path: root/tests/auto/gui
diff options
authorNicolas Guichard <>2020-02-18 17:16:14 +0100
committerNicolas Guichard <>2020-02-20 08:00:14 +0100
commit39994e0705f11afc45e20872b95fb3a6e684c913 (patch)
treee3e28111dd7bf2d4121e5111d791422213583a71 /tests/auto/gui
parent8cf4ce0fea65db841bb5345169401aebbe0a5587 (diff)
QShaderGenerator: Don't crash when a node has multiple outputs
It was already possible to declare a node prototype with multiple outputs, but trying to assign to all those outputs was not possible and instead resulted in a crash. It is now possible to declare nodes like this without crashing: "SEPERATE_XYZ": { "inputs": ["vector"], "outputs": ["x", "y", "z"], "rules": [ { "substitution": "float $x = $vector.x; float $y = $vector.y; float $z = $vector.z;" } ] } Change-Id: I748e77e84c9120dc688c573eee33dc13c6bfbace Reviewed-by: Paul Lemire <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/gui')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/util/qshadergenerator/tst_qshadergenerator.cpp b/tests/auto/gui/util/qshadergenerator/tst_qshadergenerator.cpp
index 2b9b08a18a..76211f8358 100644
--- a/tests/auto/gui/util/qshadergenerator/tst_qshadergenerator.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/util/qshadergenerator/tst_qshadergenerator.cpp
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ private slots:
void shouldUseGlobalVariableRatherThanTemporaries();
void shouldGenerateTemporariesWisely();
void shouldHandlePortNamesPrefixingOneAnother();
+ void shouldHandleNodesWithMultipleOutputPorts();
void tst_QShaderGenerator::shouldHaveDefaultState()
@@ -1299,6 +1300,78 @@ void tst_QShaderGenerator::shouldHandlePortNamesPrefixingOneAnother()
QCOMPARE(code, expected.join("\n"));
+void tst_QShaderGenerator::shouldHandleNodesWithMultipleOutputPorts()
+ // GIVEN
+ const auto gl4 = createFormat(QShaderFormat::OpenGLCoreProfile, 4, 0);
+ auto input = createNode({
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Output, "output0"),
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Output, "output1")
+ });
+ input.addRule(gl4, QShaderNode::Rule("vec4 $output0 = globalIn0;"
+ "float $output1 = globalIn1;",
+ QByteArrayList() << "in vec4 globalIn0;" << "in float globalIn1;"));
+ auto function = createNode({
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Input, "input0"),
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Input, "input1"),
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Output, "output0"),
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Output, "output1")
+ });
+ function.addRule(gl4, QShaderNode::Rule("vec4 $output0 = $input0;"
+ "float $output1 = $input1;"));
+ auto output = createNode({
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Input, "input0"),
+ createPort(QShaderNodePort::Input, "input1")
+ });
+ output.addRule(gl4, QShaderNode::Rule("globalOut0 = $input0;"
+ "globalOut1 = $input1;",
+ QByteArrayList() << "out vec4 globalOut0;" << "out float globalOut1;"));
+ // WHEN
+ const auto graph = [=] {
+ auto res = QShaderGraph();
+ res.addNode(input);
+ res.addNode(function);
+ res.addNode(output);
+ res.addEdge(createEdge(input.uuid(), "output0", function.uuid(), "input0"));
+ res.addEdge(createEdge(input.uuid(), "output1", function.uuid(), "input1"));
+ res.addEdge(createEdge(function.uuid(), "output0", output.uuid(), "input0"));
+ res.addEdge(createEdge(function.uuid(), "output1", output.uuid(), "input1"));
+ return res;
+ }();
+ auto generator = QShaderGenerator();
+ generator.graph = graph;
+ generator.format = gl4;
+ const auto code = generator.createShaderCode();
+ // THEN
+ const auto expected = QByteArrayList()
+ << "#version 400 core"
+ << ""
+ << "in vec4 globalIn0;"
+ << "in float globalIn1;"
+ << "out vec4 globalOut0;"
+ << "out float globalOut1;"
+ << ""
+ << "void main()"
+ << "{"
+ << " globalOut0 = globalIn0;"
+ << " globalOut1 = globalIn1;"
+ << "}"
+ << "";
+ QCOMPARE(code, expected.join("\n"));
#include "tst_qshadergenerator.moc"