ We want to sort the senders by their email addresses. The \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{lessThan()} function is used as the <
+ operator when sorting. The default implementation handles a
+ collection of types including QDateTime and String, but in order
+ to be able to sort the senders by their email addresses we must
+ first identify the address within the given string:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 6
+ We use QRegExp to define a pattern for the addresses we are looking
+ for. The QRegExp::indexIn() function attempts to find a match in
+ the given string and returns the position of the first match, or
+ -1 if there was no match. If the given string contains the
+ pattern, we use QRegExp's \l {QRegExp::cap()}{cap()} function to
+ retrieve the actual address. The \l {QRegExp::cap()}{cap()}
+ function returns the text captured by the \e nth
+ subexpression. The entire match has index 0 and the parenthesized
+ subexpressions have indexes starting from 1 (excluding
+ non-capturing parentheses).
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 3
+ The \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow()}{filterAcceptsRow()}
+ function, on the other hand, is expected to return true if the
+ given row should be included in the model. In our example, a row
+ is accepted if either the subject or the sender contains the given
+ regular expression, and the date is valid.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 7
+ We use our custom \c dateInRange() function to determine if a date
+ is valid.
+ To be able to filter our data by specifying a given period of
+ time, we also implement functions for getting and setting the
+ minimum and maximum dates:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/mysortfilterproxymodel.cpp 2
+ The get functions, \c filterMinimumDate() and \c
+ filterMaximumDate(), are trivial and implemented as inline
+ function in the header file.
+ This completes our custom proxy model. Let's see how we can use it
+ in an application.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c CustomFilter class inherits QWidget, and provides this
+ example's main application window:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.h 0
+ We implement two private slots, \c textFilterChanged() and \c
+ dateFilterChanged(), to respond to the user changing the filter
+ pattern, case sensitivity or any of the dates. In addition, we
+ implement a public \c setSourceModel() convenience function to set
+ up the model/ view relation.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In this example, we have chosen to create and set the source model
+ in the \c main () function (which we will come back to later). So
+ when constructing the main application window, we assume that a
+ source model already exists and start by creating an instance of
+ our custom proxy model:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 0
+ We set the \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::dynamicSortFilter}{dynamicSortFilter}
+ property that holds whether the proxy model is dynamically sorted
+ and filtered. By setting this property to true, we ensure that the
+ model is sorted and filtered whenever the contents of the source
+ model change.
+ The main application window shows views of both the source model
+ and the proxy model. The source view is quite simple:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 1
+ The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation
+ of a tree view; our view implements a tree representation of items
+ in the application's source model.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 2
+ The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation
+ of a tree view; our view implements a tree representation of items
+ in the application's source model. We add our view widget to a
+ layout that we install on a corresponding group box.
+ The proxy model view, on the other hand, contains several widgets
+ controlling the various aspects of transforming the source model's
+ data structure:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 3
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 4
+ Note that whenever the user changes one of the filtering options,
+ we must explicitly reapply the filter. This is done by connecting
+ the various editors to functions that update the proxy model.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 5
+ The sorting will be handled by the view. All we have to do is to
+ enable sorting for our proxy view by setting the
+ QTreeView::sortingEnabled property (which is false by
+ default). Then we add all the filtering widgets and the proxy view
+ to a layout that we install on a corresponding group box.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 6
+ Finally, after putting our two group boxes into another layout
+ that we install on our main application widget, we customize the
+ application window.
+ As mentioned above, we create the source model in the \c main ()
+ function, calling the \c Window::setSourceModel() function to make
+ the application use it:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 7
+ The QSortFilterProxyModel::setSourceModel() function makes the
+ proxy model process the data in the given model, in this case out
+ mail model. The \l {QAbstractItemView::}{setModel()} that the
+ view widget inherits from the QAbstractItemModel class, sets the
+ model for the view to present. Note that the latter function will
+ also create and set a new selection model.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 8
+ The \c textFilterChanged() function is called whenever the user
+ changes the filter pattern or the case sensitivity.
+ We first retrieve the preferred syntax (the QRegExp::PatternSyntax
+ enum is used to interpret the meaning of the given pattern), then
+ we determine the preferred case sensitivity. Based on these
+ preferences and the current filter pattern, we set the proxy
+ model's \l {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{filterRegExp} property. The
+ \l {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{filterRegExp} property holds the
+ regular expression used to filter the contents of the source
+ model. Note that calling QSortFilterProxyModel's \l
+ {QSortFilterProxyModel::}{setFilterRegExp()} function also updates
+ the model.
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/window.cpp 9
+ The \c dateFilterChanged() function is called whenever the user
+ modifies the range of valid dates. We retrieve the new dates from
+ the user interface, and call the corresponding functions (provided
+ by our custom proxy model) to set the proxy model's minimum and
+ maximum dates. As we explained above, calling these functions also
+ updates the model.
+ \section1 The Main() Function
+ In this example, we have separated the application from the source
+ model by creating the model in the \c main () function. First we
+ create the application, then we create the source model:
+ \snippet itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/main.cpp 0
+ The \c createMailModel() function is a convenience function
+ provided to simplify the constructor. All it does is to create and
+ return a model describing a collection of emails. The model is an
+ instance of the QStandardItemModel class, i.e., a generic model
+ for storing custom data typically used as a repository for
+ standard Qt data types. Each mail description is added to the
+ model using \c addMail(), another convenience function. See \l
+ {itemviews/customsortfiltermodel/main.cpp}{main.cpp} for details.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/deform
+ \title Vector Deformation
+ This example shows how to use advanced vector techniques to draw text
+ using a \c QPainterPath.
+ \image deform-demo.png
+ We define a vector deformation field in the shape of a lens and apply
+ this to all points in a path. This means that what is rendered on
+ screen is not pixel manipulation, but modified vector representations of
+ the glyphs themselves. This is visible from the high quality of the
+ antialiased edges for the deformed glyphs.
+ To get a fairly complex path we allow the user to type in text and
+ convert the text to paths. This is done using the
+ QPainterPath::addText() function.
+ The lens is drawn using a single call to QPainter::drawEllipse(),
+ using a QRadialGradient to fill it with a specialized color
+ table, giving the effect of the sun's reflection and a drop
+ shadow. The lens is cached as a pixmap for better performance.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/diagramscene
+ \title Diagram Scene Example
+ This example shows use of Qt's graphics framework.
+ \image diagramscene.png
+ The Diagram Scene example is an application in which you can
+ create a flowchart diagram. It is possible to add flowchart shapes
+ and text and connect the shapes by arrows as shown in the image
+ above. The shapes, arrows, and text can be given different
+ colors, and it is possible to change the font, style, and
+ underline of the text.
+ The Qt graphics view framework is designed to manage and display
+ custom 2D graphics items. The main classes of the framework are
+ QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView. The graphics
+ scene manages the items and provides a surface for them.
+ QGraphicsView is a widget that is used to render a scene on the
+ screen. See the \l{Graphics View Framework} for a more detailed
+ description of the framework.
+ In this example we show how to create such custom graphics
+ scenes and items by implementing classes that inherit
+ QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsItem.
+ In particular we show how to:
+ \list
+ \li Create custom graphics items.
+ \li Handle mouse events and movement of items.
+ \li Implement a graphics scene that can manage our custom items.
+ \li Custom painting of items.
+ \li Create a movable and editable text item.
+ \endlist
+ The example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c MainWindow creates the widgets and display
+ them in a QMainWindow. It also manages the interaction
+ between the widgets and the graphics scene, view and
+ items.
+ \li \c DiagramItem inherits QGraphicsPolygonItem and
+ represents a flowchart shape.
+ \li \c TextDiagramItem inherits QGraphicsTextItem and
+ represents text items in the diagram. The class adds
+ support for moving the item with the mouse, which is not
+ supported by QGraphicsTextItem.
+ \li \c Arrow inherits QGraphicsLineItem and is an arrow
+ that connect two DiagramItems.
+ \li \c DiagramScene inherits QGraphicsDiagramScene and
+ provides support for \c DiagramItem, \c Arrow and
+ \c DiagramTextItem (In addition to the support already
+ handled by QGraphicsScene).
+ \endlist
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.h 0
+ The \c MainWindow class creates and lays out the widgets in a
+ QMainWindow. The class forwards input from the widgets to the
+ DiagramScene. It also updates its widgets when the diagram
+ scene's text item changes, or a diagram item or a diagram text item
+ is inserted into the scene.
+ The class also deletes items from the scene and handles the
+ z-ordering, which decides the order in which items are drawn when
+ they overlap each other.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ We start with a look at the constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we call methods to create the widgets and
+ layouts of the example before we create the diagram scene.
+ The toolbars must be created after the scene as they connect
+ to its signals. We then lay the widgets out in the window.
+ We connect to the \c itemInserted() and \c textInserted() slots of
+ the diagram scenes as we want to uncheck the buttons in the tool
+ box when an item is inserted. When an item is selected in
+ the scene we receive the \c itemSelected() signal. We use this to
+ update the widgets that display font properties if the item
+ selected is a \c DiagramTextItem.
+ The \c createToolBox() function creates and lays out the widgets
+ of the \c toolBox QToolBox. We will not examine it with a
+ high level of detail as it does not deal with graphics framework
+ specific functionality. Here is its implementation:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 21
+ This part of the function sets up the tabbed widget item that
+ contains the flowchart shapes. An exclusive QButtonGroup always
+ keeps one button checked; we want the group to allow all buttons
+ to be unchecked.
+ We still use a button group since we can associate user
+ data, which we use to store the diagram type, with each button.
+ The \c createCellWidget() function sets up the buttons in the
+ tabbed widget item and is examined later.
+ The buttons of the background tabbed widget item is set up in the
+ same way, so we skip to the creation of the tool box:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 22
+ We set the preferred size of the toolbox as its maximum. This
+ way, more space is given to the graphics view.
+ Here is the \c createActions() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 23
+ We show an example of the creation of an action. The
+ functionality the actions trigger is discussed in the slots we
+ connect the actions to. You can see the \l{Application
+ Example}{application example} if you need a high-level
+ introduction to actions.
+ The is the \c createMenus() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 24
+ We create the three menus' of the example.
+ The \c createToolbars() function sets up the examples tool
+ bars. The three \l{QToolButton}s in the \c colorToolBar, the \c
+ fontColorToolButton, \c fillColorToolButton, and \c
+ lineColorToolButton, are interesting as we create icons for them
+ by drawing on a QPixmap with a QPainter. We show how the \c
+ fillColorToolButton is created. This button lets the user select a
+ color for the diagram items.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 25
+ \dots
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 26
+ We set the menu of the tool button with
+ \l{QToolButton::}{setMenu()}. We need the \c fillAction QAction
+ object to always be pointing to the selected action of the menu.
+ The menu is created with the \c createColorMenu() function and, as
+ we shall see later, contains one menu item for each color that the
+ items can have. When the user presses the button, which trigger
+ the \l{QToolButton::}{clicked()} signal, we can set the color of
+ the selected item to the color of \c fillAction. It is with \c
+ createColorToolButtonIcon() we create the icon for the button.
+ \dots
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 27
+ Here is the \c createBackgroundCellWidget() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 28
+ This function creates \l{QWidget}s containing a tool button
+ and a label. The widgets created with this function are used for
+ the background tabbed widget item in the tool box.
+ Here is the \c createCellWidget() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 29
+ This function returns a QWidget containing a QToolButton with
+ an image of one of the \c DiagramItems, i.e., flowchart shapes.
+ The image is created by the \c DiagramItem through the \c image()
+ function. The QButtonGroup class lets us attach an id (int) with
+ each button; we store the diagram's type, i.e., the
+ DiagramItem::DiagramType enum. We use the stored diagram type when
+ we create new diagram items for the scene. The widgets created
+ with this function is used in the tool box.
+ Here is the \c createColorMenu() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 30
+ This function creates a color menu that is used as the
+ drop-down menu for the tool buttons in the \c colorToolBar. We
+ create an action for each color that we add to the menu. We fetch
+ the actions data when we set the color of items, lines, and text.
+ Here is the \c createColorToolButtonIcon() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 31
+ This function is used to create the QIcon of the \c
+ fillColorToolButton, \c fontColorToolButton, and \c
+ lineColorToolButton. The \a imageFile string is either the text,
+ flood-fill, or line symbol that is used for the buttons. Beneath
+ the image we draw a filled rectangle using \a color.
+ Here is the \c createColorIcon() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 32
+ This function creates an icon with a filled rectangle in the
+ color of \a color. It is used for creating icons for the color
+ menus in the \c fillColorToolButton, \c fontColorToolButton, and
+ \c lineColorToolButton.
+ Here is the \c backgroundButtonGroupClicked() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ In this function we set the QBrush that is used to draw the
+ background of the diagramscene. The background can be a grid of
+ squares of blue, gray, or white tiles, or no grid at all. We have
+ \l{QPixmap}s of the tiles from png files that we create the brush
+ with.
+ When one of the buttons in the background tabbed widget item is
+ clicked we change the brush; we find out which button it is by
+ checking its text.
+ Here is the implementation of \c buttonGroupClicked():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ This slot is called when a button in \c buttonGroup is checked.
+ When a button is checked the user can click on the graphics view
+ and a \c DiagramItem of the selected type will be inserted into
+ the \c DiagramScene. We must loop through the buttons in the group
+ to uncheck other buttons as only one button is allowed to be
+ checked at a time.
+ \c QButtonGroup assigns an id to each button. We have set the id
+ of each button to the diagram type, as given by DiagramItem::DiagramType
+ that will be inserted into the scene when it is clicked. We can
+ then use the button id when we set the diagram type with
+ \c setItemType(). In the case of text we assigned an id that has a
+ value that is not in the DiagramType enum.
+ Here is the implementation of \c deleteItem():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ This slot deletes the selected item, if any, from the scene. It
+ deletes the arrows first in order to avoid to delete them twice. If
+ the item to be deleted is a \c DiagramItem, we also need to delete
+ arrows connected to it; we don't want arrows in the scene that
+ aren't connected to items in both ends.
+ This is the implementation of pointerGroupClicked():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ The \c pointerTypeGroup decides whether the scene is in ItemMove
+ or InsertLine mode. This button group is exclusive, i.e., only
+ one button is checked at any time. As with the \c buttonGroup above
+ we have assigned an id to the buttons that matches values of the
+ DiagramScene::Mode enum, so that we can use the id to set the
+ correct mode.
+ Here is the \c bringToFront() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ Several items may collide, i.e., overlap, with each other in
+ the scene. This slot is called when the user requests that an
+ item should be placed on top of the items it collides with.
+ \l{QGraphicsItem}{QGrapicsItems} have a z-value that decides the
+ order in which items are stacked in the scene; you can think of it
+ as the z-axis in a 3D coordinate system. When items collide the
+ items with higher z-values will be drawn on top of items with
+ lower values. When we bring an item to the front we can loop
+ through the items it collides with and set a z-value that is
+ higher than all of them.
+ Here is the \c sendToBack() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ This slot works in the same way as \c bringToFront() described
+ above, but sets a z-value that is lower than items the item that
+ should be send to the back collides with.
+ This is the implementation of \c itemInserted():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ This slot is called from the \c DiagramScene when an item has been
+ added to the scene. We set the mode of the scene back to the mode
+ before the item was inserted, which is ItemMove or InsertText
+ depending on which button is checked in the \c pointerTypeGroup.
+ We must also uncheck the button in the in the \c buttonGroup.
+ Here is the implementation of \c textInserted():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ We simply set the mode of the scene back to the mode it had before
+ the text was inserted.
+ Here is the \c currentFontChanged() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ When the user requests a font change, by using one of the
+ widgets in the \c fontToolBar, we create a new QFont object and
+ set its properties to match the state of the widgets. This is done
+ in \c handleFontChange(), so we simply call that slot.
+ Here is the \c fontSizeChanged() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ When the user requests a font change, by using one of the
+ widgets in the \c fontToolBar, we create a new QFont object and
+ set its properties to match the state of the widgets. This is done
+ in \c handleFontChange(), so we simply call that slot.
+ Here is the implementation of \c sceneScaleChanged():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ The user can increase or decrease the scale, with the \c
+ sceneScaleCombo, the scene is drawn in.
+ It is not the scene itself that changes its scale, but only the
+ view.
+ Here is the \c textColorChanged() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ This slot is called when an item in the drop-down menu of the \c
+ fontColorToolButton is pressed. We need to change the icon on
+ the button to the color of the selected QAction. We keep a pointer
+ to the selected action in \c textAction. It is in \c
+ textButtonTriggered() we change the text color to the color of \c
+ textAction, so we call that slot.
+ Here is the \c itemColorChanged() implementation:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ This slot handles requests for changing the color of \c
+ DiagramItems in the same manner as \c textColorChanged() does for
+ \c DiagramTextItems.
+ Here is the implementation of \c lineColorChanged():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ This slot handles requests for changing the color of \c Arrows in
+ the same manner that \c textColorChanged() does it for \c
+ DiagramTextItems.
+ Here is the \c textButtonTriggered() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ \c textAction points to the QAction of the currently selected menu item
+ in the \c fontColorToolButton's color drop-down menu. We have set
+ the data of the action to the QColor the action represents, so we
+ can simply fetch this when we set the color of text with \c
+ setTextColor().
+ Here is the \c fillButtonTriggered() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ \c fillAction points to the selected menu item in the drop-down
+ menu of \c fillColorToolButton(). We can therefore use the data of
+ this action when we set the item color with \c setItemColor().
+ Here is the \c lineButtonTriggered() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ \c lineAction point to the selected item in the drop-down menu of
+ \c lineColorToolButton. We use its data when we set the arrow
+ color with \c setLineColor().
+ Here is the \c handleFontChange() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 18
+ \c handleFontChange() is called when any of the widgets that show
+ font properties changes. We create a new QFont object and set its
+ properties based on the widgets. We then call the \c setFont()
+ function of \c DiagramScene; it is the scene that set the font of
+ the \c DiagramTextItems it manages.
+ Here is the \c itemSelected() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 19
+ This slot is called when an item in the \c DiagramScene is
+ selected. In the case of this example it is only text items that
+ emit signals when they are selected, so we do not need to check
+ what kind of graphics \a item is.
+ We set the state of the widgets to match the properties of the
+ font of the selected text item.
+ This is the \c about() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/mainwindow.cpp 20
+ This slot displays an about box for the example when the user
+ selects the about menu item from the help menu.
+ \section1 DiagramScene Class Definition
+ The \c DiagramScene class inherits QGraphicsScene and adds
+ functionality to handle \c DiagramItems, \c Arrows, and \c
+ DiagramTextItems in addition to the items handled by its super
+ class.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.h 0
+ In the \c DiagramScene a mouse click can give three different
+ actions: the item under the mouse can be moved, an item may be
+ inserted, or an arrow may be connected between to diagram items.
+ Which action a mouse click has depends on the mode, given by the
+ Mode enum, the scene is in. The mode is set with the \c setMode()
+ function.
+ The scene also sets the color of its items and the font of its
+ text items. The colors and font used by the scene can be set with
+ the \c setLineColor(), \c setTextColor(), \c setItemColor() and \c
+ setFont() functions. The type of \c DiagramItem, given by the
+ DiagramItem::DiagramType function, to be created when an item is
+ inserted is set with the \c setItemType() slot.
+ The \c MainWindow and \c DiagramScene share responsibility for
+ the examples functionality. \c MainWindow handles the following
+ tasks: the deletion of items, text, and arrows; moving diagram
+ items to the back and front; and setting the scale of the scene.
+ \section1 DiagramScene Class Implementation
+ We start with the constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 0
+ The scene uses \c myItemMenu to set the context menu when it
+ creates \c DiagramItems. We set the default mode to \c
+ DiagramScene::MoveItem as this gives the default behavior of
+ QGraphicsScene.
+ Here is the \c setLineColor() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 1
+ The \c isItemChange function returns true if an \c Arrow item is
+ selected in the scene in which case we want to change its color.
+ When the \c DiagramScene creates and adds new arrows to the scene
+ it will also use the new \a color.
+ Here is the \c setTextColor() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 2
+ This function sets the color of \c DiagramTextItems equal to the
+ way \c setLineColor() sets the color of \c Arrows.
+ Here is the \c setItemColor() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 3
+ This function sets the color the scene will use when creating
+ \c DiagramItems. It also changes the color of a selected \c
+ DiagramItem.
+ This is the implementation of \c setFont():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 4
+ Set the font to use for new and selected, if a text item is
+ selected, \c DiagramTextItems.
+ This is the implementation of \c editorLostFocus() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 5
+ \c DiagramTextItems emit a signal when they loose focus, which is
+ connected to this slot. We remove the item if it has no text.
+ If not, we would leak memory and confuse the user as the items
+ will be edited when pressed on by the mouse.
+ The \c mousePressEvent() function handles mouse press event's
+ different depending on which mode the \c DiagramScene is in. We
+ examine its implementation for each mode:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 6
+ We simply create a new \c DiagramItem and add it to the scene at
+ the position the mouse was pressed. Note that the origin of its
+ local coordinate system will be under the mouse pointer position.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 7
+ The user adds \c Arrows to the scene by stretching a line between
+ the items the arrow should connect. The start of the line is fixed
+ in the place the user clicked the mouse and the end follows the
+ mouse pointer as long as the button is held down. When the user
+ releases the mouse button an \c Arrow will be added to the scene
+ if there is a \c DiagramItem under the start and end of the line.
+ We will see how this is implemented later; here we simply add the
+ line.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 8
+ The \c DiagramTextItem is editable when the
+ Qt::TextEditorInteraction flag is set, else it is movable by the
+ mouse. We always want the text to be drawn on top of the other
+ items in the scene, so we set the value to a number higher
+ than other items in the scene.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 9
+ We are in MoveItem mode if we get to the default switch; we
+ can then call the QGraphicsScene implementation, which
+ handles movement of items with the mouse. We make this call even
+ if we are in another mode making it possible to add an item and
+ then keep the mouse button pressed down and start moving
+ the item. In the case of text items, this is not possible as they
+ do not propagate mouse events when they are editable.
+ This is the \c mouseMoveEvent() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 10
+ We must draw the line if we are in InsertMode and the mouse button
+ is pressed down (the line is not 0). As discussed in \c
+ mousePressEvent() the line is drawn from the position the mouse
+ was pressed to the current position of the mouse.
+ If we are in MoveItem mode, we call the QGraphicsScene
+ implementation, which handles movement of items.
+ In the \c mouseReleaseEvent() function we need to check if an arrow
+ should be added to the scene:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 11
+ First we need to get the items (if any) under the line's start
+ and end points. The line itself is the first item at these points,
+ so we remove it from the lists. As a precaution, we check if the
+ lists are empty, but this should never happen.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 12
+ Now we check if there are two different \c DiagramItems under
+ the lines start and end points. If there are we can create an \c
+ Arrow with the two items. The arrow is then added to each item and
+ finally the scene. The arrow must be updated to adjust its start
+ and end points to the items. We set the z-value of the arrow to
+ -1000.0 because we always want it to be drawn under the items.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 13
+ Here is the \c isItemChange() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramscene.cpp 14
+ The scene has single selection, i.e., only one item can be
+ selected at any given time. The foreach will then loop one time
+ with the selected item or none if no item is selected. \c
+ isItemChange() is used to check whether a selected item exists
+ and also is of the specified diagram \a type.
+ \section1 DiagramItem Class Definition
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.h 0
+ The \c DiagramItem represents a flowchart shape in the \c
+ DiagramScene. It inherits QGraphicsPolygonItem and has a polygon
+ for each shape. The enum DiagramType has a value for each of the
+ flowchart shapes.
+ The class has a list of the arrows that are connected to it.
+ This is necessary because only the item knows when it is being
+ moved (with the \c itemChanged() function) at which time the
+ arrows must be updated. The item can also draw itself onto a
+ QPixmap with the \c image() function. This is used for the tool
+ buttons in \c MainWindow, see \c createColorToolButtonIcon() in
+ \c MainWindow.
+ The Type enum is a unique identifier of the class. It is used by
+ \c qgraphicsitem_cast(), which does dynamic casts of graphics
+ items. The UserType constant is the minimum value a custom
+ graphics item type can be.
+ \section1 DiagramItem Class Implementation
+ We start with a look at the constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we create the items polygon according to
+ \a diagramType. \l{QGraphicsItem}s are not movable or selectable
+ by default, so we must set these properties.
+ Here is the \c removeArrow() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 1
+ \c removeArrow() is used to remove \c Arrow items when they
+ or \c DiagramItems they are connected to are removed from the
+ scene.
+ Here is the \c removeArrows() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 2
+ This function is called when the item is removed from the scene
+ and removes all arrows that are connected to this item. The arrow
+ must be removed from the \c arrows list of both its start and end
+ item.
+ Here is the \c addArrow() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 3
+ This function simply adds the \a arrow to the items \c arrows list.
+ Here is the \c image() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 4
+ This function draws the polygon of the item onto a QPixmap. In
+ this example we use this to create icons for the tool buttons in
+ the tool box.
+ Here is the \c contextMenuEvent() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 5
+ We show the context menu. As right mouse clicks, which shows the
+ menu, don't select items by default we set the item selected with
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::}{setSelected()}. This is necessary since an
+ item must be selected to change its elevation with the
+ \c bringToFront and \c sendToBack actions.
+ This is the implementation of \c itemChange():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramitem.cpp 6
+ If the item has moved, we need to update the positions of the
+ arrows connected to it. The implementation of QGraphicsItem does
+ nothing, so we just return \a value.
+ \section1 DiagramTextItem Class Definition
+ The \c TextDiagramItem class inherits QGraphicsTextItem and
+ adds the possibility to move editable text items. Editable
+ QGraphicsTextItems are designed to be fixed in place and editing
+ starts when the user single clicks on the item. With \c
+ DiagramTextItem the editing starts with a double click leaving
+ single click available to interact with and move it.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramtextitem.h 0
+ We use \c itemChange() and \c focusOutEvent() to notify the
+ \c DiagramScene when the text item loses focus and gets selected.
+ We reimplement the functions that handle mouse events to make it
+ possible to alter the mouse behavior of QGraphicsTextItem.
+ \section1 DiagramTextItem Implementation
+ We start with the constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramtextitem.cpp 0
+ We simply set the item movable and selectable, as these flags are
+ off by default.
+ Here is the \c itemChange() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramtextitem.cpp 1
+ When the item is selected we emit the selectedChanged signal. The
+ \c MainWindow uses this signal to update the widgets that display
+ font properties to the font of the selected text item.
+ Here is the \c focusOutEvent() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramtextitem.cpp 2
+ \c DiagramScene uses the signal emitted when the text item looses
+ focus to remove the item if it is empty, i.e., it contains no
+ text.
+ This is the implementation of \c mouseDoubleClickEvent():
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/diagramtextitem.cpp 5
+ When we receive a double click event, we make the item editable by calling
+ QGraphicsTextItem::setTextInteractionFlags(). We then forward the
+ double-click to the item itself.
+ \section1 Arrow Class Definition
+ The \c Arrow class is a graphics item that connects two \c
+ DiagramItems. It draws an arrow head to one of the items. To
+ achieve this the item needs to paint itself and also re implement
+ methods used by the graphics scene to check for collisions and
+ selections. The class inherits QGraphicsLine item, and draws the
+ arrowhead and moves with the items it connects.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.h 0
+ The item's color can be set with \c setColor().
+ \c boundingRect() and \c shape() are reimplemented
+ from QGraphicsLineItem and are used by the scene
+ to check for collisions and selections.
+ Calling \c updatePosition() causes the arrow to recalculate its
+ position and arrow head angle. \c paint() is reimplemented so that
+ we can paint an arrow rather than just a line between items.
+ \c myStartItem and \c myEndItem are the diagram items that the
+ arrow connects. The arrow is drawn with its head to the end item.
+ \c arrowHead is a polygon with three vertices's we use to draw the
+ arrow head.
+ \section1 Arrow Class Implementation
+ The constructor of the \c Arrow class looks like this:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 0
+ We set the start and end diagram items of the arrow. The arrow
+ head will be drawn where the line intersects the end item.
+ Here is the \c boundingRect() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 1
+ We need to reimplement this function because the arrow is
+ larger than the bounding rectangle of the QGraphicsLineItem. The
+ graphics scene uses the bounding rectangle to know which regions
+ of the scene to update.
+ Here is the \c shape() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 2
+ The shape function returns a QPainterPath that is the exact
+ shape of the item. The QGraphicsLineItem::shape() returns a path
+ with a line drawn with the current pen, so we only need to add
+ the arrow head. This function is used to check for collisions and
+ selections with the mouse.
+ Here is the \c updatePosition() slot:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 3
+ This slot updates the arrow by setting the start and end
+ points of its line to the center of the items it connects.
+ Here is the \c paint() function:
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 4
+ If the start and end items collide we do not draw the arrow; the
+ algorithm we use to find the point the arrow should be drawn at
+ may fail if the items collide.
+ We first set the pen and brush we will use for drawing the arrow.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 5
+ We then need to find the position at which to draw the
+ arrowhead. The head should be drawn where the line and the end
+ item intersects. This is done by taking the line between each
+ point in the polygon and check if it intersects with the line of
+ the arrow. Since the line start and end points are set to the
+ center of the items the arrow line should intersect one and only
+ one of the lines of the polygon. Note that the points in the
+ polygon are relative to the local coordinate system of the item.
+ We must therefore add the position of the end item to make the
+ coordinates relative to the scene.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 6
+ We calculate the angle between the x-axis and the line of the
+ arrow. We need to turn the arrow head to this angle so that it
+ follows the direction of the arrow. If the angle is negative we
+ must turn the direction of the arrow.
+ We can then calculate the three points of the arrow head polygon.
+ One of the points is the end of the line, which now is the
+ intersection between the arrow line and the end polygon. Then we
+ clear the \c arrowHead polygon from the previous calculated arrow
+ head and set these new points.
+ \snippet graphicsview/diagramscene/arrow.cpp 7
+ If the line is selected, we draw two dotted lines that are
+ parallel with the line of the arrow. We do not use the default
+ implementation, which uses \l{QGraphicsItem::}{boundingRect()}
+ because the QRect bounding rectangle is considerably larger than
+ the line.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/digitalclock.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/digitalclock.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92e8003205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/digitalclock.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
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+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/digitalclock
+ \title Digital Clock Example
+ The Digital Clock example shows how to use QLCDNumber to display a
+ number with LCD-like digits.
+ \image digitalclock-example.png Screenshot of the Digital Clock example
+ This example also demonstrates how QTimer can be used to update a widget
+ at regular intervals.
+ \section1 DigitalClock Class Definition
+ The \c DigitalClock class provides a clock widget showing the time with
+ hours and minutes separated by a blinking colon. We subclass QLCDNumber
+ and implement a private slot called \c showTime() to update the clock
+ display:
+ \snippet widgets/digitalclock/digitalclock.h 0
+ \section1 DigitalClock Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/digitalclock/digitalclock.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we first change the look of the LCD numbers. The
+ QLCDNumber::Filled style produces raised segments filled with the
+ foreground color (typically black). We also set up a one-second timer
+ to keep track of the current time, and we connect
+ its \l{QTimer::timeout()}{timeout()} signal to the private \c showTime() slot
+ so that the display is updated every second. Then, we
+ call the \c showTime() slot; without this call, there would be a one-second
+ delay at startup before the time is shown.
+ \snippet widgets/digitalclock/digitalclock.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/digitalclock/digitalclock.cpp 2
+ The \c showTime() slot is called whenever the clock display needs
+ to be updated.
+ The current time is converted into a string with the format "hh:mm".
+ When QTime::second() is a even number, the colon in the string is
+ replaced with a space. This makes the colon appear and vanish every
+ other second.
+ Finally, we call QLCDNumber::display() to update the widget.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/dirview
+ \title Dir View Example
+ The Dir View example shows a tree view onto the local filing system. It uses the
+ QDirModel class to provide file and directory information.
+ \image dirview-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/dockwidgets
+ \title Dock Widgets Example
+ The Dock Widgets example shows how to add dock windows to an
+ application. It also shows how to use Qt's rich text engine.
+ \image dockwidgets-example.png Screenshot of the Dock Widgets example
+ The application presents a simple business letter template, and has
+ a list of customer names and addresses and a list of standard
+ phrases in two dock windows. The user can click a customer to have
+ their name and address inserted into the template, and click one or
+ more of the standard phrases. Errors can be corrected by clicking
+ the Undo button. Once the letter has been prepared it can be printed
+ or saved as HTML.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ Here's the class definition:
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.h 0
+ We will now review each function in turn.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ We start by including \c <QtGui>, a header file that contains the
+ definition of all classes in the \l QtCore and \l QtGui
+ libraries. This saves us from having to include
+ every class individually and is especially convenient if we add new
+ widgets. We also include \c mainwindow.h.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ In the constructor, we start by creating a QTextEdit widget. Then we call
+ QMainWindow::setCentralWidget(). This function passes ownership of
+ the QTextEdit to the \c MainWindow and tells the \c MainWindow that
+ the QTextEdit will occupy the \c MainWindow's central area.
+ Then we call \c createActions(), \c createMenus(), \c
+ createToolBars(), \c createStatusBar(), and \c createDockWindows()
+ to set up the user interface. Finally we call \c setWindowTitle() to
+ give the application a title, and \c newLetter() to create a new
+ letter template.
+ We won't quote the \c createActions(), \c createMenus(), \c
+ createToolBars(), and \c createStatusBar() functions since they
+ follow the same pattern as all the other Qt examples.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ We create the customers dock window first, and in addition to a
+ window title, we also pass it a \c this pointer so that it becomes a
+ child of \c MainWindow. Normally we don't have to pass a parent
+ because widgets are parented automatically when they are laid out:
+ but dock windows aren't laid out using layouts.
+ We've chosen to restrict the customers dock window to the left and
+ right dock areas. (So the user cannot drag the dock window to the
+ top or bottom dock areas.) The user can drag the dock window out of
+ the dock areas entirely so that it becomes a free floating window.
+ We can change this (and whether the dock window is moveable or
+ closable) using QDockWidget::setFeatures().
+ Once we've created the dock window we create a list widget with the
+ dock window as parent, then we populate the list and make it the
+ dock window's widget. Finally we add the dock widget to the \c
+ MainWindow using \c addDockWidget(), choosing to put it in the right
+ dock area.
+ We undertake a similar process for the paragraphs dock window,
+ except that we don't restrict which dock areas it can be dragged to.
+ Finally we set up the signal-slot connections. If the user clicks a
+ customer or a paragraph their \c currentTextChanged() signal will be
+ emitted and we connect these to \c insertCustomer() and
+ addParagraph() passing the text that was clicked.
+ We briefly discuss the rest of the implementation, but have now
+ covered everything relating to dock windows.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ In this function we clear the QTextEdit so that it is empty. Next we
+ create a QTextCursor on the QTextEdit. We move the cursor to the
+ start of the document and create and format a frame. We then create
+ some character formats and a table format. We insert a table into
+ the document and insert the company's name and address into a table
+ using the table and character formats we created earlier. Then we
+ insert the skeleton of the letter including two markers \c NAME and
+ \c ADDRESS. We will also use the \c{Yours sincerely,} text as a marker.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ If the user clicks a customer we split the customer details into
+ pieces. We then look for the \c NAME marker using the \c find()
+ function. This function selects the text it finds, so when we call
+ \c insertText() with the customer's name the name replaces the marker.
+ We then look for the \c ADDRESS marker and replace it with each line
+ of the customer's address. Notice that we wrapped all the insertions
+ between a \c beginEditBlock() and \c endEditBlock() pair. This means
+ that the entire name and address insertion is treated as a single
+ operation by the QTextEdit, so a single undo will revert all the
+ insertions.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ This function works in a similar way to \c insertCustomer(). First
+ we look for the marker, in this case, \c {Yours sincerely,}, and then
+ replace it with the standard paragraph that the user clicked. Again
+ we use a \c beginEditBlock() ... \c endEditBlock() pair so that the
+ insertion can be undone as a single operation.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ Qt's QTextDocument class makes printing documents easy. We simply
+ take the QTextEdit's QTextDocument, set up the printer and print the
+ document.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ QTextEdit can output its contents in HTML format, so we prompt the
+ user for the name of an HTML file and if they provide one we simply
+ write the QTextEdit's contents in HTML format to the file.
+ \snippet mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ If the focus is in the QTextEdit, pressing \uicontrol Ctrl+Z undoes as
+ expected. But for the user's convenience we provide an
+ application-wide undo function that simply calls the QTextEdit's
+ undo: this means that the user can undo regardless of where the
+ focus is in the application.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example draganddrop/puzzle
+ \title Drag and Drop Puzzle Example
+ The Drag and Drop Puzzle example demonstrates a way of using the drag and drop system with
+ item view widgets.
+ \image draganddroppuzzle-example.png
+ This example is an implementation of a simple jigsaw puzzle game using Qt's
+ drag and drop API.
+ The \l{Item Views Puzzle Example}{Item View Puzzle} example shows
+ many of the same features, but takes an alternative approach that uses Qt's
+ model/view framework to manage drag and drop operations.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/dragdroprobot
+ \title Drag and Drop Robot Example
+ The Drag and Drop Robot example shows how to implement Drag and Drop in a
+ QGraphicsItem subclass, as well as how to animate items using Qt's
+ \l{Animation Framework}.
+ \image dragdroprobot-example.png
+ Graphics View provides the QGraphicsScene class for managing and
+ interacting with a large number of custom-made 2D graphical items derived
+ from the QGraphicsItem class, and a QGraphicsView widget for visualizing
+ the items, with support for zooming and rotation.
+ This example consists of a \c Robot class, a \c ColorItem class, and a main
+ function: the \c Robot class describes a simple robot consisting of several
+ \c RobotPart derived limbs, including \c RobotHead and \c RobotLimb, the \c
+ ColorItem class provides a draggable colored ellipse, and the \c main()
+ function provides the main application window.
+ We will first review the \c Robot class to see how to assemble the
+ different parts so that they can be individually rotated and animated using
+ QPropertyAnimation, and we will then review the \c ColorItem class to
+ demonstrate how to implement Drag and Drop between items. Finally we will
+ review the main() function to see how we can put all the pieces together,
+ to form the final application.
+ \section1 Robot Class Definition
+ The robot consists of three main classes: the \c RobotHead, the \c
+ RobotTorso, and the \c RobotLimb, which is used for the upper and lower
+ arms and legs. All parts derive from the \c RobotPart class, which in turn
+ inherits \c QGraphicsObject. The \c Robot class itself has no visual
+ appearance and serves only as a root node for the robot.
+ Let's start with the \c RobotPart class declaration.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.h 0
+ This base class inherits QGraphicsObject. QGraphicsObject provides signals
+ and slots through inheriting QObject, and it also declares QGraphicsItem's
+ properties using Q_PROPERTY, which makes the properties accessible for
+ QPropertyAnimation.
+ RobotPart also implements the three most important event handlers for
+ accepting drop events:
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::dragEnterEvent()}{dragEnterEvent()},
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::dragLeaveEvent()}{dragLeaveEvent()}, and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::dropEvent()}{dropEvent()}.
+ The color is stored as a member variable, along with the \c dragOver
+ variable, which we will use later to indicate visually that the limb can
+ accept colors that are is dragged onto it.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 0
+ \c RobotPart's constructor initializes the dragOver member and sets the
+ color to Qt::lightGray. In the constructor body we enable support for
+ accepting drop events by calling
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::setAcceptDrops()}{setAcceptDrops(true)}.
+ The rest of this class's implementation is to support Drag and Drop.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 1
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::dragEnterEvent()}{dragEnterEvent()} handler is called
+ when a Drag and Drop element is dragged into the robot part's area.
+ The handler implementation determines whether or not this item as a whole
+ can accept the mime data assiciated with the incoming drag object. \c
+ RobotPart provides a base behavior for all parts that accepts color drops.
+ So if the incoming drag object contains a color, the event is accepted, we
+ set \c dragOver to \c true and call update() to help provide positive
+ visual feedback to the user; otherwise the event is ignored, which in turn
+ allows the event to propagate to parent elements.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 2
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::dragLeaveEvent()}{dragLeaveEvent()} handler is called
+ when a Drag and Drop element is dragged away from the robot part's area.
+ Our implementation simply resets \e dragOver to false and calls
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::update()}{update()} to help provide visual feedback that
+ the drag has left this item.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 3
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::dropEvent()}{dropEvent()} handler is called when a
+ Drag and Drop element is dropped onto an item (i.e., when the mouse button
+ is released over the item while dragging).
+ We reset \c dragOver to false, assign the item's new color, and call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::update()}{update()}.
+ The declaration and implementation of \c RobotHead, \c RobotTorso, and \c
+ RobotLimb are practically identical. We will review \c RobotHead in detail,
+ as this class has one minor difference, and leave the other classes as an
+ exercise for the reader.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.h 1
+ The \c RobotHead class inherits \c RobotPart and provides the necessary
+ implementations of \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}. It also reimplements
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::dragEnterEvent()}{dragEnterEvent()} and dropEvent() to
+ provide special handling of image drops.
+ The class contains a private pixmap member that we can use to implement
+ support for accepting image drops.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 4
+ \c RobotHead has a rather plain constructor that simply forwards to
+ \c RobotPart's constructor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 5
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} reimplementation
+ returns the extents for the head. Because we want the center of rotation to
+ be the bottom center of the item, we have chosen a bounding rectangle that
+ starts at (-15, -50) and extends to 30 units wide and 50 units tall. When
+ rotating the head, the "neck" will stay still while the top of the head
+ tilts from side to side.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 6
+ In \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} we draw the actual head. The
+ implementation is split into two sections; if an image has been dropped
+ onto the head, we draw the image, otherwise we draw a round rectangular
+ robot head with simple vector graphics.
+ For performance reasons, depending on the complexity of what is painted, it
+ can often be faster to draw the head as an image rather than using a
+ sequence of vector operations.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 7
+ The robot head can accept image drops. In order to support this, its
+ reimplementation of \l{QGraphicsItem::dragEnterEvent()}{dragEnterEvent()}
+ checks if the drag object contains image data, and if it does, then the
+ event is accepted. Otherwise we fall back to the base \c RobotPart
+ implementation.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 8
+ To follow up on image support, we must also implement
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::dropEvent()}{dropEvent()}. We check if the drag object
+ contains image data, and if it does, we store this data as a member pixmap
+ and call \l{QGraphicsItem::update()}{update()}. This pixmap is used inside
+ the \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} implementation that we reviewed
+ before.
+ \c RobotTorso and \c RobotLimb are similar to \c RobotHead, so let's
+ skip directly to the \c Robot class.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.h 4
+ The \c Robot class also inherits \c RobotPart, and like the other parts it
+ also implements \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}. It provides a rather special
+ implementation, though:
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 9
+ Because the \c Robot class is only used as a base node for the rest of the
+ robot, it has no visual representation. Its
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} implementation can
+ therefore return a null QRectF, and its paint() function does nothing.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 10
+ The constructor starts by setting the flag
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents}{ItemHasNoContents}, which is a minor
+ optimization for items that have no visual appearance.
+ We then construct all the robot parts (head, torso, and upper/lower arms
+ and legs). The stacking order is very important, and we use the
+ parent-child hierarchy to ensure the elements rotate and move properly. We
+ construct the torso first, as this is the root element. We then construct
+ the head and pass the torso to \c HeadItem's constructor. This will make
+ the head a child of the torso; if you rotate the torso, the head will
+ follow. The same pattern is applied to the rest of the limbs.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 11
+ Each robot part is carefully positioned. For example, the upper left arm is
+ moved precisely to the top-left area of the torso, and the upper right arm
+ is moved to the top-right area.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 12
+ The next section creates all animation objects. This snippet shows the two
+ animations that operate on the head's scale and rotation. The two
+ QPropertyAnimation instances simply set the object, property, and
+ respective start and end values.
+ All animations are controlled by one top-level parallel animation group.
+ The scale and rotation animations are added to this group.
+ The rest of the animations are defined in a similar way.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/robot.cpp 13
+ Finally we set an easing curve and duration on each animation, ensure the
+ toplevel animation group loops forever, and start the toplevel animation.
+ \section1 ColorItem Class Definition
+ The \c ColorItem class represents a circular item that can be pressed to
+ drag colors onto robot parts.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.h 0
+ This class is very simple. It does not use animations, and has no need for
+ properties nor signals and slots, so to save resources, it's most natural
+ that it inherits QGraphicsItem (as opposed to QGraphicsObject).
+ It declares the mandatory \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()}
+ and \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} functions, and adds
+ reimplementations of
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent()}{mousePressEvent()},
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent()}{mouseMoveEvent()}, and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent()}{mouseReleaseEvent()}. It contains a
+ single private color member.
+ Let's take a look at its implementation.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 0
+ \c ColorItem's constructor assigns an opaque random color to its color
+ member by making use of qrand(). For improved usability, it assigns a
+ tooltip that provides a useful hint to the user, and it also sets a
+ suitable cursor. This ensures that the cursor will chance to
+ Qt::OpenHandCursor when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
+ Finally, we call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::setAcceptedMouseButtons()}{setAcceptedMouseButtons()} to
+ ensure that this item can only process Qt::LeftButton. This simplifies the
+ mouse event handlers greatly, as we can always assume that only the left
+ mouse button is pressed and released.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 1
+ The item's bounding rect is a fixed 30x30 units centered around the item's
+ origin (0, 0), and adjusted by 0.5 units in all directions to allow a
+ scalable pen to draw its outline. For a final visual touch the bounds
+ also compensate with a few units down and to the right to make room
+ for a simple dropshadow.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 2
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} implementation draws an ellipse
+ with a 1-unit black outline, a plain color fill, and a dark gray
+ dropshadow.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 3
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent()}{mousePressEvent()} handler is
+ called when you press the mouse button inside the item's area. Our
+ implementation simply sets the cursor to Qt::ClosedHandCursor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 4
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent()}{mouseReleaseEvent()} handler is
+ called when you release the mouse button after having pressed it inside an
+ item's area. Our implementation sets the cursor back to Qt::OpenHandCursor.
+ The mouse press and release event handlers together provide useful visual
+ feedback to the user: when you move the mouse pointer over a \c CircleItem,
+ the cursor changes to an open hand. Pressing the item will show a closed
+ hand cursor. Releasing will restore to an open hand cursor again.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 5
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent()}{mouseMoveEvent()} handler is called
+ when you move the mouse around after pressing the mouse button inside the
+ \c ColorItem's area. This implementation provides the most important piece
+ of logic for \c CircleItem: the code that starts and manages drags.
+ The implementation starts by checking if the mouse has been dragged far
+ enough to eliminate mouse jitter noise. We only want to start a drag if the
+ mouse has been dragged farther than the application start drag distance.
+ Continuing, we create a QDrag object, passing the event
+ \l{QGraphicsSceneEvent::widget()}{widget} (i.e., the QGraphicsView
+ viewport) to its constructor. Qt will ensure that this object is deleted at
+ the right time. We also create a QMimeData instance that can contain our
+ color or image data, and assign this to the drag object.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 6
+ This snippet has a somewhat random outcome: once in a while, a special
+ image is assigned to the drag object's mime data. The pixmap is also
+ assiged as the drag object's pixmap. This will ensure that you can see the
+ image that is being dragged as a pixmap under the mouse cursor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 7
+ Otherwise, and this is the most common outcome, a simple color is assigned
+ to the drag object's mime data. We render this \c ColorItem into a new
+ pixmap to give the user visual feedback that the color is being "dragged".
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/coloritem.cpp 8
+ Finally we execute the drag. QDrag::exec() will reenter the event loop, and
+ only exit if the drag has either been dropped, or canceled. In any case we
+ reset the cursor to Qt::OpenHandCursor.
+ \section1 The main() Function
+ Now that the \c Robot and \c ColorItem classes are complete, we can put all
+ the pieces together inside the main() function.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/main.cpp 0
+ We start off by constructing QApplication, and initializing the random
+ number generator. This ensures that the color items have different colors
+ every time the application starts.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/main.cpp 1
+ We construct a fixed size scene, and create 10 \c ColorItem instances
+ arranged in a circle. Each item is added to the scene.
+ In the center of this circle we create one \c Robot instance. The
+ robot is scaled and moved up a few units. It is then added to the scene.
+ \snippet graphicsview/dragdroprobot/main.cpp 2
+ Finally we create a QGraphicsView window, and assign the scene to it.
+ For increased visual quality, we enable antialiasing. We also choose to use
+ bounding rectangle updates to simplify visual update handling.
+ The view is given a fixed sand-colored background, and a window title.
+ We then show the view. The animations start immediately after
+ control enters the event loop.
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example draganddrop/draggableicons
+ \title Draggable Icons Example
+ The Draggable Icons example shows how to drag and drop image data between widgets
+ in the same application, and between different applications.
+ \image draggableicons-example.png
+ In many situations where drag and drop is used, the user starts dragging from
+ a particular widget and drops the payload onto another widget. In this example,
+ we subclass QLabel to create labels that we use as drag sources, and place them
+ inside \l{QWidget}s that serve as both containers and drop sites.
+ In addition, when a drag and drop operation occurs, we want to send more than
+ just an image. We also want to send information about where the user clicked in
+ the image so that the user can place it precisely on the drop target. This level
+ of detail means that we must create a custom MIME type for our data.
+ \section1 DragWidget Class Definition
+ The icon widgets that we use to display icons are subclassed from QLabel:
+ \snippet draganddrop/draggableicons/dragwidget.h 0
+ Since the QLabel class provides most of what we require for the icon, we
+ only need to reimplement the \l QWidget::mousePressEvent() to provide
+ drag and drop facilities.
