path: root/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake')
1 files changed, 1035 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake b/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake
index 55c4fbfe05..c64403b209 100644
--- a/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake
+++ b/cmake/QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake
@@ -1,181 +1,1062 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This script reads Qt configure arguments from config.opt,
# translates the arguments to CMake arguments and calls CMake.
# This file is to be used in CMake script mode with the following variables set:
# OPTFILE: A text file containing the options that were passed to configure
# with one option per line.
+# MODULE_ROOT: The source directory of the module to be built.
+# If empty, qtbase/top-level is assumed.
+# TOP_LEVEL: TRUE, if this is a top-level build.
cmake_policy(SET CMP0007 NEW)
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW)
set(cmake_args "")
list(APPEND cmake_args ${ARGN})
- set(state ON)
- if(CMAKE_MATCH_1 MATCHES "no-?")
- set(state OFF)
- endif()
list(POP_FRONT configure_args path)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"(.*)\"$" "\\1" path "${path}")
file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${path}" path)
-get_filename_component(source_dir ".." ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
+function(is_non_empty_valid_arg arg value)
+ if(value STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Value supplied to command line option '${arg}' is empty.")
+ elseif(value MATCHES "^-.*")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR
+ "Value supplied to command line option '${arg}' is invalid: ${value}")
+ endif()
+function(warn_in_per_repo_build arg)
+ message(WARNING "Command line option ${arg} is only effective in top-level builds")
+ endif()
+function(is_valid_qt_hex_version arg version)
+ if(NOT version MATCHES "^0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Incorrect version ${version} specified for ${arg}")
+ endif()
+ # If MODULE_ROOT is not set, assume that we want to build qtbase or top-level.
+ get_filename_component(MODULE_ROOT ".." ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
+ set(qtbase_or_top_level_build TRUE)
+ # If MODULE_ROOT is passed without drive letter, we try to add it to the path.
+ # The check is necessary; otherwise, `get_filename_component` returns an empty string.
+ get_filename_component(MODULE_ROOT "." REALPATH BASE_DIR "${MODULE_ROOT}")
+ endif()
+ set(qtbase_or_top_level_build FALSE)
+set(configure_filename "configure.cmake")
+set(commandline_filename "qt_cmdline.cmake")
+ get_filename_component(MODULE_ROOT "../.." ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
+ file(GLOB commandline_files "${MODULE_ROOT}/*/${commandline_filename}")
+ if(EXISTS "${MODULE_ROOT}/${commandline_filename}")
+ list(PREPEND commandline_files "${MODULE_ROOT}/${commandline_filename}")
+ endif()
+ set(commandline_files "${MODULE_ROOT}/${commandline_filename}")
file(STRINGS "${OPTFILE}" configure_args)
+# list(TRANSFORM ...) unexpectedly removes semicolon escaping in list items. So the list arguments
+# seem to be broken. The 'bracket argument' suppresses this behavior. Right before forwarding
+# command line arguments to the cmake call, 'bracket arguments' are replaced by escaped semicolons
+# back.
+list(TRANSFORM configure_args REPLACE ";" "[[;]]")
list(FILTER configure_args EXCLUDE REGEX "^[ \t]*$")
list(TRANSFORM configure_args STRIP)
-set(auto_detect_generator TRUE)
+set(auto_detect_compiler TRUE)
+set(auto_detect_generator ${qtbase_or_top_level_build})
+set(no_prefix_option FALSE)
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args arg)
- if(arg STREQUAL "-cmake")
- # ignore
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-cmake-generator")
+while(NOT "${configure_args}" STREQUAL "")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args raw_arg)
+ # Condense '--foo-bar' arguments into '-foo-bar'.
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^--([^-])" "-\\1" arg "${raw_arg}")
+ if(arg STREQUAL "-cmake-generator")
list(POP_FRONT configure_args generator)
elseif(arg STREQUAL "-cmake-use-default-generator")
set(auto_detect_generator FALSE)
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-top-level")
- get_filename_component(source_dir "../.." ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-no-guess-compiler")
+ set(auto_detect_compiler FALSE)
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-list-features")
+ set(list_features TRUE)
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^-h(elp)?$")
+ set(display_module_help TRUE)
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-write-options-for-conan")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args options_json_file)
elseif(arg STREQUAL "-skip")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args qtrepo)
- push("-DBUILD_${qtrepo}=OFF")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-opensource")
- # to be done
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-commercial")
- # to be done
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-confirm-license")
- # to be done
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-(no)?make")
- calculate_state()
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args component)
- if(component STREQUAL "tests")
- push(-DBUILD_TESTING=${state})
- elseif(component STREQUAL "examples")
- push(-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=${state})
- else()
- string(TOUPPER "${component}" uc_component)
- push(-DQT_NO_MAKE_${uc_component}=${state})
- endif()
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-(no-)?feature")
- calculate_state()
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args feature)
- push("-DFEATURE_${feature}=${state}")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-(no-)?pch")
- calculate_state()
- push("-DBUILD_WITH_PCH=${state}")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-system-(.*)")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args lib)
- push("-DFEATURE_system_${lib}=ON")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-qt-(.*)")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args lib)
- push("-DFEATURE_system_${lib}=OFF")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-sanitize=(.*)")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-ccache")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-developer-build")
- push(-DFEATURE_developer_build=ON)
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-prefix")
- pop_path_argument()
- push("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${path}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-extprefix")
- pop_path_argument()
- push("-DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=${path}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-hostprefix")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "${arg} is not supported in the CMake build.")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-external-hostbindir")
- # This points to the bin directory of the Qt installation.
