path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h
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authorLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-18 15:16:30 +0200
committerLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-26 15:11:40 +0200
commit752497910b67b2a1a80560840ca44548d8893434 (patch)
tree541501c9abfd97c3d2fa450d2e6abb60582c4420 /src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h
parent7db527dbdd911c79f31425d099d1fc9c63e42453 (diff)
Remove ANGLE
This marks the end of EGL and OpenGL ES support on Windows. The concepts of -opengl dynamic, -opengl desktop, QT_OPENGL=software, etc. remain unchanged, with the exception of the disapperance of everything ANGLE related. CMake builds now work identically to qmake on Windows: they default to 'dynamic' OpenGL on Windows, unless -DINPUT_opengl=desktop is specified. On Windows, Qt 6 is expected to default to the "dynamic" OpenGL model by default, just like Qt 5.15. This can be changed by switching to "desktop" OpenGL, which will link to opengl32 (publicly, so other libs and applications will do so as well) and disallows using another OpenGL DLL. The "dynamic" mode is essential still because the fallback to a software rasterizer, such as the opengl32sw.dll we ship with the Qt packages, has to to work exactly like in Qt 5, the removal of ANGLE does not change this concept in any way (except of course that the middle option of using ANGLE is now gone) When it comes to the windows plugin's OpenGL blacklist feature, it works like before and accepts the ANGLE/D3D related keywords. They will then be ignored. Similarly, requesting QT_OPENGL=angle is ignored (but will show a warning). The D3D11 and DXGI configure time tests are removed: Qt 5.14 already depends on D3D 11.1 and DXGI 1.3 headers being available unconditionally on Win32 (in QRhi's D3D11 backend). No need to test for these. [ChangeLog][Windows] ANGLE is no longer included with Qt. Dynamic OpenGL builds work like before but ANGLE is no longer an option. OpenGL proper or an alternative opengl32 implementation are the two remaining options now. Attempting to set QT_OPENGL=angle or Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES will have no effect on Windows. Fixes: QTBUG-79103 Change-Id: Ia404e0d07f3fe191b27434d863c81180112ecb3b Reviewed-by: Oliver Wolff <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 602 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 52e1d78382..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/State.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// State.h: Defines the State class, encapsulating raw GL state
-#include <bitset>
-#include <memory>
-#include "common/Color.h"
-#include "common/angleutils.h"
-#include "common/bitset_utils.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Debug.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Program.h"
-#include "libANGLE/ProgramPipeline.h"
-#include "libANGLE/RefCountObject.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Renderbuffer.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Sampler.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Texture.h"
-#include "libANGLE/TransformFeedback.h"
-#include "libANGLE/Version.h"
-#include "libANGLE/VertexAttribute.h"
-#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
-namespace gl
-class Query;
-class VertexArray;
-class Context;
-struct Caps;
-class State : public OnAttachmentDirtyReceiver, angle::NonCopyable
- public:
- State();
- ~State() override;
- void initialize(const Context *context,
- bool debug,
- bool bindGeneratesResource,
- bool clientArraysEnabled,
- bool robustResourceInit,
- bool programBinaryCacheEnabled);
- void reset(const Context *context);
- // State chunk getters
- const RasterizerState &getRasterizerState() const;
- const BlendState &getBlendState() const;
- const DepthStencilState &getDepthStencilState() const;
- // Clear behavior setters & state parameter block generation function
- void setColorClearValue(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
- void setDepthClearValue(float depth);
- void setStencilClearValue(int stencil);
- const ColorF &getColorClearValue() const { return mColorClearValue; }
- float getDepthClearValue() const { return mDepthClearValue; }
- int getStencilClearValue() const { return mStencilClearValue; }
- // Write mask manipulation
- void setColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
- void setDepthMask(bool mask);
- // Discard toggle & query