+ \section1 DragWidget Class Implementation
+ The \c DragWidget constructor sets an attribute on the widget that ensures
+ that it will be deleted when it is closed:
+ \snippet draganddrop/draggableicons/dragwidget.cpp 0
+ To enable dragging from the icon, we need to act on a mouse press event.
+ We do this by reimplementing \l QWidget::mousePressEvent() and setting up
+ a QDrag object.
+ \snippet draganddrop/draggableicons/dragwidget.cpp 1
+ Since we will be sending pixmap data for the icon and information about the
+ user's click in the icon widget, we construct a QByteArray and package up the
+ details using a QDataStream.
+ For interoperability, drag and drop operations describe the data they contain
+ using MIME types. In Qt, we describe this data using a QMimeData object:
+ \snippet draganddrop/draggableicons/dragwidget.cpp 2
+ We choose an unofficial MIME type for this purpose, and supply the QByteArray
+ to the MIME data object.
+ The drag and drop operation itself is handled by a QDrag object:
+ \snippet draganddrop/draggableicons/dragwidget.cpp 3
+ Here, we pass the data to the drag object, set a pixmap that will be shown
+ alongside the cursor during the operation, and define the position of a hot
+ spot that places the position of this pixmap under the cursor.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+ \example draganddrop/draggabletext
+ \title Draggable Text Example
+ The Draggable Text example shows how to drag and drop textual data between widgets
+ in the same application, and between different applications.
+ \image draggabletext-example.png
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+ \example layouts/dynamiclayouts
+ \title Dynamic Layouts Example
+ The Dynamic Layouts example shows how to move widgets around in
+ existing layouts.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/easing.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/easing.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/easing
+ \title Easing Curves Example
+ The Easing Curves example shows how to use easing curves to
+ control the speed of an animation.
+ \image easing-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+ \example itemviews/editabletreemodel
+ \title Editable Tree Model Example
+ This example shows how to implement a simple item-based tree model that can
+ be used with other classes the model/view framework.
+ \image itemviews-editabletreemodel.png
+ The model supports editable items, custom headers, and the ability to
+ insert and remove rows and columns. With these features, it is also
+ possible to insert new child items, and this is shown in the supporting
+ example code.
+ \note The model only shows the basic principles used when creating an
+ editable, hierarchical model. You may wish to use the \l{ModelTest}
+ project to test production models.
+ \section1 Overview
+ As described in the \l{Model Subclassing Reference}, models must
+ provide implementations for the standard set of model functions:
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{flags()}, \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()},
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{headerData()},
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{columnCount()}, and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{rowCount()}. In addition, hierarchical models,
+ such as this one, need to provide implementations of
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{index()} and \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{parent()}.
+ An editable model needs to provide implementations of
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{setData()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{setHeaderData()}, and must return a suitable
+ combination of flags from its \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{flags()} function.
+ Since this example allows the dimensions of the model to be changed,
+ we must also implement \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{insertRows()},
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{insertColumns()},
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{removeRows()}, and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{removeColumns()}.
+ \section1 Design
+ As with the \l{itemviews/simpletreemodel}{Simple Tree Model} example,
+ the model simply acts as a wrapper around a collection
+ of instances of a \c TreeItem class. Each \c TreeItem is designed to
+ hold data for a row of items in a tree view, so it contains a list of
+ values corresponding to the data shown in each column.
+ Since QTreeView provides a row-oriented view onto a model, it is
+ natural to choose a row-oriented design for data structures that
+ will supply data via a model to this kind of view. Although this makes
+ the tree model less flexible, and possibly less useful for use with
+ more sophisticated views, it makes it less complex to design and easier
+ to implement.
+ \target Relations-between-internal-items
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage itemviews-editabletreemodel-items.png
+ \li \b{Relations between internal items}
+ When designing a data structure for use with a custom model, it is useful
+ to expose each item's parent via a function like
+ \l{TreeItem::parent}{TreeItem::parent()} because it will make
+ writing the model's own \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{parent()} function easier.
+ Similarly, a function like \l{TreeItem::child}{TreeItem::child()} is
+ helpful when implementing the model's \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{index()}
+ function. As a result, each \c TreeItem maintains information about
+ its parent and children, making it possible for us to traverse the tree
+ structure.
+ The diagram shows how \c TreeItem instances are connected via their
+ \l{TreeItem::parent}{parent()} and \l{TreeItem::child}{child()}
+ functions.
+ In the example shown, two top-level items, \b{A} and
+ \b{B}, can be obtained from the root item by calling its child()
+ function, and each of these items return the root node from their
+ parent() functions, though this is only shown for item \b{A}.
+ \endtable
+ Each \c TreeItem stores data for each column in the row it represents
+ in its \c itemData private member (a list of QVariant objects).
+ Since there is a one-to-one mapping between each column in the view
+ and each entry in the list, we provide a simple
+ \l{TreeItem::data}{data()} function to read entries in the \c itemData
+ list and a \l{TreeItem::setData}{setData()} function to allow them to
+ be modified.
+ As with other functions in the item, this simplifies the implemention
+ of the model's \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{data()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{setData()} functions.
+ We place an item at the root of the tree of items. This root item
+ corresponds to the null model index, \l{QModelIndex::}{QModelIndex()},
+ that is used to represent the parent of a top-level item when handling
+ model indexes.
+ Although the root item does not have a visible representation in any of
+ the standard views, we use its internal list of QVariant objects to
+ store a list of strings that will be passed to views for use as
+ horizontal header titles.
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage itemviews-editabletreemodel-model.png
+ \li \b{Accessing data via the model}
+ In the case shown in the diagram, the piece of information represented
+ by \b{a} can be obtained using the standard model/view API:
+ \code
+ QVariant a = model->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()).data();
+ \endcode
+ Since each items holds pieces of data for each column in a given row,
+ there can be many model indexes that map to the same \c TreeItem object.
+ For example, the information represented by \b{b} can be obtained
+ using the following code:
+ \code
+ QVariant b = model->index(1, 0, QModelIndex()).data();
+ \endcode
+ The same underlying \c TreeItem would be accessed to obtain information
+ for the other model indexes in the same row as \b{b}.
+ \endtable
+ In the model class, \c TreeModel, we relate \c TreeItem objects to
+ model indexes by passing a pointer for each item when we create its
+ corresponding model index with QAbstractItemModel::createIndex() in
+ our \l{TreeModel::index}{index()} and \l{TreeModel::parent}{parent()}
+ implementations.
+ We can retrieve pointers stored in this way by calling the
+ \l{QModelIndex::}{internalPointer()} function on the relevant model
+ index - we create our own \l{TreeModel::getItem}{getItem()} function to
+ do this work for us, and call it from our \l{TreeModel::data}{data()}
+ and \l{TreeModel::parent}{parent()} implementations.
+ Storing pointers to items is convenient when we control how they are
+ created and destroyed since we can assume that an address obtained from
+ \l{QModelIndex::}{internalPointer()} is a valid pointer.
+ However, some models need to handle items that are obtained from other
+ components in a system, and in many cases it is not possible to fully
+ control how items are created or destroyed. In such situations, a pure
+ pointer-based approach needs to be supplemented by safeguards to ensure
+ that the model does not attempt to access items that have been deleted.
+ \table
+ \row \li \b{Storing information in the underlying data structure}
+ Several pieces of data are stored as QVariant objects in the \c itemData
+ member of each \c TreeItem instance
+ The diagram shows how pieces of information,
+ represented by the labels \b{a}, \b{b} and \b{c} in the
+ previous two diagrams, are stored in items \b{A}, \b{B} and
+ \b{C} in the underlying data structure. Note that pieces of
+ information from the same row in the model are all obtained from the
+ same item. Each element in a list corresponds to a piece of information
+ exposed by each column in a given row in the model.
+ \li \inlineimage itemviews-editabletreemodel-values.png
+ \endtable
+ Since the \c TreeModel implementation has been designed for use with
+ QTreeView, we have added a restriction on the way it uses \c TreeItem
+ instances: each item must expose the same number of columns of data.
+ This makes viewing the model consistent, allowing us to use the root
+ item to determine the number of columns for any given row, and only
+ adds the requirement that we create items containing enough data for
+ the total number of columns. As a result, inserting and removing
+ columns are time-consuming operations because we need to traverse the
+ entire tree to modify every item.
+ An alternative approach would be to design the \c TreeModel class so
+ that it truncates or expands the list of data in individual \c TreeItem
+ instances as items of data are modified. However, this "lazy" resizing
+ approach would only allow us to insert and remove columns at the end of
+ each row and would not allow columns to be inserted or removed at
+ arbitrary positions in each row.
+ \target Relating-items-using-model-indexes
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage itemviews-editabletreemodel-indexes.png
+ \li \b{Relating items using model indexes}
+ As with the \l{itemviews/simpletreemodel}{Simple Tree Model} example,
+ the \c TreeModel needs to be able to take a model index, find the
+ corresponding \c TreeItem, and return model indexes that correspond to
+ its parents and children.
+ In the diagram, we show how the model's \l{TreeModel::parent}{parent()}
+ implementation obtains the model index corresponding to the parent of
+ an item supplied by the caller, using the items shown in a
+ \l{Relations-between-internal-items}{previous diagram}.
+ A pointer to item \b{C} is obtained from the corresponding model index
+ using the \l{QModelIndex::internalPointer()} function. The pointer was
+ stored internally in the index when it was created. Since the child
+ contains a pointer to its parent, we use its \l{TreeItem::parent}{parent()}
+ function to obtain a pointer to item \b{B}. The parent model index is
+ created using the QAbstractItemModel::createIndex() function, passing
+ the pointer to item \b{B} as the internal pointer.
+ \endtable
+ \section1 TreeItem Class Definition
+ The \c TreeItem class provides simple items that contain several
+ pieces of data, and which can provide information about their parent
+ and child items:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.h 0
+ We have designed the API to be similar to that provided by
+ QAbstractItemModel by giving each item functions to return the number
+ of columns of information, read and write data, and insert and remove
+ columns. However, we make the relationship between items explicit by
+ providing functions to deal with "children" rather than "rows".
+ Each item contains a list of pointers to child items, a pointer to its
+ parent item, and a list of QVariant objects that correspond to
+ information held in columns in a given row in the model.
+ \section1 TreeItem Class Implementation
+ Each \c TreeItem is constructed with a list of data and an optional
+ parent item:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 0
+ Initially, each item has no children. These are added to the item's
+ internal \c childItems member using the \c insertChildren() function
+ described later.
+ The destructor ensures that each child added to the item is deleted
+ when the item itself is deleted:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 1
+ \target TreeItem::parent
+ Since each item stores a pointer to its parent, the \c parent() function
+ is trivial:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 9
+ \target TreeItem::child
+ Three functions provide information about the children of an item.
+ \c child() returns a specific child from the internal list of children:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 2
+ The \c childCount() function returns the total number of children:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 3
+ The \c childNumber() function is used to determine the index of the child
+ in its parent's list of children. It accesses the parent's \c childItems
+ member directly to obtain this information:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 4
+ The root item has no parent item; for this item, we return zero to be
+ consistent with the other items.
+ The \c columnCount() function simply returns the number of elements in
+ the internal \c itemData list of QVariant objects:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 5
+ \target TreeItem::data
+ Data is retrieved using the \c data() function, which accesses the
+ appropriate element in the \c itemData list:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 6
+ \target TreeItem::setData
+ Data is set using the \c setData() function, which only stores values
+ in the \c itemData list for valid list indexes, corresponding to column
+ values in the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 11
+ To make implementation of the model easier, we return true to indicate
+ whether the data was set successfully, or false if an invalid column
+ Editable models often need to be resizable, enabling rows and columns to
+ be inserted and removed. The insertion of rows beneath a given model index
+ in the model leads to the insertion of new child items in the corresponding
+ item, handled by the \c insertChildren() function:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 7
+ This ensures that new items are created with the required number of columns
+ and inserted at a valid position in the internal \c childItems list.
+ Items are removed with the \c removeChildren() function:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 10
+ As discussed above, the functions for inserting and removing columns are
+ used differently to those for inserting and removing child items because
+ they are expected to be called on every item in the tree. We do this by
+ recursively calling this function on each child of the item:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 8
+ \section1 TreeModel Class Definition
+ The \c TreeModel class provides an implementation of the QAbstractItemModel
+ class, exposing the necessary interface for a model that can be edited and
+ resized.
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.h 0
+ The constructor and destructor are specific to this model.
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.h 1
+ Read-only tree models only need to provide the above functions. The
+ following public functions provide support for editing and resizing:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.h 2
+ To simplify this example, the data exposed by the model is organized into
+ a data structure by the model's \l{TreeModel::setupModelData}{setupModelData()}
+ function. Many real world models will not process the raw data at all, but
+ simply work with an existing data structure or library API.
+ \section1 TreeModel Class Implementation
+ The constructor creates a root item and initializes it with the header
+ data supplied:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 0
+ We call the internal \l{TreeModel::setupModelData}{setupModelData()}
+ function to convert the textual data supplied to a data structure we can
+ use with the model. Other models may be initialized with a ready-made
+ data structure, or use an API to a library that maintains its own data.
+ The destructor only has to delete the root item; all child items will
+ be recursively deleted by the \c TreeItem destructor.
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 1
+ \target TreeModel::getItem
+ Since the model's interface to the other model/view components is based
+ on model indexes, and the internal data structure is item-based, many of
+ the functions implemented by the model need to be able to convert any
+ given model index to its corresponding item. For convenience and
+ consistency, we have defined a \c getItem() function to perform this
+ repetitive task:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 4
+ This function assumes that each model index it is passed corresponds to
+ a valid item in memory. If the index is invalid, or its internal pointer
+ does not refer to a valid item, the root item is returned instead.
+ The model's \c rowCount() implementation is simple: it first uses the
+ \c getItem() function to obtain the relevant item, then returns the
+ number of children it contains:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 8
+ By contrast, the \c columnCount() implementation does not need to look
+ for a particular item because all items are defined to have the same
+ number of columns associated with them.
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 2
+ As a result, the number of columns can be obtained directly from the root
+ item.
+ To enable items to be edited and selected, the \c flags() function needs
+ to be implemented so that it returns a combination of flags that includes
+ the Qt::ItemIsEditable and Qt::ItemIsSelectable flags as well as
+ Qt::ItemIsEnabled:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 3
+ \target TreeModel::index
+ The model needs to be able to generate model indexes to allow other
+ components to request data and information about its structure. This task
+ is performed by the \c index() function, which is used to obtain model
+ indexes corresponding to children of a given parent item:
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 5
+ In this model, we only return model indexes for child items if the parent
+ index is invalid (corresponding to the root item) or if it has a zero
+ column number.
+ We use the custom \l{TreeModel::getItem}{getItem()} function to obtain
+ a \c TreeItem instance that corresponds to the model index supplied, and
+ request its child item that corresponds to the specified row.
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 6
+ Since each item contains information for an entire row of data, we create
+ a model index to uniquely identify it by calling
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{createIndex()} it with the row and column numbers
+ and a pointer to the item. In the \l{TreeModel::data}{data()} function,
+ we will use the item pointer and column number to access the data
+ associated with the model index; in this model, the row number is not
+ needed to identify data.
+ \target TreeModel::parent
+ The \c parent() function supplies model indexes for parents of items
+ by finding the corresponding item for a given model index, using its
+ \l{TreeItem::parent}{parent()} function to obtain its parent item,
+ then creating a model index to represent the parent. (See
+ \l{Relating-items-using-model-indexes}{the above diagram}).
+ \snippet itemviews/editabletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 7
+ Items without parents, including the root item, are handled by returning
+ a null model index. Otherwise, a model index is created and returned as
+ in the \l{TreeModel::index}{index()} function, with a suitable row number,
+ but with a zero column number to be consistent with the scheme used in
+ the \l{TreeModel::index}{index()} implementation.
+ \target TreeModel::data
+ \target TreeModel::setupModelData
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
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+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/elasticnodes
+ \title Elastic Nodes Example
+ The Elastic Nodes example shows how to implement edges between nodes in a
+ graph, with basic interaction. You can click to drag a node around, and
+ zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or the keyboard. Hitting the space
+ bar will randomize the nodes. The example is also resolution independent;
+ as you zoom in, the graphics remain crisp.
+ \image elasticnodes-example.png
+ Graphics View provides the QGraphicsScene class for managing and
+ interacting with a large number of custom-made 2D graphical items derived
+ from the QGraphicsItem class, and a QGraphicsView widget for visualizing
+ the items, with support for zooming and rotation.
+ This example consists of a \c Node class, an \c Edge class, a \c
+ GraphWidget test, and a \c main function: the \c Node class represents
+ draggable yellow nodes in a grid, the \c Edge class represents the lines
+ between the nodes, the \c GraphWidget class represents the application
+ window, and the \c main() function creates and shows this window, and runs
+ the event loop.
+ \section1 Node Class Definition
+ The \c Node class serves three purposes:
+ \list
+ \li Painting a yellow gradient "ball" in two states: sunken and raised.
+ \li Managing connections to other nodes.
+ \li Calculating forces pulling and pushing the nodes in the grid.
+ \endlist
+ Let's start by looking at the \c Node class declaration.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.h 0
+ The \c Node class inherits QGraphicsItem, and reimplements the two
+ mandatory functions \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} to provide its visual appearance. It
+ also reimplements \l{QGraphicsItem::shape()}{shape()} to ensure its hit
+ area has an elliptic shape (as opposed to the default bounding rectangle).
+ For edge management purposes, the node provides a simple API for adding
+ edges to a node, and for listing all connected edges.
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::advance()}{advance()} reimplementation is called
+ whenever the scene's state advances by one step. The calculateForces()
+ function is called to calculate the forces that push and pull on this node
+ and its neighbors.
+ The \c Node class also reimplements
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::itemChange()}{itemChange()} to react to state changes (in
+ this case, position changes), and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent()}{mousePressEvent()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent()}{mouseReleaseEvent()} to update the
+ item's visual appearance.
+ We will start reviewing the \c Node implementation by looking at its
+ constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we set the
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable}{ItemIsMovable} flag to allow the item to
+ move in response to mouse dragging, and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges}{ItemSendsGeometryChanges} to
+ enable \l{QGraphicsItem::itemChange()}{itemChange()} notifications for
+ position and transformation changes. We also enable
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache}{DeviceCoordinateCache} to speed up
+ rendering performance. To ensure that the nodes are always stacked on top
+ of edges, we finally set the item's Z value to -1.
+ \c Node's constructor takes a \c GraphWidget pointer and stores this as a
+ member variable. We will revisit this pointer later on.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 1
+ The addEdge() function adds the input edge to a list of attached edges. The
+ edge is then adjusted so that the end points for the edge match the
+ positions of the source and destination nodes.
+ The edges() function simply returns the list of attached edges.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 2
+ There are two ways to move a node. The \c calculateForces() function
+ implements the elastic effect that pulls and pushes on nodes in the grid.
+ In addition, the user can directly move one node around with the mouse.
+ Because we do not want the two approaches to operate at the same time on
+ the same node, we start \c calculateForces() by checking if this \c Node is
+ the current mouse grabber item (i.e., QGraphicsScene::mouseGrabberItem()).
+ Because we need to find all neighboring (but not necessarily connected)
+ nodes, we also make sure the item is part of a scene in the first place.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 3
+ The "elastic" effect comes from an algorithm that applies pushing and
+ pulling forces. The effect is impressive, and surprisingly simple to
+ implement.
+ The algorithm has two steps: the first is to calculate the forces that push
+ the nodes apart, and the second is to subtract the forces that pull the
+ nodes together. First we need to find all the nodes in the graph. We call
+ QGraphicsScene::items() to find all items in the scene, and then use
+ qgraphicsitem_cast() to look for \c Node instances.
+ We make use of \l{QGraphicsItem::mapFromItem()}{mapFromItem()} to create a
+ temporary vector pointing from this node to each other node, in \l{The
+ Graphics View Coordinate System}{local coordinates}. We use the decomposed
+ components of this vector to determine the direction and strength of force
+ that should apply to the node. The forces accumulate for each node, and are
+ then adjusted so that the closest nodes are given the strongest force, with
+ rapid degradation when distance increases. The sum of all forces is stored
+ in \c xvel (X-velocity) and \c yvel (Y-velocity).
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 4
+ The edges between the nodes represent forces that pull the nodes together.
+ By visiting each edge that is connected to this node, we can use a similar
+ approach as above to find the direction and strength of all pulling forces.
+ These forces are subtracted from \c xvel and \c yvel.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 5
+ In theory, the sum of pushing and pulling forces should stabilize to
+ precisely 0. In practice, however, they never do. To circumvent errors in
+ numerical precision, we simply force the sum of forces to be 0 when they
+ are less than 0.1.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 6
+ The final step of \c calculateForces() determines the node's new position.
+ We add the force to the node's current position. We also make sure the new
+ position stays inside of our defined boundaries. We don't actually move the
+ item in this function; that's done in a separate step, from \c advance().
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 7
+ The \c advance() function updates the item's current position. It is called
+ from \c GraphWidget::timerEvent(). If the node's position changed, the
+ function returns true; otherwise false is returned.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 8
+ The \c Node's bounding rectangle is a 20x20 sized rectangle centered around
+ its origin (0, 0), adjusted by 2 units in all directions to compensate for
+ the node's outline stroke, and by 3 units down and to the right to make
+ room for a simple drop shadow.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 9
+ The shape is a simple ellipse. This ensures that you must click inside the
+ node's elliptic shape in order to drag it around. You can test this effect
+ by running the example, and zooming far in so that the nodes are very
+ large. Without reimplementing \l{QGraphicsItem::shape()}{shape()}, the
+ item's hit area would be identical to its bounding rectangle (i.e.,
+ rectangular).
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 10
+ This function implements the node's painting. We start by drawing a simple
+ dark gray elliptic drop shadow at (-7, -7), that is, (3, 3) units down and
+ to the right from the top-left corner (-10, -10) of the ellipse.
+ We then draw an ellipse with a radial gradient fill. This fill is either
+ Qt::yellow to Qt::darkYellow when raised, or the opposite when sunken. In
+ sunken state we also shift the center and focal point by (3, 3) to
+ emphasize the impression that something has been pushed down.
+ Drawing filled ellipses with gradients can be quite slow, especially when
+ using complex gradients such as QRadialGradient. This is why this example
+ uses \l{QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache}{DeviceCoordinateCache}, a
+ simple yet effective measure that prevents unnecessary redrawing.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 11
+ We reimplement \l{QGraphicsItem::itemChange()}{itemChange()} to adjust the
+ position of all connected edges, and to notify the scene that an item has
+ moved (i.e., "something has happened"). This will trigger new force
+ calculations.
+ This notification is the only reason why the nodes need to keep a pointer
+ back to the \c GraphWidget. Another approach could be to provide such
+ notification using a signal; in such case, \c Node would need to inherit
+ from QGraphicsObject.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/node.cpp 12
+ Because we have set the \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable}{ItemIsMovable}
+ flag, we don't need to implement the logic that moves the node according to
+ mouse input; this is already provided for us. We still need to reimplement
+ the mouse press and release handlers, though, to update the nodes' visual
+ appearance (i.e., sunken or raised).
+ \section1 Edge Class Definition
+ The \c Edge class represents the arrow-lines between the nodes in this
+ example. The class is very simple: it maintains a source- and destination
+ node pointer, and provides an \c adjust() function that makes sure the line
+ starts at the position of the source, and ends at the position of the
+ destination. The edges are the only items that change continuously as
+ forces pull and push on the nodes.
+ Let's take a look at the class declaration:
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.h 0
+ \c Edge inherits from QGraphicsItem, as it's a simple class that has no use
+ for signals, slots, and properties (compare to QGraphicsObject).
+ The constructor takes two node pointers as input. Both pointers are
+ mandatory in this example. We also provide get-functions for each node.
+ The \c adjust() function repositions the edge, and the item also implements
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}.
+ We will now review its implementation.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 0
+ The \c Edge constructor initializes its \c arrowSize data member to 10 units;
+ this determines the size of the arrow which is drawn in
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}.
+ In the constructor body, we call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::setAcceptedMouseButtons()}{setAcceptedMouseButtons(0)}.
+ This ensures that the edge items are not considered for mouse input at all
+ (i.e., you cannot click the edges). Then, the source and destination
+ pointers are updated, this edge is registered with each node, and we call
+ \c adjust() to update this edge's start end end position.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 1
+ The source and destination get-functions simply return the respective
+ pointers.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 2
+ In \c adjust(), we define two points: \c sourcePoint, and \c destPoint,
+ pointing at the source and destination nodes' origins respectively. Each
+ point is calculated using \l{The Graphics View Coordinate System}{local
+ coordinates}.
+ We want the tip of the edge's arrows to point to the exact outline of the
+ nodes, as opposed to the center of the nodes. To find this point, we first
+ decompose the vector pointing from the center of the source to the center
+ of the destination node into X and Y, and then normalize the components by
+ dividing by the length of the vector. This gives us an X and Y unit delta
+ that, when multiplied by the radius of the node (which is 10), gives us the
+ offset that must be added to one point of the edge, and subtracted from the
+ other.
+ If the length of the vector is less than 20 (i.e., if two nodes overlap),
+ then we fix the source and destination pointer at the center of the source
+ node. In practice this case is very hard to reproduce manually, as the
+ forces between the two nodes is then at its maximum.
+ It's important to notice that we call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::prepareGeometryChange()}{prepareGeometryChange()} in this
+ function. The reason is that the variables \c sourcePoint and \c destPoint
+ are used directly when painting, and they are returned from the
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} reimplementation. We must
+ always call
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::prepareGeometryChange()}{prepareGeometryChange()} before
+ changing what \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} returns,
+ and before these variables can be used by
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()}, to keep Graphics View's internal
+ bookkeeping clean. It's safest to call this function once, immediately
+ before any such variable is modified.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 3
+ The edge's bounding rectangle is defined as the smallest rectangle that
+ includes both the start and the end point of the edge. Because we draw an
+ arrow on each edge, we also need to compensate by adjusting with half the
+ arrow size and half the pen width in all directions. The pen is used to
+ draw the outline of the arrow, and we can assume that half of the outline
+ can be drawn outside of the arrow's area, and half will be drawn inside.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 4
+ We start the reimplementation of \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} by
+ checking a few preconditions. Firstly, if either the source or destination
+ node is not set, then we return immediately; there is nothing to draw.
+ At the same time, we check if the length of the edge is approximately 0,
+ and if it is, then we also return.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 5
+ We draw the line using a pen that has round joins and caps. If you run the
+ example, zoom in and study the edge in detail, you will see that there are
+ no sharp/square edges.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/edge.cpp 6
+ We proceed to drawing one arrow at each end of the edge. Each arrow is
+ drawn as a polygon with a black fill. The coordinates for the arrow are
+ determined using simple trigonometry.
+ \section1 GraphWidget Class Definition
+ \c GraphWidget is a subclass of QGraphicsView, which provides the main
+ window with scrollbars.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.h 0
+ The class provides a basic constructor that initializes the scene, an \c
+ itemMoved() function to notify changes in the scene's node graph, a few
+ event handlers, a reimplementation of
+ \l{QGraphicsView::drawBackground()}{drawBackground()}, and a helper
+ function for scaling the view by using the mouse wheel or keyboard.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 0
+ \c GraphicsWidget's constructor creates the scene, and because most items
+ move around most of the time, it sets QGraphicsScene::NoIndex. The scene
+ then gets a fixed \l{QGraphicsScene::sceneRect}{scene rectangle}, and is
+ assigned to the \c GraphWidget view.
+ The view enables QGraphicsView::CacheBackground to cache rendering of its
+ static, and somewhat complex, background. Because the graph renders a close
+ collection of small items that all move around, it's unnecessary for
+ Graphics View to waste time finding accurate update regions, so we set the
+ QGraphicsView::BoundingRectViewportUpdate viewport update mode. The default
+ would work fine, but this mode is noticably faster for this example.
+ To improve rendering quality, we set QPainter::Antialiasing.
+ The transformation anchor decides how the view should scroll when you
+ transform the view, or in our case, when we zoom in or out. We have chosen
+ QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse, which centers the view on the point under
+ the mouse cursor. This makes it easy to zoom towards a point in the scene
+ by moving the mouse over it, and then rolling the mouse wheel.
+ Finally we give the window a minimum size that matches the scene's default
+ size, and set a suitable window title.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 1
+ The last part of the constructor creates the grid of nodes and edges, and
+ gives each node an initial position.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 2
+ \c GraphWidget is notified of node movement through this \c itemMoved()
+ function. Its job is simply to restart the main timer in case it's not
+ running already. The timer is designed to stop when the graph stabilizes,
+ and start once it's unstable again.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 3
+ This is \c GraphWidget's key event handler. The arrow keys move the center
+ node around, the '+' and '-' keys zoom in and out by calling \c
+ scaleView(), and the enter and space keys randomize the positions of the
+ nodes. All other key events (e.g., page up and page down) are handled by
+ QGraphicsView's default implementation.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 4
+ The timer event handler's job is to run the whole force calculation
+ machinery as a smooth animation. Each time the timer is triggered, the
+ handler will find all nodes in the scene, and call \c
+ Node::calculateForces() on each node, one at a time. Then, in a final step
+ it will call \c Node::advance() to move all nodes to their new positions.
+ By checking the return value of \c advance(), we can decide if the grid
+ stabilized (i.e., no nodes moved). If so, we can stop the timer.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 5
+ In the wheel event handler, we convert the mouse wheel delta to a scale
+ factor, and pass this factor to \c scaleView(). This approach takes into
+ account the speed that the wheel is rolled. The faster you roll the mouse
+ wheel, the faster the view will zoom.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 6
+ The view's background is rendered in a reimplementation of
+ QGraphicsView::drawBackground(). We draw a large rectangle filled with a
+ linear gradient, add a drop shadow, and then render text on top. The text
+ is rendered twice for a simple drop-shadow effect.
+ This background rendering is quite expensive; this is why the view enables
+ QGraphicsView::CacheBackground.
+ \snippet graphicsview/elasticnodes/graphwidget.cpp 7
+ The \c scaleView() helper function checks that the scale factor stays
+ within certain limits (i.e., you cannot zoom too far in nor too far out),
+ and then applies this scale to the view.
+ \section1 The main() Function
+ In contrast to the complexity of the rest of this example, the \c main()
+ function is very simple: We create a QApplication instance, seed the
+ randomizer using qsrand(), and then create and show an instance of \c
+ GraphWidget. Because all nodes in the grid are moved initially, the \c
+ GraphWidget timer will start immediately after control has returned to the
+ event loop.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/elidedlabel
+ \group all-examples
+ \title Elided Label Example
+ This example creates a widget similar to QLabel, that elides the last
+ visible line, if the text is too long to fit the widget's geometry.
+ \image elidedlabel-example.png Elided Label example on XPressMusic 5800
+ When text of varying length has to be displayed in a uniformly sized
+ area, for instance within a list or grid view where all list items have the
+ same size, it can be useful to give the user a visual clue when not all
+ text is visible. QLabel can elide text that doesn't fit within it, but only
+ in one line. The \c ElidedLabel widget shown in this example word wraps its
+ text by its width, and elides the last visible line if some text is left
+ out. \c TestWidget gives control to the features of \c ElidedWidget and
+ forms the example application.
+ \section1 ElidedLabel Class Definition
+ Like QLabel, \c ElidedLabel inherits from QFrame. Here's the definition of
+ the \c ElidedLabel class:
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.h 0
+ The \c isElided property depends the font, text content and geometry of the
+ widget. Whenever any of these change, the \c elisionChanged() signal might
+ trigger. We cache the current elision value in \c elided, so that it
+ doesn't have to be recomputed every time it's asked for.
+ \section1 ElidedLabel Class Implementation
+ Except for initializing the member variables, the constructor sets the size
+ policy to be horizontally expanding, since it's meant to fill the width of
+ its container and grow vertically.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.cpp 0
+ Changing the \c content require a repaint of the widget.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.cpp 1
+ QTextLayout is used in the \c paintEvent() to divide the \c content into
+ lines, that wrap on word boundaries. Each line, except the last visible
+ one, is drawn \c lineSpacing pixels below the previous one. The \c draw()
+ method of QTextLine will draw the line using the coordinate point as the
+ top left corner.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.cpp 2
+ Unfortunately, QTextLayout does not elide text, so the last visible line
+ has to be treated differently. This last line is elided if it is too wide.
+ The \c drawText() method of QPainter draws the text starting from the base
+ line, which is \c ascecnt() pixels below the last drawn line.
+ Finally, one more line is created to see if everything fit on this line.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.cpp 3
+ If the text was elided and wasn't before or vice versa, cache it in
+ \c elided and emit the change.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/elidedlabel.cpp 4
+ \section1 TestWidget Class Definition
+ \c TestWidget is a QWidget and is the main window of the example. It
+ contains an \c ElidedLabel which can be resized with two QSlider widgets.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.h 0
+ \section1 TestWidget Class Implementation
+ The constructor initializes the whole widget. Strings of different length
+ are stored in \c textSamples. The user is able to switch between these.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 0
+ An \c ElidedLabel is created to contain the first of the sample strings.
+ The frame is made visible to make it easier to see the actual size of the
+ widget.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 1
+ The buttons and the elision label are created. By connecting the
+ \c elisionChanged() signal to the \c setVisible() slot of the \c label,
+ it will act as an indicator to when the text is elided or not. This signal
+ could, for instance, be used to make a "More" button visible, or similar.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 2
+ The \c widthSlider and \c heightSlider specify the size of the
+ \c elidedText. Since the y-axis is inverted, the \c heightSlider has to be
+ inverted to act appropriately.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 3
+ The components are all stored in a QGridLayout, which is made the layout of
+ the \c TestWidget.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 4
+ On the Maemo platform, windows are stuck in landscape mode by default. With
+ this attribute set, the window manager is aware that this window can be
+ rotated.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 5
+ The \c widthSlider and \c heightSlider have the exact same length as the
+ dimensions of the \c elidedText. The maximum value for both of them is
+ thus their lengths, and each tick indicates one pixel.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 6
+ The \c switchText() slot simply cycles through all the available sample
+ texts.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/testwidget.cpp 7
+ These slots set the width and height of the \c elided text, in response to
+ changes in the sliders.
+ \section1 The \c main() Function
+ The \c main() function creates an instance of \c TestWidget fullscreen and
+ enters the message loop.
+ \snippet widgets/elidedlabel/main.cpp 0
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/embeddeddialogs.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/embeddeddialogs.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/embeddeddialogs
+ \title Embedded Dialogs
+ This example shows how to embed standard dialogs into
+ Graphics View. It also shows how you can customize the
+ proxy class and add window shadows.
+ \image embeddeddialogs-demo.png
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/eventtransitions.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/eventtransitions.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/eventtransitions
+ \title Event Transitions Example
+ The Event Transitions example shows how to use event transitions, a
+ feature of \l{The State Machine Framework}.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 0
+ The \c Window class's constructors begins by creating a button.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 1
+ Two states, \c s1 and \c s2, are created; upon entry they will assign
+ "Outside" and "Inside" to the button's text, respectively.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 2
+ When the button receives an event of type QEvent::Enter and the state
+ machine is in state \c s1, the machine will transition to state \c s2.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 3
+ When the button receives an event of type QEvent::Leave and the state
+ machine is in state \c s2, the machine will transition back to state \c
+ s1.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 4
+ Next, the state \c s3 is created. \c s3 will be entered when the button
+ receives an event of type QEvent::MouseButtonPress and the state machine
+ is in state \c s2. When the button receives an event of type
+ QEvent::MouseButtonRelease and the state machine is in state \c s3, the
+ machine will transition back to state \c s2.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 5
+ Finally, the states are added to the machine as top-level states, the
+ initial state is set to be \c s1 ("Outside"), and the machine is started.
+ \snippet statemachine/eventtransitions/main.cpp 6
+ The main() function constructs a Window object and shows it.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/extension.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/extension.qdoc
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/extension.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/extension
+ \title Extension Example
+ The Extension example shows how to add an extension to a QDialog
+ using the QAbstractButton::toggled() signal and the
+ QWidget::setVisible() slot.
+ \image extension-example.png Screenshot of the Extension example
+ The Extension application is a dialog that allows the user to
+ perform a simple search as well as a more advanced search.
+ The simple search has two options: \uicontrol {Match case} and \uicontrol
+ {Search from start}. The advanced search options include the
+ possibilities to search for \uicontrol {Whole words}, \uicontrol {Search
+ backward} and \uicontrol {Search selection}. Only the simple search is
+ visible when the application starts. The advanced search options
+ are located in the application's extension part, and can be made
+ visible by pressing the \uicontrol More button:
+ \image extension_more.png Screenshot of the Extension example
+ \section1 FindDialog Class Definition
+ The \c FindDialog class inherits QDialog. The QDialog class is the
+ base class of dialog windows. A dialog window is a top-level
+ window mostly used for short-term tasks and brief communications
+ with the user.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.h 0
+ The \c FindDialog widget is the main application widget, and
+ displays the application's search options and controlling
+ buttons.
+ In addition to a constructor, we declare the several child
+ widgets: We need a QLineEdit with an associated QLabel to let the
+ user type a word to search for, we need several \l
+ {QCheckBox}{QCheckBox}es to facilitate the search options, and we
+ need three \l {QPushButton}{QPushButton}s: the \uicontrol Find button to
+ start a search and the \uicontrol More button to enable an advanced search.
+ Finally, we need a QWidget representing the application's extension
+ part.
+ \section1 FindDialog Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we first create the standard child widgets for
+ the simple search: the QLineEdit with the associated QLabel, two
+ of the \l {QCheckBox}{QCheckBox}es and all the \l
+ {QPushButton}{QPushButton}s.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.cpp 0
+ We give the options and buttons a shortcut key using the &
+ character. In the \uicontrol {Find what} option's case, we also need to
+ use the QLabel::setBuddy() function to make the shortcut key work
+ as expected; then, when the user presses the shortcut key
+ indicated by the label, the keyboard focus is transferred to the
+ label's buddy widget, the QLineEdit.
+ We set the \uicontrol Find button's default property to true, using the
+ QPushButton::setDefault() function. Then the push button will be
+ pressed if the user presses the Enter (or Return) key. Note that a
+ QDialog can only have one default button.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.cpp 2
+ Then we create the extension widget, and the \l
+ {QCheckBox}{QCheckBox}es associated with the advanced search
+ options.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.cpp 3
+ Now that the extension widget is created, we can connect the \uicontrol
+ More button's \l{QAbstractButton::toggled()}{toggled()} signal to
+ the extension widget's \l{QWidget::setVisible()}{setVisible()} slot.
+ The QAbstractButton::toggled() signal is emitted whenever a
+ checkable button changes its state. The signal's argument is true
+ if the button is checked, or false if the button is unchecked. The
+ QWidget::setVisible() slot sets the widget's visible status. If
+ the status is true the widget is shown, otherwise the widget is
+ hidden.
+ Since we made the \uicontrol More button checkable when we created it,
+ the connection makes sure that the extension widget is shown
+ depending on the state of \uicontrol More button.
+ We also put the check boxes associated with the advanced
+ search options into a layout we install on the extension widget.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.cpp 4
+ Before we create the main layout, we create several child layouts
+ for the widgets: First we align the QLabel and its buddy, the
+ QLineEdit, using a QHBoxLayout. Then we vertically align the
+ QLabel and QLineEdit with the check boxes associated with the
+ simple search, using a QVBoxLayout. We also create a QVBoxLayout
+ for the buttons. In the end we lay out the two latter layouts and
+ the extension widget using a QGridLayout.
+ \snippet dialogs/extension/finddialog.cpp 5
+ Finally, we hide the extension widget using the QWidget::hide()
+ function, making the application only show the simple search
+ options when it starts. When the user wants to access the advanced
+ search options, the dialog only needs to change the visibility of
+ the extension widget. Qt's layout management takes care of the
+ dialog's appearance.
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/factorial
+ \title Factorial States Example
+ The Factorial States example shows how to use \l{The State Machine
+ Framework} to calculate the factorial of an integer.
+ The statechart for calculating the factorial looks as follows:
+ \image factorial-example.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ In other words, the state machine calculates the factorial of 6 and prints
+ the result.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 0
+ The Factorial class is used to hold the data of the computation, \c x and
+ \c fac. It also provides a signal that's emitted whenever the value of \c
+ x changes.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 1
+ The FactorialLoopTransition class implements the guard (\c x > 1) and
+ calculations (\c fac = \c x * \c fac; \c x = \c x - 1) of the factorial
+ loop.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 2
+ The FactorialDoneTransition class implements the guard (\c x <= 1) that
+ terminates the factorial computation. It also prints the final result to
+ standard output.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 3
+ The application's main() function first creates the application object, a
+ Factorial object and a state machine.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 4
+ The \c compute state is created, and the initial values of \c x and \c fac
+ are defined. A FactorialLoopTransition object is created and added to the
+ state.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 5
+ A final state, \c done, is created, and a FactorialDoneTransition object
+ is created with \c done as its target state. The transition is then added
+ to the \c compute state.
+ \snippet statemachine/factorial/main.cpp 6
+ The machine's initial state is set to be the \c compute state. We connect
+ the QStateMachine::finished() signal to the QCoreApplication::quit() slot,
+ so the application will quit when the state machine's work is
+ done. Finally, the state machine is started, and the application's event
+ loop is entered.
+ */
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example effects/fademessage
+ \title Fade Message Effect Example
+ \div { style="text-align: center"}
+ \inlineimage fademessageeffect-example.png
+ \inlineimage fademessageeffect-example-faded.png
+ \enddiv
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/fetchmore
+ \title Fetch More Example
+ The Fetch More example shows how two add items to an item view
+ model on demand.
+ \image fetchmore-example.png
+ The user of the example can enter a directory in the \uicontrol
+ Directory line edit. The contents of the directory will
+ be listed in the list view below.
+ When you have large - or perhaps even infinite - data sets, you
+ will need to add items to the model in batches, and preferably only
+ when the items are needed by the view (i.e., when they are visible
+ in the view).
+ In this example, we implement \c FileListModel - an item view
+ model containing the entries of a directory. We also have \c
+ Window, which sets up the GUI and feeds the model with
+ directories.
+ Let's take a tour of \c {FileListModel}'s code.
+ \section1 FileListModel Class Definition
+ The \c FileListModel inherits QAbstractListModel and contains the
+ contents of a directory. It will add items to itself only when
+ requested to do so by the view.
+ \snippet itemviews/fetchmore/filelistmodel.h 0
+ The secret lies in the reimplementation of
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{fetchMore()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{canFetchMore()} from QAbstractItemModel.
+ These functions are called by the item view when it needs more
+ items.
+ The \c setDirPath() function sets the directory the model will
+ work on. We emit \c numberPopulated() each time we add a batch of
+ items to the model.
+ We keep all directory entries in \c fileList. \c fileCount is the
+ number of items that have been added to the model.
+ \section1 FileListModel Class Implementation
+ We start by checking out the \c setDirPath().
+ \snippet itemviews/fetchmore/filelistmodel.cpp 0
+ We use a QDir to get the contents of the directory. We need to
+ inform QAbstractItemModel that we want to remove all items - if
+ any - from the model.
+ \snippet itemviews/fetchmore/filelistmodel.cpp 1
+ The \c canFetchMore() function is called by the view when it needs
+ more items. We return true if there still are entries that we have
+ not added to the model; otherwise, we return false.
+ And now, the \c fetchMore() function itself:
+ \snippet itemviews/fetchmore/filelistmodel.cpp 2
+ We first calculate the number of items to fetch.
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{beginInsertRows()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{endInsertRows()} are mandatory for
+ QAbstractItemModel to keep up with the row insertions. Finally, we
+ emit \c numberPopulated(), which is picked up by \c Window.
+ To complete the tour, we also look at \c rowCount() and \c data().
+ \snippet itemviews/fetchmore/filelistmodel.cpp 4
+ Notice that the row count is only the items we have added so far,
+ i.e., not the number of entries in the directory.
+ In \c data(), we return the appropriate entry from the \c
+ fileList. We also separate the batches with a different background
+ color.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/findfiles
+ \title Find Files Example
+ The Find Files example shows how to use QProgressDialog to provide
+ feedback on the progress of a slow operation. The example also
+ shows how to use QFileDialog to facilitate browsing, how to use
+ QTextStream's streaming operators to read a file, and how to use
+ QTableWidget to provide standard table display facilities for
+ applications. In addition, files can be opened using the
+ QDesktopServices class.
+ \image findfiles-example.png Screenshot of the Find Files example
+ With the Find Files application the user can search for files in a
+ specified directory, matching a specified file name (using wild
+ cards if appropriate) and containing a specified text.
+ The user is provided with a \uicontrol Browse option, and the result of
+ the search is displayed in a table with the names of the files
+ found and their sizes. In addition the application provides a
+ total count of the files found.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class inherits QWidget, and is the main application
+ widget. It shows the search options, and displays the search
+ results.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.h 0
+ We need two private slots: The \c browse() slot is called whenever
+ the user wants to browse for a directory to search in, and the \c
+ find() slot is called whenever the user requests a search to be
+ performed by pressing the \uicontrol Find button.
+ In addition we declare several private functions: We use the \c
+ findFiles() function to search for files matching the user's
+ specifications, we call the \c showFiles() function to display the
+ results, and we use \c createButton(), \c createComboBox() and \c
+ createFilesTable() when we are constructing the widget.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we first create the application's widgets.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 0
+ We create the application's buttons using the private \c
+ createButton() function. Then we create the comboboxes associated
+ with the search specifications, using the private \c
+ createComboBox() function. We also create the application's labels
+ before we use the private \c createFilesTable() function to create
+ the table displaying the search results.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 1
+ Then we add all the widgets to a main layout using QGridLayout. We
+ have, however, put the \c Find and \c Quit buttons and a
+ stretchable space in a separate QHBoxLayout first, to make the
+ buttons appear in the \c Window widget's bottom right corner.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 2
+ The \c browse() slot presents a file dialog to the user, using the
+ QFileDialog class. QFileDialog enables a user to traverse the file
+ system in order to select one or many files or a directory. The
+ easiest way to create a QFileDialog is to use the convenience
+ static functions.
+ Here we use the static QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory()
+ function which returns an existing directory selected by the
+ user. Then we display the directory in the directory combobox
+ using the QComboBox::addItem() function, and updates the current
+ index.
+ QComboBox::addItem() adds an item to the combobox with the given
+ text (if it is not already present in the list), and containing
+ the specified userData. The item is appended to the list of
+ existing items.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 3
+ The \c find() slot is called whenever the user requests a new
+ search by pressing the \uicontrol Find button.
+ First we eliminate any previous search results by setting the
+ table widgets row count to zero. Then we retrieve the
+ specified file name, text and directory path from the respective
+ comboboxes.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 4
+ We use the directory's path to create a QDir; the QDir class
+ provides access to directory structures and their contents. We
+ create a list of the files (contained in the newly created QDir)
+ that match the specified file name. If the file name is empty
+ the list will contain all the files in the directory.
+ Then we search through all the files in the list, using the private
+ \c findFiles() function, eliminating the ones that don't contain
+ the specified text. And finally, we display the results using the
+ private \c showFiles() function.
+ If the user didn't specify any text, there is no reason to search
+ through the files, and we display the results immediately.
+ \image findfiles_progress_dialog.png Screenshot of the Progress Dialog
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 5
+ In the private \c findFiles() function we search through a list of
+ files, looking for the ones that contain a specified text. This
+ can be a very slow operation depending on the number of files as
+ well as their sizes. In case there are a large number of files, or
+ there exists some large files on the list, we provide a
+ QProgressDialog.
+ The QProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a
+ slow operation. It is used to give the user an indication of how
+ long an operation is going to take, and to demonstrate that the
+ application has not frozen. It can also give the user an
+ opportunity to abort the operation.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 6
+ We run through the files, one at a time, and for each file we
+ update the QProgressDialog value. This property holds the current
+ amount of progress made. We also update the progress dialog's
+ label.
+ Then we call the QCoreApplication::processEvents() function using
+ the QApplication object. In this way we interleave the display of
+ the progress made with the process of searching through the files
+ so the application doesn't appear to be frozen.
+ The QApplication class manages the GUI application's control flow
+ and main settings. It contains the main event loop, where all
+ events from the window system and other sources are processed and
+ dispatched. QApplication inherits QCoreApplication. The
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents() function processes all pending
+ events according to the specified QEventLoop::ProcessEventFlags
+ until there are no more events to process. The default flags are
+ QEventLoop::AllEvents.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 7
+ After updating the QProgressDialog, we create a QFile using the
+ QDir::absoluteFilePath() function which returns the absolute path
+ name of a file in the directory. We open the file in read-only
+ mode, and read one line at a time using QTextStream.
+ The QTextStream class provides a convenient interface for reading
+ and writing text. Using QTextStream's streaming operators, you can
+ conveniently read and write words, lines and numbers.
+ For each line we read we check if the QProgressDialog has been
+ canceled. If it has, we abort the operation, otherwise we check if
+ the line contains the specified text. When we find the text within
+ one of the files, we add the file's name to a list of found files
+ that contain the specified text, and start searching a new file.
+ Finally, we return the list of the files found.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 8
+ Both the \c findFiles() and \c showFiles() functions are called from
+ the \c find() slot. In the \c showFiles() function we run through
+ the provided list of file names, adding each file name to the
+ first column in the table widget and retrieving the file's size using
+ QFile and QFileInfo for the second column.
+ We also update the total number of files found.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 9
+ The private \c createButton() function is called from the
+ constructor. We create a QPushButton with the provided text,
+ connect it to the provided slot, and return a pointer to the
+ button.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 10
+ The private \c createComboBox() function is also called from the
+ contructor. We create a QComboBox with the given text, and make it
+ editable.
