path: root/tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp
diff options
authorThiago Macieira <>2018-07-14 16:42:08 -0700
committerThiago Macieira <>2018-07-30 16:21:12 +0000
commit7cb5b324f05b3d9e530856bd0eb2ddf4e34b2f55 (patch)
treea96c2af38e7a2ef58b4acf3a4cd77cdfc60d53f8 /tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp
parent3cd9d6d19bc61f0b4e5228196e058bac5fd37ba3 (diff)
QCborValue: move the toDiagnosticNotation() function to its own file
If we ever need to add QCborValue to the bootstrap library, it's unlikely that we'll need this part. And by splitting it, I can make the code handle more cases, that hadn't been properly handled before. Change-Id: I2f630efbbce54f14bfa9fffd154160c0ad893695 Reviewed-by: MÃ¥rten Nordheim <> Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp
index 8ab43f9fc9..e469bffa4f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/serialization/qcborvalue/tst_qcborvalue.cpp
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ private slots:
void fromCbor();
void validation_data();
void validation();
+ void toDiagnosticNotation_data();
+ void toDiagnosticNotation();
// Get the validation data from TinyCBOR (see src/3rdparty/tinycbor/tests/parser/data.cpp)
@@ -1517,6 +1519,169 @@ void tst_QCborValue::validation()
+void tst_QCborValue::toDiagnosticNotation_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QCborValue>("v");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("opts");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expected");
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+ QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
+ QMetaEnum me = QMetaEnum::fromType<QCborValue::Type>();
+ auto st = [](QCborSimpleType t) { return QVariant::fromValue<SimpleTypeWrapper>(t); };
+ auto add = [me](const QCborValue &v, const QString &exp) {
+ auto addRow = [=](const char *prefix) -> QTestData & {
+ QCborValue::Type t = v.type();
+ if (t == QCborValue::Integer)
+ return QTest::addRow("%sInteger:%lld", prefix, v.toInteger());
+ if (t == QCborValue::Double)
+ return QTest::addRow("%sDouble:%g", prefix, v.toDouble());
+ if (t == QCborValue::ByteArray)
+ return QTest::addRow("%sByteArray:%d", prefix, v.toByteArray().size());
+ if (t == QCborValue::String)
+ return QTest::addRow("%sString:%d", prefix, v.toString().size());
+ QByteArray typeString = me.valueToKey(t);
+ Q_ASSERT(!typeString.isEmpty());
+ return QTest::newRow(prefix + typeString);
+ };
+ addRow("") << v << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{}) << exp;
+ addRow("LW:") << v << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped) << exp;
+ addRow("Array:") << QCborValue(QCborArray{v}) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{}) << '[' + exp + ']';
+ addRow("Mapped:") << QCborValue(QCborMap{{2, v}}) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{}) << "{2: " + exp + '}';
+ addRow("Mapping:") << QCborValue(QCborMap{{v, 2}}) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{}) << '{' + exp + ": 2}";
+ };
+ // empty arrays and maps
+ QTest::newRow("EmptyArray")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray()) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "[]";
+ QTest::newRow("EmptyMap")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap()) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "{}";
+ add(QCborValue(), "undefined");
+ add(QCborValue::Null, "null");
+ add(false, "false");
+ add(true, "true");
+ add(QCborSimpleType(0), "simple(0)");
+ QTest::newRow("SimpleType-255")
+ << QCborValue(QCborSimpleType(255)) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "simple(255)";
+ add(0, "0");
+ add(1, "1");
+ add(-1, "-1");
+ add(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::min(), QString::number(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::min()));
+ add(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max(), QString::number(std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max()));
+ add(0., "0.0");
+ add(1.25, "1.25");
+ add(-1.25, "-1.25");
+ add(qInf(), "inf");
+ add(-qInf(), "-inf");
+ add(qQNaN(), "nan");
+ add(QByteArray(), "h''");
+ add(QByteArray("Hello"), "h'48656c6c6f'");
+ add(QLatin1String(), QLatin1String("\"\""));
+ add("Hello", "\"Hello\"");
+ add("\"Hello\\World\"", "\"\\\"Hello\\\\World\\\"\"");
+ add(QCborValue(dt), "0(\"" + dt.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs) + "\")");
+ add(QCborValue(QUrl("")), "32(\"\")");
+ add(QCborValue(QRegularExpression("^.*$")), "35(\"^.*$\")");
+ add(QCborValue(uuid), "37(h'" + uuid.toString(QUuid::Id128) + "')");
+ // arrays and maps with more than one element
+ QTest::newRow("2Array")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray{0, 1}) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "[0, 1]";