- bool isRasterizerDiscardEnabled() const;
- void setRasterizerDiscard(bool enabled);
- // Primitive restart
- bool isPrimitiveRestartEnabled() const;
- void setPrimitiveRestart(bool enabled);
- // Face culling state manipulation
- bool isCullFaceEnabled() const;
- void setCullFace(bool enabled);
- void setCullMode(CullFaceMode mode);
- void setFrontFace(GLenum front);
- // Depth test state manipulation
- bool isDepthTestEnabled() const;
- void setDepthTest(bool enabled);
- void setDepthFunc(GLenum depthFunc);
- void setDepthRange(float zNear, float zFar);
- float getNearPlane() const;
- float getFarPlane() const;
- // Blend state manipulation
- bool isBlendEnabled() const;
- void setBlend(bool enabled);
- void setBlendFactors(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destAlpha);
- void setBlendColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
- void setBlendEquation(GLenum rgbEquation, GLenum alphaEquation);
- const ColorF &getBlendColor() const;
- // Stencil state maniupulation
- bool isStencilTestEnabled() const;
- void setStencilTest(bool enabled);
- void setStencilParams(GLenum stencilFunc, GLint stencilRef, GLuint stencilMask);
- void setStencilBackParams(GLenum stencilBackFunc, GLint stencilBackRef, GLuint stencilBackMask);
- void setStencilWritemask(GLuint stencilWritemask);
- void setStencilBackWritemask(GLuint stencilBackWritemask);
- void setStencilOperations(GLenum stencilFail,
- GLenum stencilPassDepthFail,
- GLenum stencilPassDepthPass);
- void setStencilBackOperations(GLenum stencilBackFail,
- GLenum stencilBackPassDepthFail,
- GLenum stencilBackPassDepthPass);
- GLint getStencilRef() const;
- GLint getStencilBackRef() const;
- // Depth bias/polygon offset state manipulation
- bool isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled() const;
- void setPolygonOffsetFill(bool enabled);
- void setPolygonOffsetParams(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units);
- // Multisample coverage state manipulation
- bool isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const;
- void setSampleAlphaToCoverage(bool enabled);
- bool isSampleCoverageEnabled() const;
- void setSampleCoverage(bool enabled);
- void setSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf value, bool invert);
- GLfloat getSampleCoverageValue() const;
- bool getSampleCoverageInvert() const;
- // Multisample mask state manipulation.
- bool isSampleMaskEnabled() const;
- void setSampleMaskEnabled(bool enabled);
- void setSampleMaskParams(GLuint maskNumber, GLbitfield mask);
- GLbitfield getSampleMaskWord(GLuint maskNumber) const;
- GLuint getMaxSampleMaskWords() const;
- // Multisampling/alpha to one manipulation.
- void setSampleAlphaToOne(bool enabled);
- bool isSampleAlphaToOneEnabled() const;
- void setMultisampling(bool enabled);
- bool isMultisamplingEnabled() const;
- // Scissor test state toggle & query
- bool isScissorTestEnabled() const;
- void setScissorTest(bool enabled);
- void setScissorParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
- const Rectangle &getScissor() const;
- // Dither state toggle & query
- bool isDitherEnabled() const;
- void setDither(bool enabled);
- // Generic state toggle & query
- void setEnableFeature(GLenum feature, bool enabled);
- bool getEnableFeature(GLenum feature) const;
- // Line width state setter
- void setLineWidth(GLfloat width);
- float getLineWidth() const;
- // Hint setters
- void setGenerateMipmapHint(GLenum hint);
- void setFragmentShaderDerivativeHint(GLenum hint);
- // GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource
- bool isBindGeneratesResourceEnabled() const;
- // GL_ANGLE_client_arrays
- bool areClientArraysEnabled() const;
- // Viewport state setter/getter
- void setViewportParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
- const Rectangle &getViewport() const;
- // Texture binding & active texture unit manipulation
- void setActiveSampler(unsigned int active);
- unsigned int getActiveSampler() const;
- void setSamplerTexture(const Context *context, GLenum type, Texture *texture);
- Texture *getTargetTexture(GLenum target) const;
- Texture *getSamplerTexture(unsigned int sampler, GLenum type) const;
- GLuint getSamplerTextureId(unsigned int sampler, GLenum type) const;
- void detachTexture(const Context *context, const TextureMap &zeroTextures, GLuint texture);
- void initializeZeroTextures(const Context *context, const TextureMap &zeroTextures);
- // Sampler object binding manipulation