- # This can be multiple levels deep and we cannot deduce the QT_HOST_PATH safely.
- message(FATAL_ERROR "${arg} is not supported anymore. Use -qt-host-path <dir> instead.")
+ warn_in_per_repo_build("${arg}")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args qtrepos)
+ is_non_empty_valid_arg("${arg}" "${qtrepos}")
+ list(TRANSFORM qtrepos REPLACE "," ";")
+ foreach(qtrepo IN LISTS qtrepos)
+ push("-DBUILD_${qtrepo}=OFF")
+ endforeach()
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-skip-tests")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args qtrepos)
+ is_non_empty_valid_arg("${arg}" "${qtrepos}")
+ list(TRANSFORM qtrepos REPLACE "," ";")
+ foreach(qtrepo IN LISTS qtrepos)
+ push("-DQT_BUILD_TESTS_PROJECT_${qtrepo}=OFF")
+ endforeach()
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-skip-examples")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args qtrepos)
+ is_non_empty_valid_arg("${arg}" "${qtrepos}")
+ list(TRANSFORM qtrepos REPLACE "," ";")
+ foreach(qtrepo IN LISTS qtrepos)
+ endforeach()
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-submodules")
+ warn_in_per_repo_build("${arg}")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args submodules)
+ is_non_empty_valid_arg("${arg}" "${submodules}")
+ list(TRANSFORM submodules REPLACE "," "[[;]]")
+ push("-DQT_BUILD_SUBMODULES=${submodules}")
elseif(arg STREQUAL "-qt-host-path")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-host.*dir")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "${arg} is not supported anymore.")
- elseif(arg MATCHES
- "^-(bin|lib|archdata|libexec|qml|data|doc|translation|sysconf|examples|tests)dir$")
- string(TOUPPER "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" type)
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args dir)
- push("-DINSTALL_${type}DIR=${dir}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-plugindir")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args dir)
- push("-DINSTALL_PLUGINSDIR=${dir}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-release")
- set(build_configs "Release")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-debug")
- set(build_configs "Debug")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-debug-and-release")
- set(build_configs Debug Release)
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-force-debug-info")
- set(force_debug_info ON)
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-shared")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-static")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-(no-)?framework")
- calculate_state()
- push("-DFEATURE_framework=${state}")
- elseif(arg MATCHES "^-x?platform$")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args mkspec)
- push("-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=${mkspec}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-device")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args mkspec)
- push("-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=devices/${mkspec}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-device-option")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args opt)
- list(APPEND device_options "${opt}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-qtnamespace")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args namespace)
- push("-DQT_NAMESPACE=${namespace}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-c++std")
- list(POP_FRONT configure_args edition)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^c\\+\\+" "" edition "${edition}")
- push("-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${edition}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "-rpath")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-hostdatadir")
- list(APPEND extra_rpaths "${path}")
- elseif(arg STREQUAL "--")
+ if(NOT path MATCHES "(^|/)mkspecs$")
+ string(APPEND path "/mkspecs")
+ endif()
+ push("-DINSTALL_MKSPECSDIR=${path}")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-developer-build")
+ set(developer_build TRUE)
+ push("-DFEATURE_developer_build=ON")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-no-prefix")
+ set(no_prefix_option TRUE)
+ push("-DFEATURE_no_prefix=ON")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-cmake-file-api")
+ set(cmake_file_api TRUE)
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-no-cmake-file-api")
+ set(cmake_file_api FALSE)
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-verbose")
+ list(APPEND cmake_args "--log-level=STATUS")
+ elseif(arg STREQUAL "-disable-deprecated-up-to")
+ list(POP_FRONT configure_args version)
+ is_valid_qt_hex_version("${arg}" "${version}")
+ push("-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO=${version}")
+ elseif(raw_arg STREQUAL "--")
# Everything after this argument will be passed to CMake verbatim.
- push(${configure_args})
+ list(APPEND cmake_args "${configure_args}")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown configure argument: ${arg}")
+# Read the specified manually generator value from CMake command line.
