path: root/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h
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authorLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-18 15:16:30 +0200
committerLaszlo Agocs <>2020-05-26 15:11:40 +0200
commit752497910b67b2a1a80560840ca44548d8893434 (patch)
tree541501c9abfd97c3d2fa450d2e6abb60582c4420 /src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h
parent7db527dbdd911c79f31425d099d1fc9c63e42453 (diff)
Remove ANGLE
This marks the end of EGL and OpenGL ES support on Windows. The concepts of -opengl dynamic, -opengl desktop, QT_OPENGL=software, etc. remain unchanged, with the exception of the disapperance of everything ANGLE related. CMake builds now work identically to qmake on Windows: they default to 'dynamic' OpenGL on Windows, unless -DINPUT_opengl=desktop is specified. On Windows, Qt 6 is expected to default to the "dynamic" OpenGL model by default, just like Qt 5.15. This can be changed by switching to "desktop" OpenGL, which will link to opengl32 (publicly, so other libs and applications will do so as well) and disallows using another OpenGL DLL. The "dynamic" mode is essential still because the fallback to a software rasterizer, such as the opengl32sw.dll we ship with the Qt packages, has to to work exactly like in Qt 5, the removal of ANGLE does not change this concept in any way (except of course that the middle option of using ANGLE is now gone) When it comes to the windows plugin's OpenGL blacklist feature, it works like before and accepts the ANGLE/D3D related keywords. They will then be ignored. Similarly, requesting QT_OPENGL=angle is ignored (but will show a warning). The D3D11 and DXGI configure time tests are removed: Qt 5.14 already depends on D3D 11.1 and DXGI 1.3 headers being available unconditionally on Win32 (in QRhi's D3D11 backend). No need to test for these. [ChangeLog][Windows] ANGLE is no longer included with Qt. Dynamic OpenGL builds work like before but ANGLE is no longer an option. OpenGL proper or an alternative opengl32 implementation are the two remaining options now. Attempting to set QT_OPENGL=angle or Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES will have no effect on Windows. Fixes: QTBUG-79103 Change-Id: Ia404e0d07f3fe191b27434d863c81180112ecb3b Reviewed-by: Oliver Wolff <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 576 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h b/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c24e681b..0000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Renderer11.h: Defines a back-end specific class for the D3D11 renderer.
-#include "common/angleutils.h"
-#include "common/mathutil.h"
-#include "libANGLE/AttributeMap.h"
-#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/HLSLCompiler.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RenderTargetD3D.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/DebugAnnotator11.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderStateCache.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/ResourceManager11.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/StateManager11.h"
-#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/renderer11_utils.h"
-namespace gl
-class FramebufferAttachment;
-struct ImageIndex;
-namespace rx
-class Blit11;
-class Buffer11;
-class Clear11;
-class Context11;
-class IndexDataManager;
-struct PackPixelsParams;
-class PixelTransfer11;
-class RenderTarget11;
-class StreamingIndexBufferInterface;
-class Trim11;
-class VertexDataManager;
-struct Renderer11DeviceCaps
- Renderer11DeviceCaps();
- D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevel;
- bool supportsDXGI1_2; // Support for DXGI 1.2
- bool supportsClearView; // Support for ID3D11DeviceContext1::ClearView
- bool supportsConstantBufferOffsets; // Support for Constant buffer offset
- bool supportsVpRtIndexWriteFromVertexShader; // VP/RT can be selected in the Vertex Shader
- // stage.
- bool supportsMultisampledDepthStencilSRVs; // D3D feature level 10.0 no longer allows creation
- // of textures with both the bind SRV and DSV flags
- // when multisampled. Textures will need to be
- // resolved before reading.