- void setSamplerBinding(const Context *context, GLuint textureUnit, Sampler *sampler);
- GLuint getSamplerId(GLuint textureUnit) const;
- Sampler *getSampler(GLuint textureUnit) const;
- void detachSampler(const Context *context, GLuint sampler);
- // Renderbuffer binding manipulation
- void setRenderbufferBinding(const Context *context, Renderbuffer *renderbuffer);
- GLuint getRenderbufferId() const;
- Renderbuffer *getCurrentRenderbuffer() const;
- void detachRenderbuffer(const Context *context, GLuint renderbuffer);
- // Framebuffer binding manipulation
- void setReadFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
- void setDrawFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer);
- Framebuffer *getTargetFramebuffer(GLenum target) const;
- Framebuffer *getReadFramebuffer() const;
- Framebuffer *getDrawFramebuffer() const;
- bool removeReadFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer);
- bool removeDrawFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer);
- // Vertex array object binding manipulation
- void setVertexArrayBinding(VertexArray *vertexArray);
- GLuint getVertexArrayId() const;
- VertexArray *getVertexArray() const;
- bool removeVertexArrayBinding(GLuint vertexArray);
- // Program binding manipulation
- void setProgram(const Context *context, Program *newProgram);
- Program *getProgram() const;
- // Transform feedback object (not buffer) binding manipulation
- void setTransformFeedbackBinding(const Context *context, TransformFeedback *transformFeedback);
- TransformFeedback *getCurrentTransformFeedback() const;
- bool isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused() const;
- bool removeTransformFeedbackBinding(const Context *context, GLuint transformFeedback);
- // Query binding manipulation
- bool isQueryActive(const GLenum type) const;
- bool isQueryActive(Query *query) const;
- void setActiveQuery(const Context *context, GLenum target, Query *query);
- GLuint getActiveQueryId(GLenum target) const;
- Query *getActiveQuery(GLenum target) const;
- // Program Pipeline binding manipulation
- void setProgramPipelineBinding(const Context *context, ProgramPipeline *pipeline);
- void detachProgramPipeline(const Context *context, GLuint pipeline);
- //// Typed buffer binding point manipulation ////
- void setBufferBinding(const Context *context, BufferBinding target, Buffer *buffer);
- Buffer *getTargetBuffer(BufferBinding target) const;
- void setIndexedBufferBinding(const Context *context,
- BufferBinding target,
- GLuint index,
- Buffer *buffer,
- GLintptr offset,
- GLsizeiptr size);
- const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedUniformBuffer(size_t index) const;
- const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedAtomicCounterBuffer(size_t index) const;
- const OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer> &getIndexedShaderStorageBuffer(size_t index) const;
- // Detach a buffer from all bindings
- void detachBuffer(const Context *context, GLuint bufferName);
- // Vertex attrib manipulation
- void setEnableVertexAttribArray(unsigned int attribNum, bool enabled);
- void setElementArrayBuffer(const Context *context, Buffer *buffer);
- void setVertexAttribf(GLuint index, const GLfloat values[4]);
- void setVertexAttribu(GLuint index, const GLuint values[4]);
- void setVertexAttribi(GLuint index, const GLint values[4]);
- void setVertexAttribPointer(const Context *context,
- unsigned int attribNum,
- Buffer *boundBuffer,
- GLint size,
- GLenum type,
- bool normalized,
- bool pureInteger,
- GLsizei stride,
- const void *pointer);
- void setVertexAttribDivisor(const Context *context, GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
- const VertexAttribCurrentValueData &getVertexAttribCurrentValue(size_t attribNum) const;
- const std::vector<VertexAttribCurrentValueData> &getVertexAttribCurrentValues() const;
- const void *getVertexAttribPointer(unsigned int attribNum) const;
- void bindVertexBuffer(const Context *context,
- GLuint bindingIndex,
- Buffer *boundBuffer,
- GLintptr offset,
- GLsizei stride);
- void setVertexAttribFormat(GLuint attribIndex,
- GLint size,
- GLenum type,
- bool normalized,
- bool pureInteger,
- GLuint relativeOffset);
- void setVertexAttribBinding(const Context *context, GLuint attribIndex, GLuint bindingIndex);
- void setVertexBindingDivisor(GLuint bindingIndex, GLuint divisor);
- // Pixel pack state manipulation
- void setPackAlignment(GLint alignment);
- GLint getPackAlignment() const;