+# The '-cmake-generator' argument has higher priority than CMake command line.
+if(NOT generator)
+ set(is_next_arg_generator_name FALSE)
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS cmake_args)
+ if(is_next_arg_generator_name)
+ set(is_next_arg_generator_name FALSE)
+ if(NOT arg MATCHES "^-.*")
+ set(generator "${arg}")
+ set(auto_detect_generator FALSE)
+ endif()
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^-G(.*)")
+ set(generator "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ if(generator)
+ set(auto_detect_generator FALSE)
+ else()
+ set(is_next_arg_generator_name TRUE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+# Attempt to detect the generator type, either single or multi-config
+if("${generator}" STREQUAL "Xcode"
+ OR "${generator}" STREQUAL "Ninja Multi-Config"
+ OR "${generator}" MATCHES "^Visual Studio")
+ set(multi_config ON)
+ set(multi_config OFF)
+# Tell the build system we are configuring via the configure script so we can act on that.
+# The cache variable is unset at the end of configuration.
+ push("--fresh")
+ else()
+ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles")
+ endif()
+# Define functions/macros that are called in configure.cmake files
+# Every function that's called in a configure.cmake file must be defined here.
+# Most are empty stubs.
+function(qt_feature feature)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "PURPOSE;SECTION;" "" ${ARGN})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "find_package must not be used directly in configure.cmake. "
+ "Use qt_find_package or guard the call with an if(NOT QT_CONFIGURE_RUNNING) block.")
+macro(defstub name)
+ function(${name})
+ endfunction()
+# Define functions/macros that are called in qt_cmdline.cmake files
+set(commandline_nr_of_prefixes 0)
+macro(qt_commandline_subconfig subconfig)
+ list(APPEND commandline_subconfigs "${subconfig}")
+macro(qt_commandline_custom handler)
+ list(APPEND commandline_custom_handlers ${handler})
+function(qt_commandline_option name)
+ set(options CONTROLS_FEATURE)
+ set(oneValueArgs TYPE NAME VALUE)
+ set(multiValueArgs VALUES MAPPING)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
+ set(commandline_known_options "${commandline_known_options};${name}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(commandline_option_${name} "${arg_TYPE}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(input_name ${name})
+ if(NOT "${arg_NAME}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(input_name ${arg_NAME})
+ set(commandline_option_${name}_variable "${arg_NAME}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+ set(mapping_type "${arg_TYPE}")
+ set(mapping_type "boolean")
+ endif()
+ set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUTTYPE_${input_name} "${mapping_type}")
+ if(NOT "${arg_VALUE}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(commandline_option_${name}_value "${arg_VALUE}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+ if(arg_VALUES)
+ set(commandline_option_${name}_values ${arg_VALUES} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ elseif(arg_MAPPING)
+ set(commandline_option_${name}_mapping ${arg_MAPPING} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+# Add the common command line options for every qt repo.
+ qt_commandline_option(headersclean TYPE boolean)
+function(qt_commandline_prefix arg var)
+ set(idx ${commandline_nr_of_prefixes})
+ set(commandline_prefix_${idx} "${arg}" "${var}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ math(EXPR n "${commandline_nr_of_prefixes} + 1")
+ set(commandline_nr_of_prefixes ${n} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Check the following variable in configure.cmake files to guard code that is not covered by the
+# stub functions above.
+# Load qt_cmdline.cmake files
+ list(POP_FRONT commandline_files commandline_file)
+ get_filename_component(commandline_file_directory "${commandline_file}" DIRECTORY)
+ set(configure_file "${commandline_file_directory}/${configure_filename}")
+ unset(commandline_subconfigs)
+ if(EXISTS "${configure_file}")
+ include("${configure_file}")
+ endif()
+ if(EXISTS "${commandline_file}")
+ include("${commandline_file}")
+ endif()
+ if(commandline_subconfigs)
+ list(TRANSFORM commandline_subconfigs PREPEND "${commandline_file_directory}/")
+ list(TRANSFORM commandline_subconfigs APPEND "/${commandline_filename}")
+ list(PREPEND commandline_files "${commandline_subconfigs}")
+ endif()
+get_property(commandline_known_features GLOBAL PROPERTY COMMANDLINE_KNOWN_FEATURES)
+# Process the data from the qt_cmdline.cmake files
+ message(${ARGV})
+ message(WARNING ${ARGV})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR ${ARGV})
+function(qtConfCommandlineSetInput name val)
+ if(NOT "${commandline_option_${name}_variable}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(name "${commandline_option_${name}_variable}")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT "${INPUT_${name}}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(oldval "${INPUT_${name}}")
+ if("${oldval}" STREQUAL "${val}")
+ qtConfAddNote("Option '${name}' with value '${val}' was specified twice")
+ else()
+ qtConfAddNote("Overriding option '${name}' with '${val}' (was: '${oldval}')")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUT_${name} "${val}")
+function(qtConfCommandlineAppendInput name val)
+ get_property(oldval GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUT_${name})
+ if(NOT "${oldval}" STREQUAL "")
+ string(PREPEND val "${oldval};")
+ endif()
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput(${name} "${val}")
+function(qtConfCommandlineSetInputType input_name type_name)
+ set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUTTYPE_${input_name} "${type_name}")
+function(qtConfCommandlineSetBooleanInput name val)
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput(${name} ${val})
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInputType(${name} boolean)
+function(qtConfCommandlineEnableFeature name)
+ qtConfCommandlineSetBooleanInput(${name} yes)
+function(qtConfCommandlineDisableFeature name)
+ qtConfCommandlineSetBooleanInput(${name} no)
+function(qtConfValidateValue opt val out_var)
+ set(${out_var} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(valid_values ${commandline_option_${arg}_values})
+ list(LENGTH valid_values n)
+ if(n EQUAL 0)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ foreach(v ${valid_values})
+ if(val STREQUAL v)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set(${out_var} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE)
+ list(JOIN valid_values " " valid_values_str)
+ qtConfAddError("Invalid value '${val}' supplied to command line option '${opt}'."