+ When the user enters a new string in an editable combobox, the
+ widget may or may not insert it, and it can insert it in several
+ locations, depending on the QComboBox::InsertPolicy. The default
+ policy is is QComboBox::InsertAtBottom.
+ Then we add the provided text to the combobox, and specify the
+ widget's size policies, before we return a pointer to the
+ combobox.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 11
+ The private \c createFilesTable() function is called from the
+ constructor. In this function we create the QTableWidget that
+ will display the search results. We set its horizontal headers and
+ their resize mode.
+ QTableWidget inherits QTableView which provides a default
+ model/view implementation of a table view. The
+ QTableView::horizontalHeader() function returns the table view's
+ horizontal header as a QHeaderView. The QHeaderView class provides
+ a header row or header column for item views, and the
+ QHeaderView::setResizeMode() function sets the constraints on how
+ the section in the header can be resized.
+ Finally, we hide the QTableWidget's vertical headers using the
+ QWidget::hide() function, and remove the default grid drawn for
+ the table using the QTableView::setShowGrid() function.
+ \snippet dialogs/findfiles/window.cpp 12
+ The \c openFileOfItem() slot is invoked when the user double
+ clicks on a cell in the table. The QDesktopServices::openUrl()
+ knows how to open a file given the file name.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example layouts/flowlayout
+ \title Flow Layout Example
+ The Flow Layout example demonstrates a custom layout that arranges child
+ widgets from left to right and top to bottom in a top-level widget.
+ \image flowlayout-example.png Screenshot of the Flow Layout example
+ The items are first laid out horizontally and then vertically when each line
+ in the layout runs out of space.
+ The Flowlayout class mainly uses QLayout and QWidgetItem, while the
+ Window uses QWidget and QLabel. We will only document the definition
+ and implementation of \c FlowLayout below.
+ \section1 FlowLayout Class Definition
+ The \c FlowLayout class inherits QLayout. It is a custom layout class
+ that arranges its child widgets horizontally and vertically.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.h 0
+ We reimplement functions inherited from QLayout. These functions add items to
+ the layout and handle their orientation and geometry.
+ We also declare two private methods, \c doLayout() and \c smartSpacing().
+ \c doLayout() lays out the layout items, while the \c
+ smartSpacing() function calculates the spacing between them.
+ \section1 FlowLayout Class Implementation
+ We start off by looking at the constructor:
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 1
+ In the constructor we call \c setContentsMargins() to set the left, top,
+ right and bottom margin. By default, QLayout uses values provided by
+ the current style (see QStyle::PixelMetric).
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 2
+ In this example we reimplement \c addItem(), which is a pure virtual
+ function. When using \c addItem() the ownership of the layout items is
+ transferred to the layout, and it is therefore the layout's
+ responsibility to delete them.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 3
+ \c addItem() is implemented to add items to the layout.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 4
+ We implement \c horizontalSpacing() and \c verticalSpacing() to get
+ hold of the spacing between the widgets inside the layout. If the value
+ is less than or equal to 0, this value will be used. If not,
+ \c smartSpacing() will be called to calculate the spacing.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 5
+ We then implement \c count() to return the number of items in the
+ layout. To navigate the list of items we use \c itemAt() and
+ takeAt() to remove and return items from the list. If an item is
+ removed, the remaining items will be renumbered. All three
+ functions are pure virtual functions from QLayout.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 6
+ \c expandingDirections() returns the \l{Qt::Orientation}s in which the
+ layout can make use of more space than its \c sizeHint().
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 7
+ To adjust to widgets of which height is dependent on width, we implement \c
+ heightForWidth(). The function \c hasHeightForWidth() is used to test for this
+ dependency, and \c heightForWidth() passes the width on to \c doLayout() which
+ in turn uses the width as an argument for the layout rect, i.e., the bounds in
+ which the items are laid out. This rect does not include the layout margin().
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 8
+ \c setGeometry() is normally used to do the actual layout, i.e., calculate
+ the geometry of the layout's items. In this example, it calls \c doLayout()
+ and passes the layout rect.
+ \c sizeHint() returns the preferred size of the layout and \c minimumSize()
+ returns the minimum size of the layout.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 9
+ \c doLayout() handles the layout if \c horizontalSpacing() or \c
+ verticalSpacing() don't return the default value. It uses
+ \c getContentsMargins() to calculate the area available to the
+ layout items.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 10
+ It then sets the proper amount of spacing for each widget in the
+ layout, based on the current style.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 11
+ The position of each item in the layout is then calculated by
+ adding the items width and the line height to the initial x and y
+ coordinates. This in turn lets us find out whether the next item
+ will fit on the current line or if it must be moved down to the next.
+ We also find the height of the current line based on the widgets height.
+ \snippet layouts/flowlayout/flowlayout.cpp 12
+ \c smartSpacing() is designed to get the default spacing for either
+ the top-level layouts or the sublayouts. The default spacing for
+ top-level layouts, when the parent is a QWidget, will be determined
+ by querying the style. The default spacing for sublayouts, when
+ the parent is a QLayout, will be determined by querying the spacing
+ of the parent layout.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/fontsampler
+ \title Font Sampler Example
+ The Font Sampler example shows how to preview and print multi-page documents.
+ \image fontsampler-example.png
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/frozencolumn.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/frozencolumn.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/frozencolumn
+ \title Frozen Column Example
+ This example demonstrates how to freeze a column within a QTableView.
+ \image frozencolumn-example.png "Screenshot of the example"
+ We use Qt's model/view framework to implement a table with its first
+ column frozen. This technique can be aplied to several columns or rows,
+ as long as they are on the edge of the table.
+ The model/view framework allows for one model to be displayed in different
+ ways using multiple views. For this example, we use two views on the same
+ model - two \l {QTableView}{table views} sharing one model. The frozen
+ column is a child of the main tableview, and we provide the desired visual
+ effect using an overlay technique which will be described step by step in
+ the coming sections.
+ \image frozencolumn-tableview.png
+ \section1 FreezeTableWidget Class Definition
+ The \c FreezeTableWidget class has a constructor and a destructor. Also, it
+ has two private members: the table view that we will use as an overlay, and
+ the shared model for both table views. Two slots are added to help keep the
+ section sizes in sync, as well as a function to readjust the frozen
+ column's geometry. In addition, we reimplement two functions:
+ \l{QAbstractItemView::}{resizeEvent()} and \l{QTableView::}{moveCursor()}.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.h Widget definition
+ \note QAbstractItemView is \l{QTableView}'s ancestor.
+ \section1 FreezeTableWidget Class Implementation
+ The constructor takes \a model as an argument and creates a table view that
+ we will use to display the frozen column. Then, within the constructor, we
+ invoke the \c init() function to set up the frozen column. Finally, we
+ connect the \l{QHeaderView::sectionResized()} signals (for horizontal and
+ vertical headers) to the appropriate slots. This ensures that our frozen
+ column's sections are in sync with the headers. We also connect the
+ vertical scrollbars together so that the frozen column scrolls vertically
+ with the rest of our table.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp constructor
+ In the \c init() function, we ensure that the overlay table view
+ responsible for displaying the frozen column, is set up properly. This
+ means that this table view, \c frozenTableView, has to have the same model
+ as the main table view. However, the difference here is: \c frozenTableView's
+ only visible column is its first column; we hide the others using
+ \l{QTableView::}{setColumnHidden()}
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp init part1
+ In terms of the frozen column's z-order, we stack it on top of the
+ viewport. This is achieved by calling \l{QWidget::}{stackUnder()} on the
+ viewport. For appearance's sake, we prevent the column from stealing focus
+ from the main tableview. Also, we make sure that both views share the same
+ selection model, so only one cell can be selected at a time. A few other
+ tweaks are done to make our application look good and behave consistently
+ with the main tableview. Note that we called \c updateFrozenTableGeometry()
+ to make the column occupy the correct spot.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp init part2
+ When you resize the frozen column, the same column on the main table view
+ must resize accordingly, to provide seamless integration. This is
+ accomplished by getting the new size of the column from the \c newSize
+ value from the \l{QHeaderView::}{sectionResized()} signal, emitted by both
+ the horizontal and vertical header.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp sections
+ Since the width of the frozen column is modified, we adjust the geometry of
+ the widget accordingly by invoking \c updateFrozenTableGeometry(). This
+ function is further explained below.
+ In our reimplementation of QTableView::resizeEvent(), we call
+ \c updateFrozenTableGeometry() after invoking the base class
+ implementation.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp resize
+ When navigating around the table with the keyboard, we need to ensure that
+ the current selection does not disappear behind the frozen column. To
+ synchronize this, we reimplement QTableView::moveCursor() and adjust the
+ scrollbar positions if needed, after calling the base class implementation.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp navigate
+ The frozen column's geometry calculation is based on the geometry of the
+ table underneath, so it always appears in the right place. Using the
+ QFrame::frameWidth() function helps to calculate this geometry correctly,
+ no matter which style is used. We rely on the geometry of the viewport and
+ headers to set the boundaries for the frozen column.
+ \snippet itemviews/frozencolumn/freezetablewidget.cpp geometry
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/gradients
+ \title Gradients
+ In this example we show the various types of gradients that can
+ be used in Qt.
+ \image gradients-demo.png
+ There are three types of gradients:
+ \list
+ \li \b{Linear} gradients interpolate colors between start and end points.
+ \li \b{Radial} gradients interpolate colors between a focal point and the
+ points on a circle surrounding it.
+ \li \b{Conical} gradients interpolate colors around a center point.
+ \endlist
+ The panel on the right contains a color table editor that defines
+ the colors in the gradient. The three topmost controls determine the red,
+ green and blue components while the last defines the alpha of the
+ gradient. You can move points, and add new ones, by clicking with the left
+ mouse button, and remove points by clicking with the right button.
+ There are three default configurations available at the bottom of
+ the page that are provided as suggestions on how a color table could be
+ configured.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/groupbox.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/groupbox.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7384d409a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/groupbox.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/groupbox
+ \title Group Box Example
+ The Group Box example shows how to use the different kinds of group
+ boxes in Qt.
+ Group boxes are container widgets that organize buttons into groups,
+ both logically and on screen. They manage the interactions between
+ the user and the application so that you do not have to enforce
+ simple constraints.
+ Group boxes are usually used to organize check boxes and radio
+ buttons into exclusive groups.
+ \image groupbox-example.png
+ The Group Boxes example consists of a single \c Window class that
+ is used to show four group boxes: an exclusive radio button group,
+ a non-exclusive checkbox group, an exclusive radio button group
+ with an enabling checkbox, and a group box with normal push buttons.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class is a subclass of \c QWidget that is used to
+ display a number of group boxes. The class definition contains
+ functions to construct each group box and populate it with different
+ selections of button widgets:
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.h 0
+ In the example, the widget will be used as a top-level window, so
+ the constructor is defined so that we do not have to specify a parent
+ widget.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The constructor creates a grid layout and fills it with each of the
+ group boxes that are to be displayed:
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 0
+ The functions used to create each group box each return a
+ QGroupBox to be inserted into the grid layout.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 1
+ The first group box contains and manages three radio buttons. Since
+ the group box contains only radio buttons, it is exclusive by
+ default, so only one radio button can be checked at any given time.
+ We check the first radio button to ensure that the button group
+ contains one checked button.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 3
+ We use a vertical layout within the group box to present the
+ buttons in the form of a vertical list, and return the group
+ box to the constructor.
+ The second group box is itself checkable, providing a convenient
+ way to disable all the buttons inside it. Initially, it is
+ unchecked, so the group box itself must be checked before any of
+ the radio buttons inside can be checked.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 4
+ The group box contains three exclusive radio buttons, and an
+ independent checkbox. For consistency, one radio button must be
+ checked at all times, so we ensure that the first one is initially
+ checked.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 5
+ The buttons are arranged in the same way as those in the first
+ group box.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 6
+ The third group box is constructed with a "flat" style that is
+ better suited to certain types of dialog.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 7
+ This group box contains only checkboxes, so it is non-exclusive by
+ default. This means that each checkbox can be checked independently
+ of the others.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 8
+ Again, we use a vertical layout within the group box to present
+ the buttons in the form of a vertical list.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 9
+ The final group box contains only push buttons and, like the
+ second group box, it is checkable.
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 10
+ We create a normal button, a toggle button, and a flat push button:
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 11
+ Push buttons can be used to display popup menus. We create one, and
+ attach a simple menu to it:
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 12
+ Finally, we lay out the widgets vertically, and return the group box
+ that we created:
+ \snippet widgets/groupbox/window.cpp 13
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6625db005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/icons.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/icons
+ \title Icons Example
+ The Icons example shows how QIcon can generate pixmaps reflecting
+ an icon's state, mode and size. These pixmaps are generated from
+ the set of pixmaps made available to the icon, and are used by Qt
+ widgets to show an icon representing a particular action.
+ \image icons-example.png Screenshot of the Icons example
+ Contents:
+ \tableofcontents
+ \section1 QIcon Overview
+ The QIcon class provides scalable icons in different modes and
+ states. An icon's state and mode are depending on the intended use
+ of the icon. Qt currently defines four modes:
+ \table
+ \header \li Mode \li Description
+ \row
+ \li QIcon::Normal
+ \li Display the pixmap when the user is not interacting with the
+ icon, but the functionality represented by the icon is
+ available.
+ \row
+ \li QIcon::Active
+ \li Display the pixmap when the functionality represented by the
+ icon is available and the user is interacting with the icon,
+ for example, moving the mouse over it or clicking it.
+ \row
+ \li QIcon::Disabled
+ \li Display the pixmap when the functionality represented by
+ the icon is not available.
+ \row
+ \li QIcon::Selected
+ \li Display the pixmap when the icon is selected.
+ \endtable
+ QIcon's states are QIcon::On and QIcon::Off, which will display
+ the pixmap when the widget is in the respective state. The most
+ common usage of QIcon's states are when displaying checkable tool
+ buttons or menu entries (see QAbstractButton::setCheckable() and
+ QAction::setCheckable()). When a tool button or menu entry is
+ checked, the QIcon's state is \l{QIcon::}{On}, otherwise it's
+ \l{QIcon::}{Off}. You can, for example, use the QIcon's states to
+ display differing pixmaps depending on whether the tool button or
+ menu entry is checked or not.
+ A QIcon can generate smaller, larger, active, disabled, and
+ selected pixmaps from the set of pixmaps it is given. Such
+ pixmaps are used by Qt widgets to show an icon representing a
+ particular action.
+ \section1 Overview of the Icons Application
+ With the Icons application you get a preview of an icon's
+ generated pixmaps reflecting its different states, modes and size.
+ When an image is loaded into the application, it is converted into
+ a pixmap and becomes a part of the set of pixmaps available to the
+ icon. An image can be excluded from this set by checking off the
+ related checkbox. The application provides a sub directory
+ containing sets of images explicitly designed to illustrate how Qt
+ renders an icon in different modes and states.
+ The application allows you to manipulate the icon size with some
+ predefined sizes and a spin box. The predefined sizes are style
+ dependent, but most of the styles have the same values: Only the
+ Macintosh style differ by using 32 pixels, instead of 16 pixels,
+ for toolbar buttons. You can navigate between the available styles
+ using the \uicontrol View menu.
+ \image icons-view-menu.png Screenshot of the View menu
+ The \uicontrol View menu also provide the option to make the application
+ guess the icon state and mode from an image's file name. The \uicontrol
+ File menu provide the options of adding an image and removing all
+ images. These last options are also available through a context
+ menu that appears if you press the right mouse button within the
+ table of image files. In addition, the \uicontrol File menu provide an
+ \uicontrol Exit option, and the \uicontrol Help menu provide information about
+ the example and about Qt.
+ \image icons_find_normal.png Screenshot of the Find Files
+ The screenshot above shows the application with one image file
+ loaded. The \uicontrol {Guess Image Mode/State} is enabled and the
+ style is Plastique.
+ When QIcon is provided with only one available pixmap, that
+ pixmap is used for all the states and modes. In this case the
+ pixmap's icon mode is set to normal, and the generated pixmaps
+ for the normal and active modes will look the same. But in
+ disabled and selected mode, Qt will generate a slightly different
+ pixmap.
+ The next screenshot shows the application with an additional file
+ loaded, providing QIcon with two available pixmaps. Note that the
+ new image file's mode is set to disabled. When rendering the \uicontrol
+ Disabled mode pixmaps, Qt will now use the new image. We can see
+ the difference: The generated disabled pixmap in the first
+ screenshot is slightly darker than the pixmap with the originally
+ set disabled mode in the second screenshot.
+ \image icons_find_normal_disabled.png Screenshot of the Find Files
+ When Qt renders the icon's pixmaps it searches through the set of
+ available pixmaps following a particular algorithm. The algorithm
+ is documented in QIcon, but we will describe some particular cases
+ below.
+ \image icons_monkey_active.png Screenshot of the Find Files
+ In the screenshot above, we have set \c monkey_on_32x32 to be an
+ Active/On pixmap and \c monkey_off_64x64 to be Normal/Off. To
+ render the other six mode/state combinations, QIcon uses the
+ search algorithm described in the table below:
+ \table 100%
+ \header \li{2,1} Requested Pixmap \li {8,1} Preferred Alternatives (mode/state)
+ \header \li Mode \li State \li 1 \li 2 \li 3 \li 4 \li 5 \li 6 \li 7 \li 8
+ \row \li{1,2} Normal \li Off \li \b N0 \li A0 \li N1 \li A1 \li D0 \li S0 \li D1 \li S1
+ \row \li On \li N1 \li \b A1 \li N0 \li A0 \li D1 \li S1 \li D0 \li S0
+ \row \li{1,2} Active \li Off \li A0 \li \b N0 \li A1 \li N1 \li D0 \li S0 \li D1 \li S1
+ \row \li On \li \b A1 \li N1 \li A0 \li N0 \li D1 \li S1 \li D0 \li S0
+ \row \li{1,2} Disabled \li Off \li D0 \li \b {N0'} \li A0' \li D1 \li N1' \li A1' \li S0' \li S1'
+ \row \li On \li D1 \li N1' \li \b {A1'} \li D0 \li N0' \li A0' \li S1' \li S0'
+ \row \li{1,2} Selected \li Off \li S0 \li \b {N0''} \li A0'' \li S1 \li N1'' \li A1'' \li D0'' \li D1''
+ \row \li On \li S1 \li N1'' \li \b {A1''} \li S0 \li N0'' \li A0'' \li D1'' \li D0''
+ \endtable
+ In the table, "0" and "1" stand for Off" and "On", respectively.
+ Single quotes indicates that QIcon generates a disabled ("grayed
+ out") version of the pixmap; similarly, double quuote indicate
+ that QIcon generates a selected ("blued out") version of the
+ pixmap.
+ The alternatives used in the screenshot above are shown in bold.
+ For example, the Disabled/Off pixmap is derived by graying out
+ the Normal/Off pixmap (\c monkey_off_64x64).
+ In the next screenshots, we loaded the whole set of monkey
+ images. By checking or unchecking file names from the image list,
+ we get different results:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage icons_monkey.png Screenshot of the Monkey Files
+ \li \inlineimage icons_monkey_mess.png Screenshot of the Monkey Files
+ \endtable
+ For any given mode/state combination, it is possible to specify
+ several images at different resolutions. When rendering an
+ icon, QIcon will automatically pick the most suitable image
+ and scale it down if necessary. (QIcon never scales up images,
+ because this rarely looks good.)
+ The screenshots below shows what happens when we provide QIcon
+ with three images (\c qt_extended_16x16.png, \c qt_extended_32x32.png, \c
+ qt_extended_48x48.png) and try to render the QIcon at various
+ resolutions:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_8x8.png Qt Extended icon at 8 x 8
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_16x16.png Qt Extended icon at 16 x 16
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_17x17.png Qt Extended icon at 17 x 17
+ \row
+ \li
+ \li 8 x 8
+ \li \b {16 x 16}
+ \li 17 x 17
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_32x32.png Qt Extended icon at 32 x 32
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_33x33.png Qt Extended icon at 33 x 33
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_48x48.png Qt Extended icon at 48 x 48
+ \li \inlineimage icons_qt_extended_64x64.png Qt Extended icon at 64 x 64
+ \row
+ \li \b {32 x 32}
+ \li 33 x 33
+ \li \b {48 x 48}
+ \li 64 x 64
+ \endtable
+ For sizes up to 16 x 16, QIcon uses \c qt_extended_16x16.png and
+ scales it down if necessary. For sizes between 17 x 17 and 32 x
+ 32, it uses \c qt_extended_32x32.png. For sizes above 32 x 32, it uses
+ \c qt_extended_48x48.png.
+ \section1 Line-by-Line Walkthrough
+ The Icons example consists of four classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c MainWindow inherits QMainWindow and is the main application
+ window.
+ \li \c IconPreviewArea is a custom widget that displays all
+ combinations of states and modes for a given icon.
+ \li \c IconSizeSpinBox is a subclass of QSpinBox that lets the
+ user enter icon sizes (e.g., "48 x 48").
+ \li \c ImageDelegate is a subclass of QItemDelegate that provides
+ comboboxes for letting the user set the mode and state
+ associated with an image.
+ \endlist
+ We will start by reviewing the \c IconPreviewArea class before we
+ take a look at the \c MainWindow class. Finally, we will review the
+ \c IconSizeSpinBox and \c ImageDelegate classes.
+ \section2 IconPreviewArea Class Definition
+ An \c IconPreviewArea widget consists of a group box containing a grid of
+ QLabel widgets displaying headers and pixmaps.
+ \image icons_preview_area.png Screenshot of IconPreviewArea.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.h 0
+ The \c IconPreviewArea class inherits QWidget. It displays the
+ generated pixmaps corresponding to an icon's possible states and
+ modes at a given size.
+ We need two public functions to set the current icon and the
+ icon's size. In addition the class has three private functions: We
+ use the \c createHeaderLabel() and \c createPixmapLabel()
+ functions when constructing the preview area, and we need the \c
+ updatePixmapLabels() function to update the preview area when
+ the icon or the icon's size has changed.
+ The \c NumModes and \c NumStates constants reflect \l{QIcon}'s
+ number of currently defined modes and states.
+ \section2 IconPreviewArea Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we create the labels displaying the headers and
+ the icon's generated pixmaps, and add them to a grid layout.
+ When creating the header labels, we make sure the enums \c
+ NumModes and \c NumStates defined in the \c .h file, correspond
+ with the number of labels that we create. Then if the enums at
+ some point are changed, the \c Q_ASSERT() macro will alert that this
+ part of the \c .cpp file needs to be updated as well.
+ If the application is built in debug mode, the \c Q_ASSERT()
+ macro will expand to
+ \code
+ if (!condition)
+ qFatal("ASSERT: "condition" in file ...");
+ \endcode
+ In release mode, the macro simply disappear. The mode can be set
+ in the application's \c .pro file. One way to do so is to add an
+ option to \c qmake when building the application:
+ \code
+ qmake "CONFIG += debug"
+ \endcode
+ or
+ \code
+ qmake "CONFIG += release"
+ \endcode
+ Another approach is to add this line directly to the \c .pro
+ file.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 2
+ The public \c setIcon() and \c setSize() functions change the icon
+ or the icon size, and make sure that the generated pixmaps are
+ updated.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 4
+ We use the \c createHeaderLabel() and \c createPixmapLabel()
+ functions to create the preview area's labels displaying the
+ headers and the icon's generated pixmaps. Both functions return
+ the QLabel that is created.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconpreviewarea.cpp 5
+ We use the private \c updatePixmapLabel() function to update the
+ generated pixmaps displayed in the preview area.
+ For each mode, and for each state, we retrieve a pixmap using the
+ QIcon::pixmap() function, which generates a pixmap corresponding
+ to the given state, mode and size.
+ \section2 MainWindow Class Definition
+ The \c MainWindow widget consists of three main elements: an
+ images group box, an icon size group box and a preview area.
+ \image icons-example.png Screenshot of the Icons example
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.h 0
+ The MainWindow class inherits from QMainWindow. We reimplement the
+ constructor, and declare several private slots:
+ \list
+ \li The \c about() slot simply provides information about the example.
+ \li The \c changeStyle() slot changes the application's GUI style and
+ adjust the style dependent size options.
+ \li The \c changeSize() slot changes the size of the preview area's icon.
+ \li The \c changeIcon() slot updates the set of pixmaps available to the
+ icon displayed in the preview area.
+ \li The \c addImage() slot allows the user to load a new image into the
+ application.
+ \endlist
+ In addition we declare several private functions to simplify the
+ constructor.
+ \section2 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we first create the main window's central
+ widget and its child widgets, and put them in a grid layout. Then
+ we create the menus with their associated entries and actions.
+ Before we resize the application window to a suitable size, we set
+ the window title and determine the current style for the
+ application. We also enable the icon size spin box by clicking the
+ associated radio button, making the current value of the spin box
+ the icon's initial size.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ The \c about() slot displays a message box using the static
+ QMessageBox::about() function. In this example it displays a
+ simple box with information about the example.
+ The \c about() function looks for a suitable icon in four
+ locations: It prefers its parent's icon if that exists. If it
+ doesn't, the function tries the top-level widget containing
+ parent, and if that fails, it tries the active window. As a last
+ resort it uses the QMessageBox's Information icon.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ In the \c changeStyle() slot we first check the slot's
+ parameter. If it is false we immediately return, otherwise we find
+ out which style to change to, i.e. which action that triggered the
+ slot, using the QObject::sender() function.
+ This function returns the sender as a QObject pointer. Since we
+ know that the sender is a QAction object, we can safely cast the
+ QObject. We could have used a C-style cast or a C++ \c
+ static_cast(), but as a defensive programming technique we use a
+ \l qobject_cast(). The advantage is that if the object has the
+ wrong type, a null pointer is returned. Crashes due to null
+ pointers are much easier to diagnose than crashes due to unsafe
+ casts.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ Once we have the action, we extract the style name using
+ QAction::data(). Then we create a QStyle object using the static
+ QStyleFactory::create() function.
+ Although we can assume that the style is supported by the
+ QStyleFactory: To be on the safe side, we use the \c Q_ASSERT()
+ macro to check if the created style is valid before we use the
+ QApplication::setStyle() function to set the application's GUI
+ style to the new style. QApplication will automatically delete
+ the style object when a new style is set or when the application
+ exits.
+ The predefined icon size options provided in the application are
+ style dependent, so we need to update the labels in the icon size
+ group box and in the end call the \c changeSize() slot to update
+ the icon's size.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ The \c changeSize() slot sets the size for the preview area's
+ icon.
+ To determine the new size we first check if the spin box is
+ enabled. If it is, we extract the extent of the new size from the
+ box. If it's not, we search through the predefined size options,
+ extract the QStyle::PixelMetric and use the QStyle::pixelMetric()
+ function to determine the extent. Then we create a QSize object
+ based on the extent, and use that object to set the size of the
+ preview area's icon.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ The first thing we do when the \c addImage() slot is called, is to
+ show a file dialog to the user. The easiest way to create a file
+ dialog is to use QFileDialog's static functions. Here we use the
+ \l {QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()}{getOpenFileNames()} function
+ that will return one or more existing files selected by the user.
+ For each of the files the file dialog returns, we add a row to the
+ table widget. The table widget is listing the images the user has
+ loaded into the application.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ We retrieve the image name using the QFileInfo::baseName()
+ function that returns the base name of the file without the path,
+ and create the first table widget item in the row. Then we add the
+ file's complete name to the item's data. Since an item can hold
+ several information pieces, we need to assign the file name a role
+ that will distinguish it from other data. This role can be Qt::UserRole
+ or any value above it.
+ We also make sure that the item is not editable by removing the
+ Qt::ItemIsEditable flag. Table items are editable by default.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ Then we create the second and third items in the row making the
+ default mode Normal and the default state Off. But if the \uicontrol
+ {Guess Image Mode/State} option is checked, and the file name
+ contains "_act", "_dis", or "_sel", the modes are changed to
+ Active, Disabled, or Selected. And if the file name contains
+ "_on", the state is changed to On. The sample files in the
+ example's \c images subdirectory respect this naming convension.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 18
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 19
+ In the end we add the items to the associated row, and use the
+ QTableWidget::openPersistentEditor() function to create
+ comboboxes for the mode and state columns of the items.
+ Due to the connection between the table widget's \l
+ {QTableWidget::itemChanged()}{itemChanged()} signal and the \c
+ changeIcon() slot, the new image is automatically converted into a
+ pixmap and made part of the set of pixmaps available to the icon
+ in the preview area. So, corresponding to this fact, we need to
+ make sure that the new image's check box is enabled.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ The \c changeIcon() slot is called when the user alters the set
+ of images listed in the QTableWidget, to update the QIcon object
+ rendered by the \c IconPreviewArea.
+ We first create a QIcon object, and then we run through the
+ QTableWidget, which lists the images the user has loaded into the
+ application.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ We also extract the image file's name using the
+ QTableWidgetItem::data() function. This function takes a
+ Qt::DataItemRole as an argument to retrieve the right data
+ (remember that an item can hold several pieces of information)
+ and returns it as a QVariant. Then we use the
+ QVariant::toString() function to get the file name as a QString.
+ To create a pixmap from the file, we need to first create an
+ image and then convert this image into a pixmap using
+ QPixmap::fromImage(). Once we have the final pixmap, we add it,
+ with its associated mode and state, to the QIcon's set of
+ available pixmaps.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ After running through the entire list of images, we change the
+ icon of the preview area to the one we just created.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 20
+ In the \c removeAllImages() slot, we simply set the table widget's
+ row count to zero, automatically removing all the images the user
+ has loaded into the application. Then we update the set of pixmaps
+ available to the preview area's icon using the \c changeIcon()
+ slot.
+ \image icons_images_groupbox.png Screenshot of the images group box
+ The \c createImagesGroupBox() function is implemented to simplify
+ the constructor. The main purpose of the function is to create a
+ QTableWidget that will keep track of the images the user has
+ loaded into the application.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 21
+ First we create a group box that will contain the table widget.
+ Then we create a QTableWidget and customize it to suit our
+ purposes.
+ We call QAbstractItemView::setSelectionMode() to prevent the user
+ from selecting items.
+ The QAbstractItemView::setItemDelegate() call sets the item
+ delegate for the table widget. We create a \c ImageDelegate that
+ we make the item delegate for our view.
+ The QItemDelegate class can be used to provide an editor for an item view
+ class that is subclassed from QAbstractItemView. Using a delegate
+ for this purpose allows the editing mechanism to be customized and
+ developed independently from the model and view.
+ In this example we derive \c ImageDelegate from QItemDelegate.
+ QItemDelegate usually provides line editors, while our subclass
+ \c ImageDelegate, provides comboboxes for the mode and state
+ fields.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 22
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 23
+ Then we customize the QTableWidget's horizontal header, and hide
+ the vertical header.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 24
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 25
+ At the end, we connect the QTableWidget::itemChanged() signal to
+ the \c changeIcon() slot to ensuret that the preview area is in
+ sync with the image table.
+ \image icons_size_groupbox.png Screenshot of the icon size group box
+ The \c createIconSizeGroupBox() function is called from the
+ constructor. It creates the widgets controlling the size of the
+ preview area's icon.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 26
+ First we create a group box that will contain all the widgets;
+ then we create the radio buttons and the spin box.
+ The spin box is not a regular QSpinBox but an \c IconSizeSpinBox.
+ The \c IconSizeSpinBox class inherits QSpinBox and reimplements
+ two functions: QSpinBox::textFromValue() and
+ QSpinBox::valueFromText(). The \c IconSizeSpinBox is designed to
+ handle icon sizes, e.g., "32 x 32", instead of plain integer
+ values.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 27
+ Then we connect all of the radio buttons
+ \l{QRadioButton::toggled()}{toggled()} signals and the spin box's
+ \l {QSpinBox::valueChanged()}{valueChanged()} signal to the \c
+ changeSize() slot to make sure that the size of the preview
+ area's icon is updated whenever the user changes the icon size.
+ In the end we put the widgets in a layout that we install on the
+ group box.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 28
+ In the \c createActions() function we create and customize all the
+ actions needed to implement the functionality associated with the
+ menu entries in the application.
+ In particular we create the \c styleActionGroup based on the
+ currently available GUI styles using
+ QStyleFactory. QStyleFactory::keys() returns a list of valid keys,
+ typically including "windows", "motif", "cde", and
+ "plastique". Depending on the platform, "windowsxp" and
+ "macintosh" may be available.
+ We create one action for each key, and adds the action to the
+ action group. Also, for each action, we call QAction::setData()
+ with the style name. We will retrieve it later using
+ QAction::data().
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 29
+ In the \c createMenu() function, we add the previously created
+ actions to the \uicontrol File, \uicontrol View and \uicontrol Help menus.
+ The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars,
+ context menus, and other popup menus. We put each menu in the
+ application's menu bar, which we retrieve using
+ QMainWindow::menuBar().
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 30
+ QWidgets have a \l{QWidget::contextMenuPolicy}{contextMenuPolicy}
+ property that controls how the widget should behave when the user
+ requests a context menu (e.g., by right-clicking). We set the
+ QTableWidget's context menu policy to Qt::ActionsContextMenu,
+ meaning that the \l{QAction}s associated with the widget should
+ appear in its context menu.
+ Then we add the \uicontrol{Add Image} and \uicontrol{Remove All Images}
+ actions to the table widget. They will then appear in the table
+ widget's context menu.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/mainwindow.cpp 31
+ In the \c checkCurrentStyle() function we go through the group of
+ style actions, looking for the current GUI style.
+ For each action, we first extract the style name using
+ QAction::data(). Since this is only a QStyleFactory key (e.g.,
+ "macintosh"), we cannot compare it directly to the current
+ style's class name. We need to create a QStyle object using the
+ static QStyleFactory::create() function and compare the class
+ name of the created QStyle object with that of the current style.
+ As soon as we are done with a QStyle candidate, we delete it.
+ For all QObject subclasses that use the \c Q_OBJECT macro, the
+ class name of an object is available through its
+ \l{QObject::metaObject()}{meta-object}.
+ We can assume that the style is supported by
+ QStyleFactory, but to be on the safe side we use the \c
+ Q_ASSERT() macro to make sure that QStyleFactory::create()
+ returned a valid pointer.
+ \section2 IconSizeSpinBox Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconsizespinbox.h 0
+ The \c IconSizeSpinBox class is a subclass of QSpinBox. A plain
+ QSpinBox can only handle integers. But since we want to display
+ the spin box's values in a more sophisticated way, we need to
+ subclass QSpinBox and reimplement the QSpinBox::textFromValue()
+ and QSpinBox::valueFromText() functions.
+ \image icons_size_spinbox.png Screenshot of the icon size spinbox
+ \section2 IconSizeSpinBox Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconsizespinbox.cpp 0
+ The constructor is trivial.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconsizespinbox.cpp 2
+ QSpinBox::textFromValue() is used by the spin box whenever it
+ needs to display a value. The default implementation returns a
+ base 10 representation of the \c value parameter.
+ Our reimplementation returns a QString of the form "32 x 32".
+ \snippet widgets/icons/iconsizespinbox.cpp 1
+ The QSpinBox::valueFromText() function is used by the spin box
+ whenever it needs to interpret text typed in by the user. Since
+ we reimplement the \c textFromValue() function we also need to
+ reimplement the \c valueFromText() function to interpret the
+ parameter text and return the associated int value.
+ We parse the text using a regular expression (a QRegExp). We
+ define an expression that matches one or several digits,
+ optionally followed by whitespace, an "x" or the times symbol,
+ whitespace and one or several digits again.
+ The first digits of the regular expression are captured using
+ parentheses. This enables us to use the QRegExp::cap() or
+ QRegExp::capturedTexts() functions to extract the matched
+ characters. If the first and second numbers of the spin box value
+ differ (e.g., "16 x 24"), we use the first number.
+ When the user presses \uicontrol Enter, QSpinBox first calls
+ QSpinBox::valueFromText() to interpret the text typed by the
+ user, then QSpinBox::textFromValue() to present it in a canonical
+ format (e.g., "16 x 16").
+ \section2 ImageDelegate Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.h 0
+ The \c ImageDelegate class is a subclass of QItemDelegate. The
+ QItemDelegate class provides display and editing facilities for
+ data items from a model. A single QItemDelegate object is
+ responsible for all items displayed in a item view (in our case,
+ a QTableWidget).
+ A QItemDelegate can be used to provide an editor for an item view
+ class that is subclassed from QAbstractItemView. Using a delegate
+ for this purpose allows the editing mechanism to be customized and
+ developed independently from the model and view.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.h 1
+ The default implementation of QItemDelegate creates a QLineEdit.
+ Since we want the editor to be a QComboBox, we need to subclass
+ QItemDelegate and reimplement the QItemDelegate::createEditor(),
+ QItemDelegate::setEditorData() and QItemDelegate::setModelData()
+ functions.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.h 2
+ The \c emitCommitData() slot is used to emit the
+ QImageDelegate::commitData() signal with the appropriate
+ argument.
+ \section2 ImageDelegate Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.cpp 0
+ The constructor is trivial.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.cpp 1
+ The default QItemDelegate::createEditor() implementation returns
+ the widget used to edit the item specified by the model and item
+ index for editing. The parent widget and style option are used to
+ control the appearance of the editor widget.
+ Our reimplementation create and populate a combobox instead of
+ the default line edit. The contents of the combobox depends on
+ the column in the table for which the editor is requested. Column
+ 1 contains the QIcon modes, whereas column 2 contains the QIcon
+ states.
+ In addition, we connect the combobox's \l
+ {QComboBox::activated()}{activated()} signal to the \c
+ emitCommitData() slot to emit the
+ QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData() signal whenever the user
+ chooses an item using the combobox. This ensures that the rest of
+ the application notices the change and updates itself.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.cpp 2
+ The QItemDelegate::setEditorData() function is used by
+ QTableWidget to transfer data from a QTableWidgetItem to the
+ editor. The data is stored as a string; we use
+ QComboBox::findText() to locate it in the combobox.
+ Delegates work in terms of models, not items. This makes it
+ possible to use them with any item view class (e.g., QListView,
+ QListWidget, QTreeView, etc.). The transition between model and
+ items is done implicitly by QTableWidget; we don't need to worry
+ about it.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.cpp 3
+ The QItemDelegate::setEditorData() function is used by QTableWidget
+ to transfer data back from the editor to the \l{QTableWidgetItem}.
+ \snippet widgets/icons/imagedelegate.cpp 4
+ The \c emitCommitData() slot simply emit the
+ QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData() signal for the editor that
+ triggered the slot. This signal must be emitted when the editor
+ widget has completed editing the data, and wants to write it back
+ into the model.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/imagecomposition.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/imagecomposition.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f06f377b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/imagecomposition.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/imagecomposition
+ \title Image Composition Example
+ The Image Composition example lets the user combine images
+ together using any composition mode supported by QPainter, described
+ in detail in \l{QPainter#Composition Modes}{Composition Modes}.
+ \image imagecomposition-example.png
+ \section1 Setting Up The Resource File
+ The Image Composition example requires two source images,
+ \e butterfly.png and \e checker.png that are embedded within
+ \e imagecomposition.qrc. The file contains the following code:
+ \quotefile painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposition.qrc
+ For more information on resource files, see \l{The Qt Resource System}.
+ \section1 ImageComposer Class Definition
+ The \c ImageComposer class is a subclass of QWidget that implements three
+ private slots, \c chooseSource(), \c chooseDestination(), and
+ \c recalculateResult().
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.h 0
+ In addition, \c ImageComposer consists of five private functions,
+ \c addOp(), \c chooseImage(), \c loadImage(), \c currentMode(), and
+ \c imagePos(), as well as private instances of QToolButton, QComboBox,
+ QLabel, and QImage.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.h 1
+ \section1 ImageComposer Class Implementation
+ We declare a QSize object, \c resultSize, as a static constant with width
+ and height equal to 200.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 0
+ Within the constructor, we instantiate a QToolButton object,
+ \c sourceButton and set its \l{QAbstractButton::setIconSize()}{iconSize}
+ property to \c resultSize. The \c operatorComboBox is instantiated and
+ then populated using the \c addOp() function. This function accepts a
+ QPainter::CompositionMode, \a mode, and a QString, \a name, representing
+ the name of the composition mode.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 1
+ The \c destinationButton is instantiated and its
+ \l{QAbstractButton::setIconSize()}{iconSize} property is set to
+ \c resultSize as well. The \l{QLabel}s \c equalLabel and \c resultLabel
+ are created and \c{resultLabel}'s \l{QWidget::setMinimumWidth()}
+ {minimumWidth} is set.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 2
+ We connect the following signals to their corresponding slots:
+ \list
+ \li \c{sourceButton}'s \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal is
+ connected to \c chooseSource(),
+ \li \c{operatorComboBox}'s \l{QComboBox::activated()}{activated()}
+ signal is connected to \c recalculateResult(), and
+ \li \c{destinationButton}'s \l{QToolButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal
+ is connected to \c chooseDestination().
+ \endlist
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 3
+ A QGridLayout, \c mainLayout, is used to place all the widgets. Note
+ that \c{mainLayout}'s \l{QLayout::setSizeConstraint()}{sizeConstraint}
+ property is set to QLayout::SetFixedSize, which means that
+ \c{ImageComposer}'s size cannot be resized at all.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 4
+ We create a QImage, \c resultImage, and we invoke \c loadImage() twice
+ to load both the image files in our \e imagecomposition.qrc file. Then,
+ we set the \l{QWidget::setWindowTitle()}{windowTitle} property to
+ "Image Composition".
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 5
+ The \c chooseSource() and \c chooseDestination() functions are
+ convenience functions that invoke \c chooseImage() with specific
+ parameters.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 7
+ The \c chooseImage() function loads an image of the user's choice,
+ depending on the \a title, \a image, and \a button.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 10
+ The \c recalculateResult() function is used to calculate amd display the
+ result of combining the two images together with the user's choice of
+ composition mode.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 8
+ The \c addOp() function adds an item to the \c operatorComboBox using
+ \l{QComboBox}'s \l{QComboBox::addItem()}{addItem} function. This function
+ accepts a QPainter::CompositionMode, \a mode, and a QString, \a name. The
+ rectangle is filled with Qt::Transparent and both the \c sourceImage and
+ \c destinationImage are painted, before displaying it on \c resultLabel.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 9
+ The \c loadImage() function paints a transparent background using
+ \l{QPainter::fillRect()}{fillRect()} and draws \c image in a
+ centralized position using \l{QPainter::drawImage()}{drawImage()}.
+ This \c image is then set as the \c{button}'s icon.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 11
+ The \c currentMode() function returns the composition mode currently
+ selected in \c operatorComboBox.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 12
+ We use the \c imagePos() function to ensure that images loaded onto the
+ QToolButton objects, \c sourceButton and \c destinationButton, are
+ centralized.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 13
+ \section1 The \c main() Function
+ The \c main() function instantiates QApplication and \c ImageComposer
+ and invokes its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function.
+ \snippet painting/imagecomposition/main.cpp 0
+ */
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/imageviewer.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/imageviewer.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3556d52f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/imageviewer.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/imageviewer
+ \title Image Viewer Example
+ The example shows how to combine QLabel and QScrollArea to
+ display an image. QLabel is typically used for displaying text,
+ but it can also display an image. QScrollArea provides a
+ scrolling view around another widget. If the child widget exceeds
+ the size of the frame, QScrollArea automatically provides scroll
+ bars.
+ The example demonstrates how QLabel's ability to scale its
+ contents (QLabel::scaledContents), and QScrollArea's ability to
+ automatically resize its contents (QScrollArea::widgetResizable),
+ can be used to implement zooming and scaling features. In
+ addition the example shows how to use QPainter to print an image.
+ \image imageviewer-example.png Screenshot of the Image Viewer example
+ With the Image Viewer application, the users can view an image of
+ their choice. The \uicontrol File menu gives the user the possibility
+ to:
+ \list
+ \li \uicontrol{Open...} - Open an image file
+ \li \uicontrol{Print...} - Print an image
+ \li \uicontrol{Exit} - Exit the application
+ \endlist
+ Once an image is loaded, the \uicontrol View menu allows the users to:
+ \list
+ \li \uicontrol{Zoom In} - Scale the image up by 25%
+ \li \uicontrol{Zoom Out} - Scale the image down by 25%
+ \li \uicontrol{Normal Size} - Show the image at its original size
+ \li \uicontrol{Fit to Window} - Stretch the image to occupy the entire window
+ \endlist
+ In addition the \uicontrol Help menu provides the users with information
+ about the Image Viewer example in particular, and about Qt in
+ general.
+ \section1 ImageViewer Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.h 0
+ The \c ImageViewer class inherits from QMainWindow. We reimplement
+ the constructor, and create several private slots to facilitate
+ the menu entries. In addition we create four private functions.
+ We use \c createActions() and \c createMenus() when constructing
+ the \c ImageViewer widget. We use the \c updateActions() function
+ to update the menu entries when a new image is loaded, or when
+ the \uicontrol {Fit to Window} option is toggled. The zoom slots use \c
+ scaleImage() to perform the zooming. In turn, \c
+ scaleImage() uses \c adjustScrollBar() to preserve the focal point after
+ scaling an image.
+ \section1 ImageViewer Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we first create the label and the scroll area.
+ We set \c {imageLabel}'s size policy to \l
+ {QSizePolicy::Ignored}{ignored}, making the users able to scale
+ the image to whatever size they want when the \uicontrol {Fit to Window}
+ option is turned on. Otherwise, the default size polizy (\l
+ {QSizePolicy::Preferred}{preferred}) will make scroll bars appear
+ when the scroll area becomes smaller than the label's minimum size
+ hint.
+ We ensure that the label will scale its contents to fill all
+ available space, to enable the image to scale properly when
+ zooming. If we omitted to set the \c {imageLabel}'s \l
+ {QLabel::scaledContents}{scaledContents} property, zooming in
+ would enlarge the QLabel, but leave the pixmap at
+ its original size, exposing the QLabel's background.
+ We make \c imageLabel the scroll area's child widget, and we make
+ \c scrollArea the central widget of the QMainWindow. At the end
+ we create the associated actions and menus, and customize the \c
+ {ImageViewer}'s appearance.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 2
+ In the \c open() slot, we show a file dialog to the user. The
+ easiest way to create a QFileDialog is to use the static
+ convenience functions. QFileDialog::getOpenFileName() returns an
+ existing file selected by the user. If the user presses \uicontrol
+ Cancel, QFileDialog returns an empty string.
+ Unless the file name is a empty string, we check if the file's
+ format is an image format by constructing a QImage which tries to
+ load the image from the file. If the constructor returns a null
+ image, we use a QMessageBox to alert the user.
+ The QMessageBox class provides a modal dialog with a short
+ message, an icon, and some buttons. As with QFileDialog the
+ easiest way to create a QMessageBox is to use its static
+ convenience functions. QMessageBox provides a range of different
+ messages arranged along two axes: severity (question,
+ information, warning and critical) and complexity (the number of
+ necessary response buttons). In this particular example an
+ information message with an \uicontrol OK button (the default) is
+ sufficient, since the message is part of a normal operation.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 4
+ If the format is supported, we display the image in \c imageLabel
+ by setting the label's \l {QLabel::pixmap}{pixmap}. Then we enable
+ the \uicontrol Print and \uicontrol {Fit to Window} menu entries and update
+ the rest of the view menu entries. The \uicontrol Open and \uicontrol Exit
+ entries are enabled by default.
+ If the \uicontrol {Fit to Window} option is turned off, the
+ QScrollArea::widgetResizable property is \c false and it is
+ our responsibility (not QScrollArea's) to give the QLabel a
+ reasonable size based on its contents. We call
+ \{QWidget::adjustSize()}{adjustSize()} to achieve this, which is
+ essentially the same as
+ \code
+ imageLabel->resize(imageLabel->pixmap()->size());
+ \endcode
+ In the \c print() slot, we first make sure that an image has been
+ loaded into the application:
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 6
+ If the application is built in debug mode, the \c Q_ASSERT() macro
+ will expand to
+ \code
+ if (!imageLabel->pixmap())
+ qFatal("ASSERT: "imageLabel->pixmap()" in file ...");
+ \endcode
+ In release mode, the macro simply disappear. The mode can be set
+ in the application's \c .pro file. One way to do so is to add an
+ option to \uicontrol qmake when building the application:
+ \code
+ qmake "CONFIG += debug"
+ \endcode
+ or
+ \code
+ qmake "CONFIG += release"
+ \endcode
+ Another approach is to add this line directly to the \c .pro
+ file.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 8
+ Then we present a print dialog allowing the user to choose a
+ printer and to set a few options. We construct a painter with a
+ QPrinter as the paint device. We set the painter's window
+ and viewport in such a way that the image is as large as possible
+ on the paper, but without altering its
+ \l{Qt::KeepAspectRatio}{aspect ratio}.
+ In the end we draw the pixmap at position (0, 0).
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 10
+ We implement the zooming slots using the private \c scaleImage()
+ function. We set the scaling factors to 1.25 and 0.8,
+ respectively. These factor values ensure that a \uicontrol {Zoom In}
+ action and a \uicontrol {Zoom Out} action will cancel each other (since
+ 1.25 * 0.8 == 1), and in that way the normal image size can be
+ restored using the zooming features.
+ The screenshots below show an image in its normal size, and the
+ same image after zooming in:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-original_size.png
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-zoom_in_1.png
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-zoom_in_2.png
+ \endtable
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 12
+ When zooming, we use the QLabel's ability to scale its contents.
+ Such scaling doesn't change the actual size hint of the contents.