- void setPackReverseRowOrder(bool reverseRowOrder);
- bool getPackReverseRowOrder() const;
- void setPackRowLength(GLint rowLength);
- GLint getPackRowLength() const;
- void setPackSkipRows(GLint skipRows);
- GLint getPackSkipRows() const;
- void setPackSkipPixels(GLint skipPixels);
- GLint getPackSkipPixels() const;
- const PixelPackState &getPackState() const;
- PixelPackState &getPackState();
- // Pixel unpack state manipulation
- void setUnpackAlignment(GLint alignment);
- GLint getUnpackAlignment() const;
- void setUnpackRowLength(GLint rowLength);
- GLint getUnpackRowLength() const;
- void setUnpackImageHeight(GLint imageHeight);
- GLint getUnpackImageHeight() const;
- void setUnpackSkipImages(GLint skipImages);
- GLint getUnpackSkipImages() const;
- void setUnpackSkipRows(GLint skipRows);
- GLint getUnpackSkipRows() const;
- void setUnpackSkipPixels(GLint skipPixels);
- GLint getUnpackSkipPixels() const;
- const PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState() const;
- PixelUnpackState &getUnpackState();
- // Debug state
- const Debug &getDebug() const;
- Debug &getDebug();
- // CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples coverage modulation
- void setCoverageModulation(GLenum components);
- GLenum getCoverageModulation() const;
- // CHROMIUM_path_rendering
- void loadPathRenderingMatrix(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *matrix);
- const GLfloat *getPathRenderingMatrix(GLenum which) const;
- void setPathStencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask);
- GLenum getPathStencilFunc() const;
- GLint getPathStencilRef() const;
- GLuint getPathStencilMask() const;
- // GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
- void setFramebufferSRGB(bool sRGB);
- bool getFramebufferSRGB() const;
- // State query functions
- void getBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params);
- void getFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params);
- void getIntegerv(const Context *context, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
- void getPointerv(GLenum pname, void **params) const;
- void getIntegeri_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint *data);
- void getInteger64i_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64 *data);
- void getBooleani_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLboolean *data);
- bool hasMappedBuffer(BufferBinding target) const;
- bool isRobustResourceInitEnabled() const { return mRobustResourceInit; }
- // Sets the dirty bit for the program executable.
- void onProgramExecutableChange(Program *program);
- enum DirtyBitType
- {
- // TODO(jmadill): Fine-grained dirty bits for each texture/sampler.
- DIRTY_BIT_COVERAGE_MODULATION, // CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples
- DIRTY_BIT_PATH_RENDERING_MATRIX_MV, // CHROMIUM_path_rendering path model view matrix
- DIRTY_BIT_PATH_RENDERING_MATRIX_PROJ, // CHROMIUM_path_rendering path projection matrix
- };
- static_assert(DIRTY_BIT_MAX <= 64, "State dirty bits must be capped at 64");
- // TODO(jmadill): Consider storing dirty objects in a list instead of by binding.
- enum DirtyObjectType
- {
- // Use a very coarse bit for any program or texture change.
- // TODO(jmadill): Fine-grained dirty bits for each texture/sampler.
- };
- typedef angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX> DirtyBits;
- const DirtyBits &getDirtyBits() const { return mDirtyBits; }
- void clearDirtyBits() { mDirtyBits.reset(); }
- void clearDirtyBits(const DirtyBits &bitset) { mDirtyBits &= ~bitset; }
- void setAllDirtyBits() { mDirtyBits.set(); }
- typedef angle::BitSet<DIRTY_OBJECT_MAX> DirtyObjects;
- void clearDirtyObjects() { mDirtyObjects.reset(); }
- void setAllDirtyObjects() { mDirtyObjects.set(); }
- void syncDirtyObjects(const Context *context);
- void syncDirtyObjects(const Context *context, const DirtyObjects &bitset);
- void syncDirtyObject(const Context *context, GLenum target);
- void setObjectDirty(GLenum target);
- // This actually clears the current value dirty bits.
- // TODO(jmadill): Pass mutable dirty bits into Impl.
- AttributesMask getAndResetDirtyCurrentValues() const;
- void setImageUnit(const Context *context,
- GLuint unit,
- Texture *texture,
- GLint level,
- GLboolean layered,
- GLint layer,
- GLenum access,
- GLenum format);
- const ImageUnit &getImageUnit(GLuint unit) const;
- const std::vector<Texture *> &getCompleteTextureCache() const { return mCompleteTextureCache; }
- // Handle a dirty texture event.
