path: root/src/gui/image/qicon.h
diff options
authorVolker Hilsheimer <>2024-01-16 09:31:02 +0100
committerVolker Hilsheimer <>2024-01-26 14:51:35 +0100
commit3042d40be79f28eaa1828474bc8109d0dbe152b8 (patch)
tree135a0fde94a84faec1e17d979ee3c1d9634a9db4 /src/gui/image/qicon.h
parent3a4397af2e5076a3425e92d8bbeae37b4267c389 (diff)
Simplify new QIcon ThemeIcon constants and API
Originally we thought that exposing the string literal through the API would be useful for people that want to know what icon they will get when using a specific constant. But since the mapping from platform independent icon name to platform specific icon name is anyway hidden in the engine implementation, this is no longer useful. Based on header review comments, simplify this by making the ThemeIcon list of constants a scoped enum. If it's really useful for e.g. designers to know which exact icon they get on a specific platform, then we could, in a future release, add a static QIcon::themeIconName API that returns the platform specific icon string for a ThemeIcon constant. Pick-to: 6.7 Change-Id: I231eb98fefb4ac82d38209b4e1257bb3caadeb08 Reviewed-by: Tor Arne Vestbø <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/image/qicon.h')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qicon.h b/src/gui/image/qicon.h
index ee421bf732..1a5c47731f 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qicon.h
+++ b/src/gui/image/qicon.h
@@ -22,8 +22,255 @@ public:
enum Mode { Normal, Disabled, Active, Selected };
enum State { On, Off };
- struct ThemeIcon {
-#include <QtGui/qiconconstants_impl.h>
+ enum class ThemeIcon {
+ AddressBookNew,
+ ApplicationExit,
+ AppointmentNew,
+ CallStart,
+ CallStop,
+ ContactNew,
+ DocumentNew,
+ DocumentOpen,
+ DocumentOpenRecent,
+ DocumentPageSetup,
+ DocumentPrint,
+ DocumentPrintPreview,
+ DocumentProperties,
+ DocumentRevert,
+ DocumentSave,
+ DocumentSaveAs,
+ DocumentSend,
+ EditClear,
+ EditCopy,
+ EditCut,
+ EditDelete,
+ EditFind,
+ EditFindReplace,
+ EditPaste,
+ EditRedo,
+ EditSelectAll,
+ EditUndo,
+ FolderNew,
+ FormatIndentLess,
+ FormatIndentMore,
+ FormatJustifyCenter,
+ FormatJustifyFill,
+ FormatJustifyLeft,
+ FormatJustifyRight,
+ FormatTextDirectionLtr,
+ FormatTextDirectionRtl,
+ FormatTextBold,
+ FormatTextItalic,
+ FormatTextUnderline,
+ FormatTextStrikethrough,
+ GoBottom,
+ GoDown,
+ GoFirst,
+ GoHome,
+ GoJump,
+ GoLast,
+ GoNext,
+ GoPrevious,
+ GoTop,
+ GoUp,
+ HelpAbout,
+ HelpContents,
+ HelpFaq,
+ InsertImage,
+ InsertLink,
+ InsertObject,
+ InsertText,
+ ListAdd,
+ ListRemove,
+ MailForward,
+ MailMarkImportant,
+ MailMarkJunk,
+ MailMarkNotjunk,
+ MailMarkRead,
+ MailMarkUnread,
+ MailMessageNew,
+ MailReplyAll,
+ MailReplySender,
+ MailSend,
+ MailSendReceive,
+ MediaEject,
+ MediaPlaybackPause,
+ MediaPlaybackStart,
+ MediaPlaybackStop,
+ MediaRecord,
+ MediaSeekBackward,
+ MediaSeekForward,
+ MediaSkipBackward,
+ MediaSkipForward,
+ ObjectFlipHorizontal,
+ ObjectFlipVertical,
+ ObjectRotateLeft,
+ ObjectRotateRight,
+ ProcessStop,
+ SystemLockScreen,
+ SystemLogOut,
+ SystemRun,
+ SystemSearch,
+ SystemReboot,
+ SystemShutdown,
+ ToolsCheckSpelling,
+ ViewFullscreen,
+ ViewRefresh,
+ ViewRestore,
+ ViewSortAscending,