+ And since the \l {QLabel::adjustSize()}{adjustSize()} function
+ use those size hint, the only thing we need to do to restore the
+ normal size of the currently displayed image is to call \c
+ adjustSize() and reset the scale factor to 1.0.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 14
+ The \c fitToWindow() slot is called each time the user toggled
+ the \uicontrol {Fit to Window} option. If the slot is called to turn on
+ the option, we tell the scroll area to resize its child widget
+ with the QScrollArea::setWidgetResizable() function. Then we
+ disable the \uicontrol {Zoom In}, \uicontrol {Zoom Out} and \uicontrol {Normal
+ Size} menu entries using the private \c updateActions() function.
+ If the \l {QScrollArea::widgetResizable} property is set to \c
+ false (the default), the scroll area honors the size of its child
+ widget. If this property is set to \c true, the scroll area will
+ automatically resize the widget in order to avoid scroll bars
+ where they can be avoided, or to take advantage of extra space.
+ But the scroll area will honor the minimum size hint of its child
+ widget independent of the widget resizable property. So in this
+ example we set \c {imageLabel}'s size policy to \l
+ {QSizePolicy::Ignored}{ignored} in the constructor, to avoid that
+ scroll bars appear when the scroll area becomes smaller than the
+ label's minimum size hint.
+ The screenshots below shows an image in its normal size, and the
+ same image with the \uicontrol {Fit to window} option turned on.
+ Enlarging the window will stretch the image further, as shown in
+ the third screenshot.
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-original_size.png
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-fit_to_window_1.png
+ \li \inlineimage imageviewer-fit_to_window_2.png
+ \endtable
+ If the slot is called to turn off the option, the
+ {QScrollArea::setWidgetResizable} property is set to \c false. We
+ also restore the image pixmap to its normal size by adjusting the
+ label's size to its content. And in the end we update the view
+ menu entries.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 16
+ We implement the \c about() slot to create a message box
+ describing what the example is designed to show.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 17
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 18
+ In the private \c createAction() function, we create the
+ actions providing the application features.
+ We assign a short-cut key to each action and connect them to the
+ appropriate slots. We only enable the \c openAct and \c exitAct at
+ the time of creation, the others are updated once an image has
+ been loaded into the application. In addition we make the \c
+ fitToWindowAct \l {QAction::checkable}{checkable}.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 19
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 20
+ In the private \c createMenu() function, we add the previously
+ created actions to the \uicontrol File, \uicontrol View and \uicontrol Help menus.
+ The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars,
+ context menus, and other popup menus. The QMenuBar class provides
+ a horizontal menu bar that consists of a list of pull-down menu
+ items. So at the end we put the menus in the \c {ImageViewer}'s
+ menu bar which we retrieve with the QMainWindow::menuBar()
+ function.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 21
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 22
+ The private \c updateActions() function enables or disables the
+ \uicontrol {Zoom In}, \uicontrol {Zoom Out} and \uicontrol {Normal Size} menu
+ entries depending on whether the \uicontrol {Fit to Window} option is
+ turned on or off.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 23
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 24
+ In \c scaleImage(), we use the \c factor parameter to calculate
+ the new scaling factor for the displayed image, and resize \c
+ imageLabel. Since we set the
+ \l{QLabel::scaledContents}{scaledContents} property to \c true in
+ the constructor, the call to QWidget::resize() will scale the
+ image displayed in the label. We also adjust the scroll bars to
+ preserve the focal point of the image.
+ At the end, if the scale factor is less than 33.3% or greater
+ than 300%, we disable the respective menu entry to prevent the
+ image pixmap from becoming too large, consuming too much
+ resources in the window system.
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 25
+ \snippet widgets/imageviewer/imageviewer.cpp 26
+ Whenever we zoom in or out, we need to adjust the scroll bars in
+ consequence. It would have been tempting to simply call
+ \code
+ scrollBar->setValue(int(factor * scrollBar->value()));
+ \endcode
+ but this would make the top-left corner the focal point, not the
+ center. Therefore we need to take into account the scroll bar
+ handle's size (the \l{QScrollBar::pageStep}{page step}).
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/interview
+ \title Interview
+ The Interview example explores the flexibility and scalability of the
+ model/view framework by presenting an infinitely deep data structure using a model
+ and three different types of view.
+ \image interview-demo.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/puzzle
+ \title Item Views Puzzle Example
+ The Puzzle example shows how to enable drag and drop with a custom model
+ to allow items to be transferred between a view and another widget.
+ \image itemviewspuzzle-example.png
+ This example is an implementation of a simple jigsaw puzzle game using the
+ built-in support for drag and drop provided by Qt's model/view framework.
+ The \l{Drag and Drop Puzzle Example}{Drag and Drop Puzzle} example shows
+ many of the same features, but takes an alternative approach that uses Qt's
+ drag and drop API at the application level to handle drag and drop
+ operations.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/licensewizard
+ \title License Wizard Example
+ The License Wizard example shows how to implement complex wizards in
+ Qt.
+ \image licensewizard-example.png Screenshot of the License Wizard example
+ Most wizards have a linear structure, with page 1 followed by
+ page 2 and so on until the last page. The
+ \l{dialogs/classwizard}{Class Wizard} example shows how to create
+ such wizards.
+ Some wizards are more complex in that they allow different
+ traversal paths based on the information provided by the user.
+ The License Wizard example illustrates this. It provides five
+ wizard pages; depending on which options are selected, the user
+ can reach different pages.
+ \image licensewizard-flow.png The License Wizard pages
+ The example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c LicenseWizard inherits QWizard and implements a non-linear
+ five-page wizard that leads the user through the process of
+ choosing a license agreement.
+ \li \c IntroPage, \c EvaluatePage, \c RegisterPage, \c
+ DetailsPage, and \c ConclusionPage are QWizardPage subclasses
+ that implement the wizard pages.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 The LicenseWizard Class
+ The \c LicenseWizard class derives from QWizard and provides a
+ five-page wizard that guides the user through the process of
+ registering their copy of a fictitious software product. Here's
+ the class definition:
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.h 1
+ The class's public API is limited to a constructor and an enum.
+ The enum defines the IDs associated with the various pages:
+ \table
+ \header \li Class name \li Enum value \li Page ID
+ \row \li \c IntroPage \li \c Page_Intro \li 0
+ \row \li \c EvaluatePage \li \c Page_Evaluate \li 1
+ \row \li \c RegisterPage \li \c Page_Register \li 2
+ \row \li \c DetailsPage \li \c Page_Details \li 3
+ \row \li \c ConclusionPage \li \c Page_Conclusion \li 4
+ \endtable
+ For this example, the IDs are arbitrary. The only constraints are
+ that they must be unique and different from -1. IDs allow us to
+ refer to pages.
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 2
+ In the constructor, we create the five pages, insert them into
+ the wizard using QWizard::setPage(), and set \c Page_Intro to be
+ the first page.
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 3
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 4
+ We set the style to \l{QWizard::}{ModernStyle} on all platforms
+ except Mac OS X,
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 5
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 6
+ We configure the QWizard to show a \uicontrol Help button, which is
+ connected to our \c showHelp() slot. We also set the
+ \l{QWizard::}{LogoPixmap} for all pages that have a header (i.e.,
+ \c EvaluatePage, \c RegisterPage, and \c DetailsPage).
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 9
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 11
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 13
+ In \c showHelp(), we display help texts that are appropriate for
+ the current page. If the user clicks \uicontrol Help twice for the same
+ page, we say, "Sorry, I already gave what help I could. Maybe you
+ should try asking a human?"
+ \section1 The IntroPage Class
+ The pages are defined in \c licensewizard.h and implemented in \c
+ licensewizard.cpp, together with \c LicenseWizard.
+ Here's the definition and implementation of \c{IntroPage}:
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.h 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 16
+ A page inherits from QWizardPage. We set a
+ \l{QWizardPage::}{title} and a
+ \l{QWizard::WatermarkPixmap}{watermark pixmap}. By not setting
+ any \l{QWizardPage::}{subTitle}, we ensure that no header is
+ displayed for this page. (On Windows, it is customary for wizards
+ to display a watermark pixmap on the first and last pages, and to
+ have a header on the other pages.)
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 17
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 19
+ The \c nextId() function returns the ID for \c EvaluatePage if
+ the \uicontrol{Evaluate the product for 30 days} option is checked;
+ otherwise it returns the ID for \c RegisterPage.
+ \section1 The EvaluatePage Class
+ The \c EvaluatePage is slightly more involved:
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.h 5
+ \codeline
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 20
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 21
+ \dots
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 22
+ First, we set the page's \l{QWizardPage::}{title}
+ and \l{QWizardPage::}{subTitle}.
+ Then we create the child widgets, create \l{Registering and Using
+ Fields}{wizard fields} associated with them, and put them into
+ layouts. The fields are created with an asterisk (\c
+ *) next to their name. This makes them \l{mandatory fields}, that
+ is, fields that must be filled before the user can press the
+ \uicontrol Next button (\uicontrol Continue on Mac OS X). The fields' values
+ can be accessed from any other page using QWizardPage::field().
+ Resetting the page amounts to clearing the two text fields.
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 23
+ The next page is always the \c ConclusionPage.
+ \section1 The ConclusionPage Class
+ The \c RegisterPage and \c DetailsPage are very similar to \c
+ EvaluatePage. Let's go directly to the \c ConclusionPage:
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.h 6
+ This time, we reimplement QWizardPage::initializePage() and
+ QWidget::setVisible(), in addition to
+ \l{QWizardPage::}{nextId()}. We also declare a private slot:
+ \c printButtonClicked().
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 18
+ The default implementation of QWizardPage::nextId() returns
+ the page with the next ID, or -1 if the current page has the
+ highest ID. This behavior would work here, because \c
+ Page_Conclusion equals 5 and there is no page with a higher ID,
+ but to avoid relying on such subtle behavior, we reimplement
+ \l{QWizardPage::}{nextId()} to return -1.
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 27
+ We use QWizard::hasVisitedPage() to determine the type of
+ license agreement the user has chosen. If the user filled the \c
+ EvaluatePage, the license text refers to an Evaluation License
+ Agreement. If the user filled the \c DetailsPage, the license
+ text is a First-Time License Agreement. If the user provided an
+ upgrade key and skipped the \c DetailsPage, the license text is
+ an Update License Agreement.
+ \snippet dialogs/licensewizard/licensewizard.cpp 28
+ We want to display a \uicontrol Print button in the wizard when the \c
+ ConclusionPage is up. One way to accomplish this is to reimplement
+ QWidget::setVisible():
+ \list
+ \li If the page is shown, we set the \l{QWizard::}{CustomButton1} button's
+ text to \uicontrol{\underline{P}rint}, we enable the \l{QWizard::}{HaveCustomButton1}
+ option, and we connect the QWizard's \l{QWizard::}{customButtonClicked()}
+ signal to our \c printButtonClicked() slot.
+ \li If the page is hidden, we disable the \l{QWizard::}{HaveCustomButton1}
+ option and disconnect the \c printButtonClicked() slot.
+ \endlist
+ \sa QWizard, {Class Wizard Example}, {Trivial Wizard Example}
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example effects/lighting
+ \title Lighting Effect Example
+ \image lightingeffect-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/lineedits
+ \title Line Edits Example
+ The Line Edits example demonstrates the many ways that QLineEdit can be used, and
+ shows the effects of various properties and validators on the input and output
+ supplied by the user.
+ \image lineedits-example.png
+ The example consists of a single \c Window class, containing a selection of
+ line edits with different input constraints and display properties that can be
+ changed by selecting items from comboboxes. Presenting these together helps
+ developers choose suitable properties to use with line edits, and makes it easy
+ to compare the effects of each validator on user input.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class inherits QWidget and contains a constructor and several
+ slots:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.h 0
+ The slots are used to update the type of validator used for a given line edit when
+ a new validator has been selected in the associated combobox. The line edits
+ are stored in the window for use in these slots.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The \c Window constructor is used to set up the line edits, validators,
+ and comboboxes, connect signals from the comboboxes to slots in the \c Window
+ class, and arrange the child widgets in layouts.
+ We begin by constructing a \l{QGroupBox}{group box} to hold a label, combobox,
+ and line edit so that we can demonstrate the QLineEdit::echoMode property:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 0
+ At this point, none of these widgets have been arranged in layouts. Eventually,
+ the \c echoLabel, \c echoComboBox, and \c echoLineEdit will be placed in a
+ vertical layout inside the \c echoGroup group box.
+ Similarly, we construct group boxes and collections of widgets to show the
+ effects of QIntValidator and QDoubleValidator on a line edit's contents:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 1
+ Text alignment is demonstrated by another group of widgets:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 2
+ QLineEdit supports the use of \l{QLineEdit::inputMask}{input masks}.
+ These only allow the user to type characters into the line edit that
+ follow a simple specification. We construct a group of widgets to
+ demonstrate a selection of predefined masks:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 3
+ Another useful feature of QLineEdit is its ability to make its contents
+ read-only. This property is used to control access to a line edit in the
+ following group of widgets:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 4
+ Now that all the child widgets have been constructed, we connect signals
+ from the comboboxes to slots in the \c Window object:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 5
+ Each of these connections use the QComboBox::activated() signal that
+ supplies an integer to the slot. This will be used to efficiently
+ make changes to the appropriate line edit in each slot.
+ We place each combobox, line edit, and label in a layout for each group
+ box, beginning with the layout for the \c echoGroup group box:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 6
+ The other layouts are constructed in the same way:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 7
+ Finally, we place each group box in a grid layout for the \c Window object
+ and set the window title:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 8
+ The slots respond to signals emitted when the comboboxes are changed by the
+ user.
+ When the combobox for the \uicontrol{Echo} group box is changed, the \c echoChanged()
+ slot is called:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 9
+ The slot updates the line edit in the same group box to use an echo mode that
+ corresponds to the entry described in the combobox.
+ When the combobox for the \uicontrol{Validator} group box is changed, the
+ \c validatorChanged() slot is called:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 10
+ The slot either creates a new validator for the line edit to use, or it removes
+ the validator in use by calling QLineEdit::setValidator() with a zero pointer.
+ We clear the line edit in this case to ensure that the new validator is
+ initially given valid input to work with.
+ When the combobox for the \uicontrol{Alignment} group box is changed, the
+ \c alignmentChanged() slot is called:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 11
+ This changes the way that text is displayed in the line edit to correspond with
+ the description selected in the combobox.
+ The \c inputMaskChanged() slot handles changes to the combobox in the
+ \uicontrol{Input Mask} group box:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 12
+ Each entry in the relevant combobox is associated with an input mask. We set
+ a new mask by calling the QLineEdit::setMask() function with a suitable string;
+ the mask is disabled if an empty string is used.
+ The \c accessChanged() slot handles changes to the combobox in the
+ \uicontrol{Access} group box:
+ \snippet widgets/lineedits/window.cpp 13
+ Here, we simply associate the \uicontrol{False} and \uicontrol{True} entries in the combobox
+ with \c false and \c true values to be passed to QLineEdit::setReadOnly(). This
+ allows the user to enable and disable input to the line edit.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/mainwindow.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/mainwindow.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/mainwindow
+ \title Main Window
+ The Main Window example shows Qt's extensive support for tool bars,
+ dock windows, menus, and other standard application features.
+ \image mainwindow-demo.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/mdi
+ \title MDI Example
+ The MDI example shows how to implement a Multiple Document Interface using Qt's
+ QMdiArea class.
+ \image mdi-example.png
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/menus.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/menus.qdoc
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/menus.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
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+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/menus
+ \title Menus Example
+ The Menus example demonstrates how menus can be used in a main
+ window application.
+ A menu widget can be either a pull-down menu in a menu bar or a
+ standalone context menu. Pull-down menus are shown by the menu bar
+ when the user clicks on the respective item or presses the
+ specified shortcut key. Context menus are usually invoked by some
+ special keyboard key or by right-clicking.
+ \image menus-example.png
+ A menu consists of a list of \e action items. In applications,
+ many common commands can be invoked via menus, toolbar buttons as
+ well as keyboard shortcuts. Since the user expects the commands to
+ be performed in the same way, regardless of the user interface
+ used, it is useful to represent each command as an action.
+ The Menus example consists of one single class, \c MainWindow, derived
+ from the QMainWindow class. When choosing one of the
+ action items in our application, it will display the item's path
+ in its central widget.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ QMainWindow provides a main application window, with a menu bar,
+ tool bars, dock widgets and a status bar around a large central
+ widget.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.h 0
+ In this example, we will see how to implement pull-down menus as
+ well as a context menu. In order to implement a custom context
+ menu we must reimplement QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::}{contextMenuEvent()} function to receive the context
+ menu events for our main window.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.h 1
+ We must also implement a collection of private slots to respond to
+ the user activating any of our menu entries. Note that these
+ slots are left out of this documentation since they are trivial,
+ i.e., most of them are only displaying the action's path in the
+ main window's central widget.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.h 2
+ We have chosen to simplify the constructor by implementing two
+ private convenience functions to create the various actions, to
+ add them to menus and to insert the menus into our main window's
+ menu bar.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.h 3
+ Finally, we declare the various menus and actions as well as a
+ simple information label in the application wide scope.
+ The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars,
+ context menus, and other popup menus while the QAction class
+ provides an abstract user interface action that can be inserted
+ into widgets.
+ In some situations it is useful to group actions together, e.g.,
+ we have a \uicontrol {Left Align} action, a \uicontrol {Right Align} action, a
+ \uicontrol {Justify} action, and a \uicontrol {Center} action, and we want
+ only one of these actions to be active at any one time. One simple
+ way of achieving this is to group the actions together in an
+ action group using the QActionGroup class.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ In the constructor, we start off by creating a regular QWidget and
+ make it our main window's central widget. Note that the main
+ window takes ownership of the widget pointer and deletes it at the
+ appropriate time.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ \codeline
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ Then we create the information label as well as a top and bottom
+ filler that we add to a layout which we install on the central
+ widget. QMainWindow objects come with their own customized layout
+ and setting a layout on a the actual main window, or creating a
+ layout with a main window as a parent, is considered an error. You
+ should always set your own layout on the central widget instead.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ To create the actions and menus we call our two convenience
+ functions: \c createActions() and \c createMenus(). We will get
+ back to these shortly.
+ QMainWindow's \l {QMainWindow::statusBar()}{statusBar()} function
+ returns the status bar for the main window (if the status bar does
+ not exist, this function will create and return an empty status
+ bar). We initialize the status bar and window title, resize the
+ window to an appropriate size as well as ensure that the main
+ window cannot be resized to a smaller size than the given
+ one.
+ Now, let's take a closer look at the \c createActions() convenience
+ function that creates the various actions:
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ \dots
+ A QAction object may contain an icon, a text, a shortcut, a status
+ tip, a "What's This?" text, and a tooltip. Most of these can be
+ set in the constructor, but they can also be set independently
+ using the provided convenience functions.
+ In the \c createActions() function, we first create a \c newAct
+ action. We make \uicontrol Ctrl+N its shortcut using the
+ QAction::setShortcut() function, and we set its status tip using the
+ QAction::setStatusTip() function (the status tip is displayed on all
+ status bars provided by the action's top-level parent widget). We
+ also connect its \l {QAction::}{triggered()} signal to the \c
+ newFile() slot.
+ The rest of the actions are created in a similar manner. Please
+ see the source code for details.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ Once we have created the \uicontrol {Left Align}, \uicontrol {Right Align},
+ \uicontrol {Justify}, and a \uicontrol {Center} actions, we can also create
+ the previously mentioned action group.
+ Each action is added to the group using QActionGroup's \l
+ {QActionGroup::}{addAction()} function. Note that an action also
+ can be added to a group by creating it with the group as its
+ parent. Since an action group is exclusive by default, only one of
+ the actions in the group is checked at any one time (this can be
+ altered using the QActionGroup::setExclusive() function).
+ When all the actions are created, we use the \c createMenus()
+ function to add the actions to the menus and to insert the menus
+ into the menu bar:
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ QMenuBar's \l {QMenuBar::addMenu()}{addMenu()} function appends a
+ new QMenu with the given title, to the menu bar (note that the
+ menu bar takes ownership of the menu). We use QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::addAction()}{addAction()} function to add each action to
+ the corresponding menu.
+ Alternatively, the QMenu class provides several \l
+ {QMenu::addAction()}{addAction()} convenience functions that create
+ and add new actions from given texts and/or icons. You can also
+ provide a member that will automatically connect to the new
+ action's \l {QAction::triggered()}{triggered()} signal, and a
+ shortcut represented by a QKeySequence instance.
+ The QMenu::addSeparator() function creates and returns a new
+ separator action, i.e. an action for which QAction::isSeparator()
+ returns true, and adds the new action to the menu's list of
+ actions.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ Note the \uicontrol Format menu. First of all, it is added as a submenu
+ to the \uicontrol Edit Menu using QMenu's \l
+ {QMenu::addMenu()}{addMenu()} function. Secondly, take a look at the
+ alignment actions: In the \c createActions() function we added the
+ \c leftAlignAct, \c rightAlignAct, \c justifyAct and \c centerAct
+ actions to an action group. Nevertheless, we must add each action
+ to the menu separately while the action group does its magic
+ behind the scene.
+ \snippet mainwindows/menus/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ To provide a custom context menu, we must reimplement QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::}{contextMenuEvent()} function to receive the widget's
+ context menu events (note that the default implementation simply
+ ignores these events).
+ Whenever we receive such an event, we create a menu containing the
+ \uicontrol Cut, \uicontrol Copy and \uicontrol Paste actions. Context menus can be
+ executed either asynchronously using the \l {QMenu::}{popup()}
+ function or synchronously using the \l {QMenu::}{exec()}
+ function. In this example, we have chosen to show the menu using
+ its \l {QMenu::}{exec()} function. By passing the event's position
+ as argument we ensure that the context menu appears at the
+ expected position.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/moveblocks.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/moveblocks.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c12280989
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/moveblocks.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/moveblocks
+ \title Move Blocks Example
+ The Move Blocks example shows how to animate items in a
+ QGraphicsScene using a QStateMachine with a custom transition.
+ \image moveblocks-example.png
+ The example animates the blue blocks that you can see in the image
+ above. The animation moves the blocks between four preset positions.
+ The example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c StateSwitcher inherits QState and can add
+ \c {StateSwitchTransition}s to other states.
+ When entered, it will randomly transition to one of these
+ states.
+ \li \c StateSwitchTransition is a custom transition that
+ triggers on \c{StateSwitchEvent}s.
+ \li \c StateSwitchEvent is a QEvent that triggers \c{StateSwitchTransition}s.
+ \li \c QGraphicsRectWidget is a QGraphicsWidget that simply
+ paints its background in a solid \l{Qt::}{blue} color.
+ \endlist
+ The blocks are instances of \c QGraphicsRectWidget and are
+ animated in a QGraphicsScene. We do this by building a state
+ graph, which we insert animations into. The graph is then executed
+ in a QStateMachine. All this is done in \c main().
+ Let's look at the \c main() function first.
+ \section1 The \c main() Function
+ After QApplication has been initialized, we set up the
+ QGraphicsScene with its \c{QGraphicsRectWidget}s.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 1
+ After adding the scene to a QGraphicsView, it is time to build the
+ state graph. Let's first look at a statechart of what we are
+ trying to build.
+ \image move-blocks-chart.png
+ Note that the \c group has seven sub states, but we have only
+ included three of them in the diagram. The code that builds this
+ graph will be examined line-by-line, and will show how the graph
+ works. First off, we construct the \c group state:
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 2
+ The timer is used to add a delay between each time the blocks are
+ moved. The timer is started when \c group is entered. As we will
+ see later, \c group has a transition back to the \c StateSwitcher
+ when the timer times out. \c group is the initial state in the
+ machine, so an animation will be scheduled when the example is
+ started.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 3
+ \dots
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 4
+ \c createGeometryState() returns a QState that will set the
+ geometry of our items upon entry. It also assigns \c group as the
+ parent of this state.
+ A QPropertyAnimation inserted into a transition will use the
+ values assigned to a QState (with QState::assignProperty()), i.e.,
+ the animation will interpolate between the current values of the
+ properties and the values in the target state. We add animated
+ transitions to the state graph later.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 5
+ We move the items in parallel. Each item is added to \c
+ animationGroup, which is the animation that is inserted into the
+ transitions.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 6
+ The sequential animation group, \c subGroup, helps us insert a
+ delay between the animation of each item.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 7
+ \dots
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 8
+ A StateSwitchTransition is added to the state switcher
+ in \c StateSwitcher::addState(). We also add the animation in this
+ function. Since QPropertyAnimation uses the values from the
+ states, we can insert the same QPropertyAnimation instance in all
+ \c {StateSwitchTransition}s.
+ As mentioned previously, we add a transition to the state switcher
+ that triggers when the timer times out.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 9
+ Finally, we can create the state machine, add our initial state,
+ and start execution of the state graph.
+ \section2 The \c createGeometryState() Function
+ In \c createGeometryState(), we set up the geometry for each
+ graphics item.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 13
+ As mentioned before, QAbstractTransition will set up an animation
+ added with \l{QAbstractTransition::}{addAnimation()} using
+ property values set with \l{QState::}{assignProperty()}.
+ \section1 The StateSwitcher Class
+ \c StateSwitcher has state switch transitions to each \l{QState}s
+ we created with \c createGeometryState(). Its job is to transition
+ to one of these states at random when it is entered.
+ All functions in \c StateSwitcher are inlined. We'll step through
+ its definition.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 10
+ \c StateSwitcher is a state designed for a particular purpose and
+ will always be a top-level state. We use \c m_stateCount to keep
+ track of how many states we are managing, and \c m_lastIndex to
+ remember which state was the last state to which we transitioned.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 11
+ We select the next state we are going to transition to, and post a
+ \c StateSwitchEvent, which we know will trigger the \c
+ StateSwitchTransition to the selected state.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 12
+ This is where the magic happens. We assign a number to each state
+ added. This number is given to both a StateSwitchTransition and to
+ StateSwitchEvents. As we have seen, state switch events will
+ trigger a transition with the same number.
+ \section1 The StateSwitchTransition Class
+ \c StateSwitchTransition inherits QAbstractTransition and triggers
+ on \c{StateSwitchEvent}s. It contains only inline functions, so
+ let's take a look at its \l{QAbstractTransition::}{eventTest()}
+ function, which is the only function that we define..
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 14
+ \c eventTest is called by QStateMachine when it checks whether a
+ transition should be triggered--a return value of true means that
+ it will. We simply check if our assigned number is equal to the
+ event's number (in which case we fire away).
+ \section1 The StateSwitchEvent Class
+ \c StateSwitchEvent inherits QEvent, and holds a number that has
+ been assigned to a state and state switch transition by
+ \c StateSwitcher. We have already seen how it is used to trigger
+ \c{StateSwitchTransition}s in \c StateSwitcher.
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 15
+ We only have inlined functions in this class, so a look at its
+ definition will do.
+ \section1 The QGraphicsRectWidget Class
+ QGraphicsRectWidget inherits QGraphicsWidget and simply paints its
+ \l{QWidget::}{rect()} blue. We inline \l{QWidget::}{paintEvent()},
+ which is the only function we define. Here is the
+ QGraphicsRectWidget class definition:
+ \snippet animation/moveblocks/main.cpp 16
+ \section1 Moving On
+ The technique shown in this example works equally well for all
+ \l{QPropertyAnimation}s. As long as the value to be animated is a
+ Qt property, you can insert an animation of it into a state graph.
+ QState::addAnimation() takes a QAbstractAnimation, so any type
+ of animation can be inserted into the graph.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/movie.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/movie.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e636ce5902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/movie.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/movie
+ \title Movie Example
+ The Movie example demonstrates how to use QMovie and QLabel to
+ display animations. QMovie is mostly useful if one wants to play
+ a simple animation without the added complexity of a multimedia
+ framework to install and deploy.
+ \image movie-example.png
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/orderform.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example richtext/orderform
+ \title Order Form Example
+ The Order Form example shows how to generate rich text documents by
+ combining a simple template with data input by the user in a dialog. Data
+ is extracted from a \c DetailsDialog object and displayed on a QTextEdit
+ with a QTextCursor, using various formats. Each form generated is added
+ to a QTabWidget for easy access.
+ \image orderform-example.png
+ \section1 DetailsDialog Definition
+ The \c DetailsDialog class is a subclass of QDialog, implementing a slot
+ \c verify() to allow contents of the \c DetailsDialog to be verified later.
+ This is further explained in \c DetailsDialog Implementation.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.h 0
+ The constructor of \c DetailsDialog accepts parameters \a title and
+ \a parent. The class defines four \e{getter} functions: \c orderItems(),
+ \c senderName(), \c senderAddress(), and \c sendOffers() to allow data
+ to be accessed externally.
+ The class definition includes input widgets for the required
+ fields, \c nameEdit and \c addressEdit. Also, a QCheckBox and a
+ QDialogButtonBox are defined; the former to provide the user with the
+ option to receive information on products and offers, and the latter
+ to ensure that buttons used are arranged according to the user's native
+ platform. In addition, a QTableWidget, \c itemsTable, is used to hold
+ order details.
+ The screenshot below shows the \c DetailsDialog we intend to create.
+ \image orderform-example-detailsdialog.png
+ \section1 DetailsDialog Implementation
+ The constructor of \c DetailsDialog instantiates the earlier defined fields
+ and their respective labels. The label for \c offersCheckBox is set and the
+ \c setupItemsTable() function is invoked to setup and populate
+ \c itemsTable. The QDialogButtonBox object, \c buttonBox, is instantiated
+ with \uicontrol OK and \uicontrol Cancel buttons. This \c buttonBox's \c accepted() and
+ \c rejected() signals are connected to the \c verify() and \c reject()
+ slots in \c DetailsDialog.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 0
+ A QGridLayout is used to place all the objects on the \c DetailsDialog.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 1
+ The \c setupItemsTable() function instantiates the QTableWidget object,
+ \c itemsTable, and sets the number of rows based on the QStringList
+ object, \c items, which holds the type of items ordered. The number of
+ columns is set to 2, providing a "name" and "quantity" layout. A \c for
+ loop is used to populate the \c itemsTable and the \c name item's flag
+ is set to Qt::ItemIsEnabled or Qt::ItemIsSelectable. For demonstration
+ purposes, the \c quantity item is set to a 1 and all items in the
+ \c itemsTable have this value for quantity; but this can be modified by
+ editing the contents of the cells at run time.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 2
+ The \c orderItems() function extracts data from the \c itemsTable and
+ returns it in the form of a QList<QPair<QString,int>> where each QPair
+ corresponds to an item and the quantity ordered.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 3
+ The \c senderName() function is used to return the value of the QLineEdit
+ used to store the name field for the order form.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 4
+ The \c senderAddress() function is used to return the value of the
+ QTextEdit containing the address for the order form.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 5
+ The \c sendOffers() function is used to return a \c true or \c false
+ value that is used to determine if the customer in the order form
+ wishes to receive more information on the company's offers and promotions.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 6
+ The \c verify() function is an additionally implemented slot used to
+ verify the details entered by the user into the \c DetailsDialog. If
+ the details entered are incomplete, a QMessageBox is displayed
+ providing the user the option to discard the \c DetailsDialog. Otherwise,
+ the details are accepted and the \c accept() function is invoked.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/detailsdialog.cpp 7
+ \section1 MainWindow Definition
+ The \c MainWindow class is a subclass of QMainWindow, implementing two
+ slots - \c openDialog() and \c printFile(). It also contains a private
+ instance of QTabWidget, \c letters.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.h 0
+ \section1 MainWindow Implementation
+ The \c MainWindow constructor sets up the \c fileMenu and the required
+ actions, \c newAction and \c printAction. These actions' \c triggered()
+ signals are connected to the additionally implemented openDialog() slot
+ and the default close() slot. The QTabWidget, \c letters, is
+ instantiated and set as the window's central widget.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ The \c createLetter() function creates a new QTabWidget with a QTextEdit,
+ \c editor, as the parent. This function accepts four parameters that
+ correspond to we obtained through \c DetailsDialog, in order to "fill"
+ the \c editor.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ We then obtain the cursor for the \c editor using QTextEdit::textCursor().
+ The \c cursor is then moved to the start of the document using
+ QTextCursor::Start.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ Recall the structure of a \l{Rich Text Document Structure}
+ {Rich Text Document}, where sequences of frames and
+ tables are always separated by text blocks, some of which may contain no
+ information.
+ In the case of the Order Form Example, the document structure for this portion
+ is described by the table below:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li {1, 8} frame with \e{referenceFrameFormat}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{A company}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{321 City Street}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Industry Park}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Another country}
+ \endtable
+ This is accomplished with the following code:
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ Note that \c topFrame is the \c {editor}'s top-level frame and is not shown
+ in the document structure.
+ We then set the \c{cursor}'s position back to its last position in
+ \c topFrame and fill in the customer's name (provided by the constructor)
+ and address - using a \c foreach loop to traverse the QString, \c address.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ The \c cursor is now back in \c topFrame and the document structure for
+ the above portion of code is:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Donald}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{47338 Park Avenue}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Big City}
+ \endtable
+ For spacing purposes, we invoke \l{QTextCursor::insertBlock()}
+ {insertBlock()} twice. The \l{QDate::currentDate()}{currentDate()} is
+ obtained and displayed. We use \l{QTextFrameFormat::setWidth()}
+ {setWidth()} to increase the width of \c bodyFrameFormat and we insert
+ a new frame with that width.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ The following code inserts standard text into the order form.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ This part of the document structure now contains the date, a frame with
+ \c bodyFrameFormat, as well as the standard text.
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Date: 25 May 2007}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li {1, 4} frame with \e{bodyFrameFormat}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{I would like to place an order for the following items:}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \endtable
+ A QTextTableFormat object, \c orderTableFormat, is used to hold the type
+ of item and the quantity ordered.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ We use \l{QTextTable::cellAt()}{cellAt()} to set the headers for the
+ \c orderTable.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ Then, we iterate through the QList of QPair objects to populate
+ \c orderTable.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ The resulting document structure for this section is:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li {1, 11} \c{orderTable} with \e{orderTableFormat}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Product}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Quantity}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{T-shirt}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{4}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Badge}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{3}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Reference book}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{2}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Coffee cup}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{5}
+ \endtable
+ The \c cursor is then moved back to \c{topFrame}'s
+ \l{QTextFrame::lastPosition()}{lastPosition()} and more standard text
+ is inserted.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ Another QTextTable is inserted, to display the customer's
+ preference regarding offers.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ The document structure for this portion is:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block\li \c{Please update my...}
+ \row
+ \li {1, 5} block
+ \row
+ \li {1, 4} \c{offersTable}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{I want to receive...}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{I do not want to receive...}
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{X}
+ \endtable
+ The \c cursor is moved to insert "Sincerely" along with the customer's
+ name. More blocks are inserted for spacing purposes. The \c printAction
+ is enabled to indicate that an order form can now be printed.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ The bottom portion of the document structure is:
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li {1, 5} block\li \c{Sincerely,}
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block
+ \row
+ \li block \li \c{Donald}
+ \endtable
+ The \c createSample() function is used for illustration purposes, to create
+ a sample order form.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ The \c openDialog() function opens a \c DetailsDialog object. If the
+ details in \c dialog are accepted, the \c createLetter() function is
+ invoked using the parameters extracted from \c dialog.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ In order to print out the order form, a \c printFile() function is
+ included, as shown below:
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ This function also allows the user to print a selected area with
+ QTextCursor::hasSelection(), instead of printing the entire document.
+ \section1 \c main() Function
+ The \c main() function instantiates \c MainWindow and sets its size to
+ 640x480 pixels before invoking the \c show() function and
+ \c createSample() function.
+ \snippet richtext/orderform/main.cpp 0
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/padnavigator.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/padnavigator.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b1da516b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/padnavigator.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example graphicsview/padnavigator
+ \title Pad Navigator Example
+ The Pad Navigator Example shows how you can use Graphics View together with
+ embedded widgets and Qt's \l{State Machine Framework} to create a simple
+ but useful, dynamic, animated user interface.
+ \image padnavigator-example.png
+ The interface consists of a flippable, rotating pad with icons that can be
+ selected using the arrow keys on your keyboard or keypad. Pressing enter
+ will flip the pad around and reveal its back side, which has a form
+ embedded into a QGraphicsProxyWidget. You can interact with the form, and
+ press the enter key to flip back to the front side of the pad at any time.
+ Graphics View provides the QGraphicsScene class for managing and
+ interacting with a large number of custom-made 2D graphical items derived
+ from the QGraphicsItem class, and a QGraphicsView widget for visualizing
+ the items, with support for zooming and rotation.
+ This example consists of a \c RoundRectItem class, a \c FlippablePad class,
+ a \c PadNavigator class, a \c SplashItem class, and a \c main() function.
+ \section1 RoundRectItem Class Definition
+ The \c RoundRectItem class is used by itself to display the icons on the
+ pad, and as a base class for \c FlippablePad, the class for the pad itself.
+ The role of the class is to paint a round rectangle of a specified size and
+ gradient color, and optionally to paint a pixmap icon on top. To support \c
+ FlippablePad it also allows filling its contents with a plain window
+ background color.
+ Let's start by reviewing the \c RoundRectItem class declaration.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.h 0
+ \c RoundRectItem inherits QGraphicsObject, which makes it easy to control
+ its properties using QPropertyAnimation. Its constructor takes a rectangle
+ to determine its bounds, and a color.
+ Besides implementing the mandatory \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} pure virtual functions,
+ it also provides the \c pixmap and \c fill properties.
+ The \c pixmap property sets an optional pixmap that is drawn on top of the
+ round rectangle. The \c fill property will, when true, fill the round
+ rectangle contents with a fixed QPalette::Window background color.
+ Otherwise the contents are filled using a gradient based on the color
+ passed to \c RoundRectItem's constructor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.h 1
+ The private data members are:
+ \list
+ \li \c pix: The optional pixmap that is drawn on top of the rectangle.
+ \li \c fillRect: Corresponds to the \c fill property.
+ \li \c color: The configurable gradient color fill of the rectangle.
+ \li \c bounds: The bounds of the rectangle.
+ \li \c gradient: A precalculated gradient used to fill the rectangle.
+ \endlist
+ We will now review the \c RoundRectItem implementation. Let's start by
+ looking at its constructor:
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 0
+ The constructor initializes its member variables and forwards the \c parent
+ argument to QGraphicsObject's constructor. It then constructs the linear
+ gradient that is used in \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} to draw the
+ round rectangle's gradient background. The linear gradient's starting point
+ is at the top-left corner of the bounds, and the end is at the bottom-left
+ corner. The start color is identical to the color passed as an argument,
+ and a slightly darker color is chosen for the final stop.
+ We store this gradient as a member variable to avoid having to recreate the
+ gradient every time the item is repainted.
+ Finally we set the cache mode
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache}{ItemCoordinateCache}. This mode
+ causes the item's rendering to be cached into an off-screen pixmap that
+ remains persistent as we move and transform the item. This mode is ideal
+ for this example, and works particularly well with OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 1
+ The \c pixmap property implementation simple returns the member pixmap, or
+ sets it and then calls \l{QGraphicsItem::update()}{update()}.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 2
+ As the \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} implementation below draws a
+ simple drop shadow down and to the right of the item, we return a slightly
+ adjusted rectangle from \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()}.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 3
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} implementation starts by rendering
+ a semi transparent black round rectangle drop shadow, two units down and to
+ the right of the main item.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 4
+ We then draw the "foreground" round rectangle itself. The fill depends on
+ the \c fill property; if true, we will with a plain QPalette::Window color.
+ We get the current brush from QApplication::palette(). We assign a single
+ unit wide pen for the stroke, assign the brush, and then draw the
+ rectangle.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 5
+ If a pixmap has been assigned to the \e pixmap property, we draw this
+ pixmap in the center of the rectangle item. The pixmaps are scaled to match
+ the size of the icons; in arguably a better approach would have been to
+ store the icons with the right size in the first places.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/roundrectitem.cpp 6
+ Finally, for completeness we include the \c fill property implementation.
+ It returns the \c fill member variable's value, and when assigned to, it
+ calls \l{QGraphicsItem::update()}{update()}.
+ As mentioned already, \c RoundRectItem is the base class for \c
+ FlippablePad, which is the class representing the tilting pad itself. We
+ will proceed to reviewing \c FlippablePad.
+ \section1 FlippablePad Class Definition
+ \c FlippablePad is, in addition to its inherited \c RoundRectItem
+ responsibilities, responsible for creating and managing a grid of icons.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.h 0
+ Its declaration is very simple: It inherits \c RoundRectItem and does not
+ need any special polymorphic behavior. It's suitable to declare its own
+ constructor, and a getter-function that allows \c PadNavigator to access
+ the icons in the grid by (row, column).
+ The example has no "real" behavior or logic of any kind, and because of
+ that, the icons do not need to provide any \e behavior or special
+ interactions management. In a real application, however, it would be
+ natural for the \c FlippablePad and its icons to handle more of the
+ navigation logic. In this example, we have chosen to leave this to
+ the \c PadNavigator class, which we will get back to below.
+ We will now review the \c FlippablePad implementation. This implementation
+ starts with two helper functions: \c boundsFromSize() and \c
+ posForLocation():
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 0
+ \c boundsForSize() takes a QSize argument, and returns the bounding
+ rectangle of the flippable pad item. The QSize determines how many rows and
+ columns the icon grid should have. Each icon is given 150x150 units of
+ space, and this determines the bounds.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 1
+ \c posForLocation() returns the position of an icon given its row and
+ column position. Like \c boundsForSize(), the function assumes each icon is
+ given 150x150 units of space, and that all icons are centered around the
+ flippable pad item's origin (0, 0).
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 2
+ The \c FlippablePad constructor passes suitable bounds (using \c
+ boundsForSize()) and specific color to \c RoundRectItem's constructor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 3
+ It then loads pixmaps from compiled-in resources to use for its icons.
+ QDirIterator is very useful in this context, as it allows us to fetch all
+ resource "*.png" files inside the \c :/images directory without explicitly
+ naming the files.
+ We also make sure not to load more pixmaps than we need.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 4
+ Now that we have the pixmaps, we can create icons, position then and assign
+ pixmaps. We start by finding a suitable size and color for the icons, and
+ initializing a convenient grid structure for storing the icons. This \c
+ iconGrid is also used later to find the icon for a specific (column, row)
+ location.
+ For each row and column in our grid, we proceed to constructing each icon
+ as an instance of \c RoundRectItem. The item is placed by using the \c
+ posForLocation() helper function. To make room for the slip-behind
+ selection item, we give each icon a \l{QGraphicsItem::zValue()}{Z-value} of
+ 1. The pixmaps are distributed to the icons in round-robin fasion.
+ Again, this approach is only suitable for example purposes. In a real-life
+ application where each icon represents a specific action, it would be more
+ natural to assign the pixmaps directly, or that the icons themselves
+ provide suitable pixmaps.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/flippablepad.cpp 5
+ Finally, the \c iconAt() function returns a pointer to the icon at a
+ specific row and column. It makes a somewhat bold assumption that the input
+ is valid, which is fair because the \c PadNavigator class only calls this
+ function with correct input.
+ We will now review the \c SplashItem class.
+ \section1 SplashItem Class Definition
+ The \c SplashItem class represents the "splash window", a semitransparent
+ white overlay with text that appears immediately after the application has
+ started, and disappears after pressing any key. The animation is controlled
+ by \c PadNavigator; this class is very simple by itself.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/splashitem.h 0
+ The class declaration shows that \c SplashItem inherits QGraphicsObject to
+ allow it to be controlled by QPropertyAnimation. It reimplements the
+ mandatory \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} and
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::boundingRect()}{boundingRect()} pure virtual functions,
+ and keeps a \c text member variable which will contain the information text
+ displayed on this splash item.
+ Let's look at its implementation.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/splashitem.cpp 0
+ The constructor forwards to QGraphicsObject as expected, assigns a text
+ message to the \c text member variable, and enables
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache}{DeviceCoordinateCache}. This cache
+ mode is suitable because the splash item only moves and is never
+ transformed, and because it contains text, it's important that it has a
+ pixel perfect visual appearance (in constrast to
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache}{ItemCoordinateCache}, where the
+ visual appearance is not as good).
+ We use caching to avoid having to relayout and rerender the text for each
+ frame. An alterative approach would be to use the new QStaticText class.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/splashitem.cpp 1
+ \c SplashItem's bounding rectangle is fixed at (400x175).
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/splashitem.cpp 2
+ The \l{QGraphicsItem::paint()}{paint()} implementation draws a clipped
+ round rectangle with a thick 2-unit border and a semi-transparent white
+ background. It proceeds to finding a suitable text area by adjusting the
+ splash item's bounding rectangle with 10 units in each side. The text is
+ rendered inside this rectangle, with top-left alignment, and with word
+ wrapping enabled.
+ The main class now remains. We will proceed to reviewing \c PadNavigator.
+ \section1 PadNavigator Class Definition
+ \c PadNavigator represents the main window of our Pad Navigator Example
+ application. It creates and controls a somewhat complex state machine, and
+ several animations. Its class declaration is very simple:
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.h 0
+ It inherits QGraphicsView and reimplements only one function:
+ \l{QGraphicsView::resizeEvent()}{resizeEvent()}, to ensure the scene is
+ scaled to fit inside the view when resizing the main window.
+ The \c PadNavigator constructor takes a QSize argument that determines the
+ number or rows and columns in the grid.
+ It also keeps a private member instance, \c form, which is the generated
+ code for the pad's back side item's QGraphicsProxyWidget-embedded form.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 0
+ \c PadNavigator's constructor is a bit long. In short, its job is to create
+ all items, including the \c FlippablePad, the \c SplashItem and the
+ QGraphicsProxyWidget \c backItem, and then to set up all animations, states
+ and transitions that control the behavior of the application.
+ It starts out simple, by forwarding to QGraphicsView's constructor.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 1
+ The first item to be created is \c SplashItem. This is going to be a top-level
+ item in the scene, next to \c FlippablePad, and stacked on top of it, so we
+ assign it a \l{QGraphicsItem::zValue()}{Z-value} of 1.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 2
+ Now we construct the \c FlippablePad item, passing its column-row count to
+ its constructor.
+ The pad is controlled by three transformations, and we create one
+ QGraphicsRotation object for each of these.
+ \list
+ \li \c flipRotation: Rotates the grid around its Qt::YAxis. This rotation is
+ animated from 0 to 180, and eventually back, when enter is pressed on the
+ keyboard, flipping the pad around.
+ \li \c xRotation: Rotates the grid around its Qt::XAxis. This is used to
+ tilt the pad vertically corresponding to which item is currently selected.
+ This way, the selected item is always kept in front.
+ \li \c yRotation: Rotates the grid around its Qt::YAxis. This is used to
+ tilt the pad horizontally corresponding to which item is selected. This
+ way, the selected item is always kept in front.
+ \endlist
+ The combination of all three rotations is assigned via
+ QGraphicsItem::setTransformations().
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 3
+ Now we construct the QGraphicsProxyWidget-embedded \c backItem. The proxy
+ widget is created as a child of the pad. We create a new QWidget and
+ populate it with the \c form member. To ensure the \c hostName line edit is
+ the first to receive input focus when this item is shown, we call
+ \l{QWidget::setFocus()}{setFocus()} immediately. This will not give the
+ widget focus right away; it will only prepare the item to automatically
+ receive focus once it is shown.
+ The QWidget based form is embedded into the proxy widget. The proxy is
+ hidden initially; we only want to show it when the pad is rotated at least
+ 90 degrees, and we also rotate the proxy itself by 180 degrees. This way we
+ give the impression that the proxy widget is "behind" the flipped pad, when
+ in fact, it's actually \e{on top of it}.
+ We enable \l{QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache}{ItemCoordinateCache} to
+ ensure the flip animation can run smoothly.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 4
+ We now create the selection item. This is simply another instance of \c
+ RoundRectItem that is slightly larger than the icons on the pad. We create
+ it as an immediate child of the \c FlippablePad, so the selection item is a
+ sibling to all the icons. By giving it a
+ \l{QGraphicsItem::zValue()}{Z-value} of 0.5 we ensure it will slide between
+ the pad and its icons.
+ What follows now is a series of animation initializations.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 5
+ We begin with the animations that apply to the splash item. The first
+ animation, \c smoothSplashMove, ensures that the "y" property of \c splash
+ will be animated with a 250-millisecond duration
+ \l{QEasingCurve::InQuad}{InQuad} easing function. \c smoothSplashOpacity
+ ensures the opacity of \c splash eases in and out in 250 milliseconds.
+ The values are assigned by \c PadNavigator's state machine, which is
+ created later.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 6
+ These are the animations that control the selection item's movement and the
+ \c xRotation and \c yRotation QGraphicsRotation objects that tilt the pad.
+ All animations have a duration of 125 milliseconds, and they all use the
+ \l{QEasingCurve::InOutQuad}{InOutQuad} easing function.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 7
+ We now create the animations that control the flip-effect when you press
+ the enter key. The main goal is to rotate the pad by 180 degrees or back,
+ but we also need to make sure the selection item's tilt rotations are reset
+ back to 0 when the pad is flipped, and restored back to their original
+ values when flipped back:
+ \list
+ \li \c smoothFlipRotation: Animates the main 180 degree rotation of the pad.
+ \li \c smoothFlipScale: Scales the pad out and then in again while the pad is rotating.
+ \li \c smoothFlipXRotation: Animates the selection item's X-tilt to 0 and back.
+ \li \c smoothFlipYRotation: Animates the selection item's Y-tilt to 0 and back.
+ \li \c flipAnimation: A parallel animation group that ensures all the above animations are run in parallel.