+ "\nAllowed values: ${valid_values_str}\n")
+function(qt_commandline_mapped_enum_value opt key out_var)
+ unset(result)
+ set(mapping ${commandline_option_${opt}_mapping})
+ while(mapping)
+ list(POP_FRONT mapping mapping_key)
+ list(POP_FRONT mapping mapping_value)
+ if(mapping_key STREQUAL key)
+ set(result "${mapping_value}")
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endwhile()
+ set(${out_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qtConfHasNextCommandlineArg out_var)
+ list(LENGTH args n)
+ if(n GREATER 0)
+ set(result TRUE)
+ else()
+ set(result FALSE)
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qtConfPeekNextCommandlineArg out_var)
+ list(GET args 0 result)
+ set(${out_var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg out_var)
+ list(POP_FRONT args result)
+ set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY UNHANDLED_ARGS ${args})
+ set(${out_var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(qt_commandline_boolean arg val nextok)
+ if("${val}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(val "yes")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT val STREQUAL "yes" AND NOT val STREQUAL "no")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid value '${val}' given for boolean command line option '${arg}'.")
+ endif()
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput("${arg}" "${val}")
+function(qt_commandline_string arg val nextok)
+ if(nextok)
+ qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg(val)
+ if("${val}" MATCHES "^-")
+ qtConfAddError("No value supplied to command line options '${opt}'.")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ qtConfValidateValue("${opt}" "${val}" success)
+ if(success)
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput("${opt}" "${val}")
+ endif()
+function(qt_commandline_optionalString arg val nextok)
+ if("${val}" STREQUAL "")
+ if(nextok)
+ qtConfPeekNextCommandlineArg(val)
+ endif()
+ if(val MATCHES "^-.*|[A-Z0-9_+]=.*" OR val STREQUAL "")
+ set(val "yes")
+ else()
+ qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg(val)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ qtConfValidateValue("${arg}" "${val}" success)
+ if(success)
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput("${arg}" "${val}")
+ endif()
+function(qt_commandline_addString arg val nextok)
+ if("${val}" STREQUAL "" AND nextok)
+ qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg(val)
+ endif()
+ if(val MATCHES "^-.*" OR val STREQUAL "")
+ qtConfAddError("No value supplied to command line option '${arg}'.")
+ endif()
+ qtConfValidateValue("${arg}" "${val}" success)
+ if(success)
+ if(DEFINED command_line_option_${arg}_variable)
+ set(arg ${command_line_option_${arg}_variable})
+ endif()
+ set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY "INPUT_${arg}" "${val}")
+ endif()
+function(qt_commandline_enum arg val nextok)
+ if("${val}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(val "yes")
+ endif()
+ unset(mapped)
+ if(DEFINED "commandline_option_${arg}_mapping")
+ qt_commandline_mapped_enum_value("${arg}" "${val}" mapped)
+ elseif(DEFINED "commandline_option_${arg}_values")
+ if(val IN_LIST commandline_option_${arg}_values)
+ set(mapped ${val})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if("${mapped}" STREQUAL "")
+ qtConfAddError("Invalid value '${val}' supplied to command line option '${arg}'.")
+ endif()
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput("${arg}" "${mapped}")
+function(qt_commandline_void arg val nextok)
+ if(NOT "${val}" STREQUAL "")
+ qtConfAddError("Command line option '${arg}' expects no argument ('${val}' given).")
