path: root/tests/auto
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authorLaszlo Agocs <>2021-01-11 15:11:16 +0100
committerLaszlo Agocs <>2021-01-13 10:08:23 +0100
commitc262a698511519a57866b2c5fce386b0ec1e6905 (patch)
treebc9eeb197b6fcac04904f919207440a1f37bfb12 /tests/auto
parent042cd97884bb86dfd0bedaa63480d99846ab06bb (diff)
rhi: gl: Add some enablers for supporting GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES
From QRhi's perspective this consists of two things: - A shader with samplerExternalOES in it cannot go through the standard pipeline. Rather, a QShader with suitable GLSL code in it has to be constructed manually. As this is something useful as an autotest anyway, add a test case to the qshader autotest that demonstrates this. - When it comes to correctly calling glBindTexture, add a QRhiTexture flag. The expectation is that an OpenGL-only client sets this in combination with QRhiTexture::createFrom(), thus wrapping an existing texture that then gets bound to the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target instead of our usual GL_TEXTURE_2D. For completeness we also add a SamplerExternalOES variable type to QShaderDescription, but the sampler type is not actually used by the QRhi OpenGL backend, as it is the QRhiTexture that defines the texture target. Change-Id: I36b52325deb3703b59186ee3d726d0c3015bfc4b Reviewed-by: Andy Nichols <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/rhi/qshader/tst_qshader.cpp b/tests/auto/gui/rhi/qshader/tst_qshader.cpp
index d84053dfa7..1a57daf220 100644
--- a/tests/auto/gui/rhi/qshader/tst_qshader.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/rhi/qshader/tst_qshader.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ private slots:
void serializeShaderDesc();
void comparison();
void loadV4();
+ void manualShaderPackCreation();
static QShader getShader(const QString &name)
@@ -455,5 +456,119 @@ void tst_QShader::loadV4()
+void tst_QShader::manualShaderPackCreation()
+ // Exercise manually building a QShader (instead of loading it from
+ // serialized form). Some Qt modules may do this, in particular when OpenGL
+ // and GLSL code that cannot be processed through the normal pipeline with
+ // Vulkan SPIR-V as the primary target.
+ static const char *FS =
+ "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n"
+ "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n"
+ "struct buf {\n"
+ " mat4 qt_Matrix;\n"
+ " float qt_Opacity;\n"
+ "};\n"
+ "uniform buf ubuf;\n"
+ "uniform samplerExternalOES tex0;\n"
+ "void main()\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " gl_FragColor = ubuf.qt_Opacity * texture2D(tex0, v_texcoord);\n"
+ "}\n";
+ static const char *FS_GLES_PREAMBLE =
+ "precision highp float;\n";
+ // not necessarily sensible given the OES stuff but just for testing
+ static const char *FS_GL_PREAMBLE =
+ "#version 120\n";
+ QByteArray fs_gles = FS_GLES_PREAMBLE;
+ fs_gles += FS;
+ QByteArray fs_gl = FS_GL_PREAMBLE;
+ fs_gl += FS;
+ QShaderDescription desc;
+ QShaderDescriptionPrivate *descData = QShaderDescriptionPrivate::get(&desc);
+ QCOMPARE(descData->ref.loadRelaxed(), 1);
+ // Inputs
+ QShaderDescription::InOutVariable texCoordInput;
+ = "v_texcoord";
+ texCoordInput.type = QShaderDescription::Vec2;
+ texCoordInput.location = 0;
+ descData->inVars = {
+ texCoordInput
+ };
+ // Outputs (just here for completeness, not strictly needed with OpenGL, the
+ // OpenGL backend of QRhi does not care)
+ QShaderDescription::InOutVariable fragColorOutput;
+ = "gl_FragColor";
+ texCoordInput.type = QShaderDescription::Vec4;
+ texCoordInput.location = 0;
+ descData->outVars = {
+ fragColorOutput
+ };
+ // No real uniform blocks in GLSL shaders used with QRhi, but metadata-wise
+ // that's what the struct maps to in others shading languages.
+ QShaderDescription::BlockVariable matrixBlockVar;
+ = "qt_Matrix";
+ matrixBlockVar.type = QShaderDescription::Mat4;
+ matrixBlockVar.offset = 0;
+ matrixBlockVar.size = 64;
+ QShaderDescription::BlockVariable opacityBlockVar;
+ = "qt_Opacity";
+ opacityBlockVar.type = QShaderDescription::Float;
+ opacityBlockVar.offset = 64;
+ opacityBlockVar.size = 4;
+ QShaderDescription::UniformBlock ubufStruct;
+ ubufStruct.blockName = "buf";
+ ubufStruct.structName = "ubuf";
+ ubufStruct.size = 64 + 4;
+ ubufStruct.binding = 0;
+ ubufStruct.members = {
+ matrixBlockVar,
+ opacityBlockVar
+ };
+ descData->uniformBlocks = {
+ ubufStruct
+ };
+ // Samplers
+ QShaderDescription::InOutVariable samplerTex0;
+ = "tex0";
+ samplerTex0.type = QShaderDescription::SamplerExternalOES;
+ // the struct with the "uniform block" content should be binding 0, samplers can then use 1, 2, ...
+ samplerTex0.binding = 1;
+ descData->combinedImageSamplers = {
+ samplerTex0
+ };
+ // Now we have everything needed to construct a QShader suitable for OpenGL ES >=2.0 and OpenGL >=2.1
+ QShader shaderPack;
+ shaderPack.setStage(QShader::FragmentStage);
+ shaderPack.setDescription(desc);
+ shaderPack.setShader(QShaderKey(QShader::GlslShader, QShaderVersion(100, QShaderVersion::GlslEs)), QShaderCode(fs_gles));
+ shaderPack.setShader(QShaderKey(QShader::GlslShader, QShaderVersion(120)), QShaderCode(fs_gl));
+ // real world code would then pass the QShader to QSGMaterialShader::setShader() etc.
+ const QByteArray serialized = shaderPack.serialized();
+ QShader newShaderPack = QShader::fromSerialized(serialized);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.availableShaders().count(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.description().inputVariables().count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.description().outputVariables().count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.description().uniformBlocks().count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.description().combinedImageSamplers().count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.shader(QShaderKey(QShader::GlslShader, QShaderVersion(100, QShaderVersion::GlslEs))).shader(), fs_gles);
+ QCOMPARE(newShaderPack.shader(QShaderKey(QShader::GlslShader, QShaderVersion(120))).shader(), fs_gl);
#include <tst_qshader.moc>