+ \endlist
+ All animations are given a 500 millisecond duration and an
+ \l{QEasingCurve::InOutQuad}{InOutQuad} easing function.
+ It's worth taking a close look at \c smoothFlipScale. This animation's
+ start and end values are both 1.0, but at animation step 0.5 the
+ animation's value is 0.7. This means that after 50% of the animation's
+ duration, or 250 milliseconds, the pad will be scaled down to 0.7x of its
+ original size, which gives a great visual effect while flipping.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 8
+ This section uses a trick to ensure that certain properties are assigned
+ precisely when the flip animation passes 50%, or 90 degrees, rotation. In
+ short, the pad's icons and selection item are all hidden, the pad's \c fill
+ property is enabled, and \c backItem is shown when flipping over. When
+ flipping back, the reverse properties are applied.
+ The way this is achieved is by running a sequential animation in parallel
+ to the other animations. This sequence, dubbed \c setVariablesSequence,
+ starts with a 250 millisecond pause, and then executes several animations
+ with a duration of 0. Each animation will ensure that properties are set
+ immediate at this point.
+ This approach can also be used to call functions or set any other
+ properties at a specific time while an animation is running.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 9
+ We will now create the state machine. The whole \c PadNavigator state
+ machinery is controlled by one single state machine that has a
+ straight-forward state structure. The state engine itself is created
+ as a child of the \c PadNavigator itself. We then create three top level
+ states:
+ \list
+ \li \c splashState: The initial state where the splash item is visible.
+ \li \c frontState: The base state where the splash is gone and we can see
+ the front side of the pad, and navigate the selection item.
+ \li \c backState: The flipped state where the \c backItem is visible, and we
+ can interact with the QGraphicsProxyWidget-embedded form.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 10
+ Each state assigns specific properties to objects on entry. Most
+ interesting perhaps is the assignment of the value 0.0 to the pad's \c
+ flipRotation angle property when in \c frontState, and 180.0 when in \c
+ backState. At the end of this section we register default animations with
+ the state engine; these animations will apply to their respective objects
+ and properties for any state transition. Otherwise it's common to assign
+ animations to specific transitions.
+ The \c splashState state is set as the initial state. This is required
+ before we start the state engine. We proceed with creating some
+ transitions.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 11
+ QEventTransition defines a very flexible transition type. You can use this
+ class to trigger a transition based on an object receiving an event of a
+ specific type. In this case, we would like to transition from \c
+ splashState into \c frontState if \c PadNavigator receives any key press
+ event (QEvent::KeyPress).
+ We register the \c splashItem's animations to this transition to ensure they
+ are used to animate the item's movement and opacity.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 12
+ We use QKeyEventTransition to capture specific key events. In this case, we
+ detect that the user presses Qt::Key_Return or Qt::Key_Enter, and use this
+ to trigger transitions between \c frontState and backState. We register \c
+ flipAnimation, our complex parallel animation group, with these
+ transitions.
+ We continue by defining the states for each of the icons in the grid.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 13
+ We will use state groups to control transitions between icons. Each icon
+ represents a \e substate of \c frontState. We will then define transitions
+ between the states by detecting key presses, using QKeyEventTransition.
+ We start by creating all the substates, and at the same time we create a
+ temporary grid structure for the states to make it easier to find which
+ states represents icons that are up, down, left and to the right each
+ other.
+ Once the first substate is known, we set this up as the initial substate of
+ \c frontState. We will use the (0, 0), or top-left, icon for the initial
+ substate. We initialze the selection item's position to be exactly where
+ the top-left icon is.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 14
+ We can now create four transitions for each icon. Each transition ensures
+ that we move to the state corresponding to which arrow key has been
+ pressed. It's clear from this techinique that we could design any other
+ specific transitions to and from each of the sub states depending on these
+ and other keys.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 15
+ Also, for each of the icons, we assign suitable values to the \c xRotation
+ and \c yRotation objects' "angle"-properties. If you recall, these
+ properties "tilt" the pad corresponding to which item is currently
+ selected. We ensure each icon is invisible when the pad is flipped, and
+ visible when the pad is not flipped. To ensure the visible property is
+ assigned at the right time, we add property-controlling animations to the
+ \c setVariableSequence animation defined earlier.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 16
+ We are now finished with all states, transitions, and animations. We now
+ create the scene that will contain all our items. The scene gets a defined
+ background pixmap, and we disable item indexing (as most items in this
+ scene are animated). We add our \c pad item to the scene, and use its
+ bounding rectangle to fixate the scene rectangle. This rectangle is used by
+ the view to find a suitable size for the application window.
+ Then the scene is assigned to the view, or in our case, \c PadNavigator
+ itself.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 17
+ Now that the scene has received its final size, we can position the splash
+ item at the very top, find its fade-out position, and add it to the scene.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 18
+ The view toggles a few necessary properties:
+ \list
+ \li It disables its scroll bars - this application has no use for scroll bars.
+ \li It assigns a minimum size. This is necessary to avoid numerical errors
+ in our fit-in-view \c resizeEvent() implementation.
+ \li It sets \l{QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate}{FullViewportUpdate}, to
+ ensure QGraphicsView doesn't spend time figuring out precisely what needs
+ to be redrawn. This application is very simple - if anything changes,
+ everything is updated.
+ \li It enables background caching - this makes no performance difference
+ with OpenGL, but without OpenGL it avoids unnecessary re-scaling of the
+ background pixmap.
+ \li It sets render hints that increase rendering quality.
+ \li If OpenGL is supported, a QGLWidget viewport is assigned to the view.
+ \endlist
+ Finally, we start the state engine.
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/padnavigator.cpp 19
+ The \l{QGraphicsView::resizeEvent()}{resizeEvent()} implementation calls
+ the base implementation, and then calls QGraphicsView::fitInView() to scale
+ the scene so that it fits perfectly inside the view.
+ By resizing the main application window, you can see this effect yourself.
+ The scene contents grow when you make the window larger, and shrink when
+ you make it smaller, while keeping the aspect ratio intact.
+ \section1 The main() Function
+ \snippet graphicsview/padnavigator/main.cpp 0
+ The \c main function creates the QApplication instance, uses
+ Q_INIT_RESOURCE to ensure our compiled-in resources aren't removed by the
+ linker, and then creates a 3x3 \c PadNavigator instance and shows it.
+ Our flippable pad shows up with a suitable splash item once control returns
+ to the event loop.
+ \section1 Performance Notes
+ The example uses OpenGL if this is available, to achieve optimal
+ performance; otherwise perspective tranformations can be quite costly.
+ Although this example does use QGraphicsProxyWidget to demonstrate
+ integration of Qt widget components integrated into Graphics View, using
+ QGraphicsProxyWidget comes with a performance penalty, and is therefore not
+ recommended for embedded development.
+ This example uses extensive item caching to avoid rerendering of static
+ elements, at the expense of graphics memory.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/painterpaths.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/painterpaths.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45b0697cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/painterpaths.qdoc
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+ \example painting/painterpaths
+ \title Painter Paths Example
+ The Painter Paths example shows how painter paths can be used to
+ build complex shapes for rendering.
+ \image painterpaths-example.png
+ The QPainterPath class provides a container for painting
+ operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and
+ reused.
+ A painter path is an object composed of a number of graphical
+ building blocks (such as rectangles, ellipses, lines, and curves),
+ and can be used for filling, outlining, and clipping. The main
+ advantage of painter paths over normal drawing operations is that
+ complex shapes only need to be created once, but they can be drawn
+ many times using only calls to QPainter::drawPath().
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li The \c RenderArea class which is a custom widget displaying
+ a single painter path.
+ \li The \c Window class which is the applications main window
+ displaying several \c RenderArea widgets, and allowing the user
+ to manipulate the painter paths' filling, pen, color
+ and rotation angle.
+ \endlist
+ First we will review the \c Window class, then we will take a look
+ at the \c RenderArea class.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class inherits QWidget, and is the applications main
+ window displaying several \c RenderArea widgets, and allowing the
+ user to manipulate the painter paths' filling, pen, color and
+ rotation angle.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.h 0
+ We declare three private slots to respond to user input regarding
+ filling and color: \c fillRuleChanged(), \c fillGradientChanged()
+ and \c penColorChanged().
+ When the user changes the pen width and the rotation angle, the
+ new value is passed directly on to the \c RenderArea widgets using
+ the QSpinBox::valueChanged() signal. The reason why we must
+ implement slots to update the filling and color, is that QComboBox
+ doesn't provide a similar signal passing the new value as
+ argument; so we need to retrieve the new value, or values, before
+ we can update the \c RenderArea widgets.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.h 1
+ We also declare a couple of private convenience functions: \c
+ populateWithColors() populates a given QComboBox with items
+ corresponding to the color names Qt knows about, and \c
+ currentItemData() returns the current item for a given QComboBox.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.h 2
+ Then we declare the various components of the main window
+ widget. We also declare a convenience constant specifying the
+ number of \c RenderArea widgets.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In the implementation of the \c Window class we first declare the
+ constant \c Pi with six significant figures:
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we then define the various painter paths and
+ create corresponding \c RenderArea widgets which will render the
+ graphical shapes:
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 1
+ We construct a rectangle with sharp corners using the
+ QPainterPath::moveTo() and QPainterPath::lineTo()
+ functions.
+ QPainterPath::moveTo() moves the current point to the point passed
+ as argument. A painter path is an object composed of a number of
+ graphical building blocks, i.e. subpaths. Moving the current point
+ will also start a new subpath (implicitly closing the previously
+ current path when the new one is started). The
+ QPainterPath::lineTo() function adds a straight line from the
+ current point to the given end point. After the line is drawn, the
+ current point is updated to be at the end point of the line.
+ We first move the current point starting a new subpath, and we
+ draw three of the rectangle's sides. Then we call the
+ QPainterPath::closeSubpath() function which draws a line to the
+ beginning of the current subpath. A new subpath is automatically
+ begun when the current subpath is closed. The current point of the
+ new path is (0, 0). We could also have called
+ QPainterPath::lineTo() to draw the last line as well, and then
+ explicitly start a new subpath using the QPainterPath::moveTo()
+ function.
+ QPainterPath also provide the QPainterPath::addRect() convenience
+ function, which adds a given rectangle to the path as a closed
+ subpath. The rectangle is added as a clockwise set of lines. The
+ painter path's current position after the rect has been added is
+ at the top-left corner of the rectangle.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 2
+ Then we construct a rectangle with rounded corners. As before, we
+ use the QPainterPath::moveTo() and QPainterPath::lineTo()
+ functions to draw the rectangle's sides. To create the rounded
+ corners we use the QPainterPath::arcTo() function.
+ QPainterPath::arcTo() creates an arc that occupies the given
+ rectangle (specified by a QRect or the rectangle's coordinates),
+ beginning at the given start angle and extending the given degrees
+ counter-clockwise. Angles are specified in degrees. Clockwise arcs
+ can be specified using negative angles. The function connects the
+ current point to the starting point of the arc if they are not
+ already connected.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 3
+ We also use the QPainterPath::arcTo() function to construct the
+ ellipse path. First we move the current point starting a new
+ path. Then we call QPainterPath::arcTo() with starting angle 0.0
+ and 360.0 degrees as the last argument, creating an ellipse.
+ Again, QPainterPath provides a convenience function (
+ QPainterPath::addEllipse()) which creates an ellipse within a
+ given bounding rectangle and adds it to the painter path. If the
+ current subpath is closed, a new subpath is started. The ellipse
+ is composed of a clockwise curve, starting and finishing at zero
+ degrees (the 3 o'clock position).
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 4
+ When constructing the pie chart path we continue to use a
+ combination of the mentioned functions: First we move the current
+ point, starting a new subpath. Then we create a line from the
+ center of the chart to the arc, and the arc itself. When we close
+ the subpath, we implicitly construct the last line back to the
+ center of the chart.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 5
+ Constructing a polygon is equivalent to constructing a rectangle.
+ QPainterPath also provide the QPainterPath::addPolygon()
+ convenience function which adds the given polygon to the path as a
+ new subpath. Current position after the polygon has been added is
+ the last point in polygon.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 6
+ Then we create a path consisting of a group of subpaths: First we
+ move the current point, and create a circle using the
+ QPainterPath::arcTo() function with starting angle 0.0, and 360
+ degrees as the last argument, as we did when we created the
+ ellipse path. Then we move the current point again, starting a
+ new subpath, and construct three sides of a square using the
+ QPainterPath::lineTo() function.
+ Now, when we call the QPainterPath::closeSubpath() function the
+ last side is created. Remember that the
+ QPainterPath::closeSubpath() function draws a line to the
+ beginning of the \e current subpath, i.e the square.
+ QPainterPath provide a convenience function,
+ QPainterPath::addPath() which adds a given path to the path that
+ calls the function.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 7
+ When creating the text path, we first create the font. Then we set
+ the font's style strategy which tells the font matching algorithm
+ what type of fonts should be used to find an appropriate default
+ family. QFont::ForceOutline forces the use of outline fonts.
+ To construct the text, we use the QPainterPath::addText() function
+ which adds the given text to the path as a set of closed subpaths
+ created from the supplied font. The subpaths are positioned so
+ that the left end of the text's baseline lies at the specified
+ point.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 8
+ To create the Bezier path, we use the QPainterPath::cubicTo()
+ function which adds a Bezier curve between the current point and
+ the given end point with the given control point. After the curve
+ is added, the current point is updated to be at the end point of
+ the curve.
+ In this case we omit to close the subpath so that we only have a
+ simple curve. But there is still a logical line from the curve's
+ endpoint back to the beginning of the subpath; it becomes visible
+ when filling the path as can be seen in the applications main
+ window.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 9
+ The final path that we construct shows that you can use
+ QPainterPath to construct rather complex shapes using only the
+ previous mentioned QPainterPath::moveTo(), QPainterPath::lineTo()
+ and QPainterPath::closeSubpath() functions.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 10
+ Now that we have created all the painter paths that we need, we
+ create a corresponding \c RenderArea widget for each. In the end,
+ we make sure that the number of render areas is correct using the
+ Q_ASSERT() macro.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 11
+ Then we create the widgets associated with the painter paths' fill
+ rule.
+ There are two available fill rules in Qt: The Qt::OddEvenFill rule
+ determine whether a point is inside the shape by drawing a
+ horizontal line from the point to a location outside the shape,
+ and count the number of intersections. If the number of
+ intersections is an odd number, the point is inside the
+ shape. This rule is the default.
+ The Qt::WindingFill rule determine whether a point is inside the
+ shape by drawing a horizontal line from the point to a location
+ outside the shape. Then it determines whether the direction of the
+ line at each intersection point is up or down. The winding number
+ is determined by summing the direction of each intersection. If
+ the number is non zero, the point is inside the shape.
+ The Qt::WindingFill rule can in most cases be considered as the
+ intersection of closed shapes.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 12
+ We also create the other widgets associated with the filling, the
+ pen and the rotation angle.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 16
+ We connect the comboboxes \l {QComboBox::activated()}{activated()}
+ signals to the associated slots in the \c Window class, while we
+ connect the spin boxes \l
+ {QSpinBox::valueChanged()}{valueChanged()} signal directly to the
+ \c RenderArea widget's respective slots.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 17
+ We add the \c RenderArea widgets to a separate layout which we
+ then add to the main layout along with the rest of the widgets.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 18
+ Finally, we initialize the \c RenderArea widgets by calling the \c
+ fillRuleChanged(), \c fillGradientChanged() and \c
+ penColorChanged() slots, and we set the initial pen width and
+ window title.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 19
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 20
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 21
+ The private slots are implemented to retrieve the new value, or
+ values, from the associated comboboxes and update the RenderArea
+ widgets.
+ First we determine the new value, or values, using the private \c
+ currentItemData() function and the qvariant_cast() template
+ function. Then we call the associated slot for each of the \c
+ RenderArea widgets to update the painter paths.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 22
+ The \c populateWithColors() function populates the given combobox
+ with items corresponding to the color names Qt knows about
+ provided by the static QColor::colorNames() function.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/window.cpp 23
+ The \c currentItemData() function simply return the current item
+ of the given combobox.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Definition
+ The \c RenderArea class inherits QWidget, and is a custom widget
+ displaying a single painter path.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.h 0
+ We declare several public slots updating the \c RenderArea
+ widget's associated painter path. In addition we reimplement the
+ QWidget::minimumSizeHint() and QWidget::sizeHint() functions to
+ give the \c RenderArea widget a reasonable size within our
+ application, and we reimplement the QWidget::paintEvent() event
+ handler to draw its painter path.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.h 1
+ Each instance of the \c RenderArea class has a QPainterPath, a
+ couple of fill colors, a pen width, a pen color and a rotation
+ angle.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Implementation
+ The constructor takes a QPainterPath as argument (in addition to
+ the optional QWidget parent):
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we initialize the \c RenderArea widget with the
+ QPainterPath parameter as well as initializing the pen width and
+ rotation angle. We also set the widgets \l
+ {QWidget::backgroundRole()}{background role}; QPalette::Base is
+ typically white.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 2
+ Then we reimplement the QWidget::minimumSizeHint() and
+ QWidget::sizeHint() functions to give the \c RenderArea widget a
+ reasonable size within our application.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 5
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 7
+ The various public slots updates the \c RenderArea widget's
+ painter path by setting the associated property and make a call to
+ the QWidget::update() function, forcing a repaint of the widget
+ with the new rendering preferences.
+ The QWidget::update() slot does not cause an immediate repaint;
+ instead it schedules a paint event for processing when Qt returns
+ to the main event loop.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 8
+ A paint event is a request to repaint all or parts of the
+ widget. The paintEvent() function is an event handler that can be
+ reimplemented to receive the widget's paint events. We reimplement
+ the event handler to render the \c RenderArea widget's painter
+ path.
+ First, we create a QPainter for the \c RenderArea instance, and
+ set the painter's render hints. The QPainter::RenderHints are used
+ to specify flags to QPainter that may, or may not, be respected by
+ any given engine. QPainter::Antialiasing indicates that the engine
+ should anti-alias the edges of primitives if possible, i.e. put
+ additional pixels around the original ones to smooth the edges.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 9
+ Then we scale the QPainter's coordinate system to ensure that the
+ painter path is rendered in the right size, i.e that it grows with
+ the \c RenderArea widget when the application is resized. When we
+ constructed the various painter paths, they were all rnedered
+ within a square with a 100 pixel width which is equivalent to \c
+ RenderArea::sizeHint(). The QPainter::scale() function scales the
+ coordinate system by the \c RenderArea widget's \e current width
+ and height divided by 100.
+ Now, when we are sure that the painter path has the right size, we
+ can translate the coordinate system to make the painter path
+ rotate around the \c RenderArea widget's center. After we have
+ performed the rotation, we must remember to translate the
+ coordinate system back again.
+ \snippet painting/painterpaths/renderarea.cpp 10
+ Then we set the QPainter's pen with the instance's rendering
+ preferences. We create a QLinearGradient and set its colors
+ corresponding to the \c RenderArea widget's fill colors. Finally,
+ we set the QPainter's brush (the gradient is automatically
+ converted into a QBrush), and draw the \c RenderArea widget's
+ painter path using the QPainter::drawPath() function.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** this file.
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+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/pathstroke
+ \title Path Stroking
+ In this example we show some of the various types of pens that can be
+ used in Qt.
+ \image pathstroke-demo.png
+ Qt defines cap styles for how the end points are treated and join
+ styles for how path segments are joined together. A standard set of
+ predefined dash patterns are also included that can be used with
+ QPen.
+ In addition to the predefined patterns available in
+ QPen we also demonstrate direct use of the
+ QPainterPathStroker class which can be used to define
+ custom dash patterns. You can see this by enabling the
+ \e{Custom Pattern} option.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/pingpong
+ \title Ping Pong States Example
+ The Ping Pong States example shows how to use parallel states together
+ with custom events and transitions in \l{The State Machine Framework}.
+ This example implements a statechart where two states communicate by
+ posting events to the state machine. The state chart looks as follows:
+ \image pingpong-example.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ The \c pinger and \c ponger states are parallel states, i.e. they are
+ entered simultaneously and will take transitions independently of
+ eachother.
+ The \c pinger state will post the first \c ping event upon entry; the \c
+ ponger state will respond by posting a \c pong event; this will cause the
+ \c pinger state to post a new \c ping event; and so on.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 0
+ Two custom events are defined, \c PingEvent and \c PongEvent.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 1
+ The \c Pinger class defines a state that posts a \c PingEvent to the state
+ machine when the state is entered.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 2
+ The \c PingTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by
+ events of type \c PingEvent, and that posts a \c PongEvent (with a delay
+ of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is
+ triggered.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 3
+ The \c PongTransition class defines a transition that is triggered by
+ events of type \c PongEvent, and that posts a \c PingEvent (with a delay
+ of 500 milliseconds) to the state machine when the transition is
+ triggered.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 4
+ The main() function begins by creating a state machine and a parallel
+ state group.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 5
+ Next, the \c pinger and \c ponger states are created, with the parallel
+ state group as their parent state. Note that the transitions are \e
+ targetless. When such a transition is triggered, the source state won't be
+ exited and re-entered; only the transition's onTransition() function will
+ be called, and the state machine's configuration will remain the same,
+ which is precisely what we want in this case.
+ \snippet statemachine/pingpong/main.cpp 6
+ Finally, the group is added to the state machine, the machine is started,
+ and the application event loop is entered.
+ */
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/pixelator
+ \title Pixelator Example
+ The Pixelator example shows how delegates can be used to customize the way that
+ items are rendered in standard item views.
+ \image pixelator-example.png
+ By default, QTreeView, QTableView, and QListView use a standard item delegate
+ to display and edit a set of common data types that are sufficient for many
+ applications. However, an application may need to represent items of data in a
+ particular way, or provide support for rendering more specialized data types,
+ and this often requires the use of a custom delegate.
+ In this example, we show how to use custom delegates to modify the appearance
+ of standard views. To do this, we implement the following components:
+ \list
+ \li A model which represents each pixel in an image as an item of data, where each
+ item contains a value for the brightness of the corresponding pixel.
+ \li A custom delegate that uses the information supplied by the model to represent
+ each pixel as a black circle on a white background, where the radius of the
+ circle corresponds to the darkness of the pixel.
+ \endlist
+ This example may be useful for developers who want to implement their own table
+ models or custom delegates. The process of creating custom delegates for editing
+ item data is covered in the \l{Spin Box Delegate Example}{Spin Box Delegate}
+ example.
+ \section1 ImageModel Class Definition
+ The \c ImageModel class is defined as follows:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.h 0
+ Since we only require a simple, read-only table model, we only need to implement
+ functions to indicate the dimensions of the image and supply data to other
+ components.
+ \section1 ImageModel Class Implementation
+ The constructor is trivial:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 0
+ The \c setImage() function sets the image that will be used by the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 1
+ The QAbstractItemModel::reset() call tells the view(s) that the model
+ has changed.
+ The \c rowCount() and \c columnCount() functions return the height and width of
+ the image respectively:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 2
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 3
+ Since the image is a simple two-dimensional structure, the \c parent arguments
+ to these functions are unused. They both simply return the relevant size from
+ the underlying image object.
+ The \c data() function returns data for the item that corresponds to a given
+ model index in a format that is suitable for a particular role:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 4
+ In this implementation, we only check that the model index is valid, and that
+ the role requested is the \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{DisplayRole}. If so, the function
+ returns the grayscale value of the relevant pixel in the image; otherwise, a null
+ model index is returned.
+ This model can be used with QTableView to display the integer brightness values
+ for the pixels in the image. However, we will implement a custom delegate to
+ display this information in a more artistic way.
+ The \c headerData() function is also reimplemented:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/imagemodel.cpp 5
+ We return (1, 1) as the size hint for a header item. If we
+ didn't, the headers would default to a larger size, preventing
+ us from displaying really small items (which can be specified
+ using the \uicontrol{Pixel size} combobox).
+ \section1 PixelDelegate Class Definition
+ The \c PixelDelegate class is defined as follows:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.h 0
+ This class provides only basic features for a delegate so, unlike the
+ \l{Spin Box Delegate Example}{Spin Box Delegate} example, we subclass
+ QAbstractItemDelegate instead of QItemDelegate.
+ We only need to reimplement \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::paint()}{paint()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()} in this class.
+ However, we also provide a delegate-specific \c setPixelSize() function so
+ that we can change the delegate's behavior via the signals and slots mechanism.
+ \section1 PixelDelegate Class Implementation
+ The \c PixelDelegate constructor is used to set up a default value for
+ the size of each "pixel" that it renders. The base class constructor is
+ also called to ensure that the delegate is set up with a parent object,
+ if one is supplied:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 0
+ Each item is rendered by the delegate's
+ \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::paint()}{paint()} function. The view calls this
+ function with a ready-to-use QPainter object, style information that the
+ delegate should use to correctly draw the item, and an index to the item in
+ the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 1
+ The first task the delegate has to perform is to draw the item's background
+ correctly. Usually, selected items appear differently to non-selected items,
+ so we begin by testing the state passed in the style option and filling the
+ background if necessary.
+ The radius of each circle is calculated in the following lines of code:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 3
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 4
+ First, the largest possible radius of the circle is determined by taking the
+ smallest dimension of the style option's \c rect attribute.
+ Using the model index supplied, we obtain a value for the brightness of the
+ relevant pixel in the image. The radius of the circle is calculated by
+ scaling the brightness to fit within the item and subtracting it from the
+ largest possible radius.
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 5
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 6
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 7
+ We save the painter's state, turn on antialiasing (to obtain smoother
+ curves), and turn off the pen.
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 8
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 9
+ The foreground of the item (the circle representing a pixel) must be
+ rendered using an appropriate brush. For unselected items, we will use a
+ solid black brush; selected items are drawn using a predefined brush from
+ the style option's palette.
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 10
+ Finally, we paint the circle within the rectangle specified by the style
+ option and we call \l{QPainter::}{restore()} on the painter.
+ The \c paint() function does not have to be particularly complicated; it is
+ only necessary to ensure that the state of the painter when the function
+ returns is the same as it was when it was called. This usually
+ means that any transformations applied to the painter must be preceded by
+ a call to QPainter::save() and followed by a call to QPainter::restore().
+ The delegate's \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{sizeHint()} function
+ returns a size for the item based on the predefined pixel size, initially set
+ up in the constructor:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 11
+ The delegate's size is updated whenever the pixel size is changed.
+ We provide a custom slot to do this:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/pixeldelegate.cpp 12
+ \section1 Using The Custom Delegate
+ In this example, we use a main window to display a table of data, using the
+ custom delegate to render each cell in a particular way. Much of the
+ \c MainWindow class performs tasks that are not related to item views. Here,
+ we only quote the parts that are relevant. You can look at the rest of the
+ implementation by following the links to the code at the top of this
+ document.
+ In the constructor, we set up a table view, turn off its grid, and hide its
+ headers:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ \dots
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ This enables the items to be drawn without any gaps between them. Removing
+ the headers also prevents the user from adjusting the sizes of individual
+ rows and columns.
+ We also set the minimum section size to 1 on the headers. If we
+ didn't, the headers would default to a larger size, preventing
+ us from displaying really small items (which can be specified
+ using the \uicontrol{Pixel size} combobox).
+ The custom delegate is constructed with the main window as its parent, so
+ that it will be deleted correctly later, and we set it on the table view.
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ Each item in the table view will be rendered by the \c PixelDelegate
+ instance.
+ We construct a spin box to allow the user to change the size of each "pixel"
+ drawn by the delegate:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ This spin box is connected to the custom slot we implemented in the
+ \c PixelDelegate class. This ensures that the delegate always draws each
+ pixel at the currently specified size:
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ \dots
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ We also connect the spin box to a slot in the \c MainWindow class. This
+ forces the view to take into account the new size hints for each item;
+ these are provided by the delegate in its \c sizeHint() function.
+ \snippet itemviews/pixelator/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ We explicitly resize the columns and rows to match the
+ \uicontrol{Pixel size} combobox.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/recentfiles
+ \title Recent Files Example
+ The Recent Files example shows how a standard File menu can be extended to show
+ the most recent files loaded by a main window application.
+ \image recentfiles-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/rogue
+ \title Rogue Example
+ The Rogue example shows how to use the Qt state machine for event
+ handling.
+ \image rogue-example.png
+ This example implements a simple text based game. Do you see the
+ \c{@} in the screenshot? That's you, the rogue. The \c{#}
+ characters are walls, and the dots represent floor. In a real
+ game, other ASCII characters would represent all kinds of objects
+ and creatures, for instance, ancient dragons (\c{D}s) or food
+ rations (\c{%}s). But let's not get carried away. In this game,
+ the rogue is simply running around in an empty room.
+ The rogue is moved with the keypad (2, 4, 8, 6). That aside, we
+ have implemented a \c quit command that triggers if the player
+ types \c {q}. The player is then asked if he/she really wants to
+ quit.
+ Most games have commands that need more than one key press (we
+ think of consecutive presses, i.e., not of several keys being
+ pressed at the same time). In this game, only the \c quit command
+ falls under this category, but for the sake of argument, let's
+ imagine a fully-fledged game with a rich set of commands. If we
+ were to implement these by catching key events in
+ \l{QWidget::}{keyPressEvent()}, we would have to keep a lot of
+ class member variables to track the sequence of keys already typed
+ (or find some other way of deducing the current state of a
+ command). This can easily lead to spaghetti, which is--as we all
+ well know, I'm sure--unpleasant. With a state machine, on the
+ other hand, separate states can wait for a single key press, and
+ that makes our lives a lot simpler.
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c Window draws the text display of the game and sets
+ up the state machine. The window also has a status bar
+ above the area in which the rouge moves.
+ \li \c MovementTransition is a transition that carries out
+ a single move of the rogue.
+ \endlist
+ Before we embark on a code walkthrough, it is necessary to take a
+ closer look at the design of the machine. Here is a state chart
+ that shows what we want to achieve:
+ \image rogue-statechart.png
+ The input state waits for a key press to start a new command.
+ When receiving a key it recognizes, it transitions to one of the
+ two commands of the game; though, as we will see, movement is
+ handled by the transition itself. The quit state waits for the
+ player to answer yes or no (by typing \c y or \c n) when asked
+ whether he/she really wants to quit the game.
+ The chart demonstrates how we use one state to wait for a single
+ key press. The press received may trigger one of the transitions
+ connected to the state.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class is a widget that draws the text display of the
+ game. It also sets up the state machine, i.e., creates and
+ connects the states in the machine. It is the key events from this
+ widget that are used by the machine.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.h 0
+ \c Direction specifies the direction in which the rogue is to
+ move. We use this in \c movePlayer(), which moves the rogue and
+ repaints the window. The game has a status line above the area in
+ which the rogue moves. The \c status property contains the text of
+ this line. We use a property because the QState class allows
+ setting any Qt \l{Qt's Property System}{property} when entered.
+ More on this later.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.h 1
+ The \c map is an array with the characters that are currently
+ displayed. We set up the array in \c setupMap(), and update it
+ when the rogue is moved. \c pX and \c pY is the current position
+ of the rogue. \c WIDTH and \c HEIGHT are macros specifying the
+ dimensions of the map.
+ The \c paintEvent() function is left out of this walkthrough. We
+ also do not discuss other code that does not concern the state
+ machine (the \c setupMap(), \c status(), \c setStatus(), \c
+ movePlayer(), and \c sizeHint() functions). If you wish to take a
+ look at the code, click on the link for the \c window.cpp file at
+ the top of this page.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ Here is the constructor of \c Window:
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 0
+ \dots
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 1
+ The player starts off at position (5, 5). We then set up the map
+ and statemachine. Let's proceed with the \c buildMachine()
+ function:
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 2
+ We enter \c inputState when the machine is started and from the \c
+ quitState if the user wants to continue playing. We then set the
+ status to a helpful reminder of how to play the game.
+ First, the \c Movement transition is added to the input state.
+ This will enable the rogue to be moved with the keypad. Notice
+ that we don't set a target state for the movement transition. This
+ will cause the transition to be triggered (and the
+ \l{QAbstractTransition::}{onTransition()} function to be invoked),
+ but the machine will not leave the \c inputState. If we had set \c
+ inputState as the target state, we would first have left and then
+ entered the \c inputState again.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 3
+ When we enter \c quitState, we update the status bar of the
+ window.
+ \c QKeyEventTransition is a utility class that removes the hassle
+ of implementing transitions for \l{QKeyEvent}s. We simply need to
+ specify the key on which the transition should trigger and the
+ target state of the transition.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 4
+ The transition from \c inputState allows triggering the quit state
+ when the player types \c {q}.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/window.cpp 5
+ The machine is set up, so it's time to start it.
+ \section1 The MovementTransition Class
+ \c MovementTransition is triggered when the player request the
+ rogue to be moved (by typing 2, 4, 6, or 8) when the machine is in
+ the \c inputState.
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/movementtransition.h 0
+ In the constructor, we tell QEventTransition to only send
+ \l{QEvent::}{KeyPress} events to the
+ \l{QAbstractTransition::}{eventTest()} function:
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/movementtransition.h 1
+ The KeyPress events come wrapped in \l{QStateMachine::WrappedEvent}s. \c event
+ must be confirmed to be a wrapped event because Qt uses other
+ events internally. After that, it is simply a matter of checking
+ which key has been pressed.
+ Let's move on to the \c onTransition() function:
+ \snippet statemachine/rogue/movementtransition.h 2
+ When \c onTransition() is invoked, we know that we have a
+ \l{QEvent::}{KeyPress} event with 2, 4, 6, or 8, and can ask \c
+ Window to move the player.
+ \section1 The Roguelike Tradition
+ You might have been wondering why the game features a rogue. Well,
+ these kinds of text based dungeon exploration games date back to a
+ game called, yes, "Rogue". Although outflanked by the technology
+ of modern 3D computer games, roguelikes have a solid community of
+ hard-core, devoted followers.
+ Playing these games can be surprisingly addictive (despite the
+ lack of graphics). Angband, the perhaps most well-known rougelike,
+ is found here: \l{}.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/screenshot.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/screenshot.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d41cf0d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/screenshot.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example desktop/screenshot
+ \title Screenshot Example
+ The Screenshot example shows how to take a screenshot of the
+ desktop using QApplication and QDesktopWidget. It also shows how
+ to use QTimer to provide a single-shot timer, and how to
+ reimplement the QWidget::resizeEvent() event handler to make sure
+ that an application resizes smoothly and without data loss.
+ \image screenshot-example.png
+ With the application the users can take a screenshot of their
+ desktop. They are provided with a couple of options:
+ \list
+ \li Delaying the screenshot, giving them time to rearrange
+ their desktop.
+ \li Hiding the application's window while the screenshot is taken.
+ \endlist
+ In addition the application allows the users to save their
+ screenshot if they want to.
+ \section1 Screenshot Class Definition
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.h 0
+ The \c Screenshot class inherits QWidget and is the application's
+ main widget. It displays the application options and a preview of
+ the screenshot.
+ We reimplement the QWidget::resizeEvent() function to make sure
+ that the preview of the screenshot scales properly when the user
+ resizes the application widget. We also need several private slots
+ to facilitate the options:
+ \list
+ \li The \c newScreenshot() slot prepares a new screenshot.
+ \li The \c saveScreenshot() slot saves the last screenshot.
+ \li The \c shootScreen() slot takes the screenshot.
+ \li The \c updateCheckBox() slot enables or disables the
+ \uicontrol {Hide This Window} option.
+ \endlist
+ We also declare some private functions: We use the \c
+ createOptionsGroupBox(), \c createButtonsLayout() and \c
+ createButton() functions when we construct the widget. And we call
+ the private \c updateScreenshotLabel() function whenever a new
+ screenshot is taken or when a resize event changes the size of the
+ screenshot preview label.
+ In addition we need to store the screenshot's original pixmap. The
+ reason is that when we display the preview of the screenshot, we
+ need to scale its pixmap, storing the original we make sure that
+ no data are lost in that process.
+ \section1 Screenshot Class Implementation
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we first create the QLabel displaying the
+ screenshot preview.
+ We set the QLabel's size policy to be QSizePolicy::Expanding both
+ horizontally and vertically. This means that the QLabel's size
+ hint is a sensible size, but the widget can be shrunk and still be
+ useful. Also, the widget can make use of extra space, so it should
+ get as much space as possible. Then we make sure the QLabel is
+ aligned in the center of the \c Screenshot widget, and set its
+ minimum size.
+ We create the applications's buttons and the group box containing
+ the application's options, and put it all into a main
+ layout. Finally we take the initial screenshot, and set the initial
+ delay and the window title, before we resize the widget to a
+ suitable size.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 1
+ The \c resizeEvent() function is reimplemented to receive the
+ resize events dispatched to the widget. The purpose is to scale
+ the preview screenshot pixmap without deformation of its content,
+ and also make sure that the application can be resized smoothly.
+ To achieve the first goal, we scale the screenshot pixmap using
+ Qt::KeepAspectRatio. We scale the pixmap to a rectangle as large
+ as possible inside the current size of the screenshot preview
+ label, preserving the aspect ratio. This means that if the user
+ resizes the application window in only one direction, the preview
+ screenshot keeps the same size.
+ To reach our second goal, we make sure that the preview screenshot
+ only is repainted (using the private \c updateScreenshotLabel()
+ function) when it actually changes its size.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 2
+ The private \c newScreenshot() slot is called when the user
+ requests a new screenshot; but the slot only prepares a new
+ screenshot.
+ First we see if the \uicontrol {Hide This Window} option is checked, if
+ it is we hide the \c Screenshot widget. Then we disable the \uicontrol
+ {New Screenshot} button, to make sure the user only can request
+ one screenshot at a time.
+ We create a timer using the QTimer class which provides repetitive
+ and single-shot timers. We set the timer to time out only once,
+ using the static QTimer::singleShot() function. This function
+ calls the private \c shootScreen() slot after the time interval
+ specified by the \uicontrol {Screenshot Delay} option. It is \c
+ shootScreen() that actually performs the screenshot.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 3
+ The \c saveScreenshot() slot is called when the user push the \uicontrol
+ Save button, and it presents a file dialog using the QFileDialog
+ class.
+ QFileDialog enables a user to traverse the file system in order to
+ select one or many files or a directory. The easiest way to create
+ a QFileDialog is to use the convenience static
+ functions.
+ We define the default file format to be png, and we make the file
+ dialog's initial path the path the application is run from. We
+ create the file dialog using the static
+ QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() function which returns a file name
+ selected by the user. The file does not have to exist. If the file
+ name is valid, we use the QPixmap::save() function to save the
+ screenshot's original pixmap in that file.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 4
+ The \c shootScreen() slot is called to take the screenshot. If the
+ user has chosen to delay the screenshot, we make the application
+ beep when the screenshot is taken using the static
+ QApplication::beep() function.
+ The QApplication class manages the GUI application's control flow
+ and main settings. It contains the main event loop, where all
+ events from the window system and other sources are processed and
+ dispatched.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 5
+ Using the static function QApplication::primaryScreen(), we
+ obtain the QScreen object for the application's main screen.
+ We take the screenshot using the QScreen::grabWindow()
+ function. The function grabs the contents of the window passed as
+ an argument, makes a pixmap out of it and returns that pixmap.
+ The window id can be obtained with QWidget::winId() or QWindow::winId().
+ Here, however, we just pass 0 as the window id, indicating that we
+ want to grab the entire screen.
+ We update the screenshot preview label using the private \c
+ updateScreenshotLabel() function. Then we enable the \uicontrol {New
+ Screenshot} button, and finally we make the \c Screenshot widget
+ visible if it was hidden during the screenshot.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 6
+ The \uicontrol {Hide This Window} option is enabled or disabled
+ depending on the delay of the screenshot. If there is no delay,
+ the application window cannot be hidden and the option's checkbox
+ is disabled.
+ The \c updateCheckBox() slot is called whenever the user changes
+ the delay using the \uicontrol {Screenshot Delay} option.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 7
+ The private \c createOptionsGroupBox() function is called from the
+ constructor.
+ First we create a group box that will contain all of the options'
+ widgets. Then we create a QSpinBox and a QLabel for the \uicontrol
+ {Screenshot Delay} option, and connect the spinbox to the \c
+ updateCheckBox() slot. Finally, we create a QCheckBox for the \uicontrol
+ {Hide This Window} option, add all the options' widgets to a
+ QGridLayout and install the layout on the group box.
+ Note that we don't have to specify any parents for the widgets
+ when we create them. The reason is that when we add a widget to a
+ layout and install the layout on another widget, the layout's
+ widgets are automatically reparented to the widget the layout is
+ installed on.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 8
+ The private \c createButtonsLayout() function is called from the
+ constructor. We create the application's buttons using the private
+ \c createButton() function, and add them to a QHBoxLayout.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 9
+ The private \c createButton() function is called from the \c
+ createButtonsLayout() function. It simply creates a QPushButton
+ with the provided text, connects it to the provided receiver and
+ slot, and returns a pointer to the button.
+ \snippet desktop/screenshot/screenshot.cpp 10
+ The private \c updateScreenshotLabel() function is called whenever
+ the screenshot changes, or when a resize event changes the size of
+ the screenshot preview label. It updates the screenshot preview's
+ label using the QLabel::setPixmap() and QPixmap::scaled()
+ functions.
+ QPixmap::scaled() returns a copy of the given pixmap scaled to a
+ rectangle of the given size according to the given
+ Qt::AspectRatioMode and Qt::TransformationMode.
+ We scale the original pixmap to fit the current screenshot label's
+ size, preserving the aspect ratio and giving the resulting pixmap
+ smoothed edges.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/scribble.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/scribble.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5749b9ed07
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/scribble.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/scribble
+ \title Scribble Example
+ The Scribble example shows how to reimplement some of QWidget's
+ event handlers to receive the events generated for the
+ application's widgets.
+ We reimplement the mouse event handlers to implement drawing, the
+ paint event handler to update the application and the resize event
+ handler to optimize the application's appearance. In addition we
+ reimplement the close event handler to intercept the close events
+ before terminating the application.
+ The example also demonstrates how to use QPainter to draw an image
+ in real time, as well as to repaint widgets.
+ \image scribble-example.png Screenshot of the Scribble example
+ With the Scribble application the users can draw an image. The
+ \uicontrol File menu gives the users the possibility to open and edit an
+ existing image file, save an image and exit the application. While
+ drawing, the \uicontrol Options menu allows the users to to choose the
+ pen color and pen width, as well as clear the screen. In addition
+ the \uicontrol Help menu provides the users with information about the
+ Scribble example in particular, and about Qt in general.
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c ScribbleArea is a custom widget that displays a QImage and
+ allows to the user to draw on it.
+ \li \c MainWindow provides a menu above the \c ScribbleArea.
+ \endlist
+ We will start by reviewing the \c ScribbleArea class. Then we will
+ review the \c MainWindow class, which uses \c ScribbleArea.
+ \section1 ScribbleArea Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.h 0
+ The \c ScribbleArea class inherits from QWidget. We reimplement
+ the \c mousePressEvent(), \c mouseMoveEvent() and \c
+ mouseReleaseEvent() functions to implement the drawing. We
+ reimplement the \c paintEvent() function to update the scribble
+ area, and the \c resizeEvent() function to ensure that the QImage
+ on which we draw is at least as large as the widget at any time.
+ We need several public functions: \c openImage() loads an image
+ from a file into the scribble area, allowing the user to edit the
+ image; \c save() writes the currently displayed image to file; \c
+ clearImage() slot clears the image displayed in the scribble
+ area. We need the private \c drawLineTo() function to actually do
+ the drawing, and \c resizeImage() to change the size of a
+ QImage. The \c print() slot handles printing.
+ We also need the following private variables:
+ \list
+ \li \c modified is \c true if there are unsaved
+ changes to the image displayed in the scribble area.
+ \li \c scribbling is \c true while the user is pressing
+ the left mouse button within the scribble area.
+ \li \c penWidth and \c penColor hold the currently
+ set width and color for the pen used in the application.
+ \li \c image stores the image drawn by the user.
+ \li \c lastPoint holds the position of the cursor at the last
+ mouse press or mouse move event.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 ScribbleArea Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we set the Qt::WA_StaticContents
+ attribute for the widget, indicating that the widget contents are
+ rooted to the top-left corner and don't change when the widget is
+ resized. Qt uses this attribute to optimize paint events on
+ resizes. This is purely an optimization and should only be used
+ for widgets whose contents are static and rooted to the top-left
+ corner.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 2
+ In the \c openImage() function, we load the given image. Then we
+ resize the loaded QImage to be at least as large as the widget in
+ both directions using the private \c resizeImage() function and
+ we set the \c image member variable to be the loaded image. At
+ the end, we call QWidget::update() to schedule a repaint.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 4
+ The \c saveImage() function creates a QImage object that covers
+ only the visible section of the actual \c image and saves it using
+ QImage::save(). If the image is successfully saved, we set the
+ scribble area's \c modified variable to \c false, because there is
+ no unsaved data.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 8
+ The \c setPenColor() and \c setPenWidth() functions set the
+ current pen color and width. These values will be used for future
+ drawing operations.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 10
+ The public \c clearImage() slot clears the image displayed in the
+ scribble area. We simply fill the entire image with white, which
+ corresponds to RGB value (255, 255, 255). As usual when we modify
+ the image, we set \c modified to \c true and schedule a repaint.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 12
+ For mouse press and mouse release events, we use the
+ QMouseEvent::button() function to find out which button caused
+ the event. For mose move events, we use QMouseEvent::buttons()
+ to find which buttons are currently held down (as an OR-combination).
+ If the users press the left mouse button, we store the position
+ of the mouse cursor in \c lastPoint. We also make a note that the
+ user is currently scribbling. (The \c scribbling variable is
+ necessary because we can't assume that a mouse move and mouse
+ release event is always preceded by a mouse press event on the
+ same widget.)
+ If the user moves the mouse with the left button pressed down or
+ releases the button, we call the private \c drawLineTo() function
+ to draw.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 14
+ In the reimplementation of the \l
+ {QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} function, we simply create
+ a QPainter for the scribble area, and draw the image.
+ At this point, you might wonder why we don't just draw directly
+ onto the widget instead of drawing in a QImage and copying the
+ QImage onto screen in \c paintEvent(). There are at least three
+ good reasons for this:
+ \list
+ \li The window system requires us to be able to redraw the widget
+ \e{at any time}. For example, if the window is minimized and
+ restored, the window system might have forgotten the contents
+ of the widget and send us a paint event. In other words, we
+ can't rely on the window system to remember our image.
+ \li Qt normally doesn't allow us to paint outside of \c
+ paintEvent(). In particular, we can't paint from the mouse
+ event handlers. (This behavior can be changed using the
+ Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen widget attribute, though.)
+ \li If initialized properly, a QImage is guaranteed to use 8-bit
+ for each color channel (red, green, blue, and alpha), whereas
+ a QWidget might have a lower color depth, depending on the
+ monitor configuration. This means that if we load a 24-bit or
+ 32-bit image and paint it onto a QWidget, then copy the
+ QWidget into a QImage again, we might lose some information.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 16
+ When the user starts the Scribble application, a resize event is
+ generated and an image is created and displayed in the scribble
+ area. We make this initial image slightly larger than the
+ application's main window and scribble area, to avoid always
+ resizing the image when the user resizes the main window (which
+ would be very inefficient). But when the main window becomes
+ larger than this initial size, the image needs to be resized.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 17
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 18
+ In \c drawLineTo(), we draw a line from the point where the mouse
+ was located when the last mouse press or mouse move occurred, we
+ set \c modified to true, we generate a repaint event, and we
+ update \c lastPoint so that next time \c drawLineTo() is called,
+ we continue drawing from where we left.
+ We could call the \c update() function with no parameter, but as
+ an easy optimization we pass a QRect that specifies the rectangle
+ inside the scribble are needs updating, to avoid a complete
+ repaint of the widget.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 19
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 20
+ QImage has no nice API for resizing an image. There's a
+ QImage::copy() function that could do the trick, but when used to
+ expand an image, it fills the new areas with black, whereas we
+ want white.
+ So the trick is to create a brand new QImage with the right size,
+ to fill it with white, and to draw the old image onto it using
+ QPainter. The new image is given the QImage::Format_RGB32
+ format, which means that each pixel is stored as 0xffRRGGBB
+ (where RR, GG, and BB are the red, green and blue
+ color channels, ff is the hexadecimal value 255).
+ Printing is handled by the \c print() slot:
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 21
+ We construct a high resolution QPrinter object for the required
+ output format, using a QPrintDialog to ask the user to specify a
+ page size and indicate how the output should be formatted on the page.
+ If the dialog is accepted, we perform the task of printing to the paint
+ device:
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/scribblearea.cpp 22
+ Printing an image to a file in this way is simply a matter of
+ painting onto the QPrinter. We scale the image to fit within the
+ available space on the page before painting it onto the paint
+ device.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.h 0
+ The \c MainWindow class inherits from QMainWindow. We reimplement
+ the \l{QWidget::closeEvent()}{closeEvent()} handler from QWidget.
+ The \c open(), \c save(), \c penColor() and \c penWidth()
+ slots correspond to menu entries. In addition we create four
+ private functions.
+ We use the boolean \c maybeSave() function to check if there are
+ any unsaved changes. If there are unsaved changes, we give the
+ user the opportunity to save these changes. The function returns
+ \c false if the user clicks \uicontrol Cancel. We use the \c saveFile()
+ function to let the user save the image currently displayed in
+ the scribble area.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we create a scribble area which we make the
+ central widget of the \c MainWindow widget. Then we create the
+ associated actions and menus.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ Close events are sent to widgets that the users want to close,
+ usually by clicking \uicontrol{File|Exit} or by clicking the \uicontrol X
+ title bar button. By reimplementing the event handler, we can
+ intercept attempts to close the application.
