path: root/demos/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/ b/demos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1d5b009a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+TEMPLATE = subdirs
+!contains(QT_CONFIG, no-gui) {
+ demos_shared \
+ demos_deform \
+ demos_gradients \
+ demos_pathstroke \
+ demos_affine \
+ demos_composition \
+ demos_books \
+ demos_interview \
+ demos_mainwindow \
+ demos_spreadsheet \
+ demos_textedit \
+ demos_chip \
+ demos_embeddeddialogs \
+ demos_undo \
+ demos_sub-attaq
+symbian: SUBDIRS = \
+ demos_shared \
+ demos_deform \
+ demos_pathstroke
+wince*: SUBDIRS = \
+ demos_shared \
+ demos_deform \
+ demos_gradients \
+ demos_pathstroke \
+ demos_affine \
+ demos_composition \
+ demos_books \
+ demos_interview \
+ demos_mainwindow \
+ demos_spreadsheet \
+ demos_textedit \
+ # demos_chip \
+ demos_embeddeddialogs \
+ demos_undo \
+ demos_sub-attaq
+contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl):!contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles1):!contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles2):{
+SUBDIRS += demos_boxes
+mac* && !qpa: SUBDIRS += demos_macmainwindow
+wince*|symbian|embedded|x11: SUBDIRS += demos_embedded
+!contains(QT_EDITION, Console):!cross_compile:!embedded:!wince*:SUBDIRS += demos_arthurplugin
+contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tools):{
+!wince*:SUBDIRS += demos_sqlbrowser demos_qtdemo
+wince*:SUBDIRS += demos_sqlbrowser
+contains(QT_CONFIG, phonon):!static:SUBDIRS += demos_mediaplayer
+contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit):contains(QT_CONFIG, svg):!symbian:SUBDIRS += demos_browser
+contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative):SUBDIRS += demos_declarative
+contains(QT_CONFIG, multimedia):!static:SUBDIRS += demos_spectrum
+# install
+sources.files = README *.pro
+sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DEMOS]
+INSTALLS += sources
+symbian: include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/demos/symbianpkgrules.pri)
+demos_chip.subdir = chip
+demos_embeddeddialogs.subdir = embeddeddialogs
+demos_embedded.subdir = embedded
+# Because of fluidlauncher
+demos_embedded.depends = demos_deform demos_pathstroke
+demos_shared.subdir = shared
+demos_deform.subdir = deform
+demos_gradients.subdir = gradients
+demos_pathstroke.subdir = pathstroke
+demos_affine.subdir = affine
+demos_composition.subdir = composition
+demos_books.subdir = books
+demos_interview.subdir = interview
+demos_macmainwindow.subdir = macmainwindow
+demos_mainwindow.subdir = mainwindow
+demos_spreadsheet.subdir = spreadsheet
+demos_textedit.subdir = textedit
+demos_arthurplugin.subdir = arthurplugin
+demos_sqlbrowser.subdir = sqlbrowser
+demos_undo.subdir = undo
+demos_qtdemo.subdir = qtdemo
+demos_mediaplayer.subdir = qmediaplayer
+demos_declarative.subdir = declarative
+#mobile demos. Requires QtMobility sources. Not included in demo build
+demos_guitartuner.subdir = mobile/guitartuner
+demos_qcamera.subdir = mobile/qcamera
+demos_qtbubblelevel.subdir = mobile/qtbubblelevel
+demos_quickhit.subdir = mobile/quickhit
+demos_browser.subdir = browser
+demos_boxes.subdir = boxes
+demos_sub-attaq.subdir = sub-attaq
+demos_spectrum.subdir = spectrum
+#CONFIG += ordered
+!ordered {
+ demos_affine.depends = demos_shared
+ demos_deform.depends = demos_shared
+ demos_gradients.depends = demos_shared
+ demos_composition.depends = demos_shared
+ demos_arthurplugin.depends = demos_shared
+ demos_pathstroke.depends = demos_shared