+ endif()
+ if(DEFINED commandline_option_${arg}_value)
+ set(val ${commandline_option_${arg}_value})
+ endif()
+ if("${val}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(val yes)
+ endif()
+ qtConfCommandlineSetInput("${arg}" "${val}")
+function(qt_call_function func)
+ set(call_code "${func}(")
+ math(EXPR n "${ARGC} - 1")
+ foreach(i RANGE 1 ${n})
+ string(APPEND call_code "\"${ARGV${i}}\" ")
+ endforeach()
+ string(APPEND call_code ")")
+ string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" call_code "${call_code}")
+ set(incfile qt_tmp_func_call.cmake)
+ file(WRITE "${incfile}" "${call_code}")
+ include(${incfile})
+ file(REMOVE "${incfile}")
+ else()
+ cmake_language(EVAL CODE "${call_code}")
+ endif()
+ message([[
+ -help, -h ............ Display this help screen
+ -feature-<feature> ... Enable <feature>
+ -no-feature-<feature> Disable <feature> [none]
+ -list-features ....... List available features. Note that some features
+ have dedicated command line options as well.
+ set(help_file "${MODULE_ROOT}/config_help.txt")
+ if(EXISTS "${help_file}")
+ file(READ "${help_file}" content)
+ message("${content}")
+ endif()
+ return()
+ unset(lines)
+ foreach(feature ${commandline_known_features})
+ get_property(section GLOBAL PROPERTY COMMANDLINE_FEATURE_SECTION_${feature})
+ get_property(purpose GLOBAL PROPERTY COMMANDLINE_FEATURE_PURPOSE_${feature})
+ if(purpose)
+ if(NOT "${section}" STREQUAL "")
+ string(APPEND section ": ")
+ endif()
+ qt_configure_get_padded_string("${feature}" "${section}${purpose}" line
+ list(APPEND lines "${line}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ list(SORT lines)
+ list(JOIN lines "\n" lines)
+ message("${lines}")
+ return()
+ if(qtbase_or_top_level_build)
+ # Add options that are handled directly by this script.
+ qt_commandline_option(qt-host-path TYPE string)
+ qt_commandline_option(no-guess-compiler TYPE void)
+ endif()
+ set(indent " ")
+ set(content
+ "{"
+ "${indent}\"options\": {")
+ string(APPEND indent " ")
+ list(LENGTH commandline_known_options commandline_known_options_length)
+ set(i 1)
+ foreach(opt ${commandline_known_options})
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}\"${opt}\": {")
+ string(APPEND indent " ")
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}\"type\": \"${commandline_option_${opt}}\",")
+ if(NOT "${commandline_option_${opt}_values}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(values "${commandline_option_${opt}_values}")
+ list(TRANSFORM values PREPEND "\"")
+ list(TRANSFORM values APPEND "\"")
+ list(JOIN values ", " values)
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}\"values\": [${values}]")
+ elseif(NOT "${commandline_option_${opt}_mapping}" STREQUAL "")
+ list(LENGTH commandline_option_${opt}_mapping last)
+ math(EXPR last "${last} - 1")
+ set(values "")
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}\"values\": [")
+ foreach(k RANGE 0 "${last}" 2)
+ list(GET commandline_option_${opt}_mapping ${k} value)
+ list(APPEND values ${value})
+ endforeach()
+ list(TRANSFORM values PREPEND "\"")
+ list(TRANSFORM values APPEND "\"")
+ list(JOIN values ", " values)
+ list(APPEND content
+ "${indent} ${values}"
+ "${indent}]")
+ else()
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}\"values\": []")
+ endif()
+ string(SUBSTRING "${indent}" 4 -1 indent)
+ math(EXPR i "${i} + 1")
+ if(i LESS commandline_known_options_length)
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}},")
+ else()
+ list(APPEND content "${indent}}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ string(SUBSTRING "${indent}" 4 -1 indent)
+ set(features ${commandline_known_features})
+ list(TRANSFORM features PREPEND "\"")
+ list(TRANSFORM features APPEND "\"")
+ list(JOIN features ", " features)
+ list(APPEND content
+ "${indent}},"
+ "${indent}\"features\": [${features}]"
+ "}")
+ string(REPLACE ";" "\n" content "${content}")
+ file(WRITE "${options_json_file}" "${content}")
+ write_options_json_file()
+ return()
+ qtConfHasNextCommandlineArg(has_next)
+ if(NOT has_next)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg(arg)
+ set(handled FALSE)
+ foreach(func ${commandline_custom_handlers})
+ qt_call_function("qt_commandline_${func}" handled "${arg}")
+ if(handled)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if(handled)
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ # Handle variable assignments
+ if(arg MATCHES "^([a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)=(.*)")
+ list(APPEND cmake_var_assignments "${arg}")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ # parse out opt and val
+ set(nextok FALSE)
+ if(arg MATCHES "^--?enable-(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ set(val "yes")
+ # Handle builtin [-no]-feature-xxx
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^--?(no-)?feature-(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ if(NOT opt IN_LIST commandline_known_features)
+ qtConfAddError("Enabling/Disabling unknown feature '${opt}'.")