+ QTest::newRow("2Map")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{0, 1}, {"foo", "bar"}}) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "{0: 1, \"foo\": \"bar\"}";
+ // line wrapping in arrays and maps
+ QTest::newRow("LW:EmptyArray")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray()) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:EmptyMap")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap()) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n}";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Array:Integer:0")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray{0}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n 0\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Array:String:5")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray{"Hello"}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n \"Hello\"\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Map:0-0")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{0, 0}}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n 0: 0\n}";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Map:String:5")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{0, "Hello"}}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n 0: \"Hello\"\n}";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:2Array")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray{0, 1}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n 0,\n 1\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:2Map")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{0, 0}, {"foo", "bar"}}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n 0: 0,\n \"foo\": \"bar\"\n}";
+ // nested arrays and maps
+ QTest::newRow("Array:EmptyArray")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray() << QCborArray()) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "[[]]";
+ QTest::newRow("Array:EmptyMap")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray() << QCborMap()) << int(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions{})
+ << "[{}]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Array:EmptyArray")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray() << QCborArray()) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n [\n ]\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Array:EmptyMap")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray() << QCborMap()) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n {\n }\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Array:2Array")
+ << QCborValue(QCborArray() << QCborArray{0, 1}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "[\n [\n 0,\n 1\n ]\n]";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Map:2Array")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{0, QCborArray{0, 1}}}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n 0: [\n 0,\n 1\n ]\n}";
+ QTest::newRow("LW:Map:2Map")
+ << QCborValue(QCborMap{{-1, QCborMap{{0, 0}, {"foo", "bar"}}}}) << int(QCborValue::LineWrapped)
+ << "{\n -1: {\n 0: 0,\n \"foo\": \"bar\"\n }\n}";
+ // extended formatting for byte arrays
+ QTest::newRow("Extended:ByteArray:0")
+ << QCborValue(QByteArray()) << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat)
+ << "h''";
+ QTest::newRow("Extended:ByteArray:5")
+ << QCborValue(QByteArray("Hello")) << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat)
+ << "h'48 65 6c 6c 6f'";
+ QTest::newRow("Extended:ByteArray:Base64url")
+ << QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url, QByteArray("\xff\xef"))
+ << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat) << "21(b64'_-8')";
+ QTest::newRow("Extended:ByteArray:Base64")
+ << QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64, QByteArray("\xff\xef"))
+ << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat) << "22(b64'/+8=')";
+ // formatting applies through arrays too
+ QTest::newRow("Extended:Array:ByteArray:Base64url")
+ << QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url, QCborArray{QByteArray("\xff\xef")})
+ << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat) << "21([b64'_-8'])";
+ // and only the innermost applies
+ QTest::newRow("ByteArray:multiple-tags")
+ << QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase64url,
+ QCborArray{QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::ExpectedBase16, QByteArray("Hello")),
+ QByteArray("\xff\xef")})
+ << int(QCborValue::ExtendedFormat) << "21([23(h'48 65 6c 6c 6f'), b64'_-8'])";
+void tst_QCborValue::toDiagnosticNotation()
+ QFETCH(QCborValue, v);
+ QFETCH(QString, expected);
+ QFETCH(int, opts);
+ QString result = v.toDiagnosticNotation(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions(opts));
+ QCOMPARE(result, expected);
#include "tst_qcborvalue.moc"