+ In this example, we use the close event to ask the user to save
+ any unsaved changes. The logic for that is located in the \c
+ maybeSave() function. If \c maybeSave() returns true, there are
+ no modifications or the users successfully saved them, and we
+ accept the event. The application can then terminate normally. If
+ \c maybeSave() returns false, the user clicked \uicontrol Cancel, so we
+ "ignore" the event, leaving the application unaffected by it.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ In the \c open() slot we first give the user the opportunity to
+ save any modifications to the currently displayed image, before a
+ new image is loaded into the scribble area. Then we ask the user
+ to choose a file and we load the file in the \c ScribbleArea.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ The \c save() slot is called when the users choose the \uicontrol {Save
+ As} menu entry, and then choose an entry from the format menu. The
+ first thing we need to do is to find out which action sent the
+ signal using QObject::sender(). This function returns the sender
+ as a QObject pointer. Since we know that the sender is an action
+ object, we can safely cast the QObject. We could have used a
+ C-style cast or a C++ \c static_cast<>(), but as a defensive
+ programming technique we use a qobject_cast(). The advantage is
+ that if the object has the wrong type, a null pointer is
+ returned. Crashes due to null pointers are much easier to diagnose
+ than crashes due to unsafe casts.
+ Once we have the action, we extract the chosen format using
+ QAction::data(). (When the actions are created, we use
+ QAction::setData() to set our own custom data attached to the
+ action, as a QVariant. More on this when we review \c
+ createActions().)
+ Now that we know the format, we call the private \c saveFile()
+ function to save the currently displayed image.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ We use the \c penColor() slot to retrieve a new color from the
+ user with a QColorDialog. If the user chooses a new color, we
+ make it the scribble area's color.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ To retrieve a new pen width in the \c penWidth() slot, we use
+ QInputDialog. The QInputDialog class provides a simple
+ convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. We use
+ the static QInputDialog::getInt() function, which combines a
+ QLabel and a QSpinBox. The QSpinBox is initialized with the
+ scribble area's pen width, allows a range from 1 to 50, a step of
+ 1 (meaning that the up and down arrow increment or decrement the
+ value by 1).
+ The boolean \c ok variable will be set to \c true if the user
+ clicked \uicontrol OK and to \c false if the user pressed \uicontrol Cancel.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 12
+ We implement the \c about() slot to create a message box
+ describing what the example is designed to show.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 14
+ In the \c createAction() function we create the actions
+ representing the menu entries and connect them to the appropriate
+ slots. In particular we create the actions found in the \uicontrol
+ {Save As} sub-menu. We use QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()
+ to get a list of the supported formats (as a QList<QByteArray>).
+ Then we iterate through the list, creating an action for each
+ format. We call QAction::setData() with the file format, so we
+ can retrieve it later as QAction::data(). We could also have
+ deduced the file format from the action's text, by truncating the
+ "...", but that would have been inelegant.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 16
+ In the \c createMenu() function, we add the previously created
+ format actions to the \c saveAsMenu. Then we add the rest of the
+ actions as well as the \c saveAsMenu sub-menu to the \uicontrol File,
+ \uicontrol Options and \uicontrol Help menus.
+ The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars,
+ context menus, and other popup menus. The QMenuBar class provides
+ a horizontal menu bar with a list of pull-down \l{QMenu}s. At the
+ end we put the \uicontrol File and \uicontrol Options menus in the \c
+ {MainWindow}'s menu bar, which we retrieve using the
+ QMainWindow::menuBar() function.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 17
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 18
+ In \c mayBeSave(), we check if there are any unsaved changes. If
+ there are any, we use QMessageBox to give the user a warning that
+ the image has been modified and the opportunity to save the
+ modifications.
+ As with QColorDialog and QFileDialog, the easiest way to create a
+ QMessageBox is to use its static functions. QMessageBox provides
+ a range of different messages arranged along two axes: severity
+ (question, information, warning and critical) and complexity (the
+ number of necessary response buttons). Here we use the \c
+ warning() function sice the message is rather important.
+ If the user chooses to save, we call the private \c saveFile()
+ function. For simplicitly, we use PNG as the file format; the
+ user can always press \uicontrol Cancel and save the file using another
+ format.
+ The \c maybeSave() function returns \c false if the user clicks
+ \uicontrol Cancel; otherwise it returns \c true.
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 19
+ \snippet widgets/scribble/mainwindow.cpp 20
+ In \c saveFile(), we pop up a file dialog with a file name
+ suggestion. The static QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() function
+ returns a file name selected by the user. The file does not have
+ to exist.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example mainwindows/sdi
+ \title SDI Example
+ The SDI example shows how to create a Single Document Interface. It uses a number of
+ top-level windows to display the contents of different text files.
+ \image sdi-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/shapedclock
+ \title Shaped Clock Example
+ The Shaped Clock example shows how to apply a widget mask to a top-level
+ widget to produce a shaped window.
+ \image shapedclock-example.png
+ Widget masks are used to customize the shapes of top-level widgets by restricting
+ the available area for painting. On some window systems, setting certain window flags
+ will cause the window decoration (title bar, window frame, buttons) to be disabled,
+ allowing specially-shaped windows to be created. In this example, we use this feature
+ to create a circular window containing an analog clock.
+ Since this example's window does not provide a \uicontrol File menu or a close
+ button, we provide a context menu with an \uicontrol Exit entry so that the example
+ can be closed. Click the right mouse button over the window to open this menu.
+ \section1 ShapedClock Class Definition
+ The \c ShapedClock class is based on the \c AnalogClock class defined in the
+ \l{Analog Clock Example}{Analog Clock} example. The whole class definition is
+ presented below:
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.h 0
+ The \l{QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} implementation is the same as that found
+ in the \c AnalogClock class. We implement \l{QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()}
+ so that we don't have to resize the widget explicitly. We also provide an event
+ handler for resize events. This allows us to update the mask if the clock is resized.
+ Since the window containing the clock widget will have no title bar, we provide
+ implementations for \l{QWidget::mouseMoveEvent()}{mouseMoveEvent()} and
+ \l{QWidget::mousePressEvent()}{mousePressEvent()} to allow the clock to be dragged
+ around the screen. The \c dragPosition variable lets us keep track of where the user
+ last clicked on the widget.
+ \section1 ShapedClock Class Implementation
+ The \c ShapedClock constructor performs many of the same tasks as the \c AnalogClock
+ constructor. We set up a timer and connect it to the widget's update() slot:
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 0
+ We inform the window manager that the widget is not to be decorated with a window
+ frame by setting the Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag on the widget. As a result, we need
+ to provide a way for the user to move the clock around the screen.
+ Mouse button events are delivered to the \c mousePressEvent() handler:
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 1
+ If the left mouse button is pressed over the widget, we record the displacement in
+ global (screen) coordinates between the top-left position of the widget's frame (even
+ when hidden) and the point where the mouse click occurred. This displacement will be
+ used if the user moves the mouse while holding down the left button. Since we acted
+ on the event, we accept it by calling its \l{QEvent::accept()}{accept()} function.
+ \image shapedclock-dragging.png
+ The \c mouseMoveEvent() handler is called if the mouse is moved over the widget.
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 2
+ If the left button is held down while the mouse is moved, the top-left corner of the
+ widget is moved to the point given by subtracting the \c dragPosition from the current
+ cursor position in global coordinates. If we drag the widget, we also accept the event.
+ The \c paintEvent() function is given for completeness. See the
+ \l{Analog Clock Example}{Analog Clock} example for a description of the process used
+ to render the clock.
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 3
+ In the \c resizeEvent() handler, we re-use some of the code from the \c paintEvent()
+ to determine the region of the widget that is visible to the user:
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 4
+ Since the clock face is a circle drawn in the center of the widget, this is the region
+ we use as the mask.
+ Although the lack of a window frame may make it difficult for the user to resize the
+ widget on some platforms, it will not necessarily be impossible. The \c resizeEvent()
+ function ensures that the widget mask will always be updated if the widget's dimensions
+ change, and additionally ensures that it will be set up correctly when the widget is
+ first displayed.
+ Finally, we implement the \c sizeHint() for the widget so that it is given a reasonable
+ default size when it is first shown:
+ \snippet widgets/shapedclock/shapedclock.cpp 5
+ \section1 Notes on Widget Masks
+ Since QRegion allows arbitrarily complex regions to be created, widget masks can be
+ made to suit the most unconventionally-shaped windows, and even allow widgets to be
+ displayed with holes in them.
+ Widget masks can also be constructed by using the contents of pixmap to define the
+ opaque part of the widget. For a pixmap with an alpha channel, a suitable mask can be
+ obtained with QPixmap::mask().
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2564c654fa
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/simpledommodel
+ \title Simple DOM Model Example
+ The Simple DOM Model example shows how an existing class can be adapted for use with
+ the model/view framework.
+ \image simpledommodel-example.png
+ Qt provides two complementary sets of classes for reading XML files: The classes based
+ around QXmlReader provide a SAX-style API for incremental reading of large files, and
+ the classes based around QDomDocument enable developers to access the contents of XML
+ files using a Document Object Model (DOM) API.
+ In this example, we create a model that uses the DOM API to expose the structure and
+ contents of XML documents to views via the standard QAbstractModel interface.
+ \section1 Design and Concepts
+ Reading an XML document with Qt's DOM classes is a straightforward process. Typically,
+ the contents of a file are supplied to QDomDocument, and nodes are accessed using the
+ functions provided by QDomNode and its subclasses.
+ \omit
+ For example, the following code
+ snippet reads the contents of a file into a QDomDocument object and traverses the
+ document, reading all the plain text that can be found:
+ \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_examples_simpledommodel.cpp 0
+ In principle, the functions provided by QDomNode can be used to navigate from any
+ given starting point in a document to the piece of data requested by another component.
+ Since QDomDocument maintains information about the structure of a document, we can
+ use this to implement the required virtual functions in a QAbstractItemModel subclass.
+ \endomit
+ The aim is to use the structure provided by QDomDocument by wrapping QDomNode objects
+ in item objects similar to the \c TreeItem objects used in the
+ \l{Simple Tree Model Example}{Simple Tree Model} example.
+ \section1 DomModel Class Definition
+ Let us begin by examining the \c DomModel class:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.h 0
+ The class definition contains all the basic functions that are needed for a
+ read-only model. Only the constructor and \c document() function are specific to
+ this model. The private \c domDocument variable is used to hold the document
+ that is exposed by the model; the \c rootItem variable contains a pointer to
+ the root item in the model.
+ \section1 DomItem Class Definition
+ The \c DomItem class is used to hold information about a specific QDomNode in
+ the document:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.h 0
+ Each \c DomItem provides a wrapper for a QDomNode obtained from the underlying
+ document which contains a reference to the node, it's location in the parent node's
+ list of child nodes, and a pointer to a parent wrapper item.
+ The \c parent(), \c child(), and \c row() functions are convenience functions for
+ the \c DomModel to use that provide basic information about the item to be discovered
+ quickly. The node() function provides access to the underlying QDomNode object.
+ As well as the information supplied in the constructor, the class maintains a cache
+ of information about any child items. This is used to provide a collection of
+ persistent item objects that the model can identify consistently and improve the
+ performance of the model when accessing child items.
+ \section1 DomItem Class Implementation
+ Since the \c DomItem class is only a thin wrapper around QDomNode objects, with a
+ few additional features to help improve performance and memory usage, we can provide
+ a brief outline of the class before discussing the model itself.
+ The constructor simply records details of the QDomNode that needs to be wrapped:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 0
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 1
+ As a result, functions to provide the parent wrapper, the row number occupied by
+ the item in its parent's list of children, and the underlying QDomNode for each item
+ are straightforward to write:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 3
+ It is necessary to maintain a collection of items which can be consistently identified
+ by the model. For that reason, we maintain a hash of child wrapper items that, to
+ minimize memory usage, is initially empty. The model uses the item's \c child()
+ function to help create model indexes, and this constructs wrappers for the children
+ of the item's QDomNode, relating the row number of each child to the newly-constructed
+ wrapper:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 5
+ If a QDomNode was previously wrapped, the cached wrapper is returned; otherwise, a
+ new wrapper is constructed and stored for valid children, and zero is returned for
+ invalid ones.
+ The class's destructor deletes all the child items of the wrapper:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/domitem.cpp 2
+ These, in turn, will delete their children and free any QDomNode objects in use.
+ \section1 DomModel Class Implementation
+ The structure provided by the \c DomItem class makes the implementation of \c DomModel
+ similar to the \c TreeModel shown in the
+ \l{Simple Tree Model Example}{Simple Tree Model} example.
+ The constructor accepts an existing document and a parent object for the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 0
+ A shallow copy of the document is stored for future reference, and a root item is
+ created to provide a wrapper around the document. We assign the root item a row
+ number of zero only to be consistent since the root item will have no siblings.
+ Since the model only contains information about the root item, the destructor only
+ needs to delete this one item:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 1
+ All of the child items in the tree will be deleted by the \c DomItem destructor as
+ their parent items are deleted.
+ \section2 Basic Properties of The Model
+ Some aspects of the model do not depend on the structure of the underlying document,
+ and these are simple to implement.
+ The number of columns exposed by the model is returned by the \c columnCount()
+ function:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 2
+ This value is fixed, and does not depend on the location or type of the underlying
+ node in the document. We will use these three columns to display different kinds of
+ data from the underlying document.
+ Since we only implement a read-only model, the \c flags() function is straightforward
+ to write:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 5
+ Since the model is intended for use in a tree view, the \c headerData() function only
+ provides a horizontal header:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 6
+ The model presents the names of nodes in the first column, element attributes in the
+ second, and any node values in the third.
+ \section2 Navigating The Document
+ The index() function creates a model index for the item with the given row, column,
+ and parent in the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 7
+ The function first has to relate the parent index to an item that contains a node
+ from the underlying document. If the parent index is invalid, it refers to the root
+ node in the document, so we retrieve the root item that wraps it; otherwise, we
+ obtain a pointer to the relevant item using the QModelIndex::internalPointer()
+ function. We are able to extract a pointer in this way because any valid model index
+ will have been created by this function, and we store pointers to item objects in
+ any new indexes that we create with QAbstractItemModel::createIndex():
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 8
+ A child item for the given row is provided by the parent item's \c child() function.
+ If a suitable child item was found then we call
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()}{createIndex()} to produce a model index for the
+ requested row and column, passing a pointer to the child item for it to store
+ internally. If no suitable child item is found, an invalid model index is returned.
+ Note that the items themselves maintain ownership of their child items. This means
+ that the model does not need to keep track of the child items that have been created,
+ and can let the items themselves tidy up when they are deleted.
+ The number of rows beneath a given item in the model is returned by the \c rowCount()
+ function, and is the number of child nodes contained by the node that corresponds to
+ the specified model index:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 10
+ To obtain the relevant node in the underlying document, we access the item via the
+ internal pointer stored in the model index. If an invalid index is supplied, the
+ root item is used instead. We use the item's \c node() function to access the node
+ itself, and simply count the number of child nodes it contains.
+ Since the model is used to represent a hierarchical data structure, it needs to
+ provide an implementation for the \c parent() function. This returns a model index
+ that corresponds to the parent of a child model index supplied as its argument:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 9
+ For valid indexes other than the index corresponding to the root item, we obtain
+ a pointer to the relevant item using the method described in the \c index() function,
+ and use the item's \c parent() function to obtain a pointer to the parent item.
+ If no valid parent item exists, or if the parent item is the root item, we can simply
+ follow convention and return an invalid model index. For all other parent items, we
+ create a model index containing the appropriate row and column numbers, and a pointer
+ to the parent item we just obtained.
+ Data is provided by the \c data() function. For simplicity, we only provide data for
+ the \l{Qt::DisplayRole}{display role}, returning an invalid variant for all other
+ requests:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 3
+ As before, we obtain an item pointer for the index supplied, and use it to obtain
+ the underlying document node. Depending on the column specified, the data we return
+ is obtained in different ways:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 4
+ For the first column, we return the node's name. For the second column, we read any
+ attributes that the node may have, and return a string that contains a space-separated
+ list of attribute-value assignments. For the third column, we return any value that
+ the node may have; this allows the contents of text nodes to be displayed in a view.
+ If data from any other column is requested, an invalid variant is returned.
+ \section1 Implementation Notes
+ Ideally, we would rely on the structure provided by QDomDocument to help us write
+ the \l{QAbstractItemModel::parent()}{parent()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::index()}{index()} functions that are required when subclassing
+ QAbstractItemModel. However, since Qt's DOM classes use their own system for
+ dynamically allocating memory for DOM nodes, we cannot guarantee that the QDomNode
+ objects returned for a given piece of information will be the same for subsequent
+ accesses to the document.
+ We use item wrappers for each QDomNode to provide consistent pointers that the model
+ can use to navigate the document structure.
+ \omit
+ Since these items contain value references to the QDomNode objects themselves, this
+ has the side effect that the DOM nodes themselves can be used to reliably navigate
+ the document [not sure about this - QDom* may return different QDomNode objects for
+ the same piece of information]. However, this advantage is redundant since we need to
+ use wrapper items to obtain it. [Possible use of QDomNode cache in the model itself.]
+ \endomit
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/simpletreemodel
+ \title Simple Tree Model Example
+ The Simple Tree Model example shows how to create a basic, read-only
+ hierarchical model to use with Qt's standard view classes. For a
+ description of simple non-hierarchical list and table models, see the
+ \l{Model/View Programming} overview.
+ \image simpletreemodel-example.png
+ Qt's model/view architecture provides a standard way for views to
+ manipulate information in a data source, using an abstract model
+ of the data to simplify and standardize the way it is accessed.
+ Simple models represent data as a table of items, and allow views
+ to access this data via an
+ \l{Model/View Programming#Models}{index-based} system. More generally,
+ models can be used to represent data in the form of a tree structure
+ by allowing each item to act as a parent to a table of child items.
+ Before attempting to implement a tree model, it is worth considering whether
+ the data is supplied by an external source, or whether it is going to be
+ maintained within the model itself. In this example, we will implement an
+ internal structure to hold data rather than discuss how to package data from
+ an external source.
+ \section1 Design and Concepts
+ The data structure that we use to represent the structure of the data takes
+ the form of a tree built from \c TreeItem objects. Each \c TreeItem
+ represents an item in a tree view, and contains several columns of data.
+ \target SimpleTreeModelStructure
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage treemodel-structure.png
+ \li \b{Simple Tree Model Structure}
+ The data is stored internally in the model using \c TreeItem objects that
+ are linked together in a pointer-based tree structure. Generally, each
+ \c TreeItem has a parent item, and can have a number of child items.
+ However, the root item in the tree structure has no parent item and it
+ is never referenced outside the model.
+ Each \c TreeItem contains information about its place in the tree
+ structure; it can return its parent item and its row number. Having
+ this information readily available makes implementing the model easier.
+ Since each item in a tree view usually contains several columns of data
+ (a title and a summary in this example), it is natural to store this
+ information in each item. For simplicity, we will use a list of QVariant
+ objects to store the data for each column in the item.
+ \endtable
+ The use of a pointer-based tree structure means that, when passing a
+ model index to a view, we can record the address of the corresponding
+ item in the index (see QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()) and retrieve
+ it later with QModelIndex::internalPointer(). This makes writing the
+ model easier and ensures that all model indexes that refer to the same
+ item have the same internal data pointer.
+ With the appropriate data structure in place, we can create a tree model
+ with a minimal amount of extra code to supply model indexes and data to
+ other components.
+ \section1 TreeItem Class Definition
+ The \c TreeItem class is defined as follows:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.h 0
+ The class is a basic C++ class. It does not inherit from QObject or
+ provide signals and slots. It is used to hold a list of QVariants,
+ containing column data, and information about its position in the tree
+ structure. The functions provide the following features:
+ \list
+ \li The \c appendChildItem() is used to add data when the model is first
+ constructed and is not used during normal use.
+ \li The \c child() and \c childCount() functions allow the model to obtain
+ information about any child items.
+ \li Information about the number of columns associated with the item is
+ provided by \c columnCount(), and the data in each column can be
+ obtained with the data() function.
+ \li The \c row() and \c parent() functions are used to obtain the item's
+ row number and parent item.
+ \endlist
+ The parent item and column data are stored in the \c parentItem and
+ \c itemData private member variables. The \c childItems variable contains
+ a list of pointers to the item's own child items.
+ \section1 TreeItem Class Implementation
+ The constructor is only used to record the item's parent and the data
+ associated with each column.
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 0
+ A pointer to each of the child items belonging to this item will be
+ stored in the \c childItems private member variable. When the class's
+ destructor is called, it must delete each of these to ensure that
+ their memory is reused:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 1
+ Since each of the child items are constructed when the model is initially
+ populated with data, the function to add child items is straightforward:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 2
+ Each item is able to return any of its child items when given a suitable
+ row number. For example, in the \l{#SimpleTreeModelStructure}{above diagram},
+ the item marked with the letter "A" corresponds to the child of the root item
+ with \c{row = 0}, the "B" item is a child of the "A" item with \c{row = 1},
+ and the "C" item is a child of the root item with \c{row = 1}.
+ The \c child() function returns the child that corresponds to
+ the specified row number in the item's list of child items:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 3
+ The number of child items held can be found with \c childCount():
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 4
+ The \c TreeModel uses this function to determine the number of rows that
+ exist for a given parent item.
+ The \c row() function reports the item's location within its parent's
+ list of items:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 8
+ Note that, although the root item (with no parent item) is automatically
+ assigned a row number of 0, this information is never used by the model.
+ The number of columns of data in the item is trivially returned by the
+ \c columnCount() function.
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 5
+ Column data is returned by the \c data() function, taking advantage of
+ QList's ability to provide sensible default values if the column number
+ is out of range:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 6
+ The item's parent is found with \c parent():
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treeitem.cpp 7
+ Note that, since the root item in the model will not have a parent, this
+ function will return zero in that case. We need to ensure that the model
+ handles this case correctly when we implement the \c TreeModel::parent()
+ function.
+ \section1 TreeModel Class Definition
+ The \c TreeModel class is defined as follows:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.h 0
+ This class is similar to most other subclasses of QAbstractItemModel that
+ provide read-only models. Only the form of the constructor and the
+ \c setupModelData() function are specific to this model. In addition, we
+ provide a destructor to clean up when the model is destroyed.
+ \section1 TreeModel Class Implementation
+ For simplicity, the model does not allow its data to be edited. As a
+ result, the constructor takes an argument containing the data that the
+ model will share with views and delegates:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 0
+ It is up to the constructor to create a root item for the model. This
+ item only contains vertical header data for convenience. We also use it
+ to reference the internal data structure that contains the model data,
+ and it is used to represent an imaginary parent of top-level items in
+ the model.
+ The model's internal data structure is populated with items by the
+ \c setupModelData() function. We will examine this function separately
+ at the end of this document.
+ The destructor ensures that the root item and all of its descendants
+ are deleted when the model is destroyed:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 1
+ Since we cannot add data to the model after it is constructed and set
+ up, this simplifies the way that the internal tree of items is managed.
+ Models must implement an \c index() function to provide indexes for
+ views and delegates to use when accessing data. Indexes are created
+ for other components when they are referenced by their row and column
+ numbers, and their parent model index. If an invalid model
+ index is specified as the parent, it is up to the model to return an
+ index that corresponds to a top-level item in the model.
+ When supplied with a model index, we first check whether it is valid.
+ If it is not, we assume that a top-level item is being referred to;
+ otherwise, we obtain the data pointer from the model index with its
+ \l{QModelIndex::internalPointer()}{internalPointer()} function and use
+ it to reference a \c TreeItem object. Note that all the model indexes
+ that we construct will contain a pointer to an existing \c TreeItem,
+ so we can guarantee that any valid model indexes that we receive will
+ contain a valid data pointer.
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 6
+ Since the row and column arguments to this function refer to a
+ child item of the corresponding parent item, we obtain the item using
+ the \c TreeItem::child() function. The
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()}{createIndex()} function is used
+ to create a model index to be returned. We specify the row and column
+ numbers, and a pointer to the item itself. The model index can be used
+ later to obtain the item's data.
+ The way that the \c TreeItem objects are defined makes writing the
+ \c parent() function easy:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 7
+ We only need to ensure that we never return a model index corresponding
+ to the root item. To be consistent with the way that the \c index()
+ function is implemented, we return an invalid model index for the
+ parent of any top-level items in the model.
+ When creating a model index to return, we must specify the row and
+ column numbers of the parent item within its own parent. We can
+ easily discover the row number with the \c TreeItem::row() function,
+ but we follow a convention of specifying 0 as the column number of
+ the parent. The model index is created with
+ \l{QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()}{createIndex()} in the same way
+ as in the \c index() function.
+ The \c rowCount() function simply returns the number of child items
+ for the \c TreeItem that corresponds to a given model index, or the
+ number of top-level items if an invalid index is specified:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 8
+ Since each item manages its own column data, the \c columnCount()
+ function has to call the item's own \c columnCount() function to
+ determine how many columns are present for a given model index.
+ As with the \c rowCount() function, if an invalid model index is
+ specified, the number of columns returned is determined from the
+ root item:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 2
+ Data is obtained from the model via \c data(). Since the item manages
+ its own columns, we need to use the column number to retrieve the data
+ with the \c TreeItem::data() function:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 3
+ Note that we only support the \l{Qt::ItemDataRole}{DisplayRole}
+ in this implementation, and we also return invalid QVariant objects for
+ invalid model indexes.
+ We use the \c flags() function to ensure that views know that the
+ model is read-only:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 4
+ The \c headerData() function returns data that we conveniently stored
+ in the root item:
+ \snippet itemviews/simpletreemodel/treemodel.cpp 5
+ This information could have been supplied in a different way: either
+ specified in the constructor, or hard coded into the \c headerData()
+ function.
+ \section1 Setting Up the Data in the Model
+ We use the \c setupModelData() function to set up the initial data in
+ the model. This function parses a text file, extracting strings of
+ text to use in the model, and creates item objects that record both
+ the data and the overall model structure.
+ Naturally, this function works in a way that is very specific to
+ this model. We provide the following description of its behavior,
+ and refer the reader to the example code itself for more information.
+ We begin with a text file in the following format:
+ \code
+ Getting Started How to familiarize yourself with Qt Designer
+ Launching Designer Running the Qt Designer application
+ The User Interface How to interact with Qt Designer
+ \endcode
+ \dots
+ \code
+ Connection Editing Mode Connecting widgets together with signals and slots
+ Connecting Objects Making connections in Qt Designer
+ Editing Connections Changing existing connections
+ \endcode
+ We process the text file with the following two rules:
+ \list
+ \li For each pair of strings on each line, create an item (or node)
+ in a tree structure, and place each string in a column of data
+ in the item.
+ \li When the first string on a line is indented with respect to the
+ first string on the previous line, make the item a child of the
+ previous item created.
+ \endlist
+ To ensure that the model works correctly, it is only necessary to
+ create instances of \c TreeItem with the correct data and parent item.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/simplewidgetmapper
+ \title Simple Widget Mapper Example
+ The Simple Widget Mapper example shows how to use a widget mapper to display
+ data from a model in a collection of widgets.
+ \image simplewidgetmapper-example.png
+ The QDataWidgetMapper class allows information obtained from a
+ \l{Model Classes}{model} to be viewed and edited in a collection of
+ widgets instead of in an \l{View Classes}{item view}.
+ Any model derived from QAbstractItemModel can be used as the source of
+ data and almost any input widget can be used to display it.
+ The example itself is very simple: we create \c Window, a QWidget subclass
+ that we use to hold the widgets used to present the data, and show it. The
+ \c Window class will provide buttons that the user can click to show
+ different records from the model.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The class provides a constructor, a slot to keep the buttons up to date,
+ and a private function to set up the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.h Window definition
+ In addition to the QDataWidgetMapper object and the controls used to make
+ up the user interface, we use a QStandardItemModel to hold our data.
+ We could use a custom model, but this standard implementation is sufficient
+ for our purposes.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The constructor of the \c Window class can be explained in three parts.
+ In the first part, we set up the widgets used for the user interface:
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up widgets
+ We also set up the buddy relationships between various labels and the
+ corresponding input widgets.
+ Next, we set up the widget mapper, relating each input widget to a column
+ in the model specified by the call to \l{QDataWidgetMapper::}{setModel()}:
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up the mapper
+ We also connect the mapper to the \uicontrol{Next} and \uicontrol{Previous} buttons
+ via its \l{QDataWidgetMapper::}{toNext()} and
+ \l{QDataWidgetMapper::}{toPrevious()} slots. The mapper's
+ \l{QDataWidgetMapper::}{currentIndexChanged()} signal is connected to the
+ \c{updateButtons()} slot in the window which we'll show later.
+ In the final part of the constructor, we set up the layout, placing each
+ of the widgets in a grid (we could also use a QFormLayout for this):
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up the layout
+ Lastly, we set the window title and initialize the mapper by setting it to
+ refer to the first row in the model.
+ The model is initialized in the window's \c{setupModel()} function. Here,
+ we create a standard model with 5 rows and 3 columns, and we insert some
+ sample names, addresses and ages into each row:
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.cpp Set up the model
+ As a result, each row can be treated like a record in a database, and the
+ widget mapper will read the data from each row, using the column numbers
+ specified earlier to access the correct data for each widget. This is
+ shown in the following diagram:
+ \image widgetmapper-simple-mapping.png
+ Since the user can navigate using the buttons in the user interface, the
+ example is fully-functional at this point, but to make it a bit more
+ user-friendly, we implement the \c{updateButtons()} slot to show when the
+ user is viewing the first or last records:
+ \snippet itemviews/simplewidgetmapper/window.cpp Slot for updating the buttons
+ If the mapper is referring to the first row in the model, the \uicontrol{Previous}
+ button is disabled. Similarly, the \uicontrol{Next} button is disabled if the
+ mapper reaches the last row in the model.
+ \section1 More Complex Mappings
+ The QDataWidgetMapper class makes it easy to relate information from a
+ model to widgets in a user interface. However, it is sometimes necessary
+ to use input widgets which offer choices to the user, such as QComboBox,
+ in conjunction with a widget mapper.
+ In these situations, although the mapping to input widgets remains simple,
+ more work needs to be done to expose additional data to the widget mapper.
+ This is covered by the \l{Combo Widget Mapper Example}{Combo Widget Mapper}
+ and \l{SQL Widget Mapper Example}{SQL Widget Mapper}
+ examples.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/sipdialog
+ \title SIP Dialog Example
+ \ingroup qtce
+ The SIP Dialog example shows how to create a dialog that is aware of
+ the Windows Mobile SIP (Software Input Panel) and reacts to it.
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage sipdialog-closed.png
+ \li \inlineimage sipdialog-opened.png
+ \endtable
+ Sometimes it is necessary for a dialog to take the SIP into account,
+ as the SIP may hide important input widgets. The SIP Dialog Example
+ shows how a \c Dialog object, \c dialog, can be resized accordingly
+ if the SIP is opened, by embedding the contents of \c dialog in a
+ QScrollArea.
+ \section1 Dialog Class Definition
+ The \c Dialog class is a subclass of QDialog that implements a public
+ slot, \c desktopResized(), and a public function, \c reactToSIP(). Also,
+ it holds a private instance of QRect, \c desktopGeometry.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.h Dialog header
+ \section1 Dialog Class Implementation
+ In the constructor of \c Dialog, we start by obtaining the
+ available geometry of the screen with
+ \l{QDesktopWidget::availableGeometry()}{availableGeometry()}. The
+ parameter used is \c 0 to indicate that we require the primary screen.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp Dialog constructor part1
+ We set the window's title to "SIP Dialog Example" and declare a QScrollArea
+ object, \c scrollArea. Next we instantiate a QGroupBox, \c groupBox, with
+ \c scrollArea as its parent. The title of \c groupBox is also set to
+ "SIP Dialog Example". A QGridLayout object, \c gridLayout, is then used
+ as \c{groupBox}'s layout.
+ We create a QLineEdit, a QLabel and a QPushButton and we set the
+ \l{QWidget::setMinimumWidth()}{minimumWidth} property to 220 pixels,
+ respectively.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp Dialog constructor part2
+ Also, all three widgets' text are set accordingly. The
+ \l{QGridLayout::setVerticalSpacing()}{verticalSpacing} property of
+ \c gridLayout is set based on the height of \c desktopGeometry. This
+ is to adapt to the different form factors of Windows Mobile. Then, we
+ add our widgets to the layout.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp Dialog constructor part3
+ The \c{scrollArea}'s widget is set to \c groupBox. We use a QHBoxLayout
+ object, \c layout, to contain \c scrollArea. The \c{Dialog}'s layout
+ is set to \c layout and the scroll area's horizontal scroll bar is turned
+ off.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp Dialog constructor part4
+ The following signals are connected to their respective slots:
+ \list
+ \li \c{button}'s \l{QPushButton::pressed()}{pressed()} signal to
+ \l{QApplication}'s \l{QApplication::closeAllWindows()}
+ {closeAllWindows()} slot,
+ \li \l{QDesktopWidget}'s \l{QDesktopWidget::workAreaResized()}
+ {workAreaResized()} signal to \c{dialog}'s \c desktopResized() slot.
+ \endlist
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp Dialog constructor part5
+ The \c desktopResized() function accepts an integer, \a screen,
+ corresponding to the screen's index. We only invoke \c reactToSIP()
+ if \a screen is the primary screen (e.g. index = 0).
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp desktopResized() function
+ The \c reactToSIP() function resizes \c dialog accordingly if the
+ desktop's available geometry changed vertically, as this change signifies
+ that the SIP may have been opened or closed.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/dialog.cpp reactToSIP() function
+ If the height has decreased, we unset the maximized window state.
+ Otherwise, we set the maximized window state. Lastly, we update
+ \c desktopGeometry to the desktop's available geometry.
+ \section1 The \c main() function
+ The \c main() function for the SIP Dialog example instantiates \c Dialog
+ and invokes its \l{QDialog::exec()}{exec()} function.
+ \snippet dialogs/sipdialog/main.cpp main() function
+ \note Although this example uses a dialog, the techniques used here apply to
+ all top-level widgets respectively.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/sliders
+ \title Sliders Example
+ Qt provides three types of slider-like widgets: QSlider,
+ QScrollBar and QDial. They all inherit most of their
+ functionality from QAbstractSlider, and can in theory replace
+ each other in an application since the differences only concern
+ their look and feel. This example shows what they look like, how
+ they work and how their behavior and appearance can be
+ manipulated through their properties.
+ The example also demonstrates how signals and slots can be used to
+ synchronize the behavior of two or more widgets.
+ \image sliders-example.png Screenshot of the Sliders example
+ The Sliders example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c SlidersGroup is a custom widget. It combines a QSlider, a
+ QScrollBar and a QDial.
+ \li \c Window is the main widget combining a QGroupBox and a
+ QStackedWidget. In this example, the QStackedWidget provides a
+ stack of two \c SlidersGroup widgets. The QGroupBox contain
+ several widgets that control the behavior of the slider-like
+ widgets.
+ \endlist
+ First we will review the \c Window class, then we
+ will take a look at the \c SlidersGroup class.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.h 0
+ The \c Window class inherits from QWidget. It displays the slider
+ widgets and allows the user to set their minimum, maximum and
+ current values and to customize their appearance, key bindings
+ and orientation. We use a private \c createControls() function to
+ create the widgets that provide these controlling mechanisms and
+ to connect them to the slider widgets.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we first create the two \c SlidersGroup
+ widgets that display the slider widgets horizontally and
+ vertically, and add them to the QStackedWidget. QStackedWidget
+ provides a stack of widgets where only the top widget is visible.
+ With \c createControls() we create a connection from a
+ controlling widget to the QStackedWidget, making the user able to
+ choose between horizontal and vertical orientation of the slider
+ widgets. The rest of the controlling mechanisms is implemented by
+ the same function call.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 2
+ Then we connect the \c horizontalSliders, \c verticalSliders and
+ \c valueSpinBox to each other, so that the slider widgets and the
+ control widget will behave synchronized when the current value of
+ one of them changes. The \c valueChanged() signal is emitted with
+ the new value as argument. The \c setValue() slot sets the
+ current value of the widget to the new value, and emits \c
+ valueChanged() if the new value is different from the old one.
+ We put the group of control widgets and the stacked widget in a
+ horizontal layout before we initialize the minimum, maximum and
+ current values. The initialization of the current value will
+ propagate to the slider widgets through the connection we made
+ between \c valueSpinBox and the \c SlidersGroup widgets. The
+ minimum and maximum values propagate through the connections we
+ created with \c createControls().
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 4
+ In the private \c createControls() function, we let a QGroupBox
+ (\c controlsGroup) display the control widgets. A group box can
+ provide a frame, a title and a keyboard shortcut, and displays
+ various other widgets inside itself. The group of control widgets
+ is composed by two checkboxes, three spin boxes (with labels) and
+ one combobox.
+ After creating the labels, we create the two checkboxes.
+ Checkboxes are typically used to represent features in an
+ application that can be enabled or disabled. When \c
+ invertedAppearance is enabled, the slider values are inverted.
+ The table below shows the appearance for the different
+ slider-like widgets:
+ \table
+ \header \li \li{2,1} QSlider \li{2,1} QScrollBar \li{2,1} QDial
+ \header \li \li Normal \li Inverted \li Normal \li Inverted \li Normal \li Inverted
+ \row \li Qt::Horizontal \li Left to right \li Right to left \li Left to right \li Right to left \li Clockwise \li Counterclockwise
+ \row \li Qt::Vertical \li Bottom to top \li Top to bottom \li Top to bottom \li Bottom to top \li Clockwise \li Counterclockwise
+ \endtable
+ It is common to invert the appearance of a vertical QSlider. A
+ vertical slider that controls volume, for example, will typically
+ go from bottom to top (the non-inverted appearance), whereas a
+ vertical slider that controls the position of an object on screen
+ might go from top to bottom, because screen coordinates go from
+ top to bottom.
+ When the \c invertedKeyBindings option is enabled (corresponding
+ to the QAbstractSlider::invertedControls property), the slider's
+ wheel and key events are inverted. The normal key bindings mean
+ that scrolling the mouse wheel "up" or using keys like page up
+ will increase the slider's current value towards its maximum.
+ Inverted, the same wheel and key events will move the value
+ toward the slider's minimum. This can be useful if the \e
+ appearance of a slider is inverted: Some users might expect the
+ keys to still work the same way on the value, whereas others
+ might expect \uicontrol PageUp to mean "up" on the screen.
+ Note that for horizontal and vertical scroll bars, the key
+ bindings are inverted by default: \uicontrol PageDown increases the
+ current value, and \uicontrol PageUp decreases it.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 6
+ Then we create the spin boxes. QSpinBox allows the user to choose
+ a value by clicking the up and down buttons or pressing the \uicontrol
+ Up and \uicontrol Down keys on the keyboard to modify the value
+ currently displayed. The user can also type in the value
+ manually. The spin boxes control the minimum, maximum and current
+ values for the QSlider, QScrollBar, and QDial widgets.
+ We create a QComboBox that allows the user to choose the
+ orientation of the slider widgets. The QComboBox widget is a
+ combined button and popup list. It provides a means of presenting
+ a list of options to the user in a way that takes up the minimum
+ amount of screen space.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/window.cpp 8
+ We synchronize the behavior of the control widgets and the slider
+ widgets through their signals and slots. We connect each control
+ widget to both the horizontal and vertical group of slider
+ widgets. We also connect \c orientationCombo to the
+ QStackedWidget, so that the correct "page" is shown. Finally, we
+ lay out the control widgets in a QGridLayout within the \c
+ controlsGroup group box.
+ \section1 SlidersGroup Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.h 0
+ The \c SlidersGroup class inherits from QGroupBox. It provides a
+ frame and a title, and contains a QSlider, a QScrollBar and a
+ QDial.
+ We provide a \c valueChanged() signal and a public \c setValue()
+ slot with equivalent functionality to the ones in QAbstractSlider
+ and QSpinBox. In addition, we implement several other public
+ slots to set the minimum and maximum value, and invert the slider
+ widgets' appearance as well as key bindings.
+ \section1 SlidersGroup Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 0
+ First we create the slider-like widgets with the appropriate
+ properties. In particular we set the focus policy for each
+ widget. Qt::FocusPolicy is an enum type that defines the various
+ policies a widget can have with respect to acquiring keyboard
+ focus. The Qt::StrongFocus policy means that the widget accepts
+ focus by both tabbing and clicking.
+ Then we connect the widgets with each other, so that they will
+ stay synchronized when the current value of one of them changes.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 2
+ We connect \c {dial}'s \c valueChanged() signal to the
+ \c{SlidersGroup}'s \c valueChanged() signal, to notify the other
+ widgets in the application (i.e., the control widgets) of the
+ changed value.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 4
+ Finally, depending on the \l {Qt::Orientation}{orientation} given
+ at the time of construction, we choose and create the layout for
+ the slider widgets within the group box.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 6
+ The \c setValue() slot sets the value of the QSlider. We don't
+ need to explicitly call
+ \l{QAbstractSlider::setValue()}{setValue()} on the QScrollBar and
+ QDial widgets, since QSlider will emit the
+ \l{QAbstractSlider::valueChanged()}{valueChanged()} signal when
+ its value changes, triggering a domino effect.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 8
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 10
+ The \c setMinimum() and \c setMaximum() slots are used by the \c
+ Window class to set the range of the QSlider, QScrollBar, and
+ QDial widgets.
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 12
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/sliders/slidersgroup.cpp 14
+ The \c invertAppearance() and \c invertKeyBindings() slots
+ control the child widgets'
+ \l{QAbstractSlider::invertedAppearance}{invertedAppearance} and
+ \l{QAbstractSlider::invertedControls}{invertedControls}
+ properties.
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/spinboxdelegate
+ \title Spin Box Delegate Example
+ The Spin Box Delegate example shows how to create an editor for a custom delegate in
+ the model/view framework by reusing a standard Qt editor widget.
+ The model/view framework provides a standard delegate that is used by default
+ with the standard view classes. For most purposes, the selection of editor
+ widgets available through this delegate is sufficient for editing text, boolean
+ values, and other simple data types. However, for specific data types, it is
+ sometimes necessary to use a custom delegate to either display the data in a
+ specific way, or allow the user to edit it with a custom control.
+ \image spinboxdelegate-example.png
+ This concepts behind this example are covered in the
+ \l{Model/View Programming#Delegate Classes}{Delegate Classes} chapter
+ of the \l{Model/View Programming} overview.
+ \section1 SpinBoxDelegate Class Definition
+ The definition of the delegate is as follows:
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.h 0
+ The delegate class declares only those functions that are needed to
+ create an editor widget, display it at the correct location in a view,
+ and communicate with a model. Custom delegates can also provide their
+ own painting code by reimplementing the \c paintEvent() function.
+ Furthermore it is also possible to reuse (and avoid deleting) the editor
+ widget by reimplementing the \a destroyEditor() function. A reused widget
+ could be a mutable member created in the constructor and deleted in
+ the destructor.
+ \section1 SpinBoxDelegate Class Implementation
+ Delegates are often stateless. The constructor only needs to
+ call the base class's constructor with the parent QObject as its
+ argument:
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.cpp 0
+ Since the delegate is a subclass of QStyledItemDelegate, the data it retrieves
+ from the model is displayed in a default style, and we do not need to
+ provide a custom \c paintEvent().
+ The \c createEditor() function returns an editor widget, in this case a
+ spin box that restricts values from the model to integers from 0 to 100
+ inclusive.
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.cpp 1
+ We install an event filter on the spin box to ensure that it behaves in
+ a way that is consistent with other delegates. The implementation for
+ the event filter is provided by the base class.
+ The \c setEditorData() function reads data from the model, converts it
+ to an integer value, and writes it to the editor widget.
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.cpp 2
+ Since the view treats delegates as ordinary QWidget instances, we have
+ to use a static cast before we can set the value in the spin box.
+ The \c setModelData() function reads the contents of the spin box, and
+ writes it to the model.
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.cpp 3
+ We call \l{QSpinBox::interpretText()}{interpretText()} to make sure that
+ we obtain the most up-to-date value in the spin box.
+ The \c updateEditorGeometry() function updates the editor widget's
+ geometry using the information supplied in the style option. This is the
+ minimum that the delegate must do in this case.
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/delegate.cpp 4
+ More complex editor widgets may divide the rectangle available in
+ \c{option.rect} between different child widgets if required.
+ \section1 The Main Function
+ This example is written in a slightly different way to many of the
+ other examples supplied with Qt. To demonstrate the use of a custom
+ editor widget in a standard view, it is necessary to set up a model
+ containing some arbitrary data and a view to display it.
+ We set up the application in the normal way, construct a standard item
+ model to hold some data, set up a table view to use the data in the
+ model, and construct a custom delegate to use for editing:
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/main.cpp 0
+ The table view is informed about the delegate, and will use it to
+ display each of the items. Since the delegate is a subclass of
+ QStyledItemDelegate, each cell in the table will be rendered using standard
+ painting operations.
+ We insert some arbitrary data into the model for demonstration purposes:
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/main.cpp 1
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/main.cpp 2
+ Finally, the table view is displayed with a window title, and we start
+ the application's event loop:
+ \snippet itemviews/spinboxdelegate/main.cpp 3
+ Each of the cells in the table can now be edited in the usual way, but
+ the spin box ensures that the data returned to the model is always
+ constrained by the values allowed by the spin box delegate.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/spinboxes
+ \title Spin Boxes Example
+ The Spin Boxes example shows how to use the many different types of spin boxes
+ available in Qt, from a simple QSpinBox widget to more complex editors like
+ the QDateTimeEdit widget.
+ \image spinboxes-example.png
+ The example consists of a single \c Window class that is used to display the
+ different spin box-based widgets available with Qt.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class inherits QWidget and contains two slots that are used
+ to provide interactive features:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.h 0
+ The private functions are used to set up each type of spin box in the window.
+ We use member variables to keep track of various widgets so that they can
+ be reconfigured when required.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ The constructor simply calls private functions to set up the different types
+ of spin box used in the example, and places each group in a layout:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 0
+ We use the layout to manage the arrangement of the window's child widgets,
+ and change the window title.
+ The \c createSpinBoxes() function constructs a QGroupBox and places three
+ QSpinBox widgets inside it with descriptive labels to indicate the types of
+ input they expect.
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 1
+ The first spin box shows the simplest way to use QSpinBox. It accepts values
+ from -20 to 20, the current value can be increased or decreased by 1 with
+ either the arrow buttons or \uicontrol{Up} and \uicontrol{Down} keys, and the default
+ value is 0.
+ The second spin box uses a larger step size and displays a suffix to
+ provide more information about the type of data the number represents:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 2
+ This spin box also displays a
+ \l{QAbstractSpinBox::specialValueText}{special value} instead of the minimum
+ value defined for it. This means that it will never show \uicontrol{0%}, but will
+ display \uicontrol{Automatic} when the minimum value is selected.
+ The third spin box shows how a prefix can be used:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 4
+ For simplicity, we show a spin box with a prefix and no suffix. It is also
+ possible to use both at the same time.
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 5
+ The rest of the function sets up a layout for the group box and places each
+ of the widgets inside it.
+ The \c createDateTimeEdits() function constructs another group box with a
+ selection of spin boxes used for editing dates and times.
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 6
+ The first spin box is a QDateEdit widget that is able to accept dates
+ within a given range specified using QDate values. The arrow buttons and
+ \uicontrol{Up} and \uicontrol{Down} keys can be used to increase and decrease the
+ values for year, month, and day when the cursor is in the relevant section.
+ The second spin box is a QTimeEdit widget:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 7
+ Acceptable values for the time are defined using QTime values.
+ The third spin box is a QDateTimeEdit widget that can display both date and
+ time values, and we place a label above it to indicate the range of allowed
+ times for a meeting. These widgets will be updated when the user changes a
+ format string.
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 8
+ The format string used for the date time editor, which is also shown in the
+ string displayed by the label, is chosen from a set of strings in a combobox:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 9
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 10
+ A signal from this combobox is connected to a slot in the \c Window class
+ (shown later).
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 11
+ Each child widget of the group box in placed in a layout.
+ The \c setFormatString() slot is called whenever the user selects a new
+ format string in the combobox. The display format for the QDateTimeEdit
+ widget is set using the raw string passed by the signal:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 12
+ Depending on the visible sections in the widget, we set a new date or time
+ range, and update the associated label to provide relevant information for
+ the user:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 13
+ When the format string is changed, there will be an appropriate label and
+ entry widget for dates, times, or both types of input.
+ The \c createDoubleSpinBoxes() function constructs three spin boxes that are
+ used to input double-precision floating point numbers:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 14
+ Before the QDoubleSpinBox widgets are constructed, we create a spin box to
+ control how many decimal places they show. By default, only two decimal places
+ are shown in the following spin boxes, each of which is the equivalent of a
+ spin box in the group created by the \c createSpinBoxes() function.
+ The first double spin box shows a basic double-precision spin box with the
+ same range, step size, and default value as the first spin box in the
+ \c createSpinBoxes() function:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 15
+ However, this spin box also allows non-integer values to be entered.
+ The second spin box displays a suffix and shows a special value instead
+ of the minimum value:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 16
+ The third spin box displays a prefix instead of a suffix:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 17
+ We connect the QSpinBox widget that specifies the precision to a slot in
+ the \c Window class.
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 18
+ The rest of the function places each of the widgets into a layout for the
+ group box.