- UINT B5G6R5support; // Bitfield of D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT values for DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM
- UINT B5G6R5maxSamples; // Maximum number of samples supported by DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM
- UINT B4G4R4A4support; // Bitfield of D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT values for DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM
- UINT B4G4R4A4maxSamples; // Maximum number of samples supported by DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM
- UINT B5G5R5A1support; // Bitfield of D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT values for DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM
- UINT B5G5R5A1maxSamples; // Maximum number of samples supported by DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM
- Optional<LARGE_INTEGER> driverVersion; // Four-part driver version number.
-// Possible reasons RendererD3D initialize can fail
-enum D3D11InitError
- // The renderer loaded successfully
- // Failed to load the ANGLE & D3D compiler libraries
- // Failed to load a necessary DLL (non-compiler)
- // CreateDevice returned E_INVALIDARG
- // CreateDevice failed with an error other than invalid arg
- // DXGI 1.2 required but not found
- // Other initialization error
- // CreateDevice returned E_FAIL
- // CreateDevice returned E_NOTIMPL
- // CreateDevice returned E_OUTOFMEMORY
- // CreateDevice returned DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL
- // CreateDevice returned DXGI_ERROR_WAS_STILL_DRAWING
- // CreateDevice returned DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG
- // CreateDevice returned NULL
-class Renderer11 : public RendererD3D
- public:
- explicit Renderer11(egl::Display *display);
- ~Renderer11() override;
- egl::Error initialize() override;
- bool resetDevice() override;
- egl::ConfigSet generateConfigs() override;
- void generateDisplayExtensions(egl::DisplayExtensions *outExtensions) const override;
- ContextImpl *createContext(const gl::ContextState &state) override;
- gl::Error flush();
- gl::Error finish();
- bool isValidNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window) const override;
- NativeWindowD3D *createNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window,
- const egl::Config *config,
- const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) const override;
- SwapChainD3D *createSwapChain(NativeWindowD3D *nativeWindow,
- HANDLE shareHandle,
- IUnknown *d3dTexture,
- GLenum backBufferFormat,
- GLenum depthBufferFormat,
- EGLint orientation,
- EGLint samples) override;
- egl::Error getD3DTextureInfo(const egl::Config *configuration,
- IUnknown *d3dTexture,
- EGLint *width,
- EGLint *height,
- GLenum *fboFormat) const override;
- egl::Error validateShareHandle(const egl::Config *config,
- HANDLE shareHandle,
- const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) const override;
- bool applyPrimitiveType(const gl::State &glState, GLenum mode, GLsizei count);
- // lost device
- bool testDeviceLost() override;
- bool testDeviceResettable() override;
- std::string getRendererDescription() const;
- DeviceIdentifier getAdapterIdentifier() const override;
- unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformVectors() const;
- unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformVectors() const;
- unsigned int getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() const;
- unsigned int getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() const;
- bool getShareHandleSupport() const;
- bool getNV12TextureSupport() const;
- int getMajorShaderModel() const override;
- int getMinorShaderModel() const override;
- std::string getShaderModelSuffix() const override;
- // Pixel operations
- gl::Error copyImage2D(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLint level) override;
- gl::Error copyImageCube(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLenum target,
- GLint level) override;
- gl::Error copyImage3D(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLint level) override;
- gl::Error copyImage2DArray(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLint level) override;
- gl::Error copyTexture(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Texture *source,
- GLint sourceLevel,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLenum destTarget,
- GLint destLevel,
- bool unpackFlipY,
- bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
- bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha) override;
- gl::Error copyCompressedTexture(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Texture *source,
- GLint sourceLevel,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- GLint destLevel) override;
- // RenderTarget creation