+ endif()
+ if("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(val "ON")
+ else()
+ set(val "OFF")
+ endif()
+ qt_feature_normalize_name("${opt}" normalized_feature_name)
+ push(-DFEATURE_${normalized_feature_name}=${val})
+ continue()
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^--?(disable|no)-(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ set(val "no")
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^--([^=]+)=(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ set(val "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^--(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ unset(val)
+ elseif(arg MATCHES "^-(.*)")
+ set(nextok TRUE)
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ unset(val)
+ if(NOT DEFINED commandline_option_${opt} AND opt MATCHES "(qt|system)-(.*)")
+ set(opt "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ set(val "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ qtConfAddError("Invalid command line parameter '${arg}'.")
+ endif()
+ set(type ${commandline_option_${opt}})
+ if("${type}" STREQUAL "")
+ # No match in the regular options, try matching the prefixes
+ math(EXPR n "${commandline_nr_of_prefixes} - 1")
+ foreach(i RANGE ${n})
+ list(GET commandline_prefix_${i} 0 pfx)
+ if(arg MATCHES "^-${pfx}(.*)")
+ list(GET commandline_prefix_${i} 1 opt)
+ set(val "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
+ set(type addString)
+ break()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ if("${type}" STREQUAL "")
+ qtConfAddError("Unknown command line option '${arg}'.")
+ endif()
+ if(NOT COMMAND "qt_commandline_${type}")
+ qtConfAddError("Unknown type '${type}' for command line option '${opt}'.")
+ endif()
+ qt_call_function("qt_commandline_${type}" "${opt}" "${val}" "${nextok}")
+# Translate some of the INPUT_xxx values to CMake arguments
+# Turn the global properties into proper variables
+get_property(config_inputs GLOBAL PROPERTY CONFIG_INPUTS)
+list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_inputs)
+foreach(var ${config_inputs})
+ get_property(INPUT_${var} GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUT_${var})
+ if("${commandline_input_type}" STREQUAL "")
+ get_property(commandline_input_${var}_type GLOBAL PROPERTY INPUTTYPE_${var})
+ endif()
+macro(drop_input name)
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM config_inputs ${name})
+macro(translate_boolean_input name cmake_var)
+ if("${INPUT_${name}}" STREQUAL "yes")
+ push("-D${cmake_var}=ON")
+ drop_input(${name})
+ elseif("${INPUT_${name}}" STREQUAL "no")
+ push("-D${cmake_var}=OFF")
+ drop_input(${name})
+ endif()
+macro(translate_string_input name cmake_var)
+ if(DEFINED INPUT_${name})
+ push("-D${cmake_var}=${INPUT_${name}}")
+ drop_input(${name})
+ endif()
+macro(translate_path_input name cmake_var)
+ if(DEFINED INPUT_${name})
+ set(path "${INPUT_${name}}")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"(.*)\"$" "\\1" path "${path}")
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${path}" path)
+ push("-D${cmake_var}=${path}")
+ drop_input(${name})
+ endif()
+macro(translate_list_input name cmake_var)
+ if(DEFINED INPUT_${name})
+ list(JOIN INPUT_${name} "[[;]]" value)
+ list(APPEND cmake_args "-D${cmake_var}=${value}")
+ drop_input(${name})
+ endif()
+# Check whether to guess the compiler for the given language.
+# Sets ${out_var} to FALSE if one of the following holds:
+# - the environment variable ${env_var} is non-empty
+# - the CMake variable ${cmake_var} is set on the command line
+# Otherwise, ${out_var} is set to TRUE.
+function(check_whether_to_guess_compiler out_var env_var cmake_var)
+ set(result TRUE)
+ if(NOT "$ENV{${env_var}}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(result FALSE)
+ else()
+ set(filtered_args ${cmake_args})
+ list(FILTER filtered_args INCLUDE REGEX "^(-D)?${cmake_var}=")
+ if(NOT "${filtered_args}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(result FALSE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(${out_var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Try to guess the mkspec from the -platform configure argument.
+ if(NOT auto_detect_compiler)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ check_whether_to_guess_compiler(guess_c_compiler CC CMAKE_C_COMPILER)
+ check_whether_to_guess_compiler(guess_cxx_compiler CXX CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER)
+ if(NOT guess_c_compiler AND NOT guess_cxx_compiler)
+ return()
+ endif()
+ string(REGEX MATCH "(^|;)-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=\([^;]+\)" m "${cmake_args}")
+ set(mkspec ${CMAKE_MATCH_2})
+ set(c_compiler "")
+ set(cxx_compiler "")
+ if(mkspec MATCHES "-clang-msvc$")
+ set(c_compiler "clang-cl")
+ set(cxx_compiler "clang-cl")
+ elseif(mkspec MATCHES "-clang(-|$)" AND NOT mkspec MATCHES "android")
+ set(c_compiler "clang")
+ set(cxx_compiler "clang++")
+ elseif(mkspec MATCHES "-msvc(-|$)")
+ set(c_compiler "cl")
+ set(cxx_compiler "cl")
+ endif()
+ if(guess_c_compiler AND NOT c_compiler STREQUAL "")
+ push("-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${c_compiler}")
+ endif()
+ if(guess_cxx_compiler AND NOT cxx_compiler STREQUAL "")
+ push("-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${cxx_compiler}")
+ endif()
+ if(mkspec MATCHES "-libc\\+\\+$")
+ push("-DFEATURE_stdlib_libcpp=ON")
+ endif()
+ set(cmake_args "${cmake_args}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(check_qt_build_parts type)
+ set(input "INPUT_${type}")
+ set(buildFlag "TRUE")
+ if("${type}" STREQUAL "nomake")
+ set(buildFlag "FALSE")
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND knownParts "tests" "examples" "benchmarks" "manual-tests" "minimal-static-tests")
+ foreach(part ${${input}})
+ if(part IN_LIST knownParts)
+ qt_feature_normalize_name("${part}" partUpperCase)
+ string(TOUPPER "${partUpperCase}" partUpperCase)
+ push("-DQT_BUILD_${partUpperCase}=${buildFlag}")
+ continue()
+ elseif("${part}" STREQUAL "tools" AND "${type}" STREQUAL "make")
+ # default true ignored
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ qtConfAddWarning("'-${type} ${part}' is not implemented yet.")
+ endforeach()
+ set(cmake_args "${cmake_args}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+translate_boolean_input(precompile_header BUILD_WITH_PCH)
+translate_boolean_input(unity_build QT_UNITY_BUILD)
+translate_string_input(unity_build_batch_size QT_UNITY_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE)
+translate_boolean_input(ccache QT_USE_CCACHE)
+translate_boolean_input(vcpkg QT_USE_VCPKG)
+translate_boolean_input(shared BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
+translate_boolean_input(warnings_are_errors WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS)
+translate_boolean_input(qtinlinenamespace QT_INLINE_NAMESPACE)
+translate_string_input(qt_namespace QT_NAMESPACE)
+translate_string_input(qt_libinfix QT_LIBINFIX)
+translate_string_input(qreal QT_COORD_TYPE)
+translate_path_input(prefix CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)
+translate_path_input(extprefix CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX)
+foreach(kind bin lib archdata libexec qml data doc sysconf examples tests)
+ string(TOUPPER ${kind} uc_kind)
+ translate_path_input(${kind}dir INSTALL_${uc_kind}DIR)
+translate_path_input(headerdir INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR)
+translate_path_input(plugindir INSTALL_PLUGINSDIR)
+translate_path_input(translationdir INSTALL_TRANSLATIONSDIR)
+if(NOT "${INPUT_device}" STREQUAL "")
+ push("-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=devices/${INPUT_device}")
+ drop_input(device)
+translate_string_input(platform QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC)
+translate_string_input(xplatform QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC)
+translate_string_input(qpa_default_platform QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM)
+translate_path_input(android-sdk ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)
+translate_path_input(android-ndk ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)
+if(DEFINED INPUT_android-ndk-platform)
+ drop_input(android-ndk-platform)
+ push("-DANDROID_PLATFORM=${INPUT_android-ndk-platform}")
+if(DEFINED INPUT_android-abis)
+ if(INPUT_android-abis MATCHES ",")
+ qtConfAddError("The -android-abis option cannot handle more than one ABI "
+ "when building with CMake.")
+ endif()
+ translate_string_input(android-abis ANDROID_ABI)
+translate_string_input(android-javac-source QT_ANDROID_JAVAC_SOURCE)
+translate_string_input(android-javac-target QT_ANDROID_JAVAC_TARGET)
+translate_string_input(sdk QT_APPLE_SDK)
+translate_boolean_input(install-examples-sources QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES_SOURCES)
+ set(build_configs Debug)
+elseif("${INPUT_debug}" STREQUAL "no")
+ set(build_configs Release)
+ set(build_configs Release Debug)
list(TRANSFORM build_configs REPLACE "^Release$" "RelWithDebInfo")
+# Code coverage handling
+ if(NOT "${INPUT_coverage}" STREQUAL "")
+ if(NOT "${INPUT_coverage}" STREQUAL "gcov")
+ qtConfAddError("The -gcov argument is provided, but -coverage is set"
+ " to ${INPUT_coverage}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(INPUT_coverage "gcov")
+ list(APPEND config_inputs coverage)
+ endif()
+if(NOT "${INPUT_coverage}" STREQUAL "")
+ if(build_configs)
+ if(NOT "Debug" IN_LIST build_configs)
+ qtConfAddError("The -coverage argument requires Qt configured with 'Debug' config.")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ set(build_configs "Debug")
+ endif()
list(LENGTH build_configs nr_of_build_configs)
-if(nr_of_build_configs EQUAL 1)
+if(nr_of_build_configs EQUAL 1 AND NOT multi_config)
-elseif(nr_of_build_configs GREATER 1)
+elseif(nr_of_build_configs GREATER 1 OR multi_config)
set(multi_config ON)
- string(REPLACE ";" "\\;" escaped_build_configs "${build_configs}")
+ string(REPLACE ";" "[[;]]" escaped_build_configs "${build_configs}")
# We must not use the push macro here to avoid variable expansion.
# That would destroy our escaping.
list(APPEND cmake_args "-DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=${escaped_build_configs}")
- unset(escaped_device_options)
- list(JOIN device_options "\\;" escaped_device_options)
- list(APPEND cmake_args "-DQT_QMAKE_DEVICE_OPTIONS=${escaped_device_options}")
+if("${INPUT_ltcg}" STREQUAL "yes")
+ foreach(config ${build_configs})
+ string(TOUPPER "${config}" ucconfig)
+ if(NOT ucconfig STREQUAL "DEBUG")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+translate_list_input(device-option QT_QMAKE_DEVICE_OPTIONS)
+translate_list_input(defines QT_EXTRA_DEFINES)
+translate_list_input(fpaths QT_EXTRA_FRAMEWORKPATHS)
+translate_list_input(includes QT_EXTRA_INCLUDEPATHS)
+translate_list_input(lpaths QT_EXTRA_LIBDIRS)
+translate_list_input(rpaths QT_EXTRA_RPATHS)
+if(cmake_file_api OR (developer_build AND NOT DEFINED cmake_file_api))
+ foreach(file cache-v2 cmakeFiles-v1 codemodel-v2 toolchains-v1)
+ file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.cmake/api/v1/query/${file}" "")
+ endforeach()
- unset(escaped_paths)
- list(JOIN extra_rpaths "\\;" escaped_paths)
- list(APPEND cmake_args "-DQT_EXTRA_RPATHS=${escaped_paths}")
+# Translate unhandled input variables to either -DINPUT_foo=value or -DFEATURE_foo=ON/OFF. If the
+# input's name matches a feature name and the corresponding command-line option's type is boolean
+# then we assume it's controlling a feature.
+foreach(input ${config_inputs})
+ qt_feature_normalize_name("${input}" cmake_input)
+ if("${commandline_input_${input}_type}" STREQUAL "boolean"
+ AND input IN_LIST commandline_known_features)
+ translate_boolean_input("${input}" "FEATURE_${cmake_input}")
+ else()
+ push("-DINPUT_${cmake_input}=${INPUT_${input}}")
+ endif()
+if(no_prefix_option AND DEFINED INPUT_prefix)
+ qtConfAddError("Can't specify both -prefix and -no-prefix options at the same time.")
if(NOT generator AND auto_detect_generator)
@@ -188,7 +1069,7 @@ if(NOT generator AND auto_detect_generator)
set(generator "Unix Makefiles")
+ elseif(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32)
find_program(msvc_compiler cl.exe)
set(generator "NMake Makefiles")
@@ -202,11 +1083,37 @@ if(NOT generator AND auto_detect_generator)
+ AND NOT "${generator}" STREQUAL "Xcode"
+ AND NOT "${generator}" STREQUAL "Ninja Multi-Config"
+ AND NOT "${generator}" MATCHES "^Visual Studio")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Multi-config build is only supported by Xcode, Ninja Multi-Config and \
+Visual Studio generators. Current generator is \"${generator}\".
+Note: Use '-cmake-generator <generator name>' option to specify the generator manually.")
push(-G "${generator}")
+# Add CMake variable assignments near the end to allow users to overwrite what configure sets.
+foreach(arg IN LISTS cmake_var_assignments)
+ push("-D${arg}")
+ qtConfAddWarning("The -sysroot option is deprecated and no longer has any effect. "
+ "It is recommended to use a toolchain file instead, i.e., "
+ "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<filename>. "
+ "Alternatively, you may use -DCMAKE_SYSROOT option "
+ "to pass the sysroot to CMake.\n")
+# Restore the escaped semicolons in arguments that are lists
+list(TRANSFORM cmake_args REPLACE "\\[\\[;\\]\\]" "\\\\;")
execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" ${cmake_args}