+ The \c changePrecision() slot is called when the user changes the value in
+ the precision spin box:
+ \snippet widgets/spinboxes/window.cpp 19
+ This function simply uses the integer supplied by the signal to specify the
+ number of decimal places in each of the QDoubleSpinBox widgets. Each one
+ of these will be updated automatically when their
+ \l{QDoubleSpinBox::decimals}{decimals} property is changed.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/spreadsheet.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/spreadsheet.qdoc
new file mode 100644
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/spreadsheet
+ \title Spreadsheet
+ The Spreadsheet example shows how a table view can be used to create a
+ simple spreadsheet application. Custom delegates are used to render different
+ types of data in distinctive colors.
+ \image spreadsheet-demo.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/standarddialogs
+ \title Standard Dialogs Example
+ The Standard Dialogs example shows the standard dialogs that are provided by Qt.
+ \image standarddialogs-example.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
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+** this file.
+** Other Usage
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+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example itemviews/stardelegate
+ \title Star Delegate Example
+ The Star Delegate example shows how to create a delegate that
+ can paint itself and that supports editing.
+ \image stardelegate.png The Star Delegate Example
+ When displaying data in a QListView, QTableView, or QTreeView,
+ the individual items are drawn by a
+ \l{Delegate Classes}{delegate}. Also, when the user starts
+ editing an item (e.g., by double-clicking the item), the delegate
+ provides an editor widget that is placed on top of the item while
+ editing takes place.
+ Delegates are subclasses of QAbstractItemDelegate. Qt provides
+ QItemDelegate, which inherits QAbstractItemDelegate and handles
+ the most common data types (notably \c int and QString). If we
+ need to support custom data types, or want to customize the
+ rendering or the editing for existing data types, we can subclass
+ QAbstractItemDelegate or QItemDelegate. See \l{Delegate Classes}
+ for more information about delegates, and \l{Model/View
+ Programming} if you need a high-level introduction to Qt's
+ model/view architecture (including delegates).
+ In this example, we will see how to implement a custom delegate
+ to render and edit a "star rating" data type, which can store
+ values such as "1 out of 5 stars".
+ The example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c StarRating is the custom data type. It stores a rating
+ expressed as stars, such as "2 out of 5 stars" or "5 out of
+ 6 stars".
+ \li \c StarDelegate inherits QItemDelegate and provides support
+ for \c StarRating (in addition to the data types already
+ handled by QItemDelegate).
+ \li \c StarEditor inherits QWidget and is used by \c StarDelegate
+ to let the user edit a star rating using the mouse.
+ \endlist
+ To show the \c StarDelegate in action, we will fill a
+ QTableWidget with some data and install the delegate on it.
+ \section1 StarDelegate Class Definition
+ Here's the definition of the \c StarDelegate class:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.h 0
+ All public functions are reimplemented virtual functions from
+ QItemDelegate to provide custom rendering and editing.
+ \section1 StarDelegate Class Implementation
+ The \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{paint()} function is
+ reimplemented from QItemDelegate and is called whenever the view
+ needs to repaint an item:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 0
+ The function is invoked once for each item, represented by a
+ QModelIndex object from the model. If the data stored in the item
+ is a \c StarRating, we paint it ourselves; otherwise, we let
+ QItemDelegate paint it for us. This ensures that the \c
+ StarDelegate can handle the most common data types.
+ In the case where the item is a \c StarRating, we draw the
+ background if the item is selected, and we draw the item using \c
+ StarRating::paint(), which we will review later.
+ \c{StartRating}s can be stored in a QVariant thanks to the
+ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() macro appearing in \c starrating.h. More on
+ this later.
+ The \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{createEditor()} function is
+ called when the user starts editing an item:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 2
+ If the item is a \c StarRating, we create a \c StarEditor and
+ connect its \c editingFinished() signal to our \c
+ commitAndCloseEditor() slot, so we can update the model when the
+ editor closes.
+ Here's the implementation of \c commitAndCloseEditor():
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 5
+ When the user is done editing, we emit
+ \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{commitData()} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{closeEditor()} (both declared in
+ QAbstractItemDelegate), to tell the model that there is edited
+ data and to inform the view that the editor is no longer needed.
+ The \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{setEditorData()} function is
+ called when an editor is created to initialize it with data
+ from the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 3
+ We simply call \c setStarRating() on the editor.
+ The \l{QAbstractItemDelegate::}{setModelData()} function is
+ called when editing is finished, to commit data from the editor
+ to the model:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 4
+ The \c sizeHint() function returns an item's preferred size:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stardelegate.cpp 1
+ We simply forward the call to \c StarRating.
+ \section1 StarEditor Class Definition
+ The \c StarEditor class was used when implementing \c
+ StarDelegate. Here's the class definition:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.h 0
+ The class lets the user edit a \c StarRating by moving the mouse
+ over the editor. It emits the \c editingFinished() signal when
+ the user clicks on the editor.
+ The protected functions are reimplemented from QWidget to handle
+ mouse and paint events. The private function \c starAtPosition()
+ is a helper function that returns the number of the star under
+ the mouse pointer.
+ \section1 StarEditor Class Implementation
+ Let's start with the constructor:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.cpp 0
+ We enable \l{QWidget::setMouseTracking()}{mouse tracking} on the
+ widget so we can follow the cursor even when the user doesn't
+ hold down any mouse button. We also turn on QWidget's
+ \l{QWidget::autoFillBackground}{auto-fill background} feature to
+ obtain an opaque background. (Without the call, the view's
+ background would shine through the editor.)
+ The \l{QWidget::}{paintEvent()} function is reimplemented from
+ QWidget:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.cpp 1
+ We simply call \c StarRating::paint() to draw the stars, just
+ like we did when implementing \c StarDelegate.
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.cpp 2
+ In the mouse event handler, we call \c setStarCount() on the
+ private data member \c myStarRating to reflect the current cursor
+ position, and we call QWidget::update() to force a repaint.
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.cpp 3
+ When the user releases a mouse button, we simply emit the \c
+ editingFinished() signal.
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/stareditor.cpp 4
+ The \c starAtPosition() function uses basic linear algebra to
+ find out which star is under the cursor.
+ \section1 StarRating Class Definition
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/starrating.h 0
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/starrating.h 1
+ The \c StarRating class represents a rating as a number of stars.
+ In addition to holding the data, it is also capable of painting
+ the stars on a QPaintDevice, which in this example is either a
+ view or an editor. The \c myStarCount member variable stores the
+ current rating, and \c myMaxStarCount stores the highest possible
+ rating (typically 5).
+ The Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() macro makes the type \c StarRating known
+ to QVariant, making it possible to store \c StarRating values in
+ QVariant.
+ \section1 StarRating Class Implementation
+ The constructor initializes \c myStarCount and \c myMaxStarCount,
+ and sets up the polygons used to draw stars and diamonds:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/starrating.cpp 0
+ The \c paint() function paints the stars in this \c StarRating
+ object on a paint device:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/starrating.cpp 2
+ We first set the pen and brush we will use for painting. The \c
+ mode parameter can be either \c Editable or \c ReadOnly. If \c
+ mode is editable, we use the \l{QPalette::}{Highlight} color
+ instead of the \l{QPalette::}{Foreground} color to draw the
+ stars.
+ Then we draw the stars. If we are in \c Edit mode, we paint
+ diamonds in place of stars if the rating is less than the highest
+ rating.
+ The \c sizeHint() function returns the preferred size for an area
+ to paint the stars on:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/starrating.cpp 1
+ The preferred size is just enough to paint the maximum number of
+ stars. The function is called by both \c StarDelegate::sizeHint()
+ and \c StarEditor::sizeHint().
+ \section1 The \c main() Function
+ Here's the program's \c main() function:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 5
+ The \c main() function creates a QTableWidget and sets a \c
+ StarDelegate on it. \l{QAbstractItemView::}{DoubleClicked} and
+ \l{QAbstractItemView::}{SelectedClicked} are set as
+ \l{QAbstractItemView::editTriggers()}{edit triggers}, so that the
+ editor is opened with a single click when the star rating item is
+ selected.
+ The \c populateTableWidget() function fills the QTableWidget with
+ data:
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 0
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 1
+ \dots
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 2
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet itemviews/stardelegate/main.cpp 4
+ Notice the call to qVariantFromValue to convert a \c
+ StarRating to a QVariant.
+ \section1 Possible Extensions and Suggestions
+ There are many ways to customize Qt's \l{Model/View
+ Programming}{model/view framework}. The approach used in this
+ example is appropriate for most custom delegates and editors.
+ Examples of possibilities not used by the star delegate and star
+ editor are:
+ \list
+ \li It is possible to open editors programmatically by calling
+ QAbstractItemView::edit(), instead of relying on edit
+ triggers. This could be use to support other edit triggers
+ than those offered by the QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger enum.
+ For example, in the Star Delegate example, hovering over an
+ item with the mouse might make sense as a way to pop up an
+ editor.
+ \li By reimplementing QAbstractItemDelegate::editorEvent(), it is
+ possible to implement the editor directly in the delegate,
+ instead of creating a separate QWidget subclass.
+ \endlist
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
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+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/states
+ \title States Example
+ The States example shows how to use the Qt state machine to play
+ animations.
+ \image states-example.png
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/stickman.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/stickman.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/stickman
+ \title Stickman Example
+ The Stickman example shows how to animate transitions in a state machine to implement key frame
+ animations.
+ \image stickman-example.png
+ In this example, we will write a small application which animates the joints in a skeleton and
+ projects a stickman figure on top. The stickman can be either "alive" or "dead", and when in the
+ "alive" state, he can be performing different actions defined by key frame animations.
+ Animations are implemented as composite states. Each child state of the animation state
+ represents a frame in the animation by setting the position of each joint in the stickman's
+ skeleton to the positions defined for the particular frame. The frames are then bound together
+ with animated transitions that trigger on the source state's propertiesAssigned() signal. Thus,
+ the machine will enter the state representing the next frame in the animation immediately after
+ it has finished animating into the previous frame.
+ \image stickman-example1.png
+ The states for an animation is constructed by reading a custom animation file format and
+ creating states that assign values to the the "position" properties of each of the nodes in the
+ skeleton graph.
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 1
+ The states are then bound together with signal transitions that listen to the
+ propertiesAssigned() signal.
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 2
+ The last frame state is given a transition to the first one, so that the animation will loop
+ until it is interrupted when a transition out from the animation state is taken. To get smooth
+ animations between the different key frames, we set a default animation on the state machine.
+ This is a parallel animation group which contains animations for all the "position" properties
+ and will be selected by default when taking any transition that leads into a state that assigns
+ values to these properties.
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 3
+ Several such animation states are constructed, and are placed together as children of a top
+ level "alive" state which represents the stickman life cycle. Transitions go from the parent
+ state to the child state to ensure that each of the child states inherit them.
+ \image stickman-example2.png
+ This saves us the effort of connect every state to every state with identical transitions. The
+ state machine makes sure that transitions between the key frame animations are also smooth by
+ applying the default animation when interrupting one and starting another.
+ Finally, there is a transition out from the "alive" state and into the "dead" state. This is
+ a custom transition type called LightningSrikesTransition which samples every second and
+ triggers at random (one out of fifty times on average.)
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 4
+ When it triggers, the machine will first enter a "lightningBlink" state which uses a timer to
+ pause for a brief period of time while the background color of the scene is white. This gives us
+ a flash effect when the lightning strikes.
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 5
+ We start and stop a QTimer object when entering and exiting the state. Then we transition into
+ the "dead" state when the timer times out.
+ \snippet animation/stickman/lifecycle.cpp 0
+ When the machine is in the "dead" state, it will be unresponsive. This is because the "dead"
+ state has no transitions leading out.
+ \image stickman-example3.png
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/styles
+ \title Styles Example
+ The Styles example illustrates how to create custom widget
+ drawing styles using Qt, and demonstrates Qt's predefined styles.
+ \image styles-enabledwood.png Screenshot of the Styles example
+ A style in Qt is a subclass of QStyle or of one of its
+ subclasses. Styles perform drawing on behalf of widgets. Qt
+ provides a whole range of predefined styles, either built into
+ the \l QtGui library or found in plugins. Custom styles are
+ usually created by subclassing one of Qt's existing style and
+ reimplementing a few virtual functions.
+ In this example, the custom style is called \c NorwegianWoodStyle
+ and derives from QMotifStyle. Its main features are the wooden
+ textures used for filling most of the widgets and its round
+ buttons and comboboxes.
+ To implement the style, we use some advanced features provided by
+ QPainter, such as \l{QPainter::Antialiasing}{antialiasing} (to
+ obtain smoother button edges), \l{QColor::alpha()}{alpha blending}
+ (to make the buttons appeared raised or sunken), and
+ \l{QPainterPath}{painter paths} (to fill the buttons and draw the
+ outline). We also use many features of QBrush and QPalette.
+ The example consists of the following classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c NorwegianWoodStyle inherits from QMotifStyle and implements
+ the Norwegian Wood style.
+ \li \c WidgetGallery is a \c QDialog subclass that shows the most
+ common widgets and allows the user to switch style
+ dynamically.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 NorwegianWoodStyle Class Definition
+ Here's the definition of the \c NorwegianWoodStyle class:
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.h 0
+ The public functions are all declared in QStyle (QMotifStyle's
+ grandparent class) and reimplemented here to override the Motif
+ look and feel. The private functions are helper functions.
+ \section1 NorwegianWoodStyle Class Implementation
+ We will now review the implementation of the \c
+ NorwegianWoodStyle class.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 0
+ The \c polish() function is reimplemented from QStyle. It takes a
+ QPalette as a reference and adapts the palette to fit the style.
+ Most styles don't need to reimplement that function. The
+ Norwegian Wood style reimplements it to set a "wooden" palette.
+ We start by defining a few \l{QColor}s that we'll need. Then we
+ load two PNG images. The \c : prefix in the file path indicates
+ that the PNG files are \l{The Qt Resource System}{embedded
+ resources}.
+ \table
+ \row \li \inlineimage widgets/styles/images/woodbackground.png
+ \li \b{woodbackground.png}
+ This texture is used as the background of most widgets.
+ The wood pattern is horizontal.
+ \row \li \inlineimage widgets/styles/images/woodbutton.png
+ \li \b{woodbutton.png}
+ This texture is used for filling push buttons and
+ comboboxes. The wood pattern is vertical and more reddish
+ than the texture used for the background.
+ \endtable
+ The \c midImage variable is initialized to be the same as \c
+ buttonImage, but then we use a QPainter and fill it with a 25%
+ opaque black color (a black with an \l{QColor::alpha()}{alpha
+ channel} of 63). The result is a somewhat darker image than \c
+ buttonImage. This image will be used for filling buttons that the
+ user is holding down.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 1
+ We initialize the palette. Palettes have various
+ \l{QPalette::ColorRole}{color roles}, such as QPalette::Base
+ (used for filling text editors, item views, etc.), QPalette::Text
+ (used for foreground text), and QPalette::Background (used for
+ the background of most widgets). Each role has its own QBrush,
+ which usually is a plain color but can also be a brush pattern or
+ even a texture (a QPixmap).
+ In addition to the roles, palettes have several
+ \l{QPalette::ColorGroup}{color groups}: active, disabled, and
+ inactive. The active color group is used for painting widgets in
+ the active window. The disabled group is used for disabled
+ widgets. The inactive group is used for all other widgets. Most
+ palettes have identical active and inactive groups, while the
+ disabled group uses darker shades.
+ We initialize the QPalette object with a brown color. Qt
+ automatically derivates all color roles for all color groups from
+ that single color. We then override some of the default values. For
+ example, we use Qt::darkGreen instead of the default
+ (Qt::darkBlue) for the QPalette::Highlight role. The
+ QPalette::setBrush() overload that we use here sets the same
+ color or brush for all three color groups.
+ The \c setTexture() function is a private function that sets the
+ texture for a certain color role, while preserving the existing
+ color in the QBrush. A QBrush can hold both a solid color and a
+ texture at the same time. The solid color is used for drawing
+ text and other graphical elements where textures don't look good.
+ At the end, we set the brush for the disabled color group of the
+ palette. We use \c woodbackground.png as the texture for all
+ disabled widgets, including buttons, and use a darker color to
+ accompany the texture.
+ \image styles-disabledwood.png The Norwegian Wood style with disabled widgets
+ Let's move on to the other functions reimplemented from
+ QMotifStyle:
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 4
+ This QStyle::polish() overload is called once on every widget
+ drawn using the style. We reimplement it to set the Qt::WA_Hover
+ attribute on \l{QPushButton}s and \l{QComboBox}es. When this
+ attribute is set, Qt generates paint events when the mouse
+ pointer enters or leaves the widget. This makes it possible to
+ render push buttons and comboboxes differently when the mouse
+ pointer is over them.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 6
+ This QStyle::unpolish() overload is called to undo any
+ modification done to the widget in \c polish(). For simplicity,
+ we assume that the flag wasn't set before \c polish() was called.
+ In an ideal world, we would remember the original state for each
+ widgets (e.g., using a QMap<QWidget *, bool>) and restore it in
+ \c unpolish().
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 8
+ The \l{QStyle::pixelMetric()}{pixelMetric()} function returns the
+ size in pixels for a certain user interface element. By
+ reimplementing this function, we can affect the way certain
+ widgets are drawn and their size hint. Here, we return 8 as the
+ width around a shown in a QComboBox, ensuring that there is
+ enough place around the text and the arrow for the Norwegian Wood
+ round corners. The default value for this setting in the Motif
+ style is 2.
+ We also change the extent of \l{QScrollBar}s, i.e., the height
+ for a horizontal scroll bar and the width for a vertical scroll
+ bar, to be 4 pixels more than in the Motif style. This makes the
+ style a bit more distinctive.
+ For all other QStyle::PixelMetric elements, we use the Motif
+ settings.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 10
+ The \l{QStyle::styleHint()}{styleHint()} function returns some
+ hints to widgets or to the base style (in our case QMotifStyle)
+ about how to draw the widgets. The Motif style returns \c true
+ for the QStyle::SH_DitherDisabledText hint, resulting in a most
+ unpleasing visual effect. We override this behavior and return \c
+ false instead. We also return \c true for the
+ QStyle::SH_EtchDisabledText hint, meaning that disabled text is
+ rendered with an embossed look (as QWindowsStyle does).
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 12
+ The \l{QStyle::drawPrimitive()}{drawPrimitive()} function is
+ called by Qt widgets to draw various fundamental graphical
+ elements. Here we reimplement it to draw QPushButton and
+ QComboBox with round corners. The button part of these widgets is
+ drawn using the QStyle::PE_PanelButtonCommand primitive element.
+ The \c option parameter, of type QStyleOption, contains
+ everything we need to know about the widget we want to draw on.
+ In particular, \c option->rect gives the rectangle within which
+ to draw the primitive element. The \c painter parameter is a
+ QPainter object that we can use to draw on the widget.
+ The \c widget parameter is the widget itself. Normally, all the
+ information we need is available in \c option and \c painter, so
+ we don't need \c widget. We can use it to perform special
+ effects; for example, QMacStyle uses it to animate default
+ buttons. If you use it, be aware that the caller is allowed to
+ pass a null pointer.
+ We start by defining three \l{QColor}s that we'll need later on.
+ We also put the x, y, width, and height components of the
+ widget's rectangle in local variables. The value used for the \c
+ semiTransparentWhite and for the \c semiTransparentBlack color's
+ alpha channel depends on whether the mouse cursor is over the
+ widget or not. Since we set the Qt::WA_Hover attribute on
+ \l{QPushButton}s and \l{QComboBox}es, we can rely on the
+ QStyle::State_MouseOver flag to be set when the mouse is over the
+ widget.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 13
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 14
+ The \c roundRect variable is a QPainterPath. A QPainterPath is is
+ a vectorial specification of a shape. Any shape (rectangle,
+ ellipse, spline, etc.) or combination of shapes can be expressed
+ as a path. We will use \c roundRect both for filling the button
+ background with a wooden texture and for drawing the outline. The
+ \c roundRectPath() function is a private function; we will come
+ back to it later.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 16
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 17
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 18
+ We define two variables, \c brush and \c darker, and initialize
+ them based on the state of the button:
+ \list
+ \li If the button is a \l{QPushButton::flat}{flat button}, we use
+ the \l{QPalette::Background}{Background} brush. We set \c
+ darker to \c true if the button is
+ \l{QAbstractButton::down}{down} or
+ \l{QAbstractButton::checked}{checked}.
+ \li If the button is currently held down by the user or in the
+ \l{QAbstractButton::checked}{checked} state, we use the
+ \l{QPalette::Mid}{Mid} component of the palette. We set
+ \c darker to \c true if the button is
+ \l{QAbstractButton::checked}{checked}.
+ \li Otherwise, we use the \l{QPalette::Button}{Button} component
+ of the palette.
+ \endlist
+ The screenshot below illustrates how \l{QPushButton}s are
+ rendered based on their state:
+ \image styles-woodbuttons.png Norwegian Wood buttons in different states
+ To discover whether the button is flat or not, we need to cast
+ the \c option parameter to QStyleOptionButton and check if the
+ \l{QStyleOptionButton::features}{features} member specifies the
+ QStyleOptionButton::Flat flag. The qstyleoption_cast() function
+ performs a dynamic cast; if \c option is not a
+ QStyleOptionButton, qstyleoption_cast() returns a null pointer.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 19
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 20
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 21
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 22
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 23
+ We turn on antialiasing on QPainter. Antialiasing is a technique
+ that reduces the visual distortion that occurs when the edges of
+ a shape are converted into pixels. For the Norwegian Wood style,
+ we use it to obtain smoother edges for the round buttons.
+ \image styles-aliasing.png Norwegian wood buttons with and without antialiasing
+ The first call to QPainter::fillPath() draws the background of
+ the button with a wooden texture. The second call to
+ \l{QPainter::fillPath()}{fillPath()} paints the same area with a
+ semi-transparent black color (a black color with an alpha channel
+ of 63) to make the area darker if \c darker is true.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 24
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 25
+ Next, we draw the outline. The top-left half of the outline and
+ the bottom-right half of the outline are drawn using different
+ \l{QPen}s to produce a 3D effect. Normally, the top-left half of
+ the outline is drawn lighter whereas the bottom-right half is
+ drawn darker, but if the button is
+ \l{QAbstractButton::down}{down} or
+ \l{QAbstractButton::checked}{checked}, we invert the two
+ \l{QPen}s to give a sunken look to the button.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 26
+ We draw the top-left part of the outline by calling
+ QPainter::drawPath() with an appropriate
+ \l{QPainter::setClipRegion()}{clip region}. If the
+ \l{QStyleOption::direction}{layout direction} is right-to-left
+ instead of left-to-right, we swap the \c x1, \c x2, \c x3, and \c
+ x4 variables to obtain correct results. On right-to-left desktop,
+ the "light" comes from the top-right corner of the screen instead
+ of the top-left corner; raised and sunken widgets must be drawn
+ accordingly.
+ The diagram below illustrates how 3D effects are drawn according
+ to the layout direction. The area in red on the diagram
+ corresponds to the \c topHalf polygon:
+ \image styles-3d.png
+ An easy way to test how a style looks in right-to-left mode is to
+ pass the \c -reverse command-line option to the application. This
+ option is recognized by the QApplication constructor.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 32
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 33
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 34
+ The bottom-right part of the outline is drawn in a similar
+ fashion. Then we draw a one-pixel wide outline around the entire
+ button, using the \l{QPalette::Foreground}{Foreground} component
+ of the QPalette.
+ This completes the QStyle::PE_PanelButtonCommand case of the \c
+ switch statement. Other primitive elements are handled by the
+ base style. Let's now turn to the other \c NorwegianWoodStyle
+ member functions:
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 35
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 36
+ We reimplement QStyle::drawControl() to draw the text on a
+ QPushButton in a bright color when the button is
+ \l{QAbstractButton::down}{down} or
+ \l{QAbstractButton::checked}{checked}.
+ If the \c option parameter points to a QStyleOptionButton object
+ (it normally should), we take a copy of the object and modify its
+ \l{QStyleOption::palette}{palette} member to make the
+ QPalette::ButtonText be the same as the QPalette::BrightText
+ component (unless the widget is disabled).
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 37
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 38
+ The \c setTexture() function is a private function that sets the
+ \l{QBrush::texture()}{texture} component of the \l{QBrush}es for
+ a certain \l{QPalette::ColorRole}{color role}, for all three
+ \l{QPalette::ColorGroup}{color groups} (active, disabled,
+ inactive). We used it to initialize the Norwegian Wood palette in
+ \c polish(QPalette &).
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 39
+ \snippet widgets/styles/norwegianwoodstyle.cpp 40
+ The \c roundRectPath() function is a private function that
+ constructs a QPainterPath object for round buttons. The path
+ consists of eight segments: four arc segments for the corners and
+ four lines for the sides.
+ With around 250 lines of code, we have a fully functional custom
+ style based on one of the predefined styles. Custom styles can be
+ used to provide a distinct look to an application or family of
+ applications.
+ \section1 WidgetGallery Class
+ For completeness, we will quickly review the \c WidgetGallery
+ class, which contains the most common Qt widgets and allows the
+ user to change style dynamically. Here's the class definition:
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.h 0
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.h 1
+ Here's the \c WidgetGallery constructor:
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 0
+ We start by creating child widgets. The \uicontrol Style combobox is
+ initialized with all the styles known to QStyleFactory, in
+ addition to \c NorwegianWood. The \c create...() functions are
+ private functions that set up the various parts of the \c
+ WidgetGallery.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 2
+ We connect the \uicontrol Style combobox to the \c changeStyle()
+ private slot, the \uicontrol{Use style's standard palette} check box to
+ the \c changePalette() slot, and the \uicontrol{Disable widgets} check
+ box to the child widgets'
+ \l{QWidget::setDisabled()}{setDisabled()} slot.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 4
+ Finally, we put the child widgets in layouts.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 6
+ When the user changes the style in the combobox, we call
+ QApplication::setStyle() to dynamically change the style of the
+ application.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 7
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 8
+ If the user turns the \uicontrol{Use style's standard palette} on, the
+ current style's \l{QStyle::standardPalette()}{standard palette}
+ is used; otherwise, the system's default palette is honored.
+ For the Norwegian Wood style, this makes no difference because we
+ always override the palette with our own palette in \c
+ NorwegianWoodStyle::polish().
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 9
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 10
+ The \c advanceProgressBar() slot is called at regular intervals
+ to advance the progress bar. Since we don't know how long the
+ user will keep the Styles application running, we use a
+ logarithmic formula: The closer the progress bar gets to 100%,
+ the slower it advances.
+ We will review \c createProgressBar() in a moment.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 12
+ The \c createTopLeftGroupBox() function creates the QGroupBox
+ that occupies the top-left corner of the \c WidgetGallery. We
+ skip the \c createTopRightGroupBox(), \c
+ createBottomLeftTabWidget(), and \c createBottomRightGroupBox()
+ functions, which are very similar.
+ \snippet widgets/styles/widgetgallery.cpp 13
+ In \c createProgressBar(), we create a QProgressBar at the bottom
+ of the \c WidgetGallery and connect its
+ \l{QTimer::timeout()}{timeout()} signal to the \c
+ advanceProgressBar() slot.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/stylesheet.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/stylesheet.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af45411f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/stylesheet.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/stylesheet
+ \title Style Sheet Example
+ The Style Sheet Example shows how to use style sheets.
+ \image stylesheet-pagefold.png Screen Shot of the Pagefold style sheet
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/sub-attaq.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/sub-attaq.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae00eb0926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/sub-attaq.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example animation/sub-attaq
+ \title Sub-Attaq
+ This example shows Qt's ability to combine \l{The Animation Framework}{the animation framework}
+ and \l{The State Machine Framework}{the state machine framework} to create a game.
+ \image sub-attaq-demo.png
+ The purpose of the game is to destroy all submarines to win the current level.
+ The boat can be controlled using left and right keys. To fire a bomb you can press
+ up and down keys.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/syntaxhighlighter.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/syntaxhighlighter.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66727c0030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/syntaxhighlighter.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example richtext/syntaxhighlighter
+ \title Syntax Highlighter Example
+ The Syntax Highlighter example shows how to perform simple syntax
+ highlighting by subclassing the QSyntaxHighlighter class.
+ \image syntaxhighlighter-example.png
+ The Syntax Highlighter application displays C++ files with custom
+ syntax highlighting.
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li The \c Highlighter class defines and applies the
+ highlighting rules.
+ \li The \c MainWindow widget is the application's main window.
+ \endlist
+ We will first review the \c Highlighter class to see how you can
+ customize the QSyntaxHighlighter class to fit your preferences,
+ then we will take a look at the relevant parts of the \c
+ MainWindow class to see how you can use your custom highlighter
+ class in an application.
+ \section1 Highlighter Class Definition
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.h 0
+ To provide your own syntax highlighting, you must subclass
+ QSyntaxHighlighter, reimplement the \l
+ {QSyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock()}{highlightBlock()} function,
+ and define your own highlighting rules.
+ We have chosen to store our highlighting rules using a private
+ struct: A rule consists of a QRegExp pattern and a QTextCharFormat
+ instance. The various rules are then stored using a QVector.
+ The QTextCharFormat class provides formatting information for
+ characters in a QTextDocument specifying the visual properties of
+ the text, as well as information about its role in a hypertext
+ document. In this example, we will only define the font weight and
+ color using the QTextCharFormat::setFontWeight() and
+ QTextCharFormat::setForeground() functions.
+ \section1 Highlighter Class Implementation
+ When subclassing the QSyntaxHighlighter class you must pass the
+ parent parameter to the base class constructor. The parent is the
+ text document upon which the syntax highligning will be
+ applied. In this example, we have also chosen to define our
+ highlighting rules in the constructor:
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 0
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 1
+ First we define a keyword rule which recognizes the most common
+ C++ keywords. We give the \c keywordFormat a bold, dark blue
+ font. For each keyword, we assign the keyword and the specified
+ format to a HighlightingRule object and append the object to our
+ list of rules.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 2
+ \codeline
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 5
+ Then we create a format that we will apply to Qt class names. The
+ class names will be rendered with a dark magenta color and a bold
+ style. We specify a string pattern that is actually a regular
+ expression capturing all Qt class names. Then we assign the
+ regular expression and the specified format to a HighlightingRule
+ object and append the object to our list of rules.
+ We also define highlighting rules for quotations and functions
+ using the same approach: The patterns have the form of regular
+ expressions and are stored in HighlightingRule objects with the
+ associated format.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 6
+ The C++ language has two variations of comments: The single line
+ comment (\c //) and the multiline comment (\c{/*...*}\c{/}). The single
+ line comment can easily be defined through a highlighting rule
+ similar to the previous ones. But the multiline comment needs
+ special care due to the design of the QSyntaxHighlighter class.
+ After a QSyntaxHighlighter object is created, its \l
+ {QSyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock()}{highlightBlock()} function
+ will be called automatically whenever it is necessary by the rich
+ text engine, highlighting the given text block. The problem
+ appears when a comment spans several text blocks. We will take a
+ closer look at how this problem can be solved when reviewing the
+ implementation of the \c Highlighter::highlightBlock()
+ function. At this point we only specify the multiline comment's
+ color.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 7
+ The highlightBlock() function is called automatically whenever it
+ is necessary by the rich text engine, i.e. when there are text
+ blocks that have changed.
+ First we apply the syntax highlighting rules that we stored in the
+ \c highlightingRules vector. For each rule (i.e. for each
+ HighlightingRule object) we search for the pattern in the given
+ textblock using the QString::indexOf() function. When the first
+ occurrence of the pattern is found, we use the
+ QRegExp::matchedLength() function to determine the string that
+ will be formatted. QRegExp::matchedLength() returns the length of
+ the last matched string, or -1 if there was no match.
+ To perform the actual formatting the QSyntaxHighlighter class
+ provides the \l {QSyntaxHighlighter::setFormat()}{setFormat()}
+ function. This function operates on the text block that is passed
+ as argument to the \c highlightBlock() function. The specified
+ format is applied to the text from the given start position for
+ the given length. The formatting properties set in the given
+ format are merged at display time with the formatting information
+ stored directly in the document. Note that the document itself
+ remains unmodified by the format set through this function.
+ This process is repeated until the last occurrence of the pattern
+ in the current text block is found.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 8
+ To deal with constructs that can span several text blocks (like
+ the C++ multiline comment), it is necessary to know the end state
+ of the previous text block (e.g. "in comment"). Inside your \c
+ highlightBlock() implementation you can query the end state of the
+ previous text block using the
+ QSyntaxHighlighter::previousBlockState() function. After parsing
+ the block you can save the last state using
+ QSyntaxHighlighter::setCurrentBlockState().
+ The \l
+ {QSyntaxHighlighter::previousBlockState()}{previousBlockState()}
+ function return an int value. If no state is set, the returned
+ value is -1. You can designate any other value to identify any
+ given state using the \l
+ {QSyntaxHighlighter::setCurrentBlockState()}{setCurrentBlockState()}
+ function. Once the state is set, the QTextBlock keeps that value
+ until it is set again or until the corresponding paragraph of text
+ is deleted.
+ In this example we have chosen to use 0 to represent the "not in
+ comment" state, and 1 for the "in comment" state. When the stored
+ syntax highlighting rules are applied we initialize the current
+ block state to 0.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 9
+ If the previous block state was "in comment" (\c
+ {previousBlockState() == 1}), we start the search for an end
+ expression at the beginning of the text block. If the
+ previousBlockState() returns 0, we start the search at the
+ location of the first occurrence of a start expression.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 10
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/highlighter.cpp 11
+ When an end expression is found, we calculate the length of the
+ comment and apply the multiline comment format. Then we search for
+ the next occurrence of the start expression and repeat the
+ process. If no end expression can be found in the current text
+ block we set the current block state to 1, i.e. "in comment".
+ This completes the \c Highlighter class implementation; it is now
+ ready for use.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ Using a QSyntaxHighlighter subclass is simple; just provide your
+ application with an instance of the class and pass it the document
+ upon which you want the highlighting to be applied.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/mainwindow.h 0
+ In this example we declare a pointer to a \c Highlighter instance
+ which we later will initialize in the private \c setupEditor()
+ function.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ The constructor of the main window is straight forward. We first
+ set up the menus, then we initialize the editor and make it the
+ central widget of the application. Finally we set the main
+ window's title.
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ We initialize and install the \c Highlighter object in the private
+ setupEditor() convenience function:
+ \snippet richtext/syntaxhighlighter/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ First we create the font we want to use in the editor, then we
+ create the editor itself which is an instance of the QTextEdit
+ class. Before we initialize the editor with the \c MainWindow
+ class definition file, we create a \c Highlighter instance passing
+ the editor's document as argument. This is the document that the
+ highlighting will be applied to. Then we are done.
+ A QSyntaxHighlighter object can only be installed on one document
+ at the time, but you can easily reinstall the highlighter on
+ another document using the QSyntaxHighlighter::setDocument()
+ function. The QSyntaxHighlighter class also provides the \l
+ {QSyntaxHighlighter::document()}{document()} function which
+ returns the currently set document.
+ \section1 Other Code Editor Features
+ It is possible to implement parenthesis matching with
+ QSyntaxHighlighter. The "Matching Parentheses with
+ QSyntaxHighlighter" article in Qt Quarterly 31
+ (\l{}) implements this. We also have
+ the \l{Code Editor Example}, which shows how to implement line
+ numbers and how to highlight the current line.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98983d124b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tabdialog.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/tabdialog
+ \title Tab Dialog Example
+ The Tab Dialog example shows how to construct a tab dialog using the
+ QTabWidget class.
+ Dialogs provide an efficient way for the application to communicate
+ with the user, but complex dialogs suffer from the problem that they
+ often take up too much screen area. By using a number of tabs in a
+ dialog, information can be split into different categories, while
+ remaining accessible.
+ \image tabdialog-example.png
+ The Tab Dialog example consists of a single \c TabDialog class that
+ provides three tabs, each containing information about a particular
+ file, and two standard push buttons that are used to accept or reject
+ the contents of the dialog.
+ \section1 TabDialog Class Definition
+ The \c TabDialog class is a subclass of QDialog that displays a
+ QTabWidget and two standard dialog buttons. The class definition
+ only contain the class constructor and a private data member for
+ the QTabWidget:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.h 3
+ In the example, the widget will be used as a top-level window, but
+ we define the constructor so that it can take a parent widget. This
+ allows the dialog to be centered on top of an application's main
+ window.
+ \section1 TabDialog Class Implementation
+ The constructor calls the QDialog constructor and creates a QFileInfo
+ object for the specified filename.
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 0
+ The tab widget is populated with three custom widgets that each
+ contain information about the file. We construct each of these
+ without a parent widget because the tab widget will reparent
+ them as they are added to it.
+ We create two standard push buttons, and connect each of them to
+ the appropriate slots in the dialog:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 1
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 3
+ We arrange the tab widget above the buttons in the dialog:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 4
+ Finally, we set the dialog's title:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 5
+ Each of the tabs are subclassed from QWidget, and only provide
+ constructors.
+ \section1 GeneralTab Class Definition
+ The GeneralTab widget definition is simple because we are only interested
+ in displaying the contents of a widget within a tab:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.h 0
+ \section1 GeneralTab Class Implementation
+ The GeneralTab widget simply displays some information about the file
+ passed by the TabDialog. Various widgets for this purpose, and these
+ are arranged within a vertical layout:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 6
+ \section1 PermissionsTab Class Definition
+ Like the GeneralTab, the PermissionsTab is just used as a placeholder
+ widget for its children:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.h 1
+ \section1 PermissionsTab Class Implementation
+ The PermissionsTab shows information about the file's access information,
+ displaying details of the file permissions and owner in widgets that are
+ arranged in nested layouts:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 7
+ \section1 ApplicationsTab Class Definition
+ The ApplicationsTab is another placeholder widget that is mostly
+ cosmetic:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.h 2
+ \section1 ApplicationsTab Class Implementation
+ The ApplicationsTab does not show any useful information, but could be
+ used as a template for a more complicated example:
+ \snippet dialogs/tabdialog/tabdialog.cpp 8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..846a9a357b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tablet.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/tablet
+ \title Tablet Example
+ This example shows how to use a Wacom tablet in Qt applications.
+ \image tabletexample.png
+ When you use a tablet with Qt applications, \l{QTabletEvent}s are
+ generated. You need to reimplement the
+ \l{QWidget::}{tabletEvent()} event handler if you want to handle
+ tablet events. Events are generated when the device used for
+ drawing enters and leaves the proximity of the tablet (i.e., when
+ it is close but not pressed down on it), when a device is pushed
+ down and released from it, and when a device is moved on the
+ tablet.
+ The information available in QTabletEvent depends on the device
+ used. The tablet in this example has two different devices for
+ drawing: a stylus and an airbrush. For both devices the event
+ contains the position of the device, pressure on the tablet,
+ vertical tilt, and horizontal tilt (i.e, the angle between the
+ device and the perpendicular of the tablet). The airbrush has a
+ finger wheel; the position of this is also available in the tablet
+ event.
+ In this example we implement a drawing program. You can use the
+ stylus to draw on the tablet as you use a pencil on paper. When
+ you draw with the airbrush you get a spray of paint; the finger
+ wheel is used to change the density of the spray. The pressure and
+ tilt can change the alpha and saturation values of the QColor and the
+ width of the QPen used for drawing.
+ The example consists of the following:
+ \list
+ \li The \c MainWindow class inherits QMainWindow and creates
+ the examples menus and connect their slots and signals.
+ \li The \c TabletCanvas class inherits QWidget and
+ receives tablet events. It uses the events to paint on a
+ offscreen pixmap, which it draws onto itself.
+ \li The \c TabletApplication class inherits QApplication. This
+ class handles tablet events that are not sent to \c tabletEvent().
+ We will look at this later.
+ \li The \c main() function creates a \c MainWindow and shows it
+ as a top level window.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Definition
+ The \c MainWindow creates a \c TabletCanvas and sets it as its
+ center widget.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.h 0
+ The QActions let the user select if the tablets pressure and
+ tilt should change the pen width, color alpha component and color
+ saturation. \c createActions() creates all actions, and \c
+ createMenus() sets up the menus with the actions. We have one
+ QActionGroup for the actions that alter the alpha channel, color
+ saturation and line width respectively. The action groups are
+ connected to the \c alphaActionTriggered(), \c
+ colorSaturationActiontriggered(), and \c
+ lineWidthActionTriggered() slots, which calls functions in \c
+ myCanvas.
+ \section1 MainWindow Class Implementation
+ We start width a look at the constructor \c MainWindow():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we create the canvas, actions, and menus.
+ We set the canvas as the center widget. We also initialize the
+ canvas to match the state of our menus and start drawing with a
+ red color.
+ Here is the implementation of \c brushColorAct():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 1
+ We let the user pick a color with a QColorDialog. If it is valid,
+ we set a new drawing color with \c setColor().
+ Here is the implementation of \c alphaActionTriggered():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 2
+ The \c TabletCanvas class supports two ways by which the alpha
+ channel of the drawing color can be changed: tablet pressure and
+ tilt. We have one action for each and an action if the alpha
+ channel should not be changed.
+ Here is the implementation of \c lineWidthActionTriggered():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 3
+ We check which action is selected in \c lineWidthGroup, and set
+ how the canvas should change the drawing line width.
+ Here is the implementation of \c saturationActionTriggered():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 4
+ We check which action is selected in \c colorSaturationGroup, and
+ set how the canvas should change the color saturation of the
+ drawing color.
+ Here is the implementation of \c saveAct():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 5
+ We use the QFileDialog to let the user select a file to save the
+ drawing in. It is the \c TabletCanvas that save the drawing, so we
+ call its \c saveImage() function.
+ Here is the implementation of \c loadAct():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 6
+ We let the user select the image file to be opened with
+ a QFileDialog; we then ask the canvas to load the image with \c
+ loadImage().
+ Here is the implementation of \c aboutAct():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 7
+ We show a message box with a short description of the example.
+ \c createActions() creates all actions and action groups of
+ the example. We look at the creation of one action group and its
+ actions. See the \l{Application Example}{application example} if
+ you want a high-level introduction to QActions.
+ Here is the implementation of \c createActions:
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 8
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 9
+ We want the user to be able to choose if the drawing color's
+ alpha component should be changed by the tablet pressure or tilt.
+ We have one action for each choice and an action if the alpha
+ channel is not to be changed, i.e, the color is opaque. We make
+ the actions checkable; the \c alphaChannelGroup will then ensure
+ that only one of the actions are checked at any time. The \c
+ triggered() signal is emitted when an action is checked.
+ \dots
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 10
+ Here is the implementation of \c createMenus():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/mainwindow.cpp 11
+ We create the menus of the example and add the actions to them.
+ \section1 TabletCanvas Class Definition
+ The \c TabletCanvas class provides a surface on which the
+ user can draw with a tablet.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.h 0
+ The canvas can change the alpha channel, color saturation,
+ and line width of the drawing. We have one enum for each of
+ these; their values decide if it is the tablet pressure or tilt
+ that will alter them. We keep a private variable for each, the \c
+ alphaChannelType, \c colorSturationType, and \c penWidthType,
+ which we provide access functions for.
+ We draw on a QPixmap with \c myPen and \c myBrush using \c
+ myColor. The \c saveImage() and \c loadImage() saves and loads
+ the QPixmap to disk. The pixmap is drawn on the widget in \c
+ paintEvent(). The \c pointerType and \c deviceType keeps the type
+ of pointer, which is either a pen or an eraser, and device
+ currently used on the tablet, which is either a stylus or an
+ airbrush.
+ The interpretation of events from the tablet is done in \c
+ tabletEvent(); \c paintPixmap(), \c updateBrush(), and \c
+ brushPattern() are helper functions used by \c tabletEvent().
+ \section1 TabletCanvas Class Implementation
+ We start with a look at the constructor:
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we initialize our class variables. We need
+ to draw the background of our pixmap, as the default is gray.
+ Here is the implementation of \c saveImage():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 1
+ QPixmap implements functionality to save itself to disk, so we
+ simply call \l{QPixmap::}{save()}.
+ Here is the implementation of \c loadImage():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 2
+ We simply call \l{QPixmap::}{load()}, which loads the image in \a
+ file.
+ Here is the implementation of \c tabletEvent():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 3
+ We get three kind of events to this function: TabletPress,
+ TabletRelease, and TabletMove, which is generated when a device
+ is pressed down on, leaves, or moves on the tablet. We set the \c
+ deviceDown to true when a device is pressed down on the tablet;
+ we then know when we should draw when we receive move events. We
+ have implemented the \c updateBrush() and \c paintPixmap() helper
+ functions to update \c myBrush and \c myPen after the state of \c
+ alphaChannelType, \c colorSaturationType, and \c lineWidthType.
+ Here is the implementation of \c paintEvent():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 4
+ We simply draw the pixmap to the top left of the widget.
+ Here is the implementation of \c paintPixmap():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 5
+ In this function we draw on the pixmap based on the movement of the
+ device. If the device used on the tablet is a stylus we want to draw a
+ line between the positions of the stylus recorded in \c polyLine. We
+ also assume that this is a reasonable handling of any unknown device,
+ but update the statusbar with a warning so that the user can see that
+ for his tablet he might have to implement special handling.
+ If it is an airbrush we want to draw a circle of points with a
+ point density based on the tangential pressure, which is the position
+ of the finger wheel on the airbrush. We use the Qt::BrushStyle to
+ draw the points as it has styles that draw points with different
+ density; we select the style based on the tangential pressure in
+ \c brushPattern().
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 6
+ We return a brush style with a point density that increases with
+ the tangential pressure.
+ In \c updateBrush() we set the pen and brush used for drawing
+ to match \c alphaChannelType, \c lineWidthType, \c
+ colorSaturationType, and \c myColor. We will examine the code to
+ set up \c myBrush and \c myPen for each of these variables:
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 7
+ We fetch the current drawingcolor's hue, saturation, value,
+ and alpha values. \c hValue and \c vValue are set to the
+ horizontal and vertical tilt as a number from 0 to 255. The
+ original values are in degrees from -60 to 60, i.e., 0 equals
+ -60, 127 equals 0, and 255 equals 60 degrees. The angle measured
+ is between the device and the perpendicular of the tablet (see
+ QTabletEvent for an illustration).
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 8
+ The alpha channel of QColor is given as a number between 0
+ and 255 where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque.
+ \l{QTabletEvent::}{pressure()} returns the pressure as a qreal
+ between 0.0 and 1.0. By subtracting 127 from the tilt values and
+ taking the absolute value we get the smallest alpha values (i.e.,
+ the color is most transparent) when the pen is perpendicular to
+ the tablet. We select the largest of the vertical and horizontal
+ tilt value.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 9
+ The colorsaturation is given as a number between 0 and 255. It is
+ set with \l{QColor::}{setHsv()}. We can set the tilt values
+ directly, but must multiply the pressure to a number between 0 and
+ 255.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 10
+ The width of the pen increases with the pressure. When the pen
+ width is controlled with the tilt we let the width increse with
+ the angle between the device and the perpendicular of the tablet.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletcanvas.cpp 11
+ We finally check whether the pointer is the stylus or the eraser.
+ If it is the eraser, we set the color to the background color of
+ the pixmap an let the pressure decide the pen width, else we set
+ the colors we have set up previously in the function.
+ \section1 TabletApplication Class Definition
+ We inherit QApplication in this class because we want to
+ reimplement the \l{QApplication::}{event()} function.
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletapplication.h 0
+ We keep a \c TabletCanvas we send the device type of the events we
+ handle in the \c event() function to. The TabletEnterProximity
+ and TabletLeaveProximity events are not sendt to the QApplication
+ object, while other tablet events are sendt to the QWidget's
+ \c event(), which sends them on to \l{QWidget::}{tabletEvent()}.
+ Since we want to handle these events we have implemented \c
+ TabletApplication.
+ \section1 TabletApplication Class Implementation
+ Here is the implementation of \c event():
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/tabletapplication.cpp 0
+ We use this function to handle the TabletEnterProximity and
+ TabletLeaveProximity events, which is generated when a device
+ enters and leaves the proximity of the tablet. The intended use of these
+ events is to do work that is dependent on what kind of device is
+ used on the tablet. This way, you don't have to do this work
+ when other events are generated, which is more frequently than the
+ leave and enter proximity events. We call \c setTabletDevice() in
+ \c TabletCanvas.
+ \section1 The \c main() function
+ Here is the examples \c main() function:
+ \snippet widgets/tablet/main.cpp 0
+ In the \c main() function we create a \c MainWinow and display it
+ as a top level window. We use the \c TabletApplication class. We
+ need to set the canvas after the application is created. We cannot
+ use classes that implement event handling before an QApplication
+ object is instantiated.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/tetrix.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tetrix.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a30845024
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tetrix.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/tetrix
+ \title Tetrix Example
+ The Tetrix example is a Qt version of the classic Tetrix game.
+ \image tetrix-example.png
+ The object of the game is to stack pieces dropped from the top of the
+ playing area so that they fill entire rows at the bottom of the playing area.
+ When a row is filled, all the blocks on that row are removed, the player earns
+ a number of points, and the pieces above are moved down to occupy that row.
+ If more than one row is filled, the blocks on each row are removed, and the
+ player earns extra points.
+ The \uicontrol{Left} cursor key moves the current piece one space to the left, the
+ \uicontrol{Right} cursor key moves it one space to the right, the \uicontrol{Up} cursor
+ key rotates the piece counter-clockwise by 90 degrees, and the \uicontrol{Down}
+ cursor key rotates the piece clockwise by 90 degrees.
+ To avoid waiting for a piece to fall to the bottom of the board, press \uicontrol{D}
+ to immediately move the piece down by one row, or press the \uicontrol{Space} key to
+ drop it as close to the bottom of the board as possible.