- gl::Error createRenderTarget(int width,
- int height,
- GLenum format,
- GLsizei samples,
- RenderTargetD3D **outRT) override;
- gl::Error createRenderTargetCopy(RenderTargetD3D *source, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) override;
- // Shader operations
- gl::Error loadExecutable(const uint8_t *function,
- size_t length,
- gl::ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<D3DVarying> &streamOutVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers,
- ShaderExecutableD3D **outExecutable) override;
- gl::Error compileToExecutable(gl::InfoLog &infoLog,
- const std::string &shaderHLSL,
- gl::ShaderType type,
- const std::vector<D3DVarying> &streamOutVaryings,
- bool separatedOutputBuffers,
- const angle::CompilerWorkaroundsD3D &workarounds,
- ShaderExecutableD3D **outExectuable) override;
- gl::Error ensureHLSLCompilerInitialized() override;
- UniformStorageD3D *createUniformStorage(size_t storageSize) override;
- // Image operations
- ImageD3D *createImage() override;
- gl::Error generateMipmap(const gl::Context *context, ImageD3D *dest, ImageD3D *source) override;
- gl::Error generateMipmapUsingD3D(const gl::Context *context,
- TextureStorage *storage,
- const gl::TextureState &textureState) override;
- gl::Error copyImage(const gl::Context *context,
- ImageD3D *dest,
- ImageD3D *source,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- bool unpackFlipY,
- bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
- bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(SwapChainD3D *swapChain) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorageEGLImage(EGLImageD3D *eglImage,
- RenderTargetD3D *renderTargetD3D) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorageExternal(
- egl::Stream *stream,
- const egl::Stream::GLTextureDescription &desc) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2D(GLenum internalformat,
- bool renderTarget,
- GLsizei width,
- GLsizei height,
- int levels,
- bool hintLevelZeroOnly) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorageCube(GLenum internalformat,
- bool renderTarget,
- int size,
- int levels,
- bool hintLevelZeroOnly) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorage3D(GLenum internalformat,
- bool renderTarget,
- GLsizei width,
- GLsizei height,
- GLsizei depth,
- int levels) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2DArray(GLenum internalformat,
- bool renderTarget,
- GLsizei width,
- GLsizei height,
- GLsizei depth,
- int levels) override;
- TextureStorage *createTextureStorage2DMultisample(GLenum internalformat,
- GLsizei width,
- GLsizei height,
- int levels,
- int samples,
- bool fixedSampleLocations) override;
- VertexBuffer *createVertexBuffer() override;
- IndexBuffer *createIndexBuffer() override;
- // Stream Creation
- StreamProducerImpl *createStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12(
- egl::Stream::ConsumerType consumerType,
- const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) override;
- // D3D11-renderer specific methods
- ID3D11Device *getDevice() { return mDevice; }
- void *getD3DDevice() override;
- ID3D11DeviceContext *getDeviceContext() { return mDeviceContext; };
- ID3D11DeviceContext1 *getDeviceContext1IfSupported() { return mDeviceContext1; };
- IDXGIFactory *getDxgiFactory() { return mDxgiFactory; };
- gl::Error getBlendState(const d3d11::BlendStateKey &key,
- const d3d11::BlendState **outBlendState);
- gl::Error getRasterizerState(const gl::RasterizerState &rasterState,
- bool scissorEnabled,
- ID3D11RasterizerState **outRasterizerState);
- gl::Error getDepthStencilState(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState,
- const d3d11::DepthStencilState **outDSState);
- gl::Error getSamplerState(const gl::SamplerState &samplerState,
- ID3D11SamplerState **outSamplerState);
- Blit11 *getBlitter() { return mBlit; }
- Clear11 *getClearer() { return mClear; }
- gl::DebugAnnotator *getAnnotator();
- // Buffer-to-texture and Texture-to-buffer copies
- bool supportsFastCopyBufferToTexture(GLenum internalFormat) const override;
- gl::Error fastCopyBufferToTexture(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
- unsigned int offset,
- RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget,
- GLenum destinationFormat,
- GLenum sourcePixelsType,
- const gl::Box &destArea) override;
- gl::Error packPixels(const TextureHelper11 &textureHelper,
- const PackPixelsParams &params,
- uint8_t *pixelsOut);
- bool getLUID(LUID *adapterLuid) const override;
- VertexConversionType getVertexConversionType(
- gl::VertexFormatType vertexFormatType) const override;
- GLenum getVertexComponentType(gl::VertexFormatType vertexFormatType) const override;
- // Warning: you should ensure binding really matches attrib.bindingIndex before using this
- // function.