- void signal(size_t textureIndex, InitState initState) override;
- Error clearUnclearedActiveTextures(const Context *context);
- private:
- void syncProgramTextures(const Context *context);
- // Cached values from Context's caps
- GLuint mMaxDrawBuffers;
- GLuint mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits;
- ColorF mColorClearValue;
- GLfloat mDepthClearValue;
- int mStencilClearValue;
- RasterizerState mRasterizer;
- bool mScissorTest;
- Rectangle mScissor;
- BlendState mBlend;
- ColorF mBlendColor;
- bool mSampleCoverage;
- GLfloat mSampleCoverageValue;
- bool mSampleCoverageInvert;
- bool mSampleMask;
- GLuint mMaxSampleMaskWords;
- std::array<GLbitfield, MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS> mSampleMaskValues;
- DepthStencilState mDepthStencil;
- GLint mStencilRef;
- GLint mStencilBackRef;
- GLfloat mLineWidth;
- GLenum mGenerateMipmapHint;
- GLenum mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint;
- bool mBindGeneratesResource;
- bool mClientArraysEnabled;
- Rectangle mViewport;
- float mNearZ;
- float mFarZ;
- Framebuffer *mReadFramebuffer;
- Framebuffer *mDrawFramebuffer;
- BindingPointer<Renderbuffer> mRenderbuffer;
- Program *mProgram;
- BindingPointer<ProgramPipeline> mProgramPipeline;
- typedef std::vector<VertexAttribCurrentValueData> VertexAttribVector;
- VertexAttribVector mVertexAttribCurrentValues; // From glVertexAttrib
- VertexArray *mVertexArray;
- // Texture and sampler bindings
- size_t mActiveSampler; // Active texture unit selector - GL_TEXTURE0
- typedef std::vector<BindingPointer<Texture>> TextureBindingVector;
- typedef std::map<GLenum, TextureBindingVector> TextureBindingMap;
- TextureBindingMap mSamplerTextures;
- // Texture Completeness Caching
- // ----------------------------
- // The texture completeness cache uses dirty bits to avoid having to scan the list
- // of textures each draw call. This gl::State class implements OnAttachmentDirtyReceiver,
- // and keeps an array of bindings to the Texture class. When the Textures are marked dirty,
- // they send messages to the State class (and any Framebuffers they're attached to) via the
- // State::signal method (see above). Internally this then invalidates the completeness cache.
- //
- // Note this requires that we also invalidate the completeness cache manually on events like
- // re-binding textures/samplers or a change in the program. For more information see the
- // signal_utils.h header and the design doc linked there.
- // A cache of complete textures. nullptr indicates unbound or incomplete.
- // Don't use BindingPointer because this cache is only valid within a draw call.
- // Also stores a notification channel to the texture itself to handle texture change events.
- std::vector<Texture *> mCompleteTextureCache;
- std::vector<OnAttachmentDirtyBinding> mCompleteTextureBindings;
- InitState mCachedTexturesInitState;
- using ActiveTextureMask = angle::BitSet<IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_ACTIVE_TEXTURES>;
- ActiveTextureMask mActiveTexturesMask;
- typedef std::vector<BindingPointer<Sampler>> SamplerBindingVector;
- SamplerBindingVector mSamplers;
- typedef std::vector<ImageUnit> ImageUnitVector;
- ImageUnitVector mImageUnits;
- typedef std::map<GLenum, BindingPointer<Query>> ActiveQueryMap;
- ActiveQueryMap mActiveQueries;
- // Stores the currently bound buffer for each binding point. It has entries for the element
- // array buffer and the transform feedback buffer but these should not be used. Instead these
- // bind points are respectively owned by current the vertex array object and the current
- // transform feedback object.
- using BoundBufferMap = angle::PackedEnumMap<BufferBinding, BindingPointer<Buffer>>;
- BoundBufferMap mBoundBuffers;
- using BufferVector = std::vector<OffsetBindingPointer<Buffer>>;
- BufferVector mUniformBuffers;
- BufferVector mAtomicCounterBuffers;
- BufferVector mShaderStorageBuffers;
- BindingPointer<TransformFeedback> mTransformFeedback;
- BindingPointer<Buffer> mPixelUnpackBuffer;
- PixelUnpackState mUnpack;
- BindingPointer<Buffer> mPixelPackBuffer;
- PixelPackState mPack;
- bool mPrimitiveRestart;
- Debug mDebug;
- bool mMultiSampling;
- bool mSampleAlphaToOne;
- GLenum mCoverageModulation;
- // CHROMIUM_path_rendering
- GLfloat mPathMatrixMV[16];
- GLfloat mPathMatrixProj[16];
- GLenum mPathStencilFunc;
- GLint mPathStencilRef;
- GLuint mPathStencilMask;
- // GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
- bool mFramebufferSRGB;
- // GL_ANGLE_robust_resource_intialization
- bool mRobustResourceInit;
- // GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control
- bool mProgramBinaryCacheEnabled;
- DirtyBits mDirtyBits;
- DirtyObjects mDirtyObjects;
- mutable AttributesMask mDirtyCurrentValues;
-} // namespace gl
-#endif // LIBANGLE_STATE_H_