+ This example shows how a simple game can be created using only three classes:
+ \list
+ \li The \c TetrixWindow class is used to display the player's score, number of
+ lives, and information about the next piece to appear.
+ \li The \c TetrixBoard class contains the game logic, handles keyboard input, and
+ displays the pieces on the playing area.
+ \li The \c TetrixPiece class contains information about each piece.
+ \endlist
+ In this approach, the \c TetrixBoard class is the most complex class, since it
+ handles the game logic and rendering. One benefit of this is that the
+ \c TetrixWindow and \c TetrixPiece classes are very simple and contain only a
+ minimum of code.
+ \section1 TetrixWindow Class Definition
+ The \c TetrixWindow class is used to display the game information and contains
+ the playing area:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.h 0
+ We use private member variables for the board, various display widgets, and
+ buttons to allow the user to start a new game, pause the current game, and quit.
+ Although the window inherits QWidget, the constructor does not provide an
+ argument to allow a parent widget to be specified. This is because the window
+ will always be used as a top-level widget.
+ \section1 TetrixWindow Class Implementation
+ The constructor sets up the user interface elements for the game:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 0
+ We begin by constructing a \c TetrixBoard instance for the playing area and a
+ label that shows the next piece to be dropped into the playing area; the label
+ is initially empty.
+ Three QLCDNumber objects are used to display the score, number of lives, and
+ lines removed. These initially show default values, and will be filled in
+ when a game begins:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 1
+ Three buttons with shortcuts are constructed so that the user can start a
+ new game, pause the current game, and quit the application:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 2
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 3
+ These buttons are configured so that they never receive the keyboard focus;
+ we want the keyboard focus to remain with the \c TetrixBoard instance so that
+ it receives all the keyboard events. Nonetheless, the buttons will still respond
+ to \uicontrol{Alt} key shortcuts.
+ We connect \l{QAbstractButton::}{clicked()} signals from the \uicontrol{Start}
+ and \uicontrol{Pause} buttons to the board, and from the \uicontrol{Quit} button to the
+ application's \l{QApplication::}{quit()} slot.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 4
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 5
+ Signals from the board are also connected to the LCD widgets for the purpose of
+ updating the score, number of lives, and lines removed from the playing area.
+ We place the label, LCD widgets, and the board into a QGridLayout
+ along with some labels that we create with the \c createLabel() convenience
+ function:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 6
+ Finally, we set the grid layout on the widget, give the window a title, and
+ resize it to an appropriate size.
+ The \c createLabel() convenience function simply creates a new label on the
+ heap, gives it an appropriate alignment, and returns it to the caller:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixwindow.cpp 7
+ Since each label will be used in the widget's layout, it will become a child
+ of the \c TetrixWindow widget and, as a result, it will be deleted when the
+ window is deleted.
+ \section1 TetrixPiece Class Definition
+ The \c TetrixPiece class holds information about a piece in the game's
+ playing area, including its shape, position, and the range of positions it can
+ occupy on the board:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.h 0
+ Each shape contains four blocks, and these are defined by the \c coords private
+ member variable. Additionally, each piece has a high-level description that is
+ stored internally in the \c pieceShape variable.
+ The constructor is written inline in the definition, and simply ensures that
+ each piece is initially created with no shape. The \c shape() function simply
+ returns the contents of the \c pieceShape variable, and the \c x() and \c y()
+ functions return the x and y-coordinates of any given block in the shape.
+ \section1 TetrixPiece Class Implementation
+ The \c setRandomShape() function is used to select a random shape for a piece:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 0
+ For convenience, it simply chooses a random shape from the \c TetrixShape enum
+ and calls the \c setShape() function to perform the task of positioning the
+ blocks.
+ The \c setShape() function uses a look-up table of pieces to associate each
+ shape with an array of block positions:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 2
+ These positions are read from the table into the piece's own array of positions,
+ and the piece's internal shape information is updated to use the new shape.
+ The \c x() and \c y() functions are implemented inline in the class definition,
+ returning positions defined on a grid that extends horizontally and vertically
+ with coordinates from -2 to 2. Although the predefined coordinates for each
+ piece only vary horizontally from -1 to 1 and vertically from -1 to 2, each
+ piece can be rotated by 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
+ The \c minX() and \c maxX() functions return the minimum and maximum horizontal
+ coordinates occupied by the blocks that make up the piece:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 4
+ Similarly, the \c minY() and \c maxY() functions return the minimum and maximum
+ vertical coordinates occupied by the blocks:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 6
+ The \c rotatedLeft() function returns a new piece with the same shape as an
+ existing piece, but rotated counter-clockwise by 90 degrees:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 7
+ Similarly, the \c rotatedRight() function returns a new piece with the same
+ shape as an existing piece, but rotated clockwise by 90 degrees:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixpiece.cpp 9
+ These last two functions enable each piece to create rotated copies of itself.
+ \section1 TetrixBoard Class Definition
+ The \c TetrixBoard class inherits from QFrame and contains the game logic and display features:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.h 0
+ Apart from the \c setNextPieceLabel() function and the \c start() and \c pause()
+ public slots, we only provide public functions to reimplement QWidget::sizeHint()
+ and QWidget::minimumSizeHint(). The signals are used to communicate changes to
+ the player's information to the \c TetrixWindow instance.
+ The rest of the functionality is provided by reimplementations of protected event
+ handlers and private functions:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.h 1
+ The board is composed of a fixed-size array whose elements correspond to
+ spaces for individual blocks. Each element in the array contains a \c TetrixShape
+ value corresponding to the type of shape that occupies that element.
+ Each shape on the board will occupy four elements in the array, and these will
+ all contain the enum value that corresponds to the type of the shape.
+ We use a QBasicTimer to control the rate at which pieces fall toward the bottom
+ of the playing area. This allows us to provide an implementation of
+ \l{QObject::}{timerEvent()} that we can use to update the widget.
+ \section1 TetrixBoard Class Implementation
+ In the constructor, we customize the frame style of the widget, ensure that
+ keyboard input will be received by the widget by using Qt::StrongFocus for the
+ focus policy, and initialize the game state:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 0
+ The first (next) piece is also set up with a random shape.
+ The \c setNextPieceLabel() function is used to pass in an externally-constructed
+ label to the board, so that it can be shown alongside the playing area:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 1
+ We provide a reasonable size hint and minimum size hint for the board, based on
+ the size of the space for each block in the playing area:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 2
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 3
+ By using a minimum size hint, we indicate to the layout in the parent widget
+ that the board should not shrink below a minimum size.
+ A new game is started when the \c start() slot is called. This resets the
+ game's state, the player's score and level, and the contents of the board:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 4
+ We also emit signals to inform other components of these changes before creating
+ a new piece that is ready to be dropped into the playing area. We start the
+ timer that determines how often the piece drops down one row on the board.
+ The \c pause() slot is used to temporarily stop the current game by stopping the
+ internal timer:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 6
+ We perform checks to ensure that the game can only be paused if it is already
+ running and not already paused.
+ The \c paintEvent() function is straightforward to implement. We begin by
+ calling the base class's implementation of \l{QWidget::}{paintEvent()} before
+ constructing a QPainter for use on the board:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 7
+ Since the board is a subclass of QFrame, we obtain a QRect that covers the area
+ \e inside the frame decoration before drawing our own content.
+ If the game is paused, we want to hide the existing state of the board and
+ show some text. We achieve this by painting text onto the widget and returning
+ early from the function. The rest of the painting is performed after this point.
+ The position of the top of the board is found by subtracting the total height
+ of each space on the board from the bottom of the frame's internal rectangle.
+ For each space on the board that is occupied by a piece, we call the
+ \c drawSquare() function to draw a block at that position.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 8
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 9
+ Spaces that are not occupied by blocks are left blank.
+ Unlike the existing pieces on the board, the current piece is drawn
+ block-by-block at its current position:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 10
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 11
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 12
+ The \c keyPressEvent() handler is called whenever the player presses a key while
+ the \c TetrixBoard widget has the keyboard focus.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 13
+ If there is no current game, the game is running but paused, or if there is no
+ current shape to control, we simply pass on the event to the base class.
+ We check whether the event is about any of the keys that the player uses to
+ control the current piece and, if so, we call the relevant function to handle
+ the input:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 14
+ In the case where the player presses a key that we are not interested in, we
+ again pass on the event to the base class's implementation of
+ \l{QWidget::}{keyPressEvent()}.
+ The \c timerEvent() handler is called every time the class's QBasicTimer
+ instance times out. We need to check that the event we receive corresponds to
+ our timer. If it does, we can update the board:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 15
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 16
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 17
+ If a row (or line) has just been filled, we create a new piece and reset the
+ timer; otherwise we move the current piece down by one row. We let the base
+ class handle other timer events that we receive.
+ The \c clearBoard() function simply fills the board with the
+ \c TetrixShape::NoShape value:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 18
+ The \c dropDown() function moves the current piece down as far as possible on
+ the board, either until it is touching the bottom of the playing area or it is
+ stacked on top of another piece:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 19
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 20
+ The number of rows the piece has dropped is recorded and passed to the
+ \c pieceDropped() function so that the player's score can be updated.
+ The \c oneLineDown() function is used to move the current piece down by one row
+ (line), either when the user presses the \uicontrol{D} key or when the piece is
+ scheduled to move:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 21
+ If the piece cannot drop down by one line, we call the \c pieceDropped() function
+ with zero as the argument to indicate that it cannot fall any further, and that
+ the player should receive no extra points for the fall.
+ The \c pieceDropped() function itself is responsible for awarding points to the
+ player for positioning the current piece, checking for full rows on the board
+ and, if no lines have been removed, creating a new piece to replace the current
+ one:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 22
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 23
+ We call \c removeFullLines() each time a piece has been dropped. This scans
+ the board from bottom to top, looking for blank spaces on each row.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 24
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 25
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 26
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 27
+ If a row contains no blank spaces, the rows above it are copied down by one row
+ to compress the stack of pieces, the top row on the board is cleared, and the
+ number of full lines found is incremented.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 28
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 29
+ If some lines have been removed, the player's score and the total number of lines
+ removed are updated. The \c linesRemoved() and \c scoreChanged() signals are
+ emitted to send these new values to other widgets in the window.
+ Additionally, we set the timer to elapse after half a second, set the
+ \c isWaitingAfterLine flag to indicate that lines have been removed, unset
+ the piece's shape to ensure that it is not drawn, and update the widget.
+ The next time that the \c timerEvent() handler is called, a new piece will be
+ created and the game will continue.
+ The \c newPiece() function places the next available piece at the top of the
+ board, and creates a new piece with a random shape:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 30
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 31
+ We place a new piece in the middle of the board at the top. The game is over if
+ the piece can't move, so we unset its shape to prevent it from being drawn, stop
+ the timer, and unset the \c isStarted flag.
+ The \c showNextPiece() function updates the label that shows the next piece to
+ be dropped:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 32
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 33
+ We draw the piece's component blocks onto a pixmap that is then set on the label.
+ The \c tryMove() function is used to determine whether a piece can be positioned
+ at the specified coordinates:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 34
+ We examine the spaces on the board that the piece needs to occupy and, if they
+ are already occupied by other pieces, we return \c false to indicate that the
+ move has failed.
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 35
+ If the piece could be placed on the board at the desired location, we update the
+ current piece and its position, update the widget, and return \c true to indicate
+ success.
+ The \c drawSquare() function draws the blocks (normally squares) that make up
+ each piece using different colors for pieces with different shapes:
+ \snippet widgets/tetrix/tetrixboard.cpp 36
+ We obtain the color to use from a look-up table that relates each shape to an
+ RGB value, and use the painter provided to draw the block at the specified
+ coordinates.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/textedit.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/textedit.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bb596eb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/textedit.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example richtext/textedit
+ \title Text Edit
+ The Text Edit example shows Qt's rich text editing facilities in action,
+ providing an example document for you to experiment with.
+ \image textedit-demo.png
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/tooltips.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tooltips.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e06f080a93
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/tooltips.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/tooltips
+ \title Tool Tips Example
+ The Tool Tips example shows how to provide static and dynamic tool
+ tips for an application's widgets.
+ The simplest and most common way to set a widget's tool tip is by
+ calling its QWidget::setToolTip() function (static tool
+ tips). Then the tool tip is shown whenever the cursor points at
+ the widget. We show how to do this with our application's tool
+ buttons. But it is also possible to show different tool tips
+ depending on the cursor's position (dynamic tooltips). This
+ approach uses mouse tracking and event handling to determine what
+ widgets are located under the cursor at any point in time, and
+ displays their tool tips. The tool tips for the shape items in our
+ application are implemented using the latter approach.
+ \image tooltips-example.png
+ With the \c Tooltips application the user can create new shape
+ items with the provided tool buttons, and move the items around
+ using the mouse. Tooltips are provided whenever the cursor is
+ pointing to a shape item or one of the buttons.
+ The Tooltips example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c ShapeItem is a custom widget representing one single shape item.
+ \li \c SortingBox inherits from QWidget and is the application's main
+ widget.
+ \endlist
+ First we will review the \c SortingBox class, then we will take a
+ look at the \c ShapeItem class.
+ \section1 SortingBox Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.h 0
+ The \c SortingBox class inherits QWidget, and it is the Tooltips
+ application's main widget. We reimplement several of the event
+ handlers.
+ The \c event() function provides tooltips, the \c resize()
+ function makes sure the application appears consistently when the
+ user resizes the main widget, and the \c paintEvent() function
+ displays the shape items within the \c SortingBox widget. The
+ mouse event handlers are reimplemented to make the user able to
+ move the items around.
+ In addition we need three private slots to make the user able to
+ create new shape items.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.h 1
+ We also create several private functions: We use the \c
+ initialItemPosition(), \c initialItemColor() and \c
+ createToolButton() functions when we are constructing the widget,
+ and we use the \c updateButtonGeometry() function whenever the
+ user is resizing the application's main widget.
+ The \c itemAt() function determines if there is a shape item at a
+ particular position, and the \c moveItemTo() function moves an
+ item to a new position. We use the \c createShapeItem(), \c
+ randomItemPosition() and \c randomItemColor() functions to create
+ new shape items.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.h 2
+ We keep all the shape items in a QList, and we keep three
+ QPainterPath objects holding the shapes of a circle, a square and
+ a triangle. We also need to have a pointer to an item when it is
+ moving, and we need to know its previous position.
+ \section1 SortingBox Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we first set the Qt::WA_StaticContents
+ attribute on the widget. This attribute indicates that the widget
+ contents are north-west aligned and static. On resize, such a
+ widget will receive paint events only for the newly visible part
+ of itself.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 1
+ To be able to show the appropriate tooltips while the user is
+ moving the cursor around, we need to enable mouse tracking for the
+ widget.
+ If mouse tracking is disabled (the default), the widget only
+ receives mouse move events when at least one mouse button is
+ pressed while the mouse is being moved. If mouse tracking is
+ enabled, the widget receives mouse move events even if no buttons
+ are pressed.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 2
+ A widget's background role defines the brush from the widget's
+ palette that is used to render the background, and QPalette::Base
+ is typically white.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 3
+ After creating the application's tool buttons using the private \c
+ createToolButton() function, we construct the shapes of a circle,
+ a square and a triangle using QPainterPath.
+ The QPainterPath class provides a container for painting
+ operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and
+ reused. The main advantage of painter paths over normal drawing
+ operations is that complex shapes only need to be created once,
+ but they can be drawn many times using only calls to
+ QPainter::drawPath().
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 4
+ Then we set the window title, resize the widget to a suitable
+ size, and finally create three initial shape items using the
+ private \c createShapeItem(), \c initialItemPosition() and \c
+ initialItemColor() functions.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 5
+ QWidget::event() is the main event handler and receives all the
+ widget's events. Normally, we recommend reimplementing one of the
+ specialized event handlers instead of this function. But here we
+ want to catch the QEvent::ToolTip events, and since these are
+ rather rare, there exists no specific event handler. For that
+ reason we reimplement the main event handler, and the first thing
+ we need to do is to determine the event's type:
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 6
+ If the type is QEvent::ToolTip, we cast the event to a QHelpEvent,
+ otherwise we propagate the event using the QWidget::event()
+ function.
+ The QHelpEvent class provides an event that is used to request
+ helpful information about a particular point in a widget.
+ For example, the QHelpEvent::pos() function returns the event's
+ position relative to the widget to which the event is dispatched.
+ Here we use this information to determine if the position of the
+ event is contained within the area of any of the shape items. If
+ it is, we display the shape item's tooltip at the position of the
+ event. If not, we hide the tooltip and explicitly ignore the event.
+ This makes sure that the calling code does not start any tooltip
+ specific modes as a result of the event. Note that the
+ QToolTip::showText() function needs the event's position in global
+ coordinates provided by QHelpEvent::globalPos().
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 7
+ The \c resizeEvent() function is reimplemented to receive the
+ resize events dispatched to the widget. It makes sure that the
+ tool buttons keep their position relative to the main widget when
+ the widget is resized. We want the buttons to always be vertically
+ aligned in the application's bottom right corner, so each time the
+ main widget is resized we update the buttons geometry.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 8
+ The \c paintEvent() function is reimplemented to receive paint
+ events for the widget. We create a QPainter for the \c SortingBox
+ widget, and run through the list of created shape items, drawing
+ each item at its defined position.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 9
+ The painter will by default draw all the shape items at position
+ (0,0) in the \c SortingBox widget. The QPainter::translate()
+ function translates the coordinate system by the given offset,
+ making each shape item appear at its defined position. But
+ remember to translate the coordinate system back when the item is
+ drawn, otherwise the next shape item will appear at a position
+ relative to the item we drawed last.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 10
+ The QPainter::setBrush() function sets the current brush used by
+ the painter. When the provided argument is a QColor, the function
+ calls the appropriate QBrush constructor which creates a brush with
+ the specified color and Qt::SolidPattern style. The
+ QPainter::drawPath() function draws the given path using the
+ current pen for outline and the current brush for filling.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 11
+ The \c mousePressEvent() function is reimplemented to receive the
+ mouse press events dispatched to the widget. It determines if an
+ event's position is contained within the area of any of the shape
+ items, using the private \c itemAt() function.
+ If an item covers the position, we store a pointer to that item
+ and the event's position. If several of the shape items cover the
+ position, we store the pointer to the uppermost item. Finally, we
+ move the shape item to the end of the list, and make a call to the
+ QWidget::update() function to make the item appear on top.
+ The QWidget::update() function does not cause an immediate
+ repaint; instead it schedules a paint event for processing when Qt
+ returns to the main event loop.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 12
+ The \c mouseMoveEvent() function is reimplemented to receive mouse
+ move events for the widget. If the left mouse button is pressed
+ and there exists a shape item in motion, we use the private \c
+ moveItemTo() function to move the item with an offset
+ corresponding to the offset between the positions of the current
+ mouse event and the previous one.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 13
+ The \c mouseReleaseEvent() function is reimplemented to receive
+ the mouse release events dispatched to the widget. If the left
+ mouse button is pressed and there exists a shape item in motion,
+ we use the private \c moveItemTo() function to move the item like
+ we did in \c mouseMoveEvent(). But then we remove the pointer to
+ the item in motion, making the shape item's position final for
+ now. To move the item further, the user will need to press the
+ left mouse button again.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 14
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 15
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 16
+ The \c createNewCircle(), \c createNewSquare() and \c
+ createNewTriangle() slots simply create new shape items, using the
+ private \c createShapeItem(), \c randomItemPosition() and \c
+ randomItemColor() functions.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 17
+ In the \c itemAt() function, we run through the list of created
+ shape items to check if the given position is contained within the
+ area of any of the shape items.
+ For each shape item we use the QPainterPath::contains() function
+ to find out if the item's painter path contains the position. If
+ it does we return the index of the item, otherwise we return
+ -1. We run through the list backwards to get the index of the
+ uppermost shape item in case several items cover the position.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 18
+ The \c moveItemTo() function moves the shape item in motion, and
+ the parameter \c pos is the position of a mouse event. First we
+ calculate the offset between the parameter \c pos and the previous
+ mouse event position. Then we add the offset to the current
+ position of the item in motion.
+ It is tempting to simply set the position of the item to be the
+ parameter \c pos. But an item's position defines the top left
+ corner of the item's bounding rectangle, and the parameter \c pos
+ can be any point; The suggested shortcut would cause the item to
+ jump to a position where the cursor is pointing to the bounding
+ rectangle's top left corner, regardless of the item's previous
+ position.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 19
+ Finally, we update the previous mouse event position, and make a
+ call to the QWidget::update() function to make the item appear at
+ its new position.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 20
+ In the \c updateButtonGeometry() function we set the geometry for
+ the given button. The parameter coordinates define the bottom
+ right corner of the button. We use these coordinates and the
+ button's size hint to determine the position of the upper left
+ corner. This position, and the button's width and height, are the
+ arguments required by the QWidget::setGeometry() function.
+ In the end, we calculate and return the y-coordinate of the bottom
+ right corner of the next button. We use the QWidget::style()
+ function to retrieve the widget's GUI style, and then
+ QStyle::pixelMetric() to determine the widget's preferred default
+ spacing between its child widgets.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 21
+ The \c createShapeItem() function creates a single shape item. It
+ sets the path, tooltip, position and color, using the item's own
+ functions. In the end, the function appends the new item to the
+ list of shape items, and calls the QWidget::update() function to
+ make it appear with the other items within the \c SortingBox
+ widget.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 22
+ The \c createToolButton() function is called from the \c
+ SortingBox constructor. We create a tool button with the given
+ tooltip and icon. The button's parent is the \c SortingBox widget,
+ and its size is 32 x 32 pixels. Before we return the button, we
+ connect it to the given slot.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 23
+ The \c initialItemPosition() function is also called from the
+ constructor. We want the three first items to initially be
+ centered in the middle of the \c SortingBox widget, and we use
+ this function to calculate their positions.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 24
+ Whenever the user creates a new shape item, we want the new item
+ to appear at a random position, and we use the \c
+ randomItemPosition() function to calculate such a position. We
+ make sure that the item appears within the visible area of the
+ \c SortingBox widget, using the widget's current width and height
+ when calculating the random coordinates.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 25
+ As with \c initialItemPosition(), the \c initialItemColor()
+ function is called from the constructor. The purposes of both
+ functions are purely cosmetic: We want to control the initial
+ position and color of the three first items.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/sortingbox.cpp 26
+ Finally the \c randomItemColor() function is implemented to give
+ the shape items the user creates, a random color.
+ \section1 ShapeItem Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.h 0
+ The \c ShapeItem class is a custom widget representing one single
+ shape item. The widget has a path, a position, a color and a
+ tooltip. We need functions to set or modify these objects, as well
+ as functions that return them. We make the latter functions \c
+ const to prohibit any modifications of the objects,
+ i.e. prohibiting unauthorized manipulation of the shape items
+ appearance.
+ \section1 ShapeItem Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 0
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 2
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 3
+ This first group of functions simply return the objects that are
+ requested. The objects are returned as constants, i.e. they cannot
+ be modified.
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 4
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 5
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 6
+ \codeline
+ \snippet widgets/tooltips/shapeitem.cpp 7
+ The last group of functions set or modify the shape item's path,
+ position, color and tooltip, respectively.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/trafficlight.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/trafficlight.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec3578abaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/trafficlight.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/trafficlight
+ \title Traffic Light Example
+ The Traffic Light example shows how to use \l{The State Machine Framework}
+ to implement the control flow of a traffic light.
+ \image trafficlight-example.png
+ In this example we write a TrafficLightWidget class. The traffic light has
+ three lights: Red, yellow and green. The traffic light transitions from
+ one light to another (red to yellow to green to yellow to red again) at
+ certain intervals.
+ \snippet statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 0
+ The LightWidget class represents a single light of the traffic light. It
+ provides an \c on property and two slots, turnOn() and turnOff(), to turn
+ the light on and off, respectively. The widget paints itself in the color
+ that's passed to the constructor.
+ \snippet statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 1
+ The TrafficLightWidget class represents the visual part of the traffic
+ light; it's a widget that contains three lights arranged vertically, and
+ provides accessor functions for these.
+ \snippet statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 2
+ The createLightState() function creates a state that turns a light on when
+ the state is entered, and off when the state is exited. The state uses a
+ timer, and as we shall see the timeout is used to transition from one
+ LightState to another. Here is the statechart for the light state:
+ \image trafficlight-example1.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ \snippet statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 3
+ The TrafficLight class combines the TrafficLightWidget with a state
+ machine. The state graph has four states: red-to-yellow, yellow-to-green,
+ green-to-yellow and yellow-to-red. The initial state is red-to-yellow;
+ when the state's timer times out, the state machine transitions to
+ yellow-to-green. The same process repeats through the other states.
+ This is what the statechart looks like:
+ \image trafficlight-example2.png
+ \omit
+ \caption This is a caption
+ \endomit
+ \snippet statemachine/trafficlight/main.cpp 4
+ The main() function constructs a TrafficLight and shows it.
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example painting/transformations
+ \title Transformations Example
+ The Transformations example shows how transformations influence
+ the way that QPainter renders graphics primitives. In particular
+ it shows how the order of transformations affect the result.
+ \image transformations-example.png
+ The application allows the user to manipulate the rendering of a
+ shape by changing the translation, rotation and scale of
+ QPainter's coordinate system.
+ The example consists of two classes and a global enum:
+ \list
+ \li The \c RenderArea class controls the rendering of a given shape.
+ \li The \c Window class is the application's main window.
+ \li The \c Operation enum describes the various transformation
+ operations available in the application.
+ \endlist
+ First we will take a quick look at the \c Operation enum, then we
+ will review the \c RenderArea class to see how a shape is
+ rendered. Finally, we will take a look at the Transformations
+ application's features implemented in the \c Window class.
+ \section1 Transformation Operations
+ Normally, the QPainter operates on the associated device's own
+ coordinate system, but it also has good support for coordinate
+ transformations.
+ The default coordinate system of a paint device has its origin at
+ the top-left corner. The x values increase to the right and the y
+ values increase downwards. You can scale the coordinate system by
+ a given offset using the QPainter::scale() function, you can
+ rotate it clockwise using the QPainter::rotate() function and you
+ can translate it (i.e. adding a given offset to the points) using
+ the QPainter::translate() function. You can also twist the
+ coordinate system around the origin (called shearing) using the
+ QPainter::shear() function.
+ All the tranformation operations operate on QPainter's
+ tranformation matrix that you can retrieve using the
+ QPainter::worldTransform() function. A matrix transforms a point in the
+ plane to another point. For more information about the
+ transformation matrix, see the \l {Coordinate System} and
+ QTransform documentation.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.h 0
+ The global \c Operation enum is declared in the \c renderarea.h
+ file and describes the various transformation operations available
+ in the Transformations application.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Definition
+ The \c RenderArea class inherits QWidget, and controls the
+ rendering of a given shape.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.h 1
+ We declare two public functions, \c setOperations() and
+ \c setShape(), to be able to specify the \c RenderArea widget's shape
+ and to transform the coordinate system the shape is rendered
+ within.
+ We reimplement the QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::minimumSizeHint()}{minimumSizeHint()} and \l
+ {QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()} functions to give the \c
+ RenderArea widget a reasonable size within our application, and we
+ reimplement the QWidget::paintEvent() event handler to draw the
+ render area's shape applying the user's transformation choices.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.h 2
+ We also declare several convenience functions to draw the shape,
+ the coordinate system's outline and the coordinates, and to
+ transform the painter according to the chosen transformations.
+ In addition, the \c RenderArea widget keeps a list of the
+ currently applied transformation operations, a reference to its
+ shape, and a couple of convenience variables that we will use when
+ rendering the coordinates.
+ \section1 RenderArea Class Implementation
+ The \c RenderArea widget controls the rendering of a given shape,
+ including the transformations of the coordinate system, by
+ reimplementing the QWidget::paintEvent() event handler. But first
+ we will take a quick look at the constructor and at the functions
+ that provides access to the \c RenderArea widget:
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we pass the parent parameter on to the base
+ class, and customize the font that we will use to render the
+ coordinates. The QWidget::font() function returns the font
+ currently set for the widget. As long as no special font has been
+ set, or after QWidget::setFont() is called, this is either a
+ special font for the widget class, the parent's font or (if this
+ widget is a top level widget) the default application font.
+ After ensuring that the font's size is 12 points, we extract the
+ rectangles enclosing the coordinate letters, 'x' and 'y', using the
+ QFontMetrics class.
+ QFontMetrics provides functions to access the individual metrics
+ of the font, its characters, and for strings rendered in the
+ font. The QFontMetrics::boundingRect() function returns the
+ bounding rectangle of the given character relative to the
+ left-most point on the base line.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 1
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 2
+ In the \c setShape() and \c setOperations() functions we update
+ the \c RenderArea widget by storing the new value or values
+ followed by a call to the QWidget::update() slot which schedules a
+ paint event for processing when Qt returns to the main event loop.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 3
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 4
+ We reimplement the QWidget's \l
+ {QWidget::minimumSizeHint()}{minimumSizeHint()} and \l
+ {QWidget::sizeHint()}{sizeHint()} functions to give the \c
+ RenderArea widget a reasonable size within our application. The
+ default implementations of these functions returns an invalid size
+ if there is no layout for this widget, and returns the layout's
+ minimum size or preferred size, respectively, otherwise.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 5
+ The \c paintEvent() event handler receives the \c RenderArea
+ widget's paint events. A paint event is a request to repaint all
+ or part of the widget. It can happen as a result of
+ QWidget::repaint() or QWidget::update(), or because the widget was
+ obscured and has now been uncovered, or for many other reasons.
+ First we create a QPainter for the \c RenderArea widget. The \l
+ {QPainter::RenderHint}{QPainter::Antialiasing} render hint
+ indicates that the engine should antialias edges of primitives if
+ possible. Then we erase the area that needs to be repainted using
+ the QPainter::fillRect() function.
+ We also translate the coordinate system with an constant offset to
+ ensure that the original shape is renderend with a suitable
+ margin.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 6
+ Before we start to render the shape, we call the QPainter::save()
+ function.
+ QPainter::save() saves the current painter state (i.e. pushes the
+ state onto a stack) including the current coordinate system. The
+ rationale for saving the painter state is that the following call
+ to the \c transformPainter() function will transform the
+ coordinate system depending on the currently chosen transformation
+ operations, and we need a way to get back to the original state to
+ draw the outline.
+ After transforming the coordinate system, we draw the \c
+ RenderArea's shape, and then we restore the painter state using
+ the QPainter::restore() function (i.e. popping the saved state off
+ the stack).
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 7
+ Then we draw the square outline.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 8
+ Since we want the coordinates to correspond with the coordinate
+ system the shape is rendered within, we must make another call to
+ the \c transformPainter() function.
+ The order of the painting operations is essential with respect to
+ the shared pixels. The reason why we don't render the coordinates
+ when the coordinate system already is transformed to render the
+ shape, but instead defer their rendering to the end, is that we
+ want the coordinates to appear on top of the shape and its
+ outline.
+ There is no need to save the QPainter state this time since
+ drawing the coordinates is the last painting operation.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 9
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 10
+ \codeline
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 11
+ The \c drawCoordinates(), \c drawOutline() and \c drawShape() are
+ convenience functions called from the \c paintEvent() event
+ handler. For more information about QPainter's basic drawing
+ operations and how to display basic graphics primitives, see the
+ \l {painting/basicdrawing}{Basic Drawing} example.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/renderarea.cpp 12
+ The \c transformPainter() convenience function is also called from
+ the \c paintEvent() event handler, and transforms the given
+ QPainter's coordinate system according to the user's
+ transformation choices.
+ \section1 Window Class Definition
+ The \c Window class is the Transformations application's main
+ window.
+ The application displays four \c RenderArea widgets. The left-most
+ widget renders the shape in QPainter's default coordinate system,
+ the others render the shape with the chosen transformation in
+ addition to all the transformations applied to the \c RenderArea
+ widgets to their left.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.h 0
+ We declare two public slots to make the application able to
+ respond to user interaction, updating the displayed \c RenderArea
+ widgets according to the user's transformation choices.
+ The \c operationChanged() slot updates each of the \c RenderArea
+ widgets applying the currently chosen transformation operations, and
+ is called whenever the user changes the selected operations. The
+ \c shapeSelected() slot updates the \c RenderArea widgets' shapes
+ whenever the user changes the preferred shape.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.h 1
+ We also declare a private convenience function, \c setupShapes(),
+ that is used when constructing the \c Window widget, and we
+ declare pointers to the various components of the widget. We
+ choose to keep the available shapes in a QList of \l
+ {QPainterPath}s. In addition we declare a private enum counting
+ the number of displayed \c RenderArea widgets except the widget
+ that renders the shape in QPainter's default coordinate system.
+ \section1 Window Class Implementation
+ In the constructor we create and initialize the application's
+ components:
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 0
+ First we create the \c RenderArea widget that will render the
+ shape in the default coordinate system. We also create the
+ associated QComboBox that allows the user to choose among four
+ different shapes: A clock, a house, a text and a truck. The shapes
+ themselves are created at the end of the constructor, using the
+ \c setupShapes() convenience function.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 1
+ Then we create the \c RenderArea widgets that will render their
+ shapes with coordinate tranformations. By default the applied
+ operation is \uicontrol {No Transformation}, i.e. the shapes are
+ rendered within the default coordinate system. We create and
+ initialize the associated \l {QComboBox}es with items
+ corresponding to the various transformation operations decribed by
+ the global \c Operation enum.
+ We also connect the \l {QComboBox}es' \l
+ {QComboBox::activated()}{activated()} signal to the \c
+ operationChanged() slot to update the application whenever the
+ user changes the selected transformation operations.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 2
+ Finally, we set the layout for the application window using the
+ QWidget::setLayout() function, construct the available shapes
+ using the private \c setupShapes() convenience function, and make
+ the application show the clock shape on startup using the public
+ \c shapeSelected() slot before we set the window title.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 3
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 4
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 5
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 6
+ \dots
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 7
+ The \c setupShapes() function is called from the constructor and
+ create the QPainterPath objects representing the shapes that are
+ used in the application. For construction details, see the \l
+ {painting/transformations/window.cpp}{window.cpp} example
+ file. The shapes are stored in a QList. The QList::append()
+ function inserts the given shape at the end of the list.
+ We also connect the associated QComboBox's \l
+ {QComboBox::activated()}{activated()} signal to the \c
+ shapeSelected() slot to update the application when the user
+ changes the preferred shape.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 8
+ The public \c operationChanged() slot is called whenever the user
+ changes the selected operations.
+ We retrieve the chosen transformation operation for each of the
+ transformed \c RenderArea widgets by querying the associated \l
+ {QComboBox}{QComboBoxes}. The transformed \c RenderArea widgets
+ are supposed to render the shape with the transformation specified
+ by its associated combobox \e {in addition to} all the
+ transformations applied to the \c RenderArea widgets to its
+ left. For that reason, for each widget we query, we append the
+ associated operation to a QList of transformations which we apply
+ to the widget before proceeding to the next.
+ \snippet painting/transformations/window.cpp 9
+ The \c shapeSelected() slot is called whenever the user changes
+ the preferred shape, updating the \c RenderArea widgets using
+ their public \c setShape() function.
+ \section1 Summary
+ The Transformations example shows how transformations influence
+ the way that QPainter renders graphics primitives. Normally, the
+ QPainter operates on the device's own coordinate system, but it
+ also has good support for coordinate transformations. With the
+ Transformations application you can scale, rotate and translate
+ QPainter's coordinate system. The order in which these
+ tranformations are applied is essential for the result.
+ All the tranformation operations operate on QPainter's
+ tranformation matrix. For more information about the
+ transformation matrix, see the \l {Coordinate System} and
+ QTransform documentation.
+ The Qt reference documentation provides several painting
+ examples. Among these is the \l {painting/affine}{Affine
+ Transformations} example that shows Qt's ability to perform
+ transformations on painting operations. The example also allows the
+ user to experiment with the various transformation operations.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/trivialwizard.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/trivialwizard.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example dialogs/trivialwizard
+ \title Trivial Wizard Example
+ The Trivial Wizard example illustrates how to create a linear three-page
+ registration wizard using three instances of QWizardPage and one instance
+ of QWizard.
+ \image trivialwizard-example-flow.png
+ \section1 Introduction Page
+ \image trivialwizard-example-introduction.png
+ The introduction page is created with the \c createIntroPage()
+ function where a QWizardPage is created and its title is set to
+ "Introduction". A QLabel is used to hold the description of \c page.
+ A QVBoxLayout is used to hold the \c label. This \c page is returned
+ when the \c createIntroPage() function is called.
+ \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 0
+ \section1 Registration Page
+ \image trivialwizard-example-registration.png
+ The registration page is created with the \c createRegistrationPage()
+ function. QLineEdit objects are used to allow the user to input a name
+ and an e-mail address. A QGridLayout is used to hold the QLabel and
+ QLineEdit objects.
+ \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 2
+ \section1 Conclusion Page
+ \image trivialwizard-example-conclusion.png
+ The conclusion page is created in the \c createConclusionPage()
+ function. This function's content is similar to \c createIntroPage(). A
+ QLabel is used to inform the user that the registration process has
+ completed successfully.
+ \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 6
+ \section1 \c main() Function
+ The \c main() function instantiates a QWizard object, \c wizard, and
+ adds all three QWizardPage objects to it. The \c wizard window title is
+ set to "Trivial Wizard" and its \c show() function is invoked to display
+ it.
+ \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 10
+ \sa QWizard, {Class Wizard Example}, {License Wizard Example}
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/twowaybutton.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/twowaybutton.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example statemachine/twowaybutton
+ \title Two-way Button Example
+ The Two-way button example shows how to use \l{The State Machine
+ Framework} to implement a simple state machine that toggles the current
+ state when a button is clicked.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 0
+ The application's main() function begins by constructing the application
+ object, a button and a state machine.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 1
+ The state machine has two states; \c on and \c off. When either state is
+ entered, the text of the button will be set accordingly.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 2
+ When the state machine is in the \c off state and the button is clicked,
+ it will transition to the \c on state; when the state machine is in the \c
+ on state and the button is clicked, it will transition to the \c off
+ state.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 3
+ The states are added to the state machine; they become top-level (sibling)
+ states.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 4
+ The initial state is \c off; this is the state the state machine will
+ immediately transition to once the state machine is started.
+ \snippet statemachine/twowaybutton/main.cpp 5
+ Finally, the button is resized and made visible, and the application event
+ loop is entered.
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/wiggly.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/wiggly
+ \title Wiggly Example
+ The Wiggly example shows how to animate a widget using
+ QBasicTimer and \l{QObject::timerEvent()}{timerEvent()}. In
+ addition, the example demonstrates how to use QFontMetrics to
+ determine the size of text on screen.
+ \image wiggly-example.png Screenshot of the Wiggly example
+ QBasicTimer is a low-level class for timers. Unlike QTimer,
+ QBasicTimer doesn't inherit from QObject; instead of emitting a
+ \l{QTimer::timeout()}{timeout()} signal when a certain amount of
+ time has passed, it sends a QTimerEvent to a QObject of our
+ choice. This makes QBasicTimer a more lightweight alternative to
+ QTimer. Qt's built-in widgets use it internally, and it is
+ provided in Qt's API for highly-optimized applications (e.g.,
+ \l{Qt for Embedded Linux} applications).
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c WigglyWidget is the custom widget displaying the text
+ in a wiggly line.
+ \li \c Dialog is the dialog widget allowing the user to enter a
+ text. It combines a \c WigglyWidget and a \c QLineEdit.
+ \endlist
+ We will first take a quick look at the \c Dialog class, then we
+ will review the \c WigglyWidget class.
+ \section1 Dialog Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/dialog.h 0
+ The \c Dialog class provides a dialog widget that allows the user
+ to enter a text. The text is then rendered by \c WigglyWidget.
+ \section1 Dialog Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/dialog.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we create a wiggly widget along with a
+ \l{QLineEdit}{line edit}, and we put the two widgets in a
+ vertical layout. We connect the line edit's \l
+ {QLineEdit::textChanged()}{textChanged()} signal to the wiggly
+ widget's \c setText() slot to obtain the real time interaction
+ with the wiggly widget. The widget's default text is "Hello
+ world!".
+ \section1 WigglyWidget Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.h 0
+ The \c WigglyWidget class provides the wiggly line displaying the
+ text. We subclass QWidget and reimplement the standard \l
+ {QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} and \l
+ {QObject::timerEvent()}{timerEvent()} functions to draw and update
+ the widget. In addition we implement a public \c setText() slot
+ that sets the widget's text.
+ The \c timer variable, of type QBasicTimer, is used to update the
+ widget at regular intervals, making the widget move. The \c text
+ variable is used to store the currently displayed text, and \c
+ step to calculate position and color for each character on the
+ wiggly line.
+ \section1 WigglyWidget Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we make the widget's background slightly
+ lighter than the usual background using the QPalette::Midlight
+ color role. The background role defines the brush from the
+ widget's palette that Qt uses to paint the background. Then we
+ enlarge the widget's font with 20 points.
+ Finally we start the timer; the call to QBasicTimer::start()
+ makes sure that \e this particular wiggly widget will receive the
+ timer events generated when the timer times out (every 60
+ milliseconds).
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 2
+ The \c paintEvent() function is called whenever a QPaintEvent is
+ sent to the widget. Paint events are sent to widgets that need to
+ update themselves, for instance when part of a widget is exposed
+ because a covering widget was moved. For the wiggly widget, a
+ paint event will also be generated every 60 milliseconds from
+ the \c timerEvent() slot.
+ The \c sineTable represents y-values of the sine curve,
+ multiplied by 100. It is used to make the wiggly widget move
+ along the sine curve.
+ The QFontMetrics object provides information about the widget's
+ font. The \c x variable is the horizontal position where we start
+ drawing the text. The \c y variable is the vertical position of
+ the text's base line. Both variables are computed so that the
+ text is horizontally and vertically centered. To compute the base
+ line, we take into account the font's ascent (the height of the
+ font above the base line) and font's descent (the height of the
+ font below the base line). If the descent equals the ascent, they
+ cancel out each other and the base line is at \c height() / 2.
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 3
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 4
+ Each time the \c paintEvent() function is called, we create a
+ QPainter object \c painter to draw the contents of the widget.
+ For each character in \c text, we determine the color and the
+ position on the wiggly line based on \c step. In addition, \c x
+ is incremented by the character's width.
+ For simplicity, we assume that QFontMetrics::width(\c text)
+ returns the sum of the individual character widths
+ (QFontMetrics::width(\c text[i])). In practice, this is not
+ always the case because QFontMetrics::width(\c text) also takes
+ into account the kerning between certain letters (e.g., 'A' and
+ 'V'). The result is that the text isn't perfectly centered. You
+ can verify this by typing "AVAVAVAVAVAV" in the line edit.
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 5
+ \snippet widgets/wiggly/wigglywidget.cpp 6
+ The \c timerEvent() function receives all the timer events that
+ are generated for this widget. If a timer event is sent from the
+ widget's QBasicTimer, we increment \c step to make the text move,
+ and call QWidget::update() to refresh the display. Any other
+ timer event is passed on to the base class's implementation of
+ the \l{QWidget::timerEvent()}{timerEvent()} function.
+ The QWidget::update() slot does not cause an immediate repaint;
+ instead the slot schedules a paint event for processing when Qt
+ returns to the main event loop. The paint events are then handled
+ by \c{WigglyWidget}'s \c paintEvent() function.
diff --git a/examples/widgets/doc/src/windowflags.qdoc b/examples/widgets/doc/src/windowflags.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e85842b30a
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+++ b/examples/widgets/doc/src/windowflags.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file.
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms
+** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you
+** and Nokia.
+ \example widgets/windowflags
+ \title Window Flags Example
+ The Window Flags example shows how to use the window flags
+ available in Qt.
+ A window flag is either a type or a hint. A type is used to
+ specify various window-system properties for the widget. A widget
+ can only have one type, and the default is Qt::Widget. However, a
+ widget can have zero or more hints. The hints are used to
+ customize the appearance of top-level windows.
+ A widget's flags are stored in a Qt::WindowFlags type which stores
+ an OR combination of the flags.
+ \image windowflags-example.png Screenshot of the Window Flags example
+ The example consists of two classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c ControllerWindow is the main application widget that allows
+ the user to choose among the available window flags, and displays
+ the effect on a separate preview window.
+ \li \c PreviewWindow is a custom widget displaying the name of
+ its currently set window flags in a read-only text editor.
+ \endlist
+ We will start by reviewing the \c ControllerWindow class, then we
+ will take a look at the \c PreviewWindow class.
+ \section1 ControllerWindow Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.h 0
+ The \c ControllerWindow class inherits QWidget. The widget allows
+ the user to choose among the available window flags, and displays
+ the effect on a separate preview window.
+ We declare a private \c updatePreview() slot to refresh the
+ preview window whenever the user changes the window flags.
+ We also declare several private functions to simplify the
+ constructor: We call the \c createTypeGroupBox() function to
+ create a radio button for each available window type, using the
+ private \c createButton() function, and gather them within a group
+ box. In a similar way we use the \c createHintsGroupBox() function
+ to create a check box for each available hint, using the private
+ \c createCheckBox() function.
+ In addition to the various radio buttons and checkboxes, we need
+ an associated \c PreviewWindow to show the effect of the currently
+ chosen window flags.
+ \image windowflags_controllerwindow.png Screenshot of the Controller Window
+ \section1 ControllerWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor we first create the preview window. Then we
+ create the group boxes containing the available window flags using
+ the private \c createTypeGroupBox() and \c createHintsGroupBox()
+ functions. In addition we create a \uicontrol Quit button. We put the
+ button and a stretchable space in a separate layout to make the
+ button appear in the \c WindowFlag widget's right bottom corner.
+ Finally, we add the button's layout and the two goup boxes to a
+ QVBoxLayout, set the window title and refresh the preview window
+ using the \c updatePreview() slot.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 1
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 2
+ The \c updatePreview() slot is called whenever the user changes
+ any of the window flags. First we create an empty Qt::WindowFlags
+ \c flags, then we determine which one of the types that is checked
+ and add it to \c flags.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 3
+ We also determine which of the hints that are checked, and add
+ them to \c flags using an OR operator. We use \c flags to set the
+ window flags for the preview window.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 4
+ We adjust the position of the preview window. The reason we do
+ that, is that playing around with the window's frame may on some
+ platforms cause the window's position to be changed behind our
+ back. If a window is located in the upper left corner of the
+ screen, parts of the window may not be visible. So we adjust the
+ widget's position to make sure that, if this happens, the window
+ is moved within the screen's boundaries. Finally, we call
+ QWidget::show() to make sure the preview window is visible.
+ \omit
+ \skipto pos
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \endomit
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 5
+ The private \c createTypeGroupBox() function is called from the
+ constructor.
+ First we create a group box, and then we create a radio button
+ (using the private \c createRadioButton() function) for each of
+ the available types among the window flags. We make Qt::Window the
+ initially applied type. We put the radio buttons into a
+ QGridLayout and install the layout on the group box.
+ We do not include the default Qt::Widget type. The reason is that
+ it behaves somewhat different than the other types. If the type is
+ not specified for a widget, and it has no parent, the widget is a
+ window. However, if it has a parent, it is a standard child
+ widget. The other types are all top-level windows, and since the
+ hints only affect top-level windows, we abandon the Qt::Widget
+ type.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 6
+ The private \c createHintsGroupBox() function is also called from
+ the constructor.
+ Again, the first thing we do is to create a group box. Then we
+ create a checkbox, using the private \c createCheckBox() function,
+ for each of the available hints among the window flags. We put the
+ checkboxes into a QGridLayout and install the layout on the group
+ box.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 7
+ The private \c createCheckBox() function is called from \c
+ createHintsGroupBox().
+ We simply create a QCheckBox with the provided text, connect it to
+ the private \c updatePreview() slot, and return a pointer to the
+ checkbox.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/controllerwindow.cpp 8
+ In the private \c createRadioButton() function it is a
+ QRadioButton we create with the provided text, and connect to the
+ private \c updatePreview() slot. The function is called from \c
+ createTypeGroupBox(), and returns a pointer to the button.
+ \section1 PreviewWindow Class Definition
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/previewwindow.h 0
+ The \c PreviewWindow class inherits QWidget. It is a custom widget
+ that displays the names of its currently set window flags in a
+ read-only text editor. It is also provided with a QPushbutton that
+ closes the window.
+ We reimplement the constructor to create the \uicontrol Close button and
+ the text editor, and the QWidget::setWindowFlags() function to
+ display the names of the window flags.
+ \image windowflags_previewwindow.png Screenshot of the Preview Window
+ \section1 PreviewWindow Class Implementation
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/previewwindow.cpp 0
+ In the constructor, we first create a QTextEdit and make sure that
+ it is read-only.
+ We also prohibit any line wrapping in the text editor using the
+ QTextEdit::setLineWrapMode() function. The result is that a
+ horizontal scrollbar appears when a window flag's name exceeds the
+ width of the editor. This is a reasonable solution since we
+ construct the displayed text with built-in line breaks. If no line
+ breaks were guaranteed, using another QTextEdit::LineWrapMode
+ would perhaps make more sense.
+ Then we create the \uicontrol Close button, and put both the widgets
+ into a QVBoxLayout before we set the window title.
+ \snippet widgets/windowflags/previewwindow.cpp 1
+ In our reimplementation of the \c setWindowFlags() function, we
+ first set the widgets flags using the QWidget::setWindowFlags()
+ function. Then we run through the available window flags, creating
+ a text that contains the names of the flags that matches the \c
+ flags parameter. Finally, we display the text in the widgets text
+ editor.