- gl::ErrorOrResult<unsigned int> getVertexSpaceRequired(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib,
- const gl::VertexBinding &binding,
- GLsizei count,
- GLsizei instances) const override;
- gl::Error readFromAttachment(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::FramebufferAttachment &srcAttachment,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
- GLenum format,
- GLenum type,
- GLuint outputPitch,
- const gl::PixelPackState &pack,
- uint8_t *pixels);
- gl::Error blitRenderbufferRect(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Rectangle &readRect,
- const gl::Rectangle &drawRect,
- RenderTargetD3D *readRenderTarget,
- RenderTargetD3D *drawRenderTarget,
- GLenum filter,
- const gl::Rectangle *scissor,
- bool colorBlit,
- bool depthBlit,
- bool stencilBlit);
- bool isES3Capable() const;
- const Renderer11DeviceCaps &getRenderer11DeviceCaps() const { return mRenderer11DeviceCaps; };
- RendererClass getRendererClass() const override;
- StateManager11 *getStateManager() { return &mStateManager; }
- void onSwap();
- void onBufferCreate(const Buffer11 *created);
- void onBufferDelete(const Buffer11 *deleted);
- egl::Error getEGLDevice(DeviceImpl **device) override;
- gl::Error drawArrays(const gl::Context *context,
- GLenum mode,
- GLint startVertex,
- GLsizei count,
- GLsizei instances);
- gl::Error drawElements(const gl::Context *context,
- GLenum mode,
- GLsizei count,
- GLenum type,
- const void *indices,
- GLsizei instances);
- gl::Error drawArraysIndirect(const gl::Context *context, GLenum mode, const void *indirect);
- gl::Error drawElementsIndirect(const gl::Context *context,
- GLenum mode,
- GLenum type,
- const void *indirect);
- // Necessary hack for default framebuffers in D3D.
- FramebufferImpl *createDefaultFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) override;
- gl::Error getScratchMemoryBuffer(size_t requestedSize, angle::MemoryBuffer **bufferOut);
- gl::Version getMaxSupportedESVersion() const override;
- gl::Error dispatchCompute(const gl::Context *context,
- GLuint numGroupsX,
- GLuint numGroupsY,
- GLuint numGroupsZ);
- gl::Error applyComputeShader(const gl::Context *context);
- gl::ErrorOrResult<TextureHelper11> createStagingTexture(ResourceType textureType,
- const d3d11::Format &formatSet,
- const gl::Extents &size,
- StagingAccess readAndWriteAccess);
- template <typename DescT, typename ResourceT>
- gl::Error allocateResource(const DescT &desc, ResourceT *resourceOut)
- {
- return mResourceManager11.allocate(this, &desc, nullptr, resourceOut);
- }
- template <typename DescT, typename InitDataT, typename ResourceT>
- gl::Error allocateResource(const DescT &desc, InitDataT *initData, ResourceT *resourceOut)
- {
- return mResourceManager11.allocate(this, &desc, initData, resourceOut);
- }
- template <typename InitDataT, typename ResourceT>
- gl::Error allocateResourceNoDesc(InitDataT *initData, ResourceT *resourceOut)
- {
- return mResourceManager11.allocate(this, nullptr, initData, resourceOut);
- }
- template <typename DescT>
- gl::Error allocateTexture(const DescT &desc,
- const d3d11::Format &format,
- TextureHelper11 *textureOut)
- {
- return allocateTexture(desc, format, nullptr, textureOut);
- }
- gl::Error allocateTexture(const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC &desc,
- const d3d11::Format &format,
- const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *initData,
- TextureHelper11 *textureOut);