+ ViewSortDescending,
+ WindowClose,
+ WindowNew,
+ ZoomFitBest,
+ ZoomIn,
+ ZoomOriginal,
+ ZoomOut,
+ ProcessWorking,
+ AccessoriesCalculator,
+ AccessoriesCharacterMap,
+ AccessoriesDictionary,
+ AccessoriesTextEditor,
+ HelpBrowser,
+ MultimediaVolumeControl,
+ PreferencesDesktopAccessibility,
+ PreferencesDesktopFont,
+ PreferencesDesktopKeyboard,
+ PreferencesDesktopLocale,
+ PreferencesDesktopMultimedia,
+ PreferencesDesktopScreensaver,
+ PreferencesDesktopTheme,
+ PreferencesDesktopWallpaper,
+ SystemFileManager,
+ SystemSoftwareInstall,
+ SystemSoftwareUpdate,
+ UtilitiesSystemMonitor,
+ UtilitiesTerminal,
+ ApplicationsAccessories,
+ ApplicationsDevelopment,
+ ApplicationsEngineering,
+ ApplicationsGames,
+ ApplicationsGraphics,
+ ApplicationsInternet,
+ ApplicationsMultimedia,
+ ApplicationsOffice,
+ ApplicationsOther,
+ ApplicationsScience,
+ ApplicationsSystem,
+ ApplicationsUtilities,
+ PreferencesDesktop,
+ PreferencesDesktopPeripherals,
+ PreferencesDesktopPersonal,
+ PreferencesOther,
+ PreferencesSystem,
+ PreferencesSystemNetwork,
+ SystemHelp,
+ AudioCard,
+ AudioInputMicrophone,
+ Battery,
+ CameraPhoto,
+ CameraVideo,
+ CameraWeb,
+ Computer,
+ DriveHarddisk,
+ DriveOptical,
+ DriveRemovableMedia,
+ InputGaming,
+ InputKeyboard,
+ InputMouse,
+ InputTablet,
+ MediaFlash,
+ MediaFloppy,
+ MediaOptical,
+ MediaTape,
+ Modem,
+ MultimediaPlayer,
+ NetworkWired,
+ NetworkWireless,
+ Pda,
+ Phone,
+ Printer,
+ Scanner,
+ VideoDisplay,
+ EmblemDefault,
+ EmblemDocuments,
+ EmblemDownloads,
+ EmblemFavorite,
+ EmblemImportant,
+ EmblemMail,
+ EmblemPhotos,
+ EmblemReadonly,
+ EmblemShared,
+ EmblemSymbolicLink,
+ EmblemSynchronized,
+ EmblemSystem,
+ EmblemUnreadable,
+ AppointmentMissed,
+ AppointmentSoon,
+ AudioVolumeHigh,
+ AudioVolumeLow,
+ AudioVolumeMedium,
+ AudioVolumeMuted,
+ BatteryCaution,
+ BatteryLow,
+ DialogError,
+ DialogInformation,
+ DialogPassword,
+ DialogQuestion,
+ DialogWarning,
+ FolderDragAccept,
+ FolderOpen,
+ FolderVisiting,
+ ImageLoading,
+ ImageMissing,
+ MailAttachment,
+ MailUnread,
+ MailRead,
+ MailReplied,
+ MailSigned,
+ MailSignedVerified,
+ MediaPlaylistRepeat,
+ MediaPlaylistShuffle,
+ NetworkError,
+ NetworkIdle,
+ NetworkOffline,
+ NetworkReceive,
+ NetworkTransmit,
+ NetworkTransmitReceive,
+ PrinterError,
+ PrinterPrinting,
+ SecurityHigh,
+ SecurityMedium,
+ SecurityLow,
+ SoftwareUpdateAvailable,
+ SoftwareUpdateUrgent,
+ SyncError,
+ SyncSynchronizing,
+ TaskDue,
+ TaskPastDue,
+ UserAvailable,
+ UserAway,
+ UserIdle,
+ UserOffline,
+ UserTrashFull,
+ WeatherClear,
+ WeatherClearNight,
+ WeatherFewClouds,
+ WeatherFewCloudsNight,
+ WeatherFog,
+ WeatherOvercast,
+ WeatherSevereAlert,
+ WeatherShowers,
+ WeatherShowersScattered,
+ WeatherSnow,
+ WeatherStorm,
+ NThemeIcons
QIcon() noexcept;
@@ -85,6 +332,10 @@ public:
static QIcon fromTheme(const QString &name, const QIcon &fallback);
static bool hasThemeIcon(const QString &name);
+ static QIcon fromTheme(ThemeIcon icon);
+ static QIcon fromTheme(ThemeIcon icon, const QIcon &fallback);
+ static bool hasThemeIcon(ThemeIcon icon);
static QStringList themeSearchPaths();
static void setThemeSearchPaths(const QStringList &searchpath);