- gl::Error allocateTexture(const D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC &desc,
- const d3d11::Format &format,
- const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *initData,
- TextureHelper11 *textureOut);
- gl::Error clearRenderTarget(RenderTargetD3D *renderTarget,
- const gl::ColorF &clearColorValue,
- const float clearDepthValue,
- const unsigned int clearStencilValue) override;
- bool canSelectViewInVertexShader() const override;
- private:
- void generateCaps(gl::Caps *outCaps,
- gl::TextureCapsMap *outTextureCaps,
- gl::Extensions *outExtensions,
- gl::Limitations *outLimitations) const override;
- angle::WorkaroundsD3D generateWorkarounds() const override;
- gl::Error drawLineLoop(const gl::Context *context,
- GLsizei count,
- GLenum type,
- const void *indices,
- int baseVertex,
- int instances);
- gl::Error drawTriangleFan(const gl::Context *context,
- GLsizei count,
- GLenum type,
- const void *indices,
- int baseVertex,
- int instances);
- gl::ErrorOrResult<TextureHelper11> resolveMultisampledTexture(const gl::Context *context,
- RenderTarget11 *renderTarget,
- bool depth,
- bool stencil);
- void populateRenderer11DeviceCaps();
- void updateHistograms();
- gl::Error copyImageInternal(const gl::Context *context,
- const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer,
- const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
- GLenum destFormat,
- const gl::Offset &destOffset,
- RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget);
- gl::SupportedSampleSet generateSampleSetForEGLConfig(
- const gl::TextureCaps &colorBufferFormatCaps,
- const gl::TextureCaps &depthStencilBufferFormatCaps) const;
- HRESULT callD3D11CreateDevice(PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE createDevice, bool debug);
- egl::Error initializeD3DDevice();
- egl::Error initializeDevice();
- void releaseDeviceResources();
- void release();
- d3d11::ANGLED3D11DeviceType getDeviceType() const;
- gl::Error markTransformFeedbackUsage(const gl::Context *context);
- HMODULE mD3d11Module;
- HMODULE mDxgiModule;
- HMODULE mDCompModule;
- std::vector<D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL> mAvailableFeatureLevels;
- D3D_DRIVER_TYPE mRequestedDriverType;
- bool mCreateDebugDevice;
- bool mCreatedWithDeviceEXT;
- DeviceD3D *mEGLDevice;
- HLSLCompiler mCompiler;
- RenderStateCache mStateCache;
- StateManager11 mStateManager;
- StreamingIndexBufferInterface *mLineLoopIB;
- StreamingIndexBufferInterface *mTriangleFanIB;
- // Texture copy resources
- Blit11 *mBlit;
- PixelTransfer11 *mPixelTransfer;
- // Masked clear resources
- Clear11 *mClear;
- // Perform trim for D3D resources
- Trim11 *mTrim;
- // Sync query
- d3d11::Query mSyncQuery;
- // Created objects state tracking
- std::set<const Buffer11 *> mAliveBuffers;
- double mLastHistogramUpdateTime;
- ID3D11Device *mDevice;
- Renderer11DeviceCaps mRenderer11DeviceCaps;
- ID3D11DeviceContext *mDeviceContext;
- ID3D11DeviceContext1 *mDeviceContext1;
- ID3D11DeviceContext3 *mDeviceContext3;
- IDXGIAdapter *mDxgiAdapter;
- DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC mAdapterDescription;
- char mDescription[128];
- IDXGIFactory *mDxgiFactory;
- ID3D11Debug *mDebug;
- std::vector<GLuint> mScratchIndexDataBuffer;
- angle::ScratchBuffer mScratchMemoryBuffer;
- gl::DebugAnnotator *mAnnotator;
- mutable Optional<bool> mSupportsShareHandles;
- ResourceManager11 mResourceManager11;
- TextureHelper11 mCachedResolveTexture;
-